Re: [Mpls] ask the Mpls City Council candidates..

2005-08-17 Thread David Weinlick

Better yet...ask them questions WHILE they are cage fighting...

David Weinlick

Gina Palandri wrote:

I have got it! After listening to MPR this afternoon-I think the the true test for deciding who to vote for for CC is to ask them what they think of Cage Fighting.  I heard about on MPR a town where the city council has approved Cage fighting (yes where two people get in a cage and fight it off)-and I thought it would be a great idea to ask in some of these wards where somehow people are having trouble deciding who to vote for-and maybe need a little more information about their candidates! Lets ask the candidates about their feelings on cage fighting.  
Gina Palandri



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[Mpls] Re: Broadband on the Electrical Grid (BPL)

2005-08-17 Thread dave mpls
Don Johnson wrote about broadband connections via the electrical grid. 
His comments reminded me of something I read recently outlining the 
success of a solar-powered wi-fi network that was deployed in a historic 
district in Boulder, Colorado.

The city invested $10,000 with a company called Lumin for the initial 
installation of four access points to cover a six-block area, but upkeep 
costs are described as being essentially nil. The rechargeable 
batteries need to be replaced now and then, but the solar panels 
supposedly last for 25-30 years. The broadband wi-fi service is provided 
free of charge to residents/users, and being solar-powered, it's 
inherently environmentally sound.

The similarity between Minneapolis and Boulder vis-a-vis weather, at 
least as far as sunless days go (rainy, snowy, etc.) is relevant. The 
access points only need 5 hours of charging time to provide 72 hours of 
service, so they can be live even when the power is out or it's been 
stormy for a couple of days. And they can actually charge even when it's 
cloudy, so apparently downtime isn't even an issue.

For those who are interested, there's an article here (with a link to 
the company website) that fleshes out some of the details:

And here's one from a Boulder-area newspaper that highlights the service:,1299,DRMN_4_3927948,00.html

Maybe Minneapolis could try it out on Nicollet Island...

Uptown/East Isles
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[Mpls]Training for Minneapolis residents to work for Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) charter amendment

2005-08-17 Thread Jeanne Massey

A campaign is building to amend the Minneapolis city charter to make Instant
Runoff Voting the method by which city officials are elected. Fairvote MN
will hold a training session for Minneapolis residents interested in
becoming active in the effort. 

The training follows several activities and developments since the beginning
of this year, including:

* A Minneapolis City Council resolution calling on the state to buy Instant
Runoff Voting (IRV) ready voting equipment 

* IRV study sessions with the Minneapolis City Council and Charter

* Minnesota League of Woman Voters' endorsement of IRV for local and state

* Discussions about IRV with several elected and community leaders

The training session will be held Saturday September 17 from 9 AM to noon at
the Bryant Square Neighborhood Center, 3101 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis (1
block south and west of the Lyndale-Lake Street intersection). 

Training topics will include how to:
. brief candidates on the issue
. participate in candidate forums 
. advocate for a city-sponsored study of IRV for municipal elections

To register for this session, click here:

Future training sessions will cover:
. present to political party meetings 
. work for a resolution at precinct caucuses and conventions 
. recruit other organizational partners
. apply for appointment to the charter commission 

For more information, you may contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or link

Jeanne Massey

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Re: [Mpls] RE: Nonprofits, affordable housing and property taxes

2005-08-17 Thread Bill Cullen
Alan Arthur wrote:


“MN law that provides for non-profit property tax exemptions specifically
excludes nearly all affordable rental housing from the exemption.  “


My response:


Yes, that is true.  But lets not forget that the property taxes are based on
the value of the property.  The value of the property is based on the income
the property generates.  The income of “affordable housing” is less than it
would be if the property were not set aside as affordable.


I suspect this is obvious to many of you. The part that is surprising (to
me) is that we use TIF money to build affordable housing.  The purpose of
TIF is to use future property tax dollars to encourage development today.
If we use TIF money to develop affordable housing, we are not getting all of
the future tax dollars that the property could generate.


Does anyone know if this decreased value is taken into account when the TIF
allocations are calculated?


I hope this makes sense.


Regards, Bill Cullen

Whittier landlord.


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[Mpls] Councilmember Niziolek Endorses Jeff Hayden in Ward 8

2005-08-17 Thread Sean Wherley

Councilmember Niziolek Endorses Jeff Hayden in Ward 8
Cites Hayden's neighborhood leadership, community involvement

MINNEAPOLIS – Minneapolis City Councilmember Dan Niziolek endorsed 
neighborhood leader and community activist Jeff Hayden for the Eighth Ward 
City Council seat today.  Niziolek highlighted Hayden's strong neighborhood 
ties and involvement in the community in announcing his endorsement.

Jeff Hayden has been serving the community long before he decided to seek 
public office and that is a tribute to his commitment, said Niziolek, who 
serves with Hayden as a board member of the City of Lakes Land Trust.  Jeff 
has spent many years strengthening our neighborhoods and he understands the 
role they play in shaping our city's future.

Hayden has served as vice-chair of the Bryant Neighborhood Association since 
2003 and was chair of the Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association from 1999 
to 2001.  During his time leading Powderhorn, Hayden helped guide the 
construction of affordable housing at Bloomington Avenue and 35th Street, 
created the first computer lab in the Minneapolis parks system, managed the 
neighborhood's restorative justice program, and launched an initiative to 
address problem properties.

Jeff’s patient and persistent leadership on behalf of the neighborhoods has 
aided the rebirth of Powderhorn and areas across south Minneapolis, said 
Niziolek, who represents the neighboring Tenth Ward.  Minneapolis is 
stronger because of Jeff Hayden's involvement and I urge people to elect him 
to continue his innovative work on the city council.

Hayden also led the city-wide effort in 2001 to restore the Neighborhood 
Revitalization Program and helped raise $10,000 that same year to save the 
annual Independence Day fireworks show in Powderhorn Park.

Niziolek's endorsement is Hayden's first from an elected official west of 
Interstate 35W.  The announcement is the fourth high-profile endorsement 
Hayden has received in the last five weeks; Ninth Ward City Councilmember 
Gary Schiff endorsed Hayden Aug. 2, and former Minneapolis Mayors Don Fraser 
and Sharon Sayles Belton endorsed Hayden in July.

For more information about Hayden's campaign, visit

Sean Wherley (Kingfield)
Campaign Manager
Jeff Hayden for City Council

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[Mpls] Platform.

