Re: [OSList] Sat 18th Dec - Winter Solstice 2021 - Celebration, Reflection, Conversations & Play

2021-12-17 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
I love the spirit and creativity of this upcoming gathering. Plan to
attend. Also most appreciative Lucas for all that you have made possible
through QiqoChat and Open Space, taking us beyond Zoom to a feeling of
space and place. I am also forwarding it to others in the soothing
celebration of Winter Solstice.

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator

Cell: 203-722-2009

On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 12:14 PM Lucas Cioffi via OSList <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> You are invited to a solstice gathering this Saturday, created by some
> lovely people in the Art of Hosting Community.
>- Saturday, December 18th
>- 9:00 EST / 14:00 GMT / 15:00 CET / 19:30 IST
>- Cost: Free
> The full invitation is below.
> Sincerely,
> Lucas Cioffi
> -- Forwarded message -
> From: Jamie Colston
> Dear friends, new and old,
> We are moving towards to longest night here in the northern hemisphere,
> and over the last four solstices, we (friends, family and kin we haven't
> met yet) have been gathering together on the Saturday before the Solstice,
> to be in relationship with each other, deep time and the unexpected. We do
> this because our world needs more beautiful and life enhancing ways of
> gathering people from around the world to be in ceremony and ritual
> together, alongside fun and play.
> This year, there is a smaller hosting team than usual and we have spent
> less time designing the magic that has happened in the past. However we
> think that we can lean into all the creativity that has been weaving itself
> into our imaginations over two years and co-host, with you, a delicious
> solstice gathering.
> What we have designed is a ceremony, which begins on *December 18th at
> 9:00 EST / 14:00 GMT / 15:00 CET / 19:30 IST*. We have musicians, poets,
> performance artists and game designers on the team. We have 10 rooms
> designed to cultivate a sense of imagination including the Kitchen (where
> all the best side parties happen), The queue for the toilet (where you can
> leave some graffiti messages on the wall), Behind the Bushes (what happens
> there stays there), the Disco (self explanatory and goes on til late) and
> the open mic room.
> We would like to invite you. Your family, elders, young people, friends
> who might like this kind of experiment and your community.
> The event is hosted on QiqoChat which has Zoom embedded into it along with
> some really cool digital tools to help it feel like a real party. It takes
> two minutes to sign up and make a profile or you can attend as a guest.
> If you haven't been before and you can't yet imagine how a digital event
> can be anywhere near as good as an in person get together, then I invite
> you to come and be surprised.
> If you are too busy, can't imagine being online any more than you have
> too, or can't come for any other reason, then thank you for being one of
> the lovely people in my life that I wanted to invite.
> Love and blessings to all
> Jamie
> --
> *I Am. We Are.*
> *Connection. Collaboration. Creativity. Community.*
> Website:
> Pronouns:  he/him
> Place:A founding member
> Roles:Facilitator/Host, Artists & Designer of space and
> interactions, Poet, Sense maker, Companion in exploration, Steward, Learner.
> Email:
> Mobile:   +44 (0)7909 442 006
> *Community CoLab*
> Website:
> Place: Associate
> Role:   Facilitator/Host, Learning Designer, Tech Host
> ___
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Re: [OSList] A phenomenal new book by one of our own: Initiating and Inviting Generative Change

2021-12-17 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Purchased and received my copy a week ago (lovely and special). Started to
read and plan to sink into it over the holidays. How special when one of
our own shares her wisdom in the form of a book, with the collaboration and
support of a colleague and friend.  Bravo Tova AND Peggy!

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator

Cell: 203-722-2009

On Thu, Dec 16, 2021 at 5:23 PM Peggy Holman via OSList <> wrote:

> Hi my OS list friends,
> I want to “out” Tova Averbuch, who has given us all a gift. She recently
> published the brilliant Initiating and Inviting Generative Change: Entry
> and Contracting for Emergent Outcomes in Results Driven Organizations
> <,aps,113=8-1>
> .
> Full disclosure: I’m biased because I had the joy and honor of being a
> sounding board as the book was born. It gave me a ring side seat to
> witnessing emerge the best framing of how to work with leaders and
> organizations seeking change that I’ve seen. Tova provides stories and a
> jaw-droppingly elegant framework that is simplicity on the other side of
> complexity. It captures a nuanced, multi-dimensional view of consulting
> work for introducing and integrating self-organization into an organization.
> In the process, she also drops gems, like offering the most cogent,
> myth-busting explanation of that oh-so-frustrating complaint that so many
> of us hear: yes, it was a great meeting but nothing happened afterwards.
> I’ll just leave that as a teaser to say if you want to know more, get the
> book. (It’s in a section called Endings and outcomes in Chapter 3.
> Beginnings and Endings.)
> Give yourself or a friend a gift for the new year.
> Best of the season,
> Peggy
> Peggy Holman
> Co-founder
> Journalism That Matters
> Bellevue, WA  98006
> 206-948-0432
> Twitter: @peggyholman
> JTM Twitter: @JTMStream
> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into
> Opportunity <>
> ___
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Re: [OSList] Creative New Jersey -> Gathering Ground

2021-12-08 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Jeff, Peggy and all!
A short note now that will be followed by something longer a little later.
Creative New Jersey is an Open Space love story that Chuni Li and I had the
privilege to be part of. It is one of my most treasured client engagements,
one that lives up to what we often say in this work. That after it is done,
they will forget we were ever there. Because they owned it, they lived it
and they ran with it. And indeed they did!

This past year I have been consumed by a project near and dear to my heart.
I’m in the process of writing a very intimate and personal book on Open
Space. Not done yet but soon. The title: “Open Space on the Open Road: A
Love Story”. The 2-day Open Space that took place is featured in one of the

A silver lining from this New Jersey tale is the life long friendship that
ensued between Chuni and I which includes her family. For days many times
over, I stayed at her home as we worked on this project.  Later,  many
other colleagues from around the world also stayed at Chuni’s home hosted
by the extended Li family after the annual Peace and High Performance
gathering in January in New York. What memories all because of this
wonderful event.

And because Harrison Owen had this crazy idea to put Chuni Li and I
together more than a decade ago. Some time later, people from this group
would invite Harrison to do a Ted Talk in New Jersey, the wonderful Dance
of Shiva. A gang of us were there in the audience to hear it.

Chuni may also want to weigh in on this Creative New Jersey story from her
perspective. I just wanted to share the back story and savor the memory a
bit more before thin telling the tale of what happened there.

With much love to all on this list, after a joyful Thanksgiving, with
Hanukkah just past and Christmas soon at our door.

 Apologies that I’ve not been on the list much in recent years.


On Monday, December 6, 2021, Jeff Aitken via OSList <> wrote:

> "After 10 years of convening communities around critical issues,
> silo-busting, and building and strengthening local networks, our new
> identity embodies Gathering Ground’s sharpened focus on nurturing and
> amplifying community-rooted solutions woven across socioeconomic divides."
> From their site and video, their "adapted" format seems to consist of one
> day of OST for topics and conversation, and then a second day of groups
> getting into collaborative action. Good stuff.
> Jeff
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2021, 6:31 PM Jeff Aitken  wrote:
>> From afar, this project looks so powerful! Celebrating 10 years using
>> "modified" OST for community conversations all around the state of New
>> Jersey in the USA. Now it has been renamed Gathering Ground.
>> I'm curious not to have seen any mention on the oslist. Does anyone know
>> anyone on the inside, who can tell any stories?
>> - Jeff

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
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[OSList] Peace and High Performance 2021 - Sharing our Proceedings

2021-02-25 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Open Space Colleagues and Friends,
Over 20 countries; more than 130 participants; 3 days that beckoned an
extra day; 54 topics documented in a 157-page book of proceedings. Add to
this three amazing facilitators (Hélène de Saint-Front from Paris, France;
Don Youngberg from Connecticut, USA; and Ola Chodasz from Poland) who
opened the space each morning in their very own style (recorded with links
in the proceedings) with a cast of wonderful volunteers, it is little
wonder that we were all so inspired.
It was another adventure in co-learning and experiencing open space in the
spirit of this 20-year plus gathering of  "Opening Space for Peace and High
Performance" which has been traditionally held at International House in
New York City. This highly successful, first virtual gathering with its
compelling theme cannot help but stir our imagination for more.
An important Call to Action with a QUESTION bigger than anyone could
fathom: "How do we engage 8  billion people in meaningful conversation?"
Ignited by Harrison Owen, originator of Open Space amplified in his
reflections on Saturday and Sunday morning (also with video links in the
proceedings), this unanswerable question spoke to the palpable urgency and
opportunity of these times.
A gathering of 3 days that became 4 is now living in us as an infinite DAY
5 and Keeping the Spirit Alive.
Here to stir your longing to open more and more space is the link featuring
all of the above.

Be Prepared to Be Surprised!

With much love and gratitude,
Suzanne Daigle and Karen Davis
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Re: [OSList] Open Space in Zoom times......

2021-01-11 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Hello Romy and all,

How wonderful to read your note and to everyone who responded. We are
living into an amazing learning journey together aren't we!

As part of the Peace and High Performance Open Space gathering happening
January 22-24, 2021 (10 am to 3 pm EST), there will certainly be
opportunities to invite sharing and co-creative learning on the topic you
mention Romy. The cost for the three days is minimal $25. The spirit of the
gathering which will include reflections from Harrison on Saturday and
Sunday morning is very much in the spirit of shared learning as we continue
to open more and more virtual space together. We will be using a
combination of Zoom, QiQo (much gratitude always to trailblazing Lucas
Cioffi) and Google doc, inspired by Flourishing Futures and OSI US. Our
hope is that it will also provide a space to discuss other ways and means
of opening space ~ simply, in the spirit of a "less is more".

Karen Davis has been hosting this gathering with Harrison for over 20
years. It's an opportunity for people new to Open Space to experience and
even practice facilitation of open space. For others more familiar, an
opportunity to deepen our practice with others, including virtual.  What
I've always found most interesting are the diverse communities that we
attracted in New York, people who are passionately engaged in various
causes, in transformation and change. This year will be no different.

All are warmly welcome.

Below the invite, the important THEME that is bringing us together in these
times, and a link for all who are interested:



*Jan 22- 24, 2021*

*These urgent times need us everywhere, all of us, head and heart.*

*Together, we must challenge ourselves to invite broadly,*

*to engage and inspire each other to action.*

*“How do we engage 8 billion people in meaningful conversation?”*

*Explore pathways and discoveries with other global explorers.*

Please feel free to invite others!

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space on the Open Road

On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 7:41 AM Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <> wrote:

> Dear Sylwia,
> you and others in this string report how "effective it (ost) can be" in
> online formats.
> In which way was ost online "effective" or "differently effective" from
> analog ost events?
> Cheers from Berlin to Belgium (you live and work there now? The World
> Map still sees you in Poland:
> >
> hugs
> mmp
> Am 11.01.2021 um 13:13 schrieb Sylwia Myszka-Szyszka via OSList:
>  > Hello everyone,
>  >
>  > Happy New Year from Belgium!
>  > I would love to take part in this conversation. I've been working mainly
>  > with Zoom+google docs and with Qiqo chat. A year ago I couldn't imagine
>  > an open space online, now I'm still surprised how effective it can be.
>  > Happy to share and to explore further with you.
>  >
>  > Best wishes,
>  > Sylwia
>  >
>  > ___
>  >
>  > *Sylwia Myszka-Szyszka*
>  >
>  > Open Space Facilitator | Trainer
>  >
>  > <> | + 48 577 804
>  > 500 | LinkedIn <>
>  >
>  > ___
>  >
>  > *I strongly recommend:*
>  >
>  > *- My article
>  >
> <
> >
>  > *about *Open Space Technology*
>  >
>  > *- Interview
>  >
> <
> >
>  > *where I talk about *OST***
>  >
>  > *
>  >
>  > *
>  >
>  >
>  > niedz., 10 sty 2021 o 15:16 Romy Shovelton via OSList
>  >
> >>
>  > napisał(a):
>  >
>  > Hello lovely OS world and extended family….
>  >
>  > Apologies for being absent for SO long….. I lurk occasionally and
>  > enJOY seeing you there, sharing wisdom so brilliantly and
>  > inspiringly. Thank you.
>  >
>  > Seeing Funda’s posting…. I would LOVE to have a conversation (dare I
>  > say Zoom ?!!) with OS people about how to make OS the best it
>  > possibly can be in an online world. I know that Phelim and the
>  > Improbable crew have done some online work. If anyone might be
>  > interested in talking about suc

[OSList] Annual Peace and High Performance Gathering going Virtual

2021-01-04 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear “Peace and High Performance” alumni colleagues and friends,

 As you will have guessed, it will not be possible for us to meet at
International House in January this year. The good news however is that we
will be hosting this important gathering virtually instead. We hope many of
you, like us, feel the great urgency to open more space in these times.

Here is a brief excerpt of our invitation warmly extended to all of you.
Also the link with more details and registration information.

Please feel free to invite others.

*2021 INVITATION January 22-24, 2021 (from 10 am to 3 pm EST)*
*“*The* need and yearning to open more and more space has never been
greater on our planet. These urgent times need us everywhere, all of us,
head and heart. Together, we must challenge ourselves to invite broadly, to
engage and inspire each other to action.*

*The key question and challenge facing us now could be:*

*“How do we engage 8 billion people in meaningful conversation?”*

*The “Opening Space for Peace and High Performance” gathering held at
International House in New York City, with its timeless theme, is a
long-standing tradition. This year, it will find its virtual home on
QiQoChat and Zoom.  We welcome individuals and groups who are seeking to
learn and experience Open Space Technology for the very first time; or
others who wish to deepen their facilitation practice with colleagues and

*It will unfold in the spirit of Open Space with its guiding 5 principles
and law, ignited by a theme that has guided passion and responsibility over
the years. We will seek the simple ways to engage, learn and share
virtually together. Just as we have in the past, it will happen in January,
honoring the legacy of Martin Luther King.*

*In 2020, Harrison Owen, the originator of Open Space Technology,
presciently spoke of these times with all its system breakdowns and
challenges as an extraordinary opportunity “to engage 8 billion people in
useful conversation”. It is a call to conversation and action that
resonates for these times.*

*We look forward to being with you!”*

Karen, Suzanne and Harrison
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[OSList] Harrison's Birthday TODAY! December 2nd, 2020

2020-12-02 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Our Global "around the world, around the clock" Cocktail party starts at 9
a.m. EST; Harrison will join us about 9:30 and then drop in periodically
during the day.

May the festivities begin. Lots to celebrate and lots to be grateful for.
Bring your smile and cup or glass of cheer!

Here the link to join : (please update to latest version of Zoom)
Zoom meeting ID: 897 1695 0018 and passcode: 928765.

*Here the link to leave your personalized birthday wish on Mural;* have fun
and play around with it. At the bottom right, a hand to move around and
zoom tool to increase and decrease. On the left hand side, drawing tools
and post-it's to use for the occasion or import something of your own.

Can't wait to see you all,
Suzanne, Barry, Michael and Lucas
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Re: [OSList] Coming soon... Happy Birthday Harrison!

2020-11-29 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
*Harrison's Birthday Party - Reminder. Happening Soon!*

Wednesday December 2nd is the day! Harrison’s 85th birthday and
35th anniversary of Open Space technology. Much to celebrate. Please join
us for an around the clock, around the world Global Cocktail Party.  Starts
at 8 am (Eastern Time December 2nd) until mid to late evening.  Harrison
will join us mid-morning and drop in during the day, between naps.
Here the link to join for Wednesday: (please update to latest version of
Zoom meeting ID: 897 1695 0018 and passcode: 928765.
Here the link to the original Facebook invitation:
Here the link to leave your personalized birthday wish on Mural; you can
create ahead or day of.


See you soon!

Suzanne, Michael, Barry and Lucas

On Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 11:03 AM Suzanne Daigle  wrote:

> *Happy Birthday Harrison!*
> *A Global Cocktail Party*
> On December 2nd, Harrison Owen celebrates his 85th birthday.  An occasion
> worthy of great celebration, Open Space style. With lots of camaraderie and
> cheer, and a touch of “Be Prepared to Be Surprised”!
> In 1985, 35 years ago, Open Space Technology was conceived over two
> martinis ~ a great experiment that continues as vibrantly today as it was
> then.
> Its ritual and refrain, always the same: Sit in a circle, create a
> bulletin board, open a marketplace and get to work.  Four timeless
> principles (now 5), a law, bumble bee and butterfly are all it takes for
> dynamic discussions on issues that matter.
> In the spirit of Open Space, from morning until late at night (when it
> starts, it starts; when it’s over, it's over), on Wednesday December 2nd we
> will gather and toast this special guy who has touched us all and many
> beyond. Over the years, his shared work has become our work in all kinds of
> places and settings worldwide.
> *In the weeks before…*
> Between now and then, with just the right amount of chaos and confusion,
> we invite you to visit and contribute to our giant virtual Marketplace
> Birthday Wall. A simple birthday card would not suffice. Share your good
> wishes, add a photo, story or memory with Harrison. Our invitation is to
> play around with the mural technology. Easy when you get the hang of it!
> *First type your name and log in as a visitor.* Then hover your mouse and
> go exploring. The hand and square at the bottom right allow you to move
> around and zoom in and zoom out. On the left, a bunch of tools with which
> to play. So give it a go and have fun creating your own special message.
> *On December 2nd…*The plan is that we’ll be hanging out in a world-around
> Zoom.  A dedicated link will be provided on the Birthday Wall a few days
> before. Our space will include a main Zoom room and breakouts.  Bring your
> heart, favorite stories and a glass or cup of good cheer.
> Harrison will come by mid-morning Washington DC time and drop in
> throughout the day between naps.
> See you soon!
> Suzanne, Michael, Barry and Lucas
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[OSList] Coming soon... Happy Birthday Harrison!

2020-11-20 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
*Happy Birthday Harrison!*

*A Global Cocktail Party*

On December 2nd, Harrison Owen celebrates his 85th birthday.  An occasion
worthy of great celebration, Open Space style. With lots of camaraderie and
cheer, and a touch of “Be Prepared to Be Surprised”!

In 1985, 35 years ago, Open Space Technology was conceived over two
martinis ~ a great experiment that continues as vibrantly today as it was

Its ritual and refrain, always the same: Sit in a circle, create a bulletin
board, open a marketplace and get to work.  Four timeless principles (now
5), a law, bumble bee and butterfly are all it takes for dynamic
discussions on issues that matter.

In the spirit of Open Space, from morning until late at night (when it
starts, it starts; when it’s over, it's over), on Wednesday December 2nd we
will gather and toast this special guy who has touched us all and many
beyond. Over the years, his shared work has become our work in all kinds of
places and settings worldwide.

*In the weeks before…*

Between now and then, with just the right amount of chaos and confusion, we
invite you to visit and contribute to our giant virtual Marketplace
Birthday Wall. A simple birthday card would not suffice. Share your good
wishes, add a photo, story or memory with Harrison. Our invitation is to
play around with the mural technology. Easy when you get the hang of it!

*First type your name and log in as a visitor.* Then hover your mouse and
go exploring. The hand and square at the bottom right allow you to move
around and zoom in and zoom out. On the left, a bunch of tools with which
to play. So give it a go and have fun creating your own special message.

*On December 2nd…*The plan is that we’ll be hanging out in a world-around
Zoom.  A dedicated link will be provided on the Birthday Wall a few days
before. Our space will include a main Zoom room and breakouts.  Bring your
heart, favorite stories and a glass or cup of good cheer.

Harrison will come by mid-morning Washington DC time and drop in throughout
the day between naps.

See you soon!

Suzanne, Michael, Barry and Lucas
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2020-03-15 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Hello All,

A huge leap, a bold move. Later today and this week, we are launching the
Virtual Agora Gardens as part of the World Happiness Fest activities. It
will be a self-organizing conversational space using the combined
technologies of QiQo Chat (where you can choose your garden and topic) and
Zoom (where you then engage directly in face-to-face conversations on
topics of your choice).  A unique feature of this Virtual Agora (gathering)
is that people will be hosting each other. No leaders, facilitators or
official hosts. Self-organizing like in nature!

You can check out the space and concept here;

All are warmly invited to join this experiment, lending your passion and
skills as hosts and facilitators, helping us informally open and hold space
for others and with others.  It is free and lasts all week. You can drop in
anytime and stay as long as you want.

As the planning for the World Happiness Fest was underway, there was no way
to predict the alarming and unfolding circumstances of the coronavirus.
The Global Happiness Event is in its third year and has been increasing
exponentially. Over the past weeks and month, the planning team, organizers
and world hosts have been adjusting, creating and responding with such
sensitivity, generosity and heart.

With this latest Virtual Garden initiative, it’s also been a race against
the clock. What was intended to be a small Open Space experiment,
complementing the many activities (presentations, live events, and more) of
the World Happiness Fest is now potentially a place and space that will
fill an urgent and important need for many.

*A bit more background:*

The World Happiness Fest Week (March 16th - 22nd) is launching today from Madrid.  All
in-person events and presentations *now *“without audience” will be
recorded and live streamed free. Many of the in-person Agoras (gatherings)
– about 80 around the world have been cancelled or scaled down which will
certainly shift the attention to virtual. Many of our colleagues in the
Open Space community were/are hosting Agoras where they live: in Canada,
Nashville, Spain, India and other places.

*Lucas Cioffi*, founder of QiQo Chat and a great friend of Open Space, has
worked tirelessly to develop this virtual garden concept with input from
our friends and colleagues here and there, along the way.

*Luis Gallardo*, Founder and President of Happiness, also an ardent
supporter of Open Space, came up with the idea of having a virtual garden
setting for this conversational intiative. Luis was at World Open Space in
October and he, with core members of his planning team, also attended the
Peace and High Performance gathering in New York.

This is an excerpt of Luis’ message to a global community a few days ago as
their team continued to plan, adjust and respond to the needs and current
happenings.* It is in the spirit of his heartfelt words that we are
extending this invitation to you. *

Given the almost widespread alarm that is causing the spread of Coronavirus
throughout the world, we want to take a very special role, a role of hope
in view of fear, and the remembering that we are all responsible for the
decisions we make.

This is the time when we need positive, calm and aware leadership. It is
now when we need to talk about stress, before trauma and after, the impact
of negative news on our behavior, the crippling effects of fear and anxiety
and its consequences. This is the time to contrast the facts, to learn from
the past and to build a future full of hope, because we know that
isolation, loneliness and depression are devastating to human beings.

We have decided to take advantage of this alarm situation and the
celebration of The World Happiness Fest between March 16 and 22, 2020 to
set an example and remain the forum we are. We are a forum for reflection
on integral human development, on new economic and development models, on
peaceful coexistence and the flourishing of all; family, work, school and

We will keep the agenda online and by video streaming giving free access to
anyone who wants to access the contents and wisdom of the experts of our
community, and we will enable our online platform so that there is
dialogue, from any corner of the planet, without moving from home if it is
what you want.

Thank you for your support and feedback. Forgive the bumps along the way.
This is truly an experiment and we’ve still got lots to learn and test. But
we felt we just had to leap!

As always, ever appreciative,


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

Cell: 203-722-2009
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Re: [OSList] Checking In

2020-01-25 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Marc, I'm just reading this note now. After the Peace and High
Performance gathering. Please know that the Spirit of WOSonOS and those who
were there seemed somehow to be felt in New York.
I'm so glad we met at Cherry Hill and know that the Proceedings once
reviewed by the attendees will be made available.
Have a wonderful day!

On Wed, Jan 15, 2020, 3:53 PM Marc C. Trudeau via OSList <> wrote:

> Dear friends I made/reconnected with at WOSonOS, and new friends I’m sad I
> won’t meet at P,
> I’m sad to be missing out on seeing you and on doing great work together
> this year, and I’m glad for the work I’m doing now and family priorities
> that both preclude attending. I’m afraid I may miss out on important stuff
> and sad for missing out on being together. I’m glad and thankful for all
> this community has taught and is teaching me.
> Be well, brothers and sisters, and have an awesome gathering! (I’m
> hatching a scheme to hopefully make WOSonOS Berlin.)
> Peace,
> Marc
> ___
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Re: [OSList] Thanks

2020-01-25 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
>From the bottom of my heart Charlie thank you. And yes there are many
people involved including those who attend like you, often making trips
from far. And others who return and who came before. But those who deserve
the greatest thanks for this very special gathering, intimate and wonderful
are Harrison and Karen Davis. Plus the wonderful people at International
It was so nice meeting you and others. The proceedings will be sent soon.

On Tue, Jan 21, 2020, 11:05 PM CHARLES COLPITTS via OSList <> wrote:

> I want to say “thanks” to OSI organizers and all of the participants in
> Opening Space for Peace and High Performance this weekend. Suzanne, Mark,
> Karen, Nathan and Amy were the most visible, but I’m sure others played
> large roles, too.
> Sent from my iPad
> ___
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[OSList] REMINDER and PREPARATION: World Happiness Fest and Open Space on QiQo Chat Tomorrow - 12 pm to 1:30 pm

2019-12-30 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
We can't think of a better way to welcome the New Year.  We're over the top

It is our hope that you can join us for this Launch Experiment!

"Very little setup is required.  Here are the simple tech instructions

you can do ahead of time!

Below the text of our December 26th email invitation. The spirit of WOSonOS
2019 continues to inspire us to action.


*Greetings Open Spacers!*

It’s TIME. We’re ready to test the online World Happiness *Open* Fest on
QiQo chat next Tuesday.  For this first experiment only, we’ll be
partnering with the OS hotline to launch. Other conversations on the same
topic will take place in the New Year in different time zones.

*Tuesday December 31, 2019*

*Noon EST to 1:30 pm*

*INVITATION Theme*: “Opening Space for World Happiness: Let’s Explore the
Opportunities and Possibilities”

Two world communities coming together. A shared mission, shared purpose,
and shared values. Opening space in the world for meaning, purpose,
well-being, freedom, happiness, peace and high performance.

*We are inviting you to explore how we can introduce and apply the
principles and process of Open Space technology as part of the World
Happiness Fest and the Happiness Agoras at live events and online. *


Join us in the Gardens of the World which will serve as our virtual
breakout meeting areas

As Luis Gallardo, president and founder of World Happiness Fest, said to us
when introducing the concept of gardens for our QiQO chat meeting places:
“We normally use the term of planting seeds and every time I think about
Open Space, the image of a beautiful open garden comes to my mind. The
world gardens will be our house and nature our natural habitat to plant
ideas and conversations as seeds that will grow and be nurtured over time.”


*Suzanne, Barry, Luis and Lucas*
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[OSList] World Happiness Fest and Open Space ready to launch new QiQo Chat space

2019-12-26 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
*Greetings Open Spacers!*

It’s TIME. We’re ready to test the online World Happiness *Open* Fest on
QiQo chat next Tuesday.  For this first experiment only, we’ll be
partnering with the OS hotline time to launch. Other conversations on the
same topic will take place later in the New Year, in different time zones.

*Tuesday December 31, 2019*

*Noon EST to 1:30 pm*

*INVITATION Theme*: “Opening Space for World Happiness: Let’s Explore the
Opportunities and Possibilities”

Two world communities coming together. A shared mission, shared purpose,
and shared values. Opening space in the world for meaning, purpose,
well-being, freedom, happiness, peace and high performance.

*We are inviting you to explore how we can introduce and apply the
principles and process of Open Space technology as part of the World
Happiness Fest and the Happiness Agoras at live events and online. *


Join us in the Gardens of the World which will serve as our virtual
breakout meeting areas

As Luis Gallardo, president and founder of World Happiness Fest, said to us
when introducing the concept of gardens for our QiQO chat meeting places:
“We normally use the term of planting seeds and every time I think about
Open Space, the image of a beautiful open garden comes to my mind. The
world gardens will be our house and nature our natural habitat to plant
ideas and conversations as seeds that will grow and be nurtured over time.”


*Suzanne, Barry, Luis and Lucas*
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Re: [OSList] Podcast: On Being: David Whyte

2019-12-22 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Marc, under the surface of Open Space lies so much. As I listened to Krista
Tippets' conversation with David Whyte, I felt and heard the same unfolding
of living the wisdom and courage of our own humanity, individually and
collectively. A conversation of brave invitation in a world that needs more
of us and the full of us.
Thank you for sharing.

