[NotiAMCA] Concurso para Trabajos de Investigaci ón de Estudiantes - ENIEF 2008

2008-05-21 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Concurso para Trabajos de Investigación de Estudiantes

Ampliación del plazo para presentación
Se ha ampliado el plazo para presentación de trabajos de investigación 
realizados por estudiantes no graduados en el área de los métodos numéricos 
aplicados, hasta el 15 de julio de 2008. 

Este concurso se realiza en el marco del ENIEF 2008: XVII Congreso sobre 
Métodos Numéricos y sus Aplicaciones, que se realizará del 10 al 13 de 
noviembre de 2008 en San Luis, Argentina (http://enief2008.unsl.edu.ar/). 

Los trabajos destinados al concurso siguen, en general, el mismo tratamiento 
que el 
resto de los trabajos del congreso y han sido destinados a una sesión especial 
Iniciación a la Investigación en Metodos Computacionales para Ingeniería. 
Los trabajos que se presenten durante esta prórroga, no obstante, no podrán 
ser publicados en las
memorias del congreso, pero serán expuestos en la sesión de posters con los 
demás trabajos del concurso y podrán recibir los premios del mismo.

¿Cuál es la temática del concurso?

Los temas investigados a presentar serán en el área de métodos numéricos o 
métodos computacionales. La presentación de trabajos se realizará en forma de 
posters. En una sesión dedicada un jurado seleccionará los mejores trabajos. 

¿Quienes pueden participar?

Estudiantes no graduados, quienes deberán ser primer autor del trabajo. 

¿Como Participar?

Los interesados deberán enviar un e-mail conteniendo el resumen describiendo 
el trabajo, antes del 15 de julio de 2008.: 

  1)El encabezado del e-mail debe decir: ENIEF 2008 Concurso de Estudiantes
  2)En el cuerpo de mensaje se debe poner: título, autores (con filiación y 
dirección de e-mail) 
y resumen del orden de 300 palabras. Se recuerda que le primer autor debe ser 
un estudiante no graduado. Debe indicarse los datos de carrera, universidad y 
en qué nivel de la carrera se encuentra.

El email debe ser enviado a uno de los organizadores de esta sesión:
Ing. Victorio Sonzogni  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dr. Alejandro Limache : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

El Comité Organizador informará sobre la aceptación del resumen durante el mes 
de agosto. 
Se otorgarán premios a los mejores trabajos presentados. 
El Jurado basará su dictamen en la calidad y claridad del poster presentado, y 
en la entrevista con el expositor.
Los mensajes son archivados en la pagina Web del AMCA

[NotiAMCA] Convocatoria Premios AMCA 2008

2008-05-20 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Premios AMCA 2008

La Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional llama a la presentación de 
antecedentes para el otorgamiento de tres premios a profesionales que se 
hayan destacado por sus trabajos realizados en el Area de la Mecánica 
Computacional. Los premios se entregan en las siguientes categorías:

i) Premio AMCA para jóvenes científicos
Se trata de un premio a entregar a un científico que no haya cumplido los 40 
años de edad a la fecha de entrega del premio. Se premiará la trayectoria 
científica del candidato, la cual deberá estar reflejada en cursos dictados, 
publicaciones, presentaciones en congresos y en trabajos de aplicación 
realizados. El jurado dará especial énfasis a trabajos científicos realizados 
en Argentina.

ii) Premio AMCA a la trayectoria docente, profesional y científica en 
Se trata de un premio para resaltar la trayectoria en: a) docencia, b) 
investigación y c) actividad profesional, realizada mayoritariamente en 
Argentina en el área de Mecánica Computacional. El jurado decidirá en base a 
los cursos dictados, publicaciones, conferencias dictadas y trabajos de 
transferencia de tecnología o de asistencia técnica realizados, al 
profesional que se haya destacado en los últimos 10 años en Mecánica 
Computacional realizando una tarea equilibrada en las 3 actividades 

iii) Premio AMCA internacional a la trayectoria científica
Se trata de un premio a entregar a un científico de cualquier lugar del mundo 
que por su trayectoria haya producido avances significativos a la ciencia en 
el Área de la Mecánica Computacional. El jurado dará prioridad a científicos 
que en particular hayan colaborado con grupos de investigación argentinos.

 En todas las categorías los premios incluyen: 

 a) Un diploma y una estatuilla de los Premios AMCA;   
 b) Gastos de  traslado y estadía desde su lugar habitual de trabajo al lugar 
donde se realice la ceremonia de entrega. 
Además, para la categoría de jóvenes científicos, se agrega un subsidio por $ 
3.000 que el premiado podrá utilizar para lo que él crea más conveniente para 
ayudar a su formación científica en Mecánica Computacional. 


El jurado podrá elegir entre los candidatos que: a) Se presenten enviando sus 
propios antecedentes. b) Sean presentados por terceros o instituciones 
patrocinadoras. c) Sean presentados por uno de los miembros del jurado. Los 
interesados podrán enviar los antecedentes a la Secretaría de AMCA, tanto por 
correo como por e-mail,  hasta el 15 de Julio de 2008.


El jurado estará constituido por los ganadores de los dos últimos concursos, y 
por el presidente de AMCA.  En esta ocasión integran el jurado: Adrian 
Cisilino, Guillermo Etse, Juan Carlos Ferreri, Victor Fachinotti, Raul 
Feijoo, Sergio Idelsohn y Victorio Sonzogni. Los miembros del jurado quedan 
excluidos de la posibilidad de obtener estos premios. Las decisiones del 
jurado serán inapelables.


Recepción de candidaturas: hasta el 15 de Julio de 2008.
Decisión del Jurado y Comunicación a los premiados: antes del 31 de agosto de 
Entrega de los premios: Durante  ENIEF 2008, del 10 al 13 de noviembre de 
2008, en la ciudad de San Luis, Argentina.  

Ganadores de los Premios AMCA

Premios AMCA 2000

* Categoría de jóvenes investigadores: Gustavo Buscaglia
* Premio a la trayectoria docente, profesional y científica: Alberto 
* Premio a la trayectoria científica internacional: Eugenio Oñate 

Premios AMCA 2002

* Categoría de jóvenes investigadores: Enzo Dari
* Premio a la trayectoria docente, profesional y científica: Gustavo 
Sánchez Sarmiento y Ángel Menéndez
* Premio a la trayectoria científica internacional: Michel Géradin 

Premios AMCA 2004

* Categoría de jóvenes investigadores: Adrian Cisilino
* Premio a la trayectoria docente, profesional y científica: Guillermo 
Etse y Juan C. Ferreri 

Premios AMCA 2006

* Categoría de jóvenes investigadores: Victor Fachinotti
* Premio a la trayectoria docente, profesional y científica: Sergio 
* Premio a la trayectoria científica internacional: Raul Feijoo 
Los mensajes son archivados en la pagina Web del AMCA

[NotiAMCA] Cursos en el CISM (Udine)

2008-03-25 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
The International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM)
Udine, Italy, will organize among others the following Advanced Schools: 

Advanced Nonlinear Strategies for Vibration Mitigation and System
Identification Udine, June 16 - 20 Coordinated by A.F. Vakakis (Athens,
Greece)  Information about the contents of this school and the procedure
for admission can be found here.
New Trends in Vibration Based
Structural Health Monitoring Udine, September 22 - 26 Coordinated by A.
Deraemaeker (Brussels, Belgium) and K. Worden (Sheffield, UK)  Information
about the contents of this school and the procedure for admission can be
found here. 

 The above CISM's courses information may be of
interest to you and/or to your co-workers and doctoral students. Thank you
for your kind consideration.  Best regards,  Professor Bernhard Schrefler 
 Professor Giulio Maier Secretary General of CISM      Resident Rector of
  CISM is a non-profit institution


[NotiAMCA] Present and Future Trends in Computational Modeling of the Cardiovascular System

2008-03-18 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Estimado Victorio,
tenemos la grata satisfaccion de informar que estaremos realizando el evento
Workshop on Present and Future Trends in Computational Modeling of the
Cardiovascular System en los dias 6 y 7 de mayo del presente ano. Mayores
informaciones podras encontar en:

Por este motivo agradecere la gentileza de divulgar en la lista de la AMCA
esta informacion para lo cual tambien te anexo el material de divulgacion
caso creas conveniente usarlo.

Agradeciendo desde ya la atencion que puedas dispensar a este pedido, recibe
un fuerte abrazo,


Raúl A. Feijóo
Coordenação de Ciência da Computação
Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
Av. Getúlio Vargas 333, Quitandinha,
CEP: 25651-075
Petrópolis, RJ
Tel.: (024) 2233-6017
(024) 2233-6041
E-mail: feij en lncc.br
feijooraul en gmail.com

[NotiAMCA] WCSMO-8 World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization

2008-03-18 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Desde: 01-06-2009
Hasta: 05-06-2009
Lugar: Lisboa, Portugal
Dear Colleague 

On behalf of the International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary
Optimization ( http://issmo1.onpcs.com/ ISSMO), we are pleased to announce
that the 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
( http://www.wcsmo8.org/ WCSMO-8) will be held at the LNEC Conference
Centre in Lisboa, Portugal during June 1-5, 2009. 

ISSMO was founded in October 1991 and has held biennial World Congresses on
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization since 1995.

The main objectives of these Congresses are to identify new areas and
promote research into all aspects of structural and multidisciplinary
optimization, including engineering systems consisting partially of
structures and/or fluids, and to encourage practical applications of
optimization methods and corresponding software development in all branches
of science and technology. 

Based on the previous World Congresses, we believe that WCSMO-8 will have
very strong impact on the development of structural and multidisciplinary
optimization, identifying emerging and future areas of research and
sponsoring the collaboration between its participants.

Contributions are invited in all fields of structural and multidisciplinary

The topic areas for this congress have been organized into five broad
topics: (1) Structural optimization, (2) multidisciplinary design
optimization, (3) design optimization in thermal and fluid engineering
systems, (4) engineering optimization and inverse problems, (5) basic
engineering optimization techniques, (6) optimization in emerging areas
(materials design, bioengineering, multibody systems dynamics, MEMS,
ecodesign), (7) Applications. 

Please visit the Congress web page were you will have all the updated
information about this event:  http://www.wcsmo8.org/

We would like to invite you to attend this conference in Lisboa and
participate in its scientific activities.

Yours Sincerely, 

Helder C. Rodrigues
WCSMO-8 Chairman

Kyung K. Choi
President of ISSMO 


2008-03-17 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

  Asociación de Ingenieros Estructurales
  3º  Comunicación 

  Declaradas de interés cultural por la SECRETARIA de CULTURA de la NACIÓN

El 31/03 vence el plazo para la presentación de los resúmenes de los trabajos 
Recordamos que debe presentar una breve descripción de no más de 200 
palabras, para que la comisión revisora pueda analizar si su propuesta se 
adecua a los lineamientos generales.

Los trabajos presentados deberán versar sobre temas de interés a la ingenieria 
estructural, como ser desarrollos teóricos, aspectos reglamentarios, 
novedades, técnicas o realizaciones concretas.
Especialmente en estas Jornadas resultarán de interés aquellos que traten 
sobre la interacción entre los Ingenieros Estructurales y los Arquitectos, en 
el desarrollo de los proyectos Las experiencias y opiniones enriquecedoras 
sobre la interrelación con otros gestores de la obra civil, desde 
desarrolladores y especialistas en instalaciones hasta constructores, 
proveedores de materiales y asesores especializados.

En la evaluación se considerará que:
1) El tema abordado corresponda a algún aspecto de la Ingeniería estructural.
2) El nivel del tratamiento resulte adecuado a las Jornadas.
3) Represente un aporte novedoso.
4) No se ofrezcan productos o servicios (existirán durante las Jornadas otros 
ámbitos para presentaciones comerciales).
5) El formato de los trabajos se adecue a las pautas estipuladas.

Los Trabajos aceptados serán incluidos en las Memorias de las Jornadas y sus 
resúmenes serán publicados en el programa impreso de las mismas.
Se extenderá un Certificado de Expositor a aquellos autores de trabajos 
aceptados que hayan confirmado su presencia, formalizado su inscripción en 
plazo y lo hayan expuesto durante las sesiones técnicas programadas

Fechas límite:
31 de Marzo de 2008: Fecha límite para la presentación de resúmenes.
30 de Abril de 2008: Fecha límite para la comunicación a los autores la 
aceptación de los resúmenes.
30 de Junio de 2008: Fecha límite para la presentación de los trabajos 
31 de Julio de 2008: Fecha límite para la comunicación a los autores de la 
aceptación de los trabajos completos de acuerdo al dictamen definitivo de la 
Comisión Revisora

En la Página Web de las Jornadas Ud. encontrará información sobre las 
distintas actividades programadas, los conferencistas invitados, las mesas 
redondas y exposiciones, los premios y concursos, y las presentaciones 
técnicas y comerciales. Esta información será actualizada semanalmente con 
noticias y novedades, por lo cual lo invitamos a suscribirse a la Fuente RSS 

Lo invitamos a participar activamente en los 4 Foros en línea habilitados, 
moderados por destacados profesionales:
- Cómo nos comunicamos?, moderado por Noemí Terenti
- Cómo nos formamos?, moderado por Norma Ercoli, Sara Gonorazky
- Cómo nos relacionamos?, moderado por Alberto Fechino
- Cómo trabajamos?, moderado por Carolina Fainstein 
PARTICIPE? su opinión y sus comentarios son muy importantes!

Lo invitamos a completar hoy su formulario de inscripción (o pre-inscripción). 
Ya puede consultar las escalas tarifarias y las diversas formas de pago 
previstas (gratuito para estudiantes). Ante cualquier duda con respecto a las 
modalidades de participación, por favor comuníquese con nosotros.

20a. Jornadas Argentinas de Ingeniería Estructural
Comisión Organizadora

[NotiAMCA] The Open Ocean Engineering Journal

2008-03-10 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
March 8, 2008

Dear Dr. Sonzogni,

Bentham Open are one of the leading international publishers for Open Access
journals devoted to various disciplines in science and technology.  Please
refer to Bentham Open's website at http://www.tooej.org/AllOpenTitles    for
a current list of publications.

Open Access Journals are freely accessible via the Internet for immediate
worldwide, open access to the full text of articles serving the best
interests of the scientific community. All interested readers can read,
download, and/or print open access articles at no cost! There is no
subscription fee for Open Access journals.  The modest open access
publication costs are usually covered by the author's institution or
research funds. Moreover, authors who publish in our Open Access journals
retain the copyright of their article. Open Access journals are no different
from traditional subscription-based journals; they undergo the same
peer-review and quality control as any other scholarly journal.

The Open Ocean Engineering Journal (ISSN: 1874-835X) is an Open Access
online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews and letters in
all areas of ocean engineering. Please visit the journal's homepage and
Instructions for Authors for article submission at the following website
http://www.tooej.org http://www.tooej.org/     

The journal aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of
information on current developments in the field. The emphasis will be on
publishing quality articles rapidly and making them freely available to
researchers worldwide. All articles are deposited immediately upon
publication in at least one widely and internationally recognized open
access repository, such as Medline, PubMed Central. Moreover, all articles
are indexed by PubMed, Google and Google Scholar, therefore providing the
maximum exposure to the articles.

All published open access articles will receive massive international
exposure and as is usually the case for open access publications, articles
will also receive high citations. 

The journal is essential reading for scientists and researchers who wish to
keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the field. The publishers
are confident of the journal's rapid success. 

In this connection I would like to invite you to submit research articles,
reviews and letters to The Open Ocean Engineering Journal 

If you are interested in submitting an article to this Open Access journal,
then please upload it at http://www.tooej.org/open-ftp   or refer to the
journal Instructions for Authors (the journal website is stated above) or
alternatively contact us by e-mail at editorial en tooej.org
mailto:ghazia en benthamscience.org for submission guidelines. 

Thank you in advance for your consideration to submit an article to our Open
Access journal.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

With kind regards,        

Yours sincerely,

Richard Scott, PhD            
Editorial Director 
Bentham Science Publishers

[NotiAMCA] Int. Symp. Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing

2008-03-10 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Desde: 29-10-2008
Hasta: 01-11-2008
Lugar: Campo Grande, MS, Brazil

CALL FOR PAPERS SBAC-PAD 2008 20th International Symposium on Computer
Architecture and High Performance Computing 
Campo Grande, MS, Brazil
October 29 - November 01, 2008


Sponsors: SBC - Brazilian Computer Society IEEE Computer Society

SBAC-PAD is an annual international conference series, the first of
which was held 21 years ago, in 1987. Each conference has traditionally
presented new developments and high performance computing, as well as
the latest trends in computer architecture. The conference has strong
international participation, with submissions from over dozen countries,
and is quite competitive, with around 100 submissions and a 30%
acceptance rate in the latest years 
(see http://www.sbc.org.br/sbac/  for program of previous years).

In 2008, the symposium will be held in the beautiful Campo Grande, Mato
Grosso do Sul, Brazil. SBAC-PAD 2008 is sponsored by the SBC (Brazilian
Computer Society), and the IEEE Computer Society through the Technical
Committees on Computer Architecture (TCCA) and Scalable Computing

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts that present original
unpublished research in all aspects of high performance computing and
computer architecture, and their applications. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:

- Application-specific Architectures 
- Benchmarking, Performance Measurements and Analysis 
- Cache and Memory Architectures 
- Embedded Systems 
- Fault-Tolerant Architectures and Systems 
- Grid, Cluster, and Peer-to-Peer Computing 
- High Performance Applications and Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 
- Interconnection Networks, Routing, and Communication 
- Languages, Compilers and Tools for Parallel and Distributed Programming 
- Load Balancing and Scheduling 
- Microarchitecture 
- Operating Systems and Virtualization 
- Parallel and Distributed Architectures 
- Pervasive and Heterogeneous Computing 
- Real World Applications and Case Studies 
- Reconfigurable Systems

Paper submission must be performed on-line at
http://www.sbc.org.br/sbac/2008. The deadline is May 19, 2008. The
proceedings are published by IEEE.

The authors of the best selected papers will also be invited to submit
extended versions of their work for possible publication in a special
issue of the International Journal of Parallel Programming.

General Chair - 
Edson Caceres (UFRGS, Brazil)

Program Co-chairs - 
Viktor Prasanna (USC, USA) Walfredo Cirne (Google, USA)

Steering Committee -- 
Alberto F. de Souza (UFES, Brazil)
Cláudio L. Amorim (UFRJ, Brazil) 
Gabriel Silva (UFRJ, Brazil) Jairo
Panetta (INPE, Brazil) 
Líria M. Sato (USP, Brazil) 
Philippe O. Alexandre Navaux (UFRGS, Brazil) 
Siang W. Song (USP, Brazil) Wagner Meira Jr (UFMG, Brazil)

[NotiAMCA] Nueva Comisión Directiva de la ABMEC

2008-03-07 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
La Associação Brasileira de Mecânica Computacional (ABMEC) 
tiene nuevas autoridades. 

Retransmito abajo el mensaje del Presidente saliente 
Paulo Lyra, informando sobre la composición de la nueva
Comisión Directiva, así como de las acciones realizadas
durante su gestión.

Desde la AMCA queremos felicitar a Paulo Lyra por la 
labor realizada al frente de la ABMEC, y a la vez felicitar
a su nuevo presidente José Luis Drummond Alves por su 
designación,  augurandole éxito en su gestión y  
comprometiendo nuestra disposición para trabajar 
conjuntamente en emprendimientos de mutuo interés.

Victorio Sonzogni

--  Mensaje reenviado  --

Asunto: [Abmec-l] NOVA DIRETORIA
Fecha: Mié 05 Mar 2008
De: Paulo Lyra prmlyra en ufpe.br
Para: Abmec_Lista abmec-l en dees.ufmg.br

Prezado membros da Comunidade de Mecânica Computacional,

Em nome da diretoria da ABMEC, cujo mandato se encerra hoje, venho através
desta agradecer o apoio obtido ao longo destes dois mandatos (2004-2006 e
2006-2008) em que estivemos a frente da Associação. Gostaria também de
desejar os meus votos de sucesso para a nova diretoria que agora assume este
papel importante de conduzir a ABMEC daqui para frente com o crescimento
acentuado da demanda e importância da modelagem e simulação computacional em
todas as esferas. Contem com o nosso apoio.

A composição atual da Direção e Conselho da ABMEC é:

Direção (06/03/2008 – 05/03/2010):

Presidente: José Luis Drummond Alves (COPPE-UFRJ)

Vice-Presidente: Estevam Barbosa de Las Casas (UFMG)

1o-Secretário: Sérgio Scheer (CESEC/UFPR)

2o-Secretário: Severino Pereira Cavalcanti Marques (EES/CTEC/UFAL)

Tesoureiro: Sandra Mara Cardoso Malta (LNCC/MCT)

Presidente Honorário: Agustín Juan Ferrante

Conselho (06/03/2006 – 05/03/2010):

Membros Titulares:

Abimael Fernando Dourado Loula (LNCC)

Alvaro Luis Gayoso Coutinho (COPPE-UFRJ)

Guillermo Juan Creus (UFRGS)

Marcio Arab Murad (LNCC)

Phillipe Remy Bernard Devloo (UNICAMP)


Membros suplentes:

Armando Miguel Awruch (UFRGS)

Eduardo Morais Rego Fairnbairn (COPPE-UFRJ)

João Luis Filgueiras Azevedo (IAE-CTA)

João Nisan Correia Guerreiro (LNCC)

Nelson Francisco Favilla Ebecken (COPPE-UFRJ)



Conselho (06/03/2008 – 05/03/2012):


Membros Titulares:

Eduardo Fairbairn (UFRJ)

Hélio José Corrêa Barbosa (LNCC)

Luis Paulo da Silva Barra (UFJF)

Paulo M. Pimenta (USP)

Paulo Roberto Maciel Lyra (UFPE)


Membros suplentes:

Gray Farias Moita (CEFET-MG)



Apresento abaixo uma Síntese das Gestões da diretoria nos dois mandatos em
que estive a frente da mesma na qualidade de presidente, para conhecimento
de todos.


Ações executadas:


1)  Regularização da situação legal e financeira junto à Receita
Federal, cartório, etc.;

2)  Regularização junto a IACM e divulgação regular de matérias na
revista IACM Expressions;

3)  Mudanças, políticas e ações, destacando-se:

a)  Mudança do nome da Associação que mantém a sigla ABMEC;

b)  Nova logomarca da ABMEC;

c)  Campanha de divulgação, recadastramento e filiação;

d)  Estabelecimento de política de apoio à realização de eventos com
desconto dos filiados em eventos promovidos pela ABMEC;

e)  Estímulo a ações conjuntas da ABMEC com outras Associações
congêneres das Américas;

f)Atualização da “homepage”;

g)  Utilização da lista ABMEC para divulgações;

h)  Cobrança através de boleto bancário eletrônico; etc.

4)  Criação do Fórum CILAMCE:

a)  O CILAMCE passa a ser o evento anual oficial da ABMEC;

b)  Prof. A. J. Ferrante se torna Presidente Honorário da ABMEC;

c)  Elaboração do “kit-CILAMCE”;

d)  Publicação em periódicos, LAJSS e CMNE, dos artigos selecionados no

e)  Criação de workshop específico para trabalhos de alunos de
graduação, com premiações;

f)Definição de política de repasse de parte da verba excedente da
Organização do CILAMCE para a ABMEC;

g)  Determinação da inclusão da anuidade da ABMEC na taxa de inscrição
do CILAMCE a partir de 2008;

h)  Organização conjunta do CMNE-CILAMCE 2007 (Portugal, Brasil e

5)  Apoio a realização de eventos: CILAMCE, SIMMEC, VECPAR, Workshops no

6)  Premiações: Prof. Ferrante (2004), Prof. Oden e turma COPPE 1974 em
2006; Prof. Abimael e Galeão (2007);

7)  Organização de atividades comemorativas dos 10 anos da ABMEC;

8)  Mudança/atualização do estatuto da ABMEC, com adequação às novas
leis vigentes;


Ações iniciadas e não concluídas:


1)  Levantamento de periódicos importantes para área de métodos
computacionais em engenharia e que não constam no Portal de Periódicos da

2)  Avaliação pelo QUALIS da CAPES do CILAMCE, assim como de alguns
outros eventos científicos e periódicos de interesse na área de Métodos

3)  Encaminhamento de proposta de criação da área de Engenharia
Computacional na Nova Tabela de

[NotiAMCA] NSF Summer Institute - Final Fellowship Opportunity March 20

2008-03-06 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Based on recent enquiries, we have experienced significant delays in mail
delivery in the past week.  We do not know if this is due to weather or
other operational delays in postal service.  Therefore, to ensure all
applications are processed fairly, we will move the deadline for fellowship
applications to (paper application received by) March 20, 2008. 

NSF summer institute on High-rate Nanomanufacturing and Energy  Challenge
Dear Colleagues,

You are cordially invited to attend the NSF Summer Institute on High-rate
Nanomanufacturing (June 2 - 5, 2008) and Energy Challenge and Nanotechnology
(June 23 - 26, 2008) at Northwestern University,
http://www.tam.northwestern.edu/summerinstitute/Home.htm. Northwestern is
located at the great Chicago area. 

The short courses aim to provide academic professionals and industrial
leaders with an opportunity to update their knowledge on a specific topic
related to nanotechnology. Course descriptions and short bios of instructors
of the Nanomanufacturing course are available at
.Course descriptions of the Energy course are available at
http://www.tam.northwestern.edu/summerinstitute/_links/energy-course.htm .

