Re: Possible to use identifier construction to call proc by name (string)?

2019-10-25 Thread Krux02
This is my solution to call functions by name: 

This example in this project does not have any dependentcies of that project 
itself, it should just work stand alone.

Integrate a GLSL shader in Nim

2019-07-02 Thread Krux02
I made a Video showing how to use an arbitrary GLSL shader and integrate it 
into a Nim/SDL/OpenGL application.

[Here it is](

Re: Caller line numbers in templates?

2019-02-08 Thread Krux02
This should be an automatic solution for this problem: 

Re: How to get the address of string

2018-05-15 Thread Krux02
I don't know how `castPointer0` is used. But my experience tells me it should 
never have been used in the first place. You can only take the address of the 
first element of a string when the string is not empty.

Create an issue in the issue tracker. 

Re: string change from 0.18.0 on?

2018-04-26 Thread Krux02
well you have a bug in your code, `^0` actually indexes the 0 terminator of a 
string, and this behavior is correct. Use `^1` instead.

Re: Problems with Bounty Source

2018-04-25 Thread Krux02
You should put the problem you are describing in the title.

Re: Float should be 32 bit, 2x performance just by changing the defaults

2018-04-25 Thread Krux02
This discussion is pointless and triggers too much attention. `sizeof(float)` 
won't change. if you want 32 bit float use float32.

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-25 Thread Krux02
I haven't been on the forum for quite a while, just the chat and I would also 
like to put my wishlist of things to remove here.

  * the range type. Well just use `type range[low,high: static[int]] = distinct 
int` No need for this to be a language feature
  * arrays with a size that is not an integer. Generics in Nim are (almost?) 
powerful enough to implement an array type that emulates this behavior.
  * int64 and int and distinct types, where float64 and float are just alias 
types. This is unnecessary.
  * concepts in their current form. I like the idea of concepts, but i don't 
like the current implementation/syntax. The current syntax confuses type 
expressions with value expressions. Changing the syntax in a non-ambiguous one 
will break a lot if now all code that uses concepts in the current state. It 
should be declared highly experimental to use concepts in the current state.
  * The strutils package.

Re: How to rewrite this in Nim style?

2018-04-02 Thread Krux02
you should be able to just remove the ref in Token = ref object. That is one 
layer of indirection less, and therefore faster and less memory consumption. 
And a little comment on what you are doing. Tokens are not nested. What you are 
doing is already parsing. In brainfuck all tokens are characters, so 
tokenization is basically irrelevant.

And the last part is setting current and latest. That is a very dirty way of 
programming. As soon as programs become more complex you will no longer know 
what side effects your functions have. It is better if you find a way to encode 
current and latest as arguments and return values. You don't need any mutable 
state, if you return at the top level a nested Token instead of seq.

You should know that none of these recommendations are special Nim style, they 
are good programming style in general.

Re: How to clean up native resources properly.

2017-12-08 Thread Krux02
There is also:

>   * there is also manual cleanup proc with defer

let vao = createVao()
defer: vao.delete

>   * don't clean up at all. Resources are freed at program exit anyway.

There is no best way. There are only advantages and disadvantages. Choose 
wisely depending on your use case. We don't know your use case, so we don't 

Re: How do you keep your motivation on your open-source projects

2017-11-02 Thread Krux02
Techniques for dealing with lack of motivation, malaise, depression

Re: request for feedback - type safe OpenGL wrapper

2017-10-23 Thread Krux02
Well, you are not the only one who wants this. I also have my opengl wrapper as 
part of my program here: 

Re: Pragma for temporarily making strict identifier names?

2017-10-17 Thread Krux02
Nope, what you are looking for does not exist. All you can do is rename the Nim 
version of that Identifier. Be aware there are already two sdl2 wrappers 
around. I don't think that yet another will help anybody except yourself in 
learning how to write wrappers.



2017-10-16 Thread Krux02
Vulkan introduced the _Standard Portable Immediate Representation_ (SPIR-V). 
You can imagine this as some sort of assembler instructions that will be 
compiled and optimized to the final GPU instructions from the GPU vendor 
driver. SPIR-V is through extensions and the latest core version also available 
in OpenGL and OpenCL. So I think it is a good idea to target SPIR-V. 

Re: TIL more about imports

2017-09-12 Thread Krux02
I am interested in what conflicts you have, so that you really want to use the 
`from foo import nil` pattern. I had conflicts, too. But I never thought about 
using that pattern. Because even if there is a name conflict, it does not break 
the import I just have to be more specific for that name conflict. 

Re: Convert tuple into a Object

2017-09-01 Thread Krux02
@jacmoe, no it's not. It is [code 

Re: Convert tuple into a Object

2017-09-01 Thread Krux02
My intuition tells me that you did something wrong in your types, if you want 
to convert an object to a tuple or vice versa. Try to redesign your code so 
that you either only use tuples or only use objects, but don't try to make 
mixing them up easy.

If you still want to make it easy to mix up tuple/objects yea macros will help 
you implement this.

Re: Defining an array inside a tuple

2017-08-29 Thread Krux02
@rayman22201 I did the mistake you did, too in the beginning. tuple and object 
are both value types like a C struct, and there is no hidden vtable in an 
`object` unless you inherit from `RootObj`. I think the documentation is 
misleading here. 

