[ozmidwifery] Re:first catch at home...

2003-10-20 Thread Larissa & Tim

Lovely story Tania!! Yeah 2 people *never* go into 
labour at the same time *wink* LOL
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  Tom, Tania and Sam 
  Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 4:44 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] first catch at 
  Well I'm quite elated and a little bit tired, after being 
  called out at 3am this morning, and then my Midwife colleague being called 
  away for another birth (isn't that something that never happens...?), I caught 
  my first baby as a RM, at home, and this baby decided to come into the world 
  feet first.  WOW!!  Can't tell you how many things were going around 
  in my head during the birth, but I think I remained calm on the exterior, or 
  so I'm told!  Result - 3.4kg baby girl, 2 3/4 hour established 
  labour, SROM in water with some fresh thin mec, and then out came the feet, 
  stood up, body, arms, and then after one little push, a gorgeous 
  round 36cm head, all caught on video by a wonderful friend of the 
  woman.  And I was wonderfully supported by a midwife friend who came to 
  act as a spare pair of hands/photographer, water carrier.what a joy and 
  comfort it was to share it with her!
  Gotta sleep, but wanted to share, what an amazing experience 
  for us all!!

[ozmidwifery] Re: Isolated birth

2003-06-15 Thread Larissa & Tim
Me too please!
Much appreciated Jan,
Hugs, Larissa
B Mid student SA

> I can send you a copy of a really good birth plan electronically that will
> guide you in your discussion with this woman if you would like it.
> Discussing aspects of the birth plan at each prenatal visit will remind
> to leave no part of the pregnancy, labour/birth and aftercare untouched
> will in fact become your documentation of obtaining informed consent for
> your management.
> Regards
> Jan Robinson

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[ozmidwifery] Re:GP's and OB's selling Elevit Vitamin Supplement

2003-06-14 Thread Larissa & Tim

Yup - I've noticed that too Julie. 
Also at chemists - if you ask for  something else they always try and get 
you to change to Elevit. Never had such a hard sell for a product 
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  To: Ozmidwifery Mailing List 
  Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:27 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] GP's and OB's 
  selling Elevit Vitamin Supplement
  I have had a number of pregnant 
  women telling me about their visits to their OB’s or GP’s where they have a 
  point of sale display sitting on the desks actively promoting and selling 
  Elevit vitamin supplement direct to their maternity 
  “customers” during their consultation.
  I think this is bizarre and 
  Are you hearing of this happening 
  and Parenting Educator
  into Parenthood
  Withybrook Pl
  NSW 2224.
  (02) 9544 6441
  0401 2655 30

[ozmidwifery] Tania Smallwood

2003-02-08 Thread Larissa & Tim

Tania could you pease email me on 
I've lost your email address and 
need to contact you :)
Hugs, Larissa
"How can you have too many 
babies?That's like having too many flowers."~Mother 

[ozmidwifery] New simpified C-sections

2003-01-15 Thread Larissa & Tim

For interest
New Caesarean Technique Faster and Less Painful Than Traditional 
MethodBy Michael LeidigVIENNA, Austria (Reuters Health) Jan 10 - 
Doctors from the Vienna GeneralHospital (AKH) have developed a new technique 
for carrying out a caesareansection that is less painful and faster than 
traditional methods.The "caesarean light" takes 20 minutes and has 
successfully been performedon 1000 women at the Department of Gynaecology at 
the Vienna AKH over aperiod of 2 years.Professor Elmar Armin Joura, 
of the Gynaecology Department of the ViennaUniversity medical teaching 
hospital, said that women also lose half asmuch blood with the new 
technique."We realised that many of the steps involved in the old 
technique wereunnecessary and that a simplification would be beneficial to 
women,"Professor Joura told Reuters Health.Under the new technique, 
the abdomen is opened using blunt dissectionrather than using the 
traditional sharp dissection method. The skin is cutwith a scalpel, but 
gentle retraction is used for all other tissues.Dissection of the tissue is 
performed at the point of greatest weakness toavoid damaging blood vessels, 
and so contributes to the reduction of bloodloss. The new technique also 
omits the dissection of the urinary bladder."If the cut is made at the 
right level, we found that we had wonderfulexposure of the lower segment of 
the uterus," Professor Joura said.Furthermore, the new technique 
involves only three continuous layers ofstitching, and so uses less material 
and is faster. Traditional methods,which involve seven layers of stitching, 
also compromises blood flow andtherefore slows the natural healing process. 
Fewer stitches also lead tofewer adhesions in the abdomen, Professor Joura 
said.Women are also encouraged to drink immediately after the operation 
becausethis has been found to improve bowel function. They can also take 
solidfood within 6 hours. Data have shown that this measure 
considerablyreduces the need for subsequent painkillers, Professor Joura 
continued.Moreover, the patients are ambulatory within 8 hours of the 
surgery.Professor Joura said that the follow-up data shows that 
fertility is notcompromised and is even better than with the old 
technique.Papers on the new technique have been published in the journal 
ofObstetrics and Gynaecology and the AKH has had so many requests 
forinformation that it has now produced a video on the 
subject.Fifteen per cent of all births in Austria now involve a 
caesarean sectioncompared with 10% a decade 

[ozmidwifery] website

2002-12-26 Thread Larissa & Tim

Evaluated Labor
A collection of online articles 
with a focus on natural birth, midwifery care & breastfeeding.
"How can you have too many 
babies?That's like having too many flowers."~Mother 

[ozmidwifery] Re: Midwifery Today

2002-12-12 Thread Larissa & Tim

Hi Alphia,
It's from www.midwiferytoday.com
Check it out - lots of great 
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 1:25 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Midwifery 
  Great quote Mary,Where is it from?

