Re: [osgi-dev] SCR API

2019-02-26 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev
Because sometimes I will have no influence on what build tools are used by
the developers, e.g., when using UI components developed by a third party.

However, I already discussed this issue with Jürgen and additionally  I
think in my case your suggestion might be another sensible way, to what
I've discussed with Jürgen.

It took me quite some time to understand your arguments. Sometimes it's
hard to grasp the concepts after having already a specific (wrong) picture
of how things work in mind ;)

Thanks for all the input you gave on this topic.

Kind regards,

Am Di., 26. Feb. 2019 um 15:59 Uhr schrieb BJ Hargrave :

> Why not just do this at tool time? You could author a Bnd plugin which
> scans for the Vaadin annotations in the class files and generate DS xml.
> This is what we do for the DS annotations.
> --
> BJ Hargrave
> Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM // office: +1 386 848 1781
> OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance // mobile: +1 386 848 3788
> - Original message -
> From: Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 
> Sent by:
> To: "Jürgen Albert" , OSGi Developer Mail
> List 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] SCR API
> Date: Tue, Feb 26, 2019 3:31 AM
> Hi Jürgen,
> Thanks for the additional clarification.
> Regarding creating DS component descriptions programmatically:
> This could be useful for aliasing DS component annotations at runtime,
> e.g., you have third party code (non-osgi) whose structure (e.g., methods
> of superclasses or their own annotations or anything else) could be mapped
> to (a subset of) the semantic meaning  of DS annotations, then you could
> write an extender which scans classes for those
> annotations/methods/whatever and declares them to be components at runtime.
> In my current usecase this would be @Route annotation of Vaadin Flow.
> Those classes I always want to be @Component(scope=ServiceScope.PROTOTYPE,
> service=HasElement.class) annotated. This could be done programmatically
> via such an API.
> If such an API would exist I could make existing (non-osgi) classes become
> components transparently. In my opinion this would make integration of some
> third-party libs easier, but I'm not that experienced, so maybe I'm
> completely wrong about this ;)
> Regarding the use of View:
> In Vaadin Flow there is a (non-osgi) class Instantiator which is called
> (method looks roughly like this: public HasElement
> getOrCreate(Class view)) whenever a View has to be created. The
> Instantiator then creates an instance of the according View and returns
> this instance to the Flow framework. In this usecase I need a reference to
> the instance, so Flow can use it for whatever it does.
> So basically it's the case where I need a reference to an osgi service
> from within a non-osgi class in a synchronous way.
> Kind regards,
> Thomas
> Am Mo., 25. Feb. 2019 um 17:00 Uhr schrieb Jürgen Albert via osgi-dev <
> See my comments inline.
> Am 25/02/2019 um 16:24 schrieb Thomas Driessen:
> Hi Tim, hi Jürgen,
> thanks for your detailed answers.
> Just to wrap it up so I didn't get something wrong:
> A service is an object with an interface and properties registered in the
> OSGi service registry and can be seen as an OSGi primitive for bundle
> interoperation.
> SCR is just a DI Framework that takes OSGi's dynamism into account and
> additionally registers all its components (declarative services) as
> services in the OSGi service registry.
> Yes and no. The Second half of the first sentence is correct, the first
> only partial:
> DS creates Components, that follow a lifecycle (activate, update,
> deactivate) dependent on the availability of configurations and/or
> dependencies. If a Component declares a service class (Which can be a
> normal class, abstract class or Interface), then it is registered in the
> service un-/registry according to its life cycle.
> @Tim: I might have expressed myself ambiguously. I didn't want to propose
> to change the DS specification which standardizes how services can be
> defined declaratively and also describes the behavior of a SCR
> implementation.
> What I instead intended to do was to ask if it would be possible/sensible
> for a SCR implementation (e.g., Apache Felix SCR) to also offer an API as
> mentioned before, so that I can write an Extender that takes non-annotated
> classes at runtime and tell an SCR implementation which fields/methods have
> to be treated as if they were annotated with DS annotations.
> However, if that is what you understood from my last mail anyway then I
> st

Re: [osgi-dev] Mave archetype repository not reachable

2019-02-26 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Am Di., 26. Feb. 2019 um 15:30 Uhr schrieb BJ Hargrave :

> See
> --
> BJ Hargrave
> Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM // office: +1 386 848 1781
> OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance // mobile: +1 386 848 3788
> - Original message -
> From: Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 
> Sent by:
> To: OSGi Developer Mail List 
> Cc:
> Subject: [osgi-dev] Mave archetype repository not reachable
> Date: Tue, Feb 26, 2019 9:24 AM
> Hi,
> currently the repository for enroute maven archetypes, i.e.,
> is returning 404.
> I assume this is not intended.
> Kind regards,
> Thomas
> ___
> OSGi Developer Mail List
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] Mave archetype repository not reachable

2019-02-26 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

currently the repository for enroute maven archetypes, i.e.,
is returning 404.

I assume this is not intended.

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] SCR API

2019-02-26 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev
Hi Jürgen,

Thanks for the additional clarification.

Regarding creating DS component descriptions programmatically:
This could be useful for aliasing DS component annotations at runtime,
e.g., you have third party code (non-osgi) whose structure (e.g., methods
of superclasses or their own annotations or anything else) could be mapped
to (a subset of) the semantic meaning  of DS annotations, then you could
write an extender which scans classes for those
annotations/methods/whatever and declares them to be components at runtime.
In my current usecase this would be @Route annotation of Vaadin Flow. Those
classes I always want to be @Component(scope=ServiceScope.PROTOTYPE,
service=HasElement.class) annotated. This could be done programmatically
via such an API.
If such an API would exist I could make existing (non-osgi) classes become
components transparently. In my opinion this would make integration of some
third-party libs easier, but I'm not that experienced, so maybe I'm
completely wrong about this ;)

Regarding the use of View:
In Vaadin Flow there is a (non-osgi) class Instantiator which is called
(method looks roughly like this: public HasElement
getOrCreate(Class view)) whenever a View has to be created. The
Instantiator then creates an instance of the according View and returns
this instance to the Flow framework. In this usecase I need a reference to
the instance, so Flow can use it for whatever it does.
So basically it's the case where I need a reference to an osgi service from
within a non-osgi class in a synchronous way.

Kind regards,

Am Mo., 25. Feb. 2019 um 17:00 Uhr schrieb Jürgen Albert via osgi-dev <>:

> See my comments inline.
> Am 25/02/2019 um 16:24 schrieb Thomas Driessen:
> Hi Tim, hi Jürgen,
> thanks for your detailed answers.
> Just to wrap it up so I didn't get something wrong:
> A service is an object with an interface and properties registered in the
> OSGi service registry and can be seen as an OSGi primitive for bundle
> interoperation.
> SCR is just a DI Framework that takes OSGi's dynamism into account and
> additionally registers all its components (declarative services) as
> services in the OSGi service registry.
> Yes and no. The Second half of the first sentence is correct, the first
> only partial:
> DS creates Components, that follow a lifecycle (activate, update,
> deactivate) dependent on the availability of configurations and/or
> dependencies. If a Component declares a service class (Which can be a
> normal class, abstract class or Interface), then it is registered in the
> service un-/registry according to its life cycle.
> @Tim: I might have expressed myself ambiguously. I didn't want to propose
> to change the DS specification which standardizes how services can be
> defined declaratively and also describes the behavior of a SCR
> implementation.
> What I instead intended to do was to ask if it would be possible/sensible
> for a SCR implementation (e.g., Apache Felix SCR) to also offer an API as
> mentioned before, so that I can write an Extender that takes non-annotated
> classes at runtime and tell an SCR implementation which fields/methods have
> to be treated as if they were annotated with DS annotations.
> However, if that is what you understood from my last mail anyway then I
> still seem to be too dumb to get why such an API would be a request for a
> radically different component model, e.g., why it makes such a difference
> if the SCR instantiates a component because of an XML it reads or because
> another entity commands it to do so. The information that is given for the
> instantiation would be the same on the imperative as on the declarative way
> I think.
> I can see that creating new DS component descriptions programmatically
> might be useful, but I'm not quite sure, when this should be necessary.
> @Jürgen: I don't think this would work in my case, as I need a reference
> to the instance created. So when I create an instance via ConfigAdmin then
> I usually don't get back a reference to the instance that is created by the
> ConfigAdmin, but only have a reference on the configuration I used to
> create a new instance. Or am I wrong?
> What do you need to do with the View of your example? If this needs to be
> used elsewhere, then this component should await the emergence on the
> Service you have just configured via a reference with a target.
> Kind regards,
> Thomas
> -- Originalnachricht --
> Von: "Jürgen Albert via osgi-dev" 
> An:
> Gesendet: 22.02.2019 15:34:16
> Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] SCR API
> As an Addition to the things already suggested:
> Taking your example I would create the MainView as fo

Re: [osgi-dev] SCR API

2019-02-25 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev
, e.g., when I assume that scope is 
always PROTOTYPE but the developer forgot to set it to this value. 
This problem came up during my discussion with Vaadin for a Flow-OSGi 

This is really a decision that needs to be made by the component 
developer. It doesn’t always make sense for a component to be 
PROTOTYPE scoped, and they need to be aware that there may be multiple 
instances created

In this context it would be great if there were a possibility to 
programmatically create components (not services) where I can tell 
SCR what fields/methods have to be treated as @Reference or lifecycle 
methods and let SCR do the heavy lifting.

This is not what SCR does. SCR is a declarative component model, not a 
programmatic one. There is no “DS builder API” for creating 
components. If you want a builder API for creating a component then 
you need to use a component framework that works in this way. As Ray 
pointed out in a previous mail chain there is the Apache Aries 
Component DSL. You could also use Apache Felix Dependency Manager.

Would such an API make sense? Or would it even be possible?

I think in general this would be very useful in order to create OSGi 
integrations for third-party libs that need to interact with DS in 

This isn’t really a question of third party libraries interacting with 
DS, it’s a request for a radically different component model with some 
DS-like capabilities. There are already framework implementations in 
the world that provide what you’re looking for, just not using DS.

Best Regards,


On 21 Feb 2019, at 18:07, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 

Hi BJ,

sorry for being imprecise. I sometimes get confused regarding the 
proper naming in OSGi. I will try to clear things up by defining what 
my understanding is about services:

From my understanding there are two kinds of "services":
1) "Old school Services": I usually register those programmatically 
via context.registerService(...). Those services are just POJOs with 
a little bit metadata, i.e., properties, and a well-defined 
interface. Those I will call services for the rest of this mail.
2) "Fancy services" aka DS managed by a SCR. I specify those 
declaratively via annotations, they have a lifecycle and can have 
references to other services/components via annotations like 
@Activate/@Deactivate (Lifecycle) and @Reference. Those I will call 
components for the rest of this mail.

The difference between both (as far as I understand it) is that 
services can be instantiated and registered programmatically, but are 
not managed by SCR and therefore have no references and lifecycle 

Components on the other side have references and lifecycle methods, 
but in order to instantiate them programmatically I have to force a 
developer to annotate the class with 
@Component(scope=ServiceScope.PROTOTYPE) and then use 
ServiceObjects#getService() to instantiate/register it.

This procedure can be error-prone, e.g., when I assume that scope is 
always PROTOTYPE but the developer forgot to set it to this value. 
This problem came up during my discussion with Vaadin for a Flow-OSGi 

In this context it would be great if there were a possibility to 
programmatically create components (not services) where I can tell 
SCR what fields/methods have to be treated as @Reference or lifecycle 
methods and let SCR do the heavy lifting.
In Flow this would enable me to easily instantiate all classes that 
are annotated with Vaadin's @Route annotation and register them as 
components with scope PROTOTYPE and also to encorporate stuff like 
references and lifecycle methods with my own annotations.

So for a class that looks like this:

public class MainView extends VerticalLayout{
  SomeService someService;

I could call some imaginary API like this:


and SCR would create this comopnent at runtime, inject the service 
someService and then return this instance so that a third-party lib 
can interact with it, while SCR still controls the lifecycle and 
coming/going of referenced services/components.

Would such an API make sense? Or would it even be possible?

I think in general this would be very useful in order to create OSGi 
integrations for third-party libs that need to interact with DS in 

I hope this clarified my former email.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "BJ Hargrave" 
Gesendet: 21.02.2019 14:48:18
Betreff: Re: Re[2]: [osgi-dev] SCR API

I am not what you mean by a "possiblity to register services in a 
way to get references injected at runtime". Those are the different 
sides of a service: The provider of the service and the consumers of 
a service. Each side can use different models to interact. One ca

Re: [osgi-dev] SCR API

2019-02-21 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi BJ,

sorry for being imprecise. I sometimes get confused regarding the proper 
naming in OSGi. I will try to clear things up by defining what my 
understanding is about services:

From my understanding there are two kinds of "services":
1) "Old school Services": I usually register those programmatically via 
context.registerService(...). Those services are just POJOs with a 
little bit metadata, i.e., properties, and a well-defined interface. 
Those I will call services for the rest of this mail.
2) "Fancy services" aka DS managed by a SCR. I specify those 
declaratively via annotations, they have a lifecycle and can have 
references to other services/components via annotations like 
@Activate/@Deactivate (Lifecycle) and @Reference. Those I will call 
components for the rest of this mail.

The difference between both (as far as I understand it) is that services 
can be instantiated and registered programmatically, but are not managed 
by SCR and therefore have no references and lifecycle methods.

Components on the other side have references and lifecycle methods, but 
in order to instantiate them programmatically I have to force a 
developer to annotate the class with 
@Component(scope=ServiceScope.PROTOTYPE) and then use 
ServiceObjects#getService() to instantiate/register it.

This procedure can be error-prone, e.g., when I assume that scope is 
always PROTOTYPE but the developer forgot to set it to this value. This 
problem came up during my discussion with Vaadin for a Flow-OSGi 

In this context it would be great if there were a possibility to 
programmatically create components (not services) where I can tell SCR 
what fields/methods have to be treated as @Reference or lifecycle 
methods and let SCR do the heavy lifting.
In Flow this would enable me to easily instantiate all classes that are 
annotated with Vaadin's @Route annotation and register them as 
components with scope PROTOTYPE and also to encorporate stuff like 
references and lifecycle methods with my own annotations.

So for a class that looks like this:

public class MainView extends VerticalLayout{
  SomeService someService;

I could call some imaginary API like this:


and SCR would create this comopnent at runtime, inject the service 
someService and then return this instance so that a third-party lib can 
interact with it, while SCR still controls the lifecycle and 
coming/going of referenced services/components.

Would such an API make sense? Or would it even be possible?

I think in general this would be very useful in order to create OSGi 
integrations for third-party libs that need to interact with DS in OSGi.

I hope this clarified my former email.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "BJ Hargrave" 
Gesendet: 21.02.2019 14:48:18
Betreff: Re: Re[2]: [osgi-dev] SCR API

I am not what you mean by a "possiblity to register services in a way 
to get references injected at runtime". Those are the different sides 
of a service: The provider of the service and the consumers of a 
service. Each side can use different models to interact. One can 
register with the service API and the other can consume with DS, CDI, 
etc. So service consumers do not need to care how the service provider 
is implemented. So you can used DS to @Reference services which have 
been registered by any method.

