[ob] Bls: China weighs paper gold against dollar as reserve currency

2009-03-25 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
China weighs paper gold against dollar as reserve currency


The world outgrew the gold standard decades ago. But a “paper gold” standard 
might be one way out of the global financial crisis. Zhou Xiaochuan, governor 
of China’s central bank, has proposed shifting the world from its dependence on 
the US dollar to a new reserve currency managed by the International Monetary 
Fund. The idea is good – if only China meant it. 
By John Foley, breakingviews.com
Last Updated: 2:56PM GMT 24 Mar 2009

The greenback has been the world’s dominant reserve currency – equivalent to a 
financial lingua franca – since the end of the Second World War. Countries hold 
it in spades to back their own currency. The IMF reckons that two-thirds of the 
$7 trillion of foreign currency holdings worldwide are in US dollars. The euro, 
the second most-held currency, makes up just a quarter. 

Were international trade switched instead to an IMF-managed currency – Zhou 
suggests a little-used device called a “special drawing right” or SDR – Uncle 
Sam would have a real headache. America’s borrowing and trading costs would 
spike. After all, the US saves by rarely needing to convert its own money – a 
perk known as “seigniorage”. 
But in the long term, the US would benefit. Being the currency of choice has 
made it unnaturally cheap for the US to borrow and fund its consumers’ 
profligate habits. Besides, as Zhou points out in a scholarly flourish, there’s 
the Triffin Paradox to consider. This says that so long as the US agrees to 
feed the world with dollars, it can’t successfully control its own currency. 

Having a central currency – let’s call it the Zhou-Triffin Doubloon (ZTD) – 
managed by a supra-national organisation would make it more difficult for any 
one country to get into too much debt to another. If the supply of ZTD in issue 
were controlled properly – say by expanding it in line with global GDP – it 
would serve as a steady store of value, with little risk of devaluation. 

Moreover, a credible ZTD would have many of the advantages of the now-defunct 
gold standard. It would be strictly limited in supply and ready acceptability 
everywhere. Indeed, it would be even better than the yellow metal, which is 
after all too cumbersome for a modern economy and too scarce to serve as a 
measure for international trade. 

In sum, the ZTD would add much needed ballast to international finance. And 
China would not be alone in promoting this single currency. Russian authorities 
have been thinking along similar lines. 

So why not get cracking? There are many obstacles: most notably getting the IMF 
up to the task. Nor is China in any position to move quickly. A truly global 
reserve currency would have to be based on a basket of world currencies, which 
would include the renminbi. China would have to make its tightly controlled 
currency freely convertible – which it shows no desire to do. 

Indeed, China probably has other things in mind than financial stability, such 
as augmenting its global financial sway. Right now, the Middle Kingdom has only 
a 3pc vote in the IMF, no more than Belgium, because votes are linked to each 
country’s contribution to the fund. Were China able to claim credit for its 
prodigious foreign reserves, it could replace the US at the top of the table. 

At best, China’s proposal is self-serving. At worst, it could be merely another 
manifestation of growing hostility towards the US – to be filed alongside 
recent protectionism, naval skirmishes and Chinese criticism of US spending 
habits. That political undercurrent is a shame. Paper gold looks like one of 
the best ideas to come out of the financial crisis.


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Bls: [ob] The next Bull - market rally has begun

2009-03-23 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
More like temporary rallies.. than a bull market one..The current 'credit' 
crisis is so bad that even the most senior investors like Mobius can act like a 
stand up comedian saying jokes line such as next bull rally :)

--- Pada Sen, 23/3/09, Herman Tobing herman.tob...@gmail.com menulis:

Dari: Herman Tobing herman.tob...@gmail.com
Topik: [ob] The next Bull - market rally has begun
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 23 Maret, 2009, 11:35 AM


March 23 (Bloomberg) -- The next “bull-market” rally has begun, 
Templeton Asset Management Ltd.’s Mark Mobius said, refuting predictions that 
the equities meltdown will continue. 

“Stocks are building a base for the next bull market,” said Mobius, 72, who 
helps oversee about $20 billion of emerging-market assets at San Mateo, 
California-based Templeton. The fund is finding “bargains” in every emerging 
market, which are in “better shape” than developed economies. 

Templeton is looking for companies that are “cash-rich,” have low debt and 
higher dividend yields, Mobius said in a Bloomberg Television interview from 
Hong Kong. Mobius said he’s looking for companies that can invest for future 
growth yet have cash left to pay shareholders. 

The MSCI Emerging Markets Index has gained 23 percent since reaching a 
four-year low on Oct. 27, outperforming the 2.5 percent drop in the MSCI World 
Index and 9.5 percent decline in the Standard  Poor’s 500 Index. 

Emerging markets made up the 10 best-performing stock benchmark indexes this 
year, with China’s Shanghai Composite Index topping the list with a 26 percent 
Brazilian oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA, Cia. Vale do Rio Doce, the 
world’s biggest iron-ore producer, and Chinese oil producer PetroChina Co. are 
among the top holdings of Mobius’s Templeton Emerging Markets Trust. 

To contact the reporter on this story: Chua Kong Ho in Shanghai at 
kch...@bloomberg. net; Paul Gordon in Hong Kong at pgord...@bloomberg. net 
Last Updated: March 22, 2009 22:47 EDT 




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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] ALERT: USD hancur lebur !!!!

2009-03-18 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
dunia paper asset (currency, stocks, bonds dll) lagi bahaya, biasanya  yang 
terjadi malah lari ke hard asset seperti property, emas

--- Pada Kam, 19/3/09, dario kurniawan darioamran1...@yahoo.co.id menulis:

Dari: dario kurniawan darioamran1...@yahoo.co.id
Topik: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] ALERT: USD hancur lebur 
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Kamis, 19 Maret, 2009, 9:50 AM


yess...harusnya capital inflow ke bursa nih...

Dario Amran

--- Pada Kam, 19/3/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ centrin.net. id menulis:

Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ centrin.net. id
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] ALERT: USD hancur lebur 
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Tanggal: Kamis, 19 Maret, 2009, 9:24 AM

ALERT: USD hancur lebur 

http://stockcharts. com/charts/ gallery.html? %24USD

Short dollar ABIS ABISAN

   Firefox 3: Lebih Cepat, Lebih Aman, Dapat Disesuaikan dan Gratis.



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: China: Ekonomi diperkirakan akan pulih dalam ....

2009-03-03 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
kalau menurut www.iousathemovie.com dimana disana di jelaskan lewat video bahwa 
hutang nya USA sebesar 53 Trilyun USD dan terus bertambah.
kira kira kapan USA bisa sembuh dari sakit ya?
--- Pada Kam, 5/3/09, Ferry Wachjudi ferry.wachj...@gmail.com menulis:
Dari: Ferry Wachjudi ferry.wachj...@gmail.com
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: China: Ekonomi diperkirakan akan pulih dalam 

Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Kamis, 5 Maret, 2009, 12:49 AM


tumben Prof JT commentnya begini
Mungkin mereka memang gak ngerti makro..tapi ingat 
Dulu kekaisaran Romawi, Yunani dan India pernah 
juga berjaya. Toh akhirnya mereka juga digantikan oleh negara lain?? Masa sich 
belum tiba saatnya US tenggelam, Prof??

  - Original Message - 
  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 6:20 
  Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] Re: China: 
  Ekonomi diperkirakan akan pulih dalam 

  Biar bagaimanapun America Negara terbesar yg meng-consume 
dari seluruh dunia..., kalau die sakit, pertanyaannya who's 
  gonna consume?
China and India boleh gede, tapi coba di check berapa 
perkapitanya, trus compare to America..., Jadi masih sulit lah 
  buat China
untuk bisa recover soon sementara biangnya masih sakit, 
  well, it's just
a stupid opinion dari yg ngga ngerti 


-Original Message-
From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
  [mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com]
  Behalf Of FromBuitenzorg
Sent: 04 Maret 2009 8:15
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
  [obrolan-bandar] Re: China: Ekonomi diperkirakan akan pulih 

China dan India akan menjadi pusat perhatian dunia. Maju 
  lebih pesat dengan
kejutan2 yg memberikan efek multiple bagi perekonomian 

Jadi kita pasti dapat cipratan ... 





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RE: [obrolan-bandar] Masihkah Properti Jadi Investasi

2009-02-21 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
If you want to flip invest properties in Indonesia, do not do it with real 
estate or apartments.do it the traditional ala betawi way.. buy land, develop 
the property, flip it immediately.this is the real indo property investment 
since eons ago. :)if you go thru real estate path.. you're already paying their 
premium price, plus the uncertainities if they will ever complete the project 
or not... it entails more risks..been there, done that. it safer doing it  like 
in the old days lol

--- Pada Sab, 21/2/09, Sanjaya mysanjaya...@gmail.com menulis:
Dari: Sanjaya mysanjaya...@gmail.com
Topik: RE: [obrolan-bandar] Masihkah Properti Jadi Investasi
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Sabtu, 21 Februari, 2009, 4:25 PM


Tadi pagi lewat Kemayoran, saat melewati Apartment Palazzo Kemayoran
sempat bingung lihat tuh apartment kok masih amburadul alias belum selesai
pembangunannya, padahal khan tuh proyek dah lama banget launching tahun 2004
dgn slogan keren banget  Palazzo - the most luxurious residence at Kemayoran. 


Saat search di google, ternyata memang ada kasus
gagal serah terima sejak 31 Des 2006. 

Nih linknya : 

http://www.aboutpal azzogroup. com/Apartment_ Palazzo_Kemayora n_Information. 

sampai ada bikin Yahoo Groups! the Korban Palazzo Group (di : http://health.. 
groups.yahoo. com/group/ korban_palazzo/) 

http://suarapembaca .detik.com/ index.php/ home.read/ tahun/2007/ bulan/06/ 
tgl/25/time/ 102953/idnews/ 797290/idkanal/ 283 




From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
[mailto:obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou ps.com] On Behalf Of Ines Alea

Sent: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 14:51 PM

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Masihkah Properti Jadi Investasi 


  Inget kasus Hollywood Apartment di Gatsu. 


  --- Pada Sab, 21/2/09, Boys n Girls boysngi...@gmail. com
  Dari: Boys n Girls
  boysngi...@gmail. com

  Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Masihkah Properti Jadi Investasi

  Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

  Tanggal: Sabtu, 21 Februari, 2009, 7:46 AM 
  developer indo kelas pengecut semua.  
  Jangan pernah beli apartement
  off plan. Rata-rata end up dengan kekecewaan 
  2009/2/21 Cumi Goreng Tepung cumie...@gmail. com 
  Dengan pecahnya gelembung
  properti di Amerika, mengapa rumah/apartemen di Jakarta masih ditawarkan
  dengan JARGON INVESTASI? Sabtu-Minggu pagi enek liat blocking time di
  televisi buat jualan property dengan bahasa super hiperbolis, extra hard


  Beli Sekarang, Besok Harga Naik!


  WARNING: Kebanyakan cumi berpengaruh buruk bagi kolesterol anda! 





  Apa dia selingkuh? Temukan jawabannya di Yahoo! Answers. 

Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: to set strongly-hedged portfolio (Ratu Sima)

2009-02-19 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors

Yes i agree on Dubai.its getting more like a ghost town.recently when I was 
there, I saw the palm jumeirah prop initially sold for 10 mill USD each, now 
being offered for 5 mill USD and still no one buys.a lot of cars being deserted 
at airports, because expat owners fleeing dubai heading home.some smaller 
condos still got good occupancy rate but it may be different case as time 
passes by..Dubai is speeding too fast with too fragile fundamentals, caught in 
a suprise due to this GFCrisis

 Our nearest plan is FS on `properties'  `short-covering oil'. We've 

 been eyeing on National Oil Varco. On Sunday I am leaving Vienna and 

 going to Dubai to meet local businesspeople and a Prime Group of 

 Korea's counterpart of which property  construction project is in 

 serious trouble as well as foreseeing whether something can be 

 learnt from this `iconic city of real estate and construction of 

 this century'. I promise to report to you of our survey findings.


 By the way, traders, just reminding, no matter how you are savvy in 

 technical charting, there are alarming risks if your trade is 

 against fundamental. Counting on stop loss isn't wise, either.


 Short term = sideways. Medium  long term = SO bearish.




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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Korban Antaboga/Bank Century BUNUH DIRI!

2009-02-14 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Gerald Celente, trands research boss has once said in this global crisis 
and global economic depression, when people are losing ALL... they got nothing 
more to lose.. so they  will conduct extreme behaviour.. my condolences..