[ozmidwifery] Re:/Fed Health Funding

2002-12-02 Thread Larissa & Tim
Title: Re: [ozmidwifery] Answer to Debby State/Fed Health Funding

Hi Megan,
In response to the number of 
midwives wanting to give this sort of care it is my experience in SA that a lot 
of the
women doing the new B Mid or 
intending to do it (including myself) are wanting to work in that 
sort continuity of care environment. Some of them do not want to work in 
hospitals at all. So give it a few years and I think they'll find they have the 
midwives ready and willing.
Does this ring true with the 
victorian B Midders?Tina???
Thats my 2 cents!
Hugs, Larissa
- Original Message - 

  Larry & 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 3:12 
  Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Answer to 
  Debby State/Fed Health Funding
  Along the line of this subject, today I had a phone conversation with a 
  staffer from Dept Human Services in SA, about midwifery of course. I had sent 
  a letter having a go at them for lack of consumer input, in particular regards 
  to a project to be set up using Alternative Birthing Services Unit money. 
  Eventually we got on to NMAP and she felt that it would be a very long time 
  before this type of care was mainstream because, A: its too expensive to run 
  and B: there isn't the midwives to run it. I asked if the cost took into 
  account that this type of care had less intervention, less hospital care, less 
  postnatal depression and the ongoing costs etc. Reply was yes but, then went 
  on to tell me how expensive it is to run the comm midwifery in SA nthn suburbs 
  as the women who use the programme have special needs, low income, aboriginal, 
  etc. I pointed out that this would not be the case for everyone if NMAP was 
  available for all to access.
   What else can we say in response to this type of comments. She 
  says she has read the document inside out, blah, blah, blah. What about not 
  having enough midwives, what is the response to that. I said that there wasn't 
  enough anyway, so whats the difference.
  thoughts would be appreciated,

[ozmidwifery] Re: Get up and give birth t-shirt.

2002-11-19 Thread Larissa & Tim
Hi Kirsten!
Try this link:
If it doesn't take you directly to the shirts just scroll down the left
side - they are listed under Caesaran awareness Day.
Hugs, Larissa

- Original Message -

> are these shirts still available? I'd love to wear one when I teach
> class!
> Kirsten

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[ozmidwifery] Re: Get up and give birth t-shirt.

2002-11-19 Thread Larissa & Tim
Yup - I love my shirt too!! It's the best form of advertising (if you can
call it that ;) as I get LOTS of smiles, questions and comments from the
most diverse people. I just never know who is going to come up to me and say
" whats that shirt all about??" when I'm out and about. I wore it once when
I accompanied a woman who I was supporting to her OB appointment and his
eyes just about popped out of his LOL.
So yes another happy customer here!!
Hugs, Larissa
PS Cheryl - get your support people to wear the shirt

> But I was very happy to see Jackie advertising the Get up and Give Birth
> t-shirts in there.  Having got one about 12 months ago, I have found it to
> be the most interesting conversation piece, and have had many positive
> comments on it.  I think the best was the old bloke in the doctor's
> who had been squinting across the room at my shirt, finally asked me to
> across so he could see me and asked me to read it too him.
> There's no way I'm wearing it whilst labouring though - might wreck it!!
> And fitting over my huge stomach might be a prob...
> Well worth the cost, and one happy customer.
> Cheryl
> _
> Protect your PC - get McAfee.com VirusScan Online
> http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963
> --
> This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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[ozmidwifery] re:nuff nuffs

2002-11-11 Thread Larissa & Tim
Ha ha ha ha ha!! Gotta agree with you there!!
Hugs, Larissa

- Original Message - 
From: "Robin Moon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> she should be an anesthetist instead of an obstetrician then.

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[ozmidwifery] Re:low milk supply

2002-10-27 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Thankyou to all of you who took 
the time to reply - it was much appreciated. My cousin took all the advice on 
board and we seem to be getting some success as the baby is much 
Goes to show what a little 
perserverence and the right support can do :) (and poo to the dr who said to 
just give up breastfeeding)
I feel so lucky to have such a 
wonderful support network of women on these lists. Thankyou wise 
Hugs, Larissa

[ozmidwifery] Re: Placenta and post natal depression

2002-10-14 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim


  I don't know about dogs but I was watching a zoo type show a few weeks 
  ago and the were talking about a family of Gorilla's and apparently a couple 
  of them "had to have caesareans because they weren't labouring well" (insert 
  snorts of disgust here) and after the surgery the gorilla's apparently wanted 
  nothing to do with the babies. Gee whiz wonder why? They also talked about how 
  they were supplementing the babies with bottles (those that still fed off 
  their mothers) because they weren't gaining enough weight?!?!?! This all 
  sounds very familiar.
  I found the whole program disgusting after that and switched off, How 
  sad that we are inflicting this among our animal friends as well as the human 
  Hugs, Larissa

I wonder if Dogs who undergo c/s at vets are prone to not wanting 
their young.  That may be somewhere to go.  But then that 
could be the fact that they had the c/s as well as not eating the 
placenta - you may need to get a vet to help with a control study.



  evolved - Click 

[ozmidwifery] midwifery stickers

2002-10-04 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Dear All,
I am trying to locate Midwifery 
stickers for sale in Australia but have so far had no luck. I know ACMI used to 
have some but they are no longer on their website.
Does anyone know of where I may be 
able to purchase any??
Many thanks!!
Hugs, Larissa
"How can you have too many 
babies?That's like having too many flowers."~Mother 

[ozmidwifery] Re: Birth Issues - Reference please!!