On Thu, Dec 19, 2019, 2:35 PM Rebecca Stevenson via OSList <> wrote:

> Thank you for the link! I agree that is beautiful. Much to ruminate on
> over the long nights.
> Rebecca
> On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:15 PM Marc C. Trudeau via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> A friend shared this with me, and I thought it was beautiful. Thought
>> this group might appreciate it, too. Peace.
>> ___
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[OSList] PEACE and HIGH PERFORMANCE in New York City - January 17th - 19th, 2020

2019-12-22 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
*Hello dear Open Space community of colleagues and friends,*

With the holidays at our doorstep and a new decade just around the corner,
how can one not feel grateful for the gift of Open Space in our lives. Many
on this list got their first exposure to Open Space at International House
in New York City; for others, like me, it happened elsewhere though indeed,
it's at this Peace and High Performance gathering that I deepened and
celebrated my continued learning and growth in the practice of this process
which is so much more. A way of living really.

This year, as people I know, and others who I have yet to meet, have
registered to attend, I feel the deep stirring of welcome and conviviality
inside me, knowing the big issues ahead that will be discussed; knowing how
influential and impactful it will be to have the folks who will be there
there and who are connected to so many, will affect others before, during
and after. In 2013, the WOSonOS theme in Florida was *The World is Waiting;
Are We Ready*?  In 2019, it was *Honoring the Ineffable Spirit of Open
Space*. Both are an invitation to open more space and to continue to open
space everywhere and anywhere. This year in partnership with the World
Happiness Fest, that's exactly what we'll be doing.

*If you want to experience* what it feels like to be at International
House, watch this short 2.5 minute video (not extremely professional but
through images, it conveys the spirit of what it's like to be there).

*If you want to be reminded* of the purpose of this gathering which was
inspired in large part by Harrison Owen's book The Practice of Peace, let
yourself be guided by these timeless and timely words of his:

*Excerpt from the back cover of Harrison's book*

   - *Peace is not the absence of chaos, confusion, and conflict*
   - *...conflict in all its forms is an essential, albeit painful, element
   of life, and life without conflict is only a lobotomized shadow of its
   former self. *
   - *Peace then is a process, not a thing; a journey and not a destination*
   - *The true power lies with the incredible capacity of self-organizing
   systems to create Peace for themselves and with their environments. *
   - *Order appears in chaos. Nobody did it. Not a committee or executive
   in sight, but things definitely get organized at a new and higher level of
   complexity. *

Who can set the conditions for peace to self-organize? Anyone and everyone

   - Business and political leaders
   - Neighbors
   - Lovers and friends
   - Engineers and sales people
   - Teachers and learners
   - Parents and children
   - You

The *Practice of Peace* opens a space for peace to emerge in each of us and
for all our collectives.

*If you want to exponentially ignite and inspire* yourself and others to
all that we imagine possible, *please join us at International House in

*Thank you and Welcome!*
Suzanne, Karen, Harrison, OSI US and all of us who are part of inviting for
this gathering

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

Cell: 203-722-2009
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[OSList] World Happiness Fest and Open Space

2019-12-17 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Greetings Fellow Open Spacers,

This is a follow-up to Barry Owen’s November 19th note to the OS list on
the World Happiness Fest.  An update on what we’ve been working on. Thanks
to everyone who has expressed an interest whether it’s hosting Agoras in
your city or location or by joining the Happiness Fest community. We're
also super delighted that members of the core Happiness Team, including
Luis Gallardo, will be attending the International House Peace and High
Performance <> gathering in
New York city from January 17th to 19th. A time for us to join forces,
minds and hearts.

*Another exciting new development to share with you:  *

The  *World Happiness Fest* <>
on [image:
The QiqoChat Logo] <>  will soon be opening its
virtual gardens ~ sometime between Christmas and New Year. Breakout
conversations will be happening in "virtual nature" settings around the
world. Just like an Open Space, you can be a topic convener or a
participant, or a bumble bee buzzing to different places, or a butterfly
hanging out in the garden or forest outside. There will also be note taking
as part of this grand virtual QiQo Chat Happiness experiment just like in
Open Space.

At the heart of all this, our Theme and the Story behind what we are doing.


*World Happiness Fest AND Open Space Technology*

*INVITATION Theme*: “Opening Space for World Happiness: Let’s Explore the
Opportunities and Possibilities”

Two world communities coming together. A shared mission, shared purpose,
and shared values. Opening space in the world for meaning, purpose,
well-being, freedom, happiness, peace and high performance.

The roots of our work run deep. It speaks to a yearning in the world that
transcends the traditional measures of growth and success. Addressing the
great needs and major shifts happening on our planet, in our global
communities, society and everywhere.

The Open Space and World Happiness Fest participation numbers are
astounding, thousands and hundreds of thousands of people have benefited
and participated in our gatherings and events. As facilitators of Open
Space or conveners for World Happiness Fest, we continue to invite and
engage minds and hearts leading to action. So that collectively and
individually we can make a difference in the world.

*This invitation is an opportunity to learn from each other. To see how the
World Happiness Fest can be like a giant Open Space. We are inviting you to
explore with us how we can apply and introduce the principles and process
of Open Space technology as part of the World Happiness Fest and the
Happiness Agoras.*

Whether you are planning to host a World Happiness Agora in your city or
are interested in participating with us on how we can invite and
incorporate Open Space principles and practice in the upcoming Happiness
events, please join us.

*If you want to know more about World Happiness Fest, check these links:*

* <>*

Suzanne, Barry, Luis and Lucas

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
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Re: [OSList] Happy birthday Harrison

2019-12-02 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Harrison, I wished you a Happy Birthday on Facebook but had to add it here,
this special place called the OS list where we deliver the only thing you
asked of us when you gifted us with Open Space: that we share our stories
and learning.  Well now there's a treasure trove here with decades and
decades of stuff. Including annual warm wishes to you on your birthday.
What a gift you are to all of us. *Happy Birthday *to you in Washington,
this place that needs you and Open Space more than anyone can know.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 1:00 PM Peggy Holman via OSList <> wrote:

> Morning all,
> It’s that time of year. For most of us, it’s holiday season.
> A special day for Open Space Technology is today: Harrison Owen’s
> birthday.
> Harrison: wishing you a great day and a special year. As disruption of the
> status quo becomes louder and more prevalent, your gift to the world
> becomes ever more relevant.
> Thanks for being you.
> Love,
> Peggy
> Peggy Holman
> Co-founder
> Journalism That Matters
> 15347 SE 49th Place
> Bellevue, WA  98006
> 206-948-0432
> Twitter: @peggyholman
> JTM Twitter: @JTMStream
> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into
> Opportunity <>
> ___
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[OSList] INVITATION - International House NYC - January 17th - 19th, 2020

2019-11-20 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear colleagues, friends and alumni of our annual International House Open

This year, more than ever before, I, along with others on the team
including Harrison, Karen and OSI US, extend a full-hearted invitation for
this annual gathering that has been taking place at International House for
more than 20 years.

Peace and High Performance, a theme that lives vibrantly in all of us! Also
connects to Happiness and Well-being - People and Planet.


The familiarity of this wonderful place that has hosted us over the years
with all its conversation and learning plus the actions and initiatives
that were seeded there, are beyond words ~  "ineffable" to borrow from the
recent WOSonOS 2019. Add to this lifelong connections and friendships.

There is a giant need for what we invite and do, opening and holding space
for topics that matter. This is a place for us to refuel, reaffirm and
relearn; a time to invite others; to share, to reflect and to celebrate. It
is no small matter that this gathering has been happening for more than two
decades. So many have been introduced to Open Space here for the first

I look forward to walking up the well-worn marble steps of International
House with many of you, feeling the memory of times past and the excitement
of what awaits us in the future. The shared values and purpose of
International House are yet another reason to feel at home when we come
here. Perhaps you'll want to check this link and get a feel for this
historical place.

Please come and invite others!

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

Cell: 203-722-2009
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Re: [OSList] Skye Listening for the Harmonies

2019-10-22 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dearest Skye,

Thank you for the gift of what you wrote. You captured in words (how is
that possible?) the beautiful ineffable spirit of this upcoming gathering
and of Open Space.

I arrived at Cherry Hill Park late yesterday. Here to indulge in 3 days of
pre-WOSonOS learning and sharing with Thomas Herrmann, Anna Caroline Turk
and other participants.

I feel myself arriving like an empty vessel, wishing to listen, hear, feel
and be with each and all who will be here and others like you Skye who are
so present from afar. Seeking to quiet my mind, to temper my emotions, to
let the days unfold as they will. Peacefully, quietly. It's not easy. A mix
of grief and anticipatory joy.

Impossible to ignore the
confusion, the very real pain, chaos and yes distractions of so much
happening in the world. Impossible to not feel the urgency to be doing, to
be doing more, helping, speaking out, and taking action.

Tis not always easy to give ourselves permission to discover and savor each
other. And yet I believe that it is in the joy of that togetherness, that
our spirits lift and that we lift others, now and beyond this circle. It
where the Aliveness happens.

In the end, no better guide for me this week, as part of the beautiful
ineffable, than the five principles of Open Space, the one law and a Be
Prepared to be Surprised!

So thank you Skye, for the love of what you sent. And for who you are for
us and others. You will be holding the space at a distance, in Maine, that
special place that Harrison also calls home!


On Mon, Oct 21, 2019, 7:43 AM Skye Hirst via OSList <> wrote:

> How does Open Space Technology help us experience harmony, wholeness?  This
> may well be the most ineffable idea in today’s busy world.  Life seems to
> present moments of such harmoniousness and we may notice them when they
> happen and then forget them.  They don’t get highlighted as something
> possible on any dependable scale, so they get passed over, dismissed as a
> “nice” experience but most likely we don’t share them.  However, the
> artists among us will capture them through their medium. We love the
> feelings this work gives us, this reminder of those numinous realities.
> What happens in OST?   What are those realities we experience more often
> than not while participating in a concentrated time around an invitation
> question, an urgency, a group of people sitting in circle, creating an
> agenda and sitting with questions, getting to deeper ones?
> I believe OST is micro of a macro reality that life’s organism ways
> provide for us in every moment.  “Come to the circle, tell us your tale,
> you are not the only one who is hurting.”  This phrase from a song
> written in the 80s by a friend, speaks of the power of OST.  There is
> something so powerful about being reminded, you get to choose how and where
> and when you give your attention.  It has been called an antidote to the
> world of hierarchical dominating meetings, work life and organizationally
> dead structures.
> So I say, I want to capture the ineffable, but how silly that is.  And
> yet, we can point to shared experience, to knowledge that goes beyond
> words, to celebrate this most amazing, awe-generating process abiding in
> living structures, living “becoming” events that are *alivenmaking*.  Let’s
> listen for the harmonies, for the moments of felt sensing our wholeness,
> our unity, and our differences at the same time.  This is a “both and
> world,” not an “either/or” one.  It takes work only in that we remember
> what we can easily forget with distractions and constant “busy-ness.”  Notice
> when those moments of peacefulness enter into the “field” when we take a
> long breath and let it out fully, sitting with one another without needing
> to fix or change ourselves, or the other. What are your experiences of
> “fulfillment” of listening in to deep knowledge of being alive?
> One OST participant spoke of it as something one cannot talk about, but to
> experience it is to have lived, feeling aliveness and we want it more and
> more. Then we want others to have the experience so we try to talk about it.
> I say, “Come to the Circle, tell us your tale, you are not the only one
> who is hurting.”
> The storyteller tells his tales and we remember those times his stories
> happened in our lives, or we make sense of a story we have not understood
> about our tale. Then we begin again with a new story.  Keep coming to the
> circle, telling us your tales, one and all.
> Blessings to all this week for great WOSONOS in DC.
> Song *Healing Circle* is by Julia Hickory 1984, Album Joyful Noise and
> Friends *Birdsong Morning*
> *Healing Circle*
> Come to the Circle
> Listen to our tales
> You will find you’re not the only one who’s hurting
> And the light may shine in
> This is where we begin
> The magic of our healing
> Alone in your room, you think you’re the only one
> And you’re 

Re: [OSList] OSList Digest, Vol 100, Issue 29

2019-09-04 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Anne Stadler, are you really coming to WOSonOS? Oh yippee, yippee, yippee.
I noticed that you mentioned November but it's happening in October (25 to

I'm beyond excited that the golden oldies are coming cause as it goes, feel
more and more in that category though much to learn and inhale still.

Now if any other golden oldies or younger ones too are reading this and you
signified you're coming, didn't see some of you on the roster yet. Hurry up
cause as Harold says, the lodging space at Cherry Hill is limited. Other
options in hotels nearby but so much more fun being together around the
clock. A bit like Sleeping Lady in Leavenworth Washington where Peggy, you
and others hosted Wave Rider, Leadership in a Self-Organizing World. It's
where I met you Anne and what a joy it was!

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 12:43 PM Peggy Holman via OSList <> wrote:

> So many stories in those early days of forming the Open Space Institutes!
> We also did a session or two around what people wanted from the
> institutes. I think it was there that the idea arose for OSI-US that people
> wanted a “heart fire” - a place to send their friends for mutual support
> and connection, mentoring and being mentored, learning and research.
> Harrison, I’m looking forward to seeing you! It has been too long.
> Barry, delighted you are opening the space. Time for a new generation to
> lead.
> I’m registered and ready to show up.
> See you in a couple months.
> Peggy
> Peggy Holman
> 206-948-0432
> Bellevue, Washington
> Sent from my iPad
> On Aug 23, 2019, at 6:04 PM, Barry Owen via OSList <
>> wrote:
> Thank you Birgitt . . . and I know you will come with just the right
> energy to help me maintain centre
> I wish healing for you
> Such an Honor
> b
> On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 7:54 PM Birgitt Williams via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> Barry dear of the big attractors for me to be there is to
>> experience your facilitation of an OST meeting. My heart would feel the
>> sheer joy of that steadfast beautiful presence that you bring.
>> Birgitt
>> *Birgitt Williams*
>> *Supporting Next Level Leadership "Leading So People Will Lead"*
>> Author, Senior Consultant, President Dalar International Consultancy, Inc
>> <>
>> Founder Genuine Contact Program
>> <>
>> Co-owner Genuine Contact Group, LLC
>> <>
>> Founder Extraordinary Leadership Network
>> <>
>> *Learn with us for your skill and capacity development for leading and
>> working in the new leadership paradigm "Leading So People Will Lead"*
>> Upcoming learning module: Working with Open Space Technology
>> <>.
>> Three different learning options to learn a process for facilitating
>> meetings that engage the people. Self-Study + One-to-One Mentoring +
>> Mentoring Circle; Self-Study + Real-Time Workshop + Mentoring Circle;
>> and Self-Study + Real-Time Workshop + One-to-One Mentoring + Mentoring
>> Circle with real time workshop dates three consecutive Fridays from 9am
>> to 12:30pm EST on October 18, 25, and November 1st.
>> PO Box 19373, Raleigh, NC, USA 27613
>> Phone: 01-919-522-7750
>> On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 8:42 PM Barry Owen via OSList <
>>> wrote:
>>> Greetings Anne and Birgitt!
>>> The website with the full invitation and registration is here
>>> I would LOVE to see you both there.
>>> b
>>> On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 7:20 PM Birgitt Williams via OSList <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Anne,
>>>> how wonderful that you will join WOSONOS this year. I have so many
>>>> happy memories of our times at what was then OSONOS and of my times joining
>>>> you in Seattle and your visit to us in Ontario. We certainly got up to a
>>>> lot of creativity, high spirits, high play, and more.
>>>> As much as we are all grateful to Harriso

Re: [OSList] Large Open Space with Anglican Church Australia

2019-09-04 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Brendan, Love the added details you provided. And appreciated all the
comments above including the fork lift and the gift of spacious time. I've
been absent from the OS list for awhile, living a nomad life on the road
that I call "Open Space on the Open Road".  Wish you were coming to WOSonOS
~ far I know but certainly it would be lovely to relive the memories of our
time spent in Manilla.

Yippeee right back at ya,

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 8:53 PM Brendan McKeague via OSList <> wrote:

> Thanks Birgitt - we did a bit of serious discernment around the session
> times, given the numbers involved, the transitions between spaces (and
> paradigms), and the time we had available to open the space.
> A couple of interesting variations to our usual practice emerged
> 1) we decided to put the starting times on the Agenda Wall and not
> nominate the finishing times (ie Session 1: 10:30, Session 2: 12noon,
> session 3: 1:30; reconvene for convergence: 2:45 - or something like that
> from memory)
> 2) we then offered an invitation to Action Planning from 2:45-3:15’ish
> when participants could nominate the action areas they were interested in
> pursuing, the place where they could be found, and inviting others to join
> them around the grounds during afternoon break 3:15-3:50, before they all
> returned to the hall which by then had been reconfigured into the
> conventional Synod style - rows, microphones etc...
> 3) we invited participants to continue having conversations throughout
> the remaining 1.5 days of the Synod and if they chose, to record these and
> submit for inclusion in the Book of Proceedings… an invitation to ‘keeping
> the space open’ for as long as they wished, in the context of their
> gathering.
> All in all, we embraced a few challenging contextual concerns around time,
> space, numbers…..and as usual, collective intention and openness to
> co-create with willing sponsors enabled us to experience yet another
> complex adaptive system in motion….
> Yippee :)
> Brendan
> On 27 Aug 2019, at 8:08 am, Birgitt Williams via OSList <
>> wrote:
> Congratulations Michael and Brendan ,
> Among the many aspects of this story that are just great, the one I am
> appreciating the most is that you did your OST design so that all sessions
> were given 90 minutes, using the gift of time within the space, time for
> meaningful conversations.
> in genuine contact,
> Birgitt
> *Birgitt Williams*
> *Supporting Next Level Leadership "Leading So People Will Lead"*
> Author, Senior Consultant, President Dalar International Consultancy, Inc
> <>
> Founder Genuine Contact Program
> <>
> Co-owner Genuine Contact Group, LLC
> <>
> Founder Extraordinary Leadership Network
> <>
> *Learn with us for your skill and capacity development for leading and
> working in the new leadership paradigm "Leading So People Will Lead"*
> Upcoming learning module: Working with Open Space Technology
> <>.
> Three different learning options to learn a process for facilitating
> meetings that engage the people. Self-Study + One-to-One Mentoring +
> Mentoring Circle; Self-Study + Real-Time Workshop + Mentoring Circle; and 
> Self-Study
> + Real-Time Workshop + One-to-One Mentoring + Mentoring Circle with real
> time workshop dates three consecutive Fridays from 9am to 12:30pm EST on
> October 18, 25, and November 1st.
> PO Box 19373, Raleigh, NC, USA 27613
> Phone: 01-919-522-7750
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 3:14 AM Michael Wood via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> A few weeks ago Brendan McKeague and Michael Wood co-facilitated what
>> might be the largest ever Open Space in Australia (certainly with a church
>> group) when the Anglican Diocese of Brisbane took the step of hosting most
>> of the first day of Synod (the annual large gathering of representatives of
>> Anglican parishes, schools and other organisations) for 6 hours in Open
>> Space. 450 people attended around a very spacious question, ‘what is God
>> calling us to be and do at this time’.  Three sessions of 1.5 hours each
>> led to the posting of 56 conversation topics and 14 action plans. One of
>> the

Re: [OSList] Skye Poem on the Ineffable

2019-07-20 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Beautiful! Utterly beautiful Skye!

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 7:27 AM Skye Hirst via OSList <> wrote:

> Come sit with me on a porch for a bit
> Let’s watch the sunset, listen to the crickets
> Smell the freshly cut grass, share a cuppa
> And
> Sense one another’s ways of knowing
> As we share a story, pose a quandary or uncertainty
> Allowing meaning new or old to emerge, and cohere
> As we hold hope together
> In how life is, how it creates in and with us
> And
> We grow richer in such resting in the all of it
> Such is the opening of space
> An invitation to sit together for a while
> Whether on a porch, café, conference room, phone or internet
> To listen together
> To feel life’s magic wisdom
> Recalled, shared, seen anew
> And
> We get to choose again from this richness
> Our next act towards common goodness
> Come, let’s sit together
> Share a cuppa
> Story, quandary or uncertainty
> And
> Hold hope together
> --
> *Skye HIrst, PhD*
> *Autognomics*
> *Conversations in Radical WholeKnowing*
> *Just-in-Time Coaching and Consulting*
> Twitter  @autognomics
> 207-691-3172  mobile
> *"There is no final fact." * Alfred North Whitehead
> *"Nature ever flows, stands never still. Motion or change is her mode of
> existence."*
> *- Ralph Waldo Emerson*
> ___
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Re: [OSList] WOSonOS 2005 Nova Scotia - do you remember

2019-07-16 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Hi to all the Nova Scotia WOSonOS Alumni,
I am writing to you from beautiful New Brunswick Canada where I am
vacationing with family.  How I revel in the spirit of this inquiry which
happened before my life transforming exposure to Open Space in 2009.  Soon
after that first introduction, I collected all my air miles and rushed to
Taiwan for the WOSonOS there. I relish the memories of it so deeply, in the
same "spirit" as folks sharing here.

Thank you Marai for posting this inquiry. It reminds us of the huge impact
of those global gatherings and our deep connection and affection of Open
Space. Even though our stories aren't the same, the awe and gratitude we
feel are beyond words.

I smile thinking of the title of my post yesterday on Facebook extending an
invitation to this year's WOSonOS  to old pals and new pals: "Come Create
New Memories with Us". Prescient perhaps, synchronicity certainly.  How
wonderful it would be if many came to share their old memories.

Thank you!

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 9:28 AM David Osborne via OSList <> wrote:

> It sounds like it must be time for a return to Nova Scotia.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 15, 2019, at 7:46 PM, Chris Corrigan via OSList <
>> wrote:
> I have to admit my memory is light on those details. I think from my
> perspective I was facilitating a circle. And I do remember personally at
> some point that Moscow seemed like a clear choice. It just shimmered I to
> being.
> I also remember that I think we deeply entrusted the next Wosonos to the
> Moscow deep, and there is a bit of a sacred trust in taking responsibility
> for this gathering.
> Chris
> _
> On Jul 15, 2019, at 11:28 AM, Marai Kiele via OSList <
>> wrote:
> That’s exactly what I am intending to describe in my short story, Peggy!
> I smile, reading your description.
> I don’t remember „Bohm dialogue“ (Are talking objects used in that?)
> Please remind me of what exactly you are referring to, so I can integrate
> that in my story.
> I do have a clear memory of the moment when Chris Corrigan picked up the
> talking object and spoke up.
> As I remember it, besides the „I“ language, he invited all who where
> expressing themselves to broaden their perspective.
> Not just think of „what do I want“ or „what do we, in this room, want“ but
> include all those around the globe who are not physically there.
> What would be best for the longterm flourishing of OST and for all those
> who belong to the community, in some way or another?
> What would be best for those who weren’t capable of bringing their
> perspective in themselves?
> To me, that was a sacred moment. I experienced that the whole atmosphere
> shifted, and after a while the next location had become clear to the whole
> group:
> Moscow / Russia.
> But I won’t give all the details of my whole story away in this email! ;-)
> Marai
> Am 15.07.2019 um 18:17 schrieb Peggy Holman via OSList <
> Yes, it was the year of Harrison’s 70th birthday. I remember the dancing!
> The closing circle keeps coming back to me. We had invitations to go to
> two places in 2006. We used Bohm dialogue to discern where to go. I
> remember we used a talking piece among the 50-60 people. I recall setting
> it up with something like listen to each other and speak when moved. And
> you, Chris, added the essential guidance to speak “I” language — from
> personal experience.
> Peggy
> On Jul 14, 2019, at 11:17 PM, Chris Corrigan via OSList <
>> wrote:
> I remember 2005…it was celebrating Harrison’s 65th birthday I think too
> (or was it 70th?  I just know it was significant).  I wrote a song for him
> based on a Nova Scotia folks song…I’ll look through my old note books and
> see if I still have the lyrics.  I was so nervous to sing it!  I thin I
> rehearsed it with Esther Ewing, but I was too nervous to do it as a duet!
> I remember too that we also mourned our colleague Colin Morley, who was
> killed in the July 7 2005 London Underground bombings the month before.
> I met some life-long friends at that OSonOS, including Feliz Telik from
> Turkey and Piret Jeedas from Estonia who were both working (along with
> Kairi Birk) at Tim Merry’s Split Rock Learning Centre in Yarmouth.
> Halifax is such a great city. 

Re: [OSList] WOSonOS 2019 registrations open

2019-07-15 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Greetings dear friends, colleagues and former WOSonOS Hosts,

I just posted on my personal and on the Open Space Technology Facebook
sites expressing how excited I am to be attending this year's gathering.
Even more because of my chosen nomad lifestyle "Open Space on the Open
Road".  The fact that we will be meeting in a beautiful campground, close
to urban Washington yet quite secluded in this natural haven full of nature
and walking paths is totally awesome. Add to that two fantastic book end
workshops, before and after WOSonOS, it doesn't get any better.
Here my Facebook post,, with
some pics leading to the very comprehensive registration information on the
OSI US institute website*:

Feel such love for the folks I've met and reconnected with over the years.
Imagine the same and more in October!


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

Cell: 203-722-2009

On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 12:14 PM Birgitt Williams via OSList <> wrote:

> Dear Chris,
> great to be communicating with you and possibly to meet again soon.
> The Working with Open space Technology module of the Genuine Contact
> program, although including the facilitation of the form of OST as per
> Harrison Owen's teachings, focuses a great deal on pre-work with the
> sponsor, harvesting the most out of the OST meeting for the benefit of long
> term impact in the organization and how to do so, and developing a personal
> perspective on the essence of OST beyond the form. What is 'open space?',
> what is the essence of OST?, what is the sponsor really doing? what is the
> facilitator really doing?
> I personally find value in going into this module from time to time to
> discern my thoughts, add to my growth and with curiosity and playfulness
> look at what I now believe I know that I didn't seem to know before,  and
> develop greater mastery in my work. I believe you have lots of experience
> with OST and yet, this module, as facilitated by Anne Caroline Turk
> (Germany) and Thomas Herrmann (Sweden) may stimulate thoughts and
> development in you that you will find useful in our growth and work.
> in genuine contact,
> Birgitt
> *Birgitt Williams*
> *Supporting Next Level Leadership "Leading So People Will Lead"*
> Author, Senior Consultant, President Dalar International Consultancy, Inc
> <>
> Founder Genuine Contact Program
> <>
> Co-owner Genuine Contact Group, LLC
> <>
> Founder Extraordinary Leadership Network
> <>
> *Learn with us for your skill and capacity development for leading and
> working in the new leadership paradigm "Leading So People Will Lead"*
> Upcoming learning module: Working with Open Space Technology
> <>.
> Three different learning options to learn a process for facilitating
> meetings that engage the people. Self-Study + One-to-One Mentoring +
> Mentoring Circle; Self-Study + Real-Time Workshop + Mentoring Circle; and 
> Self-Study
> + Real-Time Workshop + One-to-One Mentoring + Mentoring Circle with real
> time workshop dates three consecutive Fridays from 9am to 12:30pm EST on
> October 18, 25, and November 1st.
> PO Box 19373, Raleigh, NC, USA 27613
> Phone: 01-919-522-7750
> On Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 6:35 PM Chris Kloth via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> Hi, Birgitt. I hope you are well.
>> You may recall that in the early days of OST, before OSONOS, I was an
>> active member of the OST community. I have continued to use OST as one
>> of the tools in my work, and have continued to (mostly) lurk on OSLIST.
>> I have already registered for OSONOS 2019... I can't wait to reconnect
>> with some of my old friends and meet some of the people I have seen
>> online.
>> I have watched your Genuine Contact work evolve from a distance. I
>> noticed the pre-OSONOS session is from a module in your Genuine
>> Contact program. I am wondering, as someone who still uses OST, if
>> there is something in particular your approach might be distinct...
>> something to add to my learning. At the same time, I don't want to
>> take a spot that someone just learning about OST might benefit from.

Re: [OSList] WOSonOS 2019 Invocations

2019-04-01 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Oops realized I'm a week ahead. Just saying in case someone else is overly

Happy Monday everyone!

On Apr 1, 2019 1:17 PM, "Suzanne Daigle"  wrote:

Thank you Harold. I have just registered.
See you tonight.

