Re: AOO volunteers: essential skills and tasks

2012-10-30 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Andrea,
Hi all,

2012/10/28 Andrea Pescetti

 On 23/10/2012 Rob Weir wrote:

 New Volunteer Orientation root page:**openofficeorg/orientation/

 This is an excellent resource. But we received a few requests from
 prospective volunteers this weekend and I'm believing it would be
 overwhelming to point them there. I still believe these documents are
 excellent, but probably they are assuming our volunteer is above average,
 or at least willing to engage deeply with the project. They would be
 perfect for me, for you, or for a newcomer like Jan who has the skills and
 the mindset to understand in detail how things work.

 But we will also have (and we do have: most volunteers I see on the
 mailing lists in Italian fall in this category) volunteers who don't care
 that much about OpenOffice as a project: they use the product and just want
 to give something back. They want to scratch an itch, or just to do
 something, but they are very task-oriented: they want something to do
 rather than something to read. For example, we may have translation
 volunteers who would be perfectly satisfied if we e-mail them a PO file and
 tell them to grab POEdit and send the file back; and then they would
 consider a deeper engagement, but not earlier.

For people willing deeply be involved in the project, the Rob's way is
certainly the good one.
But for other people who will occasionally participate, why not a Post
Office where they could register (for security reasons, acceptation of the
license, etc.).
When they have time, they can visit the Post Office to see the list of to
do tasks, and they can download for instance a translation job. If they
think they have the skill to do it, they do the job and send it in the
pipeline. The Post Office managers collect the files and can propose them
for review before posting them to the right place in the project. So people
who not have necessary the skill or the necessary time to be involved
 deeply in the structure can also participate in the area where they are
competent and are not lost for the project.
Just an idea.


Re: OpenOffice graduation: translations of press release

2012-10-22 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

2012/10/18 Andrea Pescetti

 We welcome translations of today's press release about the OpenOffice
 graduation. The English source can be found at


What about the translations of the press release about the OpenOffice
graduation?. Are we authorized to diffuse them or not. Somebody has asked
me to use my french translation, but as I don't know if a validation
process is ongoing, I asked to wait.
If we may diffuse, what is the right way? For me, I would publish both, the
original announcement in English and the translation, but perhaps you have
a specific approach for this type of communication?


Re: How many countries has AOO been downloaded from?

2012-10-20 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi jan,
Hi all,

2012/10/19 jan iversen

 I think the fact that it is not our data is important, but I agree that
 putting the link there could be a problem.

 Could we not simply write that our data comes from or are verified by,
 and then a general link ?

Is it not possible to simple say :  productivity suite widely used all
over the world; over 20 million downloads .?


Re: ACE12: odp-template for AOO-presentations ?

2012-10-20 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

2012/10/21 Keith N. McKenna

 Rony G. Flatscher (Apache) wrote:

 Hi there,

 is there an odp template available for AOO presentations (employing the
 latest AOO/ASF art work) at
 the upcoming Apache Con Europe 2012 in Sinsheim? If so, where can one
 obtain it?



  If there is one available it wouldalso be a great help to me with
 documentation. I am currently reviewing the Impress Guide and there are a
 number of screen shots that should be replaces with content that represents
 the Apache OpenOffice branding.

I have only found that :


Re: OpenOffice graduation: translations of press release

2012-10-19 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Andrea,

2012/10/18 Andrea Pescetti

 We welcome translations of today's press release about the OpenOffice
 graduation. The English source can be found at**foundation/entry/the_apache_**

 Translations are being listed by Rob at**entry/openoffice_graduates_**

 German and Italian are already available, Japanese is in progress.

 For other languages, feel free to put a basic HTML file in the localized
 subdirectories of (such as for
 German) or, if you don't have access, send the plain text here (not as
 attachment; in a normal e-mail message) and we will upload it. If you are
 starting to translate, please send a brief note (Reply All to ooo-dev and
 ooo-l10n) to avoid overlapping.

 Her is a french translation of the announce.

Communiqué de presse Apache OpenOffice du 18.10.2012

L'Apache Software Foundation annonce que le projet Apache OpenOffice ™ est
devenu projet Top-Level

La principale suite bureautique Open Source est largement utilisée dans 228
pays; avec plus de 20 millions de téléchargements de sa dernière version
sortie en mai 2012.

Forest Hill, MD - 18 Octobre 2012 - L'Apache Software Foundation (ASF),
constituée de développeurs et contributeurs volontaires de près de 150
projets Open Source et initiatives, a annoncé aujourd'hui la promotion du
projet incubateur Apache Open Office en projet Top-Level (TLP), signifiant
par là que la communauté et le projet ont bien été gérés en accord avec
l'approche méritocratique et les principes de l'ASF.

La promotion d'OpenOffice témoigne du succès de la méthode Apache pour
faire migrer, par un processus d'incubation, des marques en produit
utilisateur final de haut niveau a déclaré Ross Gardler, ASF Executive
Vice President et mentor Apache OpenOffice. Le processus d'incubation a
permis à des contributeurs expérimentés d'Apache de superviser le projet,
aidant à la fois les nouveaux contributeurs du projet OpenOffice et les
plus expérimentés à construire une communauté de type Apache, à la fois
ouverte et diversifiée.

