Re: strings: sequence-of-integer ... list of chunks

2002-02-02 Thread Dave Storrs

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:

 print There's a letter in here!\n if (substr($pi, 0, 200) =~ /[a-z]/);

*shrug* I actually did think of that when I first proposed this;
doesn't substr make a fresh copy of the string? (I honestly don't know.)
What happens if you take a substring of a generator?  Have you just used
up the first 200 characters?  What if I the thing I'm matching on is
tied, and taking a substring of it has side effects?

Plus the fact that, folding this functionality into the regex
engine gives us an extra set of tools for doing optimizations with...if we
can determine that their pattern cannot match more than N characters, then
we can stop after N characters, without having to take substrs or such.  I
assume we're going to have this ability in the RE for its own use...why
not make it directly available to the user?


Re: Revamping the build system

2001-10-10 Thread Dave Storrs

Any interest in using something less painful than Make for this?  I was
thinking of Cons, myself...built in Perl 5 (which we are already requiring
you to have), and much more friendly than Make.

Of course, Make has the advantage of being the standard.  I won't be at
all upset if people don't like the idea--just thought I'd raise the issue.


On Wed, 10 Oct 2001, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 Okay, I think it's time to abstract out how the build system's handled a 
 bit. I'm not sure how much we need, but filling in a template makefile's 
 not going to cut it, I think.

Re: [PATCH] Changes to interpreter op table and simplified DO_OP

2001-09-19 Thread Dave Storrs

On Wed, 19 Sep 2001, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 Basically we're getting a free load on most architectures, so we ought to 
 use it where we can. (And it doesn't hurt us on those architectures where 
 we don't have it)

1)  Does that make us freeloaders?

2)  I guess the architecture designers are not Heinlein fans, or they
would realize that TANSTAAFL(oad).   :

Sorry, couldn't resist.


RE: question about branching/returning

2001-09-19 Thread Dave Storrs

Ok, that was pretty much what I thought.  But then what is the 'end'
opcode for?  It does a 'RETURN 0', which would increment the PC by 0
opcodes...which either counts as an infinite loop or a no-op, and we've
already got a no-op op.


On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs wrote:

 RETURN causes the program counter to be incremented by that many opcodes.
 So RETURN 4 would move forward 4 opcodes and RETURN -2 would move backward 2
 opcodes.  Basically, it returns a relative offset from the current position.

Re: question about branching/returning

2001-09-19 Thread Dave Storrs

Well, I'm in the process of fiddling with this stuff anyway...what do you
want me to make it do?


On Thu, 20 Sep 2001, Simon Cozens wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 10:32:18PM -0700, Dave Storrs wrote:
  Ok, that was pretty much what I thought.  But then what is the 'end'
  opcode for?  It does a 'RETURN 0', which would increment the PC by 0
  opcodes...which either counts as an infinite loop or a no-op, and we've
  already got a no-op op.
 end *ought* to break the loop. Whoever rewrote the op loop to keep going
 until the end of the bytecode stream didn't think of that. :)
 Um. There is no David conspiracy. Definitely not. No Kate conspiracy either.
 No. No, there is definitely not any sort of David conspiracy, and we are
 definitely *not* in league with the Kate conspiracy. Who doesn't exist. And
 nor does the David conspiracy. No. No conspiracies here. - Thorfinn, ASR

naming conventions on opcodes

2001-09-18 Thread Dave Storrs

There was a thread on this recently, but I'm not sure what was
resolved.  Do we have a standard naming convention for opcodes?

Personally, I'd like to see that we stick with (what I thought was) the
original plan:  a nice, simple ruleset that produces long but predictable
- the opcode name starts with a short mnemonic prefix (e.g. mul)
- every argument adds an '_x', where the exact value of 'x' is
determined by the type of the args

So, yes, you'd get 'mul_i_ic_ic', but who cares?  It's not really
that hard to type, and it is absolutely unambiguous.  If you want to make
the interpreter magically deduce the full opcode name from the prefix,
that's cool, too.

