Re: [Nix-dev] confusing rollback / generation system

2017-05-18 Thread Stefan Huchler
Vladimír Čunát  writes:

> Oh, you mean the system-wide profile?  (i.e.
> /nix/var/nix/profiles/system)  That's the root's profile.  If you use
> `nix-env` as root, it will operate on that by default.  You typically
> need elevated privileges, but it's probably possible to change
> permissions of that directory...

At least for --list-generations operation that is not true tested on 2
machines. I have to set the system-directory parameter to get access to

bash-4.4# nix-env --list-generations
  16   2017-01-10 09:28:31   (current)

bash-4.4# nix-env --list-generations -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system
  71   2017-04-02 20:01:34   
  72   2017-04-23 15:36:07   (current)

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] confusing rollback / generation system

2017-05-18 Thread Stefan Huchler
Vladimír Čunát <> writes:

> On 05/18/2017 08:32 PM, Stefan Huchler wrote:

>> The first question is why do I need to specify a path and use a nix tool
>> when I want to make nixos system rollback?  searching this path always is not
>> very funny.
> You don't need to.  You can run just `nix-env --rollback` repeatedly to
> get to the generation you want.  Note that it's just a linear list; that
> might have "confusing consequences" when you alternate appending items
> with rollbacks.

with nix-env --list-generations I get that 15-19 generation stuff so
nix-env rollback would operate on that right?

So I need to give the system-path to operate on... to take actions on
it. I dont see how to get around that...

Also repetingly do --rollback 10 times is no good option in my
oppinion... giving a number as parameter makes more sense to
me... which works for nix-channel --rollback but not for nix-env
--rollback which is inconsistent.

>> Why cant I use some sort of nixos-env --delete-generations without a
>> path? And why cant I use like with nix-channel not 198 as parameter to
>> rollback instead of using switch + delete manually?
> If you want to delete all but the current generation or similar actions,
> there's `nix-collect-garbage -d` (see docs for more details).

delete older does not help when I want to go back... I would need some
sort of --delete-newer-than...

> Channels have an independent list of generations, "unrelated" to the
> generations of installed stuff (nix-env --list-generations).  Anyway,
> you probably want to remove the 17.03 URL, replace it, and run channel
> update.

Yes that is what I did... still the need of writing the path to the
system-profile is dumb in my oppinion... make some sort of --system
switch or something...

Its just some guessing and trying around thinking that I might need
still a backup of the system... cause there seems so much you can make

Sorry maybe I am nidpicking... I dont want to whine but maybe somebody
sees that as good feedback for improvements.

make a nix-env --system or nixos-env tool that operates on the os-level,
or integrate --rollback in nixos-rebuild and rename it maybe to
nixos-ctl or something like that.

> --Vladimir
> P.S.
> I personally often like to hand-manage this stuff, as the commands are
> just a rather thin layer around the underlying files.
> $HOME/.nix-channels is a really trivial list.  Profiles are simple
> symlinks.  It's often easier for me to use standard tools for
> manipulation with files and text files.

At least I know I did not start a atomic missle and it was kind of
correct what I did, even it feeled very strange...

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] confusing rollback / generation system

2017-05-18 Thread Stefan Huchler
So because I had problems with nixos 17.03 (kodi) for now I wanted to
rollback to a older version and get rid of the newer generations on my
system, so that I can update my 16.10 profile with other configurations.

Doing something like that:

nix-env -G 198 -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system
nix-env --delete-generations 199 200... -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system

The first question is why do I need to specify a path and use a nix tool
when I want to make nixos system rollback?  searching this path always is not
very funny.

Why cant I use some sort of nixos-env --delete-generations without a
path? And why cant I use like with nix-channel not 198 as parameter to
rollback instead of using switch + delete manually?

then I wanted to change back the channel so that upgrades I do with
nixos-rebuild would use 16.10 packages.

I thought using --add 16.10-url and then --update would be the way to
go, but I see there is also a rollback option. So lets try it:

/ssh:root@PC: $ nix-env --list-generations
  18   2017-05-12 04:04:24   
  19   2017-05-12 17:09:26   (current)
/ssh:root@PC: $ nix-channel --rollback
switching from generation 19 to 18
/ssh:root@PC: $ nix-env --list-generations
  18   2017-05-12 04:04:24   
  19   2017-05-12 17:09:26   (current)
/ssh:root@PC: $ nix-channel --list

It seems to me that it did nothing.

Why is there a second rollback feature? When would be a good time to use
it, and a new add+update be not doing the same?


nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] why has each revision / generation not a own configuration.nix

2017-05-12 Thread Stefan Huchler
Tomasz Czyż  writes:


Thanks nice, could not belive that I am the first "genieus" that thought
on that.

Do you know the reason why it defaults to false, cant think of any
disadvantage of that functionality. I mean nixos eats harddrive like
nearly no other distro. So saving space cant be the reason.

Some sort of privacy concern?

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] why has each revision / generation not a own configuration.nix

2017-05-12 Thread Stefan Huchler

I find it always strange, that when I revert back or boot a older
version of nixos, the configuration file has no version that reflected
that version. So I have to seperatly have to backup the
configuration.nix file.

Could there not be at least a backup of the config used in that
generation somewhere (or is there somewhere one) when you build a

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Would love to get feedback / help to a kodi problem

2017-05-11 Thread Stefan Huchler

Thanks so far.

Matthew Bauer  writes:
> Partly this is understanding the split between Nix, Nixpkgs, and NixOS.
> You might not actually be rebuilding your changes to nixpkgs. This part
> of the manual explains this somewhat:
> So, you may have to do:
> # nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=/my/sources/nixpkgs

Rebuild it with that in the configuration.nix

  nixpkgs.config.KodiPlugin = {
enablePeripheralJoystick = true;

Not shure if thats right. But does not work.
Of course sadly kodi config is half destroyed or "updated" in a way that
you can switch back without regressions to kodi 16.2.

