
2001-01-10 Thread Barbara Lickness

It's a crying shame that it's closing for good.  I
can't believe it can't be incorporated into the
development in a way that will allow new life to be
breathed into this North Minneapolis icon.  

Surely someone has some original thought on how this
place can be saved.  What a great club it was.  

Is it too late?  Is there a savior lurking out there
who might be interested in keeping the legend alive?

Barb Lickness
Whittier and and old honorary Northsider
Ward 6

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Milwaukee Depot/Residence Inn

2000-12-05 Thread Barbara Lickness

Can anyone tell me if the hotel will have a swimming
pool or water park? I heard that a water park was also
part of this development.  

I watch it being built everyday as I work across the
street from the development.  I just haven't seen any
evidence of a pool location yet.

I think the skating is great and will be a popular
attraction.  But these old bones haven't seen skates
in 25 years, so the best I could do with that venue is
watch, applaude and sip hot apple cider. After I am
done watching the Ice Skating, I would just like to
think there might be a pool and perhaps a hot tub too.

Barb Lickness
Ward 6  

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2000-12-01 Thread Barbara Lickness

Just a short couple of things.

Yes, police buy-back is at 1 1/2 times regular pay. 
That is because it is done as overtime just like any
other off duty assignment a police officer accepts
such as liquor store duty or K-mart duty etc.  It is
also volunteer, not a manditory assignment so an
officer must volunteer to accept the buy back beat
assignment. In some neighborhoods the concept has been
very successful, in others it did not work as the
neighborhood had hoped.

To the person who said NRP evolved because the City
Council grew out of touch from their constituency. 

I personally like the idea that decision about
projects are formed by the minds of 5,000 people in
the city not just 13 people.  Through the NRP, citizen
volunteers have pushed the envelope, brought about
some creative ideas, and in many ways changed the way
the city does business. I think that council members
can only become better decision makers when so many
citizen advocates are out there giving them

Have a good weekend everyone.  

Barb Lickness
Ward 6 

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Met Council/Affordable Housing

2000-11-30 Thread Barbara Lickness

A good article today in Metro/State about the Met
Council's attempt to overcome barriers to affordable
housing production in the suburbs etc.  This is tied
to the new smart growth program.

Some questions I have here.  How does this policy
impact Minneapolis in terms of funding it receives
from the Met Council through program like Livable
Communities?  Will those areas that are considered
saturated or impacted be able to compete for funding
with projects that add more affordable housing units?
Will projects that rehabilite existing affordable
housing stock be considered? What is the target market
for these fund?  Is it 30%, 50%, or 80% of median
income?  Is it Metro median?  

My concern here is that what poorer neighborhoods in
Minneapolis consider market rate, may be considered in
the affordable catagory by the Met Council or State
based on using Metro Median income without
consideration to Minneapolis Median income.  I have
already run into this dilemma with a couple projects I
have worked on with neighborhoods.  My other concern
is that suburbs may opt to do housing projects for
those who earn 80% of the Metro Median income to
qualify for the funds and completely ignore those
people with 30% median income.  That leaves a very
large population which is underserved. 

I just want to start a discussion on this issue and
see what we hear from the experts out there.  

Barb Lickness
Ward 6

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2000-11-28 Thread Barbara Lickness

This might get a little long winded, but bear with me.

I would like to infuse a little clarification to the
discussion on NRP.  There seems to be some confusion
between the funds that are allocated to a neighborhood
and those funds which are contracted directly with
with neighborhood groups (associations) or other
agencies such as NEDC. In addition, there is some lack
of clarity on financial oversight.

Each neighborhood is allocated a specific amount of
funds that will be spent within those geographic
boundaries.  Neighborhood groups or associations
formed non-profit corporations and applied to contract
with the NRP to facilitate the NRP planning and
implementation efforts.  In most cases, only one group
applied from each neighborhood.  In a few cases more
than one group applied.  In those cases, the
neighborhood voted to decide which group would
represent them for MCDA Citizen Participation and NRP.
There are also situation where groups of neighborhoods
formed consortium groups to plan and implement NRP
(i.e. Longfellow Community Council, Nokomis East,
Hale/Page/Diamond Lake, Field/Regina/Northrup.) These
neighborhoods pooled their NRP dollars and conduct
planning and implementation activities together.

