Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
I already answered that question above. Knoppix is Debian based. Try `sudo 
apt-get install nim` from a terminal.

Also no need to start and end with a greeting everytime ;)

Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-10 Thread Mennohexo
I have the KNOPPIX LINUX Computer online.

I am online with LINUX now.

How can i find the package NIM ?


Menno hexo

Re: Newyear is coming , is 2017 the year for nim?

2016-12-10 Thread Libman
An optimistic but reasonable growth goal for Nim's takeoff is a threefold 
popularity increase per year for the next few years. If that was so, it would 
roughly mean this a year from now:

  * 10,000 [github stars](
  * 10,000 [+"nim 
programming"]("nim%20programming";) search 
  * 330 people in #Nim on FreeNode.

That would be a big increase in growth compared to the past, but if that comes 
to pass then 2017 will indeed be our break-through year. I'll bump this a year 
from now to see if we come close. ;)

At that rate we'd probably hit [TIOBE Top 
100]( in 2018.

The growth itself won't be linear of course, but it's a more reasonable 
estimate than "poof and we're Java". :P 

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread Mennohexo
Hi ,

Agent means to be a flexible tool between in some programming strategies.

For example : Application needs a external program with features that are not 
so easy

to program in the main Apps language that is used.

or a interface app etc.

As i can see from your kindly answers in this forum NIM is very flexible and 
the GUI can be chosen from a good few ones.

When you compare this with other languages. NO. Not possible. You MUST use this 
library. ha

Re: Newyear is coming , is 2017 the year for nim?

2016-12-10 Thread flyx
I have heard that 2017 will already be the year of Linux on the desktop, so Nim 
might have to wait one more year.

Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-10 Thread Mennohexo
I see that i have i386 System

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Well, maybe start here, they have a lot of starting GUI tutorials -- not one 
for Nim currently:


Re: Newyear is coming , is 2017 the year for nim?

2016-12-10 Thread bpr
Wicked sense of gallows humor, @Ar!

> When we gonna have a stable api for 1.0 ?

Over under bet: Nim 1.0 or "Winds Of Winter"? @Ar's O/U: Nim 1.0 or "A 
Dream Of Spring"

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread Mennohexo

Yes i am new in LINUX.

Not new in programming but

i have made the programming strategy ready in the last 2 years.

So i am interested in a flexible language as a agent language.

For example : type C Code and insert that code but use another GUI library as 

I dont like GTK and QT definetly.

Thus i want to take a different one.

NIM is running here good on my windows computer together with the Aporia Text 

Also running on Knoppix Linux would be a huge opportunity.

WBR Menno hexo

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
Agent? You mean to program a bot or some AI?

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
Just try them all (not only libui) and see what you like best. Create a simple 
_hello word_ button. You will also learn that most GUI libraries are not that 
different from each other. May be only some features.

The same counts for different programming languages as well. New paradigms are 
more difficult to learn, but once you know them it is easy to adapt.

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread Mennohexo

Access Granted

Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
Yes, at (you may also try the unstable one): 

You may also find other packages there. Just search for them. Sometimes you 
have to download all the dependencies you are missing as well, but `dpkg` will 
tell you what is missing.

If you are using Debian Stable it could be that the Testing or Unstable Nim 
package will not install. In that case you will have to rebuild the "deb" 
package using `dpkg-buildpackage`, hopefully you do not have to do that :D.

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
Yes. But for most of them you are actually using and learning the same 
interface as the one you would use when using C, Python etc.

I am not sure if you are new to programming. In modern programming it is best 
to be flexible about learning new libraries. The way all the different GUI 
libraries work are not that different from each other. It is more like learning 
MS Word and Open/LibreOffice Writer.

If you learn how to use a GUI library at a abstract level (the concept behind 
it) it will be easier to adapt that knowledge to other situations (different 
library / language etc.). 

Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-10 Thread Mennohexo
HI again ,

i have a windows computer that is online.

Is it possible to get there a .deb package with NIM ?

WBR Menno hexo

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> Do i have to learn a new GUI language for that programming ?

When you have experience in GTK3 programming in C already, you can just start 
with GTK3 and Nim, it is very similar. You can even convert C GTK3 code to Nim 
with the tool c2nim, do some modifications, and are done.

But to be serious, you told us that you are new to Linux, new to Nim and new to 
GUI programming. And I guess new to programming at all? So maybe better start 
with a more traditional language and GUI, maybe Java with its own GUI, or C++ 
or Python with Qt. Or Windows native GUI, Android GUI, or Mac Swing language. I 
think for these more detailed tutorials exist. Later you may come back to Nim.