But thats no new problem. So yes I have a somewhat working old
generation, well that would be fixed if I could do the upgrade
eventually. :)

Its not like that regression is the only one... vpn doesnt start as
example saw a few errors in the bootsequence. Upgrades seem often pretty
painfull in nixos :)

I mean I guess I could solve that problem with buying some hardware
remote mini keyboard, but generaly that should not be such a big problem
in theory :)

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Would love to get feedback / help to a kodi problem

2017-05-08 Thread Stefan Huchler

Matthew Bauer  writes:

> Then kodi should be in your environment. Just run it with kodi if you
> can. You’ll need to do some modifications to get it building under NixOS
> but you’ll hopefully have a better handle on things. Make sure if you
> get it working you submit a PR for it though! Don’t be afraid to ask for
> help if you have issues.

Hi Matthew,

I did try it, it did compile and install, kodi gets run by
displaymanager as user black so I guess thats enough?

But it neither does work nor do I find the plugin or even the category
for it.

I didnt find the time to upload it yet in a proper way, but did it as

The main problem I have to debug that is that I dont even know if I have
nix problems or if this plugin does fix the problem. So I cant just use
the normal make install, and if that solves the issue seperately do the

So its very hard to see what the problem is. Not to mention user vs
system packet installations.

I dont ever really understand how the plugin system of kodi works.

Well again I try to find the time to upload my changes as branch. Is
there no maintainer of the kodi package?

I mean the bug is open since 4 5 days, and I did not even get a notice
that somebody have seen the bugreport, or is assigned or anything.


nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] Would love to get feedback / help to a kodi problem

2017-05-06 Thread Stefan Huchler

I have problems getting my wireless xbox controller working with nixos
17.03 I think I kind of / might understand what the problem is.

I think I would be able to solve it in other distros by compiling a
package and install it into the system, but thats not so easy in nixos
cause of the weard paths, so you have to package it I think.

Because I dont think that the nixos / nix documentation is very good
(imho) and some experience with kodi packaging could help, I would be
happy if somebody could help me get the plugin packaged.

I tried to describe the problem here already:

As far as I get it making a package for that plugin:

would solve the problem. My first question for that would be: do I
need to create a own package for that or do I have to modify the
existing kodi package?



nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] The Church of Suckless NixOS is looking for followers

2017-03-17 Thread Stefan Huchler
Jan Malakhovski (The ephemeral self-proclaimed Pope of SLNOS)

> * Our common goal is to have fun (see below) and to get a NixOS system
>   that can run using only suckless tools [1].

which is a subject oppinion, which tools does suck and which not.

> * Some of us want to drop GRUB in favor of running on top of minimal
>   Xen payload on Coreboot firmware and isolate everything like in
>   QubesOS,

So you want to have a distro not only for the 2% linux users but only
for the 1% pc that run with coreboot, I am very optimistic that you will
get much contribution and feedback :)

> * We like LISP, but we don't think package expressions should be written
>   in LISP just for the sake of LISP. Nor do we like the bloated GNU
>   tools. GuixSD is out of question.

And why is it for the sake of lisp? Have you proof that guixsd chose
lisp just because of lisp despite some disadvantages? What are the
disadvantages of lisp package expressions?

Blooted GNU tools? So you like the horrible inferior tools that come
with android? its always good if software has less features?

But thanks for the post, made me laugh.

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Fwd: Why having releases if you break things in it often

2017-02-12 Thread Stefan Huchler
Vladimír Čunát <> writes:

> On 02/11/2017 03:26 PM, Stefan Huchler wrote:
>> Maybe we could talk about the status of the project wiki or other
>> documentation, if there would ways to improve that.
> Status of the wiki is being discussed right now:
> and the rest of
> documentation is also touched lightly in there.
> I'm convinced the stable releases are worth it!  In the last several
> months NixOS has been patching every single CVE reported in a larger
> distribution (through LWN tracker) and backporting all those to the
> stable releases.  I really find it *amazing* that we manage that
> consistently.  There are occasional breakages due to some of the
> updates, but that's hard to avoid completely and I don't think there
> have been many.  (There's also the advantage of --rollback :)

I did not claim that stable releases are not worth, that was the
original suspect from 1 2 months ago, and it was just a question because
I wanted to learn what policies you have.

To the rollback feature, the problem is that you have no real seperation
between configuration and packaging.

That leads for me to have 1 packaging set that works ( a old version
from last year), but with a wrong vpn server write-only in the openvpn
settings) and a new profile with the correct openvpn configuration but a
broken openvpn package version.

So is there a way to rollback the --update action, so that new
configurations still use the old packages? Else for my problem
--rollback is no solution.

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Fwd: Why having releases if you break things in it often

2017-02-11 Thread Stefan Huchler
> Did you pay someone?  If yes, talk to them and be as rude as you want,
> because you have a contract.  If no, then pick one of the other three
> options.

Well I wanted to appoledgise for my tone, even I think I made mostly
valid points if you put the tone aside for a moment.

I of course have no RIGHT to get help, but I think I never said
that. But many of you get really triggered, even I tried to give even my
rant messages a possitive spin at the end.

Yes I could been more polite, everybody has a bad day here and there, I
think I did not overstep any real nogos, like attacking a person or
getting personal or anything.

And if I critisize you and I dont know how many of you listen here 100
people? and 90% then say I will not help you if you are not more polite,
I have to live with that. But maybe the other 10 people can put their
ego aside for a moment and try to fix it.

Its not like a bug report is only a onesided thing, where only the
person that writes the bugreport gets somethnig out of it. Its a very
important work people do to HELP the project.

They might not do that because of that reason to help the project, but I
am really happy if people send me bug reports to my software.

And I am really happy if people use my software. Yes its better to be
polite 100% of the time, but sometimes a rant can help.

Linus did show Nvidia the middle finger for bad linux support. They kind
of stepped up their game afterwards.

Btw I dont compare you to nvidia, but lets not start to talk about
nvidia to much :)

You could argue that nvidia customers give nvidia money, so they could
expect good driver support even for linux, or at least more than this
"freeloader" that I am.

