Re: manually focusing a DSLR

2007-01-25 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Cory Papenfuss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  I've got a -DS (pentaprism) that I used for about 9 months with a
> variety of manual-focus lenses as-is.  It was OK, but definately could be
> challenging to get the focus right.  Since I've installed a split-prism
> focus screen, I haven't had anymore troubles.


Which split-prism focusing screen did you install. I've had some out of 
focus shots, especially with my A50/1.4 and want to look at changing the 
focusing screen.



PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Epson R2400 problem

2007-01-21 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Paul Stenquist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I've already made in the neighborhood of 100 prints with my Epson
> R2400. I'm using the same setup as described by Godders and others here
> -- Photoshop is determining color. All the prints matched my monitor
> perfectly. Until today. Suddenly, from one print to the next, I'm
> getting dark muddy colors. It alsmost looks like I'm printing with a
> fill layer over the images. I tried files I had already printed. Same
> thing. I've done a nozzle clean and check and have restarted both
> computer and printer. Any ideas or suggestions?


I've no experience with your printer. I would make one suggestion. Try 
printing a purge page:

It would be interesting to see what each cartridge puts out individually. I 
wonder if you have a bum cartridge.

Just a thought...


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Another PESO from Florida

2007-01-21 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Mark Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I've tried color and b/w versions of this one. Not completely happy
> with either yet...

In terms of the tones, I probably would have done something like this:

Truth be told, this image doesn't do anything for me. There are too many 
elements to make it a cohesive. I think you would have done well to get a 
little closer and take pics of the vines and that huge knot on their own. 
Those would have likely made for better pics.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Tioga Pass Scenic

2007-01-17 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Brendan MacRae" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This one was taken heading toward the summit of Tioga
> Pass (ele 9945ft) on the way toward Lee Vining and
> Mono Lake back in October.
> 67II, 55mm f4, Pentax Red Fliter, Plus-X.

Very nice. Cool tones and nice control of exposure.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Peso - My own HDR

2007-01-17 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Gonz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Cool, I mean, Cold...
> Were your highways affected/closed?  Our major overpasses were closed
> because they were too slick and were causing accidents.  Any elevated
> freeways were quite treacherous.  Its been worse however, I visited
> Austin once in the mid 90's and the whole place was a ghost town due to
> ice on the roads much worse than today.

The same situation here. We have a ton of overpasses, mixmaster, elevated 
freeways and people were sliding and/or getting stuck.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Peso - My own HDR

2007-01-17 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Gonz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I know, we got a little more last night, and now the trees are starting 
> to lose branches because of the weight of the ice on them.

Hey Gonz,

We got some more up here in DFW and my workplace even closed.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO -- "Disabled"

2007-01-17 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "P. J. Alling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I decided to continue with my experiments on various different B&W
> conversions.  This one is a free filter I found on Mark Roberts free
> software page.  It was one of the simplest methods and seems to work
> very well,
> Technical Data:
> Pentax *ist-Ds ISO 400 @ 1/10sec (Av) +0.7ev
> smc Pentax FA 43mm f1.9 Limited @ f2.2
> B&W Conversion by Fotomatic B&W Plus Filter (Green Filter)

Really nice shot and great texture. The one thing I don't like is that the 
right side looks a little blurry.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: thoughts, questions, a story ...

2007-01-17 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Godfrey DiGiorgi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Once that bunch headed out, I pulled out the laptop and started
> poking at some more photos from the NY trip and from my junta to
> Nashville, TN. I also pulled out the Pentax 645 and started fooling
> with it, framing a composition of the tables and chairs across the
> aisle from where I was sitting. There was a college student sitting
> at the table behind me.
> "Excuse me, is that some kind of video camera?"
> "No. It's a medium format SLR camera. Still photos."
> "Where's the display screen?"
> "It doesn't have one ... it takes a 6cm wide strip of roll film."
> pause ... "Wow. It looks big and heavy. Why would anyone use film
> when there are such good digital cameras on the market today?"
> The fact of the question is more important than any answer I might
> come up with. Here we have a college student, maybe 20-22 years old,
> who cannot see the point. We talked for a while about the photos on
> the wall, about rendering and black&white vs color, about all kinds
> of stuff, but in the end I could see that the notion of why one would
> expose film, play with chemistry, etc just to take a picture was
> simply incomprehensible to him. Cameras, even photography before the
> present world of digital cameras simply is not a part of his
> consciousness.

It can be easy to lament after reading a story like this. I wouldn't...

The Art of Photography...this college kid probably grew up with parents who 
had point & shoots around and took poor pictures of various events. If his 
mom or dad had a Hasselblad and a home darkroom where they invited him to 
print, he might have connected to the magic of it. But he thinks, much like 
alot of folks who grew with B&W film, about the Utility of Photography. From 
that perspective, why would you mess with a large film camera and 
development and printing? This is nothing parents and quite 
frankly, all of their friends, see it the same way as this college kid. This 
is true despite the fact that when we compare childhood photos, they have 
wonderfully sharp and preserved B&W prints and I have incredibly poor, fuzzy 
and faded color prints. This kids mindset has been present for a long time 
and we have a ton of cameras to prove it. The difference is that the digital 
cameras now are a pretty viable option.

Evolution...I can see this conversation taking place 100 years ago during 
the dawn of cars and the death of the horsedrawn carriage. I don't think 
anyone on this list would give up their vehicles to go back. But maybe 100 
years ago, one might held on to it given all the issues of owning a car. But 
in due time, cars got alot better and now we drool over the ones that Paul 
posts on the list.

So I guess I don't have a strange feeling about this story. It's expected. 
I'm eager for digital to continue to improve.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PESO: Ghost of the flame

2007-01-16 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

Was experimenting some time ago and wanted some opinions on this shot:

Pentax *istDs, SMC A100/2.8 Macro, ISO 200, 1/4sec @ f4, tripod mounted



PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Into the Cold

2007-01-16 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

Mark and Paul's winter shots have prompted me to look at my shooting habits. 
I've been a bit reticent to take my *istDs out into the cold. For those 
situations, I'll use my film camera.

