[Mpls] See Strib Online: MPS Hires Investigator re Peebles

2005-08-17 Thread ABerget
Ann Berget

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[Mpls] Footnote on MSP Testing

2005-06-19 Thread ABerget
In the spirit of "those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it",  
some folks might be interested to know that when I  came on the school  board 
in 1992, there was no curriculum department in MPS and then-Supt. Ferrera  was 
just presenting test results from 18 months earlier to the board. In other  
words, the May 1990 results were first presented in the early months of 1992. 
 that time there was no attempt to link the test results to any instructional 
 planning or remediation. Board members had a mighty struggle on their hands 
to  shorten the reporting time to something meaningful, but with Peter 
Hutchinson's  cooperation we eventually shortened that reporting time to about 
weeks. That  made it possible to identify schools and individual students who 
needed help  before another year had passed. 
When the state introduced the so-called 8th Grade Tests, MPS was caught  
flat-footed with no remediation plans. During the year that followed, we 
some things and made changes, notably: 1) We learned that the 8th Grade Test 
was  statestically correlatable to performance on the 2nd grade CAT. This was  
important because it enabled us to identify by the end of 2nd grade those  
students who would need more help/instruction if they were to be ready to pass  
the 8th Grade Tests six years hence. 2) We also learned that we needed a  
vigorous remediation plan for those who weren't on track. We had already  
the curriculum and instruction department several years before, so with  the 
best of intentions, we put together a very focused summer school program and  
invited/urged low-performing students to attend. As Ross Taylor said, "They  
stayed away in droves." After a couple of years of struggling with that  we 
wanted to know why fewer than 4 out of 10 low-performing students  were 
participating. The responses from families tended to be things like "He's  got 
important things to do", or "It interferes with our summer plans". The  answers 
got were not encouraging. 
An interesting footnote - maybe I mentioned it before - is the Baltimore  
Public Schools Study, a longitudinal study carried out annually since sometime  
in the 80's, done by Johns Hopkins University that assesses kids twice a year,  
once in September, once at the end of the instructional year. It has found  
consistantly that the "gap" grows during the summer when social/economic  
disparities are not mitigated by the experience of attending school daily, but  
does not grow much during the school year for kids who attend school  
regularly. If anyone wants a link to that study, please contact me  offline.
Ann Berget
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[Mpls] Mower Update - Thanks for all the help!

2005-06-12 Thread ABerget
Thanks for all the words of sympathetic outrage, offers of mowers  and/or 
mowing assistance. As it turns out, yesterday ended on a pretty upbeat  note 
cut grass, good will and the prospect of a replacement mower  soon.
Anyhow before I abandoned my mower quest yesterday, I stopped in at  Nicollet 
ACE (38th & Nicollet) and although they didn't have much in  the mower 
department, one of the guys there lives around the corner from me and  offered 
lend me his own machine to use. How nice is that? When I  finished mowing and 
brought the it back, he even offered me a beer. 
Again, thanks to everyone for comiserating. I was pretty frustrated with  the 
whole thing, but my faith in most people is pretty much restored for the  
time being.
Ann Berget

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[Mpls] Mower Blues - Got a spare?

2005-06-11 Thread ABerget
I need a small used gas or electric mower. If you have one for sale,  please 
contact me offline. Here's how I came to be mowerless:
ListMeister Brauer can attest that I liked to take care of my yard, the  long 
grass citation from the city lawn police two years ago notwithstanding. 
So in preparation for the grass season, I took my red 2 year old WalMart  
mower to the repair shop for a tuneup. A couple of weeks later they called to  
say it was ready, $76 in repairs. Seems like a lot, I thought, but lawn pride  
doesn't come cheap, so I went to pick it up. I was astonished when they rolled  
"my" mower out: it had morphed into a black circa 1960's contraption. That's 
not  my mower, I said. But they were insistant that it was. True, the claim 
tag  matched, but there the resemblance ended. This was NOT my mower. The  
conversation devolved into a pretty inane IS/ IS NOT argument before my good  
returned and I had the wit to leave. Believe it or not, I found the  receipt 
for the purchase of my red mower, but as fate would have it, the receipt  
showed only the horsepower, the size of the cutting deck and the price. The  
repair shop folks were unmoved. They insisted the relic was mine. Are you 
I'm lying? I asked. Well, they said, uh, yes. Hey, if I was gonna come up with  
this absurd senario for copping a different mower, I'd at least claim I had  
brought in a Toro, don't you think? 
Well, anyhow, I am mowerless and pretty ticked. I live in fear of the  return 
of the lawn police and I need a mower quick. Any and all offers  considered.
Ann Berget
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[Mpls] Were the delegates actually committed to endorsement?

2005-05-15 Thread ABerget
Since 40+% of yesterday's delegates chose to support a candidate who  openly 
stated all along that he was not committed to abiding by the  endorsement if 
he didn't obtain it for himself,  what - if anything - does  this say about the 
commitment of the delegates themselves to the  endorsement?
Ann Berget
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[Mpls] DeLaSalle Community/Charitable Service

2005-03-22 Thread ABerget
Chris Johnson asks: What's the average amount of community service  donated 
by high school students on a per school basis?  Is DeLaSalle  unusual in this 

I don't know what the average amount of  community service donated by 
students at other schools is on a per school  basis, but I do know that every 
DeLaSalle student is required to contribute 60  hours of charitable service as 
requirement for graduation. 
During my school board years (1992-2000), Minneapolis Public Schools  had no 
community service requirement.
Ann Berget
Kingfield 8-6
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[Mpls] Stormwater - a clarification

2005-03-15 Thread ABerget
Tonight I received an email from John McLean, the City stormwater point  man. 
He had seen my earlier post and wrote to address two points that I had  made:
1) I had erroneously reported that the size of the statistical sample on  
which the average impermeable area measurement was based. The sample size was  
660 randomly selected properties, not 220 as I had written earlier. I 
 The error was mine. The statistical minds among you know better than I if 
660  out of 75,000 is a sufficient number of samples to provide a defensible  
2) I wrote that "the City hurried to adopt this strategy for  raising $30M in 
order to avoid a lawsuit." McLean does not dispute that the  amount raised is 
$30M, but he clarifies: "Second, regarding  the Cityâs motivation for seeking 
potential changes to how we charge for  stormwater services.  It is true that 
there was active litigation when the  City initiated a study to look at 
changing the way we collect revenue for  stormwater services.  However, the 
Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled (in  December 2003) that the City did not need 
change the way it collected  stormwater revenue.  The City continued its study  
because it wanted to find a way to more equitably and accurately charge  
customers for stormwater services."
I  still say that the absence of progressivity for properties with more than  
1578 sq. ft. of impermeable surface per lot (also with no regard to lot size 
at  all for residences) places undue burden for this "improvement" on owners 
of  smaller properties to the obvious benefit of owners of supersized 
residential  property. McLean stated that the size of the "average" impermeable 
 on a city lot is 1530 sq. ft. That said, then nearly half of the 75,000  
residential properties - all larger ones - benefit from the size factor being  
capped at 1578 sq. ft. and the burden does truly fall on the little  guys.
I  apologize for misstating the sample size.
Ann  Berget
Kingfield 8-6 
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[Mpls] Sewer Units (aka Storm Water Concerns)

2005-03-14 Thread ABerget
Okay, here's the short version of my report-back on my conversation with  
John McLean about the stormwater cleanup fee: 
I talked with John McLean, the Sewer Unit/Storm Water point man,  this  
morning at length. McLean is obviously a smart, knowledgeable and courteous 
He speaks knowledgeably about the fee, the methodology, and the choices that  
were involved in the fee deliberations. The conversation was informative to me. 
 I know many new things about city property, including that there now are  
approx. 75,000 single family residences in Minneapolis, that the average  
impermeable area of a residential property, based on a survey of 200+  randomly 
selected properties,  is 1530 sq. ft., and that the max. rate for  this new 
stormwater fee is assessed on properties believed to have 1578 sq. ft.  of 
impermeable surface area regardless of the size of the property, and that the  
hurried to adopt this strategy for raising $30M in order to avoid a  lawsuit. 
All this is good and factual, but in my opinion, it altogether lacks a  
Fairness Factor. It's not too hard to figure out that this broad-brush fee  
assessment places the greatest proportional burden on "average" properties.  
There is 
no progressivity beyond the 1578 sq. ft. measure. Thus, 11,000 sq. ft.  
multimillion dollar "Gold Coast" residences with 75+% of their available area  
paved or covered with structures - and across the street from the Mississippi  
River for runoff purposes - pays the same $10.60 fee that I do for my R1A lot  
with no driveway or garage 8 blocks from Lake Harriet. 
Gimme a break, folks. It doesn't take a degree in hydrology to figure out  
which property has more runoff - or who's in a better position to help pay for  
cleaning things up.
It's ironic that if the City had chosen to resolve the dispute by being  sued 
- and then lost - the $30M would be paid more equitably through the  property 
tax structure which is at least a bit more progressive than the  Stormwater 
Yes, we can appeal our rate assignments, but that does nothing to  change the 
fact that all supersize residential properties benefit at the expense  of all 
properties that are average or less.
Almost makes me sorry that I asked.
Ann Berget
Kingfield 8-6 
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[Mpls] Storm Water Fee criteria (apparent absence of, that is)

2005-03-12 Thread ABerget
I got my storm water fee billing this week and was surprised to find my  
property charged the highest rate since I have a 40'x140' lot with no driveway, 
alley or garage. Only my house sits on the lot unless you count my garden  shed 
(6'x8').  I wanted to know what the criteria is for the different  fee 
levels. I called the number on the bill for questions yesterday (Friday),  and 
sitting on hold for nearly 10 minutes, I hung up and called Gay Noble  in the 
Ward 10 office. She didn't know and wasn't able to find the information  on 
the website either. She said that the first round of billing had been done  
with a blunt instrument (my language, not hers).  In other words, I  won the 
lottery and get charged at the highest level just because that's  what they're 
charging me. No one looked at my property to decide what level was  
appropriate and it is my burden to complain and ask for "reconsideration" -  
actually no one "considered" my property in the first place. Gay  asked called 
John McLean to call me and we are now playing phone tag. I will  report back 
after my conversation with him.
If anyone already has the criteria, please post them so we can all see what  
they are.
Ann Berget
Kingfield 8-6 (formerly 10-11)
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[Mpls] Re:The Gurban Chill

2003-12-22 Thread ABerget
A chilling aspect of The Gurban Affair:

Success usually reinforces behavior.  What's to prevent these five commissioners and Gurban from handling future park matters in the same bullying fashion?  As Brian Melendez observed,  this behavior does not appear to have violated the letter of the law.  It merely ripped to shreds the spirit of the law and fed the remains to buzzards.

