Re: [osg-users] Explicitly requesting default state for attribute

2020-12-18 Thread Chris Djali / AnyOldName3
I figured out a solution:
* Subclass the attribute in question. Make the subclass' apply do nothing.
* Apply the subclassed attribute to the root of the scene graph's stateset 
- this protects against the State instance encountering the unmodified 
attribute first, so cloneType-ing that, making the global default attribute 
not get applied repeatedly, and not have any OpenGL calls if it does.
* Apply the subclassed attribute anywhere that doesn't care.
* Apply the regular attribute anywhere that *does* care, including places 
that needed the regular default state.

Hopefully, this relatively simple solution shows up for anyone searching 
for this in the future.



On Friday, 11 December 2020 at 19:38:26 UTC Chris Djali / AnyOldName3 wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on a node visitor that converts FFP state to shaders and am 
> extending it so it can handle more than it used to. To avoid unnecessary 
> state switches for things now handled by my shaders, I'm attempting to 
> remove fixed-function-related state from the nodes which have had shaders 
> set up.
> With modes, this works well - I can just set them off and protected, and 
> the glEnable/glDisable calls go away. However, it's proving difficult to 
> achieve the same behaviour with StateAttributes. The obvious solution would 
> be removing the attribute from the StateSet it's attached to, but it might 
> be higher in the scenegraph so also affect nodes which aren't having 
> shaders attached, so it's only really safe to modify the stateset the 
> shader program gets attached to.
> So far, the best thing I've got is default-constructing the particular 
> StateAttribute I'm interested in and attaching that to the stateset. This 
> means the default state is set when the draw call happens, but I can see a 
> lot of apply calls (resulting in a lot of GL calls) toggling between this 
> copy of the default attribute and the copy in the state's attribute stack 
> (via applyGlobalDefaultAttribute). I don't think it's wildly different from 
> the number of unnecessary GL calls I was getting before I tried this.
> A solution that I think would work would be 
> calling getGlobalDefaultAttribute on the State object as then the pointers 
> would compare equal and the apply call would get skipped, but I don't have 
> any clean way of getting the State instance to my visitor.
> Ideally, there'd be some neat trick I've missed that lets me say "any 
> subgraph of this node doesn't care about this attribute type, so set the 
> default/leave whatever's there from the last draw call" that would work 
> with the normal state composition mechanisms so I could override it from a 
> parent stateset or make it protected so it couldn't be overridden by parent 
> statesets. Maybe a custom StateAttribute could do that, but maybe someone 
> on this mailing list knows something I don't already.
> Cheers,
> Chris

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Re: [osg-users] How to access material properties from a GLSL shader?

2020-01-08 Thread Chris Djali / AnyOldName3

osg::Material pretty much encapsulates OpenGL's fixed-function material 
state, so things like glMaterialfv (that controls material settings for 
whole draw calls) and glColorMaterial (that controls what vertex colours 
actually affect). If you're using a suitably old GLSL version, you can 
access this state through the built-in uniforms. These aren't featured 
prominently in lots of the modern OpenGL documentation like the wiki as 
they're removed in modern OpenGL, but I have this bookmarked and it at 
least says what's there: Once you know an 
actual uniform name, relevant stuff should show up in a search engine. The 
one problem you'll hit is that there's no built-in uniform to say whether 
glColorMaterial is enabled or what mode it's in, so you'll have to set that 
up yourself with a uniform or shader define.

I *think* that with the right combination of settings, OSG exposes similar 
uniforms in newer OpenGL/GLSL versions where the fixed function pipeline 
has been removed, so that's something to look into. I've never needed this, 
though, so don't know if it just happens when OSG is compiled with GL3 
support, or whether there's more that you need to do.

Hope this helps,


On Wednesday, 8 January 2020 22:53:28 UTC, Armin Samii wrote:
> Does openscenegraph provide easy access to osg::Material values in the 
> shaders? If so, in which Uniforms are the various properties set? If not, 
> is the best path forward to set my own Uniforms based on osg::Material?
> For context: I had an OBJ/MTL that loaded and rendered fine by default, 
> but when I turn on `setUseVertexAttributeAliasing`, the texture coordinates 
> seem to break. I am trying to replace the default rendering with my own 
> shader instead, but can't reproduce the original look and feel. While 
> texture coordinates and texture loading does work with shaders, I cannot 
> seem to find how to access the colors specified in the MTL files.
> (A google search shows several results for "openscenegraph material 
> shaders" which looks helpful, but they are all in the forum, which is now 
> inaccessible. Apologies if this question has been asked and answered 
> elsewhere.)

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Re: [osg-users] Please test OpenScenGraph-3.6 branch in prep for the up commign 3.6.5 maintainance release

2019-12-18 Thread Chris Djali / AnyOldName3

> I can't investigate either issue without being able to recreate the 
> crash/GL errors myself. If either of these issues occur on an existing OSG 
> example then I can take it from there.

Short of being able to recreate the issue and investigate it myself the 
> only thing I can do is suggest ways of investigating the issue that might 
> reveal the cause of the issues.

Your suggestions are the kinds of thing I'd be looking at if I had more 
time, but unfortunately, I don't. However, it might actually be reasonable 
for you to take a look yourself. I'd put money on OpenMW being the most 
widely-installed OSG application, and it's open-source, so it would be a 
good candidate for part of your own regression testing.

Sorry to just pile on work when I'm unable to help myself. We just don't 
have anyone who's both got time and familiarity with OSG.



On Wednesday, 18 December 2019 10:56:39 UTC, Robert Osfield wrote:
> On Tuesday, 17 December 2019 21:40:37 UTC, Chris Djali / AnyOldName3 wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> OpenMW still experiences some regressions when built with OSG 3.6.x 
>> instead of 3.4.1. It's completely possible they're because we're trying to 
>> coerce OSG systems to do things they weren't intended to as it's a big 
>> project created without much interaction with the OSG community.
>> The two issues we're tracking are:
>>- the builds provided by 
>>Arch Linux crash. The Arch packagers think they're not doing anything 
>>abnormally, so I don't have a clue where the issue actually lies.
>> My best guess is there is some threading issue where a slightly different 
> build resulting slightly different data alignment in a race condition 
> becoming critical.  That's just a guess though, there isn't any evidence in 
> the thread above that can pin point any specific problem.  
> Given the fickle nature of threading problems, just because it occurs in 
> 3.6.x but not 3.4.x doesn't mean that there has been a bug introduced after 
> 3.4, it just needs some condition to slightly change that cause some of the 
> data in the application to be aligned different and over the application 
> goes.
> The best I can recommend is to run the application with valgrind 
> --tool=helgrind to see if it picks up any race conditions.
>>- OpenGL errors we 
>>didn't use to get. This hasn't been very thoroughly investigated at all.
>> There are potentially other issues, too. I had a collection of stack 
>> traces of crashes and OpenGL errors that I was working through, and not all 
>> of them ended up on our tracker. As the issues I'd already brought up on 
>> the forums were taking a while to flush through due to your focus on VSG, 
>> tracking down OSG regressions had been put on the back burner, and I don't 
>> have a huge amount of time right now. That means the best I can do if you 
>> want things narrowing down is to try and get people to replicate the issues 
>> with the tip of the 3.6 branch and potentially get stack traces.
> Does this happen with all hardware/OS/driver combinations or just 
> particular ones?
> From the glTextStorage2D documentation at 
> Errors
> GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated by glTexStorage2D if zero is bound to 
> target.
> GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated by glTextureStorage2D if texture is not 
> the name of an existing texture object.
> GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if internalformat is not a valid sized 
> internal format.
> GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if target or the effective target of texture 
> is not one of the accepted targets described above.
> GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if width, height or levels are less than 1.
> GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if target is GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY or 
> GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY and levels is greater than ⌊log2(width)⌋+1
> GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if target is not GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY or 
> GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY and levels is greater than ⌊log2(max(width, 
> height))⌋+1
> Given the glTexStorage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, GL_RGB8, 320, 320) looks valid 
> on it's own we are left with:
> GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated by glTexStorage2D if zero is bound to 
> target.
> The next step would be to put into some test code that Texture2D.cpp to 
> track what is happening right before the call.  There is a 
> textureObject->bind() before each call to glTexStorage2D, 

Re: [osg-users] Please test OpenScenGraph-3.6 branch in prep for the up commign 3.6.5 maintainance release

2019-12-17 Thread Chris Djali / AnyOldName3
Hi Robert,

OpenMW still experiences some regressions when built with OSG 3.6.x instead 
of 3.4.1. It's completely possible they're because we're trying to coerce 
OSG systems to do things they weren't intended to as it's a big project 
created without much interaction with the OSG community.

The two issues we're tracking are:

   - the builds provided by 
   Arch Linux crash. The Arch packagers think they're not doing anything 
   abnormally, so I don't have a clue where the issue actually lies.
   - OpenGL errors we didn't 
   use to get. This hasn't been very thoroughly investigated at all.
There are potentially other issues, too. I had a collection of stack traces 
of crashes and OpenGL errors that I was working through, and not all of 
them ended up on our tracker. As the issues I'd already brought up on the 
forums were taking a while to flush through due to your focus on VSG, 
tracking down OSG regressions had been put on the back burner, and I don't 
have a huge amount of time right now. That means the best I can do if you 
want things narrowing down is to try and get people to replicate the issues 
with the tip of the 3.6 branch and potentially get stack traces.

