Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Josh Berkus  writes:
> I received a private offlist email from someone who didn't feel
> comfortable bringing up their issues with this list publicly.  Let me
> quote from it, because I think it pins part of the issue:

> "I believe this is due to the current postgresql "commitfest" process
> whereby there is no real way to present new ideas or technologies
> without coming to the table with a fully-baked plan and patch. This is
> obvious even in the name "commitfest" since the expectation is that
> every patch presented is considered ready-to-commit by the patch
> presenter. This makes a novice or experimental contribution less likely."

As Robert noted, the purpose of the commitfest mechanism is mostly to
ensure that patches that *are* committable, or close to it, don't fall
through the cracks.  I'm not sure we're doing anybody any favors by
trying to shoehorn reviews of WIP ideas into that same process.  At the
very least it seems we'd need a different set of review guidelines for
WIP items, and we don't have one.

I think useful reviewing of WIP stuff has to focus much more on design
concepts and much less on code reading.  The reason why the mmap patch
was getting such negative feedback was that there was no way to provide
such a review except by reverse-engineering the design out of some very
messily-presented code.  So if we're going to do anything about this,
what we have to do is tell people that the first thing to present for
a WIP review is a design document.  If they feel a need to write some
throwaway code to help them clarify their ideas, fine ... but *don't
show us that code*.  Write a design document.  Get that reviewed.
Then see about coding it, or bringing your first-draft code up to the
point where it can stand the light of day.

I don't know if we need a formal process akin to CFs for reviewing
design documents.  I think people are usually plenty willing to discuss
ideas on -hackers, unless maybe you hit them at a particularly bad time
like when they're already burnt out towards the end of a CF.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [JDBC] [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Kris Jurka  writes:
> On Mon, 18 Apr 2011, Mike Fowler wrote:
>> As there seems to be a consensus forming for fixing the JDBC driver, I've 
>> taken the liberty do so at the risk of being shot down. The patch is fairly 
>> straightforward, just changing UNICODE to UTF8 in a number of files 
>> including 
>> the translation files. I've tested this against 9.1devel (HEAD) and 8.4.7. 
>> For each database version I build and the tests running JDKs 1.4.2_19, 
>> 1.5.0_22 and 1.6.0_2. All on 32-bit.

> Thanks, applied, mostly.  It's great to have a patch for a problem before 
> you even know it exists.

For purposes of the notes in the server-side fix, could you state which
JDBC driver versions these changes will first appear in?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:50 PM, Christopher Browne  wrote:
> Two items still undergoing work (collations, sync rep) weren't at that
> level of readiness, needing some mere "dusting off" to make them
> ready.  Rather, they needed substantial examination and modification
> before they'd be ready.  And, while this has doubtless aroused some
> ire, it doesn't intrinsically make those items "broken."

I don't think it really aroused that much ire.  It's pretty clear that
both of those patches cost us something on the schedule, and I would
have preferred to see them committed sooner and with fewer bugs.  But
they are great features.  Unfortunately, we have a tendency to leave
things to the last minute, and that's something I think we could
improve.  We have gotten a bit better but there is clearly room for
further improvement.  With beta having gotten pushed out to the end of
the month, there is a real chance that we are going to end up
releasing in the fall again, and I would have much preferred July 1.
But given how long CF4 lasted and how much surgery was required
afterwards, it was an unfixable problem.  It's not going to get any
better unless we get more serious about getting these big features
done early in the cycle, or postponing them to the next release if
they aren't.  Anyway, I'm drifting off topic: nothing against the
patches, at least on my part, just want to make the schedule.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Christopher Browne
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:15 PM, Alex Hunsaker  wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 19:50, Josh Berkus  wrote:
>> You'll notice that this has been a complaint of veteran contributors as
>> well; WIP patches either get no review, or get reviewed as if they were
>> expected to be committable.
> I don't see this changing anytime in the future. We have a hard enough
> time getting "finished" patches reviewed.

Sadly so.

As much as I think we have gotten a LOT of useful milage out of the
"commitfest" concept, it does, conceptually, have a strong bias
(including in its very name) towards the assumption that changes are
pretty much ready to commit.

Two items still undergoing work (collations, sync rep) weren't at that
level of readiness, needing some mere "dusting off" to make them
ready.  Rather, they needed substantial examination and modification
before they'd be ready.  And, while this has doubtless aroused some
ire, it doesn't intrinsically make those items "broken."

The Apache guys may be onto something in having the "incubator"
moniker, for things that aren't "so ready we're calling them

There may be merit to separating out "easy to commit" and "tougher to
commit" items, and having different kinds of pickiness for them, the
former being good fodder for "Easy CommitFest" and the latter being
"PG Incubation."

Though I'm not sure the latter makes it any easier to get tough
features like synchronous replication into place.

>> The person who e-mailed me suggests some form of PostgreSQL Incubator as
>> a solution.   I'm not sure about that, but it does seem to me that we
>> need somewhere or some way that people can submit patches, ideas, git
>> forks, etc., for discussion without that discussion needing to
>> immediately move to the cleanliness/maintainability/supportable status
>> of the patch.
> Reminds me a bit of what linux is doing with the "staging" tree. I
> don't see anyway for that to work with postgres (lower the bar for
> -contrib?).
> You can fork fairly easy with github nowdays. For example the replace
> GEQ with SA is on one of those git sites. Does that mean it gets any
> attention? *shrug*

Well, the project hasn't been on Git for all that spectacularly long a
time, so the comfort level with managing via forks maybe isn't quite
there yet.

Forking isn't as magically delicious as GitHub might make some
imagine; it's fine and useful to have a bunch of forks, and eventually
merge useful ones, when they are remaining pretty close together, and
don't conflict.  That's likely to work out happily for features that
are essentially independent.  If you and I are hacking on different
contrib modules, that's pretty "essentially independent."

Unfortunately, deeper features are more likely to be more
interdependent, and forks aren't so readily productive in that case.

If we hack around with formatting, that would muck with *everything*
else, as an even worse "for instance."
When confronted by a difficult problem, solve it by reducing it to the
question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 9:50 PM, Josh Berkus  wrote:
> Robert,
>> 1. We realize we have been too trigger-happy sometimes.
>> 2. But we really want you to participate.
>> 3. And we are trying very hard to do better.
>> 4. And please tell us if we screw up, so we can keep working on it.
> I received a private offlist email from someone who didn't feel
> comfortable bringing up their issues with this list publicly.  Let me
> quote from it, because I think it pins part of the issue:
> "I believe this is due to the current postgresql "commitfest" process
> whereby there is no real way to present new ideas or technologies
> without coming to the table with a fully-baked plan and patch. This is
> obvious even in the name "commitfest" since the expectation is that
> every patch presented is considered ready-to-commit by the patch
> presenter. This makes a novice or experimental contribution less likely."
> You'll notice that this has been a complaint of veteran contributors as
> well; WIP patches either get no review, or get reviewed as if they were
> expected to be committable.
> The person who e-mailed me suggests some form of PostgreSQL Incubator as
> a solution.   I'm not sure about that, but it does seem to me that we
> need somewhere or some way that people can submit patches, ideas, git
> forks, etc., for discussion without that discussion needing to
> immediately move to the cleanliness/maintainability/supportable status
> of the patch.
> I'm concerned though that if these WIP projects don't get to -hackers,
> then their creators won't get the feedback they really need.
> Thoughts?

I think the quality of review that WIP patches get depends very much
on how specific the submitter is about what they'd like to get out of
the process.  If you submit a patch and say "I have this cool patch
that allows FTL travel, but it's WIP, please review" then you're
basically asking some poor schmuck to reverse engineer what the patch
is doing, and, when they find problems with it, guess which of those
problems were things that you didn't think of and which were things
that you knew about but haven't gotten around to fixing yet because
you're still working on it.  This is a pretty thankless task for the
reviewer, and it's not surprising that it doesn't go well.  However,
if you say "I have this cool patch that allows FTL travel.  It current
plays havoc with the transporter beams and the dilithium crystals tend
to shatter if you exceed Warp 3, but I'd like to get a check as to
whether the basic design is sound, and if anyone can see why the
Heisenburg compensator is destabilizing, please let me know", your
chances of getting some useful feedback are pretty good.  Sometimes it
even provokes a rather competitive spot-the-bug race...

Also, I think the reason why we have a process called CommitFest and
not a process called BrainstormingFest is because, when we didn't have
a CommitFest process, patches fell on the floor.  Since we've added
that process, that problem has largely gone away.  But it is generally
not difficult to get a review of a "big idea" for which no code has
been written yet - in fact it's often much faster and easier than
getting a patch reviewed.  It's true that there have been occasional
times when people have gotten lightly toasted for bringing up big new
ideas in the middle of a CF or beta period, but I think we've gotten
less pedantic about that.  Certainly, there are no shortage of ideas
that have been proposed and commented on over the last few weeks, even
as we have been working to get 9.1beta1 out the door.  Code is not
really getting reviewed right now, but ideas *are*.  I'm not going to
claim that this works perfectly: the way that ideas are presented and
the relative level of interest and/or exhaustion of the people
responding certainly play a role, but it is a pretty rare for an email
to -hackers to get no answer at all.  Maybe we need some formal
process here just to make people more comfortable, but it's not
necessary from a workflow perspective.

Thinking back over the kinds of things that have lead to people
getting jumped on, I think I can identify a pattern: people tend to
get jumped on when they allege that our code sucks, or that they're
smarter than we are.  Whether or not they actually meant to imply
those things turns out not to matter - it rubs people the wrong way,
and everyone's a volunteer, so when you rub them the wrong way, they
get annoyed.  I make an effort, as I think most of us do, to be aware
that just because someone makes an annoying remark doesn't necessarily
mean that they are an annoying person; it just means they haven't
quite figured it all out yet.  But there are still people who get
flamed that way far more than they probably deserve.  That's an area
we can improve, but in the meantime, approaching the topic with a bit
of humility goes a long way.  I can't remember the last time someone
said "I was thinking about working on ... and I thought I might

Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Alex Hunsaker
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 19:50, Josh Berkus  wrote:
> You'll notice that this has been a complaint of veteran contributors as
> well; WIP patches either get no review, or get reviewed as if they were
> expected to be committable.

I don't see this changing anytime in the future. We have a hard enough
time getting "finished" patches reviewed.

> The person who e-mailed me suggests some form of PostgreSQL Incubator as
> a solution.   I'm not sure about that, but it does seem to me that we
> need somewhere or some way that people can submit patches, ideas, git
> forks, etc., for discussion without that discussion needing to
> immediately move to the cleanliness/maintainability/supportable status
> of the patch.