Because everything is a service in the framework's service registry, 
each side of the service interaction can be written using different 


BJ Hargrave
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM // office: +1 386 848 1781
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance // mobile: +1 386 848 3788

- Original message -
From: "Thomas Driessen" 
To: "BJ Hargrave" 
Subject: Re[2]: [osgi-dev] SCR API
Date: Thu, Feb 21, 2019 7:37 AM

Hi BJ,

is there a possiblity to register services in a way to get references 
injected at runtime, i.e., something like the @Reference funtionality 
but for services registered programmatically?

I think this would be a great enhancement for third-partyy libraries 
who want to plug in into OSGi's DI framework.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "BJ Hargrave" 
Gesendet: 21.02.2019 13:21:06
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] SCR API

There is not plan for Declarative Services to have an API for 
imperatively creating components/services. The whole point of 
Declarative Services is the declarative nature of it. You can always 
use the service APIs of the framework to create services. Or 
something like felix dependency manager.


BJ Hargrave
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM // o

Re: [osgi-dev] ComponentServiceObjects vs ServiceObjects

2019-02-19 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Tim,

as always this is super informative :) Thanks.

Should I then use ComponentServiceObjects too when I'm not in the 
context of a @Component annotated class?
In my last sketch for the OSGi integration in Vaadin Flow I used 
ServiceObjects instead. Would ComponentServiceObjects be better here?

This is the class I'm talking about:

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" 

Gesendet: 19.02.2019 14:02:21
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] ComponentServiceObjects vs ServiceObjects

As I get it ComponentServiceObjects are just for use within Components 
and are obtained vie @Reference?

Yes - you should *always* use ComponentServiceObjects if you want to 
get on-demand instances of a prototype scope service inside your DS 

But why are not ServiceObjects used for this?

ServiceObjects is a low-level API. You are responsible for ensuring 
that *every* call to get is balanced by a call to unget. This gives 
your component a big tidy-up job in its deactivate method (and other 
places as necessary). If you use ComponentServiceObjects then DS is 
able to track all of the instances that you’ve created and make sure 
that they all get released automatically if your component is 
deactivated or the reference is rebound (for example with a greedy 
dynamic mandatory reference).

ComponentServiceObjects is therefore much safer to use than 
ServiceObjects as you don’t need to be worried about the mess that 
could be ongoing when your component stops. Note that if your component 
can create a potentially unlimited number of service instances from the 
ComponentServiceObjects you must still make sure to release instances 
that you create. If you fail to do this you will run out of memory.

I hope this helps.


On 19 Feb 2019, at 13:53, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 


can someone explain to me the difference between 
ComponentServiceObjects and ServiceObjects and when to use which?

As I get it ComponentServiceObjects are just for use within Components 
and are obtained vie @Reference? But why are not ServiceObjects used 
for this?

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] ComponentServiceObjects vs ServiceObjects

2019-02-19 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


can someone explain to me the difference between ComponentServiceObjects 
and ServiceObjects and when to use which?

As I get it ComponentServiceObjects are just for use within Components 
and are obtained vie @Reference? But why are not ServiceObjects used for 

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding field injection

2019-02-18 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Tim,

you're right. Now the build succeeds :/ Don't know what went wrong 
during the last build.
The error message seems to have been introduced by bnd 4.2? This is a 
great aid :) In 4.1. the build suceeded also when I'm did not declare 
the field volatile.

Thanks for your patience.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" 
Cc: "Neil Bartlett" ; "OSGi Developer Mail List" 

Gesendet: 18.02.2019 13:54:20
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding 
field injection


The build works fine for me in GitPod. You probably have corrupt things 
in your local repo, either delete them or force an update of snapshots 
(-U on the command line). Note that you also get a nice error message 
for the case that you claim didn’t work:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
biz.aQute.bnd:bnd-maven-plugin:4.2.0-SNAPSHOT:bnd-process (default) on 
project impl: In component io.jatoms.osgi.refs.ComponentImpl, field 
tests policy is 'dynamic' and field is not volatile. -> [Help 1]

Best Regards,


On 18 Feb 2019, at 13:45, Thomas Driessen 

Hi Tim,

I added this plugin repository and change the bnd.version property to 
4.2.0-SNAPSHOT, but still get errors during the build with eroor 
message "No plugin found for prefix 'bnd-indexer' ..."

Maven complains about several metadata being invalid, e.g.:

The metadata 
Snapshots.xml is invalid
The metadata 
Snapshots.xml is invalid
The POM for 
biz.aQute.bnd:bnd-maven-plugin:jar:4.2.0-20190215.224729-106 is 


You can have a look at the workspace and try it for yourself if you 

Just type "resolve app" in the command line.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" 
Cc: "Neil Bartlett" ; "OSGi Developer Mail List" 

Gesendet: 18.02.2019 10:53:23
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding 
field injection

When I change the version number of bnd to 4.2.0 in the standard 
enRoute setup, then some of the bnd-plugins can not be found by 

That’s because and 4.2.0 isn’t released yet - you need to add a 
plugin repository containing 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT (which is also the 
version you should be using. If you look at the readme for the bnd 
repo on GitHub you can see the repo url is


On 18 Feb 2019, at 10:51, Thomas Driessen 

Hi Neil,

thanks for this small history lesson on OSGi. You live, you learn. 
The why is in most cases so much more interesting than the what  :)

I will open an issue on Github then for bnd.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Neil Bartlett" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi 
Developer Mail List" 

Cc: "Tim Ward" 
Gesendet: 18.02.2019 10:44:14
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior 
regarding field injection

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 9:39 AM Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 

Hi Tim,

as always thanks for your super detailed answer!

Just two more questions on this topic:

1) Out of curiosity: do you know why the decision was made to make 
the default for @Reference List static, reluctant? For 
0/1..1 this makes sense to me, but for me an expected default 
behavior for 0/1..n references would have been dynamic, greedy, so 
that I end up with some services isntead of probably none.

The default is reluctant because "greedy" did not exist until DS 
1.2. If the default had been made greedy at that time, components 
coded before DS 1.2 would have seen a substantial change in 
behaviour that could be considered non-backwards-compatible.

Static has *always* been the default over dynamic, because dynamic 
forces the developer to understand thread safety and to code the 
component much more cautiously. Static is simple and safe.

2) The observed Exception for optional/dynamic/reluctant: Is it 
intended? I tried to switch to bnd 4.2.0 to see if this exxception 
occurs there too, but was unable to do so. When I change the 
version number of bnd to 4.2.0 in the standard enRoute setup, then 
some of the bnd-plugins can not be found by maven.

Probably not expected, this smells like a bug.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi 
Developer Mail List" 

Cc: "Raymond Auge" 
Gesendet: 18.02.2019 10:15:54
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior 
regarding field inject

Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding field injection

2019-02-18 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Tim,

I added this plugin repository and change the bnd.version property to 
4.2.0-SNAPSHOT, but still get errors during the build with eroor message 
"No plugin found for prefix 'bnd-indexer' ..."

Maven complains about several metadata being invalid, e.g.:

The metadata 
Snapshots.xml is invalid
The metadata 
Snapshots.xml is invalid
The POM for biz.aQute.bnd:bnd-maven-plugin:jar:4.2.0-20190215.224729-106 
is invalid


You can have a look at the workspace and try it for yourself if you 

Just type "resolve app" in the command line.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" 
Cc: "Neil Bartlett" ; "OSGi Developer Mail List" 

Gesendet: 18.02.2019 10:53:23
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding 
field injection

When I change the version number of bnd to 4.2.0 in the standard 
enRoute setup, then some of the bnd-plugins can not be found by 

That’s because and 4.2.0 isn’t released yet - you need to add a plugin 
repository containing 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT (which is also the version you 
should be using. If you look at the readme for the bnd repo on GitHub 
you can see the repo url is


On 18 Feb 2019, at 10:51, Thomas Driessen 

Hi Neil,

thanks for this small history lesson on OSGi. You live, you learn. The 
why is in most cases so much more interesting than the what  :)

I will open an issue on Github then for bnd.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Neil Bartlett" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" 

Cc: "Tim Ward" 
Gesendet: 18.02.2019 10:44:14
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding 
field injection

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 9:39 AM Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 

Hi Tim,

as always thanks for your super detailed answer!

Just two more questions on this topic:

1) Out of curiosity: do you know why the decision was made to make 
the default for @Reference List static, reluctant? For 0/1..1 
this makes sense to me, but for me an expected default behavior for 
0/1..n references would have been dynamic, greedy, so that I end up 
with some services isntead of probably none.

The default is reluctant because "greedy" did not exist until DS 1.2. 
If the default had been made greedy at that time, components coded 
before DS 1.2 would have seen a substantial change in behaviour that 
could be considered non-backwards-compatible.

Static has *always* been the default over dynamic, because dynamic 
forces the developer to understand thread safety and to code the 
component much more cautiously. Static is simple and safe.

2) The observed Exception for optional/dynamic/reluctant: Is it 
intended? I tried to switch to bnd 4.2.0 to see if this exxception 
occurs there too, but was unable to do so. When I change the version 
number of bnd to 4.2.0 in the standard enRoute setup, then some of 
the bnd-plugins can not be found by maven.

Probably not expected, this smells like a bug.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi 
Developer Mail List" 

Cc: "Raymond Auge" 
Gesendet: 18.02.2019 10:15:54
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior 
regarding field injection

Hi Thomas,

Just to clarify, the behaviour that you see with static reluctant 
services will always look “odd” for cardinalities other than 
mandatory, and what you’ve recorded is 100% correct behaviour.

Static references force the component to be re-created if the value 
of the reference changesReluctant references avoid rebinding the 
service unless it is required


An optional reference bound to nothing will never bind to anything 
again (unless the component is re-created for another reason) 
because having zero references is valid and you are reluctant to 
re-create the component instanceAn optional reference bound to a 
service will not change until that service is unregistered 
(ignoring all new services), at which point it will either:Pick up 
the highest ranked of any matching registered servicesBind to 
nothing if no matching services are availableA multiple reference 
bound to nothing will behave exactly like an optional componentA 
multiple reference bound to one or more services will not change 
until any of the bound services are unregistered (ignoring all new 
services), at which point it will either:Pick up all the available 
registered servicesBind to nothing if no matching services are 

Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding field injection

2019-02-18 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Neil,

thanks for this small history lesson on OSGi. You live, you learn. The 
why is in most cases so much more interesting than the what  :)

I will open an issue on Github then for bnd.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Neil Bartlett" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" 

Cc: "Tim Ward" 
Gesendet: 18.02.2019 10:44:14
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding 
field injection

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 9:39 AM Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 

Hi Tim,

as always thanks for your super detailed answer!

Just two more questions on this topic:

1) Out of curiosity: do you know why the decision was made to make the 
default for @Reference List static, reluctant? For 0/1..1 this 
makes sense to me, but for me an expected default behavior for 0/1..n 
references would have been dynamic, greedy, so that I end up with some 
services isntead of probably none.

The default is reluctant because "greedy" did not exist until DS 1.2. 
If the default had been made greedy at that time, components coded 
before DS 1.2 would have seen a substantial change in behaviour that 
could be considered non-backwards-compatible.

Static has *always* been the default over dynamic, because dynamic 
forces the developer to understand thread safety and to code the 
component much more cautiously. Static is simple and safe.

2) The observed Exception for optional/dynamic/reluctant: Is it 
intended? I tried to switch to bnd 4.2.0 to see if this exxception 
occurs there too, but was unable to do so. When I change the version 
number of bnd to 4.2.0 in the standard enRoute setup, then some of the 
bnd-plugins can not be found by maven.

Probably not expected, this smells like a bug.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" 

Cc: "Raymond Auge" 
Gesendet: 18.02.2019 10:15:54
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding 
field injection

Hi Thomas,

Just to clarify, the behaviour that you see with static reluctant 
services will always look “odd” for cardinalities other than 
mandatory, and what you’ve recorded is 100% correct behaviour.

Static references force the component to be re-created if the value 
of the reference changesReluctant references avoid rebinding the 
service unless it is required


An optional reference bound to nothing will never bind to anything 
again (unless the component is re-created for another reason) because 
having zero references is valid and you are reluctant to re-create 
the component instanceAn optional reference bound to a service will 
not change until that service is unregistered (ignoring all new 
services), at which point it will either:Pick up the highest ranked 
of any matching registered servicesBind to nothing if no matching 
services are availableA multiple reference bound to nothing will 
behave exactly like an optional componentA multiple reference bound 
to one or more services will not change until any of the bound 
services are unregistered (ignoring all new services), at which point 
it will either:Pick up all the available registered servicesBind to 
nothing if no matching services are availableAn “at least one" 
reference bound to one or more services will not change until any of 
the bound services are unregistered (ignoring all new services), at 
which point it will either:Pick up all the available registered 
servicesMake the component unsatisfied

The end result of this is that references that can accept zero will 
tend to zero over time, and then tend to stay with zero bound 
references. At least one references will tend to a small number of 
“stable” services with new services ignored.

In general references of these types should be dynamic or greedy (or 

Best Regards,


On 18 Feb 2019, at 09:38, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 

Oh Sorry :/

Those combinations with cardinalities optional/mandatory have been 
assigned to ITest, those with multiple/at_least_one have been 
assigned to List.

I didn't think it makes sense to assign them vice versa, e.g., ITest 
with multiple or List with mandatory? Or am I wrong? If so, 
in what case would you use such a combination?

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Raymond Auge" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi 
Developer Mail List" 

Gesendet: 16.02.2019 17:42:19
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior 
regarding field injection

You're chart doesn't appear to list _which_ field (Reference) was 
associated with any given line (collection vs. scalar). It makes a 

- Ray

On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 9:15 AM Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 


I'm trying to get an overview over the effects of different 
combinations of cardinality

Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding field injection

2019-02-18 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Tim,

as always thanks for your super detailed answer!

Just two more questions on this topic:

1) Out of curiosity: do you know why the decision was made to make the 
default for @Reference List static, reluctant? For 0/1..1 this 
makes sense to me, but for me an expected default behavior for 0/1..n 
references would have been dynamic, greedy, so that I end up with some 
services isntead of probably none.

2) The observed Exception for optional/dynamic/reluctant: Is it 
intended? I tried to switch to bnd 4.2.0 to see if this exxception 
occurs there too, but was unable to do so. When I change the version 
number of bnd to 4.2.0 in the standard enRoute setup, then some of the 
bnd-plugins can not be found by maven.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" 

Cc: "Raymond Auge" 
Gesendet: 18.02.2019 10:15:54
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding 
field injection

Hi Thomas,

Just to clarify, the behaviour that you see with static reluctant 
services will always look “odd” for cardinalities other than mandatory, 
and what you’ve recorded is 100% correct behaviour.

Static references force the component to be re-created if the value of 
the reference changesReluctant references avoid rebinding the service 
unless it is required


An optional reference bound to nothing will never bind to anything 
again (unless the component is re-created for another reason) because 
having zero references is valid and you are reluctant to re-create the 
component instanceAn optional reference bound to a service will not 
change until that service is unregistered (ignoring all new services), 
at which point it will either:Pick up the highest ranked of any 
matching registered servicesBind to nothing if no matching services are 
availableA multiple reference bound to nothing will behave exactly like 
an optional componentA multiple reference bound to one or more services 
will not change until any of the bound services are unregistered 
(ignoring all new services), at which point it will either:Pick up all 
the available registered servicesBind to nothing if no matching 
services are availableAn “at least one" reference bound to one or more 
services will not change until any of the bound services are 
unregistered (ignoring all new services), at which point it will 
either:Pick up all the available registered servicesMake the component 

The end result of this is that references that can accept zero will 
tend to zero over time, and then tend to stay with zero bound 
references. At least one references will tend to a small number of 
“stable” services with new services ignored.

