[osol-discuss] Jive Forums Decommission

2011-10-19 Thread Bill Rushmore
Next Wednesday, October 26th, the Jive forums at 
http://opensolaris.org/jive/index.jspa will be decommissioned and removed from 
the website.

The Jive/Mailman gateways have always been a problem and the forums will no 
longer be supported. Content in the Jive forums will remain in the 
corresponding Mailman lists and discussions will continue on those 
corresponding lists. If you normally participate in discussions on the Jive 
forums, you will need to subscribe to the matching mail lists at 
http://mail.opensolaris.org.  Solaris users may also be interested in the OTN 
discussions located here: 

Any questions, send mail to website-ad...@opensolaris.org.

Bill Rushmore
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Will this forum shut down?

2010-08-20 Thread Bill Rushmore
 Does anyone know if it will shut down? 

There are no plans to shut down the opensolaris-discuss  mailing list.

Bill Rushmore
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Anyone using Laptops with Intel 4965AGN WLAN card?

2008-06-12 Thread Bill Rushmore
There is an updated driver on the packager server that will probably help.  I 
had a similar issue and mine was fixed with the latest update.  But that 
doesn't really help you with running from the live CD.

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Jobs/Recruiters List

2007-12-15 Thread Bill Rushmore
 Has that list ever been tested ?

No it hasn't been tested, this was the first time anyone posted anything.  I'm 
an admin like Ian and can't approve the emails either.  We'll get it straighten 

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Pittsburgh PA OpenSolaris meet up?

2007-10-26 Thread Bill Rushmore
I am hoping to organize an informal meeting of people in the Pittsburgh area 
interested in OpenSolaris.  The intention will be besides the opportunity to 
meet with other like minded individuals to also discuss starting a local user 
group.  If you are interested please respond to this thread or email me 
directly.  I'll setup an email discssion to come up with a time and place.

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Keeping up with Changes

2007-07-25 Thread Bill Rushmore
I am looking for a comprehensive change log of what happens with in 
OpenSolaris Community Edition releases.  Does such a thing even exist?  
I know for ON we have this:


But that's ON and only part of the picture obviously.

The reason I ask is that I would like to provide better bug reports for 
issues I find.  One example, there is now a problem with VMware 
Workstation's VMware tools when Xorg was upgrade to 7.1.  I have been 
able to find when that happen because I have been upgrading frequently 
with every release lately.  However, I know that there has to be a 
better way of keeping up with what changed. 


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] VMware on OpenSolaris (was OpenSolaris or CentOs Sever?)

2007-05-24 Thread Bill Rushmore

Javier O. Augusto wrote:

What about running VMWare on Solaris x86? Any plans?
Does anyone know something about it?

When or if we get VMwarethen I would never install another OS besides 
Solaris on the bare metal again! 

I am wondering if anyone has done any more fiddling with trying to get 
VMware working under Brandz, that seems to be a more likely scenario at 
this point.  That's been on my todo list for awhile to try out.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Paying Open Source Developers

2007-05-12 Thread Bill Rushmore
There was one bit of news from CommunityOne (i.e. the JavaOne pre-show) 
that I thought might have interesting consequences for the OpenSolaris 
community.  That was the proposal to pay open source developers for 
their work.  That doesn't seem like a bad idea and I am wondering how 
such a thing would affect the community here.  The thing that is great 
about most open source communities is that the main motivation for 
people is their passion for the work and the all the other benefits 
gained are secondary.  I would have to say that this community is no 
different.  From my perspective it seems that even most of the Sun 
employees are involved here not just because it is their job but it 
because they are really into the idea of OpenSolaris and if they weren't 
getting paid by Sun they would be here anyway.

So I do not really think that if all of a sudden Sun started paying for 
contributions to OpenSolaris it would make a big impact on the quality 
of the contributions but I do like the idea.  But if I was running the 
show I wouldn't pay people in cash.  Why not do something like this for 
example: if there is a someone that is doing a great job why not send 
them something like an Ultra 45 to use for awhile.  Something like this 
I would think would not only impress many contributors but also provide 
them with tools to help with more contributions.  It could also be 
structured in such a way that Sun is loaning *wink, wink* the hardware 
to the contributor to avoid taxes and all of that mess.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Sun to make Solaris more Linux like

2007-05-10 Thread Bill Rushmore

carlos antonio neira bustos wrote:

Im totally against this aproach , why be like that other OS ?? ,for start being 
like linux , we need some more bugs  and profanity in the source code ...
is enough to say that im horryfied with this news.


I might tend to agree with this sentiment but hasn't this been going on 
in some way for a very long time?  As part of my job I test our software 
on multiple versions of Linux and a user's perspective  the latest 
Solaris Community Editions are starting to feel just feel like another 
Linux distro.  For example, the default desktop is now Gnome, it has an 
auto update app your grandmother could love, and /usr/sfw has just about 
all the tools I am used to seeing in Linux.  I switch back in between 
OS's all day and as a user the differences aren't huge.  For the 
development I do there are some big differences but that is a different 
story.As a Linux user that has converted to Solaris I could see a 
big chasm say back a couple of years ago but today the separation isn't 
that big of a deal.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: CD burning in Solaris

2007-04-23 Thread Bill Rushmore

UNIX admin wrote:

cdrecord -scanbus
cdrecord -v -data -sao dev=c,t,l /var/tmp/MyImage.ISO

where c,t,l are the numbers you'd get from `cdrecord -scanbus`, and that's it.

It doesn't get any simpler than that.


Actually, in Solaris it does get simpler! :-)

cdrw -i MyImage.ISO


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: OpenSolaris sessions at JavaOne

2007-03-08 Thread Bill Rushmore

W. Wayne Liauh wrote:

Quite on the contrary, I think this is a quite matter-of-course move.  Some 
Java developers have been telling me that they could distinguish b/t a Java app 
and a native app in the GNOME environment (though it is quite a different story 
in KDE).  They need a home, and the perception is, rightly or wrongly, Solaris 
could become the best home base for Java developers.

The perceived tight Java integration also is a good selling tool to entice 
Linux developers to consider Solaris.

A big +1.

A couple of years ago I was a Java developer at JavaOne and saw  DTrace 
in action at JavaOne.  Around that time I was not developing on Solaris 
but I was developing Java apps for Solaris.  Solaris in my mind was an 
OS for servers, not for developers.  I saw Brian and Adam in one of the 
BOF's talking about DTrace and the OpenSolaris project and was amazed.  
So pretty much from that moment on I was hooked and never looked back. 

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Getting rid of CD images for future SX:CE deliveries

2007-02-24 Thread Bill Rushmore

Would you have a problem with DVD-only images for SX:CE?   Do you have
systems you use for OpenSolaris that don't have DVD drives and that
you can't netinstall from another system or Live Upgrade from a mounted

Like others have mentioned, what I think should be done is to have one 
small download CD needed for the initial install and once the network is 
setup the rest of the packages needed are downloaded automatically by 
the install.   Obviously this won't work for everyone but I think it 
would for most people.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Request a new Community for License Discussion (was CAB/OGB Position Paper # 20070207)

2007-02-12 Thread Bill Rushmore

Simon Phipps wrote:

On Feb 11, 2007, at 13:28, Bill Rushmore wrote:

I totally agree Giacomo.  As much as I have tried, I just can't 
interested in the licensing discussions.  As someone who wants to use 
the fruits of OpenSolaris for my own use and to make a living writing 
software for the platform the differences in licensing just don't 
have much of an impact.  For the most part as long as it is open 
source is all I care.  I also believe that type of license isn't the 
main factor of the success, the quality of the OS and the community 
as a whole is.

This is a difficult subject. In a democracy, the voters ultimately 
take responsibility for everything, not just the things they think are 
interesting and fun. I thus get worried when I hear the idea of saying 
this is nothing to do with me being asserted about complex or 
controversial topics. This is not to criticise you, Bill, I have have 
heard this from many people now.

Excellent point Simon and that is probably why most of us live in 
republics.  My preference is that I would rather see people who know 
what they are doing in this area work on this.  I know for me, I have 
tried to look a this subject objectively but my decisions always come 
down based on emotion because like you said, this is a complex topic.  I 
for one would love to see the irony fulfilled of GNU Not UNIX but...

If we had a complex controversial technical issue with the kernel would 
we open it up to everyone's decision or would only people with the 
expertise be involved?

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Request a new Community for License Discussion (was CAB/OGB Position Paper # 20070207)

2007-02-11 Thread Bill Rushmore

De Togni Giacomo wrote:

[i]The discussion should be held
in the widest possible forum, which to me looks like

Good for widest possible forum but if generic (like opensolaris-discuss) it 
could be problematic.The licenses issues are not generic but specific 
issues.So,a specific forum as opensolaris-licenses-discuss could  be a solution?

