[PHP] From $25 to Half a Million, As Seen on TV

2001-01-15 Thread successfulmillionaire

Dear Friends  Future Millionaire:=20

Making over half million dollars every 4 to 5 months from your home for=20
an investment of only $25 U.S. Dollars expense one time=20
Before you say ''Bull'', please read the following. This is the letter you=20
have been hearing about on the news lately. Due to the popularity of=20
this letter on the Internet, a national weekly news program recently devote=
an entire show to the investigation of this program described below, to see=
if it really can make people money. The show also investigated whether or=20
not the program was legal.=20
Their findings proved once and for all that there are ''absolutely NO Laws=20
prohibiting the participation in the program and if people can -follow the=20
simple instructions, they are bound to make some mega bucks with only=20
$25 out of pocket cost''. DUE TO THE RECENT INCREASE OF=20
This is what one had to say: ''Thanks to this profitable opportunity. I=20
was approached many times before but each time I passed on it. I am=20
so gladI finally joined just to see what one could expect in return for the=
minimal effort and money required. To my astonishment, I received total $=20
610,470.00 in 21 weeks, with money still coming in."=20
Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey.=20
Here is another testimonial: "This program has been around for a long=20
time but I never believed in it. But one day when I received this again=20
in the mail I decided to gamble my $25 on it. I followed the simple=20
instructions and walaa . 3 weeks later the money started to come in.=20
First month I only made $240.00 but the next 2 months after that I made=20
a total of $290,000.00. So far, in the past 8 months by re-entering the=20
program, I have made over $710,000.00 and I am playing it again. The=20
key to success in this program is to follow the simple steps and NOT change=
anything.'' More testimonials later but first,=20
If you would like to make at least $500,000 every 4 to 5 months easily and=20
comfortably, please read the following...THEN READ IT AGAIN and AGAIN!!!=20
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3DOrder all 5 reports shown on the list below =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=20
For each report, send $5 CASH, THE NAME  NUMBER OF THE REPORT=20
YOU ARE ORDERING and YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS to the person whose=20
name appears ON THAT LIST next to the report. MAKE SURE YOUR RETURN=20
=3D=3D=3D When you place your order, make sure you order each of the 5 repo=
You will need all 5 reports so that you can save them on your computer=20
and resell them. YOUR TOTAL COST $5 X 5=3D$25.00.=20
Within a few days you will receive, vie e-mail, each of the 5 reports from=20
these 5 different individuals. Save them on your computer so they will be=20
accessible for you to send to the 1,000's of people who will order them=20
from you. Also make a floppy of these reports and keep it on your desk in=20
case something happen to your computer.=20
IMPORTANT - DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next=20
to each report, or their sequence on the list, in any way other than what i=
instructed below in step '' 1 through 6 '' or you will loose out on majorit=
of your profits. Once you understand the way this works, you will also see=20
how it does not work if you change it. Remember, this method has been=20
tested, and if you alter, it will NOT work !!! People have tried to put the=
friends/relatives names on all five thinking they could get all the money. =
it does not work this way. Believe us, we all have tried to be greedy and t=
nothing happened. So Do Not try to change anything other than what is=20
instructed. Because if you do, it will not work for you.=20
Remember, honesty reaps the reward!!!=20
1 After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement and=20
REMOVE the name  address of the person in REPORT # 5. This person=20
has made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune.=20
2 Move the name  address in REPORT # 4 down TO REPORT # 5.=20
3 Move the name  address in 

[PHP] Upgrade PHP3 to PHP4

2001-01-15 Thread TOM

I would like to upgrade PHP3 to PHP4 on my Turbo Linux, does anyone has
experience on this?

best wishes,

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2001-01-15 Thread petr . juza

please, would anybody be so kind and tell me what differences are
amoung __FILE__, $PATH_INFO and $PATH_TRANSLATED? And in which cases 
they will have other values?

Regards, PETER

Tento e-mail byl odesln ze serveru www.worldmail.cz

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Re: [PHP] Upgrade PHP3 to PHP4

2001-01-15 Thread Brian Clark

Hello TOM, 

(T == "TOM") [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

T I would like to upgrade PHP3 to PHP4 on my Turbo Linux, does anyone
T has experience on this?

Not specifically on Turbo Linux, but this may shed some light on the


T enethk


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Re: [PHP] mixing HTML and PHP code

2001-01-15 Thread Iván Sánchez Ortega \MR\

"Alex Black" ...
 the horse is back from the dead!


