Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-20 Thread Björn Blissing

memory_leak wrote:
> Björn ingen är idiot. I know you haven't writen getopt, I am a 20 year+ linux 
> user and programmer I am quite aware where getopt comes from. I didn't 
> insinuate it either :).

I did not say you were either. :)

I only wanted to make the source of the file clear for all readers of this 
thread (present and future).

Anyhow, I have added an explicit WIN32 definition to the GIFLIB subproject. 
Which should solve your issues without needing to change the getopt file.


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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-18 Thread Carl-Gustaf Kung

bbjorn wrote:
> memory_leak wrote:
> > J :-) and I as well commented on that include defined and possibility 
> > that my script maybe messed up includes after I checked it up for the post 
> > above, if you read the text you quoted  It is not important, but I 
> > don't think Linux people would use your modified getopt.c build which is 
> > intended for sole purpose of windows build, and should probably not use 
> > strings.h either since it is an obsolete header predating standard, but 
> > that just as curiosa .-)
> > 
> > Anyway thanks for hjälp with your cmakes.
> You're welcome. 
> And just as a side note. The getopt.c is certainly not something that I have 
> written. It is verbatim from:
> And it is included due to having to include unistd.h.
> Regards
> Björn

Björn ingen är idiot. I know you haven't writen getopt, I am a 20 year+ linux 
user and programmer I am quite aware where getopt comes from. I didn't 
insinuate it either :). But your getopt.c and stbool etc are there so you can 
compile with visualstudio since certain includes are not shipped with ms 
compiler. So those few files certainlyu wouldn't broke stuff for "linux people" 
:-). But id does not matter, let's just leave that behind. Cheers.

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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-16 Thread Björn Blissing

memory_leak wrote:
> J :-) and I as well commented on that include defined and possibility 
> that my script maybe messed up includes after I checked it up for the post 
> above, if you read the text you quoted  It is not important, but I don't 
> think Linux people would use your modified getopt.c build which is intended 
> for sole purpose of windows build, and should probably not use strings.h 
> either since it is an obsolete header predating standard, but that just as 
> curiosa .-)
> Anyway thanks for hjälp with your cmakes.

You're welcome. 

And just as a side note. The getopt.c is certainly not something that I have 
written. It is verbatim from:

And it is included due to having to include unistd.h.


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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-15 Thread Carl-Gustaf Kung

bbjorn wrote:
> memory_leak wrote:
> > Mnjah, I doubt MS included strings.h with their runtime. 
> No, I don't think so either. But the include in getopt.c is actually 
> including string.h NOT strings.h. If you look at the first line in the code 
> snippet you sent me, there are two conditions.
> First: HAVE_STRING_H - Which may or may not be defined depending on your 
> setup (it set on my machine due to the libtiff library).
> Secondly: WIN32 - This is defined as true on all windows builds, both x86 and 
> x64. 
> Since the conditions are separated with an "or" sign ||. Only one of them 
> have to be true. So I have a really hard time seeing how you would end up 
> trying to include the "strings.h" header.
> memory_leak wrote:
> > My compiler also seems to miss for some reason WIN32, maybe bc I did 64-bit 
> > build. Actually haven't checked IDE, just built it from script, mybe some 
> > flags got messed up on my part :).
> The WIN32 flag should be defined for all Windows build. So If you are 
> building from some other external script you may have to include the defines 
> manually to get this to build correctly. This use case is hardly something 
> that you could expect me to support. Changing the proposed line in getiopt.c 
> would probably break stuff for some of the linux people.
> memory_leak wrote:
> > By the way: do you build collada sucessfully?
> No, I have never had the need for Collada. So I have not tried it.
> Regards
> Björn
J :-) and I as well commented on that include defined and possibility that 
my script maybe messed up includes after I checked it up for the post above, if 
you read the text you quoted  It is not important, but I don't think Linux 
people would use your modified getopt.c build which is intended for sole 
purpose of windows build, and should probably not use strings.h either since it 
is an obsolete header predating standard, but that just as curiosa .-)

Anyway thanks for hjälp with your cmakes.

