Re: [PHP-DEV] safe_mode and files permissions q?

2002-07-10 Thread Chand

On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 10:29:54 +0300
Vitaly N. Kravchenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have small question for you.
 When I turn safe_mode On, The users script can't access files
 with uid differ from uid of this script. It's good.
 But, when script.php create any (for example .txt) file.txt,
 file.txt have owner uid of user defined in httpd.conf (apache),
 User from whom apache runs.
 And user can't access this file.
 Can I solve this problem by myself, or it's Engine trouble..?

Hi, no you can't really solve this by yourself. What you have to do so that people can 
create files with their own uid is what i had to do for php4U (php for Lycos Members) 
which is setting the setuid bit to +s and adding in the php code an effective uid 
The drawbacks of this is that you have to use a cgi version of php. It's not THAT bad 
actually in terms of performance. We use it for roughly several hundreds thousands 
users (not all active) with only 6 boxes. I'm not saying they're not loaded but they 
do fine.

I don't think there is another way. If i'm wrong that would be good but I don't really 
see how it could be done otherwise cause i won't launch php as root :)



Je recompile une version cvs unstable d'un client mail pour avoir les accents dans les 
sujets. Et alors ?
(c) Chand, 2002

Le Perl c'est vraiment à chier pour générer des objets javas sérialisés. Et c'est bien 
Tuf (c), 2002

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Re: [PHP-DEV] safe_mode and files permissions q?

2002-07-10 Thread Chand

On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 11:55:42 +0200
Stefan Esser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  And user can't access this file.
  Can I solve this problem by myself, or it's Engine trouble..?
 If you really really need to create and access files from your script then
 create a directory within your document root like script-data
 set safe_mode_include_dir to this directory. This should eliminate
 the problems.
 ATTENTION: do not forget to tell apache via httpd.conf that 
 script-data is NOT accessible from the outside.

yeah that's a solution but it doesn't work in case of mass hosting : can't update 
php.ini for each new user and have it carry 2 peta zillions safe_mode_include_dirs :)

but yeah for a few users, this is a working solution. Good thinking :)
I hope this helps ya out Vitaly.

Later. Take care..


Je recompile une version cvs unstable d'un client mail pour avoir les accents dans les 
sujets. Et alors ?
(c) Chand, 2002

Le Perl c'est vraiment à chier pour générer des objets javas sérialisés. Et c'est bien 
Tuf (c), 2002

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[PHP-DEV] bug not solved since June 2001

2002-05-14 Thread Chand


i've come across a bug these past few days in regexps, i've been getting mad about 
this. I looked around in the Bug Database and i found it :

it's from 4.0.6, dated almost a year and still hasn't been corrected and is not even 
Any ideas why this has been put off ? It still 'works' on php 4.2.0RC4, haven't tried 

Thanks for any insight as to why this hasn't been solved yet.



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Re: [PHP-DEV] bug not solved since June 2001

2002-05-14 Thread Chand

On Tue, 14 May 2002 09:28:54 -0700 (PDT)
Rasmus Lerdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ok thanks. I wasn't sure of myself and since the bug wasn't closed i thought that 
maybe it had slipped your QA Team. You should close it at least so that people don't 
get confused on it.

Thanks a lot.

 It's not a bug.  The regex is simply wrong.  The ereg() functions are
 POSIX 1003.2 compliant.  Read this:
A  bracket  expression is a list of characters enclosed in
`[]'.  It normally matches any single character  from  the
list  (but  see  below).   If the list begins with `^', it
matches any single character (but see below) not from  the

640K ought to be enough for anybody.
Bill Gates, 1981

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Safe Mode

2002-05-13 Thread Chand

On 12 May 2002 23:42:21 +0200
Stig S. Bakken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, as long as there is exec(2), there is a way.  How many users do
 Lycos Europe provide sandboxed PHP for?


We provide php for roughly 5 000 000 users, and it's growing everyday by 5000 
Chrooted environments (i guess this is what you call sandbox/prison) is not viable in 
these conditions.