La promotion d'OpenOffice constitue la reconnaissance officielle que le
projet est maintenant en mesure de s'autogérer non seulement sur le plan
technique, mais aussi dans son organisation communautaire, a déclaré
Andrea Pescetti, Vice-Président d'Apache OpenOffice. Le ' Apache Way' et
ses méthodes, comme la prise de toute décision en public, avec une totale
transparence, ont permis au projet d'attirer et d'engager avec succès de
nouveaux bénévoles, et d'élire un Project Management Committee, actif et
diversifié, en mesure d'assurer un avenir stable à Apache OpenOffice.

Initialement créé par la société Star Division dans les années 1990, le
code source d'OpenOffice a été acquis par Sun Microsystems en 1999, puis
plus tard par Oracle Corporation en 2010, avant d'être cédé en Juin 2011 à
l'incubateur de l'Apache Software Foundation.

Au cours de sa période de développement dans l'incubateur Apache, le projet
Apache OpenOffice a migré près de 10 millions de lignes de code, ajouté de
nombreuses améliorations et corrigé des dizaines de bugs signalés par les
utilisateurs. En outre, le logiciel a reçu cinq prix, récompensant
certaines de ses fonctionnalités ou le citant comme meilleure suite
bureautique Open Source téléchargeable.

En mai 2012 Apache OpenOffice v3.4 a été mis à disposition dans 20 langues
et téléchargé plus de 20 millions de fois par des des utilisateurs privés
ou actifs dans des entreprises, l'éducation, et dans des institutions
gouvernementales de 228 pays. Depuis lors, le projet a travaillé sur de
nouvelles fonctionnalités et innovations et de nouvelles versions sont
planifiées pour les trimestres T1 et T4 en 2013.

C'est vraiment agréable de voir maintenant OpenOffice promu projet
Top-Level chez Apache, a déclaré Juergen Schmidt, Release Manager du
projet Apache OpenOffice. Nous avons rencontré de nombreuses difficultés
pour atteindre ce statut: notre première version Apache OpenOffice 3.4 ne
s'est pas limitée à un simple déplacement de code des serveurs Oracle vers
ceux d'Apache, mais a nécessité le remplacement de librairies aux licences
incompatibles avec les exigences d'Apache en matière de licence.
Maintenant, notre code source Apache OpenOffice est disponible pour
d'autres projets et organisations.

Nous sommes extrêmement fiers de cette étape importante et souhaitons la
bienvenue à OpenOffice dans notre liste Apache de projets mondiaux de
premier plan, a ajouté Gardler.

Disponibilité et perspectives
Apache OpenOffice est disponible gratuitement pour tout utilisateur et tout
projet d'utilisation, et peut être téléchargé à partir
Le produit peut être téléchargé 

Re: OpenOffice SVG vector graphics

2012-10-06 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Alexandro,
Hi all,

2012/10/6 Alexandro Colorado

 I upload the OpenOffice SVG logo on pure SVG, still needs some cleanup
 on the nodes, but this is a 100% SVG logo.
 The attachment is on the cWiki:;

Many thanks for your work, it's appreciated.
Please, could you tell me how to reuse properly your work or any free logo
of this type ?.
In a book there is no problem, a noticeCredits can tell the author and
license of the work.
But in other cases of use, as a banner on a car or as poster, how to do to
give credit of the reused work ? I see only the possibility to add a line
with the corresponding informations.


Re: Seeking OpenOffice consultants -- help us validate our new consultants listings

2012-10-03 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

2012/10/3 Ian Lynch

 The one issue that arises here is that the term certification could mean
 certificated to be an authorised developer, trainer or consultant as well
 as certificated as a competent user of say Writer. This certainly seems to
 have caused confusion in the past and across at LibreO. However, unless AOO
 provides some sort of certification of companies authorised to act under
 its Logo (which seems counter to ASF policy) I doubt certification of
 companies will be relevant whereas qualifications for individuals are
 traditionally delivered by third parties so that is more likely to be the
 take up.

I'm not sure to have good understood all this discussion, but these
questions of certification could have some importance for companies.
By my former employer, we had a quality system (GLP) and all our studies
had to be made following the rules of this quality sytem to can be
internationally recognized. For instance, we had to validate all the
spreasheeds used to calculate the results of our studies and our
developments. This long administrativ process had to be registered and
 repeated if we changed the version of the soft for a new one. Moreover,
all the technicians involved in the studies had to prove they have been
trained with the soft. So, the certification of trainings is a question
that we can't perhaps ignore in the future. It has perhaps not the same
importance for the end users but it's another question for companies which
have to prove that their employees have been teached to fit  the
requirements of their quality system.
Only my opinion and my apologizes for the noise if I haven't completely
understood the sense of this thread.


Re: Instabilité OO

2012-09-23 Thread Guy Waterval
Bonsoir Jean,

Bienvenue sur la mailing liste anglaise ooo-dev.