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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-15 Thread Björn Blissing

memory_leak wrote:
> Mnjah, I doubt MS included strings.h with their runtime. 

No, I don't think so either. But the include in getopt.c is actually including 
string.h NOT strings.h. If you look at the first line in the code snippet you 
sent me, there are two conditions.

First: HAVE_STRING_H - Which may or may not be defined depending on your setup 
(it set on my machine due to the libtiff library).

Secondly: WIN32 - This is defined as true on all windows builds, both x86 and 

Since the conditions are separated with an "or" sign ||. Only one of them have 
to be true. So I have a really hard time seeing how you would end up trying to 
include the "strings.h" header.

memory_leak wrote:
> My compiler also seems to miss for some reason WIN32, maybe bc I did 64-bit 
> build. Actually haven't checked IDE, just built it from script, mybe some 
> flags got messed up on my part :).

The WIN32 flag should be defined for all Windows build. So If you are building 
from some other external script you may have to include the defines manually to 
get this to build correctly. This use case is hardly something that you could 
expect me to support. Changing the proposed line in getiopt.c would probably 
break stuff for some of the linux people.

memory_leak wrote:
> By the way: do you build collada sucessfully?

No, I have never had the need for Collada. So I have not tried it.


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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-15 Thread Carl-Gustaf Kung
Mnjah, I doubt MS included strings.h with their runtime. Article also says 
universal runtime is installed by default with latest VS, so I probably have it 
too. I am suspectingi that your strings.h came with some other open source 
library or that you have that HAVE_STRING_H defined somewhere somehow, but 
anyway, it is just a simple change in your getopt.c, line 208: 


# if HAVE_STRING_H || WIN32 /* Pete Wilson mod 7/28/02 */
#include < string.h >
# else
#include < strings.h > <-- 
# endif

just remove 's' :-). Or remove entire if-def and just include  since 
string.h is anyway part of standard and included even with microsofts compiler 

HAVE_STRING_H sounds like a config scripts macro to me, and we don't execute 
./configure on windows unfortunately. Maybe passing it to compiler is an 
option, but feels unnecessary since getopt needs nothing but standard string.h 

I might include your 3rd party in a script to build everything automatically, 
but I still have to figure out a way to build osg without having to open VS 
IDE. My script can now dl and build all 3rd party + some more libs, but not osg 

Sorry bit late answer, didn't have time to play with this, had a lot to do with 
other stuff.

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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-09 Thread Björn Blissing

memory_leak wrote:
> I have built everything for x64, both release and debug to be honest I didn't 
> even tryed x86. And as said before, VS 2015 CE. 
> By the way, it might be that you have strings.h defined as a dummy or some 
> port elsewhere in your include path. It is an old *nix file and is not 
> impossible that you got it with some other project. I reinstalled windows 
> like day before I did build, so I have built on pretty clean system.

Tried this a minute ago. I do not get the same warning for giflib (the missing 
strings.h warning). 

I did a web search for the problem and found this blog post from Microsoft:

So these libraries are now installed separately, which I must have done. But it 
is strange that your compiler only complains about string.h. There are other 
header files used in giflib which also are included from the universal CRT 
folder. It should complain about all the others as well.

Anyhow, maybe we should change something to make this work on a clean installed 
machine (i.e. Visual Studio only). Or at least write something in the readme 
that the universal CRT are required to build giflib.

memory_leak wrote:
> Regarding curl, is it really worth putting time & effort if it anyway builds 
> just fine with build file supplied by curl itself. It is just a matter of 
> executing cmake. Just my $0.02  as people from usa put it.

Building cUrl or any of the other dependencies manually is always an option. 
But my goal was to automate the most common dependencies. Original I did not 
include cUrl, but as it was sent to me as a working pull request I saw no 
problem with including it. But of course if any of the libraries start to be 
hard to maintain I may be forced to remove them.

