Funky «vector» operator

2004-03-19 Thread Andy Wardley
I'm so happy!  I just found out, totally by accident, that I can type 
the « and » characters by pressing AltGr + Z and AltGr + X, 

Apologies if this is common knowledge, but it was news to me, and I 
thought I'd share this little Perl6 of wisdom.  

Your mileage may vary, of course, but now that I know that it's been 
hiding there in my keyboard all along and I didn't need to do anything 
special to set it up, I don't feel so uneasy about it being a Perl 6 


Re: Mutating methods

2004-03-11 Thread Andy Wardley
Larry Wall wrote:
 multi sub *scramble (String $s) returns String {...}
 Or you can just call it directly as a function:

Can you also call scramble as a class method?

  class String is extended {
 method scramble { ..etc... }



Re: Mutating methods

2004-03-11 Thread Andy Wardley
Larry Wall wrote:
 Yet another approach is to *replace* dot with something that mutates:
 Either of those would work syntactically in that case, since neither !
 nor ? is expected as a binary operator.  

What about ? is as a ternary operator:


Or am I missing.something?


Re: Semantics of vector operations

2004-02-02 Thread Andy Wardley
Luke Palmer wrote:
 But I'm still sure that the unicode-deficient would rather write:

I suspect the unicode-deficient would rather write Ruby.

Adding unicode operators to Perl will just reinforce its reputation as
a line noise language.

I know it has been said before, and I'm sure it will be said again,
but this is a really bad idea, IMHO.  

Sure, make Perl Unicode compliant, right down to variable and operator 
names.  But don't make people spend an afternoon messing around with mutt, 
vim, emacs and all the other tools they use, just so that they can read, 
write, email and print Perl programs correctly.


Re: Compiler writing tools

2004-02-02 Thread Andy Wardley
Luke Palmer wrote:
 I think $() will help somewhat, as will interpolating method calls, but
 for a compiler, I'd really like PHP-like parse switching.  That is, I
 could do something like (I'll use $ and $ for ? and ?):

Check out the new scanner module for Template Toolkit v3.  It does this
exactly that.  It allows you to specify as many different tag styles as
you like and uses a composite regex to locate them in a source document.  
It extracts the intervening text, and then calls back to your code to do 
whatever you like with them.  It takes care of the surrounding text and 
handles things like counting line numbers so that you don't have to worry 
about it.

The code is still in development so you'll need to get it from CVS.  See:

Everything is raw and undocumented, but examples/ shows an 
example of what you want to do.  Be warned that I'm working on this
right now, so things are changing often.  Having said that, the scanner 
is pretty much stable, although the handler object that it interacts
with isn't.


Re: This week's summary

2004-01-06 Thread Andy Wardley
Uri Guttman wrote:
 i say we just sell them a license to use the US constitution. 

Bill Gates wrote:
 What is it with these Linux guys?
 i say we just sell them a license to use Windoze.



Re: enums and bitenums

2003-12-13 Thread Andy Wardley
Larry Wall wrote:
 Well, we can't use - because we're using that for something else.
 But it's certainly true that we'll have to have some mechanism for
 disambiguating from  After all, ==
 Or maybe it's
 Blackberry::green == Color::red


 I don't know the syntax for
 disambiguating on the green end yet.  Maybe one of
 $foo ~~ Color::green
 $foo ~~
 $foo ~~ Color[green]
 Or maybe something else.

How about a single colon?


This is the same syntax employed in XML namespaces and URIs, for example:

xml xmlns:color=;

Don't tell me, we can't use : because we're using that for something
else.  :-)

Presumably, the parser could be smart enough to entuit the 
role on either side of a comparison if the other is specified.

   $foo:Color ~~ Color:green

   $foo ~~ Color:green  # assumes $foo:Color

   $foo:Color ~~ green  # assumes Color:green

 I'm thinking the ordinary method

What if your $foo object has a regular method called Color?  Would it 
get called in preference?


Re: enums and bitenums

2003-12-12 Thread Andy Wardley
Larry Wall wrote:
 Anyway, this all implies that use of a role as a method name defaults to
 returning whether the type in question matches the subtype.  That is,
 when you say:
 it's asking whether the Int property fulfills the Byte constraint, but
 that's getting kind of strange.

If the roles are first class objects then their traits are defined
as methods, right?


Then assuming that certain objects inherit certain roles, you could
use something like the Perl 5 $self-SUPER::new() syntax.  Only it would
look more like this:


 Another implication is that, if properties are subtypes, we can't use
 the same name as a cast method.  Since
 only returns true or false, we'd need something like (yuck)


That would make something like this:


the same kind of thing as:



Re: Next Apocalypse

2003-09-18 Thread Andy Wardley
chromatic wrote:
 The thinking at the last design meeting was that you'd explicitly say
 Consider this class closed; I won't muck with it in this application
 at compile time if you need the extra optimization in a particular

In Dylan, this is called a sealed class.  It tells the compiler that it's 
safe to resolve method names to slot numbers at parse time, IIRC.  Seems
like a nice idea.


Re: Next Apocalypse

2003-09-10 Thread Andy Wardley
Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
 This is mostly just a gratuitous message so that Piers has something
 to talk about in the next summary 

I bet Leon has something to say about that.

 Better would be We're working on X and have hashed out the details 
 of Y but are having problems with Z

Something like: We're working on Perl 6 and have hashed out the details 
of Perl 6 but are having problems with users who keep wanting regular 
updates  :-)


Re: == vs. eq

2003-04-06 Thread Andy Wardley
Tom Christiansen wrote:
 Anyway, all fun and games with Messrs Engineer and Mathematician,
 you still want to find some sensible way of comparing lazily evaluated
 infinite lists so that you could get some sort of answer.  But what
 is that answer?  Or what is *an* answer?  Can there even *be* one?

Godel seems to think there is an answer, but he doesn't know what it is.  

Turing is trying to working it out on a piece of paper, but he can't say 
when (or if) he'll be finished.