  And aside from that, i don't have a one and only common_head.php ... i
  a separate plain common head, in plain HTML... the real common_head.php
  should look like (definitively not real PHP sintax):

 right, and though this is not directly related to templating:

 I thik you would benefit greatly by introducing some system design (i.e.
 separate "layers" doing separate tasks)

Why? If nested tables can do the work, i won't bother learning how layers

 I don't like to do database connections when I've already output markup,
 what if something goes wrong, or I want to do a redirect, etc?

If something goes wrong - It's the DBA fault. :-)

 I like to access functions in "DB Object" files - those functions return
 results in arrays which I can pass into markup.

 Makes the code a _helluvuh_ lot more maintainable.

I'm pretty comfortable programming directly with OCIwhatever() functions
directly in the main code, that's it.

In other words, i don't need to make my code more maintainable because i'm
comfortable with maintaining it right now.

 True, but why not just bitch at macromedia until they include support for
 PHP in ultradev?

(Well, i haven't purchased dreamweaver either)

 (plegh, visual authoring tools: a necessary evil)

Why, when you have notepad.exe and a couple of browsers to test that the
pages work properly?

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Re: [PHP] tie string value together

2001-01-15 Thread Iván Sánchez Ortega \MR\

"Brian Clark" ...

 Not quite; you want the concatenation operator:

 $Birthdate = $year . $month . $day; /* assuming day was a typo */

 This will also work:

 $Birthdate = "$year$month$day";

As i know, databases use a 00/00/ date format, so the thing you may do

$birthdate = $day . "/" . $month . "/" . $year;
$birthdate = "$day/$month/$year";

But you should refer to your database's documentation, i'm not sure it's
always true.

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2001-01-15 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf

__FILE__ is the filename of the current file being parsed.  This can
change around as the php script includes other files.  It is mostly used
for printing out information on where an error occurred.

$PATH_INFO is the part of the URI after the script.  ie.
In this case $PATH_INFO would be /whatever/blah

$PATH_TRANSLATED is $PATH_INFO translated to an absolute file path on the
file system.  So something like /var/web/whatever/blah for the above


On Mon, 15 Jan 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 please, would anybody be so kind and tell me what differences are
 amoung __FILE__, $PATH_INFO and $PATH_TRANSLATED? And in which cases
 they will have other values?

 Regards, PETER

 Tento e-mail byl odeslán ze serveru www.worldmail.cz

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Re: [PHP] hello

2001-01-15 Thread Philip Olson

Hi Herb,

PHP is wonderful.  Regarding any upgrade issues, check out :


AFAIK, it *won't* cause problems upgrading.  Do be sure to parse the
current extension though (i.e. be sure to keep .php3 within httpd.conf)
For information on all this check out :


Doing it at 3am is suggested and giving users some warning just in case 
:-)  Regarding learning php, there are some main sites to consider for
learing :


There are others (and others).  Like for instance :


Regarding books, the wrox books are popular, check them out.  The php
site lists books and by purchasing there money goes to PHP effort, list 
is here :


And you will need to know SQL, here is a basic tutorial :


And if you want to know my favorite php tutorial that I wish all php users
would consider and print out it is as follows :


And remember, practise makes perfect this is so very true.  Nobody is
perfect and we've all written crappy code in the past (and present) so
it's okay.  And, nobody memorizes the manual, keep this in mind.  It's a
reference/tool.  It is very valuable and contains many useful friendly
examples.  At least skimming through it and working the examples through
(if not code, at least in head and say to self "ah, that makes sense")
it is important as in the future when one wants to do something the brain
will think "hmm, I've read about this once before" and thus one searches
the manual and finds.  Also, searching the mailing list is very important,
use one or two specific words that are sure to exist in question.  It is
okay to ask questions but odds are someone else has asked a similar
question in past,  an archive is found here (google also keeps this


It is very useful to add this and php site to browser "command line" and
instruction on this can be found here :


That's what comes to mind at this point, hopefully this rambling email
makes sense.  Just remember, start small.   Build an addressbook.  After
that, add features to it like make sure user inputs real data (not blank
(empty), is x characters in length (strlen) or is an email address (ereg). 
Then make users name in addressbook apear with First Letter Capitalized
(ucwords) and so on, so forth.  Also, be sure to research, it is very
useful to do. If one wants to do something odds are there is a function to
do it or a function was created to help do it.  For scripts, look here :


And through all that all will be good.  This now concludes this post,  
good luck!