Ann Berget

[Mpls] Park Board - Actionable Open Meeting violation?

2003-12-19 Thread ABerget
IF - big "if" - it can be proved that a majority of the Park Board met outside of a properly noticed meeting for the purpose of making this decision,  it may be an actionable violation of the open meeting law on the part of each of them.  Where personnel matters are concerned it's often murky,  but this seems suspicious.  

Lawyers on the list - please comment.

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Packing Sex offenders in Mpls/ The wrong question?

2003-12-11 Thread ABerget
If the question is "In which neighborhood do we house dangerous essentially unsupervised sexual predators?",  maybe that's the wrong question.  Why should any neighborhood be the "right" one for such a danger?  And again, distributing those same offenders all across the state really isn't a better answer than concentrating many such offenders in a few neighborhoods unless you believe that it takes two or more offenders to cause harm - clearly it doesn't - or you think that putting more communities at risk better.  

This morning's Strib editorial makes an important point:  sexual predators who have not already murdered would not qualify for a death penalty. Unfortunately, prepetrators of this sort do tend to continue to offend and to escalate in the violence of their crimes.  No community, its women, children and vulnerable people, should be put in harm's way of such a serious known danger, in my opinion.  How do we change our laws on sentencing and releasing such perpetrators so that they truly never have access again to their prey,  that seems to me to be a better question?

Ann Berget
Mother of two young adult daughters
Resident of Kingfield with a Level 3 offender living 4 blocks away

[Mpls] Kahn suit - a plaintiff comments

2003-11-25 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 11/25/03 6:16:22 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It's registered voters and more
importantly, THOSE THAT ACTUALLY SHOW UP TO VOTE that count. 

Mike -
Before you go too far down this path...beware - this is a treacherous direction to pursue, IMHO.  Following this line of thought, one could argue that the franchise itself should be abandoned when less than a majority make use of it.  Is this really the direction you want to go?

In the interest of openness,  I will mention that I am a plaintiff in the Kahn suit.  I joined this suit because I believethat a 3+year gap between adoption of the new ward boundaries and  elections  congruent with those boundaries undermined the intention of timely adoption and implementation of the Y2000 census redistricting.  In addition I am a resident of the "new" 8th ward which lives under the cloud of representative ambiguity given that 8thW Councilperson Lilligren had been redistricted out of the 8th (through no fault of his own) and it is unclear at best how residents of the noveau 8th W could hold him accountable for his council work and its impact on the noveau 8th.

I agree with the observations that elections are a costly and time consuming remedy,  but I believe that authentic and timely representation trumps convenience.  You certainly may disagree,  but that's why I joined the suit.

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Community Forums on Superintendent Search ( 1 down, 2 to go)

2003-11-11 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 11/11/2003 6:24:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I would like the new supperintendent to have a track record
> of past proven success in improving student achievement.

AB: A word of caution is in order here.  Even if a prospective superintendent has a 
boffo record somewhere else,  there's no reason to assume that the same conditions are 
present in MPS that ade those successes possible. Those who try to "clone" anything, 
sheep, programs or successes, usually find out that each success is unique.  There 
really isn't a magic formula.

Ann Berget

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[Mpls] Black Leadership in Mpls.- Charlotte Davis' death

2003-11-01 Thread ABerget
Regarding black leadership in Minneapolis, let's not let this day pass without taking note of the passing of a fine woman, Charlotte Davis,  wife of 61 years to Harry Davis, Minneapolis first black mayoral candidate in the early 70's and later a 21-year school board member.  Together, Charlotte and Harry were a couple of rare devotion, dignity and civic commitment.   Leadership wears many faces, folks, and Charlotte's was beautiful, unflinching, and principled through and through.  

Hennepin Avenue Methodist Church, the first intentionally integrated Methodist church,  was filled this morning with hundreds of people of all colors and beliefs who came to honor her life and offer support and comfort to her family.  Some people just have the kind of humanity that makes other differences seem trivial.  

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Jennings @ the whipping post/Qualifications?

2003-10-30 Thread ABerget
Hm-m-...what ARE the qualifications for being Governor besides getting elected?

Ann Berget

[Mpls] "Radical Center" author Ted Halstead to speak in St. Paul 10/29

2003-10-21 Thread ABerget
Ted Halstead, NY Times journalist and author of "The Radical Center",  will be speaking in St. Paul on October 29th.  I think this may be interesting to list members, so here are the details:

The Citizens League and Minnesota Public Radio are pleased to present
"The Radical Center and America's Democracy"
With Ted Halstead

Wednesday October 29, 7:00 p.m., Fitzgerald Theater,
downtown Saint Paul

As Minnesota voters continue to fluctuate between the Wellstone-left and the George W. Bush-right; with a majority of voters now considering themselves 'independent'; and with the parties themselves becoming more polarized, what is going on in American politics?

Are recent voters in California - and Minnesota - confused?  Or are they just unhappy with their choices?  What do they want and who will engage them?  What does this mean for the elections this November, and especially for next year's Presidential election?  What does it mean for democracy, and for the most important policy issues of our time?

The Citizens League and Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) are thrilled to bring you one of the most innovative and refreshing new voices in American political thinking: Ted Halstead.

Ted Halstead is a defining voice for a new generation of political leaders, and is widely praised for his thoughtful analysis, his bold recommendations, and his entrepreneurial policy solutions.

"The Radical Center and America's Democracy" will take place on Wednesday October 29, at 7:00 p.m. at the Fitzgerald Theater, 10 Exchange Street in downtown Saint Paul.  Tickets are $10 for League and MPR members, $12 for the general public, and free for students.  General admission seating will be available on the 29th, or through the Fitzgerald Box Office, at 651-290-1221.  Easy parking is available in the World Trade Center Ramp behind the Fitzgerald Theater.

(Note: Proceeds from the event will help cover Citizens League expenses.  The event is not a fundraiser for either organization.)

The Radical Center and America's Democracy is the first in a series of exciting events designed to 're-launch' the Citizens League in its mission to address the most critical public policy issues facing Minnesota, (and to build effective partnerships as it does so).

The discussion with Ted Halstead is also a key event in an innovative and timely series sponsored by MPR called, "Whose Democracy Is It?"  MPR is leading a nationwide collaboration of public radio stations, networks and other partners devoted to special coverage on this issue.

Ted Halstead is the author of The Radical Center, and a regular contributor to the New York Times, the Atlantic, the Washington Post and the LA Times.  

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-16 Thread ABerget
A casual look at the "gap" in major metro school districts suggests no advantage 
associated with race of the superintendent,  but I don't think formal studies exist on 
this very provocative subject. Can anyone cite formal research here?

Ann Berget
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before continuing it on the list. 
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Re: [Mpls] My statement today on the River Run Proposal

2003-10-10 Thread ABerget
In the statement on River Run, Samuels wrote (and sent to the list as a download): 
 "As an elected official, I am chosen to make decisions on behalf
  of my community and the city so that people can go about their 
Samuels writes about his thoughts and decision-making process in the River Run matter but, more importantly,  he spells out some of his philosophy about the dicey business of representative government.  His writing is articulate, clear and, IMHO, high-minded.  It deserves a read by anyone interested in how Minneapolis City government is going these days.  Please take the time to download it and read it through.  

Ann Berget

[Mpls] The question - clarified.

2003-10-10 Thread ABerget
Unfortunately,  respondent Mann quoted part of my question,  but did not answer any of it.   I hope he didn't misunderstand what I am asking. Let me clarify: I am seeking information about what process of community involvement  Moss/Staten used to arrive at their position on the Jennings matter prior to their speaking out as community spokespeople.  Here's the actual question I posed again:

Speaking of "community input" in the Jennings matter,  I'm curious what process the Staten/Moss group used to gather input and come to a consensus about point of view.  Was the process "inclusive", and if so, who participated and in what settings?  Were the opportunities for this input communicated to the public, and if so, how?  Is the Staten/Moss model for community input one that can be used productively in other situations?

Ann Berget


[Mpls] Speaking of "community input" re: Jennings et al

2003-10-10 Thread ABerget
Speaking of "community input" in the Jennings matter,  I'm curious what process the Staten/Moss group used to gather input and come to a consensus about point of view.  Was the process "inclusive", and if so, who participated and in what settings?  Were the opportunities for this input communicated to the public, and if so, how?  Is the Staten/Moss model for community input one that can be used productively in other situations?

