Re: [Mpls] Shoefiti

2005-07-19 Thread Ed Kohler
I was wondering if anyone knows why there are three pairs of shoes hanging
from the powerlines in the alley between 29th & Lake St / 16th & 17th Ave S?
The map below shoes the shoe locations at both ends and in the middle of the

Purely coincidental, right?

The building in the front of the image on E Lake St. is the burned out
Baraka Rugs (formerly Gustavus Adolphus Meeting Hall) that burned 18 months
ago and remains vacant and covered with graffiti:

Not surprisingly, the alley the shoes are in is also covered with graffiti.

By the way, I really will shut up about this once the problem is resolved. I
define "resolved" as having a reporting system in place that manages to get
the shoes removed in a timely manner throughout the city.

- Ed Kohler

Phillips Shoe Patrol

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Re: [Mpls] Sea Salt, Signage, Neiman

2005-07-19 Thread Dan McGrath
 The new arrangement with Sea Salt at Minnehaha Falls is just simply wacky.
The board members who approved this must have no understanding of the use of
Minnehaha Falls park. Sure, people from all over the metro, and some
tourists visit the park, but have you seen the bland fare offered up in the
suburbs? Suburbanites aren't going to go out of their way for over-priced
half-way sea food. I was astonished and horrified to see the Sea Salt
replace traditional concessions at the park pavillion. This smacks of
elitism, and gentrification (and poorly executed at that). The point below
about kids is especially poingant. The pavillion used to be kid friendly. It
was a place where kids would chase each other around the picnic tables, and
eat ice cream. It was fun. Now it's doughty, stuffy, and no place for kids.
No place for South Minneapolis' working class families, either. Yuck.

Shawne Fiztgerald wrote:
(Snip review of Sea Salt)
> It was "bar food."  So many strong disjointed flavors that a
> strong-flavored beverage would have been welcome...
> There were no children in the place - and it's not a place that I would
> take a child to.   I suspect the ice cream and the non-alcoholic
> beverages are all that really appeal to children - no hot dogs, popcorn,
> taffy, fresh fruit.   Outside, on the patio at a corner table, distant
> from the Sea Salt crowd, a mother sat with two small children.  They had
> a small cooler - it looked like they had brought a picnic.  We were
> there mid-afternoon and the place was largely empty.
> I remember the MPRB meeting where approving the Sea Salt contract was
> discussed.  One of the Commissioners enthusiastically talked about
> tourists coming from the airport or or the MOA via light rail to enjoy
> Minnehaha Park and support the new "concession."  (I had visions of
> folks with suitcases disembarking at the 46th Street lrt station and
> trying to cross Hiawatha towards Walgreens - and then crossing 46th
> towards the gas station.  After passing the Burger King, the Chinese
> restaurant, the Embers/Bridgeman's and the DQ, these hungry folks would
> lug their suitcases another block to the Minnehaha Falls concession
> stand?)   Not much tourism was evident last Monday - visitation at the
> Falls was fairly light.

Dan McGrath

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Re: [Mpls] Sea Salt, Signage, Neiman

2005-07-19 Thread Dorie Rae Gallagher
A little sad about Sea Salt...the first meal I had there was very good but 

were not busy. The second time was so bad, I was not planning to go back...
but I did.. They forgot half my order and I had to wait 10 mins. to talk to 
manager since he was chit-chatting and paid no attention to his staff 

that help was needed. Charming person, but I don't believe a good manager.

They were suppose to have a fuller menu by the eighth of July and it did 

a nice selection. The eighth became the eighteenth and I have not been over
there to see if it came into being.  Rightnothing for vegans nor is
there a salad. But the oysters are great and cost $2.00 a piece.

Outside they have a grill where hot dogs and brats have been cooked. They
need to have a better presentation for their food...serve a cracker with the
oysters, leaf lettuce instead of shedded. The 3.95 is also a fish sandwich..
piece of fish on a hot dog lettuce, tomato..pretty bare.

Someone ordered the  $39.00 seafood platter and it was wonderful! When I
first heard about beer, there was concern. After being over there a few 
I have noted that no one seems to be drinking in excess. A few people sit 
around and

have just a beer but most seem to enjoy it with their meal...

I have seen it pretty busy, which was not handled very well,
with only a couple of times being quite slow.
I certainly hope they make it..the quality of the fish is good. The other
problems are all fixable.

Dorie Rae Gallagher/Nokomis

From: "Shawne FitzGerald"
The menu boards showed some specials - beer and oysters (unpriced) was 
one.  There was something for $3.95 (forgot this), an "Alaskan fish" 
sandwich for $4.95, and shrimp cocktail for $6.95.  Also, the board 
promoted "Sebastian Joe's ice cream" - no price.  I don't recall menu 
offerings for vegans or vegetarians.  I had hoped for a salad - perhaps 
with shrimp - but I didn't see salad

It was "bar food."  So many strong disjointed flavors that a 
strong-flavored beverage would have been welcome.  The waitstaff forgot my 

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Re: [Mpls] Project TAKE BACK

2005-07-19 Thread Anne McC
I for one cannot think of any constructive reason for NJL's husband to buy a 
web site address in Don Samuels name.  It seems like rather juvenile to me. 
I have been hoping that we could have an intelligent, issue driven adult 
campaign here.  Doesn't look like it's going that way.  Looks like Don will 
get my vote again.  Sorry, Natalie, but one is judged by the company one 

Anne McCandless

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Re: [Mpls] Project TAKE BACK

2005-07-19 Thread Chris Johnson

Dennis Plante wrote:

btw- anyone want to take a guess, or research, who owns the domain name  It isn't CM Samuels..It'd be interesting to 
find-out (from someone other than me) who bought-it and what their 
motivation was

Ok, I'll bite.