What do you all do in order to prep your camera for the cold? Any 
differences in battery life? Any tips are appreciated.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO - Michigan Ice Storm

2007-01-15 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Mark Cassino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Following in Paul's footsteps here, I took a few shots of the ice storm
> on the western part of the state today.
> I went for the wide angle landscape which is not too effective at web
> size, but is my favorite of the day (some photos just don't work at 600
> pixels across.)
> The other shots were plinked around the house - I had a business lunch
> that I hoped would take just an hour, but wound up taking almost 3, so I
> lost most of the day's shooting time.
> The closeups were taken with a Kiron 105mm f2.8, rest of the shots with
> the DA 18-55mm.  For a while, the shots will be at the top of this page:

Cool shots Mark. I like the landscapes and the ivy shot.

Have you printed the landscapes? I'm looking at picking up the DA 18-55 as a 
walk around and am wondering how 8X10s look.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO: Snowflake

2007-01-13 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Paul Stenquist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I like this too. Is it really a snowflake? The slight melting makes
> it a pretty pioture.
> Paul
> On Jan 13, 2007, at 7:06 PM, David J Brooks wrote:
>> Cool shot.
>> Like the blue and silver colurs.

Thanks for the compliments. You're both gonna crack up. It's a photo of 
Christmas gel items that stick to your windows. My window has a lot of 
condensation today which surrounds the gel snowflake.


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PESO: Snowflake

2007-01-13 Thread Mark Dalal
Here's a tongue in cheek tribute to you snowflake shooters:

Pentax *istDs, SMC A100/2.8 Macro, f8.0 @ 1/45 (handheld), ISO 200, +.5EV



PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: TTL/P-TTL question

2007-01-04 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Godfrey DiGiorgi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> So how well does TTL work on DS? What does one lose from P-TTL?
> P-TTL with the built in flash does pretty well if you are not one of
> those people whose eye-blink reflex timing is a problem.

How about with a flash on the hot shoe? How would the DS do with a regular 
TTL flash like the 500FTZ or AF280T vs. the newer FGZ series?

I'm gearing up to purchase a flash and trying to decide what would give me 
good results at a good value.



PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: PESO: Enjoying the View

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Paul Stenquist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Nice shot, Mark. The scene is powerful on its own, but the coujple  
> takes it up a notch. Nicely exposed: sky tones intact. Good one.

Thanks Paul. Glad you liked it. Here's a similar shot:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/344895922/


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Re: PESO: Enjoying the View

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Bruce Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I think the one thing that bothers me is that they are turned to close
> to showing just their backs.  It gives me a feeling of having to sneak
> up on them, rather than a shot of them enjoying the view.  I hope I'm
> making sense.  When showing people looking out at the view, it is
> nicer to see their faces in profile rather than the backs of their
> heads.  Probably a little closer to them so that they take up a little
> more room in the composition.

Hey Bruce,

I hear what you're saying on this one. I was not willing to do that with 
this shot. If you look at the corner of the screen, you'll see that they 
crossed a barrier and are quite close to the edge. So composing that kind of 
shot was not so feasible in this situation. In addition, I want to get a 
wider lens to be able to get closer and include people in the manner you 
suggest as well as a good amount of the scenery.

Thanks for the comments!


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Occupations?

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Kenneth Waller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Mark -
> Welcome back. Good to see you posting again.
> I wondered where you wound up.

Hey Ken,

Thanks for the welcome back. For the record, I kept up fairly well from the 
archive and was able to check out alot of the great photos you posted over 
the years.

Take care,


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: TTL/P-TTL question

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Thibouille" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Not exactly ... the DS does support TTL with pre-A lens AFAIK but only
> with external flashes. the RTF will do PTTL or full output. 

So how well does TTL work on DS? What does one lose from P-TTL?


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

PESO: Enjoying the View

2007-01-02 Thread Mark Dalal
My girlfriend and I were down in Austin to meet a college buddy. We stopped 
at Mount Bonnell to check out the view. I came across this couple sitting on 
the rock ledge.

Pentax *istDS, Pentax SMC-F 24-50/4, Handheld
ISO 200, 1/60 sec @ f/13

Comments welcome...


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: Occupations?

2007-01-02 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Mike Hamilton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I've been reading this list for nearly 8 months now, and I'm aware of
> some of your occupations...  however some of you are a mystery to me.
> I'm not sure if that's on purpose or not... :)
> Anyway, just for a starting point, I'm a elementary special education
> teacher, presently substitute teaching as I'm just starting out back
> in my hometown after a year teaching in Kingston-Upon-Hull (it's never
> dull in Hull!), England , and then two years teaching in northern
> Alberta.
> Anyone care to share?

When I first joined the list, I was a graduate student in the Bay Area. I 
got my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology a few years back and have settled in the 
DFW area. I work as a psychologist at a local university and have a 
part-time private practice.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: FS Friday: Couple of lenses

2006-12-31 Thread Mark Dalal
- Original Message - 
From: "Bruce Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello MARK,
> It has been a long time since I last heard you on the list.  Good to
> know you are still around.

Hey Bruce,

Yep, it's me. I usually monitor from the archive but figured I'd sign on for 
a little while. I definitely need to get to know my *istDs a lot better.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

FS Friday: Couple of lenses

2006-12-29 Thread MARK DALAL
Hey Folks,

My posts seem not to be going through so I hope it works this time. I've got 
a couple of lenses for sale.

1) Pentax SMC-F 24-50/4 - KEH Bargain cosmetic condition. Works great. Glass 
is clean and clear. Comes with both caps. $75 shipped CONUS.

2) Sigma 70-300/4-5.6 DL Macro KEH EX+ condition. Works great. Glass is 
clean and clear. Comes with original caps, hood, and a promaster 1A lens 
filter. $65 shipped CONUS.

Paypal graciously accepted. Shipping is Priority Mail. Pics are available. 
Would consider trading for a mint DA18-55 so shoot me an email.


PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Re: SMC-A 100/2.8 Macro and other goodies

2005-12-10 Thread Mark Dalal
--- Kenneth Waller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I have not seen a better lens than this one.
> > 
> > William Robb
> Have you seen a 200mm/f4.0 ED Macro?
> Or more importantly, the images produced by it.

