Re: Patch pour mutt : list-unsubscribe

2004-04-26 Thread Cedric Duval
Jean-Michel OLTRA a écrit :
  Merci d'avance de vos commentaires :)

Je crains que Benoît n'ait raison : ton patch va être considéré utile
par un certain nombre d'utilisateurs (qui seront très exigeants sur les
mises à jour ;)), mais n'a aucune chance d'être intégré. Bah, pourquoi
pas. Je connais bien la situation...

Bonne chance en tous cas !  :)

 Il m'intéresserait de voir le code, mais je n'est pas trouvé
 de fichier joint. La liste les filtre, ou bien l'as tu oublié ?

Moi je vois un joli fichier attaché nommé mutt_list-unsubscribe.patch.txt !


Re: dsincription ??

2004-01-07 Thread Cedric Duval

Alain D'EURVEILHER a écrit :
 Je voudrais me désinscrire de la ML mais j'ai perdu mes mails de confirmation 
 d'inscription. IL me semblait que l'on y expliquait comment se désabonner de 
 la liste.

Cf en-têtes des messages de la liste.


Re: insertion url

2003-10-10 Thread Cedric Duval

Thierry a écrit :

 Un petit truc bizarre m'arrive à chaque fois que je veux envoyer un
 lien url avec mutt, à savoir que le destinataire reçois un corps de
 message vide, l'url n'apparait pas, même entre deux mutt ...

Une petite démonstration ?


Re: insertion url

2003-10-10 Thread Cedric Duval
[retour sur la liste]

  Une petite démonstration ?
 mais bien sur, ci joint une url : normallement
 vous ne devriez pas la voir apparaitre ...

Elle apparaît parfaitement. En rouge et en gras, chez moi.

Je soupçonne fortement la présence d'une commande 'color' qui rend le
texte de la même couleur que le fond...


Re: From [was: Re:hook au moment du compose?]

2003-08-29 Thread Cedric Duval
Luc Hermitte a écrit :
  qui doit s'arranger pour que les appels getpwuid() et getpwnam()
  rendent un résultat plus ou moins cohérent avec ce qui existe sous
  Unix (champs de /etc/passwd).

 Ah ben voilà ! Il a dû trouvé l'information là -- d'ailleurs, on la
 retrouve justement dans ce fichier.

Donc en remplissant correctement ton /etc/passwd, tu devrais pouvoir te
passer de la variable $realname.

Le format d'une ligne est normalement

Mettre 'Luc Hermitte' dans le champ GECOS devrait convenir (sur mon
système il consiste en divers champs séparés par des virgules, mais àmha
ces suppléments ne sont pas particulièrement standardisés).

man 5 passwd:
  GECOS Ce  champ  est optionnel et n'a qu'un rôle informatif.
Il contient généralement le nom complet de  l'utilisa-
teur.  GECOS  signifie General Electric Comprehensive
Operating System, qui fut renommé GCOS quand la divi-
sion  gros systèmes de General Electric a été vendue
a Honeywell. Dennis Ritchie raconte: Il arrivait  que
l'on  envoie  des sortie d'impression ou des résultats
de traitements différés  vers  une  machine  GCOS.  Le
champ  GCOS du fichier password était un endroit clas-
sique pour glisser  des  informations  dans  la  carte
$IDENT. Pas très élégant...


Re: compilation

2003-04-01 Thread Cedric Duval

jean-michel OLTRA a ecrit :
  cd .  /home/jm/src/mutt-1.5.4/missing aclocal-1.4 -I m4
  WARNING: `aclocal-1.4' is needed, and you do not seem to have it handy
  on your system. You might have modified some files without having the
  proper tools for further handling them.  Check the `README' file,
  it often tells you about the needed prerequirements for installing
  this package.  You may also peek at any GNU archive site, in case
  some other package would contain this missing `aclocal-1.4' program.
  make: *** [aclocal.m4] Erreur 1

 Je ne suis pas assez calé en ./configure pour expliquer le problème mais
 j'ai sauvagement commenté dans le script missing la partie qui me
 donnait une erreur. Ça je sais le faire...

Regarde du cote de
(en anglais)


Re: abook, lbdb, ...

2003-01-23 Thread Cedric Duval

Ploum a écrit :
 Cependant, abook ne sauve pas les modifications que je fais, et donc mon
 répertoire reste complètement vide !
 (J'ai essayé w et de toutes façons autosave=true dans mon abookrc. J'ai
 même essayé en root pour voir si c'était pas un problème de permissions)

Oui, j'ai essayé abook il y a quelques temps et j'avais rencontré le
même problème.

Un 'abook --convert mutt ~/.mutt/aliases abook ~/.abook.addressbook'
résoud le problème.

 Donc je comprends pas trop.  Je ne sais pas non plus si abook pourra faire
 ce que je cherche.  Je cherche en fait à avoir :

 - la complétion automatique sur l'alias (comme les alias de mutt,
 c'est parfait)


 - la complétion sur le nom, prénom, adresse email.

set query_command=abook --mutt-query %s


 - des alias de groupe

alias  group  foo, bar, baz

 - de trier mes alias par catégorie (*)
 - ne pas voir certaines catégories


 Autre question : on m'a parlé de lbdb et que c'était complémentaire de
 abook.  En quoi cela peut-il m'aider ?

Ça permet d'utiliser les alias de Mutt et un carnet abook, mais aussi
diverses autres sources pour les requêtes. C'est plus général, donc.


Re: Archivage automatique

2003-01-23 Thread Cedric Duval
Pierre THIERRY a écrit :
 Toutes mes inobx sont des Maildir nommées IN-L-Liste pour une liste ou
 IN-A-Adresse pour une adresse email, dans des sous-dossiers de ~/Mail.
 Quand certains threads sont un peu vieux, ou la boîte devient un peu
 grosse, je sauve les messages dans L-Liste ou A-Adresse, et j'aimerais
 un moyen automatique pour préremplir le champ du nom de la Maildir à

Une proposition de réorganisation : =IN/L-Liste et =IN/A-Adresse pour
les mails entrant. =L-Liste et =A-Adresse pour les anciens mails.

 -- save-hook . =%b

 J'ai l'impression que les expressions régulières de Mutt n'ont pas de
 références arrières ? Me trompe-je ?

Non. Mais certaines séquences comme %b ou %O peuvent s'avérer utiles.


Re: configuration des scores

2003-01-17 Thread Cedric Duval

Richard Kemp a écrit :
 Je cherche à générer mes scores automatiquement à partir de fichier
 d'alias par exemple. Mais je ne sais pas comment lancer le script pour
 qu'il soit utiliser correctement par le muttrc. Qqun a-t-il déjà fait
 qqch dans ce sens ou a-t-il déjà vu ca qqpart ?

Je n'utilise pas les scores, mais j'ai un script qui pourrait faire
l'affaire, avec une petite adaptation... Hop !

source aliases2scores|



# Outputs a score line on stdout for each line of your $MUTT_ALIASES
# file (defaults to ~/.mutt/aliases) of the following form
#alias alias_name name adress@host # score_value
# - score ~L adress@host score_value

egrep ^alias.*# ${MUTT_ALIASES:-~/.mutt/aliases} \
| sed -e s/^alias.*[[:space:]]\+\(.*@[^#[:space:]]\+\).*#\(.*\)/score \~L \1\ \2/

quote_regexp [was: Re: indentation des reponses ..]

2003-01-17 Thread Cedric Duval
Bernard `Guyzmo` Pratz a écrit :
 CD Pour les initiales, ça ne doit pas être possible _directement_ avec
 CD Mutt. Mais avec un mélange bien dosé entre $indent_string et $editor, ça
 CD peut se faire très simplement.

 rien n'est impossible :)

L'inverse m'aurait vraiment étonné.  :)

 Par contre, il existe au grand bonheur de certains utilisateurs de
 mutt tels que moi, un joli petit patch qui ajoute à mutt la
 possibilité de pouvoir faire des quote avec les initiales en début de
 ligne, patch que j'attache avec grâce à cet l'e-mail (48 lignes de
 texte, c'est acceptable).