On Mar 30, 2019 2:43 AM, "Harold Shinsato via OSList" <> wrote:

> What do you want to have happen for the World Open Space on Open Space
> 2019, October 25-27 in Cherry Park Hill, Maryland in the Washington D.C.
> metropolitan area?
> What do you want to have happen in the Open Space community?
> What do you want to have happen, period? For yourself, your community,
> your world?
> You're invited, either via video/sound during two online events, or at any
> time, to participate in the dialog to invite a successful WOSonOS 2019.
> We'll be facilitating the dialog in Open Space. You are welcome to attend
> either or both.
> Part 1: - Mon April 8 - 7-9pm edt
> (evening EDT)
> Part 2: - Sat Apri 13 - 7-9am edt
> (morning EDT)
> If neither of these times work but you'd still like to help, you can also
> use either of the QIQO Chat links above to contribute to the dialog online
> at any time. Or feel free to post to the OSList or any board member via
> email.
> ___
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Re: [OSList] WOSonOS 2019 Invocations

2019-04-01 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Thank you Harold. I have just registered.
See you tonight.

On Mar 30, 2019 2:43 AM, "Harold Shinsato via OSList" <> wrote:

> What do you want to have happen for the World Open Space on Open Space
> 2019, October 25-27 in Cherry Park Hill, Maryland in the Washington D.C.
> metropolitan area?
> What do you want to have happen in the Open Space community?
> What do you want to have happen, period? For yourself, your community,
> your world?
> You're invited, either via video/sound during two online events, or at any
> time, to participate in the dialog to invite a successful WOSonOS 2019.
> We'll be facilitating the dialog in Open Space. You are welcome to attend
> either or both.
> Part 1: - Mon April 8 - 7-9pm edt
> (evening EDT)
> Part 2: - Sat Apri 13 - 7-9am edt
> (morning EDT)
> If neither of these times work but you'd still like to help, you can also
> use either of the QIQO Chat links above to contribute to the dialog online
> at any time. Or feel free to post to the OSList or any board member via
> email.
> ___
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[OSList] Tomorrow - Self-Management featured at the World Happiness Agora

2019-03-20 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Hello dear colleagues and friends,

Open Space Technology, Self-Management, Self-Organizing, Agile beyond
Software and more and more and more. I would not be in this space, I would
not be living this life, passionately and bravely, if not for Open Space
and all of you.  I feel the world racing towards us, I see the openings for
what we do, now more than ever. Yes even amidst the chaos, the resistance,
the fear and more, people are feeling the pull of opening space in their

This is a special last minute invitation to you all - to whom I owe so
much. *FREE*. An invitation to be virtual attendees at the Self-Management
session, part of  the 5-day World Happiness Agora that is happening this

Topic: *How Self-Managed Workplaces Unleash Happier Leaders*:
*Thursday 3 PM EST (time). *

Tomorrow, I have the joy of hosting a group of amazing folks who are
trailblazers in the field of Self-Management: Ian Borges from Semco Style
Institute working with Ricardo Semler and others; Kim Lantis, vibrantly
engaged at Nearsoft, a dynamic self-managed company in Mexico; Doug
Kirkpatrick formerly with the internationally known self-managed Morning
Star now traveling the world to inspire far and wide and then Pim de Morree
from Corporate Rebels who totally blow me away as they visit each and every
company/leader doing important work in this field - documenting, sharing,
teaching and driving action. Here is a link to the day's program and each
of the panelists.

Whether you can attend or not, I know we are all passionately driving a
common agenda, often on parallel tracks. Sometimes they criss cross,
sometimes not. In spirit as we open and hold this space, for change and for
the human spirit to fully engage, I appreciate you all, always knowing that
we are on this road less travelled together.

with gratitude and love,

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
OSList mailing list
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Re: [OSList] Feedback Requested - Coaching in Open Space

2019-03-11 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Jake,

So very happy we met at International House in NYC this year and ecstatic
to see you jump into Open Space with as much passion and fervor.
I read the document you sent and smiled (with delight and a touch of whimsy
- if you permit me).

Indeed there is much in the role of an Open Space facilitator and a coach
that parallels. What came to mind for me as I read it was to peel away all
the words, descriptions and questions. To absorb the value and intent of
what you wrote without making it prescriptive and then, I imagined you
simply sinking into the opening and holding of space. Yes be guided by the
theme (in whatever words that speak to what the coachee is looking for,
passionate about and wants to take accountability for); yes in you feeling
and living the principles and law, with ample room for the "be prepared to
be surprised" for both of you. No words need be uttered or expressed about
OS because the spirit of it will be felt, discovered and experienced.

My inclination, to borrow from the title of one of Harrison's books is that
you and the coachee will be EXPANDING OUR NOW while you are together, for
mutual learning, mutual sharing and mutual outcome in a way where "less is
more" because the space will continually open and close, again and again.
You will be opening and holding that space... together!


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 9:08 AM Barry Owen via OSList <> wrote:

> Hi Jake - I coach my team similarly, but have never written the "concept",
> so thank you for creating that for me/us :-)
> We do weekly Zoom meetings for "Group Coaching" using Trello. Each team
> member has a board.
> The best part about it so far has been that the team has "self-taught" the
> process WAY better than I ever could have.
> All I did was invite them to join me on Zoom for "Weekly Accountability" -
> Most of the team show up every Monday from wherever they are (Driving,
> Home, Coffee shop etc),  and each person "presents" accomplishments from
> the week prior and "Promises" for the coming week.
> Initially, I was skeptical because many of my team are not tech savvy . .
> . They taught each other (and me).
> Open Space does, indeed, always work.
> Great stuff you're doing and sharing.
> Thank you!
> b
> *Barry Owen*
> *Real Estate Strategist*
> CEO/Principal Broker
> *Pareto Realty, LLC *\pə-ˈrā-(ˌ)tō\
> <>
> *The Vital Few*
> 4004 Hillsboro Pike Ste 234-B
> Nashville, TN 37215
> Office: 615-502-2080
> Connect: *615-568-2123*
> *BarryOwen.US <http://BarryOwen.US>*
> *Pareto Realty is a residential real estate sales firm that supports
> member agents in building and growing consistently productive niche
> businesses as they enjoy the healthy life rhythm they want and deserve.*
> *IMPORTANT NOTICE:* *Never trust wiring instructions sent via email.* Cyber
> criminals are hacking email accounts and sending emails with fake wiring
> instructions. These emails are convincing and sophisticated. *Always* 
> independently
> confirm wiring instructions in person or via a telephone call to a trusted
> and verified phone number. *Never* wire money without double-checking
> that the wiring instructions are correct.
> On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 7:35 AM Robin Muretisch, Facilitative Insights, LLC
> via OSList  wrote:
>> This is a very unique approach, and I really like it!  It definitely
>> helps set expectations for the coachee and also opens up the space for them
>> to own their outcomes.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 6, 2019, at 8:17 AM, Jake Yeager via OSList <
>>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Bhavesh Patel had the good idea to turn on comments on the Google doc
>> below. They should now be turned on, so if you'd like to provide feedback,
>> feel free to do so in the document itself.
>> Thanks again,
>> Jake
>> When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, and
>> you will be free of problems.
>>  - Robert Adams <>
>> On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 7:51 PM Jake Yeager 
>> wrote:

Re: [OSList] Happy Birthday Harrison!

2018-12-02 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear treasured OS friends,
As I read these loving Happy Birthday notes, feeling so deeply connected in
our shared gratitude and affection for that man in the hat, I wish we had a
Facebook "like/love" button to express appreciation and heartfelt
connection to colleagues who mirror and echo what we each feel. The
multiplier effect of those wishes is as infinite as what Open Space

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Sun, Dec 2, 2018 at 9:25 AM Peggy Holman via OSList <> wrote:

> Yup. Happy 83rd. Where did the time go?
> My life is different — and better — because of you.
> Thank you for pointing the way to a more resilient way of being.
> Much love,
> Peggy
> Peggy Holman
> 425-746-6274
> Sent from my iPad
> On Dec 1, 2018, at 11:34 PM, Tova Averbuch via OSList <
>> wrote:
> Happy birthday Harrison,
> Thank you for changing my life
> Thank you for laying the foundation, nourishing with love and accurate
> attention all of the  little sprouts coming out of your way of being,
> doing, thinking and teaching.
> My the universe pay you back for the beauty you made visible
> With love
> Tova
> Israel
> *From:* OSList [
> ] *On Behalf Of *info via OSList
> *Sent:* Sunday, December 02, 2018 8:32 AM
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list <
> *Cc:* info 
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Happy Birthday Harrison!
> Happy birthday Harrison!
> The students who were at the WosonOS in Reykjavik are organising an open
> space with their learning community to implement OS principles in the
> educational program. Thank you for making this possible.
> Warm wishes from the Netherlands
> Tonnie van der Zouwen
> Verzonden vanaf mijn Samsung Galaxy-smartphone.
>  Oorspronkelijk bericht 
> Van: Chris Corrigan via OSList 
> Datum: 02-12-18 04:19 (GMT+01:00)
> Aan: World wide Open Space Technology email list <
> Cc: Chris Corrigan 
> Onderwerp: Re: [OSList] Happy Birthday Harrison!
> Many happy returns Harrison.  Happy returns to Maine, to Open Space, to
> this community that loves you, to the people you cherish.  May you stop for
> a moment today to feel the love and respect and admiration coming your way.
> Chris
> On Dec 1, 2018, at 6:29 PM, Suzanne Daigle via OSList <
>> wrote:
> Dear Harrison,
> Posted this pic on Open Space Facebook!  Sharing it here.  With love and
> life gratitude, wishing you a magical "be prepared to be surprised" day!
> With love and many hugs,
> Suzanne
> Suzanne Daigle
> Open Space Facilitator
> NuFocus Strategic Group
> FL 941-359-8877
> Cell: 203-722-2009
> Twitter @Daiglesuz
> ___
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Re: [OSList] List of some participants for this years WOSonOS in Iceland

2018-10-20 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Kari, Michael and all,
Makes my heart sing to know and feel the spirit of this upcoming WOSonOS
gathering. Reading the names of attendees is bittersweet. A big part of me
so wants to be there.

I will be in Serbia living in the glow of what is happening in Iceland.
Northern lights and all.

Participating in a gathering that had its roots in an Open Space in Arizona
in 2010. The theme then: Scrum Beyond Software.

It's where Jasmina Nicolic (host of WOSonOS 2014) and I (hosted WOSonOS
2013) met. It's where the technology people hooked my heart bringing open
space and self organizing in spirit and practice together.

I truly feel the mutual presence of us all as we gather. Jasmina and guests
are deeply connected to Open Space, some having attended Harrison Owen's
and Karen Davis' annual gathering on Peace and High Performance in New York
at International House.

While the gathering may appear traditional with speakers and all, indeed
the invitation is infused with intimacy and connection. Open Space is us
and part of us. Passion, purpose and responsibility as present as what will
be happening in Iceland.

Kari and all dear friends, know how much we love you and also those joining
you in spirit from afar.

Here our gathering seeded from an Open Space 8 years ago.

Warm regards and many hugs.

On Sat, Oct 20, 2018, 9:55 AM Gail West via OSList <> wrote:

> Wishing all of you gathered in Iceland and connecting virtually, marvelous
> conversations, fun and explorations this week!  Sorry not to be there but I
> will be with you in spirit and looking forward to pictures and stories of
> this great event.  Love and hugs to all.  Gail
> On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 3:40 PM Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> Dear Harold,
>> grand!
>> The current status of this growing list at this point shows 20 folks
>> Iceland (3)
>> Kari Gunnarson
>> Ingibjörg Gísladóttir
>> Hróbjartur Árnason
>> Sweden (3)
>> Thomas Herrmann
>> Eva P Svensson
>> Ulrika Eklund
>> Netherlands (8)
>> Leandra Gouw
>> Lois van der Hoeven
>> Jane de Bakker
>> Dere van Velzen
>> Jody van der Jagt
>> Camiel Naus
>> Rick Bastiaanssen
>> Tonnie van der Zouwen
>> Germany (4)
>> Anna Caroline Türk
>> Bettina Lobenberg
>> Eda Ursula Maurer
>> Bianca Sukrow
>> Canada (1)
>> Doug Marteinson
>> United States of America (1)
>> Harold Shinsanto
>> Those others going and wanting to be on this "semipublic" list, just let
>> me know (via OSLIST or directly).
>> May it help you to be in touch even before the event... for whatever
>> reason (many of those on the list can also be seen in the World Map with
>> lots of contact data).
>> Have a great week
>> Greetings from Berlin
>> mmp
>> Am 01.10.2018 um 03:48 schrieb Harold Shinsato via OSList:
>> > Just got my flight last night. I’ll be there too.
>> >
>> > -Harold
>> >
>> > On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 9:13 PM doug via OSList
>> >>>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> > Michael--
>> >
>> > I'll be there.
>> >
>> > Doug. Germann
>> >
>> > On 09/28/2018 04:28 AM, Michael M Pannwitz via OSList wrote:
>> >  > coming to the WOSonOS in Iceland is growing.
>> >  > Found 15 folks from 4 countries so far.
>> >  > The list shows the names sorted by country.
>> >  > There are 8 from Netherlands, 1 from Sweden, 3 from Germany, 3
>> from
>> >  > Iceland.
>> >  > Please drop me a note if you are going to Iceland and want to be
>> > on this
>> >  > list.
>> >  > Right now would be perfect so that it would be complete next
>> week.
>> >  >
>> >  > Have a great weekend wherever you are
>> >  > mmp
>> > ___
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>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> --
>> Michael M Pannwitz
>> Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
>> ++49 - 30-772 8000
>> Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 468 

Re: [OSList] Fwd: Hope Never Dies!

2018-04-16 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
How I have enjoyed this thread! I especially salute Nick and Bhav reminding
myself again and again that "I could not know what I did not know and when
I knew I could not help but wonder if I would ever have understood if
someone had described it to me."

It's how I felt about Open Space. Never could I have conceived it until I
experienced it. Only then would I ever have seen that it was in me and
others all along.

I can relate and resonate with sponsors, clients and others who worry about
letting go too much. I can relate to us as facilitators navigating those

Yet we all know that we can't dive in the water by just tipping our toes
in. We have to jump right in. Quite scary when much of what is done is
wading in the water.

It's why I admire Nick's openness knowing that he is already opening and
holding this space for those who do not yet know what they don't know.

As others have mentioned, when the early conversations focus primarily on
the urgent issues at hand, imagining new solutions and renewed energy to
address those issues, it becomes easier to firmly and confidently convey
and be heard on what's possible with an Open Space done well.

Because we have skillfully engaged them in the what's possible, the how of
what could happen next has a greater chance of getting off the ground.

No easy solutions on that. A lifetime of learning and I'm still learning.
It's why I appreciate this list so much.


On Wed, Apr 11, 2018, 9:41 AM Bhavesh Patel via OSList <> wrote:

> Check this out Nick:
> On 6 April 2018 at 15:30, Nick Martin via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> Hi everybody!
>> Thank you all so much for your excellent feedback. I've been watching
>> with enormous interest.
>> I've just had a great Skype with Bhav where he was kind enough to take me
>> through in more detail where my rendition of Open Space is veering from the
>> traditional. It was incredibly enlightening (thanks again Bhav).
>> For me, it's critical I get this right for readers of my website who are
>> far less experienced than your good selves so I'm committed to changing it.
>> Bhav suggested that I might create an editable Google Doc of a new draft
>> and share it with you for comments and edits. I thought that a wonderful
>> idea! Here it is and I promise to publish whatever we end up with ...
>> assuming it's clean :)
>> Naturally the Law of Two Feet very much applies so please don't feel
>> obligated. All input and feedback is very much appreciated.
>> *Nick Martin*
>> WorkshopBank
>> m: +45 42 47 00 74 <+45%2042%2047%2000%2074> | e:
>> | w:
>> [image: Facebook]  [image:
>> Twitter]  [image: LinkedIn]
>> On 04/04/2018 16:37, Dan Mezick via OSList wrote:
>> “CFCF” (control for control freaks) might be a more appropriate name.
>> Either that or “Project Management”.
>> with a twist, of course.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 4, 2018, at 10:11 AM, Peggy Holman via OSList <
>>> wrote:
>> I see the site has a contact page:
>> Anyone care to give them some feedback and request they stop calling this
>> thing Open Space with a twist?
>> Peggy Holman
>> 425-746-6274
>> Sent from my iPad
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> *From:* Harrison Owen via OSList 
>> *Date:* April 4, 2018 at 6:40:52 AM PDT
>> *To:* "'World wide Open Space Technology email list'" <
>> *Cc:* Harrison Owen 
>> *Subject:* *Re: [OSList] Hope Never Dies!*
>> *Reply-To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list <
>> This is not the first time for this conversation… The simple truth: Old
>> habits die very hard. The habit of thinking/hoping/wishing/knowing that
>> somebody is in charge doesn’t play very well in Open Space. And so the
>> predictable arrives as prognosticated. Or something.
>> Some find this ongoing situation an occasion to defend the process. I can
>> understand the feeling, but I am quite sure it is not worth the energy.
>> Open Space/self organization will do quite well all by itself, as it has
>> for millennia. But there is a sadness, which on occasion expresses itself
>> (at least in me) as anger. I find the ignorance and arrogance of those
>> “meeting planners” to be totally appalling. The massive disrespect of the
>> participants manifest in the 

Re: [OSList] OST and what makes team work successful

2018-03-20 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Oops I was writing. The email sent itself.

To continue: The organization is saying, you matter, we want your
contribution, we want to know what you think, we value you.

>From a psychological safety point of view, Open Space invites vulnerability
in all of us. It invites leaders to let go and it invites everyone to come
forward. For each, it is an act of courage.

The 5 principles of Open Space and the Law of 2 Feet, each in their own
way, create the conditions for feeling safe, connected and surrounded.

In Open Space, psychological safety has a chance to unfold naturally,
between us and within us. Human connection is ignited.

At the heart of it all, is this genuine invitation to the most important
strategic issues that is embodied in Open Space which leads to and also
invites the power of self-organizing.

Safety does not mean absence of conflict or chaos. Quite the opposite, with
Open Space we can embrace both by being willing to take risks, feeling
unsafe only to discover feelings of greater safety in the other side.
Breakthroughs happen there time and time again.


On Tue, Mar 20, 2018, 2:05 AM Suzanne Daigle <> wrote:

> Marai, Peggy and Rob,
> How inspired I am by this thread. I read each of your comments and
> listened to the Google video. Then paused and thought of Google's five team
> effectiveness elements (Psychological Safety, Dependability, Structure and
> Clarity, Meaning and Impact) in the context of Open Space with
> Psychological Safety being the most important.
> In Peggy words here, I saw captured with utter simplicity, why I too felt
> instantly drawn to Open Space.
> At its core also is The Invitation to everyone who cares to have the
> opportunity to contribute to the most important issues of the
> organization.  To invite is to include. This is so significant...
> On the major strategic issues in an organization, that which has
> traditionally been the exclusive territory of senior management is now
> extended to a much broader and diverse group...most especially to those
> closest to the work.
> That simple invitation connects directly to this core element of
> psychological safety. By genuinely inviting and including you, the
> organization is saying,
> On Mon, Mar 19, 2018, 6:59 PM R Chaffe via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> Marai
>> It is an insight that rings so true to me.  As we apply the technology or
>> system called Open Space to real and pressing needs, the need for all to be
>> psychologically safe is vital along with any other need that when met
>> results in safety.  Maslow has clearly defined safety as the foundation and
>> my personal experience confirms this as one of the “break through” (beyond
>> the superficial, reaching into the core issues) conditions that allows the
>> participants including the facilitator to participate and move into “real”
>> issues and opportunities.  It is the time when we can be as one with the
>> confidence and freedom to express our needs and ideas/ solutions.
>> When the gathering’s participants are psychologically safe the gathered
>> group is “open” and that is when the real work, discussion, decisions,
>> commitments etc take place.  The “space” is primarily the physical area and
>> then becomes the whole environment.  “Open Space”  takes on a new reality
>> when one has the privilege of a gathering that is totally psychologically
>> safe.  The facilitator has the task of assisting this to happen..  Open
>> Space is such a simple statement and the facilitator must treat the meeting
>>  with respect and a passion to do what ever is required to assist the
>> participants to be psychologically safe so that hopes and dreams related to
>> the issue that brought them together in the first place are expressed and
>> transformed into the new reality.
>> I wish I could join your discussion so I must participate on the side via
>> the list.
>> Regards
>> Rob
>> On 20 Mar 2018, at 5:02 am, Peggy Holman via OSList <
>>> wrote:
>> What a lovely question Marai!
>> I can tell you that I fell in love with OST the first time I experienced
>> it -- in 1996 -- because I saw something that I didn’t know was possible:
>> The needs of individuals and the needs of the whole could both be met.
>> Before then, I thought either one or the other is sacrificed. I now know
>> that this experience of “differentiated wholeness" is an indicator of a
>> transformation to an organization or community with a new story of who it
>> is and who belon

Re: [OSList] OST and what makes team work successful

2018-03-20 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Marai, Peggy and Rob,

How inspired I am by this thread. I read each of your comments and listened
to the Google video. Then paused and thought of Google's five team
effectiveness elements (Psychological Safety, Dependability, Structure and
Clarity, Meaning and Impact) in the context of Open Space with
Psychological Safety being the most important.

In Peggy words here, I saw captured with utter simplicity, why I too felt
instantly drawn to Open Space.

At its core also is The Invitation to everyone who cares to have the
opportunity to contribute to the most important issues of the
organization.  To invite is to include. This is so significant...

On the major strategic issues in an organization, that which has
traditionally been the exclusive territory of senior management is now
extended to a much broader and diverse group...most especially to those
closest to the work.

That simple invitation connects directly to this core element of
psychological safety. By genuinely inviting and including you, the
organization is saying,

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018, 6:59 PM R Chaffe via OSList <> wrote:

> Marai
> It is an insight that rings so true to me.  As we apply the technology or
> system called Open Space to real and pressing needs, the need for all to be
> psychologically safe is vital along with any other need that when met
> results in safety.  Maslow has clearly defined safety as the foundation and
> my personal experience confirms this as one of the “break through” (beyond
> the superficial, reaching into the core issues) conditions that allows the
> participants including the facilitator to participate and move into “real”
> issues and opportunities.  It is the time when we can be as one with the
> confidence and freedom to express our needs and ideas/ solutions.
> When the gathering’s participants are psychologically safe the gathered
> group is “open” and that is when the real work, discussion, decisions,
> commitments etc take place.  The “space” is primarily the physical area and
> then becomes the whole environment.  “Open Space”  takes on a new reality
> when one has the privilege of a gathering that is totally psychologically
> safe.  The facilitator has the task of assisting this to happen..  Open
> Space is such a simple statement and the facilitator must treat the meeting
>  with respect and a passion to do what ever is required to assist the
> participants to be psychologically safe so that hopes and dreams related to
> the issue that brought them together in the first place are expressed and
> transformed into the new reality.
> I wish I could join your discussion so I must participate on the side via
> the list.
> Regards
> Rob
> On 20 Mar 2018, at 5:02 am, Peggy Holman via OSList <
>> wrote:
> What a lovely question Marai!
> I can tell you that I fell in love with OST the first time I experienced
> it -- in 1996 -- because I saw something that I didn’t know was possible:
> The needs of individuals and the needs of the whole could both be met.
> Before then, I thought either one or the other is sacrificed. I now know
> that this experience of “differentiated wholeness" is an indicator of a
> transformation to an organization or community with a new story of who it
> is and who belongs. It makes room for more aspects of itself.
> OST creates the ground for individual expression, in which showing up
> authentically is valued (as opposed to a common, tragic, unspoken norm that
> we need to stay quiet in order to belong). In the process of being
> ourselves, people discover deeper connections to each other. And that
> causes a shift in the cultural story of who we are as a whole.
> In short, OST creates the space for the full voiced self, connection with
> others, and sense of being of a larger whole.
> Peggy
> Peggy Holman
> Co-founder
> Journalism that Matters
> 15347 SE 49th Place
> Bellevue, WA  98006
> 206-948-0432
> Twitter: @peggyholman
> JTM Twitter: @JTMStream
> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into
> Opportunity 
> On Mar 19, 2018, at 10:40 AM, Marai Kiele via OSList <
>> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> Do you know what the core is, of what has drawn you to OST?
> Last year I came across a word that describes both, a phenomena I have
> experienced and cherished in OST as well as something that has turned out
> to be a key ingredient to successful teams:
> * Psychological Safety*
> The term was coined by Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership and
> Management, Harvard Business School.
> It is referred to in a study by Google, which they undertook to understand
> what distinguishes their successful teams from those who do so-so.
> Anyone interested in the subject… more here by Google:

Re: [OSList] Yukking it up in the center of the circle

2018-01-31 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
No hard and fast rules for me on this. I play it by ear.

At times alone, at times others take the lead handing over the microphone,
at times two or three mikes at play.

Depends on the client, the group and whatever feels right in the moment.

What's important is that the contagious energy force of people writing
their topics have the opportunity to flow. I appreciate that Open Space
can be quite jarring for people who are invited and experience Open Space
for the first time. The contrast self-management and self-organizing is
quite great for many living command control, predictability and hierarchy.
Holding the mike (or not) is an act of service that gently introduces
people to an amazing way of interesting.

However once the marketplace wall is created, I totally get out of the way.


On Jan 30, 2018 10:46 PM, "Daniel Mezick via OSList" <> wrote:

Lately I just (at the end of the beginning) place the mic in the center of
the circle real slow and then vacate.

Is walking away a productive act? Is it better to stay in the center?

If so why? If not why not?

Is vacating bad form?
Daniel Mezick
Culture Strategist. Author. Keynoter.
(203) 915 7248 <(203)%20915-7248>. Bio.  Blog.

Book: The Culture Game. 
Book: The OpenSpace Agility Handbook.

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Re: [OSList] the story I told when opening space in NYC in 2015

2018-01-07 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Christine and Skye,

It takes so little for me to create these little thank you notes. As you
gift us with your brave stories, sharing openly, it gives us courage in our
work and reminds us how lucky we are to have each other, to be connected
with such a wonderful community in life. My act of courage is stepping
forward, not wanting to take credit for you, not wanting to diminish it in
any way, yet feeling  a deep need to celebrate it and share it.

On Facebook, Eva P. Svensson said: "Wish I was there, and know that you are
the right people and that you will have a great time ".

 To which I responded:
"Eva, as we watch each other's work, somehow I think it's as if we are
there holding Space with others from afar.

Harrison never certified or franchised Open Space Technology. All that he
asked is that we share our stories. I think that also means sharing
pictures and sending little notes like yours here. It makes us all feel
connected... Like butterflies and bumblebees, visible or invisible."

Suzanne from Florida where it's also cold but not nearly as cold as Maine
or the Northeast. Be warm.

On Jan 7, 2018 3:26 AM, "christine koehler" <>

> Thank you so much Suzanne, SO incredibly nice of you to dedicate so much
> of your time and energy to sharing the words of others
> Christine
> Le 7 janv. 2018 à 02:01, Suzanne Daigle via OSList <
>> a écrit :
> Christine, merci pour le souvenir de ce Forum Ouvert où tu as ouvert une
> espace extraordinaire.  Thank you Christine for the indelible memory of
> this moment in 2015 when you opened the Space in New York. Your words are
> as powerfully resonant as when you told us the story then. Not too long,
> rest assured.  And Skye thank you for extending such a compelling call to
> action for our upcoming gathering.
> In honor of what you've both written, I created a collage of photos from
> years past and posted on Facebook. It's a time when each of you were in New
> York.
> permalinks=10156959599630744_id=1515286052533116&
> notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic
> Suzanne xoxo
> Suzanne Daigle
> Open Space Facilitator
> NuFocus Strategic Group
> FL 941-359-8877 <(941)%20359-8877>
> Cell: 203-722-2009 <(203)%20722-2009>
> Twitter @Daiglesuz
> On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 5:22 AM, christine koehler via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> Dear OS community,
>> As I am preparing myself to open space (and also longing for not being
>> able to join you at the International House next week), I came across the
>> story I wrote just after the Paris attack in 2015 and that I told when
>> opening space for the Practice of Peace.
>> Reading it again after those years, I believe it is too long a story to
>> be used to open space.
>> However, I remember how meaningful it was for me at that time to be able
>> to connect the terrible events I had gone through and the hope I had (and
>> still have) that opening space might be one very meaningful way to act when
>> dealing with events that bring sorrow to life. How meaningful it was also
>> to be able to share my story with you.
>> This summer, while attending an Art of Hosting gathering, I met a man
>> from Austria whose son was deeply injured in the next attack, in November
>> of the same year, in Bataclan, the club where 130 persons were killed.  His
>> family is still today heavily impacted by those terrible days. This made me
>> think that those stories may still be worth sharing.
>> Here it goes.
>> "To begin this seminar and welcome you I could offer you the story of
>> this year theme *“Opening Space for Peace and High Performance in Work
>> and in Life: Navigating Chaos, Confusion and Conflict »*. The first part
>> « Peace and High performance » comes from Harrison. As he loves to tell
>> stories, I am sure he will be delighted to tell it to you when he will be
>> there this afternoon or in the coming days. And if you forget to ask him,
>> just read his book « Wave Rider: leadership for high performance » where
>> the story is being told.
>> Instead I will tell you how strong those words echoed for me in the past
>> days, as we in France went through as you all know those terrible moments.
>> I was in my office on Wednesday, January 7, a  grey winter day in Paris,
>> preparing to receive guests I had invited via Twitter to listen together to
>> the launch of an online course some of you ma

Re: [OSList] the story I told when opening space in NYC in 2015

2018-01-06 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Christine, merci pour le souvenir de ce Forum Ouvert où tu as ouvert une
espace extraordinaire.  Thank you Christine for the indelible memory of
this moment in 2015 when you opened the Space in New York. Your words are
as powerfully resonant as when you told us the story then. Not too long,
rest assured.  And Skye thank you for extending such a compelling call to
action for our upcoming gathering.