Sorry I can't be more specific,


On Monday, 16 December 2019 17:16:01 UTC, Robert Osfield wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have merged the outstanding pull requests and made a couple of bug fixes 
> that are now checked into the OpenSceneGraph-3.6 branch:
> Could everyone test out this branch to see how well it's working on your 
> build platforms and against your hardware/OS/application combinations.  If 
> everything looks solid I make a 3.6.5 release candidate with the aim to 
> make a 3.6.5 in January.
> Thanks in advance with your help in testing.
> Robert.
> *-- ChangeLog since the 3.6.4 release on 26th of July 2019:*
> Mon, 16 Dec 2019 16:51:16 +
> Author : Robert Osfield
> Added automatically removal from the OjbectCache when a object or it's 
> subgraph contain Texture that no longer have an osg::Image.
> Mon, 16 Dec 2019 11:54:12 +
> Author : OpenSceneGraph git repository
> Merge pull request #871 from LaurensVoerman/commit_tgaFixfix debug compile 
> error for ReaderWriterTGA
> Mon, 16 Dec 2019 11:02:41 +0100
> Author : Laurens Voerman
> fix debug compile error for ReaderWriterTGA
> Mon, 16 Dec 2019 09:40:30 +
> Author : OpenSceneGraph git repository
> Merge pull request #870 from 
> eligovision/OpenSceneGraph-3.6_glext_fixGLExtensions's isPBOSupported and 
> isVAOSupported flags fixed
> Mon, 16 Dec 2019 09:40:00 +
> Author : OpenSceneGraph git repository
> Merge pull request #869 from eligovision/OpenSceneGraph-3.6_glextAdded FBO 
> GL extensions (useful for mobile VR etc.)
> Fri, 13 Dec 2019 19:40:11 +0300
> Author : konstantin.matveyev
> GLExtensions's isPBOSupported and isVAOSupported flags fixed for 
> GLES2+GLES3 configuration
> Fri, 13 Dec 2019 19:42:30 +0300
> Author : konstantin.matveyev
> GLExtensions's isInvalidateFramebufferSupported flag improved
> Tue, 26 Nov 2019 17:17:38 +0800
> Author : PntAndCnt
> Fontconfig should be external library.Add Fontconfig to TARGET_LIBRARIES 
> cause osg3::osgText target looking for
> openscegraph-Fontconfig-import-targets.cmake, which doesn't exists.
> Sun, 13 Oct 2019 20:24:36 +0800
> Author : PntAndCnt
> Fix a typo and invisible 3dtext in examples/osgtext.Second text alignment 
> is wrong when "--alignment" specified.
> 3D text radius is too small, only SCREEN_COORDS can be seen.
> Text position should multiply radius.
> Tue, 3 Sep 2019 16:11:14 +0800
> Author : Kent
> Mered fix for internalFormat
> Thu, 12 Dec 2019 18:41:23 +0300
> Author : valid-ptr
> glInvalidateFramebuffer added to GLExtensions
> Thu, 31 Oct 2019 18:59:04 +0300
> Author : konstantin.matveyev
> glFramebufferTexture2DMultisample added to GLExtensions
> Tue, 10 Dec 2019 15:08:25 +0300
> Author : Dmitry Marakasov
> Add FreeBSD-specific code bits for pthread_setaffinity_np support
> Thu, 12 Dec 2019 13:25:44 +
> Author : Robert Osfield
> Fix linking with Xinerama
> Thu, 12 Dec 2019 13:09:33 +
> Author : OpenSceneGraph git repository
> Merge pull request #861 from aluaces/default-ffmpegSet ffmpeg as the 
> default plugin for video files.
> Fri, 22 Nov 2019 21:07:36 +0100
> Author : elsid
> Fix clang 8 & libc++ build errorsReplace operators for implicit type 
> conversion by explicit data() method to
> access implementation pointer and subscript operator to access element by
> index just like in std::vector.
> src/osgPlugins/tga/ReaderWriterTGA.cpp:455:22: error: use of overloaded 
> operator '==' is ambiguous (with operand types 'SafeArray' 
> and 'long')
> if (colormap == NULL)
>  ^  
> src/osgPlugins/tga/ReaderWriterTGA.cpp:525:16: 

Re: [osg-users] Clipping osgText::Text

2019-10-25 Thread Chris Djali

It might not necessarily be fast, as you'd be changing state that would 
normally stay the same between consecutive draw calls, but you could also 
change the scissor rectangle to the region you want to keep, or you could draw 
a rectangle with the same depth as the text, then set the depth test to equal, 
then draw the text. Other options include adding discards to the fragment 
shader when the fragment is outside the rectangle (which can sometimes make all 
draw calls that frame slower, not just the current one, especially on tiled 
renderers like mobile GPUs and post-Maxwell Nvidia cards, so you'll want to 
avoid this, too).


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Re: [osg-users] DEEP_COPY_USERDATA isn't that deep

2019-10-20 Thread Chris Djali

It's been pointed out to me that the DefaultUserDataContainer object list can 
be a little bit more deeply copied with this change:

--- a/src/osg/UserDataContainer.cpp
+++ b/src/osg/UserDataContainer.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,10 @@ DefaultUserDataContainer::DefaultUserDataContainer(const 
 itr != udc._objectList.end();
+if (copyop.getCopyFlags()::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_USERDATA)
+_objectList.push_back(osg::clone(itr->get(), copyop));

This will make _objectList at least point to copies of the objects instead of 
literally the same objects, which is a step in the right direction, but those 
copies will still be shallow copies.


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Re: [osg-users] Image from shader

2019-10-07 Thread Chris Djali

The name texUnit0 comes from the shader, which you're providing. The texture 
unit index (which my example snippet sets to 0) comes from your scene graph, 
which you said came from osgOcean, and will almost certainly be 0 for a diffuse 
map. If I was trying to check that, I'd run the application through APITrace 
and see which units have textures bound to them during the draw calls for the 
meshes I'm interested in, but that might not be the simplest approach.


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Re: [osg-users] Image from shader

2019-10-04 Thread Chris Djali

OSGOcean is probably setting up the necessary fixed-function stuff to put its 
texture in texture unit zero, but you'll need to tell the fragment shader that 
its texUnit0 uniform refers to that texture unit. It should be enough just to 
add a uniform to the same stateset as you're adding your shader that sets 
texUnit0 to 0 e.g.

stateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("texUnit0", 0));


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Re: [osg-users] Image from shader

2019-10-04 Thread Chris Djali

If you're not seeing any errors in the console, I don't think you've added your 
shader to the scene properly. You have to assign something to gl_Position 
otherwise the rasteriser has no idea where your vertex is, so doesn't know 
which pixels any triangles cover, and nothing will get drawn.

Also, I reckon two things that you've got wrong that stop you from getting 
image2 are:
image2 looks like it has some basic lighting, hence why the cylinder's 
colour varies from left to right. You're not doing any lighting, just 
forwarding the vertex colour.

image2 looks like it has a texture, at least on the brown bit. You're 
not sampling from a texture anywhere.

I'd start with these shaders generated by 3DLabs GLSL ShaderGen and comment out 
things or add things until you get the result you're after:



*  Fixed.vert Fixed Function Equivalent Vertex Shader  *
*Automatically Generated by GLSL ShaderGen *
*   *
vec4 Ambient;
vec4 Diffuse;
vec4 Specular;

void pointLight(in int i, in vec3 normal, in vec3 eye, in vec3 ecPosition3)
   float nDotVP;   // normal . light direction
   float nDotHV;   // normal . light half vector
   float pf;   // power factor
   float attenuation;  // computed attenuation factor
   float d;// distance from surface to light source
   vec3  VP;   // direction from surface to light position
   vec3  halfVector;   // direction of maximum highlights

   // Compute vector from surface to light position
   VP = vec3 (gl_LightSource[i].position) - ecPosition3;

   // Compute distance between surface and light position
   d = length(VP);

   // Normalize the vector from surface to light position
   VP = normalize(VP);

   // Compute attenuation
   attenuation = 1.0 / (gl_LightSource[i].constantAttenuation +
gl_LightSource[i].linearAttenuation * d +
gl_LightSource[i].quadraticAttenuation * d * d);

   halfVector = normalize(VP + eye);

   nDotVP = max(0.0, dot(normal, VP));
   nDotHV = max(0.0, dot(normal, halfVector));

   if (nDotVP == 0.0)
   pf = 0.0;
   pf = pow(nDotHV, gl_FrontMaterial.shininess);

   Ambient  += gl_LightSource[i].ambient * attenuation;
   Diffuse  += gl_LightSource[i].diffuse * nDotVP * attenuation;
   Specular += gl_LightSource[i].specular * pf * attenuation;

vec3 fnormal(void)
//Compute the normal 
vec3 normal = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;
normal = normalize(normal);
return normal;

void ftexgen(in vec3 normal, in vec4 ecPosition)

gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;

void flight(in vec3 normal, in vec4 ecPosition, float alphaFade)
vec4 color;
vec3 ecPosition3;
vec3 eye;

ecPosition3 = (vec3 (ecPosition)) / ecPosition.w;
eye = vec3 (0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

// Clear the light intensity accumulators
Ambient  = vec4 (0.0);
Diffuse  = vec4 (0.0);
Specular = vec4 (0.0);

pointLight(0, normal, eye, ecPosition3);

color = gl_FrontLightModelProduct.sceneColor +
Ambient  * gl_FrontMaterial.ambient +
Diffuse  * gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse;
color += Specular * gl_FrontMaterial.specular;
color = clamp( color, 0.0, 1.0 );
gl_FrontColor = color;

gl_FrontColor.a *= alphaFade;

void main (void)
vec3  transformedNormal;
float alphaFade = 1.0;

// Eye-coordinate position of vertex, needed in various calculations
vec4 ecPosition = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;

// Do fixed functionality vertex transform
gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;
transformedNormal = fnormal();
flight(transformedNormal, ecPosition, alphaFade);
ftexgen(transformedNormal, ecPosition);



* Fixed.frag Fixed Function Equivalent Fragment Shader *
*Automatically Generated by GLSL ShaderGen *
*   *
uniform sampler2D texUnit0;

void main (void) 
vec4 color;

color = gl_Color;

color *= texture2D(texUnit0, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);

gl_FragColor = color;


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Re: [osg-users] Image from shader

2019-10-03 Thread Chris Djali

I'm pretty sure you're not using your shaders at all. You're not setting 
gl_Position in the vertex shader, so it's not going to compile, and OSG will 
fall back to either its basic shader or fixed-function mode depending on how 
you've set it up. You should be seeing errors printed to the console when you 
run your application.