NSF Fellowships are available to academic attendees.  Apply through
before March 20, 2008. Fellowships will be announced by March 31, 2008. 

Register by April 1, 2008 and receive a 20% discount of the regular
full-course tuition, $2000, or the one-day tuition, $600.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Yip-Wah Chung, Director
Jian Cao, Wing K. Liu, Ted Belytschko, co-Director

[NotiAMCA] Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-end Computing

2008-03-05 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni


First International Workshop on
Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software
for High-end Computing (P2S2)


Sep. 8th, 2008

To be held in conjunction with
ICPP-08: The 27th International Conference on Parallel Processing
Sep. 8-12, 2008
Portland, Oregon, USA

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and
practitioners in parallel programming models and systems software for
high-end computing systems. Please join us in a discussion of new
ideas, experiences, and the latest trends in these areas at the

The focus areas for this workshop include, but are not limited to:

    * Programming models and their high-performance implementations
          o MPI, Sockets, OpenMP, Global Arrays, X10, UPC, Chapel
          o Other Hybrid Programming Models
    * Systems software for scientific and enterprise computing
          o Communication sub-subsystems for high-end computing
          o High-performance File and storage systems
          o Fault-tolerance techniques and implementations
          o Efficient and high-performance virtualization and other management 
    * Tools for Management, Maintenance, Coordination and Synchronization
          o Software for Enterprise Data-centers using Modern Architectures
          o Job scheduling libraries
          o Management libraries for large-scale system
          o Toolkits for process and task coordination on modern platforms
    * Performance evaluation, analysis and modeling of emerging computing 

Submissions should be in PDF format in U.S. Letter size paper. They
should not exceed 8 pages (all inclusive). Submissions will be judged
based on relevance, significance, originality, correctness and

Paper Submission: April 11th, 2008
Author Notification: May 20th, 2008
Camera Ready: June 2nd, 2008

 * Pavan Balaji (Argonne National Laboratory)
 * Sayantan Sur (IBM Research)

 * William D. Gropp (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
 * Dhabaleswar K. Panda (Ohio State University)
 * Vijay Saraswat (IBM Research)

 * David Bernholdt (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
 * Ron Brightwell (Sandia National Laboratory)
 * Wu-chun Feng (Virginia Tech)
 * Richard Graham (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
 * Hyun-wook Jin (Konkuk University, South Korea)
 * Sameer Kumar (IBM Research)
 * Doug Lea (State University of New York at Oswego)
 * Jarek Nieplocha (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
 * Scott Pakin (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
 * Vivek Sarkar (Rice University)
 * Rajeev Thakur (Argonne National Laboratory)
 * Pete Wyckoff (Ohio Supercomputing Center)

If you have any questions, please contact us at p2s2-chairs en mcs.anl.gov

[NotiAMCA] New ECCOMAS Awards

2008-03-04 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague,

I am pleased to announce that the Managing Board of ECCOMAS has decided
to deliver three new ECCOMAS Awards offered to the scientific community.
The Awards are:

· The Ritz-Galerkin Medal, honouring individuals who have made
outstanding, sustained contributions in the field of computational
methods in applied sciences.

· The Prandtl Medal, honouring individuals who have made outstanding and
sustained contributions to the area of computational fluid dynamics

· The Euler Medal, honouring individuals who have made outstanding and
sustained contributions to the area of computational solid and
structural mechanics (CSSM).

The Awards will be delivered for the first time at the ECCOMAS-IACM
Congress in Venice (30 June - 4 July 2008). Please find below a
description of the Awards and of the Award selection process.

I invite you to take part in this important initiative by nominating
distinguished scientists for the ECCOMAS Awards.

Yours sincerely,

Eugenio Onate
Chairman of the ECCOMAS Awards Committee 
Past-President of ECCOMAS
Director of CIMNE
Edifici C-1, Campus Nord UPC
Gran Capita, s/n
08034 Barcelona, Spain
onate en cimne.upc.edu


Prizes and Awards
The Ritz-Galerkin Medal
The Ritz-Galerkin Medal is the highest award given by ECCOMAS. It honors
 individuals who have made outstanding,  sustained contributions in the field 
of  computational methods in applied sciences over periods representing 
substantial  portions of their professional careers. The  medal carries the 
images of Walter Ritz  and Boris Galerkin in recognition of the
 synergy between mathematics, numerical analysis, mechanics of solids and 
structures,  fluid dynamics, and other engineering disciplines that underpin 
much of the broad  field of computational methods in applied sciences.
The medal is awarded every four years at the ECCOMAS Congress.

The Prandtl Medal

The Prandtl Medal will be awarded for outstanding and sustained
contributions to the area of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). These
contributions shall generally be in the form of important research
results which significantly advance the understanding and application
of theories and methods impacting CFD. The medal carries the image
of Ludwig Prandtl. The medal is awarded every two years at the ECCOMAS
Computational Fluid Conference or at the ECCOMAS Congress.

The Euler Medal
The Euler Medal will be given for outstanding and sustained
contributions to the area of computational solid and structural
mechanics (CSSM). These contributions shall generally be in the
form of important research results which significantly advance the
understanding and application of mathematical theories and
methods impacting CSSM. The medal carries the image of
Leonhard Euler.  The medal is awarded every two years at the ECCOMAS
Computational Solid and Structural Mechanics Conference or at
the ECCOMAS Congress.

General guidelines for the selection of recipients of the ECCOMAS Awards

All recipients shall be members of organisations affiliated to the European
Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences.

The awards shall not be given more frequently than once every two years in the
case of Prandtl and Euler Awards, and 4 years in the case of the Ritz-Galerkin 

The ECCOMAS Awards Committee, appointed by the Managing Board,
solicits nominations from the ECCOMAS Membership. Nominators may nominate no 
more than one individual for each award. Self-nominations are not accepted. 
Nominators are invited to submit a one-page maximum combined nominating 
statement/vita in support of the nominee. The Awards Committee shall select a 
candidate for each award and present these selections to the ECCOMAS Managing 
Board, for the final decision.

Award Committee

The Award Committee for the ECCOMAS Award 2008 consists of the persons listed 
below. It is the responsibility of the Awards Committee to make all 
preparations for the selection of the awardees and presentation of the awards 
to them at the ECCOMAS Congress or at ECCOMAS Conferences, as appropriate.

Award Committee for the ECCOMAS Awards 2008:

E. Oñate (Chair), O. Mahrenholtz, H. Mang, J. Periaux, N. E. Wiberg

Voting Committee

The Voting Committee consists of one representative of each organization 
affiliated to ECCOMAS and the chairman of the Award Commitee who will chair 
the Voting Committee. Members of the Voting Committee are not eligible for 


The calendar for the Awardees Selection Process is the following:

* First week of March 2008: Announcement of the Awards to the ECCOMAS 
Affiliated Organizations and general ECCOMAS Membership database. Nominations 
must be sent by e-mail to onate en cimne.upc.edu

*  First week 

[NotiAMCA] CST2008 Athens: Nonlinear Dynamics

2008-02-26 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Special Session on: Nonlinear Dynamics
at The Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology
venue: Athens, Greece
date: 2-5 September 2008

Please note the special session on:

Nonlinear Dynamics,
organised by Prof. M. Amabili, Universita di Parma, Italy (marco en me.unipr.it)

Further details on the conference website:

Young Researcher Best Paper Competition: To encourage young 
researchers to attend the conference a 1000 Euro Young Researcher 
Best Paper Prize will be awarded to the best paper presented at the 

Please email this information to colleagues.

Best Regards

Barry Topping

[NotiAMCA] Int Symposium on Plasticity 2009

2008-02-26 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Desde:  03-01-2009
Hasta: 08-01-2009
Lugar: St Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands


Frenchman's Reef and Morning Star Marriott Beach Resort

St Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, January 3-8, 2009


*Mini-symposium on*


*Numerical Simulation of Impact and *

*Material Forming Problems*



Session Organizers

* *

*J-Ph. Ponthot and C. Agelet de Saracibar*



Dear colleague,


After Alaska in June 2007, and Hawaii in January 2008, the forthcoming 
International Symposium on Plasticity will take place in St Thomas, U.S. 
Virgin Islands, January 3-8, 2009. Within this event, Prof. Carlos 
Agelet de Saracibar and I are organizing a mini-symposium on *Numerical 
Simulation of Impact and Material Forming Problems. *Topics of the 
invited organized session will include:**


ü      Mathematical formulation of forming and large strains problems

ü      Numerical methods for forming processes

ü      Solution strategies and implementation issues

ü      Multiscale and stabilization techniques

ü      Constitutive modeling

ü      Numerical simulation of materials, metals and composites, 
submitted to impact loading

ü      Numerical simulation of material forming processes, such as 
solidification, forging, stamping, deep-drawing, extrusion, superplastic 
forming, welding, thixoforming, etc.

ü      Numerical models for welding

ü      Numerical simulation of contact  problems



ü      Computational issues in material forming

ü      Material parameter identification

ü      Large-scale simulation of forming problems



As a well established and widely recognized researcher in these fields, 
we would like to cordially *invite you to participate in this Organized 
Session *with an *invited paper *of 20 minutes duration. We would be 
very honored if you could accept this invitation and submit a paper. 
Should you decide to join the mini-symposium, may we ask you to send us 
as soon as possible an email indicating your intention to participate? A 
copy of this email should also be sent to the main organizer at   
khan en umbc.edu mailto:khan en umbc.edu . Abstracts are due March 1, 2008.

More information about the conference can be found at

http://www.internationalplasticity.com/     (available soon)

We are looking forward to receiving your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

Jean-Philippe Ponthot and C. Agelet de Saracibar

Mini symposium Organizers


Prof. Jean-Philippe Ponthot

LTAS - Institut de Mécanique B52/3

Campus Universitaire du Sart-Tilman

Chemin des Chevreuils, 1

B-4000 Liège 1


Phone: +32 (0)4 366 9310   Fax: +32 (0)4 366 9141

E-mail: jp.ponthot en ulg.ac.be mailto:jp.ponthot en ulg.ac.be


          Prof. Carlos Agelet de Saracibar

International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE

Edificio C1, Campus Norte, UPC

Gran Capitán s/n

E-08034 Barcelona


Phone: +34 93 401 6495      Fax: +34 93 401 1048

E-mail: agelet en cimne.upc.edu mailto:agelet en cimne.upc.edu


 Jean-Philippe PONTHOT  -  Charge de cours
 Universite de Liege - Aerospatiale et Mecanique/LTAS-MN2L
 Institut de Mécanique  B52/3
 Chemin des Chevreuils, 1

 Tel:   +32-(0)4-366 93 10       **         Fax:   +32-(0)4-366 91 41

 WWW:  http://www.ltas-mnl.ulg.ac.be/

[NotiAMCA] Escola de Primavera e Transição e T urbulência 2008, EPTT

2008-02-18 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
 Escola de Primavera e Transição e Turbulência 2008, EPTT

Encontra-se disponível a página de internet da Escola de Primavera de 
Transição e Turbulência 2008. O endereço é



A data final para envio de resumos é 20/08/2008.

 Todos estão convidados a participar e a divulgar o evento que não cobrará 
taxas de inscrição.

 Prof. Marcello Faraco de Medeiros (USP São Carlos)


2008-02-14 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

O XXIX Congresso Ibero Latino Americano de Métodos Computacionais em 
Engenharia se realizará na cidade de Maceió/AL, de 04 a 07 de novembro 
de 2008. Trata-se de evento tradicional, em sua vigésima nona edição, 
congregando pesquisadores e profissionais de mecânica computacional, com 
inserção na América Latina e Europa, e organizado pela Associação 
Brasileira de Mecânica Computacional (ABMEC).

Para informações atualizadas do evento, acesse a página no endereço 

O prazo para a submissão de resumos é até o dia 15 de março de 2008.

Av. Rio Branco, 124/14º andar - Centro
20040-001 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Tel: (021) 2221 0438
Fax: (021) 2509 7128
E-mail: abcm en abcm.org.br mailto:abcm en abcm.org.br
Site: http://www.abcm.org.br


[NotiAMCA] 3rd Int. Conf. Smart Materials, Structures and Systems

2008-02-12 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
June 8-13, 2008  Acireale, Sicily, Italy

Online registration for the 3rd International Conference Smart Materials, 
Structures and Systems in Acireale, Sicily, is now open at:
Register before April 20 to enjoy discounted rates.
Deadline for submission is April 20
Including well over 700 scientific and technical contributions, the Conference 
will provide an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of forefront 
information and ideas in this rapidly advancing research area.
Technical sessions will span most recent leading developments in smart 
materials and microsystems, smart and adaptive optics, intelligent autonomous 
structures, and DNA technologies, biomedical applications, bioinspired 
materials and bionic systems.
The PDF (3.1 MegaBytes) of the Final Announcement of the Conference including 
title of papers, provisional sessions flowsheet and relevant information for 
participation may be downloaded at CIMTEC 2008 website: 
Featured are the following Symposia:
and Focused / Special Sessions:
- Recent Development in Electrical Writable Organic Memory Devices
- State-of-the-art Research and Application of SMAs Technologies
- Smart Textiles
- Artificial Muscle Actuators using Electroactive Polymers
- Biomimetic Flow Control in Aquatic Systems and its Application to 
Bioinspired Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
The Conference - a Junior edition of the recognized CIMTEC series of 
international conferences - will gather together a qualified audience of 
materials scientists, physicists, chemists, biologists, physicians and 
engineers, as well as experts of a wide range of the most advanced and 
demanding research and application areas of smart materials and related 
On the top of this premier event in materials, Sicily will offer its wonderful 
landscape and its immense, unique artistic heritage!

[NotiAMCA] COMPLAS X  Int. Conf. Computation al Plasticity

2008-02-12 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
International  Conference on  Computational Plasticity
2-4 September 2009
Barcelona, España


Previous meetings in the COMPLAS series were held in Barcelona in 1987, 1989, 
1992, 1995, 1997, 2000 2003, 2005 and 2007. COMPLAS 2007 attracted some 300 

COMPLAS 2009 will address both the theoretical bases for the solution of 
plasticity problems and the numerical algorithms necessary for efficient and 
robust computer implementation.

The ability to provide numerical simulations for increasingly complex problems 
is advancing rapidly due to both remarkable strides in computer hardware 
development and the improved maturity of computational procedures for 
non-linear systems. Significant advances have been made in the formulation 
and implementation of algorithms for static and dynamic problems involving 
finite strains, complex contact interaction laws, constitutive material 
behaviours including multi-physics or multi-scale effects, progressive large 
scale fracturing, etc.. Such advances, however, demand a closer interaction 
between numerical analysts and material scientists in order to produce 
theoretical models which provide a response in keeping with fundamental 
material principles and experimental observations.

Numerical techniques, and in particular finite element and discrete element 
methods, are now extensively employed in non-linear deformation predictions 
and very often offer the only means of solution for practical engineering 
problems. It is therefore essential to ascertain that such techniques can be 
reliably employed in industrial and RD applications.

COMPLAS 2009 aims to act as a forum for practitioners in the field to discuss 
recent advances and identify future research directions.

Sessions related to specific topics of the conference will be introduced by a 
Keynote Lecture in the field. These Keynote Lectures will be complemented by 
Invited Sessions organised by recognised experts in targeted research areas, 
as well as by contributed papers received from the general Call for Papers. 


Important Dates

Deadline for presenting a one page abstract 15th January 2009
Acceptance of the contributions and instructions for writing an extended 
abstract16th February 2009
Deadline for submitting an extended abstract and early payment  1st June 2009
Booking Deadline for Hotel AccommodationJuly 2, 2009

Submission of Contributions
Important Dates
Supporting Organizations

Conference Secretariat

International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
Edificio C-1, Campus Norte UPC
C/Gran Capitan, s/n,
08034 Barcelona, Spain

Tel:   +34 93 401 74 41
E-mail:  complas en cimne.upc.edu
Fax:  +34 93 401 65 17
Web: http://congress.cimne.upc.es/complas09 

International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain.
 complas en cimne.upc.edu 
Telf.+ 34 - 93 40174 41


[NotiAMCA] LAJSS Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures

2008-02-08 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Estimados miembros de AMCA:

Queremos recordarles que AMCA patrocina la 
revista internacional:
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 
( http://www.lajss.org )
que ha sido incluida, entre otras bases, en Science 
Citation Index Expanded. 

Se publican cuatro números anuales (en marzo, junio, 
setiembre y diciembre) y es accesible GRATUITAMENTE por 
internet en la dirección indicada arriba desde donde pueden 
descargarse sus artículos. 

La suscripción para la revista impresa -en caso de ser 
necesario- cuesta 400 reales (unos 200 dolares).

El alcance de la revista es más amplio que el que deja 
ver su título. Invitamos a recorrer su página web y a considerar 
la publicación de sus trabajos en la misma. 


Victorio Sonzogni

[NotiAMCA] CST2008 ECT2008 - Athens - Final Call For Papers

2008-01-31 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

The Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology
venue: Athens, Greece
date: 2-5 September 2008

The Sixth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology
venue: Athens, Greece
date: 2-5 September 2008

Please note that the final call for papers for the above conferences 
closes on the 1st February and abstracts may be submitted via the 
conference website:

Please email this information to colleagues.

Thank you

Barry Topping

[NotiAMCA] Abstract Deadline Extended for Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization (MAO) Conference

2008-01-31 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Important Dates:
8 February 2008 -- NEW Extended Abstract Submission Deadline
10-12 September 2008 -- 12th MAO Conference

Dear Colleague,

Due to numerous requests the abstract deadline for the MAO Conference
is extended until February 8. We apologize that the AIAA web site was
unavailable for part of the day of the deadline. If you experienced
difficulty, please try uploading again.

The prestigious MDO Award is presented at each MAO Conference.
Nominations are being accepted until February 1, 2008. Please nominate
deserving candidates at www.aiaa.org (Honors and Awards, Technical
Awards page).

Students who wish to enter the Student Paper Competition must upload
their abstracts to the Student Paper Competition for Design Optimization
session. Those papers will still be presented in the regular parallel
sessions. Based on the uploaded full papers, finalists will be selected
to continue competing in an additional poster session where judges will
select the winner. If students who already uploaded abstracts to regular
sessions would like to compete, please contact the Technical Chairs, Dr.
Kolonay (Raymond.Kolonay en wpafb.af.mil) or Dr. Martins
(martins en utias.utoronto.ca).

The MAO Conference will be held on 10-12 September 2008 in Victoria,
British Columbia, Canada. The 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis
and Optimization (MAO) Conference brings together industry, government,
and academia to present and discuss the latest developments in MAO.
Please visit www.aiaa.org/events/mao file:///\\www.aiaa.org\events\mao
to read about the solicited topics in the Call for Papers and to submit
your abstract.


Afzal Suleman and Bob Canfield 
General Chairs

[NotiAMCA] Becas de iniciación ANPCyT / Bioingen iería / UADE

2008-01-30 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

Pongo en su conocimiento este llamado para dos becas de nivel inicial por dos 
años para investigar en bioingeniería, en el marco de un proyecto PICTO-CRUP. 
Interesados por favor enviar CV a alarreteguy en uade.edu.ar.


Axel Larreteguy
Director, Departamento de Tecnología Industrial y de Servicios Facultad de 
Ingeniería y Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa Lima 717, 
C1073AAO Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: +54 (011) 40007496/86, Fax: +54 (011) 40007495 alarreteguy en uade.edu.ar 
mailto:alarreteguy en uade.edu.ar mailto:alarreteguy en uade.edu.ar ; 
www.uade.edu.ar outbind://23/www.uade.edu.ar  


Proyecto: PICTO CRUP 2005 - 31384-213 - Modelado de la Interacción 
Pared-Fluido como Método Preventivo en la Detección Temprana de Enfermedades 

Tipo de Beca: ANPCyT Nivel Inicial - Estipendio mensual $1972.-

Cantidad de becas: 2.
Duración: dos años.

Cierre de la Convocatoria: 10 de febrero de 2008.

Inicio de actividades: 1ro de marzo de 2008.

Tema de la Beca:
A corto plazo, mejorar la capacidad de modelado del engrosamiento de las 
paredes arteriales y de la formación de ateromas. A largo plazo, contribuir 
al desarrollo de técnicas no invasivas de diagnóstico temprano de las 
enfermedades cardiovasculares en general.

Descripción del tema a investigar:
Hay dos objetivos relacionados entre sí. Por un lado, se intentará modelar la 
interacción dinámica entre la sangre y la pared arterial, para encontrar los 
lugares más propensos a desarrollar engrosamientos. Por otro lado, utilizando 
esta capacidad de modelado hemodinámico, se intentará simular el crecimiento 
de una placa aterosclerótica, modelando el transporte de partículas en el 
flujo sanguíneo y a través del endotelio. 

Requisitos del Becario:
Ingenieros con buena formación en mecánica de fluidos, o Licenciados en 
Física, Química, o Biología. Preferentemente (no excluyente) con 
conocimientos de programación, mecánica computacional, y uso de sistemas tipo 

Otros requisitos:
El becario debe inscribirse en algún programa de doctorado.

Lugar de trabajo:
Instituto de Tecnología - Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Exactas 
Universidad Argentina de la Empresa Lima 717, C1073AAO Buenos Aires, 

Dr. Axel Eduardo Larreteguy

[NotiAMCA] IMPAR 2008 - Impact of New Architectures on Parallel Programming

2008-01-26 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
 IMPAR 2008
             The Impact of New Architectures on Parallel Programming
         (in conjunction with the conference CSE'08 - July 16-18, 2008
                               Sao Paulo - Brazil)

Although parallel programming has been a concern for decades, the new
generation of processors has fostered the research in the area. Multicore 
have become a standard, without any clear new solution to program them, 
OpenMP, Posix Threads and MPI. Moreover, the increase in the number of cores
that is expected within the chips has already raised the issue of the
performance. For instance, the scalability of  parallel programs running on
chips multicores, with clear bottlenecks such as a unique memory bus, is an
issue. The treatment of Non-Uniform Memory Accesses in the current parallel
languages or libraries is an other open point which may turn crucial as the
number of cores increases. Finally, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are also
emerging as a new source of parallel platforms.

This workshop aims at discussing the renewed problematics of  parallel
programming, given these new trends in processor architecture. It is open to
all researchers, academic or industrial, who are working in the field of
Parallel Programming. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 - Parallel Languages and Libraries.
 - Tools for parallel programming: debuggers, libraries and performance 
 - Compilers.
 - Scheduling.
 - Influence of the architectural design on the performance of a parallel 
 - Models for Parallel Programming.
 - Programmation of GPUs.
 - Performance Evaluation.
 - Parallel Applications.

The authors are invited to submit original papers of 6 pages maximum, in PDF
format with 5-10 keywords following the IEEE two-column format (available at
http://www.computer.org/portal/pages/cscps/cps/cps_forms.html). The final
version of the accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society 
with the proceedings of the CSE-08 workshops. 

The papers should be submitted through the Easy Chair system, following the 
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=impar08. Submission implies the
willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper.
For no-show authors, their papers will be removed from the digital library
after the conference and their affiliations will receive a notification.

Important dates:
 * Paper submission due: March, 1st.
 * Notification of Acceptance: April, 1st.
 * Final Camera Ready paper: April, 25th.

Program Committee (preliminary version):
 - Nicolas Maillard, UFRGS, Brazil (chairman).
 - Jose Nelson Amaral, University of Alberta, Canada.
 - Gerson Cavalheiro, UFPel, Brazil.
 - Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, USA.
 - Alfredo Goldman, USP, Brazil.
 - Hans-Ulrich Heiss, TU Berlin, Germany.
 - Odej Kao, TU Berlin, Germany.
 - Pierre Manneback, Faculte Polytechnique de Mons, Belgium.
 - Jean-Francois Mehaut, LIG, France.
 - Raymond Namyst, LABRI, France.
 - Philippe O. A. Navaux, UFRGS, Brazil.
 - Jairo Panetta, INPE/CPTEC, Brazil.
 - Jean-Louis Roch, LIG, France.

[NotiAMCA] Doctorado en George Mason Univ. (USA)

2008-01-23 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

Estimados Victorio, Mario,

Quisiera pedirles si pueden distribuir el siguiente aviso que te mando
para realizar doctorados en Ciencias Computacionales aca en George Mason
University (Virginia - USA).

Tenemos fondos como para uno o dos estudiantes para trabajar en
modelado numerico de flujos sanguineos en aneurismas cerebrales.

Muchas gracias y un saludo,

George Mason University

Graduate Research Assistantships
Graduate research assistantships are available to pursue a PhD in 
Computational Sciences at the Center for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), 
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA under the supervision of 
Prof. Juan R. Cebral.

The candidate will conduct research in Computational Hemodynamics (blood 
flows) applied to cerebral aneurysms. The aim of this research is to better 
understand the mechanisms responsible for the initiation, evolution and 
rupture of brain aneurysms, which is a devastating disease affecting a 
substantial portion of the population. Better understanding of these 
processes will help medical doctors to improve patient evaluation (better 
assess the rupture risk of a given aneurysm) and personalizing treatment 
plans (select the best therapeutic options available to treat a given 
aneurysm). For these purposes, we develop and use advanced computational 
methods to construct patient-specific models of the blood flow in brain 
aneurysms from three-dimensional medical images. Then, we relate the 
hemodynamics variables such as the wall shear stress derived from these 
models to clinical observations indicative of aneurysm wall weakness such as
wall pulsation, aneurysm growth, bleb formation, rupture, etc.