2002-10-03 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Hi Tina!
It's Birth Issues Volume 1 1 No2/3 
pages 60-61
Titled Musings from Bachelor of 
Midwifery Students
"With Childbearing 
By Tina Pettigrew, Bachelor of 
Midwifery Student, Victoria University, Australia

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 4:12 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Birth Issues - 
  Reference please!!
  In a message dated 3/10/02 4:03:55 PM AUS Eastern Standard 
  Hi Tina,I have my copy handy - what reference did you want?  
Whew...I'm tired just thinking about how you manage to do what you 
do!Regards,JoyHi Joy,can you please look up the reference 
  details for my contribution in birth issues'Musings of a B Mid Student - 
  the Midwife is with childbearing woman'I need the Birth Issues 
  detailsVolume No etc...Issue...Page's No's and stuff...thanks for 
  help,with love TinaXX 

[ozmidwifery] Elective Caesarean better?

2002-09-25 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Came across this article on Medscape - a bit of a change from what we
normally see written!
Hugs, Larissa

> I thought you might be interested in this.
> http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/441201
> To access the article, click on this Web address, or cut and paste it into
a browser window.
> This article notification service provided by http://www.medscape.com
> * Physician optimized MEDLINE
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> Free email is available to Medscape members -- the perfect solution for
the mobile professional.

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[ozmidwifery] Re: EPI-NO consumer comments

2002-09-20 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Very interesting Julie! I saw 
another ad for epi-no in a pregnancy mag the other day with this new 
"Empowering women with choices in 
I nearly choked on my 
I'm curious to see how the 
Australian study goes. Will be interesting to see what they find.
On another note - where did you 
get a pregancy rocker from? Have heard of them but never seen one - would love 
to know more!
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 3:44 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] EPI-NO consumer 
  thought I’d forward on an email that was sent to me recently by a woman from 
  my hospital classes.
  thought with the recent discussion about the epi-no product there may be some 
  interest in what a consumer has to say.

[ozmidwifery] Re: Loose weight

2002-09-11 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

I can verify that - my last baby did not lose any weight at all and actually
put on 190g by day 3. No intervention here - midwife didn't even touch me
during labour or the the baby till she was an hour old!
Hugs, Larissa

- Original Message -
From: "Denise Hynd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dear Ric
> Some/many  babies DO NOT  loose any weight.
> Illingworth reported this in the 1950's

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Re: [ozmidwifery] Where are the 'natural' births???

2002-09-11 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

LOL Sally - the obvious answer 
Johanna - they do still occur I 
promise. If you are lucky enough to be "with woman" at the birth centre of 
that hospital near uni you will see some wonderful births.
I caught my own baby there 20 
minutes after arriving and have seen and heard of marvelous waterbirths etc 
It is frustrating though to keep 
seeing the things you talk about. So yes be patient - your/our turn will come!! 

Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 9:29 
  Subject: FW: [ozmidwifery] Where are the 
  'natural' births???
  Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, 12 September 2002 7:40 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ozmidwifery] Where are the 
  'natural' births???
  Dear All,A bunch of us direct 
  entry midwives from Flinders Uni in South Oz have been following women through 
  their pregnancies.  We have been taught all about 'natural' birth but 
  most of us are yet to see one.  We can't believe the amount of 
  interventions that happen (and we are only allowed to go to public hospitals 
  at the moment!!)  I shudder to think what it will be like in the private 
  sector.  Where are all of these non-interventionist births 
  happening??   Some of us have seen some horrific, sometimes 
  avoidable things happening to women.   We can't wait until we 
  graduate and can have a say in what goes on.  Keep up the 

[ozmidwifery] Re: Gym balls/birth balls

2002-09-08 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

my gut says 
medico legal?? If so... then this is policy gone mad!!
Yup - believe it or not people 
have sued in the US because of balls bursting or accidents falling off of them. 
Never underestimate the legal system! 
 where does it 

[ozmidwifery] Re:training of Ambo's

2002-09-08 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Hi Megan,
I know the case you are talking about - have met R twice. Don't know much
about the education but I do think this needs following up in order to
prevent this happening to someone else. They might not have such a good
outcome - 5 minutes is 5 minutes too many in the case of cord prolapse.
As for nationally - I have a relative in QLD who is an AO - have asked her
what  she is taught. Hopefully she'll get back to me soon.
Let me know if I can help,
hugs, Larissa

- Original Message -
From: "Larry & Megan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ozmidwifery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 3:48 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] training of Ambo's

> hi all
> does anyone know who trains the ambulance medico's on birth?
> Spoken to a woman who had premature spont rupture of membranes and a
> prolapse cord with twins. The ambo officers wanted her to transfer to
> hospital on her back. A good 5 minute arguement followed as she tried to
> convince them she would be travelling on all fours with bum in the air and
> one hand holding in the cord. She won, but it should never have happened.
> Later birthed by CS twin boys, all well.
> So is there the option of teaching the people who work the ambulances on
> idea of "woman centred care".? Would this be done nationally or within
> state? Thinking it could be good to invite a representative to any
> gatherings people have (coffe mornings etc) re women centred care and take
> the oppurtunity to educate them.
> Regards
> Megan
> --
> This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
> Visit  to subscribe or unsubscribe.