 Que dire de plus ? Rien, juste profiter de la magique magie de mutt et se
 laisser bercer par vim dans la réponse des mails


 CD Pour ce mail, et _juste_ à titre d'exemple, j'ai mis $indent_string à
 CD %v . On peut faire des variantes avec %n, etc.

 C'est le ml :
  - C'est gros
  - C'est lourd
  - C'est môche

Oui. Oui. Et oui.

  - 42

Quelle était la question, déjà ?

Ah oui. Du coup il va falloir s'adapter. Que proposes-tu comme bonne
$quote_regexp en accord avec cette manière de citer ? Je viens de mettre
ça, mais il y a peut-être mieux...

set quote_regexp=^([ \tA-Z]*[|:}#%])+


Re: indentation des reponses ..

2003-01-15 Thread Cedric Duval
Etienne Roulland a écrit :
Etienne  Je te deconseil de faire ça car ça gene plus qu'autre chose
Etienne  dans la mesure ou tu n'es hors RFC. Mutt est flexible grace
Etienne  a la variable quote_regexp (defaut:^([ \t]*[|:}#])+) mais
Etienne  il ne faut pas en abusé... ;)

Etienne quote_regexp c'est pas pour repérer les quote justement ?


Mais citer d'une manière différente, ça oblige les autres à ajuster leur
$quote_regex.  :(  Ou envisager des solutions plus radicales envers le

Etienne  You are strongly encouraged not to change this value, as it
Etienne  tends to agitate the  more fanatical netizens.
Etienne  Je crois que c'est clair ;)

Voilà. C'est mal !

Etienne C'est juste pour savoir comment on fait ensuite ça va sûrement me
Etienne saouler donc .. ;-)

Pour les initiales, ça ne doit pas être possible _directement_ avec
Mutt. Mais avec un mélange bien dosé entre $indent_string et $editor, ça
peut se faire très simplement.

Pour ce mail, et _juste_ à titre d'exemple, j'ai mis $indent_string à
%v . On peut faire des variantes avec %n, etc.


Re: Ne pas suivre me mail-followup-to en faisant List-reply ?

2003-01-12 Thread Cedric Duval

Maxime Ritter a écrit :
 Voila, je me suis encore fait n*qu* :

Quel est le problème ?

 je souhaiterais que le List-reply (bindé par défaut sur L) ne suive
 pas le contenu du champ mail-followup-to. 

 Est-ce que quelqu'un a une idée ?

macro index L 'enter-commandset 
honor_followup_to=noenterlist-replyenter-commandset honor_followup_to=yesenter'


Re: encodage latin1 du champ Subject

2003-01-12 Thread Cedric Duval
Serge Basterot a écrit :
 Le Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 07:19:27PM +0100, Bernard Massot écrivit :
  On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 06:44:47PM +0100, Serge Basterot wrote:
   User-Agent: Mutt/1.4i
   User-Agent: Mutt/1.4i (OpenBSD 3.2 macppc)
  Un seul suffirait. :)

 Ah ! C'est le my_hdr, alors... je viens de l'enlever.

Si tu tiens à garder ton my_hdr, il faut que tu rajoutes

  unset user_agent

à ton muttrc.


Re: 2 petites questions

2003-01-09 Thread Cedric Duval
Laurent Defours a écrit :
  comment réparer un thread cassé dans mutt ?  (il a commencé un nouveau
  thread, sans doute à cause d'un mailer peu scrupuleux et c'est embêtant
  pour retrouver un mail dans uneliste).

 Tu commences par marquer le message que tu veux relier à l'enfilade avec
 t, puis tu te places dans l'enfilade et .

Oui si tu utilises un paquet Debian ou FreeBSD. Sinon ça n'est pas du
tout standard.

 c (change) efface e_t_ te place en mode insertion.

Tiens, comment fais tu pour entrer les codes ? Tu t'embêtes à taper des
C-V C-H à la main, ou tu as une macro dans vim pour faire automatiqement
des soulignés, gras, changement de couleur, etc. ?

Cédric, curieux

Re: 2 petites questions

2003-01-09 Thread Cedric Duval
Laurent Defours a écrit :
  En pratique je ne l'utiliserai pas ne sachant pas si mes correspondants
  sont capables de décoder ces séquences, et puis les conventions
  _souligné_ et *gras* suffisent bien surtout qu'il est possible de les
  afficher différemment dans le pager de Mutt.

 C'est très vrai et j'avoue n'avoir aucune idée de la manière dont ce
 sera affiché par d'autres logiciels de courrier, mais je me suis permis
 cette légère entorse à la netiquette

Pas bien grave. Mais je rejoins complètement ce que dis Maxime, et je
n'utiliserais pas ça en temps normal.

 sachant que nous sommes entre muttistes et, je l'avoue, pour attiser
 la curiosité de Ploum (ma propension au cabotinage me perdra, c'est

Et je plonge tête baissée !  :)

  Mais je suis très curieux et j'aimerais bien savoir comment Laurent
  rentre ses codes.  ;)

 Je les ai bêtement tapés à la main.
 Si tu espérais obtenir la macro vim kivabien, je suis désolé de t'avoir
 donné de faux espoirs... ;-)

Déçu, je suis.

 Laurent, confus d'avoir susité une telle curiosité...


(désolé Maxime ;))

PS: pour la question de Ploum à propos des couleurs de vim et Mutt...
Sous X, tu peux aussi t'en sortir avec les ~/.Xresources ou
~/.Xdefaults. Un truc de ce genre :

mutt*VT100*color0: lightyellow3


Re: 2 petites questions

2003-01-09 Thread Cedric Duval
Laurent Defours a écrit :
 Et pour pénitence, je suis même prêt à me coller à la macro vim si le
 tribunal le souhaite ! ^_^`

Hop, au boulot !  :-

  Pareil. Enfin, pas trop, parce que en fait suffit de 'lesser' sa mbox
  pour trouver, mais si on pouvait avoir plus d'explication sur comment
  choisir la couleur par exemple...

 Tiens, pour prouver ma bonne volonté, je livre les codes :
 (et j'avoue avoir testé avec le rouge et ça marche)

Plus simplement c'est indiqué ici :

 Et j'ajoute, très sérieusement, qu'effectivement ce n'est pas une chose
 à faire.

 Mais alors pourquoi mutt nous expose-t-il à cette tentation ??

Pour mettre ses faibles utilisateurs à l'épreuve. L'apprentissage de
Mutt est un parcours initiatique...  ;)

Dans le cas des couleurs, Mutt nous protège des intentions malicieuses
par la variable $allow_ansi (qui est à off par défaut, et donc ne les
affiche pas).

[-- Les données suivantes sont signées --]

 set allow_ansi
 color attachment green default

Sinon il serait possible de se faire abuser par de fausse signatures,
comme ceci (bien qu'il existe plusieurs autres moyens de vérifier
l'authenticité d'une signature), si l'attaquant connaît les couleurs
utilisées pour les attachements.

[-- Fin des données signées --]


Re: aidez moi a set honor_followup_to

2003-01-09 Thread Cedric Duval

[question restée en suspend...]

Joe S a écrit :
 j'ai le probleme que comment faire set honor_followup_to

Je ne suis pas sûr de comprendre... Tu veux savoir comment positionner
une variable de Mutt, c'est bien ça ? Tout simplement...

  set honor_followup_to
  set honor_followup_to=yes
  set honor_followup_to=ask-yes
  set honor_followup_to=ask-no

  unset honor_followup_to
  set honor_followup_to=no

  # inverser la valeur
  toggle honor_followup_to

  # interroger la valeur
  set ?honor_followup_to

 le manuel dit que 'the variable controls whether or not a
 Mail-Followup-To is honored when group replying to a message'.
 Comment faire le set?  (ne sais pas 'set' en francais).

set = « positionner »

Si tu veux de la documentation en français, tu peux aller voir ici : (pas complet cependant, mais toutes les
variables y sont).