Re: Embedded foreign syntax (was Re: P6ML?)

2003-03-27 Thread Andy Wardley
Miko O'Sullivan wrote:
 We already have the ability to embed foreign languages (XML, HTML,
 whatever) using here docs:
  $myml = MyXmlParser-new( '(MARKUP)');
   blahblah blah/blah

True, but what kind of magic is hiding inside MyXmlParser?

One problem is that writing MyXmlParser to parse and validate XML and
then generate some corresponding Perl data structure is difficult and
error prone.

In the simple case, XML::Simple is your friend.  But as Robin points 
out, the simple approach falls down work when you need finer control
over what you're doing.

You can use the XML::Schema modules (if you're feeling brave) and that
will generate a validating parser with control over the generated data
structure.  But it's big and bulky and the complexities of XML Schema 
itself make it a daunting task.

There are various other modules and techniques which can acheive the
desired result, but I've yet to find one that was both easy to use and
powerful (although I need to check out those links that Robin posted).

So I'm thinking that if the Perl 6 parser is as flexible and powerful 
as promises, then can we adapt it to simplify the task of parsing XML
into internal data structures?

One benefit of inlined XML over the example above is that it would be 
parsed at compile time, not runtime.  When our modified parser 
sees this:

  use Perl6::XML;

blahblah blah/blah

It would effectively re-write it as if written:

  my $thingy = {
 blah = 'blah blah',

and then generate the appropriate opcodes to implement it at runtime.

A further benefit would be that your parsed and validated XML markup
could then be stored as Parrot bytcode.  You would effectively be
compiling XML into bytecode that you could load into other programs
with a simple use.  That would be neat.

As and when we need more control over the XML validation or code 
generation, we would write our own modified XML grammar modules.  
Apocalypse 5 suggests this would be a simple matter of defining a
few new 'rule' constructs.  For example, we might want to add a rule
for matching thingy/blah that constructs a list rather than a scalar.
Thus, the XML would be parsed as if written:

  my $thingy = {
 blah = [ 'blah blah' ],

This is all largely hypothetical, of course.  Hence the continued hand
waving and general lack of detail.  Consider it an open thought in process.



Re: P6ML?

2003-03-26 Thread Andy Wardley
Robin Berjon wrote:
 But as someone that also had to parse other people's random 
 formats before we had XML, I would like to stress strongly the fact that 
 the current situation is *much* better than it was. 

True, but you're also missing the point that XML is a festering pile
of steaming camel turds that has been over-designed and over-engineered
by committee for 4 decades and still isn't any closer to being pleasant
or easy to use.

Convergence is good, unless you're converging in a bad place.  Now all our
markup is verbose, difficult to parse, memory hungry, tiresome to manipulate, 
and so on, (unless you're using YAML of course).  XML is Yet Another Silver 
Bullet Bandwagon that we all jumped on because the XML software vendors told 
us to.

Anyway, this isn't the time or place for an anti-XML rant.  Suffice it to 
say that at least one of us is hoping that we can do markup better in Perl


Re: P6ML?

2003-03-26 Thread Andy Wardley
Robin Berjon wrote:
 I just have yet to see someone point at one place 
 where Perl 5 hinders XML processing in such a way that Perl 6 could help. 

If my understanding of the design of Perl 6 is correct, the lexer, parser
and any other related components will be highly configurable and/or 
replaceable.  The goal is to provide support for little languages by
separating Perl the language from perl the interpreter.  It will be 
possible to modify or replace Perl the grammar so that perl the program
can parse other languages, including Python, Ruby and presumably, XML.

So instead of writing Perl programs to parse and manipulate XML, it 
should be possible to modify Perl itself so that it parses the XML directly
into some internal form suitable for programmatical manipulation.

I presume that it should also be possible to extend the rules of a default
non-validating XML parser grammar with additional rules to encode an XML
schema.  On top of that it should be possible to define further production
rules that are invoked as the source document is parsed, i.e an XML schedule
(schema/schedule ~= pattern/action).  

How exactly this will manifest itself, I cannot tell.  Nor can I say if this
is actually a sensible thing to do or not.  But unless my understanding is
warped, support for parsing XML and other markup languages could be moved
down into the core of the parser internals for Perl 6.

For example, it might be possible to do something like this:

  use Perl6::XML; 

blahblah blah/blah

  use Perl6;

print $thingy.blah;

This is all speculation and hand-waving, of course.  But the point is that
Perl 6's extending parsing capabilities could well provide a much greater
level of integration between Perl, XML and various other programming and
markup languages.

My rant against the XML machine was really an aside.  Take everything I say
with a pinch of salt.  :-) 


Re: Object spec

2003-03-07 Thread Andy Wardley
Sam Vilain wrote:
Associations *are* fundamental object things.  Presenting them in terms of 
attributes is the real hack.

Associations *are* fundamental things, but I don't think they are part 
of an object.

They describe relationships between objects and should exist independantly
and orthogonal to them.  

Dave Whipp wrote:
 An association is a mechanism that permits one object to navgigate to 
 another. If the association is bidirectional, then it is possible to 
 also navigate from the target back to the source. Each direction of 
 navigation should be given a unique identifer.

Category theory has something to say about this.  I hope I can provide
an essence of it, despite my limited understanding of the subject...

A category is defined by a collection of elements (objects in this case)
and a number of morphisms (relations) that provide mappings between the
different elements.  

There are many different kinds of morphisms: epimorphisms (one-to-), 
monomorphisms (-to-one), isomorphisms (one-to-one), polymorphisms 
(-to-many) and so on.  In category theory, morphisms are dual,
so that for each relationship represented by an arrow between two
objects, there is a reciprocal relationship travelling back down the 
arrow in the opposite direction.

Traditional databases and object systems are based on set theory.  Set
theory is in fact just one kind of theory that is described by category
theory (think of Category Theory as a class and Set Theory as an instance).  

