Re: [Mpls] No response yet from Erik or the Mayor on the Bridge Rods

2003-12-11 Thread Dyna
	The temperature will go below zero tonight, and probably way below 
zero before this winter is over. To survive outside in this weather you 
first need a couple hundred dollar sleeping bag for a start. The wind 
will blow right through that bag though, so you will need a windblock 
like a building, vehicle, or tent. Take a look at the undersides of 
those bridges where they installed the rods- there is little or nothing 
there to tie a tent too. Then consider the other factors that make 
bridges a bad shelter choice- noise, salt brine dripping from above, 
etc.. Add it all together and barring off the underside of bridges does 
no harm to the homeless.

	The bridges have sadly been "home" to many chronic alcoholic homeless 
folks. They hide under there and die of alcohol overdoses, violence, 
and literally freezing to death. The folks that are homeless due to 
economic conditions tend to be a lot more resourceful- many move to 
warmer climes for the winter or find shelter in vehicles or empty 
buildings. Old vans and RVs can be dirt cheap and several homeless 
folks live in them here on the Northside. Over the years I've also seen 
several empty but accessible spaces in Minneapolis. One that comes to 
mind offhand is about 80,000 square feet with rest rooms, heat, and 
even air conditioning and has sat empty for years. Look around at all 
the empty space in our city- some of those big buildings are near 
impossible to secure...

	But we can do better as a city than direct the homeless to cheap old 
vehicles and empty buildings. If Minneapolis were hit by a natural 
disaster and thousands made homeless within hours shelters would be 
opened. Homelessness is an unnatural disaster that demands an even 
greater response. There is nothing stopping our mayor and council from 
declaring a housing emergency and taking appropriate action to 
alleviate the crisis. But I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to 
do so.

	stoking the fire in Hawthorne,

		Dyna Sluyter 

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Re: [Mpls] Sentient being anti-trespass device emplacements (was: Bridge Rods, et. al.)

2003-12-11 Thread Neal Krasnoff
"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the
poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread."
-Jacques Anatole Thibault
Neal Krasnoff
Loring Park
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Re: [Mpls] Mid-year Cuts in Minneapolis Schools

2003-12-11 Thread Dan McGuire
A couple of other things that don't make sense about the mid-year budget cuts:

It sounds like the schools are being asked to take a per pupil currently enrolled 
cut (although the exact formula is
not in the WCCO story, nor is it available from anyone I've talked in the schools.)  
In other words, the cuts don't
correspond to the number of students that are not enrolled that were projected to be 
enrolled at that school.  Which then
suggests that the cuts are due simply to bad budgeting.  We should expect a better 
performance at hitting the numbers.

The other big question mark is, how is the budget being reworked before the 
contract with the teachers is signed, or
has it been signed and nobody is talking about it?

Dan McGuire

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Re: [Mpls] Packing Sex offenders in Mpls/ The wrong question?

2003-12-11 Thread Joncgord
In a message dated 12/11/03 5:13:17 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

"180 Degrees at 236 Clifton Place"

 Don't forget that we had an alleged Al Queada member dwelling there and he walked away and was only captured trying to flee the country at the Virginia airport. This facility is approximately 400 feet , as the crow flies, from another half-way facility and is actually within sight of Lydia House. I believe there's another facility on Clifton but I'll have to check on that.

Apparently no one can think of a more creative use for the abandoned mansions created from the I-94 gash and I realize they don't much real estate sense today, but my god: no more! 

                                Jon Gorder
    From the oddly more and more upscale but still impacted: Loring Park

 p.s Yes the  treatment houses were put in when this was a deplorable hood fifteen years ago, but Lydia is a brand new fought and lost deal. Also, I lied. You have to walk up the hill two houses  from "180 degrees" to see Lydia House. About  800 feet away. Respect the law kids.

RE: [Mpls] Mid-year Cuts in Minneapolis Schools

2003-12-11 Thread List Manager

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Curle
> This is the only news report on this I've seen so far:
> Minneapolis Schools To Make Mid-Year Cuts

Steve Brandt is also in the School House

David Brauer
List manager

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[Mpls] Mid-year Cuts in Minneapolis Schools

2003-12-11 Thread David Curle

This is the only news report on this I've seen so far:

Minneapolis Schools To Make Mid-Year Cuts

At my sons' elementary school, these reductions translate into over $12,500
that must be cut.  Plan has to be submitted by Monday.  If you've ever
looked at an elementary school budget, that's a lot of money to trim
mid-year, after a lot of the budgeted money has already been spent.

