[osg-users] Optimizer improvements

2010-04-13 Thread Rick Appleton
Hi everyone,

Recently I've noticed some issues with the optimizer which I'd like to fix. 
However, I'd like to request some feedback on what the best course would be.

I have a file like this


Group (UniqueID 1)
Geode 1
StateSet (UniqueID 2)
Geometry 1
Geode 2
StateSet (UniqueID 2)
Geometry 2
Geode 3
StateSet (UniqueID 2)
Geometry 3
Group (UniqueID 1)

I would like to optimize this to:



It is not possible to do this in a single pass with the optimizer. Using 
optimizer settings
gets me quite far:


Geometry 1
Geometry 2
Geometry 3
Geometry 4
Geometry 5
Geometry 6

, but the final geometry nodes aren't merged because the Geometry is still 
sharing the same vertex arrays (1 and 4, 2 and 5, 3 and 6).
The COPY_SHARED_NODES setting helps to reduce the different nodes (because they 
are then merged), but it doesn't do anything to the data inside Geode nodes. 
Note that if I save the last file to disk, and then reconvert with the same 
optimizer settings, then the contents of the geometries is fully written to 
file, and on the second conversion OSG doesn't know that the geometries were 
linked, so happily merges them.

The 'correct' solution I think is to add a function to 
CopySharedSubgraphsVisitor that also duplicates the contents of a Geode node. 
After that the MERGE_GEOMETRY setting should kick in and merge the resulting 
geometries into a single geometry.

I hope someone can give me some input on the best way to handle this issue. If 
I wasn't clear enough about the problem, please let me know and I can post a 
complete osg file.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Increase image-quality - increase 'Draw' time

2010-03-19 Thread Rick Appleton
Thank you both for your replies.

I think this little bit from Robert might be the issue:

robertosfield wrote:
 However, if OpenGL FIFO fills up because the rate at which you are pushing 
 data into it exceeds the rate at which it's been emptied then the application 
 thread will stall and the draw dispatch times will go up.  Sometimes you can 
 see some rather no linear draw dispatch times due to small changes in load on 
 the GPU suddenly causing the app to stall.  Even when this happens there is 
 still a bit of leeway before
 you start dropping frames.

The workload on the GPU has increased, and I can only assume that it's now not 
processing the commands as fast as it used to. So since the output is taking 
longer, and the input is equal, the driver will need to wait for the queue to 
empty a bit every now and then.

We're not changing the amount of data read back from the GPU (I doubt we even 
read back anything), I'm not changing anything in the program.

Brian, if I'm locked to VSync (which I'm not in my test case), and the GPU has 
more work to do than the CPU, I do NOT expect the command submissions to take 
longer if I enable these quality options. I'm sending the exact same amount of 
data and commands, so why would the driver suddenly take longer to queue those 
commands? The GPU will of course need more time to execute those commands, but 
I wasn't expecting that to show up under the 'Draw' time, since that time is 
the 'GPU' time.

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[osg-users] Increase image-quality - increase 'Draw' time

2010-03-18 Thread Rick Appleton
Hi everyone,

We were just doing some performance testing when we noticed that increasing the 
image quality in the NVidia control panel (adding anisotropic filtering, 
anti-aliasing and multi-sampling) makes the time spent in the 'Draw' section 
increase greatly. This wasn't something we were expecting. The time in GPU also 
goes up, but that is to be expected.

We're assuming the extra time is spent in the driver somewhere, but we have no 
clue why.

Would anyone dare to hazard a guess?

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Enabling osgSim::DOFTransform animation

2009-10-19 Thread Rick Appleton

Recently we've implemented a model of a building with moving doors by adding 
osgSim::DOFTransform nodes for the doors (the geometry added as child of the 
DOFTransform). While this works quite well, there's an issue I've had with 
enabling the animation to open the door.