This highly multidisciplinary research involves medical image processing, 
geometry modeling, meshing, computational fluid dynamics, visualization and 
computer graphics, high performance computing as well as clinical 

This research is supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health 
(NIH) ? National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), the 
American Heart Association (AHA), and medical industry companies such as 
Philips Medical Systems and Boston Scientific. These projects are carried out 
in the context of close collaborations with clinical centers, universities 
and national laboratories including the Interventional Neuroradiology Unit of 
Inova Fairfax Hospital in Virginia, Interventional Neuroradiology at 
University of of California Los Angeles, the Department of Technology of the 
Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, and the Laboratory for Computational 
Physics at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC.

The successful candidate should be highly motivated, be able to work 
independently, be comfortable working in multidisciplinary teams, be able to 
collaborate with researchers and clinicians from a number of institutions, 
and possess excellent communication skills. He/she should have strong 
background in mathematics, sciences, and computing.

For more information contact Dr. Juan R. Cebral by email: jcebral en gmu.edu
(web page: http://www.cos.gmu.edu/~jcebral)

[NotiAMCA] journal Engineering Applications of CFD

2007-11-22 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear colleague, 

The fourth issue of our journal Engineering Applications of Computational 
Fluid Mechanics has been published. Free 
online version is now available at 




You are welcome to submit paper to us. 


Best wishes, 

Dr. K.W. Chau 
Associate Editor, 
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 
From mstorti en intec.unl.edu.ar  Thu Nov 22 08:59:28 2007
From: mstorti en intec.unl.edu.ar (Mario Storti)
Date: Thu Nov 22 09:00:57 2007
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Seminario Mec. Computacional FI-UBA 

El Prof. Eduardo Dvorkin nos hace llegar la siguiente invitación. 


El viernes 21/12 a las 17hs en el salón del Consejo (Paseo Colón 850
PB), tendremos las siguientes charlas:

   Deformacion plástica a escala microscópica.
   Marisol Koslowski
   School of Mechanical Engineering
   Purdue University
   Modelado de materiales a nivel atomistico y de mesoescala:
  en nano-materiales para sistemas electronicos y
   Alejandro Strachan
   School of Materials Engineering and Birck Nananotechnology Center
   Purdue University

Los esperamos

Eduardo Dvorkin

Mario Alberto Storti
Centro Internacional de Metodos Computacionales
  en Ingenieria - CIMEC (INTEC/CONICET-UNL)
INTEC, Guemes 3450 - 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel/Fax: +54-342-4511594, cel: +54-342-156144983
http://www.cimec.org.ar/mstorti, http://www.cimec.org.ar


Get easy, one-click access to your favorites. 
Make Yahoo! your homepage.
From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Sun Nov 25 10:49:00 2007
From: sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Date: Sun Nov 25 10:51:25 2007
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Taller de
=?iso-8859-1?q?=E1tica?= Aplicada e =?iso-8859-1?q?Ingenier=ED=ADa?=

  Taller de Computación Cientí­fica, Matemática Aplicada e Ingenierí­a,
con énfasis en exploración petrolera (sí­smica)
   3-4 de Diciembre de 2007

Durante  los  dí­as 3  y  4  de diciembre  se  realizará  el Taller  de
computación cientí­fica, matemática  aplicada e ingenierí­a, con énfasis
en exploración petrolera (sí­smica).

Para  este Taller  visitarán  la UNPA-UARG  destacados catedráticos  e
investigadores  de Brasil,  Noruega,  Estados Unidos  y Argentina.  El
programa de la actividad incluye exposiciones sobre aplicaciones de la
matemática en distintas áreas y la explotación petrolera y geofí­sica.

Las  charlas  están  orientadas  a  alumnos avanzados  y  docentes  de
matemática e ingenierí­as, y  a profesionales que trabajen en temáticas
relacionadas con la geofí­sica y la explotación petrolera.

Informes  e  inscripción  en  la Secretarí­a  de  Extensión
UNPA-UARG,Lisandro de la  Torre 1070. de 10 a 16  hs.
Tel: 02966-442313.


Lunes 3 de diciembre

16:00-16:30:Deconvolución predictiva multicanal directa
  Bjorn Ursin (Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  (NTNU), Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied
  Geophysics,Trondheim, Noruega).

16:40-17:40:Construcción de imágenes a través de superposición
  y distribución de datos sí­smicos
  Martin Tygel (IMECC, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
  SP, Brasil).

17:50-18:20:Descomposición de amplitud sí­smica y de migración
  sin separación
  Bjorn Ursin (NTNU, Trondheim, Noruega).

18:30-19:30:Control óptimo de fuentes de energí­a duales
  Laura V. Pérez (Grupo de Electronica Aplicada,
  Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, CONICET, Cordoba)

19:45-20:45: Mesa Redonda 1

Martes 4 de diciembre

16:00-17:00:Discretizaciones miméticas de orden alto de Mecánica
  del Continuo
  José E. Castillo (Computational Science Research Center,
  San Diego State University, California, US).

17:15-19:15:Simulación rápida de propagación de ondas acíºsticas
  mediante un modelo de reducción de orden
  Victor Pereyra (Weidlinger Associates, Mountain View,
  California, US).

19:30-20:30:Métodos Computacionales de Optimización
  Elvio A. Pilotta (FaMAF, Universidad Nacional de
 Cordoba, CIEM-CONICET, Cordoba)

20:30- 21:30: Mesa Redonda 2

Para mas informacion contactar a:
Elvio A. Pilotta ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

[NotiAMCA] IACM Awards 2008 - Reminder

2007-11-02 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

The membership of IACM (International Association for Computational
Mechanics) is invited to submit nominations for the IACM awards. The IACM
awards are listed below. Each nomination should be submitted on one page in
pdf format with
1. the name of the nominee, including a full address and email address
2. the name of the award for which the nominee is being nominated
3. the name and email address of the nominator
3. a short description of the major accomplishments of the nominee (not to
exceed one page including above)
A description of the IACM awards is given below. Past winners of awards are
available on the IACM webpage www.iacm.info .
The nomination must be submitted by November 9, 2007 by email to the
following address
Ted Belytschko
Chair Honors Committee
The IACM Congress Medal (Gauss-Newton Medal) is the highest award given by
IACM.  It honors individuals who have made outstanding, sustained
contributions in the field of computational mechanics generally over periods
representing substantial portions of their professional careers.  The medal
is bronze and carries the images of Newton and Gauss in recognition of the
synergy between mathematics, numerical analysis, and mathematical modeling
of physical events that underpin much of the broad field of computational
The IACM Award is given in recognition of outstanding and sustained
contributions to the broad field of computational mechanics.  These
contributions shall generally be in the form of important research results
which significantly advance the understanding of theories and methods
impacting computational mechanics, but special individual contributions in
leadership and administration, industrial applications, and engineering
analysis that advance computational mechanics shall also represent
accomplishments worthy of recognition.
The IACM Award for Computational Mechanics will be given for contributions
to traditional areas, such as computational structural mechanics and
computational fluid dynamics, but may also be given to recognize
contributions outside these specific areas.  For example, the Award may be
given in recognition of accomplishments in software development, scientific
computing, research contributions in computational electromagnetics,
semi-conductor device simulation, biomechanics or other areas not
traditionally embraced by computational structural mechanics and fluid
dynamics but which have general applicability to computational mechanics.
The IACM Award for Young Investigators in Computational Mechanics recognizes
outstanding accomplishments, particularly outstanding published papers, by
researchers 40 or younger.  Eligibility requires that the nominee not turn
41 in the year the award is presented.
The Fellows Award recognized individuals with a distinguished record of
research, accomplishment and publication in areas of computational mechanics
and demonstrated support of the IACM through membership and participation in
the Association, its meetings and activities.

Ted Belytschko
Mechanical Engineering
2145 North Sheridan Road
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208-3111
VOICE: 847-491-7270or 847-491-4029,  FAX 847-491-3915
From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Fri Nov  9 14:57:02 2007
From: sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Fri Nov  9 14:58:47 2007
Subject: [NotiAMCA] LNCC abre

Laboratorio Nacional de Computacao Cientifica oferece Mestrado em Modelagem 
Computacional com Ênfase em Bioinformatica e Biologia Computacional

Gostaria de solicitar a divulgacao do curso de Mestrado em Modelagem 
Computacional com enfase em BIOINFORMATICA e BIOLOGIA COMPUTACIONAL que estah 
sendo oferecido pelo programa de pos-graduacao em Modelagem Computacional do 
LNCC/MCT em estreita colaboracao com a pos-graduacao em Genetica da UFRJ.

As inscricoes estao abertas ateh 30 de Novembro de 2007.
Mais informacoes podem ser obtidas no endereco:


Este programa tem o apoio do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e 
Tecnologico (CNPq), do Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT), da Fundacao 
Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) 
e da Coordenacao de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES).


Ana Tereza Ribeiro de Vasconcelos
Head of the Bioinformatics Laboratory
National Laboratory of Scientfic Computation
Av. Getulio Vargas, 333, Quitandinha
Petropolis - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
(+5524) 2233-6065 fax (+5524) 2233-6124
From cemnci en herrera.unt.edu.ar  Tue Nov 13 09:57:39 2007
From: cemnci en herrera.unt.edu.ar (CEMNCI)
Date: Tue


2007-10-19 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

Venice June 30 to July 5 2008

Second Open Call for Abstracts

Dear Colleague,

we are pleased to confirm that the organization of the joint VIII World 
Conference on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VIII) and V European Congress on 
Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering (ECCOMAS V), to be 
held in Venice from June 30 to July 5 2008, is progressing according to the 

The complete list of accepted Minisymposia can be consulted at 


You are kindly invited to submit a two page abstract for presentation at the 
joint WCCM VIII-ECCOMAS V. The deadline for abstract submission is December 
15th, 2007. The template for abstract preparation and detailed instructions 
for abstract submission can be found at


All abstracts must be submitted through the Conference website. Abstracts will 
be reviewed by the Minisymposia Organizers and by the Organizing Committee. 
Acceptance of abstracts will be notified by January 31st, 2008.

You are also invited to visit the Conference website at


for updated information about the Conference organization. In the case that 
you intend to participate in the Conference, please have in mind that Venice 
is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world and that it 
is necessary to plan your trip well in advance. Block reservations of a large 
number of hotel rooms, both on the Lido Island and in the main town have been 
secured by the organization in the interest of the participants. However, 
these reservations will be released by March 31st. Please, make sure to 
complete your booking before this date.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Congress Secretariat at IACM-ECCOMAS08 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for any questions concerning submission and 
review of abstracts.

We thank you in advance for your interest and cooperation towards the success 
of the next IACM / ECCOMAS Congress.

Best regards, 

Bernhard Schrefler
Umberto Perego

Co-chairmen of the IACM / ECCOMAS Congress 2008

Important Dates

December 15th, 2007: Deadline for presenting a one page abstract

January 31st, 2008: Acceptance of the contributions and instructions for 
writing the final one page abstract

February 28th, 2008: Deadline for submitting the final abstract and early 
From greyero en fceia.unr.edu.ar  Wed Oct 24 10:43:16 2007
From: greyero en fceia.unr.edu.ar ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Date: Wed Oct 24 11:11:58 2007
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Acto Academia Nacional de Ciencias en FCEIA- UNR -
 Homenaje al Prof. Dr. Roberto L. =?iso-8859-1?q?Gonz=E1lez=5D?=

Por favor difundir , muchas gracias

Dra. Gabriela Reyero
Depto Matemática, Escuela de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales.
Fac. de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniría y Agrimensura.
Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Av. Pellegrini 250 (2000) Rosario

 Mensaje original 
Asunto: [Docentes] Acto Academia Nacional de Ciencias en nuestra Facultad 
- Homenaje  al Prof. Dr. Roberto  L. González
De: Decano FCEIA Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Fecha:  Mar, 23 de Octubre de 2007, 2:12 pm

Estimados Docentes, No Docentes y Alumnos:

   Por medio del presente tenemos el agrado de invitarlos especialmente a

  participar de la Sesión Pública  que realizará

 la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales

  en nuestra Facultad, el día viernes 26 de octubre a las 11.00 horas,

para incorporar al distinguido matemático francés

 Dr. Pierre-Louis Lions como Académico Honorario de la misma.

Las notables contribuciones del Dr. Pierre-Louis Lions le valieron ser
galardonado en 1994 con la medalla Fields, máxima distinción en la
disciplina y equivalente al Premio Nobel en otras áreas.

Cabe señalar  que esta es la primera vez que la Academia de Ciencias
realizará un acto de esta naturaleza fuera de su sede en la ciudad de
Buenos Aires.

Luego de la Apertura de la Sesión y entrega del diploma de Acreditación,
el Académico Correspondiente en Paris-Francia, Dr. Edmundo Rofman
presentará al recipiendario, quien posteriormente disertará sobre
“Analysis, models and simulations”.

A continuación de la Sesión nuestra Facultad  rendirá

  Homenaje al Profesor Dr. Roberto Lisandro González,

 quien fuera destacado profesor e investigador de la casa y Director

 del Instituto de Matemática Beppo Levi.

 Esperando contar con vuestra grata presencia,

 saludamos a ustedes muy  cordialmente.

  Mgter. Oscar Von Pamel   Ing. Oscar E. Peire

[NotiAMCA] Convocatoria a Asamblea de AMCA

2007-09-17 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Convocatoria a la
Asamblea Ordinaria de AMCA
3 de Octubre de 2007 ? 20:00 hs.

El miércoles 03 de Octubre de 2007 a las 20:00 hs en el transcurso del próximo 
ENIEF 2007 se realizará la Asamblea Ordinaria de AMCA, a la cual se invita a 
participar a todos los miembros de la Asociación.

El orden del día será el siguiente:

1) Informe del Presidente

2) Informe sobre la organización de ENIEF 2007

3) Elección de Autoridades

4) ENIEF 2008

5) Varios

Esperando contar con su presencia, reciba un cordial saludo.

Victorio Sonzogni
From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Mon Sep 17 11:37:03 2007
From: sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Mon Sep 17 11:53:14 2007
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Advanced School on Numerical Solutions of PDE

Advanced School on Numerical Solutions
of Partial Differential Equations
New Trends and Applications

Barcelona, November 15 to 21, 2007

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to inform you about the Advanced School on Numerical
Solutions of Partial Differential Equations: New Trends and Applications.
This school on simulation and numerical analysis of Partial Differential
equations (PDEs) is aimed at master students, PhD students, recent PhD
doctorates, and researchers in general willing to update their knowledge
with recent developments on numerical techniques that play an important role
in the international scene. The school is the first of a series, born with
the objective of being an occasion for researchers to catch up with
important developments in the field and/or to get in touch with
state-of-the-art numerical techniques that are not covered in usual PhD
courses at national level.

The courses and speakers of the Advanced school are:

1. Wavelets and wavelet-like techniques in the numerical solution of Partial
Differential Equations by Silvia Bertoluzza, Consiglio Nazionale delle
Ricerche - Pavia, Italy.

2. Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Systems Conservation Laws by Jaume
Peraire, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. 

3. High order shock capturing schemes for balance laws by Giovanni Russo,
Università di Catania, Italy. 

4. Discontinuous Galerkin Methods: General Approach and Stability by
Chi-Wang Shu, Brown University, USA.

You are invited to visit the Conference website at
for updated information about the Advanced school organization. 

There are a limited number of grants covering accommodation addressed to
young researchers. The deadline for application is September 22, 2007.

Please do not hesitate to contact Secretariat ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for any

We thank you in advance for your interest and cooperation towards the
success of the Advanced School on Numerical Solutions of PDE'S.

Best regards,

José A. Carrillo, ICREA-UAB
Rosa Donat, UV
Carlos Parés, UMA
Yolanda Vidal, UPC
From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Tue Sep 18 09:13:45 2007
From: sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Tue Sep 18 09:36:22 2007
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Abstracts submission EngOpt 2008

Dear coleague,

Abstracts submission is open.
15th December 2007:

Deadline for the short abstract, to be included in the proceedings book of the 
conference (Up to 300 words, written in plain text, without mathematical 

30th April 2008:

Deadline for full papers uploading, to be included in the CD ROM proceedings.


It will be possible to submit papers presented at the conference for 
publication in special issues of a number of journals. Complete details will 
included soon in the website of the conference.

EngOpt 2008 - International Conference on Engineering Optimization.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1-5, 2008.


A forum for Engineers, Mathematicians and Computer Scientists to share
research and innovations, promoting interdisciplinary activities in all
fields of Engineering Optimization.

Engopt 2008 is organized by:
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

and co-sponsored by:

ABCM - Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
EUROPT - EURO Working Group on Continuous Optimization
ISSMO - International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary 
MathProg - Mathematical Programming Society

Prof. Jose Herskovits
COPPE/Mechanical Engineering Program
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Tue Sep 18 09:27:04 2007
From: sonzogni

[NotiAMCA] Encontro em Modelagem Computacional Comemorativo!

2007-08-15 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Prezados Membros da Comunidade de Métodos Computacionais,


Volto a convocar a todos para participarem do ?Encontro em Modelagem
Computacional celebrando os 60 anos dos profs. Abimael Loula e Augusto
Galeão, os 30 anos do CILAMCE e os 10 anos da ABMEC?. Verifiquem a página do
evento para maiores detalhes http://www.lncc.br/encontro/ .




Paulo Lyra

Presidente da ABMEC
From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Tue Aug 21 10:15:45 2007
From: sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Tue Aug 21 10:31:58 2007
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Seminario del IMAL Carlos Segovia Fernandez

Seminario del IMAL Carlos Segovia Fernandez 
La charla de este viernes 24 de agosto estará a cargo de

Francisco Javier Martín Reyes, de la Universidad de Málaga.

Título: Desigualdades de tipo débil mixto para operadores laterales

Resumen: En esta charla se establecerán algunos resultados sobre
desigualdades de tipo débil mixto para los operadores de Hardy y el
operador maximal de Hardy-Littlewood lateral. Se analizará tambien la
relación de estas desigualdades con el Teorema ergódico de

Bio: El profesor Martín Reyes recibió su título de Doctor en
Matemáticas en la Universidad de Málaga, donde se desempeña
actualmente como Catedrático. Sus temas de interés científico son:
Análisis Armónico, Pesos, Operadores Maximales, Teoría Ergódica,
Convergencia Cesàro y Operadores de Valor Medio.

La charla está programada para las 15:30hs.

Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral - UNL - CONICET

Dirección:    IMAL, Güemes 3450, S3000GLN Santa Fe, Argentina
Teléfono:     (342) 4559175

Seminario mailing list
From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Tue Aug 21 10:28:20 2007
From: sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Tue Aug 21 10:44:58 2007
Subject: [NotiAMCA] HPCC-07 High Performance Computing and Communications

                       CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

         The 2007 International Conference on High Performance
                  Computing and Communications

               Conference: 26 ? 28 September 2007
                 Tutorials: 29 September 2007
                        Houston, Texas, USA

With the rapid growth in computing and communications technology,
the past decade has witnessed a proliferation of powerful parallel
and distributed systems and an ever increasing demand for practice
of high performance computing and communications (HPCC). HPCC-07 is a 
forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government 
to address the resulting profound challenges and to present and discuss 
their new ideas, research results, applications and experience on all 
aspects of high performance computing and communications.

HPCC-07 plans to continue the success of the previous HPCC conferences, 
such as held 2005 in Sorrento, Italy, and HPCC-06 held in Munich, 
Germany, each with over 300 submitted papers and more than 100 participants.


Conference: 26 ? 28 September 2007
Tutorials: 29 September 2007


* Vivek Sarkar, Rice University: ?Programming Challenges for Petascale 
and Multicore Parallel Systems?

* Ray Simar, Texas Instruments: ?The Changing Impact of Semiconductor 
Technology on Processor Architecture?

* Rob Schreiber, Hewlett Packard Labs: ?Manycores in the Future?


* Mitsuhisa Sato, University of Tsukuba: ?Bandwidth-aware Design of 
Large-scale Clusters for Scientific Computations?

* Larry Meadows, Intel: ?OpenMP 3.0: A preview of the standard?

* Haoqiang Jin, NASA Ames Research Center: ?Towards Enhancing OpenMP 
Expressiveness and Peformance?


* Peer-to-Peer Computing
* Reliability and Fault Tolerence
* Data Mining, Management  Organization
* Distributed, Mobile and Pervasive Computing
* Networking: Protocols, Routing, and Algorithms
* High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing
* Grid Computing
* Embedded Systems
* Languages and Compilers
* Parallel/Distributed Architectures
* Performance, Evaluation and Measurement Tools and Experiences
* Web Services and Internet Computing
* Embedded Systems


* OpenMP
* Threading Building Blocks


HPCC-07 will be held at the luxurious Hotel Zaza at 5701 Main St.  You 
may book a hotel room with the special HPCC-07 rate either by:

* Phone: (+001) 713.526.1991, Toll-free in the US 888-880-3244.
           Mention ?HPCC? for the special rate.
* Online

[NotiAMCA] Conferencia Dr. R. Lebensohn

2007-07-20 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
 Día Miércoles 25 de Julio

 Hora:   15 hs

 Lugar: Sala del Edificio del Reactor Nuclear

 Ricardo A. Lebensohn

 Materials Science and Technology Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
 Los Alamos, NM 87544, USA.


 En la primera parte discutiremos el actual paradigma multiscala para la
 simulación de propiedades mecánicas de materiales, cuyo objetivo es
 relacionar modelos formulados a distintas escalas, con el fin de obtener
 predicciones de comportamiento mecánico que contengan la mayor cantidad
 posible de información microestructural.

 A continuación nos concentraremos en la escala mesoscópica y presentaremos
 un método numérico basado en la Transformada Rápida de Fourier (FFT) para
 obtener los campos micromecánicos en policristales tridimensionales
 deformados plásticamente. Mostraremos: a) predicciones de evolución de
 orientaciones y desorientaciones promedio en los granos de un policristal 
 cobre, deformado en tracción, utilizando imágenes obtenidas por medio de
 Microscopía de Imágenes de Orientación (OIM) y b) cómo la anterior
 formulación de campo completo puede ser utilizada para evaluar la
 precisión de distintos métodos de homogeneización (o de campo medio)
 disponibles para la predicción del comportamiento mecánico de 

 If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research,
 would it?

 Dr. Raul E. Bolmaro
 Instituto de Física Rosario
 Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Ingeniería y Agrimensura
 Universidad Nacional de Rosario
 Bv. 27 de febrero 210 bis
 2000 Rosario

 Phone: 54   341  480 8545   /  54 341  485 3200   /  54 341  485 3222
 Fax:     54  341   480 2653/54  /   54 341  482 1772

 e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]      or

 http://www.ifir.edu.ar     http://sauron.ifir.edu.ar/~materiaii/
From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Fri Jul 20 11:57:37 2007
From: sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Fri Jul 20 12:14:02 2007
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Research positions on  Computational Mechanics 

 Dear Professor Idelsohn,


 The Instituto de Engenharia de Estruturas, Território e Construção - ICIST 
 ( http://www.civil.ist.utl.pt/ic/ ) offers 4 research positions in the 
 fields of Computational Mechanics (1), Digital image processing of 
 satellite data (1), Seismology - Lithospheric modelling (1), Seismology - 
 Attenuation of seismic waves (1).

 The Instituto de Engenharia de Estruturas, Território e Construção - ICIST 
 is a research center of the Instituto Superior Técnico, one of the oldest 
 and largest schools of Science and Engineering in Portugal. At ICIST 
 research is focused on, but not limited to, Civil Engineering problems, 
 namely on topics of Structural Analysis and Design, Earthquake Engineering 
 and Seismology, Construction and Architecture, and Geomatics.

 Duties of successful candidates include: participating in the research and 
 projects being carried out at ICIST, combining their expertise with the 
 activities of the members of the center, submitting new national or 
 international research projects. It is expected that they will also 
 participate and promote PhD and Msc Theses. The working language is 

 The successful candidates will receive a salary in accordance with the 
 university regulations for a senior researcher. The contract offered will 
 have duration of up to 5 years, renewed yearly based on mutual agreement. 
 The annual gross income, before taxes, will be 3,038.06 Euros x 14 months.


 Applicants should have obtained: a PhD in Civil, Mechanical or 
 Aeronautical Engineering or Mathematics (for the position in Computational 
 Mechanics); a PhD in Informatics, Computer Science, Electronics, Earth 
 Sciences, Physics, or Geomatics (for the position in Digital image 
 processing); a PhD in Physics, Geophysics or Earth Sciences (for the 
 positions in Seismology). Candidates should have a high quality research 
 record and at least 3 years of post-doctoral research experience. The 
 successful candidates are expected to do research in the areas listed 
 above. For more information, consult http://www.eracareers.pt


 By email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following information:

 - Identification of the candidate

 - Curriculum Vitae/resume

 - Letters of Reference

 - Statement of purpose for the period of the contract.
 ICIST is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer. 
From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Wed Jul 25 12:16:34 2007
From: sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Wed Jul 25 12:32:55 2007
Subject: [NotiAMCA] VECPAR2008 : High Performance Computing for
Computational Science

Dear colleague

[NotiAMCA] 2a. Escola de Grid - Congresso da SBC

2007-05-11 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Gostaria de contar com sua ajuda na disseminação dessa chamada

da Escola de Grid,

que conta com uma oportunidade para experimentar a definição e execução de

processos num grid operacional !

Inscrições com desconto até 15 de maio !!!

Vagas Limitadas!


Marta Mattoso

Coordenação da Escola de Grid - Congresso da SBC


2a. Escola de Grid - Congresso da SBC

Instituto Militar de Engenharia - IME,
Praça Gen. Tibúrcio, 80

Praia Vermelha, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

3-5 de Julho de 2007

Inscrições com desconto até 15 de maio !!!

