Re: [PHP-DB] display login info

2001-04-03 Thread Renze Munnik

Liz Bander wrote:
 I want to display a user's full name and user id that would be from their
 login action.  (The login stuff is already set up.)  How would I be able to
 grab the user id from the login?  Any ideas on where to look?
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To get the username of the user who logged-in use
$HTTP_SERVER_VARS{"REMOTE_USER"}. Then you've got the username of
the user. You can just look that up in your database and get the
fullname etc. to show to the user.

If you realy want (although I don't see why anyone would...) you can
also get his password, using $HTTP_SERVER_VARS{"PHP_AUTH_PW"}.

* RzE:

**  Renze Munnik
**  M: +31 6 218 111 43

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Re: [PHP-DB] Auto load PHP

2001-04-03 Thread Renze Munnik

On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 09:05:57AM +0100, Galvin, Max wrote:
 Why not a simple if statement to check if the function worked and then
 include("script2.php") ?

Well... I've got three reasons for that...

1. I never use include() for redirection. It was never meant to be
used for that anyway.

2. If you use include() you're only using up more memory. And I
don't know 'bout you, but I always try to write as efficient as I

3. When you redirect someone, you want them to go to a different
page don't you? Using include() they still stay on the same page.
They only get a different content.

So... using header() instead of include() is more efficient i.m.o.
And besides that; my projects get pretty large. In that case it's
smart to keep your code 'easy-to-track'. If you start including
instead of redirecting it only gets more complex tracking the flow
of the site. And that while include() offers no advantages.

[ I.m.o. ]


* RzE:

**  Renze Munnik
**  M: +31 6 218 111 43

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Re: [PHP-DB] Auto load PHP

2001-04-03 Thread Renze Munnik

On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 09:48:07AM +0100, Galvin, Max wrote:
 Jim Ray didn't say he wanted it redirected though, he said he wanted it
 "called". Redirecting was brought in by someone who replied to the post.
 I would also use header() but if the poster is looking for a quick "plug in"
 solution without having to alter any output he's already made, include or
 require are the simplest way. Whilst overhead is important, is taking a day
 to rewrite a complex script worth the tiny amount of speed/memory saving he
 might make?

Well, okay...
I've read the original msg from J.R. again and indeed, he doesn't
want to redirect. My answ was mainly based on the post from D.B.

[ To J.R. ]
Having read the org. msg.; I don't know if you are trying to do
this. Anyway... You can also create the HTML/PHP-page you want to show,
and then put the update statement at the beginning. Something like the
following pseudo:

# Result page

- Update table

-- html-content

This doesn't make much of a difference with including the HTML-part
though. It's just what you like more...
All your choice...


* RzE:

**  Renze Munnik
**  M: +31 6 218 111 43

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[PHP-DB] Some assistance please

2001-04-03 Thread Shannon Doyle

Hi People,

I have a sql query running an array'd result that should echo a different
result depending on the result of the query. However, it successfully does
one of the entries from the query, but then appears to stop. With no further
results displayed. Could someone take a look at the code at the bottom of
this email and see if they can determine why it is not continuing through
the rest of the results.

Thanks in advance

- Shannon

$roundnum = "";
$sql = "select * from results order by round";
$dbh = @mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass);
$results = mysql_db_query($db,$sql,$dbh);
  for($i = 0; $i  mysql_num_rows($results); $i++) {
  $array[$i] = mysql_fetch_array($results);
for ($i = 0; $i  count($array); $i++)  {
if ($array[$i]["round"] != $roundnum) {
  $roundnum = $array[$i]["round"];
  echo "trtd colspan='5'brp align='center'bfont
color='#99'Round ".$roundnum."/font/b/p/td/tr";
  echo "trtd width='100'p".$array[$i]["home"]."/p/tdtd
width='10'p".$array[$i]["home_goals"]."/p/tdtd width='50'\n";
if ($array[$i]["home_goals"]  $array[$i]["away_goals"]) {
  echo "pDefeated/p/td";
elseif ($array[$i]["home_goals"]  $array[$i]["away_goals"]) {
  echo "pDefeated by/p/td";
elseif ($array[$i]["home_goals"] == $array[$i]["away_goals"]) {
  echo "pDrew/p/td";
echo "td width='100'p".$array[$i]["away"]."/p/tdtd