Re: GetType() for object type macro parameter

2017-08-29 Thread Krux02
Pull requests that include an example in the doc comment are generally welcome.

Re: Defining an array inside a tuple

2017-08-28 Thread Krux02
I think you should use `object`, it is the equivalent of `struct` from C.

  Vec2i = object
x,y: int
  Vec2f = object
x,y: float
  NVGglyphPosition = int32
  GlyphArray* = array[100,  NVGglyphPosition]
  TextBuffer* = object
position: Vec2f
cursor  : Vec2i
glyphPositions  : GlyphArray
linePositions   : seq[Vec2i]
text: string

Re: Simple Python-like class macro and some python-like procedures (print, input, range, others)

2017-08-28 Thread Krux02
@dom96 I am fairly sure that I submitted a pull request (that got accepted) not 
that long age that fixed the doc comments.

Re: Newbie question on generic instantiation

2017-08-24 Thread Krux02
ther is a languare that supports what Ikalman does, it is scala. Here an 
excerpt from the repl.

scala> val a = Left(123)
a: scala.util.Left[Int,Nothing] = Left(123)

scala> val b = Right("hallo")
b: scala.util.Right[Nothing,String] = Right(hallo)

scala> var c : Either[Int,String] = null
c: Either[Int,String] = null

scala> c = b
c: Either[Int,String] = Right(hallo)

scala> c = a
c: Either[Int,String] = Left(123)


Scala has the `Nothing` type and type covariance. Type covariance can only work 
on reference types, and nim simply does not work that way.

Re: Newbie question on generic instantiation

2017-08-23 Thread Krux02
blah blah blah:

type EitherSide = enum
  ok, err

type Either[L, R] = object
  case kind: EitherSide
  of ok:
mleft: L
mright: R

proc `right=`*[L,R](this: var Either[L, R]; value: R): void =
  this.kind = err
  this.mright = value

proc `left=`*[L,R](this: var Either[L, R]; value: L): void =
  this.kind = ok
  this.mleft = value

proc right*[L,R](this: Either[L, R]): R =

proc left*[L,R](this: Either[L, R]): L =

proc myfunc() : Either[int, string] =
  result.right = "Not implemented yet!"

let x = myfunc()

echo x.right

Re: Nim in Action is now officially in print!

2017-08-18 Thread Krux02
I got my book today. Yay  

Re: SIMD question

2017-08-17 Thread Krux02
well, I would create simd aware types that have operators overloaded. And then 
I would cast to these type to use simd.

# let's assume `vec' is the type with simd enabled

var myArray1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
var myArray2 = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]

let view1 = cast[ptr array[2, vec[int, 4]]](myArray1.addr)
let view2 = cast[ptr array[2, vec[int, 4]]](myArray2.addr)

view1[0] += view2[1]
view1[1] += view2[0]

But then you would still need to create the simd types. No idea there.

Re: Nim in Action is now officially in print!

2017-08-14 Thread Krux02
Well as I found out, my Book is on the way, too. Yay. Well you did not get my 
feedback during the development of the Book, but I think you will get my 
feedback when I read it. Then you can use it for revision 1 

Re: Practice code.

2017-08-14 Thread Krux02
Write a game 

Re: Nim newbie request/challenge

2017-08-08 Thread Krux02
Can you put the paper on a link that is not behind a paywall? I am normally 
pretty trained to port from different languages to different languages, but 
from the paper I can't do copy paste at all.

Re: UDP socket closing after send

2017-08-03 Thread Krux02
About the `#? braces` feature. I didn't know about it, but I actually do like 
it. I just prefer `{}` over indentation based blocks. But yea I think I can 
live with them going away. It's not essential.

Re: Gdb pretty printers for nim

2017-08-03 Thread Krux02
I totally agree with you, debugging is really a weak spot in Nim.

Things I just don't understand:

By default Nim does build in debug mode, but it does not provide debugging 
symbols (`-g` flag for the C compiler), so that you can't actually debug with 
gdb your debug build. When I complain that this is an issue, I get told, that 
it is in fact not an issue and I should just change my `nim.cfg`. Alternatively 
I can simply add the `--debugger:native` flag to the compiler.

The gdb integration I just showed, is something that could be done from the Nim 
compiler, so that all Nim applications, that are build in debug mode have 
already the gdb scripts self contained in the binary, so that they can be 
loaded from gdb automatically and work magically in any frontend for gdb. 
Meaning there would be nothing in the way for debug builds to work with zero 
configuration in every editor.

But yea, it's just me who thinks this way, and passing `--debugger:native` as 
an additional flag to a debug build in case someone wants to actually debug the 
debug build is a good default.

Option type optimizations

2017-07-31 Thread Krux02
I implemented two optimizations for the `Option` type. The idea was to do the 
same as the Rust compiler, use the nil/nullptr for the none option without 
occupying extra memory. Then I had a similar idea for `Option[Natural]`, where 
I could use `-1` internally to store none. That type could be used for the 
`find` procedure so that it does not return `int` anymore, but 
`Option[Natural]` without overhead.

Here is the code, maybe if there is interest this might become a pull request. 
The think I don't like about this implementation is, `Option[Natural]` 
initializes to Some(0), and not None.