  - Stig
 On Sun, 2002-05-12 at 23:37, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
  But for really large shared hosts, I don't think that is feasible.  How
  are you going set up 100,000 prisons on a server?
   I'm +1 on removing safe mode in PHP 5, and encourage the use of
   system-level sandboxes/prisons instead.
- Stig
   On Sat, 2002-05-11 at 17:39, Ilia A. wrote:
In the process of writing an installer in PHP for one of my projects I've come
in contact with a number of servers running PHP with safe_mode enabled.
As you can probably imagine the installer at first broke completely because of
safe_mode restrictions. Despite the restriction I was able to write php code
that was able to bypass safe_mode restriction in every single case, which
should tell you just how safe that option is.
There are numerous ways to bypass it, rely on file system utils if they are in
the path, make the script copy itself and then write stuff as webserver,
install a small script into cgi-bin directory that will do the same thing
The number of ways to bypass this feature are too numerous to list here.
I should also point out that safe_mode implementation has numerous bugs in
every PHP version including the very latest CVS.
It is my belief that safe_mode gives people who use false sense of security by
supposedly securing their webserver from their own users, which is
pointless since a dedicated user can cause plenty of damage by using
while(1) include $PHP_SELF; etc...
In addition safe_mode makes the developer life extremely difficult since it
blocks the most common operations that ARE ALLOWED by the webserver's file
permissions, why does PHP take on the role that is not done in any other
programming language?
It is nearly impossible to write a PHP file system code that would work with
safe_mode it is much easier to just release C/Perl/Python etc.. code that
will do the very same thing and run via a command line or the user's cgi-bin
For example, if a user uploads test.php with their FTP and test.php creates a
file, it will no longer be able to read that file under safe_mode since the
uid of the script and the file it created differ.
IMHO safe_mode should be removed from the php core, because it lulls web
server admins into false sense of security thus not taking the time to setup
proper file system permissions in addition to severely crippling the PHP's
file system functionality.
If the safe_mode like functionality remains it should simply block all file
system and shell execution code since with it most of that code becomes
useless anyway.
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640K ought to be enough for anybody.
Bill Gates, 1981
Et après qui c'est qui s'amuse avec Un vélo en pédalant ?
Sky, 2002
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Safe Mode

2002-05-11 Thread Chand

On Sat, 2002-05-11 at 19:27, Zeev Suraski wrote:
 At 20:17 11/05/2002, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
   Ideally every ISP would use it and each virtual host would have such a
   directory. In reality I've set to see a SINGLE ISP that has used that 
   In fact I didn't know about it myself until you told me about on IRC.
 Well, it is well documented.  The ignorance and stupidity of many ISP's is
 just a fact of life.  I am a firm believer in Darwinism amongst ISP's and
 figure the really stupid ones will eventually die off.  I am not going to
 go out an actively shoot them though, because that might be illegal.
 Do we have any sort of an PHP-ISP-HOWTO?  If not, are there any volunteers 
 to write one?  I think it may be a good idea, because Darwinism goes both 
 ways - if too many people get bitten by PHP, they'll switch to other solutions.

hey all,

I'm working at Lycos Europe (nothing to do with Lycos, inc, except for
the trademark). We do have a large shared hosting service (both free and
paid) over 8 countries. That's Millions of webpages. ALl of them able to
use php.

I've been working on the PHP4U service (as we call it :)) for almost 2
years now on and off (it started with the MultiMania PHP4U Service a
while back before being trasnfered to Lycos Hosting), mainly upgrading
to the new php version as soon as i considered it robust. I've
definitely come over troubles these past 2 years, Zeev can tell, i've
been bugging him with questions since then.

The php distribution we first used was a 4.0.4pl1. And I had to patch it
to cover our needs and cover some safe_mode security bugs. (Those bugs
are now corrected since 4.1.2). I also had to patch other little
security bugs we found while the service was rolling and the users were
reporting it to us.

The solution we've chosen is to have a cgi php binary instead of a
module for security stuff. The main reason to do so was to have the
user-created file have the user's uid. We had to suid the php binary and
setuid() the process to the script's uid, of course. This seemed like a
good security trouble-keeper (I know some people will say that setuid
scripts and security in the same sentence usually ain't a good
mix'n'match but .. :) )  since this let the filesystem take care of file
permissions which seemed to me the most secure way, Ain't it ?
Maybe the Open_basedir solution is a better one although i like the idea
of files really owned by the user and not only virtually. The drawback
on the cgi php binary is performance. We have lotsa trouble with php cgi
binary not dying after the max_execution_time and stayin' alive on the
machines. So we have to terminate them frequently. This has been
reported I think a while back and said to be solved but looks like we
have an environment that's unique in terms of number of requests per
second and load averages, and that not a lot of people can use to test.
So people might have the dead binaries sleeping around bug solved, but
we don't. 