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Re: [osg-users] DEEP_COPY_USERDATA isn't that deep

2019-09-28 Thread Chris Djali

I'm not seeing a particularly easy way to deep-copy the rest of the stuff in 
osg::DefaultUserDataContainer, either. The description list is a vector of 
strings, which are deep-copied, so that's fine, but the object list is harder 
as I'd need to cast the const off the CopyOp if I were to deep-copy those 
objects (which is undesirable) or copy the CopyOp to get a non-const version, 
which I can't do, as there's no way to determine if it's actually a 
user-provided derived class.


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Re: [osg-users] DEEP_COPY_USERDATA isn't that deep

2019-09-28 Thread Chris Djali

Is there a way to copy something if all I have is a ref_ptr to Referenced? I 
see that Object has a clone method, but Referenced doesn't. This poses a 
potential problem with deep-copying user data, as 
osg::DefaultUserDataContainer::_userData is a ref_ptr.


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Re: [osg-users] glClampColor with GL CORE profile

2019-09-23 Thread Chris Djali

Yeah, they're pretty obviously deprecated as they control fixed-function stuff, 
and the whole FFP was deprecated ages ago.


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Re: [osg-users] DEEP_COPY_USERDATA isn't that deep

2019-09-23 Thread Chris Djali

Good, but would the new enum entry be for the current behaviour or the new 
behaviour? If the current behaviour is a bug, then it makes sense to only keep 
the old behaviour as the new enum value so everyone gets the fix, but 
conceivably there could be applications that rely on the current behaviour not 
changing, so would want the same name and value to keep the same behaviour.


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Re: [osg-users] DEEP_COPY_USERDATA isn't that deep

2019-09-22 Thread Chris Djali

How do you want backwards compatibility to be handled? The current behaviour 
could just be dropped, or it could be available under a new flag name like 
SHALLOW_COPY_USERDATA (potentially with the same value as the current deep copy 
one), or the new behaviour could be under a new flag name like 


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[osg-users] DEEP_COPY_USERDATA isn't that deep

2019-09-20 Thread Chris Djali

Is it intentional that using osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_USERDATA copies the 
UserDataContainer, but doesn't deep-copy the actual things in it unless 
osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_OBJECTS is also enabled? This means that things can be 
added or removed, but changes to existing things are shared.

We have a situation where we only want to deep-copy the userdata and not 
anything else, so can't set the deep-copy objects flag. This could be supported 
either by ORing objects into the copy op in the userdata container copy 
constructor, or by adding another copy op for copying userdata even more 
deeply, otherwise we're going to have to manually implement a less pretty 


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Re: [osg-users] glClampColor with GL CORE profile

2019-09-19 Thread Chris Djali

Somehow I missed the several parts about you intentionally using a core profile.

I guess the most reasonable thing to do is submit an issue report that
 should be fenced off so they don't get called when a core profile is in use. 
I'm not 100% sure whether there's any way built into OSG to do this at runtime 
based on the context version, but OSG_GL3_AVAILABLE does exist to do it at 
compile time as you've noticed.


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Re: [osg-users] glClampColor with GL CORE profile

2019-09-19 Thread Chris Djali

Are you definitely creating an OpenGL context with either a version less than 
or equal to 3.0, or as a compatibility profile? This sounds to me like you've 
got a core profile, so don't have access to old deprecated stuff, but are 
trying to use it anyway.


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Re: [osg-users] Geometry Shininess and Color Array

2019-09-15 Thread Chris Djali

Have you tried playing with osg::Material::setColorMode? It controls 
glColorMaterial settings, which is used to switch between having the material 
colour be determined by the global colour or vertex colours. You probably had 
the Material set to use its own colour, but if you re-add it and set the mode 
to GL_DIFFUSE or GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, your vertex colours set in the colour 
array should still work.


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Re: [osg-users] Shadow Implement.

2019-09-10 Thread Chris Djali

You need to use shadow2D instead of texture2D to sample a sampler2DShadow in 
older GLSL versions.


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Re: [osg-users] Shadow Implement.

2019-09-09 Thread Chris Djali

As someone who's added shadows to an OSG application, I can confidently say 
you're going to have a bad time if you try and use anything in osgShadow. I was 
told this before I'd really got started, and I didn't believe it, so continued 
anyway, and while I did end up with impressive final results, it would have 
been much simpler and faster if I'd started from scratch.

The methods you need to use vary significantly based on the type of scene 
you're working with. If you just have a few objects that the camera orbits, 
you'll be able to get away with a much simpler system than if you have a whole 
world with huge viewing distances and tiny objects in the foreground.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-09-03 Thread Chris Djali

It's been a week, so I'm just checking this hasn't been forgotten.


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Re: [osg-users] Questions on optimizing my scene graph

2019-09-02 Thread Chris Djali

> Statusswitches are always costly. How does OSG identify if a texture or a 
> program is identical when
> checking for status changes? Is it by comparing the pointers? If yes, it 
> is necessary to manage a pool
> and use the same pointers everywhere?

StateSet::compare takes an optional bool argument that determines whether it 
compares the contents or just pointers. By default, it's false, so just 
compares pointers, and the StateSet comparison operators leave it false, and I 
thinkl they're what actually gets used. That means you should try and use the 
same StateAttribute instances rather than copies.

You might also find that the priority for choosing which state to sort by 
doesn't necessarily reflect how expensive a particular change would be on 
modern GPUs. I don't know if there's a way of changing it, though.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-08-25 Thread Chris Djali

The reason I couldn't add or remove views during the event traversal was that 
it was invalidating iterators that iterated over the views. Instead, I'm adding 
an update operation to add or remove the viewer.

I now have a fairly minimal example that replicates my use case and bug:







class AddViewOperation : public osg::Operation
AddViewOperation(osg::ref_ptr view)
: osg::Operation("AddView", false)
, _view(view)

void operator() (osg::Object * compositeViewer) override
OSG_NOTICE << "AddView operator()" << std::endl;
osgViewer::CompositeViewer * viewer = 

osg::ref_ptr _view;

class RemoveViewOperation : public osg::Operation
RemoveViewOperation(osg::ref_ptr view)
: osg::Operation("RemoveView", false)
, _view(view)

void operator() (osg::Object * compositeViewer) override
OSG_NOTICE << "RemoveView operator()" << std::endl;
osgViewer::CompositeViewer * viewer = 

osg::ref_ptr _view;

class ViewAdder : public osgGA::GUIEventHandler
ViewAdder(osgViewer::CompositeViewer * viewer)
: _viewer(viewer)
, _view(nullptr)

bool handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa)
if (ea.getEventType() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEYUP && (ea.getKey() 
== 'v' || ea.getKey() == 'V'))
if (_view)
OSG_NOTICE << "Existing view, remove it" << std::endl;
// parts of the scene get removed before the view gets 
// normally this is fine as things get handled by destructors.
// however, things that are still cached require the cache to 
be released
// We need to remove the view after the event traversal is done 
to avoid invalidating iterators
_viewer->addUpdateOperation(new RemoveViewOperation(_view));
_view = nullptr;
OSG_NOTICE << "No existing view, create one" << std::endl;
_view = new osgViewer::View;
_view->setName("View two");


osg::ref_ptr text2 = new osgText::Text();
text2->setText("Here's some other text. It appears in the 
dynamically-added view. It ensures the default font gets used with a context 
that goes away, and that lives in the cache.");
osg::ref_ptr autoTransform2 = new 

osg::ref_ptr scene2 = autoTransform2;

_view->setCameraManipulator(new osgGA::TrackballManipulator);

_viewer->addUpdateOperation(new AddViewOperation(_view));
return true;
return false;

// raw pointer because it's stack-allocated
osgViewer::CompositeViewer * _viewer;
osg::ref_ptr _view;

int main(int argc, char **argv)

// use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments.
osg::ArgumentParser arguments(, argv);

osg::ref_ptr text = new osgText::Text();
text->setText("Here's some text. It doesn't have to be text, and in fact we 
don't need anything in the main view as it just exists to keep the application 
osg::ref_ptr autoTransform = new osg::AutoTransform();
osg::ref_ptr scene = autoTransform;

if (!scene)
OSG_NOTICE << argv[0] << ": requires filename argument." << std::endl;
return 1;

// construct the viewer.
osgViewer::CompositeViewer viewer(arguments);

// single-threaded to prove a threading bug isn't responsible for the 

// view one
osg::ref_ptr view = new osgViewer::View;
view->setName("View one");

view->setCameraManipulator(new osgGA::TrackballManipulator);

view->addEventHandler(new ViewAdder());

// run the viewer's main frame loop

This started life as the Composite 

Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-08-25 Thread Chris Djali

I'm trying to build a stripped-down version of the same behaviour as my 
application, but it's got extra issues because things that are handled by what 
I'm stripping out aren't being handled when they're gone.