When implementation activities take place, projects
are contracted on a project by project basis.  The
majority of NRP funds ARE NOT contracted directly to
the neighborhood association.  If the funds are used
for park projects, they are contracted to the Park
Board directly.  If the funds are for educational
programs or school projects, they are contracted
directly with the School Board.  Planning projects go
through the planning department, public works projects
go to the public works department.  Housing and
Commercial Development projects are administered by
the MCDA on behalf of neighborhoods. Social Service
programs are administered by Hennepin County. In most
cases when a sub-contractor is hired to administer
projects on behalf of a neighborhood, the contracts
for those vendors are with city departments or
agencies, not the neighborhood association.  However,
there are cases where the neighborhoods administer
some of their own programs. 

The funds that are contracted directly with
neighborhood associations tend to be for
administrative funds.  Funds for staffing, office
rent, copiers, copying, postage, utilities, etcand
for community programming such as crime and safety
programs, some social service and educational
programs, resource centers, etc.  In most cases, these
administrative funds represent 10% or less of their
total neighborhood plan allocations. Program funds
generally tend to be smaller amounts as well.  

As NRP staff to several neighborhoods in South
Minneapolis I can say that most of my neighborhoods
are very financially astute, keep excellent records,
have great accountability to both the government and
the neighborhood residents, and have excellent audits
from the state to prove that.  

Since the State Auditors have been working with
neighborhood to audit their financial practices, many
neighborhoods have developed good financial management
systems.  NRP has offered MANY training opportunities
for neighborhood volunteers and staff to learn sound
financial management practices. Many of these required
mandatory attendance. 

I have neighborhood staff and volunteers that are
highly sophisticated at monitoring the public dollar. 
I have been at several meetings between neighborhoods
and public departments or agencies where the
neighborhood volunteers and residents are inspecting
every line of financial detail with relations to
expenditures on specific projects. In turn these same
volunteers or staff people can account for every line
of every dollar spent on projects when asked by people
at their neighborhood meetings.

When people think of the downfall of People of
Phillips they think that $18 Million went down the
drain.  That wasn't and isn't the case.  The majority
of the Phillips NRP funds were contracted through city
departments and city agencies and were subcontracted
by those governmental entities to private non-profit
corporations selected to provide services on behalf of
Phillips. These projects were successfully implemented
and the funds were spent for their intended purposes. 

The NEW Phillips has organized regionally into four
smaller operating groups and is now charged with
spending the remaining $4 million.  Ventura Village
has formed a corporate entity and has an excellent
financial management system in place. They have
already contracted several housing programs not
directly through the neighborhood association but
through other agencies.  The other three regions have
decided to find other agencies to act as fiscal
managers on their behalf as they do not currently have
the capacity to conduct these activities on their own.
East Phillips has chosen Powderhorn Park Neighborhood
Association (PPNA) as their fiscal manager.  PPNA has
an excellent reputation for sou

Park Avenue

2000-11-19 Thread Barbara Lickness

NRP did not specifically address the historic area
issue.  However,  the new Phillips Park project
certainly keeps the mansion theme in perspective in
it's construction.  

Even though Honeywell has been merged, bought out, or
whatever it's end destiny doesn't mean that the work
they started won't be continued, even if they no
longer provide financial support to Phillips projects.
Remember they sold the building to Wells Fargo.  Wells
Fargo is already at the table on many issues.  I
expect that they will be at the table in the future as
well, not to continue Honeywells legacy, but, to
continue their own legacy of community interaction. 

It is getting really exciting in Phillips these days. 
There is a huge development proposal for all four
corners of Franklin and Portland.  This will be
privately financed for the market rate and perhaps a
partnership of public and private financing for the
affordable housing peice.  It is a high density
multi-level project with retail at street level. It
will really change this corner of Phillips. 

