[Mpls] New Ethics guidelines for Minneapolis

2003-02-22 Thread RLilli
Susan Herridge writes:

 In the climate of the last year of indictments and convictions for illegal 
behavior by Council members, it behooves that group to lead the way in a 
public showing of cleaning up our act, city- wide.  


I do believe that this proposed ordinance in response to the two occurrences 
of Council Member misconduct over the last two years. I think it is important 
to keep in mind through the upcoming discussions that nothing in this 
proposed ethics ordinance would have prevented either criminal offense. Nor 
would an ordinance like the one proposed have given the citizens of 
Minneapolis any better system of recourse. Though it is easy--and popular -- 
to connect the need for this ordinance to these recent disgraces, it is 

Robert Lilligren
Ward 8 

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Fwd: [Mpls] Rybak orders police not to talk to media

2003-02-07 Thread RLilli
In the corporate world, situations which occur
internally are not discussed with the media 

We are discussing our city's government here, not the corporate world. Free, intelligent media - like the one we are participating in now - are a requirement for a healthy democracy. The media have a right to expect access to the city government players in a news story. Individuals with something to contribute to a story - be they city employees or not - have a right to talk to whomever they choose (be they reporters or not).

Discussion about centralizing the city's communications functions have been going on for quite a while at City Hall. I did not know when, or how, this was going to be rolled out. I also did not know that the mayor was going to propose limiting access to police officers. And I do not support this.
This action raises many questions: Who will craft the unified message that the centralized communications department delivers? Is it valuable to have ALL city communications uniform and unified? Does this mean that the mayor's own CIO, Laura Sether, will now report to the city's Communications Director? How is this reform to the city's communications functions formalized by city council action?

I am a reform minded person. I am always interested in thoughtful, responsible improvements. I hope that we can use the mayor's proposal as a starting point in the discussion about how to find efficiencies and cost savings by integrating some of our city's communications.


Robert Lilligren
Ward 8  
--- Begin Message ---
I do not see why Mayor Rybak's idea of having a
unified front is merely putting a "spin" on the issues
coming out of city hall.  Right now, when the police
force is under extreme scrutiny from the media and
public, instead of letting the police "hang out to
dry," the Mayor has chosen to solidify himself and his
office with the police force and make sure that
everything coming out of the office has been examined
and reported in a valid nature.  

In the corporate world, situations which occur
internally are not discussed with the media until
either the situation is resolved or a majority of the
investigation surrounding the incident has been

If a unified message is not given before an issue has
met resolution, then the media will drag out premature
conclusions and blow them up all over the 5 o'clock
news.  Lets let the decision makers make their
decisions and report in due time.  We have elected
these officials, its about time we start showing our
trust and appreciation for them in this city's time of

Ryan Hagemeier

Message: 11
From: "Lisa McDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Rybak orders police not to talk to
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 08:42:33 -0600

I must say I'm curious about the lack of response on
this list to the 
Mayor's latest effort to try to spin news out of City

As someone who has been both a reporter and an elected
official I have 
that the best way to have a relationship with the
media is to be open, 
available and honest, regardless of whether it is good
or bad news. In 
I think the media is often fairer with those folks who
are, than those 
aren't. Case in point...how the media often treated
past City Council 
President Jackie Cherryhomes, who was generally
unavailable to the 

I'm bewildered that the Mayor and his chief of
communications and the 
communications director could all make such a bonehead
move with the 
especially since two of the three had been reporters
And clearly from the amount of backpadeling in today's
paper by the 
Mayor in 
an article and a letter to the editor, indicates that
this wasn't a 
thought out decision.

Quite frankly reporters will report the story of the
day and you can't 
them to sugar coat it by giving them some goody, goody
news to print at 
same time. Good public relations folks know that. You
try to push the 
positive stories as stand alone articles highlighting
accomplishments of 
the police department. And this new city
communications policy in no 
makes that happen, any more than the previous policy.
In fact it might 
reporters to not pick up positive stories because they
figure it is an 
attempt by the Mayor's office to control the news.

If the Mayor is so concerned about controlling what
the media gets,  
why in a recent Strib article, when asked what he
though about the 
in the Native American Community,  did he say no
comment and direct 
reporters to the police chief. That's hardly
consistent with this new 

Secondly his comment in today's paper indicating that
reporters should 
the police chief why he disagreed with the change came
across as 
Yesterday's article indicated that the Mayor
instituted this change to 
people the reality... the good, the bad and the ugly.


Re: [Mpls] 35W Weave prblems solved?

2003-01-29 Thread RLilli
Tom McGreevy writes: It was my understanding that the Minneapolis City Council was to vote on the project in March or April. Will they be given the approved documents well in advance of said vote? 

I have been trying to discover the projected schedule of City Council decisions on the project for several weeks. City Traffic Dept. staff will be providing me with a response by the end of next week. The Project Advisory Committee (PAC) materials have referenced Council decisions to be made in Jan. '03 (not done), Mar. '03, and other dates, I believe. 

I am sure that the entire Council will be well briefed, that is "given the approved documents", before making a decision.

I will publish the timeline of Council actions for this project on this list as soon as it is available.


Robert Lilligren
Ward 8

[Mpls] Civilian Review

2002-03-26 Thread RLilli

At the full City Council meeting on March 22, 2002 I voted against giving the 
current Civilian Review Authority the ability to subpoena. I have received 
many comments both of support and of criticism on this vote. Clearly there is 
a great interest in this issue. Here I would like to discuss my reasons for 
this vote.

I support a strong civilian complaint process - and civilian involvement - 
with the Minneapolis Police Dept. I can easily support the ability to 
subpoena, or any other "teeth" a new civilian complaint process requires. I 
think last Friday's motion was premature. With this action we would have 
directed increasingly more rare and valuable staff time to define and attach 
"subpoena power" to an Authority which the majority of the Council and the 
Mayor have criticized and have directed that we redesign. This action would 
have been an empty gesture. 

This transition has gone poorly and I apologize. We are still learning how to 
best direct our resources in City Hall. The City's policy group for this 
redesign plan will implement an interim operating plan for civilian 
complaints with a civilian interface. That is, a person with a complaint will 
have a non-police place to lodge their complaint. This is for the short term. 
The more lasting solution will come from strong citizen participation in this 
redesign process. Our City's Communications Dept. will keep the public and 
media posted on our progress. This is an opportunity for you to influence 
critical Minneapolis policy for how we handle complaints about the treatment 
of our people by our Police Dept. In fact, I urge you all to encourage our 
elected officials to use this CRA redesign process to bring longstanding 
concerns like use-of-force policy and racial profiling to a City policy 

I hope to see you all in City Hall soon. Remember, in a democracy those who 
participate will find that their needs are the best met.

Robert Lilligren, Vice President
Minneapolis City Council
Ward 8  

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[Mpls] Where housing goes

2002-01-19 Thread RLilli
 Lynne Lowder writes:
Further, to Mayor Rybak and to councilmember Lisa Goodman, what can you
suggest the City do to open up non-saturated neighborhoods to supportive

Good question, Ms. Lowder, and though it wasn't addressed to me I hope you don't mind my taking a shot at it. This question not only promotes the discussion of the placement of supportive housing developments in Minneapolis, but also brings forward the question of where and how we site all future housing development here.

I believe our approach can be simple and systematic. Using data projecting population growth for the city and region that is available today, we can create a pretty accurate picture of our housing needs in a prescribed time period - say 15 years. With these projections we can make some specific determinations about our future housing needs; like the number of rental units needed v. the number of ownership units, levels of density required, etc. We can look at the full spectrum of housing types and costs - from facilities for the homeless and supportive housing to upper-end market rate. We can then place the projected units equitably throughout the entire city.

Using this plan to place future supportive housing facilities in non-saturated communities and at least 1/4 mile apart is a way of enforcing the spacing ordinance for supportive housing. Also, it is a way to more evenly distribute increases in the density of housing that is necessary to make our city stronger by placing multi-unit developments in non-traditional communities (the lagging population growth in Wards like 11, 12 and 13 are going to make Minneapolis' redistricting much more challenging). This will mean changing the way we do housing development. It will take more flexibility in our zoning codes, licensing, and regulatory procedures, but I think we will be moving toward a more vibrant, diverse and healthy city. It will take a committed, strong and farseeing city council and mayor to accomplish this.