--- Pada Sab, 14/2/09, Cumi Goreng Tepung cumie...@gmail.com menulis:
Dari: Cumi Goreng Tepung cumie...@gmail.com
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Korban Antaboga/Bank Century BUNUH DIRI!
Kepada: Obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Sabtu, 14 Februari, 2009, 6:25 PM


Semoga tidak ada nasabah SP yang bernasib seperti ini. Ayo 

segera selesaikan kasus SP!


http://m.detik. com/read/ 2009/02/14/ 152501/1084901/ 5/tragis- nasabah-bank- 
century-jambi- bunuh-diri

Sabtu, 14/02/2009 15:25 WIB

Tragis, Nasabah Bank Century Jambi Bunuh Diri

Suhendra : detikFinance

detikcom - Jambi, Gagal menagih dana reksa dana Rp 125 juta yang

dibeli melalui Bank Century, seorang nasabah Bank Century di Jambi

bernama Sayuti Michael yang mengalami setress berat mengakhiri

hidupnya dengan bunuh diri.

Korban Sayuti Michael (47 tahun) beralamat di Jalan Halim

Perdanakusuma No 2 RT 01 Kelurahan Sungai Asam Pasar Jambi. Korban

diketahui bunuh diri dengan cara terjun dari Hotel Abadi Jambi.

Sebelum melompat korban sempat menenggak racun.

Informasi tersebut disampaikan oleh Z.Siput, koordinator perwakilan

nasabah korban Bank Century seluruh Indonesia yang mendapat laporan

dari Ating, koordinator nasabah Bank Century Jambi.

Menurut Siput dirinya menerima informasi dari Ating 3 jam yang lalu

atau sekitar pukul 12.00 WIB, Sabtu (14/2/2009).

Sayuti diketahui bunuh diri pada Jumat malam setelah hari Jumatnya

dia pergi ke Bank Century Jambi untuk mencairkan reksa dana yang

dijual Bank Century. Namun Sayuti gagal mendapatkan dananya, kata

Siput ketika dihubungi detikFinance, Sabtu (14/2/2009).

Sepulang dari Bank Century, korban terlihat bertambah setress. Sayuti

pernah mengatakan dirinya hidup dari uang yang ada di Bank Century.

Saya hidup dari uang itu, kalau enggak saya mau bunuh diri, cerita

Ating ke Siput.

Ancaman bunuh diri tersebut ternyata benar-benar dijalankan oleh

Sayuti. Korban Sayuti membeli reksa dana di Bank Century senilai Rp

125 juta.

Siput mengakui saat ini memang banyak nasabah yang membeli reksa dana

di Bank Century yang tertekan jiwanya.

Saya tekankan kepada pihak Century termasuk BI masalah ini harus

ditangani serius. Banyak orang yang setress dan ini merugikan nasabah,

dan saya minta masalah ini jangan digantung-gantung,  katanya.

Menurut Siput Bank Century sekarang malah banyak menambah nasabah baru

tapi masalah nasabah yang lama tidak diselesaikan. Ini masalahnya

lebih-lebih dari lumpur Lapindo. Century cenderung lepas tangan, BI

juga sama, tukasnya.

(c) 2008 detikcom, All Rights Reserved.



Korban BUMI? Makan cumi saja!




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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Korban Antaboga/Bank Century BUNUH DIRI!

2009-02-14 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
imho, secured notes are only good if the counter party giving the collateral or 
the security over that note is still sound and in operation. If they close shop 
for good, assets used to secure that notes will not be easy to reclaim.
in this GFC scenario where finance institution are failing, assets prices are 
crashing down.. no secured notes are actually secure no more. Hard assets where 
you can physically touch, are the only surviving class when things get more 
ugly as economies falter more further.my 2 cents
--- Pada Ming, 15/2/09, y_dizz y_d...@mail2web.com menulis:
Dari: y_dizz y_d...@mail2web.com
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Korban Antaboga/Bank Century BUNUH DIRI!
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Minggu, 15 Februari, 2009, 12:40 AM


It's a different case Bos.

Madoff itu memang ponzi scheme, gebleg banget kalo sampe ada yang 

invest kaya gitu. Di internet banyak tuh model bisnis kaya gitu. Saya 

juga sering ditawari, tapi ogah. Amit2 deh...

Lehman tergantung, kita pegang yang secured atau unsecured notes. 

Kalo yang secured itu masih dijamin. Yang repot kalo yang unsecured. 

Di Indonesia banyak tuh yang kena, yang memasarkan Citibank, tapi 

pihak Citi tidak mau tanggung jawab karena memang posisi mereka hanya 

sebagai agen penjual. Sebagai pelajaran, memang sebaiknya sebelum 

teken kontrak kita baca baik2 deh itu dokumen2nya, jangan mudah 

percaya bujuk rayu sales.

Lha kalo invest di saham masih bisa hilang juga, saya nyerah deh. Itu 

mah udah kebangetan geblegnya Bapepam. Asal tahu aja, untuk biaya 

penyimpanan saham di KSEI itu kita bayar lho tiap bulan. Silahkan cek 

confirmation note masing2. Sekarang ada lagi kasus saham hilang, 

saham yang tercatat di KSEI tidak sesuai dengan data yang dimiliki 


Memang kalo kita tidak mengalami sendiri, tidak tahu bagaimana 

sakitnya ditipu  dikerjain habis2an seperti ini. Saya sendiri sih 

masih sabar menunggu kabar dari SP, masih bisa santai2. Tapi dari 

hasil sharing dengan nasabah yang lain, tidak sedikit lho yang stress 

bahkan depresi berat. Sekarang malah ada yang bunuh diri. Apa nggak 

kasihan sama mereka2 itu?

Ini buat contoh saja ya, nggak ada maksud apa2. Coba bayangkan 

seandainya trader2 seperti Pak JT, yang udah disiplin menerapkan 

ilmu2 trading, money  risk management, sekedar untuk cari cuan 5-10% 

tiap trading, tiba2 semua hasil kerja kerasnya selama ini hilang 

begitu saja. Atau mungkin para long term investor seperti Pak Rei, 

sudah bertahun2 sabar menanti buah investasi mereka, tiba2 lenyap 

tidak ada kabarnya.

Kalo saya jadi SBY, udah saya pecat itu Fuad Rachmany. Sayangnya SBY 

nggak nyangkut di SP juga. Kekekek...



--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, vaulst...@.. . wrote:

 Maaf saya mau tanya..


 Di luar sana yang kena kasus lehman gimana?? Madoff?? 


 Apa mereka tidak rugi juga?? 


 Saya rasa ga dijamin..



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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Bottoming Out sudah lewat belum? IN YOUR DREAM! READ THIS!

2009-02-04 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
just a side show, good to watch.bottom sure still far away imho
--- Pada Rab, 4/2/09, Baso TAHU tahub...@yahoo.com menulis:
Dari: Baso TAHU tahub...@yahoo.com
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Bottoming Out sudah lewat belum? IN YOUR DREAM! READ 
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Rabu, 4 Februari, 2009, 4:59 PM


ekonomi di mana dulu? Coba kita pertama kaji di USA!
Yg kena pusatnya ekonomi Banking, masalahnya Banking disana masih simpan toxic 
Asset macam CDO, atau bond yg di back ama KPR. Memang harga saham Bank disana 
kelihatan murah meriah PBV JP Morgan 0.8x mnurut data lapkeu terakhir (itu yg 
tersehat!) Yg sakit macam Citigroups PBV-nya 0.3x. So Bottoming? I don't think 
Book Value dihitung dgn cara asset dikurangi jumlah total hutang, masalahnya BV 
di lapkeu di valuasi oleh accountant publik dan nilainya mengikuti nilai wajar! 
Wajar kata siapa? Kata Bank, kata appraisal, dsb. Tapi bukan kata PASAR, 
electronic bid and offer.
Menurut pengamatan saya rata2 nilai pasar CDO hanya 20cent to a dollar, jadi 
aslinya cuma 20% dari harga yg tertera di Lapkeu. So BV yg tertera di 
quote.yahoo. com, CNNFinance, Valuemoney.com, dsb,.FANTASI booo!
AKIBATNYA karena cara valuasi beda2 ada krisis kepercayaan antar BANK! CONTOH 
ADARO, BUMI RESORCES dsb..kesulitan expor COAL ke eropa karena L/C dari 
BNP, RBS, dll sudah nggak dipercaya ama bank macam BRI, MANDIRI.
JADI SEKTOR RI pun susah bergerak. Itu baru coal, apalagi mau expor kaos 
atau sepatu!

--- On Wed, 2/4/09, frento suharto frentosuharto@ yahoo.com wrote:

From: frento suharto frentosuharto@ yahoo.com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Bottoming Out sudah lewat belum?
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 7:43 AM

Kok banyak berita, news, tulisan, wawancara, diskusi
yang mengatakan perekonomina sudah bottoming out
kalau menurut senior senior OB, betul enggak?, setuju enggak?
Newbie setuju setuju saja.



  Firefox 3: Lebih Cepat, Lebih Aman, Dapat Disesuaikan dan 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] EBA Perdana Akhirnya Diterbitkan

2009-01-29 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Could it be the indonesian version of toxicdebt being sold as harmless 
investment instrument? :)
--- Pada Jum, 30/1/09, Tommy Jayamudita jayamud...@gmail.com menulis:
Dari: Tommy Jayamudita jayamud...@gmail.com
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] EBA Perdana Akhirnya Diterbitkan
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Jumat, 30 Januari, 2009, 9:11 AM


Piutang KPR dari institusi keuangan yang membiayai perumahan 
(contoh, BTN) dijadikan efek untuk diperdagangkan, jelasnya adalah hutang 
debitur KPR dialihkan ke investor publik, ya semacam (sub prime) Morgage yang 
menghebohkan dunia tahun lalu itu lho.

  - Original Message - 
  Saham Oke 

  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
  Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 8:52 
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] EBA Perdana 
  Akhirnya Diterbitkan

  Masih gak ngerti ini produk apa 
yaaa da yg bisa 
jelasin. .

Jakarta - Setelah menunggu selama 12 
tahun sejak aturan Efek Beragun Aset (EBA) diterbitkan tahun 1997, 
akhirnya pasar modal Indonesia memiliki produk EBA yang benar-benar 
diterbitkan dan telah mendapat pernyataan efektif dari Badan Pengawas 
Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam LK).

Bapepam akhirnya 
mengizinkan penerbitan EBA untuk pertama kalinya dengan produk bernama 
Efek Beragun Aset Danareksa SMF I – KPR BTN. 

Pernyataan efektif 
Bapepam itu keluar pada 29 Januari 2009 melalui surat No: 
Surat tersebut berisi pernyataan efektif untuk produk investasi baru 
berbasis sekuritisasi dengan menggunakan wadah Kontrak Investasi 
Kolektif yaitu Efek Beragun Aset Danareksa SMF I – KPR 

http://www.detikfin ance.com/ read/2009/ 01/30/080836/ 1076531/6/ eba-perdana- 
akhirnya- diterbitkan

  Ada Naruto, Sandra Dewi dan MU di .



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] (ask) Gold menuju 300 US$.....????

2009-01-23 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Ya.. larangan pemerintah setempat pak..
seperti di vietnam.. gold nya lebih murah 20% dari indonesia.tapi konon 
pemerintah vietnam melarang emas diexport/dibawa (secara legal) keluar vietnam, 
sebesar berapapun dilarang.
--- Pada Jum, 23/1/09, anru dadaq anru.s...@gmail.com menulis:
Dari: anru dadaq anru.s...@gmail.com
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] (ask) Gold menuju 300 US$.
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Jumat, 23 Januari, 2009, 6:05 PM


Apa bisa untung dg beli gold di negara lain kemudian jual di negara

lain?  Apa ada hambatan dlm standarisasi atau larangan naik pesawat?

On 1/23/09, andri zakarias a_zakar...@yahoo. com wrote:

 Y seluruh dunia saat ini cetak dunit semua pak,

 terutama Uni Eropa yang juga punya stimulus 1.2

 triliun, Jepang $ 999 miliar (mulai April 2009). Harga

 gold dalam bentuk USD menguat 5% di tahun kemarin,

 tetapi gold dalam bentuk pound menguat 35%, so artinya

 harga gold dapat memberikan return yang menguntungkan

 tidak saja dalam bentuk dolar AS.DImana beredarnya

 uang ribuan triliun tersebut jika masuk ke sektor

 riil, akan mendorong konsumen spending dan

 jor2an...berpotensi meningkatkan inflasi (malah

 hyperinflation seperti di tahun 1980an jaman Ronald


 Kalo Indonesia khan stimulus cuma 27 triliun dikit

 amat, jadi tdk terasa imbasnya. Lapula harga gold di

 Indonesia mengikuti pergerakan dolar rupiah. Cetak

 uang besar-besaran akan melemahkan mata uang negara

 bersangkutan, so dolar AS akan anjlok, euro dan pound,

 gold akan mendapatkan keuntunmgan dari diversifikasi

 cadangan devisa. Musti diingat China, Jepang dan

 sejumlah negara di Asia Timur memiliki cadangan dalam

 bentuk USD dan emas juga. So permintaan untuk emas

 akan meningkat sebagai alternatif investasi selain

 treasury AS.