What's the correct process for adding and removing views to and from an 
osgViewer::CompositeViewer while it's running? I was under the impression I 
just needed osgViewer::CompositeViewer::stopThreading and 
osgViewer::CompositeViewer::startThreading either side of it being added and 
removed, but that's not working (access violation) when doing it with an 
osgGA::GUIEventHandler attached to one of the views. There's pretty much 
nothing else at all in the demo application, just a text node added to all of 
the views.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-08-23 Thread Chris Djali

As we've discussed, that only occasionally helps. In the boring single-viewer, 
single-view case, it works, but no one would notice there was a problem there 
anyway as nothing would actually render incorrectly.

My application just uses the camera created for it by OSG when an 
osgViewer::View is created, and I think it's reasonable to expect OSG to clear 
up things it's created itself. I'm under the impression that you do, too.

I've been having a poke around, and it seems to me that one possible option 
would be to call releaseGLObjects on a camera being removed from an 
osg::GraphicsContext when it's the only one attached. In such a situation, we 
already call it on the camera's non-shared child nodes (which is all of them) 
and its rendering cache, so this only adds the renderer and callbacks as extra 
things being released. It's my belief that this could only cause unwanted 
releasing in the case where all the cameras were removed from a context and 
then new ones were added. I think such a situation is probably unlikely (but 
you'd know better) and not much would be different to how things are now, as 
any attached nodes are already being released. There's also an added bonus that 
the function can return early as there'd be no need to work out which child 
nodes may or may not be shared.

The diff that fixes my use case is


diff --git a/src/osg/GraphicsContext.cpp b/src/osg/GraphicsContext.cpp
index 1a35497d0..e6113eb9a 100644
--- a/src/osg/GraphicsContext.cpp
+++ b/src/osg/GraphicsContext.cpp
@@ -741,6 +741,12 @@ void GraphicsContext::addCamera(osg::Camera* camera)

 void GraphicsContext::removeCamera(osg::Camera* camera)
+if (_cameras.size() == 1 && camera == _cameras.front())
 Cameras::iterator itr = std::find(_cameras.begin(), _cameras.end(), 
 if (itr != _cameras.end())

How does this look to you?


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-08-21 Thread Chris Djali

Is the plan still to have OSG itself release GL objects in the object cache 
when the contexts they're associated with are destroyed, and if so, have you 
had any further thoughts about how this might be accomplished?

The problem is still that there's nothing in osgViewer that has the same 
lifetime as an osg::GraphicsContext, and osg isn't supposed to be aware of 
osgDB, so it has to be osgViewer that releases things, right?


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-08-20 Thread Chris Djali
Here it is again:

AnyOldName3 wrote:
> Hi,
> Hopefully, after that two-week hiatus, we can get this sorted.
> > You can always subclass from Camera and override the destruct if you want 
> > to add this "fix" if it suits your usage case. 
> I'm already going to have to include a separate fix for older OSG versions 
> (and I have a good idea of how I'll implement it), as we're supposed to 
> support as far back as 3.4.x, so if we're abandoning the idea of actually 
> fixing the issue in OSG itself, I've already got a workaround figured out.
> I imagine, though, that until everyone who writes applications knows how to 
> use Vulkan and all devices have Vulkan support, removing the footgun from OSG 
> is still your preferred option.
> > The approach I have taken with the VSG is for the GPU objects to hold a 
> > ref_ptr<> to the VkInstance wrapper preventing it being deleted when the 
> > objects are still in use.  It's thread safe, robust for a lots of different 
> > usage cases and straight forward.  Alas OpenGL can't be managed like this, 
> > or at least I don't think you can keep a graphics context around after a 
> > window has been deleted.  If I was to writing an OpenGL scene graph from 
> > scratch I'd probably try to resolve this topic in a more flexible way than 
> > the OSG which has evolve from narrower usage cases to more and more general 
> > usage cases as users have pushed and pulled it in various directions. 
> That does sound like a much nicer way of doing things. The only thing similar 
> I can think of with OpenGL is to have a sharing context with access to the 
> same objects as the main window, and to only destroy this extra context once 
> everything has been released, but then I'm still discovering surprising new 
> OpenGL features that can do new things.
> Cheers,
> Chris

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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-08-19 Thread Chris Djali

Did my last message disappear because of the forum issues? It's been a while 
and there's no reply yet...


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Re: [osg-users] Fixed pipeline lighting to shaders

2019-08-11 Thread Chris Djali

ShaderGen from 3D Labs is an old tool that can generate equivalent GLSL 1.2 
shaders for a fairly large subset of FFP state. I've used it a fair amount to 
sanity-check things. If you just want a basic shader as a start point to drop 
into an FFP application, it's pretty good, but there are definitely things it 
doesn't cover.


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Re: [osg-users] Shininess without Material

2019-08-11 Thread Chris Djali

Fixed-function materials can track either the material colour or the vertex 
colour depending on if glColorMaterial is used, so you can probably get the 
behaviour you want by setting a material on the stateset as before, but 
changing its mode so that (for example) the diffuse and ambient colours track 
the vertex colour.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-07-26 Thread Chris Djali

> So... would change the destructor to: 
> Camera::~Camera() 
> { 
> setCameraThread(0); 
> if (_graphicsContext.valid()) 
> { 
> _graphicsContext->removeCamera(this); 
> } 
> else 
> { 
> releaseGLObjects(); 
> } 
> } 

This does solve the problem. Is it definitely safe it do this, though? What if 
the camera references stuff still shared by another context (e.g. RTT cameras 
that get added to and removed from an existing context)? I don't imagine you 
want to add a regression while fixing this.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-07-25 Thread Chris Djali

I have more information. The GraphicsContext is only referenced by the camera 
when the camera is destroyed. The camera detaches itself from the graphics 
context in its destructor, then the camera's ref_ptr to the graphics context is 
destroyed, triggering the destruction of the graphics context. The graphics 
context calls its own close in its destructor, but by then the camera has 
already detached itself, so it's not helpful.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-07-25 Thread Chris Djali

> Are the Camera's being removed from the Window before it gets closed?  I have 
> just checked the GraphicsContext::close() method and it calls all the 
> Camera::releaseGLObjects(), which in turn will call the 
> Renderer::releaseGLObjects(), which will now call the 
> ObjectCache::releaseGLObjects().  After calling all the releaseGLObjects() 
> the GraphicsContext::close() then calls the 
> osg::deleteAllGLObjects(_state->getContextID())  of the context isn't shared.

There aren't any cameras in the GraphicsContext's list when its 
closeImplementation is called. The camera is removed from that list by its 
destructor, and its destructor is called when the ref_ptr is set to zero in the 
osg::View destructor.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-07-25 Thread Chris Djali

Annoyingly, while that branch fixes the issue in my examples, it isn't fixing 
it in my actual application. The cache gets cleared when the application exits 
(potentially after all OpenGL contexts have been closed), but not when views 
are added to and removed from the composite viewer, so I'm still getting the 
same Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid value' at after 
RenderBin::draw(..) message. I'm not seeing Renderer::releaseGLObjects get 
called ever, but I can't tell whether it would be called if there was a view 
active when the application was closed, as I'm also battling a Qt bug that 
causes a crash in that situation.

There might be something weird that needs fixing at my end. I can see with 
tracepoints that a pair of Renderers gets constructed when the application 
constructs a View and StatsHandler and they get destroyed when the last ref_ptr 
to the view is destroyed, so the Renderers aren't sticking around forever.


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Re: [osg-users] An entity that could build OSG?

2019-07-24 Thread Chris Djali

Try using the GUI version of CMake - if you select the compiler you want to use 
as the generator, it'll try looking for that compiler instead of defaulting to 
NMake makefiles, which usually use Visual C++.


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Re: [osg-users] Android: Survive Context Loss without complete reinitialization

2019-07-23 Thread Chris Djali

You can't release objects that belong to a destroyed context, so you definitely 
need to call all the releaseGLObjects methods before the context is destroyed. 
You shouldn't need to call it on the root node provided the root node is still 
attached to the viewer when the viewer and context are destroyed, as the normal 
viewer does this for you.

You need to give the state associated with the context that's being destroyed 
if you just want to clear GL objects for that context. If you're fine deleting 
things from every context (e.g. because you've only got one context or destroy 
them all at once) you can just pass a null pointer, and it'll do it for all 

flushAllDeletedGLObjects gets called automatically unless you're using a weird 
viewer (which is possible given that you're using Android, but I'd guess it 
isn't happening).

If I were in your situation, if you're loading fonts from files, I'd try 
calling releaseGLObjects on the object cache 
(osgDB::Registry::instance()->getObjectCache()->releaseGLObjects();) right 
before the context is closed, and if you're letting OSG use its default font, 
I'd do the default font instead 
(osgText::Font::getDefaultFont()->releaseGLObjects();). If either of these 
helps, then the problem is what I think it is. I've not looked at the Android 
examples, so I don't know where you'd put the call, though.


