Re: [Mpls] City Hall flag

2005-04-06 Thread David Shove
It's for our lost innocence.

-David Shove

On Wed, 6 Apr 2005, Steve Brandt wrote:

> I forget.  Are City Hall flags at half-staff today for Prince Ranier of 
> Monaco or Saul Bellow?  Or was there another big claim settled by the Council?
> Steve Brandt
> Kingfield
> Always at half staff
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Re: [Mpls] Park Board Meeting, 5:00pm on Wednesday, April 6

2005-04-06 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
The turf is to be used to make an indoor soccer field at Parade 
Stadium.  The interesting part ( not mentioned to those who don't go to 
the meetings and read the supplemental reports provided) is that it is 
to be paid for from the "enterprise capital funds that are earmarked 
for new income generation".  No commissioners spoke up at all and this 
passed through on a voice vote.  Was this not the "slush fund" of 
$500,000 that couldn't even get a reading in committee at the last 
meeting?  How can they "tap" into something that technically doesn't 

Another fun tidbit.  The MPRB approved a new light pole for the 
parkways around the Grand Rounds.  Because the city's public works 
department  handles these they had a few caveats to what could be 
picked.  The electrical costs of $6000 per pole will be paid for by the 
city ( they are replacing 100 per year for about  2300 lights total 
eventually) and the city gave the park board a budget of $1200 per pole 
for the actual fixture.  They picked a pole that costs $1800.  The MPRB 
will pay the difference from their budget.  NOT ON SINGLE COMMISSIONER 
COSTING THE MPRB NOTHING.  Maybe one doesn't exist that meets specs but 
the question still should have been asked.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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Re: [Mpls] City Hall flag - send your checks

2005-04-06 Thread Eva Young
At 04:06 PM 4/6/2005, Derek Burrows Reise wrote:
Thanks Terrell for suggesting to send your checks to
those fighting to maintain the separation of church
and state--and keep personal theology out of public
The one thing I would say is that instead of sending
your checks to NARAL Pro-Choice America in Washington,
DC, send them directly to the Minnesota affiliate
( which will use 100% of
proceeds for work in Minnesota.
NARAL Pro-Choice MINNESOTA is actually holding an
event at (smoke-free) Jitters Bar & Cafe on Monday,
April 11th, 6-8pm.  It's the annual Beer, Wine, and
Chocolate Tasting.  Live music will be featured.
Find out more and RSVP at
I'd suggest sending that check to Americans United for the Separation of 
Church and State.  There really needs to be a Minnesota local chapter:
Eva Young
Near North
"You do not have the right to never be offended.  This country is based on 
freedom, and that means freedom for everyone - not just you!  You may leave 
the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the
world is full of idiots, and probably always will be."  --Article II of the 
Bill of Non-Rights. 

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Re: [Mpls] Park Board Meeting, 5:00pm on Wednesday, April 6

2005-04-06 Thread Mark Snyder
On 4/6/05 8:13 PM, "md" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Chris Johnson wrote:
>> * Acceptance of low bid for $65,450 worth of indoor artificial turf. (To be
>   used where?)
> Could it be the rumored "astroturf" for the Nicollet Island "multi-purpose"
> athletic facility?
> Barry Clegg wrote on March 23:
> "The Park Board would be giving up some of the "look and feel"
> of the current Park - it would lose some open space and gain an
> athletic field with astroturf (I'm not making that up - Commissioner
> Dziedzic told me yesterday it would be astroturf)."
> Tsk! Tsk! "athletic fields"on an "open space" with a few "bleachers"
> and a "concession stand?"  Very funny.
> THIS is what DeLaSalle really wants:

I'm not keen on the De La Salle football field either, but can we maintain
just a little bit of perspective, please? The issue is contentious enough
without resorting to foolishness like this.

What De La Salle wants is a high school football field. Many of us live near
one. Go take a look at it. That should give you some idea of what's being

Personally, I think since the football teams play half their games at home
and half on the road, De La Salle should just strike a deal with Edison High
School to share their field and have a football game scheduled there every
Friday night of the season. Instead of spending a lot of money constructing
a new field, spend a little to further upgrade an existing one that's
already got pretty good facilities.

I'm pretty sure Edison's field one of the closest ones geographically to De
La Salle and a good chunk of De La Salle's students either come from
Northeast now or come from families that grew up in Northeast, so none of
the parents or boosters should have any problem at all finding it.

And the local bars and restaurants along Central Ave and in the surrounding
neighborhoods would probably love it!

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

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Re: [Mpls] Smoking ban participation

2005-04-06 Thread ergreenbaum
I assume you smoke since the writing seems to be out of anger - could it be 
that you are addicted and don't want to accept the health facts of second hand 
smoke? True I can't stand smelling like a cigarette butt when I leave a bar, 
but I also didn't run home to have a washdown. But what WOULD happen is that my 
lungs would kind of seize up when I would go into such places. I did my best to 
avoid them - but when meeting a friend or wanting to see a particular band I 
would force myself - wishing I didn't have to physically feel so horrible by 
the time I left. The smoke infringed on my HEALTH. 

Okay - there are ways to deal with the other health issues you bring up:

music is too loud? 
answer - wear ear plugs. Although personally I believe how loud some are is 
considered a health risk.

greasy food in the place?
answer - don't eat it.

I think what keeps getting lost here is the fact that people still have the 
right to smoke. Personally, I think Minneapolis should go all the way and 
legalize all narcotics and illicit drugs. Someone snorting coke at the next 
table wouldn't affect me nearly as much as a smoker. I think the city council 
should take up this civil liberties cause. Shouldn't all addictions be allowed 
as long as they don't infringe on others? I don't feel selfish or narrow-minded 
about this. 
Liz Greenbaum

"Michael Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The selfishness, narrow-mindedness, and abdication of personal power
>regarding this issue as evidenced by many posters on this subject is
>absolutely astounding.

Elizabeth Greenbaum
Executive Director

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Re: [Mpls] Flags

2005-04-06 Thread Dyna
 about the flags
that have sprouted everywhere since mindless flag waving became so
popular a couple years ago.
	Provided you don't use the flag to hype used cars or crooked 
politicians there's nothing mindless about flying the flag.

Why is it that the flags on one side of all our city busses, and some
fire trucks, are displayed backwards?
	Because the companies that make the decals usually only make 
one version and don't make a "reversed" version. Thusly the flag 
decals on one side face the opposite way the ones on the other side 

 I've called the MTC, as well as
the Fire Dept. and no one can tell me who the person in charge of
pasting the things on vehicles is.
	Metro Transit has been installing the decals along with the 
union label decals for years. I'm not sure who puts fire departments 
decals on. The Postal Service where i work and Amtrak have been using 
the red, white, and blue stripe on each side of their trucks and 
trains for years. In my opinion this was quite tasteful and reflected 
the cooperation we had between the Postal Service and Amtrak before 
the Bush administration took most of the mail off the rails. Over the 
years several Postal Service drivers have also put flag decals on 
their trucks, and after the 9/11 attack I mounted a small flag on my 
truck. As that truck stays inside the Minneapolis Post Office except 
when we occasionally creep up the streets to the garage to fuel it 
the flag stays on pretty well.

This is more irritating to me than the issue of when to lower it. It
shows a lack of respect. If you care enough to display it, one would
think you would do it properly.
	It is acceptable to fly a flag at night provided it is 
lighted, and all our parking areas are lighted as are the trucks when 
they're in motion.

from the heights of Hawthorne,
Dyna Sluyter

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Re: [Mpls] Smoking ban participation

2005-04-06 Thread Andy Driscoll
What utter nonsense this is. I don't believe for a minute that any bar
struggling to survive is in trouble because their drinkers can't smoke. And
if it's true for even one, then something was seriously wrong with the
operation to begin with.

Name-calling as  a descriptor for public health advocates is scabrous. Talk
about wearing your so-called working class status on your inflated chest.
The contempt in which people hold other people is astounding, especially
when heaping stereotyping generalizations on their targets' motives and
whining as if a smoking ban was enacted to put you in your place. I call
that narcissistic. 

"This is about me, and no one else, and all you hippie refugees drinking
wine and eating vegetables are out to get me."

Truth. No one is worth that sort of effort, not even the whiners. Until they
became dens of poisonous gases, some bars were delightful places to grab a
beer and schmooze, and I'll do it again. But not in every damn bar that
exists because it might not survive without smoking.