Reminds me a bit of what linux is doing with the "staging" tree. I
don't see anyway for that to work with postgres (lower the bar for

You can fork fairly easy with github nowdays. For example the replace
GEQ with SA is on one of those git sites. Does that mean it gets any
attention? *shrug*

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Joshua D. Drake

On 04/18/2011 06:38 PM, Robert Haas wrote:

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Josh Berkus  wrote:

In any case, I think the answer to this is constructive; better
documentation and tools to let submitters get their code into good shape
in the first place so that we don't have discussions about formatting.
That way we waste *neither* the reviewers' nor the submitters' time.

Well, I'm all in favor of better documentation, but I think the
biggest thing we need to do is get the word out:

1. We realize we have been too trigger-happy sometimes.
2. But we really want you to participate.
3. And we are trying very hard to do better.
4. And please tell us if we screw up, so we can keep working on it.

I think Robert has hit the nail on the head. As I mentioned at #PgWest, 
we are a 1000 person dysfunctional family. David Fetter reminded me 
gently (yes really) that as far as 1000 person families go, we're doing 
pretty good. We are one of the last true communities left.

We need to find a way to let people know that we are only gruff, because 
of experience and that although we can be rough we welcome the 
participation and we try really hard. We are engineers (well, I'm 
not...) but most of us are.


Command Prompt, Inc. -
PostgreSQL Support, Training, Professional Services and Developement
Organizers of the PostgreSQL Conference -
@cmdpromptinc - @postgresconf - 509-416-6579

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Josh Berkus

> 1. We realize we have been too trigger-happy sometimes.
> 2. But we really want you to participate.
> 3. And we are trying very hard to do better.
> 4. And please tell us if we screw up, so we can keep working on it.

I received a private offlist email from someone who didn't feel
comfortable bringing up their issues with this list publicly.  Let me
quote from it, because I think it pins part of the issue:

"I believe this is due to the current postgresql "commitfest" process
whereby there is no real way to present new ideas or technologies
without coming to the table with a fully-baked plan and patch. This is
obvious even in the name "commitfest" since the expectation is that
every patch presented is considered ready-to-commit by the patch
presenter. This makes a novice or experimental contribution less likely."

You'll notice that this has been a complaint of veteran contributors as
well; WIP patches either get no review, or get reviewed as if they were
expected to be committable.

The person who e-mailed me suggests some form of PostgreSQL Incubator as
a solution.   I'm not sure about that, but it does seem to me that we
need somewhere or some way that people can submit patches, ideas, git
forks, etc., for discussion without that discussion needing to
immediately move to the cleanliness/maintainability/supportable status
of the patch.

I'm concerned though that if these WIP projects don't get to -hackers,
then their creators won't get the feedback they really need.


Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Josh Berkus  wrote:
> In any case, I think the answer to this is constructive; better
> documentation and tools to let submitters get their code into good shape
> in the first place so that we don't have discussions about formatting.
> That way we waste *neither* the reviewers' nor the submitters' time.

Well, I'm all in favor of better documentation, but I think the
biggest thing we need to do is get the word out:

1. We realize we have been too trigger-happy sometimes.
2. But we really want you to participate.
3. And we are trying very hard to do better.
4. And please tell us if we screw up, so we can keep working on it.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [JDBC] [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Kris Jurka

On Mon, 18 Apr 2011, Mike Fowler wrote:

On 18/04/11 17:12, Tom Lane wrote:

Dave Cramer  writes:

Well initially my concern was that people would have a challenge in
the case where they had to re-certify their application if we made
this change, however I realize they will have to do this anyway since
upgrading to 9.1 is what necessitates it.

I don't see any backwards compatibility risk, if that's what you mean.
Every backend release since 7.3 has treated client_encoding 'UTF8' and
'UNICODE' the same, and earlier releases didn't accept either one.

regards, tom lane

As there seems to be a consensus forming for fixing the JDBC driver, I've 
taken the liberty do so at the risk of being shot down. The patch is fairly 
straightforward, just changing UNICODE to UTF8 in a number of files including 
the translation files. I've tested this against 9.1devel (HEAD) and 8.4.7. 
For each database version I build and the tests running JDKs 1.4.2_19, 
1.5.0_22 and 1.6.0_2. All on 32-bit.

Thanks, applied, mostly.  It's great to have a patch for a problem before 
you even know it exists.

I didn't modify the .po files.  I doubt this will change the adjacent 
translation wording, but directly patching .po files is only something to 
do in more dire circumstances (like needing to make a backpatch to an old 
branch that won't get translators to look at it before the next release.)

I also discarded your changes to AbstractJdbc3Statement.  Those Unicode 
mentions are from the interface Javadoc, so I left them alone.

Kris Jurka

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Re: [HACKERS] pg_dump --binary-upgrade vs. ALTER TYPE ... DROP ATTRIBUTE

2011-04-18 Thread Noah Misch
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 11:58:30AM -0400, Noah Misch wrote:
> When we're done with the relkind-restriction patch, I'll post a new version of
> this one.  It will remove the circularity check and add a relkind check.

Here it is.  Changes from tt1v1-alter-of.patch to tt1v2-alter-of.patch:
* Use transformOfType()'s relkind check in ATExecAddOf()
* Remove circularity check
* Open pg_inherits with AccessShareLock
* Fix terminology in ATExecDropOf() comment
* Rebase over pgindent changes

Changes from tt2v1-binary-upgrade.patch to tt2v2-binary-upgrade.patch:
* Rebase over dumpCompositeType() changes from commit acfa1f45
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/alter_table.sgml 
index c194862..4e02438 100644
*** a/doc/src/sgml/ref/alter_table.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/ref/alter_table.sgml
*** 63,68  ALTER TABLE name
--- 63,70 
  RESET ( storage_parameter [, 
... ] )
  INHERIT parent_table
  NO INHERIT parent_table
+ OF type_name
  OWNER TO new_owner
  SET TABLESPACE new_tablespace
*** 491,496  ALTER TABLE name
--- 493,522 
+ OF type_name
+   This form links the table to a composite type as though CREATE
+   TABLE OF had formed it.  The table's list of column names and types
+   must precisely match that of the composite type; the presence of
+   an oid system column is permitted to differ.  The table must
+   not inherit from any other table.  These restrictions ensure
+   that CREATE TABLE OF would permit an equivalent table
+   definition.
+   This form dissociates a typed table from its type.
diff --git a/src/backend/commands/tablecindex 1f709a4..f0e6f24 100644
*** a/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c
--- b/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c
*** 81,86 
--- 81,87 
  #include "utils/snapmgr.h"
  #include "utils/syscache.h"
  #include "utils/tqual.h"
+ #include "utils/typcache.h"
*** 357,362  static void ATExecEnableDisableRule(Relation rel, char 
--- 358,366 
  static void ATPrepAddInherit(Relation child_rel);
  static void ATExecAddInherit(Relation child_rel, RangeVar *parent, LOCKMODE 
  static void ATExecDropInherit(Relation rel, RangeVar *parent, LOCKMODE 
+ static void drop_parent_dependency(Oid relid, Oid refclassid, Oid refobjid);
+ static void ATExecAddOf(Relation rel, const TypeName *ofTypename, LOCKMODE 
+ static void ATExecDropOf(Relation rel, LOCKMODE lockmode);
  static void ATExecGenericOptions(Relation rel, List *options);
  static void copy_relation_data(SMgrRelation rel, SMgrRelation dst,
*** 2684,2689  AlterTableGetLockLevel(List *cmds)
--- 2688,2703 
+* These subcommands affect implicit row type 
conversion. They
+* have affects similar to CREATE/DROP CAST on 
queries.  We
+* don't provide for invalidating parse trees 
as a result of
+* such changes.  Do avoid concurrent pg_class 
updates, though.
+   case AT_AddOf:
+   case AT_DropOf:
+   cmd_lockmode = ShareUpdateExclusiveLock;
+   /*
 * These subcommands affect general strategies 
for performance
 * and maintenance, though don't change the 
semantic results
 * from normal data reads and writes. Delaying 
*** 2942,2954  ATPrepCmd(List **wqueue, Relation rel, AlterTableCmd *cmd,
case AT_EnableAlwaysRule:
case AT_EnableReplicaRule:
case AT_DisableRule:
-   ATSimplePermissions(rel, ATT_TABLE);
-   /* These commands never recurse */
-   /* No command-specific prep needed */
-   pass = AT_PASS_MISC;
-   break;
case AT_DropInherit:/* NO INHERIT */
ATSimplePermissions(rel, ATT_TABLE);
/* No command-specific prep needed */
pass = AT_PASS_MISC;
--- 2956,2966 
case AT_EnableAlwaysRule:
case AT_EnableReplicaRule:
case AT_DisableRule:
case AT_DropInherit:/* NO INHERIT */
+   case AT_AddOf:  /* OF */
+   case AT_DropOf: /* NOT OF */
ATSimplePermissions(rel, ATT_TABLE

Re: [HACKERS] Typed table DDL loose ends

2011-04-18 Thread Noah Misch
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:44:53PM +0300, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 21:57 -0400, Noah Misch wrote:
> > * Users can CREATE TABLE OF on a type they don't own
> > This in turns blocks the owner's ability to alter the table/type.  However, 
> > we
> > already have this hazard with composite-type columns.  A TODO to address 
> > this
> > broadly seems in order, but it's not a 9.1 issue.
> I think we should change that to mirror the inheritance policy: you have
> to be the owner of the "parent".  Note that this is newly relevant in
> 9.1, because you couldn't change composite types before.

Would we add that restriction to use of "CREATE TABLE t (c comptype)" as well,
or just to "CREATE TABLE t OF comptype"?

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Alvaro Herrera  writes:
> Excerpts from Andrew Dunstan's message of lun abr 18 19:20:30 -0300 2011:
>> On 04/17/2011 11:07 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>>> ... but maybe it just needs
>>> a more determined effort and/or more recent versions of GNU indent.

>> If you're aware of any changes in GNU indent that would overcome the 
>> previous issues, then by all means spend the time on it. If not, it 
>> seems a bit like the definition of insanity ("repeating an experiment 
>> with the expectation of a different result").

> The source of GNU indent itself is 3x what it was when the experiment
> was last reported.  (I checked this about a year ago with an eye on
> "repeating the experiment" but then I failed to actually do it.)  It
> seems fair to say that, yes, it has changed a bit in the meantime.