Ann Berget

[Mpls] Jennings Letter

2003-10-08 Thread ABerget
MPS Staff:

Below is a letter I have submitted to the Board of Education, today, withdrawing 
my name as the next permanent Superintendent of Schools for MPS. As you know, the 
board's recent decision to move past my previously planned service as interim 
superintendent and to move directly to naming me for the permanent post 
has caused some controversy.

The voices of dissent are from a radical element in the community and do not 
represent the larger group's view, but they persist and that persistence is 
getting in the way of the real work of the district.

I am sure my decision comes as a surprise to all and a disappointment to some. 
The board is adamant in their opposition to the idea, but willing to respect 
my wishes. From you, I ask understanding.

You know as well as I do the importance of the work and the vulnerability of 
the population of kids we serve. I believe this is the best way to keep the 
focus on them and not on city politics.


Sharon Henry-Blythe, Chair
Minneapolis Board of Education
807 Broadway NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413

Dear Chair Henry-Blythe:

I came to MPS two years ago with a simple agenda. I hoped to be able to 
help a district that was struggling financially and to help poor kids 
and kids of color in Minneapolis find the same kind of academic success 
as their white and middle class counterparts. I know that Dr. Johnson 
and the Board, and you in particular, share that dream.

With her departure, however, other events have begun to take over center 
stage on our agenda and they are beginning to get in the way of the real 
cause we pursue. It is for that reason, that I must use this means to 
withdraw my name as the successor to Dr. Johnson and recommend that the 
Board pursue a different course of action.

I will not dwell on the events of recent days and the obvious 
speciousness and venality that underlie the charges and accusations made 
toward the Board and toward me. It is tempting to fight the fight 
against this lunacy and win, which we would surely do. What nags at me 
is the likelihood that we would win the battle but the kids would lose 
the war.

You and I both know the responsibility for why kids of color are lagging 
behind academically must be shared by many. Part of it belongs to us and 
to the system we run. The good news is that we know it and have 
committed ourselves to doing something about it.

The rest of the story, however, is that part of the responsibility also 
falls directly on the shoulders of the community itself. If we force 
this issue around my appointment and "win", we will have just handed a 
perfect excuse for inaction to anyone in that community who is looking 
for such an excuse. We cannot do that. It might feel good to us for a 
time, but it would also condemn us to failure in the real mission long term.

Instead, I recommend a simple plan. I will stand by my original 
commitment to the board and serve as interim superintendent until a 
suitable replacement can be named. I will assist you in organizing and 
conducting that search in a timely way and in finding the right leader 
to continue the dream we share.


David M. Jennings
Chief Operating Officer

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2003-10-06 Thread ABerget
Call me a hair-splitter if you must but isn't it the case that injunctions are first "sought" and then granted or denied?

Seems to me that this caption is a bit ahead of itself.  A filed request for injunction may be granted or not.  Let's see whether the court grants it or not.

Ann Berget

[Mpls] Can anyone confirm/refute this rumor?

2003-09-29 Thread ABerget
Disclaimer:  At this point, this is only a rumor,  but the source is pretty credible.

The rumor is that Rev. Gallmon resigned his leadership post in the Minneapolis NAACP over the weekend.  Does anyone know whether this is true?  

Ann Berget

[Mpls] Board duties re: Jennings

2003-09-27 Thread ABerget
Actually, state law requires school boards only to hire (and fire if necessary) superintendents and set the budget.  It does not require boards to gather community input.  It does not require any "demographic" relationship (similar or dissimilar) between the superintendent and the student body.  The superintendent is charged with overseeing the academic and operational activities of the school district.  How he/she does this is between the board and the supt.  When community members don't like how the board or individual members carry out their responsibilities, those same community members can complain ( but their complaints carry only advisory weight) and they can also run for office next time there is an open seat,  file applications for any mid-term vacancies that may arise on the board (whether or not they have ever run for office before, even if they have run before and failed), and, if they win this time, they can do things differently - if they can get a majority of their board colleagues to agree.   They can even campaign as individuals for changing the state law on this matter. But unless that happens, when the sun goes down on this debate,  the board still has the right to choose whoever they want to run the schools and to make that decision in whatever manner they wish, with or without convening public gatherings for input.   

For what it's worth,  I think the board made a good strategic choice and saved the community and the kids and teachers months of expense, disruption and distraction by choosing Mr. Jennings.  Whether you like him or not,  you still have the right to expect him to serve all Minneapolis children.   There's plenty of work to go around here, and as the late superintendent Richard Green used to ask,  "What are you doing to help?"

Ann Berget

[Mpls] Zoran's Tree Sculpture - Was: Tree Cutting and Carving

2003-08-27 Thread ABerget
State Fair Grand Prize winning sculptor Zoran Mojislov lost an elm on his boulevard about 10 years ago.  When it was cut down,  he got the city to leave the pieces on his lawn where he debarked them and shaped them into a wonderful sculpture.  The work can be seen from the street at 4130 Blaisdell.  

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis Paint Police file Criminal Charges forNegligent Non Pa...

2003-08-21 Thread ABerget
In May 2002 on the advice of the 5th Pct SAFE team,  I contacted Inspections for help in dealing with the problem (party) house next door.  SAFE suggested that I ask Inspections to check for overoccupancy.  So I did.  The inspector assigned was not know for his diligence and I observed him drive by, not getting out of his car.  He subsequently report no problem.  I contacted his supervisor,  told him about the slacker inspector,  and the supervisor sent the slacker inspector back to reinspect.  Well, he did,  but not the problem property --- he inspected mine with a diligence that would do credit to a five star hotel!  Imagine my surprise when I got a notice for "rot, garage door damage, and porch roofs" , all subject to that 30-day time line.  (PS: I don't even have a garage,  just a garden shed.  ) Rot, indeed!

It was hard to get anyone to do work in that timeline,  but Handyman Henry agreed to the job.  The alledged "rot" was, in fact, mildew on the shady side of the porch.  A bleach wash was took care of that.  We replaced the shed doors in their entirity although the "damage" was on the corners of the doors.  But when we got to the roofs, doggonit if they had not been replaced the previous year.  What the [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sometime during these efforts,  Inspections returned and they were not satisfied.  I got a summons in my Friday mail.  Yes, they do mail these out timed to arrive when their offices are closed, preferably for long holiday weekends.  When I reached the Inspector General some days later,  he told me the matter would be withdrawn from the City Attorney's office, not to be so concerned (but with a clear message to kwitmibichin).  Silly girl,  I believed him.  I was so-o-ooo gullible.  

About a month later I got home late one...Friday evening, saw a City Attorney envelope in my mail, and, anticipating documentation of the cropped "charges",  I opened it.  It was a warrant for my arrest for failure to appear in court on the rot/door/roof matter, the very one the Inspector General said was resolved.  Since it was Friday,  I spent the weekend laying low, aware that even a parking ticket could now land me in the clink.  Was I ticked?!?!?!  

Come Monday morning I reached my CM and the Inspector General who again said not to worry.  I asked Inspector General if I needed to come over and walk over to the City Attorney's office with him to get the matter resolved.  He was not eager to see me in person and - when pressed - emailed me an assurance that the warrant was a mistake,  but I pressed on until I got written confirmation from the City Attorney's office that the matter was dropped.  

Meanwhile,  the problem property next door partied on.  

Thus this affiant sayeth naught.

[Mpls] GoMemphis reports: Johnson will be new supt.

2003-07-30 Thread ABerget
 My Memphis friend reports that Johnson got the job.  Read more at:  Click here: GoMemphis 

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] What Carol Johnson is telling Memphis

2003-07-29 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 7/29/03 8:38:28 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'd say, don't let the screen door hit you on the way out, Carol.

As a Tennessean myself, a Memphian in fact,   I assure you that the difference between Nashville and Memphis is a lot greater than just 240 miles along I-40.  Nevertheless,  I think it is only fair to remind readers that Carol Johnson has served Minneapolis Public Schools faithfully and admirably for over thirty - thirty! -  years,  most of those years as a classroom teacher.  Her commitment to the children of Minneapolis is indisputable.  She has served as superintendent now for six years at a time when the average tenure for urban superintendents nationwide is just a little longer than two years.  Concern at the prospect of her possible departure is understandable,  but impugning her integrity in the process is unwarranted.

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Urban Wildlife

2003-07-28 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 7/28/03 9:32:32 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hopefully the city will decide to do something about earth pounding mega bass coming from autos
before crackin' down on chicken clucking.

AB says:  Don't count on it.

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Urban Wildlife - Iguana

2003-07-27 Thread ABerget
My family's best urban wildlife adventure took place on Labor Day 1996. We were about to set out on our annual holiday picnic when a neighborhood child came banging on the back door, yelling "Ann, come quick! There's a lizard in the street!"  I grabbed my kitty-cat oven mitts for protection and followed her, thinking "salamander".  Imagine my surprise to find a 3-1/2 foot iguana vogueing along the curb.  Well, I couldn't exactly leave it/him there, so I grabbed him up with the oven mitts and put him in a big aquarium tank left from a previous "wildlife adventure."  As I recall, it was election season (isn't it always?) and some wiseacre suggested naming the critter  "Larry Sawyer" after a rival school board candidate, but  son Andy prevailed, naming him "Felix".  Felix lived with us for 6 years, got blessed several times at Basilica of St. Mary's Blessing of the Animals - once as pet-of-the-year,  appeared on the front page of the Strib Metro section in a nice color photo (he was green), and went to his eternal rest in PineCone Cemetery (under the big blue spruce in the front yard) last year with flowers and a nice eulogy.