In general references of these types should be dynamic or greedy (or 

Best Regards,


On 18 Feb 2019, at 09:38, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 

Oh Sorry :/

Those combinations with cardinalities optional/mandatory have been 
assigned to ITest, those with multiple/at_least_one have been assigned 
to List.

I didn't think it makes sense to assign them vice versa, e.g., ITest 
with multiple or List with mandatory? Or am I wrong? If so, in 
what case would you use such a combination?

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht ------
Von: "Raymond Auge" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" 

Gesendet: 16.02.2019 17:42:19
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding 
field injection

You're chart doesn't appear to list _which_ field (Reference) was 
associated with any given line (collection vs. scalar). It makes a 

- Ray

On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 9:15 AM Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 


I'm trying to get an overview over the effects of different 
combinations of cardinality, policy and policyOption within a 
@Reference annotation for a field.

My Example looks like this:

public class MyComp{
  ITest myTest;

  List myTests;

and the observed behavior for this setup with different combinations 
of the above named properties is:

I'm especially interested in the yellow marked cases: Is this an 
intended behavior?

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Raymond Augé <> 
Senior Software Architect Liferay, Inc. <> 
Board Member & EEG Co-Chair, OSGi Alliance <> 

OSGi Developer Mail List
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding field injection

2019-02-18 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Oh Sorry :/

Those combinations with cardinalities optional/mandatory have been 
assigned to ITest, those with multiple/at_least_one have been assigned 
to List.

I didn't think it makes sense to assign them vice versa, e.g., ITest 
with multiple or List with mandatory? Or am I wrong? If so, in 
what case would you use such a combination?

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Raymond Auge" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" 

Gesendet: 16.02.2019 17:42:19
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding 
field injection

You're chart doesn't appear to list _which_ field (Reference) was 
associated with any given line (collection vs. scalar). It makes a 

- Ray

On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 9:15 AM Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 


I'm trying to get an overview over the effects of different 
combinations of cardinality, policy and policyOption within a 
@Reference annotation for a field.

My Example looks like this:

public class MyComp{
  ITest myTest;

  List myTests;

and the observed behavior for this setup with different combinations 
of the above named properties is:

I'm especially interested in the yellow marked cases: Is this an 
intended behavior?

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Raymond Augé <> 
Senior Software Architect Liferay, Inc. <> 
Board Member & EEG Co-Chair, OSGi Alliance <> 
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] Clarification on reference behavior regarding field injection

2019-02-16 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

I'm trying to get an overview over the effects of different combinations of
cardinality, policy and policyOption within a @Reference annotation for a

My Example looks like this:

public class MyComp{
  ITest myTest;

  List myTests;

and the observed behavior for this setup with different combinations of the
above named properties is:
[image: image.png]

I'm especially interested in the yellow marked cases: Is this an intended

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Aliasing OSGi DS annotations

2019-02-14 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev
Hi Toni, hi Tim,

thanks for this information :) Your're probably right. This is too much
effort for a simple name clash.

Kind regards,

Am Do., 14. Feb. 2019, 12:08 hat Toni Menzel 

> Keep in mind that DS Annotations are compile-time only annotations where
> the tooling produces the (relevant) xml spec at build-time.
> You of cause can your own annotations and either add the DS annotations
> underneath before tooling kicks-in or generate the xml fully yourself. The
> benefit of the second approach might be that your annotations can be more
> specific than the DS annotations. The downside is that you lose IDE support
> like Bndtools (if this is desired).
> Its been one of the things we where looking into some time ago. Direct
> aliasing (or even extension) support what be awesome. But you would end up
> doing a large mile by yourself.
> In your case - you only wanting to go around the name-clash - its probably
> way too much.
> Toni Menzel
> *Developer Ergonomist*
> rebaze consultancy
> Alleestrasse 25 / 30167 Hannover / Germany
> M +49 171 6520284
> rebaze GmbH, Zollstrasse 6, 39114 Hannover, Germany
> Managing Director: Toni Menzel
> Phone: +49 <+49%2030%2054909582> 171 6520284 / E-Mail:
> Registration Court: District Court of Stendal
> Registration Number: HRB 17993
> Sales Tax (VAT) Registration Number: DE282233792
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 11:48 AM Tim Ward via osgi-dev <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There isn’t any sort of Aliasing for DS annotations.
>> Best Regards,
>> Tim
>> On 14 Feb 2019, at 09:10, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev <
>>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is there a mechanism in OSGi that allows to alias specific (DS)
>> annotations? (Seems to be possible in Spring according to Vaadin)
>> Currently Vaadin tries to implement an integration for OSGi and there is
>> the case where Users will need to annotate the class with OSGi's @Component
>> annotation that declares the service to be Vaadin's Component class. So one
>> of them would have to be written with the fqcn.
>> It's just an inconvenience, but if there's a way to work around that this
>> would be great :)
>> Kind regards,
>> Thomas
>> ___
>> OSGi Developer Mail List
>> ___
>> OSGi Developer Mail List
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Programmatically creating DS components

2019-02-12 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev
Hi Todor,

thank you so much for your detailed explanation and the additional links.
That helped me a lot to simplify my implementation for Vaadin.

Hopefully this will lead to a seamless integration between Vaadin and OSGi.

Kind regards,

Am Di., 12. Feb. 2019 um 11:05 Uhr schrieb Boev, Todor <>:

> Hi Thomas,
> A better design would be to implement a whiteboard pattern rather than an
> extender.
> Rather than to track and scan bundles it is better to track OSGi services
> that extend Component and
> plug those into Vaadin directly.
> To make sure Vaadin gets a fresh object every time it needs you can
> recommend to your users to
> register their services with a property "service.scope=prototype". This
> property instructs the OSGi
> framework to create a new object every time an attempt is made to grab the
> service. Your
> OSGiInstantiator will then just grab the service every time it is asked to
> create an object.
> The users may still choose to use a singleton object if it is stateless
> for example.
> In this design you abstract away how the users choose to create and
> register their service.
> In the case when they choose Declarative Services they will create a
> regular DS component
> with "service.scope=prototype". No need of a component factory.
> The OSGiInstantiator has to hold on to objects of this type:
> Which are obtained like this:
> -
> It has to store the service instances it creates and release them when
> appropriate.
> The principles of this design are tried and tested in OSGi specifications
> like the
> Http integration - where the core gathers Servlet and Filter services or
> the JAX-RS integration
> where the core gathers resources.
> In my opinion the major technical issues you face are:
> 1. You likely have to pass to Vaadin all classes that it needs to plug
> into the web app ahead of
> time. This means you need to inspect each Component service when it
> arrives to get it's concrete
> class. Basically probe the service by getting one instance then getting
> it's class then releasing
> the instance. Then you may need to reboot the Vaadin application with the
> new class added.
> 2. The OSGiInstantiator is created through ServiceLoader. This means you
> can not initialize it with
> the concrete OSGi service object. It may have to pass through static
> fields that are populated with
> the Component services by other parts of your whiteboard. This can also
> introduce lifecycle issues
> since the OSGiIntantiator may be created before a service it needs is
> added so it may need to block
> for a period of time. If you can pass a ready made OSGiInstantiator to
> Vaadin it will be ideal.
> These implementation complications are well worth the power/simplicity you
> give the users to
> completely control the lifecycle and implementation style of their
> components.
> P.S. With all that said I think there is a real issue with DS and
> programmatic creation of
> components. Since component factories are frowned upon the next best thing
> is to register
> "service.scope=prototype" services that may need setters or initializtion
> methods. The party
> that needs to make programmatically the component can grab a fresh
> instance and the customize it.
> Another pattern I have used is to just add configurations to ConfigAdmin.
> Hope this helps,
> Todor
> On Mon, 2019-02-11 at 09:12 +, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev wrote:
> > Hi Ray,
> >
> > thanks for your time and advice.
> >
> > Regarding your question:
> >
> > The classes are annotated by whoever wants to register a @Route in
> Vaadin. Routes in Vaadin are
> > usually a specific location within a web application. Classes that are
> annotated with @Route are
> > extending Vaadin's Component class and are instantiated by Vaadin
> whenever a new client requests
> > the respective part of the web application. Vaadin delegates the
> instantiation of the class to an
> > Instantiator,  this is usually the DefaultInstantiator class in Vaadin.
> >
> > I try to delegate this instantiation to OSGi by extending Vaadins
> DefaultInstantiator and
> > registering the new OSGiInstantiator via ServiceLoader mechanism which
> is internally used by
> > Vaadin to find its Instantiators.
> > Whenever Vaadin calls an Instantiator it passes a class that has to be
> instantiat

Re: [osgi-dev] Programmatically creating DS components

2019-02-11 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Ray,

thanks for your time and advice.

Regarding your question:

The classes are annotated by whoever wants to register a @Route in 
Vaadin. Routes in Vaadin are usually a specific location within a web 
application. Classes that are annotated with @Route are extending 
Vaadin's Component class and are instantiated by Vaadin whenever a new 
client requests the respective part of the web application. Vaadin 
delegates the instantiation of the class to an Instantiator,  this is 
usually the DefaultInstantiator class in Vaadin.

I try to delegate this instantiation to OSGi by extending Vaadins 
DefaultInstantiator and registering the new OSGiInstantiator via 
ServiceLoader mechanism which is internally used by Vaadin to find its 
Whenever Vaadin calls an Instantiator it passes a class that has to be 
This is the place where I'm using ComponentFactory to create instances 
of those classes.

You can also have a look on all of these classes and additional 
information about the intended logic flow at my repository:

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Raymond Auge" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" 
Cc: "OSGi Developer Mail List" 
Gesendet: 10.02.2019 18:05:56
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Programmatically creating DS components

On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 11:20 AM Thomas Driessen 

Hi Ray,

I'm not defining any additional manifest header if that's what you 
mean. I have no real control over the bundles I need to scan.

What I do is registering a BundleTracker that scans a bundle's classes 
if its wiring states it is importing the package of the annotation I'm 
looking for.
(Can be seen here:

This is precisely the "extender pattern" [1].

Those classes usually look something like this:

public class MyFancyUI extends Component {
   SomeService service;
So I'm looking into the wiring of the bundle if it has imported the 
package "com.vaadin.flow.router" . If so I then scan the bundle's 
classes for the @Route annotation (and @RouteAlias).
Classes that have this annotation can later on be instantiated via 

Can I instantiate such a component with the Apache Aries approach and 
if so will its reference be injected? I'm not sure if this is done if 
I'm registering the instance just as a service.

Let's start with how the classes came to be annotated with @Component, 
and why that isn't already enough.

- Ray


Kind regards,

Am So., 10. Feb. 2019 um 15:38 Uhr schrieb Raymond Auge 
Are you implementing this using the extender pattern? If so, I would 
not use DS. I would use something lower level.

There are plenty of good alternatives for doing this, but I would 
suggest looking at Apache Aries Component DSL [1] (it's what is used 
to implement Aries JAXRS Whiteboard).

- Ray


On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 8:01 AM Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 


I'm currently trying to sketch out a possible better OSGi 
integration for Vaadin 10+.

For this I need to programmatically create DS components in order to 
make @Route/@RouteAlias annotated classes also DS components.

Right now I'm doing this via ComponentFactory and the assumption 
that all @Route annotated classes are also annotated with

@Component(factory="fully qualified class name")

I don't think this is the best way to do this. Having to type the 
fqcn seems rather errorprone to me and therefore I wanted to ask if 
there is a better way (maybe even a typesafe way) to do this?

The code instantiating a component can be seen here:
The class that shall be instantiated can be seen here:

Any advice is highly appreciated.

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Raymond Augé <> 
Senior Software Architect Liferay, Inc. <> 
Board Member & EEG Co-Chair, OSGi Alliance <> 

Raymond Augé <> 
Senior Software Architect Liferay, Inc. <> 
Board Member & EEG Co-Chair, OSGi Alliance <http://

Re: [osgi-dev] Programmatically creating DS components

2019-02-10 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev
Hi Ray,

I'm not defining any additional manifest header if that's what you mean. I
have no real control over the bundles I need to scan.

What I do is registering a BundleTracker that scans a bundle's classes if
its wiring states it is importing the package of the annotation I'm looking
(Can be seen here:

Those classes usually look something like this:

public class MyFancyUI extends Component {
   SomeService service;

So I'm looking into the wiring of the bundle if it has imported the package
"com.vaadin.flow.router" . If so I then scan the bundle's classes for
the @Route annotation (and @RouteAlias).
Classes that have this annotation can later on be instantiated via

Can I instantiate such a component with the Apache Aries approach and if so
will its reference be injected? I'm not sure if this is done if I'm
registering the instance just as a service.

Kind regards,

Am So., 10. Feb. 2019 um 15:38 Uhr schrieb Raymond Auge <>:

> Are you implementing this using the extender pattern? If so, I would not
> use DS. I would use something lower level.
> There are plenty of good alternatives for doing this, but I would suggest
> looking at Apache Aries Component DSL [1] (it's what is used to implement
> Aries JAXRS Whiteboard).
> - Ray
> [1]
> On Sun, Feb 10, 2019 at 8:01 AM Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently trying to sketch out a possible better OSGi integration for
>> Vaadin 10+.
>> For this I need to programmatically create DS components in order to
>> make @Route/@RouteAlias annotated classes also DS components.
>> Right now I'm doing this via ComponentFactory and the assumption that
>> all @Route annotated classes are also annotated with
>> @Component(factory="fully qualified class name")
>> I don't think this is the best way to do this. Having to type the fqcn
>> seems rather errorprone to me and therefore I wanted to ask if there is a
>> better way (maybe even a typesafe way) to do this?
>> The code instantiating a component can be seen here:
>> The class that shall be instantiated can be seen here:
>> Any advice is highly appreciated.
>> Kind regards,
>> Thomas
>> ___
>> OSGi Developer Mail List
> --
> *Raymond Augé* <>
>  (@rotty3000)
> Senior Software Architect *Liferay, Inc.* <>
>  (@Liferay)
> Board Member & EEG Co-Chair, OSGi Alliance <>
> (@OSGiAlliance)
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] Programmatically creating DS components

2019-02-10 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

I'm currently trying to sketch out a possible better OSGi integration for
Vaadin 10+.

For this I need to programmatically create DS components in order to
make @Route/@RouteAlias annotated classes also DS components.

Right now I'm doing this via ComponentFactory and the assumption that
all @Route annotated classes are also annotated with
@Component(factory="fully qualified class name")

I don't think this is the best way to do this. Having to type the fqcn
seems rather errorprone to me and therefore I wanted to ask if there is a
better way (maybe even a typesafe way) to do this?

The code instantiating a component can be seen here:
The class that shall be instantiated can be seen here:

Any advice is highly appreciated.

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] enRoute Project archetype not working correctly?

2019-02-05 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Tim,

you're probably right. When using the archetype command of the 
quickstart tutorial on a linux machine, then everything works as 

The error only occurs when I create the project via Eclipse, i.e., New 
-> Maven Project -> enroute project archetype.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" 

Gesendet: 05.02.2019 17:19:15
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] enRoute Project archetype not working correctly?

Hi Thomas,

What was the command that you used to generate the folders? The Maven 
Archetype Plugin is useful, but the default version used by Maven is 
pretty old. The OSGi enRoute recommendation is that you use version 
3.0.1 of the archetype plugin, as described in

It’s possible that if you used an old version of the archetype plugin 
that it failed to correctly rename the folder based on the template 
variable value.