 --- lkm jkt lkm...@gmail. com wrote:

 Pak andri

 Rencana pencetakan uang besar-besaran

 (stimulus $ 8 triliun) akan mendorong potensi


 di akhir tahun atau tahun 2010, memberikan potensi

 penguatan emas ke $ 1,000/1,200 dalam periode 12



 Bila ini terjadi  harga emas akan naik terhadap USD.

 pertanyaan saya bagaimana kurs USD terhadap  Euro,

 yen dan rp

 (USA mencetak uang, tapi Euro , Yen dan rp kan tidak

 mencatak uang)


 2009/1/22 andri zakarias a_zakar...@yahoo. com

Pada dasarnya emas (komoditi) berkorelasi


  dengan dolar AS, dengan kondisi krisis ekonomi


  ini, emas dipakai investor sebagai alternatif

  investasi selain Treasury AS. Selain itu


  untuk emas fisik dari potensi diversifikasi


  devisa oleh bank sentral dan ETF (menunjukkan


  kenaikan di Desember 2008) dan produksi emas kian

  menurun, seharusnya membatasi potensi penurunan


  penguatan dolar AS terhadap majors di H1 2009 ini

  (koreksi maksimal $ 600/ons di 2009). Dalam Global

  Markets Outlook 2009 yang saya buat awal bulan ini


  kirim ke milis obrolan bandar).


  Memang hrs diwaspadai bahwa harga emas telah


  penguatan selama 7 tahun berturut-turut. Sementara

  penguatan dolar pun terbatas di H2, kekhawatiran

  defisit anggaran dan hutang AS masih membebani


  AS di tahun ini. Rencana pencetakan uang


  (stimulus $ 8 triliun) akan mendorong potensi


  di akhir tahun atau tahun 2010, memberikan potensi

  penguatan emas ke $ 1,000/1,200 dalam periode 12




  Semoga bermanfaat.


  Andri Zakarias Siregar


  --- wie 3277 hannavi3277@ gmail.com

 hannavi3277% 40gmail.com  wrote:


   Senior2 di OB, mohon informasinya ya.


   saya mendengar rumor kalo tahun ini harga gold


   terjun bebas ke harga

   300 US$.








Sent from my mobile device



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: To EMBAH, BUMI PLS HELP-- Pak Oen Comment dong

2009-01-11 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors

kalau boleh saya tambahkan, lebih baik jangan invest di emas perhiasan, karena 
ada kepercayaan di market emas indonesia bahwa emas perhiasan kadar emas nya 
dicampur dan kemurnian nya sulit di buktikan dengan mudah, kecuali di test 
dengan peralatan testing gold purity.jadi dari sisi investasi, sebagai investor 
lebih baik kita investasi di emas batangan yang purity nya lebih jelas, 
fineness 999% gold dan dibawa kemana saja, akan lebih liquid dan mudah dijual 
belikan di counter emas seluruh indonesia (bahkan di bawa ke Luar negri pun 
emas batangan lebih diappreciate)emas perhiasan kalau tidak ada sertifikat 
biasanya harga pasar yang berlaku, mungkin memang lebih rendah dari harga beli 
sebelumnya, karena perlu di ingat, kalau emas perhiasan itu ada biaya bikin 
atau design costs, yang mana kalau kita jual kembali, biaya biaya itu tidak 
akan dihitung oleh si toko pembeli, karena dia akan lebih peduli kepada 
kandungan emas sebenarnya di perhiasan
 tersebut.Oleh karena itu, investor sebaiknya beli emas batangan yang kemurnian 
emas nya jelas dan volatilitas harga pada saat jual kembali sangat rendah, just 
follow the current gold spot rate :)Hope it helps, andrew
--- Pada Sen, 12/1/09, Elly Tjung xiu22...@yahoo.com menulis:
Dari: Elly Tjung xiu22...@yahoo.com
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: To EMBAH, BUMI PLS HELP-- Pak Oen Comment dong
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 12 Januari, 2009, 11:25 AM


tahnks pak oen, sayang walaupun wanita ttp saya krg menyukai 
but thanks u/ info-nya ya semoga oentunnnggg besar ya nantinya.GBU

--- On Mon, 12/1/09, Provokator Saham oentoeng_qq@ yahoo.com wrote:

From: Provokator Saham oentoeng_qq@ yahoo.com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: To EMBAH, BUMI PLS HELP-- Pak Oen Comment dong
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Monday, 12 January, 2009, 11:14 AM

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Elly Tjung xiu22...@.. . wrote:

 Pak Oen,
 MO tanya saaya belum mengerti mengenai investasi emas, apakah
maksudnya emas dlm bentuk perhiasan atau batangan ya ?

Bicara investasi emas utk saya pribadi, tdk terlalu muluk2.
Jangan terlalu jauh membayangkannya.
Untuk emas saya trading OL, byk situs yg menawarkan kl anda sering
main di future market.
Kalau yg saya bicarakan kemarin adalah perhiasan istri saya yg selama
ini kami kumpulkan.
Kalau yg dpt dari warisan nggak kami otak-atik...
Intinya saya sedang menyiapkan duit cash sebanyak mungkin untuk
antisipasi keadaan 2009 ini...

 Dan kalau emas dlm bentuk perhiasan jika tdk punya surat lagi
berarti harga akan turun, kira-2 turun berapa persen ya pak ?

Kalau suratnya nggak ada
 mestinya harganya jatuh.
Lebih jelasnya tanya aja ke toko emas, dihargai berapa oleh mereka.
Mestinya member OB yg ibu2 lebih tahu, apalagi kalau ada yg jadi
istri pejabat, 
Khan kesukaan mereka pameran saat ada pertemuan.

 Thanks u/ penjelasannya

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: To EMBAH, BUMI PLS HELP-- Pak Oen Comment dong

2009-01-11 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Certificate toko atau certificate antam pak?kalau di jakarta, bisa coba di 
bursa emas Cikini, Jak-Pus, seberang stasiun kereta cikini.
banyak merchant emas disana banyak jual emas batangan dengan 'in-house' 
certificate, alias sertifikat buatan mereka sendiri yang keabsahan nya mungkin 
hanya berlaku seluruh indonesia, kalau certificate antam bisa berlaku di 
seluruh dunia. tapi biasanya merchant merchant emas itu kasih service scouting 
antam gold juga kok pak..jadi mereka bisa carikan lewat jalur mereka kalau kita 
order emas batangan yang certificate antam lewat mereka, ada biaya jasa mungkin 
sih, tapi ini lebih mudah, daripada kita harus jauh jauh ke antam langsung di 
pulogadung, kadang stock sudah habis :)
--- Pada Sen, 12/1/09, Vincent Chase chase.vinc...@yahoo.com menulis:
Dari: Vincent Chase chase.vinc...@yahoo.com
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: To EMBAH, BUMI PLS HELP-- Pak Oen Comment dong
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 12 Januari, 2009, 12:25 PM


bole tau dimana bisa beli emas batangan yg ada certificatenya? 
Indonesian Private Investors indonesianprivatein vest...@yahoo. co.id wrote:  

kalau boleh saya tambahkan, lebih baik jangan invest di emas perhiasan, karena 
ada kepercayaan di market emas indonesia
 bahwa emas perhiasan kadar emas nya dicampur dan kemurnian nya sulit di 
buktikan dengan mudah, kecuali di test dengan peralatan testing gold 
purity.jadi dari sisi investasi, sebagai investor lebih baik kita investasi di 
emas batangan yang purity nya lebih jelas, fineness 999% gold dan dibawa kemana 
saja, akan lebih liquid dan mudah dijual belikan di counter emas seluruh 
indonesia (bahkan di bawa ke Luar negri pun emas batangan lebih 
diappreciate)emas perhiasan kalau tidak ada sertifikat biasanya harga pasar 
yang berlaku, mungkin memang lebih rendah dari harga beli sebelumnya, karena 
perlu di ingat, kalau emas perhiasan itu ada biaya bikin atau design costs, 
yang mana kalau kita jual kembali, biaya biaya itu  tidak akan dihitung oleh si 
toko pembeli, karena dia akan lebih peduli kepada kandungan emas sebenarnya 
di perhiasan tersebut.Oleh karena itu, investor sebaiknya beli emas batangan 
yang kemurnian emas
 nya jelas dan volatilitas harga pada saat jual kembali sangat rendah, just 
follow the current gold spot rate :)Hope it helps, andrew
--- Pada Sen, 12/1/09, Elly Tjung xiu22...@yahoo. com menulis:
Dari: Elly Tjung xiu22...@yahoo. com
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: To EMBAH, BUMI PLS HELP-- Pak Oen Comment dong
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Tanggal: Senin, 12 Januari, 2009, 11:25 AM

  tahnks pak oen, sayang walaupun wanita ttp 
saya krg menyukai perhiasan. but thanks u/ info-nya ya semoga oentunnnggg besar 
ya nantinya.GBU

--- On Mon, 12/1/09, Provokator Saham oentoeng_qq@ yahoo.com wrote:
 From: Provokator Saham oentoeng_qq@ yahoo.com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: To EMBAH, BUMI PLS HELP-- Pak Oen Comment dong
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Monday, 12 January, 2009, 11:14 AM

   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Elly Tjung xiu22...@.. . wrote:

 Pak Oen,
 MO tanya saaya belum mengerti mengenai investasi emas, apakah
maksudnya emas dlm bentuk perhiasan atau batangan ya ?

Bicara investasi emas utk
 saya pribadi, tdk terlalu muluk2.
Jangan terlalu jauh membayangkannya.
Untuk emas saya trading OL, byk situs yg menawarkan kl anda sering
main di future market.
Kalau yg saya bicarakan kemarin adalah perhiasan istri saya yg selama
ini kami kumpulkan.
Kalau yg dpt dari warisan nggak kami otak-atik...
Intinya saya sedang menyiapkan duit cash sebanyak mungkin untuk
antisipasi keadaan 2009 ini...

 Dan kalau emas dlm bentuk perhiasan jika tdk punya surat lagi
berarti harga akan turun, kira-2 turun berapa persen ya pak ?

Kalau suratnya nggak ada  mestinya harganya jatuh.
Lebih jelasnya tanya aja ke toko emas, dihargai berapa oleh mereka.
Mestinya member OB yg ibu2 lebih tahu, apalagi kalau ada yg jadi
istri pejabat, 
Khan kesukaan mereka pameran saat ada pertemuan.

 Thanks u/ penjelasannya

 New Email addresses available on Yahoo!  
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 Hurry before someone else does! 
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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Phillip securities

2009-01-08 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Established in 1975, PhillipCapital is a group of companies which offers a full 
range of quality and innovative financial services to retail, corporate and 
institutional customers. Our comprehensive suite of financial services include 
fund management, unit trusts, hedge funds, insurance planning, investment 
research and broking in bond, securities, futures, foreign exchange, precious 
metals and commodities. Institutions can also benefit from our corporate 
finance and advisory services as well as information technology solutions. 
Currently, we have more than 2800 staff in Asia and Europe and total 
shareholders’ funds in excess of US$600 million. 

Today, Phillip capital operate in the financial hubs of 10 countries, with 
offices in Singapore, United Kingdom, France, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, 
Japan, Australia, Malaysia and Indonesia. In Singapore, our members include 
Phillip Securities, Phillip Securities Research, Phillip Futures, Phillip 
Financial, Phillip Capital Management, CyberQuote, Phillip Private Equity, 
Phillip Trading, IFS Capital Limited and ECICS Limited.

--- Pada Kam, 8/1/09, y_dizz y_d...@mail2web.com menulis:
Dari: y_dizz y_d...@mail2web.com
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Phillip securities
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Kamis, 8 Januari, 2009, 6:03 PM


Btw, Phillips itu broker lokal atau asing sih?



Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru.
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Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!

Bls: [obrolan-bandar] RE: [ ] Scandal demi scandal di dunia investasi

2008-12-17 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
The real lesson is, you just can not trust Paper Asset based investment 
instrument 100% 
Paper asset instrument is only worth at whatever the people believed to be 
worth and based on whomever is acting as the market maker of it.A true 
investment would be in the forms that you can touch, you can have high control 
over the investment (if not complete control) and are not easy to manipulated 
in its inherent value... Hard asset investments :)
--- Pada Kam, 18/12/08, Dadi Resmawan dadiresmawa...@yahoo.com menulis:
Dari: Dadi Resmawan dadiresmawa...@yahoo.com
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] RE: [ ] Scandal demi scandal di dunia investasi
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, sa...@yahoogruops.com, 
Tanggal: Kamis, 18 Desember, 2008, 9:11 AM


 Apa yang harus dilakukan oleh investor yang mengalami kasus investasi 'yg 
diduga bodong'; seperti madof atau beberapa kasus di indonesia yg mulai banyak 
terkuak ? pelajaran  apa saja yg harus kita ambil? bagaimana peran riil 
regulator (pemerintah) ? apakah kejahatan seperti ini, di bursa  bisa 
terimakasih. ...

mohon sharing pengetahuan dan pengalamannya dari rekan-rekan?