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Re: [osg-users] Android: Survive Context Loss without complete reinitialization

2019-07-23 Thread Chris Djali

This is almost certainly due to one of the issues I've outlined here:

The standard viewer definitely doesn't clean everything up that it's supposed 
to, as demonstrated by the examples I gave in that thread. Specifically, this 
example shows that the static default font isn't released:, and this example 
shows that loaded fonts living in the object cache aren't released:

You'll need to run these examples through an OpenGL debugger like CodeXL that 
tells you when things aren't released.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-07-23 Thread Chris Djali

Now Robert seems to be back from his break, I'm just going to mention the 
potential footguns I found here in case they need sorting out. I've got a 
reasonable solution for the issue I was having, so that doesn't really need 
discussing any more, but it seems sensible to me that OSG might want to avoid 
letting people get into such a situation in the first place.

When a context is destroyed, the object cache can still have things in 
it that need releasing. It might be a good idea to automatically release things 
in the object cache when a context is destroyed. Even in the single-view case, 
it's not best practice to rely on the GPU driver to clean up everything when a 
context is closed, so this might be helpful for anything that loads stuff from 

If a composite viewer has a cleanup operation, it's only called when 
the composite viewer is destroyed, and not when associated contexts are 
destroyed. This should maybe be changed so that it happens when a view is 
removed, too, or maybe it should be possible to set a cleanup operation on the 
context objects themselves.

The static default font doesn't get released when a context is 
destroyed. I don't know everything about OSG, so maybe there's a list of static 
OSG objects that it should be added to, or maybe having static OSG objects is 
just a bad idea.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-07-23 Thread Chris Djali

Now Robert seems to be back from his break, I'm just going to mention the 
potential footguns I found here in case they need sorting out. I've got a 
reasonable solution for the issue I was having, so that doesn't really need 
discussing any more, but it seems sensible to me that OSG might want to avoid 
letting people get into such a situation in the first place.

When a context is destroyed, the object cache can still have things in 
it that need releasing. It might be a good idea to automatically release things 
in the object cache when a context is destroyed. Even in the single-view case, 
it's not best practice to rely on the GPU driver to clean up everything when a 
context is closed, so this might be helpful for anything that loads stuff from 

If a composite viewer has a cleanup operation, it's only called when 
the composite viewer is destroyed, and not when associated contexts are 
destroyed. This should maybe be changed so that it happens when a view is 
removed, too, or maybe it should be possible to set a cleanup operation on the 
context objects themselves.

The static default font doesn't get released when a context is 
destroyed. I don't know everything about OSG, so maybe there's a list of static 
OSG objects that it should be added to, or maybe having static OSG objects is 
just a bad idea.


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Re: [osg-users] osgposter through Task Scheduler

2019-07-03 Thread Chris Djali

I don't want to be the guy that says "Go away and Google your problem", but I 
was curious and searched for OpenGL on headless Windows and saw a few results 
where people had managed to do it. Even if you don't find something compatible 
with your situation, you're likely to find more and better answers on a 
less-specific mailing list.

Sorry I couldn't give an actual answer,

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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-07-03 Thread Chris Djali

Turns out that it's not a font in the object cache that's causing me grief 
after all, but instead the static default font here:
 This is initialised from a GLubyte array instead of a file, so never ends up 
in the object cache.

I can manually call releaseGLObjects on it when a graphics context is 
destroyed, which solves the problem for my application, but I can provide an 
example of an OSG application that CodeXL says leaks stuff to prove that 
there's still a footgun.

int main()
osgViewer::Viewer viewer;

// Use an auto transform so the text actually faces the screen
osg::ref_ptr scene = new osg::AutoTransform();

osg::ref_ptr text1 = new osgText::Text();

// Display one or more frames
viewer.setCameraManipulator(new osgGA::TrackballManipulator());
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)

// Remove a text node

// Pick which path depending on whether or not we trust all references to 
things to go away
if (false)


text1 = nullptr;

// osgText::Font::getDefaultFont::s_defaultFont still exists, so the 
default font isn't released


As before, CodeXL is still reporting the following error:


Maybe it would be a good idea for static OSG objects to all be held together in 
a global vector somewhere so that their GL objects can be released whenever a 
context is destroyed. Maybe something like that exists already and the default 
font just got forgotten.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-07-03 Thread Chris Djali

Apparently, that approach won't work here - in my actual application, the 
multiple views are managed with a composite viewer, and that only calls its 
cleanup operation in its destructor and not when views are removed. I'll still 
be able to make something work, but it would have been nice to just set a 
callback that gets called right before a context is destroyed.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-07-02 Thread Chris Djali

This surprises me, but apparently clearing the object cache is enough to stop 
anything from leaking (otherwise, in the case where the second text node was 
removed, too, without releasing its GL objects, CodeXL was reporting two leaked 
shaders and three leaked program pipelines). I was expecting some things not to 
be released by their destructors, but apparently everything is.

I'm now in a situation where I think I can solve the issue that's bothering me 
sufficiently tidily that it won't be a maintanance nightmare, so the OpenMW 
Construction Set might be about to get its first non-nasty piece of code, which 
is nice.

I've seen that the object cache also has a releaseGLObjects function, which I 
imagine should have roughly the same effect except with the option to do it for 
just one context instead of all of them. I'm planning on calling that as part 
of a viewer cleanup operation. Might it be an idea to make this happen 
automatically in OSG without applications having to set it up themselves?


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-07-02 Thread Chris Djali

When the text node's releaseGLObjects is called, it calls the same method of:
Font (which is potentially problematic when it doesn't get skipped).
The vertex attributes (
_coords, _normals, _colorCoords, _texcoords)
The primitives in 
The base 

The Text destructor releases none of these, neither does the TextBase 
destructor, and the Drawable destructor doesn't release everything that its 
releaseGLObjects does, but that might be inconsequential.

The GlyphQuads should be fine as it's just its primitives that get released, 
and all the primitive sets seem to release their own stuff in their 
destructors. It should be similar for _decorationPrimitives.

The vertex attributes might be fine with the handling in their destructors, too.

As I've been saying, the font might be shared with other text nodes, so may or 
may not be released later depending on what happens with other text nodes.

That means that it's possible that within all the nested releasing of GL 
objects for a text node, only the font actually owns anything that needs 
releasing, so in the case where only one text node is removed, we get away 
without calling releaseGLObjects.

If that's the case, though, it seems like relying on it for correctness isn't a 
good strategy - surely all these release calls exist because there's some 
chance an implementation detail might change at some point and make them 

It also isn't a great strategy to apply generally - if we removed all the text 
nodes, and didn't release the last one, the texture and program(s) the font 
owns would definitely leak. In the case of an application where for whatever 
reason it's difficult to keep track of which text node is the last, and so a 
consistent strategy is required, you're back with the release-or-leak choice.

Surely the best solution is an osgText::Text::releaseGLObjects implementation 
that's always safe to call for text nodes that won't get used again?


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-07-01 Thread Chris Djali

I've only tested that example against the 3.6 branch (as of commit 4b6d9287, 
which was the latest yesterday), and while it doesn't actually crash or show 
errors, putting tracepoints in shows that the shader program is recompiled and 
the glyph texture is added to the orphaned list once the text node is removed 
after a hundred frames.

It should break more visibly if you add something to flush the orphaned texture 


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-06-30 Thread Chris Djali

Hopefully this example illustrates the underlying problem with 
osgText::Text::releaseGLObjects without the multiple viewer schenanigans in my 
previous example:



int main()
osgViewer::Viewer viewer;
// Single-threaded mode so we don't need to worry about things still being 
used by the draw traversal

// Use an auto transform so the text actually faces the screen
osg::ref_ptr scene = new osg::AutoTransform();

// Add two text nodes sharing the same font
osg::ref_ptr font = osgText::readRefFontFile("trebuc.ttf");

osg::ref_ptr text1 = new osgText::Text();

osg::ref_ptr text2 = new osgText::Text();

// Display one or more frames
viewer.setCameraManipulator(new osgGA::TrackballManipulator());
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)

// Remove a text node

// Pick which path depending on whether we prefer leaks or rebuilding 
things we're still using and potential errors
if (true)
// text2 must now compile its program again - 
osg::Program::compileGLObjects is called the next frame.
// Also, the glyph texture (which text2 still needs) is added to the 
pending orphaned texture list.
// I'm not sure how OSG would normally delete orphaned textures, so I 
can't trigger that, but I imagine OSG doesn't keep them all around forever.
// text2 can still use its program and the glyph texture, but text1's 
objects leak.

text1 = nullptr;


All that happens here is we create a viewer, add two text nodes with the same 
font, and 100 frames later, remove one of them again. The text node that 
remains has to recompile its shader program (a very minor but unnecessary 
performance hit) and its glyph texture ends up in the orphaned texture list 
(which I'm pretty sure means it could be deleted at any time).

If I knew how OSG typically cleans up orphaned textures, I could add extra 
steps to this and make it actually produce OpenGL errors when the texture is 
deleted, but as-is it just hangs around in the orphaned list indefinitely.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-06-30 Thread Chris Djali

I still think you're completely missing my point because of a criticism of my 
example code. For now, ignore the symptoms that brought me here. Just consider 
your bog-standard single-viewer situation.

If a text node is added to the scene graph and stays attached for the whole 
lifetime of the viewer, everything is fine.

If two text nodes are added to the scene graph and stay attached for the whole 
lifetime of the viewer, everything is fine.