When setAnimationOn(true) is called, the node is set such that is will be 
visited by the UpdateVisitor. On the first pass through DOFTransform::traverse 
the delta time is calculated from _previousTime and the timestamp in the 
UpdateVisitor. However, _previousTime has never been set before, which means 
that the first frame of animation is erratic. For the doors this behavior is 
not acceptable, and I feel that this should be fixed in OSG.

I've made a quick fix by checking the _previousTraversalNumber and if it's set 
to -1 then the DOFTransform::animate function isn't called, only the 
_previousTime and _previousTraversalNumber are updated. On the second animated 
frame the delta time is then correctly calculated. (when calling 
setAnimationOn(false) I now reset _previousTraversalNumber to -1).

Is this issue recognized as an issue by other people so that I should make a 
proper fix and submit it, or am I missing something which would enable the 
proper behavior of the doors?

Thank you!

Kind regards,

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Re: [osg-users] Positioning PrecipitationEffect

2009-05-13 Thread Rick Appleton
Hi Jason,

Thanks for the update. That's exactly what I'm seeing as well. However, as far 
as I can see in the code, the effect is positioned correctly around the camera.


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Re: [osg-users] Positioning PrecipitationEffect

2009-05-13 Thread Rick Appleton
Hi Robert,

You asked Jason for a repro case back then. I've been simpifying my test case 
such that is is now a simply plane.

  Geode {
DataVariance STATIC
nodeMask 0x
num_drawables 1
Geometry {
  DataVariance STATIC
  PrimitiveSets 1
DrawElementsUShort TRIANGLE_STRIP 4
  2 0 1 3
  VertexArray Vec3Array 8
181920 -10 445.602
-10 181920 445.602
-10 -10 445.602
181920 181920 445.602

I run the precipitation example with the following options:
osgprecipitation plane.osg --fogColor 0.0 0.1 0.3 1.0 --particleSpeed 0.05 
--rain 0.1 --particleColour 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 --fogDensity 0.01 
--particleSize 0.15

You'll need to tilt the camera slightly to see the plane, and then if you zoom 
way in you'll see the precipitation. (Note, I'm not using it for rain or snow, 
hence the extremely low particle speed)

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

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Re: [osg-users] Positioning PrecipitationEffect

2009-05-12 Thread Rick Appleton
Hi Robert,

I'm assuming nothing has happened on this front after the last message? I'm 
seeing the same effect here on a terrain database which is about 80kmx80km. If 
I get far away from the center of the bounding box (note: not the origin of the 
model) the rain becomes patchy and then disappears.

I'm looking through the code, but it's a little unclear to me what it's 
supposed to do. You wouldn't happen to have a link to a high level description, 
paper or similar that the implementation is based on would you?

As our database is in the GB range I'm afraid I'm not able to attach it. 

Thank you!


PS. I'm having trouble locating Jason's attachment. On the forums his mail 
shows up, but no attachment, and in the mailing list archive I am unable to 
find the email with the attachment. Your reply to that email is here 
but the mail with the attachment doesn't show.

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[osg-users] RTT and viewport offset

2009-04-06 Thread Rick Appleton

I've encountered an issue with rendering to texture and then displaying that 
texture with a viewport that doesn't start at 0,0. I'm using osgPPU for this, 
but I believe the issue is in OSG.

In osgUtil/RenderStage.cpp, in RenderStage::runCameraSetUp the width and height 
are calculated as:

int width = static_castint(_viewport-x() + _viewport-width());
int height = static_castint(_viewport-y() + _viewport-height());

This width and height is then used to create RenderBuffers for the missing 
attachments. If the viewport starts at non-zero values, this means the created 
RenderBuffers will not have dimensions (vp-width, vp-height) whereas the 
attached texture likely will have those dimenstions. Thus the FBO will then 

Removing the additions of _viewport-x()/y() fixes my issue. I was wondering if 
there was a good reason for doing it the way it's done.