Re: 2 petites questions

2003-01-09 Thread Cedric Duval
Ploum a écrit :
  Tiens, comment fais tu pour entrer les codes ? Tu t'embêtes à taper des
  C-V C-H à la main, ou tu as une macro dans vim pour faire automatiqement
  des soulignés, gras, changement de couleur, etc. ?

 euh.. a quoi ça te sert de faire ça ?  Le mail est quand même envoyé en
 texte plein non ?

Yep, mais le pager de Mutt (et d'autres comme less) est capable
d'interpréter les séquences nroff et ANSI (text/enriched), pour les
transformer en soulignements ou couleurs.

En pratique je ne l'utiliserai pas ne sachant pas si mes correspondants
sont capables de décoder ces séquences, et puis les conventions
_souligné_ et *gras* suffisent bien surtout qu'il est possible de les
afficher différemment dans le pager de Mutt.

Mais je suis très curieux et j'aimerais bien savoir comment Laurent
rentre ses codes.  ;)

 A propos, y'a t'il moyen de faire correspondre les couleurs de mutt avec
 celles de vim quand j'écris un mail ?


Soit du côté de Mutt.
 color   quoted  bluedefault # citations
 color   quoted1 magenta default # citations niveau 1
 color   quoted2 black   default # citations niveau 2

ou du côté de vim...

Re: affichage des images

2003-01-06 Thread Cedric Duval
Ploum a écrit :
 Désolé de me répondre à moi-même, mais tant qu'on est dans les
 attachments et les mailcap, j'aimerais savoir s'il était possible que
 mutt fasse un autoview des fichiers words avec antiword (ce qu'il fait
 déjà chez moi) mais que, quand on ouvre le fichier avec v puis enter,
 il ouvre plutot dans abiword ou oofice.  Croyez vous que c'est possible?

Oui. Pour le comportement avec autoview, c'est le rôle du drapeau
« copiousoutput » dans le fichier mailcap.

Cf le manuel, chapitre sur les types mime, en particulier
Search Order...


Re: Choisir l'adresse d'envoi

2003-01-04 Thread Cedric Duval
Ploum a écrit :
  Avec $alternates, tu indiques à Mutt quelles sont tes adresses. Par
  défaut, tu écris avec l'adresse donnée par la variable $from. Mais si
  quelqu'un écrit à une autre de tes adresses, alors grâce à $reverse_name
  tu répondras avec cette adresse en From plutôt qu'avec celle par défaut.
  Pratique si certains de tes correspondants sont sensés utiliser une
  adresse en particulier.

 Je comprends pas, chez moi ça ne marche pas :-( (le reverse_name).  Il
 semblerait que les folder-hook prennent le dessus,

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans tes folder-hooks ? Attention, si tu as quelque
part un 'my_hdr From:', c'est prioritaire sur $from et $alternates.

 même si ils sont avant dans muttrc !

L'ordre des folder-hooks par rapport à d'autres commandes importe peu.
Ce qui est important, c'est l'ordre relatif des folder-hook entre eux...
As-tu pensé à définir un folder-hook par défaut ?

 Et je dois parfois lire un mail 5 fois avant qu'il ne soit plus NEW ! ! 



Re: affichage des images

2003-01-04 Thread Cedric Duval
Ploum a écrit :
 J'ai aussi entendu parler d'afficher les images en ascii dans le corps
 du message, mais je ne retrouve plus la page web où j'ai vu ça.

J'avais bricolé un truc de ce genre avec pas mal de tuyaux...

 dans ~/.mailcap :
   image/gif; giftopnm %s | pnmscale -xysize 80 100 | ppmquant 2 | ppmdist
   | pgmtopbm | pbmtoascii ; copiousoutput

 dans ~/.muttrc :
   auto_view image/gif

C'est rigolo, mais bon... J'utilise ImageMagick, c'est quand même mieux
pour les photos.  ;)

Du gif, quelle horreur !

patchs [was: Re: Repertoire poubelle ?]

2003-01-04 Thread Cedric Duval
Ploum a écrit :
 On Tue, Dec 31, 2002 at 01:23:56PM +0100, Bernard Massot wrote :
   Est-ce que ça vaut la peine de passer à une version supérieure ?
  Utiliser la dernière version stable d'un logiciel est toujours
  conseillé, d'autant que des tas de personnes (dont moi) utilisent
  mutt 1.4 avec succès.

J'ai mis à jour la plupart de mes patchs pour Mutt 1.5.3.

J'en profite pour poser une question : y a t-il des utilisateurs pour le
patch my_list ( ?
Si oui, pour quel usage ? (avec des motifs, des folder-hooks, etc.)

Certaines parties de ce patch sont moyennement amusantes à maintenir et
je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps, donc si personne ne l'utilise...

  En ce qui me concerne je n'ai pas patché le package source debian mais
  le source officiel donc je ne peux pas dire si ça marche bien en
  utilisant le source debian.

 J'ai trouvé comment ne pas me fatigué ;-) 

Compiler Mutt n'est pas vraiment une sinécure. Enfin beaucoup moins que
d'essayer de rajouter des patchs au paquet Debian, comme l'a fait
remarquer Benoît.

 Y'a t'il moyen de vider régulièrement trash et sent ?  Où, le rêve,
 effacer les messages vieux de plus de x temps ? (je sais que c'est
 faisable sous gnus)

Une méthode possible...

  folder-hook =trash 'push delete-pattern~d2w\n'

(non testé)


Re: comment lancer fetchmail depuis mutt

2002-11-09 Thread Cedric Duval

Pac [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 comment faire pour avoir une commane qui lance 

 fetchmail -f .fetchmail.rc depuis mutt ?

Une macro ?

macro index \ef !fetchmail -f .fetchmail.rc\n fetchmail

index, pager, browser...


Re: Tag de Thread sur expression

2002-11-08 Thread Cedric Duval
J'ai écrit :
 Mais comme point de départ, il me semble que Nicolas Rachinski a un patch
 qui pourrait t'être utile.

Rachinsky, avec un 'y'. Pour google ça risque de mieux marcher.
Sinon cf page de liens sur


Re: Weird bug/feature ?

2002-09-19 Thread Cedric Duval

Bruno Lustosa wrote:
 - Someone sends me message 1
 - I receive message 2
 - I want to reply to 1, forwarding 2

 What did I do?
 Saved message 2 somewhere (using maildir format), and replied normally
 to message 1. As soon as I finished editting, I pressed a to attach
 the message I saved to my mail.

'a' attaches a file, not a message (of course, the message can be in one
file like with the mbox format - but not with maildir).

There is a more appropriate function for what you want to do:
attach-message ('A').


Re: encodage

2002-09-18 Thread Cedric Duval

Hermitte Luc a déclaré :
 Avec ma dernière install de mutt sous cygwin, j'ai un truc qui me tape
 un peu sur le sytème. Avant d'envoyer un message, il me demande
 systématiquement si je veux mettre à jour l'encodage : would you like
 to update encoding ou un truc comme cela.

 Il y a un truc qui a dû m'échapper quelque part. Quelqu'un aurait une
 piste ?

Hum... Ça ressemble vaguement à un problème de dates.

N'y aurait-il pas un partage réseau du genre NFS, et des horloges mal
synchronisées entre le serveur et la machine locale ?

$tmpdir est-il local ?

Sinon, utilises-tu vim avec GUI ? Si oui, essayes de le lancer avec
l'option -f.

C'est tout ce qui me vient à l'esprit en ce moment...