Philip Olson

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, SuiteNet Operations Manager wrote:

 I was wondering what Im sure a well knowledged php expert like your self
 would recommend a hands on php crash course. The best way for me to jump
 right in to understanding php and getting started making my first data
 with php3 and mysql. I understand that is how you have to do it.
 See Im running a apache server that my father started.
 And up to this point have been working with basic cgi stuff and dealing
 with  tech support and  minor web design.
 But I need to get into data base stuff and the only way Im going to be
 able to make something like a shopping cart or anything of that nature
 is to learn.
 My father knew allot of this stuff but Un fortunately he past away and
 Im stuck. So any suggestions would be great and can I count on you to
 answer any questions I might have. I have been going to the php.net
 site. And are starting there.
 Thank you and god Bless.
 Ps. Any books you think would be my best start.
 Im pretty good at picking things up but I have never messed with
 php3 either.
 I also Know about php4 but I have users I guess up till now are using
 php3 will this change what the are doing and continuing to do. I mean do
 they have learn and change everything to or is it I except everything
 till now and then more of what php4 offers too. Im not sure how that
 I do not want to change anything on the server UN LESS IM VERY VERY
 Ok well I thank you so much. 
 Herb McDonald
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RE: [PHP] Problem with Exec()

2001-01-15 Thread Jon Haworth

| It should also be noted that the system interaction functions (namely,
| passthru(), exec(), system() and popen()) are 
| broken/incorrectly implemented,
| actually, its windows that's incorrectly implemented, but be 
| that as it may, the
| functions do not work with windows).

Well, I guess that clears that up... cheers Mr. Gates

| To the original poster:


|   Use PHP's built-in mail() function instead, don't fork 
| out to sendmail,
| actually, better yet, use linux :-).

I spotted the mail() function about ten minutes after I posted... (and I
would be on a linux box if I could persuade my boss)


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Re: [PHP] variable size limit?

2001-01-15 Thread Andrew Threlfall

 I'm generating a page of HTML by reading an entire page of HTML source
 a variable, and then doing various functions and str_replace on the

 However when I finialy write this out to a file the variable containing
 HTML source is truncated, at about 5800-ish bytes.

 Is there a limit of the amount of data a variable can store? Or is there a
 better way to manipulate the text in file?

It seems that when I did my fread, I was using the wrong filename in the
filesize function. Therefore The file was being read into the variable and
getting truncated at the incorrect limit.


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[PHP-CVS] cvs: php4 /ext/standard php_string.h

2001-01-15 Thread Zeev Suraski

zeevMon Jan 15 02:48:48 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/php4/ext/standard  php_string.h 
  Nuke a couple of warnings
Index: php4/ext/standard/php_string.h
diff -u php4/ext/standard/php_string.h:1.32 php4/ext/standard/php_string.h:1.33
--- php4/ext/standard/php_string.h:1.32 Sun Jan 14 08:36:30 2001
+++ php4/ext/standard/php_string.h  Mon Jan 15 02:48:48 2001
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-/* $Id: php_string.h,v 1.32 2001/01/14 16:36:30 elixer Exp $ */
+/* $Id: php_string.h,v 1.33 2001/01/15 10:48:48 zeev Exp $ */
 /* Synced with php 3.0 revision 1.43 1999-06-16 [ssb] */
@@ -79,6 +79,12 @@
+#if defined(HAVE_LOCALECONV)  defined(ZTS)
 #define strnatcmp(a, b) \
strnatcmp_ex(a, strlen(a), b, strlen(b), 0)

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Re: [PHP] regular expression

2001-01-15 Thread Christian Reiniger

On Monday 15 January 2001 09:03, Fai wrote:
 ^.+@.+\\..+$  This regular expression can check if the email address is
 valid. But it cannot validate the email address with two "@", does

I use this code:

 * Check whether the supplied string is a
 * (syntactically) valid email address
 * Only does a very rough check. Checking for complete
 * validity is nearly impossible.
function pbIsMailAddress ($Address)
// strip comments
while (preg_match ('/\([^()]*\)/', $Address))
$Address = preg_replace ('/\([^()]*\)/', '', $Address);

// strip leading/trailing whitespace
$Address = trim ($Address);

// check for basic form
return preg_match ('/^[^@]+@[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+$/', $Address);

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://sunsite.dk/lgdc/)

"Software is like sex: the best is for free" -- Linux Torvalds

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[PHP] Modifying arrays

2001-01-15 Thread Catalin Borcea

How do I modify the value of the current element of an array?

