Re: Coding question

2000-04-25 Thread B. Wijnen


I shall put some comments in the assembly, if you don't agree with what I
say, there's an error in the implementation (or a mistake on my side ;)

 I have the following subroutine:

 ld hl,(table)   ; load table into hl
dynamic start of table: the start address is kept at address table
 inc hl  ; increase table
 inc hl  ; increase table
2 bytes per entry
 ld a,(hl)   ; put value in a
 sla a   ; *2
 sla a   ; *2
 sla a   ; *2
might as well use add a,a. makes it better readable
 dec hl  ; decrease table
now you only have 1 byte per entry. either you cut out the second dec hl,
or this is a serious error which will cause data corruption.

 The question is how do I put the value in a back in the table. I
 can't do ld (hl),a. That doesn't work
As others said, it does. but hl must be pointing right.

I hope you can find the problem. Good luck.

 main(){int  c[4]   ,x=4  ,l=getpid()  ,i;;   for(  srand(l);c[  x]=-   rand
()%6 ,x--   ;);;  for( ;44   x;){  char a[9] ,*p=
 "%.1f\n",   b[9];x=i=0;  gets(a);for   (l=4 ;l--   ;)x+=-(a[l]  -=48)==
   (b[l  ]=c[   l]);  ;for   (l=0;16i;l =++i %4)x
+=(b[i/4]+   a[l]   ?0:(  a[l]=b[i/4] =10)) ;printf(p,x  *.1)   ;};}

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Re: ACE002, Z180, (LPE) Z380, ADVRAM... New MSX...

2000-04-25 Thread Laurens Holst

  And as I stated above, most new instructions could also have been added
  the Z180... They have nothing to do with the extended address range
Yes, you are right. Some. But they are absolutely NOT 200% more than
 Z80 instruction set!

 I haven't done the exact math, but when you look at the Z380 opcode
 it seems the instruction set has nearly doubled. And if you take into
 account the enhanced Z80-instructions (16 bit indexing 'n stuff) it's easy
 to get to that number.

Saying "200% more" means tot total amount tripled, not doubled...



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Re: 8x8 sprites in BrMSX screen 5

2000-04-25 Thread Laurens Holst

  Yeah? Well, I still haven't seen 8x8 sprite support in screen 5. And we
  really need it, for GEM development...

 Hey, big fudeba!
 I told you once, Daniel told you and also Ricardo told you!
 Send e-mails to Ricardo asking for 8x8 sprites in BrMSX SCREEN 5
 until he implements it. Or you'll continue without your 8x8 sprites until
 one day he decides to implement it. That's the true.
 Got it?

Well that's what I'm doing now, right? I am sending emails nagging about 8x8
sprites all the time!!! Anyways, I spoke to him (since recently, he's got
ICQ) (I have to add him to my MSX ICQ list, by the way), and he thought he
would probably have 8x8 sprite support within a week.



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Re: two liners art gallery

2000-04-25 Thread Laurens Holst

  Why didn't you never showed us "Nemesis Dawn" demo? Don't say that you
  made it yestarday!
   It was shown in MSX Rio'99! (-;

 The version in the page in not the same version shown in rio'99
 As you may remember , that version had only half of the animation.
 The version in the art gallery  has the complete animation.

 Now you may ask me why I delayed for so long the release of the
 new version... The answer is that the current version didn't work in BrMSX
 until the new release 2.5 ;-)

I tries it out (hell what a long waiting!!!), and I think it's really cool.
However, you should also add the comment that when using screen 8 instead of
12 and switching your monitor to monochrome (if possible) the result will
also be 'acceptable'.

By the way, I don't think more than 8 colors are being used... couldn't this
be made for screen 5 (or screen 7)??? I guess it then won't fit in 2 lines
anymore though...

And the sprite definition in RBRACE.BAS is quite tricky... I had to do three
pokes _inside_ the Basic program to get the stuff right. VERY addicting game
However, you don't want to play it at 7MHz... :)



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Re: MSX Talk

2000-04-25 Thread Laurens Holst


 Hi Folks!

 I just wanna tell you about a MSX forum, called MSX Talk, anyone iw
 to post any messages there!

Sorry. The MSX Mailinglist is a full-fledged job. I even haven't got time to
read the comp.sys.msx newsgroup!!! Let go the MSX Talk forum.



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Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Laurens Holst

  ?? Z80 has 256 I/O addresses, not 64k! It only uses the lower byte of
  lines to address I/O ports. I don't know about Z180, but my guess
  is that that processor uses 16-bits I/O adressing space (equals 64k)

 I heard that Z80 actually publishes BC on the bus when doing "OUT (C),r",
 but that the MSX only uses the lower 8 bits. I'm not sure though.

You are right.
And it publishes the contents of A on the upper 8 bits of the address bus
when doing an IN A,(n) or OUT (n),A.

Hence, you can IN a value from I/O port 1099 by doing
LD A,#10
IN A,(#99)

ADVRAM makes use of this. RicBit wrote something about that...
(I don't know about any other devices).