Hey Ken,

When I was living in Kalamazoo, I got to see alot of
Cassino's work. The 200/4 is pretty phenomenal. The
A100/2.8 Macro is really incredible too. Which gives
better results? Well, I don't think it matters. If you
own either, life is good : )


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FS: SMC-A 100/2.8 Macro and other goodies

2005-12-09 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

De-lurking to sell a few of my items:

1) SMC-A 100/2.8 Macro – yes, that macro lens! You can
go to Stan Halpin’s website and read the comments on
this excellent macro lens. The lens is in good
condition. It has some wear and tear on the barrel and
just inside the filter ring. Filters screw on no
problem. The glass is in great condition. No fogging
or fungus. Some light dust in the elements. Blades are
clean and move freely. It has the original rear lens
cap and an aftermarket front lens cap. This isn’t a
mint sample. This lens is meant to be lovingly used.
Make me an offer before I list it on ebay.

2) SMC-F 28-80/3.5-4.5 – it has a macro setting that
isn’t half bad. The lens is good condition. It has one
small rub on the barrel. The glass is clean and clear.
Blades and autofocus are good. It has the original
rear lens cap and an aftermarket front lens cap. $50
shipped CONUS

3) SMC-M 28/3.5 – In good condition. Glass is clean
and clear. Blades and focus action are excellent. It
has a rear lens cap and front filter. $45 shipped

4) SMC-M 50/1.7 – In good condition. Glass is clean
and clear. Blades and focus action are excellent. Both
caps included. $35 shipped CONUS

5) SMC-M 135/3.5 – In good condition. Glass is clean
and clear. Blades and focus action are excellent. It
has a rear lens cap and front filter. $45 shipped

6) Vivitar 2X Macro Converter – this is the one that
turns your 50mm lens into a 100mm 1:1 macro. It has
the A function so it’ll work with your DSLR. Excellent
condition and comes with both caps and leather case.
$40 shipped CONUS

7) Pentax Z-20p – Import PZ-20 with panorama function.
Excellent condition cosmetically and operationally.
Very clean on the inside. Comes with a strap. $70
shipped CONUS

8) Pentax K1000 – later model, excellent operational
condition. Foam and seal are excellent. Internally
very clean. Works great! Really nice condition,
excellent except for one blemish on the side of the
lens mount. $70 shipped CONUS

Paypal graciously accepted. Money order and cashier’s
check good too. Priority Mail shipping included. I’ve
got pics of everything but the 50mm and the converter.
I can take pics of those on Sunday. Please contact me
off list as I will unsubscribe pretty soon. Thanks and
y’all take care and play nice.


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Re: Slower Film 4 Frank (was nsomething else)

2004-09-07 Thread Mark Dalal
--- Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> I seem to recall some discussion about 120 efke a
> few years ago.  Guess I
> was mistaken about the source.  Now you've got me
> wondering who may have
> made the comment  well, thanks for the
> correction.

I recall you telling me about Efke film. I may have
made such a comment about APX 25 as I had a few rolls
of that in 120 before it was discontinued.


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Re: Slower Film 4 Frank (was nsomething else)

2004-09-07 Thread Mark Dalal
Shel wrote:

>Been using Efke 25 for a couple of years now, since
>soon after APX 25 was discontinued.  I like it. 
YMMV, >especially since you don't do your own
processing.  >Haven't tried the 50 and 100 speeds
though as my local >shop only carries the 25.  It's
also available in 120, >which I have in my freezer but
which I've not tried.  >Reports on it (the 120)have
been pretty good, although >Mark Dalal didn't like the
physical characteristics of >the film base, backing,
whatever it's called (the stuff >the emulsion is
coated on).  He thought it was too thin.

For the record, I've never shot Efke 25 or any Efke
film (although I'd like to). That piece of feedback
isn't mine.


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FS Friday

2004-08-06 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

Unemployment sucks so I've got lotsa stuff for sale.

1) Pentax ZX-7, Excellent condition. Hardly any signs
of use. Mechanically perfect. Comes w/ AF Quantaray
28-90 zoom (some scuffs on the body - glass clean),
55mm skylight filter, 55mm circular polarizer, Cambron
AF 1.4 Teleconverter (mint), Manual, and carry bag.
$125 shipped in the US.

2) Pentax ME Super w/ M50/1.7 (and UV filter),
recently CLA'D, user cosmetic condition, no dents or
dings but lots of scuffing. The one mechanical problem
is that the little white button that allows the dial
ring to turn is a pain to press down. Lens is in
average condition, a little dust on the inside, the
coating is intact, tack sharp results like a M50/1.7
should give you. $60 shipped in the US.

3) SMC-K 28/3.5, yes the legendary one, little bit of
wear on the edge of the barrel. Glass is clean and
clear. Comes with both caps. $50 shipped in the US.

4) Minolta Scan Dual II film scanner. Excellent
cosmetic condition. Perfect mechanical condition.
Comes with original box, manuals, and film holders.
$165 shipped in the US.

PayPal preferred but cashier's check and money order
okay. Pictures are available. Contact me off list.



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Re: Tell me about Provia 100F

2004-07-11 Thread Mark Dalal
--- Lasse Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Could you please tell me something about it's
> characteristics and what kind of shooting you find
> it best (and maybe not so well)suited for?
> I was thinking of using it for shooting a model "in
> a lot of skin".

Provia 100F is good for several subjects. Great
outdoors as well as the studio. It's a nice low grain
film with plenty of detail. I've found that 100F tends
to blue. For people shots, I would recommend warming
with a filter or with the lighting modifiers (if


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Re: Film Is Dead / A Contrary View

2004-07-11 Thread Mark Dalal
--- graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How are folks
> supposed to know what a 
> truly good print looks like when they are prevented
> from seeing them properly. 
> Oil paintings are not always under glass, but
> photographs seem to be. How strange?

Hmmm, well I've been to several exhibits and can
clearly tell the difference. The glass doesn't seem to
ruin it for me.


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Re: Film Is Dead / A Contrary View

2004-07-11 Thread Mark Dalal
--- William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am convinced that at this point, the only way to
> get a good black
> and white print is still the old fashioned way, with
> film and a
> darkroom.

Indeed. I've tried various methods of digital B&W
printing. I had an Epson 860 with the MIS Full
Spectrum Inks and I've tried uploading photos to
websites (Ofoto and a local lab that accepts files
over the internet). Digital B&W prints look okay but
no where near as good as what I can do in the
I've been considering working with a high end B&W lab
until I can return to making prints myself.