This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
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[ozmidwifery] Marilyn - karens response

2002-09-07 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Hi Marilyn
At the bottom of Andreas article 
is the word comments with a number - click on that. It takes you to the 
"How can you have too many 
babies?That's like having too many flowers."~Mother 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Posh Spice

2002-09-01 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Yup -second caesarean. They called 
the baby Romeo.
Hey Jo do we send the hearts to 
you or bring them on the day??
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  & Dean Bainbridge 
  Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 4:02 
  Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] Posh 
  if this is her second baby then it is her second 
  cs.  both her and Mel C from the spice girls had cs.  talk about 
  girl power...hmmm...they have missed the true sense of the term.
  Jo Bainbridgefounding member CARES SAemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]phone: 08 
  8388 6918birth with trust, faith & love...
- Original Message - 
    Larissa & Tim 

Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 3:15 
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Posh Spice

Hi All!
Did everyone hear that 
Victoria Beckham had a little boy by caesarean?? David Beckham's football 
club apparently paid for the "delivery" so that she would have the baby at a 
convenient time so as to not disturb his (hubby's) football training 
When my husband heard this he 
went right off - so some of my warbling about birthing matters must have got 
in his head somewhere ;) He was most indignant that this 
No wonder women are getting 
the "too posh to push" idea. If it's good enough for them(ie 
celebrities) it's good enough for me.
Hugs, Larissa (who is getting 
off her soapbox now with her new soapbox recruit hubby!)
"How can you have too many 
babies?That's like having too many flowers."~Mother 

[ozmidwifery] Posh Spice

2002-09-01 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Hi All!
Did everyone hear that Victoria 
Beckham had a little boy by caesarean?? David Beckham's football club apparently 
paid for the "delivery" so that she would have the baby at a convenient time so 
as to not disturb his (hubby's) football training etc!!!
When my husband heard this he went 
right off - so some of my warbling about birthing matters must have got in his 
head somewhere ;) He was most indignant that this happened.
No wonder women are getting the 
"too posh to push" idea. If it's good enough for them(ie celebrities) it's 
good enough for me.
Hugs, Larissa (who is getting off 
her soapbox now with her new soapbox recruit hubby!)
"How can you have too many 
babies?That's like having too many flowers."~Mother 

[ozmidwifery] Re: Do I need insurance

2002-08-27 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Thanks for your input Julie - I 
tend to have your view on insurance that it's not really necessary. I am pretty 
much already in the practise of never giving advice anyway for my Doula work - 
just presenting the options.
 I guess you just have to weigh up your 
options - and there aren't a lot of them at present. 
Thanks again - it's reassuring to 
know I'm on the right track.
If I go to Sydney next 
February  I'll have to come and meet you in person!
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:28 
  Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Re: Do I need 
  Claudia and Larissa 
  are a couple of different types of 
  liability is to cover class participants as they attend the sessions and have 
  an accident – fall over and the like – it will cover their medical expenses. 
    Yes this one is considered 
  a necessity for anyone running a business. However, being a mum I find I 
  automatically walk around invisibly picking up things off the floor left where 
  someone might fall over it.  Constantly gently checking that everyone’s ok – not at risk of 
  injury. Over 14 years have never had an 
  insurance is to cover theft, fire etc  and / or loss involving teaching 
  aids on your premises. This may be covered in your normal household insurance 
  if you run a business from home. That’s another one I have. 
  indemnity is another insurance available if you give 
  have looked at everything I say and do – all the handouts I give etc. and I 
  believe they are all evidenced based and safety focused.  As an educator I don’t feel “at risk” 
  of being sued over the information (not advice) that I 
  I don’t have prof indemnity 
  though when I rang around a few brokers a couple of years ago to enquire about 
  pro find ins there were two questions they asked me before they rejected my 
  application. 1. Does your teaching ever have anything to do with homebirth ?  
  and 2. Does your teaching ever have anything 
  to do with waterbirth ?
  answering yes to both they told me they didn’t expect any insurance company to 
  take it on and if anyone did it would be very 
  I didn’t worry about it.  I don’t 
  need it. I don’t give advice.  I’m 
  very mindful to stick with evidenced based and an attitude of safety.  I believe this is 
  attitude too.
  someone with a different opinion is Carol Flanagan – Ex Childbirth Ed and now 
  working full time as a Solicitor – had Maggie as her midwife – very happily – 
  and did a wonderful task of supporting Maggie through her crisis a couple of 
  years ago.    Carol 
  looks at the professional indemnity  insurance as a necessity in the 
  case where someone who is very unreasonable decides to attempt to sue an 
  educator, then the educator needs the insurance cover to pay for their 
  defense.  Otherwise it could cost 
  the educator their family home to defend 
  think it’s worthwhile to listen to everyone’s opinion and then think it 
  through for yourself. 
  on what you say and how you say it in class, over the phone and in writing. 
  Check the integrity.
  the above information helps.
  and Parenting Educator
  into Parenthood Classes
  Withybrook Pl
  NSW 2224
  9544 6441
  9544 9257
  0410 265530

[ozmidwifery] Debbie Re:Do I need insurance

2002-08-27 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Hi Debbie!
Would you mind sharing with me 
your disclaimer for your classes? Might be handy to have!
You can email me direct if you'd 
Hugs, Larissa

   In the meantime, our booking forms contain 
  disclaimers as a safe guard.  My main concern is that, even if we are 
  confident that our information is true, evidence-based etc., that still 
  doesn't stop someone deciding to sue us, if they felt aggrieved.  Even if 
  such an action were to be unsuccessful, there would still be awful costs 
  involved.  Debbie SlaterPerth, WA 

Re: [ozmidwifery] Anyone for Active Birth?