  OpenSolaris - The Pride of a community


I totally agree Giacomo.  As much as I have tried, I just can't 
interested in the licensing discussions.  As someone who wants to use 
the fruits of OpenSolaris for my own use and to make a living writing 
software for the platform the differences in licensing just don't have 
much of an impact.  For the most part as long as it is open source is 
all I care.  I also believe that type of license isn't the main factor 
of the success, the quality of the OS and the community as a whole is. 

However, there are plenty of people that do really care about such 
things and I feel there should be a place for those discussions. As time 
goes on I would expect more things to discuss and not less.  So consider 
this a formal request for a new community/list for license discussions.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] OpenSolaris in the Spotlight

2007-02-10 Thread Bill Rushmore
For those of you unaware of the Sun Developers Network there is a nice 
little video of an interview with Stephen Lau about the OpenSolaris project:


This month is Solaris month at SDN so hopefully we'll see more videos 
like this useful for advocacy.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Install Solaris Express as a VMWare virtual machine?

2007-01-22 Thread Bill Rushmore

Yu-Hui Liu wrote:


-  After all the configuration, went into “The system is being 
initialized, please wait…” and hung there.

I have the same problem but on my physical machine with the 55b of SXCR. 
It locks up hard where the mouse won't even move anymore.  I have 
another machine with VMware on it and it had no problems installing from 
the same DVD so not a media issue.  So this seems like a hardware issue 
for the install and not VMware.  Any hints on how I can collect more 
meaningful data?

BTW, the machine that the install fails on for me is a HP Pavilion a642n. 


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Need FTP site for Solaris 10

2007-01-19 Thread Bill Rushmore

Ignacio Marambio Catán wrote:

also, sun kindly provides a nice download manager that can cope with
the download just fine

I have been using the non Webstarted download manager for years and 
never had a problem and it still works fine.  It is a pain to copy paste 
all the links but will work.  Here is a trick I found.  Start all 
downloads with the Webstart app and then close it.  Open the old SDMand 
all the files are ready to go.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Unkillable Processes

2006-12-17 Thread Bill Rushmore

Ben Rockwood wrote:

You guys are the kings.  Indeed it was bug 6455727.  And indeed that DTrace 
one-liner illuminated the problem where no other tool could.

The resolution was simple, add the following line to lighttpd.conf:

server.network-backend = writev

The Blastwave package is built with this backend, so its there and ready to use.  

After a quick look at lighttpd autof00 for 1.4.13 there doesn't appear to be a 
configure switch to disable sendfilev or make writev the default out of the box.

Thanks Bryan and Matt for being so snappy, its a massive help for a problem 
thats been driving us crazy.


My guess is that we are going to hear quite but about this on ps | grep 
this week ;-)

This thread just illustrates how truly amazing the community is and the 
power of DTrace.  Just take a look how how fast Ben ended up having his 
problem resolved on a weekend none the less.  Just imagine what Ben 
would have had to go through to try to figure this out on any other OS 
or even with Solaris just a very short time ago.  The Solaris universe 
has a bright future indeed!

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Happy Happy Joy Joy

2006-11-28 Thread Bill Rushmore

Nicholas Senedzuk wrote:

It was taken out of service about 6 months ago. At this point just keeping
it up and running to see how long before something goes wrong. Anyone know
of any systems that have been up longer?

Take a look here: http://en.uptime-project.net/page.php?page=toplist

Admittedly, I am a newbie when it comes to System Administration.  But 
how do all of you with crazy up times keep your system's patched?  It 
seems like every other patch requires a restart!


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Question about VMware and Solaris

2006-11-22 Thread Bill Rushmore

Christine Sterner wrote:

Sorry, I haven't been following the whole thread but check out:


There is an entry for Solaris Enterprise System Virtual Appliance for 

Runs on x86/x64 desktops or servers...

I'm not sure if this is what you are looking forbut incase


Wow, that is awesome! 

I'll ask this again, can we make one like this for SXCR/OpenSolaris stuff?

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] The FSF Website says not to use the CDDL

2006-09-27 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Wed, 27 Sep 2006, Joerg Schilling wrote:

So why do we keep having these endless CDDL/GPL discussions here?

Because people would expect a public reaction from Sun that does not seem
to happen.

I don't think that Sun necessarily has to respond.  Take a look at the
page in question:


You'll have a sore scroll mouse finger going through all the licenses they
tell you not to use.  They aren't being too ecumenical here are they?  I
think that speaks better than what an offical statement from Sun could


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: OpenSolaris Parallels Workstation

2006-09-23 Thread Bill Rushmore

Jason wrote:

Since it is Open Solaris, would it be possible for someone to make an image 
available (http or torrent) for other folks to download?  It seems like there are some 
very rough edges that could be dealt with once and shared.

I've been trying unsucessfully with the official non-open Solaris (fails due 
part way through install with issues seeing the install files) and elatte 
opensolaris (installs but hangs on boot w/ a fatal filesystem check - checking 
it now).

All I am really looking for is a way to try out dtrace on some binaries...


I tired this almost a year ago.  I wanted to create a VMware VM to 
distribute.   The problem is that you still need Solaris Express to make 
OpenSolaris work and Solaris Express can't be redistributed.  At least 
that is my understanding.  However, maybe we can try to convince Sun to 
distribute Solaris Express as a VM rather than just a VM?


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Non-Sun blogs: Redux

2006-09-16 Thread Bill Rushmore
A while back I brought up the fact that only Sun blogs are showing up on the 
main page and on project pages.  The problem is still happening, we only have 
feeds from blogs.sun.com, which is fine but there are blogs of interest outside 
of there too.  Now if there is some kind internal legal issue that people can't 
comment on I am fine with that, just give some kind of wink or nod and I'll 
shut up.  Otherwise, can we get it fixed?

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Non-Sun blogs: Redux

2006-09-16 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Sat, 16 Sep 2006, Stephen Lau wrote:

Yes, it's all part of a secret plan where Sun employees are trying to
sabotage the project ;-)

Man, I didn't even think of that one!

No, in all seriousness this is a bug.  It looks like the webapp machine
is having trouble getting through the firewall to reach non-Sun hosts.
Derek and I will get in touch with the team responsible on Monday and
try to get this resolved.  Thanks for letting us know!

Thank you for looking into it.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: [osol-mktg] New Home Page Graphic

2006-08-31 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Thu, 31 Aug 2006, Martin Man wrote:

Hi Sara,

could be just me being too busy, but was there any open decision making 
process that led to this logo being chosen?

I like it, I'm just curious who was involved and what was the process.


Also, what does it all mean?  Granted, I might be a little thick but what 
is the significance of (2)?


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: [osol-mktg] New Home Page Graphic

2006-08-31 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Thu, 31 Aug 2006, Tim Foster wrote:

On Thu, 2006-08-31 at 08:52 -0400, Bill Rushmore wrote:

On Thu, 31 Aug 2006, Martin Man wrote:

could be just me being too busy, but was there any open decision making
process that led to this logo being chosen?

No idea (I wasn't involved, in case you were wondering ;-)

Also, what does it all mean?  Granted, I might be a little thick but what
is the significance of (2)?

The (2) is referencing the man page convention of putting the section of
the man page after the function you're talking about. I figured you guys
would get it (since the code in the background is some of the
implementation of the open syscall :
http://cvs.opensolaris.org/source/xref/on/usr/src/uts/common/syscall/open.c#59 )

I used the open syscall since it's part of our name, and a pretty
important system call in UNIX generally.

Maybe it's all a bit geeky, but I liked it. I guess the graphic will
only be there for a while - so if you feel like putting together a
better graphic (which admittedly, wouldn't be hard!) I'm sure the
website-discuss guys are still taking submissions.

I like it too!  How UNIX can you get, when some one asks about the
graphic and you send them to a man page!  :-)


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: Blog Feeds

2006-08-29 Thread Bill Rushmore
 Bill Rushmore wrote:
  I noticed that the only blogs that are showing up
 now on any of the 
  OpenSolaris main pages are those from Sun.  Is
 there a technical glich 
  or something else...?
 blogs.sun.com was upgraded to Roller 3.0 this week,
 and changes in that
 caused a lot of blog aggregators to think all posts
 from b.s.c were new,
 so that may have pushed older posts from other sites
 -Alan Coopersmith-

I still think something is broken.  For example, there is famous non-Sun blog, 
i.e. Cuddletech, that I always enjoy hasn't been on the main page in a while.

