Re: [PHP-DB] Problem with PDO Mysql and FETCH::ASSOC

2009-03-20 Thread Thodoris


I am using the following code to perform queries on a MySQL database:

$dbh = new 

$dbh-setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true);
$query = $dbh-prepare(SELECT * FROM log);
$results = $query-fetchALL(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$dbh = null;

If I perform this query in MySQL, I get:

mysql select * from log;

| type| date   | client_id | model_id | 
request| message|

| message | 1.2375e+09 | domain.18052  |  | 
client_start   | started client |

However, if I perform this query with the PHP code above, I get:

Array ( [type] = error [date] = 1.2375e+09 [log] = [distributed] = 
client_start [def] = started client) )

which is clearly wrong. 'distributed' is actually the name of the 
database, so I don't really know what it is doing as a key in the 
above result.

If I use PDO::FETCH_BOTH instead of PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, I get

Array ( [type] = message [0] = message [date] = 1.2375e+09 [1] = 
1.2375e+09 [log] = [2] = domain.18052 [3] = [distributed] = 
client_start [4] = client_start [def] = started client [5] = 
started client )

which *does* contain the correct values with the numerical keys. 
Before using MySQL, I was using SQLite, and this problem did not occur.

The description of the table is:

mysql describe log;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| type  | char(10) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| date  | float| YES  | | NULL|   |
| client_id | char(50) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| model_id  | char(50) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| request   | char(20) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| message   | char(50) | YES  | | NULL|   |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Does anyone have any ideas as to what I might be doing wrong?

Thanks for any help!


First of all check if you are actually connecting to the same database 
both times.

Start with printing $GLOBALS['database'] and see if it connects where 
you really want.

You mentioned a field def while printing the query's output which 
obviously is not included in the table's description. Have you changed 
the schema in the meantime?


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[PHP-DB] Re: [PHP] PDO buffered query problem

2009-02-24 Thread Thodoris

Stewart Duncan wrote:

Hi there,

I'm having some serious problems with the PHP Data Object functions. 
I'm trying to loop through a sizeable result set (~60k rows, ~1gig) 
using a buffered query to avoid fetching the whole set.

No matter what I do, the script just hangs on the PDO::query() - it 
seems the query is running unbuffered (why else would the change in 
result set size 'fix' the issue?). Here is my code to reproduce the 

$Database = new PDO(

Don't you want it the other way around? You want it unbuffered so it 
doesn't get retrieved in mysql, send the whole result set to php then 
you can use it.

You want to start using it immediately - so make it unbuffered.

Either way if the result set is going to be large your MySQL's memory or 
PHP's memory may exceed. So if you use either you may need to fine-tune 
PHP by increasing the per process memory (memory_limit in php.ini) or MySQL.

In case you use unbuffered queries you cannot use transactions as far as 
I can recall.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Multiple Update SQL Statements Execution

2008-11-20 Thread Thodoris


  I am inquiring on this list to see if it is possible to create a script that takes multiple update statements without my having to write one SQL statement for each of the updates. 

If you want to reuse the same SQL query by just changing the parameters 
you may consider using the PDO's driver for mssql an make prepared 
Never used MsSQL so I am not sure that prepared statements work the same 
as with other PDO drivers.

check this on the manual:

You may also find instructions on how to install and use PDO and the 
drivers it support on the manual as well.

  I have a scenario of which I create a table of some sort with some existing information using Flex, and what I am told by my client is that no matter how many records there are on the screen, the users should be able to update any up to all the entries by simply pushing a button. I use Microsoft SQL, which I think that it does allow multiple update query execution. The problem is that I might have to come up with some method to accept all the POST variables the user provides into the script. 

You can do that by using the $_POST array which stores all the posted data.

check this:

   Could anyone please give me some guidance on what kind of function I might use, or whether or not it is possible I can create a script that accepts as many POST variables as the users POST? 

Thanks a lot for your help.



Those two elementary howtos may be of some help:

If all these seem too elementary for you then try to describe your 
problem in a more detailed manner. Better questions get better answers.


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Re: [PHP-DB] trying to get pecl and phpize to build oci8

2008-11-17 Thread Thodoris

I have Fedoara

that has perl:

This is perl, v5.10.0 built for i386-linux-thread-multi

I searched the entire system and found neither pecl or phpize



Although this not a php question try:

yum install php-devel


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Re: [PHP-DB] Copying Data From One Table To Another Table

2008-11-14 Thread Thodoris

Alice Wei wrote:

   I am trying to accomplish a task of which I have to copy the data 
from one table to another. The problem is that whenever I tried to 
perform the action of copying the data through this method, although 
the data gets copied, it performs reiterative copying that causes my 
program and my server to crash.