Here is the code:

import typetraits, macros

  PointerType = ptr|ref|string|seq
  Option*[T] = object
## An optional type that stores its value and state separately in a 
when T is Natural:
  val: int   # use -1 for none
elif T is PointerType:
  val: T # use nil for none
  val: T
  has: bool  # fallback to use an extra field
  UnpackError* = ref object of ValueError

proc some*[T](val: T): Option[T] =
  ## Returns a ``Option`` that has this value.
  when T is Natural:
result.val = int(val)
  elif T is seq or T is string or T is ptr or T is ref:
assert val != nil
result.val = val
#assert(false == T is seq or T is string or T is ptr or T is ref)
result.has = true
result.val = val

proc none*(T: typedesc): Option[T] {.inline.} =
  ## Returns a ``Option`` for this type that has no value.
  when T is Natural:
result.val = -1
  elif T is seq or T is string or T is ptr or T is ref:
result.val = nil # does nothing just for clarity
result.has = false

proc option*[T,U](t: typedesc[T], val: U): Option[T] {.inline.} =
  when T is Natural:
result.val = max(-1, val)
  elif T is seq or T is string or T is ptr or T is ref:
result.val = val # does nothing just for clarity
result.val = T(val)
result.has = true

proc isSome*[T](self: Option[T]): bool {.inline.} =
  when T is Natural:
self.val >= 0
  elif T is seq or T is string or T is ptr or T is ref:
not self.val.isNil

proc isNone*[T](self: Option[T]): bool {.inline.} =
  when T is Natural:
self.val < 0
  elif T is seq or T is string or T is ptr or T is ref:
not self.has

proc unsafeGet*[T](self: Option[T]): T =
  ## Returns the value of a ``some``. Behavior is undefined for ``none``.
  assert self.isSome

proc get*[T](self: Option[T]): T =
  ## Returns contents of the Option. If it is none, then an exception is
  ## thrown.
  if self.isNone:
raise UnpackError(msg : "Can't obtain a value from a `none`")

proc get*[T](self: Option[T], otherwise: T): T =
  ## Returns the contents of this option or `otherwise` if the option is 
  if self.isSome:

proc map*[T](self: Option[T], callback: proc (input: T)) =
  ## Applies a callback to the value in this Option
  if self.isSome:

proc map*[T, R](self: Option[T], callback: proc (input: T): R): Option[R] =
  ## Applies a callback to the value in this Option and returns an option
  ## containing the new value. If this option is None, None will be returned
  if self.isSome:
some[R]( callback(self.val) )

proc filter*[T](self: Option[T], callback: proc (input: T): bool): 
Option[T] =
  ## Applies a callback to the value in this Option. If the callback returns
  ## `true`, the option is returned as a Some. If it returns false, it is
  ## returned as a None.
  if self.isSome and not callback(self.val):

proc `==`*(a, b: Option): bool {.inline.} =
  ## Returns ``true`` if both ``Option``s are ``none``,
  ## or if they have equal values
  (a.isSome and b.isSome and a.val == b.val) or (a.isNone and b.isNone)

proc `$`*[T]( self: Option[T] ): string =
  ## Returns the contents of this option or `otherwise` if the option is 
  if self.isSome:
"Some(" & $self.val & ")"
"None[" & & "]"

when isMainModule:
  import unittest, sequtils, macros
  suite "options":
# work around a bug in unittest
let intNone = none(Natural)
let stringNone = none(string)

test "has has":
a: Option[int]
b: Option[Natural]
c: Option[string]
d: Option[ptr int]
e: Option[ref int]
f: Option[seq[int]]

Re: Gdb pretty printers for nim

2017-07-31 Thread Krux02
well, I once did an approach to this, feel free to use it.

This macro embeds the gdb python script into the executable, when it is build 
on Linux. Alternatively you can also load the script from gdb, but once this 
works there is no hassle involved anymore. 

Here is the gdb script, but I haven't used it for a time. 

Re: What is missing for the seq/string types to be not nil by default?

2017-07-29 Thread Krux02
Thank you, and yes it is related. When I touch code of strings, everything 
becomes important.

Re: What is missing for the seq/string types to be not nil by default?

2017-07-28 Thread Krux02
Ok the problem is somewhere in the garbage collecter. It tries to create an 
object and fails. My motivation to fix issues with the GC is pretty low. I 
would spend my time rather on removing the dependency on the GC than to fix the 
problem with it.

Re: What is missing for the seq/string types to be not nil by default?

2017-07-28 Thread Krux02
well I did something in that direction on a branch. I have a problem with the 
nim compiler to crash here and there. How do I enable debug information again 
in the compiler? And why is is such a hassle in nim to get debug information? 
Debug builds should have them.

Re: What is missing for the seq/string types to be not nil by default?

2017-07-28 Thread Krux02
well are you open for a pull request for that. I think that's easy to implement.

What is missing for the seq/string types to be not nil by default?

2017-07-27 Thread Krux02
The title is the question. I would like to contribute, if I can (maybe).

Re: KDevelop nim/nimble project

2017-07-27 Thread Krux02
Have you thought about creating an issue on the github page? I doubt that the 
developer still checks these forums.

Re: Nanovg and GLFW updates and Mac support

2017-07-27 Thread Krux02
Contribution is always welcome. You are welcome, too. Thanks.

Re: Nim to C transpiler

2017-07-27 Thread Krux02
Well nim is based on being able to compile to C. But the C code is not for 
readability. Even though it is quite readable.