--- On Mon, 12/15/08, Agus S. Djamil Agus.Djamil@ bnpc.com. bn wrote:
From: Agus S. Djamil Agus.Djamil@ bnpc.com. bn
Subject: RE: [junior_Trader] Scandal demi scandal di Amerika
To: junior_Trader@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 9:38 PM

Gunung Es ya betul sekali tuh.
Nampaknya skandal yang paling raksasa adalah keberadaan The Fed 
itu sendiri, yang swasta tapi dipersepsikan milik negara. Uniknya, lembaga 
ini didirikan di Jeckyl Island pas pada liburan natal, 23 Desember 1913. Secara 
Undang-undang, shareholder TheFed dijamin dapat deviden 6% pertahun. 
Agus S. 

From: Soeratman Doerachman 
[mailto:ratman@ cbn.net.id]
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 9:54 
To: junior_Trader@ yahoogroups. com
[junior_Trader] Scandal demi scandal di Amerika

Canggih systemnya canggih juga kejahatannya. Dan itu terjadi di 

Madoff Scandal. Kita lihat saja perkembangannya. Apakah tidak 
gunung es juga yang hanya nampak puncaknya saja dipermukan dan 
banyak menyembunyikan sesuatu.

Bari kita monitor pengaruh 
  scandal ini terhadap pasar. Banyak korban
bergelimpangan mulai dari dana 
  pensiun, lembaga pendidikan dan hampir
banyak bank di dunia.

  berdebar-debar juga kia seandainya terjadi redeem besar-besaran di
  Apaka ada yang bernasib sama seperti Madoff?





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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Bank-Bank Besar Akui Terkena Aksi Madoff

2008-12-15 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Itu lah bahaya nya investasi paper asset yang penuh dengan counter party 
risks.Paper asset banyak di pengaruhi institutional/ counter party risks.. 
kalau counter party risks default atau collapse, bisa jadi worthless investasi 
Those banks should have invested in hard assets, things they can touch and no 
one can take it away from them nor manipulate their intrinsic values :)
--- Pada Sel, 16/12/08, Hendri Cendra Arcan han...@gmail.com menulis:
Dari: Hendri Cendra Arcan han...@gmail.com
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Bank-Bank Besar Akui Terkena Aksi Madoff
Kepada: obrolan-bandar obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Selasa, 16 Desember, 2008, 9:47 AM


http://www.kompas. com/read/ xml/2008/ 12/16/09191864/ Bank-Bank. 
Besar.Akui. Terkena.Aksi. Madoff

Kompas.com, Selasa, 16 Desember 2008 | 09:19 WIB

MADRID, SENIN - Bank-bank di seluruh dunia mulai menghitung potensi

kerugian dari penipuan Bernard L. Madoff, seorang broker veteran dan

mantan Chairman Bursa Nasdaq. Efek ulah Madoff yang merugikan  50

miliar dollar AS dana nasabah ini bakal hebat.

Hingga kemarin, beberapa bank besar mulai mengakui investasinya dalam

produk-produk Madoff. Bank terbesar di Spanyol dan kedua di Eropa,

Banco Santander, menyatakan produk investasinya memiliki eksposur

senilai 2,33 miliar euro (3,1 miliar dollar AS) di Madoff. Bank itu

juga menginvestasikan 17 juta euro dana investasinya sendiri dalam

produk Madoff.

Dari Eropa, bank Prancis, BNP Paribas, menghitung akan rugi 350 juta

dollar euro . Tapi, Paribas mengklaim tak punya investasi langsung.

Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) Inggris pun ikut terkena getah Madoff,

tanpa merinci total kerugiannya.

Di Asia, broker top Jepang, Nomura, mengakui bakal menghadapi kerugian

27,5 miliar euro (302 juta dollar AS). Masih dari Asia, institusi

keuangan Korea Selatan mungkin juga rugi 100 juta dollar AS akibat

skandal Madoff.

Harian Financial Times melaporkan, HSBC dan Union Bancaire Privee

Swiss, mungkin juga tersandung Madoff. HSBC akan terkena sekitar 1

miliar dollar AS karena bank itu memberi pinjaman kepada klien

institusi, terutama hedge fund, yang membenamkan duitnya pada produk

Madoff. Sayang, kedua bank itu masih bungkam.

Yang jelas, skandal Madoff memaksa otoritas pasar modal dan perbankan

di berbagai negara menelusuri jejak penipuan Madoff di negara mereka.

Sebagai contoh, badan pengawas pasar modal Italia, Consob, mulai

menyelidiki dampak skandal Madoff terhadap sistem finansial negara

itu. Bank sentral Spanyol, Bank of Spain, juga melakukan langkah

serupa guna mencari tahu efeknya terhadap perusahaan Spanyol.

Sejauh ini, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) terus memeriksa

Madoff. SEC menemukan, Madoff menjalankan skema Ponzi itu lewat

institusi manajemen dana ilegal dan bisa menyeret tersangka lain.

Dua orang karyawan Madoff mengungkapkan, Madoff menjalankan bisnis

konsultasi investasi dari kantornya di lantai 17. Ia jarang muncul di

lantai 18 dan 19, kantor unit trading dan administrasi perusahaan.

Rika Theo



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Oil May Fall Below $25 Next Year, Merrill Lynch Says

2008-12-05 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Maaf pak..mengenai booming 2012..dengan negara negara maju yang terus 
mengencangkan ikat pinggang dan merubah pola hidup nya...nanti di 2012 
seandainya industri Asia masih produksi barang pun, yang beli siapa 
ya..Diantara sesama negara Asia saja, sudah saling gontok gontokan cari market 
:)andalkan domestic market, sepertinya masih belum kuat menyerap.andrew

--- Pada Jum, 5/12/08, Marlow Riza [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
abis itu kita jual mahal lagi when industrial booming again in 2012 


Dapatkan alamat Email baru Anda!
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan sebelum diambil orang lain!

Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Heran, kenapa MI Asing? Apa MI lokal ga punya kemampuan?

2008-11-06 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
banyak juga DP di handle danareksa kok pak..mungkin kurang di expose saja :)

--- Pada Jum, 7/11/08, didi hernandi [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: didi hernandi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Heran, kenapa MI Asing? Apa MI lokal ga punya kemampuan?
Kepada: Obrolan Bandar obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Jumat, 7 November, 2008, 11:27 AM


Di koran BI hr ini hal.9 ada foto Dirut BEI duduk disebelah 
Dir.Schroeder, acar di BEI soal peran BEI membantu investasi Dana Pensiun di 
Pasar Modal yg dihadiri Pendiri (induknya) Dana Pensiun...

Beberapa kali sy hadir di acara yg melibatkan Dana Pensiun yg diarrange 
regulator maupun asosiasi DP  sering pula ketemu Dir.Schroeder ini... 
Heran, sepertinya DP diarahin ke MI asing nih? Padahal yg dikelola DP itu uang 
pensiunan yg ngebangun negeri ini loh berikut janda  anak2 yatim-piatunya. .. 
Mana rasa nasionalismenya? Kenapa dg MI lokal? Apa MI2 lokal pada memble-2 n ga 
punya kemampuan seperti MI asing? Apa MI2 lokal kurang lobby atau gimana? 
Prestasi? Sy yakin MI2 lokal jg banyak yg jago2... Ayo MI2 lokal, buktikan 
bahwa kamu orang itu bukan inlander  kamulah pemilik negeri ini...!
Selamat Hari Pahlawan, 10 Nopember 2008



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Re: [obrolan-bandar] How do we know if our stocks is on the KSEI list with our name listed on them??

2008-10-15 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Dulu waktu masih di jakarta saya pernah menanyakan hal ini ke KSEI langsung, 
tapi jawaban dari mereka kurang memuaskan.
Pada intinya saat itu saya tidak bisa cek kepemilikan saham saya apakah sudah 
terdaftar di KSEI, karena KSEI tidak ada divisi yang menghandle penge-checkan 
untuk retail investor. (apakah institutional investor bisa? saya kurang 
tahu)Lalu saya tanyakan bagaimana posisi saya sebagai retail investor untuk 
memastikan kepemilikan saham saya? Orang di KSEI mengatakan, ya bapak harus 
percaya dengan laporan dari broker saja pak, oleh karena nya bapak pastikan 
broker bapak credible dan trustworthy.Karena saya terburu buru saya tidak 
sempat menanyakan lebih jauh lagi.Oleh sebab itu, menurut saya kalau untuk 
investasi long term, lebih baik jangan paper asset deh pak.Invest di hard asset 
saja, yang memang tangible, bisa kita lihat kapanpun bisa di pegang dan dengan 
value atau nilai nominal uang yang HOLDING, alias tidak mudah naik turun di 
kocok kocok market :)-Andrew
--- Pada Rab, 15/10/08, Christian Wijaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: Christian Wijaya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] How do we know if our stocks is on the KSEI list 
with our name listed on them??
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Rabu, 15 Oktober, 2008, 8:29 PM


Kok, keliatannya ga ada yang tahu masalah ini  ya?
padahal kan penting juga dalam kondisi begini, bagaimana kita bisa tahu bahwa 
saham yang dibeli itu atas nama kita bukan atas nama pihak lain?
Kalau kita mau invest jangka panjang bagaimana kita bisa tenang kalau tidak 
bisa tahu pasti bahwa saham yang kita beli itu atas nama kita, 

kalau misalnya suatu saat sekuritas ada masalah dan tutup terus kita punya 
bukti apa bahwa kita memiliki suatu saham tersebut, dan bagaimana cara kita 
klaim saham tersebut jika sekuritasnya sudah tidak ada.
Mungkin para senior OB bisa ada yang bantu jelasin?

Sebelumnya terima kasih.

2008/10/14 David Chandra [EMAIL PROTECTED] com

2008/10/14 CRB Trader [EMAIL PROTECTED] com

Saya sudah minta no. Sub Account, dan sudah dikasih. Cuman saya 
tidak tahu bagaimana menggunakannya ya?saya coba buka website KSEI kayaknya ga 
ada link untuk mengetahui kepemilikan saham.

anyone can help us?? 




Dapatkan nama yang Anda sukai!
Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki email di @ymail.com dan @rocketmail.com.


2008-10-08 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Prepare for your pension days with hard asset is much better.. not just gold.. 
other altenative hard assets are available. Paper asset... like insurance 
policies etc.. in later years..  COLD only mean just that.. paper..
One should hedge their wealth in more tangible assets in the era of financial 
slowdown (if not meltdown)
--- Pada Rab, 8/10/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Kepada: Obrolan Bandar obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Rabu, 8 Oktober, 2008, 2:18 PM


Numpang tanya, apakah memang di milis ini diijinkan memasang iklan seperti 
di bawah ini?

Cuma berkhayal, kalau semua produk asuransi pasang iklan di sini apa kata dunia 

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®From:  wadvisor [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2008 06:43:22 -
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 ( Rp 4 JUTA/TAHUN )

 MAESTRO Link Plus
 Menabung  Investasikanlah dana Anda bersama AXA Financial.
 Selama menabung  berinvestasi Anda akan mendapatkan Proteksi berupa : 
 Santunan Tutup Usia karena sakit  karena Kecelakaan  ; Santunan Cacat
 Tetap Total ; Santunan Menderita Penyakit Kritis ; Santunan Rawat Inap
 Cara pembayaran premi yang fleksibel
 ( perbulan ; per-tiga bulan ; per-enam bulan ; pertahun )
 Jangka waktu pembayaran premi yang fleksibel
 (  selama 2 tahun ; 3 tahun ; 5 tahun ; 7 tahun ; 10 tahun dst )

 Return Investasi 18% pertahun
 Fund Manager : PT.Fortis Investment ; PT.Schroder Investment
 Management Indonesia ; 
   PT.AXA Asset Management Indonesia ;
 PT.CIMB-GK Securities Indonesia

 Program Golden Years Plan ( Dana Pensiun )
  Pensiun itu Pasti. Pensiun Sejahtera itu Pilihan. 
 Menurut Survey AXA Life Outlook Index, 78% masyarakat di Indonesia
 yang berusia antara 
 25-50 tahun, dan memiliki pengeluaran minimum Rp 2 juta/bulan
 Marilah menurunkan standar hidup supaya dapat pensiun lebih awal
 dan sejahtera.

 Berikut penjelasan Manfaat  beberapa perincian Nilai Investasi yang
 akan didapat dengan jangka waktu pembayaran premi selama 5 tahun
 dengan asumsi return 18% pertahun.
 Semakin muda usia masuk, semakin besar Nilai Investasi yang akan didapat.