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SXCR is now 6 CDs

2006-08-22 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Tue, 22 Aug 2006, Dave Miner wrote:

Matt Williamson wrote:

Bill Rushmore wrote:

This might be a kind of crazy idea and I am not sure if it is even 
possible.  But couldn't a public flash http server be setup?  So all that 
would be needed would be an initial install CD.  Then during then install 
the necessary packages can be downloaded from the public flash server(s)? 
Is this  feasible?   If it is I'll be happy to put in a RFE.

sounds totally feasible to me.

alludes to flars

Yes, it's feasible.  There's no reason to file an RFE, it's something we're 
considering as evidenced by the link above.

One problem is that it's extra release-engineering work to produce the 
flar's, yet doing so doesn't address upgrades (obviously quite important to 
existing community users) unless we're also producing differential archives 
(even more release-engineering work, and we would obviously have limits on 
the combinations we'd product) or providing other means of performing an 
upgrade without having to download everything.  Flash has some nice features 
and I'd like to use it more, but I'm not going to get a lot of support for 
spending on infrastructure that addresses only one piece of the lifecycle 
without a plan to leverage it into the rest.  We're not there yet.


This is probably an even crazier suggestion given the current state of 
things, but would it help if you could recruit some of us community 
members to help with release-engineering work or any of this in general?


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SXCR is now 6 CDs

2006-08-21 Thread Bill Rushmore

Matt Williamson wrote:

Ignacio Marambio Catán wrote:

dont you guys think it's getting a little too big?

imho it is

is there a way to include staroffice and the sources in separate cds
to lighten the burden?

great idea! would you mind filing an rfe against consolidation/install? 
This might be a kind of crazy idea and I am not sure if it is even 
possible.  But couldn't a public flash http server be setup?  So all 
that would be needed would be an initial install CD.  Then during then 
install the necessary packages can be downloaded from the public flash 
server(s)?  Is this  feasible?   If it is I'll be happy to put in a RFE.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] SunPCI and SXCR

2006-08-17 Thread Bill Rushmore
Has anyone tried running a SunPCI III card under any of the recent SXCR 
builds?  I am thinking about running SXCR on my Sun Blade 1000 at work. 
I can deal with the typical problems caused by living on the edge but one 
thing I must have is my SunPCI III working.  So has anyone tried it?


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] picture of dtrace integration in osx (xray)

2006-08-09 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Wed, 9 Aug 2006, David J. Orman wrote:

Picture speaks for itself. ;) Some GUI stuff like this sure would help ease 
new-users into using the advanced functionality of OSOL. A really slick ZFS 
management tool, really slick Dtrace tool (for app devs and whathave), etc.. it 
could make a big difference.

If you want to check out some slick GUI stuff for DTrace check out 
the Chime project.  It may not seem much when you look at first but it 
really has lots of potential in my opinion. That is because it doesn't 
take any GUI programming to add you own traces with a slick front end.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Setup of Tomcat. Anyone?

2006-08-04 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Fri, 4 Aug 2006, tyw wrote:

Erm, isnt '/etc/apache' a directory?

Yes, it is.  cd into and take a look.  There is a README.Solaris that will 
be help.

But you will need to do is copy httpd.conf-example to httpd.conf.  Then go 
to the end of the file and you'll see the thing you are supposed to 
uncomment.  After that everytime Solaris starts up so will Apache and 
Tomcat.  Simple.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] the grubby looking install process

2006-07-10 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Mon, 10 Jul 2006, Dennis Clarke wrote:

Simply put, a friend of mine tried to install Solaris and gave up because he
was convinced that the graphics card and keyboard were not supported.
Forget MAC and the fact that there are digits on the QWERTY keyboard across
the top row.  The average user simply couldn't be bothered to deal with it.

I'll try to say this as politley as I can but I think more blame has to go 
to your friend and not the Solaris install.  Afterall, thousands of people 
have figure out how to press '1' with out problems and managed to install 
Solaris succesfully.

But if you are right and he is an average user then should the Solaris 
community really be working towards maing things nice for the average 
user?  Personally, I would put a higher priority on making Solaris the 
most stable, best perfromaning, reliable OS there is.  I feel 
that the Solaris install is decent.  There are a few things that really do 
need fixed but pretty screens and numlocks is WAY down on the list.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] four time loser trying to build ON

2006-06-20 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Mon, 19 Jun 2006, Dennis Clarke wrote:

I have tried repeatedly on this old old 32-bit HP Kayak XU box to get a
clean build.  Something I can do with the same processes in the same manner
on a dual proc Opteron in a flash.  Easy as pie.


So I guess I have to ask if anyone else out there has had any issues with
any of these :


 on old 32-bit Intel Pentium hardware ?

I can't even get any of those build in SXCR to even boot on my Kayak.  I 
haven't even bother to figure out why, I figure there are better things to 
do than to figure it out.  There is something weird with the hardware, 
VMWare (any kind) won't work on it either.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] four time loser trying to build ON

2006-06-20 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Tue, 20 Jun 2006, Dennis Clarke wrote:

affected in the same way with the same sort of hardware.

What sort of unit do you have there ?

I have an HP Kayak XU Model D5704T with a few modifications.

Mine is an XU800, it is has some modifications too, and that my be the 
problem.  It was a machine from my company's junk pile.  I added hard 
drives, memory, nics, and cpu's.  So the machine is a Frankenstien. 
The machine and everything I put in is on the Solaris hardware list so 
there is something not right there.  I have had bad luck with Solaris x86 
in general.  So I decided to save up for an Ultra 20 and be done with 
fighting with the hardware.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Google Earth

2006-06-13 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Mon, 12 Jun 2006, W. Wayne Liauh wrote:

Hey, Google engineers, any chance of getting
gle Earth v4/a
ported to OpenSolaris?

Do you really want this stuff on your employees' computer?  Nah.

Absolutely!  I work for a construction company and the land development 
guys love it.  And these were the guys that refused to even touch 
computers until they saw Google Earth.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Google Earth

2006-06-13 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Mon, 12 Jun 2006, Dennis Clarke wrote:

Something even more freaky .. I know that if I search around in my backup
tapes I can find a copy of MSIE 5.0 for Solaris in there somewhere.

I wonder if the people at Microsoft will port MSIE 7 to Solaris.  Don't
laugh.  The penetration of MSIE 7 into the user space will be huge and
having it on Solaris would be a win.

Even more so I would like to see the Windows Media player, or least just a 
plugin ported updated for Solaris.  Heck, even if the old one was brought 
up to date so it would work with Solaris 10 and beyond wouldn't be so bad.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] What would it take to run Solaris x86 on a SunPCi card?

2006-06-01 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

What would be needed in the way of additional drivers, boot support, etc to make
that happen?  Is sufficient info available from publically available 
OpenSolaris code,

FWIW, I have OpenSolaris running on a SunPCi card with VMware running 
Windows XP.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: where to start?

2006-05-22 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Mon, 22 May 2006, Rich Teer wrote:

Well I think that Solaris is very pleasant to use, I doubt I'm the only one.
Could it be improved?  Yes, but that's not saying that it is currently 
to use.

+1.  I really do like JDS for me development work.  I basically can sum it 
up as It gets the job done. I do like the Mac and use that occasionally 
and I use Windows when I have to. Before I switched to Solaris I used KDE 
almost exclusively.  But now I spend most of my day in front of JDS by 

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] where to start?

2006-05-18 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Thu, 18 May 2006, Mello wrote:

First off, I guess that the above URL should be
http://www.gnusolaris.org/ (Nexenta home page). Keep in mind it is
only available for x86 systems, though.

Thank you for fixing my typo.

In my case, I'm a total newbie when it comes to Solaris, I've tried
Solaris Express (Sol 11, that is) directly.
It worked like a charm. I can do so many things with it, from the
typical *nix activities to web-browsing and listening to music.
ZFS and zones are included and, depending on what you intend to do,
remote installation/upgrade is possible.
Still discovering it but I definitely suggest to try it!

I can only say +1 to that!

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: where to start?

2006-05-18 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Thu, 18 May 2006, Bernhard Neuhauser wrote:

- licence not for production or im wrong?
  Would this already prohibit a company to use SE for internal file server for 

Solaris Express you can think of as a Beta Version of Solaris.  Someone 
will correct me if I am wrong but you can use Solaris or Solaris Express 
in production with the current license.  Sun wants to sell support, not 
licenses.  But you probablt wouldn't want to use Solaris Express in real 
production environment, just because it is still in devleopment.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] How Do You Use OpenSolaris?

2006-05-15 Thread Bill Rushmore

On May 15, 2006, at 5:03 PM, Stephen Harpster wrote:

We've been giving lots of talks around the world about  
OpenSolaris.  One question
that comes up a lot, which unfortunately I've been unable to  
answer, is how are people
using OpenSolaris?  I have a good handle on what universities are  
doing with it, but

what are others doing with it?  How are you using it?

