
1999-10-14 Thread Sander Zuidema

Hi all,

Finally I'm reconnected to the MSX-mailinglist!
Did I miss anything? :)


Sander Zuidema - Webman benjamin B. - -
Updated 11/10/99

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RE: MBM replay in DOS (was: RE: Two questions!)

1999-10-14 Thread Boon, Eric


Off-topic: interesting, I received Laurens' reply on these 2 msgs
before getting these...

Maarten wrote:

> I think Alex asked the question because the original MB1.4 replayer 
> source contains IN A,(#FE) commands.

Ah, I C.  I'll take my source-scissors and cut them out ;-)
> And what about MoonSound?
> I can mail you a MBM replayer that plays on MoonSound too. It sounds 
> nice, in my opinion, because the MoonSound output is much clearer.

Please do! Any source code (eh, MSX related, that is ;-)) is welcome!

> Hey, maybe it's possible to convert the MWK kit while the song is 
> already playing.

Huh? You mean start playing without samples and add the samples later?
Hmmm... I'll see. Maybe it's possible to start converting while loading
the samples - load a block, convert it, load the next etc...

Manuel wrote:

> > -v  verbose: give status/error reports on stderr
> Can you be more specific on this last one? What are the status-
> possibilities? How will DOS display them?

I dunno yet... Maybe something like:

 A:\> amber -v the_best.mbm samples.mbk
 AMBER v 0.1 - 20 Oct 1999 - (C) Aurora
 MSX-Audio detected
 MSX-Music detected
 loading the_best.mbm
 loading samples.mbk
 samples.mbk  not found! trying the_best.mbk
 the_best.mbk not found! no sample replay
 playing 53 patterns...
 user interrupt
 A:\> _

Ah, that brings me to another very useful option:

-lN When looping is on, loop N times, then fade out
N = 0 == loop forever...

+-- Eric Boon ---+

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Re: MBM replay in DOS (was: RE: Two questions!)

1999-10-14 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

> Hello all,
> > > Suggestions for other options:
> > > -fN frequency select: 0 = current (default)
> > >   1 = 50 Hz (PAL)
> > >   2 = 60 Hz (NTSC)
> Huh? I missed that mail somehow!

> Right, although the EDIT type isn't very hard to decode.
> I could even do EDIT->USER conversion while loading the file :-P
> But I don't quite see the advantage of being able to force either of
> the two file types. It makes no sense in loading an EDIT file in
> USER mode or vice versa...

Just in case detection  fails... ;-) But you're right. It'll probably fail 
always then!

> > > Further: if you make a TSR version, will there be certain 
> > > keys to control the music? Things like STOP, PAUSE, FFW, or so...
> > > whatever. In the not-TSR version, will there be ways to stop,
> > > pause, or ffw the music being replayed?
> Definitely NOT in the 0.1 version! :-)

Later, I meant.

> > > And if you're really going for it: if amber is started without any
> > > arguments, you should get a little MBM filebrowser, like in VGIF or 
> > > BLS or so... :-)
> Yeah right. And some spiffy backdrop and 'equalizer' and all that shit
> that blows a simple and useful utility into a bloated M$ proportional
> monster (*grin*)

Eh, the little filebrowser shouldn't be THAT hard/big...

> > Sounds very cool.
> Thought so :-) could however be a little bit slow when all possibities
> have to be checked only to find out that there is no samplekit to load...

We can miss a millisecond! ;-)

> Also: maybe later. First things first... (and that means going home now
> and start coding ;-P)

Good point If you want to reread that message you missed, try to check it 
in the newsgroup on msxnet: as news-server (news-host), and 
there is one group there:, you can't miss it...

But if you cannot, I can resend you the message if you like.

Grtjs, Manuel ((m)ICQ UIN 41947405)

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RE: MBM replay in DOS (was: RE: Two questions!)

1999-10-14 Thread Boon, Eric

Hello all,

> > Suggestions for other options:
> > -fN frequency select: 0 = current (default)
> >   1 = 50 Hz (PAL)
> >   2 = 60 Hz (NTSC)

Huh? I missed that mail somehow!
> I hope you mean 1=50Hz sync, 2=60Hz sync eh? (thus making no 
> difference if the VDP is currently working at 60 or 50Hz...)