 Usia masuk 35 tahun 
 Cara Pembayaran Premi Tahunan Rp 4 juta ( Rp 334 ribu/bulan )
 Jangka Waktu Pembayaran 5 tahun ( Cuti Premi tahun ke-6 )

 Nilai Investasi yang akan didapat 
 Usia 45 thn Rp  35.728.000
 Usia 50 thn Rp  73.566.000
 Usia 55 thn Rp156.339.000
 Usia 60 thn Rp339.979.000
 Usia 65 thn Rp753.914.000
 Usia 70 thn Rp 1.709.229.000
 Usia 75 thn Rp 3.886.765.000 Pensiun Sejahtera

 Selama berinvestasi anda akan mendapatkan manfaat berupa :
 Uang Pertanggungan jika tutup usia alami / sakit Rp  
 39 juta + Nilai Investasi
 Uang Pertanggungan jika tutup usia karena kecelakaan   Rp   78
 juta + Nilai Investasi
 Uang Pertanggungan jika mengalami cacat tetap total Rp   39
 juta + Nilai Investasi
 Uang Pertanggungan jika menderita penyakit kritis Rp   39
 juta + Nilai Investasi

 Usia masuk 35 tahun 
 Cara Pembayaran Premi Per enam Bulan Rp 2,5 juta ( Rp 417 ribu/bulan )
 Jangka Waktu Pembayaran 5 tahun ( Cuti Premi tahun ke-6 )

 Nilai Investasi yang akan didapat 
 Usia 45 thn Rp  36.972.000
 Usia 50 thn Rp  71.653.000
 Usia 55 thn Rp143.638.000
 Usia 60 thn Rp301.126.000
 Usia 65 thn Rp664.398.000
 Usia 70 thn Rp 1.504.095.000
 Usia 75 thn Rp 3.416.852.000 Pensiun Sejahtera

 Selama berinvestasi anda akan mendapatkan manfaat berupa :
 Uang Pertanggungan jika tutup usia alami / sakit Rp  
 42 juta + Nilai Investasi
 Uang Pertanggungan jika tutup usia karena kecelakaan   Rp   84
 juta + Nilai Investasi
 Uang Pertanggungan jika mengalami cacat tetap total Rp   42
 juta + Nilai Investasi
 Uang Pertanggungan jika menderita penyakit kritis Rp   42
 juta + Nilai Investasi
 Santunan Rawat Inap Rp 200.000/hari, max 120 hari/tahun 
 + Santunan Pembedahan max Rp 4 juta/tahun

 Usia masuk 35 tahun 
 Cara Pembayaran Premi Per tiga Bulan Rp 1,5 juta ( Rp 500 ribu/bulan )
 Jangka Waktu Pembayaran 5 tahun ( Cuti Premi tahun ke-6 )

 Nilai Investasi yang akan didapat 
 Usia 45 thn Rp  48.130.000
 Usia 50 thn Rp  96.353.000
 Usia 55 thn Rp198.736.000
 Usia 60 thn Rp424.811.000
 Usia 65 thn Rp943.737.000
 Usia 70 thn Rp 2.140.966.000
 Usia 75 thn Rp 4.870.293.000 Pensiun Sejahtera

 Selama berinvestasi anda akan mendapatkan manfaat berupa :
 Uang Pertanggungan jika tutup usia alami / sakit Rp  
 50 juta + Nilai Investasi

Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Congress OKs historic bailout bill

2008-10-03 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Yes :)Welcome Gold USD$1500/oz soon

--- Pada Sab, 4/10/08, Sasuke [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Congress OKs historic bailout bill
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Sabtu, 4 Oktober, 2008, 12:44 AM


Tuh ...dah beres.

http://biz.yahoo. com/ap/081003/ financial_ meltdown. html

:) semua ya




Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru.
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] apa sih Bailout itu?

2008-10-02 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
betul... memang, bail out in lebih kepada memaintain investor confidence.. 
kalau ambruk confidence nya.. dengan sendirinya akan meltdown juga..
soal 700bio... memang 5 atau 6% dari US GDP, tapi hutang USA masih jauh lebih 
besar daripada total seluruh US GDP nya... sekitar 18 Trilyun kalau tidak 
salah.. makanya pusing mereka.. :)
--- Pada Kam, 2/10/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] apa sih Bailout itu?
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Kamis, 2 Oktober, 2008, 2:43 PM


CMIIW, saya sbg orang awam coba buat diskusi, kalo salah mohon

koreksi...hehehe. ...

Institusi Keuangan mempunyai hutang kpd investor, dg jaminan aset

(aset jelek skr : property, lewat mortgage (saya lupa istilah

Indonesianya) ). Pada saat investor mau ambil dananya maka Institusi

tersebut kehabisan dana, ini yg terjadi sekarang likuiditas sulit, krn

aset tsb sulit dijual dan seandainya dijual pun harganya rendah, jadi

oleh pemerintah di bailout, artinya dana diberi pemerintah tapi dengan

jaminan saham (institusi tsb memberi saham kpd pemerintah) skenario

mirip di Indonesia (Pengelola Aset).

Ini proposal Bush/ Paulson kalo ga salah.

Sekarang mestinya proposal/ skenario tsb bisa diterima menjadi undang2

tanpa ketakutan, krn nanti PELAKSANAANNYA yg harus diperketat, nilai

aset dan manajemen harus dinilai dg rapi.

Dan semoga isunya jangan bergeser menjadi isu politik.

Keuangan/ administrasi Bush memang buruk tapi mestinya jangan dicampur

aduk dg kondisi skr. Booming perumahan itu sebenarnya dinikmati rakyat

US juga : lapangan pekerjaan, profit dll.

Mengenai isu politik Bush (bailout panjang kalo dibahas), tapi bailout

itu sendiri sebenarnya tidaklah dramatis USD 700 bio (setara dg 5-6%

GDP US sekarang, itupun dana yg dipakai tidak langsung sepenuhnya,

kalo kondisi membaik sisa dana bisa tidak terpakai-ref: Paulson

mengindikasikan USD 350 bio langsung terpakai). Efek psikologis yg

lebih penting dr bailout ini, shg investor tidak merush dana.


--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, meizal [EMAIL PROTECTED] . wrote:

 itu cara lain nasionalisasi, tapi bedanya kalo nasionalisasi persh

yang di beli/ambil-- - aset nya...lha ini yang diambil/talangin( kt

aria ) --kewajiban/ hutang nya...ujung2nya sama2 aja secara g langsung

/bisnis nya jadi di miliki/di intervensi pemerintah,karna g ada yang

mo beli, apa lagi kalo hutang nya  aset nya...gitu kali

ya...kaliii. ..., emang jadi ngtrend nih kosakata...hehehehe


   - Original Message - 

   From: Aria Bela Nusa 

   To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 


   Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2008 6:40 AM

   Subject: RE: [SPAM]Re: [obrolan-bandar] apa sih Bailout itu?




   :) = dana talangan - mudah2an hari Jumat ini disetujui bail-out dg

sweeteners-nya itu 'ama Senat di sono - 'kali ini.








   Happy Chuan,










   From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

[mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Syahrul Ramadhan

   Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 5:43 AM

   To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

   Subject: [SPAM]Re: [obrolan-bandar] apa sih Bailout itu?




   BLBI-nya US.




   http://tentangsaham .gate.hk


   On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 9:12 PM, thom chris thom_chris2000@ ...





 apa sih Bailout itu?





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Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

2008-09-27 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Mungkin Nilai Gold nya tidak kemana mana pak..
tapi nilai USD nya yang terus melorot kebawah.. :)
--- Pada Sab, 27/9/08, er1ck [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Sabtu, 27 September, 2008, 7:38 PM


yg mahal bisa lebih mahal yg murah bisa jadi murahan , target saya 
klo ini si DJI ga kunjung sembuh / malah ancur goldnya bisa ke atas 1.000 lagi 
, target maks dlm 1-2 taun bisa ke 1.500 :-D 

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 11:41 AM, SbudianaY [EMAIL PROTECTED] com.sg wrote:

Tinggal liat harga dalam USD per ouncenya aja terus kali rate Rp dan bagi k.l. 
31gram dpt deh harga dlm Rp per gram nya, tapi harga Gold sekarang lg mahal 
kan, maksudnya jauh diatas habitatnya. 

Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device

From: Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:31:36 +0700 

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

Iya, ayah saya sih gitu...cuma saya pikir apa lebih baik langsung dari 
antm...harganya sdh naik banyak belum ya? Ada yg pantau? hehe tku!

On 9/22/08, Dick Q passion8899@ gmail.com wrote: 

Beli di toko emas saja Pak, lebih gampang..
ada sertificate dari PT Logam Mulia..jadi gak usah khawatir mengenai 

- Original Message - 

From: Rei 
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 

Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 10:17 AM

Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Gold

 Teman2, ada yg tahu kalo mau beli emas batangan ke mana? Langsung ke antm? 
atau via toko mas? Mana yg lebih better? trims! 





Nama baru untuk Anda! 
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!

Bls: [obrolan-bandar] GIC masuk emerging Market ???

2008-09-23 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
:) amen to that pak..they better put in Asia than losing those billions that 
GIC oredi put in US of A
GIC made a move too early in US of A.. should have put in Asia or EM first.
--- Pada Rab, 24/9/08, qasuaribo [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: qasuaribo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] GIC masuk emerging Market ???
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Rabu, 24 September, 2008, 9:13 AM


Berita baik buat para BULL'ers, tapi bikin pusing BEAR'ers. 

langkah ini akan diikuti pula oleh institusi2 sejenis lainnya. Belum 

lagi lirikan Arab-arab sono yang lagi nyari tempat parkir duitnya. 

Mudah2an INDOSAT bisa jadi trigger.

Anyway INCO kemarin betul-betul yahud, mudah2an INI adalah salah satu 

sinyal dan akan muncul 'INCO-INCO' lainnya. Setuju ..???

God bless us.

Analisa Dengkoel




Nama baru untuk Anda! 
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Program bail-out Amerika

2008-09-21 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Yes derivative bomb, mixture from those toxic asset deals..they launched a 700 
billions bail out, but the derivative bomb is close to 90 trillion USDkind of 
pointless bail out if one maybe bold about this matter 
--- Pada Sen, 22/9/08, vividtrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: vividtrader [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Program bail-out Amerika
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 22 September, 2008, 12:17 AM


Sepertinya bakal lebih ruwet daripada BLBInya Indonesia deh klo kyk 
gini  jadi ini ttg derivative bubble  bukan cuma SPM ya? mohon senior 


Pada 21 September 2008 22:56, indf2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] com menulis:

Mbah dan rekan2 
dr baca2 
beberapa artikel sih, ada bbrp kesimpulan: 


700B yg mau di-bail out itu toxic asset yg merupakan 
derivative contracts. Rata2 skr derivative contracts itu bisa worthless 5% dr 
face value, dan bisa jg hangus. Mgkn lain dg kasus Indonesia yg 
mgkn merupakan hard asset (yg nilainya selalu bisa kembali). 


Scenario bail-out msh blm jelas, 

toxic asset tsb dibeli dr harga sbnrnya 
(mark-to-market) , 

dibeli dg harga yg unrealistic 


di scenario a), tentunya si holdernya (financial 
institution) bisa menghadapi kebangkrutan, kl asset writedown tll besar. 
kl mau ky gini buat apa bail out2 an) 


Di scenario b), ini moral hazard. Efeknya mgkn tdk 
terasa langsung, tp scr long-term point of view, ini adalah alokasi asset bagus 
utk asset jelek (value destruction) . Financial institution bisa survive, tp 
implikasi ekonomis akan lbh serius. 


Pendanaan dr mana, bisa dari: 

a) taxpayer money 

b) printing money, 

c) kombinasi 2 di atas. 


implikasi dr 3 pilihan ini ya semuanya buruk. Kl dr 
taxpayer money, taxpayer money itu 
ʽkan utk program govt, subsidi 
sector ini, kembangkan sector lain yg prospek growth bagus. Kl dipake utk ky 
ginian, resource yg ada akan habis. Uang yg mestinya bisa utk value creation 
(penciptaaan lapangan kerja  penyerapannya, produk2 bagus  kreatif yg 
menarik bagi pasar). 


printing money, scr otomatis akan mengharuskan 
US treasury 
terbitkan surat utang/obligasi baru 
dlm jumlah massal. Penerbitan obligasi baru tentunya akan membuat harga 
US tertekan 
 bunga obligasi makin menyeret hutang 
US ke 
dunia/domestic makin tinggi. Harga obligasi turun - tingkat bunganya makin 
tinggi (jika makin susah utk cari hutang baru, tentunya mesti dirangsang dg 
bunga lbh tinggi). Sbg contoh, keadaan Indonesia skr (bbrp bln terakhir), 
mulai tight, bunga deposito pun naik (krn utk memberi kredit, bank mesti 
memiliki tingkat deposit yg cukup - LDR - loan to deposit ratio) 


Akibatnya USD menurun. Tingkat bunga tinggi - 
credit market yg tight. Tight credit tentunya akan menghambat pertumbuhan 
ekonomi, pengangguran meningkat, dll. Ini jd negative feedback. 