In honor of what you've both written, I created a collage of photos from
years past and posted on Facebook. It's a time when each of you were in New

Suzanne xoxo

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 5:22 AM, christine koehler via OSList <> wrote:

> Dear OS community,
> As I am preparing myself to open space (and also longing for not being
> able to join you at the International House next week), I came across the
> story I wrote just after the Paris attack in 2015 and that I told when
> opening space for the Practice of Peace.
> Reading it again after those years, I believe it is too long a story to be
> used to open space.
> However, I remember how meaningful it was for me at that time to be able
> to connect the terrible events I had gone through and the hope I had (and
> still have) that opening space might be one very meaningful way to act when
> dealing with events that bring sorrow to life. How meaningful it was also
> to be able to share my story with you.
> This summer, while attending an Art of Hosting gathering, I met a man from
> Austria whose son was deeply injured in the next attack, in November of the
> same year, in Bataclan, the club where 130 persons were killed.  His family
> is still today heavily impacted by those terrible days. This made me think
> that those stories may still be worth sharing.
> Here it goes.
> "To begin this seminar and welcome you I could offer you the story of this
> year theme *“Opening Space for Peace and High Performance in Work and in
> Life: Navigating Chaos, Confusion and Conflict »*. The first part « Peace
> and High performance » comes from Harrison. As he loves to tell stories, I
> am sure he will be delighted to tell it to you when he will be there this
> afternoon or in the coming days. And if you forget to ask him, just read
> his book « Wave Rider: leadership for high performance » where the story is
> being told.
> Instead I will tell you how strong those words echoed for me in the past
> days, as we in France went through as you all know those terrible moments.
> I was in my office on Wednesday, January 7, a  grey winter day in Paris,
> preparing to receive guests I had invited via Twitter to listen together to
> the launch of an online course some of you may know : Otto Scharmer’s U
> lab, dealing with Transforming Business, Society, and Self. A theme dear to
> my heart.  That’s at that precise moment that I learned that our satirical
> newspaper Charlie Hebdo, has been attacked and that many of “them” were
> dead. You may know what happened in those dreadful days: the initial 13
> deaths,  the tracking, the shooting of several police officers, the Jewish
> supermarket assaulted, more deaths and the killing of the 3 gunmen.
> I have seen this going on in front of my eyes. The supermarket is 15mn’s
> walk away from my apartment. Charlie Hebdo’s newspaper is closed to the
> university where my daughter is studying. One of the supermarket clients
> studied in the same business school than my husband.  All those horrors
> sounding suddenly so close. So during those days, I experienced a large,
> very large palette of emotions: shock, anger, sadness,  fear, doubt,
> confusion, more fear for the future: would our society split into opposite
> camps ? would this lead to more chaos?
> After Charlie Hebdo’s shooting, a minute of silence was decided in all
> public spaces. Private places did the same. Schools did the same. As they
> did so, we suddenly discovered that there were some classes were children
> would not silent, would not be shocked by what had happened but found it
> absolutely normal. Suddenly the kids showed what we all knew was there and
> had tried to forget.  Kids repeat what they hear at home. And so we all
> heard via radio or TV that there are some places in our society where the
> killing of others brings joy and comfort. Even if a minority, it shows us
> that something has gone wrong.
> How was it possible? how did we go together to such a situation where
> there is such madness? 

Re: [OSList] Skye Just feel the need to say the obvious

2018-01-06 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Skye,

I am just reading this now. I will be printing this, bringing copies to New
York. The gift of your words and the lifetime of wisdom and discernment
behind them brought tears to my eyes and awe in my heart.

Thank you...

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 7:48 AM, Skye Hirst via OSList <> wrote:

> *New mind for New Government By and For the People*
> *What is happening and how?*
> Winning, at all costs, to what end?  What mediates such excess, and drive?
> The answer is lots of people who care about something other than JUST
> winning.  When there are people with lots of money who want more of lots
> of money, when the ends justify the means, we get a fools game like we’ve
> witnessed in the US Congress.  We can point to that set of events and say
> how is this happening?
> *A world breaking down*
> Constellations of events have converged to create a world that doesn’t
> work, a world that breaks down trust, hope, morale and ethics agreements of
> centuries in the making. For example; rule of law, checks and balances
> between branches of government, rules against nepotism, no conflict of
> interest in leadership roles, regulation where the masses are protected
> against the control of the few (monopolies) control of public air ways
> (FCC), and communication rights (TV, Radio, Cable and now Internet),
> Protection of Environment for all (EPA) to name but a few.
> *Totalitarianism in the making*
> When there is no one to do the protecting, when the police and military
> become those in charge with no counter balance of justice or consequence,
> when leadership is singularly driven by acts of self-aggrandizement, using
> money, legal minds who can work around the laws, and psychological trickery
> to manipulate people vulnerable to advertizing, persuasion by distractions,
> anxieties and fears, then you have what we have today, a totalitarianism in
> the making.  The people who are participating unwittingly in this making
> are like fools in play land; US Congressional players with their hands in
> the pot grabbing what greed wants as the system falls apart.
> *Becoming a counter balance*
> Maybe a new idea is to wake up, to re-member – by being an active counter
> balance, an antidote, to provide energy for new direction, actually, with
> renewed capacity, to be a government by the people, and for the people.  Can
> there exist a government such as this?  Even if the American ideal was
> just that, an experiment in the making, can what was put in place by
> founding fathers be re-invented with new minds that have deeper
> understanding of how life works, how consciousness creates structures from
> spirit of intention, from highest values of inclusion, valuing life-itself
> as highest value, (inalienable rights)?  To make choices that are
> life-giving, that grow, not kill, that support, not constrain, that free,
> not entrap, that create hope, trust, and working together towards what
> works for the whole good of life-itself in which we all share.
> *Growing a New Mind*
> How this can occur, many here know already, is best exemplified by Open
> Space Technology.
> Harrison Owen put a name to this living process he describes as Open Space
> Technology. Over twenty years ago, he began to talk of this universal
> process that goes on in nature, plays out over and over again when certain
> conditions arrise. People closest to the work to be done, people most
> impacted by what needs to change, come together, sit in a circle, listen to
> their own passions and knowing and find ways to act with new awareness.
> Through listening, being responsible for what needs to happen, plans for
> actions emerge. Often action begins immediately in times of crisis. Leaders
> emerge around projects and work to be done. Hearts and minds are changed
> with new ways of knowing the situation at hand reveal.  Movement towards
> harmonization happens with no controllers, no force required.
> This is a dynamic inherent in life where people are driven by intentions
> for life, liberty, and freedom to pursue one’s happiness, to follow one’s
> “self-law” (acts of autonomy,) while doing so in collaboration with others
> doing the same, like cells in our bodies.
> I like how In Open Space Technology we can re-member and experience the
> process of growing this *new mind for government for the people, and by
> the people *every time we participate in it.
> There are a few things to point out here that seem to occur naturally,
> obvious, as they may be to many re

Re: [OSList] Thinking...

2017-12-08 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 1:19 AM, Christy Lee-Engel via OSList <> wrote:

> ​
> Dear HO,
> Warm birthday wishes and blessings for ongoing joy and vitality, and I
> hope you had a stellar birth day!
> Thank You Very Much for all the gifts of your birth, and now these latest
> musings "In Awe of the Sacred."
> I am especially touched by your sentence "*Caring creates time,
> meaningful time.*"
> ​ I have been thinking & talking with colleagues a lot lately about the
> "care" part of healthcare & healthcare education, and about how time and
> attention​ are necessary elements of care...and truly, allowing for
> "meaningful time" can be powerful elemental medicine.
> Ashley Cooper and I were just chatting last week about you, and the
> profound gift that Open Space has been for each of us (*I had just
> rediscovered a great interview she did with you in 2014 - transcribed here:
> <>*
> ). We agreed that each of us felt like we were struck by lightening (in a
> good way!) when we first encountered the practice / values / experience of
> Open Space.
> Or another way to describe it would be of stumbling unexpectedly into a
> deep sense of being at home. Which to me is another one of the abundant
> names of god.
> I also very much appreciate your framing of Open Space as "*not a method,
> procedure or process. It is pure invitation, and there is nothing there. It
> is all question with not an answer in sight.*" Open Space and zen koan
> meditation, which I am a fan of, have lots in common as I'm sure you know -
> both ways of "sitting the question
> ​,​
> "
> ​both ​
> deeply playful, seriously hilarious, liberatory in a right here right now
> way, so full of life and also not afraid of death. Like yerself, dear
> Harrison.
> The latest koan that my teacher-friend John gave a group of us recently​: 
> "*There
> is nothing I dislike.*"
> After sitting with it for a while, it did Open up into a sacred Space of
> 'this, here, is the right place; right now is the right time; this life is
> my right life.'
> love and thanks from VERY dark and drippy Seattle (where it is still Dec 2
> for a little while longer)
> Christy
> 2611 NE 125th St, Ste 240 <>
> Seattle, WA 98125
> Clinic: 206.708.7172 <(206)%20708-7172>
> Cell: 206.399.0868 <(206)%20399-0868>
> *"Every moment of freedom is amplified when we're together." - John
> Tarrant, Roshi <>*
> On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 4:36 AM, Harrison Owen via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> I have been asked on occasions (by myself and others) what did I do –
>> exactly. Truthfully I’ve never really had a good answer, but I’ve been
>> trying. The latest effort may be viewed at
>> fSacred_HarrisonOwen.pdf Please share if you care.
>> Harrison
>> Winter Address
>> 7808 River Falls Dr.
>> Potomac, MD 20854
>> 301-365-2093 <(301)%20365-2093>
>> Summer Address
>> 189 Beaucauire Ave
>> Camden, ME 04843
>> 207 763-3261 <(207)%20763-3261>
>> Websites
> ___
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Re: [OSList] OSI-US 2017 Members & Beyond Meeting 11 Dec 2017

2017-11-28 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Thank you Harold!  I'll be there on the 11th. Looking forward to it!
Registered on QiQoChat.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 7:01 PM, Harold Shinsato via OSList <> wrote:

> Dear Open Space List,
> The Open Space Institute - U.S. has been "holding space for open space"
> since 1996. We're holding our annual meeting online again this year, and
> we'll hold the meeting as a short 2 hour Open Space. The meeting will be
> December 11, 2017, from 6-8pm Eastern. A participation link is coming, but
> we wanted everyone to know the time and date in advance. Everyone is
> welcome, members and beyond. Hope you'll join us!
> You can learn more about the OSI-US at our website,
> Among other projects, we host the OSList, the OSHotline, and we're the
> hosting organization for the annual Peace and High Performance event and
> most of the Board will be there (
> performance-2018).
> Regards,
> Harold
> --
> Harold Shinsato
> twitter: @hajush <>
> ___
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Re: [OSList] Invitation #2: Open Space in New York City - Martin Luther King Weekend

2017-11-24 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Happy Thanksgiving Barry! Thrilled that you're coming. Truly!

There are affordable rooms available at International House.  I'll ask
Karen Davis to follow up with you.

Golly gee, really happy we'll finally get to meet in person. Plus this year
more than ever this gathering feels so very important.


On Nov 24, 2017 11:06 AM, "Barry Owen via OSList" <> wrote:

> HI Suzanne!
> I am intending to come to this and working on arrangements now.
> Is there a nearby hotel that you recommend?
> Best,
> b
> *Barry Owen*
> *Real Estate Strategist*
> CEO/Principal Broker
> *Pareto Realty, LLC *\pə-ˈrā-(ˌ)tō\
> <>
> *The Vital Few*
> 4012 Hillsboro Pike #5
> Nashville, TN 37215
> Office: 615-502-2080
> Connect: *615-568-2123*
> * <>*
> Click here to Find your Nashville House
> <> (The world's best on-line
> House Hunting experience)
> *Pareto Realty is a residential real estate sales firm that supports
> member agents in building and growing consistently productive niche
> businesses as they enjoy the healthy life rhythm they want and deserve.*
> On Sun, Nov 19, 2017 at 6:55 PM, Suzanne Daigle via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> *Long Invitation*
>> From the heart; I could not not write what I wrote.
>> *Signed* Suzanne
>> Dear OS community and friends,
>> This will be the first of many invitations. To a gathering for which I
>> feel a pull now more than ever before. I have not been able to find the
>> right words to extend this invitation to you on this OS list so I've been
>> sitting on it, and sitting on it. For about 4 to 5 years now, I have been
>> partnering with Harrison and Karen Davis to lend a hand in hosting Open
>> Space at this special place in New York City called International House.
>> The Open Space Insitute US and many others have also been there to support
>> and help.
>> This year as I invite others, I feel its pull even more poignantly.
>> Because of the world we live in, because so many of us feel a calling that
>> seems more urgent, more critical and more important than ever before.
>> With a tradition that has lasted more than 20 years, happening during
>> this same time period and at this same place every year, people have
>> gathered to learn Open Space or to deepen their practice of it - to feel
>> its magic for the first time or to feel renewed by it with others *as if*
>> for the first time. As I let my mind and my heart wander, I relive the
>> moments of being there, feeling the presence of those in my life who have
>> become mentors, friends and familiar faces. I feel myself climbing the
>> well-worn steps of this auspicious place full of history, remembering the
>> buzz of conversations, the silence, the reflections and the bursts of
>> insight and courage that emerged so naturally. For those who have attended,
>> once, a few times or more often, you each know what transpired afterwards
>> because you came. Afterwards, YOU opened more space than you could ever
>> have imagined. Countless individuals and entire communities from near and
>> far have been touched, inspired and activated because YOU opened space
>> inside yourself and for others.
>> As I fled the Florida hurricanes this year, finding myself in Montgomery
>> Alabama where Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and the entire Civil Rights
>> movement found their footing, I felt in awe of the space they had opened in
>> the world...courageously and strategically. Sitting in the Dexter Church,
>> standing in the kitchen where late into the night, Martin Luther King
>> questioned if he would have the courage to continue, to put at risk his
>> life and that of his lovely wife and newborn daughter. I felt transported
>> to the time later when he recited his "I had a dream" speech during the
>> March on Washington.
>> One would think that after all the sacrifices and all the bloodshed, that
>> we would be many steps closer to living what is in the Declaration of
>> Independence:
>> "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal
>> <>, that they are

[OSList] Invitation #2: Open Space in New York City - Martin Luther King Weekend

2017-11-19 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
*Long Invitation*
>From the heart; I could not not write what I wrote.
*Signed* Suzanne

Dear OS community and friends,

This will be the first of many invitations. To a gathering for which I feel
a pull now more than ever before. I have not been able to find the right
words to extend this invitation to you on this OS list so I've been sitting
on it, and sitting on it. For about 4 to 5 years now, I have been
partnering with Harrison and Karen Davis to lend a hand in hosting Open
Space at this special place in New York City called International House.
The Open Space Insitute US and many others have also been there to support
and help.

This year as I invite others, I feel its pull even more poignantly. Because
of the world we live in, because so many of us feel a calling that seems
more urgent, more critical and more important than ever before.

With a tradition that has lasted more than 20 years, happening during this
same time period and at this same place every year, people have gathered to
learn Open Space or to deepen their practice of it - to feel its magic for
the first time or to feel renewed by it with others *as if* for the first
time. As I let my mind and my heart wander, I relive the moments of being
there, feeling the presence of those in my life who have become mentors,
friends and familiar faces. I feel myself climbing the well-worn steps of
this auspicious place full of history, remembering the buzz of
conversations, the silence, the reflections and the bursts of insight and
courage that emerged so naturally. For those who have attended, once, a few
times or more often, you each know what transpired afterwards because you
came. Afterwards, YOU opened more space than you could ever have imagined.
Countless individuals and entire communities from near and far have been
touched, inspired and activated because YOU opened space inside yourself
and for others.

As I fled the Florida hurricanes this year, finding myself in Montgomery
Alabama where Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and the entire Civil Rights
movement found their footing, I felt in awe of the space they had opened in
the world...courageously and strategically. Sitting in the Dexter Church,
standing in the kitchen where late into the night, Martin Luther King
questioned if he would have the courage to continue, to put at risk his
life and that of his lovely wife and newborn daughter. I felt transported
to the time later when he recited his "I had a dream" speech during the
March on Washington.

One would think that after all the sacrifices and all the bloodshed, that
we would be many steps closer to living what is in the Declaration of

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal
<>, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

It would seem that as our planet gets smaller, that we would feel more
united and connected. And yet on so many fronts, we have reason to feel
discouraged and despaired. Indeed all the ingredients that invite us to
Open Space are there in its raw fury of opportunity.

Harrison Owen explains that this approach works best when these conditions
are present, namely high levels of

   1. *Complexity*, in terms of the tasks to be done or outcomes achieved;
   2. *Diversity*, in terms of the people involved and/or needed to make
   any solution work;
   3. *Conflict, real or potential*, meaning people really care about the
   central issue or purpose; and
   4. *Urgency*, meaning that the time to act was "yesterday".

Indeed one could venture to say that there has never been a time in history
where the need was ever greater to Open Space, to know Open Space and to be
Open Space.

PEACE and HIGH PERFORMANCE is the timeless theme of this historical
invitation happening from Friday January 12th to Sunday January 14th, 2018.

We invite you from the bottom of our heart and invite you to invite many

Here is the link with the official Invitation
<> where you can register.

With much love for this community - please spread the word!


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877 <(941)%20359-8877>
Cell: 203-722-2009 <(203)%20722-2009>
Twitter @Daiglesuz
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[OSList] Invitation #1: Open Space in New York City - Martin Luther King Weekend

2017-11-19 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
*Short Invitation:*

It’s been happening for more than 20 years. Same time frame, same place:
International House in New York City.

Join Harrison Owen, Karen Davis and other amazing folks for three days from
Friday January 12 to Sunday January 13, 2018.

*Theme*: Peace and High Performance, “Time for us to get together; Now more
than ever!”

This is the place I want to be, how about you?

Please join us and by all means, add your voice and invite others.

Here’s the link to the official invitation

May the reunion soon begin...anticipatory joy until then!


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
OSList mailing list
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Re: [OSList] Morning News

2017-11-19 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList

No apologies necessary in our beautiful world of Open Space. Bravo Maria
and all.

I was entranced by the video, by the music, the hands, the feet, the body
language that tells more than words, the expressions, the energy, high
engagement and activity, from beginning to the breakouts, in the
newsroom and everywhere.

Such a wonderful spirit of welcome as it begins, its spirit emerge before
our very eyes, preparing the room, the circle, the walls, making the
posters, seeing the people arrive in the circle and what follows which is
so familiar but never the same and never to happen again exactly with these
people in this special place.  The music so well chosen and the ending also

And best of all was seeing my dear friend Elder who I met in New York and
who left his indelible mark in me.

Suzanne xoxo

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 3:55 AM, Eleder_BuM via OSList <> wrote:

> Yaari, oslisters, hi!
> I wrote two mistakes on my message, I´m sorry.
> 1. due to not knowing so good English: on the last part of it, I should
> have written :
> * ps: **here a smart video
> <> that Imanol,
> a great friend and txalaparta
> <> musician
> produced to show what happened in the first OS of the series we started
> this year in Donostia, to which María referes.*
> 2. The video I mentioned was co-produced by both María and Imanol.
> Sorry for my mistakes! All the time erring, all the time learning ;-)!
> Anyway, both videos mentioned are still very good job and deserve a pause
> for viewing ;-)
> Thanks all in this quite cold day with a bright sky in Bilbao,
> A big hug,
> Eleder
> 2017-11-14 19:11 GMT+01:00 Eleder_BuM <>:
>> Hi María, Harrison adn all, how are you?
>> María, Reading your message after the great OS these days I realice what
>> a huge luck it is to have an OS fun as the sponsor.
>> The case in Donostia is very beautiful now: having you María and a bunch
>> fo dreamers empowered and made up to invite several OS-s in the town, with
>> the goal of cocreating the town we the people would like to habitate. The
>> adventure has a name: Guneak Zabaltzen, that means, Opening Spaces.
>> Isn´t this a great gift? Same as facilitator, as collaborator or as
>> participant, this is wonderful for me. So, thanks so much you, great María!
>> live, love and laugh!
>> Eleder
>> ps: here a smart video
>> <> that
>> Imanol, a great friend and txalaparta
>> <> musician
>> produced to show what happened in the first OS of the series we started
>> this year in Donostia, to which María
>> 2017-11-10 8:49 GMT+01:00 Maria A via OSList <
>>> Dear all,
>>> Some morning news from Donostia-San Sebastian, the city where OSELE 2016
>>> was held.
>>> Tomorrow we will host a second OS, this time about this city and
>>> tourism, which has been and still is a hot theme here. This summer tension
>>> has grown amongst some local people. We have the ghost of gentrification
>>> flying over our heads... It might not be a ghost...
>>> We will dive in the OS to explore issues deriving from the question "How
>>> to live together?"
>>> Many thanks once more to those of you who supported / helped /
>>> encouraged me to do it last time, what a huge learning for me! Many thanks
>>> as well to those of you who encourage anyone to do the impossible.
>>> Warm greetings,
>>> Maria
>>> <>
>>> ___
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Re: [OSList] Thinking...

2017-11-12 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Harrison,

On this misty, dreary, cloudy Sunday, as I re-read this piece that you
wrote, I simply want to say thank you for pursuing and then sharing with us
this "wisp in the air"  that you sensed which led to Open Space. How I
savored reading it, with reverence and awe in the familiar that it invited
punctured with a feeling of indescribable joy and gratitude for the
vibrancy that Open Space brought to my life.

Much love to you and all who I've met in this community. And that too has
been AWEsome!


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 7:36 AM, Harrison Owen via OSList <> wrote:

> I have been asked on occasions (by myself and others) what did I do –
> exactly. Truthfully I’ve never really had a good answer, but I’ve been
> trying. The latest effort may be viewed at
> AweOfSacred_HarrisonOwen.pdf Please share if you care.
> Harrison
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093 <(301)%20365-2093>
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucauire Ave
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207 763-3261 <(207)%20763-3261>
> Websites
> ___
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[OSList] In AWE of the work by one of our colleagues and their UK team

2017-11-02 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Posted this on the Open Space Technology Facebook just now.

Improbable, Devoted and Disgruntled, Phelim McDermott and crew - I am in
absolute awe of them. 21 years opening space, they celebrated recently. And
now this latest event, leading edge, inviting in ways that say what needs
to be said clearly and with such sensitivity.

Check their new website:

And most especially this INVITATION around this question: "D satellite:
"What are we - of all genders - who work in performing arts going to do
about sexual abuse in our industry?""

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group
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Re: [OSList] YES - IT'S ON - WOSONOS 2017!!

2017-08-05 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Jane and Gail and all,

Alas I cannot attend this year but to all my Open Space colleagues, peers
and friends, if there is even a slight chance that you might go to Tainan
in Taiwan, how I urge you to do so.

I have often traveled far to attend WOSonOS. Each has been magical and

My very first foreign Open Space foray was to Taipei in Taiwan. It tugs at
my heart still the memory of my time there. There was a warmth and
simplicity in the hospitality that etched itself in my soul. It began my
journey into this world of open space, a journey that I treasure more and
more each day.

Having met Jane Lewis in Manila last year, I know that this gathering will
be unique…cozy, surprising, memorable and as they say full of laughter and

Below a link to some pics from 2009. You will see many familiar faces from
our Open Space community. *Life long friendships happen at WOSonOS!!*

Now in 2017, WOSonOS is happening in another part of Taiwan – a country
that offers such beauty and hospitality.

I include a link to my 2009 Taiwan photos...dedicated to Gail West and crew
with warm wishes and big hugs to Jane and the 2017 host team!

Suzanne with warm greetings from Florida

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 6:50 AM, Gail West via OSList <> wrote:

> Lovely to meet and greet whoever comes!  How about you?
> Thanks.
> Gail
> On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 6:36 PM, Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> Dear Gail,
>> great invitation, warm, straight and simple.
>> Wishing you and everyone joining a wonderful time in October.
>> I am sure there will be a participant from here to deliver the invitation
>> to the WOSonOS in 2020 in Berlin... as announced at the WOSonOS in Berlin
>> in 2010!
>> Hugs and Peace
>> mmp
>> Am 05.08.2017 um 09:59 schrieb Gail West via OSList:
>>> YES - IT'S ON - WOSONOS 2017!!
>>> <
>>> It's time to register for another annual gathering to explore the edges
>>> of Open Space -- and to push them out just a little bit further. Like
>>> Michael Herman, the 1999 Chicago host wrote, this is the place to laugh and
>>> learn -- with old friends and kindred spirits -- some of the most
>>> experienced Open Space practitioners on the planet and some of the most
>>> passionate new practitioners and explorers of Open Space. You needn't
>>> consider yourself an Open Space expert. It's enough to bring your passion,
>>> your experience and the story from just one place where you've opened the
>>> space -- or even a real situation where you are actively working now to
>>> open the space. But don't expect a training event, or conference, because
>>> that's not what this one is.
>>> The practitioners gathering will be at ShuiLiHui, right beside Tainan
>>> University and the 5 Concubines Temple, a 3 minute bike ride from Confucius
>>> Temple. This is Central Tainan in the historic area. On Google search
>>> "wosonos17."
>>> WHEN
>>> It'll be held Oct. 26-28.
>>> 9am to 6pm Thurs & Fri., and 9 to noon Saturday.
>>> The night before there'll be an informal gathering at a nearby sidewalk
>>> barbeque place.
>>> Overseas visitors will have priority for on-site housing until September
>>> 15. There are 20 double rooms on site @ 500NTD/person. We held all rooms at
>>> the venue. (For reservations, email me) We've got a list of several other
>>> housing options. Trip Advisor & AirBnB work super well, too. The venue is a
>>> <100NTD taxi ride from every possible level of housing. We'll be happy to
>>> help folks find what works best for them. Easy peasy.
>>> Registration fee:
>>> This year the venue arrangements give us the space to offer a "pick your
>>> own price" registration. Price won't be an impediment for anyone. We
>>> recommend 150 USD. Each person tells us the price that works for them. Some
>>> people are joining our support team in exchange for free registration.We
>>> supply breakfast, lunch and snacks. For dinners, Tainan is FULL of great
>>> food. We'll

[OSList] New York in January

2016-12-15 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Open Space, I cannot name it or explain it. I can only share the feeling of

It's not too late. Come join us at International House in New York City.

To live it for three days with Harrison H. Owen, Karen Davis, friends and

Beckoned by the timeless theme of Peace and High Performance.
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Re: [OSList] Harrison's Birthday - 2 December

2016-12-01 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Elwin and Joan, You beat me to it. I thought I'd get a head start on
December 2nd by pretending I was still in Manilla at World Open Space. It's
December 2nd there now, this place who adores Harrison Owen as much as we
all do around the world.  Time to tip our glass to him with such
appreciation for this coffee break gift of Open Space and the guy with the
hat who brought it to us.  Each year since 2009 when I first discovered
Open Space, it's been a tradition to remember and celebrate this very
special day of December 2nd - the birthday of my late father who read
Harrison's guide in Italian and then quizzed the heck out of me afterwards.
Dad knew at the source that this was something very special and I felt his
approval in pursuing this work.