Re: OOP Macro section of Nim by Example doesn't seem to work

2017-07-25 Thread Krux02
Truth to be told, Nim is not yet Nim 1.0 and there is no 100% guarantee that 
code that you write will always work in the future. But I use a lot of 
metaprogramming and breaking changes are very rare. But normally when things 
change, the language wants you to improve your code and changes are very little 
and easy to fix. Don't worry too much. You can safely generate your database 
backing. If you will actually have the honour to see a breaking change, it will 
a a compilation error that can be fixed within a few minutes, nothing that will 
prevent you from making progress. Maybe you won't even need macros, because you 
can get done a lot already with generics and iterators on object members.

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-20 Thread Krux02
you can also add all c files of raylib manually with the compile pragma, like I 
did it in AntTweakBar 

Re: String slice performance!

2017-07-20 Thread Krux02
well you can create your own StringSlice type that does not copy and override 
the slicing:

src: ptr string
a,b: int

proc `$`(arg: StringSlice): string =
  (arg.src[])[arg.a .. arg.b]

Re: Thoughts on imports

2017-07-20 Thread Krux02
well importing in a local block/function has nothing to do with runtime 
importing. Just see scala import.


and yes for your case use a when clause. The content of a when brach is at top 
level it does not create a new scope.

Re: How to debug nim code?

2017-07-19 Thread Krux02
well I always put my breakpoints on functions. So like this

(gdb) b foobar
(gdb) b foobar_123456789987654321

it is a bit more robust on the terminal than lines. And don't underestimate 
`(gdb) tui enable`. I wasted a lot of time with GDB. I think it's a horrible 
interface, but technically it works.

Re: How to enforce usage from module scope / top level only?

2017-07-19 Thread Krux02
Well, I would document it properly. Nim is so flexible I would not know about 
anything you can emit that works only top level. Maybe you can emit a function 
declaration that is C calling convention. Not sure if it works though.

Re: nim-random not that random at all?

2017-07-19 Thread Krux02
The random module is not very good at all, sorry for that. But there is a 
mersenne twister in the standard library.

This is what I use. Upper bound is exclusive. 

proc rand*(maxval: uint32): uint32 =
  let limit = uint32(high(uint32)) - uint32(high(uint32)) mod maxval
  var bits = rand_u32()
  while bits > limit:
bits = rand_u32()
  result = bits mod maxval

Re: In-Memory Database

2017-07-14 Thread Krux02
Well there are [tables](,int) 
all in memory, just not very persistent 

Re: How do fellow new comers deal with optional parenthesis dropping?

2017-07-14 Thread Krux02
hmm, I am a bit surprised, I would have guessed the following parsing rule:

echo b, c d, e f g, h
  echo(b, c(d, e(f(g, h # <--- I expected this
  echo(b, c(d), e(f(g)), h) # but hey it's this

Re: [noob] enums and index

2017-07-12 Thread Krux02
I did not know this is possible. Seems very interesting.

Re: Nim vs D

2017-07-07 Thread Krux02
I think the difference is in the details, but the details matter. I would 
really be interested to get some experience from people who actually had 
projects in both languages. Because then you get to know about differences that 
actually matter.

A tiny feature of the Nim language, the dot call syntax for simple procedures 
in combination with the generics really changed a lot of how I structure my 
code. My mind is now free of class hierarchies mixins traits and all that other 
crap I simply don't need anymore. Maybe here and there, but I don't want it 
anymore, and I don't try to use it anymore to solve my problems. I did not 
expect this to be so nice to work with. D is more with the old fashioned class 
systems, at least that is what I expect it to be. I did not actually use D, I 
just read the documentation and presentations about it. 

Re: Normalized AST presentation of the proc body

2017-07-05 Thread Krux02
well, not that I know of. You should know that a dot expression can be a 
function call, but it can also be an access to an object member. I think you 
have to write your own normalization function.

video about my opengl sandbox project

2017-06-20 Thread Krux02

Keep in mind this is my first video that I made to demonstrate something. For 
me it felt totally weird to talk to a computer without response. So the slow 
speaking is nothing I need feedback about, I think it will improve over time 
when I feel more comfortable doing Videos like this. But feedback about things 
you understand or questions are very welcome.

Re: package like python's pandas?

2017-06-20 Thread Krux02
Well to write wrappers, the most useful tool you have around is c2nim. That 
helps you with initial translations. Of course you need to also undersdand how 
C works or writting correct wrippers might become a bit tricky. But 
definitively check out other wrapper code that was already been written in Nim, 
so that you get an idea of how to do it. It's not necessarily a hard job to do, 
it is just tedious, and writing a lazy wrapper (only the parts you acutally 
need) might be the faster road to success.

Re: echo proper string in different consoles?

2017-06-20 Thread Krux02
Don't use Windows. Seems to be bad software 

No seriously. I have no idea. I can only guess what to look for. Does msys2 try 
to make `getCurrentEncoding` behave correctly? Does msys2 try to make 
everything more unix like and make the shell utf8? Does msys2 have any 
information about encoding?