Re: collapse + pager_index_lines

2002-09-12 Thread Cedric Duval


Sébastien MICHEL a écrit :
   Voici ma question:
   j'utilise set pager_index_lines=10 je vois donc un peu mes thread etc. je
 voudrais pouvoir les collapses (avec esc+v) sans quitter le preview de msg.

 quelqu'un vois ? :)

Une solution avec macros :

  macro pager \ev exitcollapse-threadnext-undeleteddisplay-message
  macro pager \eV exitcollapse-allnext-undeleteddisplay-message

Sinon il y a un patch tout frais d'aujourd'hui :

Je résume brièvement en français :
 * remplacement de collapse-thread et collapse-all qui sont
   actuellement des /bascules/ par quatres fonctions a sens unique :
   collapse-thread, collapse-all, uncollapse-thread et
 * fonctions de repliement ci-dessus accesssibles à la fois de l'index
   et du pager.


Re: Mise en place de balise dans le sujet

2002-09-12 Thread Cedric Duval

Olivier Tharan a écrit :
 * Cedric Duval [EMAIL PROTECTED] (20020912 16:22):
   Je ne pense pas que Sender doit-être utilisé pour ça, car il es modifié
   dans certains cas (par exemple, des email que je forward automatiquement
   d'une adresse email à une autre change le Sended:)

  b   bounce-message renvoyer un message à un autre utilisateur

 Je pense qu'il parle d'un .forward installé sur un compte Unix, ou de
 manière générale d'un alias au niveau du serveur de mail.

Exact, j'ai manqué le « automatiquement ».

Cela dit, le champ d'en-têtes Sender: n'est pas la seule constante. Le
List-Unsubscribe: peut aussi servir pour reconnaître la liste :

 List-Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?body=unsubscribe

Et il n'y a pas de raisons que celui-ci soit modifié lors d'un forward.


Re: Salut les djeuns

2002-09-11 Thread Cedric Duval

Luc Hermitte a écrit :
 Utiliser 'L' est pour moi une approche qui n'est pas celle par défaut :
 par défaut, je répond à une liste ou à quelqu'un qui m'a envoyé un mail.
 De temps à autres, je réponds en privé à une personne d'une liste. Du
 coup, j'aurais préféré que : 'r' servent à fonctionner comme je l'aime
 et 'L' (ou autre chose, je ne suis pas sectaire) serve à
 exceptionnellement répondre en privé à l'auteur d'un message sur une
 liste. Mais je vais utiliser des hooks pour interchanger le
 fonctionnement de ces touches pour les mailings listes.

Il y a bien group-reply ('g') qui correspond _presque_ à ce que tu
* S'il n'y a qu'une personne, ça aura l'effet d'un reply.
* S'il y a une liste
  * et la personne à qui tu réponds a un logiciel qui gère le
Mail-Followup-To, ça aura l'effet d'un list-reply.
  * sinon, réponse à la liste + copie à la personne.

C'est le dernier cas qui est embêtant. Sur une liste d'utilisateurs de
Mutt, pas de problème. Il me _semble_ que Gnus aussi peut gérer le
Mail-Followup-To:. Mais malheureusement trop peu de MUA l'implémentent...

Voir aussi les variables $metoo (et $alternates par conséquent) et
$followup-to et $honnor_followup_to qui peuvent être utiles.


Re: search-next annoyance

2002-07-22 Thread Cedric Duval

Roman Neuhauser wrote:
 macro pager n search-next\n

  ISTR there was a reason why i didn't just do this in the first
  place, but i can't remember what it was right now. will try.

 hm, yes, here's the reason:

 the macro as suggested scrolls down one line with my current

Your binding for \n interferes with the macro? What if you replace \n
with enter?

macro pager n search-nextenter

Seems to work correctly (for me, at least).


Re: search-next annoyance

2002-07-18 Thread Cedric Duval

Roman Neuhauser wrote:

 at this moment, instead of just jumping to the next match, mutt prompts
 me for the pattern.

But you are presented the previous value at the prompt, don't you?

 it's obviously trying to be helpful, but in fact does just the
 opposite. i just want it to do what i told it, which is search for the
 next match, not create a new search.

  macro pager n search-next\n



Re: enhanced list support idea

2002-07-15 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Derrick,

 Problem :
 Sometimes a message received via a mailing list, but doesn't
 mention the list in any of the recipient headers.  (eg a member
 bounced an off-list reply back to the list)  Mutt's list-reply
 function doesn't recognize any lists in that case.

 Solution (my idea) :
 For MLMs that include a List-Post: header, I think it would be
 useful if mutt would (or could) use that to derive the address of
 the list.

I'd just say that this List-Post: header is highly MLM dependent. If
you're planning to implement this, you should certainly provide the user
a mean to specify the different headers fields which can be used.
For instance,
  set list_regexp=(X-Mailing-List|X-BeenThere|List-Id|List-Post|X-List)

My 0.2 eurocents,

Re: editing '?' help file

2002-07-10 Thread Cedric Duval

savanna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No file hey... I presume I could remap the '?'  key - how would I get
 a dump of that output into a file? (ex M$ geek question...)

You could for instance 'set pager=vi', then edit the help section to
your tastes and save it to a file, let's say in ~/.mutt_index_help

Then, create a macro:
macro index ? shell-escapeless ~/.mutt_index_help\n

You might want to do this for several menus: generic, index, pager,
compose, etc.


Re: Default attachments-directory

2002-07-03 Thread Cedric Duval

Thomas Kalve Pedersen wrote:
 When i receive an attachment in my mailbox, and saves it, it is saved to
 ~~/filename. The thing that bothers my sorry little brain, is if it's
 possible to change the default directory mutt saves attachments to.

Try something like this:

  macro attach s save-entrybol/path/eol


Re: forcing mutt to think in mono

2002-06-29 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi David,

 No dice; I did (and found that BSD regexps are different from GNU
 regexps, so I had to rewrite some of it -- and I've added this color
 junk, too!).

If you want a consistent behavior beetween Linux and FreeBSD, you could
always try to compile Mutt with the integrated regexps (--with-regex).
I don't know what are the cons, though.


Re: folder-hook push not responding as expected.

2002-06-29 Thread Cedric Duval

Vikram Goyal wrote:
 But naturally there are more than one way to do something and better in

Yeah!  :)

 I still have to figure out how to move deleted messages form the
 folder dir to Trash on folder-exit. If possible give an ex.

Despite its name, $maildir_trash is not the more appropriate solution to
emulate a trash folder. I'd suggest one of these solutions:

* with folder-hooks and macros:

 folder-hook . macro index d save-message=Trashenter
 folder-hook . macro pager d save-message=Trashenter
 folder-hook Trash macro index d delete-message
 folder-hook Trash macro pager d delete-message

  This is the more straightforward approach generally used. Well, in
  fact the mails are move to the trash when you press 'd', and not at
  sync time. But this is easier to setup than all the tricks with

* or if you don't mind patching (and it seems to be the case), you could
  try so that your messages are
  really moved when syncing.

Hope this helps,

Re: folder-hook push not responding as expected.

2002-06-27 Thread Cedric Duval

Vikram Goyal wrote:
 How can I prevent the action of saving messages if their are no tagged
 messages according to the pattern.

Nicolas has a patch for this.


Re: Embebbing external interpreter in mutt

2002-06-26 Thread Cedric Duval

Pedro Alves wrote:
 Hello. Is it possible to configure mutt to automatically lunch the external
 viewer defined in mailcap inside the mutt window? For instance, lunch w3m
 or lynx when the type is text/html without having to see 
 [-- text/html is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part) --])] ?


In your muttrc:
   auto_view text/html
   # for multipart alternatives, text/plain is prefered
   alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html

And in your mailcap:
   text/html; lynx -dump -force-html %s ; copiousoutput

Note the copiousoutput option.

Re: folder-hook push not responding as expected.

2002-06-26 Thread Cedric Duval

Vikram Goyal wrote:
 I have defined a folder-hook as:
 folder-hook !Trash push enter-commandunset maildir_trashenter

 But the error coming is 'push too many arguments'

 How can I resolve this. Please point me where I am wrong.

Try this:

  folder-hook !Trash 'push enter-commandunset maildir_trashenter'

PS: when coming with a new question, please start a new thread

Re: Bug handling long lines ?