Regretfully it is not an option to just link to the CMake file inside the cUrl 
project. That CMake file expects cUrl to be the only project, so it would not 
work if included inside the osg-3rdparty-cmake scripts. Maybe it could be done 
using some form of custom target script, but that is something I do not have 
time to write just now. But I would gladly merge any Pull Request which offered 
this functionality. 


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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-08 Thread Carl-Gustaf Kung
I have built everything for x64, both release and debug to be honest I didn't 
even tryed x86. And as said before, VS 2015 CE. 

Regarding curl, is it really worth putting time & effort if it anyway builds 
just fine with build file supplied by curl itself. It is just a matter of 
executing cmake. Just my $0.02  as people from usa put it.

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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-06 Thread Björn Blissing

memory_leak wrote:
> Tryed this evening and I got it work, with some minor problems:
> * Curl does not build. I pulled source from git, and I don't know if it is 
> due to change in Curl or something else, but your cmake file is configured to 
> include some sources which are not found in curl source. They are few 
> curl_ntlm.c, curl_ntlm_msgs.c, curl_sasl_gssapi.c, curl_sasl_ssapi.c and 
> http_negotiate_sspi. Anyway Curl comes with it's own cmake file which works 
> fine "out of the box", so I have opted to comment it out completely from your 
> top level cmake.

Ok, it is rarely a good idea to build against master. In the Readme file there 
are specfied which tagged version which each library is tested against. I have 
just merged a pull request to support the latest stable version of cUrl 

Also, there is no need to comment things out in the top level cmake file. If 
you do not want to include a certain library, just leave the corresponding 
*_SOURCE_DIR variable empty and the build script will omit the library from the 

memory_leak wrote:
> * Giflib failes due to missing strings.h included from "ported" getopt.h. I 
> have included dummy strings.h which just includes standard string.h.

I do not get this problem on Visual Studio 2015 x86. Which platform are you 
building on (compiler)?

memory_leak wrote:
> * Is liFtiff oficially promoted to liff? :-)

Apparently! :-)

I have fixed this spelling error. 


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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-05 Thread Carl-Gustaf Kung

bbjorn wrote:
> Well, there is no need to if you do not desire. The only thing you need to 
> do, is to point to the location of the source for each library you desire to 
> build. Heck, you can even skip the CMake GUI and do everything using CMake 
> command-line. Just supply the paths with using the -D flag and you are set. 
> That way you can integrated my CMake scripts in your automated build scripts. 
> Or you could just defined them as environment variables if that is more to 
> you liking.

Yeah, I understood that after your first post. Tryed this evening and I got it 
work, with some minor problems:

* Curl does not build. I pulled source from git, and I don't know if it is due 
to change in Curl or something else, but your cmake file is configured to 
include some sources which are not found in curl source. They are few 
curl_ntlm.c, curl_ntlm_msgs.c, curl_sasl_gssapi.c, curl_sasl_ssapi.c and 
http_negotiate_sspi. Anyway Curl comes with it's own cmake file which works 
fine "out of the box", so I have opted to comment it out completely from your 
top level cmake.

* Giflib failes due to missing strings.h included from "ported" getopt.h. I 
have included dummy strings.h which just includes standard string.h.
* Is liFtiff oficially promoted to liff? :-)

Thanks for help!

ha det fint :)

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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-05 Thread Björn Blissing

memory_leak wrote:
> When building with your cmakes I have tryed pretty much what you describe. 
> 1st i downloaded all code for every project in their respective folder, than 
> I put your cmake files in the respective folder and top level one in top 
> level directory where all other src folders were. 