Kind regards,

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[osg-users] Multisample Coverage in FBO

2009-04-02 Thread Rick Appleton

I'm looking into using Multisampled Coverage in FBOs in our application, and 
I've run into an interesting snafu. According to the extension specification  
coverage_samples cannot be larger than color_samples. This is enforced in OSG 
in two places: osgUtil/RenderStage.cpp(352) and osg/FrameBufferObject.cpp(254). 
However, those two places take opposite actions to resolve the issue.

The first one, osgUtil/RenderStage.cpp(352), decreases colorSamples to match 
The second one, osg/FrameBufferObject.cpp(254), increases (coverage)samples to 
match colorSamples.

I haven't looked too hard at the code around this, but shouldn't this check 
only happen in one place (presumably FrameBufferObject.cpp)? RenderStage.cpp 
seems to lead into FrameBufferObject.cpp anyway, so it's doing a redundant 

I'm looking forward to hear your thoughts on this.

Kind regards,

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Re: [osg-users] DatabasePager failed when loading ive with outside image

2009-01-15 Thread Rick Appleton
Sorry for the delays, but here I am.

Robert, I've not been able to test my issue with the Registry turned off. It 
simple takes too long and a non-variable amount of time to see if that would 
avoid the issue. We were getting the crash when running for anything between 2 
and 24 hours.

As far as I can gather the OP here has tested this though, since he states the 
crash does not occur if he disables Image caching.

Hope to help,


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Re: [osg-users] osg-users Digest, Vol 17, Issue 97

2008-11-26 Thread Rick Appleton
Hi Robert,

I can confirm that enabling Registry caching of images with paged databases 
causes the issue. We haven't tried to disable the caching, but from what I've 
seen I believe that if the cache is disabled the same issue *may* occur but 
even earlier, precisely becaue an undecorated Image* is returned. The 
ReadResult eventually goes out of scope, which should delete the pointed to 
memory, causing a dangling pointer to exist. (Note that I haven't tried this, 
it's purely my understanding of the issue).

The crash occured pretty much 100% of the time, but the time-till-crash was 
unreliable. Sometimes it would crash within minutes, other times it would take 

I concur with your assessment for the fix, but I don't believe it's only 
relevant to the .ive plugin. I believe many plugins can encounter this 
behaviour. Wrapping the return value of osgDB::readImageFile (and further up 
the callstack I first posted) with a ref_ptr should fix the issue.

Kind regards,

-Original Message-
Hi Rick,

Just to confirm the issue, if you enable Registry caching of imagery
and use paged databases that have external image files, then you get
the below crash.   If you don't use the Registry cache what happens?

How reliably does this crash occur?

My hypothisis is that the object cache is being cleared by another
thread just at the wrong time for this particular section of .ive
plugin.  If it is correct then use of  Registry::readImage(...) that
returns a Registry::ReadResult rather than a Image* would be safe as
ReadResult uses ref_ptr internally.


On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Rick Appleton
 Sorry for the delay on this.

 Here's some more information. Below is a complete callstack which should be 
 similar to when the issue happened. Basically we are loading a Paged terrain 
 database which uses IVE files for data, and DDS textures for images. A quick 
 search in OSG reveals that osgDB::readImageFile is called from many plugin 
 loaders, so I suspect they would have the same issue.

 fileName=textures/TxMosaic.dds, const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options * 
 options=0x01f0ceb8)  Line 1706C++
 fileName=textures/TxMosaic.dds, const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options * 
 options=0x01f0ceb8)  Line 217 + 0x14 bytes  C++
 filename=textures/TxMosaic.dds, const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options * 
 options=0x01f0ceb8)  Line 43 + 0x1d bytes C++