Also, my recollection of the previous go-round is that we gave up rather
quickly.  Maybe by now there is somebody willing to put more than
minimal effort into getting the options just so.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Excerpts from Andrew Dunstan's message of lun abr 18 19:20:30 -0300 2011:
> On 04/18/2011 01:46 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> > On 04/17/2011 11:07 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> >>
> >> BTW, another thing that should be in the try-try-again category is
> >> seeing how close we could get to pgindent's results with GNU indent.
> >> It seems clear to me that a process based on GNU indent would be a
> >> lot easier for a lot of people.  We tried that once before, and couldn't
> >> get close enough to want to consider switching, but maybe it just needs
> >> a more determined effort and/or more recent versions of GNU indent.
> >> (ISTR that we hit some things that seemed to be outright bugs in GNU
> >> indent, but this was quite a few years ago.)
> >
> > That seems like a definite win possibility there.
> If you're aware of any changes in GNU indent that would overcome the 
> previous issues, then by all means spend the time on it. If not, it 
> seems a bit like the definition of insanity ("repeating an experiment 
> with the expectation of a different result").

The source of GNU indent itself is 3x what it was when the experiment
was last reported.  (I checked this about a year ago with an eye on
"repeating the experiment" but then I failed to actually do it.)  It
seems fair to say that, yes, it has changed a bit in the meantime.

Álvaro Herrera 
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Andrew Dunstan

On 04/18/2011 01:46 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

On 04/17/2011 11:07 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

BTW, another thing that should be in the try-try-again category is
seeing how close we could get to pgindent's results with GNU indent.
It seems clear to me that a process based on GNU indent would be a
lot easier for a lot of people.  We tried that once before, and couldn't
get close enough to want to consider switching, but maybe it just needs
a more determined effort and/or more recent versions of GNU indent.
(ISTR that we hit some things that seemed to be outright bugs in GNU
indent, but this was quite a few years ago.)

That seems like a definite win possibility there.

If you're aware of any changes in GNU indent that would overcome the 
previous issues, then by all means spend the time on it. If not, it 
seems a bit like the definition of insanity ("repeating an experiment 
with the expectation of a different result").



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Re: [HACKERS] Evaluation of secondary sort key.

2011-04-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Excerpts from Greg Stark's message of lun abr 18 15:47:03 -0300 2011:

> A lot of SQL queries end up being written with GROUP BY primary_key,
> other_column, other_column, other_column just to get those other
> columns to be queryable. If we implemented the SQL standard
> "dependent" columns feature this would be unnecessary but we don't and
> even if we did people would still build schemas and queries that
> defeat the optimization.

Actually we do have that in 9.1.  It's a bit more restrictive than
really required (there are some more cases we could handle), but AFAIR
at least the primary key is handled now.

Álvaro Herrera 
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 12:52 PM, Joshua Berkus  wrote:
> Robert, Tom,
>> Hm ... there are people out there who think *I* get high off rejecting
>> patches. I have a t-shirt to prove it. But I seem to be pretty
>> ineffective at it too, judging from these numbers.
> It's a question of how we reject patches, especially first-time patches.   We 
> can reject them in a way which makes the submitter more likely to fix them 
> and/or work on something else, or we can reject them in a way which 
> discourages people from submitting to PostgreSQL at all.
> For example, the emails to Radoslaw mentioned nothing about pg_ident, 
> documented spacing requirements, accidental inclusion of files he didn't mean 
> to touch, etc.  Instead, a couple of people told him he should abandon his 
> chosen development IDE in favor of emacs or vim.  Radoslaw happens to be 
> thick-skinned and persistent, but other first-time submitters would have 
> given up at that point and run off to a more welcoming project.

Actually, the first reply was a very polite reply from Heikki pointing
out the problem very gently and asking for a theory of operation.

Radoslaw replied and said that he understood the formatting problem,
but his editor was mangling it:

>> Yes, but, hmm... in Netbeans I had really long gaps (probably 8 spaces, from 
>> tabs), so deeper "ifs", comments at the and of variables, went of out my 
>> screen. I really wanted to not format this, but sometimes I needed.

That prompted one - ONE! - person to reply and suggest that the use of
another editor might work better.   At which point, we got an
apparently-exasperated note from you suggesting that a 10% performance
improvement wasn't enough (which I disagree with) and that it was
wrong for people to worry about whether they could read the patch well
enough to understand it (which I also disagree with).  Conceding that
some of the following discussion may have gotten a little harsh
(though frankly I think that was mostly directed at your remark, not
the OP), what prompted that original note?  Here it is:

>> Guys, can we *please* focus on the patch for now, rather than the 
>> formatting, which is fixable with sed?

So first of all, no it's not fixable with sed.  But secondly, writing
"*please*" here seems to evince a level of frustration which is
entirely out of proportion to the really rather mild comments which
preceded it.  What made you write it that way?

I think that the harshness of the reaction to your statement is a
reflection of some underlying frustration on my part and perhaps also
on the part of other reviewers - to this continual commentary that we
are not nice enough to people, especially newcomers.  Well, OK, maybe
we're not.  But you know what?  We're trying really hard, and getting
accused of being nasty when we actually weren't is kind of a tough
pill to swallow.  I would really like to see someone go back and look
at every patch from a newcomer that's been submitted in the last year,
and rate the reaction to that patch on an A-F scale.  Then let's have
a discussion about what percentage we did well on, and what percentage
we did poorly on, and how we could have done better.  When we actually
start raking someone over the coals, I think it's great and a helpful
service for you to jump in and say - hold on a minute, timeout.  But
in this case I think you were too quick off the trigger, and I don't
think that acting as if it's unreasonable to want a patch that
conforms to our submission guidelines is doing anyone any favors.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Evaluation of secondary sort key.

2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Greg Stark  writes:
> A lot of SQL queries end up being written with GROUP BY primary_key,
> other_column, other_column, other_column just to get those other
> columns to be queryable. If we implemented the SQL standard
> "dependent" columns feature this would be unnecessary but we don't

We do as of 9.1 ...

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Joshua D. Drake

On 04/17/2011 11:07 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

BTW, another thing that should be in the try-try-again category is
seeing how close we could get to pgindent's results with GNU indent.
It seems clear to me that a process based on GNU indent would be a
lot easier for a lot of people.  We tried that once before, and couldn't
get close enough to want to consider switching, but maybe it just needs
a more determined effort and/or more recent versions of GNU indent.
(ISTR that we hit some things that seemed to be outright bugs in GNU
indent, but this was quite a few years ago.)

That seems like a definite win possibility there.


Command Prompt, Inc. -
PostgreSQL Support, Training, Professional Services and Developement
Organizers of the PostgreSQL Conference -
@cmdpromptinc - @postgresconf - 509-416-6579

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Re: [HACKERS] Windows 64 bit warnings

2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Alvaro Herrera  writes:
> Excerpts from Andrew Dunstan's message of sáb abr 16 21:46:44 -0300 2011:
>> The other, slightly more serious case, is at 
>> src/test/regress/pg_regress.c:2280, which is this code:
>> printf(_("running on port %d with pid %lu\n"),
>> port, (unsigned long) postmaster_pid);
>> Here the postmaster_pid is in fact a HANDLE which is 8 bytes, and so it 
>> should probably be cast to an unsigned long long and  rendered with the 
>> format %llu in Win64.

> Is this "uint64" and UINT64_FORMAT?

Considering that this is a purely informational printout, I don't see
any reason to give a damn about the possibility of high-order bits in
the HANDLE being dropped.  And it's not an especially good idea to stick
UINT64_FORMAT into a translatable string, because of the platform
dependency that creates.

I think all we need here is a way to shut up the overly-anal-retentive
warning.  I would have expected that explicit cast to be enough,
actually, but apparently it's not.  Ideas?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] Evaluation of secondary sort key.

2011-04-18 Thread Greg Stark
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 5:38 PM, Jesper Krogh  wrote:
>> order by case when (complex expresssion) 1 when (complex expression) 2
>> else 3
> How come that expression be relevant? There is only one sortkey and no
> limit, so no matter what it should clearly get the full resultset in all
> cases.

Sure, imagine there are more order by clauses with this one as the last one.

> Yes, as with all other cases it would be hard to get the optimum, but
> there is also cases where it is straightforward, say when the secondary
> sort column has an ndistinct of -1 (or similar close to). The current
> standard
> assumption is that 2 columns are unrelated, that would also work here. (As
> good as is
> does similar places in PG).

I'm not following what you mean with the secondary column having
ndistinct of -1. Actually it seems to me a reasonable low-hanging
fruit to reach for would be when the initial column has an ndistinct
of -1 which is actually kind of common.

A lot of SQL queries end up being written with GROUP BY primary_key,
other_column, other_column, other_column just to get those other
columns to be queryable. If we implemented the SQL standard
"dependent" columns feature this would be unnecessary but we don't and
even if we did people would still build schemas and queries that
defeat the optimization.

In these cases we probably do have ndistinct -1 for one of the columns
and therefore that an index on that column alone would give us almost
the right ordering and quite likely exactly the right ordering. If we
buffered the outputs for any distinct value and output sorted them if
there were multiple rows. It would probably somewhat worse if we guess
wrong though.


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Re: [HACKERS] HTML tags :/

2011-04-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Excerpts from David Fetter's message of lun abr 18 18:34:11 -0300 2011:
> Folks,
> While readjusting pg_docbot's URLs for LEAST and GREATEST, I came
> across an infelicity.  They'd been tagged as
> "";
> and I re-tagged them as 
> "";
> I didn't see a more descriptive tag.  Am I missing something
> important?

The sect2 they are in would need an id attribute for there to be a
stable #-style link.

Álvaro Herrera 
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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Re: [HACKERS] pgbench \for or similar loop

2011-04-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Excerpts from Merlin Moncure's message of lun abr 18 18:26:54 -0300 2011:
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Alvaro Herrera  
> wrote:

> > begin;
> > \for iterator 1 1
> >  \setrandom foo 1 :iterator
> >  insert into foo values (:foo);
> > \end
> > commit;
> >
> > Would something like this be acceptable?
> *) what does this do that isn't already possible with 'DO' (not being
> snarky, genuinely curious)?

Uhm, not sure.  I'm not really used to having DO available so I didn't
think about it.  I'll look at it a bit more.

> *) should psql get some of these features?  simple logic and looping
> would be a nice addition?

I dunno.  They have been proposed and shot down in the past.  Apparently
people don't want psql to become too powerful.  ("But that would make
psql turing complete! Soon you're going to want to have \while on it!").
I think pgbench is supposed to be designed to handle data in bulk which
is why I started using it for this in the first place.