I don't quite get what you're after. Do you mean that I should
switch the VDP mode, or leave the VDP mode alone and only switch
replay speed? Will be difficult to replay @ 60Hz sync, while being
in 50Hz mode :-(

> > -tN file type select: 0 = autodetect (default)
> >   1 = USER
> >   2 = EDIT
> The autodetection part shouldn't be too hard.
> However the EDIT-type support will mean a lot of extra work (he will
> have to write those routines from scratch without any documentation 
> on it, while the USER fileformat is also used in the official
> replayroutines.

Right, although the EDIT type isn't very hard to decode.
I could even do EDIT->USER conversion while loading the file :-P
But I don't quite see the advantage of being able to force either of
the two file types. It makes no sense in loading an EDIT file in
USER mode or vice versa...

> > Further: if you make a TSR version, will there be certain 
> > keys to control the music? Things like STOP, PAUSE, FFW, or so...
> > whatever. In the not-TSR version, will there be ways to stop,
> > pause, or ffw the music being replayed?

Definitely NOT in the 0.1 version! :-)

> > And if you're really going for it: if amber is started without any
> > arguments, you should get a little MBM filebrowser, like in VGIF or 
> > BLS or so... :-)

Yeah right. And some spiffy backdrop and 'equalizer' and all that shit
that blows a simple and useful utility into a bloated M$ proportional
monster (*grin*)

> But then please not in the first realease (cause it will then 
> take much longer before the release).

Amen, bro', amen! :-)
> > And what about: A:/>amber *.mbm ? Will it work?

I dunno. Will depend on how much extra effort it will take.
> Would be very, very nice.
> Adding support for the first file only is VERY easy (simply execute
> FIND_FIRST with pre-setup FCB from adress #5C (if I remember 
> correct) before loading). Adding support for more than 1 file will
> be a little more difficult but still work I think.

But not that much: FIND_NEXT :-)

> > > Samplekit handling:
> Sounds very cool.

Thought so :-) could however be a little bit slow when all possibities
have to be checked only to find out that there is no samplekit to load...
> > And what if NOT MSX-Audio should play? Also suppress sample 
> > replay, I guess?

Eh, if MSX-Audio should not be played, it will not be played
including the samples, of course.

> About Maarten ter Huurne's idea: MoonSound support is indeed 
> a great idea! I hope the samples will also be supported?

Also: maybe later. First things first... (and that means going home now
and start coding ;-P)

+-- Eric Boon ---+

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Re: MBM replay in DOS (was: RE: Two questions!)

1999-10-14 Thread Laurens Holst

> Suggestions for other options:
> -fN frequency select: 0 = current (default)
>   1 = 50 Hz (PAL)
>   2 = 60 Hz (NTSC)

I hope you meen 1=50Hz sync, 2=60Hz sync eh? (thus making no difference if
the VDP is currently working at 60 or 50Hz...)

> -tN file type select: 0 = autodetect (default)
>   1 = USER
>   2 = EDIT

The autodetection part shouldn't be too hard.
However the EDIT-type support will mean a lot of extra work (he will have to
write those routines from scratch without any documentation on it, while the
USER fileformat is also used in the official replayroutines.

> Further: if you make a TSR version, will there be certain keys to control
> music? Things like STOP, PAUSE, FFW, or so... whatever. In the not-TSR
> version, will there be ways to stop, pause, or ffw the music being
> And if you're really going for it: if amber is started without any
> you should get a little MBM filebrowser, like in VGIF or BLS or so... :-)

But then please not in the first realease (cause it will then take much
longer before the release).

> And what about: A:/>amber *.mbm ? Will it work?

Would be very, very nice.
Adding support for the first file only is VERY easy (simply execute
FIND_FIRST with pre-setup FCB from adress #5C (if I remember correct) before
loading). Adding support for more than 1 file will be a little more
difficult but still work I think.

> > Samplekit handling:

Sounds very cool.

> And what if NOT MSX-Audio should play? Also suppress sample replay, I

What would be the use of adding lots of loading-time when it isn't needed?

About Maarten ter Huurne's idea: MoonSound support is indeed a great idea! I
hope the samples will also be supported? Simply convert them using XADPCM...
And the MoonSound has enough channels to emulate the FM-Pac as well... I
have the settings for the OPL4 to emulate the OPLL-instruments somewhere
here... Yeah yeah okay I know they will sound a little different because of
different filtering etc. but I don't think that's really a problem.

