Re: txt vs OO [was: "Re: Proposal to make class method non-inheritable"]

2005-10-26 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Larry Wall wrote:

But we're trying to design the OO features (indeed, all of Perl 6)
such that you can usefully cargo cult those aspects that are of
immediate interest without being forced to learn the whole thing.
It's not the number one design goal, but it's right up there.

So you're talking about a "positive", tame form of cargo cult, giving the 
latter a good name...

you need a brain hack. or a brain of any sort. try a nematode first. the
small incremental improvement won't be such a shock. then you can
graduate to segmented worm brains.
- Uri Guttman in clpmisc, "Array Sort Using Regex Matching Fails"

Re: txt vs OO [was: "Re: Proposal to make class method non-inheritable"]

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 09:36:48AM +0200, Michele Dondi wrote:
: On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Larry Wall wrote:
: >But we're trying to design the OO features (indeed, all of Perl 6)
: >such that you can usefully cargo cult those aspects that are of
: >immediate interest without being forced to learn the whole thing.
: >It's not the number one design goal, but it's right up there.
: So you're talking about a "positive", tame form of cargo cult, giving the 
: latter a good name...

Yes, I hack on more languages than just Perl.  :-)

I use the term "cargo cult" for lack of a better term, and when I do
so I tend to use it as a verb rather than a noun.  By "cargo culting"
I mean the process by which most of us learn to use new technology.
We appropriate inappropriately; we have to start using a thing wrongly
before we can start using it rightly.  When we're very young, we learn
by picking up objects and stuffing them into our mouths.  That's not
the appropriate way for an adult to treat most objects, but it's the
right way for a toddler to treat an object, and it's the parents'
responsibility to "child-proof" the room so the child doesn't chew
on power cords and such.  So another way to say what I said is that
we're trying to make Perl 6 relatively safe for people who are just
starting to use bits of it inappropriately in order to learn it.

The term "cargo cult" also has some religious connotations, and to a
small extent I mean those too.  The "religious" wars fought in computer
communities often arise among those with the least understanding of the
deep issues.  People much more easily fall into tribal behavior than
into philosophical behavior.  A deep understanding of bikesheds is that
they're meant to hold bicycles, and it doesn't really matter what color
they are.  But when you first discover a bikeshed, you might mistake
it for a tribal monument of some sort.  It's obviously more important
than the bicycle; after all, it's bigger.  And we might attract more
new husbands or wives from other tribes if we paint it attractively.
So we spend a lot of time painting the outside while the bicycle is
inside rusting.  And the bicycle is what's important, because we should
be reaching out to other tribes, not waiting for them to come to us.

Well, hey, my metaphor is probably painted the wrong color.  But maybe
it's only by using analogies inappropriately that we can begin to
understand how to use them appropriately.


Re: txt vs OO [was: "Re: Proposal to make class method non-inheritable"]

2005-10-26 Thread Andrew Savige
--- Larry Wall wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 05:24:52PM +0200, Michele Dondi wrote:
> : But maybe that's just me. Whatever, I guess that the {casual,average} 
> : programmer may be scared by its richness and complexity.
> But we're trying to design the OO features (indeed, all of Perl 6)
> such that you can usefully cargo cult those aspects that are of
> immediate interest without being forced to learn the whole thing.
> It's not the number one design goal, but it's right up there.

Interesting. I just finished reading Stroustrup's thoughts on evolution
and language design at:

and noticed he is similarly concerned about making his language easier
for the casual/novice programmer:

  "If you are a physicist needing to do a few calculations a week,
   an expert in some business processes involving software, or a
   student learning to program, you want to learn only as many
   language facilities as you need to get your job done."

He also argues in favour of general features over specialized ones:

  "C++0x will not be a "Windows language" or a "Web Language" ... "

which reminded me of people characterizing Perl as a "text processing
language" or a "CGI language".

Just as Perl 5 evolved Perl 4 from a "scripting/text processing language"
to a general purpose one (with CPAN modules filling many specialized
niches), Perl 6 seems to be evolving still further down that path,
being applicable to more and varied domains than Perl 5 was.


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+$arg changed to :$arg

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
I should point out that one of the major changes in the most recent
S6 is that named arguments are now marked by : rather than +, with
:foo($bar) being the way to declare parameter $bar but give it the
external name of "foo".  A + is now reserved to mark mandatory
parameters, though it's redundant on positionals.  A mandatory
named parameter is now marked +:$nonoptionaloption.

But the colon sigil might be more general than that.  In rvalue context
the prefix it could be a modifier on the following term, causing
it to return a pair or pairs when it would return a scalar item.
The generated name is derived from the immediately surrounding
container, where that might be the variable name, the hash key,
or the array index.  An unsubscripted container counts as a scalar.
So we'd get:

TermShort for
:$foo   :foo($foo)
:@baz   :baz(@baz)  (not @bar.pairs)
:%bar   :bar(%bar)  (not @baz.pairs)
:%hash   :a(%hash)
:%hash{$k}  $k => %hash{$k}
:@array[42] 42 => @array[1]

Again, as with :foo, we're banking on the initial double-dot as
a mnemonic indicating that the following thing should be in "pair"
context.  I wouldn't bother proposing this except that it maps nicely
onto the parameter syntax for named args, and it also eliminates some
amount of redundancy.

The last three forms are more arguable than the first three, especially
since they probably aren't valid formal parameters.  We kind of need
a subscript modifier instead:

%hash:   :a(%hash)
%hash:{$k}  $k => %hash{$k}
@array:[42] 42 => @array[1]
@array:[]   @array.pairs

Unfortunately that would force


to be written

$obj.sort :{...}

But then, I'd surely love to get rid of that colon on magical
blocks.  It's the main place where Ruby is still prettier than Perl 6,
bikesheddily speaking.  Even

$obj.sort: {...}

would be a vast improvement, though that has ambiguities with indirect
object syntax.  Maybe we can still finesse it somehow.  It's really
only ambiguous if there's a bare identifier in front somewhere:

foo $obj.sort: {...}

While we could decide based on the presence of such an unresolved
work, I think that allowing methods as list ops is actually more
important than indirect object syntax, so I think we can say that
".foo:" is always a list operator form of ".foo", and you have to say

foo ($obj.sort): {...}

to get the other thing.  But in either case the trailing colon
postfix indicates a following list.  And I think people will
naturally want the colon to bind more tightly to the immediately
foregoing thing anyway.  Like placeholder syntax, indirect object
syntax is really only for simple cases.

Er, looks like I have to revise S6 yet again...