If a text node is added to the scene graph and is removed before the viewer is 
destroyed, you can either not release GL objects, and have a bunch of things 
leak, or release them, and have everything be fine.

If you have two text nodes in the scene graph, and one is removed before the 
viewer is destroyed, you can either not release GL objects, and have some 
things leak (and some get cleaned up), or release them, and break the 
still-attached node.

Are you seriously telling me that OpenSceneGraph provides no mechanism to 
safely remove nodes that at one point were attached to the scene graph and this 
is intentional? If so, it's misleading to even have functions like 
osg::Group::removeChild as they're providing unsupported behaviour. I'd be very 
surprised if this is actually what you're saying.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-06-29 Thread Chris Djali

I've been putting off responding to the last post as I wanted to be sure I 
wasn't misunderstanding you, but after several rereadings, I still think you've 
missed my point. I'll try explaining the issue again, but I'm not sure which 
part isn't clear, so I don't know how much it'll help.

In the application I'm working with, many viewers (and their OpenGL contexts) 
can come and go over the lifetime of the program, but the scenegraph doesn't 
get replaced, so can be used with multiple viewers, potentially at the same 

OSG has mechanisms that make this work, such as how osg::Program has 
PerContextProgram. Most of the time, this works just fine - provided you 
release a node's GL objects when you remove it from the scene, and let a viewer 
release the GL objects it has in the scene when you destroy it, everything is 
managed correctly.

However, osgText::Text doesn't work well with this approach. It uses one 
osg::Program for all instances in the scene that have the same font, so it's 
not safe to release a text node's GL objects when you remove it, as they may 
still be being used by another text node. Unless you've got a hacky workaround 
in place (a few of which I've outlined above), the shared program will leak 
when the viewer is destroyed (which is bad) and then, if another viewer is 
assigned the same context ID (which it will be), it's mistaken for the old one, 
and the invalid PerContextProgram (which refers to the leaked GL program) gets 
used, causing OpenGL errors.

This might have wider-reaching consequences than just the issue I'm having in 
the lots-of-viewers case - if two text nodes with the same font are used and 
one gets deleted, regardless of whether more contexts are created later:
osgText::Text::releaseGLObjects calls osgText::TextBase::releaseGLObjects, 
which calls osgText::Font::releaseGLObjects, releasing GL objects still in use 
by the other text node.
Not calling 
osgText::Text::releaseGLObjects means that the other GL objects the node owns, 
such as its vertex buffers, get leaked, even though the shared font might get 
cleaned up later with the other text node.

Maybe the right thing to do is to only release the font's GL objects when all 
its users request it, rather than just one. I've not thought of a nice way of 
implementing this yet.

I'll address specific parts of the previous post now:

> there is no mechanism for deleting
> this global prior to the viewer cleans up so in essence it's prevent
> that scene graph from being deleted and cleaned up. After the exit of
> the main frame loop you could explicitly delete this object.

There's not supposed to be any mechanism for deleting it prior to the viewer 
cleaning up as it's going to be used by another viewer later. Pretend it's not 
just a few ShapeDrawables with labels, but instead something really complicated 
that takes a long time to regenerate.

> Another
> approach would be to make this World object a custom Group node in the
> scene graph that adds the high level behaviors you want and with it
> ensure that you can override any releaseGLObjects() etc on any locally
> cached objects that would otherwise be hidden from the OSG's attempts
> at cleaning things up.

The high-level behaviour is all fine as-is. The specific problem is that it's 
not safe to call osgText::Text::releaseGLObjects when removing a text object as 
that releases GL objects for the font, too, and that can still be in use by 
other text nodes.


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Re: [osg-users] osgText::Text dissapears when reparent container window on qt

2019-06-23 Thread Chris Djali
When the widget is popped out, it causes the creation of a new OpenGL context. 
I see that you've told Qt to share things between the old and new context, 
which means you'll still be able to use some things in the new one, but I'd 
look into what can and can't be shared as it isn't everything. I'd guess that 
something that the text node is using can't be shared.


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Re: [osg-users] Layered rendering with a geometry shader

2019-05-22 Thread Chris Djali

Most of my testing was with a ShapeDrawable with a sphere, and that uses quad 
strips. However, I've also tried it with some of OSG's test models, such as 
spaceship.osgt, and that specific example only uses triangles and is broken, 


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Re: [osg-users] Layered rendering with a geometry shader

2019-05-20 Thread Chris Djali

I've been playing around with this, and have an annoying issue. On my machine, 
which runs Windows and has a Radeon Vega 56, using three viewports with 
geometry shader instancing makes some triangles go missing in the second and 
third viewports. This happens in my own application and in a slightly modified 
version of the example. It works fine if I do everything in a single 
invocation, or run it on another machine, though, so I'm guessing it's a driver 
bug. I'd report it, but I've not found a place where AMD accepts issue reports 
in the form of a minimal executable reproducing the issue rather than a 
description of the bug and the name of the software it happens with. Does 
anyone have a link or contact at AMD so I can report this properly?


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-05-15 Thread Chris Djali

It looks like this has fallen off the radar again as it's been a month. I'd 
still rather fix this in a robust way rather than making a guess as to the most 
sensible approach and creating maintenance problems down the line.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Layered rendering with a geometry shader

2019-05-15 Thread Chris Djali
Thanks Voerman. I'd looked through the examples for other things, but not for 
multiple viewports, so missed that. It seems to be a good starting point once I 
switched the GLSL extension from the NV variant to the ARB one. Despite not 
being core until OpenGL 4.1, it looks like multiple viewports are available on 
nearly all hardware supporting geometry shaders, so I don't think I'm even 
going to have to worry about not supporting as much hardware as I wanted to.

Regarding more conventional batching, we have to deal with stupid assets, such 
as crates implemented as six individual faces each with their own texture. We 
don't have the rights to fix and redistribute these assets, so any possible 
solution is going to need stuff like texture atlassing on load. We've got a 
high-level outline for something that should work, but there are a lot of 
moving parts to meddle with, so it's beign put off for now.


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[osg-users] Layered rendering with a geometry shader

2019-05-14 Thread Chris Djali

I'm investigating using a geometry shader to render multiple shadow map 
cascades in one pass in OpenMW. While I've heard conflicting (but mostly 
negative) accounts of how much additional performance this can bring, I reckon 
it's likely to help, as OpenMW uses a ridiculous quantity of tiny drawables, 
causing a ridiculous number of draw calls when RTT passes are used, and there's 
no easy batching implementation as user/game scripts can add, remove, replace 
and relocate object with no notice. There are solutions in the works for this, 
but layered rendering may be low-hanging fruit that can be done in the meantime.

Anyway, onto the problem at hand...

In order to do this, I need to bind a layered depth texture as a render target. 
When I looked into doing this in OSG, the two threads I found claimed it wasn't 
possible yet, but as they were from a long time ago, it's possible support has 
been implemented since them. Can this be done yet? I'd rather not have to spend 
a long time investigating only to determine that it's still impossible.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Convert .earth file to .osg format

2019-05-03 Thread Chris Djali

I think they're talking about the C preprocessor definition, FLT_MAX rather 
than anything specific to anything used here:

It's the maximum value of an IEEE 32-bit float.


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Re: [osg-users] Different views hide/show different nodes shared scene graph

2019-04-18 Thread Chris Djali

You should be able to dynamic_cast or asCullVisitor the arguments to a regular 
node callback to get a cull visitor pointer, and then from that, you can access 
the camera. You don't need to have a version with a boolean return value, 
either. Just don't traverse the node's children from the cull callback when you 
want the node to be skipped.


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-04-16 Thread Chris Djali

The following basically simulates the use case that's causing problems.





/** A representation of something that gets edited.
 *  Pretend it's actually more complicated than this so that reference counting 
the number of attached text nodes is a nuisance. */
class World
World() : mScene(new osg::Group)
// add things so the viewer doesn't automatically zoom too far in to 
see the 'objects'

auto worldCorners = { osg::Vec3(-11, -11, -11), osg::Vec3(-11, -11, 11),
  osg::Vec3(-11, 11, -11), osg::Vec3(-11, 11, 11),
  osg::Vec3(11, -11, -11), osg::Vec3(11, -11, 11),
  osg::Vec3(11, 11, -11), osg::Vec3(11, 11, 11) };

for (auto corner : worldCorners)
osg::ref_ptr pat = new 
pat->addChild(new osg::ShapeDrawable(new osg::Sphere(osg::Vec3(0, 
0, 0), 0.1)));

osg::ref_ptr getScene() { return mScene; }

/** Adds an object with a label to the scene based on something the user 
has done. */
void addObject(std::string name)
osg::ref_ptr object = new 

static std::random_device r;
static std::default_random_engine randEngine(r());
static std::uniform_real_distribution<> dist(-10, 10);

object->setPosition(osg::Vec3(dist(randEngine), dist(randEngine), 

osg::ref_ptr objectLabel = new osgText::Text();
osg::ref_ptr autoTransform = new 

osg::ref_ptr shape = new osg::Sphere(osg::Vec3(0, 0, 0), 1);
object->addChild(new osg::ShapeDrawable(shape));


/** Removes an object from the scene based on something the user has done. 
void removeObject(std::string name)
osg::ref_ptr child;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mScene->getNumChildren(); ++i)
if (mScene->getChild(i)->getName() == name)
child = mScene->getChild(i);