Just my 1 penny,


The Lost String Functions

2001-09-17 Thread Dave Storrs

In strings.pod, the following string functions are documented and
(most|all) are already implemented:


However, Perl5 also includes the following functions that operate on
or otherwise relate to strings:


Are these latter functions going to receive opcodes and vtable entries of
their own?  Or will they be composites of lower level ops?

(Simon, I remember that you said you wanted to hold on vtable
modifications for the nonce; and thank _you_ for remembering me! :)


string vtable editing script

2001-09-15 Thread Dave Storrs

I've been offline for a few days and haven't caught up on email yet
(nor, most likely, will I ever), so I hope no one else has already
done this, but

Attached is a file, msv.tar.gz which contains a simple script and .pm
file (*) for editing the string vtable.  It asks you for a bunch of
typedef/function_name pairs and then rewrites string.h, string.c, and
all of the encoding code files (strnative.c, strforeign.c, strutf*.c),
incorporating what you gave it.

- you can give it as many typedef/function pairs as you want at once

- it adds your new typedef only if it isn't already there

- before adding your new function, it checks the vtable in string.h to
make sure that there isn't already an identical function, or one that
differs only by return type

- it understands that (e.g.) 'two_strings_to_iv_t' should expand to:
IV (*two_strings_to_iv_t)(STRING *, STRING *);
(Actually, it understands numbers up to nine, but I hope you never go
that high.)

- it sets up stubs in string.c and all the encoding files, and adds
the appropriate entry to each file's vtable

- if your encoding files don't exist, it will generate them for you


- your typedefs must match:  type+_to_type_t  where type is
composed only of word characters.  The arguments (the part before the
'to') must be separated by underscores.  So, these are legal:
  three_strings_nv_to_nv_t  OR  three_string_nv_to_nv_t   (same thing)
these are not legal:
  (*_t  (not a valid symbol)
  string_string_t (doesn't specify a return type)
worst of all, this doesn't work:
  substr_t(the patch to change it to an accepted version
 is below) 

- any comments that you put in the vtable or the typedef section will
be stomped the next time you run the program.  If people actually use
this and find it useful, I will fix this misbehaviour.


- the stubs that are put into string.c and the encoding tables don't
have names for their parameters, since the program has no way of
knowing what meaningful names would be.

- the bodies of the stubs consist almost solely of 'FINISH ME', not in
comments (so that it won't compile).  There is probably more that I
could make it do for you here, but I wanted to get a working version

- the program uses various parts, including comments, of the string.h
file as delimiters, so if you start making regular manual changes it
might stop working or misbehave.

A sample session (actually a record of the last session I ran before
writing this email) is below.  I've put my inputs on the line
following the prompt and indented them to make them stand out.

Enter a function name (e.g. chopn), or RET to quit: 
Enter a typedef name (e.g. iv_to_iv_t) to associate with reverse: 
Enter a function name (e.g. chopn), or RET to quit: 

About to rewrite string.h...
Successfully wrote revised text to 'string.h.working'

About to rewrite string.c...
Successfully wrote revised text to 'string.c.working'

About to rewrite encoding files...
Successfully wrote revised text to 'strforeign.c.working'
Successfully wrote revised text to 'strnative.c.working'
Successfully wrote revised text to 'strutf16.c.working'
Successfully wrote revised text to 'strutf32.c.working'
Successfully wrote revised text to 'strutf8.c.working'

About to move working copies to primary versions...
Successfully moved working file 'strforeign.c.working' to 'strforeign.c'
Successfully moved working file 'strutf32.c.working' to 'strutf32.c'
Successfully moved working file 'strutf16.c.working' to 'strutf16.c'
Successfully moved working file 'strutf8.c.working' to 'strutf8.c'
Successfully moved working file 'strnative.c.working' to 'strnative.c'
Successfully moved working file 'string.h.working' to 'string.h'
Successfully moved working file 'string.c.working' to 'string.c'

./ completed successfully.