Re: new sigil

2005-10-26 Thread Rob Kinyon
> And in fact, its very existence defies another implicit principle of
> mine, that is, the "principle of partial definition":  Defining a new
> type or instance can only break a previously typechecking program by
> making it ambiguous.  The idea behind that is that at some time you
> may realize that oen of your types already obeys another type, and
> declare that it conforms to that interface.  But you don't go the
> other way around, undeclaring that an interface holds, without your
> program having been erroneous in the first place.  Declaring that a
> new interface holds (so long as it actually does) shouldn't break
> anything that was already correct.
> The principle also has strong implications with library code:
> including a new library but doing nothing with it shouldn't start
> randomly breaking stuff.  (Unless, of course, it breaks the rules and
> does crazy stuff, in which case anything goes)

Is this better expressed as side-effect-free programming or loose
coupling/tight cohesion?


Re: +$arg changed to :$arg

2005-10-26 Thread Juerd
Larry Wall skribis 2005-10-26  6:44 (-0700):
> I should point out that one of the major changes in the most recent
> S6 is that named arguments are now marked by : rather than +, with
> :foo($bar) being the way to declare parameter $bar but give it the
> external name of "foo".  A + is now reserved to mark mandatory
> parameters, though it's redundant on positionals.  A mandatory
> named parameter is now marked +:$nonoptionaloption.

If optional parameters get "?", then why don't give mandatory parameters

Or, if you wish: if mandatory parameters get "+", then why do optional
parameters not get "-"?

# The mandatory/optional thing could even be postfix, which results in
# clearer code than the stacked "+:$":
# sub foo ($this!, $is!, :$mandatory!, $optional?, $really?)

I do like the s/+/:/ change, though!


Re: +$arg changed to :$arg

2005-10-26 Thread Matt Fowles

On 10/26/05, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So we'd get:
> :@array[42] 42 => @array[1]

Do you mean C< :@array[42] 42 => @array[42] >?

> The last three forms are more arguable than the first three, especially
> since they probably aren't valid formal parameters.  We kind of need
> a subscript modifier instead:
> @array:[42] 42 => @array[1]

Same question.

"Computer Science is merely the post-Turing Decline of Formal Systems Theory."
-Stan Kelly-Bootle, The Devil's DP Dictionary

Re: new sigil

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 10:25:48PM -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
: Yeah, I didn't really follow his argument on that one.  I, too, think
: that the one() junction in general is silly, especially for types.

Well, I think it's silly too.  I'm just trying to see if we need to
reserve the syntax in case someone figures out a way to make it
unsilly in some dialect.

: When you say Dog^Cat, you're saying "I want something that either
: conforms to the Dog interface or the Cat interface, but *definitely
: not both*!"  Why the heck would you care about that?  Does there
: really arise a situation in which your code will be erroneous when the
: variable conforms to both interfaces?
: And in fact, its very existence defies another implicit principle of
: mine, that is, the "principle of partial definition":  Defining a new
: type or instance can only break a previously typechecking program by
: making it ambiguous.  The idea behind that is that at some time you
: may realize that oen of your types already obeys another type, and
: declare that it conforms to that interface.  But you don't go the
: other way around, undeclaring that an interface holds, without your
: program having been erroneous in the first place.  Declaring that a
: new interface holds (so long as it actually does) shouldn't break
: anything that was already correct.

And that's basically what we decided in Portland when we went to
set types rather than junctional types.  And that's why I'm kind of
pushing for a natural bundling via juxtaposition that can be viewed
as ANDing the constraints:

:(Any Dog Cat Fish ¢T $dc)

That says much the same thing as

:($ where {
.does(Any) and
.does(Dog) and
.does(Cat) and
.does(Fish) and
.does(Class) and ¢T := $dc.class and
.does(Scalar) and $dc := $_;

And basically, if | can be used to construct type sets, it ends up
meaning exactly the same thing:

:(Any|Dog|Cat|Fish ¢T $dc)

But maybe that just means we don't need it.


Re: +$arg changed to :$arg

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 10:06:25AM -0400, Matt Fowles wrote:
: Larry~
: On 10/26/05, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: > So we'd get:
: >
: > :@array[42] 42 => @array[1]
: Do you mean C< :@array[42] 42 => @array[42] >?

Yes.  I was changing it because 42 : 1 :: foo : a, but I flubbed.

: > The last three forms are more arguable than the first three, especially
: > since they probably aren't valid formal parameters.  We kind of need
: > a subscript modifier instead:
: >
: > @array:[42] 42 => @array[1]
: Same question.

Same answer.


Re: +$arg changed to :$arg

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 04:02:06PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: Larry Wall skribis 2005-10-26  6:44 (-0700):
: > I should point out that one of the major changes in the most recent
: > S6 is that named arguments are now marked by : rather than +, with
: > :foo($bar) being the way to declare parameter $bar but give it the
: > external name of "foo".  A + is now reserved to mark mandatory
: > parameters, though it's redundant on positionals.  A mandatory
: > named parameter is now marked +:$nonoptionaloption.
: If optional parameters get "?", then why don't give mandatory parameters
: "!"?
: Or, if you wish: if mandatory parameters get "+", then why do optional
: parameters not get "-"?
: # The mandatory/optional thing could even be postfix, which results in
: # clearer code than the stacked "+:$":
: # 
: # sub foo ($this!, $is!, :$mandatory!, $optional?, $really?)
: I do like the s/+/:/ change, though!

That's interesting.  Then we could say that "= default" implies ?.
I think I like it.  It would also ease transition of Pugs not to change
the meaning of + immediately, but that's a secondary consideration.
And really, + ought to mean a * but with a minimum of 1.


Re: +$arg changed to :$arg

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
It also means you could write a prototype that looks like

:(!, !, !, ?, ?)

We don't need no stinkin' "_".  There's more than one way to not care.
(I guess that means that in addition to supporting interesting values
of undef, we also support interesting values of not caring...)

But does that mean we can have a "don't care" with a default:

:(!, !, !, ='foo', =42)

We can even give them names without caring:

:(:a!, :b!, :c!, :bar='foo', :answer=42)


One slightly serious ramification of the : switch is that the space
is required after the colon indicating a null invocant.

method doit (: $a, $b, $c)

But it's only slightly serious, considering that it has a smiley.


Re: +$arg changed to :$arg

2005-10-26 Thread John Siracusa
On 10/26/05, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A mandatory named parameter is now marked +:$nonoptionaloption.

Woo! :)


Re: +$arg changed to :$arg

2005-10-26 Thread Juerd
Larry Wall skribis 2005-10-26  7:31 (-0700):
> One slightly serious ramification of the : switch is that the space
> is required after the colon indicating a null invocant.
> method doit (: $a, $b, $c)

Or, we could separate it with a . instead of a :, perhaps?