Robert Lilligren
Ward 8
Phillips West  

Re: [Mpls] Strib edit: build the exta/transit lane on 35W

2001-12-17 Thread RLilli

Welcome to the bigs, Robert Lilligren; you've been challenged by the
Strib editorial board:

"Mayor-elect R.T. Rybak and Eighth Ward Council Member Robert Lilligren
have an opportunity to clear up the frustrating double talk that has
surrounded this project -- neighbors wanting an interchange but not more
traffic, activists wanting more transit but not on I-35W, people
continuing to demand apologies for a freeway that has been in place
since the 1960s. These two new leaders can provide the clarity needed to
bring the Lake Street neighborhoods into the metro mainstream."


Thanks for the words of welcome, David. I think this is an attempt by the Strib editorial board to recreate me as a MnDOT mouth-piece - a role I'm not interested in playing. I remind the editorial board that I took an oath to protect the interests of my constituents to the best of my ability. I am not convinced that fast-tracking a capacity project (HOV lanes) on I-35W is in the best interest of the 8th Ward.

I have been involved in the access project since the spring of 1998. CM Dore Mead is educating me about the earlier work on this project and the Neighborhood Transportation Network (NTN). I will be meeting with freeway activists (past and present; pro and con) to determine a strategy. My guess is this will mean a community-wide meeting(s) early in 2002. Hopefully, this will move us toward the clarity the Strib board seeks.

I am disturbed by the oblique threat in the quote from Commissioner Tinklenberg.


I hope that we can move forward in a cooperative spirit and consider the needs of all the people of the city, state and region.

Robert Lilligren
8th Ward

Re: [Mpls] Property Rights Open Forum

2001-11-13 Thread RLilli
Mr. Luce posts:

Less than two weeks after a major victory, in what I would guess is the first or one of few public fora that all of these folks will attend, it happens to be the monthly PRAC meeting

Since the election I have attended the public fora of Council committee meetings, a full Council meeting, a tour of the Hollman site, the mayor's budget address, a joint block clubs meeting, and the Politically Saavy Luncheon on the topic of reparation with guest speaker Alderman Dorothy Tillman. I have been invited - and accepted - invitaions to neighborhood meetings, faith-based affordable housing group meetings, non-profit development group meetings, politcal action group meetings and more. I know Natalie Johnson-Lee's schedule is as full. I can only imagine what RT's schedule is like.

Mr. Luce continues:


Am I excluded from your invitation because I am a - gasp - landlord? I hope it's just an oversight. I bet I have something to share. I look forward to your invitation, Mr. Luce.

Robert Lilligren
Council Member-elect
Ward 8


[Mpls] The DFL, Stonewall and me

2001-11-11 Thread RLilli
This is the time to build bridges. And then traverse them. I would like to put some punctuation on the discussion, as it pertains to me, of the pre-election actions of Stonewall DFL. How about a semi-colon, or - my favorite - the dash? I do think there is something to be learned by the DFL from this last election regarding party politics in Minneapolis.

There are seven new council members. That's a majority on the council. Of the seven, four of us (another majority) won our races without DFL endorsement. Obviously the DFL endorsement has lost value. I believe this happened because, in Minneapolis, the DFL reins were held tighter and tighter by fewer and fewer people. I grew up training horses. I know the long-term effects of holding the reins too tight. You end up with a hard-mouthed, unresponsive, and uncooperative animal that nobody wants to ride.

With seven new council members - a majority - we have the chance to make a difference. To make changes. To actually deliver on some of the things we said we would do while campaigning. To change the status quo before we become the status quo ourselves. I challenge all of us new council members to work together; to use our unique position as a majority to enact positive changes; to open up processes; to share information and power with each other and our constituents; to care more about our actions than our reelections; and to not only talk about the new "collegial" atmosphere we will have on the council, but to create it. To me a collegial atmosphere will be defined by open and frank dialogue, fair treatment, and cooperation.

Robert Lilligren
Council Member-elect  
Ward 8

[Mpls] Pickle Seeds

2001-10-27 Thread RLilli

Wizard Marks posts


I made no such statement about Portand Place or JSI. Actually as a 
neighborhood activist I was vocal in my criticism of the Portland Place 
project as it progressed through the neighborhood approval process on two 
major points: 1. the bulldozer- (now called Hollman-) effect of eliminating 
the housing for a very vulnerable section of our population without planned 
replacement; and 2. the elimination of reclaimable, historically significant 

There is no denying that the Portland Place development is a sweeping and 
important project. As we proceed to develop housing in the core city I think 
we must protect the interests of those already here in our communities, as 
well as those we want to attract. Not all of the residents of the 2600 and 
2700 blocks of 5th and Portland Avenues we drug dealers or undesirables. Even 
if they were, affordable housing solutions will need to address the needs of 
all concerned - be they chemical dependency, un- and under-employment, etc.

My other connection to Portland Place is that I moved the one and only 
existing building off the site before demolition. It took a year of hard work 
and the bringing together of the City, MCDA, Honeywell, the neihgborhood and 
a long list of other folks to accomplish this nearly impossible task. I was 
told at least a dozen times, "This will not happen," by people who were in 
positions to say "No". Not only is this building a surviving relic of the 
site, it is a testimony to how well I can bring people together to accomplish 
something difficult. Also, this project's construction site will be the 
location of my campaign's Election Night Party (2919 3rd Ave) - 
announcement/invite to come.

I'm guessing this rumor that Ms. Marks heard from one of her friends started 
because of the appearence of my new campaign literature piece today (Sat.). 
On it is a quote from Joe Selvaggio, local founder of PPL, 8th Ward resident, 
and affordable housing guru, who I met in 1981 when he was working on the 
brownstone renovation at 18th and Elliot (City View Co-ops) and I was a 
21-year-old renovation groupie. Quote Mr. Selvaggio, "I think Robert 
Lilligren has demonstrated his commitment to community development. We would 
be fortunate to have him as our council member."

Robert Lilligren
City Council Candidate
Ward 8
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[Mpls] ISAG cases/Lucille's and W6 Forum

2001-10-26 Thread RLilli

Rosalind Nelson asks

<< All you candidates for mayor and city council, you have an 
 opportunity to let us know how you will direct our zany city 
 legal department.  Should they continue to throw money and 
 resources on top of the million or so that has already been
 spent on ISAG, or should the matter at last be dropped?


I say enough is enough. Let it be. Do we have a term for the over reaction to 
an over reaction? I resented having to travel around the bunker around the 
Hyatt just to get to work during the ISAG convention. I resented having our 
civil liberties curtailed so 500 geneticists could meet in our fair city. I 
resented seeing my friends and neighbors abused and beaten only to jusitfy 
the ridiculous amount of money we spent on security for one convention so 
that a hotel, the Convention Center, and a few restaurants could make a few 
bucks. And I still resent the lack of accountability on this from our city 
government. We have never even heard a satisfactory response from our 
Conventions Bureau explaining why this misguided event was ever allowed to be 
held here. 

Sadly, I believe what I heard an older passenger on MTC Route 18 say 
regarding the overly agressive response of our city to the peaceful ISAG 
protesters, "They's jus' practicin". 

Lucilles and 6th Ward Forum

Fred Markus posts

< to see the eager faces
 of the young people who were clearly having a swell time cheering their
 favorite and giving short shrift to those in the audience whose
 preferences lay elsewhere. That's democracy emerging before our very
 eyes. Never mind about the niceties of content - these kids were pumped
 and they'll never forget this night. >>


I think this is so right on. I get a thrill from seeing young people getting 
involved in the election process. At last Tuesday's Lucille's Kichen Policy 
Forum (Wards 3 and 5), with Price and Johnson Lee in attendance, I was very 
impressed with the youth involvement. There were two youth groups there; one 
community service group with members from 18 to 24 years old, and one group 
of North High students. These African American kids were participating - they 
stepped forward and asked their questions. It made me feel hopeful for the 
future of our democracy.