There are several other development proposals on the
table for areas all along Franklin Avenue in Phillips.

Property values in Phillips have skyrocketed.  

Barb Lickness
Ward 6

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storm water run-off

2000-11-15 Thread Barbara Lickness

Speaking of raking leaves into the street, I was
speaking with someone about storm water run-off and
how the waste running into the system went unfiltered
into the lakes and river.  

I was told that certain portions of the city are
connected to the city sewer system for storm water
run-off and certain portions are not dumping that
run-off directly into the lakes.

Can somebody out there talk about what areas of the
city are connected to the sewer system and which ones
are not. And maybe how when and why that happened?

Barb Lickness
Ward 6

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RE: DFL Delegate Letter

2000-11-13 Thread Barbara Lickness

The previous post obviously wasn't meant for the list.
 It shouldn't have happened.  I definately will be
more careful in the future. 

Barb Lickness

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DFL Delegate letter

2000-11-13 Thread Barbara Lickness

Carsten called me today.  Said he was working on a
version of the DFL letter too.  I agree my opening
statement was weak.  I guess that must epitomize my
confidence when it comes to the DFL.  

Anyway,  he will forward his version to me tomorrow. 
Will forward that to you and Fred when I get it.

I know you are leary of Fred.  So am I. But would
rather have him on my side than agin' me.  Dean has
dissed him and I am going to capitalize on that.  But
I also know not to bring him in too closely.  He will
be an asset on the DFL strategy stuff.  He has already
produced a map of all the "green" party people in the
ward.  I can target them all directly with a letter
and hopefully defuse some of the people that may
consider supporting Dean Zimmerman.  

And as far as the DFL fundraiser goes, let me know if
you need Robin and I to make chocolates or if you
would prefer I didn't get involved in that. I need to
know in advance so I can plan the time.  I also forgot
that I will probably be getting some money from the
fundraiser on Wednesday so should be alright on the
financial front.  But I don't want to spend too much
on this DFL party cuz I won't make much from the
fundraising.  These people give $5 and $10 bucks and

I really want to support you in this role, I just
don't know how so I need you to tell me. O.K.? 

Later gater.

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Rural, Urban, Suburban

2000-11-12 Thread Barbara Lickness

R.T. - I agree with you on the rurual suburban thing. 
There is an acceptance level required for density as
well as diversity.  

I saw it when I worked in Eden Prairie.  A good
portion of the employee base there came from Shakopee,
Belle Plaine, Watertown, etc.  And that was before the
big booms in these communities. 

Moving into the city for most of these people meant
Eden Prairie (until it got too expensive), Hopkins,
Minnetonka, and maybe even Richfield.  But never

I think the discomfort comes from too much traffic,
too much closeness in living, and too much diversity
(both of architecture and people).  I thrive on all of
these things because I grew up with them.  I often
times describe myself as a "city girl".

My brother lives in a very small town south of
Mankato. While I love to visit (except when the
farmers are rendering pigs - whatever that means) I
COULD NEVER LIVE THERE!  It is just too foreign to me.
 So..I guess I should expect the same attitude from
those whose childhood environment was on a farm or
small town. 

That obviously isn't the case overall.  This city is
full of people who came from small communities and
they have become city people.

It would be interesting to hear from some of the small
town transplants.  I would like to know what it was
like moving to the big city and what it was that made
you decide to stay in the city versus the suburbs or
another small town.  

Barb Lickness
Ward 6   


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Re: Suburban Fright

2000-11-11 Thread Barbara Lickness

Your right!! Thanks for speaking up.  It's risky
sometimes on this thing. 