The category morphisms that are defined by set theory are 'identity' and 
'contains' (insert general paraphrasing and hand-waving warning here).
The 'identity' isomorphism gives each element in the set a unique identifier 
so that you know which one you're talking about at any time.  'contains' 
is a polymorphism that defines which elements are contained by which other 

If you want to make it an ordered set, then you need to add another 
morphism, 'before' (and its dual morphism 'after') which tells you
which of any two elements in a set is ordered before the other.

If you want to make a tuple, hash, queue, stack, bag, stream or
multi-coloured, cross-referenced, hyper-indexed, double-camel Larry 
space in 9 + 3i dimensions, then you just need to add a few more 
morphisms that define those extra relations that are characteristic of 
that kind of information space.

In summary:

  Category == [ Elements, Morphisms ]# math terminology
   == [ Objects, Associations ]  # programming
   == [ Records, Relations ] # database

 An association is either consitant, or inconsitant. 

I think it is better to assume that there is no such thing as an 
inconsistent morphism.  If the shoe doesn't fit, then don't wear it!
Find another shoe or go barefoot.  :-)

 While it it is obvious that associations can be implemented using 
 attributes, it seems to me that, to do so, is  [ ...not so good... ]

Agreed.  Associations are no more part of an object than an electric
current is part of an electron.  The field is defined by the interaction
between fundamental particles but is not an inherent part of the particles 
themselves (wave/particle duality and other quantum mechanical chicanery

The only reason that we are currently forced to use attributes to represent 
our relations is because our OO systems and databases are based on set 
theory.  An object or database record is conceptually nothing more than 
a set containing attributes.  We define relations using attributes as 
foreign keys because there's no other way to do it.  

If instead we borrow the conceptual model from category theory and 
provide a mechanism for defining elements and relations *separately*,
then it should be possible to build all kinds of fancy information 
spaces with any number of different inter-element relationships defined.

The only language that I'm aware of that implements something like this
is CAML (although I'm sure there must be others). 

Reading from :

  It is possible to define a type of collections parameterized by the 
   type of the elements, and functions operating over such collections. 
   For instance, the sorting procedure for arrays is defined for any 
   array, regardless of the type of its elements.

Anyway, the gist of this long rambling post is that In My Humble Opinion,
if Perl 6 is to provide the ability to define associations between objects,
then it should do so as part of a larger category mechanism rather than 
as an extension to the class/object mechanism.


Re: newline as statement terminator

2003-02-06 Thread Andy Wardley
Allison Randal wrote:
 It's a balance, like everything else in design.

use Yin::Yang;



Re: Arc: An Unfinished Dialect of Lisp

2003-01-25 Thread Andy Wardley
Adam Turoff wrote:
 The problem with cons/car/cdr is that they're fundemental operations.
 Graham *has* learned from perl, and is receptive to the idea that
 fundemental operators should be huffman encoded (lambda - fn).  It
 would be easy to simply rename car/cdr to first/rest, but that loses
 the huffman nature of car/cdr.  

Good point, but I can't help thinking that list/head/tail or list/item/rest
(for example) would be preferable to cons/car/cdr.  More meaning at the cost
of a character or two.

I doubt there are few people who remember, ever knew or even care that 
car is Contents of the Address Part of the Register and cdr is 
Contents of the Decrement part of the Register (yes, I had to look 
them up :-).  Even when you know what the acronyms stand for, they still
doesn't make a great deal of sense.


Re: Arc: An Unfinished Dialect of Lisp

2003-01-22 Thread Andy Wardley
On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 12:55:56PM -0800, Rich Morin wrote:
 I'm not a Lisp enthusiast, by and large, but I think he makes some
 interesting observations on language design.  Take a look if you're
 feeling adventurous...

I can't help feeling slightly deflated.  Given the chance to re-design
Lisp from scratch, the tasks on the top of my TODO list to address would 

   * getting rid of some/all those damn parenthesis
   * renaming cons/car/cdr to something meaningful

Alas, these are about the only parts he's not changing.  He promises that
Arc will have a syntax one day, but there isn't one yet.

The other comments that caught my eye were that Arc is designed for
Good Programmers[tm] and that it was particularly targetted at developing
web applications.  Alas, my experience seems to suggest that most of 
the people writing web applications are monkeys who would rather have 
something designed for Bad Programmers, like PHP.


Re: L2R/R2L syntax (was Re: Everything is an object.)

2003-01-10 Thread Andy Wardley
Paul Johnson wrote:
 When I later saw it using mutt in an xterm, the tilde was at the top of
 the character, where I was more used to seeing it and it didn't look like
 an arrow any more, nor did it look very good to me.

Ah yes, that's the problem.  On all my fonts, the tilde appears at
the top and it doesn't look anything like an arrow.

Viewing it on a web browser with the tilde centered vertically does
indeed bring out the arrow-ness of it.


Re: L2R/R2L syntax (was Re: Everything is an object.)

2003-01-09 Thread Andy Wardley
Damian Conway wrote:
 Really? We don't have any trouble in Perl 5 with an = character
 being used in various unrelated operators:
 ==   comparison
 ~=   match


 =   comma
 =   less than or equal to

But these are all roughly related to the concept of equality, be it 
testing equality, enforcing equality by assignment, equality in terms of 
matching a pattern, setting a parameter to equal a value, testing is 
something is equal or less than equal to something else.  

The use of '=' seems entirely consistent in these operators.

 --   decrement
 -=   subtraction
 -   dereference
 -X   file op

The first 3 all relate to the familiar concept of 'minus', or more 
precisely a delta between two values.  The last uses '-' as 'dash',
another familiar concept which doesn't grate against the first usage,
IMHO.  The arrow is a special case.  I don't read that first character
as '-', I think of the operator as one.  I guess the visual cue forces
me to see it like that.

These operators may not be internally self-consistent, but I don't think
it's a problem having different meaning for '-', given that both meanings
are well understood to anyone who knows basic math and has used a command
line program with a -x argument.