2002-08-27 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Hi Aviva!
I'm in Adelaide too and are about 
to start CBE classes in November.
I can give you the run down on 
whats happening in Adelaide class wise etc if you'd like to email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'd be interested to know your 
thoughts :)
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 6:55 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] Anyone for Active 
  I'm in denial. Surely we can't have gone so far 
  backwards in the past few years?! Don't let me start on the politics of it 
  all, or on politics at all. Unbelievable. I thought when I made a temporary 
  exit from the birthing scene, that when I returned natural birthing practises 
  would be the norm. I'm deeply disturbed to read what's been going on. 
  At the dance studio where I work out, (in 
  Adelaide) I mentioned today that I wanted to return to giving Active Birth 
  classes. "Insurance" was the cry. Oh blimey, here we go. Any 

[ozmidwifery] Re: Reuben

2002-08-22 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Thats wonderful news Joy!Must be so exciting to have him home.
Hugs, Larissa

- Original Message - 
From: "Joy Cocks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dear All,
> Just to let you know that Reuben came home yesterday - exactly 12 weeks
> after all the drama started.  

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[ozmidwifery] Re: Controlled Crying Ezzo

2002-08-22 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Thankyou Julia for that website - 
now that I have stopped ranting & raving(and a tear or two) I have to 
wonder why we have not heard more about this awful parenting book before or did 
I just miss the hoopla???
The whole thing made me sick and 
so sad for all the little babies. Why do these people want children in the first 
place if not to nurture them?? 
Thanks again,
Hugs, Larissa
- Original Message - 

  Julia Monaghan 
  Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 1:32 
  Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Controlled 
Larissa, If you want more info about "parent directed feeding" (pdf), have a 
look at this web site which gives a pretty good run down of the potential 
effects of using it. there are 5 pages but maybe your woman might like to 
consider the info in them. cheers, Julia M.

Re: [ozmidwifery] Controlled Crying

2002-08-20 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Hi Pinky!
Can I print off your response and 
give it to a client??
At a visit last week I discovered 
that the parenting program they were going to is actually the Ezzo parenting 
method!! As this woman was describing to me the "parent led feeding" schedule 
they had to follow I wanted to cry but it's "guaranteed to have your baby 
sleeping through in 6 weeks" ack! However she does have your book (and seems to 
think you are a nice lady!! lol) so there is a glimmer that she is thinking 
about this. 
I just think your 
response says everything perfectly and it would give me an opportunity to 
open the discussion with her without giving advice "I just happened to 
see this about controlled crying - what do you think?"
Many thanks!
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 10:16 
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] Controlled 
  Hi Darren
  For goodness sakes get them a copy of 100 Ways to 
  Calm the Crying - and read it yourselfBEFORE you have your bub - you can order 
  it from my website - www.pinky-mychild.com
  Now I have been so blatant - Controlled Crying is 
  actually very unsafe for a baby this young -Training babies to sleep too 
  soundly, too early is a SIDS risk . Babies need to be able to arouse if they 
  are too hot, too cold, have a breathing obstruction (all SIDS risks) 
  Controlled Crying is also bad for bonding (for 
  both parent and child) and; according to a Harvard study actually alters 
  the physiology of the brain (rather like a trauma response) predisposing the 
  child to later anxiety and depression. Controlled crying/ parent directed 
  feeding/ strict routines are also associated with failure to thrive (ref to 
  all these in '100 Ways to Calm the Crying" - sorry its late and I am 
  trying to meet a deadline so dont have time to look them all up right now -but 
  couldnt let this pass without a vent)  
   i personally see controlled crying at any 
  age to be an abusive practice - imagine landing in a strange country, not 
  knowing the language and being thirsty or hungry - or simply needing 
  reassurance - and finding yourself unable to communicate your needs - we only 
  have to put ourselves in our babies bootees for a moment - if our own feelings 
  dont scream out loud and clear that THIS DOESNT FEEl RIGHT!
  I keep hearing of babies only a few weeks old 
  being "sleep trained" - this is very cruel - these tiny beings have just 
  entered a world so different from the womb  - we are the adults here -it 
  is up to us to protect babies senses and meet their needs for love and 
  emotional well-being as well as food  -and, remember, a newborns stomach 
  is around the size of a ping pong ball - it doesnt matter what it is fed it 
  will only stay full a very short time - around two hours from the bEGINNING of 
  a feed to the next one.
  For me personally, the issue is that we can 
  "control" some babies (teach them to give up because there is no point trying 
  to make a difference - and how many adults do you know like this?) but this 
  means that we end up seeing babies as little objects to be fixed - later, as 
  they grow into more feisty children we seek more quick fixes like "behaviour 
  management" - instead of seeing the whole issue as one of a relationship 
  -which we need to establish through bonding and mutual respect - children 
  learn what they live - and behave as well as they are treated. 
  It is far easier and much 
  more enjoyable to put in the "hard yards" and learn a baby's cues 
  and teach her the world is safe in the beginning than to chase our tails later 
  as we keep on trying to learn the next fad thing to stay in control as we deal 
  with night terrors and clinginess because our kids feel insecure.
  I guess there are a lot of unreal expectations 
  around babies feeding and sleeping and very little support for mums and dads, 
  possibly because we dont always ask for help -  set up your networks 
  for support BEFORE you have your baby - freeze meals and simplfy your life - 
  plan your BABYMOON, Darren - AROUND the baby's needs as well as your own - it 
  is tiring but the baby shouldnt be the one to pay.
  Be open to receiving support - most of us feel 
  privileged to be asked and EVERYONE can share the magic of a 
  Best wishes with your own bub.