Best Regards,


On 4 Feb 2019, at 12:13, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 


I just used the enRoute project archetype and this one does generate 
two subfolders named __app-artifactId__ and __impl-artifactId__.
When I now import this project from git in another Eclipse Instance, 
Eclipse complains about missing child modules 
 which are the artifactIds I used for app and impl during project 

Shouldn't the folders be named according to the artifactIds instead of 
__app-artifactId__ and __impl-artifactId__ ?

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] OSGi Vaadin 10+ Integration

2019-02-05 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


this is just an information for those of you who are interested in using 
Vaadin and OSGi together.

Although Vaadin is making V10+ OSGi compatible (adding manifests, using 
BundleTracker instead of ServletContainerInitializer, etc.) they do not 
yet have integrated Declarative Services as they did for V8-. The former 
integration of V8- enabled a developer to declare a Vaadin UI to be a 
component in OSGi, thus being able to reference other services. This is 
not yet possible in V10+ where UIs are replaced by @Route annotated 

I'm trying to add such an integration and if anyone on this mailinglist 
is interested in such a support (I think at least Paul will be ;) ) then 
don't hesitate to comment/vote up the respective issue at Vaadin 
( or comment/contribute on/to 
the implementation sketch (not working yet) at Github 

As I'm fiddling around with (at least for me) advanced DS stuff, please 
let me know if I do not adhere to some known best practises/am messing 
up the implementation/did an awfully bad design or anything else (You 
live and learn ;) ).

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] enRoute Project archetype not working correctly?

2019-02-04 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


I just used the enRoute project archetype and this one does generate two 
subfolders named __app-artifactId__ and __impl-artifactId__.
When I now import this project from git in another Eclipse Instance, 
Eclipse complains about missing child modules  
which are the artifactIds I used for app and impl during project 

Shouldn't the folders be named according to the artifactIds instead of 
__app-artifactId__ and __impl-artifactId__ ?

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] ServletContextListener not working?

2019-02-02 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev
Hi Dirk,

I've read all of your great blog post. By the way thank you for those .
Unfortunately, in those you do exact the same things as I did in my example.

The servlet looks like this:

@Component(service = Servlet.class, scope = ServiceScope.PROTOTYPE)
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet{

 protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws IOException {
resp.getWriter().println("Hello World!");

and the ServletContextListener like this:

public class MySCL implements ServletContextListener {

public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) {

public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {

I think by using the new annotations everything should be set up right. The
Servlet works as expected, but the SCL is never called.

In contrast to your blog post examples I didn't use any specific
ServletContext(Helper), but I thought this would lead to using the default
ServletContext. I think in most of my cases I do not need to use a specific
ServletContext,, so the default would be sufficient.

Kind regards,

Am Sa., 2. Feb. 2019 um 16:50 Uhr schrieb Dirk Fauth :

> Hi,
> Not sure if this helps, but I wrote a blog post a while ago where I also
> used a ServletContextListener in my example.
> Maybe it helps in finding the cause.
> Are you using the http whiteboard pattern and did you set the required
> component property?
> Greez,
> Dirk
> Am Sa., 2. Feb. 2019, 16:07 hat Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev <
>> geschrieben:
>> Hi,
>> I just tried to get a ServletContextListener to work, but did not
>> succeed, although everything is done as defined by the spec.
>> Here you can find a minimal example of my setup
>> The Servlet I'm registering is working fine, but the
>> ServletContextListener that I registered too is never called.
>> Even if I call getServletContext() from within the Servlet, my Listener
>> is never called.
>> I would have expected the ServletContextListener to be called at least
>> once, after a DefaultServletContext has been created by the
>> ServletContainer, or am I wrong with this assumption?
>> Kind regards,
>> Thomas
>> ___
>> OSGi Developer Mail List
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] ServletContextListener not working?

2019-02-02 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

I just tried to get a ServletContextListener to work, but did not succeed,
although everything is done as defined by the spec.

Here you can find a minimal example of my setup

The Servlet I'm registering is working fine, but the ServletContextListener
that I registered too is never called.
Even if I call getServletContext() from within the Servlet, my Listener is
never called.

I would have expected the ServletContextListener to be called at least
once, after a DefaultServletContext has been created by the
ServletContainer, or am I wrong with this assumption?

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] enRoute workspace debugging

2019-02-02 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev
It seems those are the .java files within the OSGI-OPT folder of the
generated  bundle/.jar.
But I have no idea why Eclipse picks those up when it is debugging.
I used the enroute archetypes and didn't change anything.
Maybe it's just a setting somewhere in Eclipse that has to be changed or
within the pom files, I don't know :(

Am Sa., 2. Feb. 2019 um 03:55 Uhr schrieb Raymond Auge via osgi-dev <>:

> The bigger question is why I'm the world are there java files in target?
> target is the build directory. We are there source files in there?
> - Ray
> On Fri, Feb 1, 2019, 13:47 Paul F Fraser via osgi-dev <
> wrote:
>> Thomas,
>> Thank goodness someone else has experienced this. I thought it was my
>> problem only.
>> I mentioned this on this list previously but so far no response.
>> Paul
>> On 2/02/2019 3:54 am, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev wrote:
>> Hi,
>> now that I'm using the enroute maven workspace I stumbled upon another
>> issue.
>> When I'm debugging and a breakpoint is hit, then Eclipse does not open
>> the respective .java file in my project,
>> but the java file from the target folder.
>> Now each time I want to change breakpoints/code/etc. I have to go back to
>> the workspace .java file.
>> Is there a way to tell Eclipse to use the workspace .java file instead of
>> the target folder .java file for debugging?
>> Kind regards,
>> Thomas
>> ___
>> OSGi Developer Mail 
>> listosgi-...@mail.osgi.org
>> ___
>> OSGi Developer Mail List
> ___
> OSGi Developer Mail List
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] enRoute workspace debugging

2019-02-01 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


now that I'm using the enroute maven workspace I stumbled upon another 

When I'm debugging and a breakpoint is hit, then Eclipse does not open 
the respective .java file in my project,

but the java file from the target folder.
Now each time I want to change breakpoints/code/etc. I have to go back 
to the workspace .java file.
Is there a way to tell Eclipse to use the workspace .java file instead 
of the target folder .java file for debugging?

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Scanning classes at runtime

2019-02-01 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Tim,

just an update to this issue:
I've implemented the BundleTracker as indicated by you.
Now I just wanted to know, if that's the way you meant it to be or if 
there is a more elegant way to do this?

The implementation scanning all bundles for a specific import package 
that contains the annotation I'm looking for can be found here:

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Thomas Driessen" 
An: "Tim Ward" 
Gesendet: 23.01.2019 17:56:49
Betreff: Re[2]: [osgi-dev] Scanning classes at runtime

Unfortunatly I don't have any control over the bundles that I have to 
However, I could offer a second scanning implementation that uses the 
req-cap strategy if a developer wants to use that.

Thanks again :)

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" 

Gesendet: 23.01.2019 17:51:25
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Scanning classes at runtime

Depending on how much control you have over the bundles providing the 
types you could also look at providing your own extender 
capabiltiy/requirement model which would further restrict your search 
space, and potentially allow further optimisations. You should take a 
look at the OSGi CDI specification from the enterprise R7 release 
(currently in draft) which does something very much like this.


On 23 Jan 2019, at 16:48, Tim Ward  wrote:


You can optimise this pretty heavily by using the bundle wirings to 
look for bundles which are wired to the same API packages as you (the 
one(s) that contain the relevant interface/supertype/annotation). 
This way you can avoid scanning bundles which can’t possibly contain 
relevant types.

Best Regards,


On 23 Jan 2019, at 16:10, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 


for a project of mine I need to mimic the behavior of a 
ServletContainerInitializer [1], but with the dynamism of OSGi in 

Therefore, I need to be able to find all classes that 
implement/extend a specific class or are annotated with a specific 
annotation at runtime.

Is there a better way to do so that I'm not aware of than to scan 
each class of every bundle? Are there maybe framework hooks that 
would help me accomplish this?

I'm thankful for every hint you can provide.

Kind regards,


OSGi Developer Mail List

OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Move from bnd workspace to maven (enroute) workspace

2019-02-01 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Paul,

yes you're right with respect to Vaadin :)
Actually, the reason I'm exploring the new enRoute maven setup is 
because of Vaadin10+.

Do you actually use OSGi and Vaadin10+ in combination?
If so, is there a possibility to declare @Routes to be also @Components? 
As I get it, the guys at Vaadin are doing their best to make Vaadin OSGi 
compatible. Until now it seems that the only thing that is possible is 
to run Vaadin within an OSGi container, but not to declare @Routes as 
@Components, which would be the actual benefit, IMHO.
In Vaadin8 this was possible either to my own integration or later on 
through their adaptation of it.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Paul F Fraser via osgi-dev" 
Gesendet: 31.01.2019 23:45:35
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Move from bnd workspace to maven (enroute) 

Hi Thomas,

I have been going through the same trauma as you with a fond attachment 
to the bnd workspace and a dislike of maven.
I think you also have an interest in Vaadin. Vaadin has been the 
catalyst for me having to get to know and use the new enRoute.
The ease of using Vaadin addons and the new Vaadin flow when using 
maven has made the journey to date worthwhile.
Without a solid maven background it is bloody difficult and time 
I am now finding that the maven process can be as convenient as the bnd 
workspace approach but still with a few hiccups.

Stick with it, I am.

Note : R7 makes the whole OSGi process much better. DS forever, 
obliterate all previous internet OSGi history :-)


Paul Fraser

On 1/02/2019 8:43 am, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev wrote:

Hi Christian,

thanks for the advice. I've done this already and it works, but is 
obviously not as convenient as using bndtools ;)
I thought that I could maybe use another IDE than Eclipse but without 
bndtools the development is rather cumbersome :/
Bndtools adds so many awesome features that once you've used them you 
don't want to miss them in another IDE ;)

But anyway, thanks for all your advices :)

Kind regards,

Am Do., 31. Jan. 2019 um 18:17 Uhr schrieb Christian Schneider 
What you can do is to export your project into a runnable jar using 

So you simply do mvn clean package.
After that you can start it using:
java -jar 

This is not as convenient as bndtools but still not bad.


Am Do., 31. Jan. 2019 um 18:03 Uhr schrieb Thomas Driessen via 
osgi-dev :

Hi Tim,

thanks for your answer and the link. I will have a look into it :)

Is there any chance that something like a mvn bnd:run/debug command 
(like mvn jetty:run) will be implemented in the future?

This would be great if a user doesn't want to use Eclipse as IDE :)

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" 
Cc: "OSGi Developer Mail List" 
Gesendet: 31.01.2019 17:58:45
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Move from bnd workspace to maven (enroute) 

Hi Thomas,

The simple answer to your question is yes, however the more 
involved answer is that you probably shouldn’t. If you want to read 
up on ways to handle Maven dependency management then I can suggest 
looking at:

This will talk you through how dependencies can be inherited from 
the parent directly (not usually a good idea), how versions of 
common dependencies can be managed centrally in a parent (usually a 
good idea), and how to construct a Bill Of Materials (BOM) which 
you can use as an easy way to grab a bunch of dependencies in one 
go (much like OSGi enRoute does with its indexes).

As for running directly from the command line. There isn’t an 
enRoute or bnd plugin for that, the smarts are all in Bndtools I’m 

Best Regards,


On 31 Jan 2019, at 16:09, Thomas Driessen 

Hi Tim,

just to clarify (I'm not really used to maven yet):

If I want to define a dependency that is used by multiple sub 
modules, then I MAY put this dependency in the root/parent pom. I 
also COULD put this dependency in each of the sub module's poms 
which would have the same effect as the aforementioned approach. I 
don't need to define the dependecnies in both places.

Is this correct?

Regarding the running and reloading of applications in bndtools: I 
don't use Eclipse, therefore I asked if there are maven commands 
that mimc bndtools' behavior ;)

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi 
Developer Mail List" 

Gesendet: 31.01.2019 16:48:54
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Move from bnd workspace to maven (enroute) 


On 31 Jan 2019, at 15:22, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 


I'm currently trying to get used to the new enroute maven 

Re: [osgi-dev] Move from bnd workspace to maven (enroute) workspace

2019-01-31 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev
Hi Christian,

thanks for the advice. I've done this already and it works, but is
obviously not as convenient as using bndtools ;)
I thought that I could maybe use another IDE than Eclipse but without
bndtools the development is rather cumbersome :/
Bndtools adds so many awesome features that once you've used them you don't
want to miss them in another IDE ;)

But anyway, thanks for all your advices :)

Kind regards,

Am Do., 31. Jan. 2019 um 18:17 Uhr schrieb Christian Schneider <>:

> What you can do is to export your project into a runnable jar using maven:
> So you simply do mvn clean package.
> After that you can start it using:
> java -jar 
> This is not as convenient as bndtools but still not bad.
> Christian
> Am Do., 31. Jan. 2019 um 18:03 Uhr schrieb Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev <
>> Hi Tim,
>> thanks for your answer and the link. I will have a look into it :)
>> Is there any chance that something like a mvn bnd:run/debug command (like
>> mvn jetty:run) will be implemented in the future?
>> This would be great if a user doesn't want to use Eclipse as IDE :)
>> Kind regards,
>> Thomas
>> -- Originalnachricht --
>> Von: "Tim Ward" 
>> An: "Thomas Driessen" 
>> Cc: "OSGi Developer Mail List" 
>> Gesendet: 31.01.2019 17:58:45
>> Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Move from bnd workspace to maven (enroute)
>> workspace
>> Hi Thomas,
>> The simple answer to your question is yes, however the more involved
>> answer is that you probably shouldn’t. If you want to read up on ways to
>> handle Maven dependency management then I can suggest looking at:
>> This will talk you through how dependencies can be inherited from the
>> parent directly (not usually a good idea), how versions of common
>> dependencies can be managed centrally in a parent (usually a good idea),
>> and how to construct a Bill Of Materials (BOM) which you can use as an easy
>> way to grab a bunch of dependencies in one go (much like OSGi enRoute does
>> with its indexes).
>> As for running directly from the command line. There isn’t an enRoute or
>> bnd plugin for that, the smarts are all in Bndtools I’m afraid.
>> Best Regards,
>> Tim
>> On 31 Jan 2019, at 16:09, Thomas Driessen 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> just to clarify (I'm not really used to maven yet):
>> If I want to define a dependency that is used by multiple sub modules,
>> then I MAY put this dependency in the root/parent pom. I also COULD put
>> this dependency in each of the sub module's poms which would have the same
>> effect as the aforementioned approach. I don't need to define the
>> dependecnies in both places.
>> Is this correct?
>> Regarding the running and reloading of applications in bndtools: I don't
>> use Eclipse, therefore I asked if there are maven commands that mimc
>> bndtools' behavior ;)
>> Kind regards,
>> Thomas
>> -- Originalnachricht --
>> Von: "Tim Ward" 
>> An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi Developer
>> Mail List" 
>> Gesendet: 31.01.2019 16:48:54
>> Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Move from bnd workspace to maven (enroute)
>> workspace
>> Hi
>> On 31 Jan 2019, at 15:22, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev <
>>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently trying to get used to the new enroute maven workspace
>> layout and now have some questions :)
>> 1)
>> In a bnd workspace I had the central.xml file where I put all the
>> dependencies I wanted in my local maven bnd worspace repository. Where do I
>> put those dependencies now in the maven project workspace? In the
>> dependencies section of the root pom or rather in the dependencies section
>> of a specific module pom?
>> In this case you treat your dependencies just like you would in Maven. If
>> the dependency is used across many modules then you might add it to the
>> dependencyManagement section of the parent pom (to manage the version in a
>> single place), but you will always reference a dependency in the module
>> using it. There is nothing special about this (it really

Re: [osgi-dev] Move from bnd workspace to maven (enroute) workspace

2019-01-31 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Tim,

thanks for your answer and the link. I will have a look into it :)

Is there any chance that something like a mvn bnd:run/debug command 
(like mvn jetty:run) will be implemented in the future?