  Here is the code snippet:

  #Empty Temporary Array
  $tmpHolder = array();
  $tmpHolder2 = array();
  #Loop through parts list

  foreach ($stringChunk1 As $part) {
#Create a single statement and stuff it in your tmp array
$tmpHolder[] LIKE '%{$part}';}
  foreach ($stringChunk2 As $part2) {
#Create a single statement and stuff it in your tmp array
$tmpHolder2[] LIKE '%{$part2}';}

  #Join all the parts together, placing an OR between each element
  $string3= join(' OR ', $tmpHolder);
  $string2= join(' OR ', $tmpHolder2);
  $total=$count_chunk1 * $count_chunk2;

 //Entry a New Query Entry into scenarios table
   $query3=INSERT INTO scenarios VALUES('$scenario_name');
   $result3=mssql_query($query3) or die (The query has failed);
 #Search for the Regions and Incidence ID $query_both=SELECT 
incidence.ID,regions.ID from incidence,regions WHERE ($string3)AND 
($string2);$result_both=mssql_query($query_both) or die (The 
query has failed); 
  while($row_both = mssql_fetch_array($result_both)) {

   $incidence_id= $row_both[0];
   $region_id= $row_both[1];

 //Enter entry into scenario elements table
//  $query14=INSERT INTO 

FROM scenario_elements_2,regions,incidence WHERE $string2 AND $string3;

//  $result14=mssql_query($query14) or die (The query has failed);
I have to comment out the code snippet above because it creates 
something like 3 entries to the database. Could anyone please 
tell me if this is the error I have from my PHP, or is it from my SQL 
statement? How would I go about fixing this issue? 

An insert into select doesn't need to use a loop, you can use just one 

insert into scenarios(field1, field2) select field1, field2 from 
other_table where 

the db will (internally) loop over the results and do the work.

Not to mention that you don't even need PHP for that. You just need to 
open a client and make the query.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Copying Data From One Table To Another Table

2008-11-14 Thread Thodoris

  $result3=mssql_query($query3) or die (The query has failed);


Ah - the OP isn't using mysql, it's ms-sql.


Oups didn't notice that :-) .


Re: [PHP-DB] Building additional modules after installing core modules

2008-11-10 Thread Thodoris

 I decided to install php from source. I have installed the core
 modules only. Is that possible to install additional modules 〔such as,
 gd, ming bcmath etc〕after installing php core modules without
 compiling the entire source code?

Try not to top-post.

If you need the flexibility to add additional extensions that are not
modules installed using pecl it is better to use a package system. Most
distros are including in their repositories php modules like php-gd,
php-soap, php-mssql etc. Why compile if you don't need to.

This of course can be used if compiling php for performance is not
mandatory. If otherwise have in mind that you need not only to compile
the modules against the same src tree but to configure the src tree the
same way as the installed php. Thus you will have to keep the original
src you used to install php on the first place. At least IMHO this is
the best practice.


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Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL Query Timeout program in PHP

2008-10-31 Thread Thodoris

Man- when the query is fired through the web interface- it rans on
mysql server

max_execution_time - wont' help evn I stop apache itself...

Yes it will. Apache will be instructed to stop execution of any script 
by the mod_php module (assuming you are using mod_php). But mysql 
process probably won't stop running (not 100% sure for that) although 
php script has timed out.

The query runs on mysql server - so I have to kill the PID on server itself...

In order to do this you will need (in the unix world) to have rights to 
kill mysql processes. That means that you must become either root or the 
mysql user which is not that simple since everything that apache runs is 
usually running as the apache or the www user who can't kill those 
processes (at least if he can't su exec).

I will have to note here that this is a bad practice of doing things...


On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 7:57 AM, Jack van Zanen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just put the time out in your PHP.INI file

max_execution_time = 30 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in

This is probably a solution although you will have to know what to 
expect if you query a table with 3M records. It will be slow and that 
can't change. Try using LIMIT when sending queries to stop mass data 

2008/10/16 Piyush Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm using as web query interface for mysql

Now I want to add Query Timeout functionality to it

Every apache process has a timeout limit you can leave the user wait for 
a page a lifetime.

For that I need to get the PID for last ran mysql query and then using
PID - I can kill the process on MySQL server


Sorry but I still can't see why.

Please explain how to do that in PHP Thanks!

Similar to what described @

Thanks  Regards,
Mo.: 091-9910904233

-In a world without fences, limits, boundaries and walls, Who needs
Windows and Gates?


Although some think that limits are wrong I still have walls around my 
house. Windows are not so bad sometimes everything has its use. Besides 
everyone needs to be annoyed from time to time.

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J.A. van Zanen



Re: [PHP-DB] pagination php mysql

2008-10-31 Thread Thodoris

I am implementing pagination on my php script, pagination is already 
working, the result is displayed as checkboxes for users to check their

choices. my prob is if i have more than 1 page, users should be able to
choose from all 4 pages,

one solution is creating a temporal table, which can be re-created and
dropped when starting and ending the user session (table name can be
an unique_ID). Then, the checkbox selections are inserted, deleted,
etc.. with mysql_functions every time the user change every page.

And how do you suggest that the data will be kept when the user goes to 
page 2?

The session will end and the temporary table will be destroyed. So this 
is probably not so wise don't you think ?