In a city with such a disparity in income and opportunity between races it is 
critical to teach our disenfranchised populations the benefits and power that 
come from being involved. The obvious place to start is with youth. I applaud 
anyone, or any group, that involves our young people and trains them to 
participate in government.

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8
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[Mpls] Lilligren talks

2001-10-23 Thread RLilli

Annie Young posts

<< Just for the record I think people should ask Robert straight out who his
 aide is going to be. He was very open in telling me the person's name last
 week at the Green Tomato Cook-off Harvest Festival in Phillips. >>


Annie and I did discuss the 8th Ward aide. I told her I had a very short 
short-list (I would be irresponsible not to) and that I already knew that the 
top person on the list would be interested in discussing the position if I 
get elected. I did NOT mention any names. It would be unfair to jeopardize a 
potential aide's current position by openly mentioning a name. I've made it a 
personal policy not to mention names when asked (I will discuss criteria, 
qualifications, etc). The particulars Annie posted are correct - adding that 
it would be an 8th Ward resident. There was a boisterous and loud crowd at 
the (Phillips) Green Space Partners 1st Annual Green Tomato Cook Off. I 
imagine Ms. Young mis-heard me or misunderstood what I said. I am working 
hard to win an election and I think it is premature to announce any possible 
future staffing choices.

I now see why it is called running for office. I've been moving so much and 
so fast I haven't posted lately. I would like to comment on the Star 
Tribune's endorsements. Though I don't agree with all of their endorsements, 
I think in the 8th Ward they were right on :-) I have been very clear 
throughout my campaign about my stands on issues like corporate subsidies, 
the importance of directin development dollars to the neigborhoods, and a new 
stadium development. I was as surprised as the next person to receive their 
endorsement. I am grateful to the list members who have defended me as an 
independent thinker. Obviously, any candidate that screened for their 
endorsement viewed it as something worth having, and I am pleased and 
grateful to carry it.

Also, on the 10 gay candidates. I say, "Way to go, Mpls!" Who knows why this 
happened this year? I think it is significant and something for us to be 
proud of. It seems like it is more and more rare that we in Mpls can point to 
something concrete -  like the number of openly gay candidates - that 
expresses well known our liberal and progressive attitudes. Let's use this as 
a springboard to involve other marginalized groups in the decisions that 
effect their lives.

Gotta go get some votes.

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8

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[Mpls] Sierra Club Endorsement

2001-10-19 Thread RLilli

I have forwarded my Sierra Club endorsment questionnaire to David Brauer to 
be posted at the Toolkit. Thanks, David for doing this.

I am pleased and proud to carry the important Sierra Club endorsement in my 
bid for the 8th Ward City Council seat. In my community work I am an advocate 
for exploring and implementing environmentally aware alternatives to the 
status quo. In my work as a small-scale housing developer I build 
energy-saving and less wasteful housing. Like many of my neighbors I do not 
own a car - I rely on my feet, my bike, or the bus. I will bring to city 
council an active interest in, and awareness of, transit related development 
which stresses other than the one-car-one-driver model.

A sustainable city the gift that is ours to give to future generations.

Robert Lilligren
Sierra Club Endorsed
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8 
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[Mpls] Election Day, Some Good News

2001-09-11 Thread RLilli

This morning I met, for the first time, a woman who has been helping on my 
campaign. She was recruited by other volunteers. She has physical 
disabilities and uses a wheelchair. From her home she handled thousands of 
pieces of my campaign literature, preparing them for distribution. She is 53 
years old and voting today for the first time in her life.

Let freedom ring.

Ward 8, Phillips West
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[Mpls] Primary Party

2001-09-10 Thread RLilli

A Work in Progress

Please join Robert Lilligren, 8th Ward City Council Candidate, and his 
friends and supporters on Primary Election night for a celebration called "A 
Work in Progress". 

Where: 2919 3rd Avenue South, Minneapolis (just north of Lake St.)
When: Tuesday, Sept. 11, Starting at 6pm

This is a house move/renovation project in progress owned by Robert Lilligren 
and Joe Olson. FFI please call 612-825-2237. Hope to see you there!

Please remember to vote!

Robert Lilligren
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[Mpls] Buses and Subsidies

2001-07-11 Thread RLilli

Ken Avidor posts

I LIKE riding with  people I don't know!!! I like people-watching on
subways and buses! I like over-hearing their conversations.

I agree with Mr. Avidor. I am always impressed at the consideration shown for 
others by the vast majority of bus users. During the many, many hours I've 
spent on the bus I have heard beautiful and profound things out of the mouths 
of strangers. I've met lots of decent folks. I've observed people settling 
differences with grace. I've been moved (and hopefully grown) by witnessing 
others' selfless acts. 

I don't know how often I've had people say to me with pity, "Oh, you have to 
take the bus?" Why is it people without cars are somehow pitiable? I am 
fortunate, I know. My lack of a car is a choice. Not having a car has enabled 
me to have many, many more choices on where to direct my resources. Not 
having a car allows me to elimanate the stress, not to mention the liability, 
of driving. Not having a car gets me on the bus and lets me interact (or 
eves-drop) on my fellow Minneapolitans. Like Ken Avidor posts

Crowds of strange people are a unique feature of urban life that I ENJOY 
, why else would I live in a city!!!

See you on the bus.

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West

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[Mpls] Lavender Protest

2001-07-09 Thread RLilli

There was quite a crowd outside of Lavener Magazine's office at 12:30pm today 
 to protest the treatment of former employees (all women). Solidarity was the 
theme as busloads of Communication Workers of America (CWA) arrived to show 
and shout their support. It was moving to hear the former Lav. employees talk 
of their unfair treatment. Former Lav. Editor, Rudy Renaud, spoke simply and 
clearly about workplace treatment which bordered on the physically abusive. 
It was good to see Stonewall/DFL members on hand to show their support. 

The windows of the third floor Lavender office had been covered with black 
paper, presumably so that those still working inside (all male) would not be 
disturbed by the sight of so many protesters. I was much moved when a male 
Lavender employee announced he had "minutes before" tendered his resignation 
in solidarity with his female, former co-wokers.

Somehow I always find it extra-disturbing when an organization, like 
Lavender, that represents the interest of a historically oppressed population 
treats it's members, or employees unfairly. I don't know there is talk of 
starting up a new GLBT publication in Minneapolis, but I for one would 
welcome it.

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West

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[Mpls] Buses and subsidies

2001-07-09 Thread RLilli

As a public transit user (I don't own a car) I am very interested in this 
transit thread. I totally agree that increasing population density is the 
long term answer to making public transportation effective. Of course in 
Minneapolis we have sprawled. We work hard to create X amount of new jobs 
downtown, but do not create the housing or educational opportunities that 
would allow for city residents to hold these jobs. Hence, surburbanites must 
commute (drive) into the city to work. 

The current thought is that we need more freeways so these workers from the 
outlying areas can more quickly drive in to take these jobs. Meanwhile, the 
city dwellers on the lowest rung of the employment ladder get bussed out to 
the suburbs to work their low-paying, assembly-type jobs. I have heard with 
my own ears non-profit economic development groups bemoan the lack of 
low-paying, low skilled jobs in the core city. Does this mean we should work 
harder to create these low-paying, deadend jobs here?

Carol Becker, you make reference in your post to the fact that we underfund 
public transit. How much lower is the rate we fund public transit here than 
the national average?  Would you please let me know where you got your stats?

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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[Mpls] G'way Parade of Arts

2001-07-05 Thread RLilli

I spent most of the 4th at the Intermedia Arts/Midtown Community Works 
"Greenway Parade of Arts". The 7th annual "Wheels as Art" parade was a 
highlight. The parade route ran from Lyndale Ave. east to 5th Ave. along Lake 
St. I live at Lake St. and 3rd Ave. This was especially exciting for me. It 
is the first event I can remember in my 19 years in Phillips that straddled 
East and West Lake St. I call that progress. Thanks Intermedia Arts and 
Midtown Community Works! I hope we can do it again next year.

