Re: Happy End in Salamander

2000-05-25 Thread Suni Antti

On Thu, 25 May 2000, Rieks W. Torringa wrote:

> I finished Salamander with one single ship...

Well that ain't so hard, but try dying once in the
middle of the game (for ex. middle of Eioneus) and
then finish the game with that second ship... :)
I haven't done it...

Antti Suni

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Re: Compile games...

2000-05-25 Thread Jorge Vidal Wulff

Patriek Lesparre wrote:
> >Compile had several development teams working for them.
> >Thexder and Zanac as well are made by one of these teams called A.I.
> I thought Thexder was from Game Arts?

Zanac Ex was designes by A.I.I (not A.I.)
Also,Zanac was published by It was designed by A.I.I. ,produced
by compile and distriibuted by Pony.
UfffI guess that's the correct order of the factors...:)


Jorge Vidal Wulff 
ICQ #: 14288604
Licenciatura en ciencia de la computación.
Depto. de Matemática y ciencia de la Computación.
Universidad de Santiago de Chile - USACH.

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Re: Compile games...

2000-05-25 Thread Patriek Lesparre

>Compile had several development teams working for them.
>Thexder and Zanac as well are made by one of these teams called A.I.

I thought Thexder was from Game Arts?


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Re: Compile games...

2000-05-25 Thread Patriek Lesparre

>Also, there's a game for NES, called "Legend of Guardian", and this game is
>from Broderbund, Compile and Irem. Maybe Broderbund and Compile used to be
>partners in the past? What's strange, is that Broderbund is an European
>softwarehouse, and Compile is Japanese..

Broderbund was probably just the publisher in europe. Actually the correct 
title of the game you mention is "The Guardian Legend" and more 
interestingly, its japanese title is "Guardic Gaiden"! So that NES game is 
a sequel/side-story to Guardic. In the bird's-eye view part of the game you 
can collect weapons and power crystals (buy weapons from RANDAR(!) in his 
shop) and when you've got the right key, you can enter a shoot'em-up stage 
(a la zanac/aleste). All the music is typically compile and really cool. 
It's a VERY cool game!


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Re: Top 100 MSX games

2000-05-25 Thread Rieks W. Torringa

>What do you gain by still using your MSX? A PC computer is much better, or 
>playstation. And you can even play some old MSX games on both of them
>(recompiled, even not emulated)...

Comparing an MSX to a PC is not really fair, I think. And that would be 
exactly the reason why I'm still using the MSX - it's possible to easily 
create things on the MSX, which is practically impossible using a PC when 
you don't study any assembly language. And even if you do, there will be 
nobody interested in what you make, since there are lots of companies still 
producing software for the PC.

But to be honest, the last time I really used the MSX has been some time 
ago... I translated Randar 2, and sometimes I still use TED since I do have 
two MSX-computers and don't have two PC's, and I will be able to continue 
writing certain documents whether I am in Leiden or in Winsum... And that's 
about it... There's very much talk about MSX lately, but anything good is 
hardly released.

I guess MSX is becoming more a nostalgia to me than a serious hobby... 
Although I zealously used the MSX for quite some time.


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Re: games

2000-05-25 Thread Rieks W. Torringa

>Name them.
>I don't know any RPG in which walls cast shadows. Other things, like doors
>and grotto entrances do, but walls... no. I don't think so...
>Or at least I never noticed it.

I know for sure Xak 2, Gazzel and Fray feature that. And ofcourse 
Illusioncity. But there were more games... Burai 1 and 2? There really has 
passed some time since I played an MSX RPG for the last time... Except for 
the Ys-series and SD-Snatcher; I played those the past year for the last 

But what I remember is, that there really are some well-known MSX RPG's 
featuring this.


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Re: Happy End in Salamander

2000-05-25 Thread Rieks W. Torringa

> >You don't need to be a game god or something to >be able to finish those
> >games, now do you? And especially Space >Manbow is one of the easiest
> >shooters I know...
>Not Space Manbow or Nemesis 1, but Salamander.. this one is DAMN hard, and
>if he can finish it with only one single ship, then he is a damn good
>player! :-)
>I can easily finish Nemesis 1, 2, or 3 (Although I may use 1 or 2

I finished Salamander with one single ship...


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Re: Top 100 MSX games

2000-05-25 Thread Rieks W. Torringa

>No..think about it, the only 8-bits system I have is the MSX, but I know 
>Commodore 64 is the most popular system in Europe, so, I was really curious
>about it. Then I downloaded an emulator, and a few games (From
>Daveclassics)..and everything I downloaded was CRAP! I just couldn't
>understand how the C64 was so popular, and forgot about it for a long time.
>Then I meet a guy, who was a C64 user, and he pointed me the best C64 games
>in his opinion. Then I could understand why yhe C64 was so popular, 
>even with crap graphics, it has some very nice games.
>So...maybe there's that guy, who only had a C64, ahnd he wants to know the
>MSX system..then he downloads games like Scrambled Eggs, thinks the MSX is
>crap, and just forget about it
>With this list, newcomers to the MSX system will know the good, classic
>games that makes the MSX system the best 8-bits system ever.
>Also, I think  it would make a very entertaining read for MSX users.

Essentially, I think you have a point, but in order to create a game top 
100, the amount of MSX-users you will need will probably exceed the MSX- 
users still doing something with the computer. What do you think of a rating 
system? Creating some kind of list with most downloadable games for MSX on 
internet with some kind of rating using stars or something?


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Re: Happy End in Salamander

2000-05-25 Thread Rieks W. Torringa

>About BIT2...I could never finish ANY of their games! Famicle Parodic is
>hard, as Famicle Parodic 2, but Nyancle Racing is DAMN hard..anyone out
>there could finish it??? Ahn, I can go very far in Quinpl (My 2nd favourit
>Bit2 game, after Nyancle Racing, but no one remembers that one! (-:  )

I finished Famicle Parodic 2, Nyancle Racing and Quinpl... Never came to 
Famicle Parodic 1, however...