David Curle
East Harriet

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[Mpls] No response yet from Erik or the Mayor on the Bridge Rods

2003-12-11 Thread m1r3201

  In fairness to Erik, he did post to me, but only to say that it is MNDOT that is putting in the bridge rods. (I already knew that) have my interview with MNDOT on film.
   Since that was not the point of my post to him.. I responded that he had not answered my question.
   which was--- will he or the mayor talk about their feelings about the bridge rods being put up? I prefer to call them "Dog in the Manger Rods?-- you know, that dog coudn't and did not want to eat hay, but he would not let those cows or sheep eat it.
 What is the loss of political capital (sp?) to voice a normal reaction of outrage about those bridge rods?
    Margaret Hastings-Mpls-Kingfield

Re: [Mpls] Re: Murder

2003-12-11 Thread Mark Snyder
Michael Atherton raises great points about the dangers posed by inattentive
smokers. I agree with him that it shouldn't be as simple as saying "I'm
sorry." if a fire caused by smoking ends up killing someone.

Here's my question though: Given the prevalence of house fires caused by
careless smokers (250,000 per year in this country), was the duplex fire
near the U a few months ago the only one in Minneapolis in recent years? Or
even the only rental property in Minneapolis? If not, how come we haven't
seen any huge outcry for inspection sweeps for rental properties elsewhere
in the city? How come it's only the students at the U that are getting
jerked around by this?

Mark Snyder
Windom Park
On 12/10/03 8:17 PM, "Michael Atherton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The difference between turkey fryers and cigarettes is
> that most of us are aware that cigarettes and other
> smoking materials cause burns and fires:
> "According to the National Fire Protection Association,
> approximately 250,000 house fires per year are caused
> by careless disposal of cigarettes or other smoking
> materials. Nearly 2,000 people tragically and needlessly
> lose their lives in these fires.
> "Cigarette smoking is the single most likely cause of fatal
> house fires..."
> And if you didn't know, you do now.  I don't think that
> it's acceptable to say, "I'm sorry" when the "accident"
> involves death of an innocent person (if only the smoker
> dies that's an other story: they were taking an "acceptable"
> risk to pursue their addiction).
> There is a certain lack of accountability in our society,
> all the way from Enron to tailgating.  How many fools are
> there in Minneapolis that don't realize that riding someone's
> bumper in a snow storm can result in serious injury?
> Michael Atherton
> Prospect Park

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RE: [Mpls] Police chief candidates

2003-12-11 Thread David Brauer
-Original Message-
Greg Abbott

All of the candidates struck me as fairly well qualified. If I had to
choose, my preference would be for Sharon Lubinski...

[Me] Pure speculation here, for entertainment purposes
stuff...since I really don't know much directly.

Over the past several months, I've heard more positive buzz about Lubinski
than Gerold - both among cops, Councilmembers and a few community people -
though it's definitely pro-Lubinski and not anti-Gerold.

That said - and this is the entertaining, shake-it-in-my-face-later
speculation here - I'd be shocked if R.T. didn't nominate Gerold. She was
his choice last year, and there's no reason to believe she's gone
backward...she's been promoted since then and was in on the mediation
agreement the other day.

If the scenario plays out, it'll be interesting because R.T. will have
passed over several black finalists at a time when relations are slightly on
the mend with some in the black community. Don't know how that will play
out. Obviously, one of the major skills a new chief must have is winning the
confidence of black Minneapolitans (and of course all other Minneapolitans),
so you'd hope they'd pick someone who can.

If anyone has had direct experiences with any of the finalists, this would
be a good time to weigh in with a few anecdotes here.

David Brauer
Indulging in speculation as a holiday treat to myself

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[Mpls] Police chief candidates

2003-12-11 Thread Greg Abbott
Given the heated commentary about police issues on the list, I'm surprised I haven't seen any commentary on the police chief selection process.

All of the candidates struck me as fairly well qualified.  If I had to choose, my preference would be for Sharon Lubinski, partly for a preference for an internal candidate, and partly because I've seen her walking around downtown -- whether she was patrolling, supervising, or just monitoring, I don't know, but I like the fact that she's not a "behind the desk" type of supervisor.  A track record of visibility in the community also strikes me as a very positive mark in her favor.  But, on paper at least, I don't have a negative reaction to any of the candidates.  

At any rate, I'm curious about the opinions of my fellow list-members on the candidates, particularly those who (unlike me) have a strong opinion one way or the other.  

Greg Abbott

Sent from the computer of:

Greg Abbott
Linden Hills
13th Ward   

[Mpls] Health workers fight to unionize - spokesman-recorder article, part 1 of 2

2003-12-11 Thread Socialist2001
Health workers fight to unionize
By: Doug Mann
Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
Originally posted 12/11/2003 
[first of a two part story]

NLRB curtails Walker Methodistâs union-busting practices

In May 2003, employees at Walker Methodist Health Center voted 165 to 105 to 
be represented by a union, Council 14 of the American Federation of State 
County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). However, if the management gets its way, 
that vote wonât count, and ballots cast by around 70 Licensed Practical Nurses 
(LPNs) in a separate election on July 30, 2003, will never be counted. 

[full text at]
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Re: [Mpls] Packing Sex offenders in Mpls/ The wrong question?