Indikasi credit market tight ini sudah kelihatan skr2 
ini. Bisa lebih serius dg program bail out ky gini. Ini masih belum melihat 
luar biasanya kl sampe ada downgrade rating obligasi 


Jd view 
bahwa dg bail out spt ini akan recovery, itu adalah falsehood. Utk kesalahan 
sebesar ini, pasti harus dilalui dg resesi. Resesi2 dahulu jg membersihkan 
 membetulkan pandangan  premis2 yg salah (contoh: Nasdaq bubble, 
anggapan bahwa harga rumah tdk akan turun, akan selalu naik). Sdgkan 
yg skr makin dibuat serius, ditambah lg dg moral hazard. Resesi ditunda, 
bisa... tp terelakkan, tdk mungkin. 


Resesi pd 
hakikatnya, itu membersihkan sistem ekonomi dr alokasi investasi yg salah 
(mal-investment) . Kl bail-out, skr good money 
dibuat beli bad money - value destruction. Jelas mal-investment menjadi 
lebih parah  konsekuensinya akan lebih serius. 


Kalau mengenai stock market-nya, itu tergantung 
persepsi pasar pd saat ini. Ya kl memang persepsi positif, stock market 
bisa naik (uptrend on false premise). Jd kl mau masuk pun tdk apa2, istilahnya 
being wrong at the right time. Tapi hati2, sambil ingat uptrend yg terjadi 
adalah on false premise. Ketika false premise ini ter-expose, efeknya akan 
catastrophic. Jd siap2 keluar sblm premise-nya ter-expose (selalu 
Tapi melihat pengalaman Indonesia dengan BPPN-nya, 
ternyata hasilnya cukup sukses, terbukti ekonomi Indonesia terus membaik dari 
tahun ke tahun.
Apakah Amerika bisa mengikuti kesuksesan 







Re: [obrolan-bandar] POEMS Mobile Aplication

2008-09-20 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
actually with PDA you can access poems normal website with ease..no need to 
sign up with poems mobile application.
but thats the thing, you need a PDA with at least winmobile 6 and IE or Opera 
--- Pada Ming, 21/9/08, Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] POEMS Mobile Aplication
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Minggu, 21 September, 2008, 10:08 AM


walah pak.. bb dibuat brosing aja lelet.. apalagi buat streaming 


beli ppc lagi dong ah.. jangan mau kalah ama engkong SB yg gadget nya 

segabruk :))

On 09/21/2008 9:25 AM,  bussBerry™ wrote:

 Apakah POEM Mobile app bisa bekerja pada HH  BlackBerry™ ?




Dapatkan situs lowongan kerja - Yahoo! Indonesia Search.

Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Dow Surges 400 on Report of Entity for Bad Debt...

2008-09-18 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Its amazing eh..the US gov keep bailing out like crazy.. printing money as fast 
as they could... a worse outcome in the end.. greatest inflation of all time.. 
welcome milk price $50 soon in US of A
yet the market happy for a while..
--- Pada Jum, 19/9/08, Vic [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Dow Surges 400 on Report of Entity for Bad Debt...
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Jumat, 19 September, 2008, 7:38 AM


regional ijo2. aord +2,72%, bhp.ax +1,94%.

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Aria Bela Nusa [EMAIL PROTECTED] .


  http://biz.yahoo. com/top.html Top Stories

  http://biz.yahoo. com/ap/080918/ wall_street. html Dow Surges 400 on


 of Entity for Bad Debt- AP 

 Wall Street has ended a volatile session sharply higher after a stunning

 late-session turnaround that sent the Dow Jones industrials up about 400

 points. The big comeback followed a report that the federal

government may

 create an entity that will take over banks' bad debt.

 http://biz.yahoo. com/ap/080918/ wall_street. html



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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Short Seller Merajalela di W.Street, hari ini giliran BEI ??

2008-09-17 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Morgan mau dibeli perusahaan china.. CITIC..
tunggu saja waktu nya.. :)
--- Pada Kam, 18/9/08, JsxTrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Short Seller Merajalela di W.Street, hari ini giliran 
BEI ??
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tanggal: Kamis, 18 September, 2008, 4:50 AM


Morgan Stanley CEO blames rout on short sellers    

18 September 2008 4:07:54 (GMT+07:00) 

Provided by: Reuters News  


By Joseph A. Giannone  


NEW YORK, Sept 17 (Reuters) - Morgan Stanley MS.N
Chief Executive John Mack lashed out at short sellers Wednesday after watching
his firm's shares plunge as much as 42 percent and seeing prices for its
debt-default insurance soar into distressed territory.  


A day after Morgan Stanley announced better-than- expected
third-quarter earnings and delivered greater profit and revenue than its larger
rival Goldman Sachs Group GS.N, investors pushed its stock to a 10-year
low and traded some of its bonds as if the No. 2 investment bank were near


In a memo, Mack told employees there was no
rational reason for the movement in its stock or credit default
swaps, which serve as insurance policies for debt.  


What's happening out there? It's very clear to me
-- we're in the midst of a market controlled by fear and rumors, and short
sellers are driving our stock down, Mack said in a memo obtained by


Short-sellers are investors who sell borrowed shares and
then hope the stock falls. They record a profit when they return the shares,
now purchased at the lower price.  


Mack also said he spoke with federal officials to enlist
their help and spoke with clients and counterparties to assure them Morgan's
financial health was sound.  


We have talked to (U.S. Treasury) Secretary Paulson
and the Treasury. We have talked to Chairman (Christopher) Cox and the
Securities and Exchange Commission.  


Morgan shares closed Wednesday trading down 24 percent.  


Like Morgan, Goldman contends that a 14 percent drop in
its share price and widening CDS spreads were driven by speculation.  


Goldman's view is that the movement in our share
price is the result of completely irrational fear and is not based on any
fundamentals, Goldman spokesman Lucas van Praag said.  


He also confirmed that Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein
received a call from Cox. The two discussed the market moves and concerns about
potentially improper short selling activity.  


Investment banks have found themselves under pressure all
year, after anxiety in the market place triggered a run on Bear Stearns, which
collapsed in mid March.  


Lehman Brothers in the following days complained that it
was short sellers who actively worked to bring down Bear and who had then
turned their cannons on Lehman.  


There are a lot of rumors in the marketplace that
are totally unfounded. We are suspicious that the rumors are being promulgated
by short sellers of our stock that have an economic self-interest, a
Lehman spokeswoman said on March 27.  


In the months that followed, Lehman engaged in a war of
words with hedge fund manager David Einhorn, who revealed he was shorting
Lehman shares. Einhorn contended the firm had too much mortgage and commercial
real estate exposure and not enough capital.  


Six months later, those views were largely vindicated, as
Lehman's shares plunged and its real estate losses required more fresh capital
than it could raise quickly. On Monday Lehman filed for bankruptcy.  


When management teams complain (about short
sellers), it is a sign that management is attempting to distract investors from
serious problems. Einhorn said in May.  


(Editing by Gary Hill)  




Kunjungi halaman depan Yahoo! Indonesia yang baru! 

Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Tidak ada redemption besar2 an di REKSADANA !!!

2008-09-10 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Good.Now more and more indonesians being true investors :)

--- Pada Rab, 10/9/08, D O D I K [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Tidak ada redemption besar2 an di REKSADANA !!!
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Rabu, 10 September, 2008, 1:21 PM


tidak ada redemption besar-besaran di reksadana, ...



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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ANTM emiten terbaik 2008 versi majalah investor

2008-09-03 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
lagipula fundamental perusahaan dengan harga saham , masih lebih riil 
fundamental perusahaan, harga saham dengan mudah bisa di main mainkan market 
maker, bukan refleksi riil daripada perusahaan itu sendiri.

--- Pada Kam, 4/9/08, pemainedan [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: pemainedan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ANTM emiten terbaik 2008 versi majalah investor
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Kamis, 4 September, 2008, 11:51 AM


jangan gitu, pak Frendy. Anything is possible.

pak Oen jg pernah ngomong, bakal ada saham yg bisa jd 400% dr 

lowestnya. sapa tau saham itu ANTM. kl dibawa ke 1400 dulu, lalu ke 

5600... 400% kan. 

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Frendy wildwildwest84@ ... 


 terbukti GOBLOK nya LAH. .

 terbaik ? saham diskon 60 % gitu ..

 tiru tuh MIRAbukan diskon tapi malah NAI. .



 hahahahaahahaahahah aahah .


   - Original Message - 

   From: Rony Triwardhana 

   To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 

   Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 11:00 AM

   Subject: [obrolan-bandar] ANTM emiten terbaik 2008 versi majalah 








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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Unit Pembelian Reksadana Saham Terus Meningkat

2008-08-25 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Kalau menurut saya.. investor yang di katakan itu bukan lah investor 
betulan.. masih lebih kepada spekulator + market timer (beberapa malah 
mengatakan gambler)..Tapi ya proses lah.. investor indonesia semoga akan 
menjadi investor sebenarnya segera..
selama agustus, lbh byk investor yg redemp drpd subscribe.. ini artinya apa, 
Anda ude tau sendiri.. :)


Dapatkan alamat Email baru Anda!
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan sebelum diambil orang lain!

Bls: [obrolan-bandar] data historical currencies

2008-08-25 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
coba disini pak.. http://www.global-view.com/forex-trading-tools/forex-history/

--- Pada Sel, 26/8/08, pemainedan [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: pemainedan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] data historical currencies
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Selasa, 26 Agustus, 2008, 10:53 AM


Saya sdg cari2 data historical utk currencies: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, 

AUD/USD, dst. dan juga USD Dollar Index (di CNBC: .DXY) utk technical 


Apakah ada dari teman2 di sini yg tahu di mana saya bisa dptkan data 

historical / chart-nya?

Terima kasih sebelumnya atas bantuannya.

-Anton T.



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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Kenaikan harga commodity TAK TERBENTUNG LAGI

2008-08-21 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
USD Pak.. USD weakening lagi.. waktu comms pada ke selatan juga karena USD 
menguat.. its always been USD play play :)

--- Pada Kam, 21/8/08, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Kenaikan harga commodity TAK TERBENTUNG LAGI
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Kamis, 21 Agustus, 2008, 7:28 PM


Harga metal, minyak naik terus dan TAK TERTAHAN LAGI seperti


Is it a BEAR RALLY or the beginning of a BULL RALLY ?.



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2008-08-13 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
In bull markets... corrections are bound to happen anyway... its not 
unpredicted.. many already know this.. Commodities still in the need for years 
to come.. people of the world need Comms to survive..a True investor never say 
quits.. they ride the wave.. a few years downturn acceptable, mitigated by the 
more better years ahead.. as we always say :)

--- Pada Rab, 13/8/08, golden.health [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: golden.health [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Rabu, 13 Agustus, 2008, 10:05 PM


Is the Commodities Bull Market Over?
by: Arie Goren posted on: August 12, 2008 | about stocks: DBC / DGL / GDX / GLD 
/ GSG / IAU / OIL / RJA / USO / XLE     

Font Size: 


The dramatic price decline of most commodities over the last five weeks brought 
some analysts to call for the end of the bull market in commodities; their 
conclusion is that commodities have reached a turning point and a bigger price 
decline awaits us. Are they right? Let's see how commodities have done this 
In the table below, the main commodities are arranged by group and last price; 
the price at the end of 2007 and the maximum price of each commodity in the 
year 2008 are also given. In addition, the price change from 2008 maximum value 
and the price change from the beginning of the year are calculated.
click to enlarge images

From the table above, we can see that after a very sharp rise this year, which 
caused strong protest all over the world, most commodities have, on average, 
almost returned to their price at the beginning of the year. 
Price change of main commodities from the beginning of the year
Price decline of main commodities from their maximum value in the year 2008
Many analysts explain the recent sharp decline in the price of commodities by 
the strengthening of the dollar, because the price of commodities is 
denominated in dollars. Naturally, the dollar and commodities move in opposite 
directions, but that cannot explain such a big decline in the price of 
commodities, since the dollar has risen only by 6.44% from its lowest value of 
all time against the euro - 1.60 on July 15th 2008 - and commodities have shown 
a much bigger move - a decline of 26% on average.
In our opinion, the recent fall of commodity prices is not due to a change in 
the basic fundamentals of supply and demand, but rather to a shift in the 
sentiment of investors. The fact that the US economy is slowing was known also 
in the first half of the year; nevertheless, commodity prices rose sharply 
during this period. It seems that after enjoying huge gains in the commodity 
markets, fund managers and other investors have closed their positions, and 
even went short after reaching the conclusion that the party is over.
According to Jim Rogers, the famous commodities guru, commodity prices move in 
cycles of about 18 years, and since the current bull market  started at 2002, 
he expects it to last until about 2020. Rogers explains the cyclic nature of 
the commodities market by the fact that when the demand for commodities and  
prices are low, no one is willing to invest in new mines, start oil 
explorations or increase cultivation areas. However, when shortage is felt and 
prices are moving up, that is when companies start looking to increase 
production; but it takes years to begin a new exploration or develop new mines, 
so that the supply shortage which is accompanied by high prices can last for a 
long time. If we accept his theory, the recent decline in commodity prices 
should now give us an opportunity to enter this market at the right time.
In view of the basic fundamentals of supply and demand, the market is still 
very tight, inventories of agriculture products are historically low, the oil 
supply has stayed almost the same, and the mine supply of precious metals from 
South Africa is dropping because of a shortage in the electricity supply. All 
this brings us to the conclusion that the recent decline in commodity prices is 
a healthy correction to the commodity bull market that is still going on.
http://seekingalpha .com/article/ 90333-is- the-commodities- bull-market- 
over?source= more_author_ recent_similar_ articles 



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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Reksadana LUAR NEGERI

2008-08-11 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors

Jangan pernah ambil reksadana dari bank asing pak.. terlalu berlebihan start up 
cap nya..lebih baik lewat www.fundsupermart.com saja.. hanya SGD$1000 sudah 
bisa beli/masuk ratusan reksadana luar negri..
--- Pada Sel, 12/8/08, Pemain Mini [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: Pemain Mini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Reksadana LUAR NEGERI
Kepada: obrolan-bandar obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Selasa, 12 Agustus, 2008, 11:01 AM


Dear All...
ditengah kondisi yang begini, BANK ASING lagi 
apakah memang market LN sudah bottom sehingga bisa 
dimasukin ?