It was purchased on January 13, 2005 by Urban Trends LLC, 1901 Glenwood Ave. 
N., Minneapolis, 55405, 612-377-2125 or 612-203-8207.  Contact names are 
listed as Rudy Rogers and Travis Lee.

Urban Trends LLC was registered with the Secretary of State on May 19, 2004, 
but provided no address information.

Travis Lee is CM Natalie Johnson Lee's husband's name.

Chris Johnson

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Re: [Mpls] Sea Salt, Stevens House

2005-07-19 Thread Dan McGuire

Shawne FitzGerald wrote:

...While in Minneapolis, he had made a documentary about the Stevens 
House. ...

I tried the mystery Alaskan fish sandwich.  The fish was mild and the 
batter was crisp and light.  But it was served on a hot dog bun - 
didn't quite fit the fish.  I was sorely disappointed that the fish 
was heavily sprinkled with red hot sauce - I wasn't asked if I wanted 
this.  A small dollop of tarter sauce was hidden underneath the fish.  
The lunch came with cole slaw - one of those little servings in a 
small paper cup.  It had probably been fine cole slaw at some point 
but it was overloaded with garlic and contained surprising bits of 
caraway seed.
It was "bar food."  So many strong disjointed flavors that a 
strong-flavored beverage would have been welcome.  The waitstaff 
forgot my water.

There were no children in the place - and it's not a place that I 
would take a child to.   I suspect the ice cream and the non-alcoholic 
beverages are all that really appeal to children - no hot dogs, 
popcorn, taffy, fresh fruit.  

I've been there four times in the last week with at least one of my kids 
each time, as well as, a cousin from Florida, an old friend from Taos, a 
cub scout den, and the three neighborhood churches that gathered Sunday 

Nobody will argue that the ice cream is great.  My wife and I liked the 
fish sandwich and my son finished off his hot dog.  We'll all do it 
again.  I hesitated to write anything because I think it's a great 
summer spot to get a sandwich, eat ice cream and listen to decent live 
music in the evening and don't want it overrun with folks from outside 
the hood.  If you've never done the hike down to the river from the 
Falls,  it, too, is one of the best kept secrets in town (with or 
without a cub scout den.)

Speaking of well kept secrets, where can I find the documentary on the 
Steven's House?  The Stevens House is an unheralded jewel of a museum 
that I would like to see more accessible.

Dan McGuire
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Re: [Mpls] Typo-free Response to Scott Johnson/Weekly Standard

2005-07-19 Thread Gary Hoover


This looks great to me.

The DFL mayoral race in particular has been shallow and mean-spirited so 
far,  characterized by unsupported sound-bite accusations, counterpunches 
designed to make us panic or become angry, or photo-ops to make voters feel 
warm and fuzzy.

We need real information, which I think is very difficult to sort out --  
moreso during election campaigns.

As you may guess, I am leaning toward voting for Farheen Hakeem (  ) -- because I support the Green Party's Key 
Values (eg, -- here: ).  Even so, the 
DFL dogfight does seem to represent the hollow spin-oriented technique which 
dominates American politics on the local, state, and national scene.  I hope 
for a mayoral race which is a high-spirited and yet careful colloquy. 
Instead, I feel that we are so far given accusations based on 
decontextualised factoids pasted into propaganda based around fear and anger 
as related to the crime issue.

The crime issue is very real -- but we are not well-served when it becomes a 
tool for political propaganda.  The real matters are often lost and we 
voters repeat the same abusive ritual.  As Jim Wallis (author of "God's 
Politics: Why the right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It") our 
nation is full of politicians holding wet fingers to the air to sense which 
way the political wind is blowing.  The politicians try to hook into strong 
emotions: fears, prejudices, hatred, or even intimate aspirations in order 
to manipulate blocks of voters to vote for them.  Voters return to the 
voting booths to vote for one of the politicians who have their wet fingers 
in the air to see how they need to "package" themselves and mischaracterize 
opponents for each day.  It matters little who is elected, because the 
politicians are there to attend to the agendas of wealthy donors and 
powerful "interests."  According to Wallis, we need not so much to change 
politicians as we need to change the wind.

As long as voters are fickle and reckless and easily swayed by emotional 
rhetoric and PR, we will not solve the problems we face.  We need careful, 
comprehensive, and meticulous consideration of the facts and we need careful 
deliberation as well.

The response you've written to Mr. Johnson's Weekly Standard article moves 
the political discussion back to the realm of reality.  Such writing is a 
part of "changing the wind" for the better in our country --and specifically 
in Minneapolis!

List members:  Wallis ends his book with an interesting little chapter 
entitled "We are the ones we have been waiting for."  Hm.

Still pedaling for peace and ecojustice from Lynnhurst -- Gary Hoover 

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RE: [Mpls] Met Council: Minneapolis loses population...

2005-07-19 Thread Sheldon Mains
>From the engineer in me:
Estimates to six significant figures are very odd (and not very
scientific)-- I thought statisticians new better.  I would also question the
four significant figures in the 2004 estimate as pretending to be much more
accurate than it really is.


Sheldon Mains
DFL and Labor Endorsed
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
Mains for Library Committee
2718 24th St. E., Mpls 55406
> The change looks sort of like a rounding error:
> 2000: 382,747
> 2004: 382,400
> Thanks to everyone who stayed!
> David Brauer

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[Mpls] Sea Salt, Signage, Neiman

2005-07-19 Thread Shawne FitzGerald
A couple of days ago, I toured some Southside park areas with an old 
friend now living in LA.  He and I first met while working for a 
community CDC - he loves cities and urban studies.

He is a fan of the City Beautiful plan so we toured some parkways.  
While he was happy to hear that the Grand Rounds is being completed, he 
and I agreed that the MPRB now has so much signage that it detracts from 
the beauty of the park areas.  Besides all the Grand Rounds signs, a 
very specific example:  the duplicate signs in front of the old depot in 
Minnehaha Park. 