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Re: [PHP-DB] array_diff usage

2001-04-03 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

On Monday 02 April 2001 15:41, you wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Martin Skjoldebrand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2001 10:52 PM
  Subject: [PHP-DB] array_diff usage
  I'm daft. I don't understand the PHP Manual.
  I have two arrays:
  Open[0] contains 1 2 3 4 5
  Closed[0] contains 1 2
  $test = array_diff($Open, $Closed);

 Given the setup you've described, I think you might actually want

   $test = array_diff($Open[0], $Closed[0]);

OK, I'll try that.

  $lines = count($test);
  print $lines;
  Gives me: 1
  I thought it should be 3.

 Seems appropriate, given the information you've provided.  $Open and
 $Closed each have only one element (0).

  for ($counter =0; $counter = $lines -1; $counter++)
  print $test[0];
  gives me "5".

 This, on the other hand, makes me suspect that the arrays themselves
 don't actually contain what you think they do.  How are you assigning
 the values you described at the top of your message?

I'm getting them from a database. Two SELECT queries one get the open 
tickets, one get the closed ones.

 $getlargest = strcmp($noOpened, $noClosed);

 switch ($getlargest) {
   case $getlargest  0:
 $counttickets = $noOpened;
while($sumOpen=mysql_fetch_row($jobresult1)) {
  $Open = $sumOpen;
  // DEBUG
  print $Open[0] . "br";
while($sumClosed=mysql_fetch_row($jobresult2)) {
  $Closed = $sumClosed;
  // DEBUG
  print "c" . $Closed[0] . "br";

I'm going to manipulate both arrays, so I copy them to "backups"
DEBUG lines produce:


Martin S.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Solaris 2.6, PHP 4.0.4pl1, Solid EE 3.51

2001-04-03 Thread Dan Kalowsky

 1, I'm not sure what is needed in the Solid lib directory and where I can get the 
files if
 they're not in the archive I've used to install Solid

You will need library build 123 (I believe thats the number) ONLY if
you're using the version 3.51 version.

 2, Because there are a number of instructions for various versions of Solid and PHP 
 unsure as to whether I'll need to manually edit any of the source files to get things

You will need to edit one file in the 4.0.4pl1 files, as far as PHP is
concerned.  You might consider trying the 4.0.5 RC, which already has
this typo corrected.  

You might also be required to correct one of the solid header files, but
I'm unsure if that is needed on Solaris.  On linux based systems the
sqlunix.h file requires changing the line:
#include wcstr.h
#include wchar.h

Not entirely sure if this will be required for Solaris so you may not
need to worry about this.  Judging from a quick view of the header, it
won't be a problem for you.

 Ideally it'd be good if anyone has a definitive source of information, if not just a 
 idea of where to start would be good.

The mailing list archives and cvs logs are a good source.  The php
documentation is fairly upto date as well.  

Dan Kalowsky  "Tonight I think I'll walk alone, 
Worldgate Communications   I'll find my soul as I go home."
Software Engineer - TICS Group  - Temptation

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Re: [PHP-DB] Validating forms

2001-04-03 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

It is much more efficient to do that type of validation client-side, using
Javascript.  No
sense in making another round trip to the server if not necessary.

True.. but this only works if your visitor has javascript enabled.. the 
biggest avantage in serverside scripting IMHO is you can forse things to 
happen.. Besides, a visitor with a rather old browser might get bombed with 
javascript errors..

An if .. then loop will do the same but.. serverside.



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RE: [PHP-DB] How to limit a WHILE statement?

2001-04-03 Thread Michael Rudel

Yes, LIMIT will do the job, but to answer your question:

$x = 0;
while ( ( $myrow = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) and ( ++$x  20 ) )


Michael Rudel
- Web-Development, Systemadministration -

Suchtreffer AG
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D-78467 Konstanz
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 -Original Message-
 From: Bob Stone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 12:53 AM
 Subject: [PHP-DB] How to limit a WHILE statement?