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread Mennohexo
Oh , thats very flexible. I am impressed.

Do i have to learn a new GUI language for that programming ?

I think yes.

Re: Newyear is coming , is 2017 the year for nim?

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
`lim v -> 1` or buffer overflow / out of memory :D

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread Stefan_Salewski
And of course nimx and QML.

And note that latest GTK 3.20 wrapper is at 
[](, I will delete the old 
3.15 wrapper in the next days...

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
You can also use `libui`. A simple cross platform UI library. I found a Nim 
wrapper at (by Araq): 

If you need a UI for use in a game or very interactive application you may try 
out a Immediate Mode Graphical User Interface. Have a look at: 
[]( You need 
to create a wrapper for it using `c2nim`. 

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread Krux02
depending on what you want, there are wrappers for 
[GTK3]( , and 
[AntTweakBar]( The last one is just 
meant to be used as an overlay for game development and therefore supports 
widgets to manipulate vectors and quaternions, but offers little when you want 
to control how it looks.

Re: Newyear is coming , is 2017 the year for nim?

2016-12-10 Thread Krux02
> Before v0.9 we need v0.9.9

Hmm ;-/

Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
I updated my comment above.

If the computer is offline. Download the packages from a computer with an 
internet connection and store them on a USB drive.

In Debian and Ubuntu you can use `apt-get download nim`. Store the downloaded 
files on a USB drive. On the offline computer, after mounting and changing 
directory to the USB drive, you can then do `dpkg -i *.deb` (yes, Debian and 
Ubuntu use another utility called `dpkg` for doing local package management).

Most if not all package managers can install loose package files (deb, rpm 
etc.) from disk as well. It will tell you when it misses a dependency.

A more advanced way, but sometimes used because of security policies is 
creating your own package source (instead of one from the internet). You can 
also mirror an existing online package source on disk and use it offline. In 
debian you can use `apt-mirror` for that.

**Note**: if you install packages you usually need to do it as `root` (like 
Administrator on Windows) or else it will tell you it failed. It is better to 
prepend every command that needs to be `root` with `sudo`. Example.: `sudo 
apt-get install nim`.

Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-10 Thread Mennohexo
Thank you.

You mean it is better to make a normal install with the command

apt-get install nim ?

My Linux computer is a offline computer.

Have to make it online in the next weeks.

I try further the offline installation a while.

Then swiitsch to the official Online installation procedure.

Thank you for your help.



Re: How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
Hello Menno,

To add a directory inside the path you can do `export ${PATH}:/some/directory`. 
Modify `/some/directory` to the directory where the `nim` binary (executable) 

You can also add this line inside the hidden files (every file or dir that has 
a dot . in front) named `.profile` or `.bash_profile` inside your home 
directory so this command is executed automatically the next time you log in.

For most Linux distributions it is not needed to compile everything yourself or 
find packages on the Word Wide Web like you have to do with Windows. Always try 
the official package manager first.

Most package managers support adding extra sources of packages. In Debian they 
call it "sources", in Ubuntu they call it "repositories" and in Gentoo (which I 
use) they call it "overlays". If you cannot find the package you need, first 
look if you can add one of those package sources that contain the package you 
need (make sure the source is official, can be trusted and is stable). After 
you added the package source you should be able to install the package you need.

To install Nim in Ubuntu or Debian you can do `apt-get install nim`.

In case you use a Redhat / Fedora based distribution may be someone else can 
help you with that. It could be that you need to add a package source or still 
have to download and install an RPM package.

Make sure to update your Linux once in a while. 

Re: Using concepts for generic structures

2016-12-10 Thread komerdoor
Tnx. I read the document `generics.txt` before I started using the `concept` 

Somehow I was under the impression concepts could be parameterized for me to 
refer to the contained value. Of course a container type may not even have 
`value` (it could be a function type or have a pair of values [if not a tuple]) 
while still being valid according to what I want.

It would have been nice if I could do `T & T` or `T is Semigroup` because then 
`concept` does not need to know about the structure of contained types.

Emmy looks interesting. It seems to extend the basic number types to be monoids 
under addition and multiplication (which they are). I already created 
`NumberSum`, `NumberProduct`, `LogicalOr` and `LogicalAnd` whose values are 
then under the their respective operation.

I like how Emmy uses `zero` and `id` to denote identity for addition and 
multiplication. In a C library I wrote I called it `sum_identity` and 
`product_identity`. I would like something like `zero`, `one` or `id`, `half`, 
`double` to be standard. 