While in Minneapolis, he had made a documentary about the Stevens 
House.  We found both the Stevens house closed and the Longfellow House 
looked closed.  Not a car was parked in it's 15 minute lot.  We stopped 
at the Sea Salt - the new cafe at the Minnehaha Falls Refectory.  It was 
my first visit.  There was more signage for beer than anything else.  I 
was surprised at this - I didn't know that the Minnehaha concession had 
been turned into a beer joint. 

The menu boards showed some specials - beer and oysters (unpriced) was 
one.  There was something for $3.95 (forgot this), an "Alaskan fish" 
sandwich for $4.95, and shrimp cocktail for $6.95.  Also, the board 
promoted "Sebastian Joe's ice cream" - no price.  I don't recall menu 
offerings for vegans or vegetarians.  I had hoped for a salad - perhaps 
with shrimp - but I didn't see salad.

I tried the mystery Alaskan fish sandwich.  The fish was mild and the 
batter was crisp and light.  But it was served on a hot dog bun - didn't 
quite fit the fish.  I was sorely disappointed that the fish was heavily 
sprinkled with red hot sauce - I wasn't asked if I wanted this.  A small 
dollop of tarter sauce was hidden underneath the fish.  The lunch came 
with cole slaw - one of those little servings in a small paper cup.  It 
had probably been fine cole slaw at some point but it was overloaded 
with garlic and contained surprising bits of caraway seed. 

It was "bar food."  So many strong disjointed flavors that a 
strong-flavored beverage would have been welcome.  The waitstaff forgot 
my water.

There were no children in the place - and it's not a place that I would 
take a child to.   I suspect the ice cream and the non-alcoholic 
beverages are all that really appeal to children - no hot dogs, popcorn, 
taffy, fresh fruit.   Outside, on the patio at a corner table, distant 
from the Sea Salt crowd, a mother sat with two small children.  They had 
a small cooler - it looked like they had brought a picnic.  We were 
there mid-afternoon and the place was largely empty.

I remember the MPRB meeting where approving the Sea Salt contract was 
discussed.  One of the Commissioners enthusiastically talked about 
tourists coming from the airport or or the MOA via light rail to enjoy 
Minnehaha Park and support the new "concession."  (I had visions of 
folks with suitcases disembarking at the 46th Street lrt station and 
trying to cross Hiawatha towards Walgreens - and then crossing 46th 
towards the gas station.  After passing the Burger King, the Chinese 
restaurant, the Embers/Bridgeman's and the DQ, these hungry folks would 
lug their suitcases another block to the Minnehaha Falls concession 
stand?)   Not much tourism was evident last Monday - visitation at the 
Falls was fairly light.

The final point on our parks tour was the Neiman Athletic Complex.  At 
3:30 on a sunny summer weekday afternoon, the place was deserted.  A 
chain barred us from using the parking lot next to the 201 Building.  I 
suppose the MPRB is trying to discourage lrt riders from using the lot - 
so no one can.  The 201 Building's "front door" was wide open - open to 
the elements, critters, vandals and other folks.  Shame on the MPRB for 
failing to protect this historic building and our investment!

Shawne FitzGerald

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RE: [Mpls] Project TAKE BACK

2005-07-19 Thread Michelle Martin
Project Take Back is an initiative between the PEACE Foundation and Urban
Youth Conservation (UYC) designed to more effectively bring resources to
at-risk youth starting on the Northside to prevent gang violence.  UYC is an
emerging organization of ex-gang members who are working together currently
as volunteers to take back the youth who are involved with the drug trade.  

As a first step, we have hired 15 at-risk youth to help put on the PEACE
Games which begin on July 30th.  The youth workers are recruiting teams and
helping to run the basketball and track & field competitions.  They are
being given an opportunity, through the support of UYC, to be involved with
something positive in the community as an alternative to their life on the

After this project, the goal will be to identify 30 youth to bring into
their program.  The men in UYC believe there are over 300 youth currently in
gangs who would get out if given positive alternatives and proper support.
Reaching these 300 youth is our long-term goal.

The PEACE Foundation will be generating resources from the broader community
to apply to these youth through the outreach and support from UYC.

Michelle Martin
PEACE Foundation Director

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[Mpls] Project TAKE BACK

2005-07-19 Thread Barbara Lickness
Anne - I must have missed a post or something. What is project TAKE BACK?

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
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[Mpls] Ward 9 Council Race

2005-07-19 Thread Dan McGrath
I'm surprized nobody has brought this to the forum as yet (well OK, Craig made 
mention of new candidates, and referred listers to the Observer page). Gary 
Schiff, the
incumbent City Council member for Ward 9 has an opponent in the coming

Dave Shegstad is an independent candidate who's lived in the neighborhood
his whole life. He operates a family business on Minnehaha Avenue with his
two daughters making iron rails, and ornamental wrought iron.

Dave isn't a career politician, and this is his first campaign for public
office, but it already seems off to a running start.

I met with Dave today for coffee, and was impressed with his down to earth,
common sense philosophy. He's a concerned citizen who is tired of elitist
council members who dictate instead of represent. He'll have my vote.

Dave Shegstad has a website up and running at where
list members can learn where he stands on some of the issues concerning Ward
9, and the city as a whole.

Also of note, 3 more candidates have filed in Ward 9. What was looking like a 
freebie for Gary Schiff is now a pretty large field of competition. Looking 
forward to seeing what the primaries bring...

Sorry if this appears more than once. Several submission attempts appeared to 

Dan McGrath
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[Mpls] Friends of the River Organize

2005-07-19 Thread Christine Viken
CONTACT: Christine Viken ([EMAIL PROTECTED] or



A new nonprofit group, Friends of the Riverfront
(F.O.R.), will urge the Minneapolis Park and
Recreation Board to keep Nicollet Island Park public
at a forum July 20, 6:30 p.m. at park board
headquarters, 2117 W. River Rd.