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Re: Film Scanner

2004-07-06 Thread Mark Dalal
--- Paul Sorenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not happy with lo-res scans on CDs and the labs want
> an outrageous price for
> hi-res scans.  Thinking about getting a Pacific
> Imaging 3650 Pro - Anyone
> have any experience or insights into this?

>From what I've read, the Pacific Image and SmartDisk
scanners are to be avoided. You can read up on them at
the Digital Darkroom forum at

You'd be much better off with a Minolta Dual Scan IV
($285), Canoscan FS-4000 (which can be difficult to
find new), Microtek Artixscan 4000T ($470), or Nikon
Coolscan V ($600).


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Re: what is a reasonable price for an SMC A 100 2.8 macro?

2004-07-04 Thread Mark Dalal
--- Frank Wajer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> just checking, anyone know what a reasonable price
> is for an SMC A 100 2.8
> macro?

They seem to fetch anywhere from $500-$1000 US on
ebay. I would say that $500-600 is fair non-collector


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RE: Selling Pentax 35mm gear (WAS RE: Beautiful SF1n kit, Voigtlander

2004-07-01 Thread Mark Dalal
--- That Guy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Faster AF maybe, better image quality NO.
> -That Guy

When you compare the same shot in a controlled
situation, the 10D has image quality that is hands
down better. See for yourself:


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Got to see the *istD!

2004-06-19 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

I finally managed to get my grubby hands on the *istD.
I have to say, I was alot more impressed with it than
I thought I would be. Very nicely built. I hope Pentax
keeps it up.
Inicidentally, the store I went to had 2 of the DA
16-45 lenses. The place was called Competitive
Cameras. The salesman indicated that they would be
willing to ship items. So if any of y'all are
interested in this lens, give em call: (800) 688-0211.


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FS Friday

2004-06-18 Thread Mark Dalal
One item for sale this week:

Cambron 1.4X Autofocus Teleconverter. Mint condition.
$25 shipped in the continental US.

Contact me off list if interested.


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Dallas area camera shops

2004-06-18 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

I'm in Dallas for a few days. Anyone have an
recommendation for where I would be able to go and
check out the *istD?



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2004-06-18 Thread Mark Dalal, Ph.D.
Hey Folks,

Just switching over to another email address.


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Re: Analog vs digital by Herbert Keppler

2004-06-17 Thread Mark Dalal

> I don't get it.  You didn't see people flocking to stores to buy Nikon
> F100s, Canon A3s, or Pentax MZ-Ss, all of which are in about the same
> price range as the cheapest DSLRs.  People who were buying film P&S
> cameras ($100-200) or film SLRs ($250-400) are now suddenly in the market
> for $1000 cameras?

I never said I understood it. But, that's what I've been seeing. I've had
alot of non-photographers express interest in the low end D-SLRs. They've
bought a P&S type digital, really liked using it, and now want to check out
one of the two lower cost D-SLRs. I've honestly never had anyone shoot with
a film P&S and be so inspired by the results that they wanted to go out and
drop $1000 on a film SLR.


Re: Analog vs digital by Herbert Keppler

2004-06-16 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Jostein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> There were a surprisingly large number of people at the tourist traps in
> with film SLRs instead of compacts. Seven or eight americans apporached me
> and told me about their plans to swap their film SLR for a digital one.
> of them talked about the nikon D70 and canon "Rebel D".

I had a similar experience. I fellow I had worked with bought an Optio 550
and really liked it. He hadn't been involved in photography beforehand but
liked the little Pentax and talked about buying a D70. It seemed totally out
of the blue. It's been my experience that a surprising number of people are
talking about these D-SLRs. Ads on tv are pushing them. I've seen more ads
for the the D70 and Rebel D than I've ever seen for Pentax and Nikon SLRs.
The only film SLR ads I can recall are the EOS Rebel and maybe some Minolta
gear ("only from the minds of minolta" - that still rings in my head).
Camera companies are doing mainstream advertising for $1000 cameras! And
people (non-photographers) seem to be getting really interested!


*istD Raw Converter

2004-06-10 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

I haven't really been playing close attention to the discussion on
converting RAW files from the *istD. The little bit I have read has given me
the impression that people aren't totally pleased with the Pentax converter
and have been happier with the Photoshop CS converter. Has anyone tried the
C1 RAW Workflow Software featured on the
website? The website indicates that it supports RAW files from the *istD.
The LE version is $99. Just lookin' for a little feedback about this piece
of software.


Re: reagan cortege

2004-06-10 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Paul Stenquist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Isn't it tedious how someone always has to inject there personal 
> politics into a thread about images? 

But it makes it so much easier to identify them for the kill file. : )


Re: Dpreview - New SLR

2004-06-07 Thread Mark Dalal

> > I hope they'll market their cameras at walmart cause none of the camera
> > shops in San Antonio are carrying much of Pentax SLR products. I've yet
> > actually see the *istD in person.
> >
> > Mark
> >
> Think you meant "neither" of the camera shops, Mark

Well, I was being gracious and counting Ritz/Wolf Camera 

> if Boyd's is still hanging on ...
> (sigh)

Boyd's seems to be hangin' on. It's good place to get lens caps, filters,
film, and occasionally, used gear. They had short-dated Fuji Super HQ 200
film for $1.00 a roll when I went two weeks ago. Photo Express did an
excellent job printing it. I think they survive cause Camera Exchange can't
seem to hire someone who doesn't treat you like an idiot and is as retail as
retail gets. I went with a coworker and they were charging her $8.00 a roll
for NPH. Good grief!


Re: Dpreview - New SLR

2004-06-07 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Gonz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Its a bit of a drive, but at least at one point Precision Camera in
> Austin had them.  I bought mine over the net however, the price
> discrepancy was too much to ignore.

That is a drive. Not too bad but still a good 90 minutes. Definitely
important before dropping $1300 on a camera.


Re: 6x7 Lens Recommendations

2004-06-06 Thread Mark Dalal

> I'm pretty close to wasting some money on a 67II system, despite my better
> judgement regarding the future of film.
> I'd like some lens recommendations.  I know the 105 is a normal lens.  I'd
> also like at least a wide angle to start.  Is there any difference in
> quality/image quality between a brand new off the shelf lens and one
> manufactured 10+ years ago for use on a 6x7?