2003-12-11 Thread Jhpalmerjp
While this is an interesting read, it is unfortunately not a policy position or 
comprehensive.  Interestingly enough, it says that Sex Offenders are free to live 
wherever they want, but that moving outside of the jurisdiction of conviction can be 
turned down, which seems a bit contradictory.

But we're starting to get to the problem...almost.  We say, "this is America, land of 
the free, people should and can live where they want, do what they want, etc."  
However, you are limited by your circumstances.  If you come out of prison without any 
money, you're sent to a Halfway House.  There's only two the DOC uses, Damascus Way 
Reentry Center  Inc. at 5730 Olson Memorial Highway and 180 Degrees at 236 Clifton 
Place.  While at either of these, they are encouraged to get a job and find a place to 
live.  They will not stray far at this point and finding a job in a neighborhood is a 
good reason to stay.

Another good reason is a landlord that will rent to 5 or 6 of your buddies who did the 
same thing.  Slumlords like this usually are absentee and have little regard for the 
neighborhood or people around, they care about the dollar.  While it's not illegal, I 
believe it is something that should be, primarily because it presents the possibility 
of a clear and present danger and secondarily because they are usually shunted off 
into the more challenged neighborhoods that are already dealing with enough. These 
houses are essentially unlicensed halfway houses, the landlords get the money and the 
neighborhood gets the problems.

To be more clear, if we're going to be fair or focus on the problem properly, we 
should be distributing offenders like this around the city and not concentrating them, 
thereby increasing the likelihood of an assault.  The problem is the numbers don't do 
the picture justice.  I've listed the numbers below, but these are just the level 3s 
that are known and not in supportive housing, those don't have to do notification 
because it is taken as a given.  Who has the most supportive housing facilities?  The 
same neighborhoods that are given the other offenders.  Even if it's not against the 
law, it is a moral imperative to be more responsible in property ownership and rental 
as well as policy.

By the way, MN is home to the only residential treatment facility for sex offenders in 
the US, and for that reason we get them from other states as well. Alpha Human 
Services is located at 2712 Fremont Avenue S in the Lowry Hill East.  I attempted to 
find out how many beds they had, but the neither of the two people I spoke with (one a 
doctor apparently) would give me that information, and instead referred me to a third 
person who was not available, because "these are crazy times."

You got that right.

Jonathan Palmer
Jordan Area Community Council
Working next to 20 Level 3s and surrounded by an additional 188 register sex offenders.


Audubon Park-1
Cedar Riverside-1
Elliott Park-4
Logan Park-2
Near North-1
Powderhorn Park-1
Waite Park-1

Email me off list for the addresses, and remember these are just Level 3s that are 
registered and being tracked by the DOC
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[Mpls] Level Three Sex Offenders Packed into Minneapolis: Who's Who

2003-12-11 Thread Dave Piehl
Barb Lickness wrote:
The people in the Phillips neighborhood have been
complaining for well over two years quite vocally
about the concentration of released sexual offenders
into their neighborhood. The state maps tracking where
many of these individuals live substantiate the
"packing" of these individuals into the usual few
inner-city neighborhoods in Minneapolis. 
I am appalled that the public outrage only occurs when
the victim lives in a small town or a suburban area.

David Piehl writes:

First, one of the reasons the Dru Sjodin case is
receiving an inordinate amount of attention is that
the police in North Dakota pursued the situation until
they identified a suspect and obtained what appears to
be significant evidence against him.  I doubt that
would happen in Minneapolis.  Police in North Dakota
still investigate and solve crimes, unlike in
Minneapolis where they've been reduced to
report-takers through budget cuts, overly lenient
judges, and red tape.  Even when Minneapolis gangs
tried to spread to Moorhead MN, it was Fargo police
who busted them.  The mentality in Minnesota seems to
be that the perpetrator of a crime is the victim,
which does little to promote the idea that people
should abide by the laws or that law-breakers should
be punished.

Second, it is true that in many sex offenders are
packed into "impacted" Minneapolis neighborhoods.  An
easy way to see where they are at, or who is near
where you live is to check the state website.  In
Central, there are two; one on the 3000 block of
Portland, and another on the 3600 block of Park. 
Phillips has a huge number on the 2600 block of 13th
Ave.; I don't know if it's a half-way house or a
landlord issue.

Here is the link:

Check it out, and advise your friends and neighbors.  

If the goal of the Minnesota Corrections system is to
punish, then folks could argue that since these folks
are out, the punishment didn't fit the crime.

If the goal of the Minnesota Corrections system is to
rehabilitate, then anyone with a classification that
indicates a high probability of re-offending is
clearly not rehabilitated.

Either way - it's a huge issue, and I'm not sure the
death penalty is a good idea.

David Piehl

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[Mpls] Homeless Youth

2003-12-11 Thread Brandon Lacy
And also let's talk about the homeless youth living on the streets in 
Minneapolis. On any given night there are between 650 to 1200 unaccompanied 
homeless young people on the streets of Minnesota (that's ages 13-21). Let's 
also talk about how there are only 50 youth designated shelter beds in 
Hennepin County for homeless young people. Now I'm not sure how ya'll define 
crisis, but I define this as a crisis.