2002-06-25 Thread Cedric Duval

Pedro Alves wrote:
 It really, truly absolutly looks like a mutt problem.

 I'm sending a tgz'd mailbox with only one line.

Is this supposed to be a valid charset?

 Content-Type: text/html; charset=3DISO-8859-1


Re: trash patch

2002-06-09 Thread Cedric Duval

Kevin Coyner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I thought I'd give the trash patch a try, but being inexperienced with
 command line patches, I've run into the following error, although I
 thought I had the right syntax 

 [kosuke@sumida mutt-1.4]$ patch -p1  patch-1.4.trash.txt

The command is right...

 can't find file to patch at input line 4
 Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
 The text leading up to this was:
 |diff -pruN mutt-1.4.orig/commands.c mutt-1.4/commands.c
 |--- mutt-1.4.orig/commands.cWed Apr  3 12:54:19 2002
 |+++ mutt-1.4/commands.cSat Jun  1 23:42:05 2002

...but the patch header seems corrupted. This should look like:

   diff -pruN mutt-1.4.orig/commands.c mutt-1.4/commands.c
   --- mutt-1.4.orig/commands.cWed Apr  3 12:54:19 2002
   +++ mutt-1.4/commands.c Sat Jun  1 23:42:05 2002

In your version, tabs are missing beetween the filenames and the dates.

Where did you get it? Or, more important, how did you fetch it? Sure
enough, a check of the PGP signature should fail.

 I've got the patch (patch-1.4.trash.txt) in the same directory as the
 rest of the source files of mutt.


 Any tips would be appreciated.

 % wget
 % wget
 % gpg --verify  cd mutt-1.4  \
   patch -p1  ../


Re: trash patch

2002-06-09 Thread Cedric Duval

I mumbled:
  Any tips would be appreciated.

  % wget
  % wget
  % gpg --verify  cd mutt-1.4  \
patch -p1  ../

Of course, here you've read trash_folder, not edit_threads...  ;)


Re: trash patch

2002-06-09 Thread Cedric Duval

Kevin Coyner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In your version, tabs are missing beetween the filenames and the dates.
  Where did you get it? Or, more important, how did you fetch it? Sure
  enough, a check of the PGP signature should fail.

 I got it from  Went to
 the trashfolder section, hit the download link, and then copied/pasted
 it into a txt file.  Perhaps somewhere in that process it got corrupted.

Hmm, yes. Copying and pasting is the best way to alter data (turning
tabs into spaces, etc). It can be appropriate for written english, but
patches have a strict format, and don't stand approximations.

 O.k., this time got the patch via wget as per your suggestion.  Applying
 the patch this time around got the job done.  

Yes, always prefer downloading to pasting. And if unsure, check the pgp
sigs, that's what (amongst other reasons) they are here for.


Re: about 'mutt-users' mailing list

2002-06-08 Thread Cedric Duval

Jussi Ekholm wrote:
 Steve Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The mail starts bouncing, it gets unsubbed ...

 I forgot to mention this: is just a redirect to my real
 email address - a friend of mine put up this redirecting just because I
 think, that is much cooler than the real address... ;-)

 So, this could be the reason, huh?

The problem comes from your other address:

| - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
|  ekhowl@***.fi
| - Transcript of session follows -
|  procmail: Unknown user ekhowl
|  550 ekhowl@***.fi... User unknown

More information off-list if you need some.


Re: scoring

2002-06-04 Thread Cedric Duval

 X-Mailer: Mutt-1.3.27i (Debian Linux 2.4.16, i686)
 User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Aha, still suffering from schizophrenia!  ;)

 Hey people. 

Hi Michael,

 Is there a way to use scoring as a primary sort method but still have
 threading take effect? I tried putting threads as an aux sort, but it just
 sort of groups them together, it doesn't thread them. 

I think what you need is the new threading patch from Daniel Eisenbud.
It is for the unstable branch. Have a look at the mutt-dev archives,
last month.


Re: Having different signatures depending on the recipient?

2002-06-03 Thread Cedric Duval

Michael Herman wrote:
  Can someone point me into the right direction how I can
  accomplish this task?

 send-hook.  Check out and RTFM on this topic.

And patterns (hint: ~l and ~A).


Re: mutt / resending ?

2002-06-02 Thread Cedric Duval

Nico Schottelius wrote:
 How can I resend messages from outgoing (Maildir) ?
 I had a big problem with the mailserver, it deleted all outgoing mails.,
 Now I need to resend about 40 mails, howto do that mostly easy ?

Just tag all these mails, hit tag-prefix (';') and use the bounce
function ('b').


Re: save-hook command problems in .muttrc - pattern required

2002-05-14 Thread Cedric Duval

* Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED] [05/14/02 06:02]:
 * munk [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-05-13 23:14]:
  I'm having trouble getting the 'save-hook' command
  to work properly in my .muttrc file.
  The current settings I have look as follows:
save-hook mutt +mutt-users-list
save-hook bugtraq +bugtraq-list
  but whenever I press 's' to save a mail that
  includes 'mutt' or 'bugtraq' in the 'From' header
  field, the default 'save' folder selected is never
  'mutt-users-list' or 'bugtraq-list' respectively.
  I can't work this out at all - does anyone
  else use the save-hook function with joy?

 make the first parameter a pattern:

Yes. Otherwise, without explicitly specifying a pattern, it is be
expanded according to the value of $default_hook.
(~f %s !~P | (~P ~C %s) by default).


Re: Threading Lyris (removing [list] prefix from Subject)

2002-05-14 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Christopher,

 How might one go about fixing this on my end?  I have a feeling that
 a procmail recipe that uses a sed filter for the Subject: line might
 do the trick.  Can anyone suggest a recipe, or perhaps a simpler
 mutt-centric solution?

you might try something like this:

# Stripping [listname]
:0 fhw
* ^Subject:.*\[listname\]\/.*
| formail -I Subject:$MATCH


Re: mutt maillist distribution via alias@domain

2002-04-19 Thread Cedric Duval

* Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED] [04/19/02 12:19]:
 I have appended my procmail rules
 which sort them into IN.MUTT mostly - enjoy!

You do not need a rule for each alias (,, etc.).
Filtering on the Sender field, you catch them all. Basically, for
Mutt lists I have:

* ^Sender: owner-mutt-\/[^@]+
# dev, users, announce, po

# CVS Changelog
* $MUTTLIST ?? dev
* ^Subject: \[.*\] CVS commit messages

# bug reports
* $MUTTLIST ?? dev
* ^Subject:.*(bug#|Processed:)

# everything else goes in the appropriate spool

You could even skip the cvs log and bug report parts.


Re: Sending mail to a recipient

2002-04-04 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Dean,

 [...] then
 pressing r which adds in the in-reply-to line in the header.  I then
 manually Edit the email headers and remove the reference to the reply.

 There must be an easier way - anyone? :)

If $edit_headers is set, you just have to remove the In-Reply-To line
when editing your mail. (and of course change the subject)


Re: Tag or delete by date or age

2002-03-28 Thread Cedric Duval

   That's odd, I get the same thing as Shawn:

Yep, weird. Like David, I have no problem with his sig.

   Can you tell us your...

   ... $pgp_getkeys_command?


Whenever gpg encounters a new key, it fetches it automatically.

   ... make and model of crypto software?

~ % gpg --version
gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.6
Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.

Home: ~/.gnupg
Algorithmes supportés:
Hash: MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD160

   ... keyserver hostname?

~ % grep keyserver .gnupg/options
# for sercain operations. Is you set this option to a keyserver
# Use host -l | grep www to figure out a keyserver.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Defanged HTML headers [WAS: Re: [Announce] Mutt 1.3.28 (BETA) is out.]

2002-03-20 Thread Cedric Duval

Thomas Hurst said:

  Really, is there some content that could be seen as malicious in
  this page?

 Yes.  The 0 means the refresh is instantanious, which breaks the back
 button on most browsers.

 This is why HTTP supports redirection; meta refresh is a lame-ass hack,
 and should be avoided, especially in these circumstances.

