> The first version will just load and play, nothing TSR like.
> So it won't need any memory management and thus run on both DOS1 and
> DOS2.

I think Alex asked the question because the original MB1.4 replayer 
source contains IN A,(#FE) commands.

>       -cN chip select: 0 = auto (default)
>                        1 = MSX-Audio
>                        2 = MSX-Music
>                        3 = Both

And what about MoonSound?
I can mail you a MBM replayer that plays on MoonSound too. It sounds 
nice, in my opinion, because the MoonSound output is much clearer.
On MoonSound you can also play MWK kits, converted by XADPCM by 
Alex Wulms. Maybe you should make this optional for non-turbo-R, 
because it takes quite a lot of time.

Hey, maybe it's possible to convert the MWK kit while the song is 
already playing. Writing to SRAM is impossible when waves are 
playing. But since the FM and wave part of the OPL4 seem to be 
separate units and the FM part doesn't need SRAM, maybe it's possible 
to write to SRAM when playing only FM instruments.


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