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2000-04-25 Thread Leonardo Padial

I want exted more and explain right over the concept involving in me Design
Achitecture as one FAQ questionarie (part 2):


Q: What type is the control HW  ?
A: Have 2 Flash CPLD (2500 PLD Gates equivalent), for reprograming.

Q: What HW Architecture have  ?
A: Equivalent to one L1 (level 1) computer.

Q: Is possible replace the Z80 of the internal MSX  with th Z380?
A: Yes. But no is interesting for use the I/O directly for the Z380. Let to
Z80 maneging the I/Os. Is easy make power games/aplications whit Z80
working as server (boosting 600%). This is the cartridge mode.


Q: What signals is contened in the Bus ?
A: they are 50 contacts as MSX standard in the central part. Pin 5 used as
/BREQ, 46 /BACKI, 44 /BACKO thees for DMA and pin 16 for Adress Mux for 48
total address lines. The DMA is ZBUS type.
They are 8 contacts at the right for use as Slots Rail. And they are too 16
for 8 added addres lines plus 8 data lines  at the left. Please see the
Spanish Hnostar Magazine number 39 from 1.997 page 29.

Q: Is possible put all memory system  of MSX in one single card with the
same slots disposition (RAM, ROMS) ?
A: Yes, Use the Slots Rail for this.

Q: Is ready for suport IOSLOTS ?
A: Yes

Q: What type is the control HW  ?
A: Flash CPLD (5000  PLD Gates equivalent), with JTAG port included on
board for reprogramig.


Q: Is posible use here the Z380 in cartridge mode ?
A: Yes

Q: Is MSX 100 % compatible  ?
A: Of course. Because your MSX HW/SW system is included.

Q: Is the cars passed to the expansor MSX 100 % compatible  ?
A: Of course. Because you traslate only of position the MSX HW/SW. When you
had traslated all including the ROMs you run with Z380 all with the same

Q: How is implemented the mapper  ?
A: The slots leng from 1G to 16K is chaged in the Z380 card togle one bit
in the F3h card internal register. The mapper mush be included in memory
car for plug in the expansor. This memory togle mapped/linear togling one
bit too.

Q: The Z380 can drive alternaty with MSX Z80 the cards pluged in the
expansor boosting the games/aplications ?
A: Of course. But before you mush enable Halted the internal microprocesor,
for it put one pull up resistor 4K7 in the Z80 (pin 25)  BREQ and solder
one cable betwin it and pin 5 of edge conector of  your MSX, and other
connection form BACK (pin 23)  to pin 46 for be acknoled in the expansor.


Q: Is possible now the colaboration for make one new mainboard MSX3 Style ?
A: No. I think we mush evolutionig at minimum cost the actual system first,
using old cards, and see the results. And the other hand the cost of
development for one complete main board is very high, long time for finish
with great risk to appear in 2005 as soon, and only affordable for
multinational enterprises as Philips or Sony now non interested. And when
finished it, will be acepted by the MSX community ?. Will be the VDP then
at your taste ?.We mush be modest.

Q: Is possible the colaboration for traslate SW/HW to card for EVOLUTION4 
adding DMA, IOSLOTS, INT..prove ?
A: Yes

Q: Is possible the colaboration for redesingner old card for EVOLUTION4 
adding DMA, IOSLOTS, INT..?
A: Yes

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Extra FDD on a Turbo R

2000-04-25 Thread Hans-Peter Zeedijk

I have send this message before, but nobody replied on it and because I have
a little email trouble every now and then, maybe this message didn't get
trough. So here it is again:

A little while ago I have mailed about an external floppydrive connector
that was on my second hand Turbo-R.
Somebody would like to help me if I profided the pin assignments where the
external 15pin female D connector was connected to. Now I have opened the
Turbo-R I wrote down the pin numbers.
The wires are connected to the second floppy drive connector CN14 in
following manner:
CN14wirecolor   15p D female
1   red 1
6   green/white 3
7   black   2
9   red/white   4
11  yel/white   5
12  ora/white   6
13  green/white 7
14  purple/white8
16  yellow  9
18  brown/white 10
19  green/black 11
20  grey12
22  orange  13
23  bleu14
24  brown   15

If I know what the pin assignments are, I will try to connect an external
720Kb drive I have and sometimes use on a NMS8245 with external connector.
(It is an old external floppydrive for an Atari 1024)

So, does anybody know what these pin assignmenst are? Is this a standard
build in from maybe Sunrise? (because memory upgrade, SCSI controller and
maybe the entire Turbo R are from Sunrise)

Greetings, Hans-Peter
(P.S. happy Easter!)

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RE: multiple disk drives

2000-04-25 Thread Hans-Peter Zeedijk

Hé, good guess! I haven't tried it, but it might just do the trick! It is
normal that the ROMS of a 8235 are socketed. I have modified a few 8235 to
720Kb in the past and used the diskroms from a 8250.