This is the only opportunity for public comment before
an Aug. 3 park committee vote on DeLaSalle High
School's plan to build a suburban-style, 750-seat
athletic complex over a city street and on public
parkland, including paving adjacent riverbank land for
parking. It would be at the heart of the St. Anthony
Falls National Historic District and Central
Riverfront Regional Park.

Supporters of F.O.R. will ask the park board to
preserve dedicated public open space rather than let a
private institution take over two acres of parkland
for which the public paid more than $1 million.
Friends of the Riverfront will also deliver
hand-signed petitions from more than 1,000 park
visitors who oppose the stadium plan.

Nicollet Island is a 46-acre island in the Mississippi
River between downtown Minneapolis on the west bank
and the city's birthplace on the east bank. The island
neighborhood dates to the 1860s, with some of the
city's oldest houses and streets (including Grove
Street, over which DeLaSalle would build its football
field). Nicollet Island is at the heart of the St.
Anthony Falls National Historic District, which the
Preservation Alliance of Minnesota called one of the
state's Ten Most Endangered Historic Properties of
2005, in part due to DeLaSalle's proposed athletic

Formed by Central Riverfront Regional Park visitors
and residents, Friends of the Riverfront advocates for
public access and environmental protection on parkland
along Minneapolis' riverfront. A website will be up
soon; in the meantime, http://www.
and have more


Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page

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Re: [Mpls] Project TAKE BACK

2005-07-19 Thread Dennis Plante

Anne McCandless writes:
I agree, Dennis.  It gives me hope that things can change.  Especially the 
comments about wanting to share and work together.  It will be interesting 
to see what comes from this meeting.

Dennis Plante Responds:
The amazing thing for me is that this is a collaborative effort instigated 
by CM Samuels and I believe, the PEACE Foundation.  Yet, none of his 
detractors seem to have any comments as to the merits/drawbacks of this 
effort.  Why is that?  Maybe taking the initiative to bring-about 
significant change isn't an issue after-all.  Heaven forbid someone tries to 
set-up a program that hands-on mentors 30 kids headed in the wrong 
direction...  If it worked, the sheet music and scripts would need to be 
changed very quickly..

dennis plante

btw- anyone want to take a guess, or research, who owns the domain name  It isn't CM Samuels..It'd be interesting to 
find-out (from someone other than me) who bought-it and what their 
motivation was

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[Mpls] RE: Library Forums Start Thursday

2005-07-19 Thread Laura and lloyd

Get Informed for the November Elections!


The Friends of the Minneapolis Public Library are hosting 10 Library 
Board Candidate Forums at our community libraries this summer.  All 
citizens concerned about the state of our libraries are encouraged to 


The Minneapolis Public Library is governed by an 8-member Board of 
Trustees.  Six trustees are elected in citywide elections and serve 
four-year terms.  The two additional trustees are appointed by the 
Mayor and City Council. 

The Library Trustees set library policy and have discretion over the 
use of funds.


All forums are free and open to the public. Refreshments provided by 


For more information contact The Friends at 612-630-6174 or 


Library Board Candidate Forums throughoutMinneapolis:


· Franklin Community Library

  July 21 from6:30 – 8:00 pm

 1341 E. Franklin Ave.


· Washburn Community Library

  July 23 from2:00 – 3:30 pm

 5244 Lyndale Ave. S.


· Northeast Community Library

  July 27 from6:30 – 8:00 pm

 2200 Central Ave. NE


· Nokomis Community Library

  July 28 from6:30 – 8:00 pm

 5100 34th Ave. S.


· Southeast Community Library

   August 1 from6:30 – 8:00 pm

 1222 S.E. 4th St.


· Linden Hills Library

  August 4 from6:30 – 8:00 pm

  2900W. 43rd St.


· Pierre Bottineau Library

  August 8 from6:30 – 8:00 pm

 55 Broadway St. NE


· Sumner Community Library

  August 11 from6:30 – 8:00 pm

 611 Van White Memorial Blvd.


· Hosmer Community Library

  August 16 from6:30 – 8:00 pm

 347 E. 36th St.


· Walker Community Library

  August 20 from2:00 - 3:30 pm

 2880 Hennepin Ave.


For more information about the Library budget and roles of different 
elected officials, visit  


Laura Waterman Wittstock
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
DFL and Labor endorsed
Minneapolis, MN
Wittstock for Library Committee
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[Mpls] Land Use and Fair Play

2005-07-19 Thread RyanTCurry
Boy, a bottom of the barrel expectation should be that all the rules and 
regulations are followed by our Park and Recreation Board when considering the 
private use of public parkland for what amounts to a 70 year term.  This is the 
bare minimum, the smallest possible amount of civic dignity one should expect a 
governmental entity with even a faint heartbeat to scrape up; that is to say, 
at least follow all the proper regulations and procedures when there is even 
the question of pinching the public.  I find it astounding they are not, and 
really, the City Council (or whoever appropriate) should intervene.  If not, 
one can only assume that lawsuits from citizens and others will follow…always a 
good use of everyone’s time and money.  

How much nicer it would be if MPRB was considering a private school request for 
public land to construct a cutting edge science and technology center to help 
Minneapolis kids excel on the world stage in a critical and crucial field.  
Such a private school could offer evening and summer tech and science programs 
to all City kids’ in return for the public commitment of very valuable land.  
Let’s have that debate.

To me it just doesn’t ring true trading public land on a rare, natural, 
historic and finite island on the Mississippi visited by hundreds of thousands 
of visitors each year for a stadium/bleachers/lights/parking lot that is 
foremost for private use.  BUT, if that is the route my elected leaders deem 
most prudent, most beneficial to Minneapolis, most aligned with the mission of 
the MPRB...then I can only ask that they go forward in a spirit of honesty and 
openness, following the rules they have as a body adopted and accepted by 
assuming the helm. 

