Re: [osg-users] Building new website, assistance appreciated!

2012-05-09 Thread Thomas Hogarth
Hi Jordi

Thanks for setting up the Code Repositries stuff, I really like the added
Git and Mercurial links,

I've been away away on a stag do (well more recovering), but should get
back at it this weekend.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgSim::OverlayNode and Point Clouds

2012-05-09 Thread Glenn Waldron
OverlayNode.cpp has some shader code in it you might look at.

In osgEarth we pass in a texgen matrix in a uniform, then in the vertex
shader say:

gl_TexCoord[1] = texGenMatrix * osg_ViewMatrixInverse * gl_ModelViewMatrix
* gl_Vertex;

Then in the frag shader:

vec2 tc = gl_TexCoord[1].xy / gl_TexCoord[1].q;
vec4 texel = texture2D( texture_1, tc );

Or, I I believe you could also call:

vec4 texel = texture2Dproj( projTex, gl_TexCoord[1] );

..but I've never tried it.

Glenn Waldron / @glennwaldron

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 3:12 PM, Loren Hoffman wrote:

> Glenn,
> ** **
> Thanks for the response. I got the texture showing up in a test scenario
> but am having a problem computing the texture coordinates. I looked through
> the overlaynode’s header file and didn’t see anything which I could use to
> compute the texture coordinates but did find that the implementation file
> has some code for creating a matrix which can (I think) convert the
> gl_Vertex into a valid coordinate but then I couldn’t find anything
> specifying where it would be bound to. I randomly tried the first few
> gl_TextureMatrices but either they don’t contain the matrix or I am using
> it wrong. Currently I am attempting:
> ** **
> vec4 col = texture2D(overlay, (gl_TextureMatrix[1] * gl_Vertex).xy);
> ** **
> where using index 1 is just one of the tests. Any help would again be
> appreciated. 
> ** **
> Thanks,
> - Loren
> ** **
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Glenn Waldron
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 09, 2012 1:17 PM
> *To:* OpenSceneGraph Users
> *Subject:* Re: [osg-users] osgSim::OverlayNode and Point Clouds
> ** **
> Loren, 
> ** **
> If your point cloud has a custom shader, make sure that shader is
> rendering the projected texture used by OverlayNode.
> Glenn Waldron / @glennwaldron
> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 2:05 PM, Loren Hoffman 
> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have a setup where I need to project an overlay node’s sub graph onto a
> point cloud. We already have it setup to overlay onto geometry created with
> VPB and I was hoping it would “just work”™ for the clouds. Unfortunately it
> seems to have no effect at all on cloud despite it having been inserted
> into the graph in the same manner that the vpb geometry was. The point
> cloud is being rendered with a custom shader setup but I didn’t come across
> anything saying that that would be an issue. Is there anything I need to do
> to the point cloud’s graph to make it so it will accept the overlay or is
> this a limitation of the overlay system? Thanks in advance,
> - Loren
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
> ***
> ** **
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgSim::OverlayNode and Point Clouds

2012-05-09 Thread Loren Hoffman

Thanks for the response. I got the texture showing up in a test scenario but am 
having a problem computing the texture coordinates. I looked through the 
overlaynode's header file and didn't see anything which I could use to compute 
the texture coordinates but did find that the implementation file has some code 
for creating a matrix which can (I think) convert the gl_Vertex into a valid 
coordinate but then I couldn't find anything specifying where it would be bound 
to. I randomly tried the first few gl_TextureMatrices but either they don't 
contain the matrix or I am using it wrong. Currently I am attempting:

vec4 col = texture2D(overlay, (gl_TextureMatrix[1] * gl_Vertex).xy);

where using index 1 is just one of the tests. Any help would again be 

- Loren

[] On Behalf Of Glenn Waldron
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 1:17 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] osgSim::OverlayNode and Point Clouds


If your point cloud has a custom shader, make sure that shader is rendering the 
projected texture used by OverlayNode.

Glenn Waldron / @glennwaldron

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 2:05 PM, Loren Hoffman>> wrote:
Hello All,

I have a setup where I need to project an overlay node's sub graph onto a point 
cloud. We already have it setup to overlay onto geometry created with VPB and I 
was hoping it would "just work"(tm) for the clouds. Unfortunately it seems to 
have no effect at all on cloud despite it having been inserted into the graph 
in the same manner that the vpb geometry was. The point cloud is being rendered 
with a custom shader setup but I didn't come across anything saying that that 
would be an issue. Is there anything I need to do to the point cloud's graph to 
make it so it will accept the overlay or is this a limitation of the overlay 
system? Thanks in advance,

- Loren

osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osgSim::OverlayNode and Point Clouds

2012-05-09 Thread Glenn Waldron

If your point cloud has a custom shader, make sure that shader is rendering
the projected texture used by OverlayNode.

Glenn Waldron / @glennwaldron

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 2:05 PM, Loren Hoffman wrote:

> Hello All,
> ** **
> I have a setup where I need to project an overlay node’s sub graph onto a
> point cloud. We already have it setup to overlay onto geometry created with
> VPB and I was hoping it would “just work”™ for the clouds. Unfortunately it
> seems to have no effect at all on cloud despite it having been inserted
> into the graph in the same manner that the vpb geometry was. The point
> cloud is being rendered with a custom shader setup but I didn’t come across
> anything saying that that would be an issue. Is there anything I need to do
> to the point cloud’s graph to make it so it will accept the overlay or is
> this a limitation of the overlay system? Thanks in advance,
> ** **
> - Loren
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osgSim::OverlayNode and Point Clouds

2012-05-09 Thread Loren Hoffman
Hello All,

I have a setup where I need to project an overlay node's sub graph onto a point 
cloud. We already have it setup to overlay onto geometry created with VPB and I 
was hoping it would "just work"(tm) for the clouds. Unfortunately it seems to 
have no effect at all on cloud despite it having been inserted into the graph 
in the same manner that the vpb geometry was. The point cloud is being rendered 
with a custom shader setup but I didn't come across anything saying that that 
would be an issue. Is there anything I need to do to the point cloud's graph to 
make it so it will accept the overlay or is this a limitation of the overlay 
system? Thanks in advance,

- Loren
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OSG and Qt fullscreen problem

2012-05-09 Thread jamie robertson

The paint event is never called if you have zero size margin in a layout.