[ozmidwifery] Re: OP babies

2002-08-13 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Well said Marilyn, Lois & 

Re: [ozmidwifery] OP babies

2002-08-13 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Hi Jo,
I don't know why this isn't 
presented to pregnant women - such a simple thing that can often be 
On that note I am going to toot my 
own horn so to speak and tell you that it is one of the topics I am covering in 
CBE classes that will start in November. I am a very passionate person about OFP 
and it is one of the first things I tell my women about. My small way of helping 
Guess I will see you tomorrow 
Hugs, Larissa

Re: [ozmidwifery] vbac and birth centres

2002-08-02 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Sounds good to me - the only thing is we'll probably end up with an
encyclopaedia set LOL
Hugs, Larissa

- Original Message -
From: "Sally Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I reckon we could write a book on some of the ridiculous excuses doctors
> give for intervention. How about:
> Dumb Doctors Diabolical Drivel??
> Sally
> _
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[ozmidwifery] Re: Breastfest SA

2002-08-01 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

I'm secretly hoping this one is a 
bust (scuse the pun!) as I am selfish and want little old Adelaide back in the 
record books!! Oh well. I will revel in the glory while it lasts 
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  Ken Ward 
  Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 9:17 
  Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] Breastfest 
  Ward (as himself).  There was a piece in the Melbourne MX paper that 
  Berkeley USA is aiming for 1000+ on Saturday.

[ozmidwifery] Breastfest SA

2002-07-31 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Hi All!
We had a wonderful result at the 
SA Breastfest this morning - 767 breastfeeding babies!!!
Well past the record of 
The organisers did a fantastic job 
considering how many people there were.
How did the other states 
Hugs, Larissa 
"How can you have too 
many babies?That's like having too many flowers."~Mother 

[ozmidwifery] Re: Ante natal education NACE

2002-07-24 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Hi Debbie,
Just a query on the cut off date for the 10% discount for NACE members - is
it the 1st or 12th of August?? The NACE website says 12th and the Capers
site says 1st.

> Dear all, for all those intereseted in antenatal education NACE ( National
> association of childbirth educators) in association with CAPERS we are
> to have a workshop with Terri Shilling (Spokes person for Lamaze assoc and
> Doula from the States) on October the 9th in Adelaide.

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[ozmidwifery] Re: Niki echinacea

2002-07-17 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Thanks Niki!
That was very helpful info:) Just what I was looking for.
Hugs, Larissa

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[ozmidwifery] echinacea

2002-07-16 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Dear list,
Just a quick question - is 
echinacea safe to take whilst breastfeeding? Does it benefit the baby at all?? 
It's not listed in any of the books I have.
Many thanks!
"How can you have too 
many babies?That's like having too many flowers."~Mother 

Re: ear infections

2002-07-02 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

> Hi there! Not a medical opinion but tried and tested mother's opinion ;)
> I feel for you both - ear infections are so awful. They look so painful
> theres not much you can do.
> After 2 infections he recommends grommets?!?!? Good grief! It is quite
> normal for kids to get them at this age because if they are really
> and don't know how to blow their nose (most can't at that age) the mucous
> just sits there breeding bacteria (well thats my understanding). Certainly
> if they were recurring I would look more into it.
> My 1st daughter(now 2) suffered with lots of infections last winter (and
> always both ears)and the only thing that helped was garlic oil. This was
> recommended by my lovely midwife Julie Pratt after having my whiny, sore
> girl attend my prenatal visit in tears. You crush up the garlic cloves and
> just put a few drops of oil into each ear. Worked wonders!So everytime she
> got congested out came the garlic. Don't know why that works but it does.
> I try and keep the mucous "draining" so sleep her more upright etc this
> seems to reduce the pressure in the ears so they can sleep a little better
> (hopefully!).
> I know dairy and mucous can be related and you may want to cut down while
> she's sick but I wouldn't switch to formula just for that!
> I guess it really depends on whats causing the infections - just a cold
> or a mucous reaction to the cows milk. I wouldn't rush into anything just
> yet.
> Anyhoo thats my thoughts for now, very tired Mummy here with 2 sick girls
> myself.
> Sending you lots of healthy vibes ~ Larissa

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nmap slogan

2002-06-26 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

How about
NMAP - Empowering Women with 
Hugs, Larissa
"How can you have too 
many babies?That's like having too many flowers."~Mother 

Re: slogan for NMAP

2002-06-23 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

Yup Marilyn, I got those emails 
too but I stopped counting at 20 ;)
I love that slogan!!!
I think it's great we have so many 
wonderful ideas.
Any news on your apppeal 
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 10:28 
  Subject: Re: slogan for NMAP
  Did any of the rest of you get 37 messages from 
  abdyesilkart They had ozmid on them and were all 
  Anyway, how does the following slogan grab 
      Birth ~ I did it my 
              National Maternity Action Plan ~ 
  Birth Choices

Re: slogan

2002-06-22 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

I like that one!!

  Want a 
  Happier Birthday?
  the National Maternity Action 

test - please delete

2002-06-13 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim

"How can you have too many 
babies?That's like having too many flowers."~Mother 

Re: anyone out there!