Ilia, the scripts you talk about that eat up process, cpu, file pointers
etc are very interesting, we've already gone against most of them except
for the file handlers Attack. Never had that but I think i'm gonna talk
about this with our NOC team cause it could be a very big issue now
that's it's in the open :)

Seriously, i've been surprised as to how low was the number of people
trying to hack our system thru PHP. I was really afraid it would far
worse, but this might not be the case everywhere, and we still have to
be vigilant about all that security stuff.
I too think that safe_mode is not a good thing and that open_basedir
seems better and more secure.

I'm willing to help on a PHP-ISP-Howto document even though but since
i've never done such a thing, i'm not sure i can really do something
good, Plus we might not have taken the best way of doing things around
here. If anybody has comments and or solutions, I'm interested.


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[PHP-DEV] Aggregate Functions

2002-04-24 Thread Chand

hey everyone,

I'm wondering about the aggregate functions. We've talked about them a lot in here and 
they're in 4.2.0. Good job. But what about some documentation about it ?

There's nothing in the manual to help people deal with them. So they know they're 
there (it's in the ChangeLog) but they can't really use'em since they don't know how. 
Might be a good idea to throw a hand at this issue, ain't it ? 

Later dudes.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Aggregate Functions

2002-04-24 Thread Chand

On Wed, 24 Apr 2002 12:20:20 +0200
Markus Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's always the same issues with volunteers, don't forgot. If
 no one has time or interested to document them, it won't

y'ah i guess :(
Unfortunately, i'm pretty sure i don't have the expertise for such a thing.  :(

Would be cool to have someone do it though definitely, but I clearly understand the 
volunteering issues.. :(

Thanks anyway

 If you'ld like to take that part, that would be great.
 - Markus
 On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 11:43:56AM +0200, Chand wrote : 
  hey everyone,
  I'm wondering about the aggregate functions. We've talked about them a lot in here 
and they're in 4.2.0. Good job. But what about some documentation about it ?
  There's nothing in the manual to help people deal with them. So they know they're 
there (it's in the ChangeLog) but they can't really use'em since they don't know how. 
Might be a good idea to throw a hand at this issue, ain't it ? 
  Later dudes.
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 Mind if I MFH ? What QA did you do on it? the usual? ah... none :)

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[PHP-DEV] Mysql Patch for Multi-User Safety

2002-04-03 Thread Chand

hi everyone,

I'm working on a hosting platform with a large number of users, and we need 
to ensure safety for our users considering the mysql Connection. Using a 
password is not good enough cause if someone succeeds in getting the source 
code of someone, he will get the password and then will be able to do 
anything from his account. Thus, i've been working on a patch that would 
allow me to enforce a mysql user login based on the script filename path. 
(in example /home/chand/mysql.php enforces the login as 'chand').

I'd already done this patch on 4.0.4pl1 2 years ago and it worked. For our 
new Hosting Platform, we've decided to go up to 4.1.0, and i can't seem to 
make it work correctly. I randomly (looks like it's random),  get Internal 
Server Errors from the Mysql connection functions. My patch is most 
certainly the cause of that. Using gdb, what seems to be the problem is a 
lack of memory being available or allowed by the system thus a crash. I 
really don't understand how this could be possible considering my patch 
looks good to me.

I was wondering if anyone had any idea about such a problem. Basically what 
i do is get the PATH_TRANSLATED variable from the sapi_globals and use 
strsep to get the login name to enforce it as the Mysql User. Before i used 
strtok which actually was a bad idea since it's a completely broken 
function, now obsolete. strsep helped me get the ratio of ISE (Internal 
Server Errors) down to 1% of the pages correctly served. It's still not 
good for me. We need a fully working php.

I can put up the patch here to see if you guys can see what i'm doing 
wrong. I've been working on this for a long time now looking at a lot of 
different things from application to system. Nothing i've tried seems to be 
working and my C code looks all right to me, but there might be some 
inconsistency with some inner way of dealing memory in php.

I'd really appreciate any help on this, on this list or on a private basis. 
Thanks a lot for any insight.