The Midtown Greenway was FULL of walkers, bikers, skaters and other 
non-motorized types. My guess is that many of the attendees don't often get 
down to the Phillips part of the Greenway. It was great seeing such an 
interesting crowd and vital cultural event happening in what used to be a 
nearly empty rail corridor.

Kudos to the Whittier Alliance volunteers who were among the most active 
signature gatherers for the NRP referendum petition. Volunteers were hard at 
work throughout the event. Good work! Keep it up. The next step in signature 
gathering is a door-knocking effort this weekend. A meeting of the 
Minneapolis United Neighborhood Council - the politcal action committee 
formed to promote this referendum - will be held today at 6pm at Powderhorn 


Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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[Mpls] NRP Referendum

2001-07-04 Thread RLilli

I urge you to support the referendum to levy property taxes to fund NRP 
through 2009. Volunteers will be collecting signatures at three 4th of July 
Celebrations today: Riverplace; Greenway Parade of Arts; and Powderhorn Park. 
More petitions are available in the lobby of 2116 2nd Ave. So. on July 5,6,9, 
and 10. Finished petitions need to be dropped at 2116 2nd Ave. So. no later 
than noon on July, 11 - not much time.

This Charter Amendment referendum will "…specifically fund development and 
implementation of the activities, projects, and programs contained in the 
Neighborhood Revitalization Program…". This funding is attached to State 
budget and not subject to City Council's redirection.

Like most community activists, I am always interested in hearing plans and 
ideas from City Hall. I need more concrete commitment to the NRP than 
eleventh hour hand wringing. If our State legislators were able to work 
overtime on the omnibus tax bill, our elected City officials should be able 
to dedicate some extra time and effort to find funding for an important 
program like the NRP.

I believe that the long-term solution to the funding of revitalization 
programs, both in the cities and non-metro areas, lies at State capital. The 
next City Council will have the opportunity of creating and promoting strong, 
unified messages to the next State legislative session. We need to protect 
and improve our core city and neighborhoods, and balance urban revitalization 
with rural.

This NRP referendum was not concocted overnight. I heard levies, referendum, 
and other tactics discussed as early as last February among the neighborhood 
organizations. These suggestions were part of a Plan B, an alternate, a 
response to the question "What if we lost the TIF support of NRP?"  

Budget and priorities will always need to be balanced to help build a strong 
and healthy Minneapolis. I am not a fan of property tax levies. I believe the 
NRP is smart investment. Bringing communities together is one of the most 
important roles of the NRP. By having this discussion about the referendum 
and the property tax levy, we have an opportunity to reach out to thousands 
more potential Citizen Participants in the NRP processes.  This is a chance 
to let the neighborhoods decide for themselves if this is a program worth 

Please sign the petition proposing "A Charter Amendment to fund the 
Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP)" before the July 11, 
2001 deadline. We need to make a strong, unified message of support and let 
the communities decide where to spend their property taxes. United we stand.

Happy Independence Day.


Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West

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[Mpls] Outfront Event

2001-06-22 Thread RLilli

Due to my incorrect information, list member Eva Young posted yesterday stating that 
this evenings Outfront Minnesota event was open to the public. I was wrong. This is an 
invintational, and not a public event. I regret my error and apologize for any 
confusion and misunderstandings caused by my mistake. Again, this event is NOT open to 
the public. Sorry!

A Safe and Happy Pride weekend to all! See you in the parade Sunday and at Loring Park 
all weekend.


Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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[Mpls] Grocery Stores near downtown

2001-06-11 Thread RLilli

It's interesting that this has become a lifestyle discussion.

Julie Ostrow posts that a downtown grocery store will sell *Lots of high 
margin pre-made meal components and very few staple food products* 

RL: I wonder if people who live dowtown buy like this because there is not 
the option of buying staples and preparing food at home?

I live in Phillips and I would love to see more food stores here. This 
discussion so far has centered around large chain stores being interested in 
developing in the core city. This brings up the usual number one concern - 
parking. In my neighborhood most adults don't have cars. Food stores need to 
be accessible. Also, my neighborhood has a rich variety of cultures with 
specific food and shopping needs not always met by larger chains. 

Bob Gustafson posts *I think the Mayor and Council members will have to
explain their support of subsidizing Target as well as some of their other 
developoment choices. That is how democracy works. If they can explain their 
thinking to the voters, they get re-elected. Those opposing them have to do 
more than just complain however, they need to explain how they will be 
different. TIF and
government subsidies are not evil of themselves. Their misuse however is 
another matter.*

RL: For several years I have heard the need and desire to have more 
accessible, and/or culturally specific food stores and co-op's, stated at 
community meetings and in community planning. I believe that the capacity to 
develop this is already here in the community - that we don't need to wait 
until a large chain with a large building and a large parking lot decides to 
develop here. From the 8th Ward office, I would work to bring the community's 
capacity (potential developers) together with the necessary resources for 
success (be that TIF; Empowerment Zone funds; or other subsidy program) to 
encourage development that the community wants and would not happen without 

There is an opportunity here for community building as well. These stores 
could work in Association to increase the size of their orders to their 
suppliers and keep prices down. Some immigrant communities arrived here with 
built-in factionalisms. Working together to provide food, support and 
entrpreneurial opportunities for our community can be a new point of 
departure in intra- and inter-community relations.

Reaching out to the people that create Minneapolis; finding the assets; 
gauging the needs; and helping to fill those needs is what strong, effective 
City leaders should do.  

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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[Mpls] Reform before taxes

2001-05-31 Thread RLilli

I do not support the proposed raising of property taxes to cover MCDA 
shortfalls. The time is ripe for streamlining processes in City government. 
With a large percentage of City employees set to retire, streamlining can be 
accomplished without hardship. Raising porpery taxes is not a smart route 
toward affordable housing.

I have first-hand experience partnering with the MCDA in housing development. 
I purchased a lot-and-a-half from the MCDA to create three housing units here 
on the block where I've lived for 19 years. Agency practices and requirements 
added about 15% to the cost of the project. It cost me more to meet MCDA 
requirements to purchase the parcel than to buy the lot itself.

Throughout my housing career I have been frustrated with the high level of 
duplication and delay that plague the City's processes for housing 
development. We need to reengineer the way we build homes (and other 
projects), or we will never see the end of this housing crisis. Investigating 
and eliminating the duplication in City (Parks, Schools, Admin, etc) and 
County bureaucracies and processes would help keep taxes down and housing 
more affordable. Also, de-centralizing the MCDA and putting those responsible 
for development out in the neighborhoods where the development is happening 
is a way to make Agency staff more effective.

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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[Mpls] Dirt under my nails

2001-05-28 Thread RLilli

Tim Connolly asks, "I wonder how many local DFLers have experience as 

Interesting question, Tim. When I was born my family were tenant farmers 
outside of Duluth, MN. We raised much of our own food - both animal and 
vegetable - and sold our produce at market, too. My earliest memories are of 
working in the fields. In addition to field work, I helped with raising and 
butchering livestock. 

When my family moved closer to the city we still raised and perserved much of 
our own food. Through high school I woke early in the morning to tend the 
animals. Cultivating our extensive gardens was a regular duty. Also, I come 
from a union family. My parents and most of my six brothers and sisters have 
been, or are, union members (myself included). 

What I have done as a housing developer I accomplished with the resources of 
a working person. I was a hospitality industry worker for 22 years. I left 
the field last year to dedicate myself full-time to my housing projects.

What will I do for the working class as a City Council member? I believe that 
there is great dignity in labor. I respect anyone who labors to earn their 
bread. I feel it is the responsibility of government to ensure all citizens 
certain, unalienable rights. From City Council I will help create safe, 
affordable housing for workers. I will work to supply quality services to 
their homes, businesses and neighborhoods. I will help create economic 
opportunities for those who need them most. I will be a representative who 
understands the trials and rewards of hard work.

I hope this answers your question.


Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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[Mpls] Stonewall DFL leaders in the news

2001-05-21 Thread RLilli

Congratulations to Megan Thomas, Chair, Stonewall DFL on her recent election 
to a regional director seat on the board of the National Stonewall Democrats. 
Her election was announced in the latest issue of Lavender Magazine:


Good luck working in this new capacity!