Thanks for the help!

I primarily am using OpenSolaris to learn more about the technology.   
I am a developer and Solaris is my platform of choice.  In my work I  
use Java but I have always had an interest in how operating systems  
work.  So I use OpenSolaris for my hobby and my own education.  But  
since I have found OpenSolaris to be very stable I am also using the  
system my home mail and file server.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Sun HW developer discounts

2006-05-13 Thread Bill Rushmore

UNIX admin wrote:

I used to work for a company that was a Sun strategic partner. We had something called a 
developer discount that enabled us to get ANY piece of Sun HW at down to 20% 
of the sticker price.  For example, I spec'd out a 280R (this was six years ago!) with a 
T3 -- fully loaded -- that cost around $67,000 and got it for around $20K (give or take).

Now I'd like to get the same type of membership for my own company because we do a 
lot of RD on (Open)Solaris, and getting Sun HW at afforable prices is a 
strategic initiative.

I've looked around on developers.sun.com/ but there is no mention of any HW 
discounts for developers. But obviously they exist!

Where can I find more info on this stuff?

Try this:


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Interesting blog entry on Solaris 10

2006-05-01 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Mon, 1 May 2006, Matthew Gardiner wrote:

For me at this moment, OpenSolaris isn't 'there' in terms of workstation
use, but as a server, its definately there, even for my attrociously
small network consisting of two computers and a router.

I have to disagree with you about OpenSolaris not being 'there' for the 
desktop.  Ever since Solaris 10 came out it has been my desktop of choice 
for my development work.  So I spend most of my day in using the Solaris 
desktop and I am very happy with it.  I am a regular user of both the Mac 
and Windows desktops so it is not like I haven't given other things a try. 
As a matter of fact I have spent at least a year each with Linux, Mac OS 
X, or Windows as my primary work desktop and nothing comes close the 
simplicity and practicality of the straight forward Solaris desktop.  And 
the latest builds of OpenSolaris have really taken it to the next level. 
The current versions look much better than Windows XP and are getting 
close to Mac OS X.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: Propose removing [] prefixes in Subject

2006-05-01 Thread Bill Rushmore
 Over in website-discuss, we've reached consensus
  that, for the site
 lists as a whole, the various [foo-discuss] tags
  should not be
   prepended to subject lines by default.
 Since opensolaris-discuss is the highest traffic
  alias on
 opensolaris.org, I think it is reasonable to make
  one exception if
 those mailx(1) users out there feel strongly
  enough.  If no one
 cares, then we'll switch them all over the course
  of tomorrow

Put my vote in a no way.  I subscribe to several other email groups and they 
use the [] convention also and it really helps with mental sorting of loads of 

This message posted from opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SX Releases - Visibility

2006-04-29 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Sat, 29 Apr 2006, Darren Reed wrote:

What about organising an article or story on slashdot.org for every SX 
release or two or three?

Are you volunteering Darren?  :-)  But seriously I wouldn't mind helping 
out on this.

I do think this is a great idea.  One thing I have been unable to find, 
but I sure has to exist is a change log for each SXE release.  What I 
would like is a link not too far from the link where I download SXE is a 
list of here's what's new.  Maybe a short article once in awhile would be 
nice to tell me why I should care about is new.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Pittsburgh User Group?

2006-04-26 Thread Bill Rushmore
I am going to be moving to Pittsburgh in a couple months and was 
wondering if anyone would be interested in getting an OpenSolaris user 
group going there.

On a side note, I would really apperciate it if someone would take over 
for me with trying to get a NYC group going.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] What's the best backup utility with user friendly GUI in Unix/Linux world?

2006-04-20 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, Yu-Hui Liu wrote:

Hi, there,

Question is quite simple as subject. What's your prefer?

I have yet to see one I liked and I am even including Mac OS X which for 
the most part has nailed the GUI stuff well.  Backups are one of those 
things you just want to work and you don't want to think about.  A good UI 
for a restore might be a different story but I have yet to see one that I 
would say is a stand out there either.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [Fwd: OpenSolaris attacked by Novell]

2006-04-18 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Laura Ramsey wrote:

This is amazing on *several* levels:

1--We're on the radar ...but why? That's what's so amazing.
2--Ron H. is mistaken--he thinks OpenSolaris is a linux-based 
community...another amazing thing--he didn't even LOOK at the community, 
before he proclaimed it a fork

So what Mr Hovsepian is really saying is that he wishes Solaris was still 
closed source so he could claim supporiority over Solaris. Because all he 
had was that Solaris was closed and Suse was open.  But now OpenSolaris is 
actually more open than Suse at this point.  Novell can only make money 
off of Suse in the area of support and services, but Sun has that, 
hardware, and other Software to profit off of with OpenSolaris.  And all 
of this isn't dependant upon outside interests. So it is no wonder they 
see Sun as a big threat to them.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re[2]: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-15 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Sat, 15 Apr 2006, Robert Milkowski wrote:

Hello Bill,

Thursday, April 13, 2006, 8:28:32 PM, you wrote:

BR I say this as someone who has no vested interest in Blastwave,
BR Sunfreeware, or the companion CD but I still don't see the point, the
BR community already has a more than one project to get pre-built open
BR source software.  I still can not see a reason to create yet another
BR project unless there is something fundamentally wrong with the existing
BR projects.  I have no animosity towards Keith's proposal, just scratching
BR my head and still wondering why it is even needed.  Solaris/OpenSolaris
BR has SFW so everything else you are on your own for anyway.

I myself would prefer open source software based on libraries already
included in Solaris (like OpenSSL) - something I can't get with

I would too but sometimes the libraries are out of date.  Solaris, for 
good reason, has a slower release cycle.  So for me having the extra 
libraries is not that big of an issue because disk space is cheap but my 
time isn't, I just want things to work.

BR Besides Dennis has said something like this several times in this thread
BR alone: if you think blastwave sucks then join the group and help fix
BR things.

I heard that already from some Linux guys - why bother with Open Solaris -
there's already Linux, if there's something wrong come and join us and
help fix things...

Fortunately there's no one answer to all problems.

Let me explain my position just a little better.  I am not saying that 
there should not be another group, just that I don't think we really 
need one.  In my mind Blastwave, Sunfreeware, and others are addressing 
the issue well enoungh (sure there can be improvement, I know they aren't 
perfect).  My opinion is let those projects take care of the outside 
software and the OpenSolaris project (and Sun) should concetrate on SFW 
and let others like Blastwave, Sunfreeware, and the OpenSolaris Distros 
handle on they want to do things.  Let me just add that this is just my 
opinion of how I see it and I WILL support the new project if that is how 
things go.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-13 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Thu, 13 Apr 2006, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

So you are still in support of Keith's proposal which opens discussion
between the long existing Sun Companion Software project (which predates
the existence of the very successful Blastwave project) and the community,
and does  not propose to replace anything other than the 
closed-to-the-community management of said long existing Sun Companion

Software project, right?Nothing will replace anything that the
community has already built, just as the release of OpenSolaris didn't
replace the BSD  Linux distros those communities built, just added
another option to the table.   There's plenty of room here for many
people to do what they would like to do, even when they don't all want
to do exactly the same thing.

What is the difference between the SFW Nevada project and proposed Nevada 
Companion Software project?

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Project proposal: Nevada Companion Software

2006-04-13 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Thu, 13 Apr 2006, Stephen Lau wrote:

I don't understand why there is so much animosity being expressed here.  The 
companion CD project, SunFreeware, and Blastwave have all co-existed 
peacefully prior to this discussion.  Keith's proposal is to bring the 
companion CD project into the open community.  Why is this so wrong?

I say this as someone who has no vested interest in Blastwave, 
Sunfreeware, or the companion CD but I still don't see the point, the 
community already has a more than one project to get pre-built open 
source software.  I still can not see a reason to create yet another 
project unless there is something fundamentally wrong with the existing 
projects.  I have no animosity towards Keith's proposal, just scratching 
my head and still wondering why it is even needed.  Solaris/OpenSolaris 
has SFW so everything else you are on your own for anyway.

Besides Dennis has said something like this several times in this thread 
alone: if you think blastwave sucks then join the group and help fix 

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Solaris on Intel Macs Petition?

2006-04-10 Thread Bill Rushmore
It seems obvious from a previous thread that the idea of that the idea of 
running Solaris on the Mac Intel is a popular idea among the community.  I 
suggest we encourage Apple to help us make Solaris a reality on Mac Intel 
hardware.  What we could do is create a petition of names that would not only 
be interested in running Solaris on the Mac but would also be willing to help 
in the effort in some way.  I am really not sure how receptive Apple would be 
to the idea but we'll never know until we ask, right?

This message posted from opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: RFC: How about an audio newsgroup?