No no... You should not move anything. Keep the files from GitHub as they are, 
otherwise the top level script may not find the scripts for each library.

memory_leak wrote:
> Prospect of configuring manually each and every one did occur to me but I 
> have to admiit, not overly appealing :).
> Now from your answer I understand  I should do some extra work to tell your 
> cmake from my batch file where to find things. That is probably reason why I 
> got only project files for "build all" and "install" but not individual 
> project files.

Well, there is no need to if you do not desire. The only thing you need to do, 
is to point to the location of the source for each library you desire to build. 
Heck, you can even skip the CMake GUI and do everything using CMake 
command-line. Just supply the paths with using the -D flag and you are set. 
That way you can integrated my CMake scripts in your automated build scripts. 
Or you could just defined them as environment variables if that is more to you 


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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-05 Thread Carl-Gustaf Kung
Thanks for clafirications, I will give it another try.

Yeah, of course I don't expect everything to be superoptimized either. As 
mentioned I did managed to build each and every one manually as instructed by 
original libraries, and some with a bit of hacking (giflib). But I wish I could 
automate everything. Goal is to be able to fire up a batch script, get srcs 
from github (or with wget), configure everything and build without need to open 
any gui tool such as cmake. 

When building with your cmakes I have tryed pretty much what you describe. 1st 
i downloaded all code for every project in their respective folder, than I put 
your cmake files in the respective folder and top level one in top level 
directory where all other src folders were. I than opened cmake-gui and 
configured stuff for tope-level project, but it didn't build individual 
projects. Prospect of configuring manually each and every one did occur to me 
but I have to admiit, not overly appealing :). 

Now from your answer I understand  I should do some extra work to tell your 
cmake from my batch file where to find things. That is probably reason why I 
got only project files for "build all" and "install" but not individual project 

The ting is I already have a batch script that will automaticly configure cmake 
variables depending on what compiler is present in my path, bitness and paths 
where I want stuff to build in and to install to, compiler flags etc. It works 
often time "out of the box so to say", but sometimes there are such cases as 
this where I have to figure out extra things to make it work.

Just fooling around with nick, my real name is as strange as nick, you wouldn't 
believe me anyway :).

Thanks for answer and best regards

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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-04 Thread Björn Blissing
Hi Carl-Gustaf Kung, 

I wrote the CMake scripts to be able to quickly build the dependencies upon 
which I project I was working on was using. Then I added some more libraries by 
request. Are these scripts totally optimized for every platform? No. They 
should be used as a quick way of getting the dependencies built and assembled 
into a directory for easy use with OSG. If you desire total control of every 
tiny setting for each library I recommend that you do a separate build for each 
library with settings that match your platform.

That said, this is how you use the CMake scripts:

1. Download or Clone the CMake script from the GitHub repo.

2. Download the sources for each library you desire to build. You can put these 
anywhere on your filesystem. Download locations for each library can be found 
in the Readme file.

3. Start the CMake GUI:
- In the field "Where is the source code" you enter the directory for the CMake 
- In the field "Where to build the binaries" you enter where you desire the 
Visual Studio project files to end up. I 

4. Press "Configure" in the CMake GUI. This will reveal a couple of directories 
which you need to specify. These all end with _SOURCE_DIR. For these you 
specify the location of the libraries which you downloaded in step 2. 

5. Press "Configure" a couple of more times. Depending on which libraries you 
are building more or less options will be shown in the CMake GUI.

6. When happy, press "Generate". This will construct the solution file and 
project files for Visual Studio in the specified binaries directory.

7. Open the solution file and build the "ALL_BUILD" project.

8. When complete, build the "INSTALL" project. This will create a directory in 
your binary directory named "3rdParty" inside this directory another directory 
will be created which matches your Visual Studio version and selected 
architecture (i.e. 32 or 64 bit build). In this directory there will be the 
lib, include and bin directories. Note that you need to build the "INSTALL" 
project twice, once for Debug build and once for Release. Or else the 3rdParty 
directory will be missing the corresponding files.

Good luck!