Nama baru untuk Anda! 
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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Ngga Percaya ??

2008-07-17 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Dari Agustus 2007 sudah di prediksi DOW bisa ke 10,000 dan IDX bisa ke 1800 
lagi..jadi sebenarnya banyak juga kok yang percaya..

--- Pada Kam, 17/7/08, Hadiah 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: Hadiah 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Ngga Percaya ??
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Kamis, 17 Juli, 2008, 3:40 PM


Kenapa ngga ada yg percaya ke saya ya (dianggap newbie di forum 
ini)...padahal 2 hari yg lalu udah warn 'KELUAR DR BURSA' for a while..
October 08 baru normal !



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RE: [obrolan-bandar] Antam Dibuang Fortis !

2008-07-17 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
kalau mereka sharing info begituan.. competitor akan lebih mudah saingin 
portfolio performance nya mungkin ya :) 

--- Pada Jum, 18/7/08, tV kun0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Topik: RE: [obrolan-bandar] Antam Dibuang Fortis !
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Jumat, 18 Juli, 2008, 9:23 AM


Klo mau liat komposisi investasi dari manager2 investasi semacam
fortis, Manulife dan lain lain dimana yah? 







obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com] On
Behalf Of rachman_radjimin

Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 12:54 AM

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Antam Dibuang Fortis ! 


ternyata yang buang antam adalah fortis , liat
aja bentar nasibnya

bakalan ambruk nih saham, bisa ke 2000 and then next 1000 an 




Dapatkan situs lowongan kerja - Yahoo! Indonesia Search.


2008-07-10 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors

Rd indonesia, FM nya konservatif sih.. cuma maunya invest di instrumen di BEI 
coba kalau bisa keluarkan produk yang lebih berani... 
keluar ke market yang masih lebih bagus.. 
misal dengan sebuah reksadana yang dana nya beli commodities  agricultur 
langsung (bukan saham comm atau agri)  
kan bisa lewat futures..

misal seperti:

dan ini

masalahnya izin bappepam bisa dapat atau tidak hehe..


Nama baru untuk Anda! 
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!


2008-07-10 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Ya betul..
futures index saham (baik hangseng atau lainnya) mah berbahaya..

kalau yang saya quote itu reksadana yang invest dana nya di index futures 
commodities dan  agriculture.. yang memang masih menjanjikan upside ke atas 
cukup lumayan.. 

mengingat food price dan commodity price yang masih meningkat dalam range waktu 
panjang. walau bayangan koreksi selalu ada..

di www.fundsupermart.com bisa dibeli produk itu..

--- Pada Jum, 11/7/08, A3K [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Topik: RE: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] REKSADANA MASIH LAKU ? ATAU MAU BANGKRUT ? FM 
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Jumat, 11 Juli, 2008, 9:18 AM


If you love your money, better not to
touch the hangseng index game, 

Especially the ones which is bandared /
trading locally in jakarta 


S T A Y – A W A Y  


It is A penipuan and you will see in no
time your money shrinks to ZERO 


It is a waste of time to discuss index
hangseng game here ….. period 




From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
com ] On Behalf Of Lindt

Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 5:25

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar]


ulasan index hangseng dong. Ada 
yg nawarin tp buta nih. Ga ngerti. Yang ngerti tolong di bahas dong sbg wacana

Makasih sebelumnya 

Sent from
my BlackBerry®

powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT 

From: Indonesian
Private Investors indonesianprivatein [EMAIL PROTECTED] co.id

Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 18:16:31
+0800 (SGT)

To:  obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 

Subject: Bls: [obrolan-bandar]



  Rd indonesia ,
  FM nya konservatif sih.. cuma maunya invest di instrumen di BEI doang..

  coba kalau bisa keluarkan produk yang lebih berani... 

  keluar ke market yang masih lebih bagus.. 

  misal dengan sebuah reksadana yang dana nya beli commodities  agricultur
  langsung (bukan saham comm atau agri)  

 kan bisa
  lewat futures..


  misal seperti:


  http://www.fundsupe rmart.com/ main/fundinfo/ viewFund. svdo?sedolnumber 

  dan ini

  http://www.fundsupe rmart.com/ main/fundinfo/ viewFund. svdo?sedolnumber 


  masalahnya izin bappepam bisa dapat atau tidak hehe..






Dapatkan alamat Email baru Anda!
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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] U.S. Stock Futures Rise as Bernanke Says Fed May Extend Loans

2008-07-08 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors

Terus aja bernanke kucurin dana ke IB IB yang justru dari awal adalah cikal 
bakal akar masalah...
Heran.. sejak kapan The Fed dikasih mandat selametin IB seenaknya gitu...
Wajar aja banyak yang pengen liat The Fed Abolished..

Kalau begini carany Dow ke 10,000 makin jelas kelihatan jalannya deh..

--- Pada Sel, 8/7/08, Bernie [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] U.S. Stock Futures Rise as Bernanke Says Fed May Extend 
Kepada: obrolan-bandar obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Selasa, 8 Juli, 2008, 7:45 PM

U.S. Stock Futures Rise as Bernanke Says Fed May Extend Loans 

By Eric Martin

July 8 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stock-index futures gained, erasing an earlier 
tumble, as oil prices fell for a second day and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. 
Bernanke said the central bank may extend securities dealers' access to direct 
loans into 2009. 

Futures on the SP 500 expiring in September rose 0.2, or less than 0.1 
percent, to 1,252 at 8:35 a.m. in New York after earlier retreating as much as 
1.2 percent. Dow Jones Industrial Average futures added 2 to 11,207, while 
Nasdaq-100 Index futures climbed 1.75 to 1,834. 

Futures dropped earlier on concern losses at financial companies will increase.



Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru.
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail. 
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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Don't Panic - Buy Index Funds and Real Estate

2008-07-08 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
Index Fund babak belur juga pak.. 
lihat aja index fund SP 500, Euro, Vanguard global... in red semua..

Real estate masih lebih mendingan..
invest di condo apt masih yield 8%/pa, dan ditambah capital gain 10~15% /pa

--- Pada Sel, 8/7/08, boyz [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Don't Panic - Buy Index Funds and Real Estate
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Selasa, 8 Juli, 2008, 11:05 PM

Don't Panic - Buy Index Funds and Real Estate

by Ben Stein

Posted on Thursday, July 3, 2008, 12:00AM

Now for some reassuring words. Of all of the columnists writing in this
space, I suspect I am the oldest. This means I have seen the most
economic fluctuations. This also means I am less terrified about them
than younger heads.Let me put this differently. I read recently in The Wall 
Street Journal that the stock market was at the time of that writing almost in 
 Bear Market
Territory, which is to say, down roughly 20% or more from its high.
This, said the author of the piece, shows that we are about to have
very bad economic times. The author helpfully noted that the market has
been down into Bear Market Territory  some nine times since the
mid-1960's. Without doubt, this author was trying to do his best, and
to serve his readers.
But here's a relevant addendum: yes, the
market may have fallen 20% or more nine times since then. But there
have only been five recessions since then.
That is to say, the stock market predicts 10 out of five recessions. Not such a 
great record.The
truth is that while the economy is clearly slowing down we are not yet
in a recession. There has so far not even been one quarter of negative
economic growth, nor even a break-even quarter. We may well have one
soon, but two in a row are required for the classic definition of a recession.
And as I keep saying, if anyone can call anything a recession, the
whole subject loses all intellectual or factual meaning. This too could
happen-a real recession-but it has not happened yet.There are
still reasons for hope. Exports are phenomenally strong. Minerals and
agriculture are strong. Medical is strong. The government sector is
large and robust. Sadly, military must remain strong indefinitely.The
government is running an immense deficit, and this is stimulative.
True, finance is in tatters, as is transportation, refining, and home
building. These are large sectors. They may fall so much that they
bring the economy into recession.But think about this: somewhere
out in the big wide world, there is voracious demand for minerals and
commodities. That (along with speculation) explains their major price
increases. It would be extremely rare for there to be a spectacular
worldwide demand for commodities along with a serious fall in demand
for other factors in an economy. That is, it would be rare for demand
to be both rising and falling at the same time. It could happen, but it
would be rare.However, let's assume we do have a recession. I
hope we don't, but we might. What do we do about it? What can we do
about it? Just keep plugging along. Just keep buying broad indexes.
Just keep a good chunk of liquid assets. None of us can control the economy. 
Thus, we just have to keep swimming in the roiled waters.
we cling to our life jackets, please remember this: no recession lasts
forever. I can well recall so many times in the past when every single
headline in The Wall Street Journal
was about some record growth of sales or profits. Then time passes and
every single headline is about horrible news. Then time passes and
there is mixed news, and then it's all good news again. Economies
go through cycles. But the long-term trend is up, and people who buy
broad indexes when the news is bad, if they live long enough, live to
be happy about it.
Besides, what alternative do you have? If you
have money to invest, yes, keep some in cash. But cash loses its value
in inflationary times. In fact, holding cash over long periods - beyond
what you need for peace of mind - is a surefire way to make yourself
unhappy. You will lose money on it over long periods as inflation
nibbles at it.The best bet usually is what has gone down the
most, and that, for now, is real estate. I got a letter from a
thoughtful reader saying he was going to wait until real estate had
reached its all time low before he bought. But how will he know? And
how rarely does he find a home he truly loves? Even when homebuyers buy
at the top of the cycle, if they love their homes, and if they can hold
on, they always end up delighted.
Yes, there will be news
saying housing will not recover THIS TIME. But in fact, except in
really depressed areas, housing recovers EVERY TIME and goes on to pass
its prior record. The real story of real estate, as my brilliant money
manager friend, Phil DeMuth, says, is of failing to buy, not of staying
away successfully.The plain fact is that you don't know when

Bls: [obrolan-bandar] My view on Indonesia and IDX specifically

2008-06-28 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
100% Agreed..
contrarian investors rule :)

--- Pada Sab, 28/6/08, Elaine Sui [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: Elaine Sui [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] My view on Indonesia and IDX specifically
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Sabtu, 28 Juni, 2008, 1:47 PM

So, sell your stocks to me as cheap as possible. Elaine sudah lama 
tanya mau crash atau tidak, but I see many ppl want that too, so I guess i 
think it's not gonna happen (crash) but it will decline persistently little by 
little. Until when? Until Bernanke raises the fed rate.

Now CNBC said that also (bear market) lol. For traders maybe it'd be the best 
to stay out for a while, but for ME it's just another entry point. Stressed 
they say? Well, it depends on where you put your money at and -of course- your 
investment timeframe.

I believe (and I think others too) that bull and bear season is not forever. 
Yeah, I know the economy is still weak, stocks decline and inflation rate soars.

But think of this, if you read the news, there are so many strategic action by 
investors (either by acquisition or even a hostile takeover) happen out there. 
If the economy is THAT bad, it'd be no action like that, but it happens.

Forgive me for being a contrarian, I see this is a good opportunity. . to 
invest. I believe Indonesia has a good future, way better than Singapore or 
Malaysia. 3-4 years from now I believe you're all waay richer than today. Why 
fret with the daily volatility?. Stop acting like you're a psychic. Stop 
speculating. Invest as it was meant to be.

And the time is now. Like I always said before, I get everything at 50% 
discount (from their peak), maybe it will decline to 60% or even 70%, well I 
don't care. My investors don't care. There are always risk, but we can bear 
that cuz we believe in fundametals.