 I'm just suggesting the same for the ~ character:
 ~~   smart-match
 ~|   stringy bitwise OR
 ~   append args
 ~   invocate

This is where I get lost.  I see 4 different concepts being overloaded
onto '~'.

In the first it indicates 'match' just as it always has for =~ and !~.
In the second, it is being used for concatentation - nothing to do with 
matching.  In the third it is being used to cast stringwisely - nothing
to do with matching or concatenation.  In the fourth and fifth it is being 
used to re-order arguments - nothing to do with matching, concatenation
(well, possibly concatenation of argument lists) or stringwise casting.

Now that I look at it again, the '~~' operator bothers me in particular.
The first '~' seems to indicate 'stringwise' in keeping with '~|'
and the second implies 'match' in keeping with '=~'.

I find it questionable to use the same character twice in one operator
and have different semantics implied for each.  '~' should either be 
'match' or 'stringwise' but not both.

I would like to see '~' kept for matching and just matching.  It is well
known in this role and is analogous to the roughly equals operator
in the Real World (extended ASCII character 247 - just don't ask me to type 

I also think '_' should be used for concatenation because it's in keeping 
with the existing use of 123_456.

As a prefix character to indicate stringwise (numberwise, bitwise, etc)
casting, can we not use a single character prefix, e.g. 's' for string, 
'n' for number, 'b' for bitwise, 'v' for 'vector', and so on?

   $a s| $b;# stringwise
   $a b| $b;# bitwise
   $a n| $b;# numberwise
   @a v| @b;# vector
   @a vsn| @b;  # vector stringwise bitwise

I see these as being similar to regex flags.  In a regex we don't
have two separate metacharacters  for matching \w case sensitively or
insensitively.  Instead we use the 'i' flag outside the regex or
within the regex, scoping the parts of the pattern to which it applies:


I think we should adopt the same strategy for regular operators.  Rather
than create umpteen new operators to perform every operation in every 
different style, we should keep the operation orthogonal to the context
in which the operator is applied.  So instead of having a vector addition
operator, we have an addition operator and a vector flag which can be
applied to it.

 I mean, compare:
  @a ~ grep {...} ~ map {...} ~ sort ~ @a;
  @a | grep {...} | map {...} | sort | @a;
 I don't know about *your* font, but in mine the ~ and ~ versions are
 at least twice as readable as the | and | ones.

In my font, or perhaps more importantly, to my eye, the | and | are
more readable.  But regardless, I think it's more important to make the 
operators consistent with each other, than to make them look pretty or 
easy to read.  The latter is important, of course, but I personally believe 
that it's no use making something easy to read if the meaning is still hard 
to comprehend.  Better to make something harder to read but easier to 


Re: L2R/R2L syntax (was Re: Everything is an object.)

2003-01-08 Thread Andy Wardley
Damian Conway wrote:
 [...] ~ and ~ 

Michael Lazzaro wrote:
 I too think this idea is fabulous.  You are my hero.

I also think this is semantically fabulous but syntactically slightly
dubious.  '~' reads 'match' in my book, so I'm reading the operators
as 'match left' and 'match right'.  Or perhaps even 'stringify left' 
and 'stringify right' with a different reading of '~'.

I would prefer something like | and | which has a more obvious
connotation (to me at least) of pipe left or pipe right.  

Damian is my hero regardless.  :-)


Re: PRE / POST in loops

2003-01-03 Thread Andy Wardley
Luke Palmer wrote:
 The difference between POST and NEXT is simply that POST fails to
 refrain from executing after the final iteration, while NEXT does not.

Or in other words:

The difference between POST and NEXT is that POST executes after the final 
iteration, while NEXT does not.

NEXT happens before the next item, POST happens after each item.

 I hope this clarified things.

It has failed to refrain from unenlightening me.  :-)


Re: right-to-left pipelines

2002-12-12 Thread Andy Wardley
Michael Lazzaro asked:
 foo $a, $b, $c, $d;   # how many args?

Damian Conway wrote:
 Yep. Can't be known unless predeclared and hence compile-time discernible.
 And methods can't be discerned in the presence of run-time dispatch.

Is that not the purpose of an interface?  That is, to specify at compile 
time that a given object conforms to a particular set of method signatures?

The method is still resolved for dispatch at runtime, depending on the object 
type, multimethod arguments, etc.  At compile time we don't know which method 
will be called, but, thanks to the interface, we do know what argument(s) it 
will be expecting.


Re: Unifying invocant and topic naming syntax

2002-11-20 Thread Andy Wardley
Me wrote:
 Well, I could argue that c) already exists
 in the form of passing parameters in parens.

This reminds me of the Law of Demeter.  It specifies what your methods
should and shouldn't be able to do if you want to build a bright, shiny
system that never has bugs, maintains itself, turns water into wine, etc.

The essence is about limiting what you can access (and therefore screw up)
from a particular scope.  It's like a mild form of the no side effects 
policy of certain functional programming languages.  I'm not sure how 
applicable it's going to be to Perl 6, but here's the view from 30,000 feet.

Object Form of Law of Demeter

  Do not talk to strangers. 

  Within a method, messages can only be sent to the following objects:

  1. A parameter of the method, including the enclosing object (this or self);

 1.1. For pragmatic reasons: a global object;

  2. An immediate part object (computed or stored):

 2.1 An object that a method called on the enclosing object returns, 
 including attributes of the enclosing object;
 2.2 An element of a collection which is an attribute of the enclosing 

  3. An object created within the method.

Usenet Form of Law of Demeter

  * You can play with yourself. 
  * You can play with your own toys (but you can't take them apart), 
  * You can play with toys that were given to you. 
  * You can play with toys you've made yourself.

Interested parties should Google[ law of demeter ] for the full story.


Re: Unifying invocant and topic naming syntax

2002-11-19 Thread Andy Wardley
Larry Wall wrote:
 So I was thinking it'd be better to use something different to
 represent the outer topic...