Another solution is adding the ID of every selected checkbox to a
cookie or session variable in format 1,5,42,87,412... etc.  Then you
can manage the selections changes by reading the array elements using
a for... when the user change every page:

$foo = array_unique($foo); // checkbox selections
if (count($foo)  0) {
   // loop through the array of selections
   for ($i=0;$icount($foo);$i++) { 

  // read and write the session_var to update, delete, etc..
  if (eregi($foo[$i], $session_var)) {  // if exists ...etc



Cookie is a good choice although if the checkboxes are many your cookie 
will grow. Your problem here is how you can maintain data between pages 
in order to keep all the users options. This problem has many solutions: 
cookies, sessions, memcache, database etc.

The problem that you will a mechanism that will control the data.

When the user ends, you will have a temporal table or a session
variable with all his checkboxes selected. 

Oh now I get it !! by temporary table you don't really mean a temporary 
table like that:

but a table you will not use permanently. But AFAIK changing schema is 
bad practice. Why not just keep the table and use it for this use?

First method is slower but more secure. Second is speediest but it can
have more failures because are session vars or cookies.  It depends of
your control errors and also the visits profile.


I wouldn't bet on that I think it depends on the case.

Hope it helps,



Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL stored procedures OUT or INOUT parameters

2008-09-19 Thread Thodoris


How to use OUT or INOUT parameters of MySQL's stored procedures in PHP?


=== . My PGP key fingerprint is:
9D25 3D89 75F1 DF1D F434  25D7 E87F A1B9 B80F 8062

I think that the manual is quite clear on this:

You use a way to query the database like PDO or mysqli and you wite sql.

Is there something specific that you want to ask?


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Re: [PHP-DB] Question about databases and foreign keys

2008-09-15 Thread Thodoris

On Sep 15, 2008, at 10:59 AM, Micah Gersten wrote:

Use 2 tables.  You never know what the app might grow into and you
should do it right the first time.

That's what I was thinking too... Just wanted to hear it from someone 
else... NOW I get to learn about foreign keys and how to update things 
with them!

So if anyone knows of a good resource I'd appreciate it... Until then, 
I'm off to search the web and figure this stuff out!


Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
11287 James St
Holland, MI 49424

This for mysql only but it can give some info you may find useful.

This is a very enlightening article for starters in order to see the sql 

The mysql manual could also give you an idea on that.


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Re: [PHP-DB] PDO prepared statements and value list for MySQL IN

2008-07-10 Thread Thodoris

O/H TK ??:

At 03:21 AM 7/9/2008, Thodoris wrote:

At 04:16 PM 7/8/2008, Philip Thompson wrote:

On Jul 8, 2008, at 11:55 AM, TK wrote:

I'd like to use a PDO prepared statement to perform a MySQL query  
that uses the IN function.

$stmt = $pdo-prepare('
select *
from mytable
where myfield IN (:contents)
$stmt-bindValue(':contents', $contents);

Here's the problem:

If $contents is set to a single value, everything's fine:
$contents = 'mystring';

How can I include multiple values in here?  If $contents is set to  
an array, PHP throws an Array to string conversion notice.

i.e. $contents = array('mystring1', 'mystring2');

If $contents is set to a comma-separated list, no matches are  
returned (probably because the entire list is being passed to  
MySQL as a single value, not multiple values).

I.e. $contents = 'mystring1,mystring2';

What's the proper way to do this?  Can it be done?  (Note that I do  
not know how many elements will be in $contents ahead of time, so  
something like IN (:contents1, :contents2) wouldn't make sense.)

$contents = array('string1', 'string2', 'string3');
$ins = implode (',', $contents);
$sql = SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `field` IN ($ins);

I'm not sure if the IN function only works on numeric values or if it  
also works on strings as well. If contents contains strings, you may  
need to put single quotes around each item. If so, change the above  

$ins = ' . implode (',', $contents) . ';

Hope that helps,

Thanks.  That's how to use the IN function in the first place, which I already 
know.  What I was asking about was how to do this using PDO and prepared 
statements.  It's the PDO prepared statement functionality that's got me stuck. 
 The issue is that I can't figure out how to bindParam or bindValue in this 
situation, where there is potentially a list of values (of arbitrary size).

Perhaps the implode suggested above is the solution for the prepared statement. 
I think that the problem is that you cannot bind a value with an array.
So you have  to implode the array into a string before binding it to a value. 
The other goes as you suggested:

$stmt = $pdo-prepare('
select *

from mytable

where myfield IN (:contents)
$stmt-bindValue(':contents', $contents);

Where contents is:

$pre_contents = array('mystring1', 'mystring2');

$contents = implode(',',$pre_contents);

$contents = 'mystring';

As per my original question, that does not work:

If $contents is set to a comma-separated list, no matches are  
returned (probably because the entire list is being passed to  
MySQL as a single value, not multiple values).

I.e. $contents = 'mystring1,mystring2';

Binding a comma-separated list (i.e. what implode creates) does not do what is wanted 
here - it appears instead to treat the whole list as one entry, i.e. it's 
like doing this:
   where myfield IN ('mystring1,mystring2')
which is obviously not achieving the desired result of:
   where myfield IN ('mystring1','mystring2')

Hence, my original question!  Is there a way to accomplish this with PDO and 
prepared statements?