Vagas Limitadas!

A Segunda Escola de Grid (2GS) tem como objetivos apresentar as tecnologias de
Grid para usuários em potencial, além de permitir o estudo e a prática em
desenvolver aplicações através da infraestrutura EGEE 
A 2GS está aberta para qualquer pessoa interessada no uso de grids para
pesquisa em *e-science*. A infraestrutura EGEE compreende mais de 20.000 CPUs
disponíveis para os usuários 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. Além disso,
disponibiliza aproximadamente 5 Petabytes (5 milhões de Gigabytes) em
armazenamento, e mantém em média 20.000 jobs concorrentes. Tal disponibilidade
de recursos muda a forma como se faz pesquisa científica.  Esta infraestrutura
habilita ocientista a juntar organizações virtuais, a compartilhar seus
recursos e a criar e usar aplicações sobre a mesma.

As primeiras aplicações a usar a infraestrutura de Grid EGEE foram das áreas 
física e biomedicine, mas a EGEE agora também apoia aplicações de muitos 
domínios científicos, tais como astrofísica, química computacional, ciências 
terra, fusão, geofísica, processamento sísmico, geografia, bibliotecas 
e arqueologia. Além disso, há muitas aplicações do setor industrial atualmente
executando sobre a EGEE, tais como aplicações da geofísica e da indústria

A primeira edição da Escola de Grid, foi realizada com sucesso no ano passado,
em conjunto com o Vecpar 2006 (http://vecpar.fe.up.pt/2006/school.html). A
organização da 2ª. Escola de Grid é motivada pelo incentivo que o governo, em
especial o CNPq vem dando para a adoção de tecnologias baseadas em grids.
Diversos grids começam a ser formados, e iniciativas do Brasil junto à Europa
também são realidade (por exemplo através do EELA - http://www.eu-eela.org/).
Entretanto, o uso da tecnologia de grids envolve uma série de conceitos novos 
o uso de um conjunto de ferramentas que não são simples de instalar e 
A 2ª. Escola de Grid vem apoiar os primeiros passos na familiarização com essa
infra-estrutura, além de disponibilizar o uso de um grid europeu para fins
acadêmicos aos participantes da mesma.

A 2ª. Escola de Grid será ministrada por Gergely Sipos, que desenvolve 
em grid no contexto de vários projetos internacionais.

Para saber mais detalhes sobre a programação do evento acesse

As inscrições com preço promocional vão até 15 de maio, e podem ser feitas
através do site

Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao
Brazilian Computer Society Conference

Prof. Marta Mattoso
Computer Science, COPPE
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ

+55-21-2290-6626 (fax)

[NotiAMCA] EngOpt 2008

2007-04-26 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
EngOpt 2008 - International Conference on Engineering Optimization.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1-5, 2008.

A forum for Engineers, Mathematicians and Computer Scientists to share
research and innovations, promoting interdisciplinary activities in all
fields of Engineering Optimization.

EngOpt 2008 - www.engopt.org

Prof. Jose Herskovits
COPPE/Mechanical Engineering Program
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Wed May  2 09:26:31 2007
From: sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Wed May  2 09:41:30 2007
Subject: [NotiAMCA] USNCCM9-Abstract Deadline Extension

Dear Colleague,

The abstract submission deadline for the 9th US National Congress on
Computational Mechanics, July 23-26, 2007  in San Francisco, has been
extended to May 15th. If you wish to attend the conference please
submit your abstracts now at:


For any problems, please consult the Help portion of the
website at:


or contact either of us  directly.

Regards, P. Papadopoulos and T. I. Zohdi (Conference Co-chairs)

P. S. We apologize if you have received this email previously.


Prof. T. I. Zohdi
Mechanical Engineering
6117 Etcheverry Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1740
Phone: (510) 642-9172
Fax: (510) 642-6163

Webpage: http://www.me.berkeley.edu/faculty/zohdi/
Be sure to attend the Ninth United States National Congress on Computational
 Mechanics: http://www.me.berkeley.edu/compmat/USACM/main.html Introduction
 to Computational Micromechanics:

[NotiAMCA] ENIEF 2007/MACI 2007: New deadlines

2007-04-17 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
ENIEF 2007
XVI Congreso sobre Métodos Numéricos y sus Aplicaciones
MACI 2007
Primer Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Computacional e Industrial

2-5 Octubre 2007, Cordoba, Argentina

Nuevas fechas:

Envío de resúmenes (máximo 1 página)
7 de mayo de 2007
Aceptación de resúmenes
21 de mayo de 2007

Envío de artículos completos
30 de junio de 2007

Aceptación de artículos completos
31 de julio de 2007

New deadlines:

Abstract (maximum 1 page)
May 7, 2007  
Acceptance of the abstract   
May 21, 2007 
Full length paper
June 30, 2007
Acceptance of the full length paper  
July 31, 2007



[NotiAMCA] Deadline for the NSF Summer Institute Fellowship  Applications  is April 1, 2007

2007-03-23 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Deadline for the NSF Summer Institute Fellowship  Applications  is April 1,

The NSF Summer Institute on Nano Mechanics and Materials will host two short
courses this summer. These short courses provide fundamentals and recent new
developments in selected areas of nanotechnology. The material will be
presented at a level accessible to BS graduates of science and engineering
programs. Emphasis will be on techniques and theory only recently developed
that are not available in texts or standard university courses. 

Short Courses for Summer 2007:

1. Inspiring the Coalescence of Fundamental and Application Specific
Functional Nanomaterial Development-held at Northwestern 

2.. Foundation Interrogation Modalities and Novel Applications Forged at the
Intersection of Micro/Nanotechnology and Medicine-held at UCLA

Please visit the Summer Institute Website for more details.



Wing Kam Liu

Editor of Computational Mechanics: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/compmech
Walter P. Murphy Professor Director of NSF Summer Institute on Nano
Mechanics and Materials Northwestern University Department of Mechanical

2145 Sheridan Rd. 

Evanston, IL 60208-3111

Voice: 847-491-7094

Fax: 847-491-3915


[NotiAMCA] Seminarios del IMAL

2007-02-21 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Seminarios del Instituto de Matematica Aplicada del Litoral (IMAL)

Los encuentros se desarrollarán todos los viernes a las 15:30 hs., en el
Aula 31, Güemes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe. Las Conferencias programadas para
el mes de marzo de 2007 son las siguientes:

2 de marzo: Isabel Dotti (FaMAF-UNC),   Estructuras complejas abelianas
en grupos afines.

9 de marzo: Eberhard Bänsch (Univ. Erlangen, Alemania),  Numerical
Methods for Free Surface Flow.

16 de marzo: Jordi Blasco (Escola Tècnica Superior, Enginyeria Industrial,
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya),  Un método estabilizado de tipo
GLS para el problema de Stokes sobre mallas anisotrópicas de elementos

23 de marzo: Manuela Busaniche (FIQ-UNL, IMAL-CONICET), Semánticas
algebraicas para lógicas no clásicas.

30 de marzo: Liliana Nitti (FHUC-UNL, IMAF),  Medidas duplicantes en 
espacios con componentes de dimensiones distintas.

Dirección postal:   IMAL, Güemes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
Teléfonos:  0342-4571164/65                  0342-4559175/6/7

E-mail: haimar@ math.unl.edu.ar       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

URL:              http://math.unl.edu.ar      http://www.imal.ceride.gov.ar

[NotiAMCA] Asistencia a conferencia IMSM07

2007-01-29 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Estimados colegas profesionales, investigadores y docentes, y estudiantes
avanzados (Ingenierías e Informática)

este mensaje tiene por objeto informarles sobre la posibilidad de
participar en la multiconferencia internacional IMSM07 en calidad de
asistente a un costo de inscripción muy reducido (ver al final de este

IMSM07, « the International Modeling and Simulation Multiconference 2007
», tendrá lugar en el Hotel Sheraton de Buenos Aires entre el Jueves 8 y
el Sábado 10 de Febrero próximos.

Esta multiconferencia se compone por una parte de AIS-CMS, la conjunción
de las conferencias « Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Planning in
High Autonomy Systems » y « Conceptual Modeling and Simulation », y por la
otra de IMAACA-AVCS, las conferencias « Integrated Modeling and Analysis
in Applied Control and Automation » y «Advances in Vehicle Control and
Safety ».

Mas información sobre las mismas, y en particular el programa detallado
con todos los trabajos que se presentarán y sus horarios, incluyendo las
conferencias plenarias de destacados investigadores invitados, puede
hallarse en las siguientes paginas Web y en los links allí disponibles:


El precio de inscripción para ASISTENTES (categoría que excluye a autores
de trabajo, conferencistas,conferencistas invitados y otras) es de CIEN
PESOS (argentinos).

Esta inscripción a precio reducido, que puede hacerse directamente al
llegar al lugar de la conferencia, da derecho a participación plena en
todas las sesiones de IMSM07, a las pausas café, y a la versión CD-ROM de
las actas de la conferencia.

Deseo destacar la sesión plenaria del Jueves 8/2 temprano en la mañana,
Challenges and Solution Techniques for Hybrid Simulation: An
Introduction, que estará a cargo de Dr. Pieter Mosterman, Senior Research
Scientist de la empresa The MathWorks Inc. (USA), la productora del
renombrado software científico MatLab.

Recuerdo también que el idioma oficial de IMSM07 es el inglés.

Finalmente, los invito a que, aprovechando el bajo precio de inscripción
-muy por debajo de los u$s 400 a u$s 450 que cuesta una inscripción
regular en este momento-, participen de este interesante evento

A quien prevea participar le ruego que -en la medida de lo posible- tenga
a bien enviar un mail indicando la intención de hacerlo en calidad de
ASISTENTE (no es vinculante, es para prever mejor cuestiones
organizativas), aclarando nombre, filiación laboral o estudiantil, y país.
La direccion de correo electronico a tal efecto es la siguiente:



Sergio Junco
Chair - IMAACA 2007
Part of IMSM07

Ing. Sergio Junco
Profesor Asociado
Director Departamento de Electrónica
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura - FCEIyA
Universidad Nacional de Rosario - UNR
Ríobamba 245 bis - S2000EKE Rosario - ARGENTINA
Phone: +54 341 4808543
Fax : +54 341 4802654

[NotiAMCA] MHM 2007 conference in Prague

2007-01-26 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague,

I would like to bring to your attention the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference
on Modelling of Heterogeneous Materials with Applications in
Construction and Biomedical Engineering (MHM 2007),
which will take place on 25-27 June 2007 in Prague.

The aim of this conference is to gather specialists in modelling of 
heterogeneous materials who work in different domains of application but 
face similar general problems. Attention will focus on theoretical 
modelling and numerical simulation on multiple scales, but contributions 
dealing with advanced experimental techniques, especially on the nano- and 
micro-level, will be equally welcome. The specific materials to be 
considered will be e.g. concrete and other cement-based composites, rocks 
and soils, polymers, bones, or soft biological tissues.
The MHM 2007 conference is jointly chaired by Prof. Herbert Mang
(TU Vienna) and Prof. Zdenek Bittnar (CTU Prague).

Please kindly consider attending our conference, which is organized
as a participant-friendly event, with deadline for abstract submission
on January 31 and deadline for early registration on March 31.
All details regarding the topics, registration, accommodation and
abstract submission are posted on the web site
Let me emphasize that June is the perfect month for visiting Prague,
one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. At the same
time, MHM 2007 is conceived as a first-class scientific meeting,
with a Scientific Committee consisting of 26 higly reputed international

I apologize for this unsolicited message and send you my regards,

Milan Jirasek
Department of Mechanics
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Technical University
Thakurova 7, 166 29 Prague 6, Czech Republic
phone: +420-224354481, fax: +420-224310775

[NotiAMCA] ECCOMAS VipIMAGE 2007 Vision and Medical Image Processing

2006-11-28 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

International ECCOMAS Thematic Conference VipIMAGE 2007 - I ECCOMAS THEMATIC
17-19th October 2007, FEUP, Porto, Portugal


Dear Colleague,

Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, on October
17-19, 2007.

The Conference will bring together several researchers from around the world
representing several fields of study related to Computational Vision and
Medical Image Processing, such as: Physics of Medical Imaging; Signal and
image Processing; Simulation and Modelling; Data Interpolation, Registration
and Compression; Telemedicine; Computer Aided Diagnosis, Surgery, Therapy,
and Treatment; Computational Bioimaging and Visualization; Software
Development and Grid Computing.

More details regarding VipIMAGE can be found in the following address:

Invited Lectures

During VipIMAGE Conference the following Invited Lectures are confirmed:

Automatic Generation of Computer Models from Multi-modal Bio-medical
Chandrajit Bajaj - University of Texas, USA

Computational Bioimaging and Visualization
Chris Johnson - University of Utah, USA

From Geometrical Models to Physiological Models of the Human Body
Hervé Delingette - Institut National de Recherche en Informatique, France

Latest advances in Cardiovascular Informatics
Ioannis A. Kakadiaris - University of Houston, USA

Robust Algorithms for Deformable Contours
Jorge S. Marques - Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

Image Sequence Evaluation
Juan J. Villanueva - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Fast Surface Segmentation and remeshing by finding geodesics
Laurent Cohen - Université Paris Dauphine, France

Processing of Simultaneous acquisition of EEG and fMRI
Mario Forjaz Secca - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Automatic Construction of Statistical Shape Models using Non-Rigid
Tim Cootes - University of Manchester, UK


It is the intention of the organizers to publish the proceedings book of
VipIMAGE by the Taylor  Francis Group.

Important dates

Submission of extended abstracts: March 15, 2007;
Authors Notification: April 15, 2007;
Lectures and Final Papers: May 15, 2007;
Early registration fee: May 31, 2007.

Due to your research activities in the field, we would like to invite you to
submit a contributed paper. Your contribution is mostly welcomed and we
would be honoured if you could participate in VipIMAGE.

We would appreciate if you could distribute this information by your
colleagues and co-workers.

We are looking forward to see you in Porto next year.

Kind regards,

João Manuel R. S. Tavares
Renato Natal Jorge
(conference co-chairs)

For further details please see the conference website at:

You can obtain a PDF flyer of the VipIMAGE Conference at:
a poster at: www.fe.up.pt/~vipimage/files/Poster_A3_VIPIMAGE.pdf;
and the logos at: www.fe.up.pt/~vipimage/files/Logos_VIPIMAGE.zip.

[NotiAMCA] CIBIM8 Congreso Iberoamericano de Ing eniería Mecánica

2006-11-28 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Desde: 23-10-2007
Hasta: 25-10-2007
Lugar: Cusco, Perú

Estimado colega:

Adjunto le enviamos información inicial acerca del próximo
8°  Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Mecánica (CIBIM8)
a realizarse del 23 al 25 de octubre del próximo 2007.


Le rogamos difunda esta información entre sus colegas conocidos.
Ella será ampliada dentro de pocos días a través de la página Web del 

Con abrazos cordiales,

Jorge Rodríguez Hernández
Presidente de la Comisión Organizadora
8° Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Mecánica
Sección de Ingeniería Mecánica
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú



2006-11-22 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Prezados(as) colegas,

É com satisfação que estamos convidando todos a participarem do
CNME/CILAMCE 2007 - Congresso Ibero Latino-Americano
de Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia, a ser realizado na
cidade do Porto, Portugal, de 13-15 Junho 2007

A submissão de resumos deve ser feita até o dia 08 de dezembro de 2006!

O CMNE/CILANCE 2007 será um fórum de discussão dos avanços
recentes e direções futuras dos métodos numéricos e computacionais em
engenharia. Este encontro esta sendo promovido com a organização conjunta
das associações  Portuguesa (APMTAC), Espanhola (SEMNI) e Brasileira
(ABMEC) de métodos numéricos e computacionais em engenharia.

O Congresso conta com diversas sessões temáticas em diferentes áreas. Dentre 
estas temos uma de Mecânica dos Fluidos Computacional em que participamos da 
Organização e chamamos a todos para submeterem contribuições.

Por fim, peço aos colegas que divulguem esta mensagem e a página
do encontro para os seus contatos, principalmente junto à comunidade


Paulo Lyra

[NotiAMCA] Seminario Especial de Mecánica Compu tacional UBA

2006-10-23 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
El seminario correspondiente al mes de Noviembre se desarrollará el Lunes 
a partir de las 17 hs en el salón del Consejo de la FIUBA, Paseo Colón 850 
PB, Buenos Aires.

El disertante será el Prof. Tom Hughes http://www.ices.utexas.edu/~hughes/ 
sin duda
hoy una de las figuras claves de la Mecánica Computacional a nivel 

El título de su exposición será:
Isogeometric Analysis:  A Bridge Between Computational Geometry and 
Comptational Mechanics

Eduardo Dvorkin 

[NotiAMCA] NUMIFORM 2007 : Deadline abstract , Sept. 30th

2006-09-26 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni


International Conference in

 June 17-21, 2007
Faculty of Engineering,
University of Porto

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee  of  NUMIFORM 2007 Conference, that 
will be held in  Porto, Portugal, 17-21 June 2007,  we would like to remind 
you that the abstracts should be sent by 30th September 2006.

Abstract instructions and Conference topics are available online at the 
NUMIFORM 2007 website: www.fe.up.pt/numiform07

The prestigious NUMIFORM series of international conferences was founded in 
the early eighties with a vision of promoting discussion of state of the art 
and future directions in numerical modelling of metal forming processes. 
NUMIFORM conferences take place every three years and addresses 
computational modelling and simulations of traditional metal and polymers 
processing methods, as well as of advanced materials and emerging 
technologies at different scales. Next we will celebrate the 25th 
anniversary of this conference.

We truly appreciate your interest in contributing and attending the NUMIFORM 
2007 Conference.

I am looking forward to welcome you in Porto, in June next year.

Best regards,

Jose M. A. Cesar de Sa
(Conference Chairman)


International Steering Committee

J.L. Chenot, CEMEF, France
P.W. Dawson, Cornell, USA
S. Ghosh, OSU, USA
J. Huétink, UT, Netherlands
K. Mattiasson, UC, Sweden
K. Mori, TUT, Japan
R.I. Tanner, USYD, Australia
E.G. Thompson, CSU, USA
R.D. Wood, UWS, UK
O.C. Zienkiewicz, UWS, UK


  Organizing Committee

José César de Sá, FEUP, Portugal
A. Barata da Rocha, INEGI, Portugal
Paulo F. Martins, IST, Portugal
Luís F. Menezes, FCTUC, Portugal
José Grácio, UA, Portugal
Abel Santos, FEUP, Portugal
Francisco Pires, FEUP, Portugal
Jorge Rodrigues, IST, Portugal
José Luís Alves, UM, Portugal

Conference Chairman
José César de Sá
FEUP- Faculty of Engineering,
University of Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n
4200-465 Porto - Portugal
NUMIFORM Secretariat
Coordinator: Nguyen Van
INEGI-Institute for Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management
Rua do Barroco, 174
4465-591 Leça do Balio - Portugal


[NotiAMCA] FEF07: Deadline for abstract submission

2006-09-26 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

Dear Colleague,

The 14th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems
(FEF07) is accepting electronic abstract submissions. The conference is
scheduled for March 26-28, 2007 at The Inn and Spa at Loretto in Santa
Fe, New Mexico USA. Additional details about the conference may be found
at the conference web site: http://www.esc.sandia.gov/FEF07/FEFhome.html.

We invite you to submit an abstract to one of the minisymposia listed on
the worldwide web at http://conference.sandia.gov/FEF/list/mslist.lasso.
Detailed information regarding the submission of abstracts may also be
found on the web at http://www.esc.sandia.gov/FEF07/FEFtechpapers.html.
The deadline for abstract submission is  October 20, 2006.  A complete
list of important dates for the conference may be found at

Please feel free to share this announcement with your colleagues and
encourage their participation.

Best regards,
Conference Chairs

[NotiAMCA] 3D S.UN.COP CR (2006) - Argentina

2006-09-25 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, University of Pisa (UNIPI)
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb (FER)
School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona, Technical University of 
Catalonia (ETSEIB)

together with

Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear (ARN)
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA)
Nucleoelectrica Argentina S.A (NA-SA)
Universidad Argentina De la Empresa (UADE)


3D S.UN.COP CR (2006) - Argentina

Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
October 2 - October 13, 2006






[NotiAMCA] VII EIPAC - 2007

2006-09-21 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

VII EIPAC - 2007

SALTA - ARGENTINA - 15 al 18 de MAYO 2007


Ingeniería estructural
Ingeniería sismorresistente.
Sismología y geología de terremotos.
Códigos de diseño, en particular sobre los proyectos CIRSOC e INPRES-CIRSOC.
Sistemas de aislamiento sísmico y disipación de energía.
Viviendas económicas en zonas sísmicas.
Materiales convencionales y no convencionales.
Investigaciones analíticas o experimentales relacionadas con estos temas.
Casos reales de construcciones nuevas o rehabilitación de estructuras 
Microzonificación sísmica y efectos de sitio.



University of California, San Diego (EEUU)

Prof. SERGIO OLLER (Argentina)

Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Barcelona (España)


Presentación de resúmenes: 30/09/06
Comunicación aceptación de resúmenes: 31/10/06
Presentación del trabajo terminado: 31/12/06
Comunicación de aceptación del trabajo: 28/02/07





[NotiAMCA] USNCCM9 US National Congress on Computational Mechanics

2006-08-22 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

 próxima parte 
Se ha borrado un adjunto en formato HTML...
From sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar  Thu Aug 31 10:41:42 2006
From: sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Thu Aug 31 12:56:05 2006
Subject: [NotiAMCA] EURO:TUN 2007 - ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on
Computational Methods in Tunnelling

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 6:16 AM
Subject: EURO:TUN 2007 - ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational 
Methods in Tunnelling

We have the pleasure to announce the ECCOMAS THEMATIC CONFERENCE

Computational Methods in Tunnelling

Vienna, Austria, August 27-29, 2007

Conference Chairmen

* Josef EBERHARDSTEINER,  Vienna University of Technology, Austria
* Gernot BEER, Graz University of Technology, Austria
* Christian HELLMICH, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
* Günther MESCHKE, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
* Herbert A. MANG, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
* Wulf SCHUBERT, Graz University of Technology, Austria

In recent years, Computational Methods have experienced increased
application in underground construction. Applications range from design and
prediction to the display of data using augmented virtual reality methods.
An important aspect is the realistic description of the soil/rock mass and
the materials used for support, using advanced constitutive models.
Recently, hybrid concepts aiming at an integration of advanced methods of
computational intelligence and computational mechanics are being developed
and used for the optimisation of the design and the construction processes.

EURO:TUN 2007 aims to provide a forum for scientists, developers and
engineers to review and discuss novel research findings and to assess the
suitability and robustness of advanced computational methods and models for
the design and construction of tunnels.

Conference Topics
The conference will be concerned with computer based innovative concepts and
strategies for optimised design and construction of tunnels.
Topics to be addressed are:

* spatial and temporal discretisation strategies for realistic and
efficient numerical analyses in underground engineering,
* advanced inviscid as well as time-dependent, multi-phase and
multi-scale constitutive models for materials used for the support and for
soils and jointed, swelling or squeezing rocks,
* methods for prediction of tunnel face stability,
* simulation models for shield tunnelling,
* new developments in boundary and hybrid methods,
* procedures for parameter identification,
* soft computing, visualisation, data mining, and expert systems in
* Sensitivity analysis, back analysis, and
* any other related topics

EURO:TUN 2007 is one of the Thematic Conferences of the European Community
on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS)  www.eccomas.org.
EURO:TUN 2007 is also an IACM Special Interest Conference. More information
on IACM in: www.iacm.info
This conference is jointly organised with the EU-integrated project
Technology Innovation in Underground Construction (TUNCONSTRUCT
http://www.tunconstruct.org/ ).

 http://eurotun.tuwien.ac.at/index.php?id=4534 Introduction
http://eurotun.tuwien.ac.at/index.php?id=4580 Committees
http://eurotun.tuwien.ac.at/index.php?id=4524 Registration
http://eurotun.tuwien.ac.at/index.php?id=4528 Important Dates
http://eurotun.tuwien.ac.at/index.php?id=4549 Secretariat
http://eurotun.tuwien.ac.at/index.php?id=4515 Location

 http://eurotun.tuwien.ac.at/index.php?id=4516 Accommodation
http://eurotun.tuwien.ac.at/index.php?id=5161 Supporting Organizations

[NotiAMCA] Organización Enief 2007

2006-08-09 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Se hace saber que hasta el 25 de agosto se recibirán postulaciones
para organizar el ENIEF 2007.

A los grupos interesados, les pedimos se pongan en contacto con la
secretaría de AMCA, lo antes posible, para enviarles el formato de
la presentación.

V. Sonzogni

[NotiAMCA] Seminarios Mecanica Computacional FI UBA, Buenos Aires

2006-08-07 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
El viernes 18 de agosto a las 17hs en el salón del Consejo de la FIUBA
(Paseo Colón 850, Buenos Aires) desarrollaremos el seminario de Agosto.
Los expositores serán:
* Dra. Cecilia Galarza (FIUBA)
Identificacion ciega de un canal multiusuario de múltiples entradas y una 
* Dr. Bruno Cernuschi Frías (FIUBA)
Análisis de movimiento en secuencias de imágenes utilizando Particle 
Filtering y Campos Aleatorios Markovianos (Markov Random Fields) con 
estados mixtos
Los esperamos,
Eduardo Dvorkin 

[NotiAMCA] Zienkiewicz Numerical Methods in Engineering Prize

2006-07-03 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

Numerical Methods in Engineering

The Zienkiewicz Medal and £1,000 prize

Terms of reference

The Zienkiewicz Numerical Methods in Engineering Prize was
instituted in 1998 following a donation by John Wiley  Sons Ltd
to commemorate the work of Professor Olgierd Cecil Zienkiewicz
CBE DSc FRS FREng of the Institute for Numerical Methods in
Engineering, University of Wales, Swansea.

The prize of £1,000 and a silver medal is awarded biennially to a
post-graduate researcher under the age of 40 who submits the paper
which contributes most to research in the field of numerical methods in 

Papers to be judged

Papers must either be submitted in a form suitable for publication or
already have been published after 30 June 2004 in one of the following
the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering,
the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, and
the International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in 
or in the ICE Proceedings.
All papers must be submitted with a covering letter from the competitor's
supervisor or head of department. The letter should indicate willingness to 
the prize to be awarded to the competitor as a single author, especially in
the case of multiple authorship. If papers are submitted which have been
written by more than one author, the part written by the competitor should
be clearly indicated.
Papers shall be deemed to be in a form suitable for publication if they
adhere to the 'Author's guidelines' for the appropriate journal. These are
issued by Thomas Telford Ltd and John Wiley  Sons Ltd and can be found at
www.thomastelford.com/journals/Authors.asp and 
Competitors should refer to the guidelines for their chosen journal and 
their paper in the preferred format.

The Judging Panel

The Judging Panel of three will be chaired by Professor Zienkiewicz or 
nominated by him. It will comprise one representative nominated by John 
Wiley  Sons Ltd
and another nominated by the Institution of Civil Engineers.

Papers to be submitted to the competition

Papers should be submitted to the Institution of Civil Engineers no later 
31 December 2006 for consideration by the Judging Panel in early 2007.

Papers should be addressed to:

Mike Chrimes (Zienkiewicz Prize)
The Institution of Civil Engineers
One Great George Street
London SW1P 3AA

Presentation of the award

The prize, comprising a cheque, a medal and certificate, will be presented 
an awards ceremony in 2007. 

[NotiAMCA] Congreso Métodos Numéricos en I ngeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas

2006-06-22 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

4º Congreso Internacional y 2º Nacional
de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas

17-19 de enero de 2007, Morelia, Michoacán, México

 El Congreso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas 
será el foro que recopile los trabajos científicos y técnicos más relevantes 
en relación con los métodos numéricos y la mecánica computacional, así como 
sus aplicaciones prácticas.

  El congreso estará estructurado en sesiones temáticas según los 
distintos campos. Las comunicaciones al congreso constituirán una referencia 
del alcance actual y de las líneas de trabajo futuras.

  Asimismo, investigadores de reconocido prestigio internacional 
impartirán una serie de conferencias plenarias.

1.. Matemática Computacional, Modelado Matemático y Métodos 
2.. Mecánica Computacional de Sólidos y de Fluidos. Biomecánica. 
3.. Mecánica Estructural Computacional. Métodos sin Malla. MEF y 
BEM. Acústica.
4.. Problemas Acoplados. Interacción Fluidos-Estructuras. 
Transferencia de Calor.
5.. Flujo de Masa y Energía en Medios Porosos. Mecánica de 
Fracturas. Geomecánica.
6.. Dinámica No-Lineal Computacional.
7.. Modelado de Nanoestructuras y MEMS.
8.. Tecnología Avanzada en Mecánica Computacional. Paralelización de 
9.. Optimización y Problemas Inversos. Redes neuronales. Vibraciones 
no Lineales.
10.. Modelado de la Calidad del Aire. Relatividad Numérica.
11.. Desarrollo de Nuevos Algoritmos, Software y Computación de Alto 
12.. Historia del Desarrollo de los Métodos Numéricos, 
particularmente en Iberoamérica.
13.. Otros Temas Relacionados con cualquier área de los Métodos 

  Mas información:

   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tel y Fax: (+52 443) 316 7257



[NotiAMCA] Seminarios Mecanica Computacional, FI UBA, Buenos Aires

2006-06-09 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
 El viernes 16 de junio a las 17 hs en el salón del Consejo de Paseo Colón, 
Buenos Aires,
 * Dr. Pablo Marino (CINI)
 La utilización de modelos numéricos en el control del calentamiento de 
productos de acero
 * Dr. Fernando Ponta (FIUBA)
 Formulación de las Ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes en Variables No-Primitivas 
y el Método KLE

E. Dvorkin 

[NotiAMCA] Seminarios Prof. Andrew J. Whittle

2006-06-01 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Ingeniería Geotécnica
12 y 13 de Junio de 2006

Las carreras de Doctorado y Maestría en Geotecnia y Estructuras de la 
de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de
Córdoba se complacen en anunciar que el Prof. Andrew J. Whittle del 
Tecnológico de Massachussets (M.I.T.) visitará esta casa de estudios los 
Lunes 12 y Martes 13 de Junio del corriente. El Prof. Whittle es un
investigador reconocido internacionalmente en el área de modelación de
comportamiento de suelos y métodos numéricos en ingeniería geotécnica.

Durante su visita, el Prof. Whittle dictará tres seminarios en inglés con
traducción parcial, según las necesidades. Los seminarios son gratuitos y 
para el público en

. Rol de la modelación del comportamiento de suelos en las predicciones 
Lunes 12 de Junio, 17:00-19:00
Salón de Actos del Edificio de Investigaciones Biológicas y Tecnológicas
Se describen diversos modelos constitutivos para suelos y aplicaciones 
numéricas de los mismos
para resolver problemas geotécnicos en la práctica.

. Falla de los diques de Nueva Orleáns durante el huracán Katrina
Martes 13 de Junio, 10:00-12:30
Salón de Actos del Edificio de Investigaciones Biológicas y Tecnológicas
El huracán Katrina fue un gran ciclón tropical que azotó el sur y el centro 
de los Estados Unidos
en agosto de 2005. Se estima que Katrina causó daños materiales por 75 mil 
millones de
dólares, convirtiéndose en el huracán más costoso en la historia de los 
Estados Unidos y causó
la muerte a 1422 personas. Se describen las investigaciones realizadas a 
fines de identificar los
mecanismos de falla de los diques de Nueva Orleáns, ciudad que fue 
especialmente afectada por
este huracán.

. Estudio de caso del colapso de la autopista Nicoll en Singapur

Martes 13 de Junio, 17:00-19:00
Salón de Actos del Edificio de Investigaciones Biológicas y Tecnológicas
En Abril de 2004, la falla catastrófica de una excavación de 30m de 
profundidad para una nueva
línea de subterráneos en Singapur causó el colapso de la autopista Nicoll, 
adyacente a la
excavación, causando la muerte de cuatro obreros. Se resumen las 
investigaciones forenses que
han sido llevadas a cabo para interpretar las causas de la falla. Factores 
contribuyentes a la
misma incluyen detalles de las conexiones estructurales del sistema de 
retención así como
errores de diseño en la evaluación de los empujes laterales.

Para mayor información dirigirse a:
Dr. Ing. Federico Pinto ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Dr. Ing. Franco Francisca ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

F.C.E.F.yN., U.N.C., Avenida Vélez Sársfield 1600,
Ciudad Universitaria, Córdoba 5000, (0351) 433 4144 

[NotiAMCA] Premios AMCA 2006

2006-05-29 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Premios AMCA 2006

La Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional llama a la presentación de
antecedentes para el otorgamiento de tres premios a profesionales que se
hayan destacado por sus trabajos realizados en el Area de la Mecánica

Los premios se dividirán en las siguientes categorías:

I) Premio AMCA para jóvenes científicos
Se trata de un premio a entregar a un científico que no haya cumplido los 40
años de edad a la fecha de entrega del premio.
Se premiará la trayectoria científica del candidato, la cual deberá estar
reflejada en cursos dictados, publicaciones, presentaciones en congresos y
en trabajos de aplicación realizados. El jurado dará especial énfasis a
trabajos científicos realizados en Argentina.
El premio incluirá además de la estatuilla de los Premios AMCA; un subsidio
por $ 3.000 que el premiado podrá utilizar para lo que él crea más
conveniente para ayudar a su formación científica en Mecánica Computacional;
y pasajes y viáticos para el traslado y estadía desde su lugar habitual de
trabajo a la ciudad de Santa Fe, para recibirlo.

II)  Premio AMCA a la trayectoria docente, profesional y científica en
Se trata de un premio para resaltar una trayectoria en: a) docencia, b)
investigación y c) actividad profesional, realizada mayoritariamente en
Argentina en el área de Mecánica Computacional.
El jurado decidirá en base a los cursos dictados, publicaciones,
conferencias dictadas y trabajos de transferencia de tecnología o de
asistencia técnica realizados, al profesional que se haya destacado en los
últimos 10 años en Mecánica Computacional realizando una tarea equilibrada
en las 3 actividades simultáneamente.
El premio incluirá además de la estatuilla de los Premios AMCA los pasajes y
viáticos para el traslado y estadía desde su lugar habitual de trabajo a la
ciudad de Santa Fe para recibirlo.

III) Premio AMCA internacional a la trayectoria científica
Se trata de un premio a entregar a un científico de cualquier lugar del
mundo que por su trayectoria haya producido avances significativos a la
ciencia en el Área de la Mecánica Computacional.
El jurado dará prioridad a científicos que en particular hayan colaborado
con grupos de investigación argentinos.

Los premios serán entregados en la ciudad de Santa Fe, el Jueves 9 de
Noviembre de 2006  durante la cena de camaradería de ENIEF 2006.
El jurado estará constituido por: Fernando Basombrio, Eduardo Dvorkin,
Alberto Cardona y Victorio Sonzogni. Formarán parte también del jurado los
galardonados con los premios AMCA 2004: Juan Carlos Ferreri, Guillermo Etse
y Adrian Cisilino. Los miembros del jurado quedan excluidos de la
posibilidad de obtener estos premios.

Las decisiones del jurado serán inapelables. El jurado deberá decidir los
premiados antes del 31 de Agosto de 2006, los que serán informados
inmediatamente para que puedan organizar su viaje a Santa Fe. El jurado
podrá elegir entre los candidatos que:
a) Se presenten enviando sus propios antecedentes.
b) Sean presentados por terceros o instituciones patrocinadoras
c) Sean presentados por uno de los miembros del jurado.
Los interesados podrán enviar los antecedentes a la secretaria de AMCA,
tanto por correo como por e-mail, antes del 15 de  Julio  de 2006. 

[NotiAMCA] Pos-doc positions in computational imaging and modelling

2006-05-16 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

Open post-doctoral positions in computational imaging and modelling

Computational Imaging Lab - Pompeu Fabra University - Barcelona - Spain

The Computational Imaging Lab (www.cilab.upf.edu) at the Pompeu Fabra 
University in Barcelona is team focused on algorithmic and applied research 
in the area of computer vision and computational modelling. The lab is 
composed of 20 members working in different domains of medical image 
segmentation, statistical shape modelling and analysis, computational 
geometry, pattern recognition and image-based and personalised computational 
Currently, the lab is engaged in or about to start several exciting projects 
aiming at personalised physical modelling and simulation of organs where 
medical imaging, computational mechanics and biology play an essential role. 
Our aim is to use medical imaging technologies with a combination of 
computational imaging, modelling and simulation tools to develop 
personalised tools for risk assessment and personalised treatment design. In 
addition, by collaborating with several teams around Europe and the US, our 
goal is to integrate all available information of a patient to personalised 
diagnosis and treatment.
In this context, the lab has been recently awarded and coordinates an 
Integrated Project funded by the European Commission, which aims at 
personalized and integrative biomedical informatics in the cerebrovascular 
domain. Additionally, the lab is also engaged in a national technology 
platform aiming at cardiac modelling and simulation for patient selection 
and interventional planning in cardiac resynchronization therapy.

The CILab is seeking proactive and highly talented young post-doctoral 
researchers with proven track record of publications in leading 
international journals and conferences. In addition, a number of scientific 
developer and application engineer positions are also available in similar 
areas. Candidates should be highly creative, have the ability to carry out 
independent research but work embedded in a research team, and should be 
endowed with excellent communication and leadership skills so as to 
collaborate with other peers. The ability to work in a multidisciplinary 
team and be able to interact with other disciplines is essential.
All applicants should have a strong background in mathematics and physics, 
algorithmics and programming [preferably in C++]. Proficiency in spoken and 
written English is compulsory.

Candidates with expertise in the following areas are sought:
  1/ computational imaging: elastic multimodal image registration, 
3D-2D image registration, model-based image segmentation, 3D vision and 
reconstruction from projections, computational geometry, information 
theoretic approaches to computer vision
  2/ medical imaging: image-based non-invasive flow measurement and 
  3/ biomedical engineering: clinical tool specification and quality 
assurance, evaluation of tools and methods in clinical environments, 
coordination of applied research and technology transfer to industry and 
clinical centres
  4/ computational modelling and simulation: electromechanical 
cardiac modelling, computational fluid dynamics, computational biology, 
biophysics, grid computing and numerical computing, multi-scale and 
multi-formalism modelling.

Starting dates will be prior to July 2006; positions will be for a period of 
3 to 4 years. No positions will be considered for less than 2 years. 
Salaries are negotiable depending upon qualifications and experience of the 
applicants and compliant with Spanish salaries in academic institutions. EU 
citizens will be given priority due to labour regulations and work permit 
Interested candidates should submit a letter of purpose indicating your area 
of interest, salary expectations, CV including contact details of 3 
referees, and sample publications to Dr. Alejandro Frangi 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], at your earliest convenience. 

[NotiAMCA] course on Modeling of Localized Inelastic Deformation

2006-05-05 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear Colleague:

I would like to bring to your attention the advanced course on
that I will teach in Prague on 18-22 September 2006.

Please kindly pass this message to potential participants.
More detailed information on the course is posted at

I would also like to mention that we are looking for a PhD student
with a strong background in mechanics and with interest in
micromechanics of cement paste, who would participate in a research
and training network funded by the European Commission. Details are
available at http://cml.fsv.cvut.cz/~milan//MCRTN.htm and potential
candidates should contact me immediately.

Thank you for your attention, I hope that this message
does not disturb you too much.

With my regards,
Milan Jirasek


Prof. Milan Jirasek
Department of Mechanics
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Technical University
Thakurova 7, 166 29 Prague 6, Czech Republic
phone: +420-224354481, fax: +420-224310775

[NotiAMCA] NSF Travel grants for the 7th WCCM

2006-05-02 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

Co-sponsored by the NSF and the NSF Summer Institute on Nano Mechanics and 
Materials and managed by the United States Association for Computational 
Mechanics (USACM)

US Institutional professors, post-doctorial fellows and students are 
encouraged to apply for travel grants to attend the 7th World Congress on 
Computational Mechanics and the short course entitled:

Multiscale Computational Methods and Applications
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel

Travel grants up to $800 will be awarded.  All applicants must be associated 
with a US university or college; in addition, faculty and post-doctoral 
fellows must be USACM members.  To be considered for this grant, you must 
already have an accepted abstract for the World Congress and you must 
register for the short course no later than May 31, 2006.  In addition, the 
abstract and a one page curriculum vitae should be submitted, no later than 
May 31, 2006, to:

Jacob Fish, Acting-President of USACM
Successful applicants will be notified by June 16, 2006

Please remember that regular registration for the 7th World Congress on 
Computational Mechanics ends May 15th, 2006.

Wing Kam Liu
Walter P. Murphy Professor
Director of NSF Summer Institute on Nano Mechanics and Materials
Northwestern University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
2145 Sheridan Rd.
Evanston, IL 60208-3111
Voice: 847-491-7094
Fax: 847-491-3915
Editor of Computational Mechanics: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/compmech

[NotiAMCA] 2nd LNCC Meeting on Computational Modelling

2006-04-28 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

/*The 2nd LNCC Meeting on Computational Modelling*/

The 2nd LNCC Meeting on Computational Modelling will be held at the LNCC
- The National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, in the historical
city of Petrópolis, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from August
8 to 11, 2006.

 The goal of the LNCC Meeting  is to establish an interdisciplinary
forum to discuss recent developments and the state of the art in the
Computational Modelling of Continuum and Discrete Systems and to create
an environment capable of providing fruitful and promising interchange
and discussions among the participants on the intriguing and challenging
problems in  this field.
The scientific program  consists of invited plenary lectures, invited
mini-symposia keynote lectures and contributed oral and poster
presentations. Typical but not exclusive topics of interest include the
following areas of concentration of the Mini-Symposia:








Beyond these, papers reporting research covering the vast range of
multidisciplinary subjects on computational modelling are welcome.

For more information, visit www.lncc.br/compmod .

*LNCC - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
Assessoria de Relações Institucionais
Rita Juliano
(24) 22336039 *

[NotiAMCA] Curso: Probabilidad, Incertidumbre y Confiabilidad en Ingeniería Geotécnica.Uni versidad de los Andes.Chile

2006-04-12 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

Profesor: Milton E. Harr, Ph.D
2-6 de Mayo de 2006
Campus Universidad de los Andes
San Carlos de Apoquindo 2200
Las Condes, Santiago

Probabilidad, Incertidumbre y
Confiabilidad son
conceptos habitualmente encontrados en estudios
de Ingeniería Geotécnica. Dominar estos conceptos
es de vital importancia para todos aquellos
profesionales que laboran en la industria minera y
en el desarrollo de obras civiles en donde los
aspectos geotécnicos cobran especial relevancia.
La Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de los
Andes desarrollará el curso 
Incertidumbre y
Confiabilidad en Ingeniería
Geotécnica, el cual será dictado por el Profesor
Milton E. Harr, profesional y
ampliamente reconocido a
nivel mundial en este

El programa del curso se dividirá en dos partes:
Conceptos Básicos
Martes 2 y miércoles 3 de mayo de 2006
Horario: 09:00 -13:00 horas
14:00 -17:30 horas
Texto Guía:  Reliability-Based Design in Civil
Engineering, Autor: Milton E. Harr, (Capítulos 1 y 2)

PARTE II: Confiabilidad en Ingeniería Geotécnica
Jueves 4, viernes 5 y sábado 6 de mayo de 2006
Horario: 09:00 -13:00 horas
14:00 -17:30 horas
Texto Guía:  Reliability-Based Design in Civil
Engineering, Autor: Milton E. Harr, (Capítulos 3, 4 y 5)


Milton E. Harr es ingeniero civil (B.S) de la
Universidad Northeastern y Ph.D en ingeniería civil
de la Universidad de Purdue, USA. Durante los
últimos 25 años ha sido Profesor de Ingeniería
Geotécnica de la Universidad de Purdue.
Milton E. Harr es miembro de la Sociedad
Americana de Ingenieros Civiles, con una gran
experiencia académica y laboral, habiendo sido
Presidente de organizaciones americanas tales
como la Pavement Design Division, la Highway
Research Board, y The Truck Structure System
Design Committee. El Profesor Harr es también
miembro del Comité Editorial del prestigioso medio
Applied Research and International Journal for
Numerical and Analytical Methods in
Milton E. Harr es autor y co-autor de más de 80
publicaciones, habiendo escrito también una gran
cantidad de libros entre los cuales se encuentra
Reliability-Based Design in Civil Engineering


El curso completo tendrá un valor ascendente a
US$ 900 por persona ( o su equivalente en moneda
local de Chile de $450.000). Este valor incluye
apuntes, almuerzos y coffee breaks. Estos últimos
dos servicios serán entregados en el casino de la
Universidad de los Andes, durante todos los días
que dure el curso.
Al final del curso, cada alumno recibirá un
certificado de participación siempre y
cuando cuente con una asistencia igual o
superior al 80% de las clases.


Teléfono: ( 56-2) 412-9321
Telefax : (56-2) 214-9551
Coordinador Raúl Fuentes P.

. Código SENCE del curso en proceso de
. Se requerirá de un mínimo número de
alumnos para la realización del curso. 

[NotiAMCA] ENIEF 2006 - New abstracts deadline:APRIL 30th

2006-04-07 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
(Please find English version below)

ENIEF 2006

Nueva fecha para recepcion de resumenes

La fecha límite para recepción de resúmenes para el
ENIEF 2006: XV Congreso sobre Métodos Numéricos y sus Aplicaciones.
ha sido extendida hasta el

*** 30 de ABRIL de 2006 ***

La comunicación de aceptación se hará durante el mes de
mayo y el resto de las fechas límites no se ha modificado.

Para enviar los resúmenes de trabajos propuestos se deben seguir
los siguientes pasos:

1) Pre-inscripción: Accediendo al link Preinscripción en la web.
Una vez preinscripto, el autor recibirá un mail de confirmación
y tendrá la contraseña que ha elegido, para acceder al sistema de envío de 
trabajos. .

2) Ingresar los trabajos: Accediendo al link Envio de trabajos, en la web.
Para ingresar a este sistema debera entrar como nombre de usuario
su dirección de e-mail y la contraseña elegida. Allí debera informar para
cada trabajo: título, autores y sesiones para las que lo propone.

3) Subir los archivos: el archivo conteniendo el resumen (y en su 
aquel conteniendo el trabajo completo) serán subidos a través del mismo
sistema. En cualquier momento el autor puede ingresar al sistema y agregar
nuevos trabajos, eliminar trabajos agregados, o subir los archivos de 
o trabajo completos. A través de ese sistema también podrá tener información 

estado de su trabajo. Recibirá confirmación de recepción de los archivos 

* Informaciones

Web: http://www.cimec.org.ar/enief2006

ENIEF 2006

New deadline

New dedaline for submitting abstracts to
ENIEF 2006: XV Congress on Numerical Methods and their Applications

*** APRIL 30th, 2006 ***

Communication of the abstracts acceptance will be done during May.
The rest of the deadlines remains unchanged.

To submit a paper authors should:

1)  Pre-register: going to the pre-registration link in the congress web.
The author will receive a response mail.

2) Submit the paper: following the link Paper submission. The author 
log in using his e-mail as username and the password he has chosen.
There, for each paper the author must inform title, authors and sessions
proposed for the paper.

3) Upload files: files containing the abstract and the full-length paper 
will be
upload by the same system. At any moment the author may login and add new
papers, delete existing ones or upload files with the abstract or 
full-length paper.
The status of the paper is also available at this system. The author 

confirmation of the files uploaded.

* Informations

Web: http://www.cimec.org.ar/enief2006

[NotiAMCA] Seminarios del IMAL - Santa Fe

2006-04-06 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

Los encuentros se desarrollarán durante el año 2006, todos los viernes a las 
15:30 hs., en el Aula 31, Güemes 3450, 3000 Santa Fe. Las Conferencias 
programadas para el mes de abril son las siguientes:

7 de abril: Hugo A. Aimar (IMAL - FIQ),  El lema de Cotlar y la construcción 
de bases de Riesz  suaves a partir de wavelets rústicas.

21 de abril: Sebastián Pauletti (Univ. de Maryland-USA),  Biomembranas.
  (modelo continuo para la descripción de capas 
mono-nucleares, basado
en bending energy y algunos métodos 

28 de abril: Sheldy Ombrosi (Depto. Matemática - UNS),  Clases de pesos para 
desigualdades débiles mixtas.

Ilda C. Hernández
Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral - IMAL
Güemes 3450
 (3000) Santa Fe

[NotiAMCA] Jornada de Mecánica Computacional- C oncepción, Chile

2006-04-06 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

Estimados colegas, quiero invitarlos a participar en:

25 de Agosto de 2006


Mayores informaciones con:

Prof. Dr. Patricio Cendoya Hernandez
Departamento de Ingenieria Civil
Universidad de Concepcion
Casilla 160 C
Concepción - Chile
Fono: 56-41-20.36.00

Prof. Dr. Emilio Dufeu Delarze
Departamento de Ingenieria Mecanica
Universidad de Concepcion
Casilla 160 C
Concepción - Chile
Fono: 56-41-20.43.27

[NotiAMCA] Seminarios Mecánica Computacional - F.Ingeniería - UBA

2006-04-03 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

 Comenzamos nuestros seminarios del 2006 !!
 El viernes 7 de abril de 17 a 19 hs en el salón del Consejo de la FIUBA. 
 Buenos Aires.
 Para ese viernes la charla estará a cargo del Dr. Guillermo Marshall y 

 Modelos y simulación en cáncer: estudios in vivo, in vitro, e in silico en 
 un contexto de High Performance Computing (HPC).

 Juan Carlos Calvo (Doctor en Química, IBYME, FCEyN, UBA)

 Lucas Colombo (Doctor en Medicina, Instituto Roffo, Escuela de Medicina, 

 Guillermo Marshall (Doctor en Ingenieria, Laboratorio de Sistemas 
 Complejos, FCEyN, UBA)


 El desarrollo de tratamientos dirigidos a tumores cancerígenos con agentes 
 quimioterápicos se ha beneficiado enormemente por los avances en Biología 
 Molecular. El tratamiento óptimo requiere que cantidades suficientes de 
 droga lleguen al blanco constituido por las células cancerosas. Sin 
 embargo, nada puede llegar al blanco sin atravesar las paredes de arterias 
 y venas y el entramado de la matriz intersticial. La acumulación 
 heterogénea de droga puede llevar a que una pequeña fracción de células no 
 sea tratada, con el consiguiente rebrote del tumor, de aquí la relevancia 
 del estudio del transporte de drogas. Debido a la complejidad del proceso 
 biológico proponemos el estudio del transporte de drogas en tumores a 
 través de modelos in vivo con ratones, modelos in vitro (con geles de 
 colágenos) y modelos in silico (matrices de colágenos numéricas) en un 
 entorno de computación distribuida de alta performance, con la aplicación 
 de campos eléctricos constantes y pulsantes para reforzar la difusión de 
 la droga con electro acumulación.