How about this:

   $_   # current topic
   $__  # outer topic
   $___ # outer outer topic


I also wondered if $= might be a suitable alias to the current iterator.
It has a nice mnemonic, looking as it does like a '_' stacked on top 
of another.

   while $something {
   if ($=.first) {
   # first iteration
   elsif ($=.last) {
   # last iteration

You could then use $==, $===, etc., to access outer iterators:

   while $foo {
   while $bar {
   if ($==.first) {
  # first foo
   if ($=.first) {
  # first bar


String concatentation operator

2002-11-14 Thread Andy Wardley
Quoted from Seven Deadly Sins of Introductory Programming Language 
Design [1] by Linda McIver and Damian Conway:

We have shown over one thousand novice programming students
the C/C++ expression:

 the quick brown fox + jumps over the lazy dog

   and asked them what they believe the effect of the + sign is.
   Not one of them has ever suggested that the + sign is illegally
   attempting to add the address of the locations of the first two
   characters of the two literal strings.  Without exception they
   believed that the + should concatenate the two strings.

Makes perfect sense to me.  

Can we overload + in Perl 6 to work as both numeric addition
and string concatenation, depending on the type of the operand 
on the left?

I realise the answer is probably not, given the number/string
ambiguity of Perl variables:

  my $a = 123;
  my $b = 456;
  $a + $b; # 579 or 123456?

I quite like '_' as the string concatenation operator (so much so
that I added it to the Template Toolkit some time ago, confidently
telling people that it's what Perl 6 would use :-).  It ties in 
nicely with the 123_456 numerical style.

On the other hand, I'm not a big fan of using '~' to indicate 
string context.  The tilde (aka wobbly operator) seems much better
suited to smart matching, IMHO, being reminiscent of the almost
equal to operator (which I would attempt to include here if I
had the slightest clue how to make my keyboard speak Unicode).

Another option: could we quote operators to indicate string context?

  $a + $b

This would tie in nicely with using [ ] to indicate vectorised
operators, although I realise that particular syntax has been 
disvogued of late.

  a [+] b


[1] [2]
[2] Good paper, well worth a read.  That Conway chap seems to know
his cookies.  His name rings a bell, too...

Re: Interfaces

2002-10-07 Thread Andy Wardley

Nicholas Clark wrote:
 I think that the first syntax
 class Car::Q is Car renames(eject = ejector_seat)
  is CD_Player renames(drive = cd_drive);
 makes it more clear that I'd like to pick and choose which methods
 the composite object gets from which parent.

But now you've turned composition back into inheritance, and I think it's
important to be able to distinguish between the two.

The car is definately not a CD player, it just has one.

I think we need a more flexible syntax for specifying how interfaces 
should be constructed in the case of composed objects, rather than 
turning composition into inheritance to avoid the problem.


Re: Subject-Oriented Programming

2002-10-02 Thread Andy Wardley

On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 11:22:02PM -0400, Michael G Schwern wrote:
 Last year at JAOO I stumbled on this thing called Subject-Oriented
 Programming which looked interesting.  

There are a bunch of advanced programming techniques like this that
all fit under the same umbrella:

  * Subject Oriented Programming (IBM)
  * Aspect Oriented Programming (Xerox Parc)
  * Composition Filters
  * Adaptive Programming - Demeter Method and Propagation Patterns

They're all attempting to achieve the same goal - a clear separation of
concerns - and although the details are different, the overlying 
principal is the same.

They are all metaprogramming layers which allow you to put wrappers around 
your code, and in particular your objects.  These wrappers intercept method 
calls and can modify them, redirect them, and otherwise jiggle around with 
them in all sorts of interesting ways.

For example, AOP identifies cross-cutting aspects (like error handling,
logging, etc) which cut across an entire system.  It's considered bad
form to implement logging is each of the 20 object classes you're using
because you've lost the separation of concerns.  If you want to change
the way logging is handled, you have to go and change 20 classes.  You 
can use inheritance or delegation to acheive a clear separation of 
concerns, but these have their own problems.  The inheritance route
tends to lead to large and cumbersome object hierarchies that are fragile
to change and beset with the problems of multiple inheritance.  Delegation
is sometimes better, but tends to lead to highly fragmented programs
where it is difficult to see the wood for the trees.

AOP tackles this problem by allowing you to define different aspects
of your program (e.g. database access, user interface, error handling,
logging, etc.) and then weave them together by defining join points
and leaving the pre-processor to join up the dots.  Template processing
systems are a simple example of AOP.  If you write a CGI script with
Perl code and HTML fragments interleaved then you make it hard to read,
update and understand.  Better is to define your Perl code in one place
(the implementation aspect, or model in another parlance) and your
HTML markup in another (the presentation aspect, or view) and then leave
it to your favourite template processor to weave the two together.

The approach of SOP is to define an object-like entity, the subject
which is a wrapper around one or more objects.  This acts like a facade
around the inner objects, allowing method calls to the subject to be 
directed to the appropriate inner object, possibly with various forms
of manipulation taking place en route.

For example, you might have an employee object defined by your accounts 
department which includes payroll number, employee information, salary,
etc.  You might want to reuse this object in another application but 
without exposing salary details for employees.  By defining a subject
to enclose the object, you can effectively hide these fields.  You can 
also create composite subjects where an employee has a dozen fields,
methods, etc., which are implemented by 3 different underlying object 
classes.  Or you might want to implement some kind of security layer in 
your subject so that only certain privileged people have access to 
sensitive information.   You do all these things in the subject wrapper
and don't need to change your underlying objects.

Composition Filters are very similar but substitute subject for filter.
You compose collections of object and define how the method calls to them
should be filtered.

Adaptive Programming is slighty different in that it defines a methodology
for modelling a problem domain, and provides tools for generating code (C++)
to implement it.  The Demeter Method is a best-practice approach for 
designing your underlying objects so that they fit nicely together.
Propagation patterns are used to say, in effect, the shoulder bone is 
connected to the arm bone, you turn the handle and out comes your code,
with everything connected together and working in harmony as it should be.