We all have out watering holes, and we'll continue to patronize them,
smoking or not. Every place I've been to in St. Paul where smoking was one
allowed has been packed to the gills for the last week. They haven't lost a

Now, this I will grant you: smoking begets drinking which begets more
smoking which begets more drinking. Alcohol is the commodity of massive
profit margins and anyone who does nothing but peddle more and more alcohol
because their customers smoke may have to find a new job. If alcohol sales
are slightly depressed by this ban, I cannot get exercised about it. Neither
of those addictions helps anyone‹except the drug peddler, who may or may not
be addicted to both as well. Of course, a third addiction lurks in most of
those places as well: pull tabs. I would wager that the more alcohol is
sold, the more pull tabs are bought and wasted.

Add up the costs those addictions to society impose on the rest of us and
not only will costs and taxes not go up but their reduced use, we will
witness fewer drunk drivers and chemical-related assaults (about 98% of
assaults are driven by drug use - including the drug of choice for most
people‹alcohol), fewer public safety costs, health care costs, court costs,
family budget-busting, and on and on.

The disingenuous name-calling and elitism spouted by sour grapes will do
nothing to change public policy. Thank the god of your choice.

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul
> From: "Dan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The probelm here is this idea of elitists venturing into all the working
> class establishments to try to keep them afloat just isn't going to happen.
> There have been reports of anti-smokers popping in to the odd neighborhood
> bar here and there to gloat, order water and fail to tip the staff, but that
> novelty will quickly wear off. The tofu-vegan, wine sipping trendy rich
> aren't going to "learn to bowl" and join a dart league! The idea is
> laughable. Even if they were to undergo this astonishing transformation, and
> started going to the working class joints like the Cardinal, next they'd
> have to ban fried food, so they could force bar owners to serve "raw soup"
> and sprouts and artichoke hearts with wine sauce.
> Ultimately, this smoking ban is going to start costing everyone more money.
> As tax revenues from bars dry up, somebody's going to have to close the gap.
> Money us poor working stiffs used to fill the city's coffers with will have
> to be made up by everyone. Get ready for your taxes to go up again.
> And Jeremy, if you really want to help the business owners in your ward,
> you'll start fighting this smoking ban, instead of trying to prop it up for
> a bit longer. It will eventually collapse, but not until irreversable harm
> has been done to many people's livlihoods. Go into the bars around NE, and
> ask the owners what your position should be!
> Dan McGrath
> Longfellow
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jeremy Wieland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've been following the businesses that have been benefiting from the ban.
> That is good.  However, there are businesses that were crushed last
> week-end.  Many of the neighborhood bars in Northeast Minneapolis suffered
> major financial loses.  It is really important that people behind the
> marketing to get non-smokers out focus on more than just the trendy places.
> The Dakota was already smoke-free.  Let's get some people into the small
> neighborhood joints where businesses are currently in danger.  Walk the talk
> and spend some money.  Start a non-smoking dart league.  If you're a
> non-smoker, learn to bowl.
> If businesses start to go under, the ban will be revised, just as it was in
> Duluth.  If the ban is to stay, non-smokers have to do a lot more than buy a
> beer once per month at Chino Latino.  People have got to get out.
> Jeremy Wieland
> Northeast
> Candidate, 3rd Wa

Re: [Mpls] Flags

2005-04-06 Thread David Gadberry
On Apr 6, 2005, at 9:01 PM, Mike Nelson wrote:
Why is it that the flags on one side of all our city busses, and some
fire trucks, are displayed backwards? I've called the MTC, as well as
the Fire Dept. and no one can tell me who the person in charge of
pasting the things on vehicles is.
This is more irritating to me than the issue of when to lower it. It
shows a lack of respect. If you care enough to display it, one would
think you would do it properly.
From a Google search (for "backward flag") - I would assume the 
backward flags you are seeing are for the same reason:

QUESTION: Patches on the shoulders of U.S. soldiers in Iraq are 
arranged the wrong way. The blue and stars should be on the left and 
not the right of the patch. Why is that?

ANSWER: The backward appearance of the U.S. flag on a serviceman's 
sleeve is not a mistake. The flag patch worn on the right shoulder of a 
U.S. soldier's uniform is deliberately reversed. Army regulations call 
for the flag "to be worn so that to observers, it looks as if the flag 
is flying against a breeze."

What does a stiff wind have to do with this custom? According to an 
article in military newspaper, Stars and Stripes, the rule is a nod to 
the U.S. Army's early history.

Mounted cavalry and infantry units would always designate one soldier 
as "standard bearer," to carry the flag into the fight. As the standard 
bearer charged, his rapid forward momentum would cause the flag to 
stream back. And since the flag is mounted with the canton closest to 
the pole, that section would always be forward.

So if a soldier is charging into the battle, the flag would give the 
appearance of forward motion. For the right shoulder, the flag only 
appears "backward."

David Gadberry
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Re: [Mpls] 'Citizen Participation' still a myth; 'Activist Participation' not...

2005-04-06 Thread gemgram
I believe Michael Atherton's  problem with NRP stems from his inability to 
convince the folks in his neighborhood that he is smarter than they, and 
thus should let him decide how the program should be run.  I can think of 
one or two others who had the same opinion of NRP after not being given 
their just due as the smarter people who need to be listened to. 
Unfortunately NRP does seem to empower some of these unwashed of mind to 
think they are just as smart as the elite and quite able to decide things 
for themselves.  If the people would only listen more then Michael and 
others might be more in favor of it.

I wonder if Michael feels any cognitive dissonance with some of his 
statements which are sometimes adjoining each other.  In one Michael feels 
that the City Council is wrong headed and unqualified to make decisions 
about smoking bans, and in the very next one states that the people can't be 
trusted to make decisions so we should leave decisions to the elected public 
officials.  Which is it to be?  Should we let these people exclusively make 
decisions for us or not?

I happen to agree with Michael about the ban.  It is an attempt at social 
engineering to please a small but powerful group of people who want only 
there way to prevail without any real concern for public health or property 
rights.  But I also think that what ever number of residents gather to make 
decisions about NRP and their neighborhood they are certainly better able 
(and better qualified) to make such decisions than the thirteen Council 
Members and the Mayor.  Heck most Council Members started out involved with 
NRP and their neighborhoods.  Funny, but most were not even the bright ones, 
or the driving forces, in that process.

Now my opinion on NRP could only be a theory, except for the very real 
experience of the last few years.  NRP has paid huge dividends to 
Minneapolis.  Exactly which "wise" City Council real estate deal has paid as 
well?  Target downtown?  Saks? The Brighton investments? Even Sears?

NRP dollars were the seed for many, many, development projects all over 
Minneapolis.  The Mercado at Bloomington and Lake, the millions of 
investment on Franklin are only two examples. How about the Whittier School, 
early learning centers in many neighborhoods, the renovated parks, the 
Nicolett renovation, and the hundreds of houses that were refurbished and 
the hundreds of homes now owned that were made possible through grants and 
loans from neighborhoods NRP funds?

History has shown the NRP process was not perfect, but that same history has 
shown that NRP is still the best investment of dollars that Minneapolis may 
have ever made.  Even if the neighborhood people were so dumb that they did 
not listen to those like Michael who were smarter than themselves.  Heck, it 
was such a good idea that Mayor RT Rybak promised us all that he would make 
sure it was fully funded in order to get us to vote for him in the last 
election.  Some other Council Members made the same promises to get elected. 
Either NRP is a great idea ,or those politicians can't be trusted to make a 
good decision on it.  So is Michael saying that we should trust their word 
that NRP is great and should be fully funded?

I just can not figure out why a smart fellow like Michael could not have 
organized a few other smart people, like himself, and took over his 
neighborhood's meetings.  Meetings that he claims were so badly attended. It 
seems those FEW dumb neighborhood residents had no trouble running the NRP 
process.  Pretty sneaky of them, don't you think? But it certainly shows the 
real problem with NRP.  Dumb neighborhood residents are so "Empowered" that 
they ban together and don't listen to their superiors about how to spend 
neighborhood money.  They even get empowered enough to think they know 
better than smart people what their neighborhood really needs.

It sounds like the complaint of a group of social service agencies when we 
organized to take over NRP in old Phillips, they complained that we had 
cheated because, "They stacked the neighborhood meetings with residents". 
It sounds like Michael Atherton's real complaint is that the "dumb" citizens 
are participating too much!