Welcome to the english mailing list ooo-dev

Le 23 septembre 2012 06:56, JALIGOT Jean a écrit :


 Depuis l'apparition de la première version Appache, le produit OO
 est totalement instable.
 A l'ouverture d'un document nouveau ou existant, le produit déclenche la
 procédure Récupération , la liste de document étant vide dans le cas
 d'ouverture d'un nouveau document.

Je n'ai pas observé de telles instabilités avec les versions Apache
OpenOffice 3.40 et 3.41 sous Windows XP sp3 et Windows 7.

I haven't observed such instabilities with the Apache OpenOffice versions
3.40 et 3.41 under Windows XP sp3 and Windows 7.

Peut être un problème d'installation ou de profil corrompu.

Perhaps an installation issue or a corrupted user profile.

J'espère que ceci peut vous être utile.

I hope the following could help you.

Vous pouvez également obtenir de l'aide en français sur l'excellent forum
francophone :

You should also obtain help in french on this excellent french forum :

En espérant vous avoir aidé.

I hope this helps you




Re: [user documentation] Requirements for a documentation project

2012-09-14 Thread Guy Waterval
Bonsoir Cyril,
Hi all,

2012/9/13 FR web forum

 Bonjour Guy,


 Become a committer is not my priority. I would only produce something
 helpful for endusers in my langage (I don't speak English)
 I send again my proposition to join the french forum.
 We have a specific forum dedicated to documentation:
 You are welcome to help us.

Many thanks for your proposition and your work for the AOO project.
But I'm already member of the Educoo project and I will not disperse me in
too many different projects. However, as there's a lack of documentation
released under ALv2.0, if you decide to produce something with this
License, please, let me know so I could see if I could help.
I think it's time now to collect people who agree to write and share
documents with this license, to avoid having a mix of documents with a
cocktail of different licences which are difficult to share properly.
Please, consider that I don't criticize the quality of these documents, but
only the fact that doing so, we never will have a coherent documentation
system. If we had a collection of homogen documents, based on a common
template, even in different languages, it could be  possible to merge them
in a central official documentation in English that could be maintained and
translated in the different languages. Such a work, or another alternative
that requires merging of documents, is only possible if we use the official
ALV2.0 license. Only my opinion.

PS : désolé pour le retard de la réponse, mais je suis pas mal occupé en
fin de semaine.


Re: [user documentation] Requirements for a documentation project

2012-09-12 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Andrea,
Hi all,

2012/9/12 Andrea Pescetti

 On 10/09/2012 Guy Waterval wrote:

 As I have more free time until June 2013, I plan to continue writing a
 documentation for OOoLight ( As the two products AOO et
 OOoLight are, from an end user point of view of course, relatively similar
 to use, my goal is to try to interfacing properly with the AOO project, to
 allow an easy reuse of some parts by people here who could be interested
 create a specific AOO documentation project.

 Good, thanks!

  So, I will work with the Alv2 licence and I have signed the CLA in june.
 it enough or are there more requirements?

 There aren't any more requirements as far as I know. If you become a
 regular contributor to Apache, you will be voted as a committer, but this
 won't give you any special rights besides being able to directly put files
 in the OpenOffice repository (if desired).

Become a committer is not my priority. I would only produce something
helpful for endusers in my langage (I don't speak English), but in a way it
could eventually serve to people working here on an official documentation
project, without these boring issues of licenses, rules, etc. My work will
be unofficial, but I can perfectly live with that.

My personal opinion is that a real and efficient AOO doc project should be
initiated and lead by the strongest community (US/EN) in a clear defined
and simple way, with a low technical barrier to rise the number of possible
contributors. But I have to admit it's more easy to say that to do.

Please, consider I will try to do something beside but not against the
AOO project. My question was how to work in this direction : a compatible
final product, not obligatory integrated, but in which the community could
reuse smoothly any part it could found interesting..

A link to the template I'm intending to use. If something is wrong, please,
let me know and I correct it. it.




[user documentation] Requirements for a documentation project

2012-09-10 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

As I have more free time until June 2013, I plan to continue writing a user
documentation for OOoLight ( As the two products AOO et
OOoLight are, from an end user point of view of course, relatively similar
to use, my goal is to try to interfacing properly with the AOO project, to
allow an easy reuse of some parts by people here who could be interested to
create a specific AOO documentation project.
So, I will work with the Alv2 licence and I have signed the CLA in june. Is
it enough or are there more requirements?


Re: [DISCUSS] ML Moderators

2012-09-09 Thread Guy Waterval
Hello Dave,

2012/9/9 Dave Fisher

 Hi -


 ericb2 - resigned from ppmc / committer.
 What are we doing with the French list. Anyone know?

I would resign from this function to concentrate me exclusively in the
documentation area. Please, delete my name from the list.
I would thank you for your investment in the project.

Re: What is a good Project Management Committee member?

2012-09-06 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Juergen,

2012/9/6 Juergen Schmidt

 Am Donnerstag, 6. September 2012 um 05:30 schrieb Rob Weir:
  On Sep 5, 2012, at 9:20 AM, Jürgen Schmidt
   On 9/5/12 11:32 AM, Ian Lynch wrote:
On 5 September 2012 09:40, Regina Henschel
 Hi all,

 some time ago we expressed, that we think the project is ready to
 In the process of graduating, a proposal for a Project Management
 (PMC) will be brought to the Apache Board. Although discussion
 individual persons will not be done public, it is important to get
 a shared
 conviction about the criteria for our PMC members.