If you only have a single view then there's no point in having a layout anyway 
instead you can use a GLWidget widget directly 



Read this topic online here:

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Building JNI wrapper for OSGdem

2012-05-09 Thread Sean K
Thank you for the background information.

There is different JNI issue that I am encountering.

I was invoking a static function member from the native code.

At this point, I dont mind using a static function member, but for
thread safety in subsequent release, I need to switch it to use an
instance function member.

I saw the documentation about using non-static function members.  And
I think I updated the code to use it correctly.   But it encounters a
runtime crash in the jvm.

the crash and java and native code fragments follows:

static callback invoked from native: 7870.00
static callback passing integer invoked.
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  Internal Error (jni.cpp:947), pid=1852, tid=5864
#  Error: ShouldNotReachHere()
# JRE version: 6.0_32-b05
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (20.7-b02 mixed mode, sharing
windows-x86 )
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# C:\Users\sk\workspace\osg\osgnativelib\hs_err_pid1852.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  Internal Error (jni.cpp:947), pid=1852, tid=5864
#  Error: ShouldNotReachHere()
# JRE version: 6.0_32-b05
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (20.7-b02 mixed mode, sharing
windows-x86 )
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

---  T H R E A D  ---

Current thread (0x0264a800):  JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_vm,
id=5864, stack(0x0055,0x005a)]

Stack: [0x0055,0x005a],  sp=0x0059f878,  free space=318k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
V  [jvm.dll+0x13373a]
V  [jvm.dll+0x12e6db]
V  [jvm.dll+0x9529c]
V  [jvm.dll+0x95a27]
V  [jvm.dll+0x9890c]
C  [HelloWorldWin32Library.dll+0x116d3]  JNIEnv_::CallVoidMethod+0x43
C  [HelloWorldWin32Library.dll+0x14274]
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V  [jvm.dll+0xfad4b]
V  [jvm.dll+0x18c421]
V  [jvm.dll+0xfadcd]
V  [jvm.dll+0x95836]
V  [jvm.dll+0x9d673]
C  [javaw.exe+0x2155]
C  [javaw.exe+0x8614]
C  [kernel32.dll+0x1339a]  BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12
C  [ntdll.dll+0x39ed2]  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63
C  [ntdll.dll+0x39ea5]  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x36

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub

#define FUNCTION_SIGNATURE "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"



JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL Java_osgjni_core_MathFuncTest_Multiple
  (JNIEnv *penv, jobject obj, jdouble left, jdouble right) {
  jdouble product = left * right;
  jclass cls = penv->GetObjectClass(obj);
  jmethodID midStatic = penv->GetStaticMethodID(cls,
  jmethodID midStaticNumber = penv->GetStaticMethodID(cls,
  jmethodID midInstance = penv->GetMethodID(cls,
  char buffer[20];
  sprintf(buffer, "%5.2f", product);
  jstring jstr = penv->NewStringUTF(buffer);
  if (midStatic != 0) {
  penv->CallStaticVoidMethod(cls, midStatic,  jstr);
  if (midStaticNumber != 0) {
  penv->CallStaticVoidMethod(cls, midStaticNumber,  333);
  if (midInstance != 0) {
  penv->CallVoidMethod(cls, midInstance,  10);
  return product;

public class MathFuncTest {

native double Multiple (double left, double right);

static {


 * this is used for the static function member test.
 * @param msg

public static void callnumber (int number) {
System.out.println("static callback passing integer invoked.");

 * this is used for the static function member test.
 * @param msg
public static void callback(String msg) {
if (msg != null){
System.out.println("static callback invoked from 
native: "+ msg)

Re: [osg-users] Building new website, assistance appreciated!

2012-05-09 Thread Jordi Torres
I missed to say that I tried to respect the authory of the articles
migrated from the old webpage, or for example de Debbuging tips (from Paul
Martz). But there are some cases where I didnt know who was the author.


2012/5/9 Jordi Torres 

> Hi Robert et al,
> I have been populating the new webpage, migrating contents from the older
> one. As robert suggested I have gone for Downloads and Support sections.
> Downloads
> In the case of dowloads I am going now for Data resources and Tools
> (suggestions of J-S).
> @Robert: do you want me to do a downloads hierarchy folder (somethink like
> in the old server) by FTP and upload latest stable and developer versions?
> @J-S  I feel the category tools may overlap the category community
> projects, thoughts?
> @Thomas I have set the page "Code Repositories" (maybe more appropiated
> that "get the trunk") you can now link to it.
> Support
> Some links on the FAQ section are not up to date, we need to migrate the
> Documentation->knowledge base before.
> I want to know your opinion about how to address profesional support, Is
> it worth to have a single article with all the professionals/companies, or
> to have an article for each professional/company and show them in a blog
> layout/ list layout? I think it would be better if each
> professional/company edit its own page.
> If you any suggestions or doubts don't hesitate to talk about them.
> Cheers.
> 2012/5/2 Robert Osfield 
>> Hi Jordi,
>> On 2 May 2012 19:03, Jordi Torres  wrote:
>> > About the migration status I have setup a new migration tasks page in
>> the
>> > website. The idea is that authors are able to modify this page and
>> autoasign
>> > tasks. Then a publisher review the changes and apply them if
>> appropiated.
>> > Publishers and admins should have set the priority of each item before,
>> and
>> > remove those items which won't be migrated.
>> Migration page looks good.  I'll have a deeper look at the list
>> tomorrow.  I'm guessing I should tackle the support and downloads
>> pages as priority.
>> Unfortunately I'll be away next week in Montreal so won't be able to
>> work on the website, in the evening's if I'm able I'll try to keep up
>> with emails.  The rest of this week I'll be wrapping up my prep for
>> the trip so won't have too much time either, but I'll be around able
>> to put some time in.
>> Robert.
>> ___
>> osg-users mailing list
> --
> Jordi Torres Fabra
> gvSIG 3D blog
> Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial

Jordi Torres Fabra

gvSIG 3D blog
Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Building new website, assistance appreciated!