2005-08-17 Thread Aaarty
Cut Mayor's salary until budget crisis is fixed. No stadium tax  without a 
vote. More rights and accommodations for pedestrians, bicyclists and  handicap 
scooters. Instant run off elections. Mostly vegetarian meals for  inmates. 
Renewable energy to reduce mercury, greenhouse gasses and reduce the  billions 
that flow out of our city and state. Broadband on the electrical grid.  
Decriminalize medical marijuana. Promote hydrogen, flexible fuel and hybrid  
for city's vehicles and cabs. No cage fighting without a note from your  
mother. More on my web site.
Sincerely,  Don Johnson, Candidate for Mayor, 3808 Grand Ave So. Minneapolis, 
MN 55409 (612)  824  _www.DonJohnsonMayor.org_ 
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RE: [Mpls] ask the Mpls City Council candidates..

2005-08-17 Thread Dean Zimmermann
Gina Palandri said:

I have got it! After listening to MPR this afternoon-I think the true test
for deciding who to vote for for CC is to ask them what they think of Cage
Fighting.  I heard about on MPR a town where the city council has approved
Cage fighting (yes where two people get in a cage and fight it off)-and I
thought it would be a great idea to ask in some of these wards where somehow
people are having trouble deciding who to vote for-and maybe need a little
more information about their candidates! Lets ask the candidates about their
feelings on cage fighting.  
--Gina Palandri

DZ/ Let me be the first candidate to respond to this somewhat curious but
droll suggestion:

DZ/  It is not quite clear to me if it is candidates in the cage fighting,
or, is it the supporters of the of the candidates that are in the cage
fighting?  This distinction could create different responses, depending upon
the answer.   Although I really don't know what cage fighting really is, I
would venture to say, from the sounds of it, it beats dueling pistols at 50
paces.  Either way, there could be some merit here - it certainly couldn't
be as bad as the so called news, debate and animated discussion that goes on
in the corporate media.  If the debate that now goes on in the corporate
media would produce George Bush as president of the United States, could
cage fighting produce a worse result?  Let's not be afraid to give it a try.
On a trial bases of course.  
Dean Zimmermann
Mpls City Council - Ward 6
W: 612-673-2206
2200 Clinton Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN  55404
Surely the most important task for all of us is to leave behind a planet
that will sustain our great grandchildren.  So all of our personal actions,
as well as our political policies, must be tempered with an eye to long term
sustainability, not short term profit or expediency.  As we struggle to
solve the day to day problems -- crime, jobs, budget shortfalls,
homelessness, traffic congestion, and air quality, we will look to solutions
that serve both our immediate needs and lay the foundation for the
post-petroleum economy. 

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Re: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum-- Selling Naming RIghts to Our Public LIbraries and/or Departments?

2005-08-17 Thread mphilip451

I would have to say I have mixed feelings about this. We have 
institutions like The Walker with the Target Gallery or the Best Buy 
Gallery etc. I'm not sure I'm entirely opposed to selling the naming 
rights. How are they currently named? After major contributors? 
Wouldn't that then be just a variation on what is already done? I wish 
we didn't have to rely on corporations for funding of anything, but is 
this a terrible idea? I'm not sure.

Matthew Philip
The Wedge

-Original Message-
From: David Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 07:23:52 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum-- Selling Naming 
RIghts to Our Public LIbraries and/or Departments?

  I thought that the most controversial and distressing
idea to be presented at last nights forum was when
Alan Hooker expressed much enthusiasm for the idea of
selling naming rights to various libraries and
subsections to raise funds.

Do we really need corporate and or brand names on our
public libraries?

I can envirion a children's book department brought to
you by Disney or McDonald's, or how about the Target
central library?

Xcel Energy Library doesn't sound much better.

What do others think?

David Strand
Loring Park

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Re: [Mpls] ask the Mpls City Council candidates..

2005-08-17 Thread Michael Thompson
I have no doubt that Cage Fighting, whether it be between city council 
candidates or tough men (or women, for that matter) would be a wildly 
successful enterprise. People and businesses and sponsors would make money, 
the city would recoup tax revenue, and it would be an advertisers heaven. It 
would bring entertainment dollars into the city.

Then reality would set in: A group of mothers from South Minneapolis would 
protest because it's violent and it doesn't send a positive or peaceful 
message to the children. And then it would be banned by the city council 
because it's not good for the contestants.

I say Go For It.

Mike Thompson

- Original Message - 
From: Gina Palandri [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 12:40 AM
Subject: [Mpls] ask the Mpls City Council candidates..

I have got it! After listening to MPR this afternoon-I think the the true 
test for deciding who to vote for for CC is to ask them what they think of 
Cage Fighting.  I heard about on MPR a town where the city council has 
approved Cage fighting (yes where two people get in a cage and fight it 
off)-and I thought it would be a great idea to ask in some of these wards 
where somehow people are having trouble deciding who to vote for-and maybe 
need a little more information about their candidates! Lets ask the 
candidates about their feelings on cage fighting.

Gina Palandri
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RE: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum-- Selling Naming RIghtsto Our Pub

2005-08-17 Thread Eric Hinsdale

From: David Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum-- Selling Naming 
RIghtsto Our Public LIbraries and/or Departments?

Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 07:23:52 -0700 (PDT)

I thought that the most controversial and distressing
idea to be presented at last nights forum was when
Alan Hooker expressed much enthusiasm for the idea of
selling naming rights to various libraries and
subsections to raise funds.

Do we really need corporate and or brand names on our
public libraries?

I can envirion a children's book department brought to
you by Disney or McDonald's, or how about the Target
central library?

Xcel Energy Library doesn't sound much better.

What do others think?

David Strand
Loring Park

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[Mpls] Library Board forums

2005-08-17 Thread Theresa Smith
I am a candidate for Library Board and as a citizen
candidate -- as opposed to career politician -- I have
to say it's been eye-opening. The level of
dissatisfaction shared by library workers with me --
staff and librarians -- suggests a system that is
sorely in need of some attention. And, it is amazing
that we have to defend the institution from being
financially starved in many respects. I spoke with an
employee who asked me, 'Are we willing to have our
libraries become just like Home Depots? Do we want a
single worker roaming around seeking out patrons who
might have questions?' 

I think we've got the buildings part of the equation
covered. New central library, renovation money for
community libraries, but I can tell you -- I've seen
some brand new DMV buildings that had the surliest
employees imaginable. People and service to patrons
are where the boards attentions should lie. Operations
funding seems to be the area where an involved board
would need to focus -- longer hours, recalled staff,
great service. How do we get there? Push for an
operations levy (a multi-year process in the current
climate, so the sooner the better), begin an endowment
fund drive, bequeathals, and consider ideas such as
Alan Hooker's suggestion to tie in license plate fees.
Naming rights? I would consider them with appropriate
restrictions, i.e. halls or galleries and not entire
buildings, no say on content of collections, etc. My
preference would be just expanded, tax-deductible
giving by corporations.. and I see this is getting
long. So, feel free to grill me with harder questions

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Re: [Mpls] Broadband on the Electrical Grid (BPL)

2005-08-17 Thread John McClellan
I believe the FCC is still studying BPL to gauge the
impact of spuriuous frequency emissions from the
lines.   Remember that power lines don't have
protection that cable TV or phone lines have
(shielding  twisted pair) to prevent radio
frequencies radiating out or inductance coming in.