Thank you, for everything.

Sincerely yours,




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Bls: [obrolan-bandar] JANGAN Beli Apapun

2008-06-26 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors

Marc Faber dari gloomboomdoom udah bilang dow bakal bisa ke 8000 2009 or 2010 
dulu tahun 2007 doi ngomong..

--- Pada Jum, 27/6/08, Agus Harimurti [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: Agus Harimurti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] JANGAN Beli Apapun
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tanggal: Jumat, 27 Juni, 2008, 10:53 AM

Teman-teman semua, menurut analisa saya sebaiknya jangan beli 
apapun saat ini, bahkan kalau bisa jual semua yang ada.     Bukan apa-apa, Dow 
akan ke bawah 11,000 bulan depan...Dengan sendirinya IHSG akan ke bawah 
2,000...     Kalau saat ini turunnya seperti diganjel, ini karena bandar besar 
khususnya fund manager ingin laporan M2M H1 2007 tidak terlalu buruk, jadi 
sampai dengan hari senin penurunan indeks masih sedikit,,, setelah itu 
rasionalitas berlaku...     Percaya atau tidak terserah anda ... Tapi 
sayangilah uang anda... 
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Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru.
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RE: [obrolan-bandar] Wah...kecele

2008-06-26 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors

and thats only from sub-prime..
there are lots of derivative bombs to explode also..


--- Pada Jum, 27/6/08, Prasetyo, Hani [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: Prasetyo, Hani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: RE: [obrolan-bandar] Wah...kecele
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Jumat, 27 Juni, 2008, 11:51 AM

Not yet 2200… be patient… time will tell the sign… 

Selama sub-prime loss belum dibukukan semua…. There is room for
DOW to shrinking lower… 

Wise trading.com 

From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
com ] On Behalf Of Dick Q

Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 11:43

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar]


Sir, Saya sdh mulai belanja dari 11.15 wwib.

gak ada volume di kasih murah, saya spec buy some major stock.

dari kemarin2 udah nunggu, it's time to buy, pyramid to 2305.

i'm sure kalo pun nyangkut gak sendirian, Bozz nyangkut, EL nyangkut dan 

mungkin Mbah juga ;).


- Original Message - 

From: JsxTrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] com

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 10:15 AM

Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] Wah...kecele

 Another PROVE..., bahwa bandar juga masih nyangkoet berat, 


 DOW nyungsep IHSG mati-matian ditahan..., repot ngangkatnya lagi kalo

 terlalu dalem..., jadi sama-lah, bukan Cuma retail yg mules, saran utk

 om BD, shooting 2305 aja dulu biar IHSG-nya mulus..




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Balasan: [obrolan-bandar] Hot News: Saudi pumping extra oil to meet demand: Saudi source

2008-06-22 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors

baca disini deh.. 

Di naikkan nya tahun depan kok... efek short term nya mungkin kecil sekali ke 
equities.. karena produksi oil saudi dinaikkan nya tahun 2009 bukan 2008 ini..

Pusat Dunia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Saudi pumping extra oil to meet demand: Saudi source

Published: Reuter - Saturday June 21, 2008

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Top world oil exporter Saudi Arabia has 
decided to increase oil supply to meet demand from customers, a Saudi oil 
source said on Saturday.
Saudi Arabia will raise output to 9.7 million barrels per day in July, the 
fastest daily rate in decades.

We increased because they (our customers) asked for it, the source said.

He was speaking as delegates from oil consuming and producing countries arrived 
in Jeddah for a meeting on Sunday to try tackle record oil prices.

There was no consensus yet between consumers and producers on the causes of 
high oil prices, he said, but he believed there was a collective will to try to 
stem the record rally.

I really believe strongly that there is a political will of oil producers and 
consumers to lower the price and stabilize it, otherwise they would not have 
come, he said.

Oil markets were well-balanced but the price of oil was  unjustifiably high, 
the source said.

Right now the majority of people think the price of oil is very high, he 
said. There is no justification for this price.

The kingdom currently has spare output capacity of around 2 million barrels per 
day, he said.

Saudi Arabia has a long-held policy of keeping a cushion to deal with any 
surprise global supply disruptions of between 1.5 million and 2 million bpd

# Look at market fluctuations as your friend rather than your enemy; profit 
from folly rather than participate in it. A good momentum is a good 

# We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only 
when others are fearful. Buy when you cannot find a Bull. 

# Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut 
down for 10 years. 

--Warren Buffett Quotes -- 
Smart  Investment ideas 


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Balasan: Re: Bls: Wanted: NEW captain pilot. was:Re: [obrolan-bandar] The Hell With DOW !!!

2008-06-18 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
I agree to what pak antonius said...
plus.. imho... as long people got their asset allocation's right.. even few 
years wait to get equities back performing isnt much of a problem.. since you 
can get yields on your other assets on your portfolio.. cmon lar.. investment 
isnt all just equities wat.. there are gold, silver, platinum, palladium, oil, 
sugar, wheat and the rest of comms sector.. there are also properties, and 
varous alternative investments too.. get your assets properly allocated and not 
correlates to each other.. even stock markets tanked for years  u could still 
be smiling.. :)

antonius martono salim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
hmm this thread is really meant for traders yah? i just advice all of you guys 
during this perilous time. just look at company real fundamental. i think this 
mailing list got a lot of experts on that. dont mention about the market, the 
kingpin (local or foreign) and last dont be the crowd in the market. 
take ur time alone, think about every stocks that u hold. forget about the 
stock and dont waste ur time watching those tickers. remember we buy a part of 
a company not the paper. don't get tricked by news of sudden sales growth, 
acquisition, tender offer from a small company which post huge amount of 
increase in just recent years. again DO YOUR HOMEWORK.

i'm a long term, yes i am and please the others do  so. 1 year loss in 
portofolio, fine with me. against 9 year of growth. the dividend still adequate 
to live on. make it cheaper, burn it fast or slow no problem. i think the real 
investors here already have investment plan. 
make it 2000 (IDX) or below and we will see..

indonesia's company generate one of the best result and growth in the world. 
even for mature stage company.

just my humble opinion,

- Original Message 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, 18 June, 2008 7:03:52 PM
Subject: Re: Bls: Wanted: NEW captain pilot. was:Re: [obrolan-bandar] The Hell 
With DOW !!!

I'm too lazy to start a new thread. :D Elaine pikir crash juga malah banyak 
traders senang (check those replies!!) lebih baik bakar pelan saja. Slowly 
you're all gonna die anyway (unless you're stubborn like kang ocoy) karena 
tidak bisa short position. Sekarang mau apa? 

You go long term, but your portfolio shrinks (I'm VERY SURE about this, one 
year investment just to get NEGATIVE result lol) 
Mid term you likely to lose, cuz IDX went abruptly AGAINST regionals.
Intraday, most of you lose (deceived by your own chart...maybe. Oh yeah, we do 
know technical)

You're unable to trust regional markets.
You're unable to trust oil prices.
You're unable to trust any posts here (lol hendrik:)
You want to kill me for my failed targets.

Ahh.. I love this. I  never thought IDX fund managers are so dumb that I can 
get so many at bargain price. Tetapi jangan marah dengan Elaine, karena sama 
cari uang di market, just like you guys do for all this time..

PS: I'm waiting for your most cynical, hateful, most punishingly cruel 
replies.. :D Maybe I can take advantage of your emotional instability.


On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Ken Arok [EMAIL PROTECTED] co.id wrote:
kenapa pake this subject,  JEng ?
CRASH nya dah kelar ? 2 - 3 days since monday ?   : )

- Pesan Asli 
Dari: Elaine you.can.call. me.elaine@ gmail.com
 Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Terkirim: Rabu, 18 Juni, 2008 16:16:49
Topik: Re: Wanted: NEW captain pilot.. was:Re: [obrolan-bandar] The Hell With 
DOW !!!


coal and pulp are considered highly flammable. Anyway I was wrong, I thought 
everyone knows where the market will go.Thanks a lot. We got your money AND 
your stocks. Don't hate us, you gave them deliberately. Suck, doesn't it..


On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Elaine you.can.call. me.elaine@ gmail.com 
Elaine ingat kemarin ada  bilang nobody knows where the market goes, it's 

Biasa Elaine mau nuke cerita di OB, sekarang diam-diam saja. Kadang retail 
perlu dihajar juga sekali-sekali.


On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 9:57 PM, Roegi QQ [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
i thought today is the day :)

El, katakanlah besok benar2 terjadi crash, or last call for equity, or 
emas/dollar bergoyang, or badai salju di nigeria , etc,

Pls share if u have  one.


On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 9:33 PM, Elaine you.can.call. me.elaine@ gmail.com 
senang tidak mengantuk like we had last week ya. ^_^

Oh well, I miss my prediction about a crash at least for today (lol it was 
CLOSE, you knew what happened at the end of the day, although I never said it 
was gonna be today but whatever..), so I guess I have to take a break and cool 
off a bit. I feel bad OB jadi penuh junk mail.

Balasan: [obrolan-bandar] Reksa Dana

2008-06-17 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors
ya bagus lah..
selama ini pundi pundi uang na FM emang dari bikin RD RD baru sih..
makanya banyak luncurin RD RD baru tapi ya gitu gitu aja scope nya.. cuma saham 
saham / instrumen lokal di indonesia aja..
coba mereka bikin RD yang bisa porsi 3 market misalya.. 30% BEI 30% STI 30% 
KLSE.. wew keren tuh :)

Gabriel Balbo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Buat yang punya UP Reksa Dana, dilihat lagi total dana kelolaan Reksa Dananya. 
Klw kurang dari 25B, siap-siap dilikuidasi tuh. RD Pasar Uang, Pendapatan Tetap 
and RD Saham dikasih waktu 30 hari dari efektif harus punya dana kelolaan 25B, 
sedangkan klw RD Terproteksi, RD Penjaminan ama RD Indeks dikasih waktu 90 hari 
sejak efektif untuk memiliki dana kelolaan sebesar 25B.

Jadi kayaknya buat FM harus pikir berulang-ulang untuk nerbitin RD baru sebab 
lebih baik meningkatkan dana kelolaan, kinerja dan performa dari RD yang udah 

Buat rekan2 yang punya reksa dana, setiap bulan pasti dapet laporan kinerja RD 
dari FM atau bisa juga dikasih dari Agen Penjual, disitu bisa dilihat dana 
kelolaan RD (Total  NAB) punya rekan2 naik atau turun, udah diatas 25M atau 

Tapi klw pun di likuidasi, dana rekan2 aman kok karena dana RD terpisah dari 
dananya FM atau Bank Kustodi, hanya lain kali klw mau masuk RD dilihat lagi 
Dana Kelolaannya biar tenang dan gak mikirin hal-hal yang gak penting. Thx.

Salam Gabriel

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Balasan: Re: [obrolan-bandar] BBCA nyankut di 3 rb

2008-06-16 Terurut Topik Indonesian Private Investors

wah itu analisa old skool memang betul sih, tapi mengingat di BEI market maker 
lebih berperan daripada FA sebuah perusahaan, kadang old skool analysis suka 
jadi di disregard ya :)

Diana Lorenna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: menurut 
diana BBCA sudah koreksi cukup banyak, tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan BBCA 
masih koreksi...
saran diana di HOLD az... sudah turun terlalu jauh... nanti kalau sudah turun 
di harga 2400 yaitu (20% downside dari harga beli) boleh dibeli lagi buat di 
BBCA adalah saham bluechip... so gimanapun ya BBCA itu eKsis kok... hampirr 
semua org az puny ATM or kartu kredit BCA kan.. so kenapa takut? Sebetulny 
dalam bermain saham ketika saham turun (UNTUK SAHAM YANG BAGUS DOANK YA) jangan 
pernah takut, karena pasti akan naik lagi.. asal satu yang perlu diperhatikan 
SABAR... apakah anda cukup sabar menunggu BBCA kembali? sabar az... (^___^)V 
terkadang tindakan cut loss tuch perlu.. tapi kalau dana kita kuat, kita tidak 
perlu cut loss kok.. cukup menunggu.. setiap saham ketika turun pasti akan 
rebound kok.. cuma masalahnya kapan az... nahhh ya itu kita perlu sabar 
menunggu... seberapa bijak seseorang, tidak dilihat dari usianya  tetapi dari 
seberapa dari pengalaman dan caranya menghadapi masalah... =)


ki_4ever888 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  ada 2  taktik:
 1. cut loss, tp bbca ude mura meriah...
 2. average di bwh, tp resikonya makin gede...

 so decision is urs..
--- On Mon, 6/16/08, Hamidani Rs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Hamidani Rs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] BBCA nyankut di 3 rb
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, June 16, 2008, 4:11 AM

 Para senior OB, bisa kasih advice saya bbca nyangkut di 3 rban kira-kira 
bertahan apa cutloss saja yah


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