 You find information about project management and the role of the
 PMC in

 With permission of Jürgen Schmidt I will show his items:
 For me a good PMC member is somebody
 - who is active and visible in the project. It's important that
 can see or better are able to recognize valuable contributions.
 - who driving the project forward by helping others to join the
 or helping other in general to find their way in the project
 - who help to grow the eco-system and the popularity of the
 project, eg.
 increasing the user base by promoting the project actively on
 conferences, via new medias, etc.
 - who take responsibility for tasks that have to be done and that
 to drive the project forward or that help to simply run it.
 - who is able to transport and communicate the vision of the
 - who is able to prevent misbehaviour and misconduct on our main
 communication tool the mailing lists but also on our extended
 communication tools like social media
 - who is able to bring in new ideas in the project that opens even
 opportunities to grow and to evolve
 - ...

 And here my thoughts:
 A PMC member... a person all can trust in.
 ...preserves overview about several areas.
 ...knows, who is expert in a special area, and encourage people
 different areas to work together on a topic. willing to guide a newcomer.
 ...can identify opposite directions in the community before things
 ...knows about formal requirements and about the Apache structure.
 ...has a vision about the direction of the project, but on the
 hand accepts reasoned different development without being offended
 German eingeschnappt)
 ...sets a good example in treating others and working for the
 project. reliable. willing to assume responsibility.
 ...puts his heart and passion into the project.

 Do you miss aspects? Do you think a special item is irrelevant?
 What is

Is aware of the limitations of mailing lists in communication and
actively strives to communicate to engender positive feelings in the
Has thought carefully about the role of a PMC member and actively
communicated an intention to be active in that role rather than just
name on a list or solely involved in committing code.
   we had already some longer discussions on this topic on our private
   which was the result or part of an ongoing process to define a final
   that we want to suggest to the IPMC and board as it is required for
   Regina has provided a link that give you further information about this
   topic and what it means to be a PMC.
   I would like to ask everybody (and especially the PPMC members) here to
   think about this as individual and what it means for themselves or if
   they would be interested in being a PMC.
  I know someone who had the image of an ideal husband, a long list of
  essential qualities, but unfortunately these qualities never came
  together in one person outside of cheap romance novels. Unwed, bitter
  and old was the end results.
  So I tend to think of this from a team perspective: what capabilities
  do we need in a PMC? We're not limited by monogyny laws. We don't
  need to find the ultimate uebermensch PMC member. We need a strong
  team. And since most team members will be part time volunteers this
  suggests they might do one nor two things well but gave little
  interest in other areas. We should accept that.

 I totally agree and that is fine from my pov. The idea is more that people
 start thinking about the PMC and what it does mean to be a member of it.
 For example if a PPMC thinks that it is happy with the thinks it is doing
 and don't want to be in the final PMC for some reason this member can give
 us as signal.

You are right. It's important, I think, to avoid this :
A lot of companies apply this principle, without knowing it.


Re: Distribution Project - Update

2012-09-05 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Ian and all,

2012/9/5 Ian Lynch

 On 5 September 2012 09:22, Rob Weir wrote:
  On Sep 4, 2012, at 7:11 PM, Dave Fisher wrote:


 I think there is probably untapped
 opportunities for distribution businesses eg when UK homeless people
 sell The Big Issue on the streets they could also sell AOO discs,
 motorway service station racks etc. My view is that we should
 encourage such enterprises.

It's a great idea !


Re: [User Documentation]Are there any plans in place or formal user documentation for AOO

2012-08-29 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Rob,

2012/8/29 Rob Weir

 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Keith N. McKenna wrote:
  Good Day All;
  Today I am going to venture into the breach and bring up a topic that in
  experience is most developers favorite profanity: i.e. User
  One of the major reasons I have used and promoted is its
  written and easily available user documentation. I see a planning wiki
  documentation with no activity since 2011.
  I also have gone through most of the archived mail to this list I could
  on this topic with no apparent consensus on what to do. I have also tried
  the ODFAuthors website and mailing list. There appear to be some drafts o
  chapters or a getting started guide but that is about all. The response
  the list was basically whatever you folks decide to do with them.
  My basic question is re there any plans for user docs or AOO and if so
  would the information be found? Although I am not a tech writer and have
  real experience in the publishing world, this is a area I believe that I
  could be o some small help in. I have done document review before on both
  software documentation and or internal corporate standards documents.


 Moving to DITA for the documentation would be even cleaner, since DITA
 has built-in support for this kind of conditional processing.

Don't take it bad, but such a solution brings also a lot of difficulties.
- How many people are actually able to work with this format?
- How many volunteers could be ready to learn it before producing something?
- How many people are ready to coach the newbies who are learning to work
with DITA? I had a look on it, it's not so easy and I doubt it's possible
to learn it without a little external coaching.
It could be perhaps a good solution in the long term, but also a serious
barrier before producing the first line of documentation, and you have to
repeat all this learning phase with all the new volunteers in the future ...
Only my point of vue.