Ryan Curry
Live on East Bank but love the island.  I’m a fan of athletics and football, in 
addition to fair and legal governmental bodies.

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RE: [Mpls] Watering Trees; Mpls Park & Rec information

2005-07-19 Thread Dean Zimmermann
I don't know about the specifics of what is happening on Central Ave.  They
may or may not be City/Park Board Trees.  Sometimes these trees are put in
by a business association or something.

  But, if you see trees that you think need watering you should do something
about it. The best thing to do is:

1) water them yourself if possible.  The more trees that private citizens
water themselves, there will be more government resources available to water
other trees.   There is lots of talk about the right way to water them, but
any water applied any way is better than no water.  It is best to let it
trickle into the earth to give a deep soaking, but if you can just carry a
couple of pails of water to them that is good too.,

If you can't do that for whatever reason, 

2) call the Park Board  Forestry Dept at 370-4900 Give them the exact
location of the trees. 

If all else fails

3) Call the fire department.  The Fire Department is charged with the
responsibility of water trees that the Forestry department asks them to.
Note: we are talking about trees owned by the City/Park Board, not private

A truly last resort
4) Call your local Park Board Commissioner or City Council Member.  

Dean Zimmermann
Mpls City Council - Ward 6
C: 612-388-1311
W: 612-673-2206
H: 612-724-3888
2200 Clinton Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN  55404
Surely the most important task for all of us is to leave behind a planet
that is fit for our great grandchildren to live on.  So all of our personal
actions, as well as our political policies, must be tempered with an eye to
long term sustainability, not short term profit or expediency.  As we
struggle to solve the day to day problems -- crime, jobs, budget shortfalls,
homelessness, traffic congestion, and air quality, we will look to solutions
that serve both our immediate needs and lay the foundation for the
post-petroleum economy. 

-Original Message-
Of Mark Snyder
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 6:22 AM
To: Minneapolis Issues Forum
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Watering Trees; Mpls Park & Rec information

That's what buckets are for. Your point, however, about the lack of planning
that went into these medians is right on target. It shouldn't be that hard
to follow up new plantings with regular watering to help ensure their

The city knows where they are and when they went in and they have water tank
trucks to deliver water far more efficiently than any of us could do with
hoses or buckets.

But even if there are warranties, I'm pretty sure not watering the trees
regularly enough would void them.

Mark Snyder
Windom Park
who's been visiting his gramma almost daily to water the crab apple tree he
planted two weeks ago in her yard

On 7/18/05 11:34 PM, "Sean Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Okay, wonderful, but what about the city owned trees in the newly planted
> medians on Central Avenue? Lots of those have not survived their initial
> planting and now are dead and tinder dry. I hope nobody tries to scurry
> across 2 lanes of central to drag their hose out there. It seems so silly
> plant hundreds of trees and spend public dollars only to see them die 2
> weeks later. Does the nursery that supplies have a warranty for the city
> like bachman's has for the perennials in my yard?
> Sean Ryan
> Logan Park

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[Mpls] In Ballot Box: Three surprises in final candidate filings

2005-07-19 Thread Craig Cox

In Ballot Box: Three surprises in final candidate filings

Go to:  and click on "Ballot Box"
Craig Cox
The Minneapolis Observer

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Re: [Mpls] Project TAKE BACK

2005-07-19 Thread Anne McC
I agree, Dennis.  It gives me hope that things can change.  Especially the 
comments about wanting to share and work together.  It will be interesting 
to see what comes from this meeting.

Anne McCandless

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[Mpls] Met Council: Minneapolis loses population...

2005-07-19 Thread List manager
well, 347 people, actually, as of 4/1/04, according to the  
regional planning agency. That's up 105 people from 2003 estimates,  
though. (The Twin Cities as a whole gained 30,045 people in the past  
year, the Council estimates.)

The change looks sort of like a rounding error:

2000: 382,747
2004: 382,400

Thanks to everyone who stayed!

David Brauer
List manager
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[Mpls] In Ballot: Lisa McDonald back in the running

2005-07-19 Thread Craig Cox
In Ballot: Lisa McDonald back in the running, plus another opponent 
for Ostrow and more 11th-hour filings

Go to:  and click on "Ballot Box"
Craig Cox
The Minneapolis Observer

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[Mpls] National Night Out Registration, The Current

2005-07-19 Thread Steven Clift

The Current is helping promote NNO:

It would be great if lots of parties across the city were tuning in 
at the same time while be local at the same time.

I've been thinking about writing up a top five tips list for using 
e-mail and the Internet to strengthen your block/neighborhood 
connection?  Anyone have any suggestions:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also, if anyone is willing to circulate a Mpls Issues sign-up form at 
the NNO party, drop me a note: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Steven Clift

--- Forwarded message follows ---
To: "SAFE Precinct 5, Sector 2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:  Tue, 19 Jul 2005 14:52:05 -0500
From:   "Thompson, Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:SAFE 5.2: NNO Registration


We won't know you're having an NNO block event unless you register it
with CCP/SAFE. 


There are two ways to register your event!  

1. Use the on-line site( ) to 
let us
know the details, location and time of your event


 2,  Send back to us the bright green card that was in  the NNO
materials  we sent you in the mail.  Be sure you register one way or
the other!

We will try to visit as many events as we can get to. 