Again I release 100% of my software under the gpl, I posted here a link
to a derivation, I wrote a free kodi emacs remote which is in melpa.

So its not like I am a asocial person that only wants stuff but never
gives stuff back.

I just feel my time is better invested maybe add a feature to
kodi-remote as example than in repackaging a broken package, and
learning the complete nix language and api / structure.

And I am willing to learn, on the way, if somebody would send me a fix
or workaround I would learn from it. But without a good documentation
(imho), and a very complex system its hard to do on your own.

And critisise me for my rant (if you do that every time something is not
working out the way you want or not fast enough I get that you dont want
that, but I dont rant all the time, about technical stuff, I cant
remember the last rant at least on a mailing list), but it kind of
worked out, on a related bug there was more movement in the last 12
hours then is the last 7 days.

there seems to be work to fix it going on and another attempt to give me
a workaround. Which I have to test out today.

Would that happend also if I asked more politly maybe, I did not do that
calculated in how much affect it may have, I just needed a ventil for my
adrenalin or testestoron I guess.

Again sorry for the tone, but it can be very frustrating if you try to
go through several doors but instead always run against a wall.

Maybe we could talk about the status of the project wiki or other
documentation, if there would ways to improve that.

Its just hard to come up with better docu if you dont understand most
stuff on yourself.

At least I will send more bug reports when something does not work and
hope you see that as a contribution and not a burden.

And I am of course thankful for any help, and hope that the workaround
@bjornfor gave me on github solves the issue.

See ya!

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Fwd: Why having releases if you break things in it often

2017-02-10 Thread Stefan Huchler
Tomasz Czyż  writes:

> But you know, experts stuff is pretty expensive resource, and maybe
> people decided will be better if they use it differently than you
> would expect?

So you find the time to create Regressions, but none to fix the Mess you

Creating Regressions, is basicly the worst a developer can do, if he
would have done nothing it would be still better than creating a Regression.

>  I dont want to be a 100% full time nixos developer / sysadmin just to
>  solve such stupid problem. Except somebody would pay me for that, then I
>  would think about it.
> Ah, so you won't do it for free but you expect the army of experts to
> rush for help and do it for free for you, do I read that correctly?

"rush" the bug is open since over a month, I would not call that

> And now serious, nix is an effort of huge number of people, they
> contribute in their free time mostly, and even those who do it for
> cash, mostly work for some companies and nixos contribution is just
> side effect of their work.

If thats only a very unproffessional project, why creating a
professional looking web site?

So you find time for much PR, but you cant answer a bug report in a month?

> It looks like a lot of people think that
> nixos is so useful for their work they contribute to it and even help
> others. You can join to that movement and spend a lot of time learning
> about this open source project or you can use the company to help
> you. Few people started nixos consulting (me as well :-) and this is a
> second option, you pay for product/service. It's like most of the open
> source software, right?

Most other opensource software have good documentation, nixos primary
documentation is the sourcecode of the package-files or service files.

Also most opensource projects answer stuff on mailing lists, here I only
got told I should use irc or github bug tracker. Which is a pain in the
ass, cause I dont use irc and freenode has some restrictions and I had
in the past somebody allow my ip adress or somethnig because else it
would not work.

Also I hate browser interfaces and prefer mailinglists, but despite
that, I wrote a bug report there and got no answer in a month. Which btw
is also not standart for other opensource projects, only basicly dead 1
person projects dont answer for more than a week.

But instead of trying to discuss further if I am right or not, could
somebody just help me despite our maybe disagreing oppinion what I
should accept.

I wrote a derivation for another package I think nobody cared about
it. I dont care to much, because its not a central thing for me. So I am
not only complaining about bugs, but if I have time and its not
something from my productive "critical" systems, I dont care to invest
here and there some time.

But if something that worked fine just breaks from a stable update, I am
not willing to invest 20-50 hours to solve it, cause somebody else
did something wrong.

You can critisize my tone, but I suggest you stand over that and try to
step up your game a bit, and I am not talking about you personaly.

Again I dont even want a REAL solution, just a quick dirty hack to work
around that 2 3 nixos commands with the 50 options every command has,
that for you seem to be very simple and for me is rocket science with
very bad docu on it.

Of course you cant expept anything but death from live, but you dont
have to take me so literly. I just expect it, cause its what people get
in other mailinglists. Same basic help.

Real professionals take some angree words not that personal, if they are
not very disrespectful and under the belly.

The frustration is just not because I tried one thing, and it did not
work and I immidietly bitched about it.

Its just if you try several different things and nothing works:

1. mailing list no useful answer
2. bugreport no answer
3. doku horrible
4. tried some stuff that seemed to related
5. read manpages

and you nowhere see any lever to get it fixed, after 1 month or so, I
get impatiant.

I dont want somethnig fancy, I dont even have a feature-request, I just
want no regressions, or a fix for a regression, in a reasonable time.

I dont think thats that much to ask for.

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Why having releases if you break things in it often

2017-02-10 Thread Stefan Huchler
Hello Roger,

first thanks for the answer, second I dont even understand what you are
saying :)

You seem to think that I read all manpages of all nix*-tools 20 times,
and maybe 1 2 books on nixos.

I mean yes I know nix(os) is not only a package manager, but a kind of
configuration system, so maybe I am supposed to have a MUCH harder
learning curve.

I am a emacs user so I thought I am kind of used to that, but heck you
nixos guys all talk like spanish to me.

I kind of have a partial idea what it could mean what you are saying,
but even if I am right, I would have no idea how to do that.

That version of flexget seems to run, in a old boot-configuration:


btw why are there 20 entries in grub bug nix-env --list-generations
shows me only 2?

so is there a way to link my current installation or a new updated
profile to that flexget version?