--- "Greg R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Barbara Lickness wrote:
> > I think this attitude has nothing whatsoever to do
> > with the image of Minneapolis or whats going on
> here. 
> > It has everything to do with perception from
> people in
> > the suburbs who simply aren't comfortable with the
> > density in the city life and the diversity.  They
> fear
> > anything that looks different than they do. Oops,
> > there I go generalizing. Sorry about that. 
>   It's the typical fear of the unknown.  They've been
> fed, through a
> variaty of sources, the idea that the Inner City (da
> da dum!) is a Bad
> Place.  This fear can be unlearned.
>   Most of my experience with this is in the teenage
> age-group.  
> This last autum I was a referee for High School
> soccer in the SE suburbs.  
> One thing that struck me at most every game was the
> lack of racial
> diversity on those teams, as compared with the teams
> I played with/on back
> when I was at North.  As a capper to the season, I
> got to do a playoff
> game at Rosevelt's field (Rosevelt vs. South) where
> there were more
> identifiably minority players on the field then I
> had seen in quite some
> time.
>   The most effective diversity training one can have
> is to live and
> work (attend school) in diverse situations.  The
> kids I officiated for
> this Fall don't seem to have that same advantage as
> those of us who grew
> up in the Inner City (da da dum).  This is one
> reason why I'd like to see
> the High School athletic leagues of Mpls and StP
> start playing non-City
> teams.
>   I had my fear of the racially-unknown worked out of
> me by
> attending the Minneapolis Public Schools.  It
> started in Kindergarden,
> where we had a batch of Hmong kids who didn't speak
> english yet.  Later,
> when the school I was in was reorganinzed, I
> attended a school in the
> heart of one of the poorest parts of this city.  And
> finally, I myself was
> a racial minority at my high-school.  Immersion
> learning, as they say in
> language classes.
>   But had I grown up in the high-school of the town I
> now live in
> (South St Paul, older than chunks of Minneapolis), I
> wouldn't have.  The
> largest racial/ethnic minority around here is a
> sizable Hispanic
> community.  We have some Somali around, but not all
> that much yet.  This
> is an o-l-d blue-collar community that saw a sizable
> immigrant influx
> during the last bout of european migration, lots of
> eastern Europe, so
> this isn't anything truely new.  It is only the
> current generation and
> their parents that haven't had the same
> indoctrination as the Inner City
> folk get all the time.
>   And those $150-220K townhomes developers love so
> much will, quite
> probably, look very different in 50-75 years.  After
> the lumber has
> settled down finally, all the construction kinks
> have been worked out, and
> an addition or two slapped on, the housing stock
> will look not quite so
> Bright 'n Shiny Suburbia.  In a hundred years those
> very housing tracts
> may look like those "Victorian Slums" did back in
> the '70s, targets of
> urban removal, er, renewal.
>   Towns have an aging process like people do.  Most
> of those 'burbs
> weren't even in existance in 1950.  Some were
> villiages that once were
> surrounded by farmland, and now are begining to face
> the first twinges of
> 'urban problems' like poverty, and crime.
>   I'm lucky enough to live in a town, considered a
> suburb, that has
> been in existance for over a hundred years.  The
> housing stock ranges from
> the late 1800's to a new development, a small one,
> that went up two years
> ago.  My own house was built in 1909, older than my
> parent's house in
> Seward (1928, if I remember right).  In terms of
> diversity we've been
> through this once before, just not in the last 30
> years.  We HAVE a 'poor
> section' of town.  We've got housing stock that is
> falling apart from lack
> of maintinence, and enough of it to drive a
> city-sponsored redevelopment
> program.
>   Some of these other suburbs have housing stock old
> enough that
> maybe half of the houses /may/ have two layers of
> shingles by now.  I like
> to think of Minneapolis (and Saint Paul) as mature
> Cities.  These other
> towns are still in their childhood years, though
> some are getting into
> adolesence.  Adulthood is scarry, it always is.
> Greg Riedesel
> South St Paul

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Suburban Fright

2000-11-10 Thread Barbara Lickness

The Suburban fright syndrome is not new.  In the 70's
and 80's I worked in Eden Prairie and lived in Loring
Park and then by Lake Nokomis.  My friends at work
used to be scared to visit me, even by Lake Nokomis
which I consider to be Golden Pond.

I used to love to drag my timid suburban scardy cat
friends down to Moby Dick's to show em' what city life
was all about.  It was usually a pretty good hoot and
we were always guaranteed a great show! The company I
worked for frowned on me dragging clients in
there,but, even they enjoyed the experience. Block E
was hoppin' then!