$ [edit string.c and strnative.c]
$ [compile and test]
$ [celebrate by submitting]

Here is the patch to change substr_t into something this program can  

[dstorrs@localhost parrot]$ cvsp -q diff -c string.h
Index: string.h
RCS file: /home/perlcvs/parrot/string.h,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -c -r1.5 string.h
cvs server: conflicting specifications of output style
*** string.h2001/09/14 14:08:00 1.5
--- string.h2001/09/16 03:54:37
*** 25,31 
  typedef IV (*string_to_iv_t)(STRING *);
  typedef STRING* (*string_iv_to_string_t)(STRING *, IV);
  typedef STRING* (*two_strings_iv_to_string_t)(STRING *, STRING *, IV);
! typedef STRING* (*substr_t)(STRING*, IV, IV, STRING*);
  typedef IV (*iv_to_iv_t)(IV);
  struct string_vtable {
--- 25,31 
  typedef IV (*string_to_iv_t)(STRING *);
  typedef STRING* 

Re: String API

2001-09-15 Thread Dave Storrs

(As previously remarked, I'm trying to catch up from a few days offline,
so excuse me if this is OOD.)

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Ken Fox wrote:

 The interpreter knows the internals of the stack structure and is
 responsible for managing it. To change the stack implementation, we'll
 have to carefully examine all the interpreter code. The semantics of
 the stack aren't real clear either. For example, when changing the
 stack code what invariants must be preserved? If the stack had an API
 the interpreter used I think this would be much clearer.

If we defined that API as a series of tests, we might save
ourselves a lot of grief.  I'll volunteer to (attempt to) write the tests,
if someone will specify what the invariants are.


debugger API PDD, v1.1

2001-09-04 Thread Dave Storrs

=head1 TITLE

API for the Perl 6 debugger.

=head1 VERSION


=head2 CURRENT

 Maintainer: David Storrs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Class: Internals
 PDD Number: ?
 Version: 1
 Status: Developing
 Last Modified: August 18, 2001
 PDD Format: 1
 Language: English

=head2 HISTORY

=over 4

=item Version 1.1

=item Version 1

First version


=head1 CHANGES

1.1 - Minor edits throughout
- Explicit and expanded list of how breakpoints may be set
- Explicit mention of JIT compilation
- Added mention of edit-and-continue functionality
- Added remote debugging section.
- Added multithreaded debugging section

1 None. First version


This PDD describes the API for the Perl6 debugger.


The following is a simple English-language description of the
functionality that we need.  Implementation is described in a later
section.  Descriptions are broken out by which major system will need
to provide the functionality (interpreter, optimizer, etc) and the
major systems are arranged in (more or less) the order in which the
code passes through them.  Within each section, functionality is
arranged according to (hopefully) logical groupings.

=head2 Compiler

=head3 Generating Code on the Fly

=over 4

=item *

Compile and return the bytecode stream for a given expression. Used
for evals of user-specified code and edit/JIT compiling of source.
Should be able to compile in any specified context (e.g., scalar,
array, etc).

=item *

Show the bytecode stream emitted by a particular expression, either a
part of the source or user-specified.  (This is basically just the
above method with a 'print' statement wrapped around it.)

=item *

Do JIT compilation of source at runtime (this is implied by the first
item in this list, but it seemed better to mention it explicitly).

=back # Closes 'Generating Code on the Fly' section

=head2 Optimizer

=head3 Generating and Comparing Optimizations

=over 4

=item *

Optimize a specified bytecode stream in place.

=item *

Return an optimized copy of the specified bytecode stream.

=item *

Show the diffs between two bytecode streams (presumably pre- and
post-optimization versions of the same stream).

=back # Closes 'Generating and Comparing Optimizations' section

=head2 Interpreter

=head3 Manipulating the Bytecode Stream

=over 4

=item *

Display the bytecodes for a particular region.

=item *

Fetch the next bytecode from the indicated stream.

// @@NOTE: from a design perspective, this is nicer than doing
(*bcs) everywhere, but we definitely don't want to pay a function
call overhead every time we fetch a bytecode.  Can we rely on all
compilers to inline this properly?

=item *

Append/prepend all the bytecodes in 'source_stream' to 'dest_stream'.
Used for things like JIT compilation.