- TK


Why don't you work this around. Since you may do anything with strings in php 
using the (.) operator try this:


$a = array('string1','string2');

$str = implode(',',$a);

$str = '.$str.';

print $str;


I will print out:




Re: [PHP-DB] PDO prepared statements and value list for MySQL IN

2008-07-09 Thread Thodoris

At 04:16 PM 7/8/2008, Philip Thompson wrote:

On Jul 8, 2008, at 11:55 AM, TK wrote:

I'd like to use a PDO prepared statement to perform a MySQL query  
that uses the IN function.

$stmt = $pdo-prepare('
 select *
 from mytable
 where myfield IN (:contents)
$stmt-bindValue(':contents', $contents);

Here's the problem:

If $contents is set to a single value, everything's fine:
 $contents = 'mystring';

How can I include multiple values in here?  If $contents is set to  
an array, PHP throws an Array to string conversion notice.

i.e. $contents = array('mystring1', 'mystring2');

If $contents is set to a comma-separated list, no matches are  
returned (probably because the entire list is being passed to  
MySQL as a single value, not multiple values).

I.e. $contents = 'mystring1,mystring2';

What's the proper way to do this?  Can it be done?  (Note that I do  
not know how many elements will be in $contents ahead of time, so  
something like IN (:contents1, :contents2) wouldn't make sense.)

Thanks for any help!

- TK

$contents = array('string1', 'string2', 'string3');
$ins = implode (',', $contents);
$sql = SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `field` IN ($ins);

I'm not sure if the IN function only works on numeric values or if it  
also works on strings as well. If contents contains strings, you may  
need to put single quotes around each item. If so, change the above  

$ins = ' . implode (',', $contents) . ';

Hope that helps,


Thanks.  That's how to use the IN function in the first place, which I already 
know.  What I was asking about was how to do this using PDO and prepared 
statements.  It's the PDO prepared statement functionality that's got me stuck. 
 The issue is that I can't figure out how to bindParam or bindValue in this 
situation, where there is potentially a list of values (of arbitrary size).

- TK 

Perhaps the implode suggested above is the solution for the prepared statement. 
I think that the problem is that you cannot bind a value with an array.

So you have  to implode the array into a string before binding it to a value. 
The other goes as you suggested:

$stmt = $pdo-prepare('
select *
from mytable
where myfield IN (:contents)
$stmt-bindValue(':contents', $contents);

Where contents is:

$pre_contents = array('mystring1', 'mystring2');

$contents = implode(',',$pre_contents);


$contents = 'mystring';


Re: [PHP-DB] One field or a new table?

2008-06-23 Thread Thodoris
 I am tempted to say that you can test both by benchmarking them. I 
assume that you need this to be fast since many users use it, so try 
both ways and see what it is better. Have in mind that the underlying 
engine is important when designing something that gets heavy use. I get 
the feeling that if the collectibles are few say 10-15 in that case 
adding a field tends to be a better idea.
You can benchmark this by counting the time that you select and extract 
the collectibles in an array in either way. I assume that you will need 
to select from two tables user and collectibles in case you separate 
them. This is probably slower if the collectibles are few in number but 
I think it gets better when their number increases badly.

Tell us what you think.


O/H Hussein Jafferjee ??:

Hey Guys,


I have been developing for a while and never found the best solution yet.
The question is lets say a game has 10 collectibles you can earn, to keep
track of the number of collectibles each user has, do you have one field in
the users table with all the numbers separated via a divider, or do you make
a new table called collectibles and have each one as a field?


These are high traffic sites (100,000+ people) and so I was initially
thinking the solution of creating a separate table is best because the main
users row is loaded on every page, and on top of that you would need to use
explode on the field.


Currently I am having a separate table, but I was wondering if people have
better solutions.


Hussein J.


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Re: [PHP-DB] explode () and mySQL query

2008-06-04 Thread Thodoris

O/H Ron Piggott ??:

I am trying to add a search feature to my shopping cart.

I am wanting to use PHP to develop the query for mySQL.  I have the
following code figured out:

foreach(explode( , $keyword) as $key) $query .=  $key, ;

This produces:

WHERE shopping_cart_product.product_description IN ( Jesus, is, Lord, )

The weakness is the trailing , after the last word the user types in.

How can I eliminate this?


You can alternative use implode which I think is a much better choice 
because it does exactly what you need.

You can use it like this

$keys = implode(,,$keyword);
$query .= $keys;

This is the reference in the manual:


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Re: [PHP-DB] Wrong results with ORDER BY DESC

2008-06-04 Thread Thodoris

O/H Michael Kelly ??:
Hey all. I installed Apache and PHP onto my computer to use for 
testing about six days ago, and have had MySQL installed for a few 
weeks before. It all works fine, except for certain queries PHP gets 
very odd and inconsistent results back.

Here's an example. This query, in both PHP and through the MySQL Query 


Will work fine and return a 10-result set of the proper IDs from the 
smf_topics table sorted correctly. However, this query, different only 
by the addition of DESC:


Will work in the Query Browser fine, but not in PHP. When run from 
PHP, it will return a 10-result set of an ID from other boards (same 
table, different ID_BOARD values). All 10 rows will be the same ID, 
and periodically the ID that is returned changes; sometimes it changes 
as soon as the page is refreshed, sometimes it only changes after 
waiting a bit, but there's no pattern I can see here.