Mark Villemade
Hosting Services Technical Manager
Lycos Europe
+33 1 53 27 24 05

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Mysql Patch for Multi-User Safety

2002-04-03 Thread chand


Here is the patch to the ext/mysql/php_mysql.c file

It looks a bit messy and there might be some stuff you don't get right 
away. Basically heres what it does.

Mysql_connect gets a user, host and password (set to empty). We don't 
really care about those values. Actually, i get the path translated value 
from sapi_globals and i extract from it tow datas :
the country (cause we're hosting 9 differents countries) and the login of 
the guy. We then add these two to create a unique login for Mysql (login_cc 
(cc=countrycode : fr, uk, it, nl and so on)).

and then the rest of the process is the same.

And one other thing, the function names are modified so that we can wrap 
them for some internal reasons.

If you guys have any idea how to help me, i'd really appreciate it. Thanks 
a lot

and take care

At 12:31 03/04/2002 +0200, Markus Fischer wrote:
 I would suggest simple post an url with the path against
 whatever version and people feeling attracted will contact
 you (even I might take a peek ;-)

 - Markus

On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 11:50:36AM +0200, Chand wrote :
  hi everyone,
  I'm working on a hosting platform with a large number of users, and we 
  to ensure safety for our users considering the mysql Connection. Using a
  password is not good enough cause if someone succeeds in getting the 
  code of someone, he will get the password and then will be able to do
  anything from his account. Thus, i've been working on a patch that would
  allow me to enforce a mysql user login based on the script filename path.
  (in example /home/chand/mysql.php enforces the login as 'chand').
  I'd already done this patch on 4.0.4pl1 2 years ago and it worked. For our
  new Hosting Platform, we've decided to go up to 4.1.0, and i can't seem to
  make it work correctly. I randomly (looks like it's random),  get Internal
  Server Errors from the Mysql connection functions. My patch is most
  certainly the cause of that. Using gdb, what seems to be the problem is a
  lack of memory being available or allowed by the system thus a crash. I
  really don't understand how this could be possible considering my patch
  looks good to me.
  I was wondering if anyone had any idea about such a problem. Basically 
  i do is get the PATH_TRANSLATED variable from the sapi_globals and use
  strsep to get the login name to enforce it as the Mysql User. Before i 
  strtok which actually was a bad idea since it's a completely broken
  function, now obsolete. strsep helped me get the ratio of ISE (Internal
  Server Errors) down to 1% of the pages correctly served. It's still not
  good for me. We need a fully working php.
  I can put up the patch here to see if you guys can see what i'm doing
  wrong. I've been working on this for a long time now looking at a lot of
  different things from application to system. Nothing i've tried seems 
 to be
  working and my C code looks all right to me, but there might be some
  inconsistency with some inner way of dealing memory in php.
  I'd really appreciate any help on this, on this list or on a private 
  Thanks a lot for any insight.
  Mark Villemade
  Hosting Services Technical Manager
  Lycos Europe
  +33 1 53 27 24 05
  PHP Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Mysql Patch for Multi-User Safety

2002-04-03 Thread chand

At 17:34 03/04/2002 +0300, Zeev Suraski wrote:
Problems I could spot:

hey Zeev, nice to talk to you again :)

- You use (*z_user)-value.str.val without making sure that z_user is of 
type string.  You must have convert_to_string_ex(z_user) first (line 159 
of the patch)
- You don't allocate room for the NULL terminator in tmp_filename (line 
188 of the patch)

thanks i've corrected these two problems. I'll try and see what happens now..

Do you know where it crashes?  Did you ever get a backtrace?

it crashes when on this line :

mysql_init(mysql-conn); [line 2165 of my patched version]

and the backtrace goes up to free() in malloc.c that segfaults... Strange 
huh ? one wouldn't expect such an atomic function to crash, and yet it does :)

Thanks for anymore insight.