   filename=textures/TxMosaic.dds)  Line 950 + 0x44 bytesC++
 mode=IMAGE_REFERENCE_FILE)  Line 1003 + 0x2c bytes C++
osgdb_ived.dll!ive::DataInputStream::readImage()  Line 976 + 0xc bytes 
osgdb_ived.dll!ive::Texture2D::read(ive::DataInputStream * 
 in=0x00dbec2c)  Line 54 + 0x8 bytes  C++
osgdb_ived.dll!ive::DataInputStream::readStateAttribute()  Line 1159 + 
 0xc bytesC++
osgdb_ived.dll!ive::StateSet::read(ive::DataInputStream * 
 in=0x00dbec2c)  Line 173 + 0x8 bytes  C++
osgdb_ived.dll!ive::DataInputStream::readStateSet()  Line 1066  C++
osgdb_ived.dll!ive::Node::read(ive::DataInputStream * in=0x00dbec2c)  
 Line 124 + 0x8 bytes  C++
osgdb_ived.dll!ive::Geode::read(ive::DataInputStream * in=0x00dbec2c)  
 Line 67  C++
osgdb_ived.dll!ive::DataInputStream::readNode()  Line 1507 + 0x2d 
 bytes C++
osgdb_ived.dll!ive::Group::read(ive::DataInputStream * in=0x00dbec2c)  
 Line 74 + 0x8 bytes  C++
osgdb_ived.dll!ive::DataInputStream::readNode()  Line 1499 + 0xc bytes 

fin={...}, const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options * options=0x01f0ceb8)  
 Line 98 + 0xb bytesC++
 file=veluwe.ive, const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options * options=0x01efeb88)  
 Line 69 + 0x23 bytes C++

  rw={...})  Line 1374 + 0x40 bytes   C++
 osgDB::Registry::ReadFunctor  readFunctor={...})  Line 1527 + 0x22 bytes  C++
 osgDB::Registry::ReadFunctor  readFunctor={...}, bool useObjectCache=true)  
 Line 1596 + 0x13 bytes  C++

Re: [osg-users] Multi-threading bug related to Registry

2008-11-25 Thread Rick Appleton
 are you invoking in this instance?  .osg? .ive?  Others?


On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Rick Appleton
 There is a nasty multi-threading bug related to osgDB::DatabasePager and the
 _objectCache in osgDB::Registry. This is the situation.

 * Thread 2 stack (DatabasePager thread):
 ReaderWriter::ReadResult Registry::readImplementation
 ReaderWriter::ReadResult Registry::readImageImplementation
 ReaderWriter::ReadResult Registry::readImage
 osg::Image* osgDB::readImageFile
 osg::Image* DataInputStream::readImage(std::string filename)
 osg::Image* DataInputStream::readImage(IncludeImageMode mode)
 osg::Image* DataInputStream::readImage()
 void Texture2D::read(DataInputStream* in)

 - After reading in the file in Registry::readImplementation the refCount of
 the new Image is 1 (ReadResult contains a ref_ptr).
 - This Image is then inserted into Registry::_objectCache with the default
 timestamp (0.0), which increments the recCount to 2.
 - The ReadResult object is returned, so no net change in refCount, until the
 stack is unwound up to osgDB::readImageFile.
 - osgDB::readImageFile takes a normal pointer to the Image, which does not
 change the refCount. When osgDB::readImageFile returns, the ReadResult
 object goes out of scope, deleting a reference to the Image. refCount is now
 - Stack unwinds until back in Texture2D::read at which point the normal
 Image* is passed into Texture2D::setImage which assigns the Image* to the
 internal ref_ptr. At this moment the refCount is increased back to 2.

 Imagine that somewhere during the stack unwind between osgDB::readImageFile
 and Texture2D::read a thread switch takes place.

 * Thread 1:
 The main thread then reaches DatabasePager::removeExpiredSubgraphs which
 does the following at the end of the function.

 - Calls Registry::updateTimeStampOfObjectsInCacheWithExternalReferences,
 which goes through the objects and increments the timestamp if the
 refCount1 (this is not true for just loaded Image, so timestamp remains
 - Calls Registry::removeExpiredObjectsInCache, which goes through all the
 objects and compares the timestamp with the expiry time. Because the Image
 was added with timestamp 0.0 (and the timestamp was not updated), it is
 added to objectsToRemove.
 - Registry::removeExpiredObjectsInCache then removes all the objects in
 objectsToRemove from Registry::_objectCache. This causes the refCount on the
 Image to decrement to 0, causing the actual Image object to be freed.