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Re: Happy End in Salamander

2000-05-25 Thread Rieks W. Torringa

>and how about a micro cabin man?
>and a falcom man

If it's about original copies of the games you own, I guess it would be okay 
to call me both Micro Cabin and Falcom-man. I have every single title they 
released in my collection... Except for the almost unknown Japanese 


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RE: games

2000-05-25 Thread Airam Rguez.

Hi people.

Some notes:

I think that could be a great idea allow diferent screen types (not only
SC5). I'm actually coding some stuff to GFX9000 and this engine could be
performed in that VDP too.

By other hand, i could program some proggies on C - C++, to help to
develop MSX stuff. If you prefer java I could try to learn a little. but I
prefer other languages.

HELP: Because I stay at Universtity al day i'm using Hitech-C
crosscompiler (tath generates Z80/CPM code). It is a demo version and only
allow 2000 lines of code or 2048 kb per module. That's is insufficent. Does
has anybody a full version ;) ?

Thanks in advance


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Re: About Zanac

2000-05-25 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

Jose Angel Morente wrote:
> And don't forget Super Aleste for the Sega Mega-CD !!!

Super Aleste is for SNES. Sega Mega-CD has Electric Aleste
(aka Dennin Aleste).

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Re: games

2000-05-25 Thread Jose Angel Morente


> Doesn't such a program, for making rpg games, already excist. I believe it
> was called Dante 2 and there was a course for it published on the FD
> sometime. As far as know it was japanese in origin.
> Must remark that i've never seen it. I've only read about it on the FD.

I have Dante 1 and Dante 2, and also I have a TRD patch for translating
Dante 2 to the English language :)


Jose Angel Morente ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: games

2000-05-25 Thread Jose Angel Morente

> Name them.
> I don't know any RPG in which walls cast shadows. Other things, like doors
> and grotto entrances do, but walls... no. I don't think so... Or at least
> I never noticed it.

Do you know Illusion City?


Jose Angel Morente ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: Compile games...

2000-05-25 Thread Jose Angel Morente


> This is more directed to Sandy Pleyte, but if anyone who knows anything
> about it

I think that the Compile team worked for other software companies and
made games like Megalopolis-SOS, or A.E. though those games were released
by other houses (Broderbund, Ponyca, etc.)


Jose Angel Morente ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: Quinpl

2000-05-25 Thread Jose Angel Morente


> Yeah, all Screen12 digits that appears in Bit2 games are really nice! :-)

The ones that appear at the two endings of Quinpl are drawings, not
photos, and they are really cool :)


Jose Angel Morente ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: About Zanac

2000-05-25 Thread Jose Angel Morente

> there's a game called Power Strike for Master System, that's very similar
> to Aleste, and there's also Power Strike 2, a sequel to Power Strike
> (Obviously), but nothing to do with Aleste 2. And there's also a game
> called "The Guardian Legend" for NES, from Broderbund, Compile and Irem.

And don't forget Super Aleste for the Sega Mega-CD !!!


Jose Angel Morente ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: Compile games...

2000-05-25 Thread Jose Angel Morente

> Also, did you notice that most of the games I told you it's not from
> Compile (Gulkave, Thexder, and others I can't remember now) are in the

Compile had several development teams working for them.
Thexder and Zanac as well are made by one of these teams called A.I.

About Gulkave  I always thought that it is a Sega game but ..
If you take a look with a HEX editor you can see a message (supposed
to appear at the end of the game) about a cheat mode on the game demo.

The trick is to press something like UP,UP,LEFT,LEFT, RIGHT,DOWN,UP ...etc.
Is not that similar to other tricks in Compile games, like Golvellius
or Aleste Gaiden?  (^_-)


Jose Angel Morente ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: games

2000-05-25 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

On Thu, 25 May 2000, Maarten van Strien (cs^tbl) wrote:

> > > Okay, then stop talking and make an editor!
> >
> >Good design includes that you don't just start programming, but decide
> >exactly what it is you want to make first.
> and I guarantee you forget something.. really.. this will happen!

Yes, ofcourse. But if you skip the design phase, you will forget lots of
things, instead of a few.
> >Another issue: how should properties of tiles be handled? For example, what
> >tiles you can walk through (open ground) and what tiles block you (walls).
> >And there could be tiles that cause damage (lava, thorns), or cause your
> >movement to become different (ice, water, strong wind). Or tiles that
> >trigger special events (character or monster appears, sound is played,
> >secret is revealed).
> tiles that cause events should by my opinion be handled by using triggers..

What exactly is a trigger?

> could be a walk-map with walls.. collision with walls could be checked by 
> using top-view style rpg.. but drawing ofcourse is 3d/birdview

Hmmm, I seem to use the term "birdview" for a different view than you do.
Does anyone know for sure, what is the Metal Gear type called and what the
SD Snatcher type?

> like stated before: you indeed need atleast 2 maps, one gfx-map and one 
> data-map.

Another option would be to have all the properties of a square on the map
determined by the tile. For example: tile #102 is always a wall, tile #103
is always walkable. When there is a tile that can have more than one
set of properties (illusional wall looks like a wall, but is walkable), it
is duplicated into multiple tile numbers, all with the same graphic.

Whether this approach will work or not, depends on how many tiles do not
have fixed properties and how many combinations of properties are possible.
In the best case, this saves a lot of memory because a data map is not
necessary. In the worst case, the number of tiles becomes too large.

> I think a forground-layer can be defined, also in de datamap.
> This requires special gfx setup, like: see-trough gfx like fences must be 
> drawn at the top of a picture (first line with dots) with the forground 
> part, seperatly drawn right below.
> so, by using 2 maps instead of 3 you save RAM.

This approach gives more flexibility than the PA3-like fixed background.
But it also uses more memory.

> >And animations haven't been discussed yet. Sprites (either real VDP sprites
> >or copied sprites) are necessary and maybe we also want animations in the
> >background (like YS3) or in the foreground.
> each non-human-controlled player should have info like:

There is a term for it: NPC = Non Player Character.
> * what gfx (l/r/u/d)

There should be more than just 4 animation frames for NPCs. To make a
character walk, at least 2 frames are needed (in every direction).
Ofcourse, some sprites won't have to face in 4 directions.