Nice username by the way. :)


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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-03 Thread Carl-Gustaf Kung

In a true necromancer fashion I would like to resurrect this thread, since I 
need some help with Björn's scripts. 

I managed to compile OSG from scratch, inclusive all 3rd party libraries. I 
have used VS2015, a x64 build, and all 3rd party libs are also compiled by me 
as 64-bit shared libraries. I have generally followed build instructions and 
methods as much as possible as provided by the respective library. In some 
cases I have cooked my own (giflib notably, zlib). Curl was really picky to get 
a dll with OpenSSL. 

Anyway, I did stumbled upon Björn's CMake files, but I couldn't got them to 
work. I am not sure if I have got it right? I am suppose to downolad 3rd party 
sources and place your cmake files in respective folder? I have tried that, but 
it didn't worked for me. It was 2 days ago I tryed it, so I don't remember the 
errors I got. 

I would like to be able to use Björn's cmakes, since it took me quite while to 
figure out each one library and build method on it's own. Havin'g those 
makefiles would also make it possible for me to write a batch file to update 
and build things automatically instead of me doing each and every manually.

I'm quite sure I just qoofed it up somewhere and I would be really helpful for 

I also wonder if somebody has compiled Collada 2.4, with vs2015 for 64 bit 
arch, I am a bit stuck with it.

Best regards & thank you!

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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2016-06-03 Thread Carl-Gustaf Kung
I have also forgot to ask: is there a reason to prefer ijg's libjpeg instead of 
libjpeg-turbo and glut instead of freeglut?

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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2015-11-14 Thread Andreas Schreiber
Hi Trajce,

I would be happy about it =).
With ping you mean private message on the board?

I'll try searching for the post with the plugins.

One question the file format tga was supported of osg with any dependency 


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2015-11-13 Thread Andreas Schreiber
Hi Trajce,

I would be happy about these builds ;)

Trying right now to build osg and the 3rdPartys so I can work again with it.
I would need the collada plugin as well. Do I need to build these as well for 
VS 2015?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2015-11-13 Thread Trajce Nikolov NICK
I have some subset of the 3rd party dependencies. Don't,  mix these with
plugins :-) ... I am not sure to which dependencies the collads plugin is
based, but I can send you what I have, I know others like Chris and
Sebastian also have something build with VS2015 and there was a discussion
here on the users list about the hosting. I will put what I already have
somewhere will ping you privately

On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 3:09 AM, Andreas Schreiber  wrote:

> Hi Trajce,
> I would be happy about these builds ;)
> Trying right now to build osg and the 3rdPartys so I can work again with
> it.
> I would need the collada plugin as well. Do I need to build these as well
> for VS 2015?
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Andreas
> --
> Read this topic online here:
> ___
> osg-users mailing list

trajce nikolov nick
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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2015-07-27 Thread Trajce Nikolov NICK
Found it :-)

Thanks !


On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 2:28 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:

 Bojrn, me again :-),

 I was having the sources from the mingw32 package which didn't worked, but
 managed almost all with the sources from sourceforge. One question, from
 where did you get the libtiff sources? I tried different origins including
 the official one but still can not find the one containing
 ... Can you give me a pointer?

 Thanks a bunch!


 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:

 Hi again Bjorn,

 by looking at the CMakeLists.txt(s) CMake will need some env variables. I
 haven't tried it yet, but is this how it is intended to work?

 Thanks again,

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:29 AM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:

 Thanks Bjorn !

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Björn Blissing

 Hi Nick,

 If building it from source is an option for you. I have made a CMake
 script to simplify the building some of the most important 3rd party

 Best regards

 Den 25 jul 2015 1:47 em skrev Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Hi Community,

 anyone aware of build of the 3rdparty dependencies with MSVS 2015 and
 willing to share?

 Thanks a bunch as always!


 trajce nikolov nick
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 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick

trajce nikolov nick
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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2015-07-27 Thread Trajce Nikolov NICK
Hi again Bjorn,

by looking at the CMakeLists.txt(s) CMake will need some env variables. I
haven't tried it yet, but is this how it is intended to work?