CPS Tom Thompson

Crime Prevention Specialist

Minneapolis Police Department, 5th Precinct

3101 Nicollet Ave S,

Minneapolis, MN  55408


(612) 673-2823

Serving the neighborhoods of;

CARAG, East Harriet, ECCO, Kingfield, Linden Hills, Lyndale, West

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to un-subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- End of forwarded message ---
^   ^   ^^
Steven L. Clift-   -  -  W:
Minneapolis-   -   -  -   E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -   - T: +1.612.822.8667
USA-   -   -   -   -   MSN/Y!/AIM: netclift

UK Office Hours - 1pm - 11pm  -   -  T:  0870.340.1266
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[Mpls] Alice in Wonderland/ MPRB

2005-07-19 Thread Svattheriver
Curiouser and Curiouser. You might as well say "I see what I eat "is the  
same as" I eat what I see". ( Alice in Wonderland)
I have been writing about  the Park board and looking for a metaphor that 
describes the true oddness of  what I am being told. Yes I am running for Park 
Board, and my words should be  somewhat suspect as campaign rhetoric. But I am 
just amazed and fascinated by  this odd fantasy world I have stumbled into.

I appreciate clarity and  logic and I have been seeking a clear answer to why 
the Park Board does not  follow its own rules.
Welcome to a world where words lose their meaning.  

I wrote to the Chair of the planning committee and staff:
Is  there some reason ordinance 99-101 is not being applied to the Master 
Plan or  Public Hearing process of the St. Anthony Parkway Master Plan?

The reply  "if we had done the Citizen Advisory committee with 
representatives from the  biking and walking communities on the project, there 
would have 
been less  neighborhood based input."

What this means is  - elected officials  who should have appointed a Citizen 
Advisory Committee- Commissioners, Council  Members and Mayor can not be 
trusted to appoint the right mix of  participants.

So the staff disregards the ordinance written by  Commissioners, considers it 
optional, and somehow thinks that the mishmash that  was created and blew up 
in their face at the public hearing was the right way to  go. It's great to 
hear Commissioner Dziedzic voice his concerns about the lack  of public 
he was not happy with the work of the staff or  consultant.
And now there are more meetings -and again they will not be held  according 
to the requirements of Park Board. In fact, the motion that is written  in the  
"Final Agenda"-(minutes that are never approved and never get  corrected) 
incorrectly records the motion of the board by including something  that was 
part of the motion- adding an illegal action suggested by the  Superintendent. 
(Probably not aware of the notice requirement)

Sorry for  the level of detail here but the " with an up arrow to the full 
board the same  night" was never part of any motion or amendment and is a 
violation of Park  Board Ordinance that would provide a 10 day period for an 
I  understand the desire to expedite the decision. BUT doesn't anyone at the 
Park  board read and understand its own rules?
>From the "Final Agenda " July 6.
"The action was amended to read that  the approval of the St. Anthony Parkway
Regional Park Master Plan be  postponed until further discussions were held 
the public and was slated  to return on the 1st Board meeting in August with 
an up
arrow to Full Board  the same night."

On Wed. July 20 there will be a study report about St.  Anthony Parkway 
Public Hearing Process and how the Park Board met the  requirements of the 
ordinance. Again, an Alice in Wonderland conversation, now  the Park Board will 
there was a Citizen Advisory Committee ( the citizens  just didn't know it). 
Part of the gist of a phone call with Park staff:
-  Can you tell me why the policies and procedures of 99-101 that are 
required,  weren't followed?
They were followed, except for notice.
- No they  weren't
Everything in the ordinance was followed.
-No it wasn't, The  Citizen Advisory Committee was never convened. They have 
specific roles and  responsibilities.
The ordinance was followed.
-No, it wasn't. There are  clear policies about the conduct and 
responsibilities of a Citizen Advisory  Committee, the conduct of the public 
hearing and an 
appeals process on the  website.
-Design and Planning-Citizen Participation, and a  reference on the FAQ in 
that section.
Those aren't  policies.


These are important issues that people care about and  there is major 
conflict and controversy about these planning issues. Wouldn't be  nice if 
there were 
a clear process that is an open, fair and effective means of  solving 
Well, actually, there is one and it is legally binding. The  Commissions have 
three screwed up planning processes, just in this past month.  In an election 
year they don't want irate citizens complaining about being left  out of the 

A simple suggestion to the Park Board- know the rules  and follow them. It 
will give people a chance to be part of a process and part  of the solution.

OK, now that we are in the world where words lose their  meaning- The time 
certain public hearing that was held on July 6 has been  changed retroactively 
to have not been a public hearing, it has been officially  recorded in the 
ominous "  Final Agenda" as merely " a forum".

"I  don't think they play at all fairly,' Alice began, in rather a 
complaining  tone..--and they don't seem to have any rules in particular; 
at least, 
if  there are, nobody attends to them--and you've no idea how confusing it 
is...  "

Scott Vreeland   Seward
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[Mpls] In Ballot Box: Oberstar endorses McLaughlin for mayor

2005-07-19 Thread Craig Cox
In Ballot Box: Oberstar endorses McLaughlin for mayor, plus more 
endorsements and last-minute candidate filings.

Go to:  and click on "Ballot Box"
Craig Cox
The Minneapolis Observer

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Re: [Mpls] Watering Trees; Mpls Park & Rec information

2005-07-19 Thread Loki Anderson
The Park Board often gets trees from the Marshall Terrace Tree Farm. And I know 
some of them have been free.
Loki Anderson
Marshall Terrace

Steve Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson
> I don't think there is any nursery involved. The Park Board has a big 
> enough need to trees & other plants that they grow their own, instead of 
> buying from a commercial nursery. The nursery is located in the west end 
> of Wirth Park, as I recall.

That was true many years ago but the current shift toward outsourcing 
impacted our Park System as well and the internal nursery was abandoned long 
ago--along with the good summer jobs for teens that went with it. The Park 
Board now has to buy their trees.