> * walk area width + height (if the story tells: "you'll find the doctor in 
> the hospital" you don't want the doctor walking away :)

Not just width and height, the entire rectangle should be defined. Maybe a
rectangle is limiting, but I think defining non-rectangular areas is too
complex. Unless we define them on a tile-by-tile basis, like in the data

> * random walk or predefined route !!

What about a pointer to a movement algorithm routine? That would even work
for the player character (PC), it could call a keyboard + joystick read
routine. The advantage is that it would be easy to make the PC follow a
predefined route during certain scenes (this can be seen in many RPGs).

> * walk-speed (young kiddy's run, while old granny's hardly move)

An easy way to implement is to store the delay between two animation steps.
In that way, not only the movement of kiddies is faster, but also the

> * what txt it should say

This often depends on game progress. For example, after the PC saved a
village from a horrible monster, the villagers will thank the player.

Any thoughts on dialog systems? Cas told me it was very hard to make a
system that allows multiple storylines and still produces meaningful
messages. To avoid complications, we could either limit the storylines in
such a way that they never cross (independant storylines), stick to a
single storyline or make messages more general (the latter can hurt both
the story and the atmosphere). Or we could attempt to design a multiple
storyline system, knowing that we may not succeed.

> * bitmap gfx for use in the statusbar (like in sd-sn)

I think not all characters should have this. It looks real nice, but it
does require a lot of graphics, putting a burden on both the GFX artist and
on the VRAM.

> * a trigger to go to fight-mode

Including some identification of the type of enemy, so the battle engine
can get the right stats, graphics and algorithms.

By the way, you seem to assume a separate battle screen, like SD and PA3.
Battles in the playing field are also possible, like Ys

Re: What's new in MGAB

2000-05-25 Thread Phil

OK, let's share all our gamecovers then!


>  > >Ofcourse i agree, you can even use a link to my page in you homepage, if
>  > >you ask it :))
>  >
>  > I'm not competing whatsoever with anybody. Shall I just recall MSX
>Not really, of course... ;-)
>  > Games Are Back is already online for more than 2 years ... and OK to
>Well, let's not use that as an argument... (FUNet is online way longer... ;-)
>  > share our common libraries of game covers. However I prefer to host
>  > them directly on my site so to keep a good common GUI harmony (ndrl,
>Well ok.
>  > Generation MSX is already in my links page).
>  > So, is it OK if I have a look at your covers and take them for
>  > insertion in MGAB? You can take whatever you want from MGAB to
>  > complete your respective collections.
>What about the same deal as between Generation MSX and FUNet? Which is: use
>any gamecover from FUNet you want, but in return, upload all gamecovers you
>can get which are missing on FUNet...
>  >Sounds you want to compete with MEP... Why not work together?
>  >
>  >Hey! We have all respectful sites and that have a good number of
>  >visitors each. Even though we all propose many MSX games, our sites
>  >are all very different and complementary and if we can promote each
>  >site (by word of mouth, by links etc...) we'll all do well. Any ideas
>  >of cooperation are welcome.
>Grtjs, Manuel ((m)ICQ UIN 41947405)
>PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
>PPS: Visit my home page at
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>  The MSX faq:
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>  The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet


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Re: What's new in MGAB

2000-05-25 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

On Thu, 25 May 2000, Phil wrote:

Why is your mail address listed as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"?

It was on the last two mails you sent. On the mail from yesterday it was


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Re: What's new in MGAB

2000-05-25 Thread TFH/Fony

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: What's new in MGAB

> Hey! We have all respectful sites and that have a good number of
> visitors each. Even though we all propose many MSX games, our sites
> are all very different and complementary and if we can promote each
> site (by word of mouth, by links etc...) we'll all do well. Any ideas
> of cooperation are welcome.

Indeed. MGAB is a very nice site, with a complete different approach then
the MEP. Phil put a lot of time in his site, and so did we in ours. I don't
see anything wrong with having multiple sites with a number of cross-overs
or partialy the same content. It gives everyone a choice to go to the
website of their liking. A bit of deversaty is quite good, and some level of
"competition" is very healthy.
Not that there really is a competition, but anyway :-))



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 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: What's new in MGAB

2000-05-25 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

> >Ofcourse i agree, you can even use a link to my page in you homepage, if
> >you ask it :))
> I'm not competing whatsoever with anybody. Shall I just recall MSX 

Not really, of course... ;-)

> Games Are Back is already online for more than 2 years ... and OK to 

Well, let's not use that as an argument... (FUNet is online way longer... ;-)

> share our common libraries of game covers. However I prefer to host 


> them directly on my site so to keep a good common GUI harmony (ndrl, 

Well ok. 

> Generation MSX is already in my links page).
> So, is it OK if I have a look at your covers and take them for 
> insertion in MGAB? You can take whatever you want from MGAB to 
> complete your respective collections.

What about the same deal as between Generation MSX and FUNet? Which is: use 
any gamecover from FUNet you want, but in return, upload all gamecovers you 
can get which are missing on FUNet...

>Sounds you want to compete with MEP... Why not work together?
>Hey! We have all respectful sites and that have a good number of
>visitors each. Even though we all propose many MSX games, our sites
>are all very different and complementary and if we can promote each
>site (by word of mouth, by links etc...) we'll all do well. Any ideas
>of cooperation are welcome.


Grtjs, Manuel ((m)ICQ UIN 41947405)

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
PPS: Visit my home page at 

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 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: What's new in MGAB

2000-05-25 Thread Phil

>  > Now that I am in this mailing list, here is some news from MSX Games
>  > Are Back and things I am looking for the future development of the
>  > site:
>  >
>  > * Beside the 300 games that are directly downloadable from the site,
>  > I've created a new section called 'Games on Request' where visitors
>  > can download an Excel file regrouping more than 1800 MSX games ...
>  > they just have to e-mail me with their request. Yes, it is a big step
>  > forward in terms of number of games now available.
>Sounds you want to compete with MEP... Why not work together?