This is a form of Generative Programming, which is the general term for
any process whereby you define a high-level model of a program and have
generators actually write the program for you (or more commonly, just the 
wiring code between existing objects).  This is slightly different from 
the usual metaprogramming approach of AOP and SOP which make extensive use
of C++ templates to pre-process your program code.

As for Perl implementations... hmmm.

The key step is to identify/implement a mechanism whereby we can 
put hooks into object vtables, allowing user code to intercept methods
called against objects.  Ruby has an AOP module (AspectR ISTR) which 
does this, making it trivially easy to intercept calls to a particular 
object method and perform some action on the way.  For things like debug 
tracing, logging, security layers, etc., this is invaluable.

With such a 

Perl 6 types: ref() vs isa() (was: Just reading up on Pike...)

2002-08-18 Thread Andy Wardley

 [...] whose type is simultaneously Cstr and Cint. 

Has any thought yet gone into the builtin Perl types and what they will 
be called in Perl 6?  Will there be a difference between the Cref() of 
something and the type(s) that Cisa() returns?

In keeping with the lower case Cstr and Cint examples above, will
the builtin Perl types ARRAY, HASH, SCALAR, etc., have lower case 
equivalents?  Is this an opportunity to replace the ill-named CARRAY
with CLIST, or rather Clist? (I'm sure I've heard Larry say that,
with hindsight, he wishes he had spelled 'ARRAY' as 'LIST', so I hope 
I'm not speaking out of line).  Could we also come up with a snappier 
name than CSCALAR to denote a single item reference?  Perhaps Citem,
or just plain Cref?

Presumably, Cref() would continue to work as it always has, while Cisa() 
returns the most specific type for a variable when called in scalar context,
or a list of the type and all supertypes when called in list context.

  var ref  isa
  \@foo   ARRAYlist / ref
  \%bar   HASH hash / ref
  \$baz   SCALAR   item / ref 
  my Dog $spotDog  Dog / Animal / obj / ref
  blah blah -str
  42  -int / num

The only RFC I can find that's related is 224, where Damian talks about 
making ref() more magical.

Any other thoughts on this floating around out there?


The Past, Present and Future of Continuations (was: Perl 6 Summary)

2002-07-08 Thread Andy Wardley

A short time ago, in a nearby  thread, Larry Wall wrote:
 Perhaps we should just explain continuations in terms of time travel.

Funny.  I wrote a message to this effect the other night, but decided
not to send it (too tired to decide if I was talking sense or nonsense).

I was about to propose that 'continuation' is too long a word for lazy
Perl folk to bandy around at will, and possibly too ivory tower for most 
people to grok.

 Another way of looking at it is that a continuation is a hypothesis
 about the future, and calling the continuation is a way of saying
 oops about that hypothesis.

My suggestion was along the lines of using .past, .now and .future
to reference the calling, current and future continuations, respectively.
I also wondered if .here and .there would somehow fit in to 
reference the current context, or remote context of a continuation.

I was thinking along the lines of a continuation being a here and now,
a collection of space and time (or in the context of a continuation, 
the shape and state of the program) bundled up to be transported safely 
over there to a future now where it can be unpackaged and used much
like a wormhole.

Maybe a continuation is like a nipple pierced in the fabric of space
and time through which many different threads can be strung?  Or like
a Quantum Entanglement - a Bose-Einstein Condensate spread along the
length of an camel's hair, merrily transporting perlons back and forth?

But I must admit that my understanding of continuations (and the fabric
of reality) is incomplete, and quite possibly flawed, being limited to 
what I've read on this list and read (but mostly not understood) in 
Appel's book.  I'm sure I don't yet understand how it all fits together, 
and I certainly can't see how to make the syntax fall into place.  

That's a job for a linguist and a mad scientist. :-)

 Basically, we need to find the right oversimplification to make people
 think they understand it.  

Absolutely.  But talking about time travel, particuarly in the future,
half-past-imperfect, stepping-sideways-through-time tense will never 
having to had been a simple matter for us to hoov comprehended. [*]

Now I know I'm talking nonsense, so I'll stop right here and now. :-)


[*] said with a tip of the hat to the fond memory of Douglas Adams 

Re: Apoc 5 questions/comments

2002-06-09 Thread Andy Wardley

On Sat, Jun 08, 2002 at 06:51:19AM +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
 I have no doubt that, once Perl 6 is available, we'll see a rash of modules
 released in the Grammar:: namespace. Including Grammar::HTML and Grammar::XML. 

I have no doubt that, once Perl 6 is available, we'll see a rash of modules
released in the Grammar:: namespace. Including Grammar::Romana, 
Grammar::Klingon, Grammar::Buffy, Grammer::Mispelt, and others... :-)


Re: Unary dot

2002-04-16 Thread Andy Wardley

On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 07:24:13PM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
 So the main reason that objects can function as hashes is so that the
 user can poke an object into an interface expecting a hash and have it
 make sense, to the extent that the object is willing to be viewed like

AKA the uniform access principle.  

This was something that I was very keen to exploit in the Template Toolkit
where is interpreted as Do(t) The Right Thing to access the 
'bar' part of 'foo', be it the 'bar' key in the 'foo' hash or the 'bar'
method of the 'foo' object.  The result is, of course, that you can use
a hash of static data one day (great for mocking up web pages for example) 
and later upgrade it to an object which fetches/generates data on demand 
(e.g. from a database) when you put your pages into production.

Alas, I also designed a flaw into the system by introducing virtual 
methods that TT automatically applies onto various data types, equivalent
to various Perl functions, e.g. somehash.keys or somelist.size.  As 
convenient as this is, the problem lies in the fact that you can't 
differentiate somehash.keys between the Perl equivalents of Ckeys %$hash
or C$hash-{keys}.