Re: AOO as a portable application

2012-07-22 Thread Guy Waterval
Grüezi Drew,

2012/7/22 drew

 On Sun, 2012-07-22 at 03:27 +0200, Guy Waterval wrote:
  Hi all,
  I would know if the ASF will produce in the future a portable version of
  I think such a version could help to promote the use of AOO, as most
  computers are able  to run even big applications directly from an USB
  It's also nice for demos, etc.

 Howdy Guy,

 Ah, good question - I assume you know that OpenOffice was available for
 a long time in 'portable garb' from at least two third party sources:

 The transition over to Apache OpenOffice just put a kink in things, but
 my impression is that this is about to be cleared up.

 I'd direct you to this link:

 for one example - look for a change in that status in short order, or so
 is my guess ;)

 The other packager was:

 again I would not be surprised to see them update soon also.

Many thanks for the links which lead to some interesting portable
I hope to see AOO portable, but perhaps there are some difficulties for
legal issues.
We will see.

Best regards

AOO as a portable application

2012-07-21 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

I would know if the ASF will produce in the future a portable version of
I think such a version could help to promote the use of AOO, as most recent
computers are able  to run even big applications directly from an USB key.
It's also nice for demos, etc.


Re: development question of future feature

2012-07-16 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Yong Lin Ma,

2012/7/16 Yong Lin Ma

 You may share ideas with Kevin who is working on UI changes backlogs.

 Or propose ideas by yourself here ...

What I find a great feature in LS is the Context sensitive toolbar which
allows to reduce the number of available toolbars in the Vue menu. But OK,
I'm a Symphony user. Perhaps this feature would be found unpleasant for
most OpenOffice users.
Meanwhile, the impossibility to deplace this toolbar in the work area is
perhaps discutable.


Re: Crazy idea: Use Google to translate website

2012-07-02 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Rob,

2012/7/2 Rob Weir

 We've probably all seen the Google Translate service at:

You can also use  Anaphraseus (OO extension) with Google for translations,
so you have only to correct the translations coming automatically (no
copy/paste)  from Google.


Re: Next steps for Symphony and AOO

2012-06-14 Thread Guy Waterval
Hello Ma Yong Lin,

2012/6/14 Ma Yong Lin

Yes. Please see FAQ in more details.

I've tried to install the binary build on Windows 7 after suppressing AOO
3.4 and Symphony 3.01.
Installation : OK
No problem up to now when running the provided US version.
Only problems if I try to install the fr language pack 3.4. Installation
runs fine but AOO doesn't work correctly after (especially Writer doesn't

Many thanks for your work, I really like this version.


Re: Next steps for Symphony and AOO

2012-06-13 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Rob,
Hi all,

2012/6/12 Rob Weir

 Our challenge is to find the best way to bring these two code bases
 together, to make the best product.

 I think there are two main approaches to this problem:

 I.  Merge code, from Symphony, feature by feature, into AOO, in a
 prioritized order.  This is the slow approach, since it would take
 (by the estimates I've seen) a couple of years to bring all of the
 Symphony enhancements and bug fixes over to AOO.

 II.  Use Symphony as the the new base, and merge (over time) AOO (and
 OOo) enhancements and bug fixes into the new trunk.  This approach
 quickly gives a new UI, something we could fairly call Apache
 OpenOffice 4.0.

It's not an easy choice. From my end user point of view :
Solution I is better for maintaining the existing population of
Solution II is better for getting new users, I think. A MS Office teacher
said me recently that he thought that the principal issue for the growing
of the number of OO users was not a quality issue of the software,  but
simply the fact that it looks too much like a new MS Office 2003 version
 ... but free. So, it appears too much as an old maintained software.

Just my opinion


Re: Final look at art work ( Re: First Year Anniversary - party CD)

2012-06-13 Thread Guy Waterval
Hello drew,

So - acted on Alexandro's comments and yours, and as usual, listening
 does end up with a better result...updated the file here

 I find this very nice

Re: Incorrect Information About AOO 3.4

2012-05-27 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Dave,
Hi all,

2012/5/27 Dave Barton is a very popular download site for free software and for
 many years they have been offering OOo binaries for download. They are
 now offering
 Apache_OpenOffice_incubating_3.4.0_Win_x86_install_en-US.exe from this

 While this is good for user awareness of our first release, some of the
 information on that download page is incorrect and in one part totally

 There are other problems of this type, for instance, the fr webpage of the
AOO project :

You will see a link Boutique, pointing to the fr
former store, now in the hands of LibO :
You can buy there old articles about (remaining stocks) gently
mixed with the new ones (LibO). They sell also articles for some other
linked associations :


   April : TDF Supporters :

   Framasoft, which writes great articles about :

In this case, the issue is not these associations themselves, which have
the right to have their own opinion. The issue is, for me, the AOO project
itself, which not controlls seriously its external communication.