// If we call child->releaseGLObjects() here, the text program will be 
released, too, even though it could still be being used by other labels.
// If we don't, we may be detaching the last text node from the scene 
graph, and so the text program may never get released.

osg::ref_ptr mScene;

World world;
bool useNewViewer = true;

class EventHandler : public osgGA::GUIEventHandler
bool handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa)
if (ea.getEventType() != osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEYDOWN)
return false;

// The user may wish to close the 3D view to work on something else and 
then reopen it later.
// That would be a pain to implement directly, so instead, we simulate 
it by reopening the 3D view when it's closed if Return was pressed while it was 
if (ea.getKey() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::KEY_Return)
useNewViewer = true;
return true;
// Press a letter key without shift to add an object.
else if (ea.getKey() >= 'a' && ea.getKey() <= 'z')
std::string name(1, ea.getKey());
return true;
// Press a letter key with shift to remove an object.
else if (ea.getKey() >= 'A' && ea.getKey() <= 'Z')
std::string name(1, ea.getKey() - ('Z' - 'z'));
return true;

return false;

int main()
osg::ref_ptr currentViewer;

int returnCode = 0;

while (useNewViewer)
currentViewer = new osgViewer::Viewer;
currentViewer->addEventHandler(new EventHandler);

useNewViewer = false;

returnCode = currentViewer->run();

return returnCode;

Imagine this is part of a world editor for a game or CAD software or one of any 
number of types of software packages where you edit something and might want a 
3D view of it, but wouldn't necessarily always want that 3D view taking up 
space in the window, so you'd possibly close it and then reopen it 

Re: [osg-users] EditorConfig file?

2019-04-15 Thread Chris Djali
Hi all,

kornerr wrote:
> Hi, Chris.
> I would guess it might be not exactly appropriate to update
> OpenSceneGraph sources just to have the order in spaces and tabs.
> However, I think VulkanSceneGraph would definitely benefit
> EditorConfig rules. So once VSG has its place at GitHub, I would
> recommend re-raising this issue and creating a pull request.
> Regards,
> Michael.
> On Fri, 12 Apr 2019 at 21:27, Chris Djali <> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Here's a list by file extension of which indentation styles are used. 
> > Annoyingly, a lot of the file extensions that always have tabs somewhere 
> > often have spaces, too, so it's not quite as simple as declaring all .java 
> > files use tabs (although I'm assuming they all used tabs when they were 
> > added and then were edited later to have tabs in places).
> > 
> > I'm going to use my best judgement based on how things look and what 
> > directory they're in etc. but I'm just posting this to illustrate that it's 
> > become a mess and that's why I've not just jumped in with a pull request. 
> > Hopefully, when it's done for OSG, it'll be convincing enough that 
> > VulkanSceneGraph has a .editorconfig file from early on in the project, and 
> > whitespace problems will never come up.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > .1: unindented
> > > .README: unindented
> > > .bat: unindented
> > > .c: mixed, spacey, tabby
> > > .cfg: spacey
> > > .cmake: mixed, spacey, unindented
> > > .cpp: mixed, spacey, tabby, unindented
> > > .css: tabby
> > > .h: mixed, spacey, tabby, unindented
> > > .hpp: spacey, unindented
> > > .html: mixed, tabby, unindented
> > > .in: spacey, unindented
> > > .inst: tabby
> > > .java: mixed, tabby
> > > .js: spacey
> > > .l: mixed
> > > .m: mixed, spacey
> > > .md: spacey, unindented
> > > .mk: tabby
> > > .mm: mixed, spacey
> > > .nib: spacey, tabby
> > > .osgt: spacey
> > > .plist: spacey
> > > .properties: unindented
> > > .rc2: unindented
> > > .rc: spacey, unindented
> > > .strings: unindented
> > > .txt: mixed, spacey, unindented
> > > .xml: mixed, spacey, tabby
> > > .y: spacey
> > > .yml: spacey
> > > : mixed, spacey, tabby, unindented
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Chris
> > 
> > --
> > Read this topic online here:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > osg-users mailing list
> > 
> >
> > 
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
>  --
> Post generated by Mail2Forum

An .editorconfig file wouldn't actually edit anything immeditately, but in 
supported editors, any new changes would have the correct indentation applied 
(and if someone applied their editor's autoformat tool, that would also apply 
the correct indentation, just like how if they did that now, it would apply 
whatever their editor preferences were set to).

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Chris, Michael et. al,
> On Sun, 14 Apr 2019 at 15:50, michael kapelko <> wrote:
> > I would guess it might be not exactly appropriate to update
> > OpenSceneGraph sources just to have the order in spaces and tabs.
> > However, I think VulkanSceneGraph would definitely benefit
> > EditorConfig rules. So once VSG has its place at GitHub, I would
> > recommend re-raising this issue and creating a pull request.
> > 
> For the VSG I've adopted clang-format to enforce standard formatting,
> I run this periodically to make sure we don't deviate for too long.
> The .clang-format file is:
> I am not familiar with EditorConfig, for the VSG it won't be critical
> for enforcing format.  I'm open to suggestons but don't want to liter
> the code base with things that aren't critical to the use of the code
> base.
> Robert.
> ___
> osg-users mailing list
>  --
> Post generated by Mail2Forum

It seems that clang-format has a lot of s

Re: [osg-users] EditorConfig file?

2019-04-12 Thread Chris Djali

Here's a list by file extension of which indentation styles are used. 
Annoyingly, a lot of the file extensions that always have tabs somewhere often 
have spaces, too, so it's not quite as simple as declaring all .java files use 
tabs (although I'm assuming they all used tabs when they were added and then 
were edited later to have tabs in places).

I'm going to use my best judgement based on how things look and what directory 
they're in etc. but I'm just posting this to illustrate that it's become a mess 
and that's why I've not just jumped in with a pull request. Hopefully, when 
it's done for OSG, it'll be convincing enough that VulkanSceneGraph has a 
.editorconfig file from early on in the project, and whitespace problems will 
never come up.

> .1: unindented
> .README: unindented
> .bat: unindented
> .c: mixed, spacey, tabby
> .cfg: spacey
> .cmake: mixed, spacey, unindented
> .cpp: mixed, spacey, tabby, unindented
> .css: tabby
> .h: mixed, spacey, tabby, unindented
> .hpp: spacey, unindented
> .html: mixed, tabby, unindented
> .in: spacey, unindented
> .inst: tabby
> .java: mixed, tabby
> .js: spacey
> .l: mixed
> .m: mixed, spacey
> .md: spacey, unindented
> .mk: tabby
> .mm: mixed, spacey
> .nib: spacey, tabby
> .osgt: spacey
> .plist: spacey
> .properties: unindented
> .rc2: unindented
> .rc: spacey, unindented
> .strings: unindented
> .txt: mixed, spacey, unindented
> .xml: mixed, spacey, tabby
> .y: spacey
> .yml: spacey
> : mixed, spacey, tabby, unindented


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-04-12 Thread Chris Djali

It's been a couple of weeks since the last reply to this. I'm guessing this has 
fallen off the radar, but I still need to fix the issue, so would appreciate if 
another look could be taken at this.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] EditorConfig file?

2019-04-02 Thread Chris Djali

kornerr wrote:
> Hi, Chris,
> just create EditorConfig and share it. Those who are interested will
> follow you.Don't wait for us to want your thing. Just do the thing,
> show it and explain its benefits.
> You're not alone, we're here, but you lead EditorConfig initiative, not us.
> Regards

That's the approach I've taken with other projects, but they've tended to 
follow their own whitespace rules. As an EditorConfig file is a formalisation 
of whitespace rules, it makes sense to know I'm enforcing the rules the project 
wants rather than some random ones which I guessed.

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Re: [osg-users] EditorConfig file?

2019-04-01 Thread Chris Djali

It's been a couple of weeks, and I've not had any response about any official 
policy on indentation in the case of existing files that already break the 
global rule. Should I just go for the stance of "it's supposed to be spaces for 
everything except for files that are already entirely tabs"?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-03-29 Thread Chris Djali
All out of the 3.6 branch, 3.4.1 and OpenMW's 3.4.1 fork (which doesn't make 
any changes to osgText, and we're trying to abandon, but it's much faster than 
the official 3.4.1 release). If everything's working as we think it does, 
OpenMW should work with any OSG release after 3.4.

The issue of the text program not being released when the context is torn down 
happens with all the versions listed above. Also, an answer to the question in 
the general case would probably be helpful for all of the versions.

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Re: [osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-03-28 Thread Chris Djali
The problem is specifically because it's static. Unless I'm manually keeping 
track of when the last text object is removed from the scene, I can't release 
the program without it potentially still being in use. If I never release it, 
references to it can persist beyond the lifetime of the context it was created 


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[osg-users] Removing objects with shared GL state from scene graph

2019-03-20 Thread Chris Djali

I know that when an OpenGL context is destroyed, the associated viewer can only 
call releaseGLObjects(osg::State *) for nodes still attached to the scene 
graph, so if you're removing things before that, you're manually supposed to 
call releaseGLObjects on the subgraph.

However, as I see it, there's a potential problem here. If the subgraph 
contains nodes that share GL objects with things still attached to the main 
scenegraph, you'll end up releasing those, too. This can mostly be worked 
around by not sharing GL objects between nodes with different lifetimes, but 
sometimes that's not possible.