The latest 55/4 is the cat's meow. You can find them used fairly easily.


PAW: Best Buddies

2004-06-04 Thread Mark Dalal
One for the peanut gallery:

Yes, I'm getting a little stir crazy.


FS Friday II

2004-06-04 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

One more item to sell. I've got a SMC-M 150/3.5 in excellent condition. The
glass is clean with the usual level of dust for a lens of its age. Aperture
blades are clean and operate normally. Cosmetics are really nice. It comes
with the original leather case and front/rear caps. I've got pics of it if
needed. $75 shipped in the continental US (outside US is okay but has to pay
for the shipping of their choice). PayPal is okay also. Contact me off list
if interested.



Re: Yay! New scanner on the way!

2004-06-02 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Just wanted to share my excitement ... today I ordered a new, Nikon
> Coolscan ;-)))  No more borrowing computer and scanner time.  I can
> annoy you with even more pictures 

Congrats Shel! Which one did you get?


Re: Pentax SMC-F 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5 zoom

2004-06-02 Thread Mark Dalal

Isn't this is a 4-5.6?


- Original Message - 
From: "Joe Wilensky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 1:59 PM
Subject: FS: Pentax SMC-F 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5 zoom

> I neglected to include the SMC designation in the description of this
> For sale: Pentax SMC-F 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5 zoom
> This is a compact autofocus zoom with a good range that dates from
> the SF1/SFX era. It "replaced" the larger but highly regarded and
> different formula A zoom of the same range, though this zoom has
> gotten good reviews as well. KEH EX condition (I got it from KEH).
> Front and rear caps included.
> $60 with free shipping to the continental U.S.
> Joe
> -- 
> Joe Wilensky
> Staff Writer
> Communication and Marketing Services
> 1150 Comstock Hall
> Cornell University
> Ithaca, NY 14853-2601
> tel: 607-255-1575
> fax: 607-255-9873

Re: Fully manual SLR

2004-05-30 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> You mention nothing of your budget, intended use of the camera, or
> else, so further suggestions would be difficult.  Must you have an SLR?
> There are some good rangefinder options out there.


Any feedback on how rangefinders cop with extreme cold? Any alignment and/or
shutter issues?

BTW: I'd always read that the Nikon FM/FM2 is THE extreme cold weather SLR.
Of course, that doesn't help if one doesn't have Nikon lenses.


Re: Short Optio S4 review

2004-05-29 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Keith Whaley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> In initially, I had an entirely different idea of what I was going to
> say, but after cogitating on your message content for a while  I'll
> leave it at this...
> This camera was not conceived as a replacement for a Leica M-series
> camera, nor was it meant to compete in such company.
> You seem disappointed it's not.

I'm sorry for offending you. It's a great camera and I'm glad you're happy
with it.



Short Optio S4 review

2004-05-28 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Gang,

A few weeks ago, my brother called me up asking for a recommendation on a
digital camera to use for snapshots and for shooting stuff to sell on ebay.
He insisted that it be extremely small. How small? He felt his Canon A40 was
too big. So naturally, I turned him onto the Optio S4 and he excitedly
bought it. He agreed to lend it to me for a couple of weeks. I used it today
while going on a 10K AVA walk in downtown San Antonio. Here are some of the
photos. Nothing to swoon over, I have to shoot quick or I'll be left behind.

Some impressions: 1) There isn't much control one can exact over this camera
in terms of exposure - just Program AE with some exposure compensation. Man
did I miss having aperture priority. Oddly enough, it gives you the exposure
data. Why? I dunno. Sure there's exposure compensation but quite frankly, I
think Pentax was out to taunt the users of this camera . 2) Autofocus is
pretty quick but can be hit or miss. I had several shots that were discarded
because they were soft. 3) I was not very pleased with the lens. There's
quite a bit of distortion at the wide end. Flare control seems pretty poor
and there was noticeable purple fringing from time to time. In macro mode,
the corner can be really soft. It was really noticeable in this photo:

The corners seem to have...distortion and blur at the same time. Not too
pleasing, especially when I printed it.

4) It's extremely difficult to get shallow depth of field. 5) Shot to shot
time is pretty respectable and it turns on and off pretty quick. 6) The LCD
monitor was not very easy to read in daylight. 7) The On/Off button is way
too close to the shutter release. Every now and then, I found myself turning
it off instead of shooting. 8) The four way control button is not very easy
to use. 9) Overall, exposure was pretty good. 10) Women love this camera.
They ooh and ahh at the very sight of it .

I short, it's a neat little camera to use for vacation snaps. It's
incredibly portable. Battery life is decent. It operates quickly and
quietly. For more serious photographic ventures, this one's best left at


Pentax cable

2004-05-27 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Am I missing something?  Aren't USB cables, well ... universal?  There are
> four cables here, two that came with different card readers, one that came
> with a USB hard drive, one that came with the Sony digicam ... oh, and
> another from some strange purchase ... and they all work interchangeably.
> Does the Pentax have a unique cable?

The connector to computer is USB but the connector to the camera is unique.
That's how it is on my brother's Optio S4 that I'm borrowing.


Re: Need help w/portrait

2004-05-27 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "jtainter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I rephotographed her in the shade without the flash, at f4.0. This is much
better. And this time I didn't add unsharp mask. Please suggest what else I
should do before I make some prints.

One thing you may consider is creating a second layer in Photoshop and
applying a blur to her skin. I don't have it handy but I'm sure this
technique has been covered in several of the photo mags.

If you can do a reshoot, there's a second option. If you have a 50/1.7 or
1.4 (with *istD), shoot her in open shade with that about f2 making sure to
only focus on the eyes. The majority of her skin will out of focus and
rendered pretty smoothly.

> I suppose one should always be prepared for such an occasion -- lights,
bouncers, reflectors, backdrops, and assistants, all on hand at all times.

Exactly! What were you thinking??? 


Re: PAW - Mi Amor

2004-05-21 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Bruce Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Boy, I have to agree with Shel here.  My first look at the photo was
> very ho-hum.  Just didn't see anything in it.  This crop that Shel
> proposes really changes it into something for me.  Now I really do see
> the relationship.  Is that what you were going for Mark?