I work for YouthLink, and we served 770 homeless young people last year 
through Project OffStreets. Very few of these young folks could go home 
because they had either been kicked out of their homes or left their homes 
because the streets were (or appeared) safer than their living situation. My 
agency, along with several other youth serving agencies in Hennepin County, 
were able to convince the county board of commissioners that they should 
focus on homeless youth as a group for targetted services, and thanks to the 
efforts of Commissioner Dorfman, the county board acknowledged the homeless 
youth crisis in Hennepin County.

Are there more homeless people in other cities? Yes. Does that negate our 
responsibility in anyway to the folks living without homes in the Twin 
Cities? No. There are some other amazing stastics out there such as that 40% 
of homeless adults living in shelters are employed at least part time. 
Hmmm...working...but still can't afford a place to live. That's not a 
crisis; that's criminal.

-Brandon Lacy
-Powderhorn Park

National Lavender Green Caucus
Green Party of the United States
Lavender Greens:

Subject: [Mpls] Putting Mpls "homeless problem" in perspective
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 14:32:18 -0500
  just because San Fran has more person experiencing homelessness does not 
let Mpls off the hook.
   the perspective of one person who lives in homelessness or 10,000 is 
the sucks.
Margaret Hastngs-Mpls-Kingfield
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[Mpls] Putting Mpls "homeless problem" in perspective

2003-12-11 Thread m1r3201
  just because San Fran has more person experiencing homelessness does not let Mpls 
off the hook.
   the perspective of one person who lives in homelessness or 10,000 is the 
Margaret Hastngs-Mpls-Kingfield
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RE: [Mpls] level 3 sex offenders

2003-12-11 Thread Dennis Plante
As most of you know, I've posted regarding this subject on numerous 
occaissions over the past several months.  Here's where I find the irony in 
the current law.  I've received no fewer than 4 notifications that an 
offender had chosen my immediate neighborhood as their new residence.  
You're given a photo and the list of crimes the person committed (along with 
the release date), but you're not able to obtain the exact location where 
the offender will be living for THEIR protection.

For myself and my neighbors residing in the 55411 zip code, this effectively 
means that for the current system to have any measurable effectiveness, we 
have to commit SEVENTEEN faces to memory, to safegueard ourselves against 
possible abuses.  What sense does this make?  How reasonable is it to expect 
parents and primarily young women to be on the watch for SEVENTEEN 
individuals when they know they live in their neighborhood, but they're not 
sure where?

It's absurd.

Dennis Plante
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Re: [Mpls] Packing Sex offenders in Mpls/ The wrong question?

2003-12-11 Thread WizardMarks

This morning's Strib editorial makes an important point:  sexual 
predators who have not already murdered would not qualify for a death 
penalty. Unfortunately, perpetrators of this sort do tend to continue 
to offend and to escalate in the violence of their crimes.  
WM:  I thought Level 3 meant "most likely to reoffend."  American law, 
however, makes the contention that until someone actually commits a 
crime the state cannot keep that person imprisoned indefinitely. The law 
that would have to change would be that a level 3 offender would have to 
be sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. Ergo, the level 
of offense would have to be attached to the offender by the court 
before, during, or immediately after adjudication.

I can see real problems getting that change to happen.

WizardMarks, Central

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Re: [Mpls] Packing Sex offenders in Mpls/ The wrong question?

2003-12-11 Thread Chris Johnson
From the city of Minneapolis website

*Why is this offender being placed in my neighborhood?*
Sex offenders are NOT placed in any neighborhoods in the City of 
Minneapolis. Once they are released from prison, they are free to live 
wherever they choose. Most offenders are released to the jurisdiction 
that originally gained conviction and is overseeing their probation. 
This jurisdiction cannot legally deny them residency. Offenders that 
want to move outside that jurisdiction must obtain permission prior to 
moving and may be denied residency.

More often than not, offenders chose to live where their family or 
friends reside, where they are close to work or have easy access to it, 
or where they can find affordable housing. No government institution, 
including the Minneapolis Police Department, Hennepin County Probation, 
Department of Corrections, or the courts are steering offenders as to 
where to live.

The rest of that section of the city web site is worth a read to anyone 
interested in this issue.

Chris Johnson
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[Mpls] level 3 sex offenders

2003-12-11 Thread Leurquin, Ronald
Do not construe my comments here as pro sex offender.  I am not.

What I have noticed from many of the posts on here about this issue is the emphasis on 
children and how so many of you are concerned parents of young children.  This is 
admirable and wonderful, but not always on the right point.

Level 3 sex offenders do not all prey on children, they are merely most likely to 
repeat whatever their particular offense was.  We are all vulnerable to sexual 
offenders of some sort or another.  Let protect all of us.