In a political vacuum, the FCC's job would be to
prevent a new technology from disturbing existing ones
utilitising the airways.   That said, there are plenty
of powerful forces on either side of BPL each lobbying
intensely to go forward or backwards.   All that has
to be hashed out in DC.

John McClellan

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Somebody on this form said that broadband on the
 electrical grid or  getting 
 a broadband connection to the internet by simply
 connecting using the  
 electrical outlet in our homes was to far in the
 future. They were  misinformed. Not 
 only is it not a futuristic dream, it is already
 being done in  some small 
 towns. Minneapolis could be hooked up like this and
 save people big  bucks. 
 Instead our leading candidates want to spend 1.1
 billion dollars (total  over 30 
 years) to enhance the wealth and power of one of the
 richest men in the  
 country. More on my web site. Platform details not
 simply sound bites, lawn  signs 
 and bumper stickers.
 Sincerely,  Don Johnson, Candidate for Mayor, 3808
 Grand Ave So. Minneapolis, 
 MN 55409 (612)  824  _www.DonJohnsonMayor.org_ 
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Re: [Mpls] ask the Mpls City Council candidates..

2005-08-17 Thread Annie Young
To me this sounds like a new upgraded version of the dunk tank used at 
neighborhood festivals and events where politicians let people throw balls 
at the target and try to dunk them.  Fun for all.

Annie Young
citywide Park Commissioner

At 09:48 AM 8/17/05 -0500, Michael Thompson wrote:

I have no doubt that Cage Fighting, whether it be between city council 
candidates or tough men (or women, for that matter) would be a wildly 
successful enterprise. People and businesses and sponsors would make 
money, the city would recoup tax revenue, and it would be an advertisers 
heaven. It would bring entertainment dollars into the city.

Then reality would set in: A group of mothers from South Minneapolis would 
protest because it's violent and it doesn't send a positive or 
peaceful message to the children. And then it would be banned by the 
city council because it's not good for the contestants.

I say Go For It.

Mike Thompson

- Original Message - From: Gina Palandri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 12:40 AM
Subject: [Mpls] ask the Mpls City Council candidates..

I have got it! After listening to MPR this afternoon-I think the the true 
test for deciding who to vote for for CC is to ask them what they think 
of Cage Fighting.  I heard about on MPR a town where the city council has 
approved Cage fighting (yes where two people get in a cage and fight it 
off)-and I thought it would be a great idea to ask in some of these wards 
where somehow people are having trouble deciding who to vote for-and 
maybe need a little more information about their candidates! Lets ask the 
candidates about their feelings on cage fighting.

Gina Palandri
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Re: [Mpls] Broadband on the Electrical Grid (BPL)

2005-08-17 Thread John McClellan
It appears I spoke too soon, the FCC released rules in
January, effective Feb 2005, allowing BPL - albeit
with some limits on frequencies  emissions, and the
ability to restrict deployment in RF sensitive areas.

Link to the docket:

--- John McClellan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I believe the FCC is still studying BPL to gauge the
 impact of spuriuous frequency emissions from the
 lines.   Remember that power lines don't have
 protection that cable TV or phone lines have
 (shielding  twisted pair) to prevent radio
 frequencies radiating out or inductance coming in.
 In a political vacuum, the FCC's job would be to
 prevent a new technology from disturbing existing
 utilitising the airways.   That said, there are
 of powerful forces on either side of BPL each
 intensely to go forward or backwards.   All that has
 to be hashed out in DC.
 John McClellan
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Somebody on this form said that broadband on the
  electrical grid or  getting 
  a broadband connection to the internet by simply
  connecting using the  
  electrical outlet in our homes was to far in the
  future. They were  misinformed. Not 
  only is it not a futuristic dream, it is already
  being done in  some small 
  towns. Minneapolis could be hooked up like this
  save people big  bucks. 
  Instead our leading candidates want to spend 1.1
  billion dollars (total  over 30 
  years) to enhance the wealth and power of one of
  richest men in the  
  country. More on my web site. Platform details not
  simply sound bites, lawn  signs 
  and bumper stickers.
  Sincerely,  Don Johnson, Candidate for Mayor, 3808
  Grand Ave So. Minneapolis, 
  MN 55409 (612)  824  _www.DonJohnsonMayor.org_
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Re: [Mpls] Broadband on the Electrical Grid (BPL)

2005-08-17 Thread Becca Vargo Daggett

I believe the FCC is still studying BPL to gauge the
impact of spuriuous frequency emissions from the

FCC gave the nod to BPL in October 2004. Yes, they're still monitoring  
to determine if BPL results in harmful interference, but projects are  
underway across the county. Not just in small towns, as Don wrote.  
There are a couple of buildings in Manhattan, and a big project in the  
Cincinnati area. Big names are getting into BPL, like Google, IBM, and  

USA Today recent story on the state of BPL 

Interested persons can find more articles at:

In a political vacuum, the FCC's job would be to
prevent a new technology from disturbing existing ones
utilitising the airways.   That said, there are plenty
of powerful forces on either side of BPL each lobbying
intensely to go forward or backwards.   All that has
to be hashed out in DC.

Well, no, DC has decided BPL can go ahead. So now it's about finding  
out what works in different places.
The experience in Manassas, VA is that interference isn't nearly the  
problem some (mostly the amateur radio community) thought it would be.  
BPL companies are trying to accommodate their concerns. On the other  
hand, the project hasn't been a roaring success.
My prediction: Now that the FCC has said both cablecos and telcos can  
banish competitors from their networks, we can expect to see a lot more  
attention focused on BPL, satellite, long-range wireless, and anything  
else that bypasses the cable and telco networks.

Becca Vargo Daggett

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[Mpls] RE: Selling Naming Rights to Our Public Librarys and/or Departments

2005-08-17 Thread Ray Marshall

Advertising being such a foreign concept for our children, I would imagine
that we would need several battalions of grief counselors to help them deal
with the concept of naming a library after a company.

Andrew Carnegie must be grinning broadly right now.

Ray Marshall

- - - - - - - - - -
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 07:23:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum-- Selling Naming
RIghts  to Our Public LIbraries and/or Departments?

Do we really need corporate and or brand names on our
public libraries?

I can envirion a children's book department brought to
you by Disney or McDonald's, or how about the Target
central library? snip

What do others think?