2006-03-31 Thread Bill Rushmore
 Anyway, back to the important question..why isn't
 anybody talking about audio? (I don't care if it's
 OSS drivers or Sun drivers or Tools.de drivers).
 Audio is a multibillion dollar business - Apple,
 Microsoft, Yahoo, Google and Cisco are all into audio
 and minting money, why not Sun?

My guess is that Solaris is still pretty much a server OS and most of the time 
on Sparc.  That is changing where Solaris is more than a desktop for the truely 
hardcore on just Sun hardware.  Things like audio as big issues will follow.

This message posted from opensolaris.org
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Slowaris vs. Solaris

2006-03-30 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Thu, 30 Mar 2006, Stephen Potter wrote:

  You're only supposed to go through installing from
  CD/DVD once, then create a Flash(TM) archive and
  install from the network afterwards.

 That's great for those of us in a networked, enterprise environment.  For Joe 
 R. User installing on his home PC, that's not really an option.

How about Sun providing a flar of a pre-configured system?  I especially
think this would be helpful for the SXE/ON/community maybe not a Solaris
at work thing. Just download one CD and the flar, setup your network,
point to the install to the flar and that is it. So there you go, increase
the install experience for Joe Hacker without changing the install code.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Slowaris vs. Solaris

2006-03-29 Thread Bill Rushmore

So I thought about in what parts of Solaris the Slowaris image is still valid. 
Especially, where does the system give a bad impression that might be valid, 
but is not applicable to Solaris in general. I have come up with the following 
- default DVD based install process (slow)

Try to do a Flash install over something like HTTP, that flys by super
fast.  It would be nice if I could just down load a prebuilt flash image
of SXE with everything I want rather than burn the whole thing.

I have also noticed HUGE differences in speed between different hardware
architectures.  Installs are quite slow on my Sun Blade 100 at home but my
Sun Blade 1000 at work is magnitudes faster, viva FC-AL!

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Slowaris vs. Solaris

2006-03-29 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Wed, 29 Mar 2006, Rich Teer wrote:

 Try living where I do--and yes, I do know Solaris well.  :-(  On more than
 one occassion, I've actually been told that I'm over qualified!

I can see it now:

Interviewer:  So Rich, how much do you know about Solaris systems

Rich: Um, I wrote the book.  Seriously, I did.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Features found in other OS you'd like to see in

2006-03-24 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Wes Williams wrote:

 Since VMware will allow for a Linux host and Brandz supports Linux, I plan to 
 try to install a VMware host in a Brandz environment.  Although I haven't yet 
 attempted this, perhaps it's worth a try for the occasional 'doz app?  

Let us know how the test goes.  I am very interested to see if it works.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Features found in other OS you'd like to see in Solaris

2006-03-22 Thread Bill Rushmore
OK, not really a feature necessarily of Solaris but more of an
application.  I really want VMware (or its equivalent), especially since
the SUNpci card is becoming obsolete on Sparc and there really isn't an
alternative on x64 yet.  BrandZ is a nice idea but I need to
run a popular non-Unix like OS.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] VMWare (Was: Features found in other OS you'd like to see in Solaris)

2006-03-22 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Wed, 22 Mar 2006, Eric Boutilier wrote:

 Q: If SunPCI-like (easy switching to Windows and back) functionality on
 x86 is what you want today, you can use Windows as the host OS and
 Solaris as a guest OS, correct? So I don't understand what the downside
 is of doing that...

Are you serious?!  Maybe you have been at Sun to long and don't know what
it is like to run other OS's!  ;-)

But seriously, that is exactly what I am doing now but the big downside is
performance.  The second is if the host goes down so does the guest (don't
try to do a ON build in a VM while you try to play Battlefront II on the
guest, I just wanted to see what would happen and it wasn't pretty).
Plus we don't have VM tools for Solaris yet so the guest/host interaction
isn't exactly seamless yet.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [request-sponsor] Re: [osol-discuss] Contributing Code

2006-03-08 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Wed, 8 Mar 2006, Karyn Ritter wrote:

 Would something like the table I've just created at
 http://www.opensolaris.org/os/bug_reports/oss_bite_size/ help? I need to
 work out the answers to many additional questions surrounding this table
 -- the least of which is how often I can reasonably update the table --
 soon, but wanted to get some early feedback on it.

The table is a much nicer way of looking at the bite sized bug list and
can make a big impact on getting someone involved.  As an outsider, the
status column is the only thing that looks confusing to me.  Just make
sure it is clear what kind of status is open for a community member to
work on.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] VMware's rock around the clock...

2006-03-07 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Tue, 7 Mar 2006, Roland Mainz wrote:
 It may be much better to think about getting VMware itself running on
 top of Solaris x86 (e.g. Solaris x86 as host OS) - then I wouldn't have
 to fight Linux on the laptop anymore... :-)

A big +1 from me on that!

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Vmware player prebuilt virtual machine for OpenSolaris

2006-03-06 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there not an OpenSolaris vmware image / pre-built Virtual Machine for
 Intel architectures available for download yet? All the big Linux
 distributions have one available at
 http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/ and there are plenty of community
 built ones at http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/community.html and
 the beauty of it is that the vmware player is completely free and it is
 dead easy to boot into any prebuilt OS.

 There are instructions here on how to build one here
 raft.html, but would require installing VMWare Server then installing
 OpenSolaris. I'd love to have an easy way to mess around with Solaris
 and an easily accessible prebuilt vmware image would be absolutely

 In this email thread
 there was a hint at legal issues for distributing it. Is this possibly
 the reason why there is no OpenSolaris virtual appliance to be found
 anywhere on the internet, or is it just that no-one has got around to it


Just to add to what William said, I still am willing to to work on the
VMware image of OpenSolaris/Solris Express.  I have an image ready to go.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Contributing Code

2006-03-06 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Mon, 6 Mar 2006, Jim Grisanzio wrote:

 * For those who are thinking about contributing code, what can we do to
help you get started? Would more oss-bite-size bugs help?

More oss-bite-size would be nice.  I also have a couple of suggestions for
the bug list.  One is to make sure the bug status is accurate.  I worked
on a bite size bug only to find after I submited it that it is was already
taken care of.  I would also like to see a way to search on bugs by skill
needed since the code base is so large and diverse.  For example, I would
like to work on Java stuff since that is my background and I certainly
wouldn't mind working on things like smc, etc.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Q: How to learn driver programming

2006-03-03 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Fri, 3 Mar 2006, Kenny Kong wrote:

 Excuse me!

 I would like to learn driver programming from basic technique, like how to 
 start, what should I know before programming a driver?

 I have one year C, C++ and JAVA programming experience.

 Do anybody have good websites or books for suguestion?

 Thank you very much!


Just a suggestion, maybe you could start by porting an open sourced Linux
driver to OpenSolaris?

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Installing OpenSolaris was Re: Bellinix Distro for Linux Format Magazine promotion

2006-03-02 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Wed, 1 Mar 2006, W. Wayne Liauh wrote:

 Personally, I don't see how OpenSolaris could receive its deserved attention 
 (and respect) if no one outside the existing Solaris community can install it.

I have to strongly disagree with you there.  Yes, the hardware doesn't
cover everything but that list is big.  Just as an example I installed
OpenSolaris on my Sony TR1.  This is a super small subnotebook with some
wierd hardware.  I tried to install Linux on it and the install wouldn't
even work. Heck, the install of Windows XP pro failed because of the
hardware, only the recovery CD would work.  But one day just for fun I
tried Solaris Express.  The install just worked and I was on the Internet,
burning CDs, and reading files from my memory stick, WITH NO TWEAKING!  I
downloaded a few packages and I had wireless.  OpenSolaris wasn't perfect
on it but if I could get as much as I could work that easily on that odd
little thing then that really says something.

But I firmly believe the best way is to buy the hardware from the same
people who make the OS.  That way you'll never have a driver issue.  Ask
any one who uses a Sun workstation or Mac.

There is also another way to get OpenSolaris to almost everyone's hands
which I have been advocating.  That is with VMware (Virtual PC works too,
but not as good).  Once people start using it, they'll like it and make
sure their next machine will work with Solaris.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: Cheap SPARC development machine ?

2006-02-21 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006, Roland Mainz wrote:
 Actually there is the 3rd type of customer: People who write software -
 they usually fall in the space between the two types. Currently Sun
 simply lacks a decent development machine which is affordable by
 students (Sun Blade 100 was in that range) ...

Low end Sparc on the desktop seems like an endarged species.  I willing to
bet most of the Solaris developers inside of Sun are on x64 now.

Check out the prices. $!,400 for a stripped down Sun Blade 150? Come on!
Now compare that with what that will get you in an Ultra 20.  For
performance per $ there isn't a comparision.  So to me it seems that if
you are a developer the place to be is x64, unless you have some
specialized software that hasn't been ported yet.