Lets also admit that our system of justice and incarceration has not found a good 
solution for this problem.  They are people too.  Our treatment efforts are changed 
way too often to ever really judge the effectiveness of any program to change these 

The notification program has good intentions, but the outcome seems to be creating 
more fear than anything else.  I do not want to paint this as intentional, just an 
unfortunate byproduct of all of us desiring to be safe.

I don't see any easy answers to this issue, but feel we all need to admit to the full 
reality of the problem and not get obsessed with just one or two aspects of the 

Ron Leurquin
Nokomis East
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Re: [Mpls] snow shoveling questions

2003-12-11 Thread Steve Nelson
Ron Leurquin
Nokomis East

Could the city make more money fining people that do now shovel their
Why doesn't the city clamp down on the ones that seem to never shovel.
Too many of the places I do walk I walk over more unshoveled walks than
shoveled ones.
This causes much trouble for handicapped citizens all over the city.
I see way too many people walking in the street because the walks are so

It could just be that those sidewalks belong to elderly or handicapped folks
who are having trouble just getting the walk shoveled to the street.
Instead of Fines maybe the city should have a phone in line for folks who
are shut in or unable to shovel and we could have a work crew from
corrections (like those in the orange vests or jumpsuits cleaning the parks
and streets in the summer) clear sidewalks in the winter.

Opening another can of worms,

Steven M Nelson
Willard Hay

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Re: [Mpls] Packing Sex offenders in Mpls/ The wrong question?

2003-12-11 Thread ABerget
If the question is "In which neighborhood do we house dangerous essentially unsupervised sexual predators?",  maybe that's the wrong question.  Why should any neighborhood be the "right" one for such a danger?  And again, distributing those same offenders all across the state really isn't a better answer than concentrating many such offenders in a few neighborhoods unless you believe that it takes two or more offenders to cause harm - clearly it doesn't - or you think that putting more communities at risk better.  

This morning's Strib editorial makes an important point:  sexual predators who have not already murdered would not qualify for a death penalty. Unfortunately, prepetrators of this sort do tend to continue to offend and to escalate in the violence of their crimes.  No community, its women, children and vulnerable people, should be put in harm's way of such a serious known danger, in my opinion.  How do we change our laws on sentencing and releasing such perpetrators so that they truly never have access again to their prey,  that seems to me to be a better question?

Ann Berget
Mother of two young adult daughters
Resident of Kingfield with a Level 3 offender living 4 blocks away

[Mpls] Mayor 2005

2003-12-11 Thread Brandon Lacy
What are folks' thoughts on potential progressive candidates to run against 
RT in the next election?
I have to say that initially I was excited about RT. I found (and still 
find) that RT is much more engaged and accessible to the "common person" 
than Sharon Sayles Belton. But I haven't seen any substantial shift in the 
way city government does business since RT took over.

I'd also like to see a progress report from RT (or anyone for that matter) 
on some of RT's big campaign issues (Airport Noise, Affordable Housing, 
etc.), because I, at least, haven't seen any huge strides in those areas 
(and the counting of emergency shelter beds as affordable housing is 
ludicrous...particularly in light of the extreme shortage of shelter beds we 
have in this city). There definately have not been any significant decreases 
in police brutality issues. And I'm sure folks in Jordan can speak very 
clearly about lack of safety. Job creation? Has it happened in any place 
other than the service sector? I do believe in the last three years there 
have been strides in community development, but I give the kudos for that to 
our neighborhood organizations and not to the Mayor.

I'm most disappointed in the Mayor because he hasn't seemed to change 

-Brandon Lacy
-Powderhorn Park
Browse styles for all ages, from the latest looks to cozy weekend wear at 
MSN Shopping.  And check out the beauty products!

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[Mpls] snow shoveling questions

2003-12-11 Thread Leurquin, Ronald
This may be a bigger can of worms than I anticipate, but here goes.

Could the city make more money fining people that do now shovel their sidewalks?
I know there are rules about when you need to have your sidewalks shoveled, and that's 
a good idea.
Why doesn't the city clamp down on the ones that seem to never shovel.
Too many of the places I do walk I walk over more unshoveled walks than shoveled ones.
This causes much trouble for handicapped citizens all over the city.
I see way too many people walking in the street because the walks are so bad.

When I was a homeowner the first thing I shoveled were the front walks, then my own 
sidewalk, then the driveway.
I never was concerned for the postman since he trudged through the front yards, even 
in deep snow.
Way too many people just do their driveway and skip the rest.

I look forward to comments about this matter.
Ron Leurquin
Nokomis East
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Re: [Mpls] Lack of Adequate shelter for people experiencing homelessness

2003-12-11 Thread Dooley, Bill
For those interested in the homeless issue, the San Francisco Chronicle has run a 
five-part series on the homeless in SF within the last two weeks. I do not have a link 
as I am doing this from a wireless emailer. SF has the worse homeless problem in the 
nation and puts the Minneapolis homeless problem in perspective.

