[OGD] Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

2004-10-26 Thread viateur . boutot
Hello OGDers :
Anyone interested in reading 'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo could go to 
the searchable online version of the novel :

The word 'orchid' is not used in the novel but the complete story of Jean 
Valjean is available for perusal.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] I agree with many of you.

2004-10-26 Thread peter croezen
George Norris did break the law, and he is the first to admit it.
However, the punishment he got does not fit the crime and is draconian, as I
and others
have said before.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] George and Eric

2004-10-26 Thread Dorris
Eric, you got it dead right in every respect..Full Stop...I can stand here
and defend George til the die I die...I can do so with something on my side
that (likely) no one else here can do...George sued the hell out of me and
won..big money...for something that some one else did to him...I just
happened to have received the plants to grow for the jerk that shafted
George...We were bitter enemies for years and he bruited my name around as
such..even on this forum...SO...when I stand up and am counted and can state
the George has now been screwed worse than he did me..It SHOULD count for
something...As Eric said..He is actually a warm and friendly guy...NOT an
enemy of the people..We have resolved our problem since this mess...We are
now firm friends and he now knows what he did to me. ...Shouldn't I have
been happy as hell that this all happened to him when I first heard of it???
Not a chance...The government has been vindictive..way over the
line...Kovach...he of the real theft story...got away with his actions with
little penalty...Go figure?  One hopes that a better outcome may yet
transpire...but with this type of regime in power...I would not hold my
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Getting up-to-date

2004-10-26 Thread Thomas Hillson
Comment, Margaret is just trying to get familiar with everyone, and 
get your data for her address book. However, too much phishing like 
this is done by unscrupulous persons, who will use your personnel 
information to masquerade as you, and do all kinds of nasty things.

If you want to protect yourself do not give out any more personnel 
information than is absolutely necessary to transact business. I know 
people who have had all kinds of problems from giving out too much 
information to the wrong person and getting bitten.

Sorry Margaret, you are probably a wonderful person, but I recommend 
people not give out any information to anyone.

Tom Hillson
At 5:44 AM + 10/26/04, Margaret Lomas wrote:
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else. Plaxo is free, if you'd like to give it a try.
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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] RE: Peroxide/Bert

2004-10-26 Thread K Barrett
Hi Bert,
From Cornell University's web page on paraquat 
"Metabolic pathway inhibited:
Paraquat accepts electrons from photosystem I and is reduced to form the 
paraquat radical, which in turn reduces molecular oxygen to form the 
superoxide radical; superoxide then reacts with itself in the presence of 
superoxide dismutase to form hydrogen peroxide; hydrogen peroxide and 
superoxide react to generate the hydroxyl radical; superoxide and, to a 
lesser extent, hydrogen peroxide may oxidize SH groups on various organic 
compounds within the cell; the hydroxyl radical, however, is extremely 
reactive and readily destroys unsaturated lipids, including membrane fatty 
acids and chlorophyll; the hydroxyl radical produces lipid radicals which 
react with oxygen to form lipid hydroperoxides; such lipid hydroperoxides 
destroy the integrity of cell membranes allowing cytoplasm to leak into 
intercellular spaces which leads to rapid leaf wilting and desiccation. "

Granted the use of household peroxide in a topical application probably 
wouldn't get involved in the photosystem I pathway, but I didn't know, hence 
the question.  If anyone else has any comments on use of household peroxide 
I'd appreciate your input.  Many times advice is passed along that is wrong 
or detrimental or just plain myth, so I figured to research the use of 
peroxide before continuing to advise its use.  I came across information 
that one would encounter online in a routine Google search and asked if 
there was any science behind it.  Personally I thought the ideas were 
laughable, but figured I'd ask a physiologist (if there were any still on 
the list)

So don't try to bait me with your comments about oxygen in air, Bert.  You 
are just spoiling for a fight and I won't give it to you.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA
There is a powerful enzyme, catalase, present in most cells,  bacterial,
plant and animal, that converts hydrogen peroxide into water and  oxygen 
quick.  The peroxide lasts long enough to put the kabash on  many bacteria 
for a
short time, hence its effectiveness in treating crown rot,  but if you
incorporate it into media it will quickly disappear.  Kathy did  confuse me 
whether or not she believes there is oxygen in air.  If  roots need to 
they need certainly need oxygen.  Nitrogen is quite  inert, reacting only 
nitrifying bacteria such as in legume nodules.  I  was also surprised to 
that Paraquat acts by producing peroxide.  It  is a powerful inhibitor of
cellular respiration; I am unfamiliar with any  involvement of peroxide.

Bert  Pressman
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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] George Norris

2004-10-26 Thread Martin Epstein
Disclaimer:  This is not a political statement.
George Norris was a staunch supporter of of George W. Bush, who he 
called Dubbya or something like that.  I think it's ironic that he 
may have fallen afoul of the Patriot's Act and that at one time the 
ACLU was reported as thinking of defending him.

He is guilty.  Although I personally cannot warm up to the man the 
punishment doesn't fit the crime.