Álvaro Herrera 
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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[HACKERS] HTML tags :/

2011-04-18 Thread David Fetter

While readjusting pg_docbot's URLs for LEAST and GREATEST, I came
across an infelicity.  They'd been tagged as
and I re-tagged them as 

I didn't see a more descriptive tag.  Am I missing something

David Fetter
Phone: +1 415 235 3778  AIM: dfetter666  Yahoo!: dfetter
Skype: davidfetter  XMPP:
iCal: webcal://

Remember to vote!
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Re: [HACKERS] pgbench \for or similar loop

2011-04-18 Thread Merlin Moncure
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Alvaro Herrera  wrote:
> Hi,
> Today (and previously) I wished that pgbench had a mechanism to help
> create simple random databases.  For example, I could create a table
> "tenk" and fill it with random stuff like
> \setrandom foo 1 1
> insert into foo values (:foo)
> Now I have to run this 1 times or something like that.  But I don't
> want a transaction for each of those, so I had a desire for something
> like this:
> begin;
> \for iterator 1 1
>  \setrandom foo 1 :iterator
>  insert into foo values (:foo);
> \end
> commit;
> Would something like this be acceptable?

*) what does this do that isn't already possible with 'DO' (not being
snarky, genuinely curious)?

*) should psql get some of these features?  simple logic and looping
would be a nice addition?


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[HACKERS] Still need mentor for advanced indexing project -- GSOC

2011-04-18 Thread Josh Berkus

We're short one mentor for Google Summer of Code.  There's one advanced
indexing project we'd really really like to accept, but we cannot
because we don't have a mentor who feels up to it.

If you didn't previously volunteer to be a GSOC mentor, and might be
able to help a student through working with custom data types, GiST/GIN
etc., then please contact me off-list ASAP.  We're almost at the deadline.


(I'm not being more specific about the project on purpose).

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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2011-04-18 Thread Kevin Grittner
Andrew Dunstan  wrote:
> It's likely to be used by SQL generators if nothing else, and I've
> been known to use it as a very convenient shorthand. It would seem
> to me like quite a strange inconsistency to allow order by n with
> some qualifiers but not others.
That's pretty much how I feel.  Like SELECT * or an INSERT without a
target column list, I wouldn't want to see it used in production,
but it saves time when hacking around in a development database or
running ad hoc queries.  If we didn't support it, the inconsistency
would be odd, and we would need to document it as a deviation from
the standard.

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[HACKERS] pgbench \for or similar loop

2011-04-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera

Today (and previously) I wished that pgbench had a mechanism to help
create simple random databases.  For example, I could create a table
"tenk" and fill it with random stuff like

\setrandom foo 1 1
insert into foo values (:foo)

Now I have to run this 1 times or something like that.  But I don't
want a transaction for each of those, so I had a desire for something
like this:

\for iterator 1 1
 \setrandom foo 1 :iterator
 insert into foo values (:foo);

Would something like this be acceptable?

Álvaro Herrera 

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2011-04-18 Thread Dann Corbit
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:pgsql-hackers-
>] On Behalf Of Andrew Dunstan
> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 1:43 PM
> To: Tom Lane
> Cc: Peter Eisentraut; pgsql-hackers
> On 04/18/2011 04:20 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> > Peter Eisentraut  writes:
> >> This came from a review by Noah Misch a great while ago:
> >> test=>  SELECT b FROM foo ORDER BY 1 COLLATE "C";
> >> ERROR:  42804: collations are not supported by type integer
> >> According to SQL92, this should be supported.  Do we want to bother?
> It
> >> doesn't look hard to fix, so it's really only a question of whether
> this
> >> would be useful, or its absence would be too confusing.
> > The ORDER BY 1 business seems to me to be legacy anyway.  I'm not
> > inclined to put in even more hacks to make strange combinations work
> > there --- I think we're likely to find ourselves painted into a
> corner
> > someday as it is.
> >
> >
> It's likely to be used by SQL generators if nothing else, and I've been
> known to use it as a very convenient shorthand. It would seem to me
> like
> quite a strange inconsistency to allow order by n with some qualifiers
> but not others.

I use order by  a lot, especially when 
result_set_column is a complicated expression.

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2011-04-18 Thread Andrew Dunstan

On 04/18/2011 04:20 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

Peter Eisentraut  writes:

This came from a review by Noah Misch a great while ago:
ERROR:  42804: collations are not supported by type integer
According to SQL92, this should be supported.  Do we want to bother?  It
doesn't look hard to fix, so it's really only a question of whether this
would be useful, or its absence would be too confusing.

The ORDER BY 1 business seems to me to be legacy anyway.  I'm not
inclined to put in even more hacks to make strange combinations work
there --- I think we're likely to find ourselves painted into a corner
someday as it is.

It's likely to be used by SQL generators if nothing else, and I've been 
known to use it as a very convenient shorthand. It would seem to me like 
quite a strange inconsistency to allow order by n with some qualifiers 
but not others.



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2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Peter Eisentraut  writes:
> This came from a review by Noah Misch a great while ago:
> test=> SELECT b FROM foo ORDER BY 1 COLLATE "C";
> ERROR:  42804: collations are not supported by type integer

> According to SQL92, this should be supported.  Do we want to bother?  It
> doesn't look hard to fix, so it's really only a question of whether this
> would be useful, or its absence would be too confusing.

The ORDER BY 1 business seems to me to be legacy anyway.  I'm not
inclined to put in even more hacks to make strange combinations work
there --- I think we're likely to find ourselves painted into a corner
someday as it is.

regards, tom lane

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2011-04-18 Thread Peter Eisentraut
This came from a review by Noah Misch a great while ago:

ERROR:  42804: collations are not supported by type integer

According to SQL92, this should be supported.  Do we want to bother?  It
doesn't look hard to fix, so it's really only a question of whether this
would be useful, or its absence would be too confusing.

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Re: [HACKERS] Open issues for collations

2011-04-18 Thread Peter Eisentraut
On Mon, 2011-04-18 at 10:41 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> However, I've come across a new issue that maybe requires discussion:
> what collation should be associated with a multi-row VALUES in FROM?
> For instance, in
>   (VALUES (1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar' COLLATE "C")) v(a,b),
>   ...
> what collation should be imputed to references to v.b?
> The way the code currently works is that the first row of the VALUES
> list is inspected to determine what collation to report

Hmm, I do see this on my list of things to address, so yes, it should be
fixed.  I likely got stuck because it's pretty complicated.

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Re: [HACKERS] Typed table DDL loose ends

2011-04-18 Thread Peter Eisentraut
On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 21:57 -0400, Noah Misch wrote:
> * Table row types used in typed tables vs. ALTER TABLE

This item was addressed, but the other ones were not, I think.

> * Inheriting from a typed table blocks further type DDL
>   CREATE TYPE t AS (x int);
>   CREATE TABLE parent OF t;
>   CREATE TABLE child () INHERITS (parent);
>   -- ERROR:  column must be added to child tables too
> We ought to just set INH_YES on the downstream command in 
> ATTypedTableRecursion.
> If we get to that point, the user did choose ALTER TYPE CASCADE; it seems fair
> to assume he'd want inheritance recursion rather than a later error.


> * Users can CREATE TABLE OF on a type they don't own
> This in turns blocks the owner's ability to alter the table/type.  However, we
> already have this hazard with composite-type columns.  A TODO to address this
> broadly seems in order, but it's not a 9.1 issue.

I think we should change that to mirror the inheritance policy: you have
to be the owner of the "parent".  Note that this is newly relevant in
9.1, because you couldn't change composite types before.

> * Can create a permanent table using a temp table row type
>   CREATE TEMP TABLE tempt ();
>   CREATE TABLE permt OF tempt; -- silently dropped on session exit
> Looks easy to fix, with no policy questions.

This is now prohibited.

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Josh Berkus

> Does this mean we need an auction to get Robert a nice $1000 t-shirt?

... starting hunting through Robert's emails for a good quote ...

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Josh Berkus
On 4/18/11 10:57 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
> So first of all, no it's not fixable with sed.  But secondly, writing
> "*please*" here seems to evince a level of frustration which is
> entirely out of proportion to the really rather mild comments which
> preceded it.  What made you write it that way?

I'll admit that the conversation I'd had at the Drizzle BOF the previous
night strongly influenced me.

> to this continual commentary that we
> are not nice enough to people, especially newcomers.  Well, OK, maybe
> we're not.  But you know what?  We're trying really hard, and getting
> accused of being nasty when we actually weren't is kind of a tough
> pill to swallow ... But
> in this case I think you were too quick off the trigger

Well, my apologies to you.  You are probably correct.

In any case, I think the answer to this is constructive; better
documentation and tools to let submitters get their code into good shape
in the first place so that we don't have discussions about formatting.
That way we waste *neither* the reviewers' nor the submitters' time.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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Re: [JDBC] [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Mike Fowler

On 18/04/11 17:12, Tom Lane wrote:

Dave Cramer  writes:

Well initially my concern was that people would have a challenge in
the case where they had to re-certify their application if we made
this change, however I realize they will have to do this anyway since
upgrading to 9.1 is what necessitates it.

I don't see any backwards compatibility risk, if that's what you mean.
Every backend release since 7.3 has treated client_encoding 'UTF8' and
'UNICODE' the same, and earlier releases didn't accept either one.

regards, tom lane

As there seems to be a consensus forming for fixing the JDBC driver, 
I've taken the liberty do so at the risk of being shot down. The patch 
is fairly straightforward, just changing UNICODE to UTF8 in a number of 
files including the translation files. I've tested this against 9.1devel 
(HEAD) and 8.4.7. For each database version I build and the tests 
running JDKs 1.4.2_19, 1.5.0_22 and 1.6.0_2. All on 32-bit.


Mike Fowler
Registered Linux user: 379787

Index: doc/pgjdbc.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/doc/pgjdbc.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -c -r1.40 pgjdbc.xml
*** doc/pgjdbc.xml	25 Dec 2010 07:07:44 -	1.40
--- doc/pgjdbc.xml	18 Apr 2011 16:32:49 -
*** 179,185 
  encoding and you will have problems the moment you store data in it that
  does not fit in the seven bit ASCII character set.
  If you do not know what your encoding will be or are otherwise unsure
! about what you will be storing the UNICODE encoding
  is a reasonable default to use.

--- 179,185 
  encoding and you will have problems the moment you store data in it that
  does not fit in the seven bit ASCII character set.
  If you do not know what your encoding will be or are otherwise unsure
! about what you will be storing the UTF8 encoding
  is a reasonable default to use.