2002-06-11 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim Inns

Hi Jessica!
Have you got a special letter 
written out asking people?? If you do can you send me a copy? I am scouting 
pregnant women myself and know a few women who are expecting - I can give them 
your letter if you like. I am actually attending a lot of ante natal classes 
over the next few weeks - I could ask the co-ordinator if I can give them a copy 
of your letter as well.
Does this help??
I'd oblige myself but you are a 
few months too late LOL
Hugs, Larissa, Callie (2yrs) & 
Jaida (18 weeks)

Re: Cosleeping

2002-06-10 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim Inns

Hi Janelle & List

  >> However, the is a big SIDS 
  prevention push at the hospital where I work, and one of the big no, nos is 
  >>I do know however, that there are also 
  midwives that if they find a mother and baby asleep in bed together, will 
  remove the baby from the bed!
  Had I not had a similar 
  experience I would not have believed such a statement!
  I had my last baby in February 
  of this year. Because I also had a toddler I decided to transfer to the 
  hospitals post natal ward for some "rest"(ha ha ha). The night shift midwife 
  and I had a severe disagreement at 1am because *gasp* I had my baby in bed 
  with me. Her exact words to me were " you will roll over and kill her!" 
  and "didn't read hospital guidelines? We don't recommend it here - it's very 
  dangerous blah blah blah"  My very nice (compared to her hostility)reply 
  was "Well my first child is still alive and there are lots of studies into the 
  benefits of co sleeping. Besides that she's hungry and she's feeding every 20 
  minutes and I am too tired to be  sitting  up and feed her like that 
  all night. This is much easier for both of us.Thankyou for pointing the 
  hospital guidelines out - I understand and I choose not to follow them" She 
  then proceeded to try and convince me to let her take the baby away "if I was 
  that bothered by her" ?!??!?! 
  Lots of other things happened 
  during the course of the night which I won't go into but needless to say I left first thing in the 
  morning after my "rest". 
  >>We have been asked to get parents to sign a form 
  stating that they have received the information on safe sleeping, including 
  the information that cosleeping is not recommended.
  Are the hospitals panicking 
  about liability?? This I can understand but still...it doesn't seem 
  Don't know if my story is really 
  relevant but it was something that had bothered me for a long time. I dread to 
  think how a first time mother would feel after being spoken to like that. I 
  guess I am still naive sometimes in thinking that the rest of the world is as 
  open minded as I am LOL.
  Hugs, Larissa

Re: Birth announcement!

2002-06-07 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim Inns

Congratulations Darren & well 
done to your wife!
My husband was very impressed with 
your choice of name - one of his choices if we had a boy (we have 2 
You are absolutely right - all 
women should have the CHOICE of where to birth and with whom they wish. 
Lets make that happen!!
Hugs, Larissa 

Re: Tina Pettigrew

2002-06-07 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim Inns


Sorry to butt in :)
Hi Marilyn!
I'm sorry you couldn't get 
acccredited - after all the hard work you've done that really stinks (for want 
of a better word). Good luck for your appeal.
I tried tofind a University of 
SouthAustralia contact for you but their website says no one has been appointed 
as director of the program yet??? Maybe they haven't updated ina 
Anyway I think your best bet is to 
email the admissions centre and they should be able to get who you 
Their email is:
The uni website is:

Good luck navigating it 
Hope that helps - if you need 
something else just ask.
Hugs, Larissa

Re: breastfeeding survey tool

2002-05-22 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim Inns

Hi Tracy,
Here are Jen Byrne's contact 
Jen Byrne RM MNStMidwifery 
Course CoordinatorSchool of Nursing and Midwifery Flinders University of 
South AustraliaGPO Box 2100ADELAIDE SA 5001PH:  (08) 8201 
3438FAX (08)  8201 3456http://www.flinders.edu.au
Hugs, Larissa

  I am also seeking Jen Byrnes E-mail address and 
  phone number.
  Kind regard

Re: fingers crossed!

2002-05-16 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim Inns

Read that in today's paper with 
much glee!! It's about bl*@dy time!!
Sorry about your "clinicals".All 
part of the experience I guess - you'll laugh about this one day :) My friend 
Suzie does the course at Flinders too and she was very unimpressed with the 
Good luck when you get to go to 
your "real" clinicals - can't wait to hear about it!
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  To: ozmid 
  Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 5:39 
  Subject: fingers crossed!
  hello all,
  as a 3yrd adelaide bmid-der i was overjoyed to 
  hear/read today that the gov/dept human ser. are footing the bill for our 
  or so thats what i believe/have heard so far 
  (then again i have just come off a 8.5hr clinical placement at 
  the repat looking after patients no less than 75!!, yep lotsa babies 
  im sure there will be more developments as time 
  goes on, just thought id put this out there! 
  hope you are all well
  take care

Re: Article in the "Siunday Times"

2002-05-11 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim Inns

Hi Deb,
It was in the SA Sunday Mail Paper 
too. Very disappointing!
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2002 11:52 AM
  Subject: Article in the "Siunday 
  Have any of you WA listers seen the diary in the "body + 
  Soul" liftout about a birth?Baby delivered by cs because "I am small 
  and baby looks on the big size".Op goes "without a hitch", but baby 
  spends next 5 days or so in special care because of respiratory 
  problems.    Debbie SlaterPerth, WA 