Yes, indeed. But on this page, there are only _two_ META tags:
  meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
  meta name=author content=Cedric Duval

The first is required for valid html, and the second... well, while
certainly useless, I don't think it will do much harm.

If you see a meta refresh somewhere, it does not originate from my code,
but from _your_ proxy.


Re: Defanged HTML headers [WAS: Re: [Announce] Mutt 1.3.28 (BETA) is out.]

2002-03-19 Thread Cedric Duval

John Buttery said:
 * Carl B. Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-03-18 08:43:58 -0800]:
 all I get at this page is the following:
 that is displayed in NS 6.2.1 (solaris).
   You have a proxy server that is defanging tags for you (to protect
 from malicious META headers, Javascript, yadda yadda).

Really, is there some content that could be seen as malicious in this

It passes all W3C validator checks, and there is no javascript, so there
should be no problem (here, at least, it works well with Mozilla 0.9.8,
NS 4.7, Dillo and lynx)

  John Buttery
  (Web page temporarily unavailable)

That's what I thought at first: a temporary overloaded server.  ;)
But you're right, it must be a proxy problem on Carl's side. (and it is
merely OT here)


Re: Installing Mutt - Can't fix mutt_dotlock's permissions

2002-03-17 Thread Cedric Duval

Vincent Lefevre wrote:
 When installing Mutt in my home directory, I get the following error:
 This is normal, but anyway, mutt_dotlock is already installed in
 /usr/bin. In fact, I just want to install the mutt binary. The
 problem is that Mutt has installed a mutt_dotlock with incorrect
 permissions in my home directory.

They are incorrect only if your mails are delivered into /var/spool/mail/.
mutt_dotlock will work perfectly if, for instance, procmail puts them
directly somewhere where you have sufficient rights (~/Mail/).


Re: [Announce] Mutt 1.3.28 (BETA) is out.

2002-03-17 Thread Cedric Duval

David T-G wrote:

 My list of patch maintainers for my cocktail is currently
   Cedric Duval
 so all of you folks should get to work to make sure that your patches
 work under 1.3.28 :-)

The previous versions should apply cleanly, but anyway I've updated
them all for 1.3.28:


Re: eudora-style detachment (was Re: Deleted attachment)

2002-02-25 Thread Cedric Duval

Thomas Baker wrote:
 Ah, I believe this assumes I am using Mutt under Linux/Unix, as I am
 not aware of any Windows binaries for Procmail.

I haven't tried myself, but you might give a look at Ulf Erikson's
website ( especially the tools


Re: Deleted attachment

2002-02-22 Thread Cedric Duval

Adam Byrtek wrote:
 Help! I was composing a new msg today and I wanted to inlude one of my
 mailboxes as an attachment. I attached the file, and them resigned,
 pressing q and no to postpone question, and I've found that my whole
 attached mailbox was deleted! Help, it has a great meaning to me!


 ps. I might have pressed some other keys after 'a' and before 'q'...

By any chance, did you hit 'R' (rename-file) in the meantime?

It once happened to me. I wanted to change the name (but in fact, the
description) of the attached file, and mistakenly used rename-file
instead of edit-description ('d'). And of course, the file
What is a bit confusing, is that the resulting string is displayed at
the same place in the compose menu, for both operations.

You might find your mailbox elsewhere on your hard drive.


Re: regex isn't working in color index ~C ... context

2002-02-03 Thread Cedric Duval

Jeremy Blosser wrote:
 On Feb 03, parv [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
  #color index brightwhite default ~C $alternates
Am I missing something? I believe the main goal of the original poster
is to achieve something like this...

  color index  brightwhite default ~C 

...and this one is just a way to get round the difficulty, isn't it?

 quoting.  try:
 color index  brightwhite default ~C 

 (the pattern matching syntax allows for (|) itself, so ~C (... is ambiguous
 to mutt's parser)

I then would rather suggest to have a look at the ~p and ~P patterns.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Organization revisited...

2002-01-31 Thread Cedric Duval

set query_command=lbdbq %s# calling lbdbq
macro alias Q !lbdbq .lbdb query

 How do you use your Q macro?  I tried !lbdb . from the alias menu
 and couldn't figure out what to do with the result, short of copying and
 pasting a line.  It would seem more useful to do an address query
 directly instead of going to the alias menu first.

Er... Well... Now that you say this... I don't know! In fact I just
pasted one setup I made long ago, but now can't remember what its
rationale was. Indeed, it does not seem really useful. Ok, removed!

  in your muttrc and the following recipe on top of your procmailrc,
   | lbdb-fetchaddr
  Very convenient when you don't recall the exact name.

 I don't really want _everyone's_ address, so instead of a procmail
 recipe I've been using the following macros:

 macro index A :unset wait_key\n|lbdb-fetchaddr\n:set wait_key\n add address 
to lbdb database
 macro pager A :unset wait_key\n|lbdb-fetchaddr\n:set wait_key\n add address 
to lbdb database

Now, _that_'s an interesting one.

But in fact, even with thousands of addresses filled by the procmail
recipe, I still find the use of lbdb convenient: there's not that many
people sharing the same name, and I don't bother if there's a little
more than the people I was searching for in the results.

The problem with adding only one person at a time (like with the
aliases), is that when making a query I often find that... well, I
forgot to add this folk.
Eventually, to remediate this, you find yourself hitting 'A' a lot more
than needed because you're not sure if this person is in the db. Thus,
just in case...
I think, I'll keep my good old procmail recipe.  :)


Re: Organization revisited...

2002-01-30 Thread Cedric Duval

 My .mutt.aliases file is getting a little large now it's and not always
 easy to remember how I've named people.

Er, why not something very simple like this?
  alias nick_wilsonNick Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Avoid nicknames, and just use their real names. That's the easiest way
to remember how you named them!

 How can I better organize my contacts?

You might be interested in trying the Little Big Brother Database, and
the m_inmail module in particular:

  set query_command=lbdbq %s# calling lbdbq
  macro alias Q !lbdbq .lbdb query
in your muttrc and the following recipe on top of your procmailrc,
 | lbdb-fetchaddr

Very convenient when you don't recall the exact name.


Re: bug with (was: premanently changing parent in thread)

2002-01-15 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Maciej,

 Oh! I find that  seems to be part of the vanilla distribution of
 mutt (i.e., its in my help menu, and it works), at least in 1.3.25.
 Excellent. Or is that patch you mention somehow different?

I guess you're using Debian.

 Anyhow, there seems to be a glaring but minor bug with the built-in
 version: when I re-parent some threads, exit mutt, and go back to same
 folder (i.e., the changes are written out to the mailbox and reread from
 scratch), the re-parented messages are now flagged N.

Yes, you're right. The current Woody package had to be released in a
hurry because of the recent security fix, and for another reason I've
had to update the patch for Mutt 1.3.25. This within a _very_ short
delay. The best way to introduce bugs like this one!  :-/

This has been fixed in the Debian unstable package.


Re: bug with (was: premanently changing parent in thread)

2002-01-15 Thread Cedric Duval

Jeremy Blosser wrote:

  the behavior you describe is from

 ...and the current version of that same patch is 9.1.

 I have no idea if that version fixes your bug; Cedric will probably reply
 to this thread when he sees it.

Yes, this was fixed in 9.1.
A two lines fix, for two lines inadvertently wiped away in the previous

I'm afraid I do not excel in working under the I need your patch in the
next 20 minutes pressure. Sorry for the flea!


Re: Quoting when replying

2001-12-17 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Thorsten, David, and all

% As others have said, you cannot set your comments apart by using a
% different quote sign.
% As others have noticed, uniqueness is a Bad Thing in today's email
% environment.

Well, the one and only argument of David is the uniqueness? Then let's
defeat it.

I suggest that everyone adds these two lines in his muttrc:

  send-hook .  'set indent_string= '
  send-hook '~x @sector13' 'set indent_string=% '

This way, for every discussion David is involved in, the uniqueness of
%  will disappear. Perhaps he will then change his mind...