Index: org/postgresql/core/
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/core/,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -c -r1.23
*** org/postgresql/core/	1 May 2010 14:40:51 -	1.23
--- org/postgresql/core/	18 Apr 2011 16:32:49 -
*** 96,102 
   * Encode a string using the database's client_encoding
!  * (usually UNICODE, but can vary on older server versions).
   * This is used when constructing synthetic resultsets (for
   * example, in metadata methods).
--- 96,102 
   * Encode a string using the database's client_encoding
!  * (usually UTF8, but can vary on older server versions).
   * This is used when constructing synthetic resultsets (for
   * example, in metadata methods).
Index: org/postgresql/core/v2/
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/core/v2/,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -c -r1.21
*** org/postgresql/core/v2/	31 Mar 2011 03:06:38 -	1.21
--- org/postgresql/core/v2/	18 Apr 2011 16:32:49 -
*** 380,388 
  // 7.3 server that defaults to autocommit = off.
  if (logger.logDebug())
! logger.debug("Switching to UNICODE client_encoding");
! String sql = "begin; set autocommit = on; set client_encoding = 'UNICODE'; ";
  if (dbVersion.compareTo("9.0") >= 0) {
  sql += "SET extra_float_digits=3; ";
  } else if (dbVersion.compareTo("7.4") >= 0) {
--- 380,388 
  // 7.3 server that defaults to autocommit = off.
  if (logger.logDebug())
! logger.debug("Switching to UTF8 client_encoding");
! String sql = "begin; set autocommit = on; set client_encoding = 'UTF8'; ";
  if (dbVersion.compareTo("9.0") >= 0) {
  sql += "SET extra_float_digits=3; ";
  } else if (dbVersion.compareTo("7.4") >= 0) {
*** 391,397 
  sql += "commit";, sql, false);
! protoConnection.setEncoding(Encoding.getDatabaseEncoding("UNICODE"));
--- 391,397 
  sql += "commit";, sql, false);
! protoConnection.setEncoding(Encoding.getDatabaseEncoding("UTF8"));
Index: org/postgresql/core/v3/
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/core/v3/Connect

Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Joshua Berkus
Robert, Tom,

> Hm ... there are people out there who think *I* get high off rejecting
> patches. I have a t-shirt to prove it. But I seem to be pretty
> ineffective at it too, judging from these numbers.

It's a question of how we reject patches, especially first-time patches.   We 
can reject them in a way which makes the submitter more likely to fix them 
and/or work on something else, or we can reject them in a way which discourages 
people from submitting to PostgreSQL at all.

For example, the emails to Radoslaw mentioned nothing about pg_ident, 
documented spacing requirements, accidental inclusion of files he didn't mean 
to touch, etc.  Instead, a couple of people told him he should abandon his 
chosen development IDE in favor of emacs or vim.  Radoslaw happens to be 
thick-skinned and persistent, but other first-time submitters would have given 
up at that point and run off to a more welcoming project.

Mind, even better would be to get our "so you're submitting a patch" 
documentation and tools into shape; that way, all we need to do is send the 
first-time submitter a link.  Will work on that between testing ...

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.
San Francisco

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Re: [HACKERS] WIP: Allow SQL-language functions to reference parameters by parameter name

2011-04-18 Thread Merlin Moncure
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Alvaro Herrera
> Excerpts from Robert Haas's message of lun abr 18 09:33:06 -0300 2011:
>> I don't much like Jim's syntax suggestion (the alias really ought to
>> be declared within the function body, I think, not added to the CREATE
>> FUNCTION statement) but I don't necessarily think it's a bad idea.
>> What would be even better, in my view, is having a short alias that is
>> defined by default, but all previous proposals in this vein have been
>> shot down by Tom and Andrew.  As a practical matter, though, I think
>> what Jim is talking about speaks to a real need - people want to make
>> SQL function names long and descriptive, but they do NOT want to spell
>> out that long function name 16 times inside the function body.
> plpgsql has the #option thing in functions; why can't we have something
> similar in SQL functions?
>  CREATE FUNCTION function_with_really_really_descriptive_name (
>   some_parameter int
>     #option function_alias fwrrdn
>         SELECT fwrrdn.some_parameter
>  $$;
> Not necessarily that exact syntax.

If we are rejecting $foo on grounds of deviating from sql standard,
shouldn't this be rejected on the same grounds?  There is no such
syntax in sql/psm.


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Re: [HACKERS] Windows 64 bit warnings

2011-04-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Excerpts from Andrew Dunstan's message of sáb abr 16 21:46:44 -0300 2011:

> The other, slightly more serious case, is at 
> src/test/regress/pg_regress.c:2280, which is this code:
> printf(_("running on port %d with pid %lu\n"),
>  port, (unsigned long) postmaster_pid);
> Here the postmaster_pid is in fact a HANDLE which is 8 bytes, and so it 
> should probably be cast to an unsigned long long and  rendered with the 
> format %llu in Win64.

Is this "uint64" and UINT64_FORMAT?

Álvaro Herrera 
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Excerpts from Tom Lane's message of lun abr 18 02:50:22 -0300 2011:
> Robert Haas  writes:
> > ... Maybe someone out there is under the impression
> > that I get high off of rejecting patches; but the statistics you cite
> > from the CF app don't exactly support the contention that I'm going
> > around looking for reasons to reject things, or if I am, I'm doing a
> > pretty terrible job finding them.
> Hm ... there are people out there who think *I* get high off rejecting
> patches.  I have a t-shirt to prove it.  But I seem to be pretty
> ineffective at it too, judging from these numbers.

Does this mean we need an auction to get Robert a nice $1000 t-shirt?

Álvaro Herrera 
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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Re: [JDBC] [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Mike Fowler

On 18/04/11 17:35, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

On 04/18/2011 11:25 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

What concerns me  most is that (assuming my dates are right) the 
JDBC driver has been

broken for 11 days and no one noticed. This would lead me to believe
that there is no JDBC build server. What would it take to set one up?

+1 for doing something along that line.

All you'd need to do is write a step for a buildfarm animal to fetch 
the JDBC driver and run some tests, and run it in a buildfarm client 
somewhere. The server code is quite agnostic about the steps that are 
reported on.

IOW in addition to a running buildfarm member you need to write a 
small amount (< 100 lines, possibly much less) of perl code.



I've found the entry on the Developer Wiki 
( What I'll 
do is set-up three "farms" on my machine - one for 1.4, one for 1.5 and 
one for 1.6. It's been a while since I've had an excuse to write some 
Perl! I can't guarantee when I'll have it done as I'm away for a little 
over a week from Wednesday and I'm not allowed internet access!


Mike Fowler
Registered Linux user: 379787

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Re: [HACKERS] Evaluation of secondary sort key.

2011-04-18 Thread Jesper Krogh

On 2011-04-18 11:00, Greg Stark wrote:

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 6:25 AM, Jesper Krogh  wrote:

Getting the value for the first sortkey and carrying on a closure
for the rest would mostly (very often) be "optimal" ?

Well that might depend. The input data to the function might be much
larger than the output. Consider the, quite common, idiom of:

order by case when (complex expresssion) 1 when (complex expression) 2 else 3

How come that expression be relevant? There is only one sortkey and no
limit, so no matter what it should clearly get the full resultset in all 

It would also enable a select that has to sortkeys to utilize an
index that only contains the primary sortkey, which is a huge
negative effect of what's being done today.

This is a separate problem entirely. It would be nice to have a
strategy for ordering that can take advantage of partially ordered
results. It's not hard to see how to do the executor side -- it could
keep a tuplesort for each group and truncate it when the group
changes. As usual the hard part is having the planner figure out
*when* to use it. We have a hard enough time calculating ndistinct for
individual columns -- this would require having an idea of how many
values are present for each major key column.

Yes, as with all other cases it would be hard to get the optimum, but
there is also cases where it is straightforward, say when the secondary
sort column has an ndistinct of -1 (or similar close to). The current 
assumption is that 2 columns are unrelated, that would also work here. 
(As good as is

does similar places in PG).



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Re: [JDBC] [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Andrew Dunstan

On 04/18/2011 11:25 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

What concerns me  most is that (assuming my dates are right) the JDBC driver 
has been
broken for 11 days and no one noticed. This would lead me to believe
that there is no JDBC build server. What would it take to set one up?

+1 for doing something along that line.

All you'd need to do is write a step for a buildfarm animal to fetch the 
JDBC driver and run some tests, and run it in a buildfarm client 
somewhere. The server code is quite agnostic about the steps that are 
reported on.

IOW in addition to a running buildfarm member you need to write a small 
amount (< 100 lines, possibly much less) of perl code.



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Re: [HACKERS] WIP: Allow SQL-language functions to reference parameters by parameter name

2011-04-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Excerpts from Robert Haas's message of lun abr 18 09:33:06 -0300 2011:

> I don't much like Jim's syntax suggestion (the alias really ought to
> be declared within the function body, I think, not added to the CREATE
> FUNCTION statement) but I don't necessarily think it's a bad idea.
> What would be even better, in my view, is having a short alias that is
> defined by default, but all previous proposals in this vein have been
> shot down by Tom and Andrew.  As a practical matter, though, I think
> what Jim is talking about speaks to a real need - people want to make
> SQL function names long and descriptive, but they do NOT want to spell
> out that long function name 16 times inside the function body.

plpgsql has the #option thing in functions; why can't we have something
similar in SQL functions?

 CREATE FUNCTION function_with_really_really_descriptive_name (
  some_parameter int
 #option function_alias fwrrdn
        SELECT fwrrdn.some_parameter

Not necessarily that exact syntax.

Álvaro Herrera 
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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2011-04-18 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Excerpts from Leonardo Francalanci's message of lun abr 18 09:36:13 -0300 2011:
> I think I coded a very basic version of the UNLOGGED to LOGGED patch
> (only wal_level=minimal case for the moment).
> To remove the INIT fork, I changed somehow PendingRelDelete to have
> a flag "bool onlyInitFork" so that the delete would remove only the INIT
> fork at commit.
> Everything "works" (note the quotes...) except in the case of not-clean
> shutdown ("-m immediate" to pg_ctl stop). The reason is that the replay
> code doesn't have any idea that it has to remove only the INIT fork: it will
> remove ALL forks; so at the end of the redo procedure (at startup, after
> a "pg_ctl -m immediate stop") the table doesn't have any forks at all.

Maybe you should change xl_act_commit to have a separate list of rels to
drop the init fork for (instead of mixing those with the list of files to
drop as a whole).

Álvaro Herrera 
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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Re: [JDBC] [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Dave Cramer  writes:
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
>> Yeah.  I'm thinking what we should do here is revert the change, with a
>> note in the source about why, and also change the JDBC driver to send
>> and expect "UTF8" not "UNICODE" (which as Kevin says is more correct
>> anyway).  Then in a few releases' time we can un-revert the server
>> change.