After several (public and private) requests inviting to be careful with
some links present on the fr website, nothing has changed up to now. For
me, these things are not to be minimized. I have nothing against a certain
communication with the concurrent project, but if we will avoid some battle
in the future, the best way is perhaps to be more careful with our external

Of course, this represents only my personal opinion, and has not to be
interpreted as a direct attack or any perverse insinuation against the
person who has in the hands the keys of the fr website.




Apache license (invariant section)

2012-05-22 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

Can anyone tell me if the Apache license allows, for a document, the
creation of invariant sections, like the GFDL, to require the presence of
these sections in all derived versions.

On the Contributors page of a document, I would like to include people
who contributed, with their name, email, website and a short advertising
message describing their activities. I want to protect and enforce this
page that it is reproduced in all derived versions of the original
document. Is this possible and if so, how the text of the Apache 2.0
license should it be formulated?

Many thanks




Re: Apache license (invariant section)

2012-05-22 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Donald,

2012/5/22 Donald Whytock

 On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 3:44 PM, Guy Waterval
  On the Contributors page of a document, I would like to include people
  who contributed, with their name, email, website and a short advertising
  message describing their activities. I want to protect and enforce this
  page that it is reproduced in all derived versions of the original
  document. Is this possible and if so, how the text of the Apache 2.0
  license should it be formulated?

 Email?  Is that a good idea?

Not an obligation, if they will, of course. Idem for the rest of the
informations. They would have the liberty to choice which informations,
advertising message or not, they give.

Re: Resigning from PPMC

2012-05-19 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Cyril,

2012/5/17 FR web forum

 After what happened, please consider I'm resigning form PPMC.
 What's wrong? Your name don't appears on a translated text?
 Is it a point of disagree for you?

 As I explain before, if you want to manage the fr website, you can.

 For example, you could help us to update this page in priority:
 All links are wrong and your new ML is not showing

 I can't do it better.

 First, I will thank you for your permanent investment in the project now and during the last past years. Honestly I
consider (personal opinion, of course) the forum fr as the most
professionnal group of the french community to help for the OO end users.
So, many thanks !

But regarding the fr website, unfortunately, I have to store the polishing
brush in the closet, because you are playing with matches!

What's wrong?

For me, certainly not the fact that you manage it, i have no competence to
do it, but I consider that the link to La Mouette is totally inadequate
on the first fr page of the AOO project.

The reason is that, in the former fr mailing lists, we had some problems
with some people coming from this nest, who were squatting the lists only
to empty them or vehiculate wrong informations about Oracle's intentions
about the project, etc.

So, if you have decided to promote this organisation, so that they could
buy peanuts for a garden-party, please, do it rather on your own website,
or blog, or in a dedicated LibO part on the forum fr.

This post does not change my opinion of the clear value of your commitment
and your contributions to the AOO project.




Re: Adding a CAT extension to Writer

2012-05-14 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

2012/5/6 Guy Waterval

 Hi all,

 Anaphraseus ( ) is a CAT (*C*omputer *A
 *ided *T*ranslation) extension which fits entirely into the Writer UI.

 It allows to perform translations directly in Writer and can be connected
 with an external translation machine as GoogleTranslate, MS Translate or

 To give you an idea of what can/can't be done actually with it, I post the
 two following files :

- ana_fr : original tutorial in french (draft)

 New fr version available.
Unchanged link

Re: [Extension]IBM SmartCloud Files Connector for Extension

2012-05-10 Thread Guy Waterval
Hello Liu Da Li,

2012/5/9 Liu Da Li

 Dear all,
 First Congratulations to our community for the AOO 3.4 released.
 Second, there is a Smart Cloud files extension can be used on AOO 3.4 now.
 Please have a try and welcome to provide some feedback.
 Here is the link.

This seems very interesting. I will give a try.
Many thanks for your work.

Adding a CAT extension to Writer

2012-05-06 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

Anaphraseus ( ) is a CAT (*C*omputer *A*ided
*T*ranslation) extension which fits entirely into the Writer UI.

It allows to perform translations directly in Writer and can be connected
with an external translation machine as GoogleTranslate, MS Translate or

To give you an idea of what can/can't be done actually with it, I post the
two following files :

   - ana_fr : original tutorial in french (draft)
   - ana_en : translation made with Anaphraseus connected to Google
   Translate. Sorry for the lot of mistakes, I'm not an en/us writer, but the
   results are very interesting when you proceed the translation in your own

Have a nice week



Re: Apache branded presentation template?

2012-05-03 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

2012/5/3 Louis Suárez-Potts

 On 2012-05-03, at 11:09 , Shane Curcuru wrote:

  We do not have an official Apache or project-related presentation
 template currently.  Folks looking for potential content to use or mimic
 may be available on the ComDev project's Speaker Resource page:
  If folks do develop a PPMC suggested template, we could definitely put
 it up there as well.
  - Shane
  On 2012-05-03 11:05 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
  do we already have an Apache branded presentation template that can we
  share? I think about a nice template (not overloaded) with Apache
  OpenOfifce and Apache branding elements that can be used to talk about
  AOO at any kind of events.
  Anybody interested in designing one?