PS: just kidding  ;)
PPS: oh my, I cannot believe I've used this awful indent_string!  :/

Re: tag-(thread|pattern) in pager

2001-12-10 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Roman,

 I'd like to be able to use tag-thread, tag-subthred, tag-pattern in
 the pager view. Looks like they're not defined in the pager map
 (1.3.23i) are there any plans to include them in pager map, and if not,
 would I (as someone who is not very good in C) be able to hack this in
 myself? Where should I look?

Would something like this do the trick?

   macro pager \et exittag-threaddisplay-message


Re: [Announce] mutt-1.3.24i is out (BETA).

2001-12-09 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Volker,

* Volker Moell [EMAIL PROTECTED] [12/09/01 20:40]:
 David T-G wrote:
  I see the new PATCHES file and its use in the ChangeLog.  Yay :-)

 Apropos the PATCHES file:

 I just wanted to apply the patch-1.3.24.vvv.initials patch mentioned a
 few postings above (the only other patch I use in addition is
 patch-1.3.24.vvv.nntp).  In both cases -p1 is the only patch option I
 use.  For both patch orders (first initials, then nntp or vice versa) I
 get the message:

   The next patch would create the file PATCHES,
   which already exists!  Assume -R? [n] 

 I don't know much about patches, but I think this was not intended.  Or
 was it my fault in patching wrong?

Well, in the patch you have this:

  diff -udprP mutt-1.3.24.orig/PATCHES mutt-1.3.24/PATCHES
  --- mutt-1.3.24.orig/PATCHESMon Nov 26 21:16:52 2001
  +++ mutt-1.3.24/PATCHES Mon Dec  3 12:20:45 2001
  @@ 0,0 +1 @@

But it really should be:

  diff -udprP mutt-1.3.24.orig/PATCHES mutt-1.3.24/PATCHES
  --- mutt-1.3.24.orig/PATCHESMon Nov 26 21:16:52 2001
  +++ mutt-1.3.24/PATCHES Mon Dec  3 12:20:45 2001
  @@ -1,0 +1 @@

for the line to be inserted in PATCHES, and solve this problem when the
file already exist.

I made the same mistake at first!

As well as another one (now fixed): mixing diffs of p0 and p1 form in
the same patch. Weirdly enough, this made Thorsten's version of patch
(2.5.3) complain, while mine (2.5) was perfectly happy with this.


Re: newbie: gpg confusion, various shell commands

2001-12-06 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Eric,

* Eric S. Johansson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [12/06/01 10:24]:
 At 10:17 AM 12/6/2001 -0500, David T-G wrote:
 % system called camram ( 
 % its based on proof of work postage stamps and opportunistic digital
 This is interesting.  There was a proposal a while back for automatic
 encryption that used a few headers to automatically ask for or advertise
 a key and it made PGP a lot more manageable by making it automatic.
 I can't for the life of me remember what it was, but it was either in
 this list or another.  If you're interested I can dig it up to provide
 you the reference for your work.

 that would be wonderful!  Even if I reinvent the wheel, I still want to 
 know the intellectual ancestors of the ideas so I can make sure I'm on the 
 right track.  It would also be really swell if I could interest someone on 
 the mutt team would be to develop camram functionality for Mutt.

This might be what you're searching for:

(sorry for the long line)

Also see the reply from Jacques Distler. There might be some drawback.


Re:[.CYA] not working

2001-12-05 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Prahlad,

  You'll find the patch updated for the new threading implementation at

 Works like a charm ! Thanks !

I'm afraid that's not entirely true: there was a nasty bug in

This is fixed in edit_threads.8, that I've just uploaded at

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Description: PGP signature

Re:[.CYA] not working

2001-12-05 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Thorsten,

 I have just patched in all three of your changes in 1.3.24i. While
 patching, I got one error each (with different line numbers):
 - - - Schnipp - - -
 can't find file to patch at input line 715
 Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
 The text leading up to this was:
 |--- PATCHES~   Sun Dec  3 08:54:50 2000
 |+++ PATCHES Sun Dec  2 01:07:35 2001
 - - - Schnapp - - -

Weird. How did you apply the patches?

Did you, as the error message suggest, use the right -p option? From the
good directory?

Sample of what you should have done:

  $ wget
  $ tar xvzf mutt-1.3.24i.tar.gz
  $ cd mutt-1.3.24
  $ patch -p1  ../
  patching file `thread.c'
  patching file `OPS'
  patching file `copy.c'
  patching file `curs_main.c'
  patching file `doc/manual.sgml.head'
  patching file `functions.h'
  patching file `mutt.h'
  patching file `mx.c'
  patching file `pager.c'
  patching file `parse.c'
  patching file `protos.h'
  patching file `recvcmd.c'
  patching file `send.c'
  patching file `PATCHES'

 So is it the patching that went wrong?

I suspect you applied the patches at the wrong place, because other
peoples have had no problem. If not, maybe we should continue off-list
to see what's wrong.


Re: mail-followup-to standard....

2001-12-04 Thread Cedric Duval

  There are many RFC's in use as standards that never got beyond being
  draft standards officially I believe.

 well their point seems to be that since it doesn't appear in rfc 2822,
 it's likely that the proposal was rejected.

Even less official than the above draft, there is

which gives some arguments about why implementing MFT.

 i don't disagree with your point; however it's difficult to push other
 vendors to add this feature to their products if it's _not_ a standard.
 if outlook express were the one pushing it instead of mutt, perhaps
 there might be some chance of it being adopted without being standard.

 at this point, almost no 'popular' MUAs honor this header.

Any idea of which MUAs are implementing MFT, apart from Mutt?

It seems that some MTA (qmail at least) also set a MFT header if they
are given a list of mailing-lists.

 possibly so.  however as i've said, insisting that we (ie mutt users)
 are doing the Right Thing is a bit presumptious (even if it's true).

This might not be the Right Thing, but this is the best in absence of
any other solution to the Reply-To issues...


Re:[.CYA] not working

2001-12-03 Thread Cedric Duval

* Prahlad Vaidyanathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] [11/30/01 17:39]:
  Or wait a little... I will rewrite the patch so that it can work along
  with the new threading code.


 I'll take the latter option. Thanks !

You'll find the patch updated for the new threading implementation at


Re:[.CYA] not working

2001-11-29 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Prahlad,

 Any clues as to why this is happening ? This patch could be _very_
 useful ... if only I can get it to work :-(

this patch is closely tied to the threading code.

In the release, this part of the Mutt code has been almost
completely rewritten by Daniel Eisenbud in an effort to improve its

Thus the edit_threads patch won't apply anymore.

If you want to use it, you should use Mutt 1.3.23.
Or wait a little... I will rewrite the patch so that it can work along
with the new threading code.


Re: esc t ..why doesn't work when a message is displayed?

2001-09-16 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Piet,

* Piet Delport [EMAIL PROTECTED] [09/16/01 05:47]:
 A temporary workaround is something like this:

 macro pager \ec exittag-threaddisplay-message tag the current thread

 I use a similar macro to do a sync-mailbox from the pager.

You no longer need this with, you can now sync from the pager.


Re: MSHTML Email Question

2001-09-16 Thread Cedric Duval

* Tim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [09/16/01 09:15]:
 text/html; links -dump %s ; copiousoutput

Use auto_view in your .muttrc



2001-08-30 Thread Cedric Duval

* Jesper Holmberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08/30/01 12:04]:
 I accidently started rmail in Emacs. It took my whole spool file, and
 dumped into a file called RMAIL in my home dir. The format looks pretty
 close to mbox, but yet not exactly. There are no from lines, and instead
 it has something similar to this before each message:

 0, unseen,,
 *** EOOH ***

 Now, does anyone know how to transform this back to a regular mbox?