> Well initially my concern was that people would have a challenge in
> the case where they had to re-certify their application if we made
> this change, however I realize they will have to do this anyway since
> upgrading to 9.1 is what necessitates it.

I don't see any backwards compatibility risk, if that's what you mean.
Every backend release since 7.3 has treated client_encoding 'UTF8' and
'UNICODE' the same, and earlier releases didn't accept either one.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] Typed table DDL loose ends

2011-04-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
> Robert Haas  writes:
>> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
>>> What about inverting the message phrasing, ie
>>> ERROR: type stuff must not be a table's row type
>> It also can't be a view's row type, a sequence's row type, a foreign
>> table's row type...
> Well, you could say "relation's row type" if you wanted to be formally
> correct, but I'm not convinced that's an improvement.

Me neither, especially since composite types are also relations, in
our parlance.

I'm not strongly attached to or repulsed by any particular option, so
however we end up doing it is OK with me.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Typed table DDL loose ends

2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Robert Haas  writes:
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
>> What about inverting the message phrasing, ie
>> ERROR: type stuff must not be a table's row type

> It also can't be a view's row type, a sequence's row type, a foreign
> table's row type...

Well, you could say "relation's row type" if you wanted to be formally
correct, but I'm not convinced that's an improvement.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [JDBC] [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Dave Cramer
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
> Dave Cramer  writes:
>> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
>>> I wasn't aware that JDBC would fail on that.  It's pretty annoying that
>>> it does, but maybe we should grin and bear it, ie revert the change to
>>> canonicalize the GUC's value?
>> Older drivers will fail for sure. We can fix newer drivers, but if we
>> leave it we will see a slew of bug reports.
> Yeah.  I'm thinking what we should do here is revert the change, with a
> note in the source about why, and also change the JDBC driver to send
> and expect "UTF8" not "UNICODE" (which as Kevin says is more correct
> anyway).  Then in a few releases' time we can un-revert the server
> change.

Well initially my concern was that people would have a challenge in
the case where they had to re-certify their application if we made
this change, however I realize they will have to do this anyway since
upgrading to 9.1 is what necessitates it.

So I'm less concerned with bug reports since people can just upgrade both

Dave Cramer


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Re: [HACKERS] Typed table DDL loose ends

2011-04-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
> Robert Haas  writes:
>> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Noah Misch  wrote:
>>> FWIW, the term "stand-alone composite type" appears twice in our 
>>> documentation.
>> Hmm, OK.  Anyone else have an opinion on the relative merits of:
>> ERROR: type stuff is not a composite type
>> vs.
>> ERROR: type stuff is not a stand-alone composite type
>> The intent of adding "stand-alone" was, I believe, to clarify that it
>> has to be a CREATE TYPE stuff AS ... type, not just a row type (that
>> is, naturally, composite, in some less-pure sense).  I'm not sure
>> whether the extra word actually makes it more clear, though.
> In 99.9% of the code and docs, a table rowtype is a perfectly good
> composite type.  I agree with Noah that just saying "composite type"
> is inadequate here; but I'm not sure that "stand-alone" is a helpful
> adjective either.  What about inverting the message phrasing, ie
> ERROR: type stuff must not be a table's row type

It also can't be a view's row type, a sequence's row type, a foreign
table's row type...

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Typed table DDL loose ends

2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Robert Haas  writes:
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Noah Misch  wrote:
>> FWIW, the term "stand-alone composite type" appears twice in our 
>> documentation.

> Hmm, OK.  Anyone else have an opinion on the relative merits of:

> ERROR: type stuff is not a composite type
> vs.
> ERROR: type stuff is not a stand-alone composite type

> The intent of adding "stand-alone" was, I believe, to clarify that it
> has to be a CREATE TYPE stuff AS ... type, not just a row type (that
> is, naturally, composite, in some less-pure sense).  I'm not sure
> whether the extra word actually makes it more clear, though.

In 99.9% of the code and docs, a table rowtype is a perfectly good
composite type.  I agree with Noah that just saying "composite type"
is inadequate here; but I'm not sure that "stand-alone" is a helpful
adjective either.  What about inverting the message phrasing, ie

ERROR: type stuff must not be a table's row type

You might need some extra logic to keep on giving "is not a composite
type" in cases where it's not composite at all.  But this is enough of a
departure from our usual behavior that I think the error message had
better be pretty darn clear.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [JDBC] [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Mike Fowler  writes:
> On 18/04/11 15:57, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I am --- when I redid the GUC assign_hook logic a few weeks ago,
>> I changed the client_encoding code so that it shows the normalized
>> (official) name of the encoding, not whatever random string the client
>> sent over.  For instance, previous versions:

> Am I right in thinking that would be that change committed on the 7th 
> ( ? 

Yes, that one.

> What concerns me 
> most is that (assuming my dates are right) the JDBC driver has been 
> broken for 11 days and no one noticed. This would lead me to believe 
> that there is no JDBC build server. What would it take to set one up?

+1 for doing something along that line.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [JDBC] [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Dave Cramer  writes:
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
>> I wasn't aware that JDBC would fail on that.  It's pretty annoying that
>> it does, but maybe we should grin and bear it, ie revert the change to
>> canonicalize the GUC's value?

> Older drivers will fail for sure. We can fix newer drivers, but if we
> leave it we will see a slew of bug reports.

Yeah.  I'm thinking what we should do here is revert the change, with a
note in the source about why, and also change the JDBC driver to send
and expect "UTF8" not "UNICODE" (which as Kevin says is more correct
anyway).  Then in a few releases' time we can un-revert the server

regards, tom lane

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Re: [JDBC] [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Dave Cramer
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Mike Fowler  wrote:
> On 18/04/11 15:57, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Bernd Helmle  writes:
>>> If i am reading it correct, it reads "UTF8" from the backend, while
>>> expecting "UNICODE" only. Not sure what change has caused this,
>>> though.
>> I am --- when I redid the GUC assign_hook logic a few weeks ago,
>> I changed the client_encoding code so that it shows the normalized
>> (official) name of the encoding, not whatever random string the client
>> sent over.  For instance, previous versions:
>> regression=# set client_encoding = 'UnIcOdE';
>> SET
>> regression=# show client_encoding ;
>>  client_encoding
>> -
>>  UnIcOdE
>> (1 row)
>> versus HEAD:
>> regression=# set client_encoding = 'UnIcOdE';
>> SET
>> regression=# show client_encoding ;
>>  client_encoding
>> -
>>  UTF8
>> (1 row)
>> I wasn't aware that JDBC would fail on that.  It's pretty annoying that
>> it does, but maybe we should grin and bear it, ie revert the change to
>> canonicalize the GUC's value?
>>                        regards, tom lane
> Am I right in thinking that would be that change committed on the 7th
> ( ?
> I've just run the JDBC test build on my machine and it fails dismally with
> this very message repeated over and over again. What concerns me most is
> that (assuming my dates are right) the JDBC driver has been broken for 11
> days and no one noticed. This would lead me to believe that there is no JDBC
> build server. What would it take to set one up? If someone can point me to a
> test machine I'd happily assist in setting one up.
> As for the breakage itself I'm OK with a new driver version for a new
> database version and from my experience people expect that. I recall a
> number of people asking me if an 8.4 driver would be OK to use against 9
> before the 9 version was stable.
> Regards,

One would need a machine which supports java 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 since
the driver builds all 3 versions. There's actually a 4th between 1.4
and 1.5 but I don't recall the specifics


> --
> Mike Fowler
> Registered Linux user: 379787
> --
> Sent via pgsql-jdbc mailing list (
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Re: [JDBC] [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Mike Fowler

On 18/04/11 15:57, Tom Lane wrote:

Bernd Helmle  writes:

If i am reading it correct, it reads "UTF8" from the backend, while
expecting "UNICODE" only. Not sure what change has caused this,

I am --- when I redid the GUC assign_hook logic a few weeks ago,
I changed the client_encoding code so that it shows the normalized
(official) name of the encoding, not whatever random string the client
sent over.  For instance, previous versions:

regression=# set client_encoding = 'UnIcOdE';
regression=# show client_encoding ;
(1 row)

versus HEAD:

regression=# set client_encoding = 'UnIcOdE';
regression=# show client_encoding ;
(1 row)

I wasn't aware that JDBC would fail on that.  It's pretty annoying that
it does, but maybe we should grin and bear it, ie revert the change to
canonicalize the GUC's value?

regards, tom lane

Am I right in thinking that would be that change committed on the 7th 
( ? 
I've just run the JDBC test build on my machine and it fails dismally 
with this very message repeated over and over again. What concerns me 
most is that (assuming my dates are right) the JDBC driver has been 
broken for 11 days and no one noticed. This would lead me to believe 
that there is no JDBC build server. What would it take to set one up? If 
someone can point me to a test machine I'd happily assist in setting one up.

As for the breakage itself I'm OK with a new driver version for a new 
database version and from my experience people expect that. I recall a 
number of people asking me if an 8.4 driver would be OK to use against 9 
before the 9 version was stable.


Mike Fowler
Registered Linux user: 379787

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Re: [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Kevin Grittner
Tom Lane  wrote:
> I changed the client_encoding code so that it shows the normalized
> (official) name of the encoding, not whatever random string the
> client sent over.  For instance, previous versions:
> regression=# set client_encoding = 'UnIcOdE';
The whole area of character sets and encoding schemes is confusing
enough without accepting a character set name as an encoding scheme
specification.  I'll bet that in five or ten years we'll be
accepting more than one encoding scheme for the Unicode character
> I wasn't aware that JDBC would fail on that.  It's pretty annoying
> that it does, but maybe we should grin and bear it, ie revert the
> change to canonicalize the GUC's value?
Can we fix the JDBC driver rather than reverting this?  Long run,
I'd be in favor of just rejecting a character set name as a client
encoding specification.  I think inferring one is being generous.

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Re: [JDBC] [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Dave Cramer
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
> Bernd Helmle  writes:
>> If i am reading it correct, it reads "UTF8" from the backend, while
>> expecting "UNICODE" only. Not sure what change has caused this,
>> though.
> I am --- when I redid the GUC assign_hook logic a few weeks ago,
> I changed the client_encoding code so that it shows the normalized
> (official) name of the encoding, not whatever random string the client
> sent over.  For instance, previous versions:
> regression=# set client_encoding = 'UnIcOdE';
> regression=# show client_encoding ;
>  client_encoding
> -
>  UnIcOdE
> (1 row)
> versus HEAD:
> regression=# set client_encoding = 'UnIcOdE';
> regression=# show client_encoding ;
>  client_encoding
> -
>  UTF8
> (1 row)
> I wasn't aware that JDBC would fail on that.  It's pretty annoying that
> it does, but maybe we should grin and bear it, ie revert the change to
> canonicalize the GUC's value?
>                        regards, tom lane

Older drivers will fail for sure. We can fix newer drivers, but if we
leave it we will see a slew of bug reports.