-- Catalin Borcea --
 \\ - - //
   ( @ @ )

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[PHP-CVS] cvs: php4 /main php_globals.h php_ini.c

2001-01-15 Thread Zeev Suraski

zeevMon Jan 15 02:52:02 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/php4/main  php_globals.h php_ini.c 
  - Remove the ini_extension_list global
  - Switch to delayed loading of Zend extensions
Index: php4/main/php_globals.h
diff -u php4/main/php_globals.h:1.60 php4/main/php_globals.h:1.61
--- php4/main/php_globals.h:1.60Sun Jan 14 19:21:05 2001
+++ php4/main/php_globals.h Mon Jan 15 02:52:02 2001
@@ -124,8 +124,6 @@
zend_bool during_request_startup;
zend_bool allow_url_fopen;
-   zend_llist ini_extension_list;
Index: php4/main/php_ini.c
diff -u php4/main/php_ini.c:1.48 php4/main/php_ini.c:1.49
--- php4/main/php_ini.c:1.48Sun Jan 14 19:21:05 2001
+++ php4/main/php_ini.c Mon Jan 15 02:52:02 2001
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
 static HashTable configuration_hash;
 PHPAPI char *php_ini_opened_path=NULL;
+typedef struct _php_extension_lists {
+   zend_llist engine;
+   zend_llist functions;
+} php_extension_lists;
 static void php_ini_displayer_cb(zend_ini_entry *ini_entry, int type)
@@ -117,7 +121,7 @@
-static void php_config_ini_parser_cb(zval *arg1, zval *arg2, int callback_type, void 
+static void php_config_ini_parser_cb(zval *arg1, zval *arg2, int callback_type, 
+php_extension_lists *extension_lists)
switch (callback_type) {
@@ -128,18 +132,19 @@
if (!strcasecmp(Z_STRVAL_P(arg1), "extension")) { /* 
load function module */
zval copy;
-   PLS_FETCH();

copy = *arg2;
copy.refcount = 0;
zend_llist_add_element(PG(ini_extension_list), copy);
+zend_llist_add_element(extension_lists-functions, copy); 
} else if (!strcasecmp(Z_STRVAL_P(arg1), 
ZEND_EXTENSION_TOKEN)) { /* load Zend extension */
-   zend_load_extension(Z_STRVAL_P(arg2));
+   char *extension_name = 
+estrndup(Z_STRVAL_P(arg2), Z_STRLEN_P(arg2));
+zend_llist_add_element(extension_lists-engine, extension_name);
} else {
Z_STRVAL_P(arg1), Z_STRLEN_P(arg1)+1, arg2, sizeof(zval), (void **) entry);
Z_STRVAL_P(entry) = 
zend_strndup(Z_STRVAL_P(entry), Z_STRLEN_P(entry));
-   }
+   }
@@ -147,13 +152,19 @@
-static void php_apply_ini_extension_list(void *dummy)
+static void php_load_function_extension_cb(void *arg)
-   zval *extension = (zval *) dummy;
+   zval *extension = (zval *) arg;
zval zval;
php_dl(extension, MODULE_PERSISTENT, zval);
-   zval_dtor(extension);
+static void php_load_zend_extension_cb(void *arg)
+   zend_load_extension(*((char **) arg));
@@ -164,13 +175,15 @@
char *open_basedir;
int free_ini_search_path=0;
zend_file_handle fh;
+   php_extension_lists extension_lists;
if (zend_hash_init(configuration_hash, 0, NULL, (dtor_func_t) 
pvalue_config_destructor, 1)==FAILURE) {
return FAILURE;
-   zend_llist_init(PG(ini_extension_list), sizeof(zval), NULL, 1);
+   zend_llist_init(extension_lists.engine, sizeof(zval), free_estring, 1);
+   zend_llist_init(extension_lists.functions, sizeof(zval), ZVAL_DESTRUCTOR, 1);

safe_mode_state = PG(safe_mode);
open_basedir = PG(open_basedir);
@@ -220,11 +233,14 @@
fh.type = ZEND_HANDLE_FP;
fh.filename = php_ini_opened_path;
+   zend_parse_ini_file(fh, 1, php_config_ini_parser_cb, extension_lists);
-   zend_parse_ini_file(fh, 1, php_config_ini_parser_cb, NULL);
+   zend_llist_apply(extension_lists.engine, php_load_zend_extension_cb);
+   zend_llist_apply(extension_lists.functions, php_load_function_extension_cb);
-   zend_llist_apply(PG(ini_extension_list), php_apply_ini_extension_list);
-   zend_llist_destroy(PG(ini_extension_list));
+   zend_llist_destroy(extension_lists.engine);
+   zend_llist_destroy(extension_lists.functions);

if (php_ini_opened_path) {
zval tmp;