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Re: Third Ward is Out of Shape

2003-07-24 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 7/24/03 5:59:29 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Jackie Cherryhomes told me once that one Charter rule was that each ward 
had to have part of downtown

Well, I don't know if Jackie ever actually said that, but if she did, she must have been talking about some other City Charter.   How else to account for decades of "outlaw" wards like 10, 11, 12 and 13?  

I think that's a criterion we can dismiss with confidence.

Ann Berget
Kingfield( W10, W8, or something like that)

[Mpls] Road closing by the Rose Garden?

2003-07-22 Thread ABerget
A large orange sign announces that the road between the Lake Harriet Rose Garden and the Japanese Garden (Rock Garden)  will close July 30.  This is the road on the north side of the Rose Garden between the lake and Dupont Avenue.  Does anyone know why the road is being closed?  For how long?  Permanently?  

Ann Berget

[Mpls] Friday Shooting at Nicollet & Lake

2003-07-19 Thread ABerget
Friday there was a shooting (murder?) in the Office Max parking lot at Nicollet & Lake about 1pm.  The place was cordoned off and covered with police.  Several bystanders said a man had just been shot in the head.  

Curiously nothing appears in the Strib about it today.  Does anyone know more about it?  

Ann Berget

[Mpls] Bookish Minneapolis - Recent Reads / All Time Favorites

2003-07-16 Thread ABerget
More interesting than where we shop is what we read.  So, Listmembers,  what's on your "Recent Reads"  list (last 6 months) ?  And how about two or three "All Time Favorites"?

I'll start off.

Recent Reads:
"Germs" by Judith Miller et al 
"The Book Against God" by James Wood

All Time Favorites:
Anything 19th C. Russian
Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby"
Delmore Schwartz, "Summer Knowledge" (poems)

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] NRP

2003-06-06 Thread ABerget
List member Barb Lickness probably knows the authoritative answer,  but it's my belief that anything not specifically outlawed by NRP statutes is in fact allowed, even shrinks, if that's what the neighborhood residents want. Dunno about meds, though.  That could be an ongoing and operating expense,  something often declined by the Policy Board.

(Who writes those heads, anyway?)

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] the joys of composting

2003-06-05 Thread ABerget
Thanks for the info. This is cool.  Lawn Outlaws can use then for yard wastes, too!  (But they require a *12* digit phone number when you enter your reservation.  12 digits?)

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] NRP Community meetings

2003-06-04 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 6/4/03 7:03:58 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

a proposed change to the City Ordinance that established the NRP will be discussed. 

What "City Ordinance" is that?  NRP was not established by a city ordinance, but rather it was enabled by state legislation and then activated by a joint-powers agreement of city, county, schools, parks and library.  

Ann Berget

[Mpls] FYI: Inspections - Text 011 - How it operates

2003-05-30 Thread ABerget
Here's the deal, friends - and I'm not even a big conspiracy theorist, but they've got me going this time... This is what I have learned about how Inspections operates:

First, they "sweep" the area.  We're not talking about complaints here.  Nope, no brooms either.  This "sweep" means they drive by...maybe.  They stay in the car and jot down the address of their targets.  They enter the target addresses into something that generates form letters which seem to be timed to arrive in citizen mailboxes on Friday afternoons. Before holidays seems to be best.  But here's the good part:  they don't document anything about the offender's property problem.  No notes on some kind of form, no photos.  That's right: no notes, no photos. In fact with mine, the inspector said that with 5000 notices going out in that sweep (5000!!!) she couldn't be sure that mine was in fact an offending address; it might be a mistake, but, hey, who's to know.  The alleged offence is "NOT APPEALABLE TO THE MINNEAPOLIS HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS" according to the notice.  However, properties that persist in offending will get a visit from the Mpls. All-Star Mowing Enforcers and the bill will be added to the property tax bill for that address.  

Now I'm not a super-suspicious kinda gal - I'm such a geeky good government booster - but I gotta wonder about this stuff:  drive-by inspections, loosey-goosey details, no notes, no photos, no documentation, no appeals BUT the very real (and arbitrary) risk of substantial additions to my property tax bill.  And all this when the City is struggling to make ends meet.

Maybe I'm just feeling a bit put out, but really!  First, my (alleged) 8" grass (blades, I admit) and then MacDonald's over-30" handrail. Come on, City!  This is how you're spending property tax dollars? 

This is like being stoned to death with popcorn.

Ms. Berget/Kingfield 

Re: [Mpls] List members in the news

2003-05-29 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 5/28/03 8:02:18 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ann Berget: hunted by city inspectors. Doug Grow is on the case

"Outlaw" Berget writes:  Silly me!  All this time I thought the City was concerned about law enforcement when they were really talking about lawn enforcement.  Well, I guess this is what Homeland Security is all about. Honestly, sometimes I'm so slow...

AB/Kingfield, Home of the 8-inch Blades

[Mpls] 2003 Property Taxes - What 8% Looks Like

2003-03-12 Thread ABerget
FYI:  I got my 2003 property tax statement today and this is what 8% looks like:  total 2003 taxes up 16% from $1600 in 2002 to $1867 in 2003, a husky increase IMHO.  

Yes, I know that part of this increase is the increase in my property valuation - isn't it interesting that the market value of my tatty little Kingfield estate has increased  by a convenient 10% ($138,500 to $152,500) - just within the limit of the maximum increase per year?  I admit, I have always had my doubts about the assessors.  Ah, if only my income kept apace so well!

City taxes account for the lion's share of the increase, rising 22.4% (+$133) from $593 in 2002 to $726 in 2003.   But both schools (+$57) and county (+$50) show significant increases. 

Yep, there are some other interesting wrinkles and complexities buried in the statement, but it's clear to me that those public bodies trying to rein in spending are not necessarily the Scrooges of the Common Good.  Increases like these - accompanied by substantial service reductions and significant unemployment - break the backs and spirits of communities like ours.  We've got to get our means and our expectations  aligned for our own good - and quick.   

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] R.T. et al, please let us 3rd ward residents decide

2003-01-26 Thread ABerget
If I recall correctly,  one of the more noxious aspects of the last round of council elections in 2001 was the unwelcome involvement of non-residents (SSB for sure,  but quite a few others as well) in many DFL ward conventions.  While it certainly is RT's prerogative to do as he pleases in the W3 race,  I believe that it is far preferable for the mayor, any mayor, to leave the ward races to the ward residents.

Just FYI,  although it has merely been a custom,  I think the school board practice where sitting board members who are not up for reelection refrain from involvement in other candidates campaigns is a good one.  

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Save Our Schools

2003-01-24 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 1/23/03 10:41:31 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Here are the key messages our legislators need to hear:

1. They will be held accountable -- We will hold our legislators accountable
for funding the "adequate and efficient" public education guaranteed to
every child by Article 13 of the Minnesota Constitution.

2. Schools are the state's most important investment - Our public schools
are the bedrock of our state's health and success. No other investment is
comparable in long-term value to our economy and our quality of life.

3. Support the progress that's being made - There are no easy answers to the
challenges of multiple languages, special education, racial and economic
disparities and high mobility. But progress is being made. This is no time
to give up on our most vulnerable kids, who need our support and commitment.

4. Know the facts about school funding - Many Minnesotans would be surprised
to learn that Minnesota does not rank near the top among states in public
school per-pupil spending. We're 21st. And while in absolute dollars,
funding has usually increased from year to year, costs -- like health
insurance -- have risen faster. Schools already have cut administrative
costs to the bone, while the state and federal governments continue to
mandate new services without paying for them.

It is not sufficient to merely demand increased funding.  It is imperative that SOS offer proposals for funding these increases.  Does SOS support property tax increases,  shifts to other revenue streams,  if so, what?  Other ideas?

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Save Our Schools

2003-01-23 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 1/23/03 10:41:31 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Here are the key messages our legislators need to hear:

1. They will be held accountable -- We will hold our legislators accountable
for funding the "adequate and efficient" public education guaranteed to
every child by Article 13 of the Minnesota Constitution.

2. Schools are the state's most important investment - Our public schools
are the bedrock of our state's health and success. No other investment is
comparable in long-term value to our economy and our quality of life.

3. Support the progress that's being made - There are no easy answers to the
challenges of multiple languages, special education, racial and economic
disparities and high mobility. But progress is being made. This is no time
to give up on our most vulnerable kids, who need our support and commitment.

4. Know the facts about school funding - Many Minnesotans would be surprised
to learn that Minnesota does not rank near the top among states in public
school per-pupil spending. We're 21st. And while in absolute dollars,
funding has usually increased from year to year, costs -- like health
insurance -- have risen faster. Schools already have cut administrative
costs to the bone, while the state and federal governments continue to
mandate new services without paying for them.

Re: [Mpls] Samuels/ Moore

2003-01-20 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 1/20/03 12:47:36 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Don Samuels:

Martin Sabo is a mainstream DFLer, just like Olin Moore. If you think you can find some "self-made" immigrant who can do Sabo's job better than he has done it, show me.  I don't know that much about Olin Moore, but the fact that he has connections that Don Samuels doesnt have has got to be the WEAKEST argument for supporting Don Samuels that I can think.  This city needs all the connected it people it can get.  You don't wait till you're sick to find a doctor, and you don't wait till you need connections to make sure you have them.  A guy who understands the plight of the struggling is not as valuable as a guy who can help ameliorate those struggles.  Thousands of people have gotten paying jobs through Sabo's efforts over the years.  How many has Don Samuels helped employ?

