More DiskROM

1999-09-27 Thread MkII

Oh and btw, does anybody have proper, complete and detailed DiskROM
documentation? Mine is pretty scarce.

Thanks again.


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1999-09-27 Thread MkII

Hi you lot!

I'll be adding DiskROM-level motor muting logic to the game, as the
standard timer interrupt calling loop method could have some problems
depending on the stuff hooked to it.

I'll be using proper logical drive sensitive routines, but I don't find the
motor off entry point address in my documentation, and old messages about
this topic have vanished from my mailbox.

Could someone please re-post that address (plus parameters if any)?

Kisses in advance.


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1999-09-27 Thread selious

Hi, how did you get hold of your yamaha ??

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-Original Message-
Date: Monday, January 18, 1999 6:31 PM
Subject: NETROM->RS232

>I happen to be a owner of a certain YAMAHA - MSX2 computer.
>It's quite an ordinary MSX2 and fully compatible with other MSX2-s, except
>for one
>special feature - it has a special NETROM (32KB) with a serial I/O device
>to the sideslot (pslot=3 and  sslot=3, to be exact). That kind of MSXs with
>were widely used in the former Soviet Union and they were integrated into
>so called
>"Classroom networks" (Max. 15 computers!).
>As I only have that one MSX, I'm wondering now how to connect it to my PC
>by using
>that special serial port. The main problem is that there seems to be no
>(useful) information
>available about that hardware. I have found only some materials describing
>the special
>NETROM's bios functions and basic CALLs which are quite sophisticated and
>for example,  the teacher computer's permission for any communication. But
>there's nothing
>about the specific hardware and how to program it directly! I can't see any
>other reason
>for that except that  this information must have been classified. Probably
>it just wasn't
>desirable if student could "disobey" the teachers veto and communicate with
>computer anyway.
>But, as there's probably no msx-networks functioning anymore, I wonder if
>could help me on that matter. I would be thankful for any information!
>Meanwhile I have conducted my own research and as my latest achievment I
>was able
>to send my first bytes ever from MSX directly to my PC's COM port. I used
>for that a simple
>routine I found when poking around the NETROM and self-made circuit to
>convert the
>msx serial signallevels (approximately -6V & 0) to RS232 (12V & -12V). I
>don't know exactly
>how does the NETROM's routine function though - I just discovered that the
>seems to be
>some intialisation through port #09 (OUT (09),A) and the output goes to the
>port #0e.
>But unfortunately I haven't been able to achieve the opposite - I don't no
>how to receive
>a byte (and also must I use I/O polling or is it interrupt driven etc.)
>So, I hope that there's somewhere someone who knows something about that
>There must be :-)
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MSX turbo R

1999-09-27 Thread Alex Wulms

Dear all,

I have added the English translation of an article about the MSX turbo R to 
the section 'MCCM Articles (English)' of my homepage.

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms
Alex Wulms/XelaSoft - MSX of anders NIX - Linux 4 ever
See my homepage for info on the  *** XSA *** format

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Re: GFX9000 for sale [in DUTCH]

1999-09-27 Thread Nestor Soriano

>> Ik heb ooit een GFX9000 gekocht bij Sunrise, alleen heb ik 'm eigenlijk
>Happy happy, joy joy. Can't understand a bit! :

Pleasee dontk poostj dutchjk meessaaje in dis liistje! X-D


  Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^ ^)v - Itsumo MSX user

New web address:  &  http2//nestor.msx
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RE: GFX9000 for sale [in DUTCH]

1999-09-27 Thread Boon, Eric

> Thom Zwagers wrote:
> > Ik heb ooit een GFX9000 gekocht bij Sunrise, alleen heb ik 
> 'm eigenlijk
> Happy happy, joy joy. Can't understand a bit! :

*grin* I can (sorry - couldn't resist)

Nevertheless:  and he wants to sell
his GFX9000 for about 136 euro.

+-- Eric Boon ---+

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Re: GFX9000 for sale [in DUTCH]

1999-09-27 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

Thom Zwagers wrote:
> Ik heb ooit een GFX9000 gekocht bij Sunrise, alleen heb ik 'm eigenlijk

Happy happy, joy joy. Can't understand a bit! :

`:) Parn
ICQ#: 1693182   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Parn's Music Station
Game Music, Original Compositions and more

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MSX News

1999-09-27 Thread Daniel Jorge Caetano


  As many times CJB.NET goes down, I would like to tell you that there is other
simple ways to visit MSX News. The following adresses work perfectly:
  One of them is always available.