David Strand
Loring Park

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Re: [Mpls] RE: Selling Naming Rights to Our Public Librarys and/orDepartments

2005-08-17 Thread Michael Thompson
I don't see too much of a problem with the idea of advertising posted (but 
not evidently not endorsed) by Mr. Strand.

Considering that every governmental expenditure appears today to be a need 
rather than a want. and the very simple fact that there is not enough 
money for every need we have, can we really afford not to, at the very 
least, consider such an approach? While I'm not much of a public library 
type, I have read all the posts regarding library candidates on this board. 
Looks to me like the libraries have hit desparate times. Not enough money. 
And again, considering there simply is not enough money for anything  (or 
so it seems), the answer is yes, we may just need corporate and/or 
brand names on our public libraries (to borrow Mr. Strand's words).

Or are we so against the concept that we can continue to afford to pass by 
money that is just waiting to be given us? There comes a time when we can 
sacrifice a bit of our lofty principles simply because there isn't enough 
money to carry them out, as badly as we might wish.

Mike Thompson

- Original Message - 
From: Ray Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 2:22 PM
Subject: [Mpls] RE: Selling Naming Rights to Our Public Librarys 

Advertising being such a foreign concept for our children, I would imagine
that we would need several battalions of grief counselors to help them 

with the concept of naming a library after a company.

Andrew Carnegie must be grinning broadly right now.

Ray Marshall

- - - - - - - - - -
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 07:23:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum-- Selling Naming
   RIghts  to Our Public LIbraries and/or Departments?

Do we really need corporate and or brand names on our
public libraries?

I can envirion a children's book department brought to
you by Disney or McDonald's, or how about the Target
central library? snip

What do others think?

David Strand
Loring Park

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[Mpls] Smart for Library Board Cyber-Campaign: Libraries and poor people

2005-08-17 Thread Samantha Smart

Samantha Smart for MinneapolisLibrary Board
Vol. 3: Libraries and Poor People
thank you for forwarding this email to all the Minneapolis residents you know!

Although libraries are important points of access to information for everyone, 
they are indispensible for poor people, an increasing percentage of whom are 
children, elders and working families.  The hour/staff/budget cuts over the 
last three years in Minneapolis have been devastating for poor people who need 
to use libraries for computer and internet access, research on employment and 
social services, education and training, refuge and quiet study, escape from 
the terrible cold and heat and a sanctuary in community with others of like 
mind.  In addition, working families who place a high degree of importance on 
their  children'sdeveloping literacy have been hard-pressed to get to a library 
when it is open, particularly when they are closed on weekends.  

Mildred Dotson and Yolanda Bonitch write: The library is the university of the 
poor. It is the intellectual lifeline of the poor (Libraries and the Poor: 
What's the Connection?).  When our library system falters, the most oppressed 
and vulnerable element of our society suffers most.  This is why I am 
recommending that the MPL adopt the American Library Association's Policy #61: 
Library Services for the Poor.

Too long to quote here, (see  
this document adopted in 1990 sets out 15 Policy Objectives that will, when 
properly implemented, remove barriers to access for poor people such as fees 
and overdue charges, and promote programs, training, support, educational 
campaigns, representation of the poor, and anti-sexist and racist efforts that 
will actively combat poverty and all related systems of oppression. 

The preface of Policy #61 reads as follows:

The American Library Association promotes equal accessto information for all 
persons and recognizes the urgent need to respond to the increasing number of 
poor children, adults and families in America.  These people are affected by a 
combination of limitations, including illiteracy, illness, social isolation, 
homelessness, hunger and discrimination, which hamper the effectiveness of 
traditional library services.  Therefore, it is crucial that libraries 
recognize their role in enabling poorvpeople to participate fully in a 
democratic society, by utilizing a wide variety of available resources and 

How to implement ALA Policy #61?  

We are fortunate in Minneapolis to have the recommendations of the ALA's Social 
Responsibility Round Table and its Task Force on Hunger, Homelessness and 
Poverty at our disposal (  Their document outlines clearly what 
library professionals, citizens and Board Trustees can do to - yes - eradicate 
poverty and homelessness!  

As a MPL Trustee, I would commit my energies to fully implementing the ALA 
Policy #61 and developing creative partnerships with activists and 
organizations that work with poor people to remove barriers to free access to 
libraries and improve our services to the most-oppressed segments of our 

Samantha Smart
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board
Smart libraries are OPEN libraries!
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Re: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum

2005-08-17 Thread wmmarks
Much worse than the naming rights, which were repulsive on the face of 
it, was  15 candidates, only four of which would possibly be worth 
voting for. It was very, very sad.

Of those 15 candidates, fully five of them were librarians, at least one 
of which is an MPL employee. Hello... Are you quitting your day job? 
This is a kind of 'you're your own grandpa' thing. You cannot be both an 
employee and a board member. Second, this is a citizens board; 
librarians have a lot more say in how the library works than do the 
patrons as it is. Having librarians on the board--including Virginia 
Holte--is not OK with me. It skewers the issues from the needs of the 
patrons to the needs of the librarians. Librarians already have two 
unions, PLUM and AFSME, to bring their issues to the fore. In fairness, 
the citizenry, who are paying the freight on all of this, should have 
one vehicle for their input.

What was patently clear was that most of those asking for our vote were 
pretty well clueless on what libraries are all about. For example: no 
one seemed to understand that libraries are only about books 
secondarily. Libraries are about people and their needs qua books, etc. 
Therefore, if you are shifting employees around constantly, so that one 
is never sure when walking into the library that the same staff will be 
there from one day to the next, the library is not serving the public. 
Staff continuity is part of what makes libraries work for the patrons.

Second, the library wants to both take money raised by individual 
community libraries downtown and to have a newly installed person(s) in 
management choose what books the community libraries should have. Excuse 
me? The librarians in the branches are the ones who hear from patrons 
what kind of books they need. Downtown has not a clue because they don't 
hear from the branch patrons. Any materials they choose, other than 
standard replacements (dictionaries, atlases, the latest Harry Potter) 
are chosen in a vacuum Also, when we donate money to our neighborhood 
libraries, from NRP funds, other neighborhood monies, or our own pockets 
we want that money to stay in the neighborhood library so that it can be 
used for materials and programming that meet our needs.

Third, at least one library employee who had put in 29 years, 46 weeks, 
was summarily discharged, not because the employee had failed, but 
because it could save the library x amount of money in pension benefits 
if the employee did not stay the extra six weeks until retirement. How 
slimy is that?

Fourth: not one candidate had anything to say about thinking outside the 
box in an atmosphere where virtually no one in management can do that. 
How astute does that make present board members? Zip, zero, nada clue.

Fifth: the culture of MPL is one of backbiting pettiness. Not one 
candidate talked about how to change that paradigm to one which would 
serve the patrons better.