This is already more or less very heavily associated with invocants


method .doit (...) { ... }
method $foo.doit () { ... }


Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 05:17:40PM -0400, Stevan Little wrote:
: Larry,
: On Oct 25, 2005, at 4:37 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
: >On Mon, Oct 24, 2005 at 06:33:20AM -0700, Ashley Winters wrote:
: >: # behavior through prototype -- guessing realistic syntax
: >: Base.meta.add_method(
: >: do_it => method ($arg) {
: >: say "doing $arg!";
: >: });
: >:
: >:
: >: # or, just add it to a single instance
: >: $x.meta.add_method(
: >: do_it => method ($arg) {
: >: say "doing $arg!";
: >: });
: >
: >I don't have a comment on your actual question, but I'd like to use
: >this opportunity to point out the symmetry of Base and $x at this
: >point, and the fact that .meta can't simply call .add_method in the
: >metaclass, or it would lose track of the original invocant, which is
: >needed to convey both class and instance information.  I'm not sure
: >it's even possible to say
: >
: >$m = $x.meta;
: >$m.addmethod($arg);
: >
: >The only way that can work is if $x.meta returns a shadow class that
: >is prebound only to $x.  (Though that might explain how .addmethod
: >knows it's only adding a method to the object.)
: This is actually the principe behind the Ruby style singleton methods  
: (the shadow class), it basically creates an anon-class which inherits  
: from $x's original class, then it rebinds/blesses $x into the anon- 
: class. It is very simple really :)

Sure, but such a heavy behavior shouldn't be implied merely by trying
to get at the metaclass.

: As for if this is/should be accessible through .meta, i am not sure  
: that is a good idea. The reason being is that .meta brings with it  
: the idea of metaclasses, which then relates to classes, and so now  
: the user is thinking they are accessing the metaclass of the class of  
: which $x is an instance.
: I would suggest instead that we have a method, which is found in  
: Object which allows instances to add methods to themselves (and only  
: themselves). In Ruby this is called 'add_singleton_method' or  
: something like that. I use that same name in the metamodel prototype  
: too.

That's fine, and fits in with Prototype-Think anyway.

: Here is how it could be done.
: class ShadowClass does Class {}
: class Object is reopened {

That might change to "is also", the generic trait for appending to things
that may or may not be classes.  (And "is instead" is used to replace things.)

: method add_singleton_method (Str $label, Method $method) {
: if ($?SELF.class.class != ShadowClass) {


And I think .class should be a coercion to the "class" view of its
invocant, which would make your second .class a no-op.  I think what
you're calling .class.class I'm calling .meta.class.  I want to
think of the class as an abstraction that is not an object.  Everything
you call Class I want to sweep behind .meta, because the metaclass instance
is the real class object.

: my $shadow =;
: $shadow.meta.superclasses([ $shadow ]);
: $?SELF.class = $shadow;

I think that should be self.meta = $shadow.  .class is not an
lvalue--it's just a restricted view of the current object.  (Again,
by my definitions.  I realize clashing definitions are at work here.
Maybe I can come up with a different word for what I call "class".
Or maybe I get "class", and you get "Class" :-) * .5

: }
: $?SELF.class.meta.add_method($label, $method);

That's just self.meta.add_method($label, $method) by my lights.
A .meta already implies/ignores the .class coercion.  If we are to
support prototype-based programming $x.meta *must not care* whether
it has been given a class or an instance or something in between.
What I am calling a "class" here is basically that portion of the
current instance that is the same for all members of its class.
And that common information presumably includes information on what to
do if a method is called that is not directly recognized by the object.
Class-based and prototype-based systems have different answers to that,
but they have something in common, and I'd like to abstract that out
and call it something.  I've been calling it "class", but maybe I
should call it something else to avoid confusion.  A "type" maybe.
That would imply that ¢ is really a "type" variable rather than a class
variable.  But maybe "type" is too overloaded already.  But maybe not.

Anyway, if my "class" turns into "type" or something else, maybe I
can be persuaded to go with ^T instead of ¢T.


Re: +$arg changed to :$arg

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 04:59:04PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: Larry Wall skribis 2005-10-26  7:31 (-0700):
: > One slightly serious ramification of the : switch is that the space
: > is required after the colon indicating a null invocant.
: > method doit (: $a, $b, $c)
: Or, we could separate it with a . instead of a :, perhaps?
: This is already more or less very heavily associated with invocants
: anyway.

I think a . would be too lightweight visually within the signature.
Plus . is a postfix prefix syntactically, not a delimiter.

: Hmmm...
: method .doit (...) { ... }
: method $foo.doit () { ... }

I think it would be a mistake to move the invocant outside the
signature.  We've just taken pains to move the return type *into*
the signature.


Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Rob Kinyon
> That's just self.meta.add_method($label, $method) by my lights.
> A .meta already implies/ignores the .class coercion.  If we are to
> support prototype-based programming $x.meta *must not care* whether
> it has been given a class or an instance or something in between.
> What I am calling a "class" here is basically that portion of the
> current instance that is the same for all members of its class.
> And that common information presumably includes information on what to
> do if a method is called that is not directly recognized by the object.
> Class-based and prototype-based systems have different answers to that,
> but they have something in common, and I'd like to abstract that out
> and call it something.  I've been calling it "class", but maybe I
> should call it something else to avoid confusion.  A "type" maybe.
> That would imply that ¢ is really a "type" variable rather than a class
> variable.  But maybe "type" is too overloaded already.  But maybe not.

I'd like to take this moment and point to my somewhat hand-wavy
metamodel proposal from last week. When Stevan and I were talking
about this, we called it a "quark." "Atom" also works quite nicely,
but quarks are cooler.

Plus, if you think about the definitions that go into creating an
instance (class, role, prototype, etc), it makes sense that if the
instance is the smallest indivisible thing there is, then the things
that go about being its definition are the quarks.

> Anyway, if my "class" turns into "type" or something else, maybe I
> can be persuaded to go with ^T instead of ¢T.

Q(T) ? :-)


Re: +$arg changed to :$arg

2005-10-26 Thread Juerd
Larry Wall skribis 2005-10-26  8:29 (-0700):
> I think a . would be too lightweight visually within the signature.
> Plus . is a postfix prefix syntactically, not a delimiter.

If weight is the issue, @#@ should do ;)

This aside, you could of course just double the colon. Or use a

I just really wouldn't like : to have two very differentmeanings in very
similar places.


Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 11:31:28AM -0400, Rob Kinyon wrote:
: > That's just self.meta.add_method($label, $method) by my lights.
: > A .meta already implies/ignores the .class coercion.  If we are to
: > support prototype-based programming $x.meta *must not care* whether
: > it has been given a class or an instance or something in between.
: > What I am calling a "class" here is basically that portion of the
: > current instance that is the same for all members of its class.
: > And that common information presumably includes information on what to
: > do if a method is called that is not directly recognized by the object.
: > Class-based and prototype-based systems have different answers to that,
: > but they have something in common, and I'd like to abstract that out
: > and call it something.  I've been calling it "class", but maybe I
: > should call it something else to avoid confusion.  A "type" maybe.
: > That would imply that ¢ is really a "type" variable rather than a class
: > variable.  But maybe "type" is too overloaded already.  But maybe not.
: I'd like to take this moment and point to my somewhat hand-wavy
: metamodel proposal from last week. When Stevan and I were talking
: about this, we called it a "quark." "Atom" also works quite nicely,
: but quarks are cooler.

Yes, I was sorry it got Warnocked.

: Plus, if you think about the definitions that go into creating an
: instance (class, role, prototype, etc), it makes sense that if the
: instance is the smallest indivisible thing there is, then the things
: that go about being its definition are the quarks.
: > Anyway, if my "class" turns into "type" or something else, maybe I
: > can be persuaded to go with ^T instead of ¢T.
: Q(T) ? :-)

Will be misinterpreted as sexist, so not on the Q/T.  :-)

One wants to coin a word like "Qlass".  Unfortunately "qlass" is too
easy to misread as "glass".  Oy veh, I'm getting notions of "the qlass
is half empty" for a partially instantiated object.

But it's probably not appropriate to coin a new term if we can force "type"
to work.  Someone please martial some objections.

Of course, there are other words that are somewhat synonymous with
"class", Unfortunately "sort" is already hosed.  Maybe "kind".
Then evolutionists could make jokes about the K(T) boundary, and
creationists could make jokes about "reproducing after their kind".
Some of us could make either kind of joke.  But perhaps it wouldn't
be kind.


Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Austin Frank

Larry Wall wrote:

Of course, there are other words that are somewhat synonymous with
"class", Unfortunately "sort" is already hosed.  Maybe "kind".
Then evolutionists could make jokes about the K(T) boundary, and
creationists could make jokes about "reproducing after their kind".
Some of us could make either kind of joke.  But perhaps it wouldn't
be kind.

Which (sort of) takes us back to TSa's (non)sign-off note from 10/5, 
wherein he suggested:

> I've always taken the 'what type of expression' approach to
> programming languages and thus have an affinity to type systems and
> type theory.
> With 'type' in general and 'data type' in particular beeing too
> misleading or used in too many different meanings in other programming
> languages I propose to coin the notion of 'kind' which has the nice
> double meaning of nice and sort. And as such gives the nice pun
>  Perl 6, the kind language
> with the two "meanings"
>  Perl 6, a kind of language
>, the language of kind(ness)

I don't know if this is a good sign or a bad one, but the jokes started 
before you even made the suggestion!  :)


Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Stevan Little

On Oct 26, 2005, at 12:05 PM, Larry Wall wrote:

Of course, there are other words that are somewhat synonymous with
"class", Unfortunately "sort" is already hosed.  Maybe "kind".

Actually "kind" is used in the "Core Calculus for Metaclasses" paper  
which I brought to the hackathon (not sure if you got to read it or  
not). Here is a link:

They present an rather interesting view on things, that the  
definition of the instance creating portion of a "class" should be  
seperated from the "class" or "kind" portion of the class. Actually  
the first metamodel prototype grew out of an implementation of the  
model they describe in the paper.


Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Jonathan Scott Duff
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 09:05:22AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> Of course, there are other words that are somewhat synonymous with
> "class", Unfortunately "sort" is already hosed.  Maybe "kind".

Maybe we could go with something Linnaean like "family" or "genus"
even though their relation to "class" isn't quite the same.

Jonathan Scott Duff

Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Ruud H.G. van Tol
Larry Wall:

> But perhaps it wouldn't be kind.

'caste' wouldn't either.

For inspiraton: type sort class variety brand category breed manner
style nature form hue caste set background stage setting milieu locale
range assortment selection mixture strain suite scenery rank grade
division status genre ...

Grtz, Ruud

Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Rob Kinyon
On 10/26/05, Stevan Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 26, 2005, at 12:05 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
> > Of course, there are other words that are somewhat synonymous with
> > "class", Unfortunately "sort" is already hosed.  Maybe "kind".
> Actually "kind" is used in the "Core Calculus for Metaclasses" paper
> which I brought to the hackathon (not sure if you got to read it or
> not). Here is a link:
> They present an rather interesting view on things, that the
> definition of the instance creating portion of a "class" should be
> seperated from the "class" or "kind" portion of the class. Actually
> the first metamodel prototype grew out of an implementation of the
> model they describe in the paper.

This might dovetail quite nicely into the discussion of how types are
now sets instead of junctions. Objects are now a junction of the
various kinds that were used to create it. Thus, boxed types are now
almost trivial to implement ... ?


Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Ruud H.G. van Tol
Stevan Little:

> They present an rather interesting view on things, that the
> definition of the instance creating portion of a "class" should be
> seperated from the "class" or "kind" portion of the class.

Its quality. Its character. Its features. Its face.

Grtz, Ruud

Re: +$arg changed to :$arg

2005-10-26 Thread TSa


Larry Wall wrote:

On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 04:59:04PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: Larry Wall skribis 2005-10-26  7:31 (-0700):
: > One slightly serious ramification of the : switch is that the space
: > is required after the colon indicating a null invocant.

What is an invocantless method other than a sub?

: > method doit (: $a, $b, $c)
: Or, we could separate it with a . instead of a :, perhaps?

I have proposed to markup invocant parameters with a leading dot
sigil. More than one invocant either makes it a multi method or
a mono method on a more complicated type. If the zoning of parameters
is dropped however, interpersed dotted params might make Perl approach
Cecil in that respect and surpass it with combining dispatched params
with named params.

: This is already more or less very heavily associated with invocants

: anyway.

Yes, and dispatch as a runtime keyed access into a code multitude.
The covariant part of the method's sig! The code equivalent to keyed
data access into hashes.

I think a . would be too lightweight visually within the signature.
Plus . is a postfix prefix syntactically, not a delimiter.

How are multiple --> handled in a method sig? The standard case
of a method defined in a class puts the class type into a primary
or pre-dispatch position, or not? I mean that

   class Foo
   method bar ($x, $y) {...}

might just mean

   class Foo
   method bar (¢Foo $?SELF --> $x, $y --> ) {...}

The left --> is just the virtualizer call. I tend to call
that slot accessor. The return value of a dispatch is the
not yet invoked but curried on the invocant(s) method. This
two stage propcess is in my eyes nicely indicated by the
two -->. But we could also but a : in the dispatch arrows
like -:-> or :-> or -:> which all look somewhat ugly.