So my thought for version 3 of TT is to introduce somehash.{keys} as 
a syntax to mean only the 'keys' key/method of the 'foo' hash/object 
but *NOT* the 'keys' virtual method and to leave somehash.keys resolving 
to the virtual method as it currently does.

Am I right in thinking that this would then be (roughly) consistent with 
the Perl 6 syntax?  


  TT3  Perl 6  Perl 5 (hash)  Perl 5 (obj)
  foo.keys $foo.keys   keys %$foo $foo-keys()
  foo.{keys}   $foo.{keys} $foo-{keys}   $foo-keys()
Hang on, now I'm a little confused - I thought that hashes were supposed
to keep their % sigil.  So shouldn't that be %foo.keys or %foo.{keys}?
But then that would then violate the uniform access principle because
hash/key access has a different syntax from object/method?

Have I missed a vital clue?


Re: Apocalypse 4 : The Strange Case of the STRANGE CASE

2002-01-24 Thread Andy Wardley

On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 08:30:41AM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
 : INIT, DESTROY, AUTOLOAD, etc., all make sense to me.  They really are
 : special blocks that normally only occur once in a file.  But CATCH and 
 : NEXT are part of normal syntax.  I don't think they're any more unusual
 : in their flow control than try, while, loop or foreach.
 Yes, they are unusual.  They're more like come froms than gotos.
 They need to stop people cold from trying to read them as inline code.
 People are naturally uncomfortable when they get shouted at, and that's
 as it should be.  

A little bit of shouting is OK, but it's easy to switch off when you 
get shouted at all the time.  These constructs are likely to be used 
right throughout a typical Perl program and I don't want to be made
to feel uncomfortable *all* the time when I'm trying to concentrate on
what the program does.

 It is distasteful that a policeman should have to turn on his lights
 and siren when he wants to get your attention, but the practice is a
 useful bit of society nonetheless.

But if he kept doing it all day, every day, it would be police harrassment.



Re: RFC 118 (v1) lvalue subs: parameters, explicit assignment, and wantarray() changes

2000-08-17 Thread Andy Wardley

On Aug 16,  8:21pm, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
   # this is perl6
   sub foo :lvalue ($new) {
 $variable = $new;

A nice idea, but one of the reasons for the original proposal was
to make

  $foo-bar = $x;

behave the same as:


Your proposal provides a neat solution for lvalues, but at the cost of
the original aim (or my aim, at least).  If you wanted to accept either
of the above then your code would end up looking something like this:

sub foo($argnew) : lvalue($rvalnew) {
$variable = want('lvalue') ? $rvalnew : $argnew;

I think that's likely to make things more complicated in the long run.

I'm inclined to say that assignments of the form:

$foo-bar(@baz) = @boz;

Are allowed, but just plain stupid. It's the same as:

$foo-bar(@baz, @boz)

and you're right, Perl can't tell the lvalues and rvalues apart.  So
don't do that.  If we can fix Perl so that it can tell the above
apart, then good, but I think it's a separate problem to the lvalue


Andy Wardley [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Signature regenerating.  Please remain seated.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   For a good time:

Re: RFC 109 (v1) Less line noise - let's get rid of @%

2000-08-16 Thread Andy Wardley

On Aug 15,  3:16pm, Russ Allbery wrote:
 Wholeheartedly agreed.  If something is an array, it should start with @.
 If we're adding language changes that introduce arrays that don't start
 with @, that's the mistake.

Agreed, but with a slight change of perspective.  I don't think it's
so important that a variable that _holds_ a list be prefixed with a '@'.
What's more important is that when you _use_ a variable, you prefix it with
a '@' to indicate the expected return type.  At that point, Perl can DWIM
or FOAD accordingly.

  $foo = [ 1, 2, 3 ];# it's a list (ref), but starts with a '$'
  @bar = @$foo;  # but now we "cast" (deref) it to look like a list

The confusion comes (IMHO) in having to add funny characters together,
or doing funky "casting" to make the right kind of value come from the
right kind of variable.

  @$foo; # '$foo' is the list, dereferenced to a list '@'
  $foo{bar}  # '%foo' is the hash, accessed to return a scalar '$'
  @foo{bar,baz}  # '%foo' is the hash, sliced to return a list '@'
  @$foo{bar,baz} # '$foo' is a hashref, sliced to return a list '@'

You get these weird situations where you're accessing a variable as
'@something' but it's actually coming from '%something'.  Hence the
Highlander Variables RFC which should hopefully do away with
much of this confusion.


Andy Wardley [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Signature regenerating.  Please remain seated.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   For a good time:

(Fwd) Re: RFC 109 (v1) Less line noise - let's get rid of @%

2000-08-16 Thread Andy Wardley

Darn, I sent this to perl6-announce instead of perl6-language.

Let's try again.

--- Forwarded mail from "Andy Wardley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I thought very carefully about this before writing the Highlander
Variables RFC, and came to the conclusion that it's a bad idea.
I've read your proposal, but I'm afraid I still think it's a bad idea.

Those funny characters tell the programmer what's going on, and they
tell the compiler what the programmer thinks is going on.  I'm all in
favour of cleaning up some of the syntax and removing some of the
ambiguity (hence RFC 9) but I've long since learnt that the funny
characters are a strength of Perl, and the concept is sound even if the
implementation is a little shaky in places.


Andy Wardley [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Signature regenerating.  Please remain seated.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   For a good time:

Re: RFC 107 (v1) lvalue subs should receive the rvalue as an argument

2000-08-16 Thread Andy Wardley

On Aug 16,  9:06am, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
 Passing the lvalue via some other means eliminates this problem.  I
 forget who suggested it (Buddha Buck?) but

   sub foo : lvalue($value) { ... }

That should tie in with function prototypes in general, but I suspect
that the prototype should be on the function name, not on the attribute.

sub foo ($value) : lvalue { }

Thus the prototype covers both cases:

   $x-foo = $y;


Andy Wardley [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Signature regenerating.  Please remain seated.
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Re: Make lvalue subs the default (was Re: RFC 107 (v1) lvalue subs should receive the rvalue as an argument)

2000-08-16 Thread Andy Wardley

On Aug 16,  8:32am, Nathan Wiger wrote:
 Maybe this is the confusion. I'm not saying subs should ONLY be lvalue.
 I think they should be both rvalue and lvalue at the same time.