The reason the driver does this is to guarantee the client encoding is unicode.

Dave Cramer


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Re: [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Tom Lane  wrote:
> Bernd Helmle  writes:
>> If i am reading it correct, it reads "UTF8" from the backend, while
>> expecting "UNICODE" only. Not sure what change has caused this,
>> though.
> I am --- when I redid the GUC assign_hook logic a few weeks ago,
> I changed the client_encoding code so that it shows the normalized
> (official) name of the encoding, not whatever random string the client
> sent over.  For instance, previous versions:
> regression=# set client_encoding = 'UnIcOdE';
> regression=# show client_encoding ;
>  client_encoding
> -
>  UnIcOdE
> (1 row)
> versus HEAD:
> regression=# set client_encoding = 'UnIcOdE';
> regression=# show client_encoding ;
>  client_encoding
> -
>  UTF8
> (1 row)
> I wasn't aware that JDBC would fail on that.  It's pretty annoying that
> it does, but maybe we should grin and bear it, ie revert the change to
> canonicalize the GUC's value?

Ouch.  I hate to revert that, since it seems like a clear improvement.
 But I also hate to break JDBC.  Ouch.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Typed table DDL loose ends

2011-04-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Noah Misch  wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:20:21AM -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
>> I tweaked the comments accordingly, and also reverted your change to
>> the error message, because I don't want to introduce new terminology
>> here that we're not using anywhere else.
> FWIW, the term "stand-alone composite type" appears twice in our 
> documentation.

Hmm, OK.  Anyone else have an opinion on the relative merits of:

ERROR: type stuff is not a composite type
ERROR: type stuff is not a stand-alone composite type

The intent of adding "stand-alone" was, I believe, to clarify that it
has to be a CREATE TYPE stuff AS ... type, not just a row type (that
is, naturally, composite, in some less-pure sense).  I'm not sure
whether the extra word actually makes it more clear, though.

Opinions?  Suggestions?

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Bernd Helmle  writes:
> If i am reading it correct, it reads "UTF8" from the backend, while
> expecting "UNICODE" only. Not sure what change has caused this,
> though.

I am --- when I redid the GUC assign_hook logic a few weeks ago,
I changed the client_encoding code so that it shows the normalized
(official) name of the encoding, not whatever random string the client
sent over.  For instance, previous versions:

regression=# set client_encoding = 'UnIcOdE';
regression=# show client_encoding ;
(1 row)

versus HEAD:

regression=# set client_encoding = 'UnIcOdE';
regression=# show client_encoding ;
(1 row)

I wasn't aware that JDBC would fail on that.  It's pretty annoying that
it does, but maybe we should grin and bear it, ie revert the change to
canonicalize the GUC's value?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] Typed table DDL loose ends

2011-04-18 Thread Noah Misch
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:20:21AM -0400, Robert Haas wrote:
> I tweaked the comments accordingly, and also reverted your change to
> the error message, because I don't want to introduce new terminology
> here that we're not using anywhere else.

FWIW, the term "stand-alone composite type" appears twice in our documentation.

> I also thought about making this use parserOpenTable() rather than
> relation_open(), but it turns out that's not so easy, because the
> typed table name is getting shoved into a TypeName rather than a
> RangeVar.  I don't think that's the choice I would have made but I'm
> not sure how excited it's worth getting about it.

I hadn't thought about this angle.

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Re: [HACKERS] Open issues for collations

2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Robert Haas  writes:
> [ assorted comments on original issues ]

I believe that all the collation issues I complained about on 26 March
are now resolved, except for the question of getting some more test
cases, and the question of adding a cares-about-collation flag to
pg_proc.  I've added the latter to the TODO list since everybody agreed
it was too late to consider it for 9.1.

However, I've come across a new issue that maybe requires discussion:
what collation should be associated with a multi-row VALUES in FROM?
For instance, in

  (VALUES (1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar' COLLATE "C")) v(a,b),

what collation should be imputed to references to v.b?

The way the code currently works is that the first row of the VALUES
list is inspected to determine what collation to report --- so in this
example, you'd get default collation, ignoring the COLLATE clause in the
second row.  There are several problems with this:

1. I think it violates the SQL spec.  SQL:2008 7.3  says that the column types of a VALUES construct are
resolved per the rules of section 9.3, and 9.3 is the one with the
standard verbiage about resolving a common collation, so it's hard
to see how "use the first row and ignore the rest" satisfies the spec.

2. It doesn't seem to satisfy the POLA --- in the above example,
ignoring the explicit COLLATE clause is rather surprising.  We could
document that that's what it does, perhaps, but if you can attach
COLLATE to any input of an operator or function and get the same
results, it's hard to explain why the same isn't true of a VALUES
column.  Especially when VALUES resolves data types in a much more
symmetrical fashion, eg this works:

  (VALUES (1, '1'), (2, '2'::real)) v(a,b)

3. It's not hard to imagine people thinking they can get row-by-row-
varying collation behavior from something like

  (VALUES (1, 'foo' COLLATE "en_US"), (2, 'bar' COLLATE "C")) v(a,b),

So not throwing an error, but rather silently doing something other than
what this SQL seems to say, seems pretty unfriendly to me.

The reason I'm expending so much verbiage on this is that fixing it
seems to require an addition to struct RangeTblEntry, ie, a catversion
bump and forced initdb, so that we can store a list of the resolved
column collations for an RTE_VALUES RTE.  I don't really think there's
much choice though.


regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Bernd Helmle

--On 18. April 2011 16:17:57 +0200 Bernd Helmle  wrote:

16:09:47.942 (1)  <=BE ParameterStatus(client_encoding = UTF8)
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Protocol error.  Session setup failed.

ConnectionFactoryImpl.readStartupMessages() has this:

   else if (name.equals("client_encoding")) 


   if (!value.equals("UNICODE")) 

   throw new PSQLException("Protocol error.  Session 
setup failed."), PSQLState.PROTOCOL_VIOLATION);



If i am reading it correct, it reads "UTF8" from the backend, while expecting 
"UNICODE" only. Not sure what change has caused this, though. If i extend the 
check to include "UTF8", everything seems to work.



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Re: [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Devrim GÜNDÜZ
On Mon, 2011-04-18 at 16:17 +0200, Bernd Helmle wrote:
> Hmm, seems it stumbles while reading client_encoding

This is probably similar to what I had a couple weeks ago. With today's
new minor releases, I get:

$ psql
psql: invalid connection option "client_encoding"

(I was getting another message before)

This is 9.1's psql connecting to 9.1's server. For some reason, psql
uses 9.0 client libs, so if I export LD_LIBRARY_PATH, everything works:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/pgsql-9.1/lib psql

Could it be the same thing?
Principal Systems Engineer @ EnterpriseDB:
PostgreSQL Danışmanı/Consultant, Red Hat Certified Engineer
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Re: [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Steve Singer

On 11-04-18 09:44 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

Steve Singer  writes:

I'm getting JDBC exceptions when I try to connect to 9.1 (master) with
the postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc3.jar  I don't have this issue with 9.0.

Hmm, what shows up in the postmaster log?

regards, tom lane

LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection

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Re: [HACKERS] Typed table DDL loose ends

2011-04-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 9:38 PM, Noah Misch  wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 11:23:49AM -0700, Robert Haas wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 5:18 AM, Noah Misch  wrote:
>> >> I guess my gut feeling is that it would make more sense to forbid it
>> >> outright for 9.1, and we can look at relaxing that restriction later
>> >> if we're so inclined.
>> >>
>> >> Much as with the problem Tom fixed in commit
>> >> eb51af71f241e8cb199790dee9ad246bb36b3287, I'm concerned that there may
>> >> be other cases that we're not thinking of right now, and while we
>> >> could find them all and fix them, the amount of functionality gained
>> >> is fairly marginal, and I don't really want to hold up the release
>> >> while we bug-swat.
>> >
>> > Symmetry was the best cause I could find to continue allowing it, and your 
>> > case
>> > in favor of reducing the bug surface is more compelling. ?Let's forbid it.
>> OK.  Care to propose a patch?
> Sure; attached.  It requires that the type relation be RELKIND_COMPOSITE_TYPE.
> We hadn't explicitly discussed the use of foreign table, view, toast table, or
> sequence row types.  The first two might have some value, someday; I'm sure
> nobody cares for the second two.

It appears that this patch - which I've now committed - actually fixes
two bugs.  Without the patch, this leaves the tables out of step,
because no relation lock is taken:

S1: CREATE TYPE t AS (a int);

I tweaked the comments accordingly, and also reverted your change to
the error message, because I don't want to introduce new terminology
here that we're not using anywhere else.

I also thought about making this use parserOpenTable() rather than
relation_open(), but it turns out that's not so easy, because the
typed table name is getting shoved into a TypeName rather than a
RangeVar.  I don't think that's the choice I would have made but I'm
not sure how excited it's worth getting about it.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Bernd Helmle

--On 18. April 2011 09:44:38 -0400 Tom Lane  wrote:

I'm getting JDBC exceptions when I try to connect to 9.1 (master) with
the postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc3.jar  I don't have this issue with 9.0.

Hmm, what shows up in the postmaster log?

A quick check with an application here gives the following with JDBC

16:09:47.910 (1) PostgreSQL 9.1devel JDBC4 (build 900)
16:09:47.914 (1) Trying to establish a protocol version 3 connection to 
16:09:47.930 (1)  FE=> StartupPacket(user=bernd, database=mailstore, 
client_encoding=UNICODE, DateStyle=ISO, extra_float_digits=2)

16:09:47.933 (1)  <=BE AuthenticationOk
16:09:47.942 (1)  <=BE ParameterStatus(application_name = )
16:09:47.942 (1)  <=BE ParameterStatus(client_encoding = UTF8)
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Protocol error.  Session setup failed.

at org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection.(
at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection(
at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at de.oopsware.mailstore.PGSQLMailstore.connect(Unknown Source)
at de.oopsware.mailstore.PGSQLMailstore.connect(Unknown Source)
at mailstore.main(Unknown Source)
SQLException: SQLState(08P01)
getConnection failed: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Protocol error. 
Session setup failed.

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Protocol error.  Session setup failed.

Hmm, seems it stumbles while reading client_encoding



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Re: [HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Tom Lane
Steve Singer  writes:
> I'm getting JDBC exceptions when I try to connect to 9.1 (master) with 
> the postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc3.jar  I don't have this issue with 9.0.