I think this attitude has nothing whatsoever to do
with the image of Minneapolis or whats going on here. 
It has everything to do with perception from people in
the suburbs who simply aren't comfortable with the
density in the city life and the diversity.  They fear
anything that looks different than they do. Oops,
there I go generalizing. Sorry about that. 

It also has a lot to do with the media. When I was
crime and safety chair for the Whittier Alliance
during the "Murderapolis" years, we couldn't drag the
press kicking and screaming into our neighborhood when
we were doing something good or positive. But, let
there be a shooting, a rape or a murder and the press
would be there with bells on sometimes before the

On another subject, does anyone know why George Bush
has a bandage on his face?  Did someone clock him?

Barb Lickness
Ward 6 

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Privacy Folders

2000-11-09 Thread Barbara Lickness

If those were meant to be privacy folders, they aren't
very good ones.  

When I voted the booths were full and I had to sit at
an open 8 foot table in the middle of the room to
vote.  Then the election helper took my ballot out of
the folder and put it through the machine for me
because the machine was being touchy.   

I have to believe these little infractions happen
regularly and all over the country.  Normally they
haven't been raised because the usual outcome is that
one candidate generally beats the other candidate
soundly enough that it wouldn't change the outcome.

But here we are in the first election year of our new
millenium and all Hell has broken loose, at least in
Florida. The closeness of the election outcome has
spurred conversations around every water cooler in
town and through out the nation regarding all the
little irregularities that occured during this
election process.

I know once the supposed outcome is determined and
released to the public, every possible conspiracy
theororist that exists will continue to cast
aspersions about the validity of the election process.

I just hope and pray the we aren't sitting around our
Thanksgiving tables talking about who our next
president will be.

Barb Lickness
Ward 6  

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Voter Turn-out

2000-11-07 Thread Barbara Lickness

Whoever wins this election (and I do care who wins), I
have to say this is the most exciting election I have
seen in a very long time at least during my mid-life

My precinct 6-1 generally has mediocre turn out. 
Today it was packed.  I saw a couple neighbors there
today who I know haven't voted in years.  That made me

I saw old and young, and a larger number of people of
color.  A couple of friends I have were working the
polling places today called and said they were mobbed.

THIS IS GOOD!  I will be very interesting in hearing
what the overall voter turn out percentages were.  My
gut instinct is that they will be very good. 


Here a some parties I heard about

SD 61 - 

Karen Clarks house
2633 - 18th Av. So
after 8:00 p.m.

Neva Walker Campaign Headquarters
3100 Chicago Av. So.
Mpls, MN 
6:00 - 8:00

SD 62 

Chatterbox Pub
2229 E. 35th St.
7:00 p.m.

SD 60

Dulono's Pizza
607 W. Lake St
7:30 p.m.

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Stealth Candidate Adds

2000-11-06 Thread Barbara Lickness

Like R.T. I too was out flyering for Neva this
weekend. But..I didn't see any literature for anyone
else anywhere.  As many Nader signs as are in my
neighborhood, I would have thought at least someone
would be out delivering something.  H..guess
my neighborhood doesn't have any target voters.  Oh

may the force by with you.

On another note, the CUE awards were tonight.  I have
been in past years but this years event was hopping. 
There were a lot of really great projects.  A lot done
with NRP funds.  The cutest was the little elf on Lake
Harriet.  At any rate, a great night tonight. 

Barb Lickness
Ward 6

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A One Day Free for All

2000-11-05 Thread Barbara Lickness


How about a one day free for all on the election.  


All personal..no cut and pastes.  

No being mean and insulting.

You get 3 paragraphs. That's it.

Just a thought to liven it up some.  You know people
are dying to talk about it.  

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2000-11-05 Thread Barbara Lickness

Hence comes the Charter School.  

I am currently working with Advantage Schools of
Boston to bring a new Charter School into the Phillips
and Whittier neighborhood.  