Thanks again,

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:29 AM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:

 Thanks Bjorn !

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Björn Blissing

 Hi Nick,

 If building it from source is an option for you. I have made a CMake
 script to simplify the building some of the most important 3rd party

 Best regards

 Den 25 jul 2015 1:47 em skrev Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Hi Community,

 anyone aware of build of the 3rdparty dependencies with MSVS 2015 and
 willing to share?

 Thanks a bunch as always!


 trajce nikolov nick
 osg-users mailing list

 trajce nikolov nick

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Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2015-07-27 Thread Trajce Nikolov NICK
Hi again,

I bombed this thread with my findings with the progress, I hope no one will
mind my impatience :-)

Bjorn, although all is configured it seams you have used this with some
specific versions that are sort of out dated (like jpeg and freetype).
Could you point me for the sources of your libs you did your builds with
these CMakeLists.txt(s)?

Thanks a lot


On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:

 Found it :-)

 Thanks !


 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 2:28 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:

 Bojrn, me again :-),

 I was having the sources from the mingw32 package which didn't worked,
 but managed almost all with the sources from sourceforge. One question,
 from where did you get the libtiff sources? I tried different origins
 including the official one but still can not find the one
 containing ... Can you give me a pointer?

 Thanks a bunch!


 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:

 Hi again Bjorn,

 by looking at the CMakeLists.txt(s) CMake will need some env variables.
 I haven't tried it yet, but is this how it is intended to work?

 Thanks again,

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:29 AM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:

 Thanks Bjorn !

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Björn Blissing

 Hi Nick,

 If building it from source is an option for you. I have made a CMake
 script to simplify the building some of the most important 3rd party

 Best regards

 Den 25 jul 2015 1:47 em skrev Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Hi Community,

 anyone aware of build of the 3rdparty dependencies with MSVS 2015 and
 willing to share?

 Thanks a bunch as always!


 trajce nikolov nick
 osg-users mailing list

 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick

trajce nikolov nick
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2015-07-27 Thread Trajce Nikolov NICK
Bojrn, me again :-),

I was having the sources from the mingw32 package which didn't worked, but
managed almost all with the sources from sourceforge. One question, from
where did you get the libtiff sources? I tried different origins including
the official one but still can not find the one containing
... Can you give me a pointer?

Thanks a bunch!


On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:

 Hi again Bjorn,

 by looking at the CMakeLists.txt(s) CMake will need some env variables. I
 haven't tried it yet, but is this how it is intended to work?

 Thanks again,

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:29 AM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:

 Thanks Bjorn !

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Björn Blissing

 Hi Nick,

 If building it from source is an option for you. I have made a CMake
 script to simplify the building some of the most important 3rd party

 Best regards

 Den 25 jul 2015 1:47 em skrev Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Hi Community,

 anyone aware of build of the 3rdparty dependencies with MSVS 2015 and
 willing to share?

 Thanks a bunch as always!


 trajce nikolov nick
 osg-users mailing list

 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2015-07-27 Thread Björn Blissing
Hi Nick,

If you look at the file there are listing of which version I have 
successfully tested against. There for each library there is also a link to 
where you can download the latest source.

It has been a couple of months since I last tried to build these libraries, so 
some of them has updated.

The libraries which have updated since I last tested are:


Latest version tested: 1.6.16

Current version available: 1.6.18


Latest version tested: 4.0.3

Current version available: 4.0.4


Latest version tested: 2.5.5

Current version available: 2.6.0

Except for FreeType I guess there are only minor upgrades, so the build scripts 
should probably work even with the newest versions (but I cannot give any 

Best regards


Från: osg-users för Trajce Nikolov 
Skickat: den 27 juli 2015 15:42
Till: OpenSceneGraph Users
Ämne: Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

Hi again,

I bombed this thread with my findings with the progress, I hope no one will 
mind my impatience :-)

Bjorn, although all is configured it seams you have used this with some 
specific versions that are sort of out dated (like jpeg and freetype). Could 
you point me for the sources of your libs you did your builds with these 

Thanks a lot


On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:
Found it :-)

Thanks !