Hey! We have all respectful sites and that have a good number of 
visitors each. Even though we all propose many MSX games, our sites 
are all very different and complementary and if we can promote each 
site (by word of mouth, by links etc...) we'll all do well. Any ideas 
of cooperation are welcome.



MSX Games are Back [GB,NL,FRA] [GB]

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More information on MSX can be found in the following places:
 The MSX faq:
 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: What's new in MGAB

2000-05-25 Thread Phil

>  > > * I've also created some time ago a section called 'game covers'
>  > > which has now some 60 different titles. I am trying to make this
>  > > section larger and hope to get at 200 covers before X-Mas 2000 ... if
>  > > you have any, please send them directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >
>  > Sounds you want to compete with FUNet 
>  > gamecovers) and/or Generation MSX ( FUNet and
>  > Generation MSX work together to get the biggest collection of MSX Game
>  > Covers... You could join us. (If Sandy agrees)
>Ofcourse i agree, you can even use a link to my page in you homepage, if
>you ask it :))

I'm not competing whatsoever with anybody. Shall I just recall MSX 
Games Are Back is already online for more than 2 years ... and OK to 
share our common libraries of game covers. However I prefer to host 
them directly on my site so to keep a good common GUI harmony (ndrl, 
Generation MSX is already in my links page).
So, is it OK if I have a look at your covers and take them for 
insertion in MGAB? You can take whatever you want from MGAB to 
complete your respective collections.

>Generation MSX
>MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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>  The MSX faq:
>  The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
>  The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

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More information on MSX can be found in the following places:
 The MSX faq:
 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: About Zanac

2000-05-25 Thread Jorge Vidal Wulff

Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba wrote:
> Jorge Vidal Wulff wrote:
> (Tyrian)
> > >   this musics called ZANACS and ZANAC3).
> > Yes,I have that game,but those themes named zanac don't sound like zanac
> > to me...
> Well, they're the same tunes. Zanac3 is the Zanac final
> stage tune, while Zanacs is our good old Compile "fanfare".
>  If you choose FM they sound closer to the MSX version. :)

Yep,the fanfare sounds very alike...but the other...zanac3...mmm no,and
I have finished zanac ex lots of times,but i don't remember that tune...


Jorge Vidal Wulff 
ICQ #: 14288604
Licenciatura en ciencia de la computación.
Depto. de Matemática y ciencia de la Computación.
Universidad de Santiago de Chile - USACH.

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 The MSX faq:
 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: About Zanac

2000-05-25 Thread Jorge Vidal Wulff

Jose Angel Morente wrote:
> Giovanni Nunes soltó algo así como:
> >   A Zanac version to other plataform I don't know, principally
> >   because this game is from 1985(?) (a year before NES, SMS,
> Zanac is from 1986, and Zanac-ex is from 1987.

Nope,zanac-ex is (c) 1986 by compile/ponyca...see the game title...

Jorge Vidal Wulff 
ICQ #: 14288604
Licenciatura en ciencia de la computación.
Depto. de Matemática y ciencia de la Computación.
Universidad de Santiago de Chile - USACH.

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 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: About Zanac

2000-05-25 Thread Jorge Vidal Wulff

Jose Angel Morente wrote:
> To be exact, Zanac and Zanac-ex are the same game. Zanac-ex was released
> as the 'Zanac for the MSX2 system'. It is only a 'Zanac deLuxe'.

Wait...The game called Zanac for the MSX has worse graphics than the EX
and the background is very different.

> As you can see, it does exist for SNES  :)

For the SNES I'm going to download it NOW!(and en emu too)


Jorge Vidal Wulff 
ICQ #: 14288604
Licenciatura en ciencia de la computación.
Depto. de Matemática y ciencia de la Computación.
Universidad de Santiago de Chile - USACH.

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 The MSX faq:
 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: Top 100 MSX games

2000-05-25 Thread Laurens Holst

> >I suppose it would be best if everyone sent his or her personal top 10 or
> >something and then look what games are most popular
> And what will you gain by doing that? Supporting the producers??

What do you gain by still using your MSX? A PC computer is much better, or a
playstation. And you can even play some old MSX games on both of them
(recompiled, even not emulated)...


 email me: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or ICQ: 10196372
  visit my homepage at

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 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: Quinpl

2000-05-25 Thread TFH/Fony


Just a guess.. Try it on da MEP :-))

BTW, I am looking for Dynamic Pulbisher (Dutch & English versions)
Can anyone help me?


Visit the MEP. Over 1800 Games online:
- Original Message -
From: Laurens Holst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MSX Mailinglist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: Quinpl

> Where can I find this game?
> (I've got a game called quinpl, but it's some kind of puzzle game from a
> Dutch club) (a nice game though, really nice).
> ~Grauw
> --
> ><<
>  email me: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or ICQ: 10196372
>   visit my homepage at
> ><<
> - Oorspronkelijk bericht -
> Van: "Rafael Lima" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Verzonden: donderdag 25 mei 2000 6:02
> Onderwerp: Re: Quinpl
> > Yeah, all Screen12 digits that appears in Bit2 games are really nice!
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > and put "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the quotes) in
> > the body (not the subject) of the message.
> > Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > More information on MSX can be found in the following places:
> >  The MSX faq:
> >  The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
> >  The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet
> > 
> MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> and put "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the quotes) in
> the body (not the subject) of the message.
> Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> More information on MSX can be found in the following places:
>  The MSX faq:
>  The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
>  The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 The MSX faq:
 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: Quinpl

2000-05-25 Thread Laurens Holst

Where can I find this game?