Roger Qiu <> writes:

> Hey, I'd suggest for you to not use channels. I don't. Pin your nixpkgs to a 
> commit hash. And upgrade when
> you want to/need to. This should be the recommended way IMHO.
> On 11/02/2017 10:07 AM, "Stefan Huchler" <> wrote:
>  Hello,
>  I start to get frustrated again, the documentation of nixos is not very
>  good if you do more than just the most basic stuff.
>  So you kind of are if you are not a full-time nixos developer dependend
>  of help from the developers.
>  So I wrote here about the bug, then I startet a bugreport:
>  Nothing happens at all. Well nobody else does anything about lets try to
>  find a workaround.
>  I dont even care anymore if it is a imperative solution or anything, its
>  just absolutly inaccaptable that there not even any workaround.
>  I may have a different bug now after maybe installing a different
>  version (unstable) of flexget, now its with beautifulsoup.
>  nix-env -f
>  -i python2.7-FlexGet-1.2.337
>  I did that. Now I get the next error, how can that be such a big big bug
>  in every channels and completly broken and no real solution there, if a
>  change messes up such huge stuff cant you revert it?
>  in other distros I would use just python-pip and it would work, now you
>  took the challenge on you to manage that, but if that leads to MORE
>  problems then pip already has, it really sucks.
>  I still dont get how you can brake working things just cause of some minor
>  security problems.
>  And of course some bad things happen, but at least give either a fast
>  fix or as alternative any workaround.
>  There are 85 mio nix* commands/options and config files, I am not a full-time
>  nixos developer, I dont understand all of that many different ways you
>  can do stuff.
>  So any help would be nice. I am a technicaly shurly keen guy, but I cant
>  reboot daily my machine for months, cause nobody of you experts can
>  invest 5-15 mins to fix that.
>  Sorry for whining but I am not used to me throwing brain and time after
>  something x times and nothing advances at all.
>  I dont want to be a 100% full time nixos developer / sysadmin just to
>  solve such stupid problem. Except somebody would pay me for that, then I
>  would think about it.
>  I guess its maybe a rare case that you have 2 versions that both dont
>  work 100%, so I cant just use a older version and wait months till you
>  fix that problem finaly. But even than it would suck cause I cant really
>  test new configurations in taht case.
>  I would try to learn nixos better, but the documentation is horrible. I
>  had 0 problems using, ubuntu / fedora / debian / archlinux / gentoo, but
>  the doku of nixos is horrible.
>  Heck if I want to know a package name I have to search on github for
>  package names and options.
>  So
>  1. bug reports dont work...
>  2. RTFM cant be done because the doku is horrible
>  3. mailing list seem to not work either?
>  Is that really what I have to expect?
>  Sorry for ranting here, I stopp now, but maybe some of that feedback
>  helps you to improve something, and maybe somebody could give me some
>  config lines or nix-env commands that gets flexget running again.
>  Graham Christensen <> writes:
>  > I'm very sorry you've had a bad experience with breakage on stable. :( I
>  > use 16.09 myself.
>  >
>  >>> yes I think that html5lib thing would it be. So it was at least a
>  >>> security fix, so you dont just update stuff to update it, whic

Re: [Nix-dev] Why having releases if you break things in it often

2017-02-10 Thread Stefan Huchler

I start to get frustrated again, the documentation of nixos is not very
good if you do more than just the most basic stuff.

So you kind of are if you are not a full-time nixos developer dependend
of help from the developers.

So I wrote here about the bug, then I startet a bugreport:

Nothing happens at all. Well nobody else does anything about lets try to
find a workaround.

I dont even care anymore if it is a imperative solution or anything, its
just absolutly inaccaptable that there not even any workaround.

I may have a different bug now after maybe installing a different
version (unstable) of flexget, now its with beautifulsoup.

nix-env  -f
-i  python2.7-FlexGet-1.2.337

I did that. Now I get the next error, how can that be such a big big bug
in every channels and completly broken and no real solution there, if a
change messes up such huge stuff cant you revert it?

in other distros I would use just python-pip and it would work, now you
took the challenge on you to manage that, but if that leads to MORE
problems then pip already has, it really sucks.

I still dont get how you can brake working things just cause of some minor
security problems.

And of course some bad things happen, but at least give either a fast
fix or as alternative any workaround.

There are 85 mio nix* commands/options and config files, I am not a full-time
nixos developer, I dont understand all of that many different ways you
can do stuff.

So any help would be nice. I am a technicaly shurly keen guy, but I cant
reboot daily my machine for months, cause nobody of you experts can
invest 5-15 mins to fix that.

Sorry for whining but I am not used to me throwing brain and time after
something x times and nothing advances at all.

I dont want to be a 100% full time nixos developer / sysadmin just to
solve such stupid problem. Except somebody would pay me for that, then I
would think about it.

I guess its maybe a rare case that you have 2 versions that both dont
work 100%, so I cant just use a older version and wait months till you
fix that problem finaly. But even than it would suck cause I cant really
test new configurations in taht case.

I would try to learn nixos better, but the documentation is horrible. I
had 0 problems using, ubuntu / fedora / debian / archlinux / gentoo, but
the doku of nixos is horrible.

Heck if I want to know a package name I have to search on github for
package names and options.

1. bug reports dont work...
2. RTFM cant be done because the doku is horrible
3. mailing list seem to not work either?

Is that really what I have to expect?

Sorry for ranting here, I stopp now, but maybe some of that feedback
helps you to improve something, and maybe somebody could give me some
config lines or nix-env commands that gets flexget running again.