Well, there were something that y'all might have missed and it was probably
due to the scan and having to view the pic on a screen. I rescanned the
slide with Shel's crop which I definitely like (thanks Shel!). Take a look
at the kid's hair and pay attention to the color (hint: it's painted green
on top). So I was going for the relationship between he and his mother but
wanted to play with the juxtaposition of his hair color and her bracelet. I
resubmitted the photo with some changes. Maybe they help.

I like Shel's B&W conversion as well. I'm gonna think about whether I want
to print it as a B&W and let the relationship stand on its own or keep the
green hair and deal with the color elements in the background.



PAW - Mi Amor

2004-05-20 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

Here's one for the peanut gallery (comments appreciated):


Decision on the PUG?

2004-04-21 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

So was a decision on what to do with the PUG ever reached? If so, what was


Re: Anyone try this with B/W scans?

2004-04-20 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> To provide a better scan of a b&w neg
> have you put a filter behind the b&w neg
> and then had the software remove this
> color-cast mask?

I haven't tried it but I'm wondering if there would be any loss in


Re: AF Spot Beam Help

2004-04-16 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Ryan Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Mark,
> Mine does in TTL. Don't know if it turns off.. don't think so..


How low does the light have to be for the spot beam to kick in?


AF Spot Beam Help

2004-04-16 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

I'm wondering if anyone has experience using the Autofocus Spotbeam feature
of the Pentax AF-360FGZ. I downloaded the manual from Pentax's website. It
reads that in "SB" mode, the spotbeam will activate but the flash will not
fire. On page 19, it indicates that the spotbeam will activate in TTL Flash
mode. Can someone verify this? I used to have a PZ-20 with the AF-330FTZ and
the manual said the same thing but I could never get the spotbeam to
activate in low light when the flash was in TTL mode.



Re: PAW - Bryce Sunrise

2004-03-25 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Bruce Dayton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello Mark,
> You realize that most of Bryce is red rock formations (grin).  I'm not
> sure which shot you were remembering, but here is one of the
> possibles:

Nope, that's not it. This pic was much redder and I think you shot it with
the F17-28. Great shot though!


Re: FS Friday: Program Plus

2004-03-20 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Bill Sawyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hope you're not leaving Pentax, Mark...

Hey Bill,

Nope. Just doin' a swap out.


Re: OT: Almost ready to by a scanner

2004-03-20 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> What didn't your friend like about the Nikon scanner?  Which
> Nikon scanner(s) did he use?  What did he like better about
> the Minolta?


Each brand has its detractors and within each brand, a few junkers make it
out the door. It's safest to buy new so you can return if there's a problem.
The Nikon Coolscan V, 5000, and Minolta 5400 are all excellent scanners.
Unless things have changed since the last time I was over, I think you
should be worrying more about the computer. Did you ever get around to
replacing that mouse? ; )


ZX-7 vs. ZX-L

2004-03-19 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

Anyone had a chance to compare these two cameras? Any difference in
autofocus, flash metering, ability to expose with K and M lenses? Opinions
are very appreciated.



FS Friday: Program Plus

2004-03-19 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

I've got a Program Plus for sale. It's in excellent condition with some very
light wear. No dents, dings, or scratches. Purchased from Mark Hama but I
still had it checked out by my local shop and the meter and shutter are
right on. It's missing the motor winder cover. Also included is a like new
Sunpak 144 Auto Thyristor flash (comes in the box with the manual). All
together, $75 shipped in the continental US. For an additional $25, I'll
throw in a manual focus Tamron 28-70 zoom with Adaptall mount. Paypal,
cashier's check, and money order accepted.



Re: OT: Epson R-D1

2004-03-11 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Paul Stenquist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Pentax K and M lens have no exposure information electronics built in.
> I don't think any camera could be more compatible with them than is the
> *ist-D.

Hey Paul or anyone else,

I'm pretty ignorant about this issue. So how does the Epson get around the
lack of electronic exposure information? Is it because the rangefinder
lenses are already stopped down? So, how do cameras like the ME Super know
the correct the exposure information without built in electronics? Couldn't
a digital camera operate in the same way (not that any camera maker would
necessarily want to do this)?



Re: PAW:Concert photo

2004-03-11 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Bill Owens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Shot this tonight at a high school band concert.  Sorry the camera was
> tilted, but I like the concentration on his music and the movement of the
> sticks.


I really like this shot, especially the tympani sticks (???). I wish the
guy's face could have had less motion blur. But there is one element I
really didn't care for. See if you like the adjustment:


Re: OT: Epson 2200 mac osx 10.3 and PhotoShopCS

2004-03-11 Thread Mark Dalal

For a short while, I used a Mac as my personal computer. I found that with
OS X 10.2, I couldn't print centered on the page and I had to use a third
party drivers for my Epson 820. When the 2200 drivers were release, the same
issue existed in terms of being able to print centered on the page. I would
highly recommend confirming that the latest set of drivers and or OS X 10.3
has addressed this problem. This was a big problem as I could never predict
where the printer was going to place the print on the paper.

Good luck,


Re: Digital Rangefinder Imminent

2004-03-11 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Peculiar as in unique, special ...

Uhhmmm...special...yeah, that must be
itspecialokay...whatever you say Shel   ; )


Re: Pentax (film) vs 5MP (SONY)

2004-03-11 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Jens Bladt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> For those of you who didn't read the very long thread about "*ist D sensor
> and 35mm lens resolution", I have posted shots made made with a Pentax
> and different lenses compared to almost identical shots made with a Sony
> F717  - a 5MP camera with a Carl Zeiss Vario Sonnar lens and a 6x8mm chip.
> believe practical tests are equally informative as the facts of the
> (according to which a 6x5mm chip should not be able to produce much
> resulution).
> The link is this:
> Nest time I'll use and a dedicated film scanner. J.C. O'Connell suggested
> I'd use 50 or 100 ISO, but I guess the SONY (as well as the 'ist D) does
> feature less than 200 ASA. And f 1:8  is the upper limit of the Sonnar
> but not of the *ist D. (I believe that most lenses have their best
> reslolution/performance at f. 1:8 - 1:11, though). This bring me to
> suggset - again - that somone on this list will do similar tests, using
> *ist D

Quite frankly, your comparison is incredibly flawed. The equivalencies you
seem to have drawn between film and digital are off. The ISO's of a digital
point & shoot are not comparable to film. The f stops are not comparable
either. And that you scanned the film on an flatbedFor this test to be
equal, you need to open up that Sony, bend the sensor at the corners, and
cover it with with Vaseline 


Re: PAW #4 - Haley's Ring

2004-03-06 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I was a bit late on week 3.  Now I'm a bit early on week 4.  Oh well.
> "The Kiss" was taken by Shel (and likely thousands before him), but I
> it would have been a good title (have I whetted your appetite yet? ).
> So, I settled on "Haley's Ring", a title that I hope raises more questions
> than it answers:
> I'd really like to hear your comments on this one.