This would be great if a user doesn't want to use Eclipse as IDE :)

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" 
Cc: "OSGi Developer Mail List" 
Gesendet: 31.01.2019 17:58:45
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Move from bnd workspace to maven (enroute) 

Hi Thomas,

The simple answer to your question is yes, however the more involved 
answer is that you probably shouldn’t. If you want to read up on ways 
to handle Maven dependency management then I can suggest looking at:

This will talk you through how dependencies can be inherited from the 
parent directly (not usually a good idea), how versions of common 
dependencies can be managed centrally in a parent (usually a good 
idea), and how to construct a Bill Of Materials (BOM) which you can use 
as an easy way to grab a bunch of dependencies in one go (much like 
OSGi enRoute does with its indexes).

As for running directly from the command line. There isn’t an enRoute 
or bnd plugin for that, the smarts are all in Bndtools I’m afraid.

Best Regards,


On 31 Jan 2019, at 16:09, Thomas Driessen 

Hi Tim,

just to clarify (I'm not really used to maven yet):

If I want to define a dependency that is used by multiple sub modules, 
then I MAY put this dependency in the root/parent pom. I also COULD 
put this dependency in each of the sub module's poms which would have 
the same effect as the aforementioned approach. I don't need to define 
the dependecnies in both places.

Is this correct?

Regarding the running and reloading of applications in bndtools: I 
don't use Eclipse, therefore I asked if there are maven commands that 
mimc bndtools' behavior ;)

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" 

Gesendet: 31.01.2019 16:48:54
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Move from bnd workspace to maven (enroute) 


On 31 Jan 2019, at 15:22, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 


I'm currently trying to get used to the new enroute maven workspace 
layout and now have some questions :)

In a bnd workspace I had the central.xml file where I put all the 
dependencies I wanted in my local maven bnd worspace repository. 
Where do I put those dependencies now in the maven project 
workspace? In the dependencies section of the root pom or rather in 
the dependencies section of a specific module pom?

In this case you treat your dependencies just like you would in 
Maven. If the dependency is used across many modules then you might 
add it to the dependencyManagement section of the parent pom (to 
manage the version in a single place), but you will always reference 
a dependency in the module using it. There is nothing special about 
this (it really is just vanilla Maven).

In a bnd workspace I added the buildtime dependencies of a bundle to 
its bnd file. What's the best practice now in a maven workspace? Do 
I add those build time dependencies in the module pom?

Again, this is a normal Maven build that follows the same rules as 
all the Maven examples you can find on the internet. Your module’s 
compile time and runtime dependencies should be included in its pom, 
with the appropriate scope.

In Eclipse with bndtools installed and when using a bnd workspace 
layout I am able to press the debug button of a bndrun file and 
everything is perfectly integrated in the IDE. Additionally, when I 
change code of bundles that are currently running in an osgi 
framework, then those are rebuilt and redeployed on the fly.

If you do the same thing in your enRoute workspace you’ll get the 
same behaviour.

Is there a way to reproduce a similar behavior only with maven 
commands and a remote debugger?

You can start your application with remote debug enabled (just using 
the normal JVM debug arguments as you describe below) but I would 
recommend that you just do the same launching that you’ve been doing 
from a bad workspace.

Right now I'm following the enroute tutorial and every time I 
changed something in the code I type the following commands:
1 mvn -pl app -am bnd-indexer:index bnd-indexer:index@test-index 
bnd-resolver:resolve package
2 java -jar -Xdebug 

3 Then I start my remote debugger to attach to the jvm

Are there other maven commands that would me allow to skip step 2 
and 3? Something like mvn jetty:run for web apps?

There isn’t a Maven command for it, but if you look at the Eclipse 
version of the Running the Application 

Re: [osgi-dev] Move from bnd workspace to maven (enroute) workspace

2019-01-31 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Tim,

just to clarify (I'm not really used to maven yet):

If I want to define a dependency that is used by multiple sub modules, 
then I MAY put this dependency in the root/parent pom. I also COULD put 
this dependency in each of the sub module's poms which would have the 
same effect as the aforementioned approach. I don't need to define the 
dependecnies in both places.

Is this correct?

Regarding the running and reloading of applications in bndtools: I don't 
use Eclipse, therefore I asked if there are maven commands that mimc 
bndtools' behavior ;)

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" 

Gesendet: 31.01.2019 16:48:54
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Move from bnd workspace to maven (enroute) 


On 31 Jan 2019, at 15:22, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 


I'm currently trying to get used to the new enroute maven workspace 
layout and now have some questions :)

In a bnd workspace I had the central.xml file where I put all the 
dependencies I wanted in my local maven bnd worspace repository. Where 
do I put those dependencies now in the maven project workspace? In the 
dependencies section of the root pom or rather in the dependencies 
section of a specific module pom?

In this case you treat your dependencies just like you would in Maven. 
If the dependency is used across many modules then you might add it to 
the dependencyManagement section of the parent pom (to manage the 
version in a single place), but you will always reference a dependency 
in the module using it. There is nothing special about this (it really 
is just vanilla Maven).

In a bnd workspace I added the buildtime dependencies of a bundle to 
its bnd file. What's the best practice now in a maven workspace? Do I 
add those build time dependencies in the module pom?

Again, this is a normal Maven build that follows the same rules as all 
the Maven examples you can find on the internet. Your module’s compile 
time and runtime dependencies should be included in its pom, with the 
appropriate scope.

In Eclipse with bndtools installed and when using a bnd workspace 
layout I am able to press the debug button of a bndrun file and 
everything is perfectly integrated in the IDE. Additionally, when I 
change code of bundles that are currently running in an osgi 
framework, then those are rebuilt and redeployed on the fly.

If you do the same thing in your enRoute workspace you’ll get the same 

Is there a way to reproduce a similar behavior only with maven 
commands and a remote debugger?

You can start your application with remote debug enabled (just using 
the normal JVM debug arguments as you describe below) but I would 
recommend that you just do the same launching that you’ve been doing 
from a bad workspace.

Right now I'm following the enroute tutorial and every time I changed 
something in the code I type the following commands:
1 mvn -pl app -am bnd-indexer:index bnd-indexer:index@test-index 
bnd-resolver:resolve package
2 java -jar -Xdebug 

3 Then I start my remote debugger to attach to the jvm

Are there other maven commands that would me allow to skip step 2 and 
3? Something like mvn jetty:run for web apps?

There isn’t a Maven command for it, but if you look at the Eclipse 
version of the Running the Application 
section in the enRoute tutorials you can see how to run inside the IDE.

Best Regards,


Kind regards,

OSGi Developer Mail List
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] Move from bnd workspace to maven (enroute) workspace

2019-01-31 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


I'm currently trying to get used to the new enroute maven workspace 
layout and now have some questions :)

In a bnd workspace I had the central.xml file where I put all the 
dependencies I wanted in my local maven bnd worspace repository. Where 
do I put those dependencies now in the maven project workspace? In the 
dependencies section of the root pom or rather in the dependencies 
section of a specific module pom?

In a bnd workspace I added the buildtime dependencies of a bundle to its 
bnd file. What's the best practice now in a maven workspace? Do I add 
those build time dependencies in the module pom?

In Eclipse with bndtools installed and when using a bnd workspace layout 
I am able to press the debug button of a bndrun file and everything is 
perfectly integrated in the IDE. Additionally, when I change code of 
bundles that are currently running in an osgi framework, then those are 
rebuilt and redeployed on the fly.

Is there a way to reproduce a similar behavior only with maven commands 
and a remote debugger?

Right now I'm following the enroute tutorial and every time I changed 
something in the code I type the following commands:
1 mvn -pl app -am bnd-indexer:index bnd-indexer:index@test-index 
bnd-resolver:resolve package
2 java -jar -Xdebug 

3 Then I start my remote debugger to attach to the jvm

Are there other maven commands that would me allow to skip step 2 and 3? 
Something like mvn jetty:run for web apps?

Kind regards,

OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Scanning classes at runtime

2019-01-23 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Thanks Tim!
That's exactly what I hoped for :)

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" ; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" 

Gesendet: 23.01.2019 17:48:43
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Scanning classes at runtime


You can optimise this pretty heavily by using the bundle wirings to 
look for bundles which are wired to the same API packages as you (the 
one(s) that contain the relevant interface/supertype/annotation). This 
way you can avoid scanning bundles which can’t possibly contain 
relevant types.

Best Regards,


On 23 Jan 2019, at 16:10, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 


for a project of mine I need to mimic the behavior of a 
ServletContainerInitializer [1], but with the dynamism of OSGi in 

Therefore, I need to be able to find all classes that implement/extend 
a specific class or are annotated with a specific annotation at 

Is there a better way to do so that I'm not aware of than to scan each 
class of every bundle? Are there maybe framework hooks that would help 
me accomplish this?

I'm thankful for every hint you can provide.

Kind regards,


OSGi Developer Mail List
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] Scanning classes at runtime

2019-01-23 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


for a project of mine I need to mimic the behavior of a 
ServletContainerInitializer [1], but with the dynamism of OSGi in mind.

Therefore, I need to be able to find all classes that implement/extend a 
specific class or are annotated with a specific annotation at runtime.

Is there a better way to do so that I'm not aware of than to scan each 
class of every bundle? Are there maybe framework hooks that would help 
me accomplish this?

I'm thankful for every hint you can provide.

Kind regards,

OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Vaadin flow works in bnd workspace, fails in enRoute project

2019-01-16 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Tim,

thanks for the feedback and opening the issue :)


-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" 
An: "Thomas Driessen" 
Cc: "Paul F Fraser" ; "OSGi Developer Mail List" 

Gesendet: 16.01.2019 12:51:24
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Vaadin flow works in bnd workspace, fails in 
enRoute project

Hi Thomas,

I'm not sure if this can be done in a better way.

The resource registration could definitely be changed to use the Http 
Service Whiteboard relatively easily. The effective result is that 
Vaadin would offer a service advertising the resources at the correct 
locations with the relevant mappings provided by a ServletContextHelper 
(much like the current “Delegate” does). Overall it may be the case 
that Vaadin wishes to migrate away from this model as it does seem to 
mirror the resource registration model from the Http Service 

The only other place that would need to change is in the tests 
and that seems to be a relatively simple swap to register the servlets 
as services rather than using a service tracker.

Regarding the packaging bug of felix.jetty: Is there an older version 
of the bundle where this bug is not included, because I remember 
successfully using felix.jetty for Vaadin once?

The requirement from Vaadin is “effective active” and so won’t prevent 
the bundles from resolving in an OSGi framework (i.e. this would 
probably work fine at runtime). The requirement is almost certainly 
generated automatically by bnd because there is a DS component injected 
with the service.

Is there a bug repot filed for this bug? Otherwise we should do that.


On 16 Jan 2019, at 11:34, Thomas Driessen 

Hi Tim, hi Paul,

I think they had some trouble with resources in Vaadin in OSGi (Vaadin 
makes some specific assumptions oabout the file layout I think) and 
therefore implemented their own ResourceTracker 
I'm not sure if this can be done in a better way.

Regarding the packaging bug of felix.jetty: Is there an older version 
of the bundle where this bug is not included, because I remember 
successfully using felix.jetty for Vaadin once?

Is there a bug repot filed for this bug? Otherwise we should do that.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward via osgi-dev" 
An: "Paul F Fraser" ; "OSGi Developer Mail List" 

Gesendet: 16.01.2019 12:20:46
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Vaadin flow works in bnd workspace, fails in 
enRoute project

Hi Paul,

The error you’re seeing is a resolution failure because the 
"com.vaadin.flow.osgi version=1.2.3” bundle has a requirement in the 
“osgi.service” namespace for the service with interface 
“org.osgi.service.http.HttpService”. This basically says that the 
Vaadin flow bundle is trying to use the HttpService in some way, and 
therefore the exported application needs to include a bundle which 
provides the HttpService.

Now in fact the Felix Http Jetty implementation used in OSGi enRoute 
*does* provide this service, however it is missing the metadata from 
the manifest saying that it provides this service. This is a 
packaging bug in the Felix Jetty bundle, and is why the resolve 

There is a further question, which is why on earth the Vaadin Flow 
bundle is using the HttpService? It would be better and easier for 
them to use the Http Whiteboard than to use the old HttpService to 
provide content…

Best Regards,


On 16 Jan 2019, at 04:45, Paul F Fraser via osgi-dev 


Following the process below I have sucessfully managed to run a 
vaadin flow bundle in OSGi.

Create vaadin flow bundle in enroute maven project. flow bundle in bnd 
workspace and export as jar, which of course contains all necessary -jar flow.jar  works at localhost:8080
create application from enRoute archetypeAdd all dependencies as 
used in exported bnd workspace flow.jarenRoute app fails.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
biz.aQute.bnd:bnd-export-maven-plugin:4.1.0:export (default) on 
project flow-app: Unable to resolve <>: missing requirement 
osgi.identity;filter:='(osgi.identity=com.vaadin.flow.osgi)' [caused 
by: Unable to resolve com.vaadin.flow.osgi version=1.2.3: missing 
-> [Help 1]

Any assistance to solve this last (?) hurdle to having an OSGi work 
environment for vaadin flow development would be most appreciated.

Re: [osgi-dev] Vaadin flow works in bnd workspace, fails in enRoute project

2019-01-16 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Tim, hi Paul,

I think they had some trouble with resources in Vaadin in OSGi (Vaadin 
makes some specific assumptions oabout the file layout I think) and 
therefore implemented their own ResourceTracker 
I'm not sure if this can be done in a better way.

Regarding the packaging bug of felix.jetty: Is there an older version of 
the bundle where this bug is not included, because I remember 
successfully using felix.jetty for Vaadin once?

Is there a bug repot filed for this bug? Otherwise we should do that.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward via osgi-dev" 
An: "Paul F Fraser" ; "OSGi Developer Mail List" 

Gesendet: 16.01.2019 12:20:46
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Vaadin flow works in bnd workspace, fails in 
enRoute project

Hi Paul,

The error you’re seeing is a resolution failure because the 
"com.vaadin.flow.osgi version=1.2.3” bundle has a requirement in the 
“osgi.service” namespace for the service with interface 
“org.osgi.service.http.HttpService”. This basically says that the 
Vaadin flow bundle is trying to use the HttpService in some way, and 
therefore the exported application needs to include a bundle which 
provides the HttpService.

Now in fact the Felix Http Jetty implementation used in OSGi enRoute 
*does* provide this service, however it is missing the metadata from 
the manifest saying that it provides this service. This is a packaging 
bug in the Felix Jetty bundle, and is why the resolve fails.