Bill Dooley
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (

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Re: [Mpls] Re: Mayor '05

2003-12-11 Thread Dooley, Bill
I wonder if we will have a San Francisco-style mayor's race in 05? I believe the final 
SF result was Democrats 52 percent Greens 47 percent.

Bill Dooley
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (

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[Mpls] The Importance of this List

2003-12-11 Thread m1r3201

  The mpls mnforum list is a valuable service and guess I just wanted to say what I have been thinking for a long time.
   Like all efforts to contribute to discourse, it has limitations, people who choose not use it, and is subject to many criticisms.
    NonethelessI sure use it, it has proved a valuable forum to me for information, debate and putting out my views.
    This post is inspired due to the server having been down and my realizing the absence of the list.
   Margaret Hastings=Mpls-Kingfield

[Mpls] Annual Meeting of Ventura Village

2003-12-11 Thread RAlbee4045
The discussion of Ventura Village began with a post by Charles Baker of Powerhorn (Peaches Cook) to the Mpls Issues Forum that began with:

"I understand that B Sabri and PPL are gathering the troops for a take over of the Ventura Village Neighborhood organization at the next annual meeting. The last count I had was around 200 it's time to step aside and let new blood see what they can do."

In my last post, I wrote about what plans some Ventura Village residents (who were not board members) including myself, made to deal with this. Countless phone calls got plenty of people out to the meeting despite the foul snowy weather. Witnesses from other neighborhoods attended as did and many residents and property owners who have participated in Ventura Village's organizing efforts over the years. The League of Women Voters were hired to check voters' credentials and ensure that VV bylaws were followed as to when people had to be there to register. Two policemen were on hand as well to maintain order. There were three video cameras set up to capture the action and numerous photographs as well, so the entire proceedings were professionally recorded. Lyle Schwartzkopf was hired as a professional parlimentarian, but eventually chaired the meeting since the current VV chair was running for reelection. 

Despite numerous efforts on the part of B Sabri and various friends and family members to disrupt proceedings, the meeting went for three hours and eventually a slate of candidates were presented and voting took place. Because it took so long to get the candidates up for proper nomination, one minute speeches and translations into Somali, the League of Women Voters announced that the results would not be available until Wednesday, December 10th at approximately Noon. We all awaited impatiently as to which 15 candidates would be elected to seats on the Ventura Village Neighborhood Board...

B Sabri's efforts to take over the neighborhood (with or without PPL) failed miserably. Despite his efforts to place a majority of Somali's (who have businesses under his Souk system) on the VV board, the list of candidates proposed by Ventura Village's current board virtually swept the field. One exception was Mohammed Yusef who tied for the 15th place with Morrie Longballa. It should be noted that several Somali candidates who are independent from Mr. Sabri and were nominated by the Ventura Village executive committee (after being recommended by several Somali leaders) and were elected to the board.

It is my fervent hope that this election will bring to an end efforts by Mr. Sabri to twist the arms of Somali shopkeepers and their family members to attend meetings, pack them in the voting, in efforts to bring about his own agenda for a neighborhood. It reminds me of a refrain in the song "Only a Pawn in their Game" by Bob Dylan. 

In the future, we will be working with the Somali community leadership to assist them in developing a self-sufficiency plan which will enable their own entrepreneurs to acquire land and either build or renovate space for their shops, businesses and homes that are not under the yoke of a controlling, manipulating landlord.

At any rate, in the case of Ventura Village, the election represents a widespread recognition on the part of the eligible voters of the hard work involved in bringing about the $130 million ongoing development of the East Franklin Avenue area, including victories in moving the drug dealers out of the 11th Avenue to Bloomington Avenue corridor, and the general improvements to a neighborhood that previously was considered, "the troubled Phillips neighborhood." 

Robert Albee, Ventura Village

[Mpls] Sending posts to the list

2003-12-11 Thread List Manager
Just a few notes on sending posts to the list:

1. The server WAS down from Saturday to Tuesday...don't think it was a
conspiracy (although a couple of E-Dem list managers are suspects because
they were so relieved by the unexpected break <>).

2. If you send posts in HTML format (as Robert Albee did), the list server
holds them because HTML can contain viruses. I have to manually release
those posts - and despite appearances to the contrary, am not online 24
hours a day. Unfortunately, AOL only lets you send HTML unless you go
through Send plain text and your posts will go right through.

3. The list server will hold inordinately large posts (over 10k
Unix-measurement) - they OFTEN contain viruses. HTML, because it adds
formatting bytes, can produce large posts. These are kicked back to the
sender to be trimmed, reformatted and re-sent. (I had a couple of these from
Robinson Cook of VV, and they were returned to him for trimming.) By the
way, the 10K limit lets through 99 percent of the posts you all send.

4. It looks like the server ate all posts sent to the list while it was

5. If you ever wonder why a post hasn't gone through, PLEASE e-mail me
directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] I answered about 100 messages this weekend
about the server being down (so it was not such a blessing after all.).