2012-05-09 Thread Jordi Torres
Hi Robert et al,

I have been populating the new webpage, migrating contents from the older
one. As robert suggested I have gone for Downloads and Support sections.


In the case of dowloads I am going now for Data resources and Tools
(suggestions of J-S).

@Robert: do you want me to do a downloads hierarchy folder (somethink like
in the old server) by FTP and upload latest stable and developer versions?
@J-S  I feel the category tools may overlap the category community
projects, thoughts?
@Thomas I have set the page "Code Repositories" (maybe more appropiated
that "get the trunk") you can now link to it.


Some links on the FAQ section are not up to date, we need to migrate the
Documentation->knowledge base before.
I want to know your opinion about how to address profesional support, Is it
worth to have a single article with all the professionals/companies, or to
have an article for each professional/company and show them in a blog
layout/ list layout? I think it would be better if each
professional/company edit its own page.

If you any suggestions or doubts don't hesitate to talk about them.


2012/5/2 Robert Osfield 

> Hi Jordi,
> On 2 May 2012 19:03, Jordi Torres  wrote:
> > About the migration status I have setup a new migration tasks page in the
> > website. The idea is that authors are able to modify this page and
> autoasign
> > tasks. Then a publisher review the changes and apply them if appropiated.
> > Publishers and admins should have set the priority of each item before,
> and
> > remove those items which won't be migrated.
> Migration page looks good.  I'll have a deeper look at the list
> tomorrow.  I'm guessing I should tackle the support and downloads
> pages as priority.
> Unfortunately I'll be away next week in Montreal so won't be able to
> work on the website, in the evening's if I'm able I'll try to keep up
> with emails.  The rest of this week I'll be wrapping up my prep for
> the trip so won't have too much time either, but I'll be around able
> to put some time in.
> Robert.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list

Jordi Torres Fabra

gvSIG 3D blog
Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Building JNI wrapper for OSGdem

2012-05-09 Thread Jason Daly

On 05/09/2012 12:39 PM, Sean K wrote:

Hi Rafa

Thank you so much for looking at the problem -- having a second set of
eyes look at a problem is so valuable.

You were right -- The OSG and VPB -- I was using release builds.   But
my own DLL -- I had it in the DEBUG build.

After I changed to RELEASE build, the crash did not happen anymore --
and my DLL was able to successfully build the output OSG file.

Thank you for helping.

Just curious though -- what is the issue behind mixing debug and
release binaries that causes something like this to crash?   I noticed
in the original crash that it was involved in the c++ deconstructor
for strings or some other C++ POJO.   I am thinking about what could
have been implemented in those destructors or runtime libraries that
is confused with either debug or release binaries.

Maybe the function signatures are switched between debug or release
mode?   That seems very dangerous.   Maybe the size of the heap
objects used for strings are different between the release and debug?

Just curious why the mix up for non-debug and debug libraries causes
this kind of crash.

The main source of the issue is the Microsoft C runtime library.  The 
debug version of the CRT and the release version are two separate DLLs 
and they occupy different areas in memory when loaded.  The heap 
managers are also very different (the debug heap includes a lot of extra 
data to help debug memory allocation/initialization issues), so if you 
create an object on the debug heap and later free it from the release 
heap, you'll have heap corruption.

Details about the issue are here:

There are also likely to be countless differences in the code itself 
(ever seen #ifdef _DEBUG in the header files?)

The topic has been discussed many, many times on this list, too.  You 
can skim through the archives for more info.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Building JNI wrapper for OSGdem

2012-05-09 Thread Sean K
Hi Rafa

Thank you so much for looking at the problem -- having a second set of
eyes look at a problem is so valuable.

You were right -- The OSG and VPB -- I was using release builds.   But
my own DLL -- I had it in the DEBUG build.

After I changed to RELEASE build, the crash did not happen anymore --
and my DLL was able to successfully build the output OSG file.

Thank you for helping.

Just curious though -- what is the issue behind mixing debug and
release binaries that causes something like this to crash?   I noticed
in the original crash that it was involved in the c++ deconstructor
for strings or some other C++ POJO.   I am thinking about what could
have been implemented in those destructors or runtime libraries that
is confused with either debug or release binaries.

Maybe the function signatures are switched between debug or release
mode?   That seems very dangerous.   Maybe the size of the heap
objects used for strings are different between the release and debug?

Just curious why the mix up for non-debug and debug libraries causes
this kind of crash.

