RE: [Mpls] The biggest panhandler in Mpls

2005-04-26 Thread Jeremy Wieland
One note of warning on a new stadium and its relationship to fielding a
competitive baseball team.  Pittsburgh has a veritable temple to baseball,
brand new and right where the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers join to form
the Ohio.  Their boss, Kevin McClatchy, took the new stadium and promptly
stripped the team of any value.  Now Pittsburgh has a beautiful stadium, and
the Pirates have been downgraded to a really good AAA team.  I don't follow
Mr. Pohlad and can't speak to his financial commitment to the team however I
think we need some assurances from Twins management that they will use
revenues to invest in payroll and keeping general admission ticket prices

Jeremy Wieland
Circulation Director
Utne magazine

-Original Message-
Of John Harris
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] The biggest panhandler in Mpls

here's my guesses

> 1. Who will own the stadium?

either the metropolitan sports facilities commission or the twins. 
probably the twins.

> 2. Who will name the stadium?
some company that has the cash.  used to think NWA but they have no
money.  best buy, general mills?

> 3.  Who gets the cash for all exclusive rights such as signs, beer pouring
> etc?

the team gets all revenue and why not.  if a new park is build but the
team gets the same revenue then why build it?

> 4. How much is the check that actually comes out of a Marquette Bank
> under the name of Carl Pohlad payable to Hennepin County?

i suspect it will be $40million today and the rest before opening day

> 5.  How much money is going back to Mr. Pohland?

pohlad owns the team so he gets any profit and covers any losses.  He
could take the new revenue, slash the payroll and recoup the money put
up the get the thing built.  or, which i believe will happen, they
will take the revenues and reinvest most of it back into the team to
ensure they are competitive for years to come.  Remember, a new
stadium by itself doesn't ensure the increased revenues.  fannies in
the seats do and a solid product on the field will go a long way to
making sure that happens.  the increased revenue streams a new park
provides helps do that.

John Harris
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Re: [Mpls] The biggest panhandler in Mpls

2005-04-26 Thread Seamus
I have the same questions Craig has, and I find it interesting that none of
these have been addressed.  I don't think this deal is quite as hokey as the
one were Pohlad's "contribution" turned out to be a loan, but I do smell
something fishy.

Naming rights are the major thing I don't see being addressed and I suspect
that they belong to the Twins (that is, Mr. Pohlad).  Or, perhaps, Pohlad will
write the check and keep naming rights to sell later.

All of Craig's questions must be answered before this deal goes through.

Jim McGuire

"Craig Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The only other time I got on board with a Twins Stadium deal was when Carl 
> promised 90 million dollars.  Then we find out he wasn't writing a check. 
> He was claiming naming rights, beer pouring exclusive rights, etc.  That was

> how he came up with his 90 million.  By selling all the things that the 
> owner of the stadium can sell, there is a lot of money.  But he wasn't 
> building the stadium, he was selling all the stuff you and I have the right 
> to sell by being the owners of the building.  Here are the questions I hope 
> the list can answer.
> 1. Who will own the stadium?
> 2. Who will name the stadium?
> 3.  Who gets the cash for all exclusive rights such as signs, beer pouring 
> etc?
> 4. How much is the check that actually comes out of a Marquette Bank Account

> under the name of Carl Pohlad payable to Hennepin County?
> 5.  How much money is going back to Mr. Pohland?
> Let's hope it's not another hocus pocus deal like 1995 1996? or was it '97 
> or '98 What ever.
> Craig Miller
> Rogers MN
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Re: [Mpls] The biggest panhandler in Mpls

2005-04-26 Thread John Harris
here's my guesses

> 1. Who will own the stadium?

either the metropolitan sports facilities commission or the twins. 
probably the twins.

> 2. Who will name the stadium?
some company that has the cash.  used to think NWA but they have no
money.  best buy, general mills?

> 3.  Who gets the cash for all exclusive rights such as signs, beer pouring
> etc?

the team gets all revenue and why not.  if a new park is build but the
team gets the same revenue then why build it?

> 4. How much is the check that actually comes out of a Marquette Bank Account
> under the name of Carl Pohlad payable to Hennepin County?

i suspect it will be $40million today and the rest before opening day

> 5.  How much money is going back to Mr. Pohland?

pohlad owns the team so he gets any profit and covers any losses.  He
could take the new revenue, slash the payroll and recoup the money put
up the get the thing built.  or, which i believe will happen, they
will take the revenues and reinvest most of it back into the team to
ensure they are competitive for years to come.  Remember, a new
stadium by itself doesn't ensure the increased revenues.  fannies in
the seats do and a solid product on the field will go a long way to
making sure that happens.  the increased revenue streams a new park
provides helps do that.

John Harris
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