Also, kudos to Jeremy Hanson, Stonewall DFL Assocaite Chair, for sharing with 
us his insight into the negative effects of the Senate redistricting on GLBT 
candidates in his Strib letter last weekend:


Stonewall DFL should be proud of leaders like these two. Again, 


Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West

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[Mpls] Stonewall "Losers"

2001-05-11 Thread RLilli

Mpls-Issues tip: PLEASE trim the previous message when responding. The redundant 
characters make tough reading for Digest subscribers and needlessly lengthens download 
Regarding my Stonewall screening interview, Wizard Marks posts

*Lilligren sat behind a table and answered questions. It was clear that, on 
the level of running a whole ward office, he was a long way from up to speed 
or ready for the
challenges.  He didn't seem to have a grasp of the bigger picture. I don't 
remember his answer to the tax increment question, which means it was 

My response to the TIF question was, "TIF is an important tool for 
encouraging development, especially where it might not otherwise happen. I 
think TIF has been used too much on large downtown projects to the neglect of 
the outlying neighborhoods. Now we must use TIF to balance downtown 
development with projects in the 8th Ward," (as nearly as I can recall, and 
my memory is very good).

As for the *bigger picture* Ms. Marks refers to: I understand that the 
misuses of TIF threatens our financial stability in Minneapolis. I understand 
that the TIF redistricting of three blocks to subsidize Target's development, 
which was supported by CM Herron, will cost the City millions in uncollected 
taxes each year. Property (and other taxes) will need to be raised (with no 
corresponding improvement in City services) to make up for this shortfall and 
protect our precious Triple A Bond rating. Also, CM Herron voted against the 
creation of Living Wage jobs on the Target project, which makes me wonder 
whose interests he has at heart - Target's, or the people of the 8th Ward and 
greater Minneapolis.

It's true that I have never been a City Council member before, but I am 
ready! WIth my experience as a heavy-duty neighborhood activist combined with 
hands on experience as a housing developer, I think I am just what the 8th 
Ward needs right now. After eight years in office I plan to be able to point 
to projects and changes throughout the Ward (and City) and proudly say, "I 
helped the citizens of Minneapolis do this, because this is what THEY wanted."

Concerning GLBT issues: I have always operated as an out gay man working to 
improve the community at large, rather than as a gay activist. GLBT issues 
are very important to me - especially the lack of Domestic Partner benefits 
for City employees. Not only does this make Minneapolis a less viable 
employer, it sends a clear message that, although it's OK to be gay here, 
it's not OK to love someone and want to take care of your loved ones. This 
MUST change.

Marks posts

*So can we put this one to bed and go on to the next item?*

I can understand her eagerness to move on when the candidate she supports has 
such a questionable record on TIF and other Ward (and neighborhood) issues.

I want to be a hardworking, responsive and true community representative for 
the 8th Ward on City Council.

Respectfully yours,

Robert Lilligren
City Council Candidate
Ward 8, Phillips West

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[Mpls] Stonewall'ed

2001-05-10 Thread RLilli

Mpls-Issues tip: please delete as much of this message's text as possible if replying 
to the list. Thanks!

As a candidate for City Council in the 8th Ward, I sought the Stonewall DFL 
endorsement this year and was rated not acceptable. After my screening 
interview three of the voting members (one-third) who participated in the 8th 
Ward vote approached me and explained that the reason for my rating was 
because of my decision to run in the primary with or without DFL endorsement. 
All three Stonewall'ers apologized to me for the rating. They complimented me 
on my presentation and my stands on issues. Two are DFL chair holders. 

In his recent post Tim Bonham, Stonewall DFL Board, implies that I was rated 
not acceptable because I don't "have a serious chance of being elected" or 
that I wouldn't "do a good job in the office". He lauds the Stonewall DFL 
endorsed gay male candidates for their "solid background in their ward & 
neighborhood". I, too, am a long time, hardworking community activist with a 
history of helping and participating in ward issues. I have known Tim Bonham 
since I was a lad. I have always known him to be fair, but here I think his 
strong party leanings are coloring his judgement and words.

As the only openly gay man running against an endorsed DFL candidate (and 
incumbent) it is now the duty of Stonewall DFL to exclude me on party 
principles, I know that. I was excluded from a recent Lavender Magazine cover 
story about the "four gay men" running for City Council in Mpls. I am 
mentioned at the very end of the article, I believe after the GLBT candidates 
for Assistant to the Assistant Dogcatcher : ) Ironically, it is this type of 
exlcusion that GLBT activists have been working for decades to eradicate.

This is my first campaign and I am learning a lot. My outsider status means I 
will need to work harder to win. I think people in the 8th Ward will 
appreciate a hardworking candidate. I supported the ammendment to create City 
election year endorsing conventions as a step toward engaging more DFL folks 
in the process. I know I would have benefitted from this. I respect the DFL 
endorsement, for sure, but I will be running in the primary to give people in 
the 8th Ward a choice and because I believe I will be a true community 
representative on City Council.

I'll see on the campaign trail and at Gay Pride, too!

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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[Mpls] CNIA's NRP funds frozen again

2001-05-09 Thread RLilli

Mpls-Issues tip: please delete as much of this message's text as possible if replying 
to the list. Thanks!

When my neighborhood organization, People of Phillips (POP), collapsed amid 
allegations of fiscal mismanangement it was history repeating itself, too. 
The earlier Phillips Neighborhood Improvement Assoc. (PNIA)  went the same 
way. At the time of the demise of POP I was active in the neihgborhood in the 
more local District level. Since moving to Phillips in 1982, I had always 
believed that the neighborhood was too large with too many challenges to be 
effective. Our own bureaucracy to implement NRP programs separated the 
decision making power from the community. Many in my District felt left out 
of the process.

Phillips District 1 (now Phillips West) spent almost two years as an 
unfunded, unstaffed organization. A core of dedicated volunteers held our 
group together by our energy, time and love of our neighborhood. We moved 
forward with respect for each other and for those we knew would come if we 
did our work well. We made a choice not to make money our priority, but to 
focus on creating an inclusive and strong organization. We acknowledged that 
our work was really for those who would come after us. Please let me stress 
our primary objectives; we moved forward with RESPECT; and LOVE of our 
neighborhood; and we did not make MONEY the priority.

When POP collapsed there was very little help or support from other 
neighborhoods or City Hall. Phillips was criticized for "not being able to 
get along". 8th Ward staff asked, "If so few people are involved, what's the 
point of having an organization at all?" Our devoted volunteers persevered 
(an important part of any success) and today our membership grows with each 
meeting. Our goal for attendance at our recent, inaugural Annual Meeting was 
50 names on the sign in. We got 47, an effort I can live with and be proud 
of. At last months Regular Meeting we had three new neighbors attending 
(including one person of color and one senior). We are just now starting on 
our first programs and we are confident that we are strong enough as a group 
not to let financial conflicts tear us apart.

I am sympathic to your situation. Please let me know if there is any way I 
can help.

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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[Mpls] Plant a Tree

2001-04-27 Thread RLilli

The Midtown Greenway Coalition is co-hosting an Arbor Day tree planting and 
celebration at five locations on the Greenway. It's Saturday, April 28, 2001 
starting at each location at 9 a.m., rain or shine, and ending with lunch 
provided at 11:30. There will be about 250 trees planted. This is the first 
planting event on the Midtown Greenway. I think it's a great chance to 
involve kids, who will be able to return to the trees they helped plant and 
watch them grow through the years.

The five locations along the Midtown Greenway corridor are: 4th Ave S.; 
Blaisdell Ave; Fremont Ave; Homboldt Ave; & the Kenilworth Trail 
intersection. Event sponsors are the Midtown Community Works Partnership, 
Hennepin County & the City of Minneapolis. The Tree Trust will be providing 
equipment and supervising at each site. FFI contact the Midtown Greenway 
Coalition 612-278-7170 www.midtowngreenway.org.

Bring a shovel if you have one or just show up. See you there!