Martin Epstein
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] OGD V6 # 442; Crime and Punnishment

2004-10-26 Thread BCPRESS
I was dismayed to see how many self  righteous OGDers would support the 
draconian sentence imposed on George  Norris and somewhat relieved that at least 
Steve Topletz and Eric Muehlbauer saw  fit to place the "crime" in a proper 
perspective.  Remember Dickens' "Les  Miserables," in which Jean Val Jean was 
sentenced to jail indefinitely for  stealing a loaf of bread for his family.  Who, 
among us,  has bothered to look over his shoulder in fear when doing 36 mph 
in a  35 mph zone?  I often place my trash at the curb prior to the mandated 6 
PM  of the day before trash pick up, without fearing prosecution.  Most of  us 
commit technical violations of selected laws with total lack of  concern.  
George regarded his act, violation of a  counterproductive law, which is 
honored widely in its breach, in a similar  fashion.  His sentence was the 
result of the blind zeal of US  Fish&Wildlife, a judge who was totally 
unconcerned with the underlying  issues [I was at the sentencing hearing], and the 
modern technology of  surveillance.  
The real issue is not simply whether George  broke the law, but rather 
what would have been an appropriate penalty for  his transgression.  Certainly 
not 17 months in jail. Roll  over, Dickens, Jean Val Jean has just stolen 
another loaf of  bread!
  Bert  Pressman
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Merida, Venezuela

2004-10-26 Thread viateur . boutot
Julie :
Thanks for the interesting comments about Merida, Venezuela.
About the accents : if we use the appropriate Spanish accent for Merida, it 
comes out as Mirida.
The program used for the OGD, unfortunately, does not allow for the use of 
accents which English does not use.

Un saludo cordial - best regards,
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Euro Green Asia

2004-10-26 Thread Tony Watkinson
Hi all

I have been in contact with George Hample of Euro Green Asia Orchids from
Thailand and he has given me permission to post his email on OGD as an
explanation of his position re the damaging info that has been posted here
recently. Perhaps this will clear matters up. This email was initially sent
to a friend of mine and then passed on to me.

I think it is worth pointing out that a group of us orchid lovers from Perth
Western Australia visited Euro Green Asia Nursery in Thailand in Feb/March
this year and subsequently bought a large shipment of orchids from him. This
is not to say that all went without a hitch, but in the long run all turned
out well and the orchids that he sent us were in fine condition and well
grown. The shipment he mentions is our second which should arrive here
within the month.


Dear Ken,

Thanks for your e-mail and here the answer to it.
Mr. David Grove came this year to our orchid nursery, pretending to buy
plants. He was looking around, asked many questions and left.
We never have heard from him again.
Maybe he does not understand our operation at all and I doubt that he has
any qualification to judge my qualification as an electrical engineer.
For sure he has no qualification to judge our species. Our nursery in
Thailand has altogether 362 registered entries of Appendix II and 30 of
Appendix I.
All of this entries are regularly checked by the Cites department of
Thailand. Without an approval from them no plant would leave the country.
To the size of our nursery here in Thailand, the plants you have seen there
are the one we keep a close watch on and dont entrust them to our growers.
Beside this we have approximately another 2.8 hectare with plants to the
north-west of Bangkok and three contract growers working for us. Another big
part of plants listed in our price list are coming from our nursery in the
Philippines, about 24,000 square meter in size, at the Sierra Madre of
Eastern Luzon. With both setups together we can claim that we have one of
the biggest nursery, cultivating Asian orchid species in Asia.
However, it will be a lesson for us to scrutinize people first before we let
them in to visit our nursery, especially when they turning a visit later on
into adding to a smear campaign.
Regarding Mr. Lowder, the announcement at his web page has disappeared
already and he has received his plants. We regret that we have not reacted
much earlier and shipped the plant before but sometime circumstances are not
always in our favor, first our health problems here and than the problem
with the Vietnamese Cites department.

Ken, please give our regards to Tony and the other members of your group.
The plants you have ordered will be delivered as promised and we hope that
this mess with Dwayne Lowder will not destroy our so far good relationship.

Best regards
George and Edith
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)


2004-10-26 Thread Juli
Dear Charlie (Baker)

Your advise on climatic conditions for Cyrtochilum meirax are just the thing
but I have noticed in several postings that people tend to misspell MERIDA,
writing MIRIDA instead.

Merida is the capital city and the State of the same name high in the
Venezuerlan Andes. A beautiful place with one of the most prestigious
universities in the country and my family4s home since the 16th century when
it was founded buy Spanish people who arrived from MERIDA in the Castillian
lands. There4s another MERIDA in the Americas in the Yucatan Penninsula of
The Roman name for the town in Spain is EMERITENSE __ (oops!, forgot the
rest of the name)

This posting has nothing to do with orchids but is just to beg people not to
misspell the name
caracas, venezuela
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Cyrtochilum meirax

2004-10-26 Thread IrisCohen
Thank you to all who responded. I gather the best way to grow this species is 
on a chain link fence in Santa Barbara, or climbing on a tree in Peru. 
Failing these, I mounted it on a piece of tree fern with a bit of sphagnum moss. I 
hope my plant room is not too warm. I investigated putting in a ventilator on a 
thermostat, but I have to invest in a new sliding glass door instead.
Apparently it would have liked our last summer, but the one before that might 
have killed it. If we have a hot dry summer, I will keep it indoors with my 
Onc. crista-galli.
I am not fat. I need repotting.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Getting up-to-date