=back # Closes 'Manipulating the Bytecode Stream' section

=head3 Locating Various Points in the Code

=over 4

=item *

Locate the beginning of the next Perl expression in the specified
bytestream (which could be, but is not necessarily, the head of the

=item *

Locate the beginning of the next Perl source line in the specified
bytestream (which could be, but is not necessarily, the head of the

=item *

Search the specified bytestream for the specified bytecode.  Return
the original bytecode stream, less everything up to the located

// @@NOTE: Should the return stream include the searched-for bytecode
or not?  In general, I think this will be used to search for 'return'
bytecodes, in order to support the step out of function
functionality. In that case, it would be more convenient if the return
were Bnot there.

=item *

Search the specified bytecode stream for the specified line number.
This line may appear in the current module (the default), or in
another module, which must then be specified.

=item *

Search the specified bytecode stream for the beginning of the
specified subroutine.

=item *

Locates the beginning of the source line which called the function for
which the current stack frame was created.

=item *

Locate the next point, or all points, where a specified file is 'use'd
or 'require'd

=back # Closes 'Locating Various Points in the Code' section.

=head3 Moving Through the Code

=over 4

=item *

Continue executing code, stop at end of code or first breakpoint

=item *

Continue up to a specified line, ignoring breakpoints on the way.

=item *

In the source which produced a specified bytecode stream, search
forwards for a specified pattern.

=item *

In the source which produced a specified bytecode stream, search
backwards for a specified pattern.

=item *

In the source which produced a specified bytecode stream, search
forwards for lines where expression is satisfied

=item *

In the source which produced a specified bytecode stream, search
backwards for lines where expression is satisfied

=back # Closes 'Moving 

Re: PDD 2nd go: Conventions and Guidelines for Perl Source Code

2001-06-05 Thread Dave Storrs

On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, Hugo wrote:

 I'd also like to see a specification for indentation when breaking long

Fwiw, the style that I prefer is:

someFunc( really_long_param_1,
  (long_parm2 || parm3),

or, for really complex expressions:

( really_long_param_1 
   (parm1 || long_parm1)
   ( yet_another_long_param
(long_parm2 || parm3)

Putting the final close paren on the next line makes it easier to
tell where the (sub)expression finishes.


Re: Stacks, registers, and bytecode. (Oh, my!)

2001-06-05 Thread Dave Storrs

On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, Dave Mitchell wrote:

 dispatch loop. I'd much rather have a 'regex start' opcode which
 calls a separate dispath loop function, and which then interprets any
 further ops in the bytestream as regex ops. That way we double the number
 of 8-bit ops, and can have all the regex-specific state variables (s, send
 etc in the earlier example) and logic separated out.

This is an interesting idea...could we use this more generally to
multiply our number of opcodes?  Basically, you have one set of opcodes
for (e.g.) string parsing, one set for math, etc, all of which have the
same value.  Then you have a set of opcodes that tells the interpreter
which opcode table to look in.  The 'switching' opcodes then become
overhead, but if there aren't too many of those, perhaps its
acceptable.  And it would mean that we could specialize the opcodes a
great deal more (if, of course, that is desirable), and still have them
fit in an octet.

(Sorry if this is a stupid question, but please be patient; I've
never done internals stuff before.)


Re: PDD: Conventions and Guidelines for Perl Source Code

2001-05-11 Thread Dave Storrs

On Wed, 9 May 2001, Larry Wall wrote:

 Dave Mitchell writes:
 : My thinking behind if fails on one, avoid on all was that if it failed
 : on at least one, then it may well fail on others that you dont have access
 : to - either now or in the future, and thus perhaps isnt as good an optimisation
 : as you figured. The other way would to be only enable for those architectures
 : that experience a speedup.  
 Makes sense.

It does, however, mean that the code ends up *riddled* with with
#ifdef's instead of merely shot full of them.  I don't know about the rest
of you, but I find this annoying and difficult to read:

#if defined MAC
do A
...ten lines or so...
#elif defined WIN32
do B
...ten lines or so...
#elif defined VMS
do C
...ten lines or so...
#elif defined AMIGA
do D
...ten lines or so...
#elif defined BIG_IRON
do E
...ten lines or so...
do non-optimized version
...ten lines or so...