Robert Lilligren
Midtown Greenway Coalition Board
Phillips West
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[Mpls] CODEFOR 3rd Pct.Report

2001-04-20 Thread RLilli

I Thursday night's 3rd Precint CODEFOR update and report at the new and 
beautiful YWCA at 2121 East Lake Street. The room was full nearly to capacity 
with community members, officers, civilian MPD employees, and city & county 
members of the criminal justice family. The headliners were Mayor Sayles 
Belton and Police Chief Olson.

The first hour and ten minutes were filled with reports from the Mayor, Chief 
and other city/county/MPD representatives defining Codefor (an information 
management system) and its successes. The last 35 minutes were spent taking 
questions from the assembly. I liked that part best.

One citizen, a teacher, gave a chilling and eye-opening report about the 
inadequate level of preparation in our schools for a *Columbine-like* 
situation and requested action. I opened my remarks with a message of 
gratitude to the Mayor and Chief for helping transform my neighborhood from a 
war zone to a thriving community. The concern I discussed was about 
inappropriate police aggression. I see it myself and hear of it often. It 
ranges from police officers shouting profanities on the loudspeakers of their 
squad cars in our neighborhoods, to the mishandling of suspects which results 
in costly out-of-court settlements, to even more tragic situations. I asked 
both the Mayor and Chief to address specifically how they plan to correct 
this problem of inappropriate aggression.

Chief Olson said that the police *weren't naive* about what was going on and 
he had a message that citizens who felt mistreated should utilize the 
Civilian Review Authority. The Mayor spoke well and at length about where the 
buck stops. Though both acknowledged a problem and their responsiblilty, 
neither offered many solutions. I approached Mayor Sayles Belton after the 
meetng and offered my help in exploring ways of rejuvenating MPD/Citizen 
trust by partcipating in any forum or discussion on the topic. 

For me the most distressing part of the evening was reported to me by one of 
my supporters there. She took part in a conversation where a MPD officer was 
criticising CM Herron for not being present. When my supporter mentioned my 
name to the officer he responded, "Oh, the one that doesn't like the police." 
For the record, so far I like every MPD officer I've ever met. To me the 
police are a welcome part of our city, but I don't think that the MPD is 
above reproach. I am saddened by this attitude of *for us or against us* that 
so often comes from city departments and City Hall.

Hopefully we can all work together to help build a healthy and beautiful city.

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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[Mpls] List Members in the News

2001-04-12 Thread RLilli

Congratulations Barb Lickness on your fine Profile in the latest MN Women's 
Press. It shows you are smart and compassionate. With your professional 
experience ranging from coporate work to grassroots neighborhood stuff, and 
with your strength of character, you'd be a great addition to City Council. 
Good Luck!

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Coucnil
Ward 8, Phillips West
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RE: [Mpls] Mpls settlement of lawsuit against MPD

2001-04-11 Thread RLilli

This is so costly and disappointing. This is not how I want the City that I 
love to operate. Things are out of hand. Something is very wrong with the way 
police relate to the community The City government continues to support the 
status quo.

The MPD, like many City departments, needs to be held accountable for its 
actions. This will happen through citizen participation and citizen review. I 
do not understand why the MPD seems so against citizen review. I have asked 
employees of the MPD why officers are unwilling to cooperate and promote 
citizen review. The answer I get is - citizens have not walked in police 
officers' shoes.

I have been dragged into an alley two blocks from my home with a knife at my 
neck and assaulted; I have been confronted with deadly weapons several times 
while going about my daily business; I have had my life threatened while 
simply working in my yard. I'm sure I am not unique in this. If it is the 
MPD's belief that Minneapolis' citizens don't know what it's like to 
regularly live through life-threatenting danger, they are wrong. 

Last weekend two of my neighbors (and friends) were harassed by the MPD for 
allegedly reckless driving on their BICYCLES (they deny it). One was cuffed 
and brutalized to the point where he could not use his right had the next day 
(he lost work). It took two squads and four officers to deal with these two 
pacifists. This is not effective policing.

Things need to change in the way we allow our police to treat our citizens in 
Minneapolis. I urge you to use your votes to effect this change.

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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[Mpls] Peds, bikes, cars & Walls

2001-04-06 Thread RLilli

I attended the full City Council meeting today because I am interested in the 
Hiawatha LRT Lake St. bridge design. As a board member on the Midtown 
Greenway Coalition I played a small part in the "no Wall" movement. I think 
the City Council did the right thing. 

The cost of now returning to the original design is about $3 million. CM 
Ostrow proposed an ammendment where the City would only be responsible for 
$800,000 of the reconversion to the original design (the amount of the 
savings which prompted the unnanounced design change). This would have 
probably resulted in the construction of the Wall. As one Council Member put 
it, we are being "held hostage" by the process.

One goal of the Minneapolis Plan is to promote neighborhood connectivity. 
Hiawatha expansion has separated East Phillips Neighborhood from its major 
shopping hub at Lake St. and Hiawatha. The Wall would've been further serious 
separation. As an able-bodied and (reasonably) young person I find it 
difficult to cross the eight lanes of traffic on Hiawatha (try it sometime). 
It may be impossible for an older, or mobility impaired, or less able person.

10th Ward City Coucil candidate Mark Knapp was right on with his recent post 
defining our "car culture". Hiawatha expansion does not serve the people of 
my community, yet we pay the highest price for it. Our City needs to at least 
allow for the possibility of a pedestrian and non-motorized transportation 

I have been a neighborhood representative at the I-35W redesign table for 
three years this spring. This process continues amid community hostility, 
distrust and rumors of alternate plans being created beyond the public's 
view. When a decision like the one for the Wall on Hiawatha is made without 
citizen participation and it ends up costing us $1 1/2 million, I think 
suspicion is healthy.

Let's shift our focus from the 1-car-1-driver model. Planners in other 
cities, like Washington DC, changed their thinking away from just moving cars 
to moving people with positive results. Let's at least allow for the 
possibility of real city, not just a service and earning center to the 

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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[Mpls] Mpls Office of Email

2001-04-03 Thread RLilli

David Brauer,

I like the idea of e-city services, but I have reservations. For a long time
I refused to be e-dependent in sypmathy with most of my neighbors who do not
have easy, in-home access to the internet. I realized this was making me a
less effective neighborhood activist, so here I am. The problem still exists
-  in economically challenged, developing neighborhoods like mine there is a
lack of easy internet access. I think any city-wide e-program will need to
address this - possibly providing access (ie. computers) to households.

Hope this helps,

Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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[Mpls] Motel Proposed Zoning Changes

2001-03-31 Thread RLilli

Though I live in Phillips West, Central's Neighbor to the North, my home is 
nearer to the site of the proposed development than most households in the 
Central Neighborhood. If I could vote on these proposed zoning changes to 
allow for construction of an Americ'INN I would vote NO.

The proposed motel on the 3000 block of 2nd Ave. creates less stability in 
the neighborhood. It will not reflect the needs of the community. It offers 
limited economic opportunities to 8th Ward residents and entreprenuers. It 
will create a "flyover" image for our community to the 50,000 -plus folks who 
drive by every day on I-35W, rather than putting our best faces forward. And 
most importantly, we are in an affordable housing crisis!!! We need to use 
ALL opportunities we have to create more housing. Here is chance to add some 
significant density to our ever-depleting housing stock.

Though this "suburban-style" development like the Americ'INN has been very 
popular in Minneapolis (ie. Padilla-Spears/Ryan & Block E) it does nothing to 
enrich the urban texture of our neighborhoods. Let's look just to the west at 
Lake St. K-Mart for a glaring example of some really bad decisions.

Working together we can build a beautiful city.


Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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Re: [Mpls] under the candidate's radar- housing solutions

2001-03-27 Thread RLilli

With all due respect to Dyna Sluyter, I do not like being lumped in a field 
of candidates that she implies aren't doing anything about housing solutions. 
I have preserved housing in my neighborhood by moving a duplex; I have added 
to the housing stock on my block through renovation and new construction; I 
used my resources to get a duplex on my block out of the hands of an absentee 
landlord and established a (former) renter from the block as an 
owner-occupant at no financial profit to myself; I serve on the HOMS 
Initiative Strategic Planning Committee & Project for Pride in Living 
Community Housing Development Organization's advisory board; I Chair my 
N'hood Org's Housing Committee; I am currently using my experience and 
knowledge to try to bring about another house move in my neighborhood; I am 
helping (as a volunteer) the current Council Member to advance solutions for 
creating affordable housing.

THAT said, here are my responses to her suggestions:

Garage Conversion. This sounds like a good way to increase density and offer 
residents an economic opportunity. Often buildings like this are called 
Carraige Houses. The n'hood org. in Ventura Village (formerly Phillips North 
Region) has a program for building Carraige Houses and they may already have 
schematics that could help. I believe their program is stalled on a 
technicality. Residential zoning of R2(B) is very common and allows for two 
housing units per lot.

RV's. This is transitional housing and a temporary solution not available to 
that many people. An RV does not add to family's wealth the way 
home-ownership does (it depreciates). A renter who could make that kind of 
initial investment in the RV would probably be better off trying to buy a 
building, condo, or co-op for a home. In the case of Ms. Sluyter's mom, 
however, it seems like an ideal solution. I'm wondering if a waiver could be 
sought for her RV hook-up by approaching the City Admin. with support from 
the Neighborhood Organization and Ward Office?

Please see my web site for more affordable housing suggestions (under Issues).


Robert Lilligren
Candidate for City Council
Ward 8, Phillips West
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Re: [Mpls] Affordable Housing

2001-03-25 Thread RLilli

I agree with Craig Miller about the benefits of neighbors renovating and 
re-hab'ing rental properties near them. It is a way to both stabilize an area 
and to offer economic opportunties to residents. I have been successful with 
this on my block. I moved here in 1982 to what was then called "low-income" 
development (today we'd call it an "affordable ownership", which I prefer) 
and have since improved my economic position by buying and tending rental 

I would like to hear more about programs in other n'hoods that encouraged 
this kind of development. I think one thing lacking is a comprehensive 
property ownership/management training program and/or ongoing resource for 
n'hood org's and inexperienced landlords. I've seen bits and pieces of 
programs to help - like CCP/SAFE's landlord training. Does anyone know of a 
more comprehensive program?


Robert Lilligren
8th Ward City Council Candidate
Phillips West
Minneapolis Issues Forum - Minnesota E-Democracy
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Re: [Mpls] Re: A dirty city

2001-03-23 Thread RLilli

When my area was at its most crack-infested, the residents began reclaiming 
their streets by picking up litter. This brought neighbors out of their homes 
and into the streets. It helped to build civic pride and more beautiful 
blocks. Also, it hindered the drug trade, because dealers had used pieces of 
trash to hide drugs and money. We did not know this when we started, it was a 
bonus. Now people pick up trash almost every day here.

My close friend, Joe Olson, spearheaded this trash pick-up movement. The 
reason he gave was so direct in its call to action and simple in its message 
I have always remembered it. It is also a true haiku:

If I want the trash
Cleared out of the street, I go
out and pick it up.

Words to thrive by!

Robert Lilligren
8th Ward City Council Candidate
Phillips West

Minneapolis Issues Forum - Minnesota E-Democracy
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[Mpls] Fwd: Housing at Lk & 2nd

2001-03-20 Thread RLilli

CM Herron,

I am forwarding a post of mine from the Mpls. Issues forum. In it I outline a 
feasible alternative to a hotel at this critical gateway to the region and 
offer an alternative which will truly reflect the surrounding community. I 
think it's a win/win solution. I discuss it below.

1. Relocate the hotel to the Sears site. Perhaps the Sears site could be 
developed in pieces. Maybe several developers could own it in Assoc., 
minimizing their risks and increasing the likelihood of project completion. 
My guess is that this is possible and now, while the project is being 
parceled out (ie. Allina's ramp), is the time to determine this. This program 
could allow entrepreneurs who have reached this level of success an 
opportunity to grow. Not all the developers would need to be at the table 
from the start, but could be phased in. I suggest Phase 1 would be 
DDS/Hotel/Transportation (mass-trans.;cars; bikes; ped; wheelchairs;etc). 
Maybe this is a way to jump-start development there.

2. Mixed-income Housing/Retail at Lake Street & 2nd Avenue. Nobody knows more 
than you how important it is for us to build housing at every opportunity. 
This project would create mixed-income housing and density. More importantly, 
it is the chance to figure out how to make affordable housing development 
attractive to a private developer, which is a critical step to solving the 
housing crisis. This project could pilot others. Please use this important 

At the 8th Ward Convention on Sat., when you asked for my help on finding 
affordable housing solutions I was honored. I am offering my help. If the 8th 
Ward office will coordinate and participate, I will sit down at the table 
with all interested parties to plan and build mixed-income housing with 
street level retail/commercial on the 3000 block of 2nd Ave. I am already 
part of this discussion. I attended two Artspace/Artist Housing group 
meetings in Central in the spring and summer of '99.

Congratulations on the 8th Ward Convention, CM. It looks like we are off to 
the good start of a clean race, and that's what's most important to the Ward.

I hope we can work together and help build a beautiful city.

Robert Lilligren
8th Ward Candidate 

Re: [Mpls] Re: East Lake motel

2001-03-18 Thread RLilli

There are 3 million square feet of under-developed space at the former Sears 
site.  This seems a good place for a hotel. Plans to build 3000 parking spots 
between two ramps in two phases at the site have already been before City 
Council. Phase 1 was near groundbreaking when the development stalled. I 
believe Allina is seeking a way to develop a similar project on the site, 
separate from the building development, to accomodate the increased cars 
related to I-35W expansion. With all this parking and its proximity to the 
Allina campus, this makes the Sears site ideal for a hotel. It seems 
compatible with mixed-use plans. We need to develop here with care. Add this 
to the 2000-car ramp currently proposed at Wells Fargoe (Honeywell) and, as I 
said in the Green Institute's Jan. 2000 newsletter, "my neighborhood is 
developing all the charm of a mall parking lot".

I think Basim Sabri's offer of affordable rental units is right on!  WE ARE 
IN AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING CRISIS!  That site needs to add housing. I suggest a 
development with mixed-income housing. Affordable rental; mid-rage rental 
(dare I suggest upper-range rental?); and affordable ownership opportunities 
need to be part of that development. Add street level commercial with some 
self-owned "condo" shops so that owner/proprietors could build wealth as the 
area develops. This would support the small business-incubator that Basim S. 
owns and developed at 301 E. Lake. Successful entrepreneurs will need larger 
spaces and more opportunities.  

Basim Sabri, I love what you have done at 301 East Lake! I see it from my 
porch. I lived here when it was half a "sauna" and half a porn headquarters. 
It sat vacant and boarded, stalled in development for years. I once looked to 
develop it myself, but it was out of my league. YOU made it go. Thank you. 
Please use your talent, energy and resources to help build a beautiful 
city.You can do it, you're a PRO! 

Thank you everyone for a terrific 8th Ward Convention. It was a GAS!  Special 
thanks to Mattea LS; Rep. Walker; David F; and Dennis, you guys rock! I went 
from 0 to 4.1% which is a lot harder than going from 50 to 51%.

I am having an Open House/Renovation in Progress at 2916 3rd Ave So. on Wed. 
3/21 from 5 to 6:30.  

More later!

Robert Lilligren
8th Ward Candidate for City Council
Phillips West
Minneapolis Issues Forum - Minnesota E-Democracy
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Fwd: [Mpls] Ramps: Why are we doing this, again?

2001-03-16 Thread RLilli

CM McDonald is right on with her read on this project.  I would like to know 
who the county officials were who "politlely asked her to keep [her] mouth 

Early in this design process, I repeatledly suggested creating more signage 
and beautifying the existing ramps so that they actually invited people to 
drive on them would solve many of the access problems.  My suggestions were 
never developed and never made part of any design options.  At last Monday's 
meeting the design pro's stated that "all suggestions made by the community 
have been explored".  My suggestions were ingnored.  This is one discrepancy.

It chills me to the bone that CM McD. says this "deal has already been cut".  
I feel like I will end up laying in front of a bulldozer some day.  
Mitigation is one thing. Working together to create a beautiful city is 
another.  I choose the beautiful city.

Robert Lilligren
8th Ward Canidate for City Council
Phillips West

Re: [Mpls] Gays: have we arrived?