There is a further question, which is why on earth the Vaadin Flow 
bundle is using the HttpService? It would be better and easier for them 
to use the Http Whiteboard than to use the old HttpService to provide 

Best Regards,


On 16 Jan 2019, at 04:45, Paul F Fraser via osgi-dev 


Following the process below I have sucessfully managed to run a vaadin 
flow bundle in OSGi.

Create vaadin flow bundle in enroute maven project. flow bundle in bnd 
workspace and export as jar, which of course contains all necessary -jar flow.jar  works at localhost:8080
create application from enRoute archetypeAdd all dependencies as used 
in exported bnd workspace flow.jarenRoute app fails.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
biz.aQute.bnd:bnd-export-maven-plugin:4.1.0:export (default) on 
project flow-app: Unable to resolve <>: missing requirement 
osgi.identity;filter:='(osgi.identity=com.vaadin.flow.osgi)' [caused 
by: Unable to resolve com.vaadin.flow.osgi version=1.2.3: missing 
-> [Help 1]

Any assistance to solve this last (?) hurdle to having an OSGi work 
environment for vaadin flow development would be most appreciated.


Paul Fraser

OSGi Developer Mail List
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] No service events for an embedded OSGi Framework?

2018-11-28 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


I'm trying to setup an OSGi framework instance (Felix) then to install 
two bundles and finally getting a reference to a ComponentFactory inside 
the framework via a ServiceListener. No Exceptions are thrown but my 
ServiceListener ist not getting any events.

You can have a look at the code here:

Or If you want to execute it and play  with it you can run it here:

just type the following commands into the terminal:
cd benchmarks
mvn clean install
java -jar target/benchmarks.jar

I also tried to acquire the service directly by starting the bundles, 
then wait a second and then calling 
bundleContext.getServiceReference(ComponentFactory.class). But when I 
tried to turn this reference into a service via

ComponentFactory factory = bundleContext.getService(ref);

I get a ClassCastException stating that Felix SCR's 
ComponentFactoryImplementation cannot be cast to ComponentFactory... 
which doesn't make much sense to me, as the 
ComponentFactoryImplementation implements ComponentFactory.

Am I doing something fundamentally wrong?

Kind regards,

OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] JMH within OSGi

2018-09-27 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


I want to benchmark a method within a running OSGi instance.

There are three services A, B, C where A references B and B references 
Calling a method  on A transitively calls a method on B which calls a 
method on C.
A, B and C are configured at runtime through ConfigurationAdmin and I 
want to benchmark the method called on A when everything is set up.
I wanted to use JMH but have no clue on how to force JMH to use the 
instance of A created by OSGi? Is this even possible? If not, how would 
you benchmark something within OSGi?

Does anyone have experience with JMH in the context of OSGi and could 
kindly give me some advice?

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] Typos/Errata in R7 compendium

2018-08-31 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


what do I have to do to report typos/errata in the compendium spec?

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] enRoute Quickstart Maven Build Failure

2018-05-08 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Thank you so much!

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Tim Ward" <>
An: "Thomas Driessen" <>; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 08.05.2018 12:08:44
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] enRoute Quickstart Maven Build Failure

The enRoute project has now been updated to use the released R7 API as 
well as released versions of Declarative Services, Config Admin, Http 
Whiteboard, JPA Service, Transaction Control, and Configurator.

The one remaining snapshot implementation is the JAX-RS whiteboard, 
which is not yet released

Best Regards,


On 6 May 2018, at 18:13, Tim Ward <> wrote:

The Aries JPA snapshots have probably been deleted as Aries JPA 2.7.0 
was released last week. The OSGi R7 API is now also released, so the 
enRoute indexes and archetypes will need to be updated for that too. 
There are likely to be other Apache projects doing the same thing as 
part of the R7 RI release process.

Feel free to create a PR, or I should be able to update this on 


Sent from my iPhone

On 6 May 2018, at 12:35, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 
<> wrote:

I just tried to do the quickstart tutorial.
I cloned the repository and run the command "mvn verify", but the 
buil failed with the following message:

[INFO] Scanning for projects...

[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] quickstart 
[INFO] rest   
[INFO] app

[INFO] --< org.osgi.enroute.examples.quickstart:quickstart 
[INFO] Building quickstart 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT 
[INFO] [ pom 

[INFO] -< org.osgi.enroute.examples.quickstart:rest 
[INFO] Building rest 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT   
[INFO] [ jar 
[WARNING] The POM for 
is missing, no dependency information available

[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] quickstart 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT .. SUCCESS [ 
 0.028 s]
[INFO] rest ... FAILURE [ 
 0.413 s]



[INFO] Total time: 0.709 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-05-06T13:33:50+02:00

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project rest: Could not resolve 
dependencies for project 
org.osgi.enroute.examples.quickstart:rest:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failure 
to find 
in was cached in the 
local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update 
interval of OSGi has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]

[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with 
the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug 

[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, 
please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]

[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with 
the command

[ERROR]   mvn  -rf :rest

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] enRoute Quickstart Maven Build Failure

2018-05-06 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev
I just tried to do the quickstart tutorial.
I cloned the repository and run the command "mvn verify", but the buil
failed with the following message:

[INFO] Scanning for projects...

[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] quickstart
[INFO] rest
[INFO] app
[INFO] --< org.osgi.enroute.examples.quickstart:quickstart
[INFO] Building quickstart 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] [ pom
[INFO] -< org.osgi.enroute.examples.quickstart:rest
[INFO] Building rest 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] [ jar
is missing, no dependency information available

[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] quickstart 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT .. SUCCESS [
0.028 s]
[INFO] rest ... FAILURE [
0.413 s]


[INFO] Total time: 0.709 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-05-06T13:33:50+02:00

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project rest: Could not resolve
dependencies for project
org.osgi.enroute.examples.quickstart:rest:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failure to
in was cached in the local
repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of
OSGi has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the
[ERROR]   mvn  -rf :rest

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Vaadin 10 OSGi Support

2018-03-23 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Thanks Paul and Timothy :)

Maybe in Vaadin 10 they offer better OSGi support than in Vaadin 8. This 
would be a really nic web UI solution for people that want to stay in 
the Java world.


-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Paul F Fraser via osgi-dev" <>
Gesendet: 23.03.2018 10:44:16
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Vaadin 10 OSGi Support

The beta4 release (today) has issue 455 as a known limitation. Someone 
might be listening.

I have added a comment and nice to see Timothy J has also commented.


On 22/03/2018 11:07 PM, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev wrote:


as some people already wrote about Vaadin in OSGi applications in this 
mailinglist, maybe those are interested in "upvoting" the "OSGi 
support and test" issue of the new Vaadin 10.

Maybe this gets us a better OSGi support in Vaadin 10 sooner.

Kind regards,

OSGi Developer Mail List

OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] Vaadin 10 OSGi Support

2018-03-22 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


as some people already wrote about Vaadin in OSGi applications in this 
mailinglist, maybe those are interested in "upvoting" the "OSGi support 
and test" issue of the new Vaadin 10.

Maybe this gets us a better OSGi support in Vaadin 10 sooner.

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] DS Reference injection order

2018-02-02 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Thanks a lot for the clarifying answers!
I think I got it now!

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Peter Kriens" <>
An: "Thomas Driessen" <>; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" <>
Cc: "BJ Hargrave" <>; "Tim Ward" 

Gesendet: 02.02.2018 10:54:34
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] DS Reference injection order

In this case you do not have such guarantee about injection. And it 
won’t be necessary since you could just make them mandatory references.

You need to distinguish two things:

1) The existence of or the state of the system
2) Injection

If you have an optional dependence then all bets are off because there 
can always be a delay between the events. Only mandatory references 
give you any guarantee here. For example, to handle cyclic dependencies 
DS can delay injection of optional dependencies although the service is 

What you could do is to lookup the services through the component 
context, they should be there.

So what you can observe through the AggregateState service is not by 
definition observable through optional services. A bit like relativity 

Kind regards,

Peter Kriens

On 2 Feb 2018, at 10:35, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 
<> wrote:


thanks for all those answers and sorry for my late response.

Maybe I have been a little bit too imprecise.
The reason I asked, was that I found this article by Peter Kriens 
about an AggregateState:

I wrote such a service and only was wondering afterwards if this 
really works all the times or if I just hit a lucky punch and it 
worked the few times I tested it. Or if I got Peter's intentions 
completely wrong and did something AggregateState was not meant for.

So what I do is writing a component as described in the article like 

public class MyComp{

private AggregateState state;

private volatile X x;

private volatile Y y;

private void activate(){


So even if my AggregateState is satisfied, which means that there are 
fitting, activated services for X and Y, can I rest assured that X and 
Y are injected BEFORE activate() is called? Because my understanding 
was that X and Y might still be null and MyComp is nevertheless 
eligible for activation.

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "BJ Hargrave" <>
Gesendet: 31.01.2018 15:40:53
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] DS Reference injection order

Tim correctly cites the spec regarding the order SCR must process the 
 elements in the XML. Since you are using annotations, 
there is one more thing to know. The javadoc for the Reference 
annotation states:

In the generated Component Description for a component, the 
references must be ordered in ascending lexicographical order (using 
String.compareTo ) of the reference names.

So you can control the order of the reference elements in the xml by 
the names of the references.

The order of processing reference can be useful if you are using 
method injection and a method needs to use a previously injected 
reference. But since you examples show field injection, your 
component cannot not really observe the order of injection.

With 'volatile' you have a dynamic reference which can be updated at 
any time, so there is no order with respect to other reference.


BJ Hargrave
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM // office: +1 386 848 1781
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance // mobile: +1 386 848 3788

- Original message -
From: Tim Ward via osgi-dev <>
Sent by:
To: Thomas Driessen <>, OSGi Developer 
Mail List <>

Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] DS Reference injection order
Date: Wed, Jan 31, 2018 6:43 AM

Firstly - why do you need to rely on this? It sounds like very 
fragile code to me and you should probably consider rewriting so 
that you don’t need to care. However...

Section 112.5.7 of the compendium says that:

When binding services, the references are processed in the order in 
which they are specified in the component description. That is, 
target services from the first specified reference are bound before 
services from the next specified reference.

A static optional service will not be set if it is not satisfied, or 
will if it is. A dynamic optional service will behave the same way, 
but it may be unset a

Re: [osgi-dev] DS Reference injection order

2018-02-02 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


thanks for all those answers and sorry for my late response.

Maybe I have been a little bit too imprecise.
The reason I asked, was that I found this article by Peter Kriens about 
an AggregateState:

I wrote such a service and only was wondering afterwards if this really 
works all the times or if I just hit a lucky punch and it worked the few 
times I tested it. Or if I got Peter's intentions completely wrong and 
did something AggregateState was not meant for.

So what I do is writing a component as described in the article like 

public class MyComp{

private AggregateState state;

private volatile X x;

private volatile Y y;

private void activate(){


So even if my AggregateState is satisfied, which means that there are 
fitting, activated services for X and Y, can I rest assured that X and Y 
are injected BEFORE activate() is called? Because my understanding was 
that X and Y might still be null and MyComp is nevertheless eligible for 

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "BJ Hargrave" <>
Gesendet: 31.01.2018 15:40:53
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] DS Reference injection order

Tim correctly cites the spec regarding the order SCR must process the 
 elements in the XML. Since you are using annotations, there 
is one more thing to know. The javadoc for the Reference annotation 

In the generated Component Description for a component, the references 
must be ordered in ascending lexicographical order (using 
String.compareTo ) of the reference names.

So you can control the order of the reference elements in the xml by 
the names of the references.

The order of processing reference can be useful if you are using method 
injection and a method needs to use a previously injected reference. 
But since you examples show field injection, your component cannot not 
really observe the order of injection.

With 'volatile' you have a dynamic reference which can be updated at 
any time, so there is no order with respect to other reference.


BJ Hargrave
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM // office: +1 386 848 1781
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance // mobile: +1 386 848 3788

- Original message -
From: Tim Ward via osgi-dev <>
Sent by:
To: Thomas Driessen <>, OSGi Developer 
Mail List <>

Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] DS Reference injection order
Date: Wed, Jan 31, 2018 6:43 AM

Firstly - why do you need to rely on this? It sounds like very fragile 
code to me and you should probably consider rewriting so that you 
don’t need to care. However...

Section 112.5.7 of the compendium says that:

When binding services, the references are processed in the order in 
which they are specified in the component description. That is, 
target services from the first specified reference are bound before 
services from the next specified reference.

A static optional service will not be set if it is not satisfied, or 
will if it is. A dynamic optional service will behave the same way, 
but it may be unset and reset many times afterwards on other threads. 
Dynamic services should always be treated with care, whether they are 
optional or not.


On 31 Jan 2018, at 10:50, Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev 
<> wrote:


I searched the compendium spec but didn't find what I was looking 

If I have a DS with multiple references to other DS

class Example1{

Example2 e2

Example3 e3

in which order are the references injected? Is there even a 
deterministic order?

In the above example both references are static/mandatory. What 
happens if I have a static/mandatory and a dynamic/optional one like 

class Example1{

Example2 e2

volatile Example3 e3

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List 

OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] DS Reference injection order

2018-01-31 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


I searched the compendium spec but didn't find what I was looking for.

If I have a DS with multiple references to other DS

class Example1{

Example2 e2

Example3 e3

in which order are the references injected? Is there even a 
deterministic order?

In the above example both references are static/mandatory. What happens 
if I have a static/mandatory and a dynamic/optional one like this:

class Example1{

Example2 e2

volatile Example3 e3

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] Vaadin 8.2.1 in OSGi

2018-01-25 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


if someone is still interested in using Vaadin 8 in OSGi: I've created 
an integration that enables the developer to use a declared Vaadin UI as 
a Declarative Service.
The code for this integration can be found here:

All a developer has to do now is to annotate the class extending UI with 
@Component and add a path under which it should be registered:

		@Component(service = UI.class, 
HttpWhiteboardConstants.HTTP_WHITEBOARD_SERVLET_PATTERN + "=/test")

public class VaadinUI extends UI{



Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Fwd: Fwd: Vaadin 8.2 in OSGi: ClassNotFound

2018-01-18 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

Hi Paul,

right now I'm using a mixture of Vaadin 8.2.1 bundles, the enroute code 
and a little bit of current vaadin bugfixing code ;)

If you start all vaadin bundles (com.vaadin.shared, com.vaadin.server, 
com.vaadin.external.gentyref, com.vaadin.client-compiled and 
com.vaadin.themes) vaadin will take care of registering all needed 
resources, which has been done before by in the 
enroute example.

The rest is done by an adopted version of Peter Kriens' original enRoute 
Vaadin example and can be found in my GitHub repository 
( if you are interested.

Right now I've only set up a minimal example and have not yet worked 
with Vaadin perspective only with Bndtools.
Until now I didn't have to compile widgets or themes... but I'm new to 
Vaadin, maybe I'm missing something here? I'm glad for every advice you 
can give me :)

 I think I will continue to explore Vaadin 8 in OSGi within the next 

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Paul F Fraser via osgi-dev" <>
An: "Thomas Driessen" <>; "OSGi Developer Mail 
List" <>

Gesendet: 18.01.2018 19:58:18
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Fwd: Fwd: Vaadin 8.2 in OSGi: ClassNotFound

On 19/01/2018 2:15 AM, Thomas Driessen wrote:


just for other people that are trying to get Vaadin 8 to work within 
an OSGi environment:

Hi Thomas,

Good to hear that you are on the way.