I work hard to be fair; at least send me a note asking what's up before
broadcasting conspiracy theories to the list. Especially list newcomers.

David Brauer
List manager
Up at 6:20 a.m. doing this

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[Mpls] Ventura Village Annual Meeting

2003-12-11 Thread RAlbee4045
Peaches Cook (Charles Baker of Powerhorn) wrote:

I understand that B Sabri and PPL are gathering the troops for a take over of the Ventura Village Neighborhood orgainzation at the next annual meeting. The last count I had was around 200 people. I hope that whatever happens, the people who are not re-elected to the board continue to participate so that the organization survives as a democratic it's time to step aside and let new blood see what they can do. Also, no matter who is on the board, they will have to continue to contend with Grahms and others who will make them dot their I's and cross their T's.

I replied regarding "somebody from another neighborhood" taking such an interest in our neighborhood etc.

S... Here's the lowdown: I attempted to post to the issues forum a detailed letter about this situation, but either the letter was so strong or was Mr Sabri and PPL that it brought the whole Issues Forum to a halt. Of course it got up and running just a couple of hours before the Ventura Village Annual Meeting, but low and behold, my explanatory post had disappeared despite all efforts to get it aboard, so to speak. So here's what I wrote:

     In truth, I hope that the lack of reaction by [Mpls Issues Forum] list members merely suggests that this little item flew under their radar. Imagine nobody being concerned about the hostile takeover of their neighborhoods by non-residents and a non-profit corporation.

      A bit more than a decade ago in Wisconsin, we worked hard to assure American Indian tribal members that they could exercise their hunting and fishing rights as recognized by the US Supreme Court. This despite the opposition of non-Indians who staged protests at boat landings to disrupt lawful spearfishing activities. It became a dangerous place, but much less so when "witnesses" showed up to help document the unlawful activities of the spearfishing protesters.

     Given the fact that some of the same people threatening to take over Ventura Village were successful at doing so in the Central Neighborhood and allegedly caused a considerable amount of chaos in the cash drawer, we residents have much to be concerned about. We just learned that a similar attempt was made recently by some of the same people in the Whittier Neighborhood. Evidently, Ventura Village is simply another opportunity to try to stage a takeover. As a resident, I have asked the elected officials of Ventura Village to contact the Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) to provide fiscal vigilance; contact the Minnesota Attorney General's office, the US Department of Justice and the FBI to send representives to ensure that a hostile takeover does not occur that violates the rights of anybody.

     I am also asking all concerned neighborhoods and non-profit organizations to send at least one "witness" to Ventura Village's Annual Meeting on Tuesday, December 9th at 6:30 PM at the Trinity Lutheran Church, 1115 East 19th Street.

     In earlier meetings, residents of the Central Neighborhood who were part of the takeover there, came into a monthly Ventura Village meeting and accused local residents of opposing a mosque, when issues regarding a mosque had never been brought forward except for unanimous support by Ventura Village residents for a Somali-owned market that could have possibly contained a mosque. Charges of racism were also leveled at assembed residents and there was considerable shouting and disruptive behavior. These people quickly left when the police were called.

   In terms of Project for Pride in Living, the organization's leaders are not much concerned about what residents of a neighborhood think, because in their long history they believe that they know better than residents what is good for a community. I say this because PPL has consistently ignored neighborhood votes and suggestions regarding their properties and have ignored residents/neighbors concerns regarding the management of their current properties.

     Several months ago, a Somali elder got up and spoke at a Ventura Village meeting and asked the neighborhood to censure PPL for their treatment of Somalis. The subsequent vote on his request passed almost unanimously. Now get this, we at the American Indian Community Development Corporation have successfully partnered with PPL on our Anishinabe Wakiagun project, but we have never lost a vote at a community meeting in our 12 year history. That's because we do listen and interact respectfully with the neighborhood where we are conducting development activities for American Indian people.  

    If the takeover of Ventura Village by these people is successful, PPL might then attempt to stop a lawsuit that Ventura Village filed against PPL some months ago regarding their CVI project that the neighborhood consistently voted against. When PPL showed every sign of continuing regardless of neighborhood concerns.  PPL simply bullied ahead; go look for yourself. Despite the laws

[Mpls] Lack of Adequate shelter for people experiencing homelessness

2003-12-11 Thread m1r3201

   MPR had a story yesterday on the status of homeless shelters (i.e.,full) and what is expected this winter (i.e., full).  The story is  It isimportant to get the facts about the shelters because a few locallandlords put out the the false fact that the shelters are empty.
Below I have excerpted a quote from the article: It is referring to 519 Portland that was shut down in April of this year.
     Hennepin County closed a make-shift overflow shelter in downtown Minneapolis this year. Monica Nilsson said providers have not been able to recover the 100 beds that were available there. In addition, two places just for teens--the Safe House in St. Paul and Project Offstreets in Minneapolis--no longer provide emergency shelter because of budget cuts. 
  Margaret Hastings-Mpls- Kingfield

[Mpls] Memorandum of Agreement (Federal Mediation)

2003-12-11 Thread Shawn Lewis
December 8, 2003

Minneapolis Police and Community sign federally 
mediated agreement.