My purpose for working on this project is to find ways
to provide as much school choice for parents in these
two neighborhoods as possible.  Currently,  the
children in Whittier are bused to 59 different schools
in Minneapolis.  Our neighborhood school Whittier
Community School for the Arts, serves 552 children in
a neighborhood of 3,300.  I know Phillips numbers are
probably higher.

I am the past chair of the Governor's After School
Enrichment program steering committee in Whittier and
Phillips.  The program has difficulty engaging
children who are bused long distances from home to
school, because their arrival time back in the
neighborhood is often times too late to get them
hooked into any of the programs.  These kids miss out
on a very important community connective piece here.  

Whittier has one private school for parents to choose
from.  The tuition in that school is very steep,
however, very reasonable compared to other private
schools.  While they do offer scholarships, I do not
believe any of them are 100% or even close to that.
There are 5 tuition free alternative schools. These
schools generally have pretty specific focuses beyond
general education. 

Some other parents in the neighborhood and myself
wanted to find a way to offer some alternatives to
busing your child around town for an hour or two every
day. An option that would be tuition free! 

We approached Advantage Schools of Boston because they
have an incredible reputation and the financial
stability to run successful charter schools.  We
visited an Advantage Charter School in Phoenix. We
chose that school because the majority of their
students are new immigrants like Whittier and Phillips
would most likely be. I was overwhelmed at the
atmosphere I saw.  They use a specific teaching
curriculum. (Direct Instruction)  The test scores for
children in their schools is very high.  

We are going through the process right now of
submitting the application and beginning the long
journey through to approval.

Anyway, enough of the sales pitch here. If you don't
like Direct Instruction then find one that suits your
purpose. What I am trying to say is there is an
alternative between giving people vouchers for use in
private school and being forced to send them to public
school.  And it is free. 

If you read "Come Back Cities" you will see that one
of the ingredients for a successful come back inner
city neighborhood is school choice.  It specifically
talks about Charter Schools.  

And Russell.  I know Longfellow folks would rally
around this idea.  Go for it.


Barb Lickness
Ward 6   

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Candidate School

2000-11-03 Thread Barbara Lickness

I would welcome the idea of candidate classes.  

I have spent many years preparing for this job in both
my volunteer activities in Whittier and my
professional life as NRP staff to 13 South Minneapolis
neighborhoods.  I feel that "I can hit the ground
running" as they say.

However,  I am sure there is a vast amount of
knowledge you need and gain only from the inside or
from gracious insiders who decide to share it with

All you intellectual pundits out there who are dying
to train in a better class of candidate can start with
me. I am willing to be your guinea pig on any
seminars, or classes you want to put together.  

I think it would be interesting for you to organize
past council members so we can pick their brains. 
After all they have been there done that.  Who better
to get the real life accounting from.  

The only other thing I ask is that this be organized
at the grassroots level. (O.K. maybe with the help of
the League of Women Voters) No think tank
organizations please or groups pushing specific

So.go for it David and whoever. Give me the where
and when. I'll be there.

Barb Lickness
Ward 6  

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Nicollet Avenue

2000-11-01 Thread Barbara Lickness

The subject of re-opening Nicollet has been on the
table for as long as I have lived in Whittier (1991). 
It was addressed in the Whittier NRP plan, but, with
no funding dedicated in the plan or by the city at
that time, it became only a dream.   

The discussion has both dropped off and livened up
during that time, but, I have never seen a real live
"let's do this" plan until now.  And yes, perhaps it
lacks detail, design elements, square footage and all
the other architectural language, but at least there
is finally a plan out there.  And if K-mart is at the
discussion table along with the guy who owns the land
underneath K-Mart, then more power to Sherman, Lisa
McDonald, Jim Niland, Bruce Rasmussen, Dean Devolis
and whoever else is driving this bus.  