Here's the PHP code I'm using to test it:

$request = mysql_query(SELECT ID_FIRST_MSG FROM smf_topics WHERE 

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
echo $row['ID_FIRST_MSG'], 'br /';

I think that the ID_BOARD field should be an integer so you probably you 
could leave unquoted (no harm with that). Check in the table what type 
is the ID_FIRST_MSG because varchars order quite differently than 
intergers. This I suspect this could be the mistake because I think that 
you mean to use an integer.

In any case if you don't find what is wrong you can always put query 
results in an array and sort them experimenting to see what is causing this.

My setup is as follows:

Windows Vista Business with Service Pack 1
Well you could always use a unix-like operating system but not all of us 
are geeks.

Apache 2.2
PHP Version 5.2.6
MySQL 5.1.23-rc-community via TCP/IP

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

These are fresh so you shouldn't be having a problem.


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Re: [PHP-DB] authentication verification

2008-06-04 Thread Thodoris

O/H DeadTOm ??:

So the user comes to the site and they're presented with a log in page.
They enter they're username and password and php checks a mysql database
for a matching username and password.
If there is a match, it responds with 1 line found. If no match, it
responds with 0 lines found.
In the case of a match, php then sets a cookie on their browser with a
value of 1 for authenticated and 0 for not authenticated. Every
subsequent page the user views checks the status of this cookie and if
it's a zero it kicks them back to the log in page. This
cookie expires in 5 days and after that they'll have to log in again.
I'm aware that this is terribly easy to circumvent by creating/modifying a
cookie with the 1 value and the site thinks you've passed muster.
What is a better way of doing this?


A Linux user since 1999.

The alternative way is probably the sessions which is not really 
different is you plan to store just an authentication property of 0/1 
into the cookie.

The difference is that a session is created that stores some data like 
e-mail, frontend etc on the server and not in the cookie as described in 
the previous method. Although in order browser to track down the session 
sends to the server a session id which should be posted in the url or 
it can be set automatically by php in a cookie :-) .

So you will need to put something in the cookie after all if you choose 
to do it this way but it would be a session id. However have in mind 
that you may have more control over sessions because you can configure 
your server to make great deal of things like say eliminate all sessions 
every say 5 minutes.

I don't know if this was much of a help.


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Re: [PHP-DB] character set collation

2007-12-14 Thread Thodoris
This may be of help I found that in mysql manual 

To perform the task of upgrading database names with the new encoding, 
(see Section 11.1.1, |ALTER DATABASE| Syntax

But this is intended when upgrading to mysql 5.1 so if while upgrading 
to the new phpmyadmin you have updated mysql then this probably does it 
for you in any other situation try experimenting with the collation / 

PS Why don't you try replication instead of exporting / importing data??


O/H elk dolk ??:
Hi everybody, 

  1- I have created a database in the remote server and I have the same

  database in my local machine ,which is configured as IIS server.
  2- MySQL server in my computer is configured as follows:
  Default-character-set=latin1 for CLIENT SECTION 
 Default-character-set=latin1 for SERVER SECTION
  3- I have populated my local database and tested it , it works fine.
  4- Using 'SELECT' I put the data from my local database in a text file together with SQL commands and upload it to remote server (Import)
5- The above procedure was working well until they upgraded the phpMyAdmin to
  6- The problem I am experiencing now is that: when I upload data to remote server using (Import)I see question marks ? instead of normal text in the 'description' and 'title' fields of the database.
  7- It seems that it is character set collation problem but I can't figure it out!
  Any idea ?

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Re: [PHP-DB] How can I get MySQL protocol information with PDO?

2007-11-30 Thread Thodoris

O/H Kazuhiro IIzuka ??:

Thanks Thodoris.

But this is not things I desired.I've already read php manual and known 
about PDO::getAttribute() before I post my question.

When I get to server version,I can use $dbh-getAttribute(PDO::
ATTR_SERVER_VERSION),but there are no attribute about mysql server 

I'm planing to make phpMyAdmin-clone with PDO.but I don't know PDO can 
work instead of mysql/mysqli extension.and I couldn't find equivalent 
function in PDO with mysql_get_proto_info(mysqli_get_proto_info).

// with mysql extension
$link = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password);
echo mysql_get_proto_info(); // returns 10 in my case.

but I cannot find the proper value like PDO::ATTR_SERVER_PROTOCOL in 
PDO's getAttribute.

and PDO doesn't seems to use MySQL API's mysql_get_proto_info.

I check like this:
/path/to/php-5.2.4/ext$ grep -r 'mysql_get_proto_info' mysql
mysql/php_mysql.c:  PHP_FE(mysql_get_proto_info, NULL)
mysql/php_mysql.c:/* {{{ proto int mysql_get_proto_info([int 

mysql/php_mysql.c:  RETURN_LONG(mysql_get_proto_info(mysql-conn));
Binary file mysql/.libs/php_mysql.o matches
/path/to/php-5.2.4/ext$ grep -r 'mysql_get_proto_info' pdo*

I forgot to tell you my environment.