Graham Christensen  writes:

> I'm very sorry you've had a bad experience with breakage on stable. :( I
> use 16.09 myself.
>>> yes I think that html5lib thing would it be. So it was at least a
>>> security fix, so you dont just update stuff to update it, which would
>>> make releases pretty useless concept :)
> Roughly, this is why backports happen:
>  - Security patches which aren't major updates
>  - If a security patch is a major upgrade, try and find patches to our
>current version which accomplish the same goal. Apply the major
>update to master, and the patches to stable. 
>  - Bug fixes to applications which, again, aren't major updates.
>Generally be cautious about these. 
>  - Any updates when the current stable version is utterly broken. A key
>example of this is Spotify, who regularly breaks their old versions. 
>  - Extremely security-sensitive software, in particular Chrome,
>Chromium, Firefox, Thunderbird, and of course the kernel.
>>> Sorry I formulated that message a bit trollish, but just wanted to learn
>>> why how releases are done in nixos.
> Please know that Freddy, Franz, Robin, Domen, myself, and the rest of
> the people contributing to NixOS work very hard to keep the stable
> version of NixOS working nicely. This is very important to us. 
> It can be very stressful when preparing to backport changes, but it is
> important to do them anyway. I try to think through impact and run tests
> across a wide range of software to see what will break. We also try not
> to backport any substantial changes, but instead smaller patches to
> prevent breakage.
> When you do find breakage, please do promptly open an issue on send a
> report on the mailing list so we can address the problem and perhaps add
> testing to prevent it in the future. We're also quite accessible on the
> #nixos IRC channel on Freenode.
> If you would like to take part in the process of identifying and solving
> security problems on master and backporting to stable, we sure would
> love the extra 

Re: [Nix-dev] Why having releases if you break things in it often

2017-01-24 Thread Stefan Huchler
Hello Freddy,

yes I think that html5lib thing would it be. So it was at least a
security fix, so you dont just update stuff to update it, which would
make releases pretty useless concept :)

So except you want security updates you dont have to update your system?
I think automated tests could fix that...

something like systemctl status flexget | grep running or something like

Of course you cant write a test for every cornercase, but that bug seems
pretty obvious and easy to reproduce (install/upgrade flexget).

Sorry I formulated that message a bit trollish, but just wanted to learn
why how releases are done in nixos.

Also a hint why list-derivations and boot options in grub dont are the
same would be interesting? Maybe when I run gc or optimise they vanish
from grub?


Freddy Rietdijk <> writes:

> Hi Stefan,
> Regarding flexget. There were some security issues with an (indirect) 
> dependency, html5lib, and thus
> html5lib was upgraded. Maybe that broke flexget, I don't know. 
> The main issue is just a lack of maintainers. It's relatively straightforward 
> to add a package to Nixpkgs, but
> maintaining a package set this size that also keeps growing is becoming 
> increasingly harder.
> Freddy
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 10:07 AM, Stefan Huchler <> 
> wrote:
>  So because I dont need always newest versions on all of my boxes, I
>  selected the 16.xx chhannel.
>  There are here and there some minor issues as example kodi here and
>  there crashes maybe 1-3 times a week. Could be extentions or something.
>  For that and other reasons I update here and there all few weeks maybe
>  the maschine.
>  So one advantage of course is that if I notice that something does not
>  work I can boot a old configuration, so I dont have to deal with some
>  updates that broke stuff or rollback.
>  But I wonder how you can break relativly often stuff (at the moment
>  there seems to be a python dependency problem with flexget, that makes
>  the daemon crash), in a "stable" release channel.
>  I mean if I use debian, and stick to my "channel"/release, normaly
>  nothing breaks, as long as I use only their package installer, pip
>  updates of course broke stuff. If I use fedora, well I get maybe some
>  upstream changes like new kernel versions, but normaly they brake also
>  nothing.
>  So if "stable" channel makes updates that are not needed (the older
>  version of flexget works fine), whats the point or the criterias of
>  those releases? I could then just use the newest version, if I have to
>  relay on rollback / boot old versions anyway, I dont really see the
>  point of "stable" channels.
>  I had pretty good experiences with using the rolling channel, but had
>  many times break stuff in the stable channel.
>  Also the tools around generations / boot-generations is very confusing,
>  why do I have 3 4 options in the nix-env --list-generation overview but
>  20 in the boot menu.
>  But thats a 2nd different issue I guess.
>  Just wonder what your policies are.
>  Other stuff that broke on me in the past, was latex packages as example.
>  ___
>  nix-dev mailing list
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] Why having releases if you break things in it often

2017-01-23 Thread Stefan Huchler
So because I dont need always newest versions on all of my boxes, I
selected the 16.xx chhannel.

There are here and there some minor issues as example kodi here and
there crashes maybe 1-3 times a week. Could be extentions or something.

For that and other reasons I update here and there all few weeks maybe
the maschine.

So one advantage of course is that if I notice that something does not
work I can boot a old configuration, so I dont have to deal with some
updates that broke stuff or rollback.

But I wonder how you can break relativly often stuff (at the moment
there seems to be a python dependency problem with flexget, that makes
the daemon crash), in a "stable" release channel.

I mean if I use debian, and stick to my "channel"/release, normaly
nothing breaks, as long as I use only their package installer, pip
updates of course broke stuff. If I use fedora, well I get maybe some
upstream changes like new kernel versions, but normaly they brake also

So if "stable" channel makes updates that are not needed (the older
version of flexget works fine), whats the point or the criterias of
those releases? I could then just use the newest version, if I have to
relay on rollback / boot old versions anyway, I dont really see the
point of "stable" channels.

I had pretty good experiences with using the rolling channel, but had
many times break stuff in the stable channel.

Also the tools around generations / boot-generations is very confusing,
why do I have 3 4 options in the nix-env --list-generation overview but
20 in the boot menu.

But thats a 2nd different issue I guess.

Just wonder what your policies are.

Other stuff that broke on me in the past, was latex packages as example.

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Proposal: adding fetchapt support to nixpkgs

2016-11-11 Thread Stefan Huchler
Profpatsch  writes:

> That doesn’t work, and it’s by design.
> In order for nix (the package manager) to be able to install something,
> it needs to know the input files *beforehand*, by hash. So nix **cannot**
> evaluate a derivation where the source hash changes.
> The one thing that could be done is completely automating the
> version-bumping process, that is write a program that follows debian
> releases, bumps the hashes, tests the functionality of the resulting
> executables (!!) and then commits the new version to nixpkgs.

Also I think its a cornercase right? isnt the goal of snap or flatpkgs
or appimages to solve suchh problems.

Isnt it the problem that its a proprietary software that creates that
problem because of that?

So the question is, does chromium as example have the same problem? do
we/you package there also a deb file?

So would be support of app-package / snaps or similar tools not be the
better solution to such problems?