: Hmmm...
: method .doit (...) { ... }

: method $foo.doit () { ... }

I think it would be a mistake to move the invocant outside the
signature.  We've just taken pains to move the return type *into*
the signature.

But the distinction between the dispatch/covariant part and the
contravariant lhs of the arrow type is difficult if we allow multiple
arrows in sigs. I would therefore like to propose anpther trait for
methods: the 'on' part. To wit:

  method doit (...) on (invocant sig) { ... }

Well, we could take the ¢ sigil to form invocant twigils ¢$, ¢@, ¢%, ¢&
which look a bit nicer with ^ though: ^$, ^@, ^%, ^&. The association
with $^, @^, %^, &^ in placeholders is a bonus in my eyes because they
are post dispatch on void invocants :)

The guiding theme in my line of thinking about twigils is that there's
a void between their two chars. A "pair" of type constraint and uncaptured
actual invocant type so to say. Well and we could capture it with

  method doit ( Constraint ^Actual $foo, NonInvocant $blahh ) {...}

to deal have it available inside. Am I makeing sense? Which impact all
this has an the self method discussion I don't know, but ^. and .^ come
to mind. The former would make ^.foo a method on the current invocant
and a bare .^ would dispatch the current method on the topic or some such.
$TSa.greeting := "HaloO"; # mind the echo!

Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon
Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Of course, there are other words that are somewhat synonymous with
> "class", Unfortunately "sort" is already hosed.  Maybe "kind".
> Then evolutionists could make jokes about the K(T) boundary, and
> creationists could make jokes about "reproducing after their kind".
> Some of us could make either kind of joke.  But perhaps it wouldn't
> be kind.

Flavor.  (Shades of CLOS, but we're already building the most flexible
object system since it...)

Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl and Parrot hacker

Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread TSa


Austin Frank wrote:
Which (sort of) takes us back to TSa's (non)sign-off note from 10/5, 
wherein he suggested:

I just can't help it, I love the good work done on this list!
And thanks for spelling the acronym correctly.

The Kindly One of a class beeing the representative like
the President of the United States is the First of Man :)
With limited runtime, of course ...

Who knows the Kindly Ones from the Sandman? This nicely
complements the seven Endless and their sigils ;)
But the German Sandmännchen has to put the kids to sleep
now---sweet dreams to everyone.
$TSa.greeting := "HaloO"; # mind the echo!

Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 12:22:07PM -0400, Stevan Little wrote:
: On Oct 26, 2005, at 12:05 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
: >Of course, there are other words that are somewhat synonymous with
: >"class", Unfortunately "sort" is already hosed.  Maybe "kind".
: Actually "kind" is used in the "Core Calculus for Metaclasses" paper  
: which I brought to the hackathon (not sure if you got to read it or  
: not). Here is a link:
: They present an rather interesting view on things, that the  
: definition of the instance creating portion of a "class" should be  
: seperated from the "class" or "kind" portion of the class. Actually  
: the first metamodel prototype grew out of an implementation of the  
: model they describe in the paper.

Interesting.  I didn't read it, but a bunch of us seem to be converging
on the same elephant.  I'm thinking of "kind" as the actual type of a
real instance separate from the machinery.  I think it probably corresponds
to what Luke is saying about classes not really having names.

So maybe we can define our terms like this:

type: a completely generic metaterm for any of the following,
and then some.

class: a mutable interface object that manages instances in the
"classical" way, with covariant derivational properties.

role: an immutable and possibly generic interface class, with
covariant compositional properties.

kind: the abstract, often unnamed type of an actual instance
or storage location, abstracted from any of its machinery or
degree of definedness.  You should not generally declare a "kind",
they just happen.

subtype: a potentially contravariant type based on any of the
previous types, allowed to impose constraints that are more
selective than a kind is allowed to be.

Then ^T $x binds T to the kind of $x.  And $x.kind == $y.kind asks
if two objects are of the same type, but $x.kind isn't a class-like
object, only an identity of some sort.  $x.meta returns the Class
instance, or whatever.

At the moment, I think the weakest word choice is "subtype".
People from certain cultures will confuse subtypes with subclasses.
The notion of constraints or limitations is already conveyed by
"where", and some subtypes may just be aliases.  Plus, as we've defined
them above, subtypes are the most generic type you can name in Perl.
So maybe we should go with "type"...which is yet another thing I've
waffled on repeatedly...


Re: +$arg changed to :$arg

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 07:06:15PM +0200, TSa wrote:
: HaloO,
: Larry Wall wrote:
: >On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 04:59:04PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: >: Larry Wall skribis 2005-10-26  7:31 (-0700):
: >: > One slightly serious ramification of the : switch is that the space
: >: > is required after the colon indicating a null invocant.
: What is an invocantless method other than a sub?

It's not invocantless.  I should have said "implicit".  But it's implicit
anyway if you leave the colon out.  (And you can only leave out the invocant
for the declaration of single dispatch methods anyway.)

: >: > method doit (: $a, $b, $c)
: >: 
: >: Or, we could separate it with a . instead of a :, perhaps?
: I have proposed to markup invocant parameters with a leading dot
: sigil. More than one invocant either makes it a multi method or
: a mono method on a more complicated type.

Could do that, but again . is kind of invisible, and doesn't give us
tie-breaking multiple colons.

: If the zoning of parameters
: is dropped however, interpersed dotted params might make Perl approach
: Cecil in that respect and surpass it with combining dispatched params
: with named params.

That seems like a mental disaster waiting to happen to newbies.  Maybe
there are reasons people are avoiding Cecil...

: >: This is already more or less very heavily associated with invocants
: >: anyway.
: Yes, and dispatch as a runtime keyed access into a code multitude.
: The covariant part of the method's sig! The code equivalent to keyed
: data access into hashes.

Um, yeah.  Won't play in Peoria, though.

: >I think a . would be too lightweight visually within the signature.
: >Plus . is a postfix prefix syntactically, not a delimiter.
: How are multiple --> handled in a method sig? The standard case
: of a method defined in a class puts the class type into a primary
: or pre-dispatch position, or not? I mean that
:class Foo
:method bar ($x, $y) {...}
: might just mean
:class Foo
:method bar (¢Foo $?SELF --> $x, $y --> ) {...}
: The left --> is just the virtualizer call. I tend to call
: that slot accessor. The return value of a dispatch is the
: not yet invoked but curried on the invocant(s) method. This
: two stage propcess is in my eyes nicely indicated by the
: two -->. But we could also but a : in the dispatch arrows
: like -:-> or :-> or -:> which all look somewhat ugly.