Re: Progress Bar using stdout.write and eraseLine()

2017-06-20 Thread Krux02
Instead of `eraseLine` you can also always print `"\r"`. That character does 
not erase the line, but puts the write cursor back at the beginning of the 
line. output after that overrides what is already there. So in this case, where 
you always print the full length of the progress bar, the effect is the same as 

Re: Linear algebra library

2017-06-07 Thread Krux02
Value types have a good advantage, but the problem is, that when you make them 
too big, they could overflow the stack (iirc 2MB on Windows). But you should 
use value type arguments, because a ref type can always be converted to a value 
type with the `[]` operator.

proc foo1(arg: Matrix): Matrix

var matref1, matref2: ref Matrix

matref2[] = foo1(matref1[])

The other direction is not as easy. The only problem is that the result will be 
a new allocation, no matter if you use ref types or not. So I suggest to also 
provide an api that has result arguments

proc foo1(dst: var Matrix, arg: Matrix): void

proc foo1(arg: Matrix): Matrix =

This allows to reuse temporary matrices more efficiently.

proc foo2(arg: ref Matrix):

Re: package like python's pandas?

2017-06-07 Thread Krux02
Well if you need docx, then find some tools that do your needs in docx. Maybe 
you find the right command line tools that will convert the important parts of 
your docx files into something that you can process. Then you can continue in 
Nim. Maybe you can find a C library that supports extracting the contents of a 
docx file nicely that you can write a wrapper for. Or you need to dygest the 
file on your own. Here regular expressions might be helpful.

Re: Do notation without parentheses

2017-06-07 Thread Krux02
There was a breaking change in the do notation that I don't approve personally 
at all. But I thought it was parsing rules only.

Re: Binary unicode operators

2017-05-23 Thread Krux02
Well I would like to have `¬∨∧` as aliases for `not`, `or`, `and`. But it 
doesn't seem that I well get it `¯\_(ツ)_/¯`

string result from macro

2017-05-19 Thread Krux02
Normally I would think that when I return a value from a macro or set the 
result to that value. There would be no difference. But aparently there is:

import macros

macro testA: string =
  result = newLit("testA")

macro testB: untyped =

macro testC: untyped =
  return newLit("testC")

macro testD: string =

macro testE: string =
  return newLit("testE")

I get the following error message: 

scratch.nim(14, 3) Error: type mismatch: got (NimNode) but expected 'string'

Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Fri May 19 14:16:02

I think this is weird, because when I just set result, everything works.

Re: Surprising floating point equality

2017-05-15 Thread Krux02
This is just a bug and should be reported 

let y: float32 = 47.11'f32
assert y == 47.11'f32  # < this really should be true.

Re: pointer to array?

2017-05-10 Thread Krux02
@jxy yes there is a difference betwen `ref A` and `ptr A`. When the ref is 
implemented as an `std::shared_ptr` (I think Araq mentioned an option once to 
do that), then `ref A` takes over the ownership and as soon as the reference is 
deleted, also the memory will be deleted. You don't want that, therefore don't 
use a ref.

Re: when will [] ambiguous be solved?

2017-05-05 Thread Krux02
Wait a moment, are you shure this D code is equivalent to the Nim code you just 

struct Bar { void bar() { "bar".writeln; } }

To me this looks like just a _method_ (in c++ terms). And a _method_ is not a 
value member of a struct. In other words it does not increase the size, it is 
just the object-oriented way to say this function takes Bar as first argument, 
and the syntax to call it is a bit different. But it is not stored at all in 
the struct.

  Bar = object

proc bar(arg: Bar): void = echo "bar"

Re: float64 hash

2017-05-03 Thread Krux02
If I remember correctly, the hash function for doubles in Nim is converted over 
from LUA. In lua double are often used as integers because for the most part 
lua did not have integers like javascript. Therefore the hash function was 
chosen to optimize this use case.

Re: Nim Chess 2 with transposition table support is available

2017-05-02 Thread Krux02
I did not try Vulkan yet, but I read a lot about it. More control and so on. 
And a unified API for both mobile and desktop. Even more things that you can do 
wrong and get a black screen without feedback is not really somethign I am 
looking forward to. My library is trying to get exactly this part away from 
OpenGL. Maybe because of this, my approach would be especially helpful for 
Vulkan developers, but I cannot tell without actually trying it out. Also I 
read articles on how to get Vulkan like performance with modern OpenGL 
techniques. Eventually I think Vulkan is very important for GPU developers, 
because implementing Vulkan might be much easier than implementing OpenGL (but 
they already did implement OpenGL so that factor doesn't not really count at 
this moment). And Vulkan might be very important for the big engiens like 
Unreal Unity and Source. Simply an environment where money and time to develop 
does not matter that much if it provides more performance.

So my answer to that is, let the dust settle. Don't be the first one who jumps 
on Vulkan and regret it later.

Re: Fastest way to pack CSV file

2017-05-02 Thread Krux02
> No, the original problem was about removing entries from a CSV file, 
> something which grep cannot do particularly well... 

challenge accepted:

grep -f delete -v data.csv > filtered.csv
rm data.csv
mv filtered.csv data.csv

`delete` is the file with the names to delete from the data, and `data.csv` is 
just your data to operate on. `filtered.csv` is a temporary file. It can also 
be done without a temporary file by using sed instead of grep, but then it 
would not be grep anymore.

I don't want to criticise the SQL solution, though.

Re: Nim Chess 2 with transposition table support is available

2017-05-02 Thread Krux02
 You could write a nice 3D renderer for the game 
state, with this library: 

But be aware I did not define a fixed mesh format nor an _.obj_ loader because 
of it. So the initial renderer would use cones and spheres etc. But it would 
definitively a useful project for my library that would not be too much effort 
to implement.