MySQL version: 5.0.27-standard-log
PHP: 5.2.4 (upgrade in near future)
Apache: 2.2.6

You can retrieve some info for the mysql connection (server,driver etc) 
using PDO::getAttribute()

For e.g. you can do something like that:

  $dbhost = 'localhost';
  $dbuser = 'user_name';
  $dbpass = 'password';
  $db = 'database';

  $dbh= new PDO('mysql:host='.$dbhost.';dbname='.$db, $dbuser, $dbpass);

  echo $dbh-getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME);
  echo br;
  echo $dbh-getAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
  echo br;
  echo $dbh-getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION);
  echo br;
  echo $dbh-getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS);

Well Kazuhiro you should know that PDO is not exactly an alternative for 
mysql/mysqli but it was supposed to abstract the database details under 
an object. This is not totally yet happening but I think that you can 
use PDO instead of mysql/mysqli in any case. Well I have wrote many 
projects using it, and I think that if I wished to change the database 
from mysql to some other it would take just few changes in my code.

You can always post this in the developers list if you want more details 
on the matter and find out if any protocol attributes are to be supported.


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Re: [PHP-DB] How can I get MySQL protocol information with PDO?

2007-11-29 Thread Thodoris

O/H Kazuhiro IIzuka ??:

Hi All.

Now I'm trying to get MySQL protocol information with PDO.
There are mysql_get_proto_info and mysqli_get_proto_info to get 
MySQL protocol information.

But PDO_MySQL doesn't seems to support this feature.
If I mistake,please let me know.and How to get MySQL protocol 
information with *PDO*.


Although I have never used other methods to access mysql but PDO and I 
am not sure what you mean. This could be the answer:

You can retrieve some info for the mysql connection (server,driver etc) 
using PDO::getAttribute()

For e.g. you can do something like that:

  $dbhost = 'localhost';
  $dbuser = 'user_name';
  $dbpass = 'password';
  $db = 'database';

  $dbh= new PDO('mysql:host='.$dbhost.';dbname='.$db, $dbuser, $dbpass);

  echo $dbh-getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME);
  echo br;
  echo $dbh-getAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
  echo br;
  echo $dbh-getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION);
  echo br;
  echo $dbh-getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS);

In order to find out driver details like the driver name, buffer size, 
mysql version and connection status. A list of some of the the 
attributes can be found in the link above or in the section of 
Predefined Constants list in:


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Re: [PHP-DB] parameters not working under PDO

2007-10-31 Thread Thodoris

O/H Chris Curvey ??:
It's quite possible that I'm missing something obvious here.  The 
following code fragment does not return any rows, but if I take out 
the parameters and replace them with hardcoded strings (enclosed in 
single quotes), I get the right results.

I've scattered print statements throughout, and the query seems to 
get past execute() OK, it's just not returning anything from the call 
to fetch()

Am I missing something obvious?

$stmt = $conn-prepare(select t.z from towns t
join counties c on t.county_z = c.z
where = ?
and c.state_z = ?);
if ($stmt-execute($parts)) {
while ($row = $stmt-fetch()) {
 $town_z = $row['z'];
What is $parts doing ?? You just need execute() and I suppose although 
not posted that you did construct the object like:

$conn| = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', $user, $pass);

|A good choice is to tell fetch a way to retrieve your data like this: 
$town_z = $stmt-fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

although I think that it will get both result sets in case you don't define.

} else {
print $stmt-errorCode();

Thanks in advance!

A better way debug that I know is using exceptions like:
try {
   $sth = $conn-query($query);
   $rs = $sth-fetch();
} catch (Exception $e) {
   print failed :.$e-getMessage();

You can use try {} with almost everything so give it a try :-) .

Send us some feed back or post full source if you keep having trouble.


Re: [PHP-DB] multiple tables and correct select statement

2007-10-23 Thread Thodoris
In order to find out what is wrong with your query you could use 
exceptions. A sample code could be:

try {
$query= ...
..your code
catch (Exception $e){
$errmsg = $e-getMessage();
print $errmsg;

This will print out the reason that mysql has for failing your code. An 
obvious statement is that you should try to execute your queries using 
the command line client or any other that you use before putting it in 
use in order to find out what's wrong.


O/H Jas ??:

Hello all, I receive an error of the following: The used SELECT
statements have a different number of columns. Any help, pointers,
tutorials are appreciated.