(I've got a game called quinpl, but it's some kind of puzzle game from a
Dutch club) (a nice game though, really nice).


 email me: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or ICQ: 10196372
  visit my homepage at
- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Van: "Rafael Lima" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Verzonden: donderdag 25 mei 2000 6:02
Onderwerp: Re: Quinpl

> Yeah, all Screen12 digits that appears in Bit2 games are really nice! :-)
> MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> and put "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the quotes) in
> the body (not the subject) of the message.
> Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> More information on MSX can be found in the following places:
>  The MSX faq:
>  The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
>  The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

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 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: More about Konami Cartridges combos.

2000-05-25 Thread Laurens Holst

> Ok, I told that I saw the good ending in Salamander without having Nemesis
> in second slot. And this even made a big discussio here (That became more
> like "Who's the best player around (-:  ), but  I want to tell another
> thing.
> I also can use the passwords "Metalion" and "Lars18th" in Nemesis 2,
> having the Q-bert cartridge in the 2nd slot.
> So..maybe all those things have something to do with the games cracked
> in Brazil?

If it's the crack, yes, probably.

I have got a Salamander crack, which also includes Operation X.
Maybe your crack already included the Nemesis 2 and Q-bert 'options'.

Try the original.


 email me: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or ICQ: 10196372
  visit my homepage at

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 The MSX faq:
 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: games

2000-05-25 Thread Laurens Holst

Update on fileformats:

> tilemap file format:

(extension .MAP)

> 4 bytes: "RPGm"
> 8 bytes: filename (without ext.) of the patterndata

16 bytes: level name (0-filled)

> 1 byte: width (in tiles), possible values 256 (=0), 128, 64, 32, 16, 8
> 1 byte: heigth (in tiles), possible values - see above
> n bytes: actual data (max. size 16k)
> The actual data is -with for example width 128- simply the tiledata of
> (0,0)-(128,0) + (0,1)-(128,1) + (0,2)-(128,2), etcetera...

> patterndata fileformat:

(extension .MAP)

> 4 bytes: "RPGp"

32 bytes palettedata (#rb:g format)
n bytes: patterndata

> The patterns and palet are in screen 5-format. That is 256 patterns of
> 32 patterns per row, 8 rows. So that means the file is actually a dump of
> the first 64 lines of the screen, the rest is not saved.


 email me: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or ICQ: 10196372
  visit my homepage at

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 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: games

2000-05-25 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

"Maarten van Strien (cs^tbl)" wrote:
> with "w" as seetrough fence and "W" as non-seetrough fence..
> but maybe small chars could be used for gfx and capitals for the same dot +
> a trigger command!

With two maps we have plenty of room for defining
different tile actions. Maybe we don't need all
256 different kinds of tiles. :)

> * what gfx (l/r/u/d)
> * walk area width + height (if the story tells: "you'll find the doctor in
> the hospital" you don't want the doctor walking away :)
> * random walk or predefined route !!
> * walk-speed (young kiddy's run, while old granny's hardly move)
> * what txt it should say
> * bitmap gfx for use in the statusbar (like in sd-sn)
> * a trigger to go to fight-mode
> * special actions when YOU come close (ds6, chickens running away in village)

Hmmm... Maybe we'll need more than 16 kinds of tiles. ;)


   -Parn (ICQ#1693182)
 /| | | |\  
 \| ___ |/
\/ - \/ Parn's Music Station
| | Game Music XMs and more!
   -- --Izati Abamehinam Etokafe Nan

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 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: More about Konami Cartridges combos.

2000-05-25 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

Rafael Lima wrote:
(Salamander with the right ending; without Nemesis 2)
> I also can use the passwords "Metalion" and "Lars18th" in Nemesis 2, without
> having the Q-bert cartridge in the 2nd slot.
> So..maybe all those things have something to do with the games cracked here
> in Brazil?

Yes, they're cracked. However, a lot of cracked
versions are also broken, and there are some bad
dumps floating around. :(


   -Parn (ICQ#1693182)
 /| | | |\  
 \| ___ |/
\/ - \/ Parn's Music Station
| | Game Music XMs and more!
   -- --Izati Abamehinam Etokafe Nan

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Re: games

2000-05-25 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

sander Niessen wrote:
> Doesn't such a program, for making rpg games, already excist. I believe it
> was called Dante 2 and there was a course for it published on the FD
> sometime. As far as know it was japanese in origin.

Yes, it was by ASCII and there are lots of reference
for it in old MSX Magazine issues. It even allowed you
to customize music via Musica, with PSG+SCC+FM. The
engine itself is nothing spectacular, but supported
most of 'classic' RPG features. Battles were menu-driven.


   -Parn (ICQ#1693182)
 /| | | |\  
 \| ___ |/
\/ - \/ Parn's Music Station
| | Game Music XMs and more!
   -- --Izati Abamehinam Etokafe Nan

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 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: About Zanac

2000-05-25 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

Jose Angel Morente wrote:
> Zanac is from 1986, and Zanac-ex is from 1987.

Well, my ROM sais 1986. I made a screenshot, it's
available in the MSX page from Parn's Music Station.


   -Parn (ICQ#1693182)
 /| | | |\  
 \| ___ |/
\/ - \/ Parn's Music Station
| | Game Music XMs and more!
   -- --Izati Abamehinam Etokafe Nan

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 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: About Zanac

2000-05-25 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

Jose Angel Morente wrote:
> As you can see, it does exist for SNES  :)

SNES? Are you sure?

> By the way, do you know the Zanac 2nd version (also known as Zanac '87)?
> It is much more difficult than Zanac :)

Wouldn't this be the dreaded "Zanac 3", which
was only a crack of Zanac enabling us to play
in Stage Zero from start?


   -Parn (ICQ#1693182)
 /| | | |\  
 \| ___ |/
\/ - \/ Parn's Music Station
| | Game Music XMs and more!
   -- --Izati Abamehinam Etokafe Nan

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 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: About Zanac

2000-05-25 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

Rafael Lima wrote:
> As far as I know, Zanac has only been released for MSX and NES...but there's
> a game called Power Strike for Master System, that's very similar to Aleste,

It is Aleste. It starts in MSX's second stage, though,
but you can see the original title screen if you set
your Master System emulator to Japanese version.