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] how to add buildInput with derivation

2016-11-08 Thread Stefan Huchler
Bjørn Forsman  writes:

> Try
>   packageOverrides = pkgs: rec {
> qutebrowser = pkgs.qutebrowser.overrideDerivation (oldAttrs: rec {
>   nativeBuildInputs = oldAttrs.nativeBuildInputs ++ [
> pkgs.qt5.qtwebengine
>   ];
> });
>   };


yes at least the syntax is fine, but sadly does not change anything.

I cant even import qtengine manualy with the installed python (3.5)

not with

import qtwebengine  or
import webengine   or
import QtWebEngine 5.7 or
import QtWebEngine

and qutebrowser also tells me taht I should install qtwebengine when I
try to start it with "--backend webengine"

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] how to add buildInput with derivation

2016-11-08 Thread Stefan Huchler

Because I have problems with qutebrowser I want to try out the new
qtwebengine backend.

I am not 100% shure that I edit the right variable but I want to add
qtwebengine to the buildInputs variable of that package:

 packageOverrides = pkgs: rec {
   qutebrowser = pkgs.stdenv.lib.overrideDerivation pkgs.qutebrowser 
(oldAttrs : {
 buildPythonApplication.buildInputs = [
   qtbase qtwebkit-plugins qtwebengine
   gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly 

I get then the error:

error: undefined variable ‘qtbase’ at /home/.../.nixpkgs/config.nix:5:12

here is the package I want to manipulate:

Can somebody give me a hint what I did wrong? And if that that would
work to get the qtwebengine backend availible?

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Fwd: Re: qutebrowser very unstable

2016-11-08 Thread Stefan Huchler

just had another 2 crashes in 15 mins writing I think 1 youtube comment
and 1 github comment.

Its about this input boxes here. I dont know if thats related to the
backend, buti its a pain in the ass.

Maybe try now to debug it, maybe its not related to that backend.

Linus Arver  writes:

> On Thu, Nov 03, 2016 at 09:30:37PM +, Taeer Bar-Yam wrote:
>> Should we update the qutebrowser package to use the QtWebEngine
>> backend (i.e. enable the --backend webengine flag)?
> +1

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] gstreamer plugins missing

2016-11-06 Thread Stefan Huchler
Bjørn Forsman <> writes:

> On 6 November 2016 at 11:43, Bjørn Forsman <> wrote:
>> On 6 November 2016 at 01:50, Stefan Huchler <> wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> gst-inspect | grep -i "rtsp"  should print something but it does not.
>>> I installed gstreamer gst_plugins_good gst_plugins_base over
>>> configuration.nix file.
>>> I even tried to manualy install the 0.10 or 1.0 versions both without
>>> any success.
>> Originally, this was by design.
>> [...]
>> Now it seems that functionality has become broken due to the
>> multiple-output change.
> Fix:

Thanks, nice. Does it first get merged only in unstable? If so how long
does it take to get backported to stable?

I mean if I have to I can switch to unstable on that machine, just had
no reason so far :)


nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] gstreamer plugins missing

2016-11-05 Thread Stefan Huchler

I try to stream a rtsp or http adress from spydroid to /dev/videoX.

So gstreamer seems to be best suited for that.

gst-launch rtspsrc location=rtsp:// ! decodebin !
v4l2sink device=/dev/video0

something like that should do the trick in theory. But there seems to be
no rtsp src installed.

gst-inspect | grep -i "rtsp"  should print something but it does not.

I installed gstreamer gst_plugins_good gst_plugins_base over
configuration.nix file.

I even tried to manualy install the 0.10 or 1.0 versions both without
any success.

it should be in gst-plugins-good, any idea what I am doing wrong?

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] qutebrowser very unstable

2016-11-03 Thread Stefan Huchler
I have 2 pcs with nixos, pretty much same setup (exwm), on my main
machine I update very often but its the last "stable" channel, and
qutebrowser since a few weeks crashes very often several times each day.

It often says something about some qtbrowser-library not supported
anymore so they want to switch to another qt bib. I am not shure if
thats related.

The point is the current version in stable crashes much more often then
the older version on my 2nd pc.

I try to catch the next crash with its error and add the version numbber
on my old pc.

But its so bad that I considering switching back to conkeror, I lost
several comments I started to write in qutebrowser cause it crashed.

Its pretty anoying, is this a common known fact, or am I the only one
with that problems?

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] how to install kodi retroarch advanced starter

2016-10-24 Thread Stefan Huchler
I found the retroarch package and I found the advanced-launcher plugin
for kodi and installed them.

But I dont understand how to setup/install the content of this nix

Can someone give me a hint, doesnt mkDerivation make a package? with the
name that is set in the name varible?

 name = "kodi-retroarch-advanced-launchers-${version}";

like that?

I dont find that package (with nox).

what am I missing?

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] add ubuntu support to debootstrap

2016-10-22 Thread Stefan Huchler

I made a ubuntu version of the debootstrap installer, which adds support
to ubuntu releases.

I could upload that "debootstrap-ubuntu" version to github and open a PR
for it.

But I wonder if that makes sense, cause the debootstrap version of
ubuntu comes with the scripts for debian and ubuntu.

So why not just use that version of debootstrap instead of the one from
debian directly?

diff pkgs/tools/misc/debootstrap-ubuntu/default.nix 
<   name = "debootstrap-ubuntu-${version}";
<   version = "1.0.81ubuntu3";
>   name = "debootstrap-${version}";
>   version = "1.0.80";
< url = 
< sha256 = 
> url = 
> "mirror://debian/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_${version}.tar.gz";
> sha256 = "06gigscd2327wsvc7n7w2m8xmaixvp4kyqhayn00qrgd9i9w34x6";
< cat >> $out/bin/debootstrap-ubuntu << EOF
> cat >> $out/bin/debootstrap << EOF
< chmod +x $out/bin/debootstrap-ubuntu
> chmod +x $out/bin/debootstrap
< mv debootstrap.8 $out/man/man8/debootstrap-ubuntu.8
> mv debootstrap.8 $out/man/man8

thats basicly what I did, it installs / runs and works just had to
disable pgp check:

debootstrap-ubuntu --no-check-gpg xenial ubuntu 
I: Retrieving InRelease 
I: Retrieving Packages

I: Base system installed successfully.

this is neat especialy because the machinectl pull-tar functionality
doesnt work too, so this is a good method to get systemd-nspawn
compatible build.