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 12:38 AM, Rafa Gaitan  wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> The first I spotted watching your stacktrace is that your are mixing
> debug with release libraries. AFAIK on windows mixing debug and
> release always gives problems, so the best you can do if you want to
> debug your code is build osg in debug or build your code in release
> with debug symbols.
> Cheers,
> Rafa.
> 2012/5/9 Sean K :
>> Hi,
>> I took a look at your code.
>> It looks good.   Since the *.h headers from OSG and VPB DLLs are not
>> intended for java JNI invocation, I see that your code has built is
>> own DLL which in turn uses the OSG runtimes.
>> I am taking this similar approach -- as follow...
>> Since I want to do what osgdem.exe does but want to make that
>> accessible from a java application, I wrote a C DLL on Windows that is
>> invoked by my java class.
>> When that DLL has all the includes and DLL lib imported linked to it
>> (same build dependency as osgdem.exe -- but it is a DLL instead of a
>> EXE), the java class can invoke that function in that DLL -- i put
>> some test code in that DLL.
>> Then I copied most of the code from osgdem.cpp into the main function
>> of my DLL.
>> I re-initialize the arguments etc from my entry point so that it
>> mimics osgdem.cpp as much as possible -- at least at this version.
>> Now, when I invoke my DLL which should do the same essential thing
>> that osgdem.exe does, it encounters a java hotspot exception access
>> violation.
>> here is the content of that log file it is generated by jvm.
>> (i hide the name of the company and myself to protect the privacy)
>> #
>> # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
>> #
>> #  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc005) at pc=0x5ca957aa, pid=2036, 
>> tid=5660
>> #
>> # JRE version: 6.0_32-b05
>> # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (20.7-b02 mixed mode windows-x86 )
>> # Problematic frame:
>> # C  [MSVCR100D.dll+0x1157aa]
>> #
>> # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
>> #
>> # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
>> # See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
>> #
>> ---  T H R E A D  ---
>> Current thread (0x0211a800):  JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_native,
>> id=5660, stack(0x0022,0x0027)]
>> siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc005, reading address 0xccc0
>> Registers:
>> EAX=0xccac, EBX=0x44b618c8, ECX=0xccac, EDX=0x0004
>> ESP=0x0026e788, EBP=0x0026e7b4, ESI=0x0026ea8c, EDI=0x0026e898
>> EIP=0x5ca957aa, EFLAGS=0x00010286
>> Top of Stack: (sp=0x0026e788)
>> 0x0026e788:   4fc8e4ec 0026e898 0026ea8c 44b618c8
>> 0x0026e798:   ccac fffe 0026e33c 0026ea78
>> 0x0026e7a8:   5ca99320 13430fa0  0026e898
>> 0x0026e7b8:   5e7d271c  0026e98c 0026ea8c
>> 0x0026e7c8:   44b618c8   
>> 0x0026e7d8:      
>> 0x0026e7e8:      
>> 0x0026e7f8:      
>> Instructions: (pc=0x5ca957aa)
>> 0x5ca9578a:   00 00 00 6a 04 e8 5c 3f f3 ff 83 c4 04 c7 45 fc
>> 0x5ca9579a:   00 00 00 00 8b 45 08 83 e8 20 89 45 e4 8b 4d e4
>> 0x5ca957aa:   8b 51 14 81 e2 ff ff 00 00 83 fa 04 74 41 8b 45
>> 0x5ca957ba:   e4 83 78 14 01 74 38 8b 4d e4 8b 51 14 81 e2 ff
>> Register to memory mapping:
>> EAX=0xccac is an unknown value
>> EBX=0x44b618c8 is an oop
>> {method}
>>  - klass: {other class}
>> ECX=0xccac is an unknown value
>> EDX=0x0004 is an unknown value
>> ESP=0x0026e788 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0211a800
>> EBP=0x0026e7b4 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0211a800
>> ESI=0x0026ea8c is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0211a800
>> EDI=0x0026e898 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0211a800

Re: [osg-users] Manipulator and selection

2012-05-09 Thread Jason Daly

On 05/09/2012 07:34 AM, Bob Slobodan wrote:

I finally figured out what was the problem with the camera. It was just that I 
had really large coordinates (for example : 510, 510, 100). So I 
finally subtsracted an offset (510, 510, 0) to all my points and the 
manipulator now works just fine.

It also solved part of the selection problem. And now that I use a 
PolytopeIntersector instead of a line segment intersector, I can select what I 

The last problem that I have now is to figured out how to make the point appear 
in front of the lines and the lines in front of the surfaces.
Does anyone have a clue of how to do that ?

Hi, Bob,

Take a look at the osgscribe example.  It shows how to use 
osg::PolygonOffset to show lines on top of surfaces.  You can probably 
extend that to handle the points as well.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Uniform arrays.

2012-05-09 Thread Jason Daly

On 05/09/2012 05:37 AM, Eldar Insafutdinov wrote:

Well, adding "[0]" actually did the trick! Mismatch of the array sizes did not 
matter in the end(I want to pass arrays of variable length to glsl with sizes up to 20 
elements, so that's fine with me). Not sure why my drivers don't work here, I'm on Linux 
with NVIDIA card and fairly up to date drivers. Thanks for helping me out!

Hi, Eldar,

The problem actually only occurs with recent NVIDIA drivers (older 
versions didn't have this issue).

As David mentioned, the latest SVN and the most recent developer 
releases also include this workaround, so you won't need to add the 
"[0]" yourself if you use one of those.  Obviously, it'll be in the next 
public OSG release, too.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph - voxel/terrain rendering

2012-05-09 Thread Jason Daly

On 05/06/2012 02:38 AM, Pete Black wrote:

How suitable will OpenSceneGraph be for this kind of task? - i would have up to 
5 million triangles visible at once (though a large number of these will be 
overdrawn) , and this dataset could be split into arbitrary-sized chunks, to 
optimise batch size. The triangles are textured with a single 'atlas' texture, 
and the vertices are specified in their final global coordinate locations, so 
no transforms are needed for each chunk. I pretty much have CPU to burn for 
state-sorting and culling.

I'd say it would at least be worth a look.  If you organize your scene 
into an octree, you could minimize the section of the scene hierarchy 
that would change from frame to frame, which would keep update and cull 
traversals manageable.

Basically, does OSG have features for:

a) updating OpenGL buffers/arrays in a separate thread

Yes, although I'm not sure how well your particular use case will work 
here.  OSG requires you to specify which sections of the scene are 
dynamic and which are static.  The Update/Cull thread(s) then traverse 
the dynamic objects in the scene while the Draw thread waits.  Once all 
the dynamic objects have been traversed, the Draw thread begins doing 
its work.