> and there's also Power Strike 2, a sequel to Power Strike (Obviously), but
> nothing to do with Aleste 2. And there's also a game called "The Guardian

Power Strike 2 really sucks, and was developed by
Sega America, AFAIK. :)

> Legend" for NES, from Broderbund, Compile and Irem. The first stage of this
> game is a shoot em up, very similar to Zanac. After this stage, the game
> turns to be an overhead shooter game (Like Starship Rendevouz).

Never heard about it. However, there's a lot of
underrated shooters around there... :)

>  Shatterhand

Are you the reviewer from SHMUPS?


   -Parn (ICQ#1693182)
 /| | | |\  
 \| ___ |/
\/ - \/ Parn's Music Station
| | Game Music XMs and more!
   -- --Izati Abamehinam Etokafe Nan

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 The MSX newsgroup: comp.sys.msx
 The MSX IRC channel: #MSX on Undernet

Re: games

2000-05-25 Thread Maarten van Strien (cs^tbl)

> > Okay, then stop talking and make an editor!
>Good design includes that you don't just start programming, but decide
>exactly what it is you want to make first.

and I guarantee you forget something.. really.. this will happen!

>Another issue: how should properties of tiles be handled? For example, what
>tiles you can walk through (open ground) and what tiles block you (walls).
>And there could be tiles that cause damage (lava, thorns), or cause your
>movement to become different (ice, water, strong wind). Or tiles that
>trigger special events (character or monster appears, sound is played,
>secret is revealed).

tiles that cause events should by my opinion be handled by using triggers..
like I drawed before:


could be a walk-map with walls.. collision with walls could be checked by 
using top-view style rpg.. but drawing ofcourse is 3d/birdview

like stated before: you indeed need atleast 2 maps, one gfx-map and one 
data-map. I think a forground-layer can be defined, also in de datamap. 
This requires special gfx setup, like: see-trough gfx like fences must be 
drawn at the top of a picture (first line with dots) with the forground 
part, seperatly drawn right below.
so, by using 2 maps instead of 3 you save RAM.

then a data-map looks like:


with "w" as seetrough fence and "W" as non-seetrough fence..
but maybe small chars could be used for gfx and capitals for the same dot + 
a trigger command!

>And animations haven't been discussed yet. Sprites (either real VDP sprites
>or copied sprites) are necessary and maybe we also want animations in the
>background (like YS3) or in the foreground.

each non-human-controlled player should have info like:

* what gfx (l/r/u/d)
* walk area width + height (if the story tells: "you'll find the doctor in 
the hospital" you don't want the doctor walking away :)
* random walk or predefined route !!
* walk-speed (young kiddy's run, while old granny's hardly move)
* what txt it should say
* bitmap gfx for use in the statusbar (like in sd-sn)
* a trigger to go to fight-mode
* special actions when YOU come close (ds6, chickens running away in village)

>Maybe we could first make a non-scrolling engine, like that of Pumpkin
>Adventure 3. Once that works, the first games can be made and a scrolling
>engine could be developed for the next generation of games.

I don't think scrolling is much different then non-scrolling.. wheter you 
move up player_x +1 or + 32.. checking for collision/triggers remains 

>The same for the toolkit: I described some advanced features that would be
>very nice to have, but most are not necessary to produce a game. So first a
>simple toolkit could be made and features added later. But it's important
>to have a structure that allows the adding of features.

that's what we try here...


Maarten van Strien,
  * composer
  * sounddesigner
  * Ixalance-sound developer
Shortcut Software Development B.V.
Julianaweg 9, 3603 AP Maarssen, The Netherlands.
Phone: ++31 (0) 346 579 659
Fax: ++31 (0) 346 579 745

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Re: About Zanac

2000-05-25 Thread Pablo Vasques Bravo-Villalba

Jorge Vidal Wulff wrote:
> >   this musics called ZANACS and ZANAC3).
> Yes,I have that game,but those themes named zanac don't sound like zanac
> to me...

Well, they're the same tunes. Zanac3 is the Zanac final
stage tune, while Zanacs is our good old Compile "fanfare".
 If you choose FM they sound closer to the MSX version. :)


   -Parn (ICQ#1693182)
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Re: games

2000-05-25 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

On Thu, 25 May 2000, Laurens Holst wrote:

> > For example, a good editor needs multilevel undo/redo, which requires some
> > good design or it will eat your memory very fast. Also, the user interface
> > is very important, and it's hard to design a good UI.
> Okay, then stop talking and make an editor!

Good design includes that you don't just start programming, but decide
exactly what it is you want to make first.

> tilemap file format:

I think it would be better to describe the kinds of maps the program should
support before defining the file format. Now you're doing it in reverse: by
defining the file format, you define what kinds op maps are possible.

> 4 bytes: "RPGm"

No version number?

> 8 bytes: filename (without ext.) of the patterndata

Should this information be in the map file?

> 1 byte: width (in tiles), possible values 256 (=0), 128, 64, 32, 16, 8
> 1 byte: heigth (in tiles), possible values - see above

Why only powers of two?

Also, I think using 16 bit sizes shouldn't be a problem, since the Z80 can
perform 16 bit addition.

> n bytes: actual data (max. size 16k)

Why limit the map size? There is no evidence (yet) that handling maps
larger than 16K is too hard on the engine. It is certainly not a problem
for the editor.

> The actual data is -with for example width 128- simply the tiledata of
> (0,0)-(128,0) + (0,1)-(128,1) + (0,2)-(128,2), etcetera...

That should be (0,0)-(127,0). But I understand what you mean.

I'm not sure I like this format. I would prefer 2 map formats: one for
designing a map and one that the engine can handle. The design format
contains more structure info, the engine format is optimised for easy
handling by the engine.

Why would it be a good idea to have a separate design and edit format?
I'll give a few reasons, I think there are more.