Point noted and understood, but I'm with the general consensus here.
Lvalue subs should have to be explicitly marked as such.  This could,
of course, be done automatically for you by a Cuse lvalue pragma, or
something similar, but it shouldn't be the default case.


Andy Wardley [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Signature regenerating.  Please remain seated.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   For a good time:

Re: RFC 95 (v1) Object Classes

2000-08-12 Thread Andy Wardley

my $u ='abw', 'Andy Wardley', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
 just be
my $u = User-new('abw', 'Andy Wardley', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
$ = 10;
 Just be:
$foo::bar::baz = 10;

Yes, but the semantics change.  A key feature of this proposal is that
object/class variable and methods are indistinguishable to the user.
The dot operator does the right thing to call a method (if defined), 
or instead access a variable, or follow a delegation reference, etc.

is something like (assuming a blessed hash)

UNIVERSAL::can($foo, 'bar') ? $foo-bar() : $foo-{'bar'};

'-' and '::' won't do that, and shouldn't.  If we tried to overload 
'::' or '-' to be more magical then we would break things all over 
the place.

 There are also tons of methods of inheritance in Perl's existing object
 and package structure as-is, through SUPER, CORE, and many other

Yes, there's nothing that you can't already do in Perl in one way or 
another.  Perl 5's OO is very elegantly bolted onto the side of the 
language.  It's very powerful, flexible and reasonable easy to use.
On the other hand, you sometimes have to jump through lots of hoops
to do some very simple OO stuff that in other OO langugages is taken
for granted.  

 If you just want to tighten up certain aspects of packaging and
 classing, it seems like this could be done with a pragma or a couple new
 keywords, instead of redoing the entire package structure of Perl, which
 I quite like.

No, I don't want to tighten up anything about Perl's existing package
and blessed reference system.  It's fine the way it is.  I *ALSO* 
want a more formally defined OO system for times when I'm feeling more 
structured, or when the scale or scope of the project I'm working on 
demans it.  This should definately, absolutely, without doubt be an 
"as well as" option and not "instead of".  Hence the new kind of package, 
and the new kind of operator, rather than messing around with the old ones.


Re: RFC 95 (v1) Object Classes

2000-08-12 Thread Andy Wardley

 Since you didn't mention it in your references, you may want to
 check out RFC 92, Extensible Meta-Object Protocol -- Method Search

I saw it after I posted the RFC.  Yes, this is exactly the kind 
of support that we need in the core to allow us to do things like 


Re: RFC 90 (v1) Builtins: zip() and unzip()

2000-08-11 Thread Andy Wardley

 I know other languages call it zip, but personally I dislike that name
 as zip() is commonly used with reference to compression. Although
 I do not have a good alternative.

fold() and unfold()?

merge() and cleave()?


Re: RFC 83 (v1) Make constants look like variables

2000-08-11 Thread Andy Wardley

 Spinning off from Larrys syntactic comment and Mike
 Pastores example, how about some of the following:

How about any variable created in UPPER case is a constant?  

Quite restrictive, and likely to screw many things up, admittedly,
but it's an easy rule to remember and one which is generally 
considered good programming practice.  ISTR it's what Ruby 
uses.  It works well for all those Perl-provided variables 
(e.g. $ME) that *should* be read-only, but not so good for those 
that are supposed to be read/write (e.g. @INC).


Re: RFC 57 (v1) Subroutine prototypes and parameters

2000-08-08 Thread Andy Wardley

 In the meantime, is there a reason the suggestion of:
 foo($x := 10, $y := 20)
 was dropped? It seems pretty obvious to me. Or what about:

No, nothing's been dropped.  I'll summarise all suggestions that
don't otherwise get toasted in the next version of the RFC.


Re: RFC 55 (v1) Compilation: Remove requirement for fina

2000-08-08 Thread Andy Wardley

On Aug 7, 10:12am, Nathan Torkington wrote:
 Is there any reason you couldn't use "die" instead?

This isn't an objection to the proposal, but one example of where I'm
relying on the value returned by require() for a reason other than
error reporting.

I'm building Perl sub-routines (from templates) and writing them to
a file as:

   sub {
# blah blah blah

And then I can

  eval { $mysub = require $filename };

Of course, I should point out that I've already been burnt by this.
If the file has already been required then require() returns 1 instead
of the subref.  So I have to delete $INC{ $file } before I require it.
There are other ways I could easily do the same thing (the Data::Dumper
approach for one).


Andy Wardley [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Signature regenerating.  Please remain seated.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   For a good time:

Re: New Group proposed: subs (was Re: named parameters)

2000-08-04 Thread Andy Wardley

 Before it's too late - please, don't impose either '$self' or '$this',
 but make this a per-module choice.  I deal with people of both these

What about '$me'?   It ties in nicely with 'my' (although perhaps for the 
wrong reasons), it's half as much typing as 'self' or 'this' and we get
to annoy both sets of religious zealots at once.  :-)=


Re: RFC: Highlander Variables

2000-08-03 Thread Andy Wardley

On Aug 2,  4:37pm, Ted Ashton wrote:
   With all due respect, it appears that you are trading two characters for
 six with little to show for it.  Currently, we have
   @array  -- the array as a whole
   $array__list  -- the array as a whole

I didn't make that part clear.  I was simply suggesting that this would
one possible way for the Perl5-Perl6 translator to handle the case where
a script uses more than one variable of the same name.  It would need
to change the name of one or more of the variables to avoid conflict.

@array would still be @array.


Andy Wardley [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Signature regenerating.  Please remain seated.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   For a good time: