[ns] Metric troubles

2011-03-09 Thread Justin

I am sure that this has been answered before, but I, for the life of me, 
couldn't find what I think I need.  I have been trying to figure this 
out for a day or two now.

I am trying to create graphs for RTT and throughput.  I have seen links 
mentioned to a university website (


, but those pages aren't there anymore.  I have found numerous 
Throughput calculations, but they all seem to be about overall 
throughput.  (We are modeling random traffic, so are more interested in 
a more instantaneous throughput.  Not EXACTLY instantaneous, but over a 
smaller window than the entire simulation.)

For RTT, I am kind of stuck.  Yes, I have traced 'cwnd_' and 'rtt_' and 
looked at the file.  (Curiously, my RTT trace file (different from my 
cwnd_ trace file) only has one line in it.)

Here is a clip (1st 10 lines) from the file, plus some headers that I am 
guessing at:

0.0  -1 -1 -1 -1 cwnd_ 1.000
1.29029  5  0  1  3  rtt_ 0.050
1.29029  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 2.000
1.35309  5  0  1  3  rtt_ 0.070
1.35309  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 3.000
1.35986  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 4.000
1.40282  5  0  1  3  rtt_ 0.050
1.40282  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 5.000
1.40959  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 6.000
1.41635  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 7.000

Here's the corresponding overall out.tr (1st 30 or so lines):

+ 0.004717 2 0 tcp 40 --- 1 2.0 1.0 0 0
- 0.004717 2 0 tcp 40 --- 1 2.0 1.0 0 0
r 0.005749 2 0 tcp 40 --- 1 2.0 1.0 0 0
+ 0.005749 0 1 tcp 40 --- 1 2.0 1.0 0 0
- 0.005749 0 1 tcp 40 --- 1 2.0 1.0 0 0
r 0.026206 0 1 tcp 40 --- 1 2.0 1.0 0 0
+ 0.026206 1 0 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 0 1
- 0.026206 1 0 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 0 1
r 0.046663 1 0 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 0 1
+ 0.046663 0 2 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 0 1
- 0.046663 0 2 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 0 1
r 0.047695 0 2 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 0 1
+ 0.047695 2 0 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 1 2
- 0.047695 2 0 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 1 2
+ 0.047695 2 0 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 2 3
- 0.048169 2 0 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 2 3
r 0.049169 2 0 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 1 2
+ 0.049169 0 1 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 1 2
- 0.049169 0 1 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 1 2
r 0.049643 2 0 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 2 3
+ 0.049643 0 1 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 2 3
- 0.055935 0 1 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 2 3
r 0.075935 0 1 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 1 2
+ 0.075935 1 0 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 1 4
- 0.075935 1 0 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 1 4
r 0.0827 0 1 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 2 3
+ 0.0827 1 0 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 2 5

In the cwnd_ trace file, type = CWND isn't too hard figure out:  that is 
the size of the window at that time.  But what is RTT and how is it 
calculated?  Is it simply for that one packet?  Does it actually 
calculate the return ACK to the sender as part of the RTT (which is what 
we would like, I suppose)?

And why the drastic difference in the time fields?  What units is the 
'cwnd_' time field in?  It doesn't seem to match up too closely with the 
packets from the full trace file.

Here's a clip from my TCL file.  (This script uses FOR loops to assign 
multiple/variable numbers of sources.)

#TCP sources
for {set j 1} {$j=$NumbSrc} {incr j} {
 set tcp_src($j) [new Agent/TCP/Reno];
 $tcp_src($j) set window_ 8000;

 # tracing TCP rtt variables
 set rtt_trace [open rtt_trace.out w];# trace file
 $tcp_src($j) attach $rtt_trace;# attach to TCP Agent
 $tcp_src($j) tracevar rtt_;# trace rtt

 #END Justin's RTT tracing

 # tracing TCP congestion window variables
 set cwnd_trace [open cwnd_trace.out w];# trace file
 $tcp_src($j) attach $cwnd_trace;# attach to TCP Agent
 $tcp_src($j) tracevar cwnd_;# trace rtt

 #END Justin's cong. window tracing


Any advice would be appreciated.

--  Justin

[ns] Some oddities

2011-03-09 Thread Justin

Hello all again,
 In looking further at my cwnd_ trace file, I noticed that some of 
the congestion window values are not integers.  They start out as 
integers and then somehow become non-integers.  Also, there are spots in 
the file that have erroneous lines; there will parts of two lines 
together on one line, there will be lines with only 3 items in them, 
etc.  Anyone else seen that before and know what is going on?

(Yes, as you can tell, fairly new at this and shooting in the dark here 

Here is a snippet of the TCL again:

#TCP sources
for {set j 1} {$j=$NumbSrc} {incr j} {
 set tcp_src($j) [new Agent/TCP/Reno];
 $tcp_src($j) set window_ 8000;

 #Justin's additions to try and get an RTT trace...
 # tracing TCP rtt variables
 set rtt_trace [open rtt_trace.out w];# trace file
 $tcp_src($j) attach $rtt_trace;# attach to TCP Agent
 $tcp_src($j) tracevar rtt_;# trace rtt

 # tracing TCP congestion window variables
 set cwnd_trace [open cwnd_trace.out w];# trace file
 $tcp_src($j) attach $cwnd_trace;# attach to TCP Agent
 $tcp_src($j) tracevar cwnd_;# trace cwnd 
(which also tracks RTT?)


And the output file I get:

1.45695  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 9.000
1.46371  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 10.000
1.48401  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 5.000
1.54051  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 5.200
1.74051  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 1.000
1.79023  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 2.000
1.83996  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 2.500
1.88969  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 2.900
1.93942  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 3.245
1.94619  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 3.553
1.95295  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 3.834

And some odd lines:

5.08033  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 4.723
5.08710  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 4.935
4.89089  3  0  1  1  cwnd_ 5.789
4.89766  3  0  1  1  cwnd_ 5.962


13.13830 3  0  1  1  cwnd_ 5.463
13.14506 3  0  1  1  cwnd_ 5.646
13.15859 3  0  1  1  cwnd_ 5.8 1  0  cwnd_ 5.012
11.35215 2  0  1  0  cwnd_ 5.212
11.45363 2  0  1  0  cwnd_ 5.404


16.47379 2  0  1  0  cwnd_ 7.442
16.48056 2  0  1  0  cwnd_ 7.576
16.57528 2   5.126
15.89871 3  0  1  1  rtt_ 0.110
15.89871 3  0  1  1  cwnd_ 5.321



Re: [ns] Metric troubles

2011-03-10 Thread Justin

Perhaps I have found an answer for some of my questions below, but most 
of them are still standing.

Here is a snippet I found in an example trace file at:

And here is a snip of what that says:

# time srcnode srcport dstnode dstport variable value

0.0  0  0  -1 -1 cwnd_ 1.000
0.00610  0  0  2  0  cwnd_ 2.000
0.01219  0  0  2  0  cwnd_ 3.000
0.01222  0  0  2  0  cwnd_ 4.000
0.01829  0  0  2  0  cwnd_ 5.000
0.01832  0  0  2  0  cwnd_ 6.000
0.01835  0  0  2  0  cwnd_ 7.000

The headers there is one thing I was looking for.  They make some sense, 
but can anyone verify that they are accurate?  And that doesn't address 
the apparent scale issue I saw with the 'time' value.


On 03/09/2011 11:45 AM, Justin wrote:
 I am trying to create graphs for RTT and throughput.

 For RTT, I am kind of stuck.  Yes, I have traced 'cwnd_' and 'rtt_' and
 looked at the file.  (Curiously, my RTT trace file (different from my
 cwnd_ trace file) only has one line in it.)

 Here is a clip (1st 10 lines) from the file, plus some headers that I am
 guessing at:

 0.0  -1 -1 -1 -1 cwnd_ 1.000
 1.29029  5  0  1  3  rtt_ 0.050
 1.29029  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 2.000
 1.35309  5  0  1  3  rtt_ 0.070
 1.35309  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 3.000
 1.35986  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 4.000
 1.40282  5  0  1  3  rtt_ 0.050
 1.40282  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 5.000
 1.40959  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 6.000
 1.41635  5  0  1  3  cwnd_ 7.000

 Here's the corresponding overall out.tr (1st 30 or so lines):

 + 0.004717 2 0 tcp 40 --- 1 2.0 1.0 0 0
 - 0.004717 2 0 tcp 40 --- 1 2.0 1.0 0 0
 r 0.005749 2 0 tcp 40 --- 1 2.0 1.0 0 0
 + 0.005749 0 1 tcp 40 --- 1 2.0 1.0 0 0
 - 0.005749 0 1 tcp 40 --- 1 2.0 1.0 0 0
 r 0.026206 0 1 tcp 40 --- 1 2.0 1.0 0 0
 + 0.026206 1 0 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 0 1
 - 0.026206 1 0 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 0 1
 r 0.046663 1 0 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 0 1
 + 0.046663 0 2 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 0 1
 - 0.046663 0 2 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 0 1
 r 0.047695 0 2 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 0 1
 + 0.047695 2 0 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 1 2
 - 0.047695 2 0 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 1 2
 + 0.047695 2 0 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 2 3
 - 0.048169 2 0 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 2 3
 r 0.049169 2 0 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 1 2
 + 0.049169 0 1 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 1 2
 - 0.049169 0 1 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 1 2
 r 0.049643 2 0 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 2 3
 + 0.049643 0 1 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 2 3
 - 0.055935 0 1 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 2 3
 r 0.075935 0 1 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 1 2
 + 0.075935 1 0 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 1 4
 - 0.075935 1 0 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 1 4
 r 0.0827 0 1 tcp 592 --- 1 2.0 1.0 2 3
 + 0.0827 1 0 ack 40 --- 1 1.0 2.0 2 5

 In the cwnd_ trace file, type = CWND isn't too hard figure out:  that is
 the size of the window at that time.  But what is RTT and how is it
 calculated?  Is it simply for that one packet?  Does it actually
 calculate the return ACK to the sender as part of the RTT (which is what
 we would like, I suppose)?

 And why the drastic difference in the time fields?  What units is the
 'cwnd_' time field in?  It doesn't seem to match up too closely with the
 packets from the full trace file.

[ns] Other Trace variables - T_RTT

2011-03-10 Thread Justin

Hello all, yet again.   :)

I mentioned in my earlier post about one of my output files only having 
one line in it (for rtt_).  Well, I have tried again with another 
variable and it also has only one line in it.  What's going on?  Here's 
the one line:

0.0  -1 -1 -1 -1 t_rtt_ 0

Here's the TCL:

for {set j 1} {$j=$NumbSrc} {incr j} {
 set tcp_src($j) [new Agent/TCP/Reno]
 $tcp_src($j) set window_ 256
 $tcp_src($j) set fid_ $j

 #Trying a new variable to trace:  T_RTT_
 set t_rtt_trace [open t_rtt.tr w];
 $tcp_src($j) attach $t_rtt_trace;
 $tcp_src($j) tracevar t_rtt_;# trace t_rtt

 # tracing TCP congestion window variables
 set cwnd_trace [open cwnd_.trace w];
 $tcp_src($j) attach $cwnd_trace;
 $tcp_src($j) tracevar cwnd_;  # trace cwnd (which also 
tracks RTT?)

The trace on CWND_ comes out just fine, I think.  (Yeah, see previous 
messages on that, too.)


Re: [ns] help with ns codes

2011-03-13 Thread Justin

 That really looks like 'awk' code.  Where did you find the code?  
In a TCL script?  Was it in something like this:

 exec  awk { $3 / ($5 * $1) }


Awk is a programming language (usually just on Linux/Unix) that very 
easily allows you to handle data.  It functions on one line of data at a 
time and breaks things into columns.  Each column is assigned a variable 
name that is used
to refer to that column.  You don't have to declare variables; it is 
automatically done.  You can output to a file or to the screen.  You can 
run awk separately (i.e. it does NOT have to be contained inside a TCL 
script, you can run it at a command prompt).

If you input line of data was:

Then the above line of code you gave would mean:
 (3rd column) / (5th column * 1st column)
 22 / (9.4532 * 4.5)

I hope that helps; it is the best I can do with the limited information 

--  J

On 03/12/2011 01:34 AM, serene wong wrote:

 I came across codes something like 1:($3/($5*$1))}. May I know what does that 
 means? I didn't see any declaration anywhere in the code. Can anyone 
 enlighten me?
 Thanks in advance.

[ns] NS2 TCPDump Output

2007-08-29 Thread Miller, Justin Ray (UMR-Student)

Hi all,

I read that at some point TCPDump output was in the works for NS, does anyone 
know what became of that? What I'd like to be able to do is simulate a small 
network and output TCPDump log files for it. Being able to seed intrusions is 
crucial to my work.