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Namens Philip
Verzonden: dinsdag 25 april 2000 13:42
Onderwerp: RE: multiple disk drives

The diskrom of my 8235 is in a socket. I don't know if this is standard, it
could be the socket was placed when building in a 720 kb diskdrive.
But if it is, you can simply remove the diskrom and the internal drive
won't be recognised anymore.



At 10:43 AM 4/25/00 +0200, you wrote:
I guess that the canon is connected to a floppydrive controller as a
cartridge. Each controller (the buid in and the cartridge) are able to to
run 2 diskdrives. unfortunatly the internal controller is the first
controller. So, if you are able to, hardware, disable the internal
controller, the external cartridge will controll the external drives as A:
and B:

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Namens Floris
'Tamama' van Gog
Verzonden: maandag 24 april 2000 18:22
Aan: MSX mailing lst
Onderwerp: multiple disk drives


I have a nms 8235 which has a *whine* 360kb internal diskdrive. This is
no biggy though as i also have an external cannon VF-100 which is 720kb.
The reason of this post? The cannon is both A and B, and the internal
floppy is C. The external drive has a connector for another external
drive, but it's currently not used. So I guess it 'emulates' it somehow.
Is there any way to kill this behaviour?

Also.. Is there a way to access drive 1/2/3 under basic?



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Re: multiple disk drives

2000-04-25 Thread Siebe Berveling


I have a nms 8235 which has a *whine* 360kb internal diskdrive. This is

NMS 8235?? I have VG8235 (/00) ..

no biggy though as i also have an external cannon VF-100 which is 720kb.

The reason of this post? The cannon is both A and B, and the internal

Does A: give acces to 360 KB and B: to the other 360KB ??

Then the problem is quite clear to me:
The disk controler of a standard VG8235 is not able to acces 720KB
diskdrives. (why else should there be a 360KB diskdrive internally .. )
It can be updated.


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Re: multiple disk drives

2000-04-25 Thread ladroop

This will only work if you have a 8235/00 if you have a 8235/20
there will be only 1 rom, if you remove it you also remove the
bios / basic etc.
if if you want this it will be easyer to connect a normal 720Kb
diskdrive to the 
rear connector . 
8235 can use 720Kb , it can only not be formatted.
if you change the diskrom 8235/00 -- 8250
or 8235/20 --  8245 you can also format 720Kb disks 

erik de boer


Hans-Peter Zeedijk schreef:
 Hé, good guess! I haven't tried it, but it might just do the trick! It is
 normal that the ROMS of a 8235 are socketed. I have modified a few 8235 to
 720Kb in the past and used the diskroms from a 8250.
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Namens Philip
 Verzonden: dinsdag 25 april 2000 13:42
 Onderwerp: RE: multiple disk drives
 The diskrom of my 8235 is in a socket. I don't know if this is standard, it
 could be the socket was placed when building in a 720 kb diskdrive.
 But if it is, you can simply remove the diskrom and the internal drive
 won't be recognised anymore.
 At 10:43 AM 4/25/00 +0200, you wrote:
 I guess that the canon is connected to a floppydrive controller as a
 cartridge. Each controller (the buid in and the cartridge) are able to to
 run 2 diskdrives. unfortunatly the internal controller is the first
 controller. So, if you are able to, hardware, disable the internal
 controller, the external cartridge will controll the external drives as A:
 and B:
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Namens Floris
 'Tamama' van Gog
 Verzonden: maandag 24 april 2000 18:22
 Aan: MSX mailing lst
 Onderwerp: multiple disk drives
 I have a nms 8235 which has a *whine* 360kb internal diskdrive. This is
 no biggy though as i also have an external cannon VF-100 which is 720kb.
 The reason of this post? The cannon is both A and B, and the internal
 floppy is C. The external drive has a connector for another external
 drive, but it's currently not used. So I guess it 'emulates' it somehow.
 Is there any way to kill this behaviour?
 Also.. Is there a way to access drive 1/2/3 under basic?

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Re: Z180 vs Z380 (was Re: ACE 002 and ADVRAM...? New MSX?)

2000-04-25 Thread Alex Wulms

]] be rewarding to him. Maybe I'll never know
] if there's more people like me, who dream
] of a music composing tool with support to
] PSG, SCC, MSX-Music, MSX-Audio, Moonsound
] and some other hypothetical music hardware...
] And don't say that's not feasible. RicBit
] told me it's feasible, and if he say so... :)
It is feasible indeed. SME 3 currently supports: PSG, 4 SCCs, MSX-Music and 2 
MSX-Audio's. If the program had become the succes I had hoped for, I would 
also have added Moonsound support. The program is entirely modular so 
supporting yet another music device would pose no problem...