Make any choice you want, but at least think about the choices in a realistic way.

With all due respect to Mr. Moore whom I barely know and Mr. Samuels whom I do not know at all - and with the acknowledgment that I am not a W3 resident,  I remark:  The W3 race should not be a referendum by proxy on affection for Marty Sabo.  In a fair race,  each candidate stands on his/her own accomplishments and merit,  not merit or accomplishment by association.  

Special elections are usually rift with complications and ripe for criticism anyway.  Campaign advocates do well to seek higher ground by promoting their candidates on their earned merit,  not on the grounds of one's ethnicity or another's mentor. 

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Saturday NRP session- Sly Di takes her sawzall to thebudget...

2003-01-13 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 1/13/03 6:07:23 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

City leaders and
neighborhood leaders all know the 52 percent must be hit - it's state law.
I'd say even if NRP is mortally wounded, the money must be found to meet the
housing goal.

For information only:
The housing % is a target,  not a mandate inasmuch as there is no consequence defined for not hitting the target.  This is not my opinion,  but is actually the formal legal opinion of the city attorney.

Concerning hitting the 52% target or not:  the legislation that established the housing target did not define what "housing and housing-related expenditures" were - for the purpose of NRP.   A  working definition of acceptable "housing etc."  expenditures was established a couple of years later by the NRP Policy Board.  The Policy Board could modify the definition of qualifying expences and the compliance/non-compliance level would change - not that I'm suggesting this. 

Ann Berget
Kingfield  (Past Policy Board Chair)

Re: [Mpls] Cub & Block -E

2002-11-20 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 11/20/2002 10:32:29 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Here's something I don't understand: if you're going to build a grocery
> story, why not put it in City Center? God knows, they have 
> the vacant space.

Great idea, David! Cub with a "Simon Delivers" type option sould be so-o-o convenient. 
Grocery shop at lunch and find my groceries in boxes at my door when I get home. Or 
even have a drive through pick up for buy-now, pick-up later. 

Ann Berget

Minneapolis Issues Forum - A City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn E-Democracy
Post messages to: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Mpls] Lawn Sign History tidbit

2002-11-14 Thread ABerget
When I first ran for School Board in 1991,  four of us candidates (me, Farmer, Kaari and Harp) went in together on lawn signs. It was still the day of the old 2x4 plywood, paste and paper affairs hung on rebar. Our signs were loud red, white and blue things, hung vertically on 8 ft. lengths of rebar
so that all four names were clearly visible.  Well, the great Halloween Blizzard of 1991 hit just days before the election and our 4ft tall signs were lost in huge drifts of snow all across town, frozen solid as cement.  It would have taken  teams of augers to dig the miserable signs out. No one could get them out. We were unable to retrieve them until the spring thaw when they began popping up like crocuses. It was awful. 

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis Turnout

2002-11-05 Thread ABerget
I was Voter  #518 in 8-7 at 9:00am.

My 18-year old daughter voted for the first time :-) .

8-7 polls in the King Park gym and the layout of the voting process is tortured, with lines of voters and prospective voters crossing paths in the process of picking up their ballots, marking up their ballots and then turning them in.  A not-so-neat arrangement in my opinion. 

Ann Berget
Kingfield 8-7

[Mpls] Remembering Paul

2002-10-26 Thread ABerget
Paul seemed to have a gift for making each person he met feel special, noticed...I did.

I heard Paul speak at the 1988 DFL state convention in Rochester. I didn't know who he was, but he made a big impression on me. Today he's probably the only thing I remember about that affair - no, I take that back: I remember the fuzzy pink slippers Eva Young wore during a floor demonstration, too.  

In May 1989 Paul had announced his long-shot intention to run for US Senate, and Scott Adams, Paul's lone campaign worker, phoned me and asked if I'd host a house party/fundraiser for Paul. When I said yes, Scott was astonished.  Seems that he'd been working his way through the state delegate list to find support for Paul and he'd called through all the "A's" and well into the "B's" before he got to me, Berget, the first "yes".  

So on a cold day in June I invited 50 friends and neighbors in to meet Paul.  Most of them had never heard of him. He arrived with Sheila. She was so nervous her palms were sweating and I don't think she said 10 words that evening. Paul stood on the piano bench so people could see him when he gave his trademark stemwinder speech.  When he came to the end of his remarks, David Tilsen said "Paul, you forgot to ask for money."  Paul said he couldn't do that, that he hated to ask for money. Tilsen said, "Okay then, I will."  So Tilsen asked for contributions. I don't think we raised $100 that night, but the race was on. 

The 1990 campaign was a high water mark for me and for just about everyone who joined in. I don't think I ever believed in another political effort the way I believed in Paul.  He was the genuine article, passionate, idealistic, tireless and principled. Not only that, he had the ability to inspire those around him to work for their beliefs and to believe that through their work, all things were possible.  

Paul showed us the way by working for his beliefs every day of his life.  We can keep his spirit alive by putting his lesson to work in our own lives, in our own communities.  There may be no finer tribute...

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Pay cap affects candidate pool

2002-10-17 Thread ABerget
I don't defend or criticize the Library Board's situation, but I want to point out 
that this is a significant issue for other jurisdictions as well. The arbitrary salary 
cap, which does not exist in most other states, makes it difficult for Minnesota to 
attract candidates from other areas of the country where salaries are MUCH higher. 
While I agree that salary alone does not insure top performance, the cap does endure 
that the pool of qualified candidates we attract is smaller than it would be 
otherwise. This is not necessarily a good thing. The cap also provides a powerful 
incentive for jurisdictions to seek devious but legal ways to enhance the 
non-competitive salaries they offer through perks that can strike the citizenry as 
more noxious than a higher salary might be.

This has been a significant issue in the selection of school superintendents for a 
long time. It doesn't surprise me that it's come up in the Library search.

Ann Berget

Minneapolis Issues Forum - A City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn E-Democracy
Post messages to: mailto:mpls@;mnforum.org
Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Digest, and more: http://e-democracy.org/mpls

Re: [Mpls] Theatre riot/ Should be: A Riot of Theatres

2002-10-16 Thread ABerget

In a message dated 10/16/2002 12:02:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

>  Theatre riot

Oh, rats! When Terrell wrote "Theatre riot", it didn't occur to me that he was 
referring to illbehaved event patrons. I though he meant that we now have so many 
theatres that it could be called a virtual riot of theatres. You know, like a murder 
of crows, a gaggle of geese, a pride of lions. A riot of theatres...I'd like that. 

Ann Berget

Minneapolis Issues Forum - A City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn E-Democracy
Post messages to: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Digest, and more: http://e-democracy.org/mpls

Re: [Mpls] Garages/Clarification

2002-10-14 Thread ABerget
Just a clarification:  My own garageless situation results from the placement of my circa 1897 house on an alley-less 40' lot with less than enough clearance on either side to allow for a driveway, even if I were so barbaric as to destroy a mature 65' blue spruce (which sheds on the Brauer property to an irritating degree - David is very patient about this.) to pave a path to the back yard where I could construct a car-castle. Over the years - 23 to be exact since I bought the house - I have parked my single car curbside without any significant problem.  Based on my current property tax bill - due tomorrow, incidently - it is clear that my property is no longer "low-income".  Garage-less-ness is not just a scourge of the low-income. It is an equal opportunity plague.

Kingfield Flats

Re: [Mpls] Garages

2002-10-14 Thread ABerget
Hm-m-mmm...Could this mean that my garage-less estate in 10th/8th Ward with NO possibility of a garage would become utterly unsalable in the future?  Or, tee-hee-hee, if it's market value went down to $0, then I would never have to pay property taxes again?  Or would my property become a de-facto sub-lot of the Brauer's 3-stall garage spread next door?  

Ann Berget
Garage-less House-hostage in Kingfield

Re: [Mpls] Math Scores: The public doesn't want to know!

2002-10-06 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 10/6/02 12:13:43 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

From my perspective, this "it's the parents" rationalization is how middle-class
parents in Minneapolis justify the inequality of outcomes in the public schools.
"Things are fine the way they are now because nothing can be done to over
come the lack of involvement in THOSE families."

Change that to "...very little can be done that will succeed in overcoming the lack of involvement in THOSE families..." and you will have a pretty accurate statement, not always true in all cases, but mostly true in most cases. 

If kids were a cash crop, wouldn't you expect that the grower who did the best job of nurturing a crop would have the best yield?  Why do some folks persist in thinking that teachers alone can outfox the most dysfunctional parent or guardian in bringing up and educating children?  It would be great - especially for kids - if this were possible, but it's just not reality.  

I certainly don't think that schools are so good that they don't need to improve, but I have long believed that improving the care and nurturing of young people outside the school house would probably bring about a lot of academic improvement inside the school house. 

If we spent as much time debating and promoting more responsible child rearing as we spend on browbeating the organized educational system, we might make community progress on this. 

Just a thought:  How would you describe good child rearing?  There's a scary question.

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Library green/sustainability goals

2002-10-04 Thread ABerget
Thank you for this policy piece. Unfortunately this says nothing specific about how effectively the proposed design can realize these principles. 

When Mr. Pelli presented this proposal to the Implementation Committee, did he provide any written material discussing the operational energy efficiency and maintenance costs that he envisions for the building?