Re: PDD for debugger

2001-05-02 Thread Dave Storrs

On Tue, 1 May 2001, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 Right. What I'm thinking would be a good place to get to is a list of the 
 functionality that the debugger needs to provide or have available to it 
 from the interpreter, rather than the actual interface to the user. (Which 
 is important, but a separate issue)
 though. I think we're still at the What functionality should the 
 interpreter/compiler/parser provide to the person writing a debugger phase.

Errrmmm...sorry, but let me just be clear on this.  I had intended
to write this document in (more or less) the following sections:

- things that the user can do (set breakpoints, step, etc)

- implementation details of each feature in the previous section
(what data structures do we use to store breakpoints? what information is
associated with them? etc)

- the internals of the debugger; its APIs, etc.

It sounds like you don't want the first two sections.  Can you
give me a better idea of what exactly you are looking for in this

Incidentally, I'm not trying to dictate's just that
starting with the functionality is a convenient handle for figuring out
what internals the debugger will need.


Re: So, we need a code name...

2001-04-27 Thread Dave Storrs

On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Johan Vromans wrote:

 Andy Dougherty [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Starting with 'P' is useful so we can keep our acronyms such as PMC and
 PERIL (hi Tom!).
 -- Johan

Please, can't I have just a little PERIL? 


Re: PDD for debugger

2001-04-27 Thread Dave Storrs

Great, thanks very much.


On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:

   see it.)  The debugger must be able to see two scopes at the same time:
   its own and the debuggee's.
  Could you expand on this?
 for example.
 $jhi++; #
 # There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'.
 # It is 'dead'. -- Jack Cohen

PDD for debugger

2001-04-26 Thread Dave Storrs

=head1 The Perl6 Debugger

=head2 Perl-level Debugging

=head3 Existing Functionality

The following is a list of the functionality in the existing Perl5
debugger; this functionality should, of course, be maintained for
backwards compatibility.

=over 4

=item T   

Stack trace.

=item s [expr]

Single step [in expr].

=item n [expr]

Next, steps over subroutine calls [in expr].

=item CR

Repeat last n or s command.

=item r   

Return from current subroutine.

=item c [line|sub]

Continue; optionally inserts a one-time-only breakpoint at the
specified position.

=item l min+incr  

List incr+1 lines starting at min.

=item l min-max   

List lines min through max.

=item l line  

List single line.

=item l subname   

List first window of lines from subroutine.

=item l C$var

List first window of lines from subroutine referenced by C$var.

=item l   

List next window of lines.

=item -   

List previous window of lines.

=item w [line]

List window around line.

=item .   

Return to the executed line.

=item f filename  

Switch to viewing filename. File must be already loaded.  Filename may
be either the full name of the file, or a regular expression matching
the full file name: f /home/me/ and f oo\. may access the same
file.  Evals (with saved bodies) are considered to be filenames: f
(eval 7) and f eval 7\b access the body of the 7th eval (in the order
of execution).

=item /pattern/   

Search forwards for pattern; final / is optional.

=item ?pattern?   

Search backwards for pattern; final ? is optional.

=item L   

List all breakpoints and actions.

=item S [[!]pattern]  

List subroutine names [not] matching pattern.

=item t   

Toggle trace mode.

=item t expr  

Trace through execution of expr.

=item b [line] [condition]

Set breakpoint; line defaults to the current execution line; condition
breaks if it evaluates to true, defaults to '1'.

=item b subname [condition]

Set breakpoint at first line of subroutine.

=item b C$var

Set breakpoint at first line of subroutine referenced by C$var.

=item b load filename 

Set breakpoint on `require'ing the given file.

=item b postpone subname [condition]

Set breakpoint at first line of subroutine after it is compiled.

=item b compile subname

Stop after the subroutine is compiled.

=item d [line]

Delete the breakpoint for line.

=item D   

Delete all breakpoints.

=item a [line] command

Set an action to be done before the line is executed; line defaults to
the current execution line.  Sequence is: check for
breakpoint/watchpoint, print line if necessary, do action, prompt user
if necessary, execute line.