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms

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Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Alex Wulms

] In addition to the recent "CPU discussion", I want to point at the AB180-20 
] microprocessor made by AB-Semicon.
] Features:
] * Z80, Z180 compatible
] * 20MHz, 20 MIPS
] * 1MB memory, 64k I/O
] * two 16-bit timers
] * MMU
] * add. instructions: TST TSTIO MLT
] The AB181E-20 microprocessor has an additional fixed math accelerator.
] Anyone familiar with this CPU? Could this be a third alternative?
] For info (PDF):
This sounds like a very interesting alternative for the Z180 project:

20 MIPS at 20 MHZ: this implies only one clock cycle per instruction. Thus at 
least  30 times as fast as the Z80 on MSX (which needs at least 5 clock 
cycles per instruction, including the wait state in M1)

MMU: a memory management unit implies powerfull features like virtual memory, 
protection of programs against each other and easy relocation of programs. 
Usefull for Uzix, an enhanced version of memman and lot of other stuff.

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms

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Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Daniel Jorge Caetano

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 03:59:01 PDT, amnon loeza wrote:

* Z80, Z180 compatible
* 20MHz, 20 MIPS
* 1MB memory, 64k I/O
* two 16-bit timers
* add. instructions: TST TSTIO MLT
The AB181E-20 microprocessor has an additional fixed math accelerator.
Anyone familiar with this CPU? Could this be a third alternative?

  This is very good. I had sent an e-mail to Ademir. 20MIPS is
almost twice as Z180 at 33Mhz! (-; And on low clock will make
some things easier for Ademir (such as RAM access).

 AbraçOS/2, Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Daniel Jorge Caetano

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 15:38:46 +0200, Laurens Holst wrote:

 * two 16-bit timers
Z180 has even got an entire RS232 interface built into it!!!

 This is a good difference. I like the internal RS232 on
Z180. Mainly if it works on the speed Ademir told me... (-:

 * MMU
Don't know about that...

  Memory Management Unit. Is what makes possible 1Mb on Z180.
The processor relocates the program automatically (calling the
proper segment).

No. Then you could as well use the Z180, which is almost the same, and runs
at a higher (clock) speed.

 On this case, the difference on speed is HIGH, because, if the
data sent by him are not wrong, it's a RISC processor.
It will be 20MIPS against the aproximately 10.5MIPS of Z380
and 12MIPS of Z180. A good speed improvement on internal processing
that may result in a substancial speed gain, even using standard
DIMM rams (when using Z180 at 33Mhz Ademir was working with a 128Kb
main Memory Mapper composed by SRAMs - used on PC cache, 15ns of access
time) and a regular 4Mb Mapper at 60ns (which give us something as
14Mhz as fastest access). So, faster speed only on the SRAMs...
(ADVRAM uses SRAMs also...).

 AbraçOS/2, Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Daniel Jorge Caetano

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 16:10:05 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Same on Z180. The Z80 already had 64k I/O, when using OUT (C),r or IN
?? Z80 has 256 I/O addresses, not 64k! It only uses the lower byte of the
lines to address I/O ports. I don't know about Z180, but my guess
is that that processor uses 16-bits I/O adressing space (equals 64k)

 Z80 has 64K address I/O ports. It's not "usual" to usem them, thought.

 AbraçOS/2, Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: Z380, go read the manual (was Re: ACE002, Z180, (LPE) Z380, ADVRAM... New MSX...)

2000-04-25 Thread Patriek Lesparre

 If you take away all new registers and the new address space of the Z380,
 you would still benefit greatly from the enhanced instructions. They are
 NOT depending on those features!

   I think you are a lazy programmer. (-;

I take that as an insult, even with the smiley! :/

I hate lazy programmers, and I hate how x86 architecture makes you one. And 
I know Z380 is not like that.

You talk about Z380 and its new instructions as if they are there for EASY 
programming. No, they are there for FAST program execution! I do not want 
LD HL,DE because it's easier than LD L,E | LD H,D! I want LD HL,DE because 
That's what the previous message was about. You were saying Z380 offers no 
big improvements in the instruction set beside the enhanced memory and 
register space (Oh, and MULT/DIV). I was saying it DOES, because it 
provides a lot of instructions (RLC HL) that need several instructions on 
Z80/180 cpu's.

Why is it OK to have MULT and DIV because they are faster than a large 
routine, and why is it not OK to have LD HL,DE or any other 16 bit instruction?
AS I said before, if you don't like ADD HL,BC or something, go program 
6502. Nice and compact, only 3 registers, no 16 bit crap...

 Patriek 'grmbl, calling ME a lazy programmer, hah!'

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Re: ACE002, Z180, (LPE) Z380, ADVRAM... New MSX...

2000-04-25 Thread Patriek Lesparre

  I haven't done the exact math, but when you look at the Z380 opcode
  it seems the instruction set has nearly doubled. And if you take into
  account the enhanced Z80-instructions (16 bit indexing 'n stuff) it's easy
  to get to that number.

Saying "200% more" means tot total amount tripled, not doubled...

hey, *I* didn't say "200% more". I said "Zilog expanded the Z80 
instructions set 200%". I forgot the word 'to'.