Now if you're talking servers, that might be a different story, even on
the low end.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: File I/O, rm, cp operations slower on Solaris?

2006-02-20 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Mon, 20 Feb 2006, Raju Uppalapati wrote:
 Right now I am running a J2EE application and it does quite a bit of File i/o 
 and hence my application runs a bit slower on Solaris x86. My knowledge about 
 Unix internals is very limited but as a user I would love to see my Solaris 
 x86 box beat Linux to complete the same task. I am not questioning the 
 validity of current design.

I would take a look first at the Java/App server layer to increase
performance before you look at the OS.  The typical J2EE application file
I/O is done by the application server.  So do you have the same
versions/settings for you app server between Linux/Solaris?  How about the
JVM, are they the same version and settings?

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Solaris Express 2/06 Posted

2006-02-18 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Sat, 18 Feb 2006, Dev Mazumdar wrote:

 And one more thing, let's get a single DVD.iso image rather than a 5 part  
 because you have to babysit the download (since only 2 files can be 
 downloaded at any given time).

Just use the SDM (Sun Download Manager) tool.  It will take care of
downloading the files sequentially.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SXCR b30

2006-02-14 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Dennis Clarke wrote:
The point is we are _stuck_ waiting.  Wondering.  No one is posting a
mesage anywhere in big RED letters that tells us the situation.  We
simply go off to our little community worlds and talk and work amongst
ourselves.  Or stop working.

Really, its a matter of OPEN communication to let us know what is going

+0.50 from me.  I would like to see more information about what is going
internally so we on the outside can feel more a part of what is going on.
I completely accept that there are going to be issues that come up.  Most
of the time it takes a community member to ask what is going on rather
than someone coming right out and stating the status with a blink tag on
the main page.  I am not terribly upset about the current process, just it
would be nice if didn't feel as closed.  I in no way want to seem like I
am looking a gift horse in the mouth.  I am grateful that Sun is working
as hard as it is to open Solaris up like this.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] SXCR b30

2006-02-14 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
 The lawyers really hate us publically stating We distributed build XX
 in such a way that we violated our license with ___, and had to stop.
 If __ didn't notice yet, we'd be sending their legal department a
 free case of ammo to fire at us, and not really helping anyone anyway.

OK, this might be a crazy suggestion but how about getting someone from
Sun legal involved with the community?  It would be nice to get their
perspective on the whole opening of the Solaris code base and tell us what
they can about what is going.  In my mind the biggest obstacle for
openSolaris compared to other open source projects are the legal issues.
Right now the community kind of has a negative view of the lawyers but
in actuality they are probably doing their best to protect the whole thing
from the likes of another SCO.  All the legal issues all seem like some
kind of black box and I don't think it has to be like that.

I would even be willing to do an article for the content project with an
interview with someone from legal.  I can see why they might be afraid to
show themselves around here just yet...

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: CDE Vs JDS

2006-02-13 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Mon, 13 Feb 2006, Derek E. Lewis wrote:
 We may also define functional as how many apps each desktop environment
 has.  CDE or JDS both have file managers -- dtfile and Nautilus,
 respectively; however, as everyone has said, CDE, itself, (meaning the
 apps it has, etc.) is much faster than JDS, so what gives?

It is kind of hard to compare dtfile and Nautilus.  That is one of the
main differences between the two.  In Nautilus you have things like
support for Samba, burning CD's, and an iterface similar to a popular
comercial OS.  However, that might not matter too much to most CLI people
(i.e. the typical Solaris user?).  But the tabbed terminal was enough for
me to switch.

The other big difference is that JDS is open source and probably CDE can't

And on speed, the only time you'll notice a difference is on slow

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: CDE Vs JDS

2006-02-13 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Mon, 13 Feb 2006, UNIX admin wrote:
 Perhaps you could clue me in as to why did Sun pick GNOME over KDE exactly?

This is pure speculation on my part but I think they choose GNOME over KDE
because of licensing with KDE Qt libs at that time.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris on desktop

2006-02-06 Thread Bill Rushmore
I am a average desktop user, is open solaris mature enough for desktop use, 
my system config is:
AMD Athlon XP 2000+,1024 RAM,80GB HDD,Nvidia GeForce 4 MX 4000,ASUS Mother 

I have running OpenSolaris (on top of Solaris Express) as my primary desktop 
and yes it is definitely stable enough for desktop use.  However, one thing 
to keep in mind is that if you run an OpenSolaris build it runs in debug 
mode which slows things down a little, but I haven't really noticed.

The only potential issue with your hardware could be with the NIC, but that 
is pretty easy and cheap to deal with.  I suggest you find out what chipset 
your mother board uses and check out the hardware compatibility list.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Get Involved!

2006-02-03 Thread Bill Rushmore
We just started the content project and I would really encourage people to
get involved with this.  I know that there are a lot of projects here but
I really feel that getting information out to people is vital to the
future success of OpenSolaris.  I think the world as a whole isn't really
getting what's really going on here.  For example, just last Information
Week just had one of those is Unix dead articles.  When I see all of the
innovation going on here the real question should be are all the other
OS's dead?   I would argue that Solaris has more innovations recently than
any OS has seen in the past twenty years and Solaris has got to be the
best professional grade OS out there now.  Also the fact that this has
become open source is pretty amazing.  It has become obvious that this is
not just another marketing gimmick from Sun.  This has never been done
before.  There is a really a revolution going on here and it is almost
like it is some kind of  secret.  So if you feel like me, let's do
something about it.  What needs to be done is to educate people.  Once
they use OpenSolaris and understand it they'll be hooked.  After all I am
not a Sun employee or their shill.  I am just someone truly excited about
what is being done here.  I am a Java Developer and I have not been this
excited about an OS since I moved from DOS to OS/2.

The Content Project I see is one of the best ways we can get people to get
into OpenSolaris.Solaris has always had a steep learning curve and we
can work on that.  Educating new people is something anybody who cares
about OpenSolaris can and should get involved with.   If you agree the
head over to the content project and help.  The obvious thing is that we
need people to write content.  It isn't that hard and is a great way to
get recognized.  We also need reviewers, maybe you don't have the time or
skills yet but your sure will have something to offer by helping the
authors with your comments.  Again it isn't hard and gets yourself

So who's with me?

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: Solaris and OpenSolaris within VMware

2006-01-30 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Mon, 2006-01-30 at 17:15, Dennis Clarke wrote:
 Things are progressing well on the screen shots finally.  I lost my
 NT4 PDC but gained a Solaris 10 virtual machine.  More than a fair
 trade I guess.
 I am still grabbing screen shots .. plenty of them.  I am up to 23 so
 far and will probably get to 50 or more.
 Whats the real deal on VMware ?  I mean how many instances of Windows
 and Solaris and OS/2 can you run at one time within a single big
 system?  With GSX or ESX that number might be in the hundreds .. don't

Well maybe not hundreds in the real world.  For some reason I think the
theoretical max is only 96 at one time.  It depends on what the guests
are doing and the size of the hardware.  At my company we run about a
half dozen Windows servers on 2-way boxes.  However, Solaris offically
supported on ESX yet.  But when it does think about the virtualaztion
you could do with Solaris containers on top of Virtual Machines!  

 I am taking screen shots here and I allocated 12GB to the Sol10U1
 system as well as 1536MB of RAM and two processors.  I removed the
 USB, floppy and sound devices entirely.
 Is there dynamic resource allocation with VMWare or is it like
 Microsoft where you need to keep adding fixed blocks of resouces and
 reboot continually?  I guess that is dependant on the guest OS and
 really .. this is VMWare Workstation 5.5.  Not GSX or ESX.

I am not sure how workstation does allocation but on ESX you assign
processor shares.  You can do that dynamically.  But if you want to
add a CPU or things like that you need to bring the instance down.  I
have found that resource allocation works quite well on ESX.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: Solaris and OpenSolaris within VMware

2006-01-30 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Dennis Clarke wrote:

 So .. let's assume infinite memory and zero response time IO with near
 infinite CPU speed and we hit some internal limit in the VMWare
 product at 96 or so ?  Or is it possible to get a massive Galaxy box
 and install RHEL ( or what?  ESX on top of ? ) and then hit maybe 16
 virtual machines.  I have no idea and I am sure the people are VMWare
 would love to have the ideal gas law equation computer.  Infinite
 memory, near infinite CPU speed and zero response time IO.  The only
 limitation then is the software.

The limitation is within ESX.  Since I am not an expert I won't try to
explain it.  I just remember when I setup ESX I had to allocate a certain
amount of memory to the ESX console and that was the limitation on the
number of OS's I could run.  ESX runs on the bare metal  and I think it
is based on Red Hat.