Re: VBAC feedback

2002-04-29 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim Inns

Hi Sue,
Wanted to congratulate you on the 
great outcome with the doctor. I came across a quote which immediately made me 
think of your story:
"Changing birth one OB 
at a time!"
And this is what you 
Hope you enjoyed your weekend 
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  To: ace graphics 
  Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 6:34 
  Subject: VBAC feedback
  Dear list 
  A couple of weeks ago I asked if any of you 
  had seen or heard of manual checking of scars following VBAC.
  I collated your responses, copied the relevant 
  passage from "Effective Guide...".
  and wrote a letter to go with it all, and 
  posted the lot to the doctor involved.
  He telephoned me at home a few days later, 
  actually on the weekend,  and we had a very lengthy conversation.  
  He was a bit taken aback at the force of some of your comments!
  On balance, I feel the conversation was 
  productive and was not acrimonious.  I respected the fact that he phoned 
  me at home rather than make a verbal assault in the workplace, and it gave us 
  both the opportunity to express our opinions in a neutral 
  I have worked with this doctor (among others) 
  for the past 11 years, and we have had one or two disagreements in that time, 
  without it ever becoming nasty, so I was happy that this was the 
  He did say that he would no longer manually 
  check scars - so I guess you could say that the result was a positive 
  one!  And I said that I respected his decision to change his practice in 
  light of evidence etc..
  It was an interesting exercise for me, as even 
  after all this time (23 years) as a midwife, I still found it took a great 
  deal of courage to actually confront the power of the medical 
  profession.  (Why???)
  Anyway, thank you for all your feedback - none 
  of my colleagues had heard of this procedure either - though in all fairness, 
  my research has shown me that it was indeed considered normal practice 
  Happy IMD to you all.  I shall be 
  celebrating with a long-overdue, childfree weekend alone with my 
  Sue C

sorry -ignore previous email here

2002-04-17 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim Inns

here is the full 
Sorry about that! 
Doctors attack hospital plan for 
new mumsBy Health Reporter JILL 
PENGELLEY17apr02NEW mothers are being encouraged to leave an Adelaide hospital 
the day they give birth in exchange for 36 hours of help in the home. 
However, the pilot scheme at the Lyell McEwin 
hospital has been branded as "appalling" by the Australian Medical Association. 
The average length of stay after a non-surgical delivery in a public hospital 
is 2.89 days but, under the new scheme, women are allowed to go home within four 
Their home helpers are 21 previously long-term unemployed young women from 
the northern suburbs. 
With six months' training through the University of South Australia, they 
spend six hours a day for six days providing help ranging from breastfeeding 
advice to dish washing. 
AMA vice-president and Adelaide obstetrician Trevor Mudge said yesterday the 
trade-off was "ludicrous". 
"To leave on day one and to replace professional care with care by someone 
trained for six months is ludicrous in the extreme," he said. 
"It's appalling, isn't it? 
"To trumpet this as a new advance in health care delivery is mischievous, to 
say the least." 
Lyell McEwin chief executive Paul Gardner said saving money was one aim of 
the project. 
Women who accepted the offer of home help would cost the hospital less by 
leaving early. 
"I guess you could call it a carrot but, on the other hand, it's entirely 
voluntary," he said. 
The Mothercarers pilot program is a partnership between several groups, 
including the Human Services Department and the Foundation for Young Australians 
which provided funding and criteria for employing the young women. 
They stipulated that they should be aged 18 to 25 and had never held a job. 
Mr Gardner said many of the young carers were mothers themselves. 
Their training included: 
LEARNING how to advise on breastfeeding. 
COOKING skills. 
BATHING and handling a baby. 
OBSERVING any physical and emotional signs of ill health in the mother 
and baby. 
LEARNING about the range of community support programs available to 
the mother. 
Mothers who used home help would still receive a 10-minute visit from a 
midwife each day for the first five days. 
The head of the hospital's women's and children's division, Professor Gus 
Dekker, proposed the trial based on his experience in The Netherlands. 
When he had come to Australia he had been "flabbergasted" to see women 
hospitalised for childbirth. 
"You basically transform a completely healthy mother and her newborn into 
patients when they're not sick," he said. 
Professor Dekker said the program's first aim was improved care, the second 
was providing jobs and the third was saving money. 
The hospital had about 1600 deliveries a year, but 2600 would be needed to 
make the scheme cost-neutral, he said. 
The medical chief of the Women's and Children's Hospital's women's and 
babies' division, Dr Ross Sweet, said he would "have a good, hard look" at the 
trial's results. 
"I think it's a wonderful idea but it needs to be very carefully done in 
terms of selecting and screening carers," he said. 
Health Minister Lea Stevens said the program was "fantastic" and praised 
Holden for lending a fleet of cars for the carers to use in the 
"How can you have too 
many babies?That's like having too many flowers."~Mother 

Re: postnatal discharge programs: support what you say

2002-04-17 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim Inns

Hi Carroll & List,
This is the full article published in "The Advertiser" about the new
Hope this helps!
Hugs, Larissa

Larissa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has suggested you might be interested
in the following http://theadvertiser.com.au article:

Doctors attack hospital plan for new mums
17 April 2002
NEW mothers are being encouraged to leave an Adelaide hospital the day they
give birth in exchange for 36 hours of help in the home.
The full story is available at:

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Re: Denise Love

2002-03-28 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim Inns

Sorry to butt in here but I would like to contact 
Denise about the same thing!! So if Denise is about are you able to send me info 
on the doula courses too ( i live in SA also)??
Thanks so much,
Hugs, Larissa

  - Original Message - 
  To: ozmid 
  Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 12:51 
  Subject: att: Denise Love
  Hi Denise,
  I was speaking to jennifairy in class and she was 
  telling me about your doula classes. I was hoping you could tell me a little 
  more and if so, about external courses I could do in sa?

Re: Virus: bill caricature

2002-03-28 Thread Larissa &amp; Tim Inns

Yup! Most definately a virus - someone opened it on 
my computer (not moi!)and it DIED big time. For whatever reason my software did 
not detect it.Just had it fixed but I lost everything - including all my lovely 
favourites - hope i can find most of them!