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Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000, Daniel Jorge Caetano wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 03:59:01 PDT, amnon loeza wrote:
 * Z80, Z180 compatible
 * 20MHz, 20 MIPS
 * 1MB memory, 64k I/O
 * two 16-bit timers
 * MMU
 * add. instructions: TST TSTIO MLT
 The AB181E-20 microprocessor has an additional fixed math accelerator.
 Anyone familiar with this CPU? Could this be a third alternative?

A quote from the manufacturer's web page:
"This device does not support Z80 peripherals or interrupt mode 2, but is
otherwise code compatible to the Hitachi HD64180 and the Zilog Z180 device."

But the introduction in the data sheet (ab180-20.pdf) suggests exactly the
"Not all Z80 interrupt modes are supported. The AB180-20 uses interrupt
mode 2 only. The interrupt mode instructions are treated as NOPs. Z80
interrupt acknowledge cycles are not generated."

In the chapter out interrupts things become a bit clearer.
If I interpreted it correctly, it's like this:
- INT0 always causes a jump to #0038 (IM1 behaviour)
- INT1 and INT2 use a vector mechanism, but not like IM2:
  they use a 32-byte there the mapping from interrupt source to
  table index is fixed and not specified on the bus like IM2
For MSX this means that IM2 is not available. Neither is IM0, but that
was unused anyway.

Another incompatiblity with Z80:
"The Z80 has some undocumented instructions, such as being able to load the
upper or lower 8 bits of the index register (IY and IX) independently.
This was used by a handful of programs, especially some "copy protected"
code. The AB180-20 does not support all of the undocumented Z80
But Z180 doesn't have IXH/IXL instructions either, right?

This may be a serious one:
"The on-chip register addresses are located in the I/O address space from
H to 00FFH (16-bit I/O addresses). In order to access the on-chip I/O
registers (using I/O instruction), the high-order 8 bits of the 16-bit I/O
address must be 0."
This means the MSX I/O ports will be inaccessable if the high-order 8 bits
happen to be zero. Those high-order bits come from one of the registers,
right? I thought it was B, but Laurens said A. Anyway, the value of that
register is unknown in MSX programs.

By the way, the DMA on this processor looks real cool. It can also perform
DMA from memory to I/O and vice versa. It could be used for example to
upload samples to the MoonSound or Music Module.


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Follow-up: Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Maarten ter Huurne wrote:

 This may be a serious one:
 "The on-chip register addresses are located in the I/O address space from
 H to 00FFH (16-bit I/O addresses). In order to access the on-chip I/O
 registers (using I/O instruction), the high-order 8 bits of the 16-bit I/O
 address must be 0."
 This means the MSX I/O ports will be inaccessable if the high-order 8 bits
 happen to be zero. Those high-order bits come from one of the registers,
 right? I thought it was B, but Laurens said A. Anyway, the value of that
 register is unknown in MSX programs.

I read some more:
"The internal I/O registers of the AB180-20 occupy the 64 addresses
between 00h and 3Fh on reset. To avoid conflicts with external devices
these registers can be relocated within the bottom 256 bytes of the I/O
address space."

Are there any important MSX devices with I/O addresses in that range? I
know the music module has some to access its sample interface. But that's
not such a big deal for me.


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16bit I/O on Z80 explanation (plus a bit about Z380 32 bit I/O)

2000-04-25 Thread Patriek Lesparre

For the people who haven't noticed: Yes, Z80 has 64kB I/O space (16 bit).

For "IN A,(n)" and "OUT (n),A" A is used as the upper 8 bit.
For "IN r,(C)", "OUT (C),r" and OTI/OTD/OTIR/OTDR, actually BC is used as 
the I/O address!

The reason it's not used much (although I think I remember something about 
Spectrum using it), is because of obvious reasons.
IN A,(n)/OUT (n),A are close to useless to access 16 bit I/O devices, but 
can ofcourse be used on 8 bit devices. The same counts for 
OTI/OTD/OTIR/OTDR, since is constantly being decremented, so is the upper 8 
bit of the I/O address!
IN r,(C)/OUT (C),r are the only I/O instructions to reliably work with 16 
bit I/O devices.

Z380 supports 32 bit I/O addresses in the same manner. For IN A,(n)/OUT 
(n),A the upper 16 bit are always zero (handy), and for all others the 
entire 32 bit BC is used.
To enable a sane use of the 'extra' I/O space, I/O devices should just 
ignore the the 2nd 8 bit (high byte of the low word) of the I/O address.


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interesting C-compiler?