I kind of like : for that, actually. :-)

: >: Hmmm...
: >: 
: >: method .doit (...) { ... }
: >: method $foo.doit () { ... }
: >
: >I think it would be a mistake to move the invocant outside the
: >signature.  We've just taken pains to move the return type *into*
: >the signature.
: But the distinction between the dispatch/covariant part and the
: contravariant lhs of the arrow type is difficult if we allow multiple
: arrows in sigs. I would therefore like to propose anpther trait for
: methods: the 'on' part. To wit:
:   method doit (...) on (invocant sig) { ... }

I don't see how that relates.

: Well, we could take the ¢ sigil to form invocant twigils ¢$, ¢@, ¢%, ¢&
: which look a bit nicer with ^ though: ^$, ^@, ^%, ^&. The association
: with $^, @^, %^, &^ in placeholders is a bonus in my eyes because they
: are post dispatch on void invocants :)

Don't know what that means either.

: The guiding theme in my line of thinking about twigils is that there's
: a void between their two chars. A "pair" of type constraint and uncaptured
: actual invocant type so to say. Well and we could capture it with
:   method doit ( Constraint ^Actual $foo, NonInvocant $blahh ) {...}
: to deal have it available inside. Am I makeing sense? Which impact all
: this has an the self method discussion I don't know, but ^. and .^ come
: to mind. The former would make ^.foo a method on the current invocant
: and a bare .^ would dispatch the current method on the topic or some such.

I haven't the foggiest clue if you're making sense.  And that's the
scary part.


Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Uri Guttman
> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> One wants to coin a word like "Qlass".  Unfortunately "qlass" is
  LW> too easy to misread as "glass".  Oy veh, I'm getting notions of
  LW> "the qlass is half empty" for a partially instantiated object.


i think you need some immediate mental help. please step back from the
keyboard before you commit such a sin again. the next time, i will ask
gloria to stick you with a knitting needle.

is the smiley :) or (: ?


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Rob Kinyon
> So maybe we can define our terms like this:
> type: a completely generic metaterm for any of the following,
> and then some.
> class: a mutable interface object that manages instances in the
> "classical" way, with covariant derivational properties.
> role: an immutable and possibly generic interface class, with
> covariant compositional properties.
> kind: the abstract, often unnamed type of an actual instance
> or storage location, abstracted from any of its machinery or
> degree of definedness.  You should not generally declare a "kind",
> they just happen.
> subtype: a potentially contravariant type based on any of the
> previous types, allowed to impose constraints that are more
> selective than a kind is allowed to be.
> Then ^T $x binds T to the kind of $x.  And $x.kind == $y.kind asks
> if two objects are of the same type, but $x.kind isn't a class-like
> object, only an identity of some sort.  $x.meta returns the Class
> instance, or whatever.

A few questions:
1) Where does prototype-style OO fit into all of this? I hope it's not
through repeated eigenclasses (or whatever they're called this week)
... that just sounds too heavy.
2) Isn't Dog|Cat kinda declaring a kind? Thus, can't you say "my
Dog|Cat $catdog;" and be talking about a kind? I would think that a
"named kind" is just a role ...
3) Aren't classes mutable and roles immutable by default only? Or has
this changed?


Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 03:54:35PM -0400, Rob Kinyon wrote:
: > So maybe we can define our terms like this:
: >
: > type: a completely generic metaterm for any of the following,
: > and then some.
: >
: > class: a mutable interface object that manages instances in the
: > "classical" way, with covariant derivational properties.
: >
: > role: an immutable and possibly generic interface class, with
: > covariant compositional properties.
: >
: > kind: the abstract, often unnamed type of an actual instance
: > or storage location, abstracted from any of its machinery or
: > degree of definedness.  You should not generally declare a "kind",
: > they just happen.
: >
: > subtype: a potentially contravariant type based on any of the
: > previous types, allowed to impose constraints that are more
: > selective than a kind is allowed to be.
: >
: > Then ^T $x binds T to the kind of $x.  And $x.kind == $y.kind asks
: > if two objects are of the same type, but $x.kind isn't a class-like
: > object, only an identity of some sort.  $x.meta returns the Class
: > instance, or whatever.
: A few questions:
: 1) Where does prototype-style OO fit into all of this? I hope it's not
: through repeated eigenclasses (or whatever they're called this week)
: ... that just sounds too heavy.

I don't profess to be an expert on prototype style, but I think even
if we do it with eigenclasses it's not too heavy as long as we find
a way to share structurally identical eigenclasses.  Copy on write
would get some sharing benefit, though wouldn't coalesce eigenclasses
that just happened to converge on the same definition.

On the other hand, I think we can abstract out kindness sufficiently
well that, for the prototype kind of object, the machinery can just
clone the method refs along with the attributes.

: 2) Isn't Dog|Cat kinda declaring a kind?

If it resolves to a set of types, it can be *used* as a kind.  But if
you insist on the ORness of it, then it's really a subtype, because
a kind supports all of its member roles, not just one of them.

: Thus, can't you say "my Dog|Cat $catdog;" and be talking about a kind?

No, that merely asserts that the kind of $catdog must support those
two interfaces, assuming | just constructs a set.

But it's not clear that we'll support | there at all, but assuming
AND juxtapositional syntax, we can just write that:

my Dog Cat $catdog;

and get the same constraints on $catdog.  And the fact of the matter is
that either of Dog or Cat may be a constrained subtype, not a real kind.
If we say

my Even Odd $evenodd;

then we'll never match our constraints, despite the fact that Even and Odd
are both subtypes of Int, and Int can function as a kind.

: I would think that a "named kind" is just a role ...

No, other way around, a role is just a named kind.  More precisely,
a non-generic role can be forced to compose to a class that can
function as a kind.  But there can be kinds that don't behave well
according to the rules of roles.  You can't compose two kinds that
happen to represent native types, for instance.

: 3) Aren't classes mutable and roles immutable by default only? Or has
: this changed?

Of course.  To change the default for a role, call it a class, and
to change the default for a class, call it a role.  :-)


Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Luke Palmer
On 10/26/05, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So maybe we can define our terms like this:
> type: a completely generic metaterm for any of the following,
> and then some.
> class: a mutable interface object that manages instances in the
> "classical" way, with covariant derivational properties.
> role: an immutable and possibly generic interface class, with
> covariant compositional properties.
> kind: the abstract, often unnamed type of an actual instance
> or storage location, abstracted from any of its machinery or
> degree of definedness.  You should not generally declare a "kind",
> they just happen.