Trying to keep up with this anti smoking ban, pro NRP ban, dumb Council, 
smart Council, arguments is starting to make my old head spin.  So, I am 
going to go turn on the history channel and go to sleep. I already know how 
the show ends anyway.

Jim Graham,
sittin on the porch steps in Ventura Village
"There is no finer investment for any community than putting milk into 
babies and revolution into minds."<
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[Mpls] Flags

2005-04-06 Thread Mike Nelson
Oops, posted my last message before I had seen the warning. Sorry.
I do have a Minneapolis specific question though. It's about the flags
that have sprouted everywhere since mindless flag waving became so
popular a couple years ago.
Why is it that the flags on one side of all our city busses, and some
fire trucks, are displayed backwards? I've called the MTC, as well as
the Fire Dept. and no one can tell me who the person in charge of
pasting the things on vehicles is.
This is more irritating to me than the issue of when to lower it. It
shows a lack of respect. If you care enough to display it, one would
think you would do it properly.

Mike Nelson
Pretty much Central

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[Mpls] Economic Hallucinations

2005-04-06 Thread Mike Jensvold
While the loss of anyone's livelihood as a result of the ban is tragic, 
let's end the hallucination that the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes 
can be the basis of a healthy economy. Or gambling, that's an economic 
hallucination as well.

Mike Jensvold
Ward 10  

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Re: [Mpls] Bikes - robberies, auctions

2005-04-06 Thread md
Some bicyclists have recently been robbed on the Cedar Lake Trail

The first bicycle auction of the year  by Minneapolis Police is on April

Madeline Douglass

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Re: [Mpls] City Hall Flag

2005-04-06 Thread Mike Nelson

Gary Hoover wrote:
> I find the lowering of flags to be a part of a manipulative and
> public relations campaign on the part of a very small
> corporatist wing of the Republican Party.  Our government leaders
> publicly apologize for this action.  It was and is a mistake, at the
> least.

But I thought this was a DFL town.
Where are the evil Republicans lurking?
Did they sneak in and lower the flag?
What a load.
Let's have a flag ban. After all,it's a symbol of imperialist

Mike Nelson
Central,WAY Central

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Re: [Mpls] Smoking ban participation

2005-04-06 Thread Dan
The probelm here is this idea of elitists venturing into all the working
class establishments to try to keep them afloat just isn't going to happen.
There have been reports of anti-smokers popping in to the odd neighborhood
bar here and there to gloat, order water and fail to tip the staff, but that
novelty will quickly wear off. The tofu-vegan, wine sipping trendy rich
aren't going to "learn to bowl" and join a dart league! The idea is
laughable. Even if they were to undergo this astonishing transformation, and
started going to the working class joints like the Cardinal, next they'd
have to ban fried food, so they could force bar owners to serve "raw soup"
and sprouts and artichoke hearts with wine sauce.

Ultimately, this smoking ban is going to start costing everyone more money.
As tax revenues from bars dry up, somebody's going to have to close the gap.
Money us poor working stiffs used to fill the city's coffers with will have
to be made up by everyone. Get ready for your taxes to go up again.

And Jeremy, if you really want to help the business owners in your ward,
you'll start fighting this smoking ban, instead of trying to prop it up for
a bit longer. It will eventually collapse, but not until irreversable harm
has been done to many people's livlihoods. Go into the bars around NE, and
ask the owners what your position should be!

Dan McGrath

- Original Message -
From: "Jeremy Wieland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Mpls Forum'" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 5:24 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Smoking ban participation

I've been following the businesses that have been benefiting from the ban.
That is good.  However, there are businesses that were crushed last
week-end.  Many of the neighborhood bars in Northeast Minneapolis suffered
major financial loses.  It is really important that people behind the
marketing to get non-smokers out focus on more than just the trendy places.
The Dakota was already smoke-free.  Let's get some people into the small
neighborhood joints where businesses are currently in danger.  Walk the talk
and spend some money.  Start a non-smoking dart league.  If you're a
non-smoker, learn to bowl.

If businesses start to go under, the ban will be revised, just as it was in
Duluth.  If the ban is to stay, non-smokers have to do a lot more than buy a
beer once per month at Chino Latino.  People have got to get out.

Jeremy Wieland
Candidate, 3rd Ward City Council

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Re: [Mpls] Smoking ban participation

2005-04-06 Thread Mike Jensvold
At 07:40 PM 4/6/2005, Michael Thompson wrote:
This is exactly one of the points I made to my city councilperson and the
various state legislators I mailed and emailed regarding the ban.
My original point was, and still is, this: I suspect 99% of smoking ban
proponents will never stoop low enough to patronize 99% of the bars affected
by the ban. I'll bet my paycheck that virtually NO ban proponents will ever
deign to set foot in Adrians or the Cardinal Bar or any of the working class
establishments in NE. The ban is about elitists being able to listen to
"jazz" at their whim without having to shower when they got home. The bars
that will struggle to survive.well, that's just tough luck. I believe
many smoking ban proponents wanted their trendy jazzy-spots to be smoke free
for their own selfish interests, but packaged it as a "public health"
measure. Incredibly disingenous.
One of the inherent qualities of the ban was a subtle elitism espoused by
its proponents. Smoking is, for the most part, a habit of the lower SES
classes. Not only did ban proponents know what was better for people, but in
the adoption of the ban an implicit patronization was occuring through the
"legal" protection of these less informed individuals to protect them from

I'm not quite as cynical as Mr. Thompson, but almost.  The ban was 
unreasonable, and it will further alienate the young and working class (as 
I wrote on this list in May of last year) from what remains of the liberal 
establishment.  I certainly won't be voting against anyone based solely on 
the smoking ban - there are more important issues - but others may.  Watch 
out, DFLers.

Mike Jensvold
Ward 10

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Re: [Mpls] Park Board Meeting, 5:00pm on Wednesday, April 6

2005-04-06 Thread md
Chris Johnson wrote:

> * Acceptance of low bid for $65,450 worth of indoor artificial turf. (To
used where?)

Could it be the rumored "astroturf" for the Nicollet Island "multi-purpose"
athletic facility?

Barry Clegg wrote on March 23:

"The Park Board would be giving up some of the "look and feel"
of the current Park - it would lose some open space and gain an
athletic field with astroturf (I'm not making that up - Commissioner
Dziedzic told me yesterday it would be

Tsk! Tsk! "athletic fields"on an "open space" with a few "bleachers"
and a "concession stand?"  Very funny.
THIS is what DeLaSalle really wants:

Madeline Douglass

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Re: [Mpls] Smoking ban participation

2005-04-06 Thread Michael Thompson
Mr. Strand's response below scares the holy hell out of me.

Mr. Strand says: "Why should public policy be crafted not based on public
health but on some twisted idea that every single business must survive
intact as is only sans smoking?"

MT says: Nice try, but totally misses the point. The notion of fighting the
ban was based on the idea that not every business must survive sans smoking.
Anti-ban proponents understood that the market should decide what
establishments live and which die based on the clientele they choose to
cater to. Not good enough for ban proponents who bring out the disingenuous
"public health" card. If this is truly a public health issue, why such a
half-assed one? I mean, seriously, let's ban the stuff. Loud music at the
bars has got to go (severe hearing damage to patrons and workers is a
legitimate health issue, right)? Same with butter and deep fried wings and
curds and mozzarella and skins as appetizers. While this may sound
facetious, it's apt and analogous to the issue of "public health." This
ain't about public health, folks, it's merely about convenience because a
few busy-bodies don't want to wash their hair when they get back from the
Fine Line or wherever.

Too bad, so sad, that some businesses will just dry up because the David
Strands of the world cannot fathom making a decision to stay out of places
that he and others find objectionable. I hope the ban proponents contribute
to food shelves.

The selfishness, narrow-mindedness, and abdication of personal power
regarding this issue as evidenced by many posters on this subject is
absolutely astounding.