 El objetivo general es desarrollar una comprensión cuantitativa del 
 transporte de drogas en presencia de electro acumulación por medio de 
 mediciones experimentales in vivo e in vitro e integrar los resultados en 
 un modelo macroscópico computacional unificado. Se espera que las 
 simulaciones con este modelo arrojen luz sobre las barreras fisiológicas 
 de tumores sólidos y ayuden en el desarrollo de estrategias óptimas para 
 superarlas en aras de una mejor detección y tratamiento del cáncer.

 En esta charla daremos una brevísima introducción a los modelos in vivo, 
 in vitro e in silico.

 Eduardo Dvorkin 

[NotiAMCA] de S. Idelsohn

2006-04-03 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

Victorio: a ver si se puede enviar este e-mail por notiamca.

Barcelona, 3 de Abril de 2006

Estimados amigos de NotiAMCA:
  por el presente queremos agradecer las multiples muestras de 
solidaridad recibida por parte de muchos de ustedes y todos los e-mail de 
apoyo que nos enviaron (varios de ellos con copia a las autoridades del 
Lamentablemente, como unica respuesta hemos recibido sendos telegramas 
colacionados que dicen:

Dr. Sergio Idelsohn:
Segun resolucion Nro 462 de fecha 13/3/06 se rechazo su recurso de 
reconsideracion, por lo cual debera retomar sus tareas habituales al GERIDE, 
bajo apercibimiento de consolidar configurado el abandono de servicios en 
los terminos del Art.32 inc.B) de la ley 25164 y su decreto reglamentario
Firmado CONICET.
(He copiado textualmente lo que dice el telegrama, a pesar de que donde dice 
GERIDE deberia decir CERIDE, o lo que seria correcto es que diga INTEC, que 
es mi lugar de trabajo).

Zielonka Lelia:
Segun resolucion Nro 462 de fecha 13 de marzo de 2006, se rechaza su recurso 
de reconsideracion, por lo cual debera retomar sus tareas habituales al 
INTEC, bajo apercibimiento de consolidar configurado el abandono de 
servicios en los terminos del Art.32 inciso B) de la ley 25164 y su decreto 
Firmado Patricia Quintela.

Gracias por todo,

Sergio y Lelia Idelsohn 

[NotiAMCA] IA-FraMCoS Fracture Mechanics for Concrete and Concrete Structures

2006-03-29 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Desde: 17-06-2007
Hasta:  22-06-2007
Lugar:  Catania, Italia

International Association of Fracture Mechanics for Concrete and
Concrete Structures

First Announcement  Call for Papers

6th International Conference
on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures
 Post-Conference Workshops
Sheraton Hotel Conference Centre
Catania, ITALY
June 17-22, 2007

Visit our website at:
Conference Topics

A. Recent advances in fracture mechanics of concrete
B. R/C fracture and structural design codes
C. Structural monitoring and assessment
D. Repair and retrofitting
E. High-performance materials and durability
F. Brick masonry
G. Concrete-like and quasi-brittle materials (rocks, soils, ceramics,
refractory materials, asphalt, bitumen, ice, snow, etc.)

Key Dates
·  Jan 31, 2006 - First Announcement and Call for Papers
·  May 31, 2006 - Submission of abstracts (via web)
·  Jul 31, 2006 - Preliminary acceptance to Authors
·  Nov 30, 2006 - Submission of complete camera-ready manuscripts (via 
·  Jan 31, 2007 - Notification of final acceptance
·  Mar 31, 2007 - Final Announcement
·  Jun 17-22, 2007 - Meeting at Catania Sheraton Hotel 

[NotiAMCA] Fw: Master Computational Mechanics

2005-12-09 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

- Original Message - 
From: Master of Science in Computational Mechanics [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 12:23 PM
Subject: Master Computational Mechanics

The New University Strategies Worldwide Highlight the Mobility Issue. Be the 
first !

We have the pleasure to announce the

Master of Science in
   Computational Mechanics
International Course
October 2006 - June 2008

  A joint initiative of:

  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, (Barcelona, Spain)

  University of Wales Swansea, (UK)

  Ecole Centrale Nantes, (France)

  Universität Stuttgart, (Germany)

  in cooperation with CIMNE

  More information at: www.cimne.com/cm-master


  The Master of Science in Computational Mechanics is designed for 
students who wish to develop their knowledge and competency in the field of 
computational mechanics with applications in solids, fluids and 
interdisciplinary fields. 

[NotiAMCA] Fourth M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics

2005-12-09 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
 - Original Message - 
From: Klaus-Jürgen Bathe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Colleagues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 4:17 PM
Subject: ABSTRACTS DUE JANUARY 30, 2006: Fourth M.I.T. Conference on
Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 13 - 15, 2007

Dear Colleague,

 I am sending this email as a call for abstracts for the Fourth M.I.T.
 Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics.

 Having had three large and very successful Conferences, we are now
 planning for a much smaller M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and
 Solid Mechanics. As announced already, we will focus on the topic
 'Fluid-Structure Interactions', see


 For this small conference, industrial support cannot be expected, and
 hence there will be no fellowships available.

 The Conference Proceedings will again be published by Elsevier but as a
 special issue of the journal Computers and Structures. We are planning for
 this issue to be ready at the Conference, and in the hard-cover form of
 the earlier Conferences.

 (maximum one page) IS JANUARY 30, 2006, and please refer to the above web

 I look forward to seeing you at the Fourth M.I.T. Conference on
 Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics.

 Very best wishes for the Holiday Season, for Christmas, for the New Year,
 and beyond!

 Best regards,
 KJ Bathe

 Professor K.J. Bathe, Ph.D., D.Sc., Dr.-Ing. E.h., Dr. h.c. mult.
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 Tel: 617.253.6645 ; Fax: 617.253.2275

 For information on the Fourth M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and
 Solid Mechanics -- Focus: Fluid-Structure Interactions, June 13 - 15, 2007
 please visit: http://www.fourthmitconference.org 

[NotiAMCA] Sección local de la SIAM

2005-12-06 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
 Estimados: Desde hace ya largo tiempo varios matematicos de Argentina
 estamos manteniendo conversaciones con gente de SIAM para tratar de formar
 una section local de la SIAM con el objeto de tener un foro que nuclee a
 todos los matemáticos que trabajan en el pais en diversas areas de la
 matemática y sus diversas aplicaciones, y para conseguir que SIAM apoye su
 desarrollo y difusion en forma mas activa. Creemos que esto es largamente
 esperado, que sera muy bienvenido por muchos matematicos (aplicados y no
 tanto !) y que el apoyo de SIAM para su creacion es fundamental. Es
 importante destacar que actualmente solo existen dos sections de SIAM
 fuera de Estados Unidos, una en Inglaterra y otra en Asia del Este. En
 marzo de este año, tuvimos conversaciones con gente muy allegada a SIAM
 durante una conferencia que se realizo en el Rectorado de la UTN en Buenos
 Aires. Desde entonces ellos nos han ayudado en esta etapa inicial. Hemos
 mantenido conversaciones con James Crawley (Executive President de SIAM).
 Para comenzar, debemos enviar a SIAM una nota de pedido (petition
 letter). Esta nota debe ir firmada por al menos 20 miembros activos se
 SIAM. Sucede que actualmente somos solo 7 en Argentina. Hablamos del tema
 con James Crowley y el nos informo que existe la categoria outreach
 membership para paises en vias de desarrollo entre los que se encuentra
 Argentina. Los que deseen pueden asociarse por 10 dolares anuales. La
 membership de los que se asocien ahora comienza a partir del 1 de enero
 de 2006. La idea es precisamente comenzar con la creacion de la
 Argentinean SIAM Section a partir del 1 de enero de 2006. Como les dije,
 necesitamos llegar al menos a las 20 firmas. Los que esten interesados en
 firmar la nota de pedido deberian primero asociarse, lo que pueden
 hacer online en el sitio:


 Luego avisenme por mail y yo me encargare de hacerles llegar la carta para
 que la firmen.  Muchisimas gracias. Ruben Spies.

 Ruben D. Spies
 Guemes 3450
 S3000GLN Santa Fe


 Tel: (0342) 4559175/76/77
 Fax: (0342) 4550944 

[NotiAMCA] Sobre la organización de MECOM 2005

2005-11-30 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
La Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional desea hacer público
su agradecimiento a Axel Larreteguy, y a sus colaboradores, en particular a
Paola Dellepiane, por la exitosa organización de MECOM 2005.

Axel asumió la responsabilidad de su organización con poco margen de tiempo.
Supo buscar los recursos y armar un equipo de trabajo que condujo a un
congreso de alto nivel técnico, donde todos nos sentimos a gusto y donde
la UADE proporcionó un marco adecuado para el exito del mismo.

Por todo ello queremos, desde la Comisión Directiva de AMCA felicitarlo
y expresarle nuestro agradecimiento.

Victorio Sonzogni

[NotiAMCA] Sergio Idelsohn deja la presidencia de AMCA

2005-11-30 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

El dia 11 de noviembre de 2005 se realizó en Buenos Aires  la asamblea
anual de AMCA, en la que se eligieron autoridades para el período 2005-2007.

El Dr. Sergio Idelsohn, que venía ocupando la presidencia desde la creación
de nuestra asociación decidió no aceptar su designación para un nuevo
período.  Las sucesivas renovaciones de su mandato no fueron sino
votos de confianza de nuestros asociados frente a la exitosa conducción
que ha sabido llevar Sergio.

La Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional ha realizado una
sostenida tarea en la promoción de las actividades en esta área patrocinando
congresos anuales; editando publicaciones; trabajando en la cooperación
internacional con entidades, centros y especialistas; instituyendo premios; 
Posee hoy una importante inserción a nivel internacional, siendo una de las
primeras asociaciones nacionales en integrar la IACM (International 
for Computational Mechanics) y participando con cuatro de sus miembros en el
consejo general de esta asociación internacional. Precisamente AMCA ha 
a su cargo la organización del Cuarto Congreso Mundial de la IACM en Buenos
Aires, en 1998.

Los logros que hoy puede exhibir la Asociación Argentina de Mecánica 
se deben a la obra de todos sus miembros, que representan sin duda una 
ejemplar. Sin embargo me parece que la letra de Sergio se reconoce en su 
institucional en estos veinte años de existencia.

Sé que la Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional  sigue contando
con él como lo ha hecho hasta ahora. Y quiero aprovechar la circunstancia de
este cambio de autoridades, para hacer un público reconocimiento y 
a Sergio Idelsohn por su importante labor al frente de nuestra institución.

Victorio Sonzogni

[NotiAMCA] Zienkiewicz Award - call for papers

2005-11-25 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
(Message to the editorial boards of IJNMF)

Dear Editorial board member,

Just a reminder of a news item you can find on the journal's home page


It is the Call for Paper for the biannual Zienkiewicz Award, an award of
£1000 and a silver medal. More information on the link below which you
can find on the newspage above when you click on news.


Please distribute this information as wide as you can and do not hesitate
to contact me if you have any further queries.

A history of the Zienkiewicz award can be found on IJNME's homepage below.


Kind regards,


Jan de Landtsheer
John Wiley  Sons Ltd.
The Atrium, Southern Gate
Chichester PO19 8SQ
direct phone: +44 1243 770 147

[NotiAMCA] Fw: Seminarios de Mecánica Computa cional - ULTIMO RECORDATORIO

2005-11-23 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:51 AM
Subject: FW: Seminarios de Mecánica Computacional - ULTIMO RECORDATORIO


 Para tener una visión del futuro de la computación, en el seminario 
 correspondiente al mes de noviembre expondrá el Dr. Juan Pablo Paz 
 (FCEN-UBA) sobre el tema Computación Cuántica.
 El seminario será el Viernes 25/11 de 17 a 19 hs en el CD de la FIUBA - 
 Paseo Colón 850 PB, Buenos Aires.
 Eduardo Dvorkin 

[NotiAMCA] Reunión argentino-brasileña sobre nanotecnología

2005-11-21 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

El 28 y 29 de noviembre se realizará en la Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires 
la primera reunión argentino-brasileña sobre nanotecnología con 
investigadores y empresarios del área de ambos países. El encuentro será un 
foro de análisis de experiencias exitosas en la vinculación del sector 
científico-académico y empresario en nanotecnología.

Se envía Programa  adjunto

Dirección de Relaciones Internacionales
Av. Córdoba 831 4° piso Of. 401
Tel: (5411) 4315-3288/4312-7512/13
Fax: (5411) 4312-7203

-Buenos Aires, 28 Y 29 de Noviembre de 2005-

Lugar:  Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires
   Sarmiento 299 1º P
   Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires


Lunes 28 de Noviembre

9:30  Acreditación

10:00  Apertura

10:00  Ing. Agueda Menvielle, Directora de Relaciones Internacionales, 
Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva - Argentina
10:15  Dr. Jorge Humberto Nicola. Secretario Adjunto da SETEC - MCT- Brasil

10:30 Dr. Lino Barañao, Presidente de la Agencia Nacional de Promoción 
Científica y Tecnológica - Argentina

10:50  Dr. Augusto Cesar Gadelha Vieira, Secretario Desenvolvimento 
Tecnológico e Inovacao MCT - Brasil

11:20-11:30 Pausa para café

Panel I: Redes NN Argentinas (Proyectos Areas de Vacancia PAV)

Coordinador: Dr. Ernesto Julio Calvo

 Dr. Carlos Balseiro: MaNRed Arg. Nanociencia y Nanotecnologia. Materiales 
 nanoestructurados y nanosistemas
 Dr. Roberto Salvarezza: Red Arg. Nanociencia y Nanotecnologia Molecular, 
 Supramolecular e Interfaces
 Dr. Alberto Lamagna: Laboratorio en Red para el Diseño, Simulación y 
 Fabricación de Nano y Microdispositivos, Prototipos y Muestras
 Dr. Bruno Maggio: Autoorganización de bionanoestructuras para la 
 transmisión de información molecular en neurobiología y procesos 

12:30-13:00 Debate

13:00-14:30: Pausa para almuerzo

Panel II: Redes NN Brasileras

Coordinador: Dr. Jairton Dupont

 Oscar Malta: RENAMI: Materiales Nanoestructurados e Interfaces
 Paulo Cesar de Morais: Rede Nanobiomagnetismo
 Jacobus W. Swart / Ivo A. Hummelgen: Semiconductores
 Fernando Galembeck: Química de Polimeros

15:30-16:00 Debate

16:00-16:30 Pausa para café

Panel III: Empresas u Organismos Públicos Argentinos

Coordinador: Dr. Carlos Balseiro

 Eduardo Dvorkin: Tenaris Corp.
 Hector Otheguy: Invap
 Marcelo Argüelles: Laboratorio Sidus/Biosidus
 Conrado Varotto /Alberto Ridner (a confirmar): (CONAE)

17:30-18:00 Debate y receso hasta día siguiente

Martes 29 de Noviembre

9:30 Inicio de la sesiones

Panel IV:

Coordinador: Dr. Alberto Lamagna

Científicos Argentinos
 Alex Fainstein: CNEA-Centro Atómico Bariloche
 Galo Soler Illia: CNEA-Centro Atómico Constituyentes
 Oscar Martinez: FCEN-UBA
 Laura Steren: CNEA-Centro Atómico Bariloche
 Pablo Levy: CNEA-Centro Atómico Constituyentes
 Ernesto J. Calvo: FCEN-UBA

10.40 Debate

11:10-11:30: Pausa para café

Panel V:

Coordinador: Jose Albuquerque de Castro

Empresarios Brasileños
 Jose M. Rodrígues, Jr. (Nanocore)
 S. Liberman (Brasken)
 T. Bastos (Rhodia)
 E. Falabella Souza Aguiar (Petrobras)
 C. Eduardo de O. Praes (Boticario)
 J. de Mendonca Naine (EMBRAPA)

13:00-13:30 Debate

13:30-14:30 Pausa para almuerzo

Panel VI:

Coordinador: Oscar Martinez

Científicos Brasileños
 J. Dupont
 Fernando Gallembeck
 Jose Albuquerque e Castro

15:45-15:15 Debate

15:15-15:45: Fundación Argentina de Nanotecnologia (FAN)

Daniel Lopez: Lucent Technologies (USA)- Fundación Argentina de 

15:45-16:00: Debate

16:00-16:30 Pausa para café

16:30-17:30: CONCLUSIONES

Jorge Humberto Nicola (MCT): Coordenador Geral de Micro e Nanotecnologias

Cordinadores Brasileños
 Jose Albuquerque Castro
 Jairton Dupont

Cordinadores Argentinos
 Ernesto J. Calvo
 Alberto Lamagna

17.30 Cierre de la Reunión

[NotiAMCA] AEPA2006 Asia-Pasific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications

2005-11-14 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 5:51 AM
Subject: AEPA2006: final call for papers

 Dear Colleagues:
 This is the final Call for Papers for AEPA2006. 
 The deadline of the abstract submission is 30 Nov. 2005.
 Those who are interested in participating in AEPA2006, 
 please send your abstract to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by e-mail.
 For detailed information on the format of the abstracts, 
 please see our website, http://www.aepa06.mech.nagoya-u.ac.jp .
 Basically, each participant can make only one presentation. 
 You can submit two papers, but the acceptance of multiple 
 presentations depends on the total number of submitted abstracts. 
 Acceptance of your abstracts will be sent by 31 Jan. 2006 by e-mail.
 Three or more presentations cannot be allowed. 
 When two papers are accepted, we must require you to 
 pay extra fee of 20,000 Japanese Yen for the second presentation, 
 since the cost for publication of the Proceedings 
 occupies high percentage in the conference cost.
 Only the papers presented by the correctly registered participants 
 at the conference will be published in the Proceedings.
 We hope your kind understanding.
 When you submit your abstract, we will inform you of 
 the Reference Number for each abstract by e-mail. 
 Since we are sending the e-mail manually, it may take a few days. 
 If you do not receive the Reference Number 
 one week after your submission, please contact us by e-mail. 
 Note that this is just the receipt of the abstract. 
 The acceptance will be informed later by 31 Jan. 2006.
 Important Dates:
 Submission of Abstracts:  30 Nov. 2005
 Acceptance of Abstracts:  31 Jan. 2006
 Submission of Papers: 15 Apr. 2006
 Early Registration Due:   31 May 2006
 With Best Regards,
 N. Ohno, Chair of AEPA2006
 T. Uehara, Secretary General
From mstorti en intec.unl.edu.ar  Mon Nov 14 12:06:14 2005
From: mstorti en intec.unl.edu.ar (Mario Storti)
Date: Mon Nov 14 12:08:44 2005
Subject: [NotiAMCA] (2006 ISEHD) Int Symp on Electrohydrodynamics

Desde: 04-12-2006
Hasta: 06-12-2006
Lugar: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Call for Papers
2006 International Symposium on Electrohydrodynamics (2006 ISEHD) 

4th-6th December 2006, Buenos Aires, Argentine 


Dra. Irene Ippolito
Grupo de Medios Porosos
Facultad de Ingenieria - UBA
Paseo Colon 850 (1063) Buenos Aires
Tel: 54 11 4343 0891 ext 235/238
Fax: 54 11 4331 1852 
From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Mon Nov 21 08:17:54 2005
From: sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Mon Nov 21 08:23:30 2005
Subject: [NotiAMCA] 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics

We are pleased to announce that early registration for the Seventh World
Congress on Computational Mechanics began on November 17, 2005.

Please visit the following URL before February 15, 2006 to take advantage of
reduced registration fees:


Regular registration begins February 16, 2006 and continues until June 16,
2006. On-site registration will be available, but a service charge will
apply. Please note that all individuals who will present papers at the event
must register before June 16, 2006.

The preferred payment method is credit card; however, we also accept checks,
money orders, and wire transfers. For more details, please visit the
registration webpage.

Wing Kam Liu
WCCM-VII General Chairman

Walter P. Murphy Professor
Director of NSF Summer Institute on Nano Mechanics and Materials
Northwestern University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-3111
Voice: 847-491-7094
Fax: 847-491-3915

[NotiAMCA] Fw: Mini-Symposium, eccomas2006

2005-11-03 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

- Original Message - 
To: undisclosed-recipient:;@mail.ncku.edu.tw
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 1:53 PM
Subject: Mini-Symposium, eccomas2006

C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

 ECCM-2006 III European Conference on Computational Mechanics:
 solids, structures and coupled problems in Engineering
   June 5-8, 2006, Lisbon, PORTUGAL

I am delighted to inform you that I am organizing a Mini-Symposium 
for the Third European Conference on Computational Mechanics. This 
will be held on June 5-8, 2006 in Lisbon, PORTUGAL.

You are welcome to submit papers to my Mini-Symposium. The deadline for 
submission of one-page abstracts is November 14, 2005. If you want to submit
papers, please visit the conference website
at http://www.cssm2006.org/ and submit your abstracts.
Please note the following deadlines:

Submission of Abstract   November 14, 2005

Author Notification of Abstract Acceptance   January 16, 2006

Full Paper SubmissionMarch 6, 2006

Chang-New Chen, Professor
Department of Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; FAX 886-6-2747019


[NotiAMCA] SUSI 2006: Abstract Reminder from WIT

2005-11-03 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
SUSI 2006
Ninth International Conference on Structures Under Shock and Impact

3 - 5 July 2006, The New Forest, UK

Organised by:
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
University of Liverpool, UK

Sponsored by:
WIT Transactions on the Built Environment
University of Liverpool, UK

Dear Colleague

RE: SUSI 2006: Paper Deadline 7 March 2006
Secure Registration is available at:

Further to my recent communication, please note that there is still time to 
submit an abstract for SUSI 2006. In order to allow enough time for the 
processing and review of your abstract and the completion of your paper, 
please submit your abstract within the next two weeks and note that the 
paper deadline is 07 March 2006.

Abstracts can be submitted via our website at:

Alternatively please email or fax your submission:
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or  Fax: + 44 (0) 238 029 2853

I have included brief details below of the objectives and topics of the 

We look forward to receiving your abstract, and welcoming your contribution 
in what promises to be a most successful conference in 2006.

Yours sincerely

Katie Banham
Conference Secretariat

**If you have already submitted your Abstract - thank you. You do not need 
to re-submit it**


SUSI 2006 is the ninth International Conference in the series on 'Structures 
Under Shock and Impact'. The meeting's chief objective is to attract support 
from as wide a spectrum of expertise as possible and across a broad range of 
impact problems throughout industry.

The shock and impact behaviour of structures is a difficult area, not only 
because of its obvious time-dependent aspects, but also because of the 
difficulties in specifying the external dynamic loading characteristics and 
in obtaining the full dynamic properties of materials. Thus it is important 
to recognise and fully utilise the contributions and understanding emerging 
from the theoretical, numerical and experimental studies, as well as 
investigations into the material properties under dynamic loading
Papers are invited on the interaction between blast pressure and surface or 
underground structures, whether the blast is from civilian, military, dust 
and natural explosions, or any other source.

The list of topics gives an idea of the wide range of applications to be 
discussed during the meeting. Contributions in topics not listed are also 
welcome if they fall within the scope of the SUSI Conference.

SUSI 2006 follows on from the other successful meetings in this series, 
which first started in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA (1989) and continued in 
Portsmouth, UK (1992); Madrid, Spain (1994); Udine, Italy (1996); 
Thessaloniki, Greece (1998); Cambridge, UK (2000); Montreal (2002); and 
Crete (2004).


Impact and blast loading characteristics
Protection of structures from blast loads
Missile penetration and explosion
Air craft and missile crash against high-rise buildings
Seismic engineering applications
Energy absorbing issues
Fluid structure interaction
Behaviour of structural concrete
Behaviour of steel structures
Structural behaviour of composites
Material response to high rate loading
Structural crashworthiness
Impact biomechanics
Structural serviceability under impact loading
Interaction between computational and experimental results
Software for shock and impact
Bomb blast

Conference Assistant
Wessex Institute
Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst
Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK

Tel: +44 (0) 238 029 3223  Fax: +44 (0) 238 029 2853

[NotiAMCA] 6th ASMO-UK/ISSMO International Conference on Engineering Design Optimization

2005-11-01 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

 6th ASMO-UK/ISSMO International Conference on Engineering  Design 

 3 - 4 July 2006
 Oxford, UK

 Conference website: http://www.swansea.ac.uk/asmo

 Papers are invited for the presentation at the 6th  International 
ASMO-UK/ISSMO  conference on Engineering Design  Optimization to be held 3 - 
4 July 2006 in Oxford, UK.

 The ASMO-UK/ISSMO series of conferences provides an  opportunity for 
researchers on  multidisciplinary optimization  from within and outside the 
UK to get together and  share  experience within a growing community. We 
encourage you to  attend and present  your current research. Application 
papers  are particularly welcome.

 The purpose of the conference is to provide a forum for  researchers, 
developers and  users to present the latest  developments, applications, 
ideas, experiences and problems  in the application of design optimization 
tools to real life  engineering problems.

 Keynote Speakers (see the Programme for more details):

 Professor Niels Olhoff, Aalborg University, Denmark:

Title: Topology optimization of structures with
respect to dynamic and noise emission objectives.

 Dr Shahrokh Shahpar, Rolls-Royce, UK
Title: Use of High Fidelity CFD Code in the
Multi-objective Design of Turbomachinery Components.

 Dr Richard Slade, EADS Astrium, UK
Title: Design optimisation and robustness analysis of an airbag
landing system for the ExoMars space mission.