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Re: [PHP] SMs

2001-01-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sat, 13 Jan 2001, Dhaval Desai wrote:
Hi Dhaval,

 I am trying to build a SMS(Short message service)
It is really very simple as long as you have a tie up with SMSC (usually a
mobile phone service operator) 

Then all you have to do is (in most cases) send a specially formatted
email to the SMSC the email address is usually

 mesaging system..can anybody tell me what are the
 requirements for this...
For developement purposes visit http://www.gnokii.org 


   B2B Application Providers
 Vortal for Nagpur http://nagpurcity.net

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[PHP] Session cookies appearing where there is no session

2001-01-15 Thread CC Zona

This must sound pretty far-fetched, but as far as I can tell, my site is 
attempting to set a session cookie from any and all PHP pages, even when 
the page has no calls to session_* functions and where there were also no 
previous visits to pages with such calls.  Where is the setting that is 
initializing these unneccessary sessions and sending the cookies?  I looked 
for something in php.ini or phpinfo() to explain it, but came up empty.  
Below are excerpts from a phpinfo() dump.  

I wondered about that "session.use_trans_sid", but there's no reference to 
it in my php.ini file (yes, I checked that phpinfo says I'm looking at the 
correct one) and I also cannot find anything about it in the PHP.net online 
docs.  What does that setting do, and where is it configured?


begin excerpts from phpinfo()

Directive   Local Value Master Value
assert.active  1  1
assert.bail 0  0
assert.callback   no value no value
assert.quiet_eval 0  0
assert.warning 1  1
safe_mode_allowed_env_vars PHP_  PHP_
safe_mode_protected_env_vars  LD_LIBRARY_PATH   LD_LIBRARY_PATH
session.use_trans_sid   1  1

Session Support   enabled
Directive   Local Value Master Value
session.auto_start   On On
session.cache_expire 60 60
session.cache_limiter   nocache  nocache
session.cookie_domain   no value no value
session.cookie_lifetime 0  0
session.cookie_path  /  /
session.entropy_file no value no value
session.entropy_length  0  0
session.gc_maxlifetime  1800  1800
session.gc_probability  1  1
session.name   SID   SID
session.referer_check   no value no value
session.save_handler files files
session.save_path /tmp  /tmp
session.serialize_handler  php   php
session.use_cookies  On On


HTTP Response Headers
Set-Cookie  SID=0c6a1e4a46c8d9d840ac865d4a9d8e6f; path=/
Expires  Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Cache-Control  no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, 
Pragma   no-cache



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Re: [PHP] Templates

2001-01-15 Thread Paul K Egell-Johnsen

andrew wrote:
 My understanding of templating engines
 1.array or item is assigned to a variable
 2.php placeholders in a html page match in name to above variable.
 3.a parser separate from php subsitutes the variable values set in (1)
 into (2)
 I've seen plenty of examples where there is a file containing lists of
 variable to item assignment, and thase files are passed to a one of a few
 template pages for layout.
 There must be a way to pass the result set of an SQL query into the set of
 placeholders - the end result would be that you could call whole sites via
 simple queries. All you have to pass in would be the SQL parameter.
 i.e. Table named 'Pvalues'
 Pvalues Sample Row
 page_id contactus.html
 page_name   Contact Us
 page_title  Contact US
 header_text Please send an email
 body_text   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 footer_text thanks!

Check out http://www.scripps.edu/~jesusmc/cachedtpl/CachedTemplate.html
by Jesus M Castagnetto. His class solves the problem with caching
templates for all the template classes he has found.

One of those he found was a class called XTemplates, that class have
some very good functions, you could write this in your templae page:


and in the php page you could assign the result set directly to Pvalues,
and all items called Pvalues.something would be filled out with the
column of the same name.