I think that when a MoonSound is detected it should automatically be
selected. If there also are an MSX Music and/or MSX Audio available in the
system then they can only be used by forcing it through command-line
options. I know they will sound more 'natural' (like the song used to sound)
than a MoonSound, but I think changing the cables etc. will be too much
hassle for most people to really care about that. And besides, the
difference will be minor I think. Also, the MoonSound works fine at 7MHz.
Can't say that about my MSX Music/Audio (the latter one is adapted with a
seperate chrystal so it sounds nice, but is still skipping some notes
because it's accessed too fast).

Only disadvantage would be that decrunching ADPCM will take quite some time
(as long as loading an 128k samplekit for the MoonSound I think)... Haven't
tried it myself, just heard from others it takes quite some time. But
ofcourse a half-full samplekit will take only half the time to convert. And
I think at 7MHz it won't take that long...


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Re: How to check for Dos2.x

1999-10-14 Thread Laurens Holst

> Hmm, there is a DOS2 function call to get the version (taken from the DOS2
> docs that can be downloaded from the DOS2 section of the FAQ):
>  CPM MSX1* 0Ch -  Return version number
> and
> NEW   * 6Fh -  Get MSX-DOS version number

Ah, the first one won't work. CP/M version is the same everywhere on MSX.
You will have to use the second one.

Load BC and DE with #0100 (or any other unique value) in advance.
If it's Dos2 or higher it will return the version numbers.
If it's Dos1 it will simply RET without changing BC and DE. Easy.

This is THE way, and the ONLY way to do it. No fiddling with some
undocumented number in memory please.


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Re: MBM replay in DOS (was: RE: Two questions!)

1999-10-14 Thread M . K . t . Huurne

> The first version will just load and play, nothing TSR like.
> So it won't need any memory management and thus run on both DOS1 and
> DOS2.

I think Alex asked the question because the original MB1.4 replayer 
source contains IN A,(#FE) commands.

>   -cN chip select: 0 = auto (default)
>1 = MSX-Audio
>2 = MSX-Music
>3 = Both

And what about MoonSound?
I can mail you a MBM replayer that plays on MoonSound too. It sounds 
nice, in my opinion, because the MoonSound output is much clearer.
On MoonSound you can also play MWK kits, converted by XADPCM by 
Alex Wulms. Maybe you should make this optional for non-turbo-R, 
because it takes quite a lot of time.

Hey, maybe it's possible to convert the MWK kit while the song is 
already playing. Writing to SRAM is impossible when waves are 
playing. But since the FM and wave part of the OPL4 seem to be 
separate units and the FM part doesn't need SRAM, maybe it's possible 
to write to SRAM when playing only FM instruments.


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Re: MBM replay in DOS (was: RE: Two questions!)

1999-10-14 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

> Yoho,


> The first version will just load and play, nothing TSR like.
> So it won't need any memory management and thus run on both DOS1 and
> DOS2. 

Ok! That would at least be usable for me to start with. Thanks in advance!

> Another thing. First idea for commandline:
>   amber [-cN] [-v] filename[.mbm] [filename[.mbk]]
>   AMBeR = Aurora's MB Replayer
>   [...] = optional
>   options:
>   -cN chip select: 0 = auto (default)
>1 = MSX-Audio
>2 = MSX-Music
>3 = Both
>   -v  verbose: give status/error reports on stderr

Can you be more specific on this last one? What are the status-possibilities? 
How will DOS display them?

Suggestions for other options:
-fN frequency select: 0 = current (default)
  1 = 50 Hz (PAL)
  2 = 60 Hz (NTSC)
-tN file type select: 0 = autodetect (default)
  1 = USER
  2 = EDIT

Further: if you make a TSR version, will there be certain keys to control the 
music? Things like STOP, PAUSE, FFW, or so... whatever. In the not-TSR 
version, will there be ways to stop, pause, or ffw the music being replayed?

And if you're really going for it: if amber is started without any arguments, 
you should get a little MBM filebrowser, like in VGIF or BLS or so... :-)

And what about: A:/>amber *.mbm ? Will it work? 

> Samplekit handling:
> IF MSX-Audio should play
>   IF filename mentioned in cmdline
>   THEN
>   try that one
>   FI
>   IF not found OR no filename in cmdline
>   THEN
>   try samplekit named in MBM
>   IF not found
>   THEN
>   try filename.MBK
>   IF not found
>   THEN
>   suppress sample replay
>   FI
>   FI
>   FI
> FI
> Sounds ok? :-)

And what if NOT MSX-Audio should play? Also suppress sample replay, I guess? 

Grtjs, Manuel ((m)ICQ UIN 41947405)

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
PPS: Visit my homepage at 

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MBM replay in DOS (was: RE: Two questions!)