2000-04-25 Thread Patriek Lesparre

Hey all,

I'm not sure about the capabilities and shortcomings of any of the 
currently available C-compilers for MSX, but I stumbled across this:

taken from the page:
SDCC is a Freeware , retargettable, optimizing ANSI - C compiler. The 
current version targets the Intel
8051 and recently the Zilog Z80 based MCUs. SDCC can be 
 retargeted for other 8 bit MCUs or PICs and some
day soon will be. The  entire source code for the compiler 
 is distributed under GPL. SDCC uses AS and
ASLINK a Freeware, retargettable assembler and linker. 
 SDCC has extensive MCU specific language
extensions, which lets it utilize the underlying hardware 
 effectively. The front end (parser) will be enhanced to
handle language extensions for other MCUs as and when they 
 are targeted. In addition to the MCU Specific
optimizations SDCC also does a host of standard 
 optimizations like global sub expression elimination, loop
optimizations (loop invariant , strength reduction of 
 induction variables and loop reversing ), constant folding and
propagation, copy propagation, dead code elimination and 
 jump tables for 'switch' statements. For the Back end
SDCC uses a global register allocation scheme which should 
 be well suited for other 8 bit MCUs , the peep
hole optimizer uses a rule based substitution mechanism 
 which is MCU independent. Supported data types are
short (8 bits, 1 byte), char (8 bits, 1 byte) , int (16 
 bits, 2 bytes ), long (32 bit, 4 bytes) and float (4 byte
IEEE).  SDCC also comes with the source level debugger 
 SDCDB, the current version of the debugger uses
Daniel's s51 simulator. The compiler also allows inline 
 assembler code to be embedded anywhere in a
function. In addition routines developed in assembly can 
 also be called. SDCC also provides an option to report
the relative complexity of a function, these functions can 
 then be further optimized , or hand coded in assembly
if need be.

Hope it's useful :)


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Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Daniel Jorge Caetano

On Wed, 26 Apr 2000 01:06:05 +, Maarten ter Huurne wrote:

"Not all Z80 interrupt modes are supported. The AB180-20 uses interrupt
mode 2 only. The interrupt mode instructions are treated as NOPs. Z80
interrupt acknowledge cycles are not generated."
In the chapter out interrupts things become a bit clearer.
If I interpreted it correctly, it's like this:
- INT0 always causes a jump to #0038 (IM1 behaviour)
- INT1 and INT2 use a vector mechanism, but not like IM2:
  they use a 32-byte there the mapping from interrupt source to
  table index is fixed and not specified on the bus like IM2
For MSX this means that IM2 is not available. Neither is IM0, but that
was unused anyway.

  There is no problem, I think. MSX standard is about IM1, right?

Another incompatiblity with Z80:
"The Z80 has some undocumented instructions, such as being able to load the
upper or lower 8 bits of the index register (IY and IX) independently.
This was used by a handful of programs, especially some "copy protected"
code. The AB180-20 does not support all of the undocumented Z80
But Z180 doesn't have IXH/IXL instructions either, right?

  Yes, but Z180 has trap... the AB180 has trap feature?

This may be a serious one:
"The on-chip register addresses are located in the I/O address space from
H to 00FFH (16-bit I/O addresses). In order to access the on-chip I/O
registers (using I/O instruction), the high-order 8 bits of the 16-bit I/O
address must be 0."
This means the MSX I/O ports will be inaccessable if the high-order 8 bits
happen to be zero. Those high-order bits come from one of the registers,
right? I thought it was B, but Laurens said A. Anyway, the value of that
register is unknown in MSX programs.

 I think this can be solved by hardware (add something to "trash" the upper
8 bits always they are 0x00... (-;

By the way, the DMA on this processor looks real cool. It can also perform
DMA from memory to I/O and vice versa. It could be used for example to
upload samples to the MoonSound or Music Module.

 I'm waiting Ademir's answer. I talk to him by phone and he liked a lot
of the 20MIPS at 20Mhz idea... (-; Also, the chip supporst a 40Mhz bus,
also, if needed, as he said.

 AbraçOS/2, Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Daniel Jorge Caetano wrote:

 For MSX this means that IM2 is not available. Neither is IM0, but that
 was unused anyway.
   There is no problem, I think. MSX standard is about IM1, right?

I'm not sure what the standard says. But there are IM2 program on MSX. The
question is how many and whether they can be modified to use IM1 instead.

 Another incompatiblity with Z80:
 "The Z80 has some undocumented instructions, such as being able to load the
 upper or lower 8 bits of the index register (IY and IX) independently.
 This was used by a handful of programs, especially some "copy protected"
 code. The AB180-20 does not support all of the undocumented Z80
 But Z180 doesn't have IXH/IXL instructions either, right?
   Yes, but Z180 has trap... the AB180 has trap feature?

It has. But a trap only works if the opcode is unused. So if they made a
new instruction with that same opcode, trap won't work. There is a complete
instruction map in the PDF file on their site, so someone could check
whether the opcodes are free or not.

 This may be a serious one:
 "The on-chip register addresses are located in the I/O address space from
 H to 00FFH (16-bit I/O addresses). In order to access the on-chip I/O
 registers (using I/O instruction), the high-order 8 bits of the 16-bit I/O
 address must be 0."
 This means the MSX I/O ports will be inaccessable if the high-order 8 bits
 happen to be zero. Those high-order bits come from one of the registers,
 right? I thought it was B, but Laurens said A. Anyway, the value of that
 register is unknown in MSX programs.
  I think this can be solved by hardware (add something to "trash" the upper
 8 bits always they are 0x00... (-;

That's not what I'm worried about.
The problem is, if you do an "OUT (#20),A" and the upper bits are zero, the
hardware outside of the processor will never see the OUT, because it is
sent to the internal I/O ports. Also, writing the wrong values to the
internal I/O ports may crash your system.

 By the way, the DMA on this processor looks real cool. It can also perform
 DMA from memory to I/O and vice versa. It could be used for example to
 upload samples to the MoonSound or Music Module.
  I'm waiting Ademir's answer. I talk to him by phone and he liked a lot
 of the 20MIPS at 20Mhz idea... (-;

Note that 20MIPS is the best case: it will only be reached if you use only
1-byte instructions. But even with longer instructions this processor is
likely to be quite fast.


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Re: two liners art gallery

2000-04-25 Thread Ricardo Bittencourt Vidigal Leitao

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000, Siebe Berveling wrote:

  Now you may ask me why I delayed for so long the release of the
 new version... The answer is that the current version didn't work in BrMSX
 until the new release 2.5 ;-)
 Maybe you should have tried a REAL MSX some time earlier ...
 Hint, hint, hint. They do also exist . I've got a VG8235 for sale,
 interested??  ;-)

No, thanks, I already have a Turbo-R GT and a MSX2+ 7MHz 
(and plus 3 msx1, a commodore 64, an appleII and a spectrum :)

I actually developed this new version in the turbo-r !
I just delayed the release so people couldn't say my emulator 
is bad because it doesn't run my own programs ;-)

Ricardo Bittencourt
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  "Ricardo is subtle, but malicious he is not"
-- Uniao contra o forward - crie suas proprias piadas --

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Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Daniel Jorge Caetano

On Wed, 26 Apr 2000 02:30:13 +, Maarten ter Huurne wrote:

   There is no problem, I think. MSX standard is about IM1, right?
I'm not sure what the standard says. But there are IM2 program on MSX. The
question is how many and whether they can be modified to use IM1 instead.

  Hummm... What is the way IM2 works? IM1 I know perfectly well, but I don't
know a lot about IM2. The information I have here is:

  When Z80 is interrupted on mode 2, the external device must provide a one
byte data, which is placed with the value on register I, composing a 16 bit
number (the I register will be placed as the most significant byte) which
must points to a position in the address table (h, 0008h, 0010h, 0018h,
0020h, 0028h, 0030h, 0038h). The byte pointed and the following are placed
on PC. The Z80 will execute them the routine pointed by PC.

  There is any external device to provide such "initial" byte?

   Yes, but Z180 has trap... the AB180 has trap feature?
It has. But a trap only works if the opcode is unused. So if they made a
new instruction with that same opcode, trap won't work. There is a complete
instruction map in the PDF file on their site, so someone could check
whether the opcodes are free or not.

 I think Ademir will do this... (-: I'll check with him later, or even check
the PDF if I have some time (which will be a little difficult... :-)

That's not what I'm worried about.
The problem is, if you do an "OUT (#20),A" and the upper bits are zero, the
hardware outside of the processor will never see the OUT, because it is
sent to the internal I/O ports. Also, writing the wrong values to the
internal I/O ports may crash your system.

  Well, one solution is: map all ports on something like: FFxxh... all
hardware will be seen as there. And a hardware always sets the upper byte
as FFh.

  I'm waiting Ademir's answer. I talk to him by phone and he liked a lot
 of the 20MIPS at 20Mhz idea... (-;
Note that 20MIPS is the best case: it will only be reached if you use only
1-byte instructions. But even with longer instructions this processor is
likely to be quite fast.

  It's almost RISC... /-: I thought it was RISC... But it's an impressive
mark, since on Z180 12MIPS is the best case... and for Z380, 10.5MIPS is
also on the best case.

 AbraçOS/2, Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Daniel Jorge Caetano wrote:

 I'm not sure what the standard says. But there are IM2 program on MSX. The
 question is how many and whether they can be modified to use IM1 instead.
   Hummm... What is the way IM2 works? IM1 I know perfectly well, but I don't
 know a lot about IM2. The information I have here is:
   When Z80 is interrupted on mode 2, the external device must provide a one
 byte data, which is placed with the value on register I, composing a 16 bit
 number (the I register will be placed as the most significant byte) which
 must points to a position in the address table (h, 0008h, 0010h, 0018h,
 0020h, 0028h, 0030h, 0038h). The byte pointed and the following are placed
 on PC. The Z80 will execute them the routine pointed by PC.
   There is any external device to provide such "initial" byte?

No, not on MSX.
On most MSX machines the value "from the device" is #FF. But there have
been cases reported of other values. The only safe way is to make code that
works with any value (this is possible and has been discussed here before).