 At this point Thread 2 has an Image* to freed memory, but does not realize
 the object has been freed. In our case this eventually led to crashes.

 There are two solutions to this:
 - Instead of using the default timestamp of 0.0, set the time explicitly to
 the current time. This makes sure the item is not immediately discarded from
 the Registry. Even if not all loads are finished before the new item times
 out, the item will have been acquired by some other place in the code, so
 the refCount will be larger than 1 when the timeout occurs. This requires
 the current time to be passed into readImplementation. A proper solution
 would be to pass in the timestamp of the DatabaseRequest into the read*
 functions. That requires modification of a lot of functions though.
 - Changing the return types of the sequence above so there aren't any normal
 osg::Image* passed around, but only ref_ptr. This makes sure that refCount
 never goes to during the loading process. This option also requires the
 modification of a large number of functions.

 We chose a slightly less proper solution following the first option. We've
 added a function to set the time in Registry once a frame, and call that
 just before DatabasePager::updateSceneGraph (which calls

 Please feel free to contact me for more info as needed,

 osg-users mailing list

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[osg-users] Multi-threading bug related to Registry

2008-11-17 Thread Rick Appleton
There is a nasty multi-threading bug related to osgDB::DatabasePager and the 
_objectCache in osgDB::Registry. This is the situation.

* Thread 2 stack (DatabasePager thread):
ReaderWriter::ReadResult Registry::readImplementation
ReaderWriter::ReadResult Registry::readImageImplementation
ReaderWriter::ReadResult Registry::readImage
osg::Image* osgDB::readImageFile
osg::Image* DataInputStream::readImage(std::string filename)
osg::Image* DataInputStream::readImage(IncludeImageMode mode)
osg::Image* DataInputStream::readImage()
void Texture2D::read(DataInputStream* in)

- After reading in the file in Registry::readImplementation the refCount of the 
new Image is 1 (ReadResult contains a ref_ptr).
- This Image is then inserted into Registry::_objectCache with the default 
timestamp (0.0), which increments the recCount to 2.
- The ReadResult object is returned, so no net change in refCount, until the 
stack is unwound up to osgDB::readImageFile.
- osgDB::readImageFile takes a normal pointer to the Image, which does not 
change the refCount. When osgDB::readImageFile returns, the ReadResult object 
goes out of scope, deleting a reference to the Image. refCount is now 1.
- Stack unwinds until back in Texture2D::read at which point the normal Image* 
is passed into Texture2D::setImage which assigns the Image* to the internal 
ref_ptr. At this moment the refCount is increased back to 2.

Imagine that somewhere during the stack unwind between osgDB::readImageFile and 
Texture2D::read a thread switch takes place.

* Thread 1:
The main thread then reaches DatabasePager::removeExpiredSubgraphs which does 
the following at the end of the function.

- Calls Registry::updateTimeStampOfObjectsInCacheWithExternalReferences, which 
goes through the objects and increments the timestamp if the refCount1 (this 
is not true for just loaded Image, so timestamp remains 0.0).
- Calls Registry::removeExpiredObjectsInCache, which goes through all the 
objects and compares the timestamp with the expiry time. Because the Image was 
added with timestamp 0.0 (and the timestamp was not updated), it is added to 
- Registry::removeExpiredObjectsInCache then removes all the objects in 
objectsToRemove from Registry::_objectCache. This causes the refCount on the 
Image to decrement to 0, causing the actual Image object to be freed.

At this point Thread 2 has an Image* to freed memory, but does not realize the 
object has been freed. In our case this eventually led to crashes.