So dear Harrison, may life treat you in a very special way as you have
treated us all these years - with generosity, guts, candor and such wisdom
of life.

Hugs, Suzanne

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 9:30 PM, Elwin and Joan via OSList <> wrote:

> And so every once in a lifetime you bump into someone who ends up changing
> your life for the better!
> In a 1995 search for a “User’s Guide”, I encountered this Harrison Owen
> fellow, seated in his “office”, that consisted of a window table at the Old
> Angler’s Inn, Potomac, Maryland. Yes, he had a Martini in hand.
> The rest is history as the saying goes.  But that history has taken me
> through 28 countries since then and all in the name of Open Space.
> Thus my birthday card to Harrison is simply this recognition of his gift
> to me, and you!
> Much Love Brother!!
> Elwin
> ___
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Re: [OSList] OLpening Space for Civil Conversation

2016-11-28 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
May this message spread. Spoken with such humility as the mere mortals that
we all are. May we continue to find courage , wisdom and action together to
climb out of our shells, to open more space.

Thank you Harrison for this thoughtful piece of writing.

A great place to be to open some space together is New York in January at
International House. On the timeless topic of peace which goes to the heart
of this message.

Facebook invite:

Official OSI US invitation link:

Perhaps this is your time to consider being there.


On Nov 28, 2016 11:31 AM, "Elwin and Joan via OSList" <> wrote:

> Harrison’s ability to help us put our own thoughts in order is a gift!
> He and I share much, basically the same “bubble”. I’m a WASP sans prep
> school. I see it as Harrison does but I always place italics and bold print
> on the term *FEAR!!!*
> *FEAR* is the product of the absence of Open Space i.e., the collective
> engagement in meeting the needs of all.  Despite our efforts, this world
> shows ever growing evidence of fear.
> Trump’s win was not about Trump. It was about “them”, all those living in
> fear of others. They’re a mob unified only by fear.
> I am following Harrison’s prescription here in small town America. I’m
> opening space in hopes of restoring trust in our system of governance. It’s
> working!
> Elwin Guild
> Future Development International
> Portland, CT
> --
> *From:* Harrison Owen via OSList 
> *To:* 'World wide Open Space Technology email list' <
> *Sent:* Monday, November 28, 2016 10:24 AM
> *Subject:* [OSList] OLpening Space for Civil Conversation
> The American election occurred almost three weeks ago. Curiously, not a
> word has been uttered here on OSLIST. Obviously this was an American
> election, but it seems very much of a global phenomenon. It is also true
> that over the years we have typically avoided politics of whatever sort.
> However, I think the case can be made that while politics, nationally and
> internationally, are very much a part of what is transpiring – The issues
> are much deeper and more profound. Creating space for useful, civil
> conversations is critical, and we know something about that.  Ho
> Ps – I have offered a few thoughts below.
> ***
> Donald Trump Was Not elected by Martians
> I experienced the election of Donald Trump as a massive shock. That said,
> it must be affirmed that he won fair and square – albeit with a little help
> from an arcane institution: The Electoral College. Curiously, there were
> several million *more* people voting for Hillary than Donald. But never
> mind – he won. And Donald Trump was not elected by Martians.
> The Donald’s victory is appalling to me for many reasons, which need not
> be reiterated. But it is a fact. He won. The Donald is also a recognizable
> American Type, perhaps more in the mold of The Robber Barons or Al Capone,
> but definitely, “American.” Actually, he is his own Brand, or so he would
> have you believe.
> More to the point, he was elected by Americans. These Americans are my
> fellow citizens, a disparate bunch for sure, and some of them are
> neighbors, relatives, even friends. How could they do this?
> You will not miss the pain and incredulity of my question. However, in the
> interests of transparency,  I have a confession to make. I am an endangered
> species, one of a vanishing few: a certified WASP. Skin color, definitely
> light, Anglo-Saxon for sure, and Protestant of the Episcopalian sort. Old
> Philadelphian, Socially Registered, all the proper schools. In short: WASP
> And I lived in a bubble. It is true that I have traveled the world, living
> and working on every continent (save Antarctica) – for corporations,
> governments and very small villages. I have heard much, and seen more – but
> you never get out of your skin. That bubble goes with you. The election of
> Donald Trump popped my bubble.  I have to thank him for that.
> The revelation experienced has little to do with a sudden perception of
> the issues involved. Some of those issues were less familiar, but few were
> strangers. Indeed, I seem to have worked with them all. What I missed (or
> miss-gauged) was more fundamental: Fear. Deep, existential Fear. The
> Germans would say *Angst*.
> The source of all this anxiety? I suspect the culprit is none other than
> Change. Deep, radical Change... with no end in sight. All 7.5+ billion of
> us are in the midst of a transformative moment. Every organization,
> institution, or social structure worldwide is being pushed to the edge of
> breaking –  and beyond. The Pillars of the Earth, the central structures,
> the things we count on are on 

[OSList] The Spirit of WOSonOS continues

2016-11-24 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
This morning, Thanksgiving Day in the US, I saw that WOSonOS 2016 Facebook
posted five interviews that I had the privilege of doing while in Manila.

I shared the link on the OS FACEBOOK with this message:  (some of the interviews are
a tad long, not edited just real time in the moment stuff).

*"During WOSonOS, I had the opportunity to interview five participants, a
few of which led to stories that had me in tears. In each case, the
individuals were super passionate about their work or cause and what Open
Space invited in their lives. This interview with Susanna George
<> in particular will stay
with me forever. As will my time in Manila. *

*Others were with Qinghua Song from China, Alan Stewart of Conversare from
Australia, Franklin Quijano from the Philippines and Dr. Ramon Bacani, the
Executive Director of SEAMEO INNOTECH who hosted us so beautifully. I
invite you to visit the WOSonOS 2016 FACEBOOK to listen to each. It was
such a privilege to open this space for those amazing conversations. *

On this Thanksgiving Day, I feel so drawn to say thank you again to Harrison
H. Owen <> who seeded this Open
Space coffee break idea which has taken a life of its own over the past 30

Also thanking  Mark John a fabulous photographer and videographer who
worked tirelessly, all hours during our three days  in Manila and our
beloved Sharon Berlin Chao <>,
dear friend to us all."

There are many beautiful things that happened at WOSonOS, much of it with
such openness, grace and ease.  It's also wonderful to see how quickly and
easily the spirit of welcome spread with an invitation from Taiwan offering
to host the 25th annual WOSonOS.  I've no doubt that it will be just as
special with Jane Lewis & Sharon Wu, Gail West and others leading the way.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
OSList mailing list
To post send emails to
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To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
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Re: [OSList] Nominations for Next Host - WOSonOS 2017

2016-11-14 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Bravo Jane and Sharon with special thanks to Carms for nudging the
possibilities. What a treat meeting you in Manila.   I fell in love with
Taiwan at the WOSonOS 2009.  To imagine the possibility of going there
again this time in another part of the country, like wow, how cool that
would be. I

Just so you know, I took the leap without a big community in Florida in
2013. People flocked to help and I've no doubt the same will be true in
2017.  And best of all, each and every year, we can invent it in all kinds
of ways, from the simple to the magnificent, however we feel moved to host.
There are no rules, just pure fun with a tad of hard work mixed in.

Manila this year was truly "over the top wonderful" thanks to an amazing
host team and incredible facilities with boundless support from SEAMEO
INNOTECH.  This should not become the model to follow as each WOSonOS is so
unique. They truly would be hard to top. But however we choose to host,
that's what makes it so meaningful.

With a heavy heart, I bid farewell to many dear friends at WOSonOS. I just
finished my latest blog - a love letter thanking the Philippines for
showing me a side of themselves that I never knew.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 11:51 PM, David Osborne via OSList <> wrote:

> I've never been to a WOSONOS and I love your description of your Tainan
> I hope to make next year my first.
> Hope all are having a glorious weekend.
> David
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 12, 2016, at 10:12 AM, Carmela Ariza via OSList <
>> wrote:
> Wow, I am truly excited - Ishould Taiwan be finally selected as the next
> WOSONOS host-country.
> Looking forward Jane, Gail and Dick...
> love
> Carms
> True happiness is a state of mind.
> Happiness is not a consequence of things that happen.
> Do not pursue happiness - practice it.
> Sing, even if you do not sound good.
> Smile, even when things go wrong.
> Create happiness, and happy you will be.
> --
> *From:* Jane Lewis via OSList <>
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list <
> *Sent:* Saturday, 12 November 2016, 20:47
> *Subject:* [OSList] Nominations for Next Host - WOSonOS 2017
> Just yesterday Carms asked the world (the OSList and all of us here in
> Manila) who might be interested in hosting 2017's WOSonOS.
> Today at breakfast, people started asking me about my connections in
> Hawaii (I'm a resident there, though I live in south Taiwan), in reference
> to a potential location for next year.
> Then, in the closing circle it hit me. One of my motivations, after all,
> for coming to this meeting was to locate my own way to stimulate organic
> cross-fertilizing conversations in my city. During these 2.5 days in
> Manila, instead, I'd focused on other types of conversations.
> Maybe it's time to bring this topic to life in a big way.
> After the closing circle, and on through a group dinner tonight, I went
> around to share this idea of Tainan being offered as next years location,
> and all around I got "Yes!" and "I'll be there, what help do you need?" So,
> by the evening of the closing of WOSonOS 2016 I, along with Sharon Wu are
> ready to make a nomination.
> We nominate Tainan, in the south of Taiwan as the location for the 2017
> WOSonOS.
> It's Taiwan's oldest city, a beautiful highly hospitable tropical city
> full of Japanese era buildings, thousands of temples and temple events,
> little winding alleys and all manner of street food. It's Taiwan's holiday
> destination by the ocean, and a welcoming destination for everyone in
> 2017.
> Looking forward to the ensuing discussion!
> With respect and excitement,
> Jane Lewis & Sharon Wu
> ___
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Re: [OSList] Roving reporter at WOSonOS2016

2016-11-04 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
from too much hierarchy and control.

Well as I started writing this at 4 in the morning I did not expect to
write as much. I hope that some, many or most of you may pop in at the QiQoChat
house <> during the conference.  Their plan
is to live stream the opening and closing circle, to also stream on
Facebook Live. Michael Herman working with the WOSonOS team has arranged
for lots of cool things including ways to blend the virtual reports and
on-site newsroom activities. To date not too many registered but we'll keep
inviting and inventing.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 5:01 PM, Suzanne Daigle <> wrote:

> Hi again everyone,
> I've arrived in Manila.  And of course, I can't help but share it with
> you.  Everyday, I will post an excerpt of what's happening here with the
> invitation to join us or to just enjoy living this experience with this
> wonderfully ebullient WOSonOS crew who will soon be hosting the world.  A
> tad personal in my quirky way. Like the law of 2 feet, one must go our
> merry way.
> WOSonOS2016 <>
> Virtually at QiQoChat here <>.
> Excerpt Day 2:
> "With all my heart, I wish EVERYONE could be here. To fill themselves as I
> am doing with the sights, smells and sounds of this beautiful host country
> – the Philippines. Strangers smiling with such genuine warmth everywhere.
> It literally takes my breath away."
> To read more:
> 2016/11/03/day-2-at-work-in-manila-with-a-smile/#more-405
> Suzanne
> Suzanne Daigle
> Open Space Facilitator
> NuFocus Strategic Group
> FL 941-359-8877
> Cell: 203-722-2009
> Twitter @Daiglesuz
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[OSList] Roving reporter at WOSonOS2016

2016-11-03 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Hi again everyone,

I've arrived in Manila.  And of course, I can't help but share it with
you.  Everyday, I will post an excerpt of what's happening here with the
invitation to join us or to just enjoy living this experience with this
wonderfully ebullient WOSonOS crew who will soon be hosting the world.  A
tad personal in my quirky way. Like the law of 2 feet, one must go our
merry way.

WOSonOS2016 <>

Virtually at QiQoChat here <>.

Excerpt Day 2:

"With all my heart, I wish EVERYONE could be here. To fill themselves as I
am doing with the sights, smells and sounds of this beautiful host country
– the Philippines. Strangers smiling with such genuine warmth everywhere.
It literally takes my breath away."

To read more:


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
OSList mailing list
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Re: [OSList] What's so great about Open Space?

2016-11-02 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
The Spanish title sounds even better than in English!

On Nov 2, 2016 10:45 AM, "agusj" <> wrote:

> Hello Harold,
> I would translate it as: ¿Qué es lo maravilloso de la Tecnología de
> Espacio Abierto?
> Best Regards,
> Agustín
> --
> *From:* Harold Shinsato <>
> *To:* World wide Open Space Technology email list <
>>; Agustín Jiménez <>
> *Cc:* Suzanne Daigle <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 1, 2016 5:09 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] What's so great about Open Space?
> Hi Augustin,
> The OSI-US will be more than happy to host Spanish answers to "What's so
> great about OST?"
> In fact, we'd love to host them in any language.
> I'd only request you translate the 'what's so great...' question for me in
> text form.
> Muchas Gracias!
> Harold Shinsato
> @hajush
> Sent from a phone with tiny screen.
> On Oct 29, 2016 8:50 AM, "Agustín Jiménez via OSList" <
>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I fine this project really terrific! Following the idea, I would like to
> invite the OST Spanish community to replicate this project in Spanish. What
> do you think?
> Regards,
> Agustin
> Enviado desde mi iPad
> El 24/10/2016, a las 10:28 a.m., Suzanne Daigle via OSList 
> <oslist@lists.openspacetech.
> org <>> escribió:
> If you haven't seen it yet. If you haven't considered it yet. I'd say
> please do!!!
> OSI US has initiated a terrific project. (**Thank you for conceiving the
> idea: To create a 2 minute video where you can describe "What's so great
> about Open Space?")
> I've never felt comfortable watching myself on video, let alone doing a
> video of myself. But my passion and appreciation for the gift of Open Space
> in my life was bigger than my fear so I just jumped in. Still feel a bit
> dorky about it but did it. Which then led me to try with Michael Herman to
> invite folks for the upcoming Virtual World Open Space in Manila.
> How wonderful it would be to have the voices and images of people around
> the world sharing in this way. I can even imagine a special session in
> Manila to listen to them all.
> Please visit the OSI US website for instructions and to see the 4 short
> clips that are posted there now. Each with their own flavor and spirit.
> And if you haven't done so already, consider joining the folks in Manila
> and beyond for a virtual taste of the World Open Space on Open Space.
> For the price of a few cups of coffee and some
> muffins, you could be part of a vibrant history being created minute by
> minute. I'm sure our wonderful Filipino hosts would be thrilled to feel
> your presence.
> Suzanne
> Suzanne Daigle
> Open Space Facilitator
> NuFocus Strategic Group
> FL 941-359-8877
> Cell: 203-722-2009
> Twitter @Daiglesuz
> __ _
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> To unsubscribe send an email to OSList-leave@lists.
> <>
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> http://lists.openspacetech. org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-
> <>
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> <>
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[OSList] Manila here I come

2016-10-31 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Hi everyone,

In 2009, smitten as I was by Open Space, I traded my air miles and flew to
Taiwan.  It's where I met Sharon Joy Chao. We were two newbies then. To
think that tomorrow at 6 am, I'm heading to Manila - well I'm absolutely
thrilled. And I'd love to bring you all with me.

In 2009, I announced to the world here on this list that I would facilitate
or co-facilitate (helper) one Open Space a month. I had just discovered
Open Space and boy was I committed. Telling everyone here about my plan was
scary in itself but I just had to do it.

I kept track and two or three years later, I counted about 30.  My passion
and belief in this work never dimmed.

I also fell in love with our community feeling such deep admiration for the
closed spaces being opened with such courage and vision.  I harbored a
dream that one day I could go back to my journalist roots, travel the world
and write stories about Open Space, visiting facilitator friends
everywhere.  I confided as much to Peggy Holman.  That never really
materialized but I never forgot my dream.

Many reasons that I'm excited about going to the Philippines hoping that I
might write some of those stories. It's one of the reasons why I created a
website which I named "Open Space on the Open Road".
<>  I hope you'll join me there in the
days and weeks to come. I'll be blogging, taking pictures and maybe some
video too.  Much of this is very new - my first website that I can call my
very own. My goal is to share the stories of the ordinary extraordinary
people that I'll be meeting on this trip.

And if you stop by, please send me a note in the section titled NOW YOU!

And finally I do hope you decide to join us at the QiQoChat house. I
promise that experiencing the World Open Space on Open Space virtually will
be the next best thing to being there.

You can register here <>!


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
OSList mailing list
To post send emails to
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Re: [OSList] What's so great about Open Space?

2016-10-24 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Awesome Harold! And it just multiplies. On a roll. Congrats again on this

Elder in Spain tweeted about it and also included it on his Flow and Show
website. Good news travels fast.

I had watched the others and now just went to see Diana Larson's.  Loved
her closing statement:  "This is your experience of Self-Organizing teams
so relish it!"


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 2:36 PM, Harold Shinsato via OSList <> wrote:

> Thank you, Suzanne! We actually have five videos published and three more
> recorded that need to be published.
> You can find the channel here:
> Harold Shinsato
> @hajush
> Sent from a phone with tiny screen.
> On Oct 24, 2016 11:28 AM, "Suzanne Daigle via OSList" <
>> wrote:
>> If you haven't seen it yet. If you haven't considered it yet. I'd say
>> please do!!!
>> OSI US has initiated a terrific project. (**Thank you for conceiving the
>> idea: To create a 2 minute video where you can describe "What's so great
>> about Open Space?")
>> I've never felt comfortable watching myself on video, let alone doing a
>> video of myself. But my passion and appreciation for the gift of Open Space
>> in my life was bigger than my fear so I just jumped in. Still feel a bit
>> dorky about it but did it. Which then led me to try with Michael Herman to
>> invite folks for the upcoming Virtual World Open Space in Manila.
>> How wonderful it would be to have the voices and images of people around
>> the world sharing in this way. I can even imagine a special session in
>> Manila to listen to them all.
>> Please visit the OSI US website for instructions and to see the 4 short
>> clips that are posted there now. Each with their own flavor and spirit.
>> And if you haven't done so already, consider joining the folks in Manila
>> and beyond for a virtual taste of the World Open Space on Open Space.
>> For the price of a few cups of coffee and some
>> muffins, you could be part of a vibrant history being created minute by
>> minute. I'm sure our wonderful Filipino hosts would be thrilled to feel
>> your presence.
>> Suzanne
>> Suzanne Daigle
>> Open Space Facilitator
>> NuFocus Strategic Group
>> FL 941-359-8877
>> Cell: 203-722-2009
>> Twitter @Daiglesuz
>> ___
>> OSList mailing list
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>> To unsubscribe send an email to
>> To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
>> Past archives can be viewed here:
> ___
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[OSList] What's so great about Open Space?

2016-10-24 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
If you haven't seen it yet. If you haven't considered it yet. I'd say
please do!!!

OSI US has initiated a terrific project. (**Thank you for conceiving the
idea: To create a 2 minute video where you can describe "What's so great
about Open Space?")

I've never felt comfortable watching myself on video, let alone doing a
video of myself. But my passion and appreciation for the gift of Open Space
in my life was bigger than my fear so I just jumped in. Still feel a bit
dorky about it but did it. Which then led me to try with Michael Herman to
invite folks for the upcoming Virtual World Open Space in Manila.

How wonderful it would be to have the voices and images of people around
the world sharing in this way. I can even imagine a special session in
Manila to listen to them all.

Please visit the OSI US website for instructions and to see the 4 short
clips that are posted there now. Each with their own flavor and spirit.

And if you haven't done so already, consider joining the folks in Manila
and beyond for a virtual taste of the World Open Space on Open Space. For the price of a few cups of coffee and some
muffins, you could be part of a vibrant history being created minute by
minute. I'm sure our wonderful Filipino hosts would be thrilled to feel
your presence.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
OSList mailing list
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[OSList] Open Space, Tahir Square and Egypt

2016-10-22 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
>From  Claudia Gross' Facebook to Open Space Technology Facebook page to
here on our beloved OS list. History again soon in Manila at World Open
Space, face to face and virtually at the QiQoChat House.

>From my Facebook page : "Open Space and Tahir Square, it's from this that
the fifth principle was created "Wherever it happens is the right place". A
principle as seminal as the four others. This is the English article
written by our friend, colleague and Open Space facilitator Claudia Gross
who tells the story of this first Open Space in Egypt. As Claudia says:
Finally an English online version! "

Hope you can access.

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
OSList mailing list
To post send emails to
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Re: [OSList] Join WOSonOS 2016 in Manila - from your desktop

2016-10-14 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Michael, Lucas, Sharon Joy, Harrison and all...

Truly my heart sings in anticipation of it. What joy it has been once again
to be part of this, imagining more and more space opening up in Manila and
beyond.  Here a video to give you a virtual taste of what is to come at

In the spirit of "whatever happens happens" , "whoever comes are the right
people", and  "wherever it happens is the right place",  we invite you to
join us for a visit to the QiQoChat House in Manila!

Oh and one last thing "Be Prepared to Be Surprised!"


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 3:05 PM, Harrison Owen via OSList <> wrote:

> Looks wonderful! I’m in!!
> ho
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucauire Ave
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207 763-3261
> Websites
> *From:* OSList [] *On Behalf
> Of *Michael Herman via OSList
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 13, 2016 2:16 PM
> *To:* OSLIST
> *Subject:* [OSList] Join WOSonOS 2016 in Manila - from your desktop
> Open Space Friends Everywhere,
> The World is Shifting.  Come Back to the Circle.  Open More Space!
> If you can find your way to Manila on November 9-12, by all means, do it.
> If you can't, then joining from your laptop or phone via the Open Space
> Community Circle at is the next best thing to
> being there!
> We're opening more space.  We have a number of online breakout spaces
> connected to Manila, plus an online bar, kitchen, porch, pool and newsroom.
> We will run a number of experiments during the Manila gathering, all aimed
> at supporting more connections among open space friends everywhere.  Be
> prepared to be surprised!
> Here's what we have imagined so far:
>- Opening in Manila - we'll open a connection to the main meeting
>space in Manila so you can see and hear the opening circle and posting of
>- Breakout/Butterfly Connections - we'll have four (plus or minus)
>laptops connected throughout the day so people in Manila can bring distant
>friends along to breakout sessions, or just have butterfly conversations.
>- Online Breakouts/Butterflies - there are spaces for online
>participants to post or flutter into conversations with other online
>- ** Midnight in Manila ** will happen exactly when the name says it
>will.  Between Days 1 and 2, while Manila participants are sleeping,
>friends from many other timezones will be wide awake and invited to gather
>for a couple of hours of meeting and learning together.
>- Next Year's WOSonOS site selection - for the first time, open space
>friends tuning in from anywhere can be a part of the conversation about
>where to gather next.  Maybe we'll keep the connection open for the Closing
>Circle as well, but that will be up to participants in Manila.
> Lucas has made many improvements in the QiqoChat platform since we met
> there a year ago for the Virtual OSonOS, including a switch to Zoom for the
> audio/video connections.  Suzanne has made a great video that we'll share
> with you soon.
> *Registration is required and is open now:  visit
> <>.  The cost is $10 for anyone not
> participating onsite in Manila, to cover the audio/video costs.  *
> You can send questions and comments to me directly or post them to the
> list here, so we can answer them for everyone.  The whole experiment will
> emerge and evolve as more and more people choose to join us.
> What we're offering is a space, a platform, for you to learn and
> contribute and create and connect and discover...  What happens will be
> totally determined by who shows up – sound familiar?  We'll work out the
> details as we go along...
> Please join us – and share this with friends and colleagues, especially on
> the various OS facebook groups!
> Sharon, Mitch, Joan, Michael, Lucas, Suzanne...
> --
> Michael Herman
> Michael Herman Associates
> 312-280-7838 (mobile)

[OSList] Frederic Laloux, Ricardo Semler and Open Space

2016-10-12 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
For anyone consumed as I am with Open Space in the Workplace, this is the
most fantastic interview between Frederic Laloux (Reinventing
Organizations) and Ricardo Semler (Semco, Book Maverick, etc).

Posted on Frederic Laloux Facebook:

"Last week Ricardo Semler (of Semco - Maverick fame) and I had a
conversation as part of his series on LeadWise. I very much enjoyed it - it
was fun comparing notes on what we see happening today. He has been in this
space way way longer than me, of course, so it was interesting to hear his
perspective, even though I was sort of the one interviewed... "

If you click the link it will give you a short preview and a link to go to
the full 52 minute interview. Highly recommend. The topic of opening space
comes at the very end in a surprising way.  I have no doubt that the
greatness of Semco was created 30 years ago  (coincidence ?!_) out of an
Open Space when people did not know what open space was though indeed we've
all known it deep inside of us from the beginning of time.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
OSList mailing list
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Past archives can be viewed here:

Re: [OSList] 80 years and out....

2016-10-12 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Harrison,
Get your martini glass ready because from afar, we will click our glasses
from Manila to Washington, straight up, hold the vegetables with a twist of
QiQoChat virtual thrown in.

I'll be in Manila with other wonderful folks and you will assuredly be
there in spirit (and spirits) with us.

Suzanne xoxo

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 2:31 PM, Harrison Owen via OSList <> wrote:

> Gail has been my friend for so long, I can’t remember when it started. And
> she has a way of saying what needs to be said… I’m in that 80 year old
> batch, and Manila is, unfortunately for me, a good deal  more than 2 hours
> away. So I will miss the festivities, even though I had my ticket and was
> all set. But there will be lots of good folks there and the timing is
> perfect. It is indeed a transformative moment, and whoever thinks they know
> what will happen next is definitely fooling themselves. All the rules are
> resetting, and the space is uncomfortably open…. When better to come to the
> circle?
> ho
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucauire Ave
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207 763-3261
> Websites
> *From:* OSList [
> <>] *On Behalf Of *Gail West via
> OSList
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 11, 2016 12:42 AM
> *To:* Lisa Heft -; World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Open Space Learning Workshop - December 8-9, 2016
> - Oakland California USA
> Hi Lisa,
> I'm so pleased to see your note today about your up-coming trainings.
> Your very special yet somewhat limited energies are going for such
> important work that's near and dear to you!
> I have promised Shu-Fang some in-person support for 2 OS programs in the
> next few weeks but in general my mantra these days is "it's time for the 80
> year olds to move aside for the younger folks to take the initiative".
> And, of course, the WOSONOS in Manila.The 2 hour trip to Manila is
> about as fas as I'm willing to go via air plane these days, and I do want
> to support the amazing effort the team there is exerting.  Just hoping the
> political situation there (and elsewhere) doesn't hamper participation.  We
> will miss you and your fabulous spirit presence and conversation, knowing
> that you are in our midst!
> Be well,
> Gail
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 3:56 AM, Lisa Heft - via OSList <
>> wrote:
> Dear OSLIST colleagues -
> Two items:
> For those of you in the US region, I am also offering - and still have
> room for you in - the World Cafe Learning Workshop, this October 20-21 in
> Oakland. I do not usually post about these other methods I teach on this
> list - however it is true that we often mention World Cafe as another kind
> of conversation-based facilitated process used to engage groups of any size
> in exploring their diverse and similar thoughts about complex issues and
> opportunities.  If you wish to join me, thank you for letting me know very
> soon, so I can quickly send you the content and registration materials and
> also so I can design you into the process of this month’s interactive
> workshop. Also be sure to respond with the title of -which- workshop(s) you
> are inquiring about in the title of your email. Thanks!
> (and for her *next* news item…)
> ___
> The Open Space Learning Workshop in Oakland, California on December 8-9,
> 2016 - for people of all levels of experience.
> For more information on content, schedule, pricing and to register,
> contact me directly at
> ___
> For those of you new to Open Space:
> You may have participated in something called Open Space or 'an
> unconference' and wondered why it did not work - why it didn’t really hold
> together as productive. Or your interest may have been sparked as you
> experienced a group self-organizing in a highly productive process - and
> wondered if it was this thing called Open Space.
> For those of you experienced in facilitating Open Space:
> You may already facilitate this and yearn for a deeper dive: It is rare
> that we get together w

Re: [OSList] Safety

2016-09-28 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Thank you Harold for this topic.

What came to mind for me: Safety and Wave Riding!

Open Space invites us to be wave riders of our own life.

A compelling theme, an invitation, a circle, a handful of principles and a

How can it be that a process so deceptively simple can unlock and release
so much inside us?