Definitely a winner here Frank. Good timing and exposure. Nicely done!


Re: About my name

2004-03-06 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Sounds like I did better than DeLong at least!  

Much better Frank!


Re: About my name

2004-03-06 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Mark,
> So, how's it pronounced?  In my mind, it's Dal (as in gal) -al (same 
> pronounciation), with a slight emphasis on the second syllable.

Hmm, it's more like Dah-lahl.


Re: To rescue a family photo

2004-03-06 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Lasse Karlsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Alright, Dave said he'd find a shot for us to start with, but obviously
hasn't found the time to do it yet.
> In the meantime I will provide the following shot and invite any
volunteers to have a go at it and see what you can do.
> This is a (small size) scan I made of one of my mother's negs. It's a shot
from a trip to Holland in the early 70:s. When I saw the scan I thought:
What a pity, the neg has obviously deteriorated beyond possible
> I guess many of us have already have or will run into similar experiences.
> But is it really lost?
> Anyone find it interesting enough to try and have a go at it?
> See what you can do, show us the results and tell us what you did?

Here are some of the early overall changes I've made. I made a color cast
correction in Elements 2. Then took it to PS 6 and made some color balance
corrections in the shadows, midtones, and highlights. Brought up the green,
red, and yellow. I picked up the saturation a bit, made some overall
adjustments to the levels, and cloned out a couple of spots (just to show my
girlfriend how that's done). It still needs alot more work but this is what
I got done in 5 minutes.


Re: About my name

2004-03-06 Thread Mark Dalal

> As somebody whose name is frequently miss-spelled (people feel the need to
> add an e for some reason),


Be glad people can pronounce your name. You should hear people bungle their
way through my last name.


Re: Not PAW: QuikSnap from Yesterday

2004-03-05 Thread Mark Dalal
Nice Shel,

Great symmetry. Nice balanced exposure. Good show!


Subject change, was Re: clever virus attack

2004-03-05 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Herb Chong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> after they introduced the security patch that prevented opening JPG and
> it took several months for them to remove that particular part of the
> i saw a lot of support calls go by on the online help forums.

Please continue this discussion without my last name in the subject.



Re: clever virus attack (Att. Dalal)

2004-03-03 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Anthony Farr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> It just means Mark Dalal's address is in the infected computer's address
> book.

Are you sure? I can't seem to find a virus on my computer but I want to be
sure before I go emailing people.



Re: Testing the QuikSnap® Page

2004-02-28 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I've just put up the start of the QuikSnap® web page and I'd
> like some testers please.  Just a few pics for now.

Works fine with Netscape 7.1


Re: PAW: Shel-inspired

2004-02-27 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Mark Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> "Mark Dalal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >One more for the week. This one was inspired by Shel. He sent me a
> >shot and decided to try it also. This shot was taken while driving (with
> >both hands on the wheel).
> I'm not even going to *ask* what you pressed the shutter button with.

Now that's a trade secret ; )

> >It's the craziest one of all the frames I took.
> >Hope you enjoy:
> >
> >
> Pretty cool shot, though.

Thanks, it is pretty funky.


Re: PAW Arizona Landscape

2004-02-27 Thread Mark Dalal

Simply gorgeous. Great light and composition.


PAW: Shel-inspired

2004-02-27 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

One more for the week. This one was inspired by Shel. He sent me a similar
shot and decided to try it also. This shot was taken while driving (with
both hands on the wheel). It's the craziest one of all the frames I took.
Hope you enjoy:


PAW: Guitar String Post

2004-02-27 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

Here's one I need some help on. I'm wondering if I should crop it tighter.
There's an element in the middle left side of the photo I'm wondering if I
should clone out. Ditch it altogether and try again?



Re: The Local Pentax SLR Conundrum

2004-02-26 Thread Mark Dalal

> > One of the stores in San Antonio will no longer be carrying anything by
> > Pentax. The only other stores has minimal stock.
> >
> > Mark
> >
> Which is which, Mark (like I can't guess?)

Camera Exchange told me they are no longer going to be carrying Pentax.
Period. I'm going there tommorow and I'll see if that's changed.

Boyd's A/V has a minimal stock...of everything. But, they do carry new
Pentax P&S cameras and the low end of the SLR range (ZX-60, FA28-80,
FA80-200). They're like that with every brand though.


Re: Ice Race - First Photos

2004-02-23 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Not great art, but lots of fun;  hope you enjoy:

I like the Pleasantries shot. My brother is infamous for that same salute.
The Centurian outfit is great!


Re: Source for strap lugs

2004-02-23 Thread Mark Dalal

> Mark, are you still in San Antonio these days?


> If so, have you tried checking with Boyd's Camera? Seems to me I've seen a
> of pieces-of-old-cameras around their back room.

They have a back room with stuff? They've never invited me to the back room!
: (

Boyd's is a decent place (they're alot nicer than the folks at Camera
Exchange). I found a Vivitar 2X Macro Converter there.

I found the strap lugs a.k.a. metal strap D-rings on Adorama's website
($1.95/set). So, I ordered them with some film. If that doesn't work, I will
hit up Boyd's and maybe even Havel Camera Repair.



PAW's: Flower photos

2004-02-22 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

I was going through my negs and slides yesterday and scanned in a couple of
pics. Nothin' fancy, just a couple of flower photos to share with y'all.


Re: some nice bird pics

2004-02-21 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Those are some impressive shots. Beautiful bokeh too!


Re: PAW: Winged Wheel

2004-02-21 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Definitely #2 (the one you showed for PAW).  The narrow dof somehow makes
> look older to me - as if it's fading into the past (I know, it's corny,
> it's what I think).
> The other one is technically sound, but doesn't have the "feel" that your
> paw has.