On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 2:28 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:
Bojrn, me again :-),

I was having the sources from the mingw32 package which didn't worked, but 
managed almost all with the sources from sourceforge. One question, from where 
did you get the libtiff sources? I tried different origins including the 
official one but still can not find the one containing ... Can 
you give me a pointer?

Thanks a bunch!


On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:
Hi again Bjorn,

by looking at the CMakeLists.txt(s) CMake will need some env variables. I 
haven't tried it yet, but is this how it is intended to work?

Thanks again,

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:29 AM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:
Thanks Bjorn !

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Björn Blissing wrote:
Hi Nick,

If building it from source is an option for you. I have made a CMake script to 
simplify the building some of the most important 3rd party dependencies.

Best regards

Den 25 jul 2015 1:47 em skrev Trajce Nikolov NICK
Hi Community,

anyone aware of build of the 3rdparty dependencies with MSVS 2015 and willing 
to share?

Thanks a bunch as always!


trajce nikolov nick
osg-users mailing list

trajce nikolov nick

trajce nikolov nick

trajce nikolov nick

trajce nikolov nick

trajce nikolov nick
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2015-07-27 Thread Trajce Nikolov NICK
Thanks a lot Bjorn!

My bad :-( .. I should have done the homework first (README file). Thanks
again !


On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Björn Blissing

 Hi Nick,

 If you look at the file there are listing of which version I
 have successfully tested against. There for each library there is also a
 link to where you can download the latest source.

 It has been a couple of months since I last tried to build these
 libraries, so some of them has updated.

 The libraries which have updated since I last tested are:


 Latest version tested: 1.6.16

 Current version available: 1.6.18


 Latest version tested: 4.0.3

 Current version available: 4.0.4


 Latest version tested: 2.5.5

 Current version available: 2.6.0

 Except for FreeType I guess there are only minor upgrades, so the build
 scripts should probably work even with the newest versions (but I cannot
 give any guarantees).

 Best regards


 Från: osg-users för Trajce
 Nikolov NICK
 Skickat: den 27 juli 2015 15:42
 Till: OpenSceneGraph Users
 Ämne: Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

 Hi again,

 I bombed this thread with my findings with the progress, I hope no one
 will mind my impatience :-)

 Bjorn, although all is configured it seams you have used this with some
 specific versions that are sort of out dated (like jpeg and freetype).
 Could you point me for the sources of your libs you did your builds with
 these CMakeLists.txt(s)?

 Thanks a lot


 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Found it :-)

 Thanks !


 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 2:28 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Bojrn, me again :-),

 I was having the sources from the mingw32 package which didn't worked, but
 managed almost all with the sources from sourceforge. One question, from
 where did you get the libtiff sources? I tried different origins including
 the official one but still can not find the one containing
 ... Can you give me a pointer?

 Thanks a bunch!


 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Hi again Bjorn,

 by looking at the CMakeLists.txt(s) CMake will need some env variables. I
 haven't tried it yet, but is this how it is intended to work?

 Thanks again,

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:29 AM, Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Thanks Bjorn !

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Björn Blissing wrote:
 Hi Nick,

 If building it from source is an option for you. I have made a CMake
 script to simplify the building some of the most important 3rd party

 Best regards

 Den 25 jul 2015 1:47 em skrev Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Hi Community,

 anyone aware of build of the 3rdparty dependencies with MSVS 2015 and
 willing to share?

 Thanks a bunch as always!


 trajce nikolov nick
 osg-users mailing list

 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick
 osg-users mailing list

trajce nikolov nick
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2015-07-27 Thread Trajce Nikolov NICK
Hi Community,

I have builds for MSVS2015 (64bit only at the moment but can do 32bit as
well). If anyone in need of these please ping me.