 Dear PHP Helpers,

 What is your recommendation on limiting a while
 statement so that it only iterates a maximum of 20

 Here is the code snippet:

 $result = mysql_query($sql, $db);

 while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

   printf("Name: bfont color=\"green\" size=\"5s\"%s
 %s %s %s\nbr/b/font", $myrow["salutation"],
 $myrow["first_name"], $myrow["mid_name"],

 Best regards,

 Bob Stone

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RE: [PHP-DB] Auto load PHP

2001-04-03 Thread Michael Rudel

   // Redirects to another Page using HTTP-META Tag
   function redirect( $url, $message = "", $delay = 0 )
  /* redirects to a new URL using meta tags */
  echo "meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='".$delay."; url=".$url."'";
  if ( !empty( $message ) )
 die( "div style='font-family: Arial, Sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;' 
align=center ".$message." /div" );


Michael Rudel
- Web-Development, Systemadministration -

Suchtreffer AG
Bleicherstrae 20
D-78467 Konstanz
fon: +49-(0)7531-89207-17
fax: +49-(0)7531-89207-13
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Original Message-
 From: Renze Munnik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 9:57 AM
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Auto load PHP

 David Balatero wrote:
  Maybe after the UPDATE statement, you could do:
  header("Location: /path/to/other/script.php");
  ...but I don't know, I don't use header() that much.
  -- David Balatero
  -Original Message-
  From: Jim Ray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 6:23 PM
  Subject: [PHP-DB] Auto load PHP
  Is there a way, once updating a table to load another PHP?
 After, I have the
  user click on the save button, the code calls a update
 routine. After the
  UPDATE is done, I want the code to call another progam.
  Thank you.

 Yep... the header-function should work. There's only one nasty
 restriction... You can only use the header-function BEFORE ANY OTHER

 * RzE:

 **  Renze Munnik
 **  M: +31 6 218 111 43

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Re: [PHP-DB] duplicate a table

2001-04-03 Thread Johannes Janson


just install phpMyAdmin which has a feature to
duplicate tables structure only or structure and

""McShen"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
9aak89$ruv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9aak89$ruv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

 how do i duplicate a table?
 i tried
 create table refer2 select * from refer;
 create table refer2 as select * from refer;

 they didn't work.
 my mysql version is  mysql 3.22.28,

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RE: [PHP-DB] duplicate a table

2001-04-03 Thread Rubanowicz, Lisa

I installed mySQLFront and it can do the same thing too through a GUI.  You
save a *.sql file with or without data.
All the Best

-Original Message-
From: Johannes Janson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] duplicate a table


just install phpMyAdmin which has a feature to
duplicate tables structure only or structure and

""McShen"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
9aak89$ruv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9aak89$ruv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

 how do i duplicate a table?
 i tried
 create table refer2 select * from refer;
 create table refer2 as select * from refer;

 they didn't work.
 my mysql version is  mysql 3.22.28,

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[PHP-DB] php.exe Application Error. The instruction at 0x77fca2bf referenced memory at 0x32343662. The memory could not be written.

2001-04-03 Thread Jesus Estrada Gil

Hi, I've read the archive looking for a solution for this, I only found
people with the same problem, but no answer...
But.. I'll try.
I have php4.04, Win2k, IIS5 and MS SQL7.0
I've read readme.txt, a thousand of times, I've uncommented
I've copied all the dlls to c:\winnt\system32, I've done every possible
solution given at
even with dl('php_mssql70.dll');
but nothing works, I always get php.exe Application Error. The instruction
at "0x77fca2bf" referenced memory at "0x32343662". The memory could not be
I read a post about undefined references... well this is my code, tell me if
it's wrong.