There are two solutions to this:
- Instead of using the default timestamp of 0.0, set the time explicitly to the 
current time. This makes sure the item is not immediately discarded from the 
Registry. Even if not all loads are finished before the new item times out, the 
item will have been acquired by some other place in the code, so the refCount 
will be larger than 1 when the timeout occurs. This requires the current time 
to be passed into readImplementation. A proper solution would be to pass in the 
timestamp of the DatabaseRequest into the read* functions. That requires 
modification of a lot of functions though.
- Changing the return types of the sequence above so there aren't any normal 
osg::Image* passed around, but only ref_ptr. This makes sure that refCount 
never goes to during the loading process. This option also requires the 
modification of a large number of functions.

We chose a slightly less proper solution following the first option. We've 
added a function to set the time in Registry once a frame, and call that just 
before DatabasePager::updateSceneGraph (which calls 

Please feel free to contact me for more info as needed,

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] DatabasePager questions

2008-10-30 Thread Rick Appleton
Thank you Robert for the quick reply.

I see the point in having a single osgDB::DatabasePager for a single 
osgViewer::Scene. However, this immediately raises the question which 
DatabasePager osgDB::Registry would point to, as osgDB::Registry is a singleton 
and only has a single pointer to a DatabasePager. Should we ignore the 
osgDB::Registry::getOrCreateDatabasePager function? I don't see it being used 
anywhere in OpenSceneGraph.

Kind regards,

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Robert Osfield
Sent: Thu 10/30/2008 12:57 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] DatabasePager questions
Hi Rick,

The osgDB::DatabasePager::instance() exist for backwards compatibility
with osgProducer from the OSG-1.x era.  In OSG-2.x's osgViewer library
there is one osgDB::DatabasePager per osgViewer::Scene, and the Scene
is used internally by osgViewer::View to manage the sharing of a
single scene graph between multiple View's.  The coupling of
DatabasePager and Scene ensures that there is only ever one pager
working for one scene graph.  It also allows multiple scene graphs to
be managed, each with their own dedicated pager.

In terms of user management, this is all done behind the scenes in
osgViewer, it'll just automatically assign and set up and interact
with the pager, you needn't do anything yourself.  If your scene graph
contains PagedLOD then it'll automatically start up and run in the

The only time you need to know about the DatabasePager is when you
want to adjust parameters to optimize the behavior to your type of
data/application, but the since the defaults have been chosen to work
well for most datasets users typically won't need to tweak parameters.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Rick Appleton

 I've only recently started using OpenSceneGraph, so am probably mistaken
 about this, but I feel there's some issues with osgDB::DatabasePager. It
 seems the design of osgDB::DatabasePager allows for multiple instances of it
 to exist side-by-side. Scene creates one instance in it's constructor, and
 if you call Registry::getOrCreateDatabasePager without setting a pager up,
 it creates another instance. The first uses the Database::create function,
 whereas the second uses a simple 'new'.

 This has caused us some issues as we only expected there to be a single
 instance of osgDB::DatabasePager. What is the reason for explicitly allowing
 this functionality? It may simply be to do with the way we have the
 DatabasePager setup, but my lack of a higher view of the code is making it
 hard to understand what's supposed to happen.

 Can anyone clarify how the DatabasePager is supposed to be used for me?

 Kind regards,
 Rick Appleton

 osg-users mailing list

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Re: [osg-users] DatabasePager questions

2008-10-30 Thread Rick Appleton
Thanks again for the quick reply. All is clear now, and I'll fix our code to 
not use the Registry DatabasePager.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Robert Osfield
Sent: Thu 10/30/2008 1:36 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] DatabasePager questions
Hi Rick,

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 12:17 PM, Rick Appleton
 I see the point in having a single osgDB::DatabasePager for a single 
 osgViewer::Scene. However, this immediately raises the question which 
 DatabasePager osgDB::Registry would point to, as osgDB::Registry is a 
 singleton and only has a single pointer to a DatabasePager. Should we ignore 
 the osgDB::Registry::getOrCreateDatabasePager function? I don't see it being 
 used anywhere in OpenSceneGraph.

Oooh, those methods are deprecated, and completely forgotton about...
thanks for pointing this out.  I've just removed them from the
Registry to avoid future confusion.  I'll check this in after a clean

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