Mike Thompson

- Original Message - 
From: "David Strand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Mpls Forum'" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Smoking ban participation

> Conditions change.  Businesses fail.  Happens
> everyday.
> >
> Businesses that can't sustain themselves without
> allowing smoking perhaps deserve to fail and be
> replaced by other businesses.
> Would a few bars going out of business be the end of
> something of some huge value compared to the health
> benefits of the ban?
> I think not.
> Now I have had some fond memories around some hole in
> the wall bars, don't get me wrong.  The only one that
> went out of business that I truly mourned it's passing
> had more to do with it's fate as a victim of an arson
> thought to be hate crime(still under investigation) in
> the city in Michigan where I attended college.
> The thought of the bar being lit on fire on a back
> wall while packed with people because someone hates
> gay people left me said and a little cold.
> These arguments that we can't loose even one business
> to the ban seem like the arguments some make about
> cutting unnecessary spending- think of the lost jobs!
> Hey, be creative.  Change your enterprise to draw
> different people in the door.  If you can't make it.
> Find a new profession like thousands of people in this
> country do all the time.
> David Strand
> Loring Park
> --- Jeremy Wieland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   However, there are businesses that
> > were crushed last
> > week-end.  Many of the neighborhood bars in
> > Northeast Minneapolis suffered
> > major financial loses.  It is really important that
> > people behind the
> > marketing to get non-smokers out focus on more than
> > just the trendy places.
> > The Dakota was already smoke-free.  Let's get some
> > people into the small
> > neighborhood joints where businesses are currently
> > in danger.  Walk the talk
> > and spend some money.  Start a non-smoking dart
> > league.  If you're a
> > non-smoker, learn to bowl.
> >
> > If businesses start to go under, the ban will be
> > revised, just as it was in
> > Duluth.  If the ban is to stay, non-smokers have to
> > do a lot more than buy a
> > beer once per month at Chino Latino.  People have
> > got to get out.
> >
> > Jeremy Wieland
> > Northeast
> > Candidate, 3rd Ward City Council
> >
> >
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Make Yahoo! your home page
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> 2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
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Re: [Mpls] Smoking ban participation

2005-04-06 Thread Michael Thompson
This is exactly one of the points I made to my city councilperson and the
various state legislators I mailed and emailed regarding the ban.

My original point was, and still is, this: I suspect 99% of smoking ban
proponents will never stoop low enough to patronize 99% of the bars affected
by the ban. I'll bet my paycheck that virtually NO ban proponents will ever
deign to set foot in Adrians or the Cardinal Bar or any of the working class
establishments in NE. The ban is about elitists being able to listen to
"jazz" at their whim without having to shower when they got home. The bars
that will struggle to survive.well, that's just tough luck. I believe
many smoking ban proponents wanted their trendy jazzy-spots to be smoke free
for their own selfish interests, but packaged it as a "public health"
measure. Incredibly disingenous.

One of the inherent qualities of the ban was a subtle elitism espoused by
its proponents. Smoking is, for the most part, a habit of the lower SES
classes. Not only did ban proponents know what was better for people, but in
the adoption of the ban an implicit patronization was occuring through the
"legal" protection of these less informed individuals to protect them from
themselves. This is a slippery slope that that is bound to occur again..
pushed by a city council emboldened by abdication of personal choice and
spine by their constituents. How pathetically sad.

Mike Thompson

- Original Message - 
From: "Jeremy Wieland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Mpls Forum'" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 5:24 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Smoking ban participation

> I've been following the businesses that have been benefiting from the ban.
> That is good.  However, there are businesses that were crushed last
> week-end.  Many of the neighborhood bars in Northeast Minneapolis suffered
> major financial loses.  It is really important that people behind the
> marketing to get non-smokers out focus on more than just the trendy
> The Dakota was already smoke-free.  Let's get some people into the small
> neighborhood joints where businesses are currently in danger.  Walk the
> and spend some money.  Start a non-smoking dart league.  If you're a
> non-smoker, learn to bowl.
> If businesses start to go under, the ban will be revised, just as it was
> Duluth.  If the ban is to stay, non-smokers have to do a lot more than buy
> beer once per month at Chino Latino.  People have got to get out.
> Jeremy Wieland
> Northeast
> Candidate, 3rd Ward City Council
> -Original Message-
> Of Tom Taylor
> Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 7:00 AM
> To: Dan; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Mpls Forum'
> Subject: RE: [Mpls] Smoking ban night 2
> Your list also seems to be a bit out of date:
>  Tejas
>  800 Nicollet Mall
> That was in the Conservatory which was torn down years ago.
> One non-smoking local missing from the list is the Bryant Lake Bowl.
> The claim that virtually all bars in Minneapolis are restaurant/bars needs
> to be challenged with a visit to NE MPLS.  Sure you may be able to get
> things to eat, snacky crap like chips and peanuts and perhaps a choice of
> pizzas but I I would not say virtually all bars in Minneapolis are such.
> Over half of sales coming from food is one good barometer.
> Tom Taylor
> Sheridan
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Dan
> Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 3:00 AM
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Mpls Forum'
> Subject: Re: [Mpls] Smoking ban night 2
> Liz wrote: "just for the record there are no bars on this list"
> Absolutely NOT true. Many are bar/restaurants (virtually all bars in
> Minneapolis are). Martini Blu springs to mind. When presented facts which
> undermine your position, your response is to stoop to outright lying?
> Typical of ban supporters, I suppose. Facts, science and freedom are
> obstacles easily discarded "for the public good." Also note, my list is
> comprehensive, and includes only businesses in the Minneapolis city
> >From that limited list only, the following pre-ban smoke-free
> establishments
> are/have bars:
> Arcadia Cafe
> Bobino Cafe &Wine Bar (full bar)
> Broders
> Cavé Vin (wine bar)
> Chipotle (full bar, surprizingly enough)
> Corner Table (seperate
> non-smoking bar area)
> Da Afghan Express (serve alchohol - not sure if it is/has a bar)
> D'Amico & Sons
> Edina Grill
> El Meson (serve drinks - not sure about the bar)
> Famous Dave's (full bar)
> First Co

[Mpls] More endorsements for Lilligren in Ward 6

2005-04-06 Thread Barbara Lickness
Minneapolis City Council Vice President Robert Lilligren announces four more 
endorsements in his campaign for the 6th Ward Council Seat.
The four are: Minneapolis Building and Construction Trades Council, comprised 
of 29 trade unions, the Minneapolis Firefighters Union, Stonewall DFL, the GLBT 
caucus of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party; and the Gay and Lesbian Victory 
Fund, a non-partisan political organization based in Washington D.C.
"Because of the unusual circumstance of having two incumbents running together, 
we looked closely at this race to ensure that Robert has met our criteria of 
being a qualified and effective public officer holder," says Robin Brand, 
Victory Fund's Vice President of campaigns and elections, "We chose Robert 
Lilligren because, though a relative newcomer, his track record proves he can 
best represent and involve the whole community in decision making. It is clear 
he is a new and welcome force in Minneapolis politics."
The Building and Trades endorsement is one of their first of this election 
cycle. "Robert Lilligren has done just an excellent job for his constituents 
and the City of Minneapolis in his first term," says John Williams, Business 
Manager of Minneapolis Building and Construction Trades Council, "He has 
tackled tough construction projects like Sears with energy and intelligence. 
Though we may not always agree on everything, Robert is respectful, hardworking 
and he puts the interests of the people he represents first."
These endorsements follow the announcement that Lilligren was endorsed by the 
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 
5. AFSCME represents about 800 City of Minneapolis Employees. 
Contact:  Tom Reid
   Vote Robert Campaign
Barb Lickness
Ward 6
Lilligren Supporter

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Re: [Mpls] Smoking ban participation

2005-04-06 Thread David Strand
Conditions change.  Businesses fail.  Happens

Why should public policy be crafted not based on
public health but on some twisted idea that every
single business must survive intact as is only sans

Businesses that can't sustain themselves without
allowing smoking perhaps deserve to fail and be
replaced by other businesses.

Would a few bars going out of business be the end of
something of some huge value compared to the health
benefits of the ban?

I think not.

Now I have had some fond memories around some hole in
the wall bars, don't get me wrong.  The only one that
went out of business that I truly mourned it's passing
had more to do with it's fate as a victim of an arson
thought to be hate crime(still under investigation) in
the city in Michigan where I attended college.

The thought of the bar being lit on fire on a back
wall while packed with people because someone hates
gay people left me said and a little cold.

These arguments that we can't loose even one business
to the ban seem like the arguments some make about
cutting unnecessary spending- think of the lost jobs!

Hey, be creative.  Change your enterprise to draw
different people in the door.  If you can't make it. 
Find a new profession like thousands of people in this
country do all the time.