For example, osgText::Text seems to have a global osg::Program used for all 
instances (or, at least, all instances with the same settings). If I always 
call releaseGLObjects when removing subgraphs containing an osgText::Text, it's 
going to kill the per-context programs and they'll need rebuilding for any 
other text nodes, which isn't desirable. If I never call releaseGLObjects, then 
that's even worse (for obvious reasons). It seems like the only good ways of 
handling this would be to either keep track of when the last text node was 
removed so the objects could be released when their last user was removed, or 
move 'removed' objects to another part of the scene graph (e.g. as a disabled 
osg::Switch child) so they're actually kept around without being drawn, but 
still get their GL objects released when the context is destroyed. There's also 
the hacky option of attaching another text node somewhere else in the 
scenegraph so it always gets released, which works in the specific ca
 se of osgText::Text, but won't work in the general case, and doesn't seem 

Is there a better way of handling this than I've suggested here? If there's 
something intended for this built into OSG that I just don't know about, that 
would be great, but I'm not going to shy away from writing something custom if 
that's what's necessary.


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Re: [osg-users] osgQt doesn't set a context ID

2019-03-19 Thread Chris Djali
The problem was definitely user error - parts of the scene graph were being 
removed before OSG had had a chance to clean up.


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Re: [osg-users] osgQt doesn't set a context ID

2019-03-19 Thread Chris Djali
I've been informed that I was wrong about this. While I am seeing issues with 
my application, the context ID is actually being set, just it's being set to 
the same value as the previous context as OSG reuses IDs for dead contexts.

What I know about the issue so far is that the per-context program isn't being 
deleted properly. It looks like the OSG object is never actually cleared when 
releaseGLObjects is called, but it's hard to pin down exactly what's going on 
when debugging an optimised build, so I'm trying to replicate the issue on an 
unoptimised one instead, but have stumbled across other problems while doing so.

I'll be back once I know more, as I don't know enough to determine if this is 
an OSG problem or user error right now.


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Re: [osg-users] EditorConfig file?

2019-03-14 Thread Chris Djali
I just grepped the repo for tabs just in case, and found that that's not 
entirely accurate. There are a few files where tabs have snuck into otherwise 
space-indented files (which is fine - adding an editorconfig file won't meddle 
with existing stuff until someone edits that line), but it looks like there are 
a few cases where asking more questions would be a good idea:

osgAndroidExampleGLES1 and GLES2 use tabs exclusively for their java, 
xml and mk files, and I don't know whether that's something we want to 
override, whether we want specific settings for those projects, or whether we 
want to prefer tabs globally for java, xml and mk files.

There are some files in places like osghangglide, osgviewerFOX and many 
of the plugins that use either nothing but tabs, or mainly tabs, and it might 
be more pragmatic to have exceptions made for those files. There's probably 
some threshold where it makes sense to make a distinction between accidental 
tabs and intentional tabs, and it might be 
the whole file uses tabs or it might not, but if so, knowing where it is would 
be good.
There are a lot of tabs in src/osg/glu/libtess/ and I'm assuming that's 
because it originally came from somewhere else (which I also suspect is the 
source of the tabs in several of the plugins). If so, excluding it from OSG's 
indentation rules might be prudent.


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Re: [osg-users] EditorConfig file?

2019-03-14 Thread Chris Djali
I'm fine making the pull request. I'd just like confirmation of exactly what 
the whitespace conventions are - I wouldn't want to set it to use four spaces 
for indentation for everything and then find out later that the CMake files use 
tabs or anything like that.

The main rules are listed here:

Beyond knowing if the preferred indentation size and style is the same for all 
file types (and if not, which differ), I'd like to know if there's any policy 
for stuff like whether trailing whitespace at the ends of lines should be 
removed, whether having a blank line at the end of files should be enforced, 
and whether there's a preferred character encoding (or whether we're going to 
assume everyone's going to stick to the characters in common between UTF-8 and 


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[osg-users] EditorConfig file?

2019-03-13 Thread Chris Djali

I just noticed (when looking at a local modification and realising my IDE had 
added tabs to a file using spaces) that the OSG repo doesn't contain an 
EditorConfig file. This is basically a file that instructs IDEs and editors of 
a project's whitespace style, overriding the user's settings when they don't 
match, reducing the chances that someone accidentally messes things up.

I reckon it would be a pretty good idea for OSG to include one. A few other 
projects I've worked on have done so, and it's been a great help not having to 
change my indentation settings when changing from project to project.

To be clear, I'm not suggesting something only supported by a couple of editors 
- it's pretty widely adopted, with many tools coming with native support, and 
yet more with a plugin available. The list is available here:


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[osg-users] osgQt doesn't set a context ID

2019-03-12 Thread Chris Djali

For context, this discussion is about the OpenMW CS tool, the source of which 
is available here: 
I've kind of inherited maintenance responsibilities for the graphical parts of 
this without necessarily knowing much of how it works. It might well do dumb 
things, but in cases where it's significantly more work to remove the dumb 
things than work around them, a workaround is preferable. Anyhow...

The OpenMW CS uses osgQt to render an OSG scene onto a QWidget. The widget can 
be closed and reopened without closing the whole application, and when this 
happens, the widget and its OpenGL context both are destroyed. When something 
else needs rendering, a new widget and new OpenGL context are created, but the 
same OSG scene graph is reused. For the most part, everything's fine with this. 
However, as I've mentioned in this GitHub issue 
( osgQt isn't ever setting up 
a context ID, so things like per-context programs think it's the same OpenGL 
context and this causes OpenGL errors as they try to use objects that don't 
exist in the new context.

To quote the important part of what I said in the issue report:

> When an OpenGL context is created with regular OSG, the window implementation 
> calls osg::GraphicsContext::createNewContextID() to generate a unique ID for 
> that context and passes it to osg::State::setContextID(), allowing things 
> like per-context programs and vertex buffers to work. When a new context is 
> created with osgQt, however, the state's context ID is never set, so if an 
> application uses multiple contexts with the same OSG objects, things break.

I can avoid the symptoms by setting the context ID from within my application, 
but this seems to me like something osgQt should be handling itself.

I could take a stab at working out where exactly a new context is created in 
osgQt and in which cases it actually shares objects with an existing one to try 
and resolve this myself, but hopefully, someone with better knowledge of the 
codebase is around and can do a better job. The issue report I made doesn't 
seem to have garnered any attention, so I'm hoping that a forum post gets more 

Many thanks,


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[osg-users] Shadow Shenanigans (Implementing shadows in OpenMW and associated experiments)

2017-09-20 Thread Chris Djali

I'm currently in the process of trying to make shadows work in OpenMW and am 
therefore trying to learn about osgShadow and also convince it to do a bunch of 

I have several questions, so I'll try and organise them nicely with bullet 
points and subheadings etc. In case it affects any of this, I'll also include 
some system details here:

OS: Windows 10, post-'Creators Update'
GPU: Radeon RX Vega 56
GPU Driver: 17.9.1

All testing described here occurs with Scrawl's OSG-On-Steroids fork (github 
com/OpenMW/osg dot replaced by a space so I can actually post this), which is 
preferred for OpenMW, and if it turns out that any of my issues are magically 
fixed in 3.5.x, it means the fix will have to be backported, as there are good 
reasons why OpenMW uses the fork.

Examples osgshadow

As described in another user's thread (forum openscenegraph 
dots replaced by spaces so I can actually post this), there are issues with the 
shadow example. I am no longer wholly convinced that I need any scenes other 
than number four to actually work, so this isn't the end of the world for me.
Even when using scene four, there are several shadow techniques 
which appear to do nothing or do something very wrong. I guess I can provide 
further information if critical, but I've found that LispSM mostly works, so 
I'm using that.

LispSM specifically

There's something wrong with how backfaces are culled 
when rendering the shadow map for LispSM. The island scene uses a lot of 
non-manifold meshes, so the backfaces absolutely have to be considered for the 
shadow map to be correct. There was also some other weirdness I noticed with 
this (I can't remember the specifics right now), but I think having manifold 
meshes or disabling backface culling would fix that, too.
I went hunting through the source code and figured out how to 
disable the culling in StandardShadowMap, and that fixes scene four.

The cast and receive shadow node masks are completely ignored. 
I'm not sure if this is a technical problem or just an oversight, but it has 
the potential to make bad things happen.

I've started using LispSM with OpenMW now, as everything else either provides 
unusably poor results, breaks stuff, or does nothing.

OpenMW & LispSM

Some shadows seem to end up rendered on the skybox. I'm pretty 
sure the skybox is rendered really close to the camera in an early render bin, 
and then the depth buffer is cleared before the rest of the scene gets 
rendered. If I can't make nodemasks work with LispSM, the scene graph could 
need some serious rearranging.

Some shadows seem to disappear when they fall on something 
close to the camera. This is probably just a constant that needs changing. I 
can replicate this in the shadow example, but for that, I have to zoom in 
ridiculously far.

Some shadows have holes or bits missing. I think this is the 
same backface culling issue as in the island scene as Bethesda's meshes are 
often crappy.

The shadow on a specific door looks like it might be the wrong 
colour at a very specific time of day. That's probably just Bethesda's fault 
for setting up a material weirdly, and I can probably tweak this more easily 
when using OpenMW in shader mode.

Many thanks for any answers,


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Re: [osg-users] osgViewer::Viewer fullscreen dual monitor issue

2017-09-12 Thread Chris Djali
I'm having a similar issue but under slightly different circumstances. Unlike 
the original author of this thread, my leftmost monitor shows as having the 
lower index.

Is there anything I can do about this?

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