Also, how would the "bonus" services at this site - teen center, community space - be impacted by the kinds of cuts that the Lib. Board is currently considering for the system as a whole? Would this building be held harmless from such future reductions if the community steps up with the additional dollars needed to build it?  If so, how?

Just a note: An earlier turf-rooftop design (Walker Branch Library) was celebrated for its creative design when it was built, but was plagued with serious and expensive leakage problems from the day it opened.  Perhaps Carol Becker, our number-wise list member, can provide info on how much money was spent over the years to attempt to remedy the design problem at Walker?

Just a note 2:  It is interesting that - according to the Strib article - the enthusiastic crowd at Tuesday's unveiling was apparently made up of a majority of non-city residents.  Hope this isn't a case of "It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there."

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Glass, heating, and new library

2002-10-04 Thread ABerget
With all due regard Sheldon, whom I like and respect, IMHO the proposed new lib has all the warmth and coziness of a large ice cube.


Also, the timing of the announcement of major proposed service reductions for 2003 does not bode well for the notion of bustling public space.  Big, chilly and CLOSED? 

By the way, does The Ice Cube have any fireplaces in the public space? Now there's a warm and cozy notion.

Think I'll put another log on the fire and settle into my favorite wingback chair with a good book. (Just a note in passing: Salman Rushdie was great at The Fitzgerald last night. )

Ann Berget
Feeling bookish in Kingfield

Re: [Mpls] New Central Library Design

2002-10-02 Thread ABerget
Harmon...would that be Harmon of the local glass company?  Hm-m-m...

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] New Central Library Design

2002-10-02 Thread ABerget

What is the R-value for the various types of glass that will clad the proposed 

What is the R-value for other more conventional cladding materials? A couple of 
examples would be great.

How do the costs of routine exterior maintenance compare between the all-glass 
exterior and more conventional materials?

Ann Berget
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Re: [Mpls] New Central Library schematic design: web link

2002-10-01 Thread ABerget
How disappointingly predictable: another glass box. 

Ann Berget

[Mpls] FYI: "SavetheGuthrie" Event

2002-09-17 Thread ABerget

For those of you who may be interested:

 The Historic Guthrie Preservation Coalition
  invites you to a fundraiser
 Wednesday, September 18, 2002
7-9 pm
at the home of Dore and Ron Mead  
  112 East Elmwood Place, Minneapolis 
Special Guest: Ralph Rapson, Guthrie architect 

 Your hosts are: Sara Bell, Ann Berget, Roger Brooks,
 Linda Donaldson, Phil Freshman, Rita Goodrich and Tim
 Fuller, Jane King Hession, Ginny Housum, Duane 
 Kell, Bob Mack, Jack Manley, Dore and Ron Mead,
 Paul Metsa, Paul and Letty Mindrum Merrill, Jack 
 Reuler, Bob and Sally Roscoe, Charlene Roise, Aaron
 Reubenstein, Gary Schiff, Carolyn Sundquist, Virginia 
 Sweatt, and Ted Thompson.

Members of the Historic Guthrie Preservation Coalition are SavetheGuthrie.org, the 
National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota.

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Re: [Mpls] Schools from the Outside Looking In

2002-09-12 Thread ABerget

In a message dated Thu, 12 Sep 2002 10:20:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> The MPS-Ed Minnesota(and predecessors)-School Boards, Admins fought tooth
> and nail throughout the Carlson years to prevent testing, scoring and
> publishing the results. The Educational-Industrial-Complex of Metro based
> Teachers  fought a 1812 style fighting retreat to Moscow.  
> They reargaurded
> every step of the way.

As Jimmy Stewart was famed for saying, "Now just a darned minute...! 

I was on the Minneapolis School Board from 1992 to 2000 and I did NOT oppose testing, 
nor did most of my colleagues, notably Len Biernat, Judy Farmer, Ann Kaari, and Louis 
King, nor did Superintendents Peter Hutchinson or Carol Johnson, nor did Minneapolis 
Teachers Federation President Louise Sundin. Nor did I attempt to conceal test results 
from the public at any time.  

Stick to the facts please, and be careful about sweeping and inflammatory 
generalizations that have little basis in fact.

Ann Berget

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Re: [Mpls] Schools from the Outside Looking In

2002-09-12 Thread ABerget

In a message dated Thu, 12 Sep 2002 10:20:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> The MPS-Ed Minnesota(and predecessors)-School Boards, Admins fought tooth
> and nail throughout the Carlson years to prevent testing, scoring and
> publishing the results. The Educational-Industrial-Complex of Metro based
> Teachers  fought a 1812 style fighting retreat to Moscow.  
> They reargaurded
> every step of the way.

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Re: [Mpls] Coverup

2002-09-10 Thread ABerget
Given the rash of coyote-ugly building proposals that have come to light around these parts in recent months, it's scary to imagine what we need to be protected from. Is it the stuff of nightmares? Is it too exquisite to be viewed by meer mortals? 

Hey, come on, this coy game is (deleted).  Take off the wraps and let's have a look. 

Ann Berget

[Mpls] FYI: Strib quotes list

2002-09-03 Thread ABerget
Just a word to the wise, gleaned today from experience:  Strib columnist Barbara Flanigan quoted me in her Monday column from something I  posted to this list some time ago.  No biggie, but neither she nor anyone else from the Strib had contacted me about the post prior to its appearance in the paper yesterday. I was surprised when someone at work told me I'd been quoted in Monday's paper.

Now, I don't care. I figure that anything I put on the list with my signature is out there in the public domain and the quote was innocuous, but I was still surprised to find my remark quoted and attributed in Flanigan's column yesterday.

Given the fevered pitch some recent postings to this list have taken, I just wanted to remind you that "stuff" does get around...in case you want to consider this when you post.

Ann Berget

[Mpls] Pit Bulls and Student Achievement

2002-08-25 Thread ABerget
It's hardly extreme to consider outlawing or licensing pit bulls in a community that outlaws buying and selling of iguanas and ferrets. Just a thought.

It's interesting how long it took The List (as well as the larger community) to realize that the youngster wounded in last week's incident apparently lives day in day out in a drug house with all its attendant misery. In another week that child will be a student in some teacher's classroom, who knows, maybe writing the requisite "What I did on my summer vacation" piece.  When you ponder the low areas of student achievement, are you thinking of how living in an environment like that is likely to affect a child's performance?  If you were the teacher, how quick would you be to make a home visit to that home, pit bull and all? If you were the parent of one of this child's classmates, would you want your own child to visit that home? How likely is this child to be focused on mastering math and the finer points of the language when he is in the classroom?  Just a few things to think about...

Someone asked on the list the other day if the school board job was worth the misery that goes along with it. My answer is YES. To be given a position where you have the power to improve the lives of young people in any measure is an awesome opportunity and responsibility to be entrusted with and - in my view - an extraordinary honor .  Struggling to find and implement practices that increase the odds that children will reach their full potential is hard, overwhelming at times, but there is no work in this community that is more worth doing. 

Little story: I grew up in Memphis and often still feel like an outsider  in this community where so many people have lived all their lives. One night in 1991 I was running for school board and I was returning from a candidate's forum in far North Minneapolis, driving down a street I don't think I had ever been on before. I turned a corner and saw one of my lawn signs in the yard of someone I  didn't know. I stopped at the curb and looked at the sign in the stranger's yard for a long time.  And it struck me that whoever put that sign up in their yard trusted me enough to promote my candidacy.  Someone that I didn't know was counting on me to do the right thing.  Over the eight years I served that image of the sign in the stranger's yard came back to me many times. I never forgot that.  

What a privilege.  Godspeed to all those seeking positions of trust and service.

Ann Berget

[Mpls] RE: Syl Jones, etc.

2002-08-18 Thread ABerget
I only have an observation to offer, not a brickbat or a solution. 

Although I disagree with Syl Jones at times, I find most of his writing rich and moving.  And I am a little (middle aged) white girl from the Deep South.  Maybe that's why. 

Anyhow,  it seems to me that the more authentic issue ignored here on center stage is the tragic toll mental illness takes on people, sometimes entire communities.  No one seems offended by Jones or the Strib (in earlier pieces) identifying Ms. Donald as probably mentally ill.  She probably was, by all accounts, even her family's.  And untreated, it sounds like.  In this community - as in most across the country - very little can be done to compell a (suspected) mentally ill adult to seek and submit to medical assessment and treatment if he/she doesn't want to.  Tragically, many serious mental illnesses impair not only one's judgment about the outside world, but also the ability to correctly assess one's own condition and actions.  Sometimes it turns dangerous, even deadly, especially when weapons are at hand.

God only knows all the details of what happened that night at Horn Towers, but I think the real issue is what happens when mental illness turns lethal - regardless of the color or station in life of anyone involved.

Ann Berget
(Past Board Member of NAMI - National Alliance for the Mentally Ill)

Re: [Mpls] I'm not meandering, you're just impatient.

2002-07-21 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 7/21/02 7:06:43 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

the next time you are speed-walking around the lakes or rushing back 
to the office because you tarried too long at the sidewalk cafe, please 
remember, I might not be meandering. I simply may be not be in a hurry.

As a Southern gal whose preferred speed might aptly be described as a slow mosey, I can't imagine speed-walking around the lakes...or for that matter, rushing just about anywhere...but the so called "mall walkers" seem  unaware that they are sharing a sidewalk with others  at all.  It doesn't take an impatient person to get hacked at the dodging and weaving you have to do just not to plow into them.  I wonder if they drive the way they walk?