For most of our lives, we may have been playing it safe... Or not.
Consciously or unconsciously.

Each person is different. The circumstances of our lives are different.

What can feel safe for one can feel totally unsafe for another. It's all
relative, moment by moment, and personal too.

For so much of my life, I worried about the safety of others. A form of
control I'm sure. By doing so, I realized through Open Space that I was
depriving myself of wave riding my own life and possibly interfering with
the lives of others.

In the end is it really my responsibility to try and make it safe for
others? If I intervene, is there not the risk that I will deprive or delay
others from finding their own courage, the courage to take a stand, to
speak out and to do. To live fully. Can others make me feel safe? Do I want
them to take responsibility for my safety? Not really.

To witness the pain and struggles in ourselves and others around safety is
not always easy...

Yet it is something that we must allow the space for, trusting that we will
each find our way, alone and with others.

And when we give each other that space to discover and  experience the
courage of our own choices, there is something pretty magical that

Always amazes me in the context of safety to remember how it felt in the
opening circle and how different it feels in the closing circle. Like
coming home...together. It totally feels safe.


On Sep 21, 2016 2:16 PM, "Harold Shinsato via OSList" <> wrote:

> Dear People(s) of Open Space,
> What is the importance of safety? What, if any, work is needed in the
> "pre-work" to help ensure safety?
> It seems that safety is doomed if the "givens" are that the people in the
> organization must either be silent or agree with the "powers that be" on
> everything.
> I'm seeing two aspects to this. At one level, systemic oppression (such as
> explicitly killing, imprisoning, or otherwise effectively punishing
> dissent) clearly would shut down any opening in an open space.
> And at another level, safety is something we can be responsible in
> ourselves. With enough passion and courage, we can take responsibility for
> own safety. And also, it can be easy just to stay silent, or not to look
> beyond the smallness of our comfort zone because of the lenses we look
> through. And then we won't even try something out of fear, when something
> powerful could have been a result of us taking a small step (or a small
> series of steps to the center of the circle).
> What do you all think about safety, and helping to encourage people to
> source their own safety, as well as working with the "powers that be" to
> help ensure some level of safety?
> Thanks!
> Harold
> P.S. I did find one interesting post about this in the archives from the
> late Father Brian Bainbridge.
> --
> Harold Shinsato
> twitter: @hajush 
> ___
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[OSList] International Day of Peace

2016-09-21 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Claudia Gross, an Open Space colleague and a dear friend to us all has done
something pretty amazing. Sharing it with you now on this special day.

I am also reminded of the wonderful Open Space gatherings that have taken
place at International House in New York for the past 20 years or so,
hosted by Harrison and Karen Davis. The underlying theme has always been
"The Practice of Peace".

This amazing work of art, images, movement and words captures this theme
and so much more.

Enjoy and share!

As a YouTube:

As a Facebook link:


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
OSList mailing list
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Re: [OSList] Deep Visioning

2016-09-20 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Bonjour chère Christine,

What a lovely gift that you share this invitation and adventure with us. I
imagine the possibilities of so much coming from it. Simply by opening
space, again and again over the course of a year and beyond.

It would start with a co-creative invitation that captures the bigger
purpose and imagines the issues, the possibilities, the reflections and
actions to follow.

I was particularly drawn to your intro.

"I came across a potential client who wants to co-create a vision involving
all collaborators  (2500 people in 11 countries) and even more (clients,
suppliers..) and is looking for someone to help them for this one-year

I imagined how much could happen by simply opening space between them and
with them. You could, involve a small diverse representative team from the
2500 to execute on the planning steps, a team whose mission is to invite
and involve others, to carry out the logistics, etc. Not one open space but
many with a compelling overarching theme.

The start is a Why of doing this. What is at stake?

As the answers reveal themselves and if a decision to proceed is made

A small team and host could create a compelling theme that captures the
context and mission of the co-creative vision they seek.

It would include questions, history and future. It would meet the criteria
of a good theme and invitation that we know so well: urgent, complex,
diverse, etc.

By doing the work themselves, it would would acknowledge the shared
ownership with all stakeholders in the organization. It honors the wisdom,
creativity, passion and responsibility that is there already.  A deep
knowing, a trust in the organization and its partners (clients and

The planning work with others provides opportunities for shared learning
around Open Space, the basic steps in a process that we know so well and
the deeper thinking that invites action and transformation. With guiding
principles and a law that also invite the wisdom within us.

I even imagine many future Open Space facilitators, opening space
throughout the year, formally and informally.

As a facilitator, you have no attachment to outcome. Yet there is a deep
trust in outcome, the outcomes of whatever is meant to happen by this
company that is inviting so much by truly inviting all to be involved.

The same would be true of the planning work, sharing the tasks, doing the
simple things, inviting, logistics, newsroom... Always involving from
within and keeping it simple.

Together this small team would get a glimpse and a feel of the breadth and
scope of the topics, the discussions and emergent convergence, intuiting it
before it happens.

They would imagine colleagues, clients and suppliers engaged as never
before, living the Law of Two Feet, conversing, documenting and activating
what is waiting to emerge. A Vision and so much more. They would feel
proud, excited and energized.

With this simple process of Open Space, the wisdom and will of an
organization will discover itself.

A few years ago I was asked by a company celebrating their 10 years to
facilitate an Open Space that would create their next 10 years. It was just
a day and at first I was sad about this but by involving in the planning
and trusting...much space opened and continues to open to this day. Their
theme was: "The next 10 years. It's up to us!"

As I read your note, I could not help but think of Village Care in Africa.
What they have done over the past 10 years is beyond words. Open Space at
the heart of it though indeed it is so much more. Quietly with such human
magnificence, they are teaching us the way! And I am so humbled by them.

Christine, as a colleague and friend, I can imagine no better person than
you to open space with this company.


On Sep 19, 2016 3:25 AM, "Royle, Karl via OSList" <> wrote:

> Hi you could have a look at lean canvas for deeper story development and
> also lean change maybe
> Might be helpful
> Sent by iPhone
> Karl Royle
> Head of Enterprise and Commercial Development
> Faculty of Education Health and Wellbeing
> University of Wolverhampton
> 01902323006
> 07815416698
> @karlroyle. On Twitter
> Karlr61 Skype
> On 19 Sep 2016, at 08:57, Rotem Ofer via OSList <
>> wrote:
> Hi Christine,
> Thank you for sharing this challenge with us. So exciting that corporates
> are reaching the point of realizing that the wisdom of the many, can help
> them to create a better future.
> I was involved in a process of values definition, in a company of 4300
> employees, in 30 countries, using a participatory approach with an
> Appreciative inquiry process.
> I can share with you happily, and I think you can take some inspiration,
> and practical ideas and incorporate them into your project.
> To summarize it shortly, the process was based on :
>- Collecting stories from all employees 

Re: [OSList] OS at work

2016-09-09 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Diana, I'm with Gail so grateful you sent this our way...and wanting more.
Absolutely love this!  There is something so simple about it. The language,
the invitation, the descriptions, how it blends with work in a "no big
deal" kind of way.  I'm sending this to our Packaging Industry Team right

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 1:31 AM, Gail West via OSList <> wrote:

> Great, Diana!  More stories and videos welcome!
> Gail
> On Sat, Sep 3, 2016 at 12:28 AM, Diana Larsen via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> I thought people on this list might like to read about sipgate, a company
>> in Düsseldorf, that makes a regular practice of Open Space.
>> Enjoy!
>> Diana
>> **
>> *Diana Larsen*
>> FutureWorks Consulting LLC <>
>> We envision a world where everyone at every level of the organization can
>> say, "I love my work; this is the best job EVER!”
>> Explore the model:
>> Agile Fluency™ Model <>
>> Read the books:
>> Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great
>> <>*  PMI-ACP Top 10*
>> Liftoff: Start and Sustain Successful Agile Teams
>> <>
>> Five Rules for Accelerated Learning  <>
>> ___
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> --
> *Gail West, ICA*
> *3F, No. 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou W RdTaipei, Taiwan 111Ph) 8862) 2871-3150*
> email)
> Skype) gwestica
> ___
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[OSList] Manila in November! It's not too late...

2016-09-09 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Yes I'm going.  Looking beyond the bad mouth talk of leaders and scary
things being reported in the Philippines of late.  We certainly have our
share of that here too in the US these days.  This weekend, I went down
memory lane of WOSonOS pasts, feeling and remembering the spaces and places
and most especially the people -- where I met life long friends from around
the world.

This morning I posted something on Open Space Technology Facebook - just
can't seem to get enough of listening to the WOSonOS 2016 video -- a bit
like Michael Jackson's "We are the World".

Then this weekend, I wrote something about my first 2009 in
Taiwan. I sprinkled it with stories and pictures.

I know what it's like to host a WOSonOS...with all our heart we want people
to come. We know what a gift it will be for the host team and the host
country to meet the wonderful folks from around the world who join.  We
know the joy of sharing our country, our culture and ourselves with
others.  We know the gift of people discovering Open Space for the first
time with an opportunity to really indulge over three days. We also know as
Open Space facilitators how wonderful it is to become participants again
and to feel the giant spaces opening inside of us.  It truly is magical. It
fuels our work and what matters to us.

So dear friends as you listen to their beautiful video one more time,
ponder perhaps if you can come. Or perhaps you know people in neighboring
countries not too far who would love this opportunity to learn and then
open space where they are from.

*“The world is shifting – come back to the circle – open more space”*

*The WOSonOS 2016 theme and its message could not be more relevant to our
times. I'm coming back to the circle to open more space and I can't wait!*


Registration information here <>

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
OSList mailing list
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Re: [OSList] 24th World Open Space on Open Space (WOSonOS) Conference

2016-09-01 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear dear wonderful Alan,

We will be seeing each each other in Manila and my heart sings with
delight. A lifelong friendship between us that began in Taiwan at WOSonOS.
In absentia, we shared a martini as a way of saluting Harrison in the US.
Later you made your way to Florida to be with us for our 2013 WOSonOS.

I look forward to being in Conversare with you and most especially meeting
others who may be new to Open Space or to a Global Open Space gathering
like this. The powerful learning and sharing with others who have had years
of experience in Open Space and who I have met at such gatherings were
seminal and life changing. The multiculturalism is also wonderful and

And most important of all, when we open space together, we unleash the
leadership and courage inside us to open more space where we live and work.
The inspired theme of this Philippines gathering captures the very great
need in the world now to open more space. *“The World is Shifting. Come
back to the Circle. Open more Space.” *

So Alan I will follow your lead and spread the word to my counterparts
also. Last week I became a US citizen and now as a dual citizen with
Canada, the responsibility I feel to build bridges, to connect, to repair
and to create has never felt greater or more urgent. In the context of
these times, political and otherwise, much space to be opened.

Earlier this year, the video on the front page of the 2016 WOSonOS website
<> prepared by our hosts hooked my heart. Music
and song does that. If you listen again, perhaps it will hook your hearts
too and like me you will decide to go or invite others to do so.

Look forward to sharing another martini with you Alan and this time
Harrison will not be in absentia. And that will be great fun indeed!


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 7:55 AM, Alan Stewart <>

> G'day All
> To enhance your awareness of this *forthcoming wondrous event
> <>* I have been requested by the organising
> committee in Manila to help promote it to Aussies.
> Which I am most happy to do having attended five WOSonOS gatherings,
> starting with Monterey in California in 1998 and the most recent in St
> Petersburg in Florida in 2013.
> And would say that they have all been great experiencing through learning
> more of what an impactful process OST is in many contexts, particularly
> highly complex and conflicted. There are increasing numbers of these
> situations, for which so much more could be done effectively were OST
> brought to bear.
> *If you are looking to extend your understanding of OST and its widespread
> applications you would do well to registering for this 'in our patch'
> event. *
> Equally memorable, and personally beneficial, from my participating in the
> WOS gatherings have been the fine friends I have made from every one. These
> stalwarts are scattered all around our little planet, 3rd from the sun. I
> have had much joy from keeping connected with these lively spirits in
> diverse ways including Skype, QiqoChat and sometimes - gloriously- in
> person.
> *How good is that, keeping in close contact with like passioned fellow
> Spaceniks, for now nearly 20 years?   *
> Could your hopping off to Manila have this kind of impact on your 'self
> organising' way of being too?  
> To add: Having visited the Philippines twice I can assure you that the
> welcome and hospitality you will likely experience there will be
> 'incomparable'.
> *Please pass this on to people in your orbit who are already in tune with
> OST and all it can mean. or could be if they knew of this opportunity. *
> Looking forward.
> Go well
> Alan
> *Alan Stewart, PhD Social Artist Facilitator of conversations that matter
> and participatory fun **Senior Fulbright Scholar*
> *Em: <> Web: *
> ** <>
> * Blog: **Conversare* <>
> *Mob: **0413848680* <0413848680>*  +61413848680 <%2B61413848680>*
> <>
> *"All progress takes place outside the comfort zone." * *Michael John
> Bobak*
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Re: [OSList] sweet spot - online OST

2016-09-01 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Lucas!  All!!!

Oh my goodness, I was out all day. Hurricane Hermine is rocking and rolling
in the background in Florida tonight.  I just now went to take a peak at
the OS list.

There are no words. My heart is bursting. To see these visuals, to feel
them.  The possibility of what they represent. Oh Lucas, I can't even begin
to thank you.  I just feel like I want to race into every room and sit on
those balconies, those front porches, hang out in the kitchen, pull up a

And to think that this imaginary world that you played with could have dear
friends there. Yes it would be wonderful to hug them in person, to smile
and see deep in their eyes, hear their voice, etc. But we can't! So what an
adventure to just go exploring together, with no set goal or purpose for
now. Time for that later. After all, we have the depth, knowledge and
experience of open space behind us to come back to. For now, the
opportunity to feel the pull of innovation, to fail and try again and
again. For those who are interested.  Others may join in later...or not.
Whatever rocks your boat. And that's the point of it all. Someone posts a
topic and whoever is interested joins in.

My heart and mind are on fire. Creativity gone wild.  Thinking of the fun
hosting possibilities.  To my tech friends who always advocate the value of
gaming, of improvisation, in others words activating others parts of
ourselves beyond our strategic purposeful minds. This is a little like

I'm smiling, no laughing (please forgive me for going a bit wild) thinking
for a moment that we could take turns and host around the world, changing
these pictures with the real live places where people live -- a hosting
like never imagined before. You don't even have to clean or cook (one less
thing to do) but you can create this beautiful virtual space that says,
welcome.  And feel the presence in each others homes, engaging in
conversations as if we were there. I can picture the invitations now -
different themes, serious and not. Again so many possibilities.

Lucas you nailed it in ways I could never have imagined. I'll never forget
how much fun you, Michael Herman and I had planning the "ho" birthday party
and to think that on the morning of, QiQoChat crashed but we pulled it off
with Zoom. Loads of people showed up for a very unique event. And it was so
easy, so spontaneous, so simple. Lots of "one less things to do" in action.

And that's what's so beautiful about opening space whether the purpose is
serious, light, sad, happy or humorous. All it takes is invitation and a
bit of imagination.

Now I have an extra reason to stay safe through this Hurricane, I want to
live this wonderful adventure with all of you.  And remember it takes
courage to be a bit contrarian and to push and act a bit silly (as I am
now) but when passion and imagination show up, we just have to go with it.
Wave riding with the spirit of a child.

Again Lucas... thank you so much!  Father to beautiful Siena (a little
older than my grandson) and now a newborn son Hudson who showed up  just 12
days ago.   What a creative, dedicated dad and colleague you are! How proud
he would be if he knew what you did.

Your friend, Suzanne, bursting with appreciation right now!!

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 5:36 PM, Susan Partnow via OSList <> wrote:

> This looks so exciting!  I hope there'll be another live trial digital OS
> soon!
> Susan Partnow
> Sr. Certified Facilitator, Compassionate Listening
> Founding Director, Global Citizen Journey
> Co Founder, Seattle Restorative Justice
> 4425 Baker Ave NW
> Seattle, WA 98107
> tel. 206-310-1203
> fax 206-782-7786
> Join our mailing list and learn about GCJ India 2017
> Join our delegation to India!
> ts/1047794005317455/
>  Partnow Communications, Organizational Development
> & Workshops
> <>Co-
> Founder
>   Co-Founder
>  Certified Facilitator and Core Council
>  National Coalition on Dialogue & Deliberation Advisor
> On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 1:07 PM, via OSList <
> > wrote:
>> Send OSList mailing list submissions to
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit

Re: [OSList] What is the sweet spot for Online OS using video chat?

2016-08-30 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Hello HO,

NOW WHAT indeed!

No more apologies for getting carried away. Be it me bubbling forth with
the feeling of "love",  a word I would not have dared utter loudly in
public, most especially in professional contexts. Yet those feelings are
undeniably there and I shall utter them as they happen. :-) So far I've
survived speaking my mind... Even more it's blasted holes by opening more
space that led to productive inspired work, in ways that made me happy I
didn't keep my mouth shut. With guys and gals.

Nor shall I hold back on what I envision in the virtual world. Beyond the
so called internet. As one who has hosted often in my physical house and
been similarly hosted in the homes of others, I know there is more to be
invented there.
While I may not be the one doing the inventing, I will gladly partake in
the joy of this imagined future experience and I will wholeheartedly nudge,
prod, and encourage those who passionately see beyond the reaches of what I

So rather than a duel on the matter, what say you to a hearty Martini in
Manila so I can paint a picture of what I see?

After all, you're the one who got me in this mess of Open Space with all
this spirited wave rider stuff and grateful am I that it came my way!

>From a happy Florida camper,

On Aug 30, 2016 5:38 PM, "Harrison Owen" <> wrote:
> OK – You do get carried away for a bit! But you are right!! AND. Your
imagination is exceeded only by reality!!! (“Today as I imagine the
possibility of  a Virtual House where I could drop in to just hang out with
family, friends, colleagues and Open Space pals, from around the world, I
know that this possibility exists. To see Tova in Israel, Claudia in Egypt,
Sharon Joy in Manila, Alan in Australia, etc. etc. etc.”)
> Suzanne – This is what we do. Every day. All the time. Ever
since It’s called The Internet.
> ho
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucauire Ave
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207 763-3261
> Websites
> From: OSList [] On Behalf Of
Suzanne Daigle via OSList
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 5:07 PM
> To: Lucas Cioffi; World wide Open Space Technology email list
> Subject: Re: [OSList] What is the sweet spot for Online OS using video
> Dear Lucas and all,
> As you pose your question and I saw the replies, I realize once again how
passionate you, Ben Roberts, Brian Burt and others are about creating
virtual experiences for others and with others.  With the spirit and
essence of Open Space. Thank you so very much!
> In seeing your names, I relived the magic of past virtual Open Space
events (Brené Brown and the Global Conversation - Maestro and Brian Burt)
and Harrison's 80th Birthday Party (Lucas and Michael Herman)  last year
and yes WOSonOS Florida too (Ben Roberts and others) with opportunities
here and there to welcome colleagues.
> None perfect but all exhilarating in the trailblazing and experiencing of
> Lucas I share your "Field of Dream Passion - Build it and They Will Come"
though not in developing, refining, improving or simplifying the mechanics
of it in the backroom so all can go smooth in the virtual space. That is
not my expertise or passion. It is the work of unsung heroes.
> If I was to focus on your word "simplest" aka "simplify", I wonder if we
could not create the feel of sitting in a circle without talking about a
circle (like sitting around a campfire, in the comfort of your living room
or around your kitchen table)? Rather than breakouts, could we have rooms
and corners where people can go hang out?  Rather than a marketplace wall,
it could be like going to a movie with a bill board that announces the
movies that are playing. Then of course you could see who's there, in which
room. People would instantly think this is really cool and not a process
> We know that Open Space works best when we don't talk about Open Space;
we don't talk about a circle, breakouts and stuff.  We simply invite from
the purpose, theme or reason for meeting. In those first moments of sitting
in a circle, looking at the floor and the marketplace wall, it all seems so
foreign to people who have never experienced OS before. Why then should we
bring these concepts into the virtual space?  We don't have to counteract
the familiarity of a theatre style setting, reject the podium or a panel of
> We can create brand new space - a space of welcome, connecting and
getting things done f

Re: [OSList] What is the sweet spot for Online OS using video chat?

2016-08-30 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Lucas and all,

As you pose your question and I saw the replies, I realize once again how
passionate you, Ben Roberts, Brian Burt and others are about creating
virtual experiences for others and with others.  With the spirit and
essence of Open Space. Thank you so very much!

In seeing your names, I relived the magic of past virtual Open Space events
(Brené Brown and the Global Conversation - Maestro and Brian Burt) and
Harrison's 80th Birthday Party (Lucas and Michael Herman)  last year and
yes WOSonOS Florida too (Ben Roberts and others) with opportunities here
and there to welcome colleagues.

None perfect but all exhilarating in the trailblazing and experiencing of

Lucas I share your "Field of Dream Passion - Build it and They Will Come"
though not in developing, refining, improving or simplifying the mechanics
of it in the backroom so all can go smooth in the virtual space. That is
not my expertise or passion. It is the work of unsung heroes.

If I was to focus on your word "simplest" aka "simplify", I wonder if we
could not create the feel of sitting in a circle without talking about a
circle (like sitting around a campfire, in the comfort of your living room
or around your kitchen table)? Rather than breakouts, could we have rooms
and corners where people can go hang out?  Rather than a marketplace wall,
it could be like going to a movie with a bill board that announces the
movies that are playing. Then of course you could see who's there, in which
room. People would instantly think this is really cool and not a process

We know that Open Space works best when we don't talk about Open Space; we
don't talk about a circle, breakouts and stuff.  We simply invite from the
purpose, theme or reason for meeting. In those first moments of sitting in
a circle, looking at the floor and the marketplace wall, it all seems so
foreign to people who have never experienced OS before. Why then should we
bring these concepts into the virtual space?  We don't have to counteract
the familiarity of a theatre style setting, reject the podium or a panel of
We can create brand new space - a space of welcome, connecting and getting
things done from the comfort of our own home or office or wherever.

For each element of Open Space, there could be a way of explaining it that
invites a degree of freedom that feels different, open and fun. People
might attribute it to "this is how it happens virtually" and in the process
they would be living the law of two feet. We'd be communicating intent as
we give the mechanics of how to move around.

I'm sorry if I got a bit carried away. Ben Roberts once told me years ago
that he pictured that some virtual meetings could be better than in person.
I didn't quite believe him. Today as I imagine the possibility of  a
Virtual House where I could drop in to just hang out with family, friends,
colleagues and Open Space pals, from around the world, I know that this
possibility exists. To see Tova in Israel, Claudia in Egypt, Sharon Joy in
Manila, Alan in Australia, etc. etc. etc.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 10:36 AM, Lucas Cioffi via OSList <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I would be super-excited to hear how folks would design the simplest
> online Open Space experience using video chat.
> I posted my thoughts below, but I put them further down so that you might
> have a moment to think about what online OS experience would work best for
> you, rather than letting my thoughts influence yours.
> My...
> thoughts...
> are...
> down...
> below...
> Here are my rough thoughts:
> 1. When the event begins you open up a webpage.  You can see the following:
>- where the opening circle is
>- how many virtual breakout spaces there are
>- who is in each virtual space right now
>- what is being discussed now and in the future (a bulletin board /
>marketplace / idea wall)
> 2. Next you choose to enter a space by turning on your video chat.
> *Note: The following features seem helpful but not necessary:*
> 3. When you arrive in a space, you see a shared notes area available to
> all participants.
> 4. There is a way to raise your hand to indicate that you'd like to speak.
> 5. There is a way to share a quick message such as ("I have to step away
> for a moment").
> *Thanks so much for any advice.  I look forward to hearing what you have
> in mind!*
> Lucas Cioffi
> Founder, QiqoChat
> Charlottesville, VA
> Mobile: 917-528-183


2016-08-27 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
are brimming with projects and plans. Open Space is in us and part
of us.

Never in my entire life have I worked with a group so connected with each
other, so open and inviting to others. Step by step, on top of their day
jobs, our work and plans continue, bigger than any one of us could have
imagined. Grounded, serious, purposeful, it has become a labor of love and
as our plans grow and the energy around it does too, it becomes infectious,
attracting and igniting others who want to be part of these serious
meaningful projects. It is also infecting other parts of our lives – in the
everyday work as people step into their own leadership in their own
companies – bolder, more confident, clearer and increasingly articulate in
speaking that which can and should be done. Their colleagues, leaders and
others in their organization are noticing.  Space is opening there too,
slowly but surely.

I have written very long... and most certainly strayed from the point on
university training which was the subject of the post that Anne Stadler
responded to. In my mind, there can be no official training or
certification for this. The training happens in all kinds of ways, in the
inviting, in the sharing, in the talking out loud, doing and being

Training can happen in so many ways as it has been happening over decades –
no formula, no best way, no set program or certification. Whether
individually (amazing trainers and facilitators around the globe) or in
teams as happens in New York at International House every January with
Harrison and Karen Davis  or soon in September at the Contorno workshop
<> in the Netherlands
with Thomas Hermann, Anna Carolina Turk (Germany) and Doris Gottlieb
(US/The Netherlands). Then of course, one cannot forget World Open Space
and others like it in various countries. I’m planning to be in Manila in
November at WOSonOS2016 <> hosted by Sharon Joy
Chao. In 2009 we were two newbies together at WOSonOS Taiwan hosted by Gail
West. We knew then that there was something incredibly profound about Open
Space and we each ran towards it. We will celebrate our friendship together
in person and I, with others, will hold space for her.

Yes, there are those basic steps that can be taught quite easily -- all
described in Harrison’s Open Space User Guide. But for the rest, the stuff
that talks to love and life which Open Space invites, there is no training,
there's just the wave riding of life, meeting and reaching out for every
wave, each moment more exhilarating than the other, in the joy, the pain,
the endings and beginnings.

I could write and write and write. Thank you for indulging me as I speak my
Open Space soul after a long absence on this list. I’ve just been busy
living it.

*Suzanne* grateful for Anne's simple word and phrase about LOVE

P.S. Today I dedicate this piece of writing about love to our Open Space
colleague Hélène de St. Front who is marrying this weekend in France. We
met in Open Space in Paris, later she traveled to Washington to meet
Harrison in person and then, this past January, she came to International
House in New York and then to Florida with Amy Chen and I. We were the
first to see her wedding dress which she paraded at my home and which she
bought in New York. You can't invent stories like this. It's the magic of
the synchronicity that happens in Open Space.

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
OSList mailing list
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Re: [OSList] OST for big changes in company

2016-06-10 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Karolina,

I am sure I am stating the obvious in what I am writing. I am not providing
solutions, answers or recommendations. Nonetheless, perhaps some of what
I've described will be useful, added to what others have contributed.

Without knowing what the news is or how much people will be impacted by it
(job losses, changes in roles and responsibilities, sale of a company or a
division, relocation, reasons for the board to be making the decision
(imposed or by choice), financial decision, market, etc?  - my inclination
is to focus on sharing the facts as directly and simply as possible,
explaining the context of what led to the decision and what's known and not

Perhaps some people will view this major change as positive for themselves
whereas others will see it as a major loss. A mix of guilt and fear, anger,
frustration, hope, relief because some individuals sensed it was coming
whereas for others, it came as a complete surprise. All these reactions can
happen at the same time. Nothing predictable. We need to make space for
those reactions without creating an event to do so. In a business as usual
sort of way that is respectful. There will be time later to focus on the

Without judging the circumstances and as much as we would want leaders and
their senior teams to be involving people broadly on critical decisions and
major changes, we all know that this rarely happens. The fact that this
major change was known by the board "some time ago" and has not been shared
until now needs to be explained. If not, then the distrust will be even
greater and any overtures to invite, involve and include will be met with
great skepticism and distrust.  Individuals on the receiving end also need
time to understand and process the information. When we hear bad news the
first time, we don't quickly understand it, nor do we hear it accurately.
Too many emotions.

To further compound it, once leaders have made their decisions and are
ready to announce, how soon they forget what it was to not know, to live
with the uncertainty, the fear, etc.  They are ready to move on when others
are not; they want to mitigate the negative impact to the business and
forget to leave time and space for people to have their  own "aw shit"
moments, alone and together.

How often I have seen leaders and others misjudge the early negative
reactions when people on the receiving end  are trying to absorb bad news.
Applying labels like "not a team player" or "immature".  Applauding those
who seem to be more in control of their emotions when in fact, the opposite
is true; they are just as aggrieved if not more as the others.