We're screwing around with existing OO jargon, so it's probably not
too bad to screw around with this one too, especially since it only
appears under the covers in ML.

A kind is the "signature" of a type.  So, for instance,

Int   has kind *
Array has kind * -> *
Array Int has kind *

Other than that, I think the term works find.

> subtype: a potentially contravariant type based on any of the
> previous types, allowed to impose constraints that are more
> selective than a kind is allowed to be.
> Then ^T $x binds T to the kind of $x.  And $x.kind == $y.kind asks
> if two objects are of the same type,

Don't you mean $x.kind eqv $y.kind?


> but $x.kind isn't a class-like
> object, only an identity of some sort.  $x.meta returns the Class
> instance, or whatever.
> At the moment, I think the weakest word choice is "subtype".
> People from certain cultures will confuse subtypes with subclasses.
> The notion of constraints or limitations is already conveyed by
> "where", and some subtypes may just be aliases.  Plus, as we've defined
> them above, subtypes are the most generic type you can name in Perl.
> So maybe we should go with "type"...which is yet another thing I've
> waffled on repeatedly...

"constrained type"?   Though that only works for the literature, not
Perl's active vocabulary.


Roles vs. Classes (was Re: Ways to add behavior)

2005-10-26 Thread Rob Kinyon
> : 3) Aren't classes mutable and roles immutable by default only? Or has
> : this changed?
> Of course.  To change the default for a role, call it a class, and
> to change the default for a class, call it a role.  :-)

Does this mean that roles are the recommended way to create immutable
classes? Given that roles and classes now seem to differ only in their
mutability, I can't see a reason why I would use class as my default
object definer. I would prefer to use roles as they're closed by
default, leaving "class" to be my powertool, if I need the power.


Re: Roles vs. Classes (was Re: Ways to add behavior)

2005-10-26 Thread chromatic
On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 20:29 -0400, Rob Kinyon wrote:

> I would prefer to use roles as they're closed by default, leaving
> "class" to be my powertool, if I need the power.

I don't understand this desire; can you explain your reasoning?

(NB: "closed" here, as I use it, still *does not* correspond to
licensing or availability of the source code.)

-- c

Re: Roles vs. Classes (was Re: Ways to add behavior)

2005-10-26 Thread Rob Kinyon
On 10/26/05, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 20:29 -0400, Rob Kinyon wrote:
> > I would prefer to use roles as they're closed by default, leaving
> > "class" to be my powertool, if I need the power.
> I don't understand this desire; can you explain your reasoning?

If a role is an immutable class, that means that its internals cannot
be changed. Hence, the compiler can trust that it will be the same at
the end as at the beginning. Which means it's optimized. Which means
my objects run faster if I create them from roles than if I create
them from classes. And, given that this seems to be the sole
difference between them (mutability vs. immutability), why would I use
classes as my standard?


Re: Roles vs. Classes (was Re: Ways to add behavior)

2005-10-26 Thread Luke Palmer
On 10/26/05, Rob Kinyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/26/05, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 20:29 -0400, Rob Kinyon wrote:
> >
> > > I would prefer to use roles as they're closed by default, leaving
> > > "class" to be my powertool, if I need the power.
> >
> > I don't understand this desire; can you explain your reasoning?
> If a role is an immutable class, that means that its internals cannot
> be changed. Hence, the compiler can trust that it will be the same at
> the end as at the beginning. Which means it's optimized. Which means
> my objects run faster if I create them from roles than if I create
> them from classes. And, given that this seems to be the sole
> difference between them (mutability vs. immutability), why would I use
> classes as my standard?

Okay, an open class means you can add methods to it, right?  So, let's
say you have this class:

class Foo {
method foo() {...}
method bar() {...}

And this code:

my Foo $x =;

This might be compiled to the following pseudo intermediate code:

my $x = Foo[0]();

Now let's say you extend the class:

   class Foo is also {
   method baz() {...}

Is there any reason that the preceding pseudo intermediate code is no
longer valid?  I don't see one; baz() is just installed in slot 3.  So
why would you say it was faster to have it closed?

Indeed, it *could* be faster.  But we find that many programmers make
decisions that trade readability and extensibility for an extra 1% of
speed, even when they are writing a command-line frontend to
MPlayer[1].  If those people are module writers, then we have a bunch
of modules on CPAN that are not friendly to the user who wants to use
the module in the one way the writer didn't expect.

So the reason we made classes open by default is so that people
wouldn't have a chance to make that decision until they're more
experienced.  Indeed, no module writer can say that a class is closed;
only the main program may say that, because the main program knows the
most about how everything is used.  The precise definition of "main
program" is not well-defined yet, but it's there so that a module
writer doesn't close himself off from the world without knowing how
his module is even being used.

And if you're going to use roles for everything because they're closed
and they will gain you 2% of speed on one particular backend, then
we'll have to make the same rule for them too.  I know it sounds like
we're "babying" our programmers.  We are, because it's such a
widespread superstition.

And just to reinforce that it's a superstition:  a theory defines a
vtable.  If you extend the class in an incompatible way, you have to
make a new instance of its theory, defining new vtable slots.  Once
the new vtable is created, it is just as fast as the old one.  There
is no speed loss whatsoever for keeping your class open.


[1] This is a concrete example that I actually witnessed.

Re: Roles vs. Classes (was Re: Ways to add behavior)

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 08:48:12PM -0400, Rob Kinyon wrote:
: If a role is an immutable class, that means that its internals cannot
: be changed. Hence, the compiler can trust that it will be the same at
: the end as at the beginning. Which means it's optimized. Which means
: my objects run faster if I create them from roles than if I create
: them from classes. And, given that this seems to be the sole
: difference between them (mutability vs. immutability), why would I use
: classes as my standard?

Because it might be a premature optimization to the extent that it
restricts flexibility before you know whether it's going to affect
performance.  Part of the power of Ruby on Rails reputedly comes from
the fact that Ruby leaves its classes open by default.


Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 04:56:23PM -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
: > Then ^T $x binds T to the kind of $x.  And $x.kind == $y.kind asks
: > if two objects are of the same type,
: Don't you mean $x.kind eqv $y.kind?
: Ugh.

Now that infix:<::> has come available, maybe I mean:

$x.kind :: $y.kind

Now all we need is infix:<:> to calculate the value of the relationship
of two items, and we can write:

$a : $b :: $c : $d

:-) * .5


Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 06:34:48PM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
: On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 04:56:23PM -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
: : > Then ^T $x binds T to the kind of $x.  And $x.kind == $y.kind asks
: : > if two objects are of the same type,
: : 
: : Don't you mean $x.kind eqv $y.kind?
: : 
: : Ugh.
: Now that infix:<::> has come available, maybe I mean:
: $x.kind :: $y.kind

And maybe eq and == could degenerate to :: if both args aren't
coercable to the desired type.