The Minneapolis Police Department and the Unity 
Community Mediation Team announced the signing of 
an agreement on policing issues last week. The Memorandum 
of Agreement, which was signed on Thurs., Dec. 4th at 
the Glover Sudduth Center, was mediated by the Department 
of Justice Community Relations Service. The Minneapolis 
City Council also received and approved the agreement 
on Thursday. 

The agreement addresses issues such as use of force, 
police community relations, mental health issues, diversifying of the workplace, 
cultural awareness 
and sensitivity, racially biased policing accountability 
of police officers and a host of other issues 
including training of police officers. The agreement 
creates a Police Community Relations Council to 
build relationships between the Department and 
community leaders and organizations and to monitor 
and oversee compliance of the agreement. 

The Unity Community Mediation Team is a group of 
Minneapolis community organizations interested in 
police community relations and the improvement of 
policing and public safety in Minneapolis. The 
co-chairs of the Unity Mediation Team were William 
Means and Rev. Ian D. Bethel, Sr. 

Memorandum of Agreement

Posted by Shawn Lewis, Field Neighborhood

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[Mpls] No one rallying as Stephen Porter is sentenced

2003-12-11 Thread Shawn Lewis
No one rallying as Porter is sentenced
Rosalind Bentley and Margaret Zack, Star Tribune 
Published December 11, 2003 
Nearly two months ago, Stephen Porter was enveloped 
by advisers, attorneys and supporters. Amid cries 
of "no justice, no peace," he was the centerpiece of 
a rally against alleged police brutality. It seemed 
that whether they believed him or not, people found 
his explosive claim compelling: that two Minneapolis 
police officers had sexually assaulted him with the 
handle of a toilet plunger during a drug raid.
Posted by Shawn Lewis, Field Neigbhorhood

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[Mpls] Packing Sex offenders in Mpls.

2003-12-11 Thread Bill Cullen
Barbera Lickness wrote:

> The state maps tracking where
> many of these individuals live substantiate the
> "packing" of these individuals into the usual few
> inner-city neighborhoods in Minneapolis.

This topic has repeatedly come up over the past few months.  I have stayed
silent as I am not particularly knowledgeable on the topic.

I have three questions about this allegation:

1) Do we think convicted sex offenders deserve housing?

2) Isn't all housing near a school, park or other public area?  Especially
rental housing.

3) What do we think is the most likely reason sex offenders migrate to
Mpls/St. Paul?  Especially "impacted neighborhoods."
   A few possible answers to #3:
   - Government "packing."
   - The only place LLs will accept them and employers will hire them.
   - Rent is lower.
   - The individuals prefer the anonymity that comes with density (for good
and bad reasons).

Sleepless again...  Sigh.

Regards, Bill Cullen
Whittier Landlord.

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[Mpls] Re: Mayor '05

2003-12-11 Thread David Shove
So who are the progressive candidates for Mpls mayor replacing RT?

Either DFL (progressive, now, and willing to go vs RT) or Independent
(any candidate there qualify as progressive?) or Green.

I would like to see a Green challenge mounted as soon as possible, to put
pressure on RT, to raise new issues, and to build trust and name
recognition so they have a good chance of being elected.

--David Shove

On Wed, 10 Dec 2003, Peter T Schmitz wrote:

> Margaret Hastings Reports: I got an off post comment that David Feldman
> no longer is with the mayor's
> office and the poster assumed I must have tried to contact him after he
> left. So, to avoid the issue getting lost in this sort of side issue: My
> e-mails to David Feldman were when he was in the Mayor's office and as I
> said in my previous post I have also e-mailed the Mayor directly with no
> response. I believe the Mayor still has his job.
> Peter Schmitz Responds:  Not only does the Mayor still have his job, but
> he's already gearing up for re-election in '05.
> Given my comments in this forum regarding how the Mayor is doing his job,
> I must say he was rather magnaminous to send me an invitation to his
> fundraiser (to be held at the home of Sam and Sylvia Kaplan, no less).
> Anyway, it looks like Don Samuels is NOT running against him.  His name
> was one of several listed on the back of the green invitation card.
> Other names listed included David Wellstone, Barbara Carlson, Barrett
> Lane, Gail Dorfman, Mike Opat, Scott Benson, Lisa Goodman, Paul Zerby and
> Paul Ostrow.  I was surprised not to see Dan Nizoliek's name.  Other
> prominent names I didn't see were:  Gary Schiff, Barb Johnson, Sandy
> Colvin-Roy and Robert Lilligren.  Needless to say, I wasn't surprise not
> to see Natalie Lee Johnson's or Dean Zimmerman's name.
> Still, I'll have to decline the invitation to spend $100.00 so he can
> have another chance to
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