 I'm lousy at design, but I do think we *need* this, as I, for one, do give
 plenty of presentations around the world and from time to time would find
 it beneficial to use a PPMC approved template. (Normally, I speak on
 community strategy, and represent my consultancy, Age of Peers, so it's not
 an urgent issue for me--but…)

We also need a professional  template to begin a documentation under Apache
licence. Could a professional tech writer provide that, from IBM or another


Re: Getting Started with AOO book

2012-05-03 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Jean,

2012/5/2 Jean Weber

 Over the years I've done quite a bit of that type of recruitment. My
 experience is that such efforts mostly bring forth a collection of
 wannabe writers who waste enormous amounts of my time and produce
 nothing useful, and reviewers who nitpick but don't notice actual
 errors in content. The few productive members of the ODFAuthors team
 appear to have come on their own, and those few make great

 For the various reasons mentioned above, I personally am not motivated
 to do any of the sort of recruitment you suggest at this time. If
 someone else wants to do so, that's fine.

I can understand your reticence with a too big campaign of recrutement. The
Take all what you find, put all the business in a pot, add a liter ketchup
and mix is a modern method of management but certainly not a good one.;-)
But you haven't to be demotivated, because with a few people you have
produced, without noise, an useful and concret work. Thus,  you haven't to
assume all the job here, this project has also to take its
responsabilities, but your experience has a high value here where all has
to be started.


Re: Draft chapters of Getting Started with AOO need reviewers

2012-04-24 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

2012/4/24 drew

 On Tue, 2012-04-24 at 13:45 +0200, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
  Jean Weber wrote:
   A reminder that draft  chapters of Getting Started with AOO need
   reviewers; you can find the chapters here.
  Thanks a lot to you and your team for this very important work. When the
  English version gets stable, please inform this list so that we can
  refresh the Italian translation too!

 Hi   Andrea

 Why not join with the ODFAuthours folks and work together - this old
 style of NL groups being a separate group - that was not really the best
 way IMO for many things in the old

 Why reinvent the wheel indeed. There's an existing structure and it would
be a good idea to integrate all the documentation writers in a unique
environnement. But before to invest a lot of time in such a document
project, there's perhaps a choice to do with the license. My personal
opinion is that we should adopt the Apache license to be coherent. If not,
it doesn't matter for the end users but isn't perhaps a good choice for the
project in the long term. In the other hand, I have to admit that there's a
lot of excellent existing materials by OOoAuthors that could be used... but
not with an Apache license.


Re: [RELEASE]: propose next build (RC?!) based on r1309668

2012-04-08 Thread Guy Waterval
Hello Jürgen,

2012/4/8 Jürgen Schmidt

 On 4/7/12 10:56 PM, Claudio Filho wrote:


 2012/4/5 Jürgen 

 Included languagues: en-US ar de cs fr es gl it ja zh-CN pt-BR nl hu ru
 zh-TW fi

 I haven't time to test each build, Jürgen, but i downloaded now the
 Brazilian (pt-BR)   - r1309668 - now and found a strange behavior. All
 strings in the menu bar are in english, and when i open a dialog, it
 is translated.

 In the installer is the same thing. All in english, except the strings
 of buttons (en/pt-BR, next/próximo, previous/anterior, etc).

 mmh, strange I have no idea what's going wrong, the localization looks

 Which platform do you have tested? Have anybody else noticed a similar
 problem with other languages?

I'm working with the fr version (Windows XP SP3) without problem up to now.
Many thanks for your work in the project.


Re: LGPL vs Apache 2.0 FAQ?

2012-04-06 Thread Guy Waterval

2012/4/6 Gianluca Turconi

 In data 05 aprile 2012 alle ore 14:58:01, Joost Andrae ha scritto:

 I'm not sure if an average user is able to read legal language thus in my
 opinion such a legal comparison might not be useful at all because it
 probably needs to be written in legal language.

 Indeed, I mean something much simpler. Just a page that lists questions

 Can I still use Apache OpenOffice for free in any environment (school,
 home, office)? Yes you can.
 Can I still copy Apache OpenOffice and install it on my
 daughter's/parents'/**colleagues' PCs? Yes you can.
 Can I still distribute a copy of Apache OpenOffice? Yes you can and you
 are even freer. Read more [link].

 It should be a FAQ for the average Joe, absolutely no legalese involved,
 unless a distributer wants more info about brands, names and so on.

I totally agree with you. Such a document could also be very  helpful for
new contributors, especially for those who will contribute in their free
time and have the right to understand exactly to what they engage when they
work in ASF projects.


Re: Feeling my oats this morning

2012-04-05 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

2012/4/5 Jim Jagielski

 On Apr 5, 2012, at 10:29 AM, Rob Weir wrote:
  Finally, I think this project is very happy to talk to reporters who
  have questions when preparing an article. It is not an imposition.  It is
  part of what Apache PMC's do. It is an easy way to avoid sloppy errors.

 Yeppers... I seem to recall someone not on the PPMC saying that he
 rec'd queries from reporters about AOOo. I'm sure he's been relaying
 them to the right people here. Not doing so would be simply irresponsible.