=item a [line]

Delete the action for line.

=item A   

Delete all actions.

=item W expr  

Add a global watch-expression.

=item W   

Delete all watch-expressions.

=item V [pkg [vars]]  

List some (default all) variables in package (default current). Use
~pattern and !pattern for positive and negative regexps.

=item X [vars]

Same as V currentpackage [vars].

=item x expr  

Evals expression in array context, dumps the result.

=item m expr  

Evals expression in array context, prints methods callable on the
first element of the result.

=item m class 

Prints methods callable via the given class.
=item  ? 

List Perl commands to run before each prompt.

=item  expr  

Define Perl command to run before each prompt.

=item  expr 

Add to the list of Perl commands to run before each prompt.

=item  ? 

List Perl commands to run after each prompt.

=item  expr  

Define Perl command to run after each prompt.

=item  expr 

Add to the list of Perl commands to run after each prompt.

=item { db_command

Define debugger command to run before each prompt.

=item { ? 

List debugger commands to run before each prompt.

=item  expr  

Define Perl command to run before each prompt.

=item {{ db_command   

Add to the list of debugger commands to run before each prompt.

=item ! number

Redo a previous command (default previous command).

=item ! -number   

Redo number'th-to-last command.

=item ! pattern   

Redo last command that started with pattern. See 'O recallCommand' too.

=item !! cmd  

Run cmd in a subprocess (reads from DB::IN, writes to DB::OUT) See 'O
shellBang' too.

=item H -number   

Display last number commands (default all).

=item p expr  

Same as print {DB::OUT} expr in current package.

=item |dbcmd  

Run debugger command, piping DB::OUT to current pager.

=item ||dbcmd 

Same as |dbcmd but DB::OUT is temporarilly select()ed as well.

=item = [alias value] 

Define a command alias, or list current aliases.

debugger PDD delay

2001-04-24 Thread Dave Storrs

Apologies all...I have the document, but I'm having trouble getting it out
of my computer.  I don't have Internet access yet and my floppy drive is
refusing to read.  I'll see if I can get the printer hooked up tonight,
print the thing out, retype it at work tomorrow, and send it in then.


debugging PDD: request for suggestions

2001-04-19 Thread Dave Storrs

Hey folks,

Ok, so I've picked up Dan's gauntlet on the debugging PDD.  I've
got a pretty long list of things to put in it already, but if anyone would
care to send me their suggestions, I can get them integrated into the
initial draft.  I probably won't have it ready by tomorrow, and I only
have Internet from work (I'm in the process of moving), so it will
probably be coming out on Monday.

Feel free to send suggestions direct to me so as not to clog the
list (or send them to the list, so as to spark other people's imagination;
I'm relaxed).


Re: Perl_foo() vs foo() etc

2001-04-13 Thread Dave Storrs

On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 I think Perl_ and maybe Perl__ would be fine. I'd rather Perl_ and _Perl_, 

How about PerlF_ and PerlD_  (for Functions and Data)?

To also specify Exported and Private we could have PerlFE_,
PerlFP, etc.


Re: Thought for the day

2001-02-01 Thread Dave Storrs

On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Tim Bunce wrote:

 Since this thread is in the mood for quotes, here's one I'm fond of...
 It goes something along the lines of:
   Any fool can create a complicated system.
   The real skill is in making a simple one.

Ok, if we're all contributing quotes, here's mine:

"I'm sorry for writing you such a long letter; I didn't have time
to write a shorter one."
-- Abraham Lincoln

Re: RFC 334 (v1) Ahhhh.. i get it

2000-10-12 Thread Dave Storrs

Heh.  In my youth, we said "Thanks a million."  I see that inflation has
now turned that into "Thanks a million and twenty four thousand."  :

On 12 Oct 2000, John van V wrote:
 $thanks - (1000K)

Re: RFC 326 (v1) Symbols, symbols everywhere

2000-09-27 Thread Dave Storrs

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 At 05:37 AM 9/27/00 +, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
 Perl should adopt scheme-like symbols, both at the language level
 and at the internals level.
 The explanation of this isn't that clear for me. (I have no scheme 
 experience at all)

It isn't terribly clear to me either, but I think that what he's
saying is that you can qs() a method name, get a "thingie" out, store the
thingine in a scalar, and then that scalar becomes a direct portal to the
method...somewhat like a coderef, but without a required deref.