2004-10-26 Thread Margaret Lomas

I'm updating my address book. Please take a moment to update
your latest contact information. Your information is stored in
my personal address book and will not be shared with anyone
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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Please continue subscription

2004-10-26 Thread Joseph Dixler
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Peroxide in repotting

2004-10-26 Thread roger jesinghause
Your notions about the destructive effect hydrogen peroxide has on cell 
membranes is correct; the free radical components of H2O2 are highly 
reactive, however they will seek out the protein receptors in the cell 
membranes of bacteria and react to completion long before they can do any 
serious damage to the much stronger plant tissue cell walls  (keep in mind 
that this is a 3% soln).  As for paraquat... completely different animal,  
this is a combination of organic molecules which effectively shut down plant 
respiration through many different reactions.
I am intrigued by the prospect of improving plant tissue generation in 
chemical rich environments, although I'm not convinced O2 enrichment is the 
way to go.  I have a chemist friend in the cacti/succulent world who has had 
success using CO2 canisters to deliver foliar nutrients, and swears by it.  
In most of lit I've read re: this application to orchids,  there is an 
optimal concentration for CO2 under which nutrients will be taken up by the 
plants that is much lower than that used by my friend (somewhere around 30% 
is the upper boundary depending on the species you are growing), 
concentrations above this amount can eventually damage plants.
There were discussions back in march about the exact nutrients, 
micronutrients, pH, etc. needed to sustain rapid growth in CO2 rich 
As for hydrogen peroxide use, it is valuable (although in slightly higher 
concentrations of 7-11%) in flasking and tissue culturing applications,  and 
I'm sure the 3% soln for repotting is probably a good anti-bacterial/fungal 
precaution.  One possible concern would be readsorption of excess salts,  
but flushing with plenty of H2O should solve that.
S. Moore

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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Catalase and Kathy

2004-10-26 Thread BCPRESS
There is a powerful enzyme, catalase, present in most cells,  bacterial, 
plant and animal, that converts hydrogen peroxide into water and  oxygen real 
quick.  The peroxide lasts long enough to put the kabash on  many bacteria for a 
short time, hence its effectiveness in treating crown rot,  but if you 
incorporate it into media it will quickly disappear.  Kathy did  confuse me about 
whether or not she believes there is oxygen in air.  If  roots need to respire, 
they need certainly need oxygen.  Nitrogen is quite  inert, reacting only with 
nitrifying bacteria such as in legume nodules.  I  was also surprised to learn 
that Paraquat acts by producing peroxide.  It  is a powerful inhibitor of 
cellular respiration; I am unfamiliar with any  involvement of peroxide.  

Bert  Pressman
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] George's mistake

2004-10-26 Thread e.muehlbauer
There have been a couple of posts here suggesting that people were
justifying George Norris's actionswhich I think is showing a major
misunderstanding...I don't think that anyone here is justifying the actions
to which George has pleaded guilty...basically, intentionally mislabelling
phrags so that they will pass inspections more quickly. The comments on
George's behalf, including mine, were basically an intent to put it in
perspective. George did NOT smuggle in P. kovachii, or any wild collected
phrag...what he basically did was suggest that legally propagated phrags,
mainly P. pearcei, be labelled as another plant to be OK'd more easily by
inspectors...basically, a short cut...yes, an illegal shortcut. The fact
that the plants in question were released to be sold shows that they were
not contraband in and of themselves. The issue that concerns those of us who
know George is the severity of the sentence...17 months in jail for George's
crime is a crime in and of itself...there are plenty of people who commit
crimes of violence who get off with far less. No one is claiming that George
is innocent, least of all George himselfbut many of us feel that a crime
of this nature, committed by a 65 year old man with no prior history of
illegal activity would be better served by a fine, community service, even
both. I would certainly not disagree that George's actions will result in
increased pressure on orchid importers...I am sure that commercial
growers/importers will be seeing effects from this convictionhowever, to
claim that George's punishment is appropriate is going too far, to the point
of being vindictive. Of course George had a "mouth" on him (if that
phraseology is appropriate for computer use...) and offended many
people...but then again, just look at how participation on this list
increases when people get offended...(more people miss Guido than will ever
admit it) But being obnoxious is not a crime, or even an aggravating
factor in sentence consideration(Not to mention that anyone who
corresponded with George, and got to know him, could get past the bluster,
right wing politics,  and BS to see that underneath was a genuinely warm and
decent person...) At any rate, the issue at this point is not guilt or
innocence, right or wrong for the crime...but for the justice. Take care,
Eric Muehlbauer in Queens NYplenty of cool growers still outside...
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Stelis sp.

2004-10-26 Thread Goldorchid
Hi Grieg,
My first thought for your Stelis is argentata. It is one of the most common 
in cultivation here in the states thanks to Andrea Niessen from Colombia. I'm 
pretty sure it is from Ecuador too...
Kathy in MN.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)