Re: Blog post about Nim performance tuning

2017-04-29 Thread Krux02
since it is basically me who took over the nim_glm maintenance. The version you 
fixed is very old and not the version anymore that I maintain currently 
anymore. I should mention that I never did performance benchmarks on that 
library, only correctness tests. I only applied my knowledge of what is 
necessary to potentionally get good performance I never actually enshured the 
performance was optimal. But it's good to see, that it is not horrible.

One thing that I haven't seen you talk about is alignment. Have you tried to 
use the Vec4 type in c++ glm instead of the Vec3 type? To my knowledge only a 
self aligned vec4 or vec2 type can be fully optimized to use SIMD instructions. 
That could give c++ quite some performance that the Nim version doesn't have.

Re: Blog post about Nim performance tuning

2017-04-29 Thread Krux02
since it is basically me who took over the nim_glm maintenance. The version you 
fixed is very old and not the version anymore that I maintain currently 
anymore. I should mention that I never did performance benchmarks on that 
library, only correctness tests. I only applied my knowledge of what is 
necessary to potentionally get good performance I never actually enshured the 
performance was optimal. But it's good to see, that it is not horrible.

One thing that I haven't seen you talk about is alignment. Have you tried to 
use the Vec4 type in c++ glm instead of the Vec3 type? To my knowledge only a 
self aligned vec4 or vec2 type can be fully optimized to use SIMD instructions. 
That could give c++ quite some performance that the Nim version doesn't have.

Re: Tetris in Nim in 3D

2017-04-26 Thread Krux02
well I know blockout, and I do like it. I actually thought to add a game mode 
for blockout, too. But before that, this game needs to become a but fancier.

Re: Checking in macro if proc has side effects or not

2017-04-23 Thread Krux02
i can also imagine that the cause of compiles to fail is, that you have a 
double definition of the same function when you try to compile the exact same 
function again. So I think it would be sufficient to replace the symbolf the 
function with a new identifier.

Re: Checking in macro if proc has side effects or not

2017-04-21 Thread Krux02
well, when it doesn't work it is probably a Nim bug. Create an issue.

Tetris in Nim in 3D

2017-04-21 Thread Krux02
yay tetris

> here is the sourcecode:


Re: Checking in macro if proc has side effects or not

2017-04-21 Thread Krux02
Well I don't know if there is something built into the language to do that 
simply. But you can jump to the definition of the proc symbol and get the 
implementation. You could add the noSideffects pragma to the function and then 
test if that ast still compiles with `system.compiles`.

Re: New website released!

2017-04-20 Thread Krux02
Well I realized the single most important information (at least for me when I 
came to Nim) is missing on the front page of the new website: metaprogramming.

Re: New website released!

2017-04-20 Thread Krux02
@Araq Well I did in fact know very little about the possibilities to use Nim 
without garbage collection. All I heared about was the `string` and `seq` are 
implemeneted in a way that they need the gc to run. Because I did not find any 
other documantation I came to the conclusion that disabling the gc is pretty 
much useless, because it creates leaks for nim's fundamental types. I am sorry 
though for the original words I had chosen. I wrote that comment when I had 
some frustration when writing the sizeof alignof implementation.

It would be nice if there would be a little bit more documantation oft the 
garbage collection in Nim. Especially on how to use Nim, when there is no GC.

Re: How do I debug the Nim compiler?

2017-04-19 Thread Krux02
I found out how to do it:

nim c --lineDir:off --debuginfo compiler/nim

Re: New website released!

2017-04-19 Thread Krux02
Well, when you say that GC is optional, you should say that disabling it pretty 
much makes the types seq and string unusable, and therefore the GC is not 
really optional.

How do I debug the Nim compiler?

2017-04-19 Thread Krux02
I have a problem I have absolutely no clue why this happens: 

In order to find out why this happens I would like to debug the compiler. Since 
I think that the problem is somewhere in the generated C code I would like to 
debug the generated C code. This means I would like to compile the nim files in 
release mode (no source map), but then when I compile the c files, I would like 
to compile them with debug information, so that I can see where in the C code I 
am. So how can I do this? 

Re: book delayed again

2017-04-19 Thread Krux02
@Fungi well you do not have the best diplomatic strength. When you write in a 
Forum for Nim developers that what they are doing is entirely wrong and sucks a 
lot, then you will earn a lot of hate. You are right, performance is not 
everything. But Nim is not entirely about performance, it is about control in 
compiled environments. For me it is the only language that gives me the amount 
of freedom in terms of metaprogramming combined with the control over memory 
layouts that I need to control the rendering pipeline. If you don't do GPU 
rendering or some other high performance computing stuff. That is fine, but 
just because you don't need it, don't assume nobody will ever need it. Accept 
that you only know a tiny part of programming.

Re: book delayed again

2017-04-18 Thread Krux02
@Fungi, it's nice that you found out that Nim is not the language for you, but 
you should understand that everybody's point of view is always a very limited 
view on the world. Nobody knows everything. What I want to say is, just because 
you don't see the advantages of compiled programming languages in your domain 
of expertise, it doesn't mean that this will apply to other people as well. But 
you are right that the debugging experience in Nim is Bad.

Re: Can var proc parameters be faster than function results?