David Strand
Loring Park
--- Jeremy Wieland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  However, there are businesses that
> were crushed last
> week-end.  Many of the neighborhood bars in
> Northeast Minneapolis suffered
> major financial loses.  It is really important that
> people behind the
> marketing to get non-smokers out focus on more than
> just the trendy places.
> The Dakota was already smoke-free.  Let's get some
> people into the small
> neighborhood joints where businesses are currently
> in danger.  Walk the talk
> and spend some money.  Start a non-smoking dart
> league.  If you're a
> non-smoker, learn to bowl.  
> If businesses start to go under, the ban will be
> revised, just as it was in
> Duluth.  If the ban is to stay, non-smokers have to
> do a lot more than buy a
> beer once per month at Chino Latino.  People have
> got to get out.
> Jeremy Wieland
> Northeast
> Candidate, 3rd Ward City Council

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Re: [Mpls] Did Mpls NAACP branch "loan" $85, 000 for investment in grocery st...

2005-04-06 Thread Socialist2001
Also see: "Ron Edwards comments on Mpls issues forum discussion"
re: Did Mpls NAACP branch "loan" $85,000 for investment in grocery stores. 
Blog Post by Ron Edwards, April 5, 2005

In a message dated 4/1/2005 3:03:18 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< ...Clearly this is about a small group who cannot get elected to run the 
Mpls NAACP so they have decided to run the once credible organization into the 
ground...  >>

[Comment by Doug Mann]
For the past 6 years the Minneapolis Branch has been run more like a mutual 
aid society for African-American politicians and businessmen than a civil 
rights and human rights advocacy organization. The NAACP leadership has been 
its influence as representative of an oppressed people as a bargaining chip in 
back door deals to help their friends get jobs, contracts, etc.

The situation here reflects a shift by the National NAACP leadership toward a 
closer relationship with the Democratic Party in 1995. Kweisi Mfume was 
appointed President / CEO that year. The NAACP has also oriented itself more 
more toward black professionals and their networks of friends and business 

In Minneapolis, Mfume's administration helped a slate headed by Ricky 
Campbell, representing a conservative faction within the NAACP branch, win an 
election of officers in 1999, with considerable help from the 
Party and the Links (a club for well-to-do, college-educated 
African-Americans). The Cambell group represented a fairly small minority of 
members who 
regularly attended meetings, worked on committees, etc.

The settlement of the NAACP educational adequacy lawsuit in 2000 is a good 
example of the back door deals mentioned above. The settlement stipulated that 
the NAACP agreed that "the choice is yours program" (a limited, one-way 
city-to-suburb bussing program) and other provisions of the settlement "solved 
problem" of students of color getting an inadequate education. 

In my opinion, the settlement agreement was not consistent with educational 
policy statements approved by any NAACP convention that I know about. The basic 
problem since the 1890's has been the segregation of black students into 
inferior schools and into "low-ability" curriculum tracks in racially 

The NAACP educational settlement also set far lower standards for the 
Minneapolis School District than Minnesota's "Voluntary" Desegregation Rule 
respect to giving students in racially identifiable schools the right to attend 
schools that are not racially identifiable, and with respect to accountability 
measures. For example, the Deseg rule states that the commissioner of education 
shall ask for, and the district shall provide, in its deseg plan, specific 
information needed to determine if resources are equitably distributed, 
including data on teacher qualifications and experience. The Minneapolis School 
District and the MN Dept. of Education are not in compliance with the 
rule, and you don't hear a peep out of the NAACP leadership about that.

The NAACP's contract with the MN Department of Ed to run Parent Information 
Centers was the NAACP's payoff for betraying its constituency and supporting 
the status quo. 

The NAACP leadership, at the branch and national level, also repeatedly took 
actions in relation to monitoring implementation of the Hollman Consent Decree 
(the settlement of a housing discrimination lawsuit) that served the 
interests of the city of Minneapolis (one of the defendants) at the expense of 
plaintiff class. See: 

The Fight Against Urban Cleansing and Gentrification in Minneapolis

Hollman Achieves

-Doug Mann, King Field 
Bureaucratically removed member at large
Minneapolis NAACP branch executive committee
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[Mpls] Smoking ban participation

2005-04-06 Thread Jeremy Wieland
I've been following the businesses that have been benefiting from the ban.
That is good.  However, there are businesses that were crushed last
week-end.  Many of the neighborhood bars in Northeast Minneapolis suffered
major financial loses.  It is really important that people behind the
marketing to get non-smokers out focus on more than just the trendy places.
The Dakota was already smoke-free.  Let's get some people into the small
neighborhood joints where businesses are currently in danger.  Walk the talk
and spend some money.  Start a non-smoking dart league.  If you're a
non-smoker, learn to bowl.  

If businesses start to go under, the ban will be revised, just as it was in
Duluth.  If the ban is to stay, non-smokers have to do a lot more than buy a
beer once per month at Chino Latino.  People have got to get out.

Jeremy Wieland
Candidate, 3rd Ward City Council

-Original Message-
Of Tom Taylor
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 7:00 AM
To: Dan; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Mpls Forum'
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Smoking ban night 2

Your list also seems to be a bit out of date:
 800 Nicollet Mall

That was in the Conservatory which was torn down years ago.

One non-smoking local missing from the list is the Bryant Lake Bowl.

The claim that virtually all bars in Minneapolis are restaurant/bars needs
to be challenged with a visit to NE MPLS.  Sure you may be able to get
things to eat, snacky crap like chips and peanuts and perhaps a choice of
pizzas but I I would not say virtually all bars in Minneapolis are such.
Over half of sales coming from food is one good barometer.

Tom Taylor

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Dan
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 3:00 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Mpls Forum'
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Smoking ban night 2

Liz wrote: "just for the record there are no bars on this list"

Absolutely NOT true. Many are bar/restaurants (virtually all bars in
Minneapolis are). Martini Blu springs to mind. When presented facts which
undermine your position, your response is to stoop to outright lying?
Typical of ban supporters, I suppose. Facts, science and freedom are
obstacles easily discarded "for the public good." Also note, my list is not
comprehensive, and includes only businesses in the Minneapolis city limits.
>From that limited list only, the following pre-ban smoke-free
are/have bars:

Arcadia Cafe
Bobino Cafe &Wine Bar (full bar)
Cavé Vin (wine bar)
Chipotle (full bar, surprizingly enough)
Corner Table (seperate
non-smoking bar area)
Da Afghan Express (serve alchohol - not sure if it is/has a bar)
D'Amico & Sons
Edina Grill
El Meson (serve drinks - not sure about the bar)
Famous Dave's (full bar)
First Course
Giorgio (bar & lounge)
Kafe 421
Lucia's Restaurant & Wine Bar
Martini Blu
Pizza Nea
Sapor Cafe & Bar

Let me also add to the list:
Loring Grill, which has a full service bar,,
The Craftsman Restaurant & Bar
The Longfellow Grill - Full bar (pretty sure was non-smoking, but never
Bon Appetit (live music, drinks, no smoking) SE Mpls.

Non-smokers have had loads of options for smoke-free venues. Greed has
resulted in all for them, none for us, even if it means closing "our" places
down rather than let concenting adults expose themselves to smoke. My
retired widower neighbor now drives to Burnsville for breakfast, when he
used to go to a local grille. My next pub visit won't be Molly Quinns
(sorry! I liked the place, but I like my smokes with my Guiness). It will be
the Dubliner. There's no way I'll return to First Avenue as long as the ban
is in place. As a club with a cover, they don't allow re-entry. My once
favorite night-spot now sucks. Hope all you anti-smokers get out there for
techno DJs and punk rock this weekend! I'll be in St. Paul.

Dan McGrath

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[Mpls] City Hall flag

2005-04-06 Thread Steve Brandt
I forget.  Are City Hall flags at half-staff today for Prince Ranier of Monaco 
or Saul Bellow?  Or was there another big claim settled by the Council?

Steve Brandt
Always at half staff

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RE: [Mpls] City Hall flag - send your checks

2005-04-06 Thread Michael Atherton
Derek Burrows Reise wrote:

>  NARAL Pro-Choice MINNESOTA is actually holding an
>  event at (smoke-free) Jitters Bar & Cafe on Monday,
>  April 11th, 6-8pm.  It's the annual Beer, Wine, and
>  Chocolate Tasting.  Live music will be featured.  