Well or is it?

$ sudo systemd-nspawn -b -D ubuntu/
Spawning container ubuntu on /home/black/virt/ubuntu.
Press ^] three times within 1s to kill container.
/etc/localtime does not point into /usr/share/zoneinfo/, not updating container 
Cannot be run in a chroot() environment.
Freezing execution.

Well is nspawn buggy in nixos? that should work as far as I know.

So sorry now thats 2 topics:
1. would it make sense to use the ubuntu-debootstrap version (with the
scripts from ubuntu) or should I make a PR for the ubuntu-version?
2. is systemd-nspawn working?

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] how to successfully install owncloud/nextcloud

2016-10-22 Thread Stefan Huchler writes:

> The Owncloud NixOS module hasn't been updated in a year, was written for
> Owncloud 7 and requires Apache, PostgreSQL and phpfpm. I use neither of
> those things.
> In my opinion, you don't need a NixOS module for every possible
> combination of web server, database and CGI as one module already has
> more lines of code than a simple more flexible configuration.

I agree to that one version that works would be good enough, maybe one
variant / option with squlite wouldnt hurt, cause some people dont like
to make database dumbs or have to fight with password protection and
stuff like that.
But I would not have complained about that if it would just worked
magicly with a few lines of code paste into configuration.nix and a
nixos-rebuild, but maybe I fucked something up but it did not work here.

>> Is that ssl stuff you do stateless? or is that even possible with ssl?
>> You dont use the usual lets-encrypt script, its in nixos as package, too
>> I belive, but you do that manualy? Or do you not even request a cert?
> You don't have to do anything except `nixos-rebuild switch` if that's
> what you mean… The state is saved in `/var/lib/acme`, so on a different
> computer or a different domain you'll have a different SSL certificate.

But after the first initilation lets say the harddisk is defect and I
have only the configuration.nix and a db dump or sqlite file, do I have
to save the acme folder, or does letsencrypt give out a new key for the
domain? Or does it send you the old key after it checked somehow that
you are legit?

> SSL doesn't compress.

Sorry I meant encrypt.

> nginx's `gzip on;` does. Plus you probably want `expires 1d;` for
> client-side caching.


>> I mean why dont we do that then with ssh, why do we blindly trust that
>> we connect to the right host, spoofing would be possible there to?
> There is a way around that. You can enable certificate pinning and HTTP
> public key pinning (here the example with nginx):
> ```nginx
>   add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000;
> includeSubDomains; preload";
>   add_header Public-Key-Pins
> 'pin-sha256="YLh1dUR9y6Kja30RrAn7JKnbQG/uEtLMkBgFF2Fuihg=";
> pin-sha256="sRHdihwgkaib1P1gxX8HFszlD+7/gTfNvuAybgLPNis=";
> max-age=5184000; includeSubDomains';
> ```
> The public key pin is only valid for Let's Encrypt certificates.

and how does that relate with what I said about ssh?

> Well… someone needs to write the code in their free time.

I did not want to troll or something, its more frustration about
webservers and stuff like that, not about the nix contributors if thats
what you understood.

> Yes. :)


> You might want to change some things. (Here's the gist again:
> I'll give you a quick walkthrough from top to bottom…

thanks I have to read that again when I have more time and it gets more
relevant to me again.

> Set `config.networking.domain` to your domain somewhere.
> There may be typos in the gist.

Thats the problem I often want ssl activated when I use the servers
internaly. maybe dumb, should maybe probably use internaly http :)

> On the command line, you need to create a MySQL user and table for
> Nextcloud (or set
> `services.mysql.initialDatabases = [ { name="nextcloud", schema="" } ];
>  services.mysql.initialScript =
> "scriptthatcreatesnextclouduser.sql";`).

does that create the users? why schema="" ahh sorry the script. yes that
sounds legit, would be nice if that sql file wolud be configurable or
included in nixos so dummies like me dont have to think to much :)

Especialy if you dont support all dbs it can be a bit tricky especialy
most other stuff is so easy in nixos :) OR put at least somethnig like
that as comment into the nix file :)

Well the problem was also that the default owncloud package used
postgres, I used in the past more mysql so I was not exactly shure about
the internals.

Maybe something in the wiki would be good? Don't know, if you dont have
time for that I understand that :)

> Then create `/var/lib/nextcloud`, drop your `config.php` there and don't
> forget to set `'datadirectory' => '/var/lib/nextcloud/data'`.

drop it? doesnt it install such version? you mean maybe rename and edit

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] how to successfully install owncloud/nextcloud

2016-10-21 Thread Stefan Huchler
schneefux  writes:

>> I am using 16.09 but have serious problems getting owncloud running,
>> first I find it irritating that only postgresql is supportet but ok I
>> can accept that at least for now.
> here is how I use it with Let's encrypt, nginx and uwsgi:
> I hope that helps.
> ~ schneefux


yes I like it, yesterday I self-signed it for me manualy, on my pc just
to play with it, I use it internaly only on my machine anyway ( cant
replace the stupid cablerouter from my provider, last time I tried I had
4 days no internet. And there portforwarding is a nightmare dslite or
something and a shitty firmware.

But its for somebody else where I need ssl. And it would be good if that
part would work without doing stuff manualy and it would be basicly stateless
(more or less).

Is that ssl stuff you do stateless? or is that even possible with ssl?
You dont use the usual lets-encrypt script, its in nixos as package, too
I belive, but you do that manualy? Or do you not even request a cert?

Sorry I am a bit of a ssl noob, got it 1 2x somehow running but makes
not much sense to me :) ssh is much more easy to use than this, and I
think its primary pitched to the needs of coorporations, not so much for
normal users that want a small server, where compression is the primary
purpose instead of identity proof.