2017-04-18 Thread Krux02
I think for a fair comparison, you should zero out the memory in the 
`var`-parameter case, because that is done for the result variable and 
therefore would be the only fair comparison. But I think even then it would not 
explain the big difference.

Re: ref object or object with ref field

2017-04-12 Thread Krux02
@LeuGim well when you have an array of RootObj, not a ref/ptr to RootObj in the 
array, the array actually doesn't contain the subtype anymore. So sure when you 
iterate and call foo on each object. It does call the method from RootObj, but 
only because you actually have a true RootObj value there.

@Lando That is correct when you mean by reference type all variants of 
reference types, including the hidden pointer that is used on function 
arguments. What I want to say is that the restriction on reference types is 
almost irrelevant.

Re: ref object or object with ref field

2017-04-12 Thread Krux02
@dom96 I am well aware that seq is implemented as a pointer, but it has value 
semantics. That is the reason I did not mention it.

var a = @[1,2,3]
var b = a # b is now a new copy of a

Re: Cello: a library of string algoritms using succinct data structures

2017-04-11 Thread Krux02

About the issue. You are right I should explain a bit more. I try to get 
something as 
 from c++ into the standard library of Nim. That document explains it much 
better that I could do it in this post. The idea is that you could easily 
transform a memory mapped files, strings and seq types into a span, and then 
use this as an interface for your API. There is no need to know that the data 
is actually from a memory mapped file in your library.

I should actually put that link to the pdf to the original issue, too. I was 
not able to find this originally when I wrote the issue.

Re: ref object or object with ref field

2017-04-11 Thread Krux02
@Lando here an example for dynamic dispatch on value types.

  A = object of RootObj
a: string
  B = object of RootObj

method foo(arg: RootObj): void =

method foo(arg: A): void =
  echo "A ", arg.a

method foo(arg: B): void =
  echo "B ", arg.a

var a = A(a: "abc")
var b = B(a: 12345)

var pointers : array[2, ptr RootObj] = [a.addr, b.addr]

for p in pointers:

var references : array[2, ref RootObj]= [new(A), new(B)]

for p in references:

Re: ref object or object with ref field

2017-04-11 Thread Krux02
@Varriount: What I originally meant was a pointer to the Context struct itself. 
But you are right I was not clear on that. For elements in a seq an index works 
pretty well.

But to your comment on ret types I like to disagree. I don't like to say out in 
the blue that reference types are like C pointers but safer. If that would be 
the full truth, then `ref` would be generally better than `ptr` types, and that 
is not true. My take on explaining ref types is, a `ref` is like a `ptr` but 
with lifetime management. A `ref` keeps it's target object alive, as long as 
there is still a ref to it, and ensures it's destruction when it is not 
referenced anymore. Objects on the stack already have a defined lifetime, 
therefore you should reference them with pointers. Function parameters are when 
it makes sense passed as hidden pointers, therefore it is neven an optimization 
to pass a `ptr` to a function instead of a value type. This basically removes 
90% of all cases where you would use a pointer in the C context, and therefore 
you only need `ptr` here and there. And ref types, well I didn't need it for 
anything yet, but they are probably very useful for arbitrarily shaped graphs. 

Re: ref object or object with ref field

2017-04-11 Thread Krux02
Yes, when you use it. The following example has quite some performance 
difference depending on the type chosen:

var context: Context = ...
let nodes = context.nodes

But without context it's hard to give advice. My guess is that the performance 
difference doesn't matter, and when it does, you should do performance test. 
The best performance is by the way the type that has the fewest indirections:

  Context*[T] = object
nodes: seq[Node[T]]

but be aware that if you assign Context to another variable, you will create a 
deep copy. So when you want to have a reference stored in another variable, you 
should use the `addr` operator.

Re: Cello: a library of string algoritms using succinct data structures

2017-04-11 Thread Krux02
@bpr sorry, bioinformatics then. What I originally mean is 'people who write 
programs that handle genes' and I naïvely used the term "genetic engineer" 
which is of course wrong. I am just an application developer. All strings I 
handle are the strings I have written manually that are necessary for the 
program to some text, and maybe some grep and sed on the command line. So no 
need for any external library.

Re: Cello: a library of string algoritms using succinct data structures

2017-04-10 Thread Krux02
Well it is for genetics. No wonder that I initially didn't get what it was 
about. I am not a genetic engineer. I saw that you had a spill datatype. I 
think it is related to this issue, it would be nice, if you could also give a 
comment on it, because I think not all libraries should define this with their 
own name for it.


Re: Closure iterators seems to be broken or I am missing something?

2017-04-10 Thread Krux02
Yes I think you should file a bug. If you do it, I suggest to put both versions 
in (working/non-working). Maybe if you can you could try to look at the 
generated C code, and if you understand it, point out the significant 
difference. Btw the generated C code looks much nicer, when you compile with 
`-d:release` (much more compact).

Re: Closure iterators seems to be broken or I am missing something?