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Re: tubing Minnehaha

2002-07-18 Thread ABerget

Jon Gorder's tongue was firmly in cheek, no doubt, but just in case...surely everyone 
realizes that even Hizzoner has to rest and reconnect with his family ever so often. 
And we are probably all better served by public servants who value beautiful places 
and healthy families (including their own)within our own city. 

Families of public servants pay a high price for the contributions of their loved 
ones. Let's not grudge RT et al a little fun together.

Ann Berget

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Re: [Mpls] Block E: An undone deal?

2002-07-07 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 7/7/02 10:44:23 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

(Re: Block E)
The question is, what can/should the city do now? 

Sue the (deleted's). As if all that's not bad enough, facade notwithstanding, the place is criminally boring.  What a waste!

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Wildlife

2002-05-22 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 5/21/02 3:08:30 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

.  Does anyone know if the foxes are still living in Roberts bird sanctuary?

Walked through there last evening. No foxes that I could see, but a deer walked up almost within arm's reach. 

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Racism and the MPS

2002-05-17 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 5/17/02 8:58:30 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Judging from the responses of Mr. Wilson and Mr. Mann, and the yawning silence from the rest of the list, it is apparent that others don't share my view that in a recent post Mr. Mann was not so subtlely inferring that the MPS has been practicing racist behavior toward its students. 

Based on the public statements Mr. Mann has made on numerous occassions over several years (until at least January 2000) before the Board of Ed in taped, broadcast and televised meetings, I think it is safe to say that Mr. Mann believes that MPS is a racist organization.  Mr. Mann said many times that he believed that the community schools move was an intentional strategy to re-segregate schools and that the community schools system of student assignment should be ended. 

I don't know Mr. Mann personally, so I don't know if he continues to hold those views, but he certainly did on the many occassions that he spoke before the school board while I served on it. 

Ann Berget
(Former BOE member 1992-1999)

Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis Geographic Place Names

2002-05-16 Thread ABerget
If I recall, the community newspaper that was the predecessor to the SW Journal (was that the Sun?) ran a great series of articles on SW Minneapolis street and other place names. They were written by Tangletowner Tom (?) Balcom, I think.  Does anyone know if Tom still lives in the area? If he does, maybe he still has some of these pieces. I seem to remember that they developed out of his interest in local history.

Librarian/archivist types, where could we find those articles?

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Kids Suspended in MPS

2002-05-13 Thread ABerget

Don't be too quick to jump to conclusions: kids in the primary grades HAVE brought 
loaded guns to school here in Minneapolis.

The biggest problem IMHO is that when the kids are suspended and sent home no one is 
there. The message they get is that seriously bad behavior results in a holiday. 

I hope you won't get too bogged down in the swamp of victimhood here: many behaviors 
that result in suspension seriously interfere with the learning environment for whole 
classrooms full of their fellow students. Think of the learning time lost for ALL 
students when one student is seriously disruptive.

Again I ask: where are the parents?

Ann Berget
Parent of Four, Former School Board Member

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Re: [Mpls] Jelly Fish Alert

2002-05-03 Thread ABerget

Jelly fish, when last I checked, were not indigenous to Minneapolis, to say nothing of 
asphalt surfaces. Where the devil did these things come from? Or, Steve, are you 
putting us on?

Ann Berget
Kingfield - the Riviera of the Eighth
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Re: Re: [Mpls] Rudeness on the Rise in Minneapolis

2002-04-25 Thread ABerget

Tom Robbins (author) once wrote, "A thing is good because it's good. It isn't good 
because it's natural. It's really no better to die by getting bit by a rattlesnake 
than shot by a gun." 

I'm sure some would take issue with that, but I think you get the general idea. 

Seems to me that the rude behaviors folks are citing would be rude perpetrated by 
ANYONE. The ethnicity of the perpetrator is almost always irrelevant, unless the 
*perceived* rudeness is a relection of cultural differences or misunderstanding.

Ann Berget
Kingfield in the Eighth
(A pretty doggone civil place, thank you!)
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Re: RE: [Mpls] The Ace Hardware Houses

2002-04-22 Thread ABerget

As I passed the houses this morning at 8:15am, the first one was already half down and 
the backhoe was hard at work. By now the house is probably history. So sad.

Ann Berget
Kingfield in the 8th
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Re: [Mpls] Children's Theatre expansion

2002-04-18 Thread ABerget

Let's hear a mighty round of applause for Linda Mack and her cheeky critique of the 
proposed Graves monstrocity! (I hope "monstrocity" is not on the short list of words 
that will get me banned for inflamatory language.)

I speak from experience: my four children, now grown, loved attending Children's 
Theatre, actually got dressed up to attend most times, and - as far as I can tell - 
never felt the least put off by the beautiful, sleek facade of CTC/MIA. In fact they 
actually clambored to prowl the galleries of the MIA, had their own favorite pieces 
(Hammering Man, The Denial of Peter, the bronze nymphs). Hey, just because we want 
children to enjoy the place doesn't mean it has to look like it was built with Legos. 
Young people can learn to appreciate beauty, restraint, elegance...if only we take the 
time to teach them rather than pandering to them

Graves' design promises us yet another desecration of an unusually elegant and 
beautiful landmark. Folks, what is it about our city that is breeding such a 
proliferation of really UGLY stuff? 

Ann Berget
Kingfield - Noveau Eighth Warder  
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[Mpls] RE: What's a parkway? (Tee-hee-hee!)

2002-03-15 Thread ABerget
These days there's not much funny about city government, BUT I did check out the "What is a Parkway?" page (See Sheldon's post for the link). It's a hoot! 

Who writes this stuff?!

Ann Berget

[Mpls] Snow Emergency Hotline # is 348-SNOW

2002-03-15 Thread ABerget
Just a reminder: 

The Snow Emergency Hotline number is 348-SNOW. Check there for an up-to-date recording about where it's safe to park during the snow emergency.

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10

Re: [Mpls] Richard Rose Memorial Service Saturday

2002-03-01 Thread ABerget
In a political culture that seldom favors a gentle person, Richard Rose was a rare and wonderful exception. 

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10

Re: [Mpls] Dairy Queen

2002-02-27 Thread ABerget
At the risk of enrolling in the Slippery Slope School of Anxiety, I am loathe to see the franchising of our parks in any way. When I was a member of CLIC, one of "our" collective civic embarrassments was the distinction of Minneapolis having the only public park with a liquor store on the land. Wasn't that Peavy Park beside the old Mt. Sinai Hospital, later Four Winds Schools? 

Enterprises like Dairy Queen, Pepsi and other less savory ones love to "brand" sites where kids congregate. Remember the WINSTON sign that used to welcome you to the Metrodome?

Let's just stop while we're ahead and say no now before we're in a situation where we have to craft contorted policies that allow DQ in, but everyone else out.

I know, I'm a nerd...but jeez, I hate the franchising of America.

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10

Re: [Mpls] Neighborhood Reps to NRP Policy Board

2001-12-21 Thread ABerget

Just an FYI: 

The population "equator" of Minneapolis is somewhere around 34th Street - SOUTH. 
Hence, it's not surprising or particularly inequitable that there is heavy 
representation of "southside" n'hoods in citywide groups.

Ann Berget
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Re: [Mpls] Fun with lists

2001-12-18 Thread ABerget
Here are three nominations:
 1)    Where's winter?
 2)    Rybak wins!
 3)    Herrongate

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] School District COO

2001-12-12 Thread ABerget

At the time I left the BOE, the fastest growing segment of the budget was the cost of 
health insurance. I dunno if this is still the case - bet it is - but it is a MAJOR 
problem for virtually all employers, especially public ones. And degradation of health 
coverage shifts the costs back on to citizens, one way or another, either through 
increased out-of-pocket costs or through heavier usage of free/public health 
facilities, or - worst of all - refusal to seek health care when necessary.

Not an obvious culprit, but a powerful one.

Ann Berget
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[Mpls] Re: Chamber & Schools/ Was:Mpls:Chamber's Jennings becomes Mpls schools' COO

2001-12-12 Thread ABerget
The Chamber opposed the first school referendum vigorously in 1990, thus galvanizing support for the issue. So there. 

In 1996 under new leadership (both schools and Chamber) the Chamber supported the question. A smaller business group CITE (Commercial/Industrail Tax Equity, I think)  dragged its heels but eventually came on board. The 1996 renewal of the referendum also had to shift to full market value within the life of the referendum.There was little significant organized opposition in 1996. 

I believe the Chamber supported the Year 2000 Referendum (#3), but I was no longer on board and don't have details.

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Is school more like a)a TV repair shop, b)a doctor's office, c) other

2001-12-07 Thread ABerget
I think "school" is rather more like seeing a doctor and getting a prescription for your problem: if you get the Rx filled and take it and do the other things the doctor recommends, you are much more likely to recover quickly than if you put the Rx in your pocket and simply complain about how the doctor didn't cure you. 

Some things you simply have to do for yourself. Students and their families, not just teachers,  must do their fair share of the learning work. Students who are not present are not doing their fair share,  parents who do not - for whatever reason - see that their children attend school regularly prepared to learn do not do their fair share. And  teachers - however committed, well funded, or skilled - are unlikely to overcome such a basic lack of cooperation. Everyone has to do his/her fair share to achieve success. That includes students and families.

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] Is Reading Taught? Attendance counts.