So Karolina as I describe all this, perhaps what I'm saying is that "less
is more".  No similar stories (they will never feel like their own story),
no designing the "best experience for change" just giving people the facts
and some room to breathe and absorb.  Inviting leaders "to let go" is a
mammoth task but surprisingly when people are given time and space to vent,
space seems to open for a new future to be created.

Thank you Karolina for asking us. I appreciated the opportunity to relive
experiences from my past -- before I had ever heard of Open Space. It
reminded me of the great value of "not doing" versus "doing too much, too


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 9:53 AM, Karolina Iwa via OSList <> wrote:

> dear group,
> i am seeking advice and stories.
> on monday i have a meeting with the board of a company we've been
> supporting for the last year in their growth. some time ago they decided to
> make a major change (cannot get into more details at this point), which
> most probably a. will make quite some people in the company experience
> negative emotions and b. is coming quite unexpectedly.
> the board intends at designing the best change experience they can in the
> moment of communicating the changes and after.
> we intend to open the space after the news has been shared + the reasons
> behind it & consequences for the company & employees have been
> communicated, so i am wondering - from your experience:
> - what would be similar stories you took part in / heard of?
> - what can be helpful / should we pay attention to while preparing the
> meeting for the board and with the board preparing the whole organisation
> meeting?
> thanks in advance for sharing.
> karolina.
> *karolina iwa*
> social innovation
> senior facilitator
> blog <http://

Re: [OSList] From Paris with Love

2016-04-19 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
This in The Guardian.  Open Space without even needing to call it Open
On Apr 18, 2016 11:37 AM, "Corinne Devery via OSList" <> wrote:

> Hello spaceworkers
> I've been a lurker on the list since WOSONOS London and live in Paris. As
> far as I can make out the process at Place de la République is Open Space -
> groups in circles on the ground, timings of sessions written up on
> cardboard signs with name of the subject. People are using the non-verbal
> code for agreeing/disagreeing etc. as the noise level makes it hard to hear
> anyone if you are standing up and not in the bigger circles. Anyone can
> organize, mobilize a group to action apparently - no obvious leaders or
> facilitators.
> Corinne
> Corinne Devery
> Développement Professionnel & Personnel
> 45 bd de Magenta
> 75010 Paris
> +33  672671476
> Le 18 avr. 2016 à 01:37, Tony Budak via OSList <
>> a écrit :
> Yep, Thanks for pointing out the similarities Harold.
> Anybody here on this list living in Paris, I'm curious what process
> overview and details the organizers are using?
> On 4/17/2016 4:58 PM, Harold Shinsato wrote:
> Wow, Tony - this sounds a lot like open space!
> "The plaza begins to fill around 5pm with circles of people standing and
> sitting, *talking under cardboard signs to identify the theme of their
> discussion*, including groups on economics, education, facilitation,
> feminism, housing and ecology."
> Thanks so much for sending out this link!
> Harold
> On 4/17/16 12:49 PM, Tony Budak via OSList wrote:
> From Paris with Love:
> We are more than 100,000 people on this page. We are in 150 cities,
> ‪#‎partoutdebout
> ,
> in France and dozens of cities around the world. We are also
> ‪#‎banlieuesdebout
> ,
> ‪#‎artistesdebout
> and many other things! We are 100,000 and soon we will be millions — in the
> process of creating a new force that will displace the old world.
> --
> Regards,
> *Tony Budak *
> * * * Time Bank Mahoning Watershed  *
> *mobile:* 330-716-2722 | *Skype:* tony.budak1 * Facebook TBMW
>   |  Twitter
> *
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> Harold Shinsato
> twitter: @hajush 
> --
> Regards,
> *Tony Budak *
> * * * Time Bank Mahoning Watershed  *
> *mobile:* 330-716-2722 | *Skype:* tony.budak1 * Facebook TBMW
>   |  Twitter
> *
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[OSList] Serbia - Moved beyond words

2016-03-15 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
It's happening now. In Serbia. Because of technology we can see and feel
the magnitude and energy.  I am moved beyond words. See photos on the Open
Space Technology Facebook site.

Met Jasmina Nikolic at a Scrum beyond Software 2-day Open Space event
hosted by Scrum Alliance in Arizona in 2010. It was in the early days of me
facilitating and for Jasmina, it was her first experience of OS.   We've
felt bonded for life ever since, leaping forward each in our own world, in
small and big steps. Now today, this amazing event...happening in ways that
can change and impact a country. Courage, focus, passion, tenacity are all
part of it.

How often we've mentioned the hundreds of thousands of times that space has
opened around the world in over 140 countries, for more than 30 years
(though indeed the number is more like 4.5 billion years). Each and every
time this happens, whether a small or big group, it feels like a new and
magnificent birth.

Thank you Harrison, thank you Jasmina, thank you everyone in this wonderful
community for enriching my life in ways I never could have imagined
witnessing like this, up close and personal.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
OSList mailing list
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Re: [OSList] embracing paradox as a leadership competency

2016-03-14 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Birgitt,
You captured in such a beautiful way what I savor about open space and
life. A journey of continuing exploration that is as you've described it.
Thank you!!
On Mar 14, 2016 9:58 AM, "Birgitt Williams via OSList" <> wrote:

> Thanks Michael, Tony, Daniel, Skye, and Marie,
> Great contributions. Thank you. I appreciated the images of oscillating,
> of pulsing and of breathing in describing embracing paradox. I felt that
> oscillating and pulsing reflect my experience of sequential handling of
> paradoxical concepts, experiences etc with the oscillation increasing in
> frequency until it is no longer apparent. Michael…thank you for reminding
> us of the breath, one of the essential components that as facilitators we
> draw attention to in an OST meeting. There is the in-breath, the
> out-breath, and the relax or stillpoint or fulcrum point between the two
> actions that reflects that state of being in between two opposite actions.
> I feel it is worthy and also can be great fun as facilitators to explore
> what I think of as paradox and the competency to be in that stillpoint and
> what Michael refers to as mutuality and Harrison refers to as open space,
> seeming variations of the same concept.
> Some of the paradoxes of working with OST that come to mind for me in my
> current moment of contemplation about the importance of facilitators of OST
> growing their leadership competence with paradox:
> ~the experience of being in an OST meeting and the experience post-OST
> meeting in the organization especially in organizations mandated with lots
> of regulatory mechanisms
> ~the experience of the facilitator as highly controlling during the
> opening to facilitate the opening of space for important conversations
> immediately followed by being extremely detached while people self lead and
> self manage
> ~being fully present and fully invisible simultaneously
> With appreciation for the wisdom showing up,
> Birgitt
> *From:* OSList [] *On Behalf
> Of *Michael Herman via OSList
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 13, 2016 1:22 PM
> *To:* Tony Budak; World wide Open Space Technology email list
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] embracing paradox as a leadership competency
> thanks for starting this, birgitt.
> first, because i know words matter to you, i want to suggest an
> alternative to "paradox," which is about apparently conflicting statements
> or ideas.  i would broaden it to distinct or even opposing experiences,
> ways of being.  i want to offer the word "mutuality" which describes what
> we can practice in these moments of apparent conflict.  and the beginning
> of this practice is pulsation, which i think is this sequencing you
> describe.
> we talk a lot about circle in this community, and marketplace and bulletin
> board.  harrison's fourth mechanism, breathing, or what i often generalize
> to pulsation, or in agile circles, to iteration gets little attention, but
> is no less important.
> i learned the practice of "mutuality" sitting with a partner, pulsing
> awareness between noticing all of the sensations that let me know that i AM
> and being aware that the person sitting in front of me also IS.  we
> practiced pulsing back and forth, noticing self and other, until it became
> normal to be aware of both as distinct AND as one, simultaneously,
> paradoxically.  in this way, i came to understand mutuality as a way of
> being with someone, or some group, or otherwise holding-without-collapsing
> apparently opposite experiences or positions.
> i think this sense of mutuality, of being separate and one,
> simultaneously, is what we are inviting everyone to practice when we
> facilitate open space meetings.  for me, the four principles (nobody's in
> charge) and law of two feet (you can go wherever you need to) are held
> mutually.  learning and contributing -- how often and quickly groups learn
> that bringing a question for their own learning ends up being
> simultaneously a contribution to the whole group -- leading by following, i
> think.  inside and outside.  sellers and customers.  individual and
> community.  plenary and breakouts -- these happen in apparent pulsation,
> and then how often is it that everyone discovers that while in so many
> breakouts and side conversations, they've all been talking about the same
> issues?  one and many, simultaneously.  in so many ways we invite people to
> pulse awareness between distinct or even opposing points, while holding
> both as real.
> i've heard a tibetan description of this as the experience/practice of
> taking in the vastness of the starry sky at night and still being able to
> hear the dog barking at the bottom of hill.  i've also heard the tibetan
> sense of "mutuality" translated as "equalizing and exchanging self and
> others."  both of these images fit my experience of opening space and ost.

Re: [OSList] Open Space: a Practice of Peace (long)

2016-02-10 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Brendan, I am on EST time, New York time... Living in Florida. Thank
you. Look forward to connecting by Skype at the end of the month.
On Feb 8, 2016 9:00 PM, "Brendan McKeague via OSList" <> wrote:

> Thanks for your responses Skye, Tricia, David, Jeff, Lisa, Suzanne and Rob
> I will email you off-list to set up a time for us to Skype and explore the
> question further.
> I will let the List know when we’re meeting and others might wish to join
> us...
> Meantime, I have watched the video that Harold posted of Harrison’s
> Saturday/Sunday reflections from the NY International House Open Space for
> High Performance and Practice of Peace - thanks Harold
> And thanks Harrison for continuing to tell the OS story in your natural,
> folksy and compelling way - pretty good for an eighty-year old elder  -:)
> Cheers
> Brendan
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Brendan McKeague via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> Dear friends on the List - and beyond...
>> I have recently been stirred by memories, current events and
>> conversations.
>> The recent passing of one of our Open Space Elders, Florian Fischer, my
>> memories of Fr Brian Bainbridge (moved between spaces on Feb 2, 2012),
>> birthday celebrations of Harrison, many ongoing acts of terror around our
>> planet, community concerns about displaced people, refugees and asylum
>> seekers, and a recent poem on this List (thanks Lucas), have prompted me to
>> release an invitation to conversation.
>> It always starts like this.
>> It always starts with someone like you.
>> And you've got your idea.
>> And you're wondering what to do next.
>> This is the way it happens.
>> -Anonymous, 2016
>> I have a story to share (not that unusual for an Irishman)
>> I have passion for Open Space
>> I have passion for Peace
>> I have passion for Nonviolent Conflict Transformation
>> I have passion for OPEN SPACE as a PRACTICE OF PEACE
>> In 2003, Harrison wrote The Practice of Peace which was published by the
>> existing OS Institutes in various places and later by the Human Systems
>> Dynamics Institute (2004). This book was, and continues to be, a rich
>> source of sustenance for my soul (
>> )
>> In 2003, there was a Practice of Peace Conference at The Whidbey
>> Institute on Whidbey Island, Washington and another one two years later in
>> Albuquerque, New Mexico (2005).
>> I found a link here:
>> I was unable to attend either of these although I was deeply inspired
>> from afar by the stories emerging. I have continued to be inspired for over
>> a decade by the stories of those who create space for peace in war-torn
>> landscapes and conflict-crushed countries.
>> Last year, I was privileged to visit the Western Cape region of South
>> Africa working with colleagues on 'the spirituality and practice of active
>> nonviolence'. We used a collaborative learning model, designed on the
>> principles of Open Space, to engage and utilise the collective wisdom of
>> those who joined us for a five-day program. Participants particularly loved
>> being part of the OST meeting towards the end of our time together to
>> co-create actions for the future. This experience confirmed my deep longing
>> and commitment to encourage the use of OST as a peace-making practice.
>> I would like to issue an invitation to conversation:
>> to explore the creation of an 'Open Space Practice of Peace' gathering
>> somewhere on our planet in 2016-17 (or whenever the time is right).
>> My dream is to be part of a gathering of people who have used, are
>> currently using, or would dearly love to use Open Space in powerful,
>> conflict-energised situations.
>> Please let me know if you are interested and I will convene a skype
>> conversation (or something else) in the coming weeks to start the
>> exploration.
>> Cheers
>> Brendan
>> from an ever-warming Western Australia
>> ___
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> *Skye Hirst, PhD*
> President - The Autognomics Institute
> *Conversations in Radical Self-Knowing*
> @autognomics
> New Phone Number:
> 207-593-8074
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Re: [OSList] Open Space: ya Practice of Peace (long)

2016-02-08 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Brendan,

I am inspired by what you wrote. By your invitation. By the passion, the
memories you share, by the dream of a gathering around the Practice of
Peace though indeed a big part of me feels drawn to an increasing awareness
of how we already embody peace every day inside us and with others. No
waiting, it's all there now, this being and doing, this less is more that
opens space.

Amidst the pain and trauma that is there so palpably in the world, present
for all to see on this hyper connected planet of ours, I feel drawn to what
you describe as your dream.

As Harrison mentioned recently in New York, this is a  time of endings and
new beginnings.

2016 was the fifth time I attended the annual gathering at International
House in New York... The practice of peace was always at the heart of it
though I'm not quite sure I fully felt or understood the magnitude of what
those words represent even to this day.

Your words stirred me to a deeper reflection...

Of what's possible to be invented and created...

Perhaps an extension of New York exploring deeper there or
something/somewhere new.

Because of you I will pull out my Practice of Peace book again. If any on
this list wants one, please let me know. I have a box of them and for the
price of shipping will gladly send you a copy.

So Brendan count me in on the Skype call. And thank you for extending this
invitation to us. As the conversation progresses, perhaps an opportunity to
connect at the virtual QiQoChat House.

In closing as Brian Bainbridge would say,

Cheers and Blessings,

On Feb 4, 2016 4:43 PM, "David Osborne via OSList" <> wrote:

I'm interested Brendan.

David :)

On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Brendan McKeague via OSList <> wrote:

> Dear friends on the List - and beyond...
> I have recently been stirred by memories, current events and
> conversations.
> The recent passing of one of our Open Space Elders, Florian Fischer, my
> memories of Fr Brian Bainbridge (moved between spaces on Feb 2, 2012),
> birthday celebrations of Harrison, many ongoing acts of terror around our
> planet, community concerns about displaced people, refugees and asylum
> seekers, and a recent poem on this List (thanks Lucas), have prompted me to
> release an invitation to conversation.
> It always starts like this.
> It always starts with someone like you.
> And you've got your idea.
> And you're wondering what to do next.
> This is the way it happens.
> -Anonymous, 2016
> I have a story to share (not that unusual for an Irishman)
> I have passion for Open Space
> I have passion for Peace
> I have passion for Nonviolent Conflict Transformation
> I have passion for OPEN SPACE as a PRACTICE OF PEACE
> In 2003, Harrison wrote The Practice of Peace which was published by the
> existing OS Institutes in various places and later by the Human Systems
> Dynamics Institute (2004). This book was, and continues to be, a rich
> source of sustenance for my soul (
> )
> In 2003, there was a Practice of Peace Conference at The Whidbey Institute
> on Whidbey Island, Washington and another one two years later in
> Albuquerque, New Mexico (2005).
> I found a link here:
> I was unable to attend either of these although I was deeply inspired from
> afar by the stories emerging. I have continued to be inspired for over a
> decade by the stories of those who create space for peace in war-torn
> landscapes and conflict-crushed countries.
> Last year, I was privileged to visit the Western Cape region of South
> Africa working with colleagues on 'the spirituality and practice of active
> nonviolence'. We used a collaborative learning model, designed on the
> principles of Open Space, to engage and utilise the collective wisdom of
> those who joined us for a five-day program. Participants particularly loved
> being part of the OST meeting towards the end of our time together to
> co-create actions for the future. This experience confirmed my deep longing
> and commitment to encourage the use of OST as a peace-making practice.
> I would like to issue an invitation to conversation:
> to explore the creation of an 'Open Space Practice of Peace' gathering
> somewhere on our planet in 2016-17 (or whenever the time is right).
> My dream is to be part of a gathering of people who have used, are
> currently using, or would dearly love to use Open Space in powerful,
> conflict-energised situations.
> Please let me know if you are interested and I will convene a skype
> conversation (or something else) in the coming weeks to start the
> exploration.
> Cheers
> Brendan
> from an ever-warming Western Australia
> ___
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[OSList] Book of Proceedings from Open Space at International House New York

2016-02-05 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the host team and OSI US, it is a pleasure to share the book
of proceedings, photos and videos from our annual event at International
House in New York.

To set the context, here is a copy of the original invitation:

The theme: "Opening Space for High Performance and the Practice of Peace".

We have placed everything on a google drive available here:
<> or
this link if any problems:

Double click *Final Book of Proceedings* folder. Then if you want best
viewing from the original file, right click and download the document on
your computer.

For many who may have attended this gathering in the past, it will surely
bring back fond memories of this special place and past conversations. For
others, perhaps you will feel the pull to join us next year.

Karen and Harrison have been hosting this for about 20 years.



Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
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[OSList] When we have more than a day in Open Space...

2016-02-04 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
And all the essential criteria are in place, Space not only opens but
Action happens and we continue to open space, working together on what
matters most.

This wonderful video produced by Devoted and Disgruntled in the UK and
posted by Arturo Uscategui Restrepos on the Open Space Facebook reminded me
of that.

It's also what happened in New Jersey with Creative New Jersey, 2 days in
2011 multiplied into a movement of action, initiatives and many Open Spaces
across the State that continue to this day.
Click the Start Up report to get the full story.

And then Gail West today says this on her Facebook: "It all began with 1
small 2 day event...and then it multiplied and spread. More events
scheduled including junior high schools across Taiwan. Shufang, she said,
posted about it on this blog. We may not understand the words but the
pictures tells it all.

Yes a lot can happen when we give ourselves and others the gift of time and
space through this simple process of Open Space that starts with Invitation.

Grateful and inspired,
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Re: [OSList] The Question

2016-01-31 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Sorry for resending, got word that this post to the os list was being held
as too many were copied. I had cc a few folks at the Climate Assembly. Not
sure if it posted because of this so here goes again.
On Jan 31, 2016 9:22 AM, "Suzanne Daigle" <> wrote:

> To recap the Question: What is Open Space?
> When I first experienced Open Space, there were no words to describe it
> though Lord knows I tried.
> Having been involved in two palpably life enriching events this past
> month: one at International House in New York and the other with a first
> time Open Space facilitator, Amy Chen from China who facilitated about 100
> people at an important climate change Open Space national gathering in
> Florida, the same is as true for me now as it was in 2009.
> How to describe the space that Amy opened, the hearts and minds she
> touched, the words and actions that got ignited in folks, all much older
> than she.
> How to describe the light in her eyes and the shine in her smile having
> boldly ventured forth to facilitate this first event where those used to
> being national speakers, presenters to thousands as experts or advisors
> were now sitting in a circle with those who were used to sitting in an
> audience listening to them.
> The topic sea rising and climate change...
> Suddenly because of 23 year old Amy and those who supported her, including
> a young woman from Paris working at the newsroom, a conference became
> something that was just as hard to describe as Open Space Technology is.
> The shift from traditional conference to something indescribable happened
> in less than 30 minutes, groups self-organized, totally engrossed in their
> topics ageless and equal.
> And the words shared at closing circle hours later about this experience,
> a first for most in the room, were as varied as the waves in an ocean were
> we riding a wave. All I can say is that the urgency, poignancy and depth of
> connection that happened there leaves no doubt of the urgency that will
> follow in action and in words, face to face and virtually with QiQoChat
> because these serious issues demanded no less of them and suddenly had room
> and space to emerge.
> Indeed there are no words or definitions that can capture this experience
> of Open Space.
> And if in our every day life, we are asked about this thing called Open
> Space Technology, what a great invitation to open space to discover each
> other, to go straight to the issues and to the stuff of life that matters
> to them and to us, to the big talk.
> Or we can always tell the story of the coffee break as Amy did yesterday
> to describe the difference between a traditional conference where most are
> listening with just a few doing most of the talking. Much more engaging,
> she said, to be in a Open Space where all can contribute in the talking and
> creating.
> Hugely appreciative and looking forward to a day of well deserved rest in
> nature with a young woman from China and another from Paris.
> Suzanne
> Hi!
> OST is way of re-opening the space. The space is always open, before
> people arrive to the scene. When they arrive, they build the fences
> <>. Then the need to re-open
> the space emerges as people feel bad behind the fences. Then the OST is
> invented to fulfil this task.
> Be well!
> 2016-01-28 19:55 GMT+02:00 Daniel Mezick via OSList <
>> What is Open Space Technology?
>> --
>> Daniel Mezick
>> Culture Strategist. Author. Keynoter.
>> (203) 915 7248. Bio. <> Blog.
>> <> Twitter.
>> <>
>> Book: The Culture Game. <>
>> Book: The OpenSpace Agility Handbook.
>> <>
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Re: [OSList] OS learning in The Cartel (Don Winslow)

2016-01-18 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dearest Eleder,

I awaken to the words you have just written early morning after an intense
three days at International House with slightly over 40 people.

You have captured the paradox for me.
On Jan 18, 2016 5:18 AM, "Eleder_BuM via OSList" <> wrote:

> Hi friends!
> I just finished reading a great book by Don Winslow
>  (The cartel), relating the drugs system...Very
> powerful writing by Don!
> Knowing more about the savage, cruel and insane processes that make it
> possible to provide the fluent nations and people with coke and other drugs
> can make us more conscious, I find.
> Both key phrases on the last page of the book, are full of pure OS
> thinking , I think. I write the Spanish
> version and translate into English, as follows...
> *1. "La gente no dirige el cártel. Es el cártel el que dirige a la gente.*
> People does not manage The Cartel. It´s The Cartel that manages people."
> *Indeed it´s the system that we should try to repair as a whole. This
> self-managing system.*
> Last line:
> *2. "No hay otra cosa que hacer que estar quieto. *
> There´s nothing to do more than staying still"
> *Sometimes, we know, best we could do is just nothing. Breathe in ,
> breathe out*
> Just good to remember.
> Have a nice day!
> @Eleder_BuM 
> Bilbao & Mundaka
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Re: [OSList] New Years Questions

2016-01-08 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
I find myself going deeper inside this invitation to questions. A
lifetime's worth of questions into and beyond 2016.

For example if the question is a question I am asking myself, guided by
this conversation, I want to notice now how often do I ask myself this
question when a question arises inside me?  Which questions do I frequently
ask myself? How can I invite new questions about myself for myself and with
others? That open new space, new possibilities? In the moment?

In my questions to others, what is my intention? Is my question an
invitation to another?   To explore together, to create, to discover, to be
curious, to engage? Or is it intended to convey a message or position?

Will my question be understood? Welcomed? Is it best to speak or stay
silent feeling that the question needs no words, just time?

As it relates to others asking me a question, what gets ignited inside me?
Joy, fear, excitement, curiosity, love, trust, appreciation, sadness, fear,
hope, desire, etc?

And finally, how can I achieve nothing inside me from which to ask

Thank you Harold for this invitation to questions. A gift.


On Jan 8, 2016 2:30 AM, "Jon Harvey (Jon Harvey Associates Ltd) via OSList"

> Happy new year everyone!
> Two things:
> Firstly a shameless plug for my book which is being published at the end
> of February. It is called "Cracking Questions"... hence linked to this
> thread. You can read more about the ~why~ of the book here...
> The questions are "cracking" because a) designed to crack open improvement
> & creativity, b) they are designed to wean organisations off the 'crack
> cocaine' dependency on large scale consultancy firm driven change and c)
> they are just 'spiffing' questions to pose!
> And secondly my word for 2016 is 'dance' because dancing is a healthy
> antidote to cynicism & hate & fear. So my question is "How can you dance
> more this year?"
> (blog about the word here :
> ​
> Toodle pip all - and happy 2016!
> Jon
> ​
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[OSList] Open Space Everywhere and Anywhere

2015-12-27 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Chris Macrae recently posted about the possibility of Open Space Bars which
could just as easily be Coffee Shops or Virtual Drop ins like what we
experienced for the OS30th and HO 80th celebrations.  So Chris YES to your

Chris also introduced us to Amy Chen recently. Amy was in Beijing with
Harrison and Ms Song a few months ago. A recent grad in BioEngineering from
the Hebei University of Science and Technology in China now living in
Washington, she was blown away by Open Space and is hungry to learn more.
It fits with her passion around innovation and powerfully engaging youth in
education and all of us in the workplace. Amy will be joining us at
International House in New York for the three days and there's a chance
that Chris might be there too for a few days. It will be exciting as there
will be many passionate individuals trailblazing in many domains including
science, education, technology, self-managed workplaces and more. Lots of
synchronicity at play as people show up.  Still time to register if you see
a possibility to be with us:

This afternoon Amy and I were on Zoom together...hanging out agelessly,
talking about projects and plans, dreams and more. It totally felt like
Open Space. Together we watched a presentation by Angela Maiers -- someone
I met recently in Denver, who in her own way is opening giant spaces in the
hearts and minds of students, teachers, schools and community across the
country. Angela had never heard of Open Space and as I described it
briefly, her eyes lit up and she quickly connected it to her mission and
purpose. Unfortunately she was already committed for January otherwise she
too was planning to hop a plane and join us in New York.  Angela and others
have mobilized over a million students across the US with their purposeful
and igniting message "YOU Matter".

As I reflect on what excited me the most this past year, it will be what
Angela is igniting. It has Open Space written all over spirit and
in action. Boggles the mind to think of what's possible if we introduce the
simple steps to "sit in a circle; create a bulletin board, open a
marketplace and get to work" to what she is already doing.  When people and
communities start bumping into each other, the multiplier effect is
exponential. We don't even have to work all that hard. It just happens by

This being the season of giving, I offer you these special presentation
links as gifts hoping you will be as inspired as Amy and I were today.

   1. Presentation at the Business Innovation Factory:  <> (students speak
   at the end)
   2. The story of students and community mobilized from McAllen Texas, one
   of the poorest Metro areas in the US. A twitter stream, pictures and short
   videos that will hook your heart from August to  as late as last week.

Wishing one and all a Happy New Year.  I know 2016 will be an amazing year.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
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Re: [OSList] Skye Solstice Sparks

2015-12-21 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Skye, like a shining star, your poetry twinkles in the night.
Wishing it will continue to brighten our days and open recesses in our
heart by appearing here more often in 2016!
On this darkest day of Solstice as we turn  back to the light in this
hemisphere, this poem popped out.  It speaks in some way to how I
experience OST and the ever opening s(S)elf-knowing process it offers.
Thank you one and all for contributions/participations by those visible and
invisible from far and wide in this grand open spacing process, of  being
and becoming...

Dark, a spark

In the dark

Light knowing dark

Dark sensing light

Each recognizing


Not as thing apart

One or other

Both being and becoming


Knowing of full Self

*Skye Hirst, PhD*
President - The Autognomics Institute
*Conversations in Radical Self-Knowing*

New Phone Number:

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Re: [OSList] Opening space matters

2015-12-21 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Dear Barry (and Alan),

First Barry, what you wrote expresses so much of what evolved inside of me
because of this simple process of Open Space. It is so not wonky! I was one
of those who had unlearned or had been unaware and unconscious of that
which has been around for 13.8 billion years. The training wheels of Open
Space sparked something so precious connected to passion, responsibility
and a deeper love for everything and everyone. It happened slowly and I'm
sure what got ignited has so much more room to grow over the course of my
time on this planet.
The saddest part is that I could not know what I didn't know (my head was
packed full with ruminating stuff that took up so much space) and even now
I still forget when my old reactions (fears, hurts, control) pop up again
as they always will but less.
What you call personal power to acknowledge their true passions, I see as
acknowledging the essence of who we truly are, that which makes us unique
yet not separate. So many nuances about which I would have had absolutely
no clue 6-8 short years ago though I can't help think it would have found
me if Open Space  had not found me first.
And then there is invitation and that's where love comes in. To invite from
a place that holds space to meet people where they are. No judgment, no
pressure, no forcing or pushing... Just noticing, seeing ourselves in the
other, letting go what feels so upsetting and wrong and noticing instead
what those unique passions might be in the other and inviting from that
place. Perhaps it will be connected to the most important issue, that which
is urgent and complex that requires diversity. Or perhaps as is the case
with Alan (and I feel it too myself increasingly) from the heart, in more
simple ways of just inviting strangers, friends and family to break bread
together to enjoy each other's company. Opening little and big spaces at
the market and in so many other places to have delightful Conversare
Whether we invite one by one or many at a time, invitation as it is
extended is already opening a space, a space where someone can accept or
decline and where connection and caring for each other is happening
holding space lightly as we invite.