Although I bet you could get some ridiculous number of systems by running
Solaris zones on top of VMware!

 And stability ?  Rock solid ?

Very stable.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Draft Article - Installing OpenSolaris on VMware

2006-01-29 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Sun, 2006-01-29 at 19:27, Dennis Clarke wrote:
 On 1/29/06, Bill Rushmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have posted a draft article on installing Solaris on VMware on my
  blog.  I would really appreciate any feedback any of you might have.
 mind if I add pictures ?

That would be fantastic!  I started to take some screen shots but the
article was taking longer than I wanted it to so I was going to save the
pictures for later.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] re: device sharing among zones

2006-01-27 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Fri, 27 Jan 2006, Zhisong Jin wrote:

 I have a situation that I need run vertas netbackup in two separate
 zones, while sharing the same tape library due to budget constraints.

I believe that netbackup will only work in a global zone.

Either backup from the global or put netbackup server on the global zone
and clients on each non-global zone.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Final draft of the OpenSolaris Charter available for review

2006-01-19 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Thu, 19 Jan 2006, Rich Teer wrote:
 Hi all,

 The final draft (subject to comments from the community and Sun
 legal) of the OpenSolaris Charter is now available on the CAB
 discuss mailing list:


 The deadline for comments is 10:00 PST, Wednesday January 25th,
 and the intent is to have it ratified by Feburary 1st.  Comments
 from all are welcome; speak now or forever hold your peace!

A few questions:

First one is from paragraph 1:

 The OGB shall be comprised of natural persons of number and nature
to be defined by the Constitution, but in no event shall they be fewer
than three in number at any time. 

What does it mean natural persons, the only thing I can come up with
is that it is trying to keep androids off of the OGB.

Next question paragraph 7:

Can/would the OGB seeks funding from outside of Sun?  If from paragraph 6
Sun retains authority of finacial issues would it not make it harder for
the OGB to get funding from outside of Sun if it had the final say on how
it got spent?

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Build times for Open Solaris....

2006-01-17 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 19:05, John Kaitschuck wrote:

 Does any one have any recommendations and real world
 build times to report?

Sun Blade 100: 8-10 Hours
SUNPCI III As guest Vmware OS on Windows XP off of a USB drive:  11+
Sony Vaio TR1:  6 hours

Remember a U60 is an old system and that build time doesn't seem to bad
for its age.  
My recommendation are to use the -i option for an incremental build
whenever you can.  If you are working a specific section of the code
just build that portion while you are developing and save the complete
build for when you are done for the day.  Heck that is probably why it's
called 'nightly'. :-)


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Installing opensolaris

2006-01-14 Thread Bill Rushmore
This would be a good place to start:


On Sat, 2006-01-14 at 19:29, Serge Bornow wrote:
 Im trying to install open solaris , build 28, just downloaded it.
 I read that i need these two files:
 *  opensolaris-bfu-DATE.PLATFORM.tar.bz
 Then download the ON-Specific Build Tools, named:
 * SUNWonbld-DATE.PLATFORM.tar.bz2
 I saw that there is already a B30 , should i download for B28 ?
 I found them but what are they and do i put it on a CD, what do i do with 
 Can someone please clarify it for me before i burn the ISOs.
 Thank you a great deal.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Respect . Was Solaris and SSH

2006-01-10 Thread Bill Rushmore
You do realize how simple it is to install OpenSSH from Sunfreeware or
blastwave?  If you don't like Sun's way it would take less time to change
it than it did for me to type this email.

Saying Sun stuff sucks and using Solaris 8 as a reference is a little out
of line.  Solaris 8 is 6 years old.  Try comparing it to a 6 year old
Linux distro and your opinion may be different.  We are running Solaris 10
and I can tell you it is worlds better.


On Tue, 10 Jan 2006, Christopher Mahan wrote:

 Dear Darren,

 Topposting for effect.

 You write below: I will not be changing this in Solaris.

 What? You are the final arbiter of what goes into Solaris?

 People are coming forward with concern about safety and system
 integrity, and you rebuff them with the Go play with your marbles on
 the other side of the courtyard and leave the big boys to the serious
 business attitude?

 I work at a fortune 200, in healthcare, and we are a large Sun
 customer. Let me tell you how it is from the trenches: Sun stuff
 sucks. It's much better than Microsoft or IBM, but it still blows
 We're using Solaris 8, and most of the admins here are clueless,
 asking us inane stuff like hardcoding our user passwords in scripts
 because policy says that we cannot have service accounts (not that I
 am following their advice, mind you). Now, there are a hosts of
 issues, and for brevity's sake, I will not mention them. Let me just
 tell you that Sun's stuff is what I use when I absolutely have no
 other option. I run Debian stable for my own stuff and it's so much
 better for me, lemme tell you.

 So when someone comes along, on their dime, and raises issues about
 security and system integrity, and not being uppity and all We are
 the BEST company in the world Yayes! (which if you want more of
 please navigate to http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/mary), and asking
 in a mild manner and with the spirit of cooperation, whether a tool
 used specifically for enhanced security (SSH) can have a particular
 option, I the very least I expect you to demonstrate professional and
 respectful demeanor.

 On the particular issue, I would consider a flag, such as Disable OS
 Identification to client to be an acceptable option for all parties
 to consider.

 Now, to be fair, you may have been having a bad day. We all do from
 time to time. Just don't let your bad day affect the eagerness of
 participants to make this OS/distro better.


 Christopher Mahan

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris 10 on a PowerPC 32 and/or 64-bit

2006-01-09 Thread Bill Rushmore
 I desperately need Solaris 10 with Portage for the PPC . I hate X86 platform 
 and Sparc hardware is way to pricey.Sparc's and PPC chips are RISC by arch 
 design in theory it should be relitively simple, grant it they are 32 
 instrution chips the problem is it's unclear weather the instrutions are the 
 same, similar, or just plain nothing at all the same or even remotely 
 compatible. I need feedback ASAP can anyone help or shed some light on this, 
 please email me at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is wrong with the X86 platform?  Why would PPC or Sparc make such a
big difference for you?  Just curious from a technical stand point.

Since a PPC port is ways off you might want to consider used a Sparc.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris and SSH

2005-12-22 Thread Bill Rushmore
You have it right.  I believe in Solaris 8 it came with the Companion CD
which you could say would be part of the intial install.

Bill Rushmore

On Thu, 22 Dec 2005, Kenny wrote:

 Can someone please tell me which version included SSH?  I thought I read that 
 Solaris 9 and 10 include SSH but not 8.  'Course it can be added to 8 but I 
 want to have the functionality with the initial install.

 (If I have this completely wrong, please let me know.  grin)

 Thanks!   ---Kenny
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Re: [osol-discuss] KDE, GNOME, etc.

2005-12-18 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Sun, 2005-12-18 at 13:02, Gary Gendel wrote:
 Anyway, Linus has just opened another can of worms that directly effects 
 OpenSolaris and JDS.

I really don't see how this effects JDS or OpenSolaris.  It just one
guy's opinion not some edict from above.

Bill Rushmore

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] KDE, GNOME, etc.

2005-12-18 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Sun, 2005-12-18 at 16:37, Ian Collins wrote:
 Geoff Lane wrote:
 The very idea of a desktop interface is very 1970s and we should have
 moved on by now to a real document orientated interface.
 Such as?

OS/2! :-)

Bill Rushmore

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Re: Re: VM Image of OpenSolaris

2005-12-12 Thread Bill Rushmore
 Does the VM you built have SCSI disk(s)? I had a b27
 image with an IDE disk used for / to contain the OS
 and 6 SCSI drives used to experiment with ZFS. After
 I upgraded the image to b28 it won't boot anymore and
 in fact it crashes vmWare 5.5 itself. Any thoughts?

b28 does work good for me.  I am using NAT so you might want to check out 
mikebo's post if you are using bridged networking. 

Bill Rushmore
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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: OpenSolaris B27 and VMware 5.5 on Suse 9.3

2005-12-09 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Thu, 8 Dec 2005, Sean O'Neill wrote:

I've tried NAT and Bridge mode.  Same thing.   Interface isn't plumbed up at 
boot time.

If the VMware settings look good I suggest using sys-unconfig and give it 
another try.  It has saved me a few times.