Re: Roles vs. Classes (was Re: Ways to add behavior)

2005-10-26 Thread chromatic
On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 19:22 -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:

> But we find that many programmers make decisions that trade
> readability and extensibility for an extra 1% of speed, even when they
> are writing a command-line frontend to MPlayer[1].  If those people
> are module writers, then we have a bunch of modules on CPAN that are
> not friendly to the user who wants to use the module in the one way
> the writer didn't expect.

Worse, that's a *theoretical* 1% of speed based on non-profiled code.

> And if you're going to use roles for everything because they're closed
> and they will gain you 2% of speed on one particular backend, then
> we'll have to make the same rule for them too.  I know it sounds like
> we're "babying" our programmers.  We are, because it's such a
> widespread superstition.

I prefer to think of it as "Helping to prevent them from writing
unreusable code."

> And just to reinforce that it's a superstition:  a theory defines a
> vtable.  If you extend the class in an incompatible way, you have to
> make a new instance of its theory, defining new vtable slots.  Once
> the new vtable is created, it is just as fast as the old one.  There
> is no speed loss whatsoever for keeping your class open.

Even further, don't forget that someone, somewhere will really need to
do something you didn't think of.  Either he extends your class somehow
or works around it in an ugly, funky way.

Which one is faster to write?  Which one is faster to execute?  Which
one is more likely to be correct?  Which one is more maintainable?

-- c

Re: Roles vs. Classes (was Re: Ways to add behavior)

2005-10-26 Thread Rob Kinyon
On 10/26/05, Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, an open class means you can add methods to it, right?  So, let's
> say you have this class:
> class Foo {
> method foo() {...}
> method bar() {...}
> }
> And this code:
> my Foo $x =;
> $;
> $;
> This might be compiled to the following pseudo intermediate code:
> my $x = Foo[0]();
> Foo[1]($x);
> Foo[2]($x);
> Now let's say you extend the class:
>class Foo is also {
>method baz() {...}
> Is there any reason that the preceding pseudo intermediate code is no
> longer valid?  I don't see one; baz() is just installed in slot 3.  So
> why would you say it was faster to have it closed?

What about:

class Foo is also {
method foo() { ... }

Where the second foo() is no longer what the first foo() did.
Furthermore, let's say you have:

class Bar isa Foo {
method floober() { ... }

If they were roles, then role Bar could alias all the methods it
inherits from role Foo. In other words, it can cache all the method
lookups at compile-time. That's a substantial savings. If they're open
classes, the runtime has to throw out all the cached lookups the
moment any of the classes upstream are modified.

Plus, the argument is a straw man. Instead of:

class Some::Class is also {

you would do:

class My::Version {
does Some::Class;

Problem solved.


Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread chromatic
On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 14:52 -0400, Uri Guttman wrote:

> > "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   LW> One wants to coin a word like "Qlass".  Unfortunately "qlass" is
>   LW> too easy to misread as "glass".  Oy veh, I'm getting notions of
>   LW> "the qlass is half empty" for a partially instantiated object.
> i think you need some immediate mental help. please step back from the
> keyboard before you commit such a sin again. the next time, i will ask
> gloria to stick you with a knitting needle.
> is the smiley :) or (: ?

I can't believe you missed the opportunity to write "qloria".

-- c

Re: Roles vs. Classes (was Re: Ways to add behavior)

2005-10-26 Thread chromatic
On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 21:58 -0400, Rob Kinyon wrote:

> Plus, the argument is a straw man. Instead of:
> class Some::Class is also {
> }
> you would do:
> class My::Version {
> does Some::Class;
> }
> Problem solved.

Don't forget the fun of modifying all existing uses of Some::Class to
use My::Version instead, if that's even possible.

-- c

Re: Roles vs. Classes (was Re: Ways to add behavior)

2005-10-26 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 07:35:05PM -0700, chromatic wrote:
: On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 21:58 -0400, Rob Kinyon wrote:
: > Plus, the argument is a straw man. Instead of:
: > 
: > class Some::Class is also {
: > }
: > 
: > you would do:
: > 
: > class My::Version {
: > does Some::Class;
: > }
: > 
: > Problem solved.
: Don't forget the fun of modifying all existing uses of Some::Class to
: use My::Version instead, if that's even possible.

That should mostly be handled by virtualized class names.


Re: Roles vs. Classes (was Re: Ways to add behavior)

2005-10-26 Thread Luke Palmer
On 10/26/05, Rob Kinyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What about:
> class Foo is also {
> method foo() { ... }
> }
> Where the second foo() is no longer what the first foo() did.

Just overwrite the vtable.

> Furthermore, let's say you have:
> class Bar isa Foo {
> method floober() { ... }
> }
> If they were roles, then role Bar could alias all the methods it
> inherits from role Foo. In other words, it can cache all the method
> lookups at compile-time. That's a substantial savings. If they're open
> classes, the runtime has to throw out all the cached lookups the
> moment any of the classes upstream are modified.

This one is a little better.  It is expensive to rejig all the cached
methods, but that expense comes at the time when you reopen.  If you
never reopen, you never pay a penalty.

> Plus, the argument is a straw man. Instead of:
> class Some::Class is also {
> }
> you would do:
> class My::Version {
> does Some::Class;
> }
> Problem solved.

Unless your module is the one creating the Some::Classes, or unless
(as you point out above) there are existing subclasses of Some::Class,
or unless some other thing that you didn't think of, which is the
whole point of this discussion.  There is no omniscient library
writer; there is no omniscient language designer.  :-)


Re: $1 change issues [was Re: syntax for accessing multiple versions of a module]

2005-10-26 Thread chromatic
On Thu, 2005-10-20 at 17:12 -0700, Nate Wiger wrote:

> If Perl 6 is going to be successful, this means it must change the
> fewest key things with the most benefits.

I think there's an assumption here that not only do I not hold but I do
not even understand.

Suppose that I am a game developer with a small, very devoted and vocal
group of fans.  I interact with them regularly through IRC, message
boards, and occasionally even private e-mail.

I decide to create a new game and start to do some market research.
Obviously I ask my core group of fans what they want.  They oblige: more
of everything they loved from previous games, harder difficulties, more
in-jokes, and all of the new features they've always wanted in my
previous games.

I listen to them and write the game that my core fans want and, if I'm
really surprisingly amazingly lucky, other people want it too and it's a

More likely, it sells a few copies outside of my fanbase and I learn a
painful lesson:  there are more people you are not currently reaching
than you are currently reaching.

It's worth keeping them in mind.

-- c