Here are the two tables structure I am trying to pull from:
Table 1
mysql describe orders;
| Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| id | int(255) | NO   | PRI | | auto_increment |
| ordernum   | int(10)  | NO   | | ||
| date   | varchar(60)  | NO   | | ||
| time   | varchar(20)  | NO   | | ||
| group  | varchar(20)  | NO   | | ||
| purpose| varchar(255) | NO   | | ||
| tracking   | varchar(120) | NO   | | ||
| contact| varchar(255) | NO   | | ||
| eta| varchar(50)  | NO   | | ||
| department | varchar(125) | NO   | | ||
| notes  | varchar(255) | NO   | | ||
11 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Table 2
mysql describe order_items;
| Field   | Type  | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| id  | int(11)   | NO   | PRI | | auto_increment |
| ordernum| int(124)  | NO   | | ||
| quantity| int(124)  | NO   | | ||
| description | varchar(124)  | NO   | | ||
| price   | decimal(10,0) | NO   | | ||
| partnum | varchar(255)  | NO   | | ||
| vendor  | varchar(255)  | NO   | | ||
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

And here is the statement I am using (PHP):
$query = ( SELECT * FROM `orders` WHERE ( `ordernum` LIKE $var\ OR
`purpose` LIKE \$var\ OR `tracking` LIKE \$var\ OR `contact` LIKE
\$var\ OR `date` LIKE \$var\ OR `time` LIKE \$var\ OR `eta` LIKE
\$var\ OR `department` LIKE \$var\ OR `notes` LIKE \$var\ ) AND
`group` = \$group\ ) UNION ( SELECT * FROM `order_items` WHERE (
`ordernum` LIKE \$var\ OR `price` LIKE \$var\ OR `partnum` LIKE
\$var\ OR `vendor` LIKE \$var\ OR `quantity` LIKE \$var\ OR
`description` LIKE \$var\ ) ORDER BY `ordernum` );


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[PHP-DB] Problems with character encoding

2007-10-16 Thread Thodoris

Hello list,
I know that what I'm about to ask does not concern databases 
exclusively but please guys help. I am retrieving all the records from a 
mysql (myisam) table using PDO and I am trying to write it to an 
spreadsheet using php. Whenever I use English while writing into the 
spreadsheet everything works smoothly but when I use greek retrieved 
from the database nothing seems to do the job. I have used 
utf8_encode/utf8_encode, iconv and I have just compiled multi-byte 
encoding into php (mbstring) and used mb_convert_encoding() to convert 
the encoding but it still doesn't do the trick for me. Does anybody have 
previous experience concerning charset encoding in order to help me.

Thanks in advance.

PS: I am writing in sreadsheet format using Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer 
pear module*



Re: [PHP-DB] Can't open SQLite DB... but only when using mod_php??

2007-10-03 Thread Thodoris

Well the directory that  houses the database should  be writable. 
Running the script from command line it gives you write access probably 
but it won't work using mod_php because the web server probably can't 
write. Try it and give us some feedback.


O/H Chris έγραψε:

Markus Wolff - NorthClick wrote:

Hey there,

I'm trying to open an SQLite3 database from a PHP very simple PHP

$db = dirname(__FILE__).'/frontend.db';
$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:'.$db);
$pdo-query(SELECT * FROM page LIMIT 1);
echo Deleting pages\n;   $pdo-query(DELETE FROM page);
echo Deleting websites\n;
$pdo-query(DELETE FROM website);

The database file contains no data whatsoever, just the table
definitions (in case you were wondering, this is a stripped-down version
of a larger script for debugging purposes, hence the seemingly idiotic
DELETE statements that won't do any good in an empty database anyway,
but I digress...).

When executed on the command line, this works perfectly. When I execute
the same script via Apache and mod_php, I'm getting this exception:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 SQL logic error or
missing database in /home/mwolff/webs/markus/cms/test.php on line 8

Getting experimental, I've tried to change the calls for the DELETE
statements from $pdo-query() to $pdo-exec(), just to see what happens.
Well, what happens is that I'm getting a different error:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 14 unable to open database
file in /home/mwolff/webs/markus/cms/test.php on line 6

Argh... what can possibly be wrong here? The script works from the
commandline, with the exact same PHP version (Debian package, PHP
5.2.0-8+etch7, and we also tried upgrading to the latest Debian package
of 5.2.4, to no avail).

It can't be file permissions, I've even tried to set the database file
to 777... no change at all.

My guess is still permissions. If you try a raw fopen instead of using 
pdo, what happens?

ini_set('display_errors', true);
$fp = fopen(dirname(__FILE__).'/frontend.db', 'r');
if ($fp) {
  echo Opened dbbr/\n;
} else {
  echo Unable to open dbbr/\n;

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Re: [PHP-DB] Can't open SQLite DB... but only when using mod_php??

2007-10-03 Thread Thodoris

I run into this:

while searching for a solution to this exception:
PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1

Take a look at it bacause this might be happenning due to version 
incompatibilities. For example only sqlite version 3.1.4 and after can 
read file formats 1,2 and 3. Is you database format new?|



O/H Markus Wolff έγραψε:

Chris schrieb:

It can't be file permissions, I've even tried to set the database file
to 777... no change at all.

My guess is still permissions. If you try a raw fopen instead of 
using pdo, what happens?

ini_set('display_errors', true);
$fp = fopen(dirname(__FILE__).'/frontend.db', 'r');
if ($fp) {
  echo Opened dbbr/\n;
} else {
  echo Unable to open dbbr/\n;

Hey Chris,

mmh wonder what could possibly be wrong when even trying 777? :-)

Anyway, just to make sure (and because I'm desperate enough to grasp for
straws right now), I tried exacly what you proposed and it still yields
the same results.