GUI programming

2016-12-10 Thread Mennohexo
Hello ,

i am new in NIM.

What mwthod is used for GUI programming ?

A library ?



How to start NIM on Linux ?

2016-12-10 Thread Mennohexo
Hi ,

i am new in Linux and have installed the NIM package with sh in a 

Now i want to start the command line compiler. Dont know how.

When i type nim -v in the terminal it is not shown.

Seems i have to set the PATH to the system. export etc.

How can i set the path correct ?

Need help to make the installation complete and run the NIM compiler.



Re: Newyear is coming , is 2017 the year for nim?

2016-12-10 Thread Arrrrrrrrr

var v = ".9"

while true:
  echo "Before v0", v, " we need v0", v, ".9"
  add v, ".9"

Re: texts on nim's language design

2016-12-10 Thread Arrrrrrrrr
But i don't think that's the fault of the language if you define a proc with a 
name as generic as "open", or maybe it should foresee how people behave, which 
is something to think. Araq used to say that he can't fix people's habit, maybe 
he is more on the side of providing freedom in spite of problems like the one 
you described.

On the other hand, nim does sopply of certain tools to avoid these problems, 
for example: 

from libfoo import nil
from libbar import nil # Now you are forced to use the full name.

Maybe there could be a compiler switch to make it the default. 

Re: App compiling option

2016-12-10 Thread Arrrrrrrrr
Either you are missing some dlls or for some reason ld can't find them: 

_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: "cannot find -lgdi32"

_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: "cannot find -lcomdlg32"

 or maybe is related to your mingw installation.

Re: texts on nim's language design

2016-12-10 Thread aja
Elaborating on ambiguity.

import libfoo
import libbar

open() # open is coming from foo.

Later down the road libbar decided to add proc open(). Second developer (Not 
the original author of above code) needed to use the latest version of libbar , 
in some other part of the code. Compiler might report the ambuigity and be 
done. But the burden of namespace resolution falls on second developer's head 
to figure out open() was added to by libbar's new version and the open() was 
meant to be from flibfoo.

>From libbar's point of view, addition of new optional elements in api becomes 
>a breaking change requiring major version change. 

Re: texts on nim's language design

2016-12-10 Thread aja
First few things that comes to mind are:

  1. Ambiguity (two modules exporting same thing), i guess compiler will catch 
and report this.
  2. During a code review, unless one has a mental model of module exports, it 
would be difficult to trace what is coming from where. More pronounced if the 
source code is large with several imports.

Re: Document Challenge #1

2016-12-10 Thread Krux02
I already used the edit button once. I really do like it.

Newyear is coming , is 2017 the year for nim?

2016-12-10 Thread v3ss0n
When we gonna have a stable api for 1.0 ?

Re: texts on nim's language design

2016-12-10 Thread Krux02
Can you tell me what you think the problem might be? What do you think might 
become troubling with implicit imports?

texts on nim's language design

2016-12-10 Thread aja
I am a lurker with general interest in programming languages. I would sincerely 
appreciate if any veterans here or @Araq could provide links (forum or outside) 
that discusses the reasoning behind the design decisions on the nim language 
grammer or code conventions.

Taking import for example (but not limited to it only)

I was looking at the unix socket example at 

Coming from python and java background, i found implicit imports (like c's 
include) of module exports troubling (newSocket and constants in above 
example). If there are texts that discusses 

import net vs import net.AF_UNIX



Re: Document Challenge #1

2016-12-10 Thread Araq
I spend some time on this 'edit' button for the documentation. Would be nice if 
it were used for minor edits. It's fine to start reddit discussions about major 
topics (like "how to classify macro usage?") but minor improvements can be done 
directly. The 'edit' button produces pull requests so there is still plenty of 
opportunity for QA.

Re: Document Challenge #2

2016-12-10 Thread jlp765
How do you **"classify"** templates/macros?

  * lifting existing procs to handle new data types
  * reducing repetition of code
  * lazy evaluation ([eliminate 
when not required)
  * DSL handling
  * typedesc/symbol/object management, name mangling, 
  * ??

The reason I ask, is I was wondering about logically classifying macros in the 
[tutorial#2](, and then 
giving examples of each classification (or point to where it is used in 

Re: Document Challenge #1

2016-12-10 Thread jlp765
@Araq (et. al.)

Congratulations on 
[tutorial#1]( There 
has been minimal feedback received on [ 
 on improving the tutorial.

If anyone wants to review the Tutorials and provide further improvements, do so 

Re: Thin C wrappers.

2016-12-10 Thread jlp765
Look at 

as it describes the `.union` pragma