   Como muitas vezes o CJB.NET sai do ar, gostaria de avisar que ha outros
meios simples de acessar o MSX News. Os seguintes enderecos sao
os oficiais:

  Um dos dois estah sempre disponivel.

 []'s Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: ez80

1999-09-27 Thread Frengo

On Sun, 26 Sep 1999 16:26:37 +0200, Alex Wulms wrote:

>] > Internet-Ready. A complete TCP/IP stack is also offered so customers can
>] > design products that connect to the Internet. 
>] I think Zilog means they offer sourcecode of a TCP/IP stack, it seems 
>] a bit illogical to hardcode that in a CPU since it should be at OS 
>] level.
>eZ80 main target group is the embedded software. For such appliances 
>(microwaves, laundry machines, cars, smartcards, etc), having a TCP/IP stack 
>in hardware can be very interesting... It can make the OS more lean and mean 
>which is very important for embedded software.

I think it's a little different, the Tcp/Ip stack is not hardcode, but software...

>From Zilog's brochure : " The eZ80 is internet ready. ZILOG can provide a complete 
>TCP/IP stack,
allowing for rapid internet connectivity."

But what you say it's true, the target are embedded machines , general purpose cards 
specified ones, but not a personal computer.

by Frengo

Miri Software MSX Computer System Italy
HomePage :

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Re: Akin

1999-09-27 Thread Cas Cremers

>> My question: is my game corrupted? Is it right? Must I do more
>> things in the game to enter this room?
>> Thanks for any help,

> In that occasion, Marco Heidtmann from MBT had more four or five original
>(numbered copies) there. Weber tried some of them and found this 'defect'
in all

This is all very odd. This bug was on the first version of Akin, and was
found immediately after release. I fixed it then, and sent a new version to
Sunrise. New releases were fixed. Good versions are all around the world now

So I considered this bug to be fixed... it's very strange to find such older
version, very strange.
I don't have the patch available at the moment, but I will try to find it.

> Marco said us that he would contact Parallax, but we never heard anything
>this matter...

I can't remember seeing such an Email?

> Are you playing in your GT ? If not, it may be the result of a strange

nope it was a plain bug - sorry :(

Cas "back from vacation"

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GFX9000 for sale [in DUTCH]

1999-09-27 Thread Thom Zwagers

Ik heb ooit een GFX9000 gekocht bij Sunrise, alleen heb ik 'm eigenlijk
nooit gebruikt, vooral omdat ik er pas erg laat achter kwam dat zowel het
kabeltje van Sunrise als de Scart-aansluiting van mijn TV het niet deden.

Nu alles het weer doet, doe ik echter nog steeds niets met de GFX9000, dat
is zonde, dus lijkt het me beter om hem te verkopen.
Ik vraag HFL 299,= voor de GFX. 
Ik woon in Utrecht, dus misschien dat het loont (ivm met de PTT) om het op
te halen (d.w.z. doordeweeks).
De GFX is vrijwel ongebruikt en zit al in een kastje/cartridge(hoe noem je
zoiets?). Ook het kabeltje van de GFX naar een scart-aansluiting zit er
natuurlijk bij, alsmede de programma's PICView en de Basic (alleen
TurboR). Andere programma's zijn volgens mij te downloaden bij Sunrise.

Interesse? Stuur dan een mail naar [EMAIL PROTECTED] (niet naar de
mailinglist, dat is irritant voor de niet geinteresseerden)

gTX, Thomaatje

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RE: ez80

1999-09-27 Thread Boon, Eric

> eZ80 main target group is the embedded software. For such appliances 
> (microwaves, laundry machines, cars, smartcards, etc), having 
> a TCP/IP stack in hardware can be very interesting...
> It can make the OS more lean and mean 
> which is very important for embedded software.

As far as I can tell from the datasheets, the TCP/IP stack is
not implemented in hardware - so it must be some software
solution offered by ZiLOG.
+-- Eric Boon ---+

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