Bill Rushmore
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris B27 and VMware 5.5 on Suse 9.3

2005-12-08 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Thu, 2005-12-08 at 16:04, Sean O'Neill wrote:
 Well, I got B27 installed and running but there are some issues.  Hoping 
 someone knows about these.
 1) The pcn interface doesn't work and won't plumb up at boot time.  Once the 
 box is up I can plumb it up but no network traffic flows between my VMNET 
 interface in Linux and OpenSolaris.  Related to this and VERY odd is the 
 first time I booted the virtual machine pcn0 was the interface and it was 
 plumbed up (it didn't work but it did plumb up).  With subsequent reboots, 
 pcn0 no longer exists in /devices and the pcn drivers attaches pcn1 - moving 
 /etc/hostname.pcn0 to /etc/hostname.pcn1 still doesn't plumb up the interface 
 at boot time though.

How do you have VMWare setup with Networking, NAT, Bridged, etc.?  If
the hardware seems missing double check the VM settigs to make sure
netowrk is still enabled. 

Are you using DHCP?  If so try a static and see if that makes a

But if you have no luck I have prebuilt VM Image that I built that might
help you. Hopefully soon I can get someone at Sun to distrubute it.

Bill Rushmore

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: sun4m, why the strong defense against putting it back in for last rel

2005-12-07 Thread Bill Rushmore

On Tue, 6 Dec 2005, Charles Monett wrote:

Fine, it might have been dead, and probably (almost) useless, but that would be 
enough for some to fill in the blank spaces if they were left on their own for 
those who'd even want to touch that code outside of Sun- if just for the 
ability to add in support where the hardware was dropped. At the very least, a 
minimally supported (if at all) build 22 would have been a usable option for 
those whom were still interested in opensolaris, but had come up to the table 
with sun4m hardware - it might have been closer to Solaris 9, but if that was 
the highest it'd go, at least there would have been a starting point.

I think it would be a pointless effort to port OpenSolaris to sun4m. 
Have you ever tried to run Solaris 9 on one of these machines?  It is 
painfully slow.  I have two sun4m that I am very fond of but we have to be 
realistic about their usefulness.  I knew this a while back on my 
dual Ross SS20.  I wrote a simple Java utility that was maybe 100 lines 
long.  It took the poor thing alomst a minute just to compile it!  Why 
should the community waste its time with something so hopelessly outdated? 
Today Solaris works on more cheap x86 hardware than anyone would have 
dreamed of only a few years ago.  Moreover, Sun has a great reputation 
of binary compatabilty from the old versions.  I would be willing to 
bet just about every app written for the Sun4m architecture will still 
work on the 4u's.  So the 4m's only purpose is nostalga.  Save the sun4m's 
for the museum and lets continue with making OpenSolaris the most advance OS in the World.

Bill Rushmore
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] UltraSPARC

2005-12-06 Thread Bill Rushmore
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Has anyone at Sun had a chance to do a build on one of the new UltraSPARC
T1 's?  If so how long does it take? How high can you set maxjobs?

Bill Rushmore
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] opensolaris and Virtual PC

2005-11-28 Thread Bill Rushmore

I got it working with VMware and it work quite nicely.

I haven't tried Solaris in a while but I think the issue is that only Xorg 
will work with VPC.  Try a text based install and configure for Xorg.


On Mon, 28 Nov 2005, Matty wrote:

Has anyone gotten Nevada to boot with MSFT VPC running on OS X? I assume the 
answer is no, but I thought I would ask. From my limited testing, it looks 
like my opensolaris VM becomes unresponsive almost immediately after I select 
interactive installation.

- Ryan
UNIX Administrator
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Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris - Why should I care?

2005-11-25 Thread Bill Rushmore
On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 14:27, Robert Glueck wrote:
 The criteria that I'm looking for in an OS that would be of
 good use to me are stability, performance (I like the
 system to be snappy, both on the CLI and the GUI's, even
 with low-powered hardware), security (it's got to be a lot
 better than Windows), adequate support for common consumer
 hardware including multimedia and wifi, and a very wide
 range and choice of applications.  Most Linux distros do
 fairly well in most of these departments.

OpenSolaris does not have the best support for common consumer
hardware.  That really is the only place where OpenSolaris isn't up to
level up most Linux distro's.  But it still works on a suprsing number
of machines compared to older versions of Solaris x86.  

So why should you care?  It can't hurt to explore something new can it? 
So maybe you won't see anything today that make you want to change, but
so what?  I am willing to bet you'll see things you like better than
your favorite Linux distro along with things you don't.  As I Linux
convert my opinion is that things are not too terribly differnt from a
user's perspective.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: VM Image of OpenSolaris

2005-11-15 Thread Bill Rushmore
Well if that someone won't do it, like I said in my original email, I 
would be willing to volunteer to that for Sun.  I pretty much have most of 
the work done of a basic install.  I have just been testing a few things.


On Tue, 15 Nov 2005, Karyn Ritter wrote:

Thanks for the reminder... Adam prompted me to send email to someone and ask if 
they would be willing to do this. I'll do that today. Since they haven't agreed 
to it yet, I won't mention any names.

The plan would be, for the time being, to release a VM image that is a Solaris 
Express/OpenSolaris hybrid. It will have the same license and download 
restrictions as Solaris Express.


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Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Sparc ? x86 Comparison

2005-10-08 Thread Bill Rushmore
Thank you Theo for making the point about OS's is exactly I wanted to convey 
about CPU architecture.  I have seen several articles with OS comparisons 
but little when it comes to hardware architecture.

It looks like I have researching to do and I think I'll write my own article 
on the subject.


- Original Message - 
From: Theo Schlossnagle

To: S Destika
Cc: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2005 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: Sparc ? x86 Comparison

Linux can beat solaris hands down running autoconf and ./configure.  In fact 
it often compiles faster.  However, since I (personally) don't run many 
production compile-farms or autoconf farms, it really is a case-by-case 

Until just recently (last 2 years) the threading support on Linux was 
abysmal and now it's just mediocre.  It has improved dramatically and stands 
to improve more over time.  So, if you have an application that relies 
heavily on threading you often see a tremendous advantage on Solaris over 
Linux.  On the multi-process model apps (like apache 1.3 and Sendmail, etc.) 
Linux's extremely inexpensive clone()/fork() implementation serves it well.

Our apps tend to run faster on Solaris than on Linux when run head to head 
in a lab.  We make extensive use of Linux's special features like epoll() 
and futexes, but still it doesn't hold up to Solaris.  Linux is chock full 
of pretty fabulous implementations of operating system primitives.  It has a 
excellent scheduler and a decent VM system.  Solaris has these too and in my 
experience tends to have much more robust and higher performing 
storage-related facilities (SCSI layer, direct I/O layer, etc.).  On the 
flip side, I can set up a transparent ethernet bridge an apply firewall 
rules on it in Linux, whereas that's just about impossible on Solaris.  When 
two entities' feature sets don't match one-for-one it is very hard to 
compare them objectively.

Saying one is faster than the other is like saying a tank is faster than a 
hummer.  What's fast? over what terrain? under what stress?

Best regards,

// Theo Schlossnagle
// Principal Engineer -- http://www.omniti.com/~jesus/
// OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc. -- http://www.omniti.com/
// Ecelerity: fastest MTA on Earth

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[osol-discuss] Sparc ? x86 Comparison

2005-10-07 Thread Bill Rushmore
 am looking for a detailed comparison of the Sparc and 64 bit x86 
architectures.  Specifically, I want to learn when one makes more sense of 
the other.  Most of the writings I could find don't go into the kind of 
detail I would like.  I feel that if I want to become a better advocate of 
Open Solaris this is a topic I want to understand better.

I am one of those eccentric individuals who has been running Sparc/Solaris 
as my primary desktop for the past two years at work and at home.  But I 
really haven't got into Solaris x86 too much yet.  From my own experiences 
Solaris/Sparc does not seem as fast at performing single tasks, like 
building my Java apps, but I can have a ton of stuff going on in the 
background without the user experience missing a beat.  But this is why I 
want to learn more.  I want to know are these just properties of Solaris 
or the nifty Sun hardware?

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Sparc ? x86 Comparison

2005-10-07 Thread Bill Rushmore
I have heard all of these things before but I want to know why or why not. 
I want more meat.  I want to know to technical details like is it a 
RISC vs CISC, etc.  Because I really don't think it is quite that simple.


On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, S Destika wrote:

If you need big iron boxes (8 and upto 64 CPUs) currently, SPARC is your 
choice. AMD/Intel aren't there yet but soon they might well be there with 
multicore stuff. And if you are in the market for funky things such as hot 
swappable CPUs, dynamic reconfiguration auto-diagnosis and recovery etc. SPARC is 
the way to go.

For all other stuff, there is Opteron (x64) - yes the x86 is dead. A comparable 
Opteron system should be much faster than SPARC one. If you care extremely 
about speed - Linux might be a better choice. If extreme stability / 
reliability  and/or religious belief is the concern, go with Solaris. (Ok, to 
reduce the chances of flames I had to say this last sentence ;)
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