Re: say vs print for .WHAT

2012-06-28 Thread Smylers
Patrick R. Michaud writes:

 print will stringify its arguments and write them to $*OUT.
 say will invoke .gist on its arguments and write them (along with a
 final newline) to $*OUT.

Hi there. What's the rationale for the difference there?

Under what circumstances are each likely to be useful?


Re: Something wrong with str.reverse

2010-06-22 Thread Smylers
David Landgren writes:

 On 22/06/2010 09:07, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
  I was going to suggest this too after reading PM's post. I would
  suggest that for whatever reason a list operator was used on a
  scalar, including a hold over form another language (Ruby and
  perl5), a warning should be issued. Most likely to be an error.

 For a nop? Ouch.

Not for any possible no-ops; but for those which people are likely to
make by mistake and can easily be detected.

In the case of reverse it's pretty similar to the list versus scalar
check that Perl 5 is currently making in order to determine which action
to take.

 Could this not be pushed off onto a lint-like/PBP analysis? If you
 want the compiler to moan about every construct that may not be doing
 what you think it's doing...

Not every possible construct, but things at about the same level as
those that Perl 5 warns about.

 you don't want to do that every time the program is run.

  no warnings;


Re: the file slurping is not working

2009-06-10 Thread Smylers
Tom Christiansen writes:

 Larry wrote:
  But we're trying very hard to get rid of most such special cases in
  Perl 6.  Usually we can get the recommended Perl 6 code to just DWYM
  as a fallout of the general semantics,
 Oh.  You mean like for directories containing a file whose name is the
 1-char string, 0, and that file pre-emptively terminating a readdir
 loop the way it used to.

I can't find it in the spec (link anybody?) but I'd expect the return
value to be something which stringifies to 0 but boolifies to false,
meaning it won't terminate the loop.

That way we get the intuitive behaviour, but don't need a special case.
And the general mechanism used to make this work is something available
for all Perl programs to take advantage of, not an exception that
requires baking into the core language internals.


Re: Logo considerations

2009-03-25 Thread Smylers
jason switzer writes:

 Basically, the perl community has largely adopted TIMTOWTDI as a
 philosophy ... For that, a cluster of arrows in different directions
 seems fitting

Or a toad, called Tim -- frogs are cuter than arrows!

(Though timtowtdi is already associated with Perl 5, so perhaps not what
Perl 6 should be emphasizing.)


Re: Rakduo Logo Proposal

2009-03-18 Thread Smylers
Stephen Weeks writes:
 The main association for me, with the reference to the anarchist
 symbol, is that we've kept going and produced something good despite
 the large sentiment of You're taking too long, you'll never succeed,
 etc. out there.  Others include the somewhat chaotic state of Perl 6
 development at times, the loose and informal organization in Perl 6
 development, etc.

I see what you're getting at there, but obviously if chosen the logo
would be seen by people who're unaware of your explanation of the
analogy, and so there's a risk they'd see a more literal link with a
particular political movement.

That could cause some awkwardness in getting Perl 6 accepted by those
with different political persuasions.  Perl 6 has no political views
(well, outside the narrow field of programming language design, which
isn't considered a field of politics by most major parties), so it
wouldn't be beneficial to give the perception of any poliical links,
even inadvertently.


 Just an idea.  Please discuss.