The only drawback of XTemplates is that it adds some extra spaces to the
output, which on large pages might amount to quite a bit, but since
you're complentating working something like this out, you might instead
rewrite this class to remove that bit of a problem. (I haven't had the
time to track the bug down myself.)

Some timings I've made have shown that XTemplates on a large result set
seems to be only 10% slower than the templates which comes with PHPLib,
which is pretty good.

Finally it is much easier to use and initalize than any template engine
I've tried.
Paul K Egell-Johnsen
Developer/PR Manager
zez.org: about code

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[PHP] hello

2001-01-15 Thread Kevin Cawthorne


[PHP] Regex for telephone number

2001-01-15 Thread Vikram Vaswani


Can someone help me out with a regex to validate a phone number?



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[PHP] kevin@intuitive.net

2001-01-15 Thread Kevin Cawthorne


[PHP-CVS] cvs: php4 /ext/mhash mhash.c

2001-01-15 Thread Egon Schmid

eschmid Mon Jan 15 04:01:35 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/php4/ext/mhash mhash.c 
  Some protos fixed.
Index: php4/ext/mhash/mhash.c
diff -u php4/ext/mhash/mhash.c:1.24 php4/ext/mhash/mhash.c:1.25
--- php4/ext/mhash/mhash.c:1.24 Wed Nov 22 13:52:53 2000
+++ php4/ext/mhash/mhash.c  Mon Jan 15 04:01:34 2001
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
return SUCCESS;
-/* {{{ proto int mhash_count()
-   get the number of available hashes */
+/* {{{ proto int mhash_count(void)
+   Gets the number of available hashes */
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 /* }}} */
 /* {{{ proto int mhash_get_block_size(int hash)
-   get the block size of hash */
+   Gets the block size of hash */
pval **hash;
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
 /* }}} */
 /* {{{ proto string mhash_get_hash_name(int hash)
-   get the name of hash */
+   Gets the name of hash */
pval **hash;
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@
 /* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string mhash(int hash, string data, [string key])
-   hash data with hash */
+/* {{{ proto string mhash(int hash, string data [, string key])
+   Hash data with hash */
pval **hash, **data, **key;
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
 /* }}} */
 /* {{{ proto string mhash_keygen_s2k(int hash, string input_password, string salt, 
int bytes)
-   generate a key using hash functions */
+   Generates a key using hash functions */
 /* SALTED S2K uses a fixed salt */
 #define SALT_SIZE 8

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Re: [PHP] Sessions

2001-01-15 Thread Hardy Merrill

Randy Johnson [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 I was going to use sessions to save a logged in variable so if the user
 logged in with a username and password I checked for the session variable
 and if it existed then I could continue.
 Is there a way for the loggedin session variable to automatically be
 destroyed after 5 minutes for example?  If not what would be another way I
 could implement the above.

Look at your php.ini configuration - specifically


they will help you manage sessions and give a lifetime to
each session.

You can also use a scheduled(cron on *nix) job to remove sessions
older than ??? minutes.


Hardy Merrill
Mission Critical Linux, Inc.

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Re: [PHP] Regex for telephone number

2001-01-15 Thread Angus Mann

At 17:55 15/01/01 +0500, Vikram Vaswani wrote:

Can someone help me out with a regex to validate a phone number?

We'd need to know what format of telephone numbers you're looking to 
validate, first.


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[PHP] imap ssl

2001-01-15 Thread elacroix

Is there any IMAP PHP functions using ssl ??
Do I have to just switch the port 143-993 to use ssl
or do I have to use specific functions implemented in
PHP 4 ?? 

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RE: [PHP] Regex for telephone number

2001-01-15 Thread Spallek, Heiko


 Can someone help me out with a regex to validate a phone number?
Read the examples at:

Der Heiko
Buchtipp: http://www.aufbruch.com/
Heiko und Gisela Spallek:
Aufbruch ins Land der unbegrenzten Moeglichkeiten.
Studieren, Arbeiten und Leben in den USA: Tips fuer Neuankoemmlinge
2. erweiterte und ueberarbeitete Auflage: ISBN: 3-934407-01-3

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Re: [PHP] Modifying arrays

2001-01-15 Thread bard

try this one.. seems to easy though. Maybe I'm missing something??