In your case, you'll probably be marking almost all of the scene 
dynamic, so I'm not sure how much speedup you'll get from the 

b) optimised rendering by eliminating unnecessary state changes, compared to 
something like Ogre3d

Yes.  This is historically where OSG gets most of its speedup.  OSG 
employs state sorting and lazy state updating in the draw dispatch.  I'm 
guessing that with something like MineCraft, you'll have a lot of 
geometry, but a relatively small number of state sets.  OSG would be 
perfect for this.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] framerate drops drastically when turning child nodes on and off

2012-05-09 Thread John Kelso

Many thanks. This problem sure is beginning to smell like "driver and/or
card" to me. I'd love to hear from other Linux users too.


On Wed, 9 May 2012, Stephan Maximilian Huber wrote:

Am 09.05.12 15:26, schrieb John Kelso:

Do you see the original problem as well? Does it act the same at .5 FPS and
no switching, and degrade at 1 FPS?

I don't see the original problem, the draw time is constant for both
FPS, no peaks, nada.

Only if i rotate the cube about 180° performance decrease to 3-5fps,
regardless of the specified switch-timing.

osg-users mailing list
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Qt - multiple views

2012-05-09 Thread Filip Arlet

ok this doesnt have anything with view, I think the problem are Display Lists, 
it will call bad list, I dont know why (I think it's problem with sharing 
display lists to new context), T have switched to vertexarrays and it works

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] OpenSceneGraph - voxel/terrain rendering

2012-05-09 Thread Chris Hanson
  Are you using DrawInstanced?

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere.
Training • Consulting • Contracting
3D • Scene Graphs (Open Scene Graph/OSG) • OpenGL 2 • OpenGL 3 • OpenGL 4 •
GLSL • OpenGL ES 1 • OpenGL ES 2 • OpenCL
Digital Imaging • GIS • GPS • Telemetry • Cryptography • Digital Audio •
LIDAR • Kinect • Embedded • Mobile • iPhone/iPad/iOS • Android
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] framerate drops drastically when turning child nodes on and off

2012-05-09 Thread Stephan Maximilian Huber
Am 09.05.12 15:26, schrieb John Kelso:
> Do you see the original problem as well? Does it act the same at .5 FPS and
> no switching, and degrade at 1 FPS?

I don't see the original problem, the draw time is constant for both
FPS, no peaks, nada.

Only if i rotate the cube about 180° performance decrease to 3-5fps,
regardless of the specified switch-timing.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Polygon budget estimate for OSG ?

2012-05-09 Thread Maia Randria

I'd like to know if there is a way to estimate the polygon budget supported by 
OSG ? I understand that it would depend on the hardware, the models, etc. 

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Qt

2012-05-09 Thread Filip Arlet
I use multiple Qt windows for rendering, that can be created and destroyed 
while program is running. My problem occurs when I destroy and than create new 
view. New view has incorrect scenegraph (other views has correct one). Any idea 
why ?

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] ProxyNodes

2012-05-09 Thread Thrall, Bryan
PCJohn wrote on 2012-05-09: 
> Hi,
> I want to load my scene from multiple files. There should be one
> "main.osgt" file that should include or reference other files. I was
> expecting that osg::ProxyNode should serve for this purpose. Or is
> another friendly approach?
> ProxyNode difficultly: - it does not support "immediate" loading of
> referenced files, e.g. ProxyNode is loaded on the next cull traversal
> only. Not immediately.
> As a result, I can not make pure geometry processing (without scene
> visualization) as all geometries of ProxyNodes just remains on disk.
Or, is
> there an convenient approach to force ProxyNodes to be loaded?
> The best approach for me would be to indicate in osgDB::readNode()
> that I want to read specified file including all ProxyNodes within it.

Probably the easiest thing to do would be to create a
DatabaseRequestHandler subclass that loads the file immediately and
attach it to a NodeVisitor that you have traverse your model as soon as
it is loaded.

Hope this helps,
Bryan Thrall
Principal Software Engineer
FlightSafety International

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] framerate drops drastically when turning child nodes on and off

2012-05-09 Thread John Kelso

Do you see the original problem as well? Does it act the same at .5 FPS and
no switching, and degrade at 1 FPS?



On Wed, 9 May 2012, Ulrich Hertlein wrote:

When running this on OS X I'm seeing some odd behaviour as well:
- roughly every 7s there is a jump in the draw time (see attached screenshot)
- this happens even when *not* switching between the two groups (no update 
installed; both are visible at the same time)


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Manipulator and selection

2012-05-09 Thread Bob Slobodan
I finally figured out what was the problem with the camera. It was just that I 
had really large coordinates (for example : 510, 510, 100). So I 
finally subtsracted an offset (510, 510, 0) to all my points and the 
manipulator now works just fine.

It also solved part of the selection problem. And now that I use a 
PolytopeIntersector instead of a line segment intersector, I can select what I 

The last problem that I have now is to figured out how to make the point appear 
in front of the lines and the lines in front of the surfaces.
Does anyone have a clue of how to do that ?


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] framerate drops drastically when turning child nodes on and off

2012-05-09 Thread Stephan Maximilian Huber
Am 09.05.12 09:31, schrieb Ulrich Hertlein:
> When running this on OS X I'm seeing some odd behaviour as well:
> - roughly every 7s there is a jump in the draw time (see attached screenshot)
> - this happens even when *not* switching between the two groups (no update 
> callback
> installed; both are visible at the same time)

I see dramatic performance degression, when rotating the cube to a
specific angle, performcance goes down from 60fps to 3fps. (MacPro with
an ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB) Rotating the cube a bit more the
performance goes back to normal.

Maybe Mac OS X internal multithreaded-rendering is the culuprit here,
(which is enabled by default i think).

I've seen this jump every 7s too, but when running the app for a longer
time, the jump goes away.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Uniform arrays.