On another level, city council and the mayor are now talking about 
dissolving the library board and making themselves leaders of the 
library. Unbelievable ego. Unbelievably stupid. The mayor is entirely 
undistinguished as is this city council. Why even posit the notion of 
taking on another whole host of issues when you cannot handle the issues 
already on your plate.

What was distressing was the dearth of clear ideas. I left the forum 
feeling lower than a snake's belly.

WizardMarks, Central

David Strand wrote:

I thought that the most controversial and distressing
idea to be presented at last nights forum was when
Alan Hooker expressed much enthusiasm for the idea of
selling naming rights to various libraries and
subsections to raise funds.

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Re: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum

2005-08-17 Thread Eric Hinsdale
I may be a librarian (I don't work at MPL) but I'm also a citizen of 
Minneapolis.  My wife uses the library for work and my kids visit at least 
twice a week.  Saying that I shouldn't be on the Minneapolis Library Board 
because I work in a library is absurd.

It's hard to talk about 'thinking outside the box' when you have two minutes 
to make an opening statement and a minute each to answer two questions.  I 
tried at least two times:  one time suggesting that librarians needed to 
change the way they provide service (get out from behind the desk and help 
people find things in the stacks) and one time suggesting that MPL stop 
buying new materials (save for children's and foreign language materials) 
until we restore the branch libraries to full staffing and normal hours.

Eric Hinsdale

From: wmmarks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 15:46:28 -0500

Much worse than the naming rights, which were repulsive on the face of it, 
was  15 candidates, only four of which would possibly be worth voting 
for. It was very, very sad.

Of those 15 candidates, fully five of them were librarians, at least one of 
which is an MPL employee. Hello... Are you quitting your day job? This is a 
kind of 'you're your own grandpa' thing. You cannot be both an employee and 
a board member. Second, this is a citizens board; librarians have a lot 
more say in how the library works than do the patrons as it is. Having 
librarians on the board--including Virginia Holte--is not OK with me. It 
skewers the issues from the needs of the patrons to the needs of the 
librarians. Librarians already have two unions, PLUM and AFSME, to bring 
their issues to the fore. In fairness, the citizenry, who are paying the 
freight on all of this, should have one vehicle for their input.

What was patently clear was that most of those asking for our vote were 
pretty well clueless on what libraries are all about. For example: no one 
seemed to understand that libraries are only about books secondarily. 
Libraries are about people and their needs qua books, etc. Therefore, if 
you are shifting employees around constantly, so that one is never sure 
when walking into the library that the same staff will be there from one 
day to the next, the library is not serving the public. Staff continuity is 
part of what makes libraries work for the patrons.

Second, the library wants to both take money raised by individual community 
libraries downtown and to have a newly installed person(s) in management 
choose what books the community libraries should have. Excuse me? The 
librarians in the branches are the ones who hear from patrons what kind of 
books they need. Downtown has not a clue because they don't hear from the 
branch patrons. Any materials they choose, other than standard replacements 
(dictionaries, atlases, the latest Harry Potter) are chosen in a vacuum 
Also, when we donate money to our neighborhood libraries, from NRP funds, 
other neighborhood monies, or our own pockets we want that money to stay in 
the neighborhood library so that it can be used for materials and 
programming that meet our needs.

Third, at least one library employee who had put in 29 years, 46 weeks, was 
summarily discharged, not because the employee had failed, but because it 
could save the library x amount of money in pension benefits if the 
employee did not stay the extra six weeks until retirement. How slimy is 

Fourth: not one candidate had anything to say about thinking outside the 
box in an atmosphere where virtually no one in management can do that. How 
astute does that make present board members? Zip, zero, nada clue.

Fifth: the culture of MPL is one of backbiting pettiness. Not one candidate 
talked about how to change that paradigm to one which would serve the 
patrons better.

On another level, city council and the mayor are now talking about 
dissolving the library board and making themselves leaders of the library. 
Unbelievable ego. Unbelievably stupid. The mayor is entirely 
undistinguished as is this city council. Why even posit the notion of 
taking on another whole host of issues when you cannot handle the issues 
already on your plate.

What was distressing was the dearth of clear ideas. I left the forum 
feeling lower than a snake's belly.

WizardMarks, Central

David Strand wrote:

I thought that the most controversial and distressing
idea to be presented at last nights forum was when
Alan Hooker expressed much enthusiasm for the idea of
selling naming rights to various libraries and
subsections to raise funds.

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Re: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum

2005-08-17 Thread mike skoglund

I have absolutely no problem with selling naming rights.  It happens all
the time with university buildings -- including libraries -- and I never
felt repulsed (for example) by borrowing books from the DeWitt Wallace
Library at Macalester or studying in any of the sundry named reading rooms
at the U of M.  If these donations can improve the libraries, and if there
are no accompanying restrictions on library collections, it seems like a
reasonable way of responding to tough financial times.

Mike Skoglund // Bancroft

On Wed, August 17, 2005 4:46 pm, wmmarks said:
 Much worse than the naming rights, which were repulsive on the face of
 David Strand wrote:

I thought that the most controversial and distressing
idea to be presented at last nights forum was when
Alan Hooker expressed much enthusiasm for the idea of
selling naming rights to various libraries and
subsections to raise funds.

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Re: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum

2005-08-17 Thread wmmarks
Thank you Mr. Hinsdale for making my point. Calling your patrons absurd 
is so affirming of the job the board is there to do. As I said, 
librarians need not apply.

WizardMarks, Central

Eric Hinsdale wrote:

I may be a librarian (I don't work at MPL) but I'm also a citizen of 
Minneapolis.  My wife uses the library for work and my kids visit at 
least twice a week.  Saying that I shouldn't be on the Minneapolis 
Library Board because I work in a library is absurd.

It's hard to talk about 'thinking outside the box' when you have two 
minutes to make an opening statement and a minute each to answer two 
questions.  I tried at least two times:  one time suggesting that 
librarians needed to change the way they provide service (get out from 
behind the desk and help people find things in the stacks) and one 
time suggesting that MPL stop buying new materials (save for 
children's and foreign language materials) until we restore the branch 
libraries to full staffing and normal hours.

Eric Hinsdale

Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn 

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Re: [Mpls] RE: Selling Naming Rights to Our Public Librarys and/orDepartments

2005-08-17 Thread mphilip451
I agree in some ways. My concern, however, is that the corporate 
sponsor or such would be given some rein over what are on the shelves 
of the library.

 Say a library put a children's book on its selves that featured gay or 
lesbian family. What a conservative organization that bought naming 
right demanded that the book be pulled or they pull their funding and 
or name? This would be a serious problem... and doesn't seem THAT 
unlikely in these times. OR the library puts a book on its selves that 
bashes in some way and something similar happens. That's where my 
worries are... to keep the libraries serving all people and not have 
them become subject to censorship.