Bjorn, thanks again !


On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 4:51 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK wrote:

 Thanks a lot Bjorn!

 My bad :-( .. I should have done the homework first (README file). Thanks
 again !


 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 4:35 PM, Björn Blissing

 Hi Nick,

 If you look at the file there are listing of which version I
 have successfully tested against. There for each library there is also a
 link to where you can download the latest source.

 It has been a couple of months since I last tried to build these
 libraries, so some of them has updated.

 The libraries which have updated since I last tested are:


 Latest version tested: 1.6.16

 Current version available: 1.6.18


 Latest version tested: 4.0.3

 Current version available: 4.0.4


 Latest version tested: 2.5.5

 Current version available: 2.6.0

 Except for FreeType I guess there are only minor upgrades, so the build
 scripts should probably work even with the newest versions (but I cannot
 give any guarantees).

 Best regards


 Från: osg-users för Trajce
 Nikolov NICK
 Skickat: den 27 juli 2015 15:42
 Till: OpenSceneGraph Users
 Ämne: Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

 Hi again,

 I bombed this thread with my findings with the progress, I hope no one
 will mind my impatience :-)

 Bjorn, although all is configured it seams you have used this with some
 specific versions that are sort of out dated (like jpeg and freetype).
 Could you point me for the sources of your libs you did your builds with
 these CMakeLists.txt(s)?

 Thanks a lot


 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Found it :-)

 Thanks !


 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 2:28 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Bojrn, me again :-),

 I was having the sources from the mingw32 package which didn't worked,
 but managed almost all with the sources from sourceforge. One question,
 from where did you get the libtiff sources? I tried different origins
 including the official one but still can not find the one containing ... Can you give me a pointer?

 Thanks a bunch!


 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Hi again Bjorn,

 by looking at the CMakeLists.txt(s) CMake will need some env variables. I
 haven't tried it yet, but is this how it is intended to work?

 Thanks again,

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:29 AM, Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Thanks Bjorn !

 On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Björn Blissing wrote:
 Hi Nick,

 If building it from source is an option for you. I have made a CMake
 script to simplify the building some of the most important 3rd party

 Best regards

 Den 25 jul 2015 1:47 em skrev Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Hi Community,

 anyone aware of build of the 3rdparty dependencies with MSVS 2015 and
 willing to share?

 Thanks a bunch as always!


 trajce nikolov nick
 osg-users mailing list

 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick

 trajce nikolov nick
 osg-users mailing list

 trajce nikolov nick

trajce nikolov nick
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2015-07-26 Thread Trajce Nikolov NICK
Thanks Bjorn !

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Björn Blissing

 Hi Nick,

 If building it from source is an option for you. I have made a CMake
 script to simplify the building some of the most important 3rd party

 Best regards

 Den 25 jul 2015 1:47 em skrev Trajce Nikolov NICK
 Hi Community,

 anyone aware of build of the 3rdparty dependencies with MSVS 2015 and
 willing to share?

 Thanks a bunch as always!


 trajce nikolov nick
 osg-users mailing list

trajce nikolov nick
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2015-07-26 Thread Björn Blissing
Hi Nick,

If building it from source is an option for you. I have made a CMake script to 
simplify the building some of the most important 3rd party dependencies.

Best regards

Den 25 jul 2015 1:47 em skrev Trajce Nikolov NICK
Hi Community,

anyone aware of build of the 3rdparty dependencies with MSVS 2015 and willing 
to share?

Thanks a bunch as always!


trajce nikolov nick
osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] MSVS2015 3rdparty build

2015-07-25 Thread Trajce Nikolov NICK
Hi Community,

anyone aware of build of the 3rdparty dependencies with MSVS 2015 and
willing to share?

Thanks a bunch as always!


trajce nikolov nick
osg-users mailing list