$con = mssql_connect("server","user","pass");  //This works fine
if (mssql_select_db("MexMatch",$con)) {  //this works fine.
 $query= "select * from Usuario";
 $result = mssql_query("select * from usuario",$con);  //I get the error
message here.
 $array = mssql_fetch_array($result);
 echo $array{"Alias"};


Thanks. e s  s   E s t r a d a   G i l
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[PHP-DB] Re: easy db question

2001-04-03 Thread Angela Curtis

Are you deleting them one by one?  If you set a condition for the
deleting, then the auto_increment value won't go back to zero, but if
you just delete all it will.
For example, if you say:
delete from my_table where 10;
it won't reset the value.
But if you just say:
delete from my_table;
it should reset the value to zero.


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[PHP-DB] Problems with MySQL

2001-04-03 Thread Bruno


I've just installed a porgram that uses PHP4 to access a MySQL database. The
problem is that I get the following error when I try to access the PHP file
via web :

Warning: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111) in /usr/local/hlstats/hlstatsinc/
on line 65

The strange thing about this is that MySQL leaves the mysqld.sock in /tmp,
not in the directory that the error reports. I've just installed MySQL
v3.23, and I had v3.22 before, which had it's sock file on /var/run/mysqld.
¿Could it be possible that PHP is fetching an old config file somewhere? I
read in another forum that this could also happen if you used an old MySQL
client with a newer version, ¿Could this be the case? ¿How does PHP
comunnicate with MySQL?

Thank you for your help.



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Re: [PHP-DB] Problems with MySQL

2001-04-03 Thread Jeffrey A Schoolcraft

* Bruno ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 The strange thing about this is that MySQL leaves the mysqld.sock in /tmp,
 not in the directory that the error reports. I've just installed MySQL
 v3.23, and I had v3.22 before, which had it's sock file on /var/run/mysqld.

You might want to make sure your path points to the newer version of
mysql then, and not an old outdated one.  Make sure you've removed all
binary (for that matter all source) files for Mysql-3.22 if you've
upgraded to 3.23.

If in doubt, type which mysql and see if that's where you think it


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Re: [PHP-DB] Validating forms

2001-04-03 Thread Joe Brown

Do both, javascript and server side validation.

Javascript can cut down on unnessary page refreshes.

Serverside is the only way to guarentee the results, because of the reasons
outlined here.

Yes, it's more work, but it will provide a better experience for the end
surfer.  No?


""B. van Ouwerkerk"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 It is much more efficient to do that type of validation client-side,
 Javascript.  No
 sense in making another round trip to the server if not necessary.

 True.. but this only works if your visitor has javascript enabled.. the
 biggest avantage in serverside scripting IMHO is you can forse things to
 happen.. Besides, a visitor with a rather old browser might get bombed
 javascript errors..

 An if .. then loop will do the same but.. serverside.



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2001-04-03 Thread Andrew Hill

Okay, so no attachments to the lists :)
Here is the HOWTO:

Best regards,
Andrew Hill - OpenLink Software
Director Technology Evangelism
eBusiness Infrastructure Technology
office:781.273.0900 x 27

 Hi all,

 In the past couple of weeks, many people have asked me about
 compiling PHP /
 Apache under Mac OS X, so I've updated my iODBC HOWTO specifically for Mac
 OS X.

 This walks through the process of enabling ODBC support in PHP,
 so your Mac
 OS X PHP applications can pull data from any relational database.  I'll be
 uploading it to the site, but if anyone would like
 to comment
 on the initial draft, it's attached to the post.

 Any and all feedback is welcome - tell me anything is not clear!

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2001-04-03 Thread Andrew

Hi all,

In the past couple of weeks, many people have asked me about compiling PHP /
Apache under Mac OS X, so I've updated my iODBC HOWTO specifically for Mac

This walks through the process of enabling ODBC support in PHP, so your Mac
OS X PHP applications can pull data from any relational database.  I'll be
uploading it to the site, but if anyone would like to comment
on the initial draft, it's attached to the post.

Any and all feedback is welcome - tell me anything is not clear!