That's what I love about Minneapolis, "It's the Irony!"
(To paraphrase Colonel Kurtz). "Pro-Choice" at the forcedly 
smoke-free Jitters Bar & Café.  I mean heck, maybe we
should just force women to carry babies to term, it'd
do wonders for the health of unborn children.

While you're sending in your checks for "pro-choice"
you might want to consider the State ACLU Branch:, which is also having a Benefit
at the (smoke-free) Minneapolis Convention Center.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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[Mpls] City Hall flag - send your checks

2005-04-06 Thread Derek Burrows Reise
Thanks Terrell for suggesting to send your checks to
those fighting to maintain the separation of church
and state--and keep personal theology out of public

The one thing I would say is that instead of sending
your checks to NARAL Pro-Choice America in Washington,
DC, send them directly to the Minnesota affiliate
( which will use 100% of
proceeds for work in Minnesota.

NARAL Pro-Choice MINNESOTA is actually holding an
event at (smoke-free) Jitters Bar & Cafe on Monday,
April 11th, 6-8pm.  It's the annual Beer, Wine, and
Chocolate Tasting.  Live music will be featured.  

Find out more and RSVP at

Derek Burrows Reise
Longfellow, Mpls
Employee of NARAL Pro-Choice Minnesota
(Yes, it's a shameless plug, but the event should be

Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 06:38:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Terrell Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Mpls] City Hall flag

I think it is inappropriate, even wrong, to lower the
flag atop City
Hall to honor a religious leader.  First, in this
country there is
still allegedly a separation between church and state.

Second, choosing this particular religious leader
looks like a
pandering for votes.  In my memory this honor hasn’t
been given to the
leader of Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, even

In this case you have chosen to honor someone who was
leading in a
direction that many in this city don’t want to go.  He
was anti-choice
(send your check to NARAL ProChoice America to fight
on that one),
anti-gay (Outfront MN will take your check to fight on
that one) and
anti-woman (Emily’s list will help the more rational
minded there).

Let’s stop the charade and put the flag back at the
top of the pole
where it belongs.

Terrell Brown
110 West Grant Street (Loring Park)
Minneapolis 55403

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Re: [Mpls] Walker library and Bureau of Mines

2005-04-06 Thread Krueger, Rodney

I do support smart urban planning principles such as mixed-use projects and 
green buildings.  The issue here is a funding gap of over a million dollars.  
The library board found this out in our original study (over two years ago) and 
that is why (as well as a sense of urgency to repair the parking deck for the 
safety of our patrons) the library board requested the bonds to be sold and the 
roof/parking deck to be repaired.  The City Council rejected our bond request 
and the Walker Library Task Force was formed (July 2004) to study a mixed-use 
project on the same site of the library.   There were some very interesting and 
exciting proposals presented to the task force, but none of them were feasible 
at this time.  We also were able to clarify the cost and options on repairing 
the parking deck.

I will support a financially sound mixed-use project that includes a greatly 
enhanced library for the residents and patrons at Walker.  We need more 
community engagement in issues related to mix-use and height of the project. 

I support the minimal repairs to the parking deck/roof that will keep the 
Walker Library safe for our patrons, allow the library to remain open, and a 
proper (long-term) study of a mixed-use development that will provide a greatly 
enhanced library.  This option will limit traffic in parking lot, install 
barriers at ends to limit height of vehicles, limit the load capacity, and 
repair cracks in the concrete roof structure.  Repair of the cracks would 
restore the structure to its original strength. (cost estimate: $134,000 
short-term vs. over $675,000 long-term complete fix).

Below is the resolution that passed by the Walker Task Force and will be 
forwarded to the Library Board, if approved by the board the request will be 
sent to the City Council for final approval for bonds to be sold.

Thank you,

Rod Krueger
Library Board
Nokomis East - 12th Ward


WHEREAS, the Walker Library Task Force ("Task Force") concludes that a greatly 
improved Walker Library is necessary to meet the library service needs of the 
immediate community; and 
WHEREAS, the Walker Library Task Force met on February 23, 2005 to review four  
development proposals submitted to redevelop the Walker Library as a mixed-use 
development on the current Walker Library site, and concluded further that 
additional financial analysis of the proposals was warranted; and

WHEREAS, subsequent CPED staff analysis concluded that none of the four 
development proposals is likely to be financially feasible; and

WHEREAS, the Task Force acknowledged the importance of a comprehensive  
community engagement to inform the scope of a potential mixed-use Walker 
Library Project, particularly regarding design issues related to the Walker 
Library site redevelopment, as well as additional information pertaining to 
proposed developments in the vicinity of Walker Library; and 

WHEREAS, the Task Force acknowledges that the Walker Library parking deck is in 
need of structural repair; and

WHEREAS, the Library Board has approved a Community Library Capital Projects 
(CLPC) schedule for all community libraries, with Walker Library improvements 
planning to begin in 2008; and 

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Walker Library Task Force hereby 
recommends rejection of all development proposals received under the Walker 
Library RFP dated 1 February 2005;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Library Board determine the best way to 
mitigate the structural damage in light of the consensus expressed for a 
greatly improved Walker Library; 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Library Board might consider revisiting the 
CLCP schedule, moving the Walker Library Capital Project up.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, when the Library Board commences the Walker 
Library Capital Project design process, the Library Board and City Council 
jointly begin to pursue the development of a greatly improved, financially 
feasible Walker Library, and during the design process, engage the community to 
develop mixed-use design parameters pertaining to height, density, traffic 
volume and patterns, and relation of site development to foot, bicycle, auto 
and mass transit traffic, as well as surrounding land uses.  

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Walker Library Task Force be dissolved. 

[Mpls] Walker library and Bureau of Mines
Dorie Rae Gallagher
Tue, 05 Apr 2005 23:29:39 -0700

The Walker Library Task Force came to the conclusion that there is no money no 
matter how you slice, dice, price and tif. The short term patch would be for 10 
years at a price of $134,000.00. 
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Re: [Mpls] 'Citizen Participation' still a myth; 'Activist Participation' not...

2005-04-06 Thread Chris Johnson
There is not a "quick fix" to shifting away from apathy and disconnected 
neighbors... we need a long-term strategy that will continue to bring MORE 
participation in at the neighborhood level.  As the process continues to become 
better known, even through criticisms such as those below, more people will learn 
that YES, I CAN have a significant say in what happens in MY neighborhood... 
that is a VERY GOOD direction to take. I disagree with the suggestion that 
somehow handing off this decision-making to elected officials makes the process 
better. Let the neighbors have a say... that will lead to increased neighborhood 
involvement over the long-term.

Nikki Carlson
Linden Hills

Well said.
All processes will have some flaws in them; as humans we simply cannot perfect 
something big and complicated like civic policy and governance.  So should we 
throw the baby out with the bathwater?  Just because the current process for 
citizen involvement tends to favor "those who show up" is an inadequate reason 
for getting rid of it.

Of course NRP has not been perfect, but it has done a lot of good, directly 
and indirectly, as others point out.  Would we have been better off if all 
that NRP money had stayed in the MCDA or other city coffers?  There is no way 
to prove that argument one way or the other, but if there were, I'd be willing 
to bet NRP has done a better job than if the decision making had been done by 
elected officials.

Chris Johnson
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RE: [Mpls] 'Citizen Participation' still a myth; 'Activist Participation' not...

2005-04-06 Thread Michael Atherton

Nikki Carlson wrote: 

>  Is the idea of the original post to take away participation 
>  from those who show up and concentrate decision-making elsewhere?

The idea is to have government funding decisions made by
proportional representation rather than special interests
(can't get much more special than giving power to those
who just show up).  This isn't a new concept, it's very similar
to "equal protection under the law."

>  This seems like it doesn't address the core problem he's 
>  pointed out, which is we need MORE citizen participation 
>  in order to improve our neighborhoods. How does taking the 
>  opportunity away from those who choose to be actively 
>  involved at the neighborhood level increase participation?

I am able to choose my government representatives. I am unable
to have any say about who shows up and decides how to spend
my tax dollars in my own neighborhood.  Case in point (and inherent
NRP problem).  Bill Kahn posts the following to the List

> Michael Atherton wrote: "The Children's Museum moved to St. Paul."
> Bill Kahn corrects:
> The Children's Museum has always been in St. Paul near Como Park. 