Another reason to revive the traditions of Theodore Wirth and promote 
self-sufficiency through the community instead of contracting out 

Steven M Nelson
Willard Hay

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Re: [Mpls] Watering Trees; Mpls Park & Rec information

2005-07-19 Thread Steve Nelson

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

I don't think there is any nursery involved.  The Park Board has a big 
enough need to trees & other plants that they grow their own, instead of 
buying from a commercial nursery.  The nursery is located in the west end 
of Wirth Park, as I recall.

That was true many years ago but the current shift toward outsourcing 
impacted our Park System as well and the internal nursery was abandoned long 
ago--along with the good summer jobs for teens that went with it.  The Park 
Board now has to buy their trees.

Another reason to revive the traditions of Theodore Wirth and promote 
self-sufficiency through the community instead of  contracting out 

Steven M Nelson
Willard Hay

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RE: [Mpls] Watering Trees; Mpls Park & Rec information

2005-07-19 Thread Tim Bonham

Okay, wonderful, but what about the city owned trees in the newly planted
medians on Central Avenue? Lots of those have not survived their initial
planting and now are dead and tinder dry. I hope nobody tries to scurry
across 2 lanes of central to drag their hose out there. It seems so silly to
plant hundreds of trees and spend public dollars only to see them die 2
weeks later. Does the nursery that supplies have a warranty for the city
like bachman's has for the perennials in my yard?

Sean Ryan
Logan Park

I don't think there is any nursery involved.  The Park Board has a big 
enough need to trees & other plants that they grow their own, instead of 
buying from a commercial nursery.  The nursery is located in the west end 
of Wirth Park, as I recall.

So there wouldn't be any warranty involved, either.

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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[Mpls] Project TAKE BACK

2005-07-19 Thread Dennis Plante
Great article.  It is actions like this that give me hope things will 

dennis plante

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[Mpls] Typo-free Response to Scott Johnson/Weekly Standard

2005-07-19 Thread David Brauer
In his article, “Return to Murderapolis,” Scott Johnson laments the  
“destructive effects of one-party liberal rule” to explain the city’s  
2005 murder rate.

However, Johnson conveniently omits the culpability of a second  
party: the state GOP, which in 2003 and 2004 pushed through a $24  
million state-aid cut to Minneapolis’s general fund. That buys a  
whole lot of cops.

I know burden-sharing is unpopular in some circles, but the state  
sliced 10 percent off the city’s general fund, three-quarters of  
which pays for the basics: police, fire and roads. Swallowing such a  
cut while confronting rising health-care costs (a problem not unique  
to Minneapolis City Hall) could only result in fewer boots on the  

Other crimes of omission:

Johnson cites two “high-profile” 2002 murders to “suggest gangs had  
retaken the streets and that Murderapolis had returned.”

Uh-oh. Murders rose from 43 in 2001 to 46 in 2002 — and then fell to  
44 in 2003, the second-lowest year since the 1995 peak. Even last  
year's 54 were fewer than the 58 in 1998, after the “Giuliani”  
reforms Johnson credits for a “virtually immediate” Minneapolis crime  
drop. Logicians should beware of anecdotal “suggestions” in place of  

While Johnson laments the “deterioration” in city crime-fighting  
between 2000 and 2005, Minneapolis Part I crimes — the most serious,  
driven by citizen reports, not police — fell EVERY YEAR from 1997 to  
2003, rising by five incidents in 2004. Such a crime wave! Even the  
2004 number is a stunning 40 percent below 1997, and 19 percent below  
1999, Johnson’s last “pre-deterioration” year.

Aggravated assault numbers might rise this year — from a decimated  
base. In, 2004, there were 2,026 agg-assault reports — 10 percent  
fewer than 1999 (2,387) and 15 percent below 1998 (2,691).

The rise in murder and aggravated assaults in the past several months  
is real and worrisome — but the “trend” is so short term as to defy  
Johnson’s pat analysis. Aside from statistical anomaly, a reasonable  
person could identify many causes besides alleged liberal turpitude:  
a continuingly sluggish economy (is it only Bush who gets off blaming  
the “triple whammy?”), more felons getting out of jail (in a state  
with no Democratic governor since 1990), or, as police say, the  
emergence of new, younger gang members who take time to remove.

And besides, blaming “lakeshore liberals” smacks of class warfare,  
which no conservative supports, right?

Much of Johnson’s case rests on the claim that a 2000 racial  
disparity study reduced enforcement. But while traffic stops fell,  
suspicious vehicle stops rose — probably a better way to find criminals.

The article contains other crimes against intellectual honesty.

Johnson writes that Downtown businesses that sought police help this  
spring were told to hire private security guards. He provides no  
source or link. However, downtown Minneapolis’s Skyway News (which I  
edit) reported that police told businesspeople they wanted to work  
more closely with Downtown’s private security guards to cost- 
effectively extend public safety. It’s called a public-private  
partnership, and Johnson would applaud it in other circumstances if  
he didn’t have an ideological axe to grind.

By the way, about the “Murderapolis” headline: Johnson credits it to  
the New York Times, but it was actually coined by a local gun dealer.  
Call that offense a misdemeanor.

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[Mpls] Response to Scott Johnson/Weekly Standard

2005-07-19 Thread David Brauer
A work in progress; I'd appreciate list members' comments, to the  
forum (if appropriate) or to me directly.


In his article, “Return to Murderapolis,” Scott Johnson laments the  
“destructive effects of one-party liberal rule” to explain the city’s  
2005 murder rate.

However, Johnson conveniently omits the culpability of a second  
party: the state GOP, which in 2003 and 2004 pushed through a $24  
million state-aid to Minneapolis’s general fund. That buys a whole  
lot of cops.

I know burden-sharing is unpopular in some circles, but the state  
sliced 10 percent off the city’s general fund, three-quarters of  
which pays for the basics: police, fire and roads. Swallowing such a  
cut while confronting rising health-care costs (a problem not unique  
to Minneapolis City Hall) could only result in fewer boots on the  

Other crimes of omission:

Johnson cites two “high-profile” 2002 murders to “suggest gangs had  
retaken the streets and that Murderapolis had returned.”