Matthew Philip
The Wedge

-Original Message-
From: Michael Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Ray Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 14:42:09 -0500
 Subject: Re: [Mpls] RE: Selling Naming Rights to Our Public Librarys 

 I don't see too much of a problem with the idea of advertising posted 
(but not evidently not endorsed) by Mr. Strand. 

 Considering that every governmental expenditure appears today to be a 
need rather than a want. and the very simple fact that there is 
not enough money for every need we have, can we really afford not to, 
at the very least, consider such an approach? While I'm not much of a 
public library type, I have read all the posts regarding library 
candidates on this board. Looks to me like the libraries have hit 
desparate times. Not enough money. And again, considering there simply 
is not enough money for anything (or so it seems), the answer is 
yes, we may just need corporate and/or brand names on our public 
libraries (to borrow Mr. Strand's words). 

 Or are we so against the concept that we can continue to afford to 
pass by money that is just waiting to be given us? There comes a time 
when we can sacrifice a bit of our lofty principles simply because 
there isn't enough money to carry them out, as badly as we might wish. 

Mike Thompson 
 - Original Message - From: Ray Marshall 

Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 2:22 PM 
 Subject: [Mpls] RE: Selling Naming Rights to Our Public Librarys 

  Advertising being such a foreign concept for our children, I would 
  that we would need several battalions of grief counselors to help 
them  deal 

 with the concept of naming a library after a company. 
 Andrew Carnegie must be grinning broadly right now. 
 Ray Marshall 
 - - - - - - - - - - 
 Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 07:23:52 -0700 (PDT) 
 From: David Strand [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum-- Selling Naming 
 RIghts to Our Public LIbraries and/or Departments? 
 Do we really need corporate and or brand names on our 
 public libraries? 
 I can envirion a children's book department brought to 
 you by Disney or McDonald's, or how about the Target 
 central library? snip 
 What do others think? 
 David Strand 
 Loring Park 
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Re: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum

2005-08-17 Thread Eric Hinsdale
(I know I really shouldn't bite on this, but I can't help myself.  I'll stop 

It's offensive, too.

Eric Hinsdale

From: wmmarks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 16:23:58 -0500

Thank you Mr. Hinsdale for making my point. Calling your patrons absurd is 
so affirming of the job the board is there to do. As I said, librarians 
need not apply.

WizardMarks, Central

Eric Hinsdale wrote:

I may be a librarian (I don't work at MPL) but I'm also a citizen of 
Minneapolis.  My wife uses the library for work and my kids visit at least 
twice a week.  Saying that I shouldn't be on the Minneapolis Library Board 
because I work in a library is absurd.

It's hard to talk about 'thinking outside the box' when you have two 
minutes to make an opening statement and a minute each to answer two 
questions.  I tried at least two times:  one time suggesting that 
librarians needed to change the way they provide service (get out from 
behind the desk and help people find things in the stacks) and one time 
suggesting that MPL stop buying new materials (save for children's and 
foreign language materials) until we restore the branch libraries to full 
staffing and normal hours.

Eric Hinsdale

Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn 

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Re: [Mpls] RE: Selling Naming Rights to Our Public Librarysand/orDepartments

2005-08-17 Thread md

The question to ask when a corporation gives money
 to a library (or to any other .org) is:

WHAT. do they expect in return?

Madeline Douglass

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[Mpls] See Strib Online: MPS Hires Investigator re Peebles

2005-08-17 Thread ABerget
Ann Berget

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[Mpls] District investigating alleged misconduct by superintendent

2005-08-17 Thread Steve Brandt 

With much more to come later.

Steve Brandt
Star Tribune

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[Mpls] RE: Selling Naming Rights to Our Public Librarys etc

2005-08-17 Thread Jason Sittko
..Haven't seen the whole thread of comments but...  Fabulous.  I see no

Think about it.  Some rich person or corporation wants to give the community
dedicated money for a fabulous public good in exchange for his/her name on
the space.  That's all.

However folks, here is the real problem.

1.  When those who created budgets adjust for these unexpected gifts and
they spend budgeted-money on other non-budgeted items instead of claiming a
budget surplus and allowing the funds to be allocated elsewhere, or better
yet, not spent at all.


2.  Those who create the budgets actually start to budget in an expectation
of these gifts...and tax us when they don't arive.

Barring these two...let 'em name away.

Jason S.

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RE: [Mpls] RE: Selling Naming Rights to Our Public Librarys etc

2005-08-17 Thread Jeanne Massey
There is lots of cheerleading on the List for naming rights to our PUBLIC
libraries, while little support is given to the idea that taxes may be
needed to pay for a public good, as suggested by Library Board candidate
Samantha Smart. 

The organization Commercial Alert provides a succinct summary of the idea of
corporate naming rights and other forms of corporate invasion of our public

Our nation is in the grips of a commercial hysteria. Sometimes it seems
like everything is for sale. At Commercial Alert, we stand up for the idea
that some things are too important to be for sale. Not our children. Not our
health. Not our minds. Not our schools. Not our values. Not the integrity of
our governments. Not for sale. Period.

Jeanne Massey

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RE: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum

2005-08-17 Thread Sheldon Mains
 Wizard Marks wrote:

 For example: no 
 one seemed to understand that libraries are only about books 
 secondarily. Libraries are about people snip
 Fourth: not one candidate had anything to say about thinking 
 outside the box

Topics I talked about (besides books)
Partnering with the Park Board and School board to better serve kids
(beyond the current summer reading program
Roy's (Hosmer Librarian) and Sally's (Franklin Librarian) activities
to involve their diverse communities.
Talking about libraries using new technology to help everyone be a

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[Mpls] Uptown Vigil

2005-08-17 Thread Mike Jensvold
This evening I drove past a group of Cindy Sheehan supporters holding vigil 
in the triangle where lake street and lagoon converge between lakes Calhoun 
and Isles.

I am deeply grateful to live in a city where the people still believe in 
real democracy and that basic human decency should drive public policy.

I am glad that there are public spaces here to nurture this sentiment and 
let citizens communicate directly with one another.  The lack of them leads 
to anomie, apathy, and the vague notion that a loss of personal 
responsibility is the root of all our troubles.

I read in the southwest journal that my ward (10) voted 84% for Kerry.

I believe that the real heart of the red/blue divide is not between 
traditional political extremes, or even cultural issues, but between those 
who think that democracy and decency in public policy matter, and those who 
find this attitude farcical.

I love my adopted city.

Mike Jensvold
East Isles

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[Mpls] Mayoral Candidate Forum on Crime August 24th 6-9 Women's Club 410 Oak Grove St.