Re-opening Nicollet is equally important to both
Whittier and the Lyndale neighborhoods along with a
string of other neighborhood both North and South of

Quite frankly, I am excited about the possibilities of
what could ultimately happen there and say it's about
time. The fact that private developers are carrying
the water on this is even better.  Hip Hip Hoorah 

The TIF issue is a whole other e-mail and a whole
other discussion.  I will limit my thoughts at this
point to the thought of an open street and Lake and

Barb Lickness
Ward 6

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Brown Field Clean Up

2000-10-31 Thread Barbara Lickness

I know for a fact that both Hennepin County and MCDA
are playing a very active role in the brown field
clean-up at least for three sites that I know of. 
They are working with the folks in Whittier and the
Soo Line Garden people to deal with the garden site
which has been identified as a brown field.  There are
also two sites in Phillips they are working on.  I
have not been involved with the Phillips sites other
than to connect MCDA to the appropriate people in the
two regions those lots are located in.  In my own
neighborhood of Whittier, I have attended meetings
where both the county and the MCDA were very helpful
in working with the garden people at Soo Line and the
South Whittier people.  

I will remind you that these sites are identified with
potential pollution NOT confirmed.  The first phase of
the project is to do a Phase I environmental
assessment to determine whether pollution does exist
and whether or not further testing and soil
remediation should be done.  Both the MCDA and the
County are very knowledgable and very helpful.  They
have taken great care to ensure that all potential
stake holders of the site have been notified and have
an opportunity to participate.  

If you are a Soo Line Gardener do not push the panic
button.  Because the gardens are done in raised beds,
the produce you are growing is most likely very safe. 
If you have questions or concerns, you should contact
the Soo Line Garden people.  

Barb Lickness
Ward 6

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2000-10-28 Thread Barbara Lickness

A big public thanks to Jim Niland for thwarting the
effort to plant a transfer station smack dab in the
middle of the Cedar Hi-Rise parking lot and garden
space.  WOW!  GREAT JOB!  And thanks to Linda Berglin
and Karen Clark for their concern here as well.  

Nuf' said.

Barb Lickness
Ward 6 

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NRP Conflict of Interest

2000-10-23 Thread Barbara Lickness

The conflict of interest policy was being worked on
long before the story about Jackie Cherryhomes
appeared in the paper. The incident involving Jackie
was just one more in a long string of incidents that
have raised questions about conflict of interest.  

This discussion has been going on within the policy
board for a long time, just ask Judy Schwartau. Judy
has been complaining for years about special interest
group influence on the policy board.   

Not to sound too simple here but it is no surprise
that NRP has a lot of money and that a lot of people
want NRP funds. There is a constant stream of
solicitors at Bob Millers door every day, all
showcasing projects and programs, and all wanting to
know how to get ahold of NRP money. People have tried
many ways to get NRP money through one angle or
another or to influence how NRP funds should be used
at both the neighborhood and the policy board level.  

While it seems very strict, I think the new policy
removes any and all possibilities for special interest
groups to influence NRP funding policy by becoming
policy board members.  If you noticed, the people
complaining the loudest in this mornings article all
have inherent conflicts according to the new policy. 
That should tell you something.  

As am employee of NRP I am entitled to apply for NRP
housing loan funds in my neighborhood but chose not to
because I think it would look bad.  It simply removes
any and all questions regarding any conflict I might
have, percieved or otherwise. 

I agree wholeheartedly with the new policy and hope it

Barb Lickness
Ward 6 


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2000-10-21 Thread Barbara Lickness

I am lucky that I have the great privelege to both
live and work in the city.  I go 28th to Park to work
and Portland to 26th home.  Nice easy little commute. 
I used to make the reverse commute from Minneapolis to
Eden Prairie.  On a good day it was a half hour, on a
bad winter day it was 2 1/2 hrs.  All those years, I
dreamed of having a job in the city.  I never dreamed
of living in the suburbs.  I am definately a city
And...I wouldn't trade what I have now for the world. 

I think your right David, that perhaps if the freeways
weren't so efficient, that maybe more people would
consider living in the city instead of battling that
horrible commute everyday. I truly believe we would
all be better for it.  Is that selfish of me to think
that way? I don't know.