Anyway, this new processor will always call #0038, even if the program
requested IM2. It is very unlikely that that will work, since a programmer
wouldn't go through the trouble of setting up IM2 if he want #0038 to be

 The problem is, if you do an "OUT (#20),A" and the upper bits are zero, the
 hardware outside of the processor will never see the OUT, because it is
 sent to the internal I/O ports. Also, writing the wrong values to the
 internal I/O ports may crash your system.
   Well, one solution is: map all ports on something like: FFxxh... all
 hardware will be seen as there. And a hardware always sets the upper byte
 as FFh.

That still doesn't solve it.


LD BC,#2310
This will send A to I/O port #10 (high byte #23 ignored)

LD BC,#0010
This will send A to internal I/O port #10 (high byte is zero).
So the processor internal I/O port is written, not the MSX I/O port.

   I'm waiting Ademir's answer. I talk to him by phone and he liked a lot
  of the 20MIPS at 20Mhz idea... (-;
 Note that 20MIPS is the best case: it will only be reached if you use only
 1-byte instructions. But even with longer instructions this processor is
 likely to be quite fast.
   It's almost RISC... /-: I thought it was RISC... But it's an impressive
 mark, since on Z180 12MIPS is the best case... and for Z380, 10.5MIPS is
 also on the best case.

RISC is a kind of instruction set.
Anything Z80 compatible can never be RISC.

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Re: two liners art gallery

2000-04-25 Thread Ricardo Bittencourt Vidigal Leitao

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000, Laurens Holst wrote:

 about nemesis dawn  
 By the way, I don't think more than 8 colors are being used... couldn't this
 be made for screen 5 (or screen 7)??? I guess it then won't fit in 2 lines
 anymore though...

Nope. All 32 shades of gray are used, plus dithering.
Anyway, MSX2 you want, MSX2 you have. Go to:

 And the sprite definition in RBRACE.BAS is quite tricky... I had to do three
 pokes _inside_ the Basic program to get the stuff right. VERY addicting game

Do not make copy+paste from the page. 
By downloading from the links, you get the programs already
tokenized, and there's no need to poke anything.

Ricardo Bittencourt
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  "Ricardo is subtle, but malicious he is not"
-- Uniao contra o forward - crie suas proprias piadas --

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Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Daniel Jorge Caetano

On Wed, 26 Apr 2000 03:55:22 +, Maarten ter Huurne wrote:

   There is any external device to provide such "initial" byte?
No, not on MSX.
On most MSX machines the value "from the device" is #FF. But there have
been cases reported of other values. The only safe way is to make code that
works with any value (this is possible and has been discussed here before).
Anyway, this new processor will always call #0038, even if the program
requested IM2. It is very unlikely that that will work, since a programmer
wouldn't go through the trouble of setting up IM2 if he want #0038 to be

 I think there is a workaround. It has both interruptions like IM1 and IM2,
but are not modes. Once MSX has only one IRQ pin, you have to switch modes.
On AB180 you have 3 IRQ pins (note, I'm not talking about NMI). The workaround
is place a circuit before the processor to intercept IM1,IM2 instructions and
change where the IRQ goes, to pin IRQ0 (IM1) or IRQ1/2 (IM2).

That still doesn't solve it.
   LD BC,#2310
   OUT (C),A
This will send A to I/O port #10 (high byte #23 ignored)
   LD BC,#0010
   OUT (C),A
This will send A to internal I/O port #10 (high byte is zero).
So the processor internal I/O port is written, not the MSX I/O port.

 I see. Well, anyway, I'd talked to Ademir and he said this works on
the same way as Z180, and is possible to avoid it, because the internal
registers ports can be shifted...

RISC is a kind of instruction set.
Anything Z80 compatible can never be RISC.

  R800 is. (-; Or, at least, It's written on MSX Turbo R box!

 AbraçOS/2, Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Eric . Boon

Grauw wrote:

 * 1MB memory, 64k I/O

 Same on Z180. The Z80 already had 64k I/O, when using OUT (C),r or IN

?? Z80 has 256 I/O addresses, not 64k! It only uses the lower byte of the
lines to address I/O ports. I don't know about Z180, but my guess
is that that processor uses 16-bits I/O adressing space (equals 64k)

 So that's nothing new either. And it's certainly not useful, because to
 remain compatible with the architecture of the MSX, we can only use 265
 the existing 64k I/O ports.

YM: 256, not 265, i guess ;-)


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Re: AB180-20 Z80,Z180 compatible microprocessor

2000-04-25 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

On Tue, 25 Apr 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Grauw wrote:
  * 1MB memory, 64k I/O
  Same on Z180. The Z80 already had 64k I/O, when using OUT (C),r or IN
 ?? Z80 has 256 I/O addresses, not 64k! It only uses the lower byte of the
 lines to address I/O ports. I don't know about Z180, but my guess
 is that that processor uses 16-bits I/O adressing space (equals 64k)

I heard that Z80 actually publishes BC on the bus when doing "OUT (C),r",
but that the MSX only uses the lower 8 bits. I'm not sure though.

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