Hmm, what shows up in the postmaster log?

regards, tom lane

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[HACKERS] JDBC connections to 9.1

2011-04-18 Thread Steve Singer
I'm getting JDBC exceptions when I try to connect to 9.1 (master) with 
the postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc3.jar  I don't have this issue with 9.0.

There is nothing obvious at or in the 9.1 
alpha release notes that indicate a newer JDBC driver will be required.

Have other people seen similar issues?

If 9.1 does require a JDBC driver upgrade then it would be good if an 
updated driver was posted before we start encouraging people to test 
their applications with the beta.

Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Protocol error.  Session 
setup failed.

at org.postgresql.jdbc3.Jdbc3Connection.(
at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection(
at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor5.invoke(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.mozilla.javascript.MemberBox.invoke(
... 14 more

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2011-04-18 Thread Leonardo Francalanci
I think I coded a very basic version of the UNLOGGED to LOGGED patch
(only wal_level=minimal case for the moment).

To remove the INIT fork, I changed somehow PendingRelDelete to have
a flag "bool onlyInitFork" so that the delete would remove only the INIT
fork at commit.

Everything "works" (note the quotes...) except in the case of not-clean
shutdown ("-m immediate" to pg_ctl stop). The reason is that the replay
code doesn't have any idea that it has to remove only the INIT fork: it will
remove ALL forks; so at the end of the redo procedure (at startup, after
a "pg_ctl -m immediate stop") the table doesn't have any forks at all.

See xact_redo_commit:

/* Make sure files supposed to be dropped are dropped */
for (i = 0; i < xlrec->nrels; i++)
   for (fork = 0; fork <= MAX_FORKNUM; fork++)
  if (smgrexists(srel, fork))
 XLogDropRelation(xlrec->xnodes[i], fork);
 smgrdounlink(srel, fork, true);

Should I change xl_xact_commit in order to have, instead of:

/* Array of RelFileNode(s) to drop at commit */
RelFileNode xnodes[1];  /* VARIABLE LENGTH ARRAY */

an array of structures such as:

RelFileNode   relfilenode;
bool   onlyInitFork;


Otherwise I don't know how to tell the redo commit code to delete only
the INIT fork, instead of all the relation forks...
(maybe I'm doing all wrong: I'm open to any kind of suggestion here...)


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Re: [HACKERS] WIP: Allow SQL-language functions to reference parameters by parameter name

2011-04-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 10:56 PM, Pavel Stehule  wrote:
> 2011/4/15 Jim Nasby :
>> On Apr 14, 2011, at 4:20 PM, Kevin Grittner wrote:
>>> Tom Lane  wrote:
 Robert Haas  writes:
> So far the most promising proposal I've seen seems to be to let
> id mean the parameter called id only when it can't refer to
> anything in the query.
 Yeah, I've come round to that position too.  I think allowing
 parameter names to be checked only after query names is probably
 the best answer.
>>> +1
>>> That seems the most useful and least surprising approach to me.
>> As part of this, can we also allow specifying an alias for the function 
>> name? That would make it far less onerous to disambiguate parameters. 
>> Unfortunately we obviously couldn't use AS as the keyword for this alias; 
>> maybe we could use ALIAS instead? IE:
>> CREATE FUNCTION function_with_really_really_descriptive_name (
>>  some_parameter int
>>        SELECT fwrrdn.some_parameter
>> $$;
>> --
> I see this can be problem for other languages - mainly for PLpgSQL.
> There should be aliases supported too. And this small feature can be
> terible when somebody will try to port your code to other platforms.
> Personally I am thinking, so it isn't necessary
> -1

I don't much like Jim's syntax suggestion (the alias really ought to
be declared within the function body, I think, not added to the CREATE
FUNCTION statement) but I don't necessarily think it's a bad idea.
What would be even better, in my view, is having a short alias that is
defined by default, but all previous proposals in this vein have been
shot down by Tom and Andrew.  As a practical matter, though, I think
what Jim is talking about speaks to a real need - people want to make
SQL function names long and descriptive, but they do NOT want to spell
out that long function name 16 times inside the function body.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Formatting Curmudgeons WAS: MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Andrew Dunstan

On 04/18/2011 12:48 AM, Greg Smith wrote:

Andrew Dunstan wrote:
Now we could certainly make this quite a bit slicker. Apart from 
anything else, we should change the indent source code tarball so it 
unpacks into its own directory. Having it unpack into the current 
directory is ugly and unfriendly. And we should get rid of the "make 
clean" line in the install target of entab's makefile, which just 
seems totally ill-conceived.

I think the script I submitted upthread has most of the additional 
slickness needed here.  Looks like we both were working on documenting 
a reasonable way to do this at the same time the other day.  The idea 
of any program here relying on being able to write to /usr/local/bin 
as your example did makes this harder for people to run; that's why I 
made everything in the build tree and just pushed the appropriate 
directories into the PATH.

Since I see providing a script to automate this whole thing as the 
preferred way to make this easier, re-packaging the indent source 
tarball to extract to a directory doesn't seem worth the backwards 
compatibility trouble it will introduce.  Improving the entab makefile 
I don't have an opinion on.

Personally, I want pgindent installed in /usr/local/ or similar. That 
way I can have multiple trees and it will work in all of them without my 
having to build it for each. What I don't want is for the installed 
patched BSD indent to conflict with the system's indent, which is why I 
renamed it. If you still think that's a barrier to easy use, then I 
think we need a way to provide hooks in the makefiles for specifying the 
install location, so we can both be satisfied.

Since there's no script I know of other than your prototype, I don't 
think repackaging is likely to break anything. That makes it worth doing 
*now* rather than later.

But frankly, I'd rather do without an extra script if possible.

It might also be worth setting it up so that instead of having to 
pass a path to a typedefs file on the command line, we default to a 
file sitting in, say, /usr/local/etc. Then you'd just be able to say 
"pgindent my_file.c".

OK, so I need to update my script to handle either indenting a single 
file, or doing all of them.

Yes, very much.



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Re: [HACKERS] small bug in recoveryStopsHere()

2011-04-18 Thread Robert Haas
On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 1:26 AM, Jaime Casanova  wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 1:30 PM, Robert Haas  wrote:
>> I discovered while fooling around the other night that the named
>> restore point patch introduced a small bug into recoveryStopsHere():
>> the test at the top of the function now lets through two
>> resource-manager IDs rather than one, but the remainder of the
>> function tests only the record_info flag and not the
>> resource-manager-id.  So the test for record_info == XLOG_XACT_COMMIT,
>> for example, will also return true for an XLOG_CHECKPOINT_SHUTDOWN
>> record, but the decoded commit time will be some random garbage rather
>> than a commit time, because the format of the record is totally
>> different.
> i guess, that's why i originally used a more complicated aproach (now
> i can breath again, i didn't fully reminded why i use that)
> """
> !       couldStop = true;
>        if (record->xl_rmid != RM_XACT_ID)
> !               couldStop = false;
> !       /*
> !        * Or when we found a named restore point
> !        */
>        record_info = record->xl_info & ~XLR_INFO_MASK;
> +       if ((record->xl_rmid == RM_XLOG_ID) && (record_info == 
> +               couldStop = true;
> +
> +       if (!couldStop)
> +               return false;
> """
> but i agree that your solution is more readible, i don't see any
> problems from here

Thanks for the review; I've committed this.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] MMAP Buffers

2011-04-18 Thread Radosław Smogura

On Sun, 17 Apr 2011 21:06:17 -0400, Robert Haas wrote:

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Radosław Smogura

Each process has simple "mirror" of shared descriptors.

I "believe" that modifications to buffer content may be only done 
when holding
exclusive lock (with some simple exceptions) (+ MVCC), actually I 
saw only two
things that can change already loaded data and cause damage, you 
described (setting hint bits during scan, and vacuum - 1st may only 
cause, I
think, that two processes will ask for same transaction statuses 
vacuum>, 2nd one is impossible as vacumm requires exclusive pin). 
When buffer
tag is changed the version of buffer is bumped up, and checked 
against local

version - this about reading buffer.

Yes, an exclusive lock is required for substantive content changes.
But if vacuum cleaning up the buffer is an issue for your patch, then
it's probably also a problem if someone grabs an exclusive content
lock and deletes the tuple (by setting XMAX) and some other backend
later sees the old buffer contents after having in the meanwhile 
a new snapshot; or if likewise someone grabs an exclusive-lock, adds 

tuple, and then your backend takes a new snapshot and then sees the
old buffer contents.  Basically, any time someone grabs an
exclusive-lock and releases it, it's necessary for all observers to
see the updated contents by the time the exclusive lock is released.

In other cases after obtaining lock check is done if buffer has 
updatable buffer and if local "mirror" has it too, then swap should 


I think this check would have to be done every time someone
share-locks the buffer, which seems rather expensive.

Logic about updatable buffers is similar to "shared buffers", each 
buffer has pin count, and updatable buffer can't be free if someone 
uses it,
but in contrast to "normal buffers", updatable buffers doesn't have 
support for locking etc. Updatable buffers exists only on free list, 
or when

associated with buffer.

I don't see how you're going to get away with removing buffer locks.
They exist for a reason, and adding mmap() to the mix is going to
require MORE locking, not less.

In future, I will change version to shared segment id, something 
relation's oid + block, but ids will have continuous numbering 
1,2,3..., so I
will be able to bypass smgr/md during read, and tag version check - 
this looks

like faster solution.

I don't understand this part at all.

To my previous post I want to clarify that "updatable buffers" are 
implemented in shared memory, so there is no way that process has own 
copy of data.


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Re: [HACKERS] Evaluation of secondary sort key.

2011-04-18 Thread Greg Stark
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 6:25 AM, Jesper Krogh  wrote:
> Getting the value for the first sortkey and carrying on a closure
> for the rest would mostly (very often) be "optimal" ?

Well that might depend. The input data to the function might be much
larger than the output. Consider the, quite common, idiom of:

order by case when (complex expresssion) 1 when (complex expression) 2 else 3

> It would also enable a select that has to sortkeys to utilize an
> index that only contains the primary sortkey, which is a huge
> negative effect of what's being done today.

This is a separate problem entirely. It would be nice to have a
strategy for ordering that can take advantage of partially ordered
results. It's not hard to see how to do the executor side -- it could
keep a tuplesort for each group and truncate it when the group
changes. As usual the hard part is having the planner figure out
*when* to use it. We have a hard enough time calculating ndistinct for
individual columns -- this would require having an idea of how many
values are present for each major key column.


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