 Conference Topics:
 - Industrial Applications
 - Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
 - Design of experiments (physical and computational) methodology
 - Design sensitivity analysis
 - Distributed computing in design optimization
 - Integration of optimization tools in the design and
   manufacturing process
 - Numerical optimization techniques (gradient-based methods,
   approximation methods, evolutionary algorithms, etc.)
 - Topology, shape and sizing optimization
 - Inverse Problems
 - Education


[NotiAMCA] Seminarios del IMAL

2005-10-28 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Seminarios del Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral

Los encuentros del segundo semestre del 2005 se desarrollarán los viernes en 
su horario habitual de las 15:30 hs., en el Aula 31, Güemes 3450, (3000) 
Santa Fe. Las Conferencias programadas para el mes de noviembre son las 

Viernes 4 Carlos Cabrelli (FCEyN - UBA): Espacios Invariantes por 
Traslaciones y Aplicaciones

Viernes 11  Pedro Morin (IMAL, CONICET- FIQ, UNL):Convergencia del 
Método de Elementos Finitos Adaptativo para  Ecuaciones No-Coercitivas

Viernes 18 Leandro Zuberman (FCEyN - UBA): Un teorema fractal de 

Viernes 25 Pablo Viola (IMAL-CONICET): El Teorema T1 y Operadores de 


Ilda C. Hernández
Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral - IMAL
Güemes 3450
 (3000) Santa Fe 

[NotiAMCA] Seminario Transferencia de Energía y Masa

2005-10-11 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni


Rosario, del 28 de Noviembre al 3 de Diciembre de 2005


Rosario, del 5 al 7 de Diciembre de 2005


Dentro del marco de actividades previstas en el Proyecto Aplicaciones e 
Integración Interdisciplinaria de la Matemática (PAV2003-00120), Subproyecto 
5: Matemática y Física: Modelización y Análisis Matemático de la 
Transferencia de Calor y de Masa y sus Aplicaciones, que financia la Agencia 
Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica de la República Argentina 
(ANPCyT), del 28 de Noviembre al 7 de Diciembre de 2005 se realizarán en 
Rosario, Argentina, el VII Seminario sobre Transferencia de Energía y Masa, 
Problemas de Frontera Libre y Aplicaciones y el Workshop on Mathematical 
Modelling of Energy and Mass Transfer Processes and Applications.

Depto. de Matemática, FCE, Univ. Austral, Paraguay 1950, (S2000FZF) Rosario, 
Tel: (0341) 522 - 3094 / 3093 / 3000, Fax: (0341) 522 - 3001.
Web page: www.austral.edu.ar/tem

* El tratamiento físico-químico y la modelización matemática de problemas de 
transferencia de energía y de masa relacionados con diversas aplicaciones.

* El estudio teórico y numérico de ecuaciones diferenciales parabólicas y 
elípticas con coeficientes térmicos constantes y variables con la 
temperatura, de ecuaciones integrales de Volterra, como así también de las 
ecuaciones e inecuaciones variacionales involucradas en estos procesos.

* La vinculación con grupos de investigación y/u otras instituciones 
argentinas y extranjeras de investigación básica y aplicada de jerarquía 
internacional, en las cuales se estudien problemas análogos para realizar un 
fructífero intercambio de ideas y experiencias y tratar de provocar una útil 
interacción con los mismos.

* La formación de recursos humanos, despertando el interés y promoviendo el 
acercamiento de graduados, doctorandos y jóvenes investigadores a las 
técnicas matemáticas aplicadas a la transferencia de energía y de masa, de 
fundamental importancia en un gran número de aplicaciones prácticas.

Graduados, profesionales y estudiantes de Matemática, Física (Materiales y 
Energía), Química y Ciencias Afines e Ingeniería y ramas afines, con 
conocimientos básicos sobre ecuaciones diferenciales.


* VII Seminario sobre Transferencia de Energía y Masa, Problemas de Frontera 
Libre y Aplicaciones (Rosario, 28 de Noviembre al 3 de Diciembre de 2005):


Curso 1 (8hs.):  Rodolfo H. Mascheroni - Viviana O. Salvadori (CIDCA 
(CONICET - UNLP), La Plata).
Modelado y Simulación en Tecnología de Alimentos.
A) Introducción general. Objetivos de la simulación y modelado en ingeniería 
de alimentos.
B) Operaciones y procesos de la industria alimentaria que se suelen simular 
por modelos que tienen solución analítica.
1) Calentamiento y enfriamiento. Esterilización. Escaldado.
2) Secado. Salado. Difusión de preservadores.
3) Reacciones bioquímicas simples.
C) Operaciones y procesos de la industria alimentaria que se deben simular 
por modelos que no tienen solución analítica.
1) Congelación y descongelación.
2) Deshidratación y secado con variación de volumen.
3) Sistemas con calentamiento/enfriamiento acoplado a la transferencia de 
4) Reacciones con cinética compleja.

Curso 2 (6hs.): Philip Broadbridge (Australian Mathematical Sciences 
Institute, University of Melbourne, Australia).
Nonlinear Diffusion Equations:  Applications, Models and Solutions.
A) Overview of modeling applications. Heat conduction, solute dispersion, 
porous media, surface evolution, population dynamics, population genetics, 
cell chemotaxis, and pricing of bonds and stock options.
B) Symmetry methods for PDE. Classical and non-classical Lie symmetries. 
Point, contact, Lie-Backlund, and potential symmetries. Classification of 
integrable nonlinear evolution equations.
C) Solution of nonlinear heat conduction with solidification. Continuous 
casting of steel.
D) Solutions for unsaturated flow in soil.
E) Some problems in mathematical biology.  Population genetics. Tumor cell 
F) Unsolved ubiquitous free boundary problems and complications due to 
degenerate models.

Curso 3 (6hs.): Ricardo Duran (UBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires).
Análisis Numérico de Ecuaciones Parabólicas.
Aproximación por elementos finitos de ecuaciones parabólicas. 
Semidiscretización en el espacio. Discretización completa: métodos 
explícitos e implícitos. Estabilidad y estimaciones de error.

Curso 4 (5hs.): Rubén D. Spies (IMAL (CONICET-UNL), Santa Fe).
Problemas Inversos en Conducción de Calor: Métodos de Regularización.
Naturaleza de los problemas inversos, problemas inversos mal 

[NotiAMCA] WCCM-VII - Call for Abstracts

2005-09-26 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Call for Abstracts
Seventh World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-VII)

W. K. Liu, T. Belytschko, B. Moran, L. Keer, H. Espinosa (Northwestern 
J. S. Chen, J. W. Ju, E. Taciroglu, S. Osher, T. Chan, N. Ghoniem, W. Klug 
(University of California, Los Angeles)

Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of WCCM-VII Organizing Committee, I am writing to invite you to 
submit one-page Abstracts for presentation in 2006 World Congress on 
Computational Mechanics to be held in Century Plaza Hotel  Spa at Century 
City, Los Angeles, California, USA, July 16-22, 2006.

The Abstracts submission deadline is November 15, 2005. All Abstracts must 
be submitted to the selected Minisymposia via the WCCM-VII website at

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Minisymposium Organizers.  The accepted 
Abstracts will be notified by December 15, 2005.

We appreciate very much your interest in participating in WCCM-VII.

J. S. Chen
WCCM-VII Technical Program Chair
Jiun-Shyan Chen
Professor  Vice Chair
Civil  Environmental Engineering Department
5713 Boelter Hall
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593, USA
(O)   310-267-4620
(FAX) 310-206-
From ntroyani en cantv.net  Thu Sep 29 23:03:38 2005
From: ntroyani en cantv.net (Nando Troyani)
Date: Mon Oct  3 08:07:40 2005
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Revista SID

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From sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar  Mon Oct  3 08:54:25 2005
From: sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Mon Oct  3 08:58:35 2005
Subject: [NotiAMCA] Seminarios IMAL

Seminarios del Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral - IMAL- Santa Fe

Los encuentros del segundo semestre del 2005 se desarrollarán los viernes en 
su horario habitual de las 15:30 hs., en el Aula 31, Güemes 3450, (3000) 
Santa Fe. Las Conferencias programadas para el mes de octubre son las 

Viernes 7: Kunibert G. Siebert (Universität Augsburg) Convergence of 
adaptive finite element methods

Viernes 15: Teresa Signes (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)  Interpolacion 
debil en espacios
generalizados de tipo Lorentz-Zygmund

Viernes 21: Gustavo  Garrigos (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) 
Desigualdades relacionadas con la conjetura
del multiplicador del cono

Viernes 28: Julian Fernandez Bonder (Universidad de Buenos Aires) Problemas 
de diseño óptimo para el primer autovalor de Steklov


Ilda C. Hernández
Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral - IMAL
Güemes 3450
 (3000) Santa Fe

[NotiAMCA] WCCM-VII Call for Abstracts

2005-09-16 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Call for Abstracts
Seventh World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-VII)

W. K. Liu, T. Belytschko, B. Moran, L. Keer, H. Espinosa (Northwestern 
J. S. Chen, J. W. Ju, E. Taciroglu, S. Osher, T. Chan, N. Ghoniem, W. Klug 
(University of California, Los Angeles)

Dear Colleagues:

On behalf of WCCM-VII Organizing Committee, I am writing to invite you to 
submit one-page Abstracts for presentation in 2006 World Congress on 
Computational Mechanics to be held in Century Plaza Hotel  Spa at Century 
City, Los Angeles, California, USA, July 16-22, 2006.

The Abstracts submission deadline is November 15, 2005. All Abstracts must 
be submitted to the selected Minisymposia via the WCCM-VII website at

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Minisymposium Organizers.  The accepted 
Abstracts will be notified by December 15, 2005.

We appreciate very much your interest in participating in WCCM-VII.

J. S. Chen
WCCM-VII Technical Program Chair
Jiun-Shyan Chen
Professor  Vice Chair
Civil  Environmental Engineering Department
5713 Boelter Hall
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593, USA
(O)   310-267-4620
(FAX) 310-206-

[NotiAMCA] SEECCM-06 South-East European Conferences of Computational Mechanics

2005-09-16 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni


28-30 June 2006, Kragujevac, Serbia

Following the growing success of International and National Conferences of
Computational Mechanics worldwide, the National Associations of
Computational Mechanics of the South-East European countries decided to
launch an initiative for the organization of South-East European Conferences
on Computational Mechanics every three years. The First Conference on this
series will be held from June 28 -30, 2006 in Kragujevac, Serbia and

The aims of the conferences are to promote achievements in Computational
Mechanics in the South-East European region, to encourage research and
development among young researchers, to stimulate education in Computational
Mechanics at universities and to disseminate modern trends among scientists
and engineers in the growing field of Computational Mechanics.

The First Conference will be organized by the Yugoslav Society of Mechanics
in cooperation with the Greek Association for Computational Mechanics and
associations for mechanics of other South-East European counties. The
Conference will be held under the auspices of the European Community on
Computational Methods of Applied Science (ECCOMAS) and the International
Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM).

Important Dates

§  Deadline for presenting one page abstract: 30 November, 2005

§  Notification of acceptance:10 January, 2006

§  Deadline for submitting the full length paper: 31 March, 2006

   Conference site:  http://www.seeccm06.kg.ac.yu

[NotiAMCA] Seminarios IMAL, Santa Fe

2005-08-30 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Seminarios Matematica Aplicada

Los encuentros del segundo semestre del 2005 se desarrollarán los viernes en 
su horario habitual de las 15:30 hs., en el Aula 31, Güemes 3450, (3000) 
Santa Fe.

Las Conferencias programadas para el mes de setiembre son las siguientes:

Viernes 2: Ricardo Toledano (FIQ, UNL, IMAL - CONICET), Expansión asintótica 
de la medida de Mahler de una forma lineal.

Viernes 9: María Lorena Bergamini (FHyC, UNL- INGAR, CONICET), Algoritmo de 
Aproximación exterior para optimización global de problemas MINLP.

Viernes 16: Pablo Amster  (FCEyN, UBA - CONICET), Aplicación de métodos 
topológicos a la resolución de ecuaciones diferenciales no lineales.


Ilda C. Hernández
Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral - IMAL
Güemes 3450
 (3000) Santa Fe 

[NotiAMCA] Seminario Mecanica Computacional en la FI UBA

2005-08-23 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
El próximo seminario lo desarrollaremos el Viernes 16 de Septiembre a las 17 
hs en el Salón del Concejo de la FIUBA - Paseo Colón 850 PB, Buenos Aires.
Dr. Pablo Tarela
Utilización de modelos matemáticos en la evaluación de la contaminación 
Dra. Gabriela Savioli - FI-UBA
Simulación numérica del flujo trifásico hacia un pozo de petróleo.

Eduardo Dvorkin

[NotiAMCA] Seminarios del IMAL. Santa Fe

2005-05-03 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Seminariso del Instituto de Matematica Aplicada del Litoral - IMAL

Las reuniones se realizaran todos los viernes en su horario habitual
de las 15:30 hs, en el Aula 31, Guemes 3450, Santa Fe.

Las Conferencias programadas para el mes de mayo son las siguientes:

6/mayo/05  Ricardo Duran (FCEyN - UBA):  Soluciones de la divergencia en 
dominios de John.

13/mayo/05 Ricardo Toledano (IMAL,FIQ-NL): Curvas elipticas y criptografía.

20/mayo/05 Hugo Aimar (IMAL, FIQ - UNL): Potenciales de Bessel asociado a la 
teoria de operadores multilineales invariantes por traslaciones.

29/mayo/05 Silvina Rivero (FaMAF - UNC): Conmutadores de Integrales 
Singulares que satisfacen una Condicion de Tipo Hormander.



Ilda C. Hernandez
Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral - IMAL
Guemes 3450
 (3000) Santa Fe 

[NotiAMCA] Primera Escuela Latinoamericana de Opt imización

2005-02-25 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Estimado colega,
 le adjunto el segundo anuncio de la Primera Escuela
Latinoamericana de Optimización y le solicito que difunda el evento
entre investigadores, docentes y alumnos de esa casa de estudios.
También le informo que se ofrece un número limitado de becas para

María Cristina Maciel
Departamento de Matemática, UNS
Av Alem 1253, 2do Piso, Of. 6
+54-291-4595162, int. 3416

Primera Escuela Latinoamericana de Optimizaci´on
Segundo anuncio
La Primera Escuela Latinoamericana de Optimizaci´on, se llevar´a a cabo
entre el 4 y 8 de julio de 2005, en el Departamento de Matem´atica de la
Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bah´ýa Blanca.
El objetivo es ofrecer cursos cortos sobre temas actuales de optimizaci´on
con aplicaciones a otras disciplinas.
Estos cursos est´an dirigidos a estudiantes avanzados y j´ovenes graduados
de carreras como Licenciatura en Matem´atica, Licenciatura en Ciencias de
la Computaci´on, Ingenier´ýas, etc.
En esta oportunidad se ofrecen los siguientes cursos cuyos contenidos se
detallan al final:
Se dispone de un n´umero limitado de becas (alojamiento y almuerzos) para
estudiantes. Se solicita a los interesados completar los siguientes datos, y
enviarlos junto con su CV via e-mail a [EMAIL PROTECTED] antes del 15
de abril de 2005.
NOMBRE Y APELLIDO: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UNIVERSIDAD: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DEPARTAMENTO/FACULTAD: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . .
CARRERA: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A~N0 QUE CURSA: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CURSOS A LOS QUE DESEA INSCRIBIRSE(.): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . .
(.) Se recomienda inscribirse al menos en dos cursos.
Para mas informaci´on sobre este evento contactar a
Mag. Flavia Bffo, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mag. Adriana Beatriz Verdiell, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mag. Marta Cecilia Vidal, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Departamento de Matem´atica, UNS
Av. Alem 1253,
8000 Bah´ýa Blanca, ARGENTINA
Tel´efono: +54-291-4595162 Fax: +54-291-4595163
Optimizaci´on en dos niveles
Profesores: Dra. Ana Friedlander y Dr. Roberto Andreani , IMECC,
1. Introducci´on al problema.
2. Condiciones de optimalidad.
3. Algoritmos.
4. Aplicaciones.
DEMPE S. Foundations of Bilevel Programming, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
London, 2002.

Condiciones de Optimalidad en Programaci´on No Lineal
Profesor: Dr. Jos´e Mario Mart´ýnez, IMECC, UNICAMP, Campinas,
Condiciones necesarias de optimalidad. Puntos cr´ýticos. Condiciones de
Lagrange. Condiciones KKT. Constraint qualifications. Regularidad,
Mangasarian-Fromovitz y CPLD. Casi-normalidad. Jerarquia entre condiciones
de optimalidad y constraint qualifications. Condiciones de optimalidad
1. D.P. Bertsekas. Nonlinear Programming. Athenas Scientific, Belmont,
MA. 1999.
2. R. Andreani, J. M. Mart´ýnez and M. L. Schuverdt. The Constant Positive
Linear Dependence condition of Qi and Wei implies the Quasinormality
Constraint Qualification. Journal of Optimization Theory
and Applications. To appear.
3. J. M. Mart´ýnez and B. F. Svaiter. A practical optimality condition
without constraint qualifications for nonlinear programming. Journal
of Optimization Theory and Applications # 118, pp. 117-133 (2003).
T´ecnicas y Modelos de Optimizaci´on en Geof´ýsica de Exploraci´on
Profesor: Dra. D´ebora Cores, Departamento de C´omputo Cient´ýfico y 
Estad´ýstica, Universidad
Sim´on Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Justificaci´on del curso:
Introducir al estudiante en la resoluci´on de problemas de la vida real. 
Este curso tiene un fuerte
enfoque en aplicaciones de la industria petrolera, para aquellos estudiantes 
que deseen estudiar
y validar la aplicabilidad de las t´ecnicas num´ericas de optimizaci´on.
Objetivos del curso:
1. El primer paso del curso consiste en entender el comportamiento f´ýsico 
de algunas aplicaciones
en geof´ýsica que se pueden atacar o modelar como un problema de 
2. Relajaci´on de la complejidad de dichos problemas para 


2005-02-25 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

Subject: Do not forget : OPTIMAL DESIGN PRIZE 2005

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to recall you that CADLM has established the OPTIMAL DESIGN 
PRIZE to honour young researchers and engineers of outstanding merit in this 

The Intelligent Optimal Design Prize, will consist of a medal and a cash 
prize of 2 000 US $.
The first prize will be attributed at the special workshop on Optimal 
Reliability of Nuclear Structuresorganized in Beijing during the SMiRT 
conference (7-12, august 2005), see here for details.

Candidates, not older than 40, should be the authors of one original paper 
meeting the objectives of CADLM, i.e. to promulgate the advancement of the 
intelligent optimal design by disseminating knowledges of sciences and 
technologies among industries.

Applicants for the Optimal Design Prize 2005 must submit the following to 
any member of the jury or to the CADLM Secretariat no later than April 15, 
- Scientific Curriculum Vitae
- List of publications
- Original scientific paper dealing with optimal design and related topics 
(max. 32 pages)
- Two letters of recommandation.

Members of the Jury :

Bathe, K-J..MIT, USA
Brnic, J. Faculty of Engineering Rijeka, Croatia
Chavardès, D.Ambassade France, China
Chong, K... NSF, USA
Jovanovic, A.  .MPA, Germany
Maceri, F. Roma 2 Universita, Italy
Machenaud, H. EDF Asie Pacifique, China
Maier G. ...Politechnico Milano, Italy
Mroz, Z. ..IPPT, Poland
Nemat-Nasser, S. ..UCSD, USA
Schoenauer, M. .INRIA, France
Zarka, J. ...CADLM, France
Zhang, W ..Northwestern Polyt Univ, China
Zhou, Y. ...Tsinghua University, China

Soon the date line will be reached for this award; then do not wait.

We look forward having your documents and meeting you soon.

Best wishes and regards

Joseph ZARKA


[NotiAMCA] Fluid Structure Interaction 2005

2005-02-02 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Fluid Structure Interaction 2005
Third International Conference on Fluid Structure Interaction

19 - 21 September 2005, La Coruna, Spain
Dear Colleague

RE: Fluid Structure Interaction 2005: Paper Deadline 20 May 2005

This is a short note to remind you that the Third International Conference 
on Fluid Structure Interaction is to take place from 19 - 21 September 2005 
in La Coruqa, Spain. The meeting is organised by Wessex Institute of 
Technology, UK; University of La Coruqa, Spain and sponsored by WIT 
Transactions on the Built Environment.

I am currently preparing the programme for the conference and do hope that 
you can participate. This successful conference has attracted the interest 
of many of our colleagues around the world and continues to update the 
international scientific community through the subsequent distribution of 
the conference book and the permanent archive of conference papers in the 
Transactions of the Wessex Institute (http://library.witpress.com/).

If you wish to present a paper, I will need to receive your abstract now so 
that we can incorporate the work into the conference programme. Please note 
that the paper deadline is 20 May 2005, however if you need any additional 
time please contact me.

At this stage, I only need a short abstract (200 words or so) plus the title 
of the paper and name(s) of the author(s) with affiliation(s) and full 
particulars of the corresponding author.  Please could you also let me know 
which topics the paper will cover (see list below).

For further information about the conference, you can visit:

I hope to hear from you shortly.

Yours sincerely

Carlos Brebbia
Conference Director

**If you have already submitted your Abstract - thank you. You do not need 
to re-submit it**


Hydrodynamic forces
Response of structures including fluid dynamics
Offshore structure and ship dynamics
Fluid pipeline interactions
Structure response to severe shock and blast loading
Vortex shedding and flow induced vibrations
Cavitation effects in turbo machines
Wind effects on tall buildings and structures
Wind effects on bridges and towers
Mechanics of cables, risers and moorings
Aerodynamics of racing vehicles
Fluid and biological tissue interaction
Computational methods
Advances in interaction problems in CFD
High performance computing and FSI problems
Experimental studies and validation

Caroline Weaver
Conference Assistant
Tel: +44 (0) 238 029 3223  Fax: +44 (0) 238 029 2853

WESSEX INSTITUTE on the Web - http://www.wessex.ac.uk
SEE 2005 Call for Papers at:

WIT Press on the Web - visit http://www.witpress.com

to download individual Wessex Institute conference papers from

and browse our BOOKSTORE.  Save 10% and ensure fast
delivery when you order our books on-line!

BEASY on the Web: http://www.beasy.com
Wessex Institute, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton SO40 7AA, UK 

[NotiAMCA] Concurso na UFJF

2005-02-01 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
EDITAL N: 003/2005


A Prs-Reitora Adjunta de Recursos Humanos da Universidade Federal de Juiz de
Fora, no uso de suas atribuigues legais, comunica que estarco abertas, na
Secretaria das respectivas unidades, das 8h `s 11h e das 14h `s 16h, as
inscrigues para Selegco de Professor Substituto, em regime de 40 (quarenta)
horas semanais, conforme discriminado abaixo:

B - FACULDADE DE ENGENHARIA - Campus Universitario - tel.: 3229-3400

B.1 - Departamento de Estruturas: - Conjunto de Disciplinas: Analise 
I e II, Resistjncia dos Materiais, Resistjncia dos Materiais I e II e
Laboratsrio de Resistjncia dos Materiais; Habilitagco exigida: Mestrado em
Engenharia Civil na area de Estruturas; - Permodo de inscrigues: 24/01/2005 
18/02/2005, exceto sabados, domingos e feriados; - Data e horario da 
tera inmcio em 23/02/2005, `s 09:00 horas; - Provas: Analise do Curriculum
Vitae, Entrevista, Escrita e Didatica.

B.2 - Departamento de Energia Elitrica: Conjunto de Disciplinas:
Transformadores, Maquinas de Corrente Alternada e Planejamento e Controle 
Obras Elitricas; - Habilitagco exigida: Graduagco em Engenharia Elitrica; -
Permodo de inscrigues: 24/01/2005 a 04/02/2005, exceto sabados e domingos; -
Data e horario da selegco: tera inmcio em 15/02/2005, `s 09:00 horas; - 
Analise do Curriculum Vitae, Entrevista e Escrita.

No ato da inscrigco o candidato devera apresentar documento oficial de
identidade e entregar o comprovante da habilitagco exigida (fotocspia
autenticada ou com apresentagco do original), declaragco pessoal de estar em
dia com as obrigagues Eleitorais e Militares e o curriculum vitae em 03
(trjs) vias, com os documentos comprobatsrios em znica via.

As selegues serco feitas por comissues designadas pelos Departamentos e sera
selecionado para indicagco e contratagco temporaria de excepcional interesse
pzblico, como Professor Substituto, por prazo certo e determinado, aquele 
obtiver maior midia, nco sendo considerados aqueles que obtiverem nota 
a 7 (sete) na prova Escrita e Didatica , quando houver.




Poderco ser contratados como Professor Substituto, os servidores da
Administragco direta ou indireta da Unico, bem como empregados ou servidores 
suas subsidiarias e controladas, desde que comprovada compatibilidade de
horario, excetuando-se ocupantes de cargo efetivo, integrantes da carreira 
magistirio de que trata a Lei n: 7596, de 10 de abril de 1987, e ainda,
candidatos que ja tenham sido contratados, com fundamento na Lei 8.745, de 
de dezembro de 1993, nos zltimos 24 (vinte e quatro) meses contados do 
do contrato, em qualquer area do territsrio nacional.

Juiz de Fora, 19 de janeiro de 2005.

Mara de Mendonga Loureiro

Prs-Reitora Adjunta


2005-02-01 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Dear colleague,

The VIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity will take 
place at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya,  Barcelona, Spain on 
September 5 - 8, 2005

The deadline for submitting abstracts (300 words approx, free format) is 
February 15th., 2005. The paper to be included in the proceedings is an 
extended abstract (from two to four pages)  and it will be required by  June 
10th., 2005.