When designing a map, there will be groups of tiles that form objects. For
example a tree in a forest, or a large rock, or a house in a village. It
would be easy for the map designer to group the right tiles into an object
and place objects on the map. In this way, you can move a tree one tile to
the right, instead of having to move all tiles in the tree to the right. If
the tree doesn't have a rectangular shape, moving the tree object is a lot
easier. Another advantage would be that the designer can decide to modify
the tree object and doesn't have to redraw all trees on the map.

Or you can allow objects to consist of multiple layers. For example an
apple tree would be a tree object combined with a couple of apples, which
are 1-tile graphics with a transparant background. When generating the
engine format files, the toolkit can create pattern graphics that have an
apple superimposed upon the tree graphics.

Another advantage: you have drawn a lot of patterns, but haven't used them
all. To save memory, you could delete the unused ones and rearrange all the
patterns to make sure patterns 0..X-1 are used and patterns X and higher
are unused. But this would require massive editing on the map file!
However, if you use a separate engine format, the toolkit could
automatically detect which patterns are unused and renumber all patterns
while generating the engine file.

> patterndata fileformat:
> 4 bytes: "RPGp"
> The patterns and palet are in screen 5-format.

An engine that works in SCREEN5 will only accept SCREEN5 graphics. But I
don't see the point of limiting the toolkit to SCREEN5. I suggest we use
32-bit graphics (RGB+alpha) in the toolkit. Games in SCREEN8, one of the
YJK screen modes or for GFX9000 can make use of the higher number of

I think the palette could be stored independantly of the graphics data. The
graphics data will end up in VRAM, the palette in RAM. And a single scene
may have more than one palette, for example a vulcanic cave or an outdoors
scene in a lightning storm.

And also for the pattern data, I think there should be a separate design
file and engine file. This is necessary to allow a higher color depth for
the design file. It's also necessary for the "delete unused patterns
and then reorder" step I described above. And there is another advantage:
the design file wouldn't have to be limited to 256x64 pixels, it could be
any dimension.

There are also some issues you didn't address. For example, you assumed
that 1 layer of tiles would be enough. I doubt that. Birdseye games like
Metal Gear and Zelda use only 1 layer. But most RPGs, like Xak and SD
Snatcher, use more than 1 layer.

Pumpkin Adventure 3 used a nice system. I'll describe it from memory,
someone please correct any mistakes. It has one background layer, chosen
from a set of two fixed backgrounds per scene (the background is a repeated
large graphic), and one foreground layer. In this way, you can walk behind
objects, but in that case there will always be the background below the
foreground tile. So it's not possible to have just any combination of two
tiles at the same position.

Another issue: how should properties of tiles 

Re: About Zanac

2000-05-25 Thread Jose Angel Morente

Giovanni Nunes soltó algo así como:

>   A Zanac version to other plataform I don't know, principally
>   because this game is from 1985(?) (a year before NES, SMS,

Zanac is from 1986, and Zanac-ex is from 1987.

>   etc...). But I know a PC game called "Tyrian" (a Shot'n'up w/
>   horizontal scroll like Zanac) that has "Compile Opening Song" and
>   "Zanac Opening theme" in game musics (using Jukebox you can listen
>   this musics called ZANACS and ZANAC3).

I know :)
But it has nothing to do with Zanac. BTW, the programmer of Tyrian
seems to be a Compile fan :)


Jose Angel Morente ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: About Zanac

2000-05-25 Thread Jose Angel Morente

Hola Jorge!

> Hi,I don't know if you noticed,but there's actually a game called Zanac
> (not Zanac EX) for the NES console. The strange thing is that it's almost
> exactly the same as Zanac EX for the MSX ??!?!?!? (strange thing with the

To be exact, Zanac and Zanac-ex are the same game. Zanac-ex was released
as the 'Zanac for the MSX2 system'. It is only a 'Zanac deLuxe'.

> names...) BTW,does anybody know if zanac was made for other
> platforms?? or an arcade version? Zanac is one of the greatest games

As you can see, it does exist for SNES  :)

> ever...And I'm not kidding.

I agree. I think that my two favourite games are ZANAC and Solid Snake :)

By the way, do you know the Zanac 2nd version (also known as Zanac '87)?
It is much more difficult than Zanac :)

Jose Angel Morente ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: games

2000-05-25 Thread sander Niessen

Hi everybody,

Doesn't such a program, for making rpg games, already excist. I believe it 
was called Dante 2 and there was a course for it published on the FD 
sometime. As far as know it was japanese in origin.

Must remark that i've never seen it. I've only read about it on the FD.


Sander Niessen

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Re: What's new in MGAB

2000-05-25 Thread Sandy Pleyte

> > * I've also created some time ago a section called 'game covers'
> > which has now some 60 different titles. I am trying to make this
> > section larger and hope to get at 200 covers before X-Mas 2000 ... if
> > you have any, please send them directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sounds you want to compete with FUNet (
> gamecovers) and/or Generation MSX ( FUNet and
> Generation MSX work together to get the biggest collection of MSX Game
> Covers... You could join us. (If Sandy agrees)

Ofcourse i agree, you can even use a link to my page in you homepage, if
you ask it :))

Generation MSX

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Re: What's new in MGAB

2000-05-25 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

> Now that I am in this mailing list, here is some news from MSX Games 
> Are Back and things I am looking for the future development of the 
> site:
> * Beside the 300 games that are directly downloadable from the site, 
> I've created a new section called 'Games on Request' where visitors 
> can download an Excel file regrouping more than 1800 MSX games ... 
> they just have to e-mail me with their request. Yes, it is a big step 
> forward in terms of number of games now available.

Sounds you want to compete with MEP... Why not work together?

> * I've also created some time ago a section called 'game covers' 
> which has now some 60 different titles. I am trying to make this 
> section larger and hope to get at 200 covers before X-Mas 2000 ... if 
> you have any, please send them directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sounds you want to compete with FUNet (
gamecovers) and/or Generation MSX ( FUNet and 
Generation MSX work together to get the biggest collection of MSX Game 
Covers... You could join us. (If Sandy agrees)

Grtjs, Manuel ((m)ICQ UIN 41947405)

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More about Konami Cartridges combos.