Uh-oh. Murders rose from 43 in 2001 to 46 in 2002 — and then fell to  
44 in 2003, the second-lowest year since the 1995 peak. Even last  
year's 54 were fewer than the 58 in 1998, after the “Giuliani”  
reforms Johnson credits for a “virtually immediate” Minneapolis crime  
drop. Logicians should beware anecdotal “suggestions” in place of data.

While Johnson laments the “deterioration” in city crime-fighting  
between 2000 and 2005, Minneapolis Part I crimes — the most serious,  
driven by citizen reports, not police — fell EVERY YEAR from 1997 to  
2003, rising by five incidents in 2004. Such a crime wave! Even the  
2004 number is a stunning 40 percent below 1997, and 19 percent below  
1999, Johnson’s last “pre-deterioration” year.

Aggravated assault numbers might rise this year — from a decimated  
base. In, 2004, there were 2,026 agg-assault reports — 10 percent  
fewer than 1999 (2,387) and 15 percent below 1998 (2,691).

The rise in murder and aggravated assaults in the past several months  
is real and worrisome — but the “trend” is so short term as to defy  
Johnson’s pat analysis. Aside from statistical anomaly, a reasonable  
person could identify many causes besides alleged liberal turpitude:  
a continuingly sluggish economy (is it only Bush who gets off blaming  
the “triple whammy?”), more felons getting out of jail (in a state  
with no Democratic governor since 1990), or, as police say, the  
emergence of a new, younger gang member requiring time to remove.

And besides, blaming “lakeshore liberals” smacks of class warfare,  
which no conservative supports, right?

Much of Johnson’s case rests on the claim that a 2000 racial  
disparity study reduced enforcement. But while traffic stops fell,  
suspicious vehicle stops rose — probably a better way to find criminals.

The article contains other crimes against intellectual honesty.

Johnson writes that Downtown businesses that sought police help this  
spring were told to hire private security guards. He provides no  
source or link. However, downtown Minneapolis’s Skyway News (which I  
edit) reported that police told businesspeople they wanted to work  
more closely with Downtown’s private security guards to cost- 
effectively extend public safety. It’s called a public-private  
partnership, and Johnson would applaud it in other circumstances if  
he didn’t have an ideological axe to grind.

By the way, about the “Murderapolis” headline: Johnson credits it to  
the New York Times, but it was actually coined by a local gun dealer.  
Call that offense a misdemeanor.


David Brauer
Editor, Skyway News and Southwest JournalREMINDERS:
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[Mpls] Young people Voting in Minneapolis

2005-07-19 Thread Mary Hunstiger
Steven your observations are accurate re: young adult voters not
participating in their community but, we are working in Minneapolis to
change that. 2004 was the inaugural year of Kids Voting Minneapolis
(KVMpls). We are a grassroots, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that
recognizes the problem you cited and have a plan for change. According to
the U.S. Census survey for the November 2004 election, while Minnesota had
the highest voter turnout of any state in the nation, 196,000 or 34% of our
18 to 24 year olds did not vote! Their reasons included: too busy, out of
town, not interested, forgot, and did not like candidate or issue. This
isn't a new problem. While 18 year olds got the right to vote in 1972, by
the late 80's they began not registering and not voting in large numbers.
Across the country many noted this change. Studies were conducted and young
adults were surveyed. See:  


Kids Voting is addressing the need to educate and engage young people in
voting and in their community. In our inaugural year 7,600 students cast a
ballot at their polling place and 30,000 students were introduced to the
concepts of voting rights and responsibilities through their teachers in
Minneapolis public schools. 400 volunteers assisted students in casting
their ballot at their polling place on November 2nd. This grassroots effort
is just beginning though. 


KVMpls is working this year to include charter, private, parochial and home
schooled students. We offer a K-12th grade civic education program that
includes both grade appropriate classroom activities (and service learning
projects) and an authentic voting experience that replicates the adult
process. The idea is to introduce students to the concepts of citizenship in
the earliest grades and continue throughout their school years. On Election
Day all Minneapolis K-12th graders go to their neighborhood polling place to
vote on a Kids Voting ballot which includes many of the same candidates and
issues adults are voting on. (We ask them to go with their parents to the
polls which increases adult voter turnout too.) 


We are gearing up for city elections on November 8th. Kids Voting
Minneapolis is collaborating with other organizations and community members
to broaden awareness and support of the project. If you are interested in
finding out more or volunteering for Kids Voting Minneapolis, contact me.  


Mary Hunstiger

Executive Director

Kids Voting Minneapolis

612-201-4191 Cell



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Re: [Mpls] Watering Trees; Mpls Park & Rec information

2005-07-19 Thread Mark Snyder

That's what buckets are for. Your point, however, about the lack of planning
that went into these medians is right on target. It shouldn't be that hard
to follow up new plantings with regular watering to help ensure their

The city knows where they are and when they went in and they have water tank
trucks to deliver water far more efficiently than any of us could do with
hoses or buckets.

But even if there are warranties, I'm pretty sure not watering the trees
regularly enough would void them.

Mark Snyder
Windom Park
who's been visiting his gramma almost daily to water the crab apple tree he
planted two weeks ago in her yard

On 7/18/05 11:34 PM, "Sean Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Okay, wonderful, but what about the city owned trees in the newly planted
> medians on Central Avenue? Lots of those have not survived their initial
> planting and now are dead and tinder dry. I hope nobody tries to scurry
> across 2 lanes of central to drag their hose out there. It seems so silly to
> plant hundreds of trees and spend public dollars only to see them die 2
> weeks later. Does the nursery that supplies have a warranty for the city
> like bachman's has for the perennials in my yard?
> Sean Ryan
> Logan Park

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