Thanks Frank. That's the effect I was going for but I definitely need to
reshoot with the light falling on it in a different manner.


Re: viable cameras

2004-02-18 Thread Mark Dalal

> Because it is too expensive?  If so, why do they continue to offer
> some really expensive "pro" glass?
> This has always mystified me.  Last I looked, Pentax made a 600/4.0,
> a 300/2.8, and an 80-200/2.8.  Last I looked, the equivalent Nikon and
> Canon lenses were CHEAPER.

Even more mystifying considering their refusal to produce a reasonably
priced (~$300)  non-soft focus 85mm lens.


Re: amortising DSLRs

2004-02-11 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> So, why do people feel they have to justify digital.
> Regardless of anyone's feelings about it, it's just a
> camera, a tool for a job, for the hobbyist or family snap
> shooter something that gives one pleasure, maybe makes
> getting final prints easier or faster.  I don't get the need
> for justifying the value.

Well, film is a constant expense regardless of which film camera you

With digital, the slrs cost substantially more than their film twin. For
example, *ist is ~$300, *istD is ~$1300. Nikon D100 is $1500, N80 is ~$400.
Camera companies are requiring people to spend alot more up front. The
difference used to be even bigger. Remember when all D-SLRs cost $5000? So
naturally, people ask themselves if it's worth it. "Well, let's the do the
math." It's nice rationalization/marketing tool to get people to lay out
more cash. "This camera will make greater economic sense in the long run,
spend the money now, save later" Plus, it's nice way to convince the
wife without having to come up with a sales pitch that would make Donald
Trump pee in his pants.

I think when 6mp+ D-SLRs get into $600-700 range, there will be alot less of
that kinda talk.


Re: OT Epson 820 -- wrong colors coming up ack help!

2004-02-10 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Ann Sanfedele" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm getting gray where yellow should be when I
> print and
> when I do nozzle check...


The status monitor should tell you if you're low on yellow. If you were out,
it wouldn't let you print. That I discovered the hard way. When I have
stubborn clogs, I run the procedure described on this page:

Give that a try. When I began covering my 820 between prints, all my
problems went away.

Good luck,


Re: 200 speed slide films

2004-02-07 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Mark Cassino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I use Kodak's E200 from time to time as a general walking around
> film.  Grain is so-so, not on par with ISO 100 emulsions but better than
> the Kodak 400 Emulsions.  In terms of latitude, it is very easy to work
> with - almost like print film.  Scan-ability is quite good.

Along with Carlos' observation of added warmth, it sounds perfect. Anyone
know the difference between the Elitechrome and Ektachrome films?



Re: FS Friday: Last call on this gear

2004-02-06 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Joe Wilensky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I don't think that is true. As far as I can tell, it's the exact same
> camera. In fact, I sent an MZ-5n (Europe/Asia version of the
> U.S.-labeled ZX-5n) in to Pentax USA for a CLA/repair last year with no
> problems.

Well then I'm stumped. I've been eyeing those Z-20's nad Z-50's for a little
while but have held back. I may just have to get one of 'em.


Re: FS Friday: Last call on this gear

2004-02-06 Thread Mark Dalal
From: "Joe Wilensky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> BTW, do you know why KEH consistently sells Z-1p cameras for
> significantly cheaper than PZ-1p cameras, even in the same condition?
> They are the exact same camera model, correct?

I don't believe that Pentax USA would repair the Z-1p. That would pose a
greater risk to a US buyer should the camera develop a problem. I think they
would have to send it to Canada to be repaired. That might account for the
price difference.


200 speed slide films

2004-02-06 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

Anyone on the list use 200 speed slide films (sensia 200, Elitechrome 200,
Agfa 200)? I'd like to know how they rate in terms of grain and



FS: SMC-A 200/4 and Misc stuff

2004-01-30 Thread Mark Dalal
Hey Folks,

Delurking to post some stuff for sale:

1) SMC-A 200/4 (non-macro) - this lens is in Mint to EX+ condition. Looks
hardly used. Glass is clean and clear. Mechanically perfect. Comes with
original caps. Has a built in hood. $100 + shipping.

2) Vivitar 2X Converter - Mint, used twice. Purchased as New Old Stock.
Still have the box and pleather pouch. Comes with both original caps. $25 +

3) Tamron 28-70/3.5-4.5 - Manual focus with Adaptall mount. Bargain
condition. No really dents or dings, just looks a little weathered. Glass is
clean, coatings intact, but has some dust in the elements. Mechanically
perfect. Comes with both caps (not original). $40 + shipping.

Paypal preferred. Money order and cashier's check gladly accepted. Priority
mail shipping or FedEx ground (your choice). Pics are available.



FS: SMC-K 135/3.5

2002-09-22 Thread Mark Dalal

Hey Folks,

Just popping in to offer up a piece of Pentax gear for sale: It's the SMC-K
135/3.5 (not the M version). It's in EX+ condition. The glass and coatings
are in great condition. Aperture blades are clean, diaphragm is nice and
snappy, and the focus is smooth. Shipping is Priority Mail and I can accept
PayPal as well as money orders and cashiers checks. Please contact me off

Thanks and take care,


Re: A continuing saga - was streaks on Delta 400

2001-10-05 Thread Mark Dalal

From: "tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> John Hicks on the Pure-Silver list said he and others had similar
> problems with some early batches of the new D400. He thinks it was a
> production problem, and that it's cleared up.

Is there a way to tell if you have one of the early batches. I've got a
couple of rolls sitting in the fridge and would like to know.

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Oh the agony!

2001-10-04 Thread Mark Dalal

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Re: Great Deal on a 67 kit, Hurry

2001-10-04 Thread Mark Dalal

From: "tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Mark Dalal wrote:
> >
> > Hey Folks,
> >
> > If you've wanted a 67, you can't pass this one up:
> >
> >
> Especially with that 28mm.

Well, it's the newer style body with TTL meter, probably a 90/2.8 and what
looked like the 45/4. All seemed like the newer style lenses too. Even if
the body needed a CLA, you'd be coming out ahead as something like that
would retail for around $1600.

> What up with your other email?

I'm having some grief with my hosting company...

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