Mark Villemade
Hosting Services Technical Manager
Lycos Europe
+33 1 53 27 24 05

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Re: [PHP-DEV] opendir SafeMode Multiuser Problem/Patch

2002-03-03 Thread Chand

At 03:54 PM 3/3/2002 -0500, James E Flemer wrote:
Well actually, open_basedir is not *supposed* to check
UIDs However, safe_mode *is*, and it was not for the
opendir() function So I patched it to do so (in CVS) Also
I noticed that when the CHECKUID_ALLOW_ONLY_DIR flag is
passed to php_checkuid(), that it misses the case where you
are referring to the root directory (because the leading
slash is changed to a null, and so VCWD_STAT was being
passed a null string instead of / or \\) I fixed that
as well

ok Thanks a lot I was gonna repost my mail thinking it had been read over and not 
taken care of :)
The strange behavior of safe_mode anad the CHECKUID_ALLOW_ONLY_DIR is something i had 
also patched before but didn't remember :)

So it's a double feature  Pretty cool :)

I'll be happy not to have to patch this next time we upgrade our php version for our 
members :)

Thanks a lot Have a nice evenin' :)

Mark Villemade
Hosting Services Technical Manager
MultiMania / Lycos
(int) +33 1 53 27 24 05

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[PHP-DEV] opendir SafeMode Multiuser Problem/Patch

2002-02-28 Thread Chand


Just wanted to let you guys know that the php opendir() function suffers a tiny 
security risk in a multiuser environment Say you have a server with multiple users 
having access to php Those users Homedirs are stored in the same tree (say 

With the function as it is now, the user chand (/data/users/chand) would be able to 
open and watch the contents of Rasmus' Home directory (/data/users/rasmus) because 
_php_do_opendir (in ext/standard/dirc) doesn't implement the safe_mode's php_checkuid 
function as I think it should (IMHO) It only checks the open_base_dir variable But 
on a multiuser (multi as in thousands of thousands) environment, you can't honestly go 
that way

Hence the following patch

--- /php-410/ext/standard/dirc Sat Aug 11 19:03:36 2001
+++ ext/standard/dirc  Fri Mar  1 00:46:58 2002
 -151,6 +151,13 
if (php_check_open_basedir((*arg)-valuestrval TSRMLS_CC)) {
+   /* CHAND Added Checkuid so that we check a guy can't go see anything except 
+from his directory up */
+   if (!php_checkuid((*arg)-valuestrval, NULL, 3)) {
+   php_error(E_WARNING, Permission denied to the directory : %s, 
+   }
+   /* /CHAND */
dirp = emalloc(sizeof(php_dir));

Just tell me if I'm out of the blue here and if what i'm saying is making any sense to 
you Almost every security issue in such an environment i had to patch in earlier 
versions of php were patched in 410 except for this one
If it could be from now on, it would be pretty cool :) 

Thanks for any comments and for taking my information into consideration Maybe the 
patch I submitted is not the best way to do it (I don't master the php/Zend API) but 
it works fine with me


Mark Villemade
Hosting Services Technical Manager
MultiMania / Lycos Europe
(int) +33 1 53 27 24 05

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache2 and PHP CVS from today

2002-02-25 Thread Chand

At 09:51 AM 2/26/2002 +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
August wrote:

I find DSO useful for testing and development, but for deployment it
makes little sense to be using DSO, the cost of 60 seconds of compile is
negligible when looking at something that will be installed for
timeframes exceeding a day or two, especially for larger server farms.  

The benefit of DSO is loading modules without compile whole apache.

For instance, I would like to use info or status module when
I have problem with my web servers, but I don't want to enable
them all the time.

we (I think august and i think the same, sorry dude if I'm mistaken :) :) ) understand 
the DSO concept *and* your point. Nonetheless, when you know you're gonna use php 
extensively, why bother a few more minutes of compilation and lose 40% of performance. 
Static build is the way to go in those cases. On other situations, i agree DSO is a 
good way (eg info and status you mentioned).

I have in charge today a few million users (large web portal here :) ), and let me 
tell ya : statically built-in IS the way to go. We have seen major drawbacks with DSO. 
I'm not really sure why though since the module is loaded into memory at Apache 
startup BUT it definitely is less performant than when it's built in. (i wouldn't say 
40% though but even 10% is huge).

I'd really like to try out apache 2 and php but I really can't compile it (see an 
early mail). I know i've asked twice before but has ANYONE succeeded in compiling 
apache 2 and php in a STATIC BUILD (not --with-apxs but --with-apache) ?

Thanks to answer me (privately if you don't want to bother the list).