I mean why dont we do that then with ssh, why do we blindly trust that
we connect to the right host, spoofing would be possible there to?

Well whatever, webserver configuration sucks, I should not wonder if
nixos cant dumb that down so that you add some lines of code and then
nixos-rebuild switch just does everything automaticly, including the
cert part.

Or does your solution do that?

Sorry maybe I got a bit OT, just no real fan of the current web
architecture, would prefer protocols like nntp and imap with client
based keybindings / ui for webstuff over html/js/css stuff, but I guess
for imap you have the same ssl problems :)

funny enough you can still send from as example a google server over
telnet a mail with a sender mail from somebody else at least that worked
last time I checked.

But hell I get even more OT now.

Thanks for your contributions/help, make nixos great (again) :)

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] how to successfully install owncloud/nextcloud

2016-10-18 Thread Stefan Huchler
schneefux <> writes:

> Hello Stefan,
> On 14.10.2016 17:14, Stefan Huchler wrote:
>> I am using 16.09 but have serious problems getting owncloud running,
>> first I find it irritating that only postgresql is supportet but ok I
>> can accept that at least for now.
> here is how I use it with Let's encrypt, nginx and uwsgi - without the
> NixOS Owncloud module:
> I hope that helps.
> ~ schneefux

Well I gone with the lighttpd solution for now, but nice to have another
alternative. Funny that there are so much good solutions on user
repositiories but nothing gets merged into master.

owncloud/nextcloud is not some random exotic software should have some
priority for nixos, and its not that kolab or other stuff is better
integrated so that people could feel there is no need for that.

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] how to successfully install owncloud/nextcloud

2016-10-14 Thread Stefan Huchler
I am using 16.09 but have serious problems getting owncloud running,
first I find it irritating that only postgresql is supportet but ok I
can accept that at least for now.

But I cant get it running, sadly there is no wiki entrence for that
either and no example code in any nix file. But the service extra
package modules are there so I guess that it worked for someone at one

  services.postgresql = {
enable = true;
authentication = "local all all trust";

  services.httpd = {
enable = true;
adminAddr = "";
extraSubservices = [ {
  serviceType = "owncloud";
  package = pkgs.owncloud91;
  dbPassword = "test";
  adminPassword = "test";

I maybe not used the package version first so it installed a older
version first? But I dont think thats the problem I deletet
/var/db/postgres and startet then postgres again to maybe reset in the
hope it would initialize successful but it did not, it seems like it
does not create automaticly the owncloud db, but even if I try to
manualy create that db it fails.

here the fail with fresh clean postgresql:

Oct 14 17:02:10 mars httpd-pre-start[28048]: chown: cannot access
'/var/lib/owncloud/owncloud.log': No such file or directory Oct 14
17:02:10 mars sudo[28296]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=postgres ;
-h /tmp -U postgres -d owncloud -Atw -c INSERT INTO groups (gid)
values('admin'); INSERT INTO users (uid,password)
values('owncloud','a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3'); INSERT
INTO group_user (gid,uid) values('admin','owncloud');

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] qutebrowser undefined symbol 16.09

2016-10-08 Thread Stefan Huchler
Thanks Tomasz that did the trick.

So if you dont need this mechanism (have root privileges) its best to
not use userpackages to prevent this to happen?

I never understand the concept of installing software manualy in a
declerative operating system, cause it makes your step not easy
reproducable, I did use it anyway kind of out of lazyness I think, but
that seems to me than a second reason to not use that way of installing
packages again.

Sorry I dont want to troll, but maybe somebody have some oppinions about
that, maybe a warning in the documentation that this method of
installing software is not recommened for nixos users or explaination
for which cases its a good thing to do something like that, or mention
better the disadvantages (like this), would be a good idea?

Tomasz Czyż <> writes:

> It happen to me before, when I upgraded the system but not userlang
> packages.
> So try after upgrading your nixos upgrade you user packages with
> nix-env --upgrade
> 2016-10-08 1:23 GMT+01:00 Stefan Huchler <>:
> Hi,
> I just upgraded again my acer chromebook 11 but qutebrowser since
> a week
> or so refuses to start.
> it throughs a symbol lookup error:
> and exits afterwards. btw not really related to it I guess, maybe
> opening anothher seperate post about it, but I cant paste a copied
> string into qutebrowser on my main machine (using exwm), I guess I
> could
> test if the same issue happens when I use xfce.
> ___
> nix-dev mailing list

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] qutebrowser undefined symbol 16.09

2016-10-07 Thread Stefan Huchler

I just upgraded again my acer chromebook 11 but qutebrowser since a week
or so refuses to start.

it throughs a symbol lookup error:

and exits afterwards. btw not really related to it I guess, maybe
opening anothher seperate post about it, but I cant paste a copied
string into qutebrowser on my main machine (using exwm), I guess I could
test if the same issue happens when I use xfce.

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] coerce a list of strings

2016-07-26 Thread Stefan Huchler
I wanted to shorten my configuration file a bit.
I have a long configuration for flexget with entries like that:

template: youtube

I can replace that with such let statement:

  makeFeed = { name, url}:
  { x = "  yt_$name:\n   rss: $url\ntemplate: youtube";}.x;
in makeFeed
  { name = "tech-talk-today"; url = ";; }

but now I wanted to use the map function to map more than one entry like

  makeFeed = { name, url}:
  { x = "  yt_$name:\n   rss: $url\ntemplate: youtube";}.x;
in map makeFeed
  [ { name = "tech-talk-today"; url = ";; }]

which did not work cause it generates a list of strings what it cant
"coerce" to a string:

error: cannot coerce a list to a string

Now I thought there is maybe some sort of concat function or merge
function to build out of this list ONE stirng so it works.

Either this api is very limited or not very well documented, some github
nix packages seem to imply or list a concat function, but it seems to
not work or I dont understand this language very well.

wrapping that in a ${concat { let... } at least seems to not work, any

nix-dev mailing list