I know from working in Phillips that almost 60% of the
residents do not drive so the freeway isn't serving
them.  Yet,  the people along 18th Street are forced
to look at 17 lanes of freeway with more to come in
the future. God knows what the air quality is like? Is
that fair?  And why is it everytime the subject of
freeway expansion comes up, everyone living within
proximity of it fears theirs will be the sacrificial
block?  Is that fair? Ask the people along 38th

There's my two cents on the issue.  Next?

Barb Lickness
Ward 6 

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2000-10-18 Thread Barbara Lickness

Oops, I was having so much fun I forgot to sign my

Barb Lickness
Ward 6

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Ball Park? Dog Park?

2000-10-18 Thread Barbara Lickness

Thanks David for bringing a little light humor into
the mix of the ball park discussion.  I didn't have
time to read the paper this morning before I left and
got to work to find a long line of calls from people
in Phillips.  

In fact, East Phillips is meeting tonight to discuss
their planning effort surrounding the Hi-Lake area. 
The citizen group is not at all happy with the current
plans that are being developed so are working
furiously with a planning architect to develop their
own rendition for that area.  I have to be honest, a
ball park has not once entered the discussions.  In
looking at the reality of it, I can imagine that the
existing Hi-Lake businesses, the Midtown Greenway
folks, the Green Institute, and the people protecting
the states oldest cemetary might have plenty to say.  

I work in Elliot Park and I can tell you that
neighborhood has weighed in regularly about the
affects of the stadium on their neighborhood, namely
the volume of surface parking lots that lay dormant
and dark when no game is in play.  

On the lighter side, and as long as we are having this
discussion in fun here, why not throw a Casino into
the mix.  It would stop the hourly bus rides to Mystic
Lake, keep the gambling money in the city, produce the
revenue to pay for the ball park and the doggy doo doo
scoopers, and there might even be enough left over to
give us free cracker jacks or a Big Dip Frosty Malt
once in awhile.
Just having a little fun before this discussion gets serious.

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Modular Homes

2000-10-03 Thread Barbara Lickness

I work in Phillips and am aware that there is a
modular home between 28th and 27th Street on
Bloomington Avenue.  

The issue in Phillips was not that it was a modular
home, it was the design of the home.  The home was
turned sideways with the primary entrance to the home
on the side as opposed to facing the street.   A
variance is needed for it to remain like this.  The
Fire Department expressed concerns that the distance
between the entrance and the neighboring fence is so
narrow, they question their ability to access the
house in an emergency.  Nonetheless, there is a city
policy stating that the primary entrance must face the
street. I can't remember whether the region approved
the variance request or not.  

In the Ventura Village region of Phillips, they are
working to bring modular homes into the neighborhood. 
In addition, they are working to bring in a modular
manufacturing group in as a business.  

The difference here is that Ventura Village developed
a Master Land Use Development Plan for the entire
region. This plan included design elements for nearly
every type of structure planned in the region.  When
developers come to Ventura Village they are given the
plan.  They are also told that if they agree to
develop according to the plan, they will receive
regional support.  If they choose not to, they will
not receive a recommendation from Ventura Village. 
Since the completion of the plan, there have been
several projects approved with developers agreeing to
develop in accordance with the Ventura Village Master
Plan.  Some of the developers are non-profits, and
some are for-profit.  

The other three regions of Phillips are also working
to develop Master Land Use Development Plans for their
regions in addition to the Elliot Park,Whittier,
Stevens Square and Loring Park neighborhoods.  This
will give all of them a very strong tool in focusing
NRP Phase II spending and will be a good instrument to
leverage additional investment into these

The point of this long story is that if neighborhoods
take control of their development opportunities in a
well constructed cohesive plan that has full
neighborhood buy in, then it gives potential
developers a much better focus in proposing
development projects, including modular houses.  

Modular homes can be produced with any variety of
design elements.  I have seen some really nice ones. 
I have also seen really bad ones.  If a neighborhood
can hand a developer design guidelines, most of them
will be happy to adhere to it.  

Barb Lickness
Ward 6 

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2000-09-26 Thread Barbara Lickness

Franklin and Penn tonight.  The north end of Lake of
the Isles.  

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