Later, take care

Mark Villemade
Hosting Services Technical Manager
MultiMania / Lycos
(int) +33 1 53 27 24 05

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache2 and PHP CVS from today

2002-02-23 Thread Chand

At 08:14 AM 2/23/2002 +0100, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
August wrote:
 There's been a bit of traffic on the apache dev list about this as 
 well, most of it indicating the problem lies on the PHP side of 
 things... This is something I've been tracking for a while, waiting 
 for the Apache beta (which is pretty close to their final) before 
 really worrying about the php support. Now that the beta is here would 
 be great to see php getting solid on Apache.

  I have encountered no problems installing Apache2 and PHP 4, both from
  current CVS, two days ago.

are you sure you've tried compiling it as a built-in module in Apache?

If so, then i guess all the troubles i've detailed in my mail have been solved. But i 
hardly believe it since they seemed pretty tough to deal with on such a short time. 
But who knows :)

I'll check it out :)


  Sebastian Bergmann

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Joey : You didn't cry when bambi's mother died ?
Chand :Yes it was very sad when the guy stopped drawing the deer.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache2 and PHP CVS from today

2002-02-23 Thread Chand

At 05:52 PM 2/23/2002 +0100, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
Chand wrote:
 are you sure you've tried compiling it as a built-in module in Apache?

$ cd /usr/src/httpd-2.0
$ ./configure --enable-so --enable-mods-shared=ALL
$ make
$ make install
$ cd /usr/src/php4
$ ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
$ make
$ make install

  ... works just fine here,

ok this segfaults on my comp (linux 2.4.17), but my point was to try and build an 
httpd binary with php built in. What you do here is a module loaded at startup. not 
*Entirely* different but not quite the same anyway :)

Configuring it would have to go this way : 

$ cd /usr/src/httpd-2.0
$ ./configure --enable-so --enable-mods-shared=ALL
   $ cd /usr/src/php4
$ ./configure --with-apache=../httpd-2.0
$ make
$ make install
$ cd /usr/src/httpd-2.0
$ ./configure [... All valid options you want]
$ make 
$ make install

If anyone got this working, I'm interested. I'll try again with the newest cvs version 
of both distributions.


  Sebastian Bergmann

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Mark Villemade
Hosting Services Technical Manager
MultiMania / Lycos
(int) +33 1 53 27 24 05

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Apache2 and PHP CVS from today

2002-02-22 Thread Chand

At 01:06 PM 2/22/2002 -0800, August wrote:
There's been a bit of traffic on the apache dev list about this as well,
most of it indicating the problem lies on the PHP side of things... This
is something I've been tracking for a while, waiting for the Apache beta
(which is pretty close to their final) before really worrying about the
php support. Now that the beta is here would be great to see php getting
solid on Apache. 


I've been trying to compile php latest cvs and apache latest cvs a few days back and i 
found out there are some first things to solve before being able to make any solid 
thing on php + Apache 2

Nota : this only happens if you try to compile built in in apache. Apxs works at 
compile but httpd segfaults when you launch it and have the LoadModule in httpd.conf. 
(didn't try and trace it cause I wanted to test php against apache 2.0 for performance 
since Apache 1.3.x is almost not fast enough for the load i need to handle)

1/ First thing would have to create a good configure script :) The one php's got last 
time i checked didn't link to all the needed libraries directories and didn't find 
apache 2 actually :
after line 3697 some changes are to be done :

# For Apache 2.0.x
elif test -f $withval/src/include/httpd.h 
 test -f $withval/src/lib/apr/include/apr_general.h ; then

first line should get rid of the /src/ 
second line should be test -f $withval/srclib/apr/include/apr_general.h ; then

there are some changes according to the same rules are to be applied in the next few 

and APACHE_INCLUDE has to have some extra stuff :

original : APACHE_INCLUDE=-I$withval/src/include -I$withval/src/os/unix 

i don't remember exactly but there has to be some other include to put such as 

2/ change the constants that had their name changed (eg : NOT_FOUND doesn't exist 
anymore on apache 2. It was before a #define on HTTP_NOT_FOUND. That define (for 
backwards compatibility i guess) is no more on Apache 2, there are a bunch of other 
constants for the all the response codes in include/httpd.h)

3/ there are also whole structures which have changed their names (pool for example). 
This is a major pain in the ass cause the structures have changed names but also their 
structure has changed. This is gonna be harsh to solve but it's doable.