2005-08-17 Thread Barbara Lickness
Central Cities Neighborhood Partnership invites you to a:

Crime  Safety and its Impact on Schools, Housing, and Business

Wed., August 24th
6:00-9:00 p.m.
The Woman's Club of Minneapolis
410 Oak Grove Street
FFI - call 871-7307 or 874-9002

You are encouraged to attend the Mayoral Candidate's Forum
being planned by Central Cities Neighborhood Partnership
(Citizens for a Loring Park Community, Elliot Park Neighborhood, 
Stevens Square Community Organization, The Whittier Alliance, Downtown
Minneapolis Neighborhood Organization). This Forum is on
Crime and Safety and its Impact on Housing, Schools, and Business.

It is moderated by the League of Women Voters and is hosted
by The Woman's Club of Minneapolis located at 410 Oak Grove.
Parking is available across and adjacent to the Woman's Club.
Bus routes 17 and 18 take you to 15th and Nicollet (walk 3 blocks west) and 
routes 4, 6 and 12 take you to Oak Grove and Hennepin (walk 1.5 blocks east).  
Check schedules online at

Candidate Information will be available at 6:00 p.m.
The Forum will be from 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Questions, call Jana @ CLPC @ 612-874-9002
or pull up our website at

FYI - the City of Minneapolis's stated Safety Goals are as follows:

Build communities where all people feel safe and trust
the City's public safety professionals and systems


Prevention and Response:

The City will balance its resources between prevention
and response.

Working with our partners, we will create awareness
and prevention models to minimize safety issues before they arise.
We will focus more of our energies on livability issues by exploring
creative methods to address livability crimes within our
communities. We will employ and encourage environmental
design strategies to physically promote public safety.

Relationship with the Community:

The City will provide quality public safety services
that are competent, consistent, and fair. We will hold
ourselves accountable to these standards. We will
strive to ensure the community's trust
and confidence in our public safety professionals by
strengthening relationships with the community
and engaging them as partners in public safety
approaches. Particular focus will be given to
strengthening our relationship with communities of
color and new arrivals. We will balance public
expectations with available resources and will
communicate our priorities to the community, so
that they know what to expect from our public safety


The City will lead our partners to implement
strategies to address issues of emergency preparedness,
criminal justice reform, and neighborhood livability issues.
Barb Lickness
Ward 6

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
the world.  Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead
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[Mpls] Naming Rights

2005-08-17 Thread Aaron Klemz
Excellent point. The problem with MPL's isn't a lack
of facilities, it is a lack of people and funds to
keep them open. And while corporations and large
donors will make capital investments in facilities in
exchange for naming rights, it's a lot harder to hire
librarians willing to tattoo 3M or Target on their
forehead. It is very hard to fund sustained services
on one time funds, and it is far more difficult to get
sustained long-term operations funding for any
operation from large donors. I'd be far more happy to
see MPL invest significantly in their grant seeking
capacity, which has a better potential to yield money
with fewer strings attached. Was there any discussion
of that at the candidate's forum?

Just to be clear, I'm not belittling either of these
corporations or their philanthropic efforts, just
seeking a recognizable example of logos. The fact that
they spring to mind in this context is really a

aaron klemz

Aaron Klemz, Minneapolis, Minnesota

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Re: [Mpls] From Candidates Library Board Forum

2005-08-17 Thread Mark Snyder
C'mon, Wizard.

You know full well he's saying the idea that a librarian can't run for
Library Board is what's absurd, not the person suggesting it. Would you also
say that teachers shouldn't run for the School Board?

Furthermore, I thought you were the one who'd spent so much time advocating
FOR librarians to be on the Library Board so as to have a greater
understanding/appreciation for what actually goes on in our libraries on a
daily basis. If I'm right about that, why the sudden switch?

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

On 8/17/05 4:23 PM, wmmarks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank you Mr. Hinsdale for making my point. Calling your patrons absurd
 is so affirming of the job the board is there to do. As I said,
 librarians need not apply.
 WizardMarks, Central
 Eric Hinsdale wrote:
 I may be a librarian (I don't work at MPL) but I'm also a citizen of
 Minneapolis.  My wife uses the library for work and my kids visit at
 least twice a week.  Saying that I shouldn't be on the Minneapolis
 Library Board because I work in a library is absurd.
 It's hard to talk about 'thinking outside the box' when you have two
 minutes to make an opening statement and a minute each to answer two
 questions.  I tried at least two times:  one time suggesting that
 librarians needed to change the way they provide service (get out from
 behind the desk and help people find things in the stacks) and one
 time suggesting that MPL stop buying new materials (save for
 children's and foreign language materials) until we restore the branch
 libraries to full staffing and normal hours.
 Eric Hinsdale

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[Mpls] the poing of Broadband on the Electrical Grid (

2005-08-17 Thread Dan McGuire
Let's not let the relevant point get lost as we discuss the viability of 
BPL - The point is, Minneapolis should definitely NOT give any entity 
exclusionary rights with regard to any form of Internet access.  We want 
to make Minneapolis open to more possibilities of methods of 
communicating and not get locked into monopoly style providers as 
happened in the past with telephone and cable.

Dan McGuire

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[Mpls] KARE-11 story on STOP program

2005-08-17 Thread Mark Snyder

Not sure how I missed this when it aired, but I thought this was interest.

It would appear that the STOP program is the very kind of
proactive/preventive policing that folks have been crying out for?

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

Minneapolis police take a whole new approach to fighting crime by going
after the bad guys before they commit serious crimes.

It's all part of efforts underway by the department's STOP unit.

Chief Bill McManus formed STOP this spring while looking for creative ways
to prevent street crime, rather than just respond to it - after the fact.

At the corner of an intersection in North Minneapolis, a man in a dark
shirt, who police call C.I., is being watched.

He is also being approached by people interested in buying drugs. The police
radio squawks as a man speaks to the C.I., Ok, the C.I. is saying the
parties in the Suzuki wanted to buy crack.

In police speak, C.I. means 'confidential informant' and the man in the
Suzuki has no idea his conversation with the C.I. is about to get him

The man didn't buy drugs. He didn't sell drugs, but on this night, that
doesn't matter says Minneapolis Police Sergeant Mike Young.

They got him on tape asking for crack cocaine, this guy. (other officer) So
that's good enough? We got a loiter on him, if nothing else.

Police are working with the C.I. on a sting. The Suzuki driver will spend
the night in jail for a petty misdemeanor called loitering with the intent
to buy narcotics.

Sergeant Young plans to arrest several people like the Suzuki driver to send
a message about drugs on the Northside.

The people that come here to buy, we're gonna relocate that. Because they
realize that, if they buy there, they're gonna run the risk of going to
jail, explains Young.