 Why not to propose an official presentation of the project in different
languages, that people could publish for instance in the newsletter of
their Company, golf club, school, association or other (with a link to the
official web version). Of course such an article would not appear as a
marketting message but a pure information describing to people in an
accessible language to all, the philsophy of the Apache foundation, what is
the AOO project, what it can bring them in their daily activities. I think
that could be an interesting way to take the control of the communication
around the project and spread the word to the basis of the users. Moreover,
these publishing areas are free of charge, and their redactors are often
happy to find articles to publish.
Only an idea.


Re: Symphony documentation for AOO?

2012-03-17 Thread Guy Waterval
Hello Rob,

2012/3/17 Rob Weir

 The format isn't the issue. The issue is the editing environment,
 right? If you could use OpenOffice as your editor and easily save it
 to DITA, or Wiki format, then that would be OK.  Do you agree?

Yes, I do.
That would be nice to have the possibility to create basis documents
directly in AOO in a form easily exportable to the other formats. Of course
this requests some instructions from professionnal technical writers,
template, etc. to produce basis documents which fit the needs with a
minimum of supplementary work. In a teamwork, this approach could also have
the advantage to implicate more people who  know the habits and
 difficulties generally encountered by the end users during their daily use
of the tool.
Easy to say  but perhaps not so easy to do, of course.

Re: Symphony documentation for AOO?

2012-03-16 Thread Guy Waterval
Hello Betsy,

2012/3/16 Jing Bai

 Seems many people would agree that WIKI solution is a good one. Does anyone
 know where we can find the WIKI hardware and platform resources in our
 community? How could we setup one wiki platform for ourselves to host the

Concerning this question of documentation,  I totally subscribe with the
position of Jean Weber when she says :

[Citation] : I also think many of the volunteers who worked on user
guides for OOo -- if they choose to work on AOO docs -- prefer to work in
AOO itself and produce user guides that demonstrate (some of) what one
can do with the product as a publishing system. [End of citation]

Moreover, I think that the choice of the wiki or the DITA format would
introduce a technical barrier which would strongly reduce the number of
volunteers. Please, consider that such a group as the LO fr group, which
has began to translate the LO oooauthors docs, seems to have some
difficulties to reach the necessary team to do the job. For me, the number
of people involved does nos exceed 4 or 5. This can give you an idea of the
difficulty to create a documentation team of volunteers, even when working
with a well known method.

Of course, if the community choose another way, I will try to participate,
even if I never have worked with a wiki.




Re: URIs Associated with OOo Documentation

2011-11-19 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

2011/11/19 Dennis E. Hamilton

 I did a *sampling* just now and I found all of these addresses used as
 Feedback locations:

Just for info, I'm writing documentation (fr) on Lotus Symphony and
OOoLight (Apache license)

Symphony Documents (Apache license, 160 pages) will be available in 2 weeks




Re: Foundation blog posting on Apache OOo

2011-10-16 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Simon,

2011/10/15 Simon Phipps

 I just passed on your words here to the conference attendees in the closing
 address and the audience responded with spontaneous applause.

Great news!

I've read this release on the Web :

Is it from you?

Best regards



Re: Starting a conversation on AOOo 4.0

2011-09-23 Thread Guy Waterval

2011/9/23 Shao Zhi Zhao


 IBM symphony will contribute to Apache, it has good UI,it will be
 fit to your requirement.

I know, I use Symphony and it's really a piece of cake.
Many thanks for the great job.


Re: Starting a conversation on AOOo 4.0

2011-09-22 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi all,

2011/9/21 Rob Weir

 I don't want to distract us too much for the 3.4.0 work.  There is a
 lot of work to do, mainly around the detailed work of IP review.
 However, I think we should have a parallel conversation, with project
 contributors as well as with users, about what we could do after that,
 in a major release.

Perhaps time is coming to try to change the interface. We've now two
projects LO and AOO which have the same look and it's perhaps not so good. I
think a new look for AOO could give it a better identitiy and could be more
attactive for the mass of the end users as the old one. But as I'm not a
coder, I don't know if this could be easily realisable.

Best regards

Re: AOO fr-documentation project

2011-09-07 Thread Guy Waterval
Hello Eric,

Many thanks and happy to work with your team

 Again, a big Thank you for your donation !

If you speak about the documentation, I would say that it's more easy for me
to do a gift in french. You know that each one who will really reuse it
must also invest in it (corrections, traduction, etc.). It appears more as
an equilibrated game in which your production gets a more value and all
parts are winning, it's ok and not frustrant even if you have invested a
large party of your free time in your project. For a documentation in
English, which is more directly usable, it's a more delicate question. I
think it's more difficult for english writers, and I can understand it. It's
perhaps more difficult to reach the equilibrated game in this case.

If you speak about my participation to your costs, I consider it as a normal




Re: Status of existing OOo user guides

2011-09-06 Thread Guy Waterval
Hi Rob,

Something to remember is that Symphony is only the three main apps.
 It does not cover, for example, Base.  So even if we did switch to
 Symphony docs for the core, we'd still need to find a way to cover the
 other pieces.

Does that mean we could have for AOO a commun trunk with Symphony for
Writer, Calc, Impress, and the rest (Draw, Maths, Base) specific to AOO?

Best regards