Are you now using all Vaadin OSGi  bundles and none of the enRoute 

Are you developing in the Vaadin perspective or Bndtools?
Is the compile of widgets and themes now automatic?

OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Fwd: Fwd: Vaadin 8.2 in OSGi: ClassNotFound

2018-01-18 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


just for other people that are trying to get Vaadin 8 to work within an 
OSGi environment:

The ClassNotFoundException for AppWidgetset can be ignored. If Vaadin 
does not find this class it falls back to the default widgetset.

The lost connection seems to stem from false urlPatterns for UIs. After 
the initial load of an UI that is registered under localhost:8080/test 
Vaadin sends XHR requests for each interaction (e.g. resizing, clicks, 
etc.) to the server. The path for these requests are always in form of 
/UIDL/?... In our case this would be 
localhost:8080/test/UIDL. If there is no servlet registered for this 
path, the Vaadin client receives a malformed response and displays a 
popup that says: Connection lost... . I fixed this issue in my example 
application by letting VaadinApplicationHandler change all urlPatterns 
of UIs to /*

The VaadinResource class of the original enRoute example is not needed 
anymore, as Vaadin 8 takes care of registering its resources 
(Widgetsets/Themes/other stuff) itself as long as its bundles are 
started in the right order! The first bundle to start must be 

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Thomas Driessen" <>
An: "Matthews, Kevin" <>; "Paul F Fraser" 
<>; "OSGi Developer Mail List" 

Gesendet: 17.01.2018 18:07:27
Betreff: Re[2]: [osgi-dev] Fwd: Fwd: Vaadin 8.2 in OSGi: ClassNotFound

Hello Paul,

thank you for the hint to the enroute Vaadin exmaple.

My steps so far:

I tried to merge Peter's code with the current work of Vaadin regarding 
their OSGi compatibility [1] and got Vaadin 8.2.1 to at least show the 
UI once.
However, after the initial request it looses the connection to the 
server and isn't working anymore :(

From Peter's code I removed the VaadinResources class, because this is 
done now by Vaadin, at least if you start the bundles in the right 
order [2]. They are using static method calls between bundles and if 
the vaadin-shared bundle hasn't been started before the others there 
will be an exception in the @Activate method of some of their other 
services -.-

Right now I'm dealing with a ClassNotFoundException as Vaadin can not 
find an AppWidgetset? Additionally the reconection issues seems to 
originate from some XHR configuration issues.

I've set up a sample workspace [3], so that anyone who is interested 
can investigate those issues too.

Kind regards,



-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Matthews, Kevin via osgi-dev" <>
An: "Paul F Fraser" <>; "OSGi Developer Mail List" 

Gesendet: 17.01.2018 00:29:53
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Fwd: Fwd: Vaadin 8.2 in OSGi: ClassNotFound

I apologize to send this request on this thread but I had sent this 
topic on a separate email thread and got no response. A simple 
question. Does anyone know or had done production deployment model 
using bnd osgi services. What’s the best practice to deploy these 
bundles to a standalone server as runnable jar or to docker containers 
using apache ace. 
[] On Behalf Of Paul F Fraser via 

Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 6:00 PM
To: OSGi Developer Mail List
Subject: [osgi-dev] Fwd: Fwd: Vaadin 8.2 in OSGi: ClassNotFound

Forwarded with permission--

 Forwarded Message 


Fwd: [osgi-dev] Vaadin 8.2 in OSGi: ClassNotFound


Tue, 16 Jan 2018 22:24:18 +0100


Pierre De Rop <> <>


Paul F Fraser <> <>

Hello Paul;

I'm Pierre, one of the apache felix dependency manager committer;

so, I just wanted to comment the following part in your mail:

"Also, I have given up using Bndtools with Oxygen as there seems to 
be an intermittent problem that causes Eclipse to not load the 
workspace and once it happens I have had to reinstall Eclipse. So I 
have gone back to Neon and so far the problem has not re-occurred."

Indeed, I think I came across the same issue you described; and when 
my eclipse Oxygen (and bndtools 3.5.0) can't restart, then the problem 
is resolved using the "-clean" eclipse option (see [1]])

hope this helps;

kind regards



[osgi-dev] Vaadin 8.2 in OSGi: ClassNotFound

2018-01-16 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev

I also asked this question in the Vaadin forum. I just thought that maybe
another OSGi developer already had the same problems and am therefore
posting this question here too:

I just tried to run a simple Hello World Vaadin app in an OSGi environment
(I don't use Karaf) and ended up with a ClassNotFoundException:

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: de.unia.smds.maf.web.gui.MyUI
 at Source)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
 at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

My Setup is as follows:
- I'm using BndTools 3.5 in Eclipse Oxygen
- From Maven I get the following dependencies:





- I created a new Bnd OSGi project and configured my Buildpath like this:
-buildpath: \

- Then I created the two classes MyUI and MyUIServlet

public class MyUI extends UI {
  protected void init(final VaadinRequest request) {
Label _label = new Label("Hello World");

@Component(service = VaadinServlet.class, property = {
(HttpWhiteboardConstants.HTTP_WHITEBOARD_SERVLET_PATTERN + "=/hello") })
@VaadinServletConfiguration(ui = MyUI.class, productionMode = false)
public class MyUIServlet extends VaadinServlet {

When I try to access the UI at http://localhost:8080/hello I receive the
above mentioned exception.

Did anyone had similar problems?
As I am using the official OSGi integration from Vaadin I thought that this
would work out of the box.

Am I missing something here?

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] OSGi Push Streams

2018-01-02 Thread Thomas Driessen via osgi-dev


where can I find the current reference implementation for the upcoming 
OSGi Push Streams?

I've seen some talks about it, but could not find it anywhere.
Apache Aries had them in their repository, but the last update has been 
last year.

 Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Some questions

2017-09-28 Thread Thomas Driessen
Thanks a lot for this quick, in-depth answers :)

2017-09-28 10:01 GMT+02:00 Thomas Driessen <>:

> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Timothy Ward <>
> Date: 2017-09-27 16:05 GMT+02:00
> Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] Some questions
> To: OSGi Developer Mail List <>
> Cc: Thomas Driessen <>
> Some more responses inline:
> On 27 Sep 2017, at 14:29, Neil Bartlett <> wrote:
> On 27 Sep 2017, at 14:14, Thomas Driessen <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> after working for some time with OSGi now I have a bunch of questions that
> I couldn't find a satisfying answer for yet. Maybe some of you can help me
> to clarify those:
> 1) Why is OSGi using annotations as configuration objects?
> Two reasons:
> 1. Annotation fields can have defaults specified directly.
> 2. Annotation types are limited to primitives, Strings (and arrays
> thereof) which map neatly to the kinds of data that can be represented in
> config files.
>- It is really strange that within an @Activate method the
>annotation-config object is null but I still can call the methods defined
>on it.
> The default toString of the Felix SCR configuration proxies used to be
> null. This proved very confusing in the debugger, and I believe that it has
> been changed in recent releases.
>- Wouldn't DTOs be the better choice? Maybe in combination with an
>annotation and annotation processor that assures the DTO consists only of
>primitives, arrays of primitives or other DTOs. Configuration values like “
>" could be represented as values of a ConfigurationDTO
>containing a ComponentDTO which has a name variable.
> DTOs don’t give a good way of providing defaults, and they encourage
> people to believe that the configurations can contain rich types (you
> mention your DTO containing DTOs). Configuration Admin configurations are
> flat, and Annotations give a really good mapping for them. The decision was
> therefore to use the type which is well suited, rather than building a lot
> of infrastructure to restrict a type which isn’t.
> 2) Why are the OSGi DS annotations RetentionPolicy.CLASS?
> Because runtime retention would create a runtime dependency, i.e. an
> Import-Package for the annotation type package. That in turn would prevent
> resolution of a bundle if the annotations were not present at runtime.
> Also the annotations are not used by the Service Component Runtime, only
> the XML is used. Having runtime retention would confuse what is otherwise a
> clear statement about the source of truth.
>- Sometimes it would be nice to find the annotated methods/fields at
>runtime, e.g. at testing in a non-OSGi environment
> You could just read the XML descriptor - it has a well defined schema.
> 3) Why are the OSGi DS annotations not inherited?
> You might be using bnd (or an alternative tool) to process the class files
> of a bundle after the Java source has been compiled. When doing this it is
> not necessary to have the superclasses visible, and so bnd would not know
> about inherited annotations. So if bnd looks for inherited annotations when
> available, it could produce different results depending on how it is
> invoked.
> In practice, most people use a tool like Bndtools or bnd-maven-plugin
> which puts the same JARs on the bnd classpath that were used for
> compilation, and you obviously DO need superclasses visible for
> compilation, so you can just turn on the option to use inheritance.
>- I know that there is a option in bnd for this, but I’m not sure if
>or when it is save to use this option, as I'm not really sure about the
>implications this might have.
> This option is safe if all of the class hierarchy is contained within a
> single bundle. It is not safe if the inheritance tree spans different
> bundles. The annotations are processed at build time based on the
> compilation class path but the runtime behaviour is determined by the way
> in which your bundles wire in the OSGi framework. Obviously if your bundle
> wires differently at runtime then the generated XML may be broken (for
> example if an injected private field is renamed between micro versions).
>- Are there any best practices/patterns for the cases where I have
>mutliple implementations of one service and all of them share code that
>should be called e.g. during activation or deactivation?
> Goo

[osgi-dev] Some questions

2017-09-27 Thread Thomas Driessen


after working for some time with OSGi now I have a bunch of questions 
that I couldn't find a satisfying answer for yet. Maybe some of you can 
help me to clarify those:

1) Why is OSGi using annotations as configuration objects?
It is really strange that within an @Activate method the 
annotation-config object is null but I still can call the methods 
defined on it.Wouldn't DTOs be the better choice? Maybe in combination 
with an annotation and annotation processor that assures the DTO 
consists only of primitives, arrays of primitives or other DTOs. 
Configuration values like "" could be represented as 
values of a ConfigurationDTO containing a ComponentDTO which has a name 

2) Why are the OSGi DS annotations RetentionPolicy.CLASS?
Sometimes it would be nice to find the annotated methods/fields at 
runtime, e.g. at testing in a non-OSGi environment

3) Why are the OSGi DS annotations not inherited?
I know that there is a option in bnd for this, but I'm not sure if or 
when it is save to use this option, as I'm not really sure about the 
implications this might have.Are there any best practices/patterns for 
the cases where I have mutliple implementations of one service and all 
of them share code that should be called e.g. during activation or 

Any explanation is appreciated :)

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] ConfigurationPlugin is not called on configuration update

2017-09-19 Thread Thomas Driessen


I'm trying to implement a service that shall store a configuration in a 
file each time it is updated.

My current setup looks like this:

Managed Service:

public class SomeManagedService{


public class ConfigToFileService implements ConfigurationPlugin, 

public void configurationEvent(ConfigurationEvent event) {
System.out.println("Listener Event Received!");

public void modifyConfiguration(ServiceReference reference, 
Dictionary properties) {

System.out.println("Plugin Event Received!");

Console Command:

@Component(service = ConfigurationConsoleUI.class,
immediate = true, enabled = true,
property = {
CommandProcessor.COMMAND_SCOPE + "=config",
CommandProcessor.COMMAND_FUNCTION + "=updateConfig"})
public class ConfigurationConsoleUI {

private ConfigurationAdmin configAdmin;

public void updateConfig() {
try {
Configuration configuration = 
configAdmin.getConfiguration("system", "?");

} catch (IOException e) {

When I call "updateConfig" the ConfigurationListener method of my 
ConfigToFileService is called, but the ConfiurationPlugin method is not.
My expectation would have been that first the ConfigurationPlugin method 
is called and then the ConfigurationListener method.

Do I have to do anything else to get the ConfigurationPlugin method to 
be called by ConfigurationAdmin?

Any advice is appreciated.

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Configuring reference.cardinality.minimum / via Metatypes

2017-04-13 Thread Thomas Driessen

Well, sorry for the dumb question.
 It was literally written down two lines below from where I stopped 
reading in the Compendium specification.

I just had to name the property like:

and it just worked.
OSGi is great ;)

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Thomas Driessen" <>
An: "OSGi Developer Mail List" <>
Gesendet: 13.04.2017 15:24:21
Betreff: Configuring reference.cardinality.minimum / 
via Metatypes


I was wondering if one can configure the @Reference cardinality.minimum 
property of a service vie Metatypes somehow?

In my example (written in Xtend) I'd like to configure the minimum 
cardinality of 'stuff'. So is there a magic property name/pattern (like 
in the commented code below) that I can use in MyConfiguration  in 
order to achieve that?

annotation MyConfiguration{
String name
// String stuffCardinalityMinimum

@Designate(ocd = MyConfiguration)
@Component(configurationPid = 'configurable')
class ConfigurableTest{
cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MULTIPLE,
policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC,
policyOption = ReferencePolicyOption.GREEDY
volatile List stuff
private def void activate(MyConfiguration config){
println('''Activated: «»''')
private def void update(MyConfiguration config){
println('''Updated: «»''')
private def void deactivate(){

class Stuff implements IStuff{}

interface IStuff{}

Any advice is appreciated :)

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] Configuring reference.cardinality.minimum / via Metatypes

2017-04-13 Thread Thomas Driessen

I was wondering if one can configure the @Reference cardinality.minimum
property of a service vie Metatypes somehow?

In my example (written in Xtend) I'd like to configure the minimum
cardinality of 'stuff'. So is there a magic property name/pattern (like in
the commented code below) that I can use in MyConfiguration  in order to
achieve that?

annotation MyConfiguration{
String name
// String stuffCardinalityMinimum

@Designate(ocd = MyConfiguration)
@Component(configurationPid = 'configurable')
class ConfigurableTest{
cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MULTIPLE,
policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC,
policyOption = ReferencePolicyOption.GREEDY
volatile List stuff
private def void activate(MyConfiguration config){
println('''Activated: «»''')
private def void update(MyConfiguration config){
println('''Updated: «»''')
private def void deactivate(){

class Stuff implements IStuff{}

interface IStuff{}

Any advice is appreciated :)

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

2017-03-02 Thread Thomas Driessen

Sorry. I received the Email from BJ Hargrave the moment I sent my own.

Thank you guys for your answers!

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Thomas Driessen" <>
An: "Dirk Fauth" <>; "OSGi Developer Mail List" 

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 14:35:16
Betreff: Re[2]: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

I am using the annotations osgi.annotations 6.0.1.
My Service looks like this:

public class ServiceAImpl implements IServiceA{

@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.Multiple)
public synchronized void addServiceB(IServiceB service){

and I was just wondering if there is the possibility to write something 
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality, Multiple, 
minimumCardinality = 4)

But Jens Kübler already wrote that I would have to add this information 
manually to the generated XML.

Maybe the following is possible then?

property = "ServiceB.cardinality.minimum=4"
public class ServiceAImpl implements IServiceA{

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Dirk Fauth" <>
An: "Thomas Driessen" <>; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 14:25:06
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

Well if you use Bndtools you should be able to use the annotations. 
Maybe you use the wrong annotations in the configuration?

Am 02.03.2017 2:18 PM schrieb "Thomas Driessen" 
I'm using the version 5.6.1 of Felix as osgi framework if that does 

Eclipse is only used as IDE in combination with bndtools 4


-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Dirk Fauth" <>
An: "Thomas Driessen" <>; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 14:13:42
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

Actually Oxygen in its current development state contains Felix SCR, 
 so it supports DS 1.3 under the hood.

