[PHP-DB] Re: mcrypt, postgres, only returning half the data

2001-08-15 Thread Tom Henry


A second question to answer, it's not clear from your description --- is 
the encryption 'breaking' during en-cryption  (before it stuffs the 
value into the database) so that all the data is not even getting into 
the database?  -or-  is ir breaking during  de-cryption ?

Sounds to me like it might be a control character is getting interpreted 
by PgSQL and cutting off the query.

You don't mention - what type field to save the encrypted data???  If 
there's a blob or binary field type (I dunno about PgSQL) try using 
that field type for encoded data.

And - try skipping the add slashes step - what happens???

Good luck,
Tom Henry

John Starkey wrote:
 Hello all
 I'm working on encoding some data going in and decrypting coming out of postgres. 
I'm adding slashes going in and stripping them coming out. Using BLOWFISH and I've 
tried several different modes. But each time the data comes out I'm only getting 
half-decrypted data, it seems to hang at a random spot. The same for each piece of 
data but random in terms of different for each entry (confusing the issue enough?).
 I'm using mcrypt_encrypt and mcrypt_decrypt. When I test it on the same page 
(without going through the database) it decrypts fine, perfect as a matter of fact. 
But coming out of the DB, the same data is trashed.
 Is there any special way to send (or abstract) encrypted data into (from) the DB? 
I've been through the archives and it doesn't look like anyone has posted a problem 
like this. Am I the only one :}

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[PHP-DB] Re: Show abbreviated article

2001-08-13 Thread Tom Henry

Try using MySQL to do that right in the query itself (and save the 
overhead of retreiving the whole blob then PHP'ing the blob too).

 From the MySQL Doc's   ;-)  RTFM once at least
Returns a substring len characters long from string str, starting at 
position pos. The variant form that uses FROM is ANSI SQL92 syntax.

mysql select SUBSTRING('Quadratically',5,6);
 - 'ratica'

For your problem it might look like
$sql = SELECT field1, field2, SUBSTRING(blobfieldname,0,160) FROM 
articles where 

( BTW I usually assume prox 8 chars per word for something like this so 
20 wds x 8 char = 160 chars total  BUT you might have lots of esoterica 
in there and might want to adjust that ;-) )

Tom Henry

Cilfa wrote:
 On my website I want to display some articles, in Slashdot style. The
 main page should only display the first 20 words of the article, and
 users should be able to click on a link to view the entire article.
 The articles are stored in a MySQL database, the body of the article in a
 My question is this: how can I select only those first 20 words in the
 PHP code?
 I hope somebody can help me with this.

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[PHP-DB] Re: trash last message ,this ones right I think

2001-07-10 Thread Tom Henry

Perhaps you could consider using the webserver config (in Apache it 
would be the httpd.conf file) to do the dirty work.

Create and alias (in the /util/ domain) for img  that points to the 
/hdocs/www/img/ location - voila!  YMMV

Tom Henry

Ken Sommers wrote:

 Hello again,
  DOCUMENT_ROOT is..  /htdocs/www
 I  have a php file ( showdatabases.php) in my subdomain area   /htdocs/util/
 it loads up just fine: and if you click it, you will see my database
 structure if you like..:)
 I have images stored in  /hdocs/www/img/  right now  (of course i could move
 them, and fix all references to them) but I like them there because I can
 refer to images in pages in /www/ with background=img/bgpic.jpg...of
 course this works just fine becuz /img/ is just down from /www/.
 but now I have pages in subdomains as menitoned above like:
 and of course I want to refer to images from those subdomain pages too,,and
 of course
 I don't want to have another dir with the same pics in them..something
 like...  /htdocs/util/img/
 becuz I already have the pics in /htdocs/www/img/  and if I make another sub
 domain called /htdocs/stuff , I don't want to have to copy the pics AGAIN
 into /htdocs/stuff/img
 right? So,,, (yes I may be getting to the end now..) how or where should I
 put my pics so the /www/ and /util/ and /stuff/ guys can use them as
 background pics?
 what would the body tag look like?
 body background=../www/img/background.jpg   doesn;t work
 what will?
 body background=What??
 thanks again,

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