As it turns out Bill Kahn doesn't know what he's talking about, as
happens often at PPERRIA meetings (though not necessarily Mr. Kahn).  
Do these errors EVER get corrected at PPERRIA meetings. NO! They
are just perpetuated, because the ill-informed, rude, abrasive,
and discourteous show-ups are unwilling to respect minority voices.
In one case there was false information included in the minutes
of a previous meeting.  We pointed this out and even played
an audio recording of the previous meeting to verify that the
minutes were false.  We were then accused of altering the tape
and they voted to approve the inaccurate minutes. 

Are there any legitimate protections to guard against these
abuses?  NO!  Grievances are heard by the same people who 
perpetuate false information and maintain and protect the NRP.

>  There is not a "quick fix" to shifting away from apathy and 
>  disconnected neighbors... we need a long-term strategy that 
>  will continue to bring MORE participation in at the neighborhood 
>  level.  

What if I don't want to participate? I do now only out of
self-defense.  What if I want to spend time with my family
rather than being insulted and abused by my neighbors?

>  As the process continues to become better known, even through 
>  criticisms such as those below, more people will learn 
>  that YES, I CAN have a significant say in what happens in MY 
>  neighborhood... that is a VERY GOOD direction to take. 
>  I disagree with the suggestion that somehow handing off this 
>  decision-making to elected officials makes the process 
>  better. Let the neighbors have a say... that will lead to 
>  increased neighborhood involvement over the long-term.

You want a "quick fix" for NRP? 1) Elect neighborhood representatives 
for each block in the general elections; one person one vote.  But, 
noo this won't serve the interests of whose who "show up" because 
they'd have to have their credentials publicly vetted.  The show-ups could
still come to the neighborhood meetings, they just wouldn't be able
to dominate them. 2) Provide a residents' Bill of Rights. 3) Have 
grievances adjudicated by independent parties.  None these things will 
happen because the NRP is not really about neighborhood participation, 
it's about putting power into the hands of the few and bypassing the many.
It's just a different few than those we get to elect.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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Re: [Mpls] 'Citizen Participation' still a myth; 'Activist Participation' not a myth

2005-04-06 Thread wmmarks
Barbara Lickness wrote:
David - It is much easier to do nothing and sit back
and criticize those who are. You know, the old arm
chair quarterback thing. Peace.

Oh, stop. It was ever thus.
The NRP has been less than perfect, their record is spotty in organizing 
who showed up to make the decisions. (Unexpectedly, Phillips did a 
fairly good job of getting people from all walks of life within their 
boundaries to show up. Good on them. Not to say that others didn't, but 
Phillips stands out on the south side to me.) That they couldn't 
continue that level of organizing push for ten years running should not 
surprise anyone. That's a lot to ask of humans.

The whole point of the NRP, originally, was to organize neighborhoods to 
address those issues ignored, undefended, underfunded, neglected, and 
screwed up by successive powers-that-be for thirty years and by an 
expensive and long-winded focus on the downtown of Mpls. There was a 
built-in tension between departments of the city and the populace, 
particularly in the nine worst-rated neighborhoods where the work would 
be most difficult. The stipends issued were connected largely to the 
housing stock and other infrastructural decline as a result of those 
same powers. I don't believe that Mr. Green takes those tensions into 

At the same time, activists really are those people who have the time to 
devote to showing up for a zillion meetings, three times that many phone 
calls, and the rape and rapine of several forests for miles of paper.

Face it, democracy is labor and resource intensive. Some folks will not 
commit to that much palaver (or submit to it). Others will commit only 
so long, then they walk away from fatigue, not wanting to die with their 
boots on, so to speak. There is a sort of Shakespearean inevitability 
about it--last one left standing "wins."

The last one standing, in a protracted engagement, is sometimes the most 
doggedly bovine.

WizardMarks, Central

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[Mpls] The value of citizen participation NRP style

2005-04-06 Thread Earl Netwal
Citizen participation as exemplified in the Minneapolis NRP process provides
a significant feature that was missing prior to the NRP program except for a
brief period in it's very ancient precursor, the Minneapolis Model City
program.  Most citizen particpation/advisory venues that have existed in the
city have been relatively prescribed in their focus and usually, have little
ability for "out of the box" inititatives.  The CLIC Board for example can
propose priorities for bonding and have influence on how bonding gets done.
It has little power to create a new project for which bonding may be used.
(I suppose they could, but as a general rule they do not.)  In contrast, the
NRP project empowers activists within a community to coallesce around a
concept that has support within their local area, that might not otherwise
garner the attention of a city staff neccesarily focused on ongoing
operations.  It is this power of intiative that makes NRP valuable in the
long run.  The second significant contribution of NRP that can serve as a
two edge sword for elected officials, is that it provides a mechanism for
those who desire to be active to get involved in the proverbial sandbox.
Not a few city leaders past, present and future learned at least some of the
nuts and bolts via the process.  This is a good thing. A Poly Sci 101 course
does not equip anyone to run for and serve in office.  Activity in a
neighborhood can however acquaint folks with people and process not to
mention issues.  Its true that neighborhood groups can sometimes get a
little out of line in their self importance and from time to time believe
they speak for their neighborhoods. In fact they speak for a segment of
their neighborhoods, that set of activists that choose to participate in
their arena. That may not include other activists who are more focused on
national state or international issues or who choose to be involved via
political parties or by writting blogs or essays on the Mpls issues list.
Others may seek to improve society via other civic groups or churches or by
volunteering their services in other ways.  The number of potential venues
for involvement are extensive, but few are as geographically based as the
neighborhood.  Within a city it makes sense to consider geographical
interests.   What makes the NRP process democratic small d, is that they are
by rule and practice open to any and all that choose to engage themselves.
The fact that some groups tend to be underrepresented is an issue, but not
in and of itself a reason to gut the mechanism.  In my opinion it is still
any Americans right to go home from work, kick of his/her shoes, grab a beer
and the remote and not go to any meetings.  That however, should not
disenfranchise those who for whatevever purpose decide they will.  In my
neighborhood, I am leading a project to explore the possibilities of some
alternative bus routing within our community. It may or may not make sense,
but it's getting looked at. Without NRP the concept wouldn't ever get the
time of day.  That's the power, and the value. There are countless other
examples throughout the NRP experience. 
Earl Netwal
Past Policy and Planning Council Member Model Cities (1971-3)
Subsequenlty Alderman Ward 6 (1973-7)
Curently Board Member NENA 
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[Mpls] 'Citizen Participation' still a myth; 'Activist Participation' not...

2005-04-06 Thread Nikkicarlson001
Is the idea of the original post to take away participation from those who 
show up and concentrate decision-making elsewhere?

This seems like it doesn't address the core problem he's pointed out, which 
is we need MORE citizen participation in order to improve our neighborhoods. 
How does taking the opportunity away from those who choose to be actively 
involved at the neighborhood level increase participation?

There is not a "quick fix" to shifting away from apathy and disconnected 
neighbors... we need a long-term strategy that will continue to bring MORE 
participation in at the neighborhood level.  As the process continues to become 
better known, even through criticisms such as those below, more people will 
that YES, I CAN have a significant say in what happens in MY neighborhood... 
that is a VERY GOOD direction to take. I disagree with the suggestion that 
somehow handing off this decision-making to elected officials makes the process 
better. Let the neighbors have a say... that will lead to increased 
involvement over the long-term.

Nikki Carlson
Linden Hills

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[Mpls] Compromise Bonding Bill Final Draft

2005-04-06 Thread Aaron Klemz
Here is the link to the conference committee report of
the bonding bill. This is the version that has been
reported in the media (dated 4/5). Sorry its long, but
I tried to pick out the parts that are most
Minneapolis relevant to save you the trouble. A couple
of items of note: 

1) 12.35 million for housing for homeless individuals,
including eliminating a prefence for projects that
target families and children over single individuals.
2) 22 million for the Planetarium, 1 million for the
Shubert center (which still rates higher than a disco
3) 37.5 million for Northstar, including an LRT
extension to meet up with the Minneapolis terminus.
4) 5.25 million for Central Corridor transit between
Minneapolis and St. Paul.
5) Fuji_ya language is refined a bit, includes the
permission to sell and split proceeds with state,
retains langauge preferencing East Phillips Cultural
Center predesign as first recipient of proceeds.


aaron klemz
Highlights for Minneapolis

U of M - Twin Cities Campus 
Kolthoff Hall Redesign 17,400,000
Education Sciences Renovation  14,500,000

Minneapolis Community and Technical College  
Health Sciences Center 900,000

Flood Hazard Mitigation  
Minneapolis eligible for a share of 27,000,000

Metro-wide, sharing 500,000 to be designated by the
Commissioner of the DNR

Northstar Commuter Rail 37,500,000
including an extension of LRT to the Northstar Rail

Central Corridor   5,250,000
For design work on Central Corridor Transport Between
Minneapolis and St. Paul

Red Rock Corridor   500,000
For predesign of tranistway from Hastings to
Minneapolis through St. Paul

Metropolitan Regional Parks Capital Improvements  
Columbia Parkway, Ridgeway Parkway, and Stinson
Boulevard are considered to be part of the
metropolitan regional recreation open space system. 