For the DS 1.3 annotations there is a Gerrit patch available that 
needs to be verified. I'm currently looking at this so it can be 
part of Eclipse Oxygen.

Minimum cardinality is a DS 1.3 feature so it will not work with 
Eclipse in its current release state.

Am 02.03.2017 2:07 PM schrieb "Thomas Driessen" 

Thank you very much!

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Kübler, Jens" <>
An: "Thomas Driessen" <>; "OSGi 
Developer Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 14:05:27
Betreff: RE: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

Eclipse does only support the DS 1.2 spec and this was added in a 
later version.

if you are running in a DS 1.3 environment you have to add it 
manually to the xml and cannot use the annotations.

Discussion is under way to add the functionality in Eclipse 4.7

Kind Regards

<>] On Behalf Of Thomas 

Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2017 2:01 PM
To: OSGi Developer Mail List
Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

Thank you both for your answers.

Is it possible to directly annotate a reference with the minimum 
cardinality, or do I have to do this via ConfigurationAdmin?

In Eclipse autocomplete only shows the property cardinality which 
expects a ReferenceCardinality (OPTIONAL, MANDATORY, etc.) in the specification also only talks about how to adress 
this property via ConfigurationAdmin.

Kind regards,


-- Originalnachricht --

Von: "Dirk Fauth" <>

An: "OSGi Developer Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 13:37:21

Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

You can find an example in one of my blog posts. 

At the bottom the usage of the minimum cardinality reference 
property is shown.

Am 02.03.2017 1:07 PM schrieb "Carsten Ziegeler" 

You can do this with DS, have a look at section Minimum
Cardinality Property


Thomas Driessen wrote
> Hi,
> I currently have the following usecase:
> Service A depends on Service B
> Service B depends on 4x Service C
> Service A

Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

2017-03-02 Thread Thomas Driessen

I am using the annotations osgi.annotations 6.0.1.
My Service looks like this:

public class ServiceAImpl implements IServiceA{

@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.Multiple)
public synchronized void addServiceB(IServiceB service){

and I was just wondering if there is the possibility to write something 
@Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality, Multiple, 
minimumCardinality = 4)

But Jens Kübler already wrote that I would have to add this information 
manually to the generated XML.

Maybe the following is possible then?

property = "ServiceB.cardinality.minimum=4"
public class ServiceAImpl implements IServiceA{

Kind regards,

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Dirk Fauth" <>
An: "Thomas Driessen" <>; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 14:25:06
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

Well if you use Bndtools you should be able to use the annotations. 
Maybe you use the wrong annotations in the configuration?

Am 02.03.2017 2:18 PM schrieb "Thomas Driessen" 
I'm using the version 5.6.1 of Felix as osgi framework if that does 

Eclipse is only used as IDE in combination with bndtools 4


-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Dirk Fauth" <>
An: "Thomas Driessen" <>; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 14:13:42
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

Actually Oxygen in its current development state contains Felix SCR,  
so it supports DS 1.3 under the hood.

For the DS 1.3 annotations there is a Gerrit patch available that 
needs to be verified. I'm currently looking at this so it can be part 
of Eclipse Oxygen.

Minimum cardinality is a DS 1.3 feature so it will not work with 
Eclipse in its current release state.

Am 02.03.2017 2:07 PM schrieb "Thomas Driessen" 

Thank you very much!

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Kübler, Jens" <>
An: "Thomas Driessen" <>; "OSGi 
Developer Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 14:05:27
Betreff: RE: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

Eclipse does only support the DS 1.2 spec and this was added in a 
later version.

if you are running in a DS 1.3 environment you have to add it 
manually to the xml and cannot use the annotations.

Discussion is under way to add the functionality in Eclipse 4.7

Kind Regards

<>] On Behalf Of Thomas 

Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2017 2:01 PM
To: OSGi Developer Mail List
Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

Thank you both for your answers.

Is it possible to directly annotate a reference with the minimum 
cardinality, or do I have to do this via ConfigurationAdmin?

In Eclipse autocomplete only shows the property cardinality which 
expects a ReferenceCardinality (OPTIONAL, MANDATORY, etc.) in the specification also only talks about how to adress 
this property via ConfigurationAdmin.

Kind regards,


-- Originalnachricht --

Von: "Dirk Fauth" <>

An: "OSGi Developer Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 13:37:21

Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

You can find an example in one of my blog posts. 

At the bottom the usage of the minimum cardinality reference 
property is shown.

Am 02.03.2017 1:07 PM schrieb "Carsten Ziegeler" 

You can do this with DS, have a look at section Minimum
Cardinality Property


Thomas Driessen wrote
> Hi,
> I currently have the following usecase:
> Service A depends on Service B
> Service B depends on 4x Service C
> Service A may only become active when Service B has exactly 4x 

> C, thus becoming active itself.
> I'm using declarative services which only support 0-*, 1-*, 0-1 

> exactly 1 dependencies between services.
> One idea I came up with, was to count the C services in B's 
setC(C c)
> method and, on reaching the count of 4, setting a specific 
property on B
> (e.g. weirdUsecaseIsActive = true) and let A's re

Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

2017-03-02 Thread Thomas Driessen
I'm using the version 5.6.1 of Felix as osgi framework if that does 

Eclipse is only used as IDE in combination with bndtools 4


-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Dirk Fauth" <>
An: "Thomas Driessen" <>; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 14:13:42
Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

Actually Oxygen in its current development state contains Felix SCR,  
so it supports DS 1.3 under the hood.

For the DS 1.3 annotations there is a Gerrit patch available that needs 
to be verified. I'm currently looking at this so it can be part of 
Eclipse Oxygen.

Minimum cardinality is a DS 1.3 feature so it will not work with 
Eclipse in its current release state.

Am 02.03.2017 2:07 PM schrieb "Thomas Driessen" 

Thank you very much!

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Kübler, Jens" <>
An: "Thomas Driessen" <>; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 14:05:27
Betreff: RE: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

Eclipse does only support the DS 1.2 spec and this was added in a 
later version.

if you are running in a DS 1.3 environment you have to add it 
manually to the xml and cannot use the annotations.

Discussion is under way to add the functionality in Eclipse 4.7

Kind Regards

<>] On Behalf Of Thomas Driessen

Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2017 2:01 PM
To: OSGi Developer Mail List
Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

Thank you both for your answers.

Is it possible to directly annotate a reference with the minimum 
cardinality, or do I have to do this via ConfigurationAdmin?

In Eclipse autocomplete only shows the property cardinality which 
expects a ReferenceCardinality (OPTIONAL, MANDATORY, etc.) in the specification also only talks about how to adress 
this property via ConfigurationAdmin.

Kind regards,


-- Originalnachricht --

Von: "Dirk Fauth" <>

An: "OSGi Developer Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 13:37:21

Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

You can find an example in one of my blog posts. 

At the bottom the usage of the minimum cardinality reference 
property is shown.

Am 02.03.2017 1:07 PM schrieb "Carsten Ziegeler" 

You can do this with DS, have a look at section Minimum
Cardinality Property


Thomas Driessen wrote
> Hi,
> I currently have the following usecase:
> Service A depends on Service B
> Service B depends on 4x Service C
> Service A may only become active when Service B has exactly 4x 

> C, thus becoming active itself.
> I'm using declarative services which only support 0-*, 1-*, 0-1 

> exactly 1 dependencies between services.
> One idea I came up with, was to count the C services in B's setC(C 
> method and, on reaching the count of 4, setting a specific 
property on B
> (e.g. weirdUsecaseIsActive = true) and let A's reference to B 

> with a corresponding target filter.
> I know this sound like a dirty hack, but I did not found any 

> solutions.
> Therefore, my questions are:
> 1) Is there a better solution for my usecase?
> 2) If not: How do I update properties of a service at runtime?
> Kind regards,
> Thomas
> ___
> OSGi Developer Mail List


Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland
OSGi Developer Mail List 

OSGi Developer Mail List 
OSGi Developer Mail List

Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

2017-03-02 Thread Thomas Driessen

Thank you very much!

-- Originalnachricht --
Von: "Kübler, Jens" <>
An: "Thomas Driessen" <>; "OSGi Developer 
Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 14:05:27
Betreff: RE: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

Eclipse does only support the DS 1.2 spec and this was added in a later 

if you are running in a DS 1.3 environment you have to add it manually 
to the xml and cannot use the annotations.

Discussion is under way to add the functionality in Eclipse 4.7

Kind Regards

[] On Behalf Of Thomas Driessen

Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2017 2:01 PM
To: OSGi Developer Mail List
Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

Thank you both for your answers.

Is it possible to directly annotate a reference with the minimum 
cardinality, or do I have to do this via ConfigurationAdmin?

In Eclipse autocomplete only shows the property cardinality which 
expects a ReferenceCardinality (OPTIONAL, MANDATORY, etc.) in the specification also only talks about how to adress this 
property via ConfigurationAdmin.

Kind regards,


-- Originalnachricht --

Von: "Dirk Fauth" <>

An: "OSGi Developer Mail List" <>

Gesendet: 02.03.2017 13:37:21

Betreff: Re: [osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

You can find an example in one of my blog posts.

At the bottom the usage of the minimum cardinality reference property 
is shown.

Am 02.03.2017 1:07 PM schrieb "Carsten Ziegeler" 

You can do this with DS, have a look at section Minimum
Cardinality Property


Thomas Driessen wrote
> Hi,
> I currently have the following usecase:
> Service A depends on Service B
> Service B depends on 4x Service C
> Service A may only become active when Service B has exactly 4x 

> C, thus becoming active itself.
> I'm using declarative services which only support 0-*, 1-*, 0-1 and
> exactly 1 dependencies between services.
> One idea I came up with, was to count the C services in B's setC(C 
> method and, on reaching the count of 4, setting a specific property 
on B

> (e.g. weirdUsecaseIsActive = true) and let A's reference to B filter
> with a corresponding target filter.
> I know this sound like a dirty hack, but I did not found any better
> solutions.
> Therefore, my questions are:
> 1) Is there a better solution for my usecase?
> 2) If not: How do I update properties of a service at runtime?
> Kind regards,
> Thomas
> ___
> OSGi Developer Mail List

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland
OSGi Developer Mail List

OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] Updating service properties at runtime

2017-03-02 Thread Thomas Driessen


I currently have the following usecase:

Service A depends on Service B
Service B depends on 4x Service C
Service A may only become active when Service B has exactly 4x Service 
C, thus becoming active itself.

I'm using declarative services which only support 0-*, 1-*, 0-1 and 
exactly 1 dependencies between services.

One idea I came up with, was to count the C services in B's setC(C c) 
method and, on reaching the count of 4, setting a specific property on B 
(e.g. weirdUsecaseIsActive = true) and let A's reference to B filter 
with a corresponding target filter.

I know this sound like a dirty hack, but I did not found any better 

Therefore, my questions are:
1) Is there a better solution for my usecase?
2) If not: How do I update properties of a service at runtime?

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] Components are not started, although marked with immediate=true

2017-02-17 Thread Thomas Driessen


I have a problem with immediate services and hoped that you guys maybe 
can help.

I'm currently trying to implement several services within one bundle 
(see below for code).
I have set all of them to be immediate (by immediate=true), but still, 
when I start the OSGi container with my bundle in it, only Con1, 
InDataPort1 and OutDataPort1 are active. The rest is satisfied but not 
active according to felix.scr console output:

g! list
BundleId Component Name Default State
   Component Id State  PIDs (Factory PID)
[  10]   test.Con1  enabled
   [   0] [active  ]
[  10]   test.InDataPort1  enabled
   [   1] [active  ]
[  10]   test.OutDataPort1  enabled
   [   2] [active  ]
[  10]   test.Process1  enabled
   [   3] [satisfied   ]
[  10]   test.Thread1_1  enabled
   [   4] [satisfied   ]
[  10]   test.Thread1_2  enabled
   [   5] [satisfied   ]

Am I doing something wrong?
I assumed that all services should be started as soon as they are 

Any advice is highly appreciated.

Kind regards,

@Component(immediate = true, service = IProcess.class, property = 

public class Process1 implements IProcess {

 @Reference(target = "(uid=test.Thread1_1)")
 private volatile IPeriodicThread thread1;

 @Reference(target = "(uid=test.Thread1_2)")
 private volatile IPeriodicThread thread2;

@Component(service = IPeriodicThread.class, property = 
"de.uniaugsburg.smds.aadl2osgi.component.uid=test.Thread1_1", immediate 
= true)

public class Thread1_1 implements IPeriodicThread {

 @Reference(target = "(uid=test.OutDataPort1)")
 private volatile IOutDataPort outport;

 public void initialize_FW() {

 public void finalize_FW() {

@Component(service = IPeriodicThread.class, property = 
"de.uniaugsburg.smds.aadl2osgi.component.uid=test.Thread1_2", immediate 
= true)

public class Thread1_2 implements IPeriodicThread {

 @Reference(target = "(uid=test.InDataPort1)")
 private volatile IOutDataPort outport;

 public void initialize_FW() {

 public void finalize_FW() {

@Component(service = IOutDataPort.class, property = 
"uid=test.OutDataPort1", immediate = true)

public class OutDataPort1 implements IOutDataPort {

 @Reference(target = "(target=test.OutDataPort1)", cardinality = 
ReferenceCardinality.OPTIONAL, policyOption = 

 private volatile IPortConnection incomingPortConnections;

 private volatile Set outgoingPortConnections = new 

 @Reference(target = "(source=test.OutDataPort1)", cardinality = 
ReferenceCardinality.OPTIONAL, policyOption = 

 public void addOutgoingPortConnection(final IPortConnection con) {

 public void removeOutgoingPortConnection(final IPortConnection con) {

@Component(service = IInDataPort.class, property = 
"uid=test.InDataPort1", immediate = true)

public class InDataPort1 implements IInDataPort {

 @Reference(target = "(target=test.InDataPort1)", cardinality = 
ReferenceCardinality.OPTIONAL, policyOption = 

 private volatile IPortConnection incomingPortConnections;

 private volatile Set outgoingPortConnections = new 

 @Reference(target = "(source=test.InDataPort1)", cardinality = 
ReferenceCardinality.OPTIONAL, policyOption = 

 public void addOutgoingPortConnection(final IPortConnection con) {

 public void removeOutgoingPortConnection(final IPortConnection con) {

@Component(service = IPortConnection.class, property = { 
"source=test.OutDataPort1", "target=test.InDataPort1" }, immediate = 

public class Con1 implements IPortConnection {
 @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.OPTIONAL, policyOption = 
ReferencePolicyOption.GREEDY, target = "(uid=test.OutDataPort1)")

 private volatile IOutDataPort source;

 @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.OPTIONAL, policyOption = 
ReferencePolicyOption.GREEDY, target = "(uid=test.InDataPort1)")

 private volatile IInDataPort target;
OSGi Developer Mail List

[osgi-dev] Maven Central bundle shows IllegalArgumentException

2017-02-01 Thread Thomas Driessen


I just started using the possibility to import Bundles from Maven 
Central (great work by the way, I was really missing that the last time 
I used BndTools :) )

Correct me if I did something wrong:
I added a new dependency in the "central.xml"


and refreshed my repositories.
Now org.eclipse.xtend.lib is shown correctly, but its two transitive 
dependencies and

are both displayed with a [!] bheind their name.
Behind the version there is a text displaying 
[java.lnag.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid syntax for version: 

Is this a warning or an error?

Can I use the bundles anyway?

Kind regards,
OSGi Developer Mail List