Best regards,
Andrew Hill - OpenLink Software
Director Technology Evangelism
eBusiness Infrastructure Technology

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2001-04-03 Thread Andrew Hill

Hi all,

In the past couple of weeks, many people have asked me about compiling PHP /
Apache under Mac OS X, so I've updated my iODBC HOWTO specifically for Mac

This walks through the process of enabling ODBC support in PHP, so your Mac
OS X PHP applications can pull data from any relational database.  I'll be
uploading it to the site, but if anyone would like to comment
on the initial draft, it's attached to the post.

Any and all feedback is welcome - tell me anything is not clear!

Best regards,
Andrew Hill - OpenLink Software
Director Technology Evangelism
eBusiness Infrastructure Technology

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[PHP-DB] column names

2001-04-03 Thread Mauricio Junqueira


does anyone knows how to retrive information about the columns names of a 
I know that is possible to use show table mytable using isql but
I need to get information about the columns using sql.
that information is to be accessed with a php script. so, I'm looking
for something resembling "select info from table" 

How may I supposed to do that?

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RE: [PHP-DB] column names

2001-04-03 Thread Brian Hardwick


- Brian 
Tangible Networks

-Original Message-
From: Mauricio Junqueira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 5:10 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] column names


does anyone knows how to retrive information about the columns names of a 
I know that is possible to use show table mytable using isql but
I need to get information about the columns using sql.
that information is to be accessed with a php script. so, I'm looking
for something resembling "select info from table" 

How may I supposed to do that?

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Re: [PHP-DB] column names

2001-04-03 Thread Mauricio Junqueira

Meir kriheli wrote:

 On Tuesday 03 April 2001 23:10, Mauricio Junqueira wrote:

 does anyone knows how to retrive information about the columns names of a
 I know that is possible to use show table mytable using isql but
 I need to get information about the columns using sql.
 that information is to be accessed with a php script. so, I'm looking
 for something resembling "select info from table"

 How may I supposed to do that?
 Hi Mauricio,
 I guess you're using Interbase (isql).
 The system table your looking for is named RDB$RELATION_FIELDS
 Your select should be something like:
 RDB$RELATION_NAME = 'your_table_name'
 I'm building a new system, and I don't have an installation of Interbase
 I can check this on. I've got it from the Interbase documentation (the
 LANGREF.pdf file).

Thank you so much, 
It was exactly what I was looking for.
I will now give deep look on those system tables.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Some assistance please

2001-04-03 Thread rjones


Try changing your last 'elseif' to an 'else'. It could be hanging on the
else-if syntax.

- Original Message -
From: "Shannon Doyle" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 6:27 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Some assistance please

 Hi People,

 I have a sql query running an array'd result that should echo a different
 result depending on the result of the query. However, it successfully does
 one of the entries from the query, but then appears to stop. With no
 results displayed. Could someone take a look at the code at the bottom of
 this email and see if they can determine why it is not continuing through
 the rest of the results.

 Thanks in advance

 - Shannon

 $roundnum = "";
 $sql = "select * from results order by round";
 $dbh = @mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass);
 $results = mysql_db_query($db,$sql,$dbh);
   for($i = 0; $i  mysql_num_rows($results); $i++) {
   $array[$i] = mysql_fetch_array($results);
 for ($i = 0; $i  count($array); $i++)  {
 if ($array[$i]["round"] != $roundnum) {
   $roundnum = $array[$i]["round"];
   echo "trtd colspan='5'brp align='center'bfont
 color='#99'Round ".$roundnum."/font/b/p/td/tr";
   echo "trtd width='100'p".$array[$i]["home"]."/p/tdtd
 width='10'p".$array[$i]["home_goals"]."/p/tdtd width='50'\n";
 if ($array[$i]["home_goals"]  $array[$i]["away_goals"]) {
   echo "pDefeated/p/td";
 elseif ($array[$i]["home_goals"]  $array[$i]["away_goals"]) {
   echo "pDefeated by/p/td";
 elseif ($array[$i]["home_goals"] == $array[$i]["away_goals"]) {
   echo "pDrew/p/td";
 echo "td width='100'p".$array[$i]["away"]."/p/tdtd

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RE: [PHP-DB] PHP4.0.4 segfaults with odbc_pconnect

2001-04-03 Thread Daevid Vincent

So close and yet so far away... is there an "odbcping" type program? If we
run "odbcping" on the SQL2000 server, it works fine (to itself of course,
but using the ODBC settings AFAIK).