Thanks for your suggestion anyway, sometimes one forgets to try the most
obvious things first :-)


[PHP-DB] Build a form that returns to the parent window

2007-10-03 Thread Thodoris

Hi guys,
   I have been working on a project for some time now and I'm trying to 
make a form that includes (many things and) an edit box with a button by 
it. I want this button to open a pop-up window and include a search form 
that queries a database and return to its self the result set in a table 
in which the last cell contains a link (or button). This link should 
return to the parent window a value of this specific row.
   Well I have build the whole interface and since php is server side I 
thought I could write this including javascript. Non of my experiments 
worked because the pop-up window does not returm to the parent window 
something. I searched through the web and nothing seems to do the magic 
for me. Please any suggestions would be welcome cause I have been 
working on this for several hours as we speak.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Can't open SQLite DB... but only when using mod_php??

2007-10-03 Thread Thodoris

Hi again Markus,
   This is realy confusing but since the command line execution works 
for you then the problem should be php configuration for the mod_php. I 
came up with this try to edit your php.ini and in case you use 
pdo_sqlite extension then change the order of the loaded modules to this:


You could also define the full path of the extensions like this:

instead of this:

||extension_dir = ./

In case your apache is compiled by hand and you have updated sqlite you 
should recompile your apache against the new sqlite.

Hope this do some magic for you cause I have run out of ideas.



O/H Markus Wolff έγραψε:

Hi Thodoris,

I've checked on one of the three boxes now and the SQLite version used 
by both the commandline client and PDO is 3.2.8. I know the other two 
boxes have different versions, but I always created the database anew 
on each box.

I also tried chown/chmod on the parent directory, no change.


Thodoris schrieb:

Hey Markus,
You should try to chown apache:apache and chmod +w to the 
directory that includes frontend.db . And the link that I posted says:

 ** file_format==1Version 3.0.0.
 ** file_format==2Version 3.1.3.
 ** file_format==3Version 3.1.4.
 ** Version 3.0 can only use files with file_format==1. Version 3.1.3
 ** can read and write files with file_format==1 or file_format==2.
 ** Version 3.1.4 can read and write file formats 1, 2 and 3.

Meaning that not all sqlite3 versions support all file formats. That 
is why you should check the version of sqlite.



O/H Markus Wolff έγραψε:

Hey there,

I've double-checked on three different machines now, and I'm always 
getting the same error. All having different versions of PHP, 
Apache, PDO and SQLite. So I figure it must be something that I'm 
doing wrong. I just can't figure out what it is - and I'm puzzled 
because I had used SQLite before (although briefly) and don't think 
I'm doing anything different than before.

Anyway, here's what I'm doing, step-by-step:

# sqlite3 frontend.db

Here I insert the following SQL script:

CREATE TABLE website (
always_expand INTEGER

parent_id INTEGER,
website_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
title TEXT,
link TEXT,
depth INTEGER,
visible INTEGER,
element_id INTEGER,
nav_path TEXT,
protected INTEGER,
sort_order INTEGER

Then I exit the client and make the PHP script:

# nano test.php

The content of the script still being that of my original message.
Then I adjust the rights:

# chown apache:apache frontend.db
# chmod 777 frontend.db

Then I execute the script on the command line:

# php test.php

No error.

Then I call the script on the website, one of the examples being:

The script still manages to open the database and do a SELECT query, 
but throws the said exception when trying to do the DELETE statement.

These are all the steps that are involved to reproduce the error on 
three machines. No more, no less. Now, have I overlooked anything? 
Am I missing something really, really stupid? Or is it some kind of 
a bug? But certainly that could not have gone unnoticed for so long? 
(Tested on PHP versions 5.1.4, 5.2.0 and 5.2.4).


Markus Wolff - NorthClick schrieb:

Hey there,

I'm trying to open an SQLite3 database from a PHP very simple PHP

$db = dirname(__FILE__).'/frontend.db';
$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:'.$db);
$pdo-query(SELECT * FROM page LIMIT 1);
echo Deleting pages\n;   $pdo-query(DELETE FROM page);
echo Deleting websites\n;
$pdo-query(DELETE FROM website);

The database file contains no data whatsoever, just the table
definitions (in case you were wondering, this is a stripped-down 

of a larger script for debugging purposes, hence the seemingly idiotic
DELETE statements that won't do any good in an empty database anyway,
but I digress...).

When executed on the command line, this works perfectly. When I 

the same script via Apache and mod_php, I'm getting this exception:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 SQL logic error or
missing database in /home/mwolff/webs/markus/cms/test.php on line 8

Getting experimental, I've tried to change the calls for the DELETE
statements from $pdo-query() to $pdo-exec(), just to see what 

Well, what happens is that I'm getting a different error:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 14 unable to open 

file in /home/mwolff/webs/markus/cms/test.php on line 6

Argh... what can possibly be wrong here? The script works from the
commandline, with the exact same PHP version (Debian package, PHP
5.2.0-8+etch7, and we also tried upgrading to the latest