2012-05-09 Thread Eldar Insafutdinov
Well, adding "[0]" actually did the trick! Mismatch of the array sizes did not 
matter in the end(I want to pass arrays of variable length to glsl with sizes 
up to 20 elements, so that's fine with me). Not sure why my drivers don't work 
here, I'm on Linux with NVIDIA card and fairly up to date drivers. Thanks for 
helping me out!


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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] ProxyNodes

2012-05-09 Thread PCJohn

I want to load my scene from multiple files. There should be one "main.osgt" 
file that should include or reference other files. I was expecting that 
osg::ProxyNode should serve for this purpose. Or is there another friendly 

ProxyNode difficultly: - it does not support "immediate" loading of referenced 
files, e.g. ProxyNode is loaded on the next cull traversal only. Not 

As a result, I can not make pure geometry processing (without scene 
visualization) as all geometries of ProxyNodes just remains on disk. Or, is 
there an convenient approach to force ProxyNodes to be loaded?

The best approach for me would be to indicate in osgDB::readNode() call that I 
want to read specified file including all ProxyNodes within it.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] OSG with Qt fullscreen problem

2012-05-09 Thread Markus Husseini

I am using the code example from the book "OpenSceneGraph 3 Cookbook" to 
implement an OSG application with a Qt gui.

If I set the widget which contains the viewerwideget to showFullscreen() I get 
a gray border around my osg scene widget. I found a solution to set the margin 
of the layout to 0 to eliminate the border. I tried to set it to 0 but the 
windows is not shown anymore. Otherwise if I set the margin to 1 then is the 
window shown, but I have again a small border.

Does someone has a solution for this problem??

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Identifying Unique Nodes Help

2012-05-09 Thread Joseph Smith

I am trying to load a scene with various ac3d models and I need to identify 
them when clicked on.

I have two issues.

1) Lets say that I need to load and How do I set up my 
scene? How do I read these files into a Node? How do I assign each node a 
unique identifier/ unique name?

2) When I try picking one of these objects similarly to how its shown in the 
osgpick example, how do I retrieve this unique identifier/ unique name?

i.e., for each hit in the intersections, how do I retrieve the unique 
identifier/ unique name of the model that has been hit?

for(osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections::iterator hitr = 
hitr != intersections.end();


Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] VPB build errors

2012-05-09 Thread Fintan Wilson

I'm having the same issue in linux using CMAKE. Can you perhaps advise on a fix?

Here is the compile output.


/home/fino/working_dir/osgCompute/src/osgCudaSerializer/Program.cpp: In 
function ‘bool writeResources(osgDB::OutputStream&, const osgCuda::Program&)’:
error: ‘BEGIN_BRACKET’ is not a member of ‘osgDB’
error: ‘END_BRACKET’ is not a member of ‘osgDB’
/home/fino/working_dir/osgCompute/src/osgCudaSerializer/Program.cpp: In 
function ‘bool readResources(osgDB::InputStream&, osgCuda::Program&)’:
error: ‘BEGIN_BRACKET’ is not a member of ‘osgDB’
error: ‘END_BRACKET’ is not a member of ‘osgDB’
/home/fino/working_dir/osgCompute/src/osgCudaSerializer/Program.cpp: In 
function ‘bool writeComputations(osgDB::OutputStream&, const 
error: ‘BEGIN_BRACKET’ is not a member of ‘osgDB’
error: ‘END_BRACKET’ is not a member of ‘osgDB’
/home/fino/working_dir/osgCompute/src/osgCudaSerializer/Program.cpp: In 
function ‘bool readComputations(osgDB::InputStream&, osgCuda::Program&)’:
error: ‘BEGIN_BRACKET’ is not a member of ‘osgDB’
error: ‘END_BRACKET’ is not a member of ‘osgDB’
make[2]: *** 
Error 1
make[1]: *** 
[src/osgCudaSerializer/CMakeFiles/osgdb_serializers_osgCuda.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2


Thank you!


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[osg-users] Problem with semi-transparent textures

2012-05-09 Thread Martin Oswald

I encounter the following issue with semi-transparent texture images:
After loading a textured model from a file, I want to change the texture image 
into an image sequence.
My code looks similar to the one of the 'osgimagesequence' example program.
The texture replacement works fine and the image sequence shows up as expected, 
except of the following issue:
The original image loaded from the file has different transparency values for 
every pixel.
The image sequence replacing the single image also has different transparency 
values for every pixel and every frame.
While the image content (rgb-values) is showing up correctly the transparency 
values are not updated and stay constant for the whole image sequence.
In particular, the transparency values shown for the image sequence are still 
the same as the ones from the original image.
In short, replacing the texture image seems to update the rgb-values but not 
the transparency values.

Here is a code snipped :


osg::StateAttribute* attr = 
if (attr)
  texture2D = dynamic_cast(attr);

  if (texture2D)

I have tried changing/updating the osg::Material node and/or adding 
osg::BlendFunc to change the transparency properties but without the desired 
I would highly appreciate if someone could give me a hint on how to fix this 

Thanks a lot.


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[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph - voxel/terrain rendering

2012-05-09 Thread Pete Black

I have been working on a minecraft world viewer for a while, and most of my 
work has been done in Ogre3D, as this library is what I am most familiar with. 

However, it is pretty clear that Ogre just can't go fast enough with my 
specific use case - it sets so much redundant state per batch that a large 
number of terrain tiles/chunks slow it to a crawl, and it has no 
straightforward way to create/update a smaller number of terrain chunks that 
can be run from a separate thread, which means a small number of large batches 
introduce long rendering stalls.

I am considering simply writing a renderer in raw openGL, but i do like the 
convenience of a slightly higher-level interface, especially when it comes to 
integrating features like adanced lighting/shadows, physics and animated 
characters on top of my terrain.

How suitable will OpenSceneGraph be for this kind of task? - i would have up to 
5 million triangles visible at once (though a large number of these will be 
overdrawn) , and this dataset could be split into arbitrary-sized chunks, to 
optimise batch size. The triangles are textured with a single 'atlas' texture, 
and the vertices are specified in their final global coordinate locations, so 
no transforms are needed for each chunk. I pretty much have CPU to burn for 
state-sorting and culling.