The currently confirmed plenary speakers are:

K-J. Bathe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
R. Borja, Berkeley, USA
J-L. Chenot, Sophia Antipolis, France
R. de Borst, Delft, NL
A. Gens, UPC, Spain
P. Ladevhze, LMT Cachan, France
T. Laursen, Duke University, USA
W-K. Liu, Northwestern University, USA
H. Mang, TU, Vienna, Austria
J. Oliver, UPC, Spain
M. Ortiz, Caltech, USA
D. Peric, Swansea, UK
E. Ramm, Stuttgart, Germany
B. Schrefler, Padua, Italy
E. Stein, Hannover, Germany
R. L. Taylor, Berkeley, USA
V. Tvergaard, Technical University of Denmark
P. Wriggers, Hannover, Germany

Keynote lectures will be complemented by invited sessions organized by 
recognised experts in targeted research areas as well as by contributed 
papers received from the general call for papers.

COMPLAS VIII is an IACM Special Interest Conference and an ECCOMAS Thematic 

Please, visit our web page http://congress.cimne.upc.es/complas05  for 
further and updated information.

Sincerely yours

E. Oqate (Universitat Polithcnica de Catalunya, Spain) and D. R. J. Owen 
(University of Wales Swansea, UK)

Conference Chairmen


2005-01-21 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni

- Original Message - 
From:  Dr. Theodore Simos [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:33 PM

Dear Colleagues

This year we organise the International e-Conference on Computer Science
2005 (IeCCS 2005) from 12 to 17 May 2005.

Please circulate the following announcement, call for papers, sessions
and  minisymposia and leaflet to your colleagues.

If you want leaflets and posters for IeCCS 2005, please send your
request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sincerely yours

Professor Dr. T.E. Simos
Chair and Organiser IeCCS 2005




12  17 May 2005

URL address: http://www.iecce.net/

It is important to keep in mind that you can attend the Conference from
your office PC or from any internet-enabled computer you may choose


All participants who have paid their respective conference registration
fees will receive a login name and password before the start of the
e-Conference, in order to enable them to access the e-Conference
programme (this part of the website will be restricted only to fully
registered participants). Please note that each login name and password
will allow access to the restricted part of the IeCCS website from only
ONE internet-enabled computer at a time (in other words: it will not be
possible to concurrently use the same login and password access from a
second etc computer).

If a whole Department or Group of people wishes to have access to the
e-Conference programme (12-17 May 2005), please contact the General
Chair for access registration fees. Please note that this is in addition
to any individual registrations from that Department or Group and
concerns ONLY the access issue, i.e. it does not include submission of
abstracts/papers. In such cases a special login and password will be

The aim of IeCCS 2005 is to bring together leading scientists of the
international Computer Science community and to attract original
research papers of very high quality. The topics to be covered include
(but are not limited to):  Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computation,
Computational Mathematics, Mathematical Software, Programming Techniques
and Languages, Parallel Algorithms and its Applications, Symbolic and
Algebraic Manipulation, Analysis of Algorithms, Problem Complexity,
Mathematical Logic, Formal Languages, Data Structures, Data Bases,
Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Simulation
and Modeling, Computer Graphics, Software Engineering,  Image
Processing, Computer Applications, Hardware, Computer Systems
Organization, Software, Data, Theory of Computation, Mathematics of
Computing, Information Systems, Computing Methodologies, Computer
Applications, Computing Milieu (see http://www.ieccs.net/topics.htm).

Chairman and Organizer

Prof. T.E. Simos, Active Member of the European Academy of Sciences and
Arts and Corresponding Member of the European Academy of Sciences,
Corresponding Member of European Academy of Arts, Sciences and
Humanities, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Faculty of
Sciences and Technology, University of  Peloponnese, Greece


Dr. G. Psihoyios, Anglia Polytechnic University , Cambridge, UK.
Scientific Committee:

Prof. Dr. Gerik Scheuermann, Germany, Prof. James Hendler, USA, Prof.
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran,  USA, Prof. Reda A. Ammar, USA, Prof. Vijay K.
Vaishnavi, USA, Prof. Vijay Kumar, USA, Prof. Colette Rolland, France,
Prof. Michel Dayde, France, Prof. Pascal Sainrat, France, Dr. Peter
Lucas, The Netherlands, Prof. Richard Squier, USA, Prof. dr.  H.A.
(Erik) Proper,  The Netherlands, Dr. Len Freeman, UK.


Extended abstracts will be published in a special volume of:
We note that the above series will be included in the Science Citation
The full papers of the presentations of IeCCS 2005 will be considered
for publication in the Journal: Computing Letters (VSP/Brill Publishers)

Call for Sessions Workshops and Minisymposia:

We invite proposals for Sessions, Workshops or Minisymposia. Each
session should have at least 8 paper presentations. For this session the
organiser or his team can have at most 2 papers. Each workshop or
minisymposium should have at  least 10 paper presentations. For this
workshop or minisymposium the organiser or his team can have at most 2
papers. The Session, Workshop or Minisymposium organizer will be
responsible for advertising the workshop, reviewing and selecting the
papers. The Session and Workshop or Minisymposium organisers will have
free registration in IeCCS 2005. Papers accepted for Sessions, Workshops
or Minisymposia will be 

[NotiAMCA] Golems 2005 en Praga

2004-12-29 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Victorio, es posible que la informacisn adjunta sea de interis para los 
suscriptores de Notiamca. Es informacisn que estimo muy valiosa respecto de 
la Bienal Argentino-Checa Golems Electrsnicos que se llevara a cabo en 
Praga en julio prsximo; serma muy ztil si se pudiera difundir en ambientes 
cientmficos (tanto de ciencias exactas y naturales como de ciencias sociales 
y humanas), tecnolsgicos y artmsticos. El E-Golems Workshop puede permitir 
una integracisn de trabajos - y personas - provenientes de las ciencias, la 
tecnologma y las artes. No es comzn un esfuerzo orientado en este sentido, y 
contamos con la colaboracisn del Embajador Argentino en la Repzblica Checa, 
Juan E. Fleming, que esta trabajando intensa y exitosamente al respecto.
Aprovecho para desearles a todos muy felices fiestas y mis mejores deseos 
para 2005.
Muy cordialmente, Pablo Jacovkis

Czech - Argentine Biennale e - Golems
First Workshop
Interdisciplinary aspects of Human-Machine Co-existence and Co-operation

Accompanying event to the World IFAC Congress
Prague, July 2-5, 2005

 It was with great interest that I became acquainted with the conceptual 
framework of the Golem 2002 project, inspired by the ancient, polysemous, 
multi-layered, constantly re-interpreted Golem tradition - the tradition 
most frequently connected with Prague, its cultural and religious plurality 
and its somewhat hazy spirituality. For a long time, abundant 
interpretations and associations linked to the character of Golem have 
inspired authors and artists to ever new and updated reflections. Golem is 
something (or somebody) still incomplete, being perpetually reborn and 
recreated, in the tradition associated - not accidentally - with the Prague 
of the time of Emperor Rudolph II and rabbi Loew; with the Prague of 
alchemy, mystery; the Prague of scholars, charlatans and spiritual 

 Still today, the Golem tradition has much to say. Relativism in assessing 
values once considered indisputable, easy substitution of the good and the 
evil, God's servant and his adversary, the world as the object of human 
wilfulness, command and power, the world as the object of care and concern 
about its future, the world at a fateful crossroads - all these generally 
perceived coordinates of our complex times can be articulated against the 
backdrop of the Golem tradition with great pertinence. The proof comes also 
in the works of prominent writers such as Gustav Meyrink, Karel Capek, 
Angelo M. Ripellino or Jorge Luis Borges, whose poem El Golem has now been 
translated into Czech

 Signed: Vaclav Havel
(October 2002, for 'Golem 2002 - 5763')


The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Charles University in 
Prague, together with the Czech Technical University in Prague and the 
Jewish Museum in Prague, jointly with the University of Buenos Aires and its 
Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, the Argentine Secretariat for 
Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, the National Council for 
Scientific and Technological Research and the International Foundation Jorge 
Luis Borges, as well as scientists and intellectuals from both countries, in 
meetings held in 2002 and 2003 in Prague and Buenos Aires, developed the 
conceptual framework for a Biennale addressed to the scientific and 
technological developments in the field of computer science and 
technologies, their impact on the individual and society and the cultural 
environment, artistic as well as social and economic resulting thereof.

The Biennale is also supported, within their respective fields of 
competence, by the Ministries of Culture and of Education of the Czech 
Republic and by the Secretary for Culture and the Ministry of Education of 
the Argentine.

The inspiration for such Biennale was drawn from the poem on the Golem and 
Rabbi Loew in Prague by Jorge Luis Borges and the present day metaphorical 
value of the Golem as robot, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, virtual 
reality, nano-technologies and the Internet, proved instrumental to such 
framework. In the case of robotics, it links with the homunculus conceived 
by the Czech writer Karel Capek in his play R.U.R. (1921), in which he 
coined the noun robot. The name e-Golems of the Biennale stands for 
electronic Golems.

During the preparations, it was thought appropriate to implement the 
Biennale's conceptual framework progressively, profiting from the hosting in 
Prague of the 16th World IFAC - International Federation for Automatic 
Control - Congress (July 4th to the 8th), by convening the first 
international e-Golems Biennale workshop from July 3rd to 5th with the 
official opening  and conclusion being July the 2nd and the 5th.

The content of this First Argentine - Czech Biennale workshop is aimed at 
ideas and considerations which reflect a certain 

[NotiAMCA] Post-doc position Stanford Univ.

2004-12-29 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanics  Computation Group


The group of Mechanics  Computation in the Mechanical Engineering 
department at
Stanford University has an opening for a postdoctoral position in the area 
computational nanotechnology as part of the newly NSF-funded Center for 
Probing the
Nanoscale(CPN). The appointment is normally made for one year, with the 
possibility of
renewal for a second year. The ideal candidate would have a strong 
background on
computational solid mechanics and/or computational material science and 
Interested applicants should send a resume, copies of at most two 
publications and the
contact information for two references to

CPN Postdoctoral Position
Attn: Doreen Wood
c/o Adrian Lew
Durand 262 - 496 Lomita Mall
Stanford, CA 94305-4040

The review of applications will begin as applications are received, and will 
remain open
until the position is filled.

Stanford University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action emp 

[NotiAMCA] Fw: 6th WCSMO, Rio de Janeiro, 30 May 2005

2004-12-09 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
  por  Hughes   y  sus
colaboradores,  usa una  viscosidad de  remolinos que  actua solamente
sobre las pequenas escalas,  es decir, adapta las ideas prevalecientes
en el  campo al  marco multiescala. El  otro, mas  reciente, construye
aproximaciones a  las pequenas  escalas (subescalas no  resueltas) del
campo  de  velocidades.  Estas   evitan  la  necesidad  de  introducir
viscosidades  de  remolino  (viscosidades  artificiales),  permitiendo
obtener tazas de convergencia dadas por el esquema de discretizacion y
no acotadas por la  viscosidad artificial. Se demostrara numericamente
que  ambos   conceptos  resultan   mas  eficientes  que   los  metodos
convencionales.  En particular se  presentaran simulaciones  de flujos
turbulentos  isotropicos  y homogeneos,  de  flujos  en  canales y  de
transicion de laminar a turbulenta  de una capa limite en presencia de
turbulencia en el flujo libre-bypass transition.

Viernes 17 de diciembre, 11:00hs
Centro Internacional de Metodos Computacionales en Ingenieria
Parque Tecnologico del Litoral Centro (PTLC)
Bo. El Pozo, Santa Fe. Tel: +54-342-4511594, 
(Como llegar? ver 
From cemnci en herrera.unt.edu.ar  Tue Dec 21 17:39:54 2004
From: cemnci en herrera.unt.edu.ar (CEMNCI)
Date: Tue Dec 21 17:52:31 2004
Subject: [NotiAMCA] =?iso-8859-1?q?Cronograma_2005_Cursos_de_Postgrado_-_?=

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From dambrosini en uncu.edu.ar  Thu Dec 23 11:22:37 2004
From: dambrosini en uncu.edu.ar (Daniel Ambrosini)
Date: Thu Dec 23 11:34:57 2004
Subject: [NotiAMCA] =?iso-8859-1?q?Cursos_de_posgrado_2005=2E_Facultad_de?=

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From sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar  Tue Dec 28 10:01:30 2004
From: sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar (Victorio Sonzogni)
Date: Tue Dec 28 15:47:40 2004
Subject: [NotiAMCA] IJDF- Call for papers


Podrías pasar esta invitación a publicar artículos en esta nueva revista de
fluidos en el sitio del amca. Gracias


-Original Message-
From: PUB: Research India Publication [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Viernes, 17 de Diciembre de 2004 08:03 a.m.
Subject: Editorial Board Members of IJDF.

Dear Editorial Board Members of IJDF,

Please find attached the CALL FOR PAPER for International Journal of
Dynamics of Fluids (IJDF). For more information about our journal IJAC visit
journal's home page at http://www.ripublication.com/ijdf.htm

It will be kind of you if you make an announcement in your institutes for
research workers to submit manuscripts of full length articles of
considerable depth, for publication in the first issue of IJDF to be
launched in 2005, with four issues a year. We shall be very grateful if you
and your colleagues to submit quality papers to our journal. It will be kind
of you to confirm the receipt of his file.

We also like to inform you that if you and your colleagues are willing to
publish new books/ journals then please feel free to contact us. We are
always looking for authors and institutes who are interesting to publish
their books, monographs, conference and proceedings, starting new Journals.
We have a worldwide network and a well-organized and strong infrastructure.
A mailing list of fifty thousand or so intellectual, scholars, Universities,
Institutions and common readers worldwide strengthen it further. Coping with
the modern publishing necessities, we have a fully computerized production

Thanking you for your kind cooperation and looking for the success of this

Dr. M.M. Srivastava
Director (Publishing Department)
For Research India Publications
Head office: D-71, Top Floor, Rohini Sec-16, Delhi-110085 INDIA
Website: http://www.ripublication.com


[NotiAMCA] DINCON´2005 Congresso Tematico de D inamica, Controle e Aplicacoes

2004-12-01 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Desde: 06-06-2005
Hasta: 10-06-2005
Lugar: Campus de Bauru, Sao Paulo, Brasil

4o Congresso Tematico de Dinamica, Controle e Aplicacoes
6 - 10 de junho de 2005
UNESP - Campus de Bauru, Sao Paulo, Brasil


O congresso DINCON?2005 e o quarto de uma serie organizado pela SBMAC com
cooperacao da
ABCM. Teve origem a partir do sucesso da primeira Escola Brasileira de
Dinamica e Controle -
APLICON?2001, realizado na USP- S?o Carlos, SP. As versoes anteriores foram
Jose do Rio Preto, SP (2002), ITA-CTA-INPE, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (2003) e
Solteira, SP (2004). Este congresso tematico trata dos avancos em todos os
aspectos da Dinamica e
Controle, sendo um evento multidisciplinar que congrega pesquisadores e
profissionais dos diversos
campos do conhecimento das Ciencias e Engenharias. Sao bem vindos trabalhos
sobre modelagem,
tecnicas anal?ticas, m?todos numericos e experimentais em dinamica e

Temas do Congresso

Aplicacoes em Dinamica e Controle
Bio-Matematica, Bio-Engenharia e Engenharia de Reabilitacao
Engenharia Aeronautica e Aeroespacial
Engenharia de Estruturas
Fenomenos Nao-Lineares em Ciencias e Engenharia
Materiais Inteligentes e Sensores
Materiais Nano-Estruturados
Mecatronica, Automacao Industrial e Robotica
Metodos Matematicos Aplicados a Engenharia, Ciencias Exatas, Biologicas e
Otimizacao e Controle
Processamento de Imagens
Sistemas Fluido-Termicos
Sistemas Inteligentes e Inteligencia Computacional
Sistemas Mecanicos, Eletro-Eletronicos e Mecatronicos

Datas Importantes

Submissao trabalho completo 20/02/2005
Notificacao aceitacao 31/03/2005
Limite revisao trabalhos  05/04/2005




[NotiAMCA] Notiamca

2004-12-01 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Queremos comunicarles que se ha restablecido el funcionamiento
del servidor donde se maneja la lista de envios Notiamca, asi como
las pagina web de AMCA. Durante algunos dias la comunicación por
esta via estuvo interrumpida. Esperamos continue ahora en forma normal.

Hemos procedido a incorporar a la lista de Notiamca a las personas que
se asociaron a la AMCA, durante el reciente congreso ENIEF 2004.

Les recordamos que visitando la pagina:
puede tenerse mas informacion, asi como cancelar la suscripcion
a esta lista.

Para enviar un mensaje a la lista basta con enviarlo a


Por cualquier duda no hesiten en consultarnos

Victorio Sonzogni

[NotiAMCA] Seminarios del IMAL, Santa Fe

2004-11-01 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Instituto de Matematica Aplicada del Litoral (IMAL)

Las reuniones se realizaran todos los viernes a las 15:30 hs, en el Aula 31,
Guemes 3450, Santa Fe.
Las Conferencias programadas para el mes de noviembre son las siguientes:

5/11 Bruno Bongioanni (IMAL - CONICET, FIQ - UNL): Espacios de Sobolev 
asociados al operador de Hermite.

12/11 Felipe Zo (FCFMN-UNSL): Mejor Aproximacion sobre Conjuntos Pequenos.

19/11 Nestor Calvo (CIMEC -CONICET, UNL): Generacion de mallas para calculo 
numerico. Seleccion de tecnicas y problemas asociados.

26/11 Oliver Kriessl (Universitat Augsburg): Numerical simulations of the 
Liquid Phase Epitaxy.


[NotiAMCA] Jornada de la Sociedad Chilena de Mecanica Computacional

2004-10-22 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
From: Marcela Andrea Cruchaga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Jornadas SCMC

La Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) ha sido 
 anfitriona el pasado 13 de Agosto de la Jornada de 
 Mecanica Computacional JMC 2004. 

Esta actividad es  la tercera de su tipo convocada por la Sociedad 
Chilena de  Mecanica Computacional. Durante las aproximadamente 
doce  horas de duracion de dicho encuentro se han presentado 20 
 trabajos de los 23 originalmente propuestos. La Jornada, 
 que ha contado con la participacion de alumnos y docentes 
 de diversas areas de Ingenieria, Matematica y Fisica, ha 
 sido inaugurada por el Sr. Manuel Salinas, Profesor del 
 Departamento de Ingenieria Mecanica (DIM) de la USACH en 
 nombre del Director del mencionado Departamento, y por la 
 Sra. Marcela Cruchaga, academica del mismo Departamento en 
 su funcion de Secretaria de la SCMC. Para la ocasion, 
 tambien estuvo presente el Sr. Decano de la Facultad de 
 Ingenieria Don Ramon Blasco.  La Conferencia Plenaria 
 estuvo a cargo del Dr. Fernando Quintana del Centro 
 Atomico Bariloche, Argentina. La Conferencia de Cierre 
 estuvo a cargo del Dr. Luis Quiroz de la Universidad de 
 Concepcion, Chile. Todos los asistentes participaron, 
 ademas, de un Almuerzo de Camaraderia durante el cual se 
 rindio cuentas de las actividades de la SCMC desde la 
 anterior Asamblea General.  Las Universidades 
 representadas por la concurrencia han sido la U. de Chile, 
 U. de Concepcion, U. Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, U. de 
 Bio Bio, U. de La Serena, U. de Los Andes y la U. de 
 Santiago de Chile. En particular, se ha contado con una 
 numerosa presencia de academicos y alumnos de la USACH. La 
 coordinacion del encuentro ha recibido una amplia 
 colaboracion del Departamento de Ingenieria Mecanica y del 
 Centro de Estudiantes del mismo. La Sociedad Chilena de 
 Mecanica Computacional agradece a todos los que hicieron 
 posible este encuentro.

En el sitio de AMCA ( www.amcaonline.org.ar ) se puede encontrar
una fotografia de los participantes

[NotiAMCA] seminarios de Mecánica Computacional en la FIUBA

2004-09-28 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
 El prsximo viernes 1/10 comenzaremos en la FIUBA (Paseo Colsn 850 - Salsn
 del Consejo) los seminarios de Mecanica Computacional que se desarrollaran
 los primeros viernes de cada mes de 17 a 19hs con dos expositores por
 En esta primera reunisn los expositores seran:
 * Dr. Sergio Idelsohn (INTEC-CONICET)
 El tmtulo de su charla sera:
 Mesh or Meshless Methods?. Is this the rigth question ?
 * Dr. Guillermo Etse (Universidad de Tucuman - CONICET)
 El tmtulo de su charla sera:
 Simulacion Meso y Macro Mecanica de Falla de Materiales Cuasi-Fragiles
 Estan cordialmente invitados a este primer seminario y a los sucesivos.
 Por favor informen a la gente de su grupo que pueda estar interesada

[NotiAMCA] Fw: pesquisador visitante UFSC - área de Estruturas

2004-09-15 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
- Original Message - 
To: Lista de Mecanica Computacional [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 10:32 AM
Subject: pesquisador visitante UFSC - área de Estruturas

 Caros colegas

 Temos aqui na UFSC uma vaga para professor visitante na área de
 Estruturas para iniciar agora em outubro/2004 por um período de 1 ano,
 renovável por mais 2 anos.
 O professor cubano que trabalhava conosco foi contratado por uma
 universidade americana e está nos deixando agora em setembro.

 Por favor divulguem para mim, posso dar mais informações via
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ou pelo telefone:

 48 - 331 7687


 This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

[NotiAMCA] Course: Numerical Modeling of Continental Shelves

2004-09-14 Por tema Victorio Sonzogni
Estimado Victorio:

Le envío material sobre un curso de posgrado sobre métodos numéricos
aplicados a circulación oceánica costera que me gustaría publicar en

Un resúmen del aviso es el siguiente:

International Short Course:

Numerical Modeling of Continental Shelves

Place and date:

The  course will be given at Fundaçao Universidade Federal do Rio Grande,
Rio Grande. Brazil,
between 22 November and 3 December, 2004.


Dr. Elbio Palma, Departamento de Física, Universidad del Sur and Instituto
Argentino de Oceanografía, Argentina
Dr. Ivan Soares, Departamento de Física, Fundaçao Universidade Federal do
Rio Grande, Brazil.

Course outline:

The course will offer an introduction to the techniques used in numerical
models of coastal ocean circulation.
After presenting the governing equations and discussing their general
characteristics, the standard numerical
methods used for their spatial and temporal discretization will be analyzed.
The objective is to bring the students
the basic information to understand the performance of the models that are
currently used for research and prediction.
The evolution of numerical modeling techniques will be discussed focusing on
the physical problems that originate
their development. In the second part of the course, the participant will
make his own simulations using a freely
available state-of-the-art coastal ocean circulation model.

The full course contents are available through the SACC homepage at:
http:// glaucus.fcien.edu.uy/pcmya/sacc/course_2004/

Application Deadline:

Complete instructions on how to apply for participation in the Course are
available at the SACC Internet site:
In order to be considered complete application materials must be e-mailed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] no later than 20 September 2004.


Le adjunto además -a continuación- un aviso más completo del curso.

Quedo a su disposición para cualquier consulta. Muchas gracias,

Dr. Elbio D. Palma
Universidad Nacional del Sur
Departamento de Física
Av. Alem 1253
(8000) Bahía Blanca

The South Atlantic Climate Change (SACC) - Cooperative Research Network
(CRN) is sponsored by the Inter American Institute for Global Change
Research. The general goal of the SACC Consortium is to coordinate and
enhance human and institutional resources in the participating countries in
order to advance the understanding of the coupled effects of global change
and climate variability on the oceanic, atmospheric and terrestrial
ecosystems of the Western South Atlantic (WSA) region.
SACC activities are summarized at
Among several other activities the SACC has organized a series of short
courses aimed at addressing subjects related to its goals and objectives.
The topic of the fourth course is Numerical modeling of continental shelves.

The Short Course - 2004
The fourth course will be given at Fundaçao Universidade Federal do Rio
Grande, Rio Grande. Brazil, between 22 November and 3 December, 2004.  The
course Instructors are Dr. Elbio Palma, Departamento de Física, Universidad
del Sur and Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía, Argentina and Dr. Ivan
Soares, Departamento de Física, Fundaçao Universidade Federal do Rio Grande,

Course Outline:
The full course contents are available through the SACC homepage at:
http:// glaucus.fcien.edu.uy/pcmya/sacc/course_2004/
  The course will offer an introduction to the techniques used in numerical
models of coastal ocean circulation. After presenting the governing
equations and discussing their general characteristics, the standard
numerical methods used for their spatial and temporal discretization will be
analyzed. The objective is to bring the students the basic information to
understand the performance of the models that are currently used for
research and prediction. The evolution of numerical modeling techniques will
be discussed focusing on the physical problems that originate their
development. In the second part of the course, the participant will make his
simulations using a freely available state-of-the-art coastal ocean
circulation model.

1. Introduction to coastal ocean modeling.
2. Numerical approximation concepts.
3. Two dimensional numerical coastal models..
4. Three dimensional numerical coastal models.

Applicants must have academic and/or professional background in marine
physics, or atmospheric sciences.  Minimum academic qualifications include a
4-year university degree in a relevant discipline. However, applications
from outstanding, advanced undergraduate students are also encouraged.
Applicants must be affiliated with a research, educational, or resource

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