2001-12-06 Thread ABerget
Friends, I weigh in on this one reluctantly, but feel I must share a thought or two gained from experience:

When the "8th Grade Test" results first came in documenting how poorly many Mpls. kids were doeing against these basic reading and math measures, the BOE soon instituted  very focused summer school programs to provide the help these students needed to succeed. The programs were in dozens of schools in dozens of neighborhoods, transportation was provided, as was breakfast and lunch. The hours were convenient. At least four messages went out to the families of the children who evidently needed serious help. And ya know what? (As BOE member Ross Taylor remarked) They stayed away in droves. Not just the first year, but the second, the third...I don't think they ever reached 50% attendance!  

During my BOE years, I never shyed away from criticizing bad teaching practices, but folks, children and their families are at least half of the solution to improving public education. 

I think it is pretty sad when a kindergarten or first grade teacher is held more accountable for the success of a child than the parent or guardian of that child.

Ann Berget

Re: [Mpls] What is missing?

2001-11-17 Thread ABerget
Driving (or walking) along Nicollet Avenue (before it was the Mall) on Thanksgiving night, noses pressed to the car windows, to see Dayton's holiday windows. Before the 8th Floor Holiday Show, Dayton's used to deck the windows for Christmas and unveil them on Thanksgiving night. A treasured after-turkey treat. No calories.

Kids walking to school all over town. 

Two-way traffic around the lakes.

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10

[Mpls] Weatherball jingle - my recollectrion

2001-11-15 Thread ABerget
Red: Warmer weather ahead
Green: No change forseen
While: Colder weather in sight

Blinking: precipitation forecast.

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10

Re: [Mpls] What is missing?

2001-11-15 Thread ABerget
Does anyone remember Karlos Kaufmanis' "Star of Bethlehem" lecture? Ya know, as far as I know, it was never taped! 

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10

Re: [Mpls] Property Rights Open Forum

2001-11-12 Thread ABerget
Ann sez: 

Don't believe everything you see or hear about the Property Rights group. For example: Last spring I conversed briefly with one of their members at a candidate event. Imagine my surprise when I later saw my photo on the front of one of their publications identified as "a descendent of Harold Stassen and city council candidate for Ward 6".

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10

[Mpls] Straw Poll, Please

2001-11-09 Thread ABerget
Could we have a straw poll of council members-elect and mayor-elect to learn if they will commute the Guthrie's death sentence?

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10

Re: [Mpls] Guthrie sell out.

2001-10-30 Thread ABerget
Couple of thoughts about the G -

I am sentimental about the G. When I moved - unwillingly - to the urban tundra in 1965, I felt like I was being exiled. Solzynitzysn's book "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch" was still pretty new and I believed it was a pretty fair description of my exile in Minnesota. The dust of the old Metropolitan Building was still settling in downtown Minneapolis, and for me the only redeeming cultural totem was The G. To this day I remember the thrill I experienced the first time I entered the theatre to see "The Skin of Our Teeth." I thought it was pure magic. 

About ten years later I took a job there making costumes during the last several "Michael Langham" years. I made Dolly Levi's fabulous red dress and I had the incredible privilege of stitching many of the dresses for Christmas Carol. One of the highlights of my Guthrie years was kneeling on the stage pinning hems for the gowns for the Fezziwig Ball while the inimitable Lloyce Houlton choreographed the dance. 

I am a sap for the Guthrie and to this day it thrills me. It embodies some special kind of magic and I would deeply regret its destruction. Little Catholic girl that I am, I suspect that destroying the G would probably be a very serious cultural sin. 

But more practically, here's what I wonder: I think the plan is to bulldoze the G and put in an underground parking facility with the expanded Sculpture Garden growing atop the parking ramp. Okay. With the Guthrie and Allianz gone and with it the hundreds of nightly, matinee, and working parkers, who's gonna fill up this ramp? I mean I love the Walker too, but it has never generated that heavy parking use on any regular basis, has it? So what's gonna change? 

This reminds me of Block E --- with trees. 

Seriously, folks, the G put Cold Omaha on the cultural map and deserves a better fate than the traditional Minneapolis wrecking ball, don't you think?

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10

Re: [Mpls] What IS this School Board election about?

2001-10-23 Thread ABerget
I hesitate to reply lest I set off a firestorm of bad feeling among list members who have been pretty darned civil to one another for the last few weeks.

But I think I can overcome my hesitation. Here goes:

Those who think we can remedy the problem of poor school performance by continuing to tinker with teachers - and ONLY tinker with teachers - are in for continued disappointment. It is a sad time when teachers are held more accountable for  children than their (children's) families. Without improved parenting, far too many children will continue to come to school woefully unprepared to learn and will continue to do poorly throughout their school careers. And that's the kids who actually do attend. As Ross Taylor wrote in a poem he gave me when I left the board, "We can't teach 'em if we can't find 'em."

Some time ago I mentioned research done at Johns Hopkins documenting what some of us already knew: families and communities have at least as great an influence on "The Gap" as schools do. Here's what Johns Hopkins did: the entire incoming cohort of kindergartners in Baltimore was assessed for "readiness" when they entered kindergarten. A gap was identified. At the end of the school year the whole cohort was assessed again. The Gap was still there and it was about the same size as it had been in September. Next school year they assessed in September again. The Gap had grown over the summer! Again they plodded along and at the end of the year they assessed, only to find that the size of the gap stayed the same while school was in session and it grew when school was out. They did this for 6 years. Same results. Go figure.

Concerning special needs children, MPS is not fully funded to provide all the services mandated by IDEA and that resultes in a HUGE cross-subsidy of funds (more than $20 million several years ago) flowing out of general education funds into special ed. Still this is not enough to provide all mandated services and special ed families often sue, through organizations like - but not limited to - Disability Law Center, who know the district is exposed on this side. Predictably the district often loses such suits and - although MPS cannot levy to make up the funding shortfall to PROVIDE the mandated services - MPS CAN levy to pay the legal costs of settlements. What a system!

And of course, none of this assesses whether the special ed mandated services are effective. 

Further your affiant sayeth naught.

Ann Berget 
Kingfield 10-10

Re: Minneapolis Issues (Was:[Mpls] Re:Strib poll)

2001-09-25 Thread ABerget
Friends, I've been a list member almost from the beginning of this forum. I am disappointed to see it lately decline from a forum marked by thoughtful and substantive discussion into just another place for a few folks to rant and insult one another. It's getting to the point that I'm having a hard time telling the difference between the junk mail I find in my inbox every day and the rant that is too often becoming standard fare on this list.  

Maybe it's the late hour or maybe it's a moment of clarity, but I'm dropping off this list for a while. I have grown weary of unnecessarily inflamatory postings and personal attacks. 

I hope that the general level of civility and substance improves. Minneapolis'issues deserve better.  

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10


Re: [Mpls] NRP-funding

2001-07-06 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 7/6/01 4:48:41 PM Central Daylight Time, 

Organizers from the school
board referendum saying that we needed consultants and prior
approval of the Charter Commission

Was someone else associated with schools speaking at the meeting before I 
arrived, or DeWayne, did you misunderstand me? I said that Better Schools 
Referenda 1 & 2 (with which I was associated) had consultants and I said 
nothing about Charter Commission approval one way or the other.

I understand that feelings are running pretty hot on this issue, but let's 
keep to the facts - which seem to be in short supply, I might add.

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10
Former NRP Policy Board Chair and Better Schools Referenda Co-Chair 1990, 1996

Re: [Mpls] McDonald files for mayor

2001-07-05 Thread ABerget
In a message dated 7/5/01 9:59:29 PM Central Daylight Time, 

"McDonald urged an outside review of the Minneapolis Community Development
Agency's revenue and spending projections over the next decade.
She said she doesn't accuse the agency of wrongdoing but wants a review by
someone without a stake in the future of city development spending."

Hear! Hear! An eminently sensible idea. 

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10

[Mpls] Proposed NRP referendum and levy

2001-07-03 Thread ABerget
A few thoughts on this proposal:
If this is a City Charter amendment and the levy floats under the City banner 
and flows directly into the City coffers, how would this work? Several times 
along the way, the only thing that prevented m-a-j-o-r $$$ grabs by the City 
was the joint powers governance structure of NRP that gives all five partners 
equal power in such major decisions (ie, the $5m attempted grab in the early 
90's). If this becomes just another City "program" or "department" created 
via a Charter amendment and the revenue stream is created by a City levy, I 
become concerned. The such referenda are not - and legally CANNOT - become 
dedicated funds. They flow to the general fund of the body on whose behalf 
the levy is sought. The only reason the school ref's have remained committed 
to lowering class size for lo! - these 10 years - is that the individual 
school board members remained committed to the pledge made to the voters. Do 
you trust the City Council - any City council on the local horizon for the 
duration - to remain dedicated to "NRP" uses for "NRP" $$$ voluntarily and 

(For the moment I will not even mention the impact that increased property 
taxes have on access to housing for Minneapolitans of all income levels and 
housing persuasions.)

I applaud the intent, but fear the unintended consequences of  rash action 

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10
Former NRP Policy Board Chair and 1990/1996 MPS School Referendum Co-chair

[Mpls] (no subject)

2001-07-03 Thread ABerget
Question to the drafters of the proposed NRP related charter amendment and 
property tax levy:

NRP is currently a joint-powers agreement among the five local taxing 
jurisdictions, that is, county, city, schools, parks and libraries. Would 
this current proposal change NRP into a creature of the city alone? If so, 
what are the implications?

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10
(Past Policy Board chair of NRP)

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