Re: RFC 310 (v1) Ordered bytecode

2000-09-26 Thread Dave Storrs

On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 What'd be a larger win would be if we have async I/O built into the core 
 This is reasonably simple on Unices that support it, as well as on VMS and 
 Windows. Can't speak for other platforms, but I'm not hugely worried that 
 we won't get the win on, say, HP/UX 10.x or SunOS 4.x...

Just a point of information:  Windows 95/98 can NOT do asynch
IO...I've just spent the last week researching this, and that fact is
clearly and frequently scattered through the MSDN documentation.  You can
fake AIO by using an IO thread (which is generally worthless, given the
lousy W95 thread model) or by doing manual timeslicing, but you can't get
true AIO.

Just FWIW.


Re: RFC 214 (v1) Emit warnings and errors based on unoptimized code

2000-09-15 Thread Dave Storrs

It seems to me that everyone in this thread pretty much agrees that this
is a good idea, but has one of the following reservations:

1) Tracking sufficient information to be able to report errors at the
exact spot they happen involves bloating the optree a lot and slowing down
the whole program; 

2) The implementation of this idea is decidedly non-trivial.

First of all, does anyone have a concern other than these two?

As to solving #2...well, I'm going to wave my hands a lot and say,
"Oh, that's an SEP and besides, it's just a SMOP."  Which, I realize, is
incredibly unfair.

As to solving problem #1 (which is, arguably, the bigger problem),
suppose we add a new switch to perl?  I propose we add the -H switch
(mnemonic: *H*elpful errors/warnings).  When -H is set, the optree would
be generated with a sufficient amount of bloat that it could report the
errors/warnings at the exact spot they occur, even down to reporting the
appropriate failure line in a multiline statement.  We don't worry about
bloat or slowdown, because the assumption is that -H is only used during
debugging or when speed doesn't matter, and it will be turned off when the
code goes to production.

Separate from the above idea, I would like to debate whether -H
should be on or off by default.  Either way has advantages and

-on by default:  
PRO:newbies have an easier time, 
one-offs and short programs are easier to debug; 

CON:p526 must insert a -H into older programs in order to
keep them running at the same speed, 
experts who don't want this functionality (will there be
such people?) must type an extra 2 characters into every script.

-off by default:  
PRO:p526 doesn't have to add a command line switch, 
those who don't want the functionality don't have to type
the extra 2 characters;

CON:people who DO want the functionality (probably the
majority) will need to type an extra 2 characters


Re: RFC 214 (v1) Emit warnings and errors based on unoptimized code

2000-09-14 Thread Dave Storrs

On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Nathan Torkington wrote:

 Simon Cozens writes:
  Choose two.
 I take this oblique comment to mean that it'd bloat the op-tree too

Well, suppose we simply add the -FOO (choose your letter) flag to
perl...-FOO is a toned-down -d in that it produces a debug version with
bloated op-trees, but having these bloated op-trees allows it to emit more
useful warnings/errors.  When you want it to run faster, you turn off -FOO
and it runs faster.  (Actually, -FOO should probably be _on_ by default
and be something that you turn _off_ as an optimization, once your script
is ready to roll.)


Re: Ideas On what a SV is

2000-08-11 Thread Dave Storrs

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, David L. Nicol wrote:

 Redefining a method during run time --- is that even a feature that
 needs to be supported?

I think so.  A couple of examples are the Memoize module, which
works by rewriting your memoized function into something that uses
caching, then replacing the old version with the new version in the stash.

Another time you would want to do this would be the following: you
write your AUTOLOAD function such that, when it receives a request it can
handle, it creates a sub to handle the request and installs the sub 
directly in the stash so that, the next time you need that function, you
don't need to traverse @ISA before going to AUTOLOAD.