I've stopped at that step last time I checked.

I'm really looking forward to Apache 2.0 cause well it looks like a lot faster and i'd 
need that. Anyway, i'd also like PHP to work with it of course :)

Hope those simple comments were worthy.


Mark Villemade
Hosting Services Technical Manager
MultiMania / Lycos
(int) +33 1 53 27 24 05

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[PHP-DEV] PHP 4.0.x (x=1) POST variables registering problems

2001-07-13 Thread Chand

hey everyone,

Hope the summer's good for all of ya :)

I have some trouble with understanding php behavior's change from 4.0.0 to 
higher versions. I wish someone here could explain me what might be in 
cause for this. I've checked out the ChangeLog and didn't find anything 
really relevant.

here's my problem.

On our website here, we use the 404 mechanism to insert the actual content 
of pages into a single interface.
For example, let's say you go to ..

Actually index.php doesn't exist, but index.content does. Apache will then 
send out a 404 error and send the custom 404 page we have designed which is 
a php file. This php file is the in charge to insert the contents of the 
.content file into a single interface. I won't extend on the purpose, 
advantages and drawbacks of this system, just assume it works that way :)

When we first set up this system, we had to patch Apache cause it didn't 
send Post variables to a 404 custom page. This patch went easy and works 
perfectly right. Now when we've tried to upgrade php from php3 to php4 and 
though our system worked correctly with php 4.0.0, but not with further 

I'd like to know if you guys could give me a hint on what's going on here ? 
Would you have changed anything in the way you handle Post/Get vars in 
4.0.1 and above ? Do you have a different processing for these variables 
whether the page is a 404 or a 200 ?

I'm thanking anyone in advance for any given clue helping to solve this 
Please come back to me on the list or privately to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you 
have any further questions regarding my problem.

See ya all later and have a good week-end.

Mark Villemade
Hosting Platform Development/Conception Engineer
Lycos Europe

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[PHP-DEV] Code documentation

2001-04-03 Thread Chand

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if there was any documentation to the source code of php. I 
have to work on some internal patches to PHP for my company to offer php 
for a large number of users. I already did the patches but had a hard time 
understanding all the source code because of all the defines and macros 
that are scattered throughout all the code files.

I started noting about all the PLS_FETCH(), and ELS_FETCH() and #ifdef ZTS 
and all that stuff but i really have a hard time sometime debugging my 
patches cause i don't really know what that function specifically does. now 
that i have new patches to do, i wish i had a plain documentation.

I'd really appreciate one of you giving me access to one doc about all that 
stuff if there exists one :)

Thanks a lot for all your help.

Mark Villemade
Hosting  Communication Tools Technical Manager
MultiMania  Lycos Group

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RE: [PHP-DEV] Code documentation

2001-04-03 Thread Chand


yeah *is* a good resource. I've used it a lot at first but 
although it's useful to find out about identifiers and all, it's not as 
useful when it comes to understand what's the use of one macro or function.
And since php source code doesn't have a lot of comments (behavior that 
should, by the way, be corrected, imho :) ) it often gets hairy to 
understand why the code breaks there.

But as Sean reported, lxr ain't really up to date. So it doesn't really 
help me now since i'm patching the 4.0.4pl1 version :)
Lxr should also have an option to set the version of php ya wanna check in 
(php 4.x, php 3.x, CVS ). Or at least should the indexed code be the last 
official release's . e.g php4.0.4pl1 these days). So even though lxr helps 
me in a way, i'm looking for something more extensive and explanatory.

I'll check the documentation on Maybe it has some stuff I haven't 
gone by yet. Thanks for the info.
And thanks for any further information on documentation.

At 20:02 03/04/2001 -0400, Sean wrote:
Someone needs to fix the images.

  -Original Message-
  From: Sterling Hughes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 6:56 PM
  To: Chand
  Cc: PHP Developer List
  Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Code documentation
  On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Chand wrote:

   I'd really appreciate one of you giving me access to one
  doc about all that
   stuff if there exists one :)
  There is some documentation on the Zend site, however, its pretty
  rudimentary, you've probably already outgrown it by this point. is a good resource, its a cross-referenced version of the

Mark Villemade
Hosting  Communication Tools Technical Manager
MultiMania  Lycos Group

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