Most of the people arrested during this sting won't do anything worse than
have a conversation with or buy marijuana from the C.I. Marijuana is the
only drug he's carrying.

At $10 a baggie, I mean, you chop up a pound of marijuana, and you're
looking at $15,000, says Young.

Though marijuana isn't typically considered a serious drug, Young says
$15,000 is serious money, and for that kind of money, drug dealers fight
turf wars.

This summer, the turf wars have been escalating.

Just last month a 12-year-old was grazed by a bullet after she was caught in
the crosshairs of what was believed to be a drug related shooting.

The sting Sergeant Young is supervising is in the same area where that girl
was shot.

Young is part of the Minneapolis STOP unit. It was created this year to
fight street crime by being proactive in areas where police usually just
re-act to someone calling 911.

Part of the effort includes sending a message to children.

One of the drug suspects police chased down was a boy just a year older than
the girl who was shot. Surveillance video shows the 13-year-old stopping to
talk to the C.I. He showed the C.I. some marijuana bindles.
He says maybe the sting will get the child thinking about the road he's
riding down.

At the end of the sting, nobody arrested and booked was going to spend more
than one night in jail. The biggest fine most will face is a couple of
hundred dollars and that's to recover their cars, which police towed.

In a little more than two hours, 13 people were arrested, and they all were
booked on misdemeanor charges. Police say this wasn't about taking serious
criminals off the street, it was about letting people know they're
concentrating efforts on an area where serious crimes happen.

This operation is called a reversal and was the first one this summer in
which police have gone after drug buyers. Normally they target the sellers.
But they say they're planning a couple more of these reversals before the
summer is over.

By Scott Goldberg, KARE 11 News

(Copyright 2005 by KARE. All Rights Reserved.)

Last Updated: 8/11/2005 8:45:06 PM

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[Mpls] The Green Party's position on the stadium

2005-08-17 Thread Socialist2001
aaron klemz writes,
I don't know for what reason Doug Mann didn't solicit GP endorsement, nor do 
I think that his signs are a big deal.  But it is more than clear that the GP 
has a strong position against state funding for a stadium, referendum or not. 
To wit (MNGP Platform, available at 

[Doug Mann]: The MN GP platform is one thing. The 5th district steering 
committee's stance toward the stadium proposal was quite different. The 
committee was for public financing of the stadium if there was a public 
ownership component. This is reflected in the press release pasted at the end 
this message. 

The steering committee produced a draft resolution about the stadium, but the 
adoption of a stadium resolution (and discussion about how to fight the 
Stadium deal) has yet to be put on the agenda of a 5th district Green Party 
meeting, so far as I know. (I do pay attention to the meeting notices, agendas, 
meeting notes)  The local Green Party therefore does not have an official 
that is binding on the leadership. Why?

The Green Party leadership has been divided on the stadium issue. Dean Z. and 
Natalie Johnson Lee took a firm stand against the stadium. Annie Young didn't 
want to reject a stadium deal out of hand.  The compromise they came up with 
was to say no to a publicly funded stadium unless it is publicly owned. As I 
see it, calling for public ownership is a ploy to get the Green Party engaged 
in a negotiating process. 

In my opinion, No new stadium tax without a referendum is really a stronger 
statement of opposition to the stadium than No stadium tax period (per the 
MN GP platform) because it addresses the issue of our right to vote on the 
imposition of a sales tax. A stadium tax has no chance of getting voter 
which is why the Hennepin County Board is trying to get the tax imposed 
without a referedum. The 5th District Green Party has nothing to say about that!

It is also worth noting that the DFL saved a seat on the Park Board for Annie 
Young. The DFL only endorsed 2 candidates for 3 at-large positions. Annie 
attended the DFL convention and lobbied for that result, according to her own 
account of the DFL convention that was published on the local Green Party 

BOARD [press release]
Minneapolis, MN - On the morning of Thursday, May 12, the candidates endorsed 
by the 5th Congressional District Green Party (5CDGP) launched what promises 
to be an exciting city campaign this year. At a press conference at 
Minneapolis City Hall, they took a stand on some important issues facing the 
people of 
Minneapolis, calling for:
- No stadium paid with taxes unless we have a locally owned team...

-Doug Mann, King Field, 8th ward
Green Candidate for City Council, ward 8

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Re: [Mpls] The Green Party's position on the stadium

2005-08-17 Thread Annie Young
I would like to make some corrections to some of Mr. Mann's statements in 
the message below.  I really don't have time to get into long spiels ( and 
his diversion tactics)  about all the issues he covers and wonder myself 
when he has time to be out campaigning and yet have time to write on and on 
and do all this computer info... is that out getting votes...hmmm?

Back to the subject matter:
There is not any designated leadership in the Green Party.  And the Elected 
Officeholders are no more leadership than the Steering Committee and many 
other volunteers who do work in the party.  I feel there are many who are 
in the leadership of The Greens.

(Mann)The local Green Party therefore does not have an official position

that is binding on the leadership. Why?

(ay) There has recently been a change in steering committee members.  They 
come and go every year and they certainly don't set official positions for 
all of the many items voted on by Elected Officeholders. And binding - 
finding unity in the Greens after the 10 Key Values is somedays very, very 

The Green Party leadership has been divided on the stadium issue. Dean Z. and
Natalie Johnson Lee took a firm stand against the stadium. Annie Young didn't
want to reject a stadium deal out of hand.

(AY) I have never been a fan of the stadium being financed by the 
taxpayers.  I have always said, I love baseball and I am not opposed to a 
locally owned team and stadium.  However, that isn't what we have before us 
at this time (which I am opposed to). However, the caveat had to do with a 
once-upon a time discussion that some funds would be set aside for future 
Park Board activities for youth.
As a steward of the Park system it is my responsibility to at least listen 
to what the options are if the Park Board is to be involved in some way.

(Mann) It is also worth noting that the DFL saved a seat on the Park Board 
for Annie

Young. The DFL only endorsed 2 candidates for 3 at-large positions. Annie
attended the DFL convention and lobbied for that result, according to her own
account of the DFL convention that was published on the local Green Party
(ay)  Oh to have such powers over a 1200 person convention of another 
political party - saving a seat.  Although it may have been a strategy 
since I was the only person from my campaign team at the event - I would 
hardly say I was lobbying for the end result. There were many other factors 
involved in why the third slot went empty.  The most significant one is 
that convention lost quorum when RT walked out with his supporters and so 
there were no more opportunities to do another ballot for that 3rd slot.
I can rest assure you as much as I may love the outcome, I also am not 
dumb enough to understand that it could have been a lot different if 
another vote had been taken.

Back to campaigning.
Annie Young
candidate, Mpls. Park Board Commissioner - citywide

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