Whether at 44 degrees Celsius or 24 degrees Fahrenheit, so many ways to
feel things and see things.

Thank you Nashville, Australia and y'all who spoke up on this thread.
Gratitude erupted because of you.
On Dec 19, 2015 9:24 AM, "Barry Owen via OSList" <> wrote:

> For me, the more I think about it which I have now for 30 years, I think
> it is all the same and it is all open space as long as... It begins with
> true passion / heart and the taking responsibility for that passion through
> invitation to others who share it. Perhaps this is egregious over
> simplification, but it's what works in my mind today. I used to get upset
> when I saw people do something that didn't match with my understanding of
> open space and called it open space. That no longer bothers me because now
> I know that as God continues to say and has always said its all open space.
> For me the technical parts of it are just framing structure which I call
> training wheels to help people who have been unlearned from the natural
> course of human interaction and self-organized solution oriented
> communication. In a sense, a tool, as it were, to help the participants
> remember their own personal power such that they can acknowledge their true
> passions and take responsibility through the action of invitation.
> As I am currently walking my dogs on a 24 degree Fahrenheit morning
> speaking voice to text into a smartphone, this email may make zero sense to
> anyone. But it is what's in my head right now :-)
> This message has been sent from my mobile device and therefore may be
> somewhat wonky.
> Barry Owen
> Real Estate Strategist
> Principal Broker & Founder
> Pareto Realty, LLC
> 4012 Hillsboro Pike #5
> Nashville, TN 37215
> 615-568-2123
> twitter @barryowen @paretorealty
> Instagram - barryo06 - ParetoRealty
> Facebook
> Linkedin
> Pareto Realty is #NashvilleProud #HomeGrownRealEstate
> On Dec 19, 2015 8:13 AM, "Harrison Owen via OSList" <
>> wrote:
>> Alan I hate to tell you, but you are only 13.7 (I think it is now
>> .8?) billion years late. It’s been Open Space since the beginning began.
>> We’ve just been a little slow to recognize it. OST provides absolutely
>> nothing new. Just an essentially brain dead way to ease ourselves into what
>> we naturally do anyhow. Some people even pay us to do all that! But you are
>> absolutely correct: “Opening Space Matters.” Living in a closed space make
>> claustrophobia seem like paradise, or so I’ve found.
>> Harrison
>> Winter Address
>> 7808 River Falls Drive
>> Potomac, MD 20854
>> 301-365-2093

Re: [OSList] Open Space wherever, however, whenever, with whomever as often as you can

2015-12-18 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Thank you so much everyone for all your comments and contribution including
Helene, name of my late mother. We too are French.

Living through the chaos and feeling the intensity of what's described
here... at both extremes which seems so surreal.

Yesterday I was opening space with a small manufacturing client group, all
but one individual total strangers to me. It was in the far reaches of
Northern New Brunswick Canada: Inkerman Ferry. Population about 1100. Even
though it was not Open Space Technology per se, it was truly the 24/7 of
Open Space that is life.

Perhaps what happened there is the butterfly effect happening invisibly

A small group of us sitting in a shabby lunchroom above the plant around a
few old kitchen tables us, on some mismatched chairs. The depth, the heart,
the passion, the speaking one's mind that unfolded in our conversations
was like a beautifully wrapped gift.

Unknown it would go that way, not planned, just happened.

The world stage and all the hurts popped up (including Trump) and also
everyday life, passion and responsibility for their work, products,
process, co-workers and clients. What showed up too was the love, kindness,
big hearts and big time gratitude, ordinary people talking of families,
their community and work.

And to think that some who came in the morning thought this would be a
complete waste of time.  At closing circle, as the taking piece went from
one to the other, without any prompting, they vulnerably admitted as much,
saying how wrong and narrow-minded they had been. Big burly men, one in his
late 20's, the other in his early 60's, mill with tender watery eyes
expressing how worthwhile it had been. And then as natural as night and
day, multiple hugs followed in the room, at the front door and again as we
got into the car ready for a late 3 hour drive in the dark.

We felt as if we had lived a lifetime of hopes, dreams and values. The
president of this small company called it life's truths. Infused with hope,
purpose and connection.

Is this part of the  butterfly effect, the one that matters most that goes
beyond words, an expression of how strangers somehow become friends for
life which happens so often in Open Space including with us here

Surreal to feel such loving intensity amidst such demagogue craziness.


Hi Helene and all open-spacers out there!

After a long time of just lurking occasionally because of health trouble, I
am back again.
Right now from Maputo/Mozambique.

You wrote:
> But nobody can guess what proportion may give a critical mass in each
different circonstances, and it would be vain to try how to control that!!!

I agree, but the question of the necessary  “proportion of critical mass”
seems interesting and maybe observable in our practice of open space at
whatever level and dimension.
Maybe there are already some relevant findings in your collection of
experiences, maybe you observe something interesting with regard to this
question in actual practice.

Or maybe, as it often happens, the question could be refined in the light
of what you observe(d); or even redefined; maybe it is not a question of

I would be delighted to hear from you about this


> On 10 Dec 2015, at 11:36, helene via OSList <> wrote:
> thanks for all of this!
> we are trusting in unlimited love
> so perhaps we don't like to get aware of our limits (= inner limits
and/or OS limits)
> but indeed: if we invite very widely or even aim at "Trump-ists" and, for
instance, at a OS 50% of the participants happen to be,that sort of very
new participants, the spirit of OS perhaps have no chance to be really
present, so it will be no OS. So these persons wouldn't even imagine what
is OS!
> But nobody can guess what proportion may give a critical mass in each
different circonstances, and it would be vain to try how to control that!!!

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Re: [OSList] not quite open space

2015-12-14 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
A chip off the old block that one. Like father like son.

Grinning, Suzanne
On Dec 13, 2015 9:28 PM, "Barry Owen via OSList" <> wrote:

> That sounds a lot like BarCamp - or at least the version of BarCamp I've
> experienced.
> To take it further . . . When the space is opened in the way you describe,
> the "Openers of the Space" also might feel compelled to "Pre-Load" some of
> the issues with designated "Facilitators" at pre-designated places/times.
> Next thing ya know, the chairs are in rows, and there's a talking head at
> the front.
> not even close to Open Space (IMHO)
> *Barry Owen*
> *Real Estate Strategist*
> Founder/Principal Broker
> *Pareto Realty, LLC *\pə-ˈrā-(ˌ)tō\
> *The Vital Few*
> 4012 Hillsboro Pike #5
> Nashville, TN 37215
> Office: 615-502-2080
> Connect: *615-568-2123*
> Twitter , Facebook
> , Linkedin
> * *
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 6:06 PM, Michael Herman via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> last week i discovered a kind of Not Quite Open Space.  (with my hat off
>> and a forwards bow to paul levy, who posted here a Most Remarkable and
>> totally unrelated Winnie-the-Pooh story last week.)
>> i've always understood that the whole point of opening space is to get
>> All The Issues That Matter up on the wall, so that everyone can see,
>> understand and deal with them.  Last week I noticed that there's at least
>> one other way to go through the usual motions, but really just go through
>> the motions, to Not Quite Open the space.
>> The alternative to inviting and making space for all the issues to be
>> voiced and posted, is to choose what the facilitator or sponsor pre-decides
>> is the right number of rounds and sessions and then, merely Seek To Fill
>> all (or at least most) of the "spaces."  In their mind, they seem to be
>> thinking *"We're going to have Open SpaceS, and we need about ___ many
>> of them."*
>> in 20 years, i don't think it ever occurred to me to do it this way.  and
>> i'm not here recommending it.  i'm sure it limits what happens.  for me it
>> also falls into the category of Trying To Get People To Do Stuff.  but it
>> seems to actually happen in the world, sometimes.  maybe even often?
>> so it seems a useful distinction to look out for:  am i trying to fill
>> all the spaces or have a certain number of breakout conversations -- or am
>> i really trying to invite ALL the issues and opportunities out of the
>> circle and onto the wall?
>> the latter is almost surely more messy, more uncertain, and takes
>> longer... but it may well be that some of the most important work happens
>> in the sorting of Too Many Issues for the spaces available.
>> are there other subtle things have you noticed that seem to make the
>> difference between Open Space and Not Quite Open Space?
>> michael
>> --
>> Michael Herman
>> Michael Herman Associates
>> 312-280-7838 (mobile)
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Re: [OSList] Live for the next 7 hours: OSonOSinOZ

2015-12-10 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Lucas and Michael,

This continues to be so exciting! Totally in the spirit of opening space
everywhere, anywhere and all the time.

>From Manila to the world of OZ to Denver where I am with a dozen
trailblazing folks opening space around self-management and high
participation in organizations.

Hosted by Chuck Blakeman who meets, works and writes about companies
trailblazing in self-management.

Many may enjoy his TedxTalk The Emerging Work World
<> and many
articles <> on the subject. The
boots on the ground stuff in companies that defines our work.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 5:41 PM, Lucas Cioffi via OSList <> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Since Harrison's birthday celebration last week worked much better in Zoom
> than with QiqoChat's video provider, Qiqo now uses Zoom as its video
> provider.  Today is the first live run-through.
> Over the next 7 hours (until 4:30pm Melbourne time), if you'd like to drop
> into OSonOSinOZ (Open Space on Open Space in Australia), here is the link:
> If you join, you'll experience sitting in their circle as a virtual
> participant (via a laptop they are putting near the circle).  When it's
> time for breakouts, they'll use their two feet to move the computer around
> to the various breakouts.  Qiqo also provides online breakout spaces so
> folks who are watching online can go to their own online breakout if they
> so desire.
> It has just begun.  Here's a screenshot of Andrew walking the circle:
>  It may be hard to
> hear during the opening circle when people are far away from the computer.
> It's an interesting learning experience. Feel free to drop in and send us
> your thoughts.
> Who needs reality TV when you have this?!  :)
> Lucas Cioffi
> Founder, QiqoChat
> Charlottesville, VA
> Mobile: 917-528-1831
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 6:35 PM, Andrew Rixon via OSList <
>> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'd like to extend an invitation out to all facilitators who are using
>> Open Space Technology in their practices to join in Melbourne for the
>> Australian "Open Space on Open Space".. OSonOSinOZ..
>> You can read more and register here:
>> Not sure if you can make it to Melbourne?
>> Don't let distance get in the way...  Thanks to our US based Open Space
>> colleague - Michael Herman - we now will be adding an online connect to the
>> face-to-face event.
>> Please register for the online connect by following the link:
>> Looking forward to seeing you .. either online or in person!
>> Warm regards,
>> Andrew
>> --
>> Andrew Rixon PhD
>> Director
>> Babel Fish Group
>> W:
>> E:
>> M: +61400 352 809
>> F: +61(0)3 8610 0162
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Re: [OSList] Open Space wherever, however, whenever, with whomever as often as you can

2015-12-08 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
As we plan into opening space at International House in New York in January
around the theme of *“Creating High Performance and Peace in our Lives, our
Organizations, our Communities and our Planet," *we quoted a passage from
Harrison's book Wave Rider that seemed to capture the essence of what we
know deep inside of us which is at the heart of what there is to do.

“When peace is threatened, the appropriate response is simply to open
space. In doing so, the chaotic, conflicted human systems are invited to do
what only they can do: self-organize to new and higher levels of complexity
more in harmony with each other, their environment and their inner needs.”
We warmly invite you to join us. It is happening during the Martin Luther
King celebration weekend. This gathering is always uniquely special and in
these times one can't help but feel that it will be that and more. People
who want to know more about Open Space and others who have opened space for
many years who are continuing their life long journey of learning, sharing,
doing and being.

Details and registration information here:

Karen Davis, co-host with Harrison, is the person to contact if you have
any questions:


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 10:05 AM, Robyn Williams ► <> wrote:

> HO!
> Warmest wishes to all, Robyn
> *From:* OSList [] *On Behalf
> Of *Harrison Owen via OSList
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 8 December 2015 8:49 PM
> *To:* 'World wide Open Space Technology email list'
> *Subject:* [OSList] Open Space wherever, however, whenever, with whomever
> as often as you can
> “Donald Trump calls for ‘total’ ban on Muslims entering United States”
> (Washington Post 12/8/15)
> Donald Trump has said what some people here in the USA (and elsewhere in
> the world) have also been saying and feeling. These are the words of fear.
> Unfortunately they are also the words of a demagogue, seeking to play upon
> the fears of others. That there is danger is clear, but an infinitely
> greater danger is that we sacrifice our essential humanity to our fear.
> Sealing our borders, closing our doors and windows... we close our space.
> And while it may appear safer, that is an allusion. Life cannot be lived
> without space to live in. We are no exception.
> Recently we have been celebrating the warmth and depth of this global
> community. It is a wonder. But the beauty of this community is not an
> inherent gift, I believe. Rather it is the reflection of what we do.
> Opening Space. Opening space is not magic. We did not invent it. It is not
> even complicated. At root level it is simply inviting people to be fully
> who and what they are, to greet each other and to enjoy the space. We can
> do it. We can invite others to do it. And now is the time.
> Harrison
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Drive
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucaire Ave.
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207-763-3261
> Websites
> <>
> OSLIST To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> of OSLIST Go to:
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Re: [OSList] Is Open Space Education Possible?

2015-12-07 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Wow Chris, I have a story to add to your story. It was closer to midnight
last Friday, I couldn't sleep and I went to Facebook. Saw on Open Space
Technology FB that a young woman by the name of Amy Chen had posted
inquiring where there might be training in Open Space. I immediately
responded by private message and suggested New York at International House
in January with Harrison Owen and Karen Davis. She answered me back right
away saying she was really interested. We texted each other back and forth
for about 20 minutes. I suggested we Facetime the next morning at 10 am.
Well we did for an hour and a half. When Amy said she nearly fell off her
chair when Harrison invited her to Beijing, well I literally got off my
chair Saturday morning dancing on my kitchen floor after we hung up.

You see we had an ageless conversation, going everywhere and anywhere. Her
history, my time in China, her huge interest in Open Space. It was an
incredible conversation. I could hardly contain my enthusiasm imagining all
the Open Space folks I wanted her to meet, some a little older than her,
others much older. No matter. I imagined others we could invite to New
York. I said you must come to Florida and meet the university students who
co-hosted the World Open Space in 2013. About 30 of them. We talked about
the future of work. I asked her if she knew Haier in China, a trailblazing
self managed company. She said yes. They are famous. At the end I was
exhausted with excitement. She was super energized. I suggested I'd sent
her information on people I'd love her to meet, virtually or in person, I
sent her tons of links, articles, etc. Totally fire hosed her.
We talked about the round the world, round the clock virtual experiment
celebrating Harrison's birthday.
It was like the best ping pong match ever. I was totally bowled over by Amy
too, for education and also for the workplace because Amy and others
represent what's possible if we leap frog ahead, by opening space to engage
and work together.
All I can say Chris is thank you for connecting with her and connecting us
all here. Fate then led you to introduce her to Harrison. How very cool it
all is!
Is it possible to Open Space Education?

I had almost given up asking this question when I was bowled over by this
23 year old chinese lady Amy the week before Independence Day 2015. It was
her first trip abroad and she was interviewing anyone she could from over
50 nations at the 20th year of the creative children festival celebrated on
the Mall Washngton DC. Her favorite interviewees were the children but
there were also elders   like Samara Ethiopian-American owner of the 5
billion person elearning satellite yazmi, or Bangladeshi Naila for 15 years
muhammad yunus first female director of grameen mobile phone, or William a
Chinese America retiree who has spent quarter of a century building
friendships out of Chillicon Valley (Stanford), or Taddy Blecher founder of
the Mandela extranet and the free university of entrepreneurship for the
underprivileged. Amy seemed to grow about 10 years in self-confidence by
the end of her 10 days in DC, but as she flew back to China I never really
expected to see the likes of her again

3 months later i got a whats app message, it was Amy:  is there anyone more
innovative I can interview on my second trip. I said the only person i can
think of is Harrison Owen in Maryland. She said what? Why didnt I see him
first time? I said he lives summers on a boat in Maine. She said what?
...Thankfully they had lunch on her second voyage abroad. And he said to
her if you are happy to cancel rest of our DC trip, why not come to Beijing
and observe open space china with me. Amy gulped: am I a right person? of
course, yes please. At the airport she said to me *I will be back* and next
I want to interview a leader of a social business college. I said what? But
while Amy was observing Harrison magic in Beijing, i was being debriefed on
some research at the Vatican University. Their information was that the
only college leadership team in USA they had found to be up for the
pro-youth curriculum transformation of Pope Francis was in Brooklyn, thanks
to the extraordinary female Dean there.

So here we are last week with : a short video of Amy's first gig in Brooklyn
and the Dean's review.
What will happen next could be fun...

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[OSList] Manila Happening Now

2015-12-07 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Check out Open Space Technology Facebook! Hundreds of youth in Open Space
right now. Mich, mentored by Gail West and Sharon Joy Chao, just opened the
space for the first time. Great photos, high energy.
What an amazing open space week this has been!
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Re: [OSList] Time Bank News Flash

2015-12-05 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Enjoy every minute of this first facilitation in Open Space Tony and do
share how it went with us all.  I know it will be the first of many for
you. Lovely Facebook invitation, so warm and welcoming.

Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Tony Budak via OSList <> wrote:

> I'm excited to share this with you, I know that you are far way,
> but good vibes and cosmic rays sent our way are deeply appreciated.  ;-)
> [image: TBMW News Flash]
> Monday's  Luncheon CHANGED location, save DATE / Time
> <>
> Best,
> tony
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[OSList] Birthday Bash was a wild success

2015-12-03 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Hi Everyone,

It's hard to tell how many people popped in yesterday -- 40, 50, 60 or
more!!  Sometimes we just saw their names, other times their voices and
their faces. It was a wild wonderful ride, a technology adventure of the
best kind. Lucas Cioffi ever so dedicated who conceived QiQoChat which
created the dream that it would be possible for us to meet in a big house
cannot be thanked enough. Fate conspired against us not because of QiQo but
because of concurrent tech upgrades that messed us up. Not to worry, all
was calm and between Lucas, Michael Herman and I and with the joint
participation of all who came, we truly had a blast. We always knew this
was an experiment and experiment it was. The possibilities are truly
heartwarming.  Many wave riding days ahead!

There were serious topics and serious conversations, lots of hearty
laughter, delighted outcries as people joined and others so pleased to meet
f2f (virtually) for the very first time. You could feel the affection and
interestingly enough, everyone started talking as if they'd known each
other forever, because that's truly how it feels when we are part of this
Open Space worldwide community.

Harrison with his usual and wonderful aplomb kept the conversation going as
we settled into our tech challenges. There were some teary eyed moments as
people described what Open Space meant to them and how grateful they were
to Harrison.  We even sang a global Happy Birthday, a bit difficult to get
all our words coordinated but that was the fun of it all.

We had a few breaks during the day not many as one stray person after
another would arrive on camera. Two by two's talking then suddenly there
were three, four, five and more. Always the conversations flowed to invite
and include, self-organization as its best.

It's what a birthday party should be, a mix of everything, over meals and
favorite spirits (yes we saw a beer, a glass of wine or two and martinis
yes... from Russia) with a slight difference that it was from the comfort
of our own homes or offices wherever we happened to be.

Here is a rough picture album
 pulled together from
computer screen shots. As you scroll down with your mouse, notice how the
captions pop up to describe some of the antics of the day. You'll see how
late at night Kari from Iceland came joining  Alan Stewart  in Australia
who then greeted John Engle from Haiti and his daughter lying on her bed
behind him. Seems Alan babysat the Engle kids a long time ago in San
Francisco.  Yes many precious memories!

Thank you everyone for making this drop in global party magical. We have
much to celebrate from these past 30 years  in Open Space and much to
appreciate from the man in a hat, Harrison Owen who celebrated his 80

Please if you can, do consider joining us at International House in New York
 where Harrison and Karen
Davis, with the help of OSI US, will be hosting their Open Space gathering
on High Performance and the Practice of Peace. A great crew of folks have
confirmed already. This experiential learning has been going on for 20
years or so and indeed in that time, many have been inspired to open space
all over the world after spending three days (used to be 4 days) there.

Thank you all so much,

>From your co-hosts -  Suzanne Lucas, Michael and the wonderful Anne Stadler
who is facilitating an Open Space in India as we speak.
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2015-11-30 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Hi everyone,

Yes only two more days before our gathering at the QiQoChat house for the
upcoming Drop In Virtual Birthday Party.

In the spirit and excitement of one less thing to do, Lucas, Michael and I
did a quick check this morning. It's been so easy and fun planning this.
Anne Stadler is probably on her way to India and if all goes well will be
joining us with some folks from there. Harrison will be stopping by in the
morning (Eastern Standard Time).

Not too late to register. Click link above.  That said, you don't even need
to pre-register. You can do it then and there. If your schedule changes,
feel free to drop in.

We also prepared this last minute instruction sheet
help you get settled much in the same way that we show up for an Open Space
and then proceed to sit in a circle.

We're excited to see you and most especially to give Harrison a massive
80th birthday virtual hug.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
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[OSList] US Thanksgiving and Global Gatherings

2015-11-26 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
*"Gratitude is the heart's memory."*

*French proverb*

*And in this moment, there is so much that we feel grateful for.  Today
many in the US will be gathering with family and friends, opening space in
their lives, being together and enjoying traditional foods.*

*On December 2nd, our **community will be gathering virtually from around
the world for another celebration:  Harrison's birthday and Open Space
Technology now 30 years young. So many beautiful replies and many
anticipatory messages. One can feel the excitement of this pioneering
birthday bash. Who knows how it will turn out? Perhaps a few glitches as
we trail blaze the technology and that will be the fun of it. All we can
say is we feel the energy that will permeate the QiQoChat house next week,
from India to the Ukraine, to Australia, Iceland and perhaps Africa and
tons of places up, down and all around the globe. 26 registered but many
more coming.  Next week or perhaps sooner, we'll send a little cheat sheet
with a few instructions (you don't even need them) suggesting that you
might want to show up a 10-15 minutes early if you plan to join at the
first start time of 9 am Eastern Standard time. Time to settle in like we
do when we go sit in the circle. Don't forget to bring your birthday wishes
(yes we'll have a wall for that) and your stories too - breakout rooms in
the house to share those. It's been such a joy plotting together with Lucas
Cioffi, Michael Herman and Anne Stadler on this. *

*Register here

*Another great gathering is also being planned at International House in
New York from Friday January 15th to Sunday January 17th hosted by
Harrison and Karen Davis with support from the Open Space Institute US and
the entire team. People from as far away as New Zealand, perhaps Paris and
the UK, Canada and across the US are planning to attend. A timeless theme
"Opening Space for High Performance and the Practice of Peace" , in a
special place for an annual reunion packed with learning and sharing. It
has been going on for about 20 years. Harold Shinsato has made it super
easy for us to register this year and we are so grateful. Hope many more
will decide to join us in New York in January.  Check this link for
details:  * .

Even if you can't attend, come visit us on the OSI US website to read the
invitation. It may inspire what you are doing and inviting in your part of
the world, connecting us in ways that fuel our soul and our collective


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz
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Re: [OSList] Opening space when borders are closing

2015-11-17 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Judith I am smiling as I immediately went to Open Space Technology Facebook
to share it there, then wrote a private note to Harrison saying I'd done so
explaining that I preferred asking for  forgiveness rather than permission.
Of course I knew that anything he posts we can share...

It's what he asks of us also to share our learning and ourselves. Which we

Such comfort and inspiration this community brings!

On Nov 17, 2015 8:08 AM, "Harrison Owen via OSList" <> wrote:

> Judith – I’ve always assumed that anything I write on OSLIST is in the
> public domain. So if my words seem useful, please be my guest.
> Harrison
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Drive
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucaire Ave.
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207-763-3261
> Websites
> OSLIST To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> of OSLIST Go to:
> *From:* OSList [] *On Behalf
> Of *AoH Kenya via OSList
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 17, 2015 3:39 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [OSList] Opening space when borders are closing
> Dear Harrison,
> thank you so much for your touching and directing words!!!
> If you don’t mind I would like to share it in our local OST community.
> Kind regards,
> Judith
> *Art of Hosting Kenya*
> Bikundo Onyari & Judith Stemerdink-Herret
> Phone: Bikundo +254 721 339 389
> Judith +254 788 516 866
> Facebook Public Group - Art of Hosting Kenya:
> Twitter #Art of Hosting Kenya
> Google+ AoH Kenya
> *"If you want to go fast, go alone, If you want to go far, go together."*
>  African Proverb
> ___
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Re: [OSList] Expenses

2015-11-15 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Welcome aboard newbie Tony,  You are the least newbie I've ever met. I'm so
happy you're racing ahead with Open Space. It was wonderful meeting you on
the hotline last week. Guess it lived up to its name... the conversation
were hot and high energy.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 12:48 PM, Tony Budak via OSList <> wrote:

> Newbie here, who are the Foundations which grant funds to non-profits to
> facilitate Open Space gatherings?
> Thank you kindly,
> Tony
> --
> Regards,
> *Tony Budak <>*
> * <>* * Time Bank Mahoning Watershed <> *
> *mobile:* 330-716-2722 | *Skype:* tony.budak1 * Facebook TBMW
> <>  |  Twitter
> <>*
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Re: [OSList] Opening space when borders are closing

2015-11-15 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
Thank you Harrison.

Open Space wherever, whenever, however, with whom-so-ever as often as you

And that we will do, grateful beyond measure to have the gift of awareness
of opening space including the grieving process.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877
Cell: 203-722-2009
Twitter @Daiglesuz

On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 4:57 PM, Harrison Owen via OSList <> wrote:

> The events in Paris have caught our attention. However, with deepest
> respect and sympathy for my Parisian friends (Christine in particular), the
> simple truth is that the human toll (127 and counting) is only the daily
> score in many troubled spots of the world. You can name them as well as I.
> And Mr Holland, President of France, declaring, “This is an act of War,”
> and “promising” retaliation of whatever sort  -- is quite understandable.
> Of course he also (according to the American Press) closed the borders.
> Again understandable, but curious especially when it appears that some
> substantial portion of the combatants (enemy) are French. Somehow the enemy
> is us This is not your grandfather’s war.
> Or Something.
> Any human being who claims to understand what is going on, and feels
> competent to prescribe the  specific solution (close the borders, open the
> borders, ban the immigrants, welcome the immigrants, shoot them all,
> whatever) is, in my humble judgment, quite mad.
> I, however, will venture one affirmative (positive) statement. We (That’s
> all 7 ½ Billion of us) are in a Transformative Moment. How long it will
> last, and what the end result will be, I don’t have a clue. But I do
> believe that it will take all 7 ½ billion of us, working together, to solve
> the issues at hand. Tall order, to be sure. Then again, we have had some
> several hundred thousand years’ practice. And to date – despite all odds –
> we’re still here.
> And the magic sauce?
> I do know some things it’s (special sauce) NOT: a special program,
> ideology, methodology, tool, technique, intervention, practice,
> discipline...
> It is something that has been around a lot longer, much more basic and
> fundamental.
> You guessed it. Self Organization.
> We did not invent it. Certainly didn’t create it. But we can help, I do
> believe.
> Open Space wherever, whenever, however, with whom-so-ever as often as you
> can. If nothing else, it will give you something to do during this
> Transformative Moment.
> Harrison
> Winter Address
> 7808 River Falls Drive
> Potomac, MD 20854
> 301-365-2093
> Summer Address
> 189 Beaucaire Ave.
> Camden, ME 04843
> 207-763-3261
> Websites
> <>
> OSLIST To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
> of OSLIST Go to:
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[OSList] Grieving Process

2015-11-13 Thread Suzanne Daigle via OSList
In the solitude of my own home, re-reading Harrison's book, The Power of
Spirit, How Organizations Transform, I struggle to concentrate as my mind
wanders to my colleagues and dear friends in Paris. Another tragedy in a
world where the words Chaos, Order, and Self Organizing Systems seem to be
just that. Words that cannot capture the tears and emotions for our dear
friends wishing them and their families to be safe. All I can offer as part
of this community is our love and presence and yes holding the space in
Be well.
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