2001-03-14 Thread RLilli

In response to Carol Becker's comment that no "gay men persons of color" are 
running for City Council:

For the record, I am an enrolled member of the White Earth Indian Reservation 
(Ojibwe).  This heritage comes through my father, Chuck Lilligren.  He had a 
long career in the public eye and used his position to be a vocal supporter 
of Native American rights.

My grandmother, Helen Beaulieu Lilligren, was from the generation forced to 
assimilate into Euro-american culture.  As a very young child she, like so 
many others, was removed from her home on the reservation and taken to 
"English School".  There she was forced to learn English and to despise her 
Native ways.  Then she was returned to the res. to flaunt her new language, 
promote her new "superior" culture, and unwittingly advance an anti-Indian 

My father is part of a movement to preserve and restore Ojibwe customs and 
language.  He recently told me a story of a very young Native American boy 
whose parents learned Ojibwe and spoke it to him from the cradle.  It is very 
possible that he is the first native Ojibwe speaker raised in Minnesota in 
almost a century.  I don't know this boy, or even his name.  In my heart I 
call him "Hope".

Though my varied ethnic backgroud and sexual orientation are important parts 
of my charater, I want people to vote for me because of my record of 
activism, my abilities, and qualifications for the office.


Robert Lilligren
8th Ward Candidate
Phillips West 
Minneapolis Issues Forum - Minnesota E-Democracy
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[Mpls] Fwd: [cnia-chat] Mon March 12, I-35W ramps meeting

2001-03-13 Thread RLilli

I attended the meeting last night.  There were about 75 people present 
including elected and agency officials from the state, county and city 
levels.  Also, you couldn't raise your hand to ask a question without hitting 
a candidate for a Minneapolis city office.

The proposed changes at 35/36/38th were not part of the original plan.  They 
were pitched in by the technical designers when it became clear that traffic 
using the proposed Lake Street ramps (north & southbound) and the intrusive 
and unnecessary "fly-over" ramp to 28th St. would not have the distance to 
sort itself out between Lake and 35th (this is called traffic weaving).  If 
this "fly-over" ramp were not built, it's possible that the changes farther 
south would not be necessary.

The only new traffic being brought to Lake St. in the prosposals on the table 
would be from the north (southbound) and would exit on the west side of the 
freeway.  This is the exit that CM McDonald explained was proposed by Lake 
St. small businesses to increase their accessibility.  

It is the fly-over ramp that has driven this planning proccess from the 
beginning.  Originally it was promoted by Allina, Honeywell and Ray Harris 
(Great Lake Center - Sears).  Now that the latter two have demonstrated their 
commitments to the region by leaving, Wells Fargo (new owner of the Honeywell 
campus) has jumped aboard the fly-over bandwagon.  I hear they even have a 
special exit off the fly-over ramp planned to feed directly into the 2000 car 
parking ramp they are planning to build on the north side of the Midtown 
Greenway.  This will allow their employees to leave their cars; enter their 
offices by skyway; stay in the building all day (using new in-house cafes and 
health club); then return to their cars and suburban homes never having 
actually stepped foot in the neighborhood.  It is easy to see who benefits 
from this destructive and impactful flyover  ramp and it is not the 
neighborhoods or Lake Street.

Yes, I-35W disconnected our n'hoods and created an hideous gash in South 
Mpls., but ramp placement didn't bring about the economic blight in the 
region.  That was caused in large part by the sprawl, which I-35W ennabled.  
People could drive quickly in from out-lying areas to work at these large 
companies, then quickly return to their own communities to invest the 
resources they gained here.  I do not believe that adding more of this same 
freeway infrastructure will, in some inoculative way, cure our ills.

It is bad planning to condemn this entire region to several more generations 
of dependance on 1 car/1 person transportation.  It is time to invest our 
resources in alternative transportations. Let's supply training to the people 
living here so they can take the new jobs created at Wells Fargo, Allina and 
the Sears-site and minimize commuter traffic from the suburbs.  Let's spend 
our money on parks, service improvements and green spaces which enhance the 
quality of our lives.

Robert Lilligren
8th Ward City Council Candidate
Phillips West


[Mpls] I-35W Redesign Community Meeting

2001-03-12 Thread RLilli

There is a meeting to seek input from the community regarding possible 
redesign of 35th, 36th & 38th Streets (including closing the existing ramps 
and relocating on/off ramps to 38th Street) TONIGHT Mon. Mar 12, 2001 at the 
5th Precinct big room (3101 Nicollet Ave.) from 7 to 9pm.  The meeting will 
focus on the neighborhoods along the freeway which include the effected 
streets (Lyndale; Kingfield; Central; Bryant) but it is open to everyone.

I-35W redesign is a critical issue for the entire region.  The community 
involvement tool for the project is the county-appointed Project Advisory 
Committee (PAC).  It meets monthly.  It is comprised of N'hood 
representatives; city & county government rep's; big business rep's (Allina, 
Wells Fargo, formerly Honeywell and formerly Ray Harris); MNDOT and design 
pro's.  The PAC's Mitigation and Enhancement subcommittee meets twice 
monthly.  All of these meetings are open to the public, informative and 
generally well-attended.  

A note to Central N'hood residents:  Central has not been represented on the 
PAC for about a year.  It is especially important for CNIA to be represented 
on the Mitigation and Enhancement subcommittee.  CM Herron's staff has 
repeatedly reassured the group that the mitigation and enchancement part of 
the I-35W redesign is the "cake and not the icing" of the project.  It is 
important for Central to participate and get its piece of "the cake".  

I am the rep. from Phillips West N'hood on the PAC.  I am one of the handful 
of people who have been sitting around the table since public participation 
on this project began (3 years ago this spring).  I would be happy to discuss 
the history and status of this design process.

For meeting dates and other project related info. please call Tom Johnson, 
Project Manager at Smith Parker 612-344-1400.

Robert Lilligren
Ward 8
Candidate for City Council
Minneapolis Issues Forum - Minnesota E-Democracy
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Re: Re [Mpls] Micromanaging Identity Group Screenings

2001-03-02 Thread RLilli

My name is Robert Lilligren and I'm running for Minneapolis City Council, 8th 

I sought the Stonewall DFL endorsement, returned my questionnaire, and 
screened on Feb. 17.  It was announced after the 8th Ward screening that I 
had rated a recommendation of "unacceptable" to be forwarded to the Stonewall 
DFL Board.  Three (of approx. 10) voting members of the caucus who 
participated in my screening approached me following the vote and explained 
that I rated unacceptable because of my response to question #2 - honor the 
endorsement.  Two of these people are DFL committee chairs.  They 
complimented my presentation and applauded my response to question #11 - 
affordable housing.  All three caucus members apologized to me for the 
unacceptable rating.

I am a small-scale housing developer and a dedicated neighborhood activist.  
I have hands-on experience in housing renovation, new construction and 
building-moving on the six buildings (13 units) which I co-own.  

I work hard as a volunteer for Phillips West Neighborhood - on our council 
and committees; on the board of directors of the Midtown Greenway Coalition; 
on the Henn. Co. Project Advisory Committee (I-35W redesign) and its critical 
Mitigation and Enhancement subcommittee; and on HOMS Initiative (affordable 
housing) strategic planning committee.  I helped organize my neighbors to 
fight crime in our area and transform our corner of Phillips into a real 

My experience working both as a developer and in the neighborhoods gives me 
perspective and insight into two important concerns in Minneapolis:  
affordable housing and downtown v. neighborhood development.  I have a strong 
desire to help build a beautiful future for Minneapolis.  I am a more than 
acceptable candidate.

I do lots of work in groups, associations, committees, and the like.  I 
understand the reasons for rules that define who's in and who's out.  I knew 
that my answer to question #2 was the most important one to the Stonewall DFL 
Caucus.  I plan to campaign to win in the Primary and General Elections.  I 
think the best thing I can do for the DFL is to be an informed, responsive 
and effective representative for the 8th Ward.


Robert Lilligren
8th Ward 
Phillips West  
Minneapolis Issues Forum - Minnesota E-Democracy
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