Basically, does OSG have features for:

a) updating OpenGL buffers/arrays in a separate thread
b) optimised rendering by eliminating unnecessary state changes, compared to 
something like Ogre3d

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Manipulator and selection

2012-05-09 Thread Bob Slobodan

I started to work with OSG last week and I have some issues. For my project, I 
need to navigate in a scene and select three types of objects : points, lines 
and surfaces. I created 3 class : surface, point and line with this kind of 
Line  Line ...
 /   \ /\
Point   PointPoint  ...
The points also have references to its different parents (lines and segments) 
to make the update of the shapes easier after the modification of a point. 
Points can be shared by several lines ans surfaces and lines can also be shared 
by several surfaces.
These three class inherit from Group and have a Geode and a geometry (a 
polygon, a line or a point).

To navigate in the scene, I made my own manipulator. It works well with 
translations, but I have some issues with rotations. Basically, it is very 
similar to the orbit manipulator (same way to handle events) except that I do 
not compute the position from the distance and the center of the sphere (I set 
the position and simply update the position). Moreover I had the same problem 
with the orbit manipulator so I don't think it might come from here.
The problem is that when I rotate, the camera is not really "stable". It's 
shaking. If I'm far enough or if I go fast enough, I don't notice it. And I 
can't figure out where it comes from. Here is the setup of my camera : 

osg::DisplaySettings* ds = osg::DisplaySettings::instance().get();
osg::ref_ptr traits = new 
traits->windowName = "";
traits->windowDecoration = false;
traits->x = 100;
traits->y = 100;
traits->width = 100;
traits->height = 100;
traits->doubleBuffer = true;
traits->alpha = ds->getMinimumNumAlphaBits();
traits->stencil = ds->getMinimumNumStencilBits();
traits->sampleBuffers = ds->getMultiSamples();
traits->samples = ds->getNumMultiSamples();

setGraphicsContext( new osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt(traits.get()) );

setClearColor( osg::Vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.6, 1.0) );
setViewport( new osg::Viewport(0, 0, traits->width, traits->height) );
static_cast(traits->height)/2.0, 1.0f, 1.0f);
static_cast(traits->width)/static_cast(traits->height), 1.0f, 
1.0f );

I have the same problem with the orthographic mode.

And here is My Qt widget :

SRE_OSGWidget::SRE_OSGWidget(QWidget* parent, SRE_Manipulator* m) : 
QWidget(parent) {

manipulator= m;
viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer;

osg::ref_ptr camera = SRE::get()->getScene()->getCamera();
osg::ref_ptr root = SRE::get()->getScene()->getRoot();



osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt* gw = dynamic_cast( 
camera->getGraphicsContext() );
//TODO print error
QWidget* viewWidget = gw->getGLWidget();

QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);

connect( &timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update()) );

void SRE_OSGWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e){

Does anyone has any idea where it could come from?
If you need more info or code, tell me.

The following image illustrates my two other problems:

The first one is the one in the red circle. I would like to make the point 
appear in front of the lines (and the lines in front of the polygon) when they 
have the same coordinates but I don't know how to do it. For example, in the 
image, we can see that the lines are over the point even though the coordinates 
used to define the lines are the same as the one used for the point.
Is ther a state or a mode that would enable me to do it ?

And finally, the last problem is about the selection of objects. When I click 
on a point or a line, it doesn't work. And sometimes, for some position of the 
cursor, when I click on a polygon it doesn't work either (for example at the 
position of the cursor in the image). Most of the time, I can correctly select 
surfaces, but sometimes, the ray seems not to hit the first surface (but it can 
hit the one behind). Here is the code that I used :

bool SRE_Controller::handleMousePush(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, 
osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& us){

unsigned int buttonMask = ea.getButtonMask();
if(buttonMask == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON){

osg::ref_ptr ray = new 

[osg-users] OSG and Qt fullscreen problem

2012-05-09 Thread Markus Husseini

I am trying to integrate an osg viewer into a Qt user interface. To do this I 
am using the osg viewer widget from the OpenSceneGraph 3.0 Cookbook. If I set 
the widget to fullscreen with the Qt method showFullScreen(). If I do this I 
have a gray border around my viewport. To eliminate the border I try to set the 
margin of the layout which includes the osgviewer to 0. But if I do this the Qt 
widget with viewer is not shown anymore. If I set the margin value to 1 then it 
works but I have again a small gray border. 

I know that this is working with OpenSG. Is there maybe a problem with osg?? 
Does someone has a solution for this problem??

Here is my code (Sorry I don'T know why the tabs are shown like this):




// C++ includes

// Qt includes

// OSG includes

class ViewerWidget : public QWidget
ViewerWidget( QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0 ) 
  : QWidget(parent, flags)
osg::Camera* camera = createCamera( 0, 0, 640, 480 );
osg::Node* scene = osgDB::readNodeFile("cow.osg");
m_viewer.setCamera( camera );
m_viewer.setSceneData( scene );
m_viewer.addEventHandler( new osgViewer::StatsHandler );
m_viewer.setCameraManipulator( new osgGA::TrackballManipulator 

// Use single thread here to avoid known issues under Linux
m_viewer.setThreadingModel( osgViewer::Viewer::SingleThreaded );

osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt* gw = 
dynamic_cast( camera->getGraphicsContext() );
if ( gw )
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout;


layout->addWidget( gw->getGLWidget() );
setLayout( layout );

connect( &m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update()) );
m_timer.start( 40 );