You can achieve this with formail (which comes with every procmail

   formail -B -s  RMAIL  mbox


[OT] deleting quoted signature with vim [was: auto_delete]

2001-08-27 Thread Cedric Duval

* Vineet Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08/27/01 11:50]:
 or how about this?
 set editor=vim '+/^ -- $/,/^-- $/-d'

 Looks to me like that should delete everything between the quoted
 signature and my signature on starting vim. I guess it would poop out,
 though, if there is no quoted sigdash line in the original message.

To avoid the error when there's no sigdash line, you could use the
attached function. (thanks to Luc Hermitte for this one)

Call it from your ~/.vimrc with the following line:

   autocmd BufRead /tmp/mutt*   :call Mail_Erase_Sig()


function! Mail_Erase_Sig()
   Search for the signature pattern : ^ -- $
  let i = line ('$')
  while i = 1
 This pattern takes into account signature delimiters from broken mailers
 that forget the space after the two dashes
if getline(i) =~ '^ *-- \=$'
let i = i - 1
   If found, then
  if i != 0
 First, search for the last non empty (non sig) line
while i = 1
let i = i - 1
   rem : i can't value 1
  if getline(i) !~ '^\(\s*\)*$'
 Second, delete these lines plus the signature
let i = i + 1
exe 'normal '.i.'GdG'

Re: [PATCH] Mutt prune and graft feature

2001-08-26 Thread Cedric Duval

[I'm not sure mutt-users is the right place to talk about patches. I
will then answer briefly some points that might be of interest here, but
I'll address further discussions to the people interested in this patch.
Of course, anyone is welcome to participate, just mail me! :-) ]

 Ok, Cedric.  Sorry it took me so long to get any feedback to you but
 here it is:


 I am using the latest mutt (1.3.21_2) port on FreeBSD 4.3 PreRelease.
 I took your patch file and broke it down into the attached patches to
 be dropped as is into the ports files directory along with the other
 patches.  No other mods needed.

I don't know much about FreeBSD. Is this required for the ports to break
a patch into many little diffs?

 Anyway, I realize your patch was intended for 1.3.20, but I hadn't any
 opportunity to play with it until I convinced myself to upgrade mutt.
 But that's neither here nor there.

You'll find the updated patch for 1.3.21 here:

 Now for the details.  It works great.  Exactly as I expected.  Except
 for one thing.  It seems either function doesn't apply itself unless I
 also happen to be deleting another message in the same folder.  If I do,
 everything comes up threaded as expected.  Here is what I've done:
 I realize this may be because I applied a 1.3.20 patch to 1.3.21, and
 a clean patch and build can't guarantee clean behavior, but I thought
 this might at least help you get it ready for 1.3.21 more easily.

Might be... Are you sure the whole patch applied cleanly. Nothing
failed? Are the threads really not broken when you apply break-thread?
This might be a consequence of the $strict_threads option unset. If so,
Mutt might guess the threading if the subject has not changed...

Please try again with the 1.3.21 version of this patch.

 Thanks for the effort!  I have followed all the 'main branch
 submission' controversy that has been flowing around, and personally,
 I'd like to see it set up as an available patch (especially for
 FreeBSD make options like I used above - hint hint to David O'Brien,
 who maintains the port :).



Re: Unwanted, huge messages

2001-08-24 Thread Cedric Duval

* Vittorio [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08/24/01 18:03]:
 When using fetchmail how can I delete messages greater than a certain
 size (say 100,000 octets) directly on the POP3 server avoiding that

Deleting them, I don't think so. But not fetching them, yes. This can be
achieved with the -l option (--limit).

Once you have fetched every wanted mail, you can use telnet (port:
usually 110) to delete the others.

commands: user username
  pass password
  list - to display which messages remain
  top IdMail NbLines   - display NbLines from IdMail
  dele IdMail- to delete one mail

Hope this helps,

Re: spontaneous sync-mailbox

2001-08-13 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Eric,

* Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08/13/01 12:03]:
 Is this possible to implement without pathcing the source?

 I mean, Instead of having to explicitly calling it with '$'

You just have to define some macros. For instance :

macro index d delete-messagesync-mailbox delete and sync
macro pager d delete-messagesync-mailbox delete and sync

 Whatever I do in mutt I would like my mailbox flags to be updated in
 real time.

But doing this you'll lose the ability to change your mind and undo
changes. Furthermore, for huge mailboxes (especially if you manipulate
old mails in mbox format), syncing can take a lot of time.

Anyway, HTH.


Re: spontaneous sync-mailbox

2001-08-13 Thread Cedric Duval

* Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08/13/01 16:25]:
 | You just have to define some macros. For instance :
 | macro index d delete-messagesync-mailbox delete and sync
 | macro pager d delete-messagesync-mailbox delete and sync

 Of course !

 But slight problem, the sync-mailbox command does not work on my Mutt
 1.2.5i in the pager - only in the index.  Can check this by going
 exec sync-mailbox
 sync-mailbox: no such command

Ok. I hadn't tested these macros. I forgot sync-mailbox is only for
the pager.

 And of course this don't win any prizes cause you dont get to read the mail!
 macro index return display-messageexitsync-mailbox read the [...]
^   ^^^
  ??? this seems equivalent to... doing nothing !

For the index:
macro index d delete-messagesync-mailbox
For the pager:
macro pager d exitdelete-messagesync-mailboxdisplay-message

Er... delete-message was indeed the worst example I could have chosen,
because Mutt won't display the mail it has just deleted!  :-/

But you get the idea.


Re: avoid prompt of postponed message

2001-08-05 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Eric,

* Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08/05/01 18:39]:
 Is there a way to avoid the prompt that asks if I wish to send a
 postponed mail when pressing `m' in the index or pager?

The variable you're looking for is 'recall'.


Re: [OT] viewing collapsed threads

2001-08-01 Thread Cedric Duval

Sorry, I don't answer your question, but...

 X-Mailer: Mutt-1.3.17i (Debian/GNU Linux 2.4.4-686)  
 User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.20i

Is your Mutt suffering a slowly, insidious mutation?  ;)

I think you should use
 set user_agent=no
if you really want to add such a header line (and thus avoid this kind
of schizophrenia!)


Re: Xpunge Key?

2001-07-31 Thread Cedric Duval

Hi Dave,

* Dave Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] [30.07.2001 17:07]:
  In a default configuration the '$' will perform exactly as you are looking

 Thanks! ... and to turn of confirmation?

Have a look at the 'delete' variable.


Re: highlighting quotes in pager

2001-07-31 Thread Cedric Duval

* Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [07/31/01 17:26]:
 What is the muttrc entry I need to make quotes

color quoted0   red default
color quoted1   green   default
color quoted2   bluedefault

BTW, avoid bottom quoting, and preferably quote like this:

as we naturally read first the question, and then the answer.


Re: (index/pager)_format size display

2001-07-27 Thread Cedric Duval

* dan radom [EMAIL PROTECTED] [07/27/01 12:15]:
 Is it possible to display the message size in a more human readable
 format than bytes?  I'd like to see something like 20K or 3.3M if

I know that in the man page, for %c in index_format, it is said
number of characters (bytes) in the message, but...
have you tried it nevertheless? (or maybe %4c). It *normally*
displays the number of bytes in a human readable format.


Re: my_hdr and fcc-hook

2001-07-26 Thread Cedric Duval

* Thomas Huemmler [EMAIL PROTECTED] [07/27/01 00:23]:
 I´ve got a problem with my_hdr From: and fcc-hook. If my_hdr From:
 is set, Mutt doesn´t produce a Fcc-Line. Is this a bug?

Looks like no fcc-hook is matching your mail.
What are your fcc-hooks like? If they just use a simple regexp (i.e.
without '~'), then they are evaluated according to the 'default-hook'

The default for default-hook is
  ~f %s !~P | (~P ~C %s)

As it uses ~P, perhaps you haven't correctly set your 'alternates'


Re: How change trash file

2001-07-20 Thread Cedric Duval

  Mutt has no trash folder.

 Au contraire... see mutt-dev archives for the trash patch.

You can now also get this patch at

This site is still in its very infancy, but at least there is the most
important: the Mutt page! :-)