1999-10-14 Thread Boon, Eric


> > I don't know if you need to use the memory mapper for the replayer,
> > but if so, can you please make sure that it is DOS2 compatible?
> I hope he will, since my intention was to use the program from Multi-
> Mente which I only run in DOS2! Heheh.

The first version will just load and play, nothing TSR like.
So it won't need any memory management and thus run on both DOS1 and
DOS2. When that runs well, I'll make a TSR out of it which should use
the following load scheme:

check for MemMan
IF MemMan present
use MemMan routines
check DOS version
IF version is DOS2
use DOS2 memory routines
assume DOS1 without memory manager

Another thing. First idea for commandline:

amber [-cN] [-v] filename[.mbm] [filename[.mbk]]

AMBeR = Aurora's MB Replayer
[...] = optional


-cN chip select: 0 = auto (default)
 1 = MSX-Audio
 2 = MSX-Music
 3 = Both

-v  verbose: give status/error reports on stderr

Samplekit handling:

IF MSX-Audio should play
IF filename mentioned in cmdline
try that one
IF not found OR no filename in cmdline
try samplekit named in MBM
IF not found
try filename.MBK
IF not found
suppress sample replay

Sounds ok? :-)

+-- Eric Boon ---+

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Re: How to check for Dos2.x

1999-10-14 Thread Pierre Gielen

- Oorspronkelijk bericht - 
Van: Antal van Kalleveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Verzonden: donderdag 14 oktober 1999 20:27
Onderwerp: How to check for Dos2.x

> Hmm,
> I need another routine that checks for the presence of DOS2 (or DOS1).

The address F313h stores a 0 if the dosversion = 1 else the dosversion=2. 


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Re: How to check for Dos2.x

1999-10-14 Thread Antal van Kalleveen

Thanks Manuel..

I had already tried the &H0C version, (which doesn't work and always returns 22),
but i have overlooked the second.. Thanks !

Manuel Bilderbeek wrote:

> > I need another routine that checks for the presence of DOS2 (or DOS1).
> > It should also work with both versions..
> > Is there a memory adres where this version is stored or is it some DOS
> > call ?
> Hmm, there is a DOS2 function call to get the version (taken from the DOS2
> docs that can be downloaded from the DOS2 section of the FAQ):
>  CPM MSX1* 0Ch -  Return version number
> and
> NEW   * 6Fh -  Get MSX-DOS version number
> Oh, the explanation was:
>Below there is a complete list of the functions calls.  "CPM" indicates
> that the function is compatible with the equivalent CP/M 2.2 function, "MSX1"
> indicates compatibility with MSX-DOS version 1, and "NEW" indicates a function
> which is new to this system.  An asterisk ("*") indicates that the function
> may be safely called from a user disk error routine (see function 64h and
> function 70h).
> So, unfortuneately the second one is not DOS1 compatible...
> But I don't know if the first one is useful or what it returns in DOS1:
>  Parameters:C = 0CH (_CPMVER)
>  Results: L=A = 22H
>  H=B = 00H
>This function simply returns the CP/M version number which is being
> emulated.  This is always version 2.2 in current systems.
> Aha, in the explanation of the second one is the answer:
>  Parameters:C = 6FH (_DOSVER)
>  Results:   A = Error (always zero)
>BC = MSX-DOS kernel version
> DE = MSXDOS2.SYS version number
>   This function allows a program to determine which version of MSX-DOS it
> is running under.  Two version numbers are returned, one in BC for the MSX-DOS
> kernel in ROM and the other is DE for the MSXDOS2.SYS system file.  Both of
> these version numbers are BCD values with the major version number in the high
> byte and the two digit version number in the low byte.  For example if there
> were a version 2.34 of the system, it would be represented as 0234h.
>For compatibility with MSX-DOS 1.0, the following procedure should always
> be followed in using this function.  Firstly if there is any error (A<>0) then
> it is not MSX-DOS at all.  Next look at register B.  If this is less than 2
> then the system is earlier than 2.00 and registers C and DE are undefined.  If
> register B is 2 or greater then registers BC and DE can be used as described
> above.  In general the version number which should be checked (after this
> procedure) is the MSXDOS2.SYS version in register DE.
> Since they talk about MSX-DOS 1.0 compatibility, I guess it works on DOS1 also.
> Grtjs, Manuel ((m)ICQ UIN 41947405)
> PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
> PPS: Visit my homepage at
> MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
> in the body (not subject) "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the
> quotes :-) Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

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