2017-04-10 Thread Krux02
Ok, I got it working with low level iterator code:

proc len[T](it : (iterator : T)) : Natural =
  for i in it():
result += 1

proc filter[T](it: (iterator : T), f: proc(x: T): bool): (iterator: T) =
  return iterator(): T =
while true:
  let x = it()
  if finished(it):
if f(x):
  yield x

proc simpleSeqIterator[T](s :seq[T]) : (iterator : T) =
  iterator it: T {.closure.} =
for x in s:
  yield x
  return it

let a = toSeq(1 .. 99)
echo len(a)
echo len(simpleSeqIterator(a))
echo len(filter(simpleSeqIterator(a), proc(x : int) : bool = true))

I also once tried to do functional programming in Nim, but there is a lot of 
friction to do so at the moment. One thing I did that could also be useful for 
you was a lifting template that allowed me to transform an inline iterator into 
a closure iterator, so that I could use all those iterators that were only 
defined as inline iterators in the standard library more useful.

Re: Closure iterators seems to be broken or I am missing something?

2017-04-10 Thread Krux02
I currently try to get this working. As it seems there is definitively a bug in 
Nim. But you also have a bug. You reuse `iter`. After you first calculated 
`len(iter)` iter is at it's end, and therefore consumed. But even fixing that 
doesn't bring you the result you hoped to get.

Re: How to properly bind a function to a compiler buildin?

2017-04-10 Thread Krux02
@cblake I think it should be handled at nim level, because it can be hadled at 
Nim level. The more things can be resolved at the Nim side, the more powerful 
the language is. On the other side, Nim does not only have a C backend, it also 
has an LLVM backend. I do not know the state of this backend or how LLVM 
actually works, but I could imagine that here it is part of the nim compiler to 
define the alignment. And it is also not too complicated to implement this 
behaviour backend dependent. The algorithm that runs on each backend is exactly 
the same, it is only the alignment value of different types that might change 
between backends. So it boils down to a simple mapping from a type bachend 
pairr to an alignment value. This map needs to be complete though.

Re: How to properly bind a function to a compiler buildin?

2017-04-10 Thread Krux02

I just looked at `magicsAfterOverloadResolution`, since you said it is the 
preferred way. I tried to find the `mSizeOf` handling in there for an example, 
but it is not handled there. I would like to know what I am actually supposed 
to do in this procedure. What information do the parameters provide to me? And 
what am I supposed to return?

Currently the procedure itself does not have any documentation string, nor does 
any of the procedure argument types have any documentation.

So my question here is, what are the parameters, and what should it return? 
Especially the parameter `c: PContext` is a bit confusing to me. Since I 
already used `PNode` a bit, I guess it should eventually return an integer 
literal in form of a PNode with the value of the offset/alignment/size.

Re: How to properly bind a function to a compiler buildin?

2017-04-10 Thread Krux02
@cblake To my research Each platform (x86 arm powerpc) may have different 
alignment rules. But there is definitively no alignment rule distinction 
between compilers, otherwise it would be impossible to use structs as 
interfaces in C. This makes header files in C compatible between different 
compilers. This compatibility was never enforced or was defined, the C standard 
actually would allow different behaviours, but compiler manufacturers wanted 
compatibility and that is what we can rely on today.

I am aware of the `packed` attribute, I think nim should have the same.

To your last question. I think I can move the resolution of the alignment 
parameter to the runtime, but that would not only increase the complexity of 
the code a lot, but also remove the ability for compile time error checking.

As far as I know the target platform is already known at compile time, and 
therefore the generated C code is already platform dependent. This means it 
would not be wrong at all to generate platform dependent constants in the C 
code, because other platforms would have different C code anyway. 

How to properly bind a function to a compiler buildin?

2017-04-08 Thread Krux02
Currently I improve the proceduer `computeSize` in `types.nim`. I worked now 
quite a bit on the procedure, but I don't understand, how `system.sizeof` 
eventually calls `types.computeSize`. I know that in some cases the call 
system.sizeof was not able to be evaluated at compile time. I would like to 
know how this decision is made.

Eventually I would like to add `system.alignof` analogue to `system.sizeof`. 
Then I would like to add offsetof, but here I do not know how the interface 
should look like. This is an idea:

proc offsetof[T](typ: typedesc[T]; member: untyped): int

For my use case it is very important, that I can get all the sizes at compile 
time, therefore I would like to make all this also available with NimNode 

# macros.nim
proc sizeof(typ: NimNode)
proc alignof(typ: NimNode)
proc offsetof(member: NimNode)

But here again, I don't understand how I can bind these procedures to the 
functions I defined in `types.nim`.

Re: why is nim install weird?

2017-04-04 Thread Krux02
I can only support the workflow Araq suggested, I do the same. You can then add 
`~/projects/Nim/bin` to your path, or symlink the binaries from there to a 
folder that is already in your path. I have `~/bin` in my path and put the 
symlinks there. `make install` should not be done with any software at all. You 
can't get rid of it anymore.

Re: How get a type of what used to be an untyped NimNode in macro

2017-04-03 Thread Krux02
I solved this problem with a two layer macro. The outer macro had an untyped 
argument and an inner macro with a typed argument. The outer macro was the 
macro that the user of the dsl would call and it has the nice syntax to call 
it. The outer macro transforms the untyped ast in an ast that then can be type 
checked. I did this by adding some function calls that didn't do anything, they 
were just there, so that the type checker could do it's job. The now 
typecheckable ast is then passed to the inner macro that has a typed argument. 
Now you can do whatever you want from here on. In your case the outer macro 
would generate the let expression you talked about.

over simplifiled example:

proc decoration[T](arg: T): int = 1

macro inner(arg: typed): untyped = [...]

macro outer*(arg: untyped) =
  result = quote do:

  1   2   3   4   >