[root=pts/1]2:08pm@content:{/usr/local/openlink/bin} setenv

[root=pts/1]2:08pm@content:{/usr/local/openlink/bin} cat odbc.ini
[ODBC Data Sources]
OpenLink   = OpenLink Generic ODBC Driver
TattooReader   = Tattoo Database on SQL2000 server

Driver  = /usr/local/openlink/lib/
Description = TattooReader
ServerType  = SQLServer 2000
FetchBufferSize = 99
UserName= Tattoo_reader
Password= a4w59
Database= wt_updater_checkin
ServerOptions   =
ConnectOptions  =
Options =
ReadOnly= yes
Trace   = 0
TraceFile   = /tmp/iodbc.trace

Driver  = /usr/local/openlink/lib/
Description = Sample OpenLink DSN
ServerType  = SQLServer 2000
FetchBufferSize = 99
UserName= Tattoo_reader
Password= a4w59
Database= wt_updater_checkin
ServerOptions   =
ConnectOptions  =
Options =
ReadOnly= yes
Trace   = 0
TraceFile   = /tmp/iodbc.trace

Driver = /usr/local/openlink/lib/

[root=pts/1]2:08pm@content:{/usr/local/openlink/bin} cat odbcinst.ini
[ODBC Drivers]
OpenLink Generic ODBC Driver = Installed
TattooReader = Installed

[OpenLink Generic ODBC Driver]
Driver = /usr/local/openlink/lib/
Setup  = /usr/local/openlink/lib/

Driver = /usr/local/openlink/lib/
Setup  = /usr/local/openlink/lib/

[root=pts/3]3:59pm@content:{/usr/local/openlink/bin} ./odbctest
OpenLink ODBC Demonstration program
This program shows an interactive SQL processor
Enter ODBC connect string (? shows list): ?
DSN| Description
OpenLink   | OpenLink Generic ODBC Driver
TattooReader   | Tattoo Database on SQL2000 server

Enter ODBC connect string (? shows list): DSN=TattooReader
select * from blah


the only way to exit this is to kill the process, "exit" doesn't work.
So, I'm not getting any errors anymore, but it's not doing anything either.

Now we haven't ruled out the firewall as a possible problem here, however I
[root=pts/3]3:59pm@content:{/usr/local/openlink/bin} telnet 1433
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
but as you can see, ^] doesn't Escape. In fact, the only way to stop it is
to kill the telnet process from another shell. SHOULD I be able to do
anything from the telnet prompt? Like with HTTP, you can get it to spew out
a web page, is there some command to run to make sure the connection is all
good in both directions?

[root=pts/2]4:03pm@content:{/root} netstat
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State
tcp0  0

notice that the ports don't line up. should they? my MIS guy says that's
normal and there's just a pool of ports the OS picks from and will 'map'
them correctly (in lay terms).

and FWIW, the PHP example STILL segfaults. I would expect it to through up
an error, not segfault... that can't be good can it?

 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 8:08 PM
 To: Daevid Vincent; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; PHP General
 Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] PHP4.0.4 segfaults with odbc_pconnect


 connection script snipped (looked fine)

  $dsn="DSN=OpenLink"; // this is a valid DSN set up in the above odbc.ini

  //$conn_id = odbc_connect("DSN=OpenLink;UID=daevid;PWD=secret","","");
  Driver  = /usr/local/openlink/lib/
  Description = Sample OpenLink DSN
  ServerType  = Oracle 8.1.x
  FetchBufferSize = 99
  UserName= daevid
  Password= secret
  Database= mydatabase
  ServerOptions   =
  ConnectOptions  =
  Options =
  ReadOnly= yes
  Trace   = 0
  TraceFile   = /tmp/iodbc.trace
  Driver = /usr/local/openlink/lib/
  Is "ServerType = Oracle 8.1.x" right?