2000-05-25 Thread Rafael Lima

Ok, I told that I saw the good ending in Salamander without having Nemesis 2
in second slot. And this even made a big discussio here (That became more
like "Who's the best player around (-:  ), but  I want to tell another

I also can use the passwords "Metalion" and "Lars18th" in Nemesis 2, without
having the Q-bert cartridge in the 2nd slot.

So..maybe all those things have something to do with the games cracked here
in Brazil?


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Re: Compile games...

2000-05-25 Thread Sandy Pleyte

Rafael Lima wrote:
> Also, did you notice that most of the games I told you it's not from Compile
> (Gulkave, Thexder, and others I can't remember now) are in the discstations?
> So, maybe in the list you saw at the Compile site, it had games programmed
> by Compile, and games available in the Compile Discstations???
Nope, if they did that, they forgot a *lot* of games :))

Generation MSX

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Re: Compile games...

2000-05-25 Thread Rafael Lima

Also, did you notice that most of the games I told you it's not from Compile
(Gulkave, Thexder, and others I can't remember now) are in the discstations?
So, maybe in the list you saw at the Compile site, it had games programmed
by Compile, and games available in the Compile Discstations???


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Re: Compile games...

2000-05-25 Thread Sandy Pleyte

Rafael Lima wrote:
> This is more directed to Sandy Pleyte, but if anyone who knows anything
> about it
> Hey Sandy, do you remember when I sent you an e-mail, saying that some games
> in your list of compile games was "wrong" because games like A.E. or Lode
> Runner aren't from Compile? And then you told me, that list was actually
> from the Compile site?
> Well, did you notice that 90% of those games,are actually from Broderbund?
> Also, there's a game for NES, called "Legend of Guardian", and this game is
> from Broderbund, Compile and Irem. Maybe Broderbund and Compile used to be
> partners in the past? What's strange, is that Broderbund is an European
> softwarehouse, and Compile is Japanese..
> Do you, or anyone else, know anything about that?
The only thing i know, it that the list on my page is the translated
list from the following compile pages:

As far as i can guess, is that the helped with programming the games,
but in those day's compile wasn;t that big, to release the game. Robert
found one of the *non* compile games, on the box or in the game we
couldn;t find the word compile, but finally we found it in the manual.
That's all i know :))

Generation MSX

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Re: games

2000-05-25 Thread Laurens Holst

> > > But I'm not a (good) programmer anyway.
> > I really like Java. It saved me from those horrible pointers. It saved
> (...)
> > parallellism).

No pointers???

Oh goodie. I'll start learning Java right this second!!!

(pointers are the main thing I don't understand in C++ and which I do wrong
everytime, resulting in the most terrible system errors)


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Re: games

2000-05-25 Thread Laurens Holst

> >>>I never saw characters getting affected by a wall's shadow in any MSX
> >>>RPG.
> >>>The chars just stay the same and walk on. Underneath a door there often
> >>>IS
> >>
> >>I saw one ... dunno what game..
> >>
> >>might be DS6 in the cave @ the 1st island..
> >didn't PA3 do something like that?
> There are so many MSX-RPG's featuring something like that...

Name them.
I don't know any RPG in which walls cast shadows. Other things, like doors
and grotto entrances do, but walls... no. I don't think so...
Or at least I never noticed it.


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Re: games

2000-05-25 Thread Laurens Holst

> > Based on what I currently have coded, creating a tile-editor is really a
> > piece of cake. You want an editor? See you in two days!!! Grmbl...
> Editors are one of the worst kind of programs to make!
> For example, a good editor needs multilevel undo/redo, which requires some
> good design or it will eat your memory very fast. Also, the user interface
> is very important, and it's hard to design a good UI.

Okay, then stop talking and make an editor!

tilemap file format:
4 bytes: "RPGm"
8 bytes: filename (without ext.) of the patterndata
1 byte: width (in tiles), possible values 256 (=0), 128, 64, 32, 16, 8
1 byte: heigth (in tiles), possible values - see above
n bytes: actual data (max. size 16k)

The actual data is -with for example width 128- simply the tiledata of
(0,0)-(128,0) + (0,1)-(128,1) + (0,2)-(128,2), etcetera...

patterndata fileformat:
4 bytes: "RPGp"
The patterns and palet are in screen 5-format. That is 256 patterns of 8x8,
32 patterns per row, 8 rows. So that means the file is actually a dump of
the first 64 lines of the screen, the rest is not saved. The palette is
stored right after the screeninfo in #rb:g format (32 bytes).

Ofcourse one should be able to import files from other fileformats like
.GE5, .BMP and .GIF.

Tip: display the X/Y coordinates on screen, because that will make it easier
to let a map 'fit' to another.


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Compile games...

2000-05-25 Thread Rafael Lima

This is more directed to Sandy Pleyte, but if anyone who knows anything
about it

Hey Sandy, do you remember when I sent you an e-mail, saying that some games
in your list of compile games was "wrong" because games like A.E. or Lode
Runner aren't from Compile? And then you told me, that list was actually
from the Compile site?

Well, did you notice that 90% of those games,are actually from Broderbund?
Also, there's a game for NES, called "Legend of Guardian", and this game is
from Broderbund, Compile and Irem. Maybe Broderbund and Compile used to be
partners in the past? What's strange, is that Broderbund is an European
softwarehouse, and Compile is Japanese..

Do you, or anyone else, know anything about that?


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Re: What happened with MSX Generation?

2000-05-25 Thread Rafael Lima

Ok, it's working! :-)

Sorry about the mistake! :-)


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Re: What happened with MSX Generation?

2000-05-25 Thread Sandy Pleyte

Rafael Lima wrote:
> Sorry then, but, what's the URL again? maybe I mistyped it..because what I
> saw (And I am seeing it now), is DOWN...nothing but a 404 error...
i think you made a mistype, because you call my page MSX generation :((
and it's Generation MSX :))

Sandy Pleyte
Generation MSX

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