Minneapolis Veterans Home1,031,000
For the state's portion of the cost to remodel
Building 4 to provide adult day care services in the
surrounding communities. 

Minnesota Planetarium   22,000,000
For a grant to the city of Minneapolis to complete
design and to construct, furnish, and equip a new
Minnesota planetarium and space discovery center 
in conjunction with the Minneapolis downtown library. 

Heritage Park
Any unspent balance remaining on December 31, 2004, in
the appropriation made by Laws 2000, chapter 492,
article 1, section 22, subdivision 10, for a grant to
the city of Minneapolis, may be used by the city for
improvements to the Heritage Park project. 

Minnesota Shubert Center 1,000,000
For a grant to the city of Minneapolis to predesign
and design and provide for related capital costs for
an associated atrium to create the Minnesota Shubert

Housing the Homeless  12,000,000
For loans and grants for publicly owned permanent
rental housing for persons who have been without a
permanent residence for at least 12 months or on 
at least four occasions in the last three years or are
at significant risk of lacking a permanent residence
for at least 12 months or on at least four 
occasions in the last three years.  The housing must
provide or coordinate with linkages to services
necessary for residents to maintain housing stability 
and maximize opportunities for education and
employment.  Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, 
section 462A.202, subdivision 3a, the commissioner
shall give equal consideration to proposals for
projects serving individuals and those serving 
families with children.  Preference among comparable
proposals shall be given to proposals for the
acquisition and rehabilitation of property. 

Supportive Housing   350,000
For a grant to the Hennepin County Housing and
Redevelopment Authority to design 64 units of
affordable, stable, and supportive housing, including
some units targeted at those experiencing long-term

Fort Snelling Historic Site1,000,000
To design, construct, furnish, and equip the most
urgent preservation projects needed for historic Fort

Fuji-Ya Property Sale

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board may sell the
property known as the Fuji Ya Restaurant property. The
sale amount must be at least the property's fair
market value.  The property may be sold to a private
The proceeds must be distributed as provided in this
(a) Up to $750,000 of the net proceeds of the sale may
be applied by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation
Board to prepay the full lease amount for a public
parking facility constructed on the Fuji Ya site if
the board has entered into a 99-year lease agreement
with the owner for at least 85 parking stalls.  

The remaining net proceeds, estimated to be
$1,750,000, must be split equally between the

Re: [Mpls] Sabo Cosponsors Military Readiness Enhancement Act- Thanks for calls

2005-04-06 Thread wmmarks
David Strand wrote:
I want to thank members of this list who called Rep.
Sabo and asked him to cosponsor the Military Readiness
Enhancement Act which would repeal the "don't ask,
don't tell" policy of the U.S. armed forces and
replace it with a policy of nondiscrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation.

Thank you, David Strand, for this good news. One of the things I like 
about Rep. Sabo is that he does have common sense. I like that in a 
politician. Sometimes I despair of seeing it in so few national 
representatives. If ever there was a policy designed to be abused, Don't 
Ask Don't Tell would be a medalist.

WizardMarks, Central

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[Mpls] Sabo Cosponsors Military Readiness Enhancement Act- Thanks for calls

2005-04-06 Thread David Strand
I want to thank members of this list who called Rep.
Sabo and asked him to cosponsor the Military Readiness
Enhancement Act which would repeal the "don't ask,
don't tell" policy of the U.S. armed forces and
replace it with a policy of nondiscrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation.

Sabo became the 73rd sponsor(72nd cosponsor) of the
bill 4/5/2005 joining initial cosponsors from MN Rep.
Jim Oberstar and Rep. Betty McCollum(3/02/05).

As two states have already added sexual orientation
nondiscrimination laws this year(Illinois and Maine)
and two more are expected to pass this year(Washington
state and Deleware) more than half the U.S. population
may be protected by state level nondiscrimination laws
that include sexual orientation by the end of this

The number of states that protect people from
discrimination on the basis of gender identity is also
expected to double this year with laws already passing
in Illinois and Maine which are expected to be joined
by Washington state and Hawaii.  This is remarkable as
in the year 2000 Minnesota was the only state to
provide protection from discrimination on the basis of
gender identity and as of the passage of the statewide
law in Illinois this Jan., 27% of the U.S. population
was protected by state or District of Columbia laws
banning discrimination on the basis of gender

Just thought I'd share a little of the good news from
around the country as it doesn't get as much of a
hearing as the (imo) bad news about the antigay
marriage/civil union/domestic partnership
constitutional amendments that have passed in some

David Strand
Loring Park

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Re: [Mpls] 'Citizen Participation' still a myth; 'Activist Participation' not a myth

2005-04-06 Thread Barbara Lickness
David - It is much easier to do nothing and sit back
and criticize those who are. You know, the old arm
chair quarterback thing. Peace.

Barb Lickness

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
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Re: [Mpls] 'Citizen Participation' still a myth; 'Activist Participation' not a myth

2005-04-06 Thread David Greene
Bob Johnson wrote:
D.  The sad thing is that the longer this myth (hoax) is allowed to
persist, the longer will real City problems go unanswered.  The 
neighborhood residents should band together to work with their elected
representatives in order to solve real City problems (which are not
cig smoke, diesel fumes, leaf blowers, etc.)
So what are you going to _do_ about it?  I hear lots and lots of
complaints on this list.  The power lies with those who wield it.
The question is, are we courageous enough to use it?
I'm active at several levels of government, including the city.
So are others on this list.  What about all the rest of the list
David Greene
The Wedge
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[Mpls] Minneapolis Bonding Requests (Final Disposition?)

2005-04-06 Thread WLDJ36
Governor Pawlenty discusses two Minneapolis bonding requests: $1 million  
Schubert (in) and $2 million Colin Powell Youth Center (out). Here is the  link 
to the Star Tribune story: 
Bill Dooley
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[Mpls] Free bikes and other bike programing

2005-04-06 Thread Andrew Koebrick
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance has a few new programs relevant to 
Minneapolis this month:

1) Full Cycle:  We will be giving 10 
bicycles and commuter kits (i.e. helmets and such) and riding mentors to 
folks who pledge to replace car commuting trips.

2) We are partnering to start a bicycle riding club on the Mpls. 
Greenway for immigrant students.  There will be a launch on the Greenway 
(at Bryant) on the 14th of April at 3:00

3) Folks may also be interested in the repair and riding classes 
scheduled at the Sibley Bike Depot.  All classes are open to the public. 
Members receive a discount. Please call ahead to register as classes 
fill quickly!
   * Basic bike repair for kids class: April 19, 2005 (6:30pm - 8:30pm)
   * Bottom brackets and headsets class: April 26, 2005 (6:30pm - 8:30pm)
   * Basics of bicycling class: May 10, 2005 (6:30pm - 8:30pm)
   * Wheelbuilding class: May 17, 2005 (6:00pm - 10:00pm)
   * Bike rack installation class: May 19, 2005 (6:00pm - 7:30pm)
   * Basic bicycle repair class: May 24, 2005 (6:30pm - 8:30pm)
Full descriptions at:

Finally, for more bicycle news, without a Minneapolis angle, check out 
our April newsletter:

You may subscribe to receive the full newsletter directly each summer 
month at:

Towards a more human powered future,
Andrew Koebrick (Seward (Mpls.) / W7th (St. Paul))
Minnesota Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance, President
651-222-2080 --Sibley Bike Depot
612-276-0641 --Home
The MBPA is a 501(c)3 member supported non-profit dedicated to facilitating 
biking and walking as a healthy form of transportation.  In addition to 
advocacy and education, we also run the Sibley Bike Depot, a community bicycle 
education facility in downtown St. Paul.
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2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
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