~ViewerWidget() {}

osg::Camera* createCamera( int x, int y, int w, int h )
osg::DisplaySettings* ds = 

osg::ref_ptr traits = new 
traits->windowDecoration = false;
traits->x = x;
traits->y = y;
traits->width = w;
traits->height = h;
traits->doubleBuffer = true;

osg::ref_ptr camera = new osg::Camera;
camera->setGraphicsContext( new 
osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt(traits.get()) );
camera->setClearColor( osg::Vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.6, 1.0) );
camera->setViewport( new osg::Viewport( 0, 0, traits->width, 
traits->height) );
camera->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective( 30.0f, 
static_cast(traits->width)/static_cast(traits->height), 1.0f, 
1.0f );

return camera.release();

virtual void paintEvent( QPaintEvent* event )   { m_viewer.frame(); }
osgViewer::Viewer   m_viewer;
QTimer  m_timer;





#include "viewerwidget.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   QApplication app( argc, argv );

   ViewerWidget* widget = new ViewerWidget(0,Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | 
   widget->setGeometry( 0, 0, 800, 600 );

return app.exec();

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Building JNI wrapper for OSGdem

2012-05-09 Thread Rafa Gaitan
Hi Sean,

The first I spotted watching your stacktrace is that your are mixing
debug with release libraries. AFAIK on windows mixing debug and
release always gives problems, so the best you can do if you want to
debug your code is build osg in debug or build your code in release
with debug symbols.


2012/5/9 Sean K :
> Hi,
> I took a look at your code.
> It looks good.   Since the *.h headers from OSG and VPB DLLs are not
> intended for java JNI invocation, I see that your code has built is
> own DLL which in turn uses the OSG runtimes.
> I am taking this similar approach -- as follow...
> Since I want to do what osgdem.exe does but want to make that
> accessible from a java application, I wrote a C DLL on Windows that is
> invoked by my java class.
> When that DLL has all the includes and DLL lib imported linked to it
> (same build dependency as osgdem.exe -- but it is a DLL instead of a
> EXE), the java class can invoke that function in that DLL -- i put
> some test code in that DLL.
> Then I copied most of the code from osgdem.cpp into the main function
> of my DLL.
> I re-initialize the arguments etc from my entry point so that it
> mimics osgdem.cpp as much as possible -- at least at this version.
> Now, when I invoke my DLL which should do the same essential thing
> that osgdem.exe does, it encounters a java hotspot exception access
> violation.
> here is the content of that log file it is generated by jvm.
> (i hide the name of the company and myself to protect the privacy)
> #
> # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
> #
> #  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc005) at pc=0x5ca957aa, pid=2036, 
> tid=5660
> #
> # JRE version: 6.0_32-b05
> # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (20.7-b02 mixed mode windows-x86 )
> # Problematic frame:
> # C  [MSVCR100D.dll+0x1157aa]
> #
> # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
> #
> # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
> # See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
> #
> ---  T H R E A D  ---
> Current thread (0x0211a800):  JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_native,
> id=5660, stack(0x0022,0x0027)]
> siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc005, reading address 0xccc0
> Registers:
> EAX=0xccac, EBX=0x44b618c8, ECX=0xccac, EDX=0x0004
> ESP=0x0026e788, EBP=0x0026e7b4, ESI=0x0026ea8c, EDI=0x0026e898
> EIP=0x5ca957aa, EFLAGS=0x00010286
> Top of Stack: (sp=0x0026e788)
> 0x0026e788:   4fc8e4ec 0026e898 0026ea8c 44b618c8
> 0x0026e798:   ccac fffe 0026e33c 0026ea78
> 0x0026e7a8:   5ca99320 13430fa0  0026e898
> 0x0026e7b8:   5e7d271c  0026e98c 0026ea8c
> 0x0026e7c8:   44b618c8   
> 0x0026e7d8:      
> 0x0026e7e8:      
> 0x0026e7f8:      
> Instructions: (pc=0x5ca957aa)
> 0x5ca9578a:   00 00 00 6a 04 e8 5c 3f f3 ff 83 c4 04 c7 45 fc
> 0x5ca9579a:   00 00 00 00 8b 45 08 83 e8 20 89 45 e4 8b 4d e4
> 0x5ca957aa:   8b 51 14 81 e2 ff ff 00 00 83 fa 04 74 41 8b 45
> 0x5ca957ba:   e4 83 78 14 01 74 38 8b 4d e4 8b 51 14 81 e2 ff
> Register to memory mapping:
> EAX=0xccac is an unknown value
> EBX=0x44b618c8 is an oop
> {method}
>  - klass: {other class}
> ECX=0xccac is an unknown value
> EDX=0x0004 is an unknown value
> ESP=0x0026e788 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0211a800
> EBP=0x0026e7b4 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0211a800
> ESI=0x0026ea8c is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0211a800
> EDI=0x0026e898 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0211a800
> Stack: [0x0022,0x0027],  sp=0x0026e788,  free space=313k
> Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native 
> code)
> C  [MSVCR100D.dll+0x1157aa]  operator delete+0x5a
> C  [libosggen.dll+0x2271c]  std::allocator::deallocate+0x2c
> C  [libosggen.dll+0x208f5]
> std::basic_string,std::allocator
> C  [libosggen.dll+0x197d5]
> std::basic_string,std::allocator
> C  [libosggen.dll+0x173a9]  StartOsgDem+0x1ec9
> C  [libosggen.dll+0x29244]
> Java_foo_osgjni_core_GeneratorOSGImpl_startOsgDem+0xe4
> j  
> j  
> j[Ljava/lang/String;)V+67
> v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
> V  [jvm.dll+0xfad4b]
> V  [jvm.dll+0x18c421]
> V  [jvm.dll+0xfadcd]
> V  [jvm.dll+0x95836]
> V  [jvm.dll+0x9d778]
> V  [jvm.dll+0xaf22b]
> C  [javaw.exe+0x2155]
> C  [javaw.exe+0x8614]
> C  [kernel32.dll+0x1339a]  BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12
> C  [ntdll.dll+0x39ed2]  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0x63
> C  [