/* throw a few values into an array */
$my_arr[1]= "ichi";
$my_arr[2]= "ni";
$my_arr[3]= "san";
$my_arr[4]= "shi";
$my_arr[5]= "go";
/* set a variable equal to the current value in the array using pos() */
$curr_val = pos($my_arr);
/* set another variable equal to the current key in the array using key() */
$curr_key = key($my_arr);
/* for debug's sake, print the variables out */
print($curr_val."\n"); /* returns "ichi" */
print($curr_key."\n"); /* returns "1" */
/* now, use that key variable to change the current value */
$my_arr[$curr_key] = "one";
/* now, reprint the key directly from the array to show it's changed */



On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Catalin Borcea wrote:

 How do I modify the value of the current element of an array?
 -- Catalin Borcea --
  \\ - - //
( @ @ )

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[PHP] Apache 1.3.14 - PHP-404 - GD-1.3.8 problems

2001-01-15 Thread Kees Hoekzema

Hi all,

I've some strange problems.
First i tried to update PHP-403pl1 with PHP-404.
PHP was running smoothly on my Apache-1.3.14 but after the upgrade
(no compile errors, ./configure okay and no errors at all when compiling
i wanted to restart Apache..
it said something like: crc32; undefined reference.
and, the /www/libexec/php4lib.so gave a seg. fault when I tried to run it.

So, i compiled apache  PHP from fresh .tar.gz, but this time, not as DSO,
but static.
This time, PHP isn't giving any troubles at all, but the compilation of
apache gives some errors
when trying to compile the PHP4 module... here are they:

gcc  -DLINUX=2 -I/root/source/php-4.0.4 -I/root/source/php-4.0.4/main -I/roo
t/source/php-4.0.4/main -I/root/source/php-4.0.4/Zend -I/root/source/php-4.0
.4/Zend -I/root/source/php-4.0.4/TSRM -I/root/source/php-4.0.4/TSRM -I/root/
source/php-4.0.4 -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite -DNO_DL_NEEDED `./apaci`
  -o httpd buildmark.o modules.o modules/standard/libstandard.a
modules/php4/libphp4.a main/libmain.a ./os/unix/libos.a ap/libap.a
lib/expat-lite/libexpat.a  -rdynamic -Lmodules/php4 -L../modules/php4 -L../.
./modules/php4 -lmodphp4   -ldl -lz -lpng -lgd -lresolv -lm -ldl -lcrypt -ln
sl  -lresolv   -lm -lcrypt
/usr/local/lib/libgd.a(gd_png.o): In function `gdPngErrorHandler':
gd_png.o(.text+0x37): undefined reference to `png_get_error_ptr'
/usr/local/lib/libgd.a(gd_png.o): In function `gdPngReadData':
gd_png.o(.text+0x95): undefined reference to `png_get_io_ptr'
/usr/local/lib/libgd.a(gd_png.o): In function `gdPngWriteData':
gd_png.o(.text+0xc5): undefined reference to `png_get_io_ptr'
/usr/local/lib/libgd.a(gd_png.o): In function `gdImageCreateFromPngCtx':
gd_png.o(.text+0x155): undefined reference to `png_check_sig'
/usr/local/lib/libgd.a(gd_png.o): In function `gdImagePngCtx':
gd_png.o(.text+0x975): undefined reference to `png_create_write_struct'
gd_png.o(.text+0x9ab): undefined reference to `png_create_info_struct'
gd_png.o(.text+0xefd): undefined reference to `png_write_end'
gd_png.o(.text+0xf16): undefined reference to `png_destroy_write_struct'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [target_static] Error 1

Does anyone know a solution? please let me know :)

My commands to compile:
./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.14 --with-mysql --with-gd --without-
ttf -with-ftp ; make ; make install
~/source/php-4.0.4# cd ../apache_1.3.14
./configure --prefix=/www --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a ;
make ; make install

I have/try:
PHP 4.0.4
Apache  1.3.114
GD  1.3.8
libpng  1.0.8
Linux   2.2.17
Original distro Slackware 7.0

Kees Hoekzema,

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Re: [PHP] Perl-like DBI and generic SQL

2001-01-15 Thread Michael Kimsal

Dean Hall wrote:

 I read once on this list that PHP supports a DBI-like database access object (such 
as the one in Perl). Is this true? Does anyone know where I can find documentation 
for it? I can't seem to find it in the manual.

 Also, how do you all handle generic SQL for multiple DBMSs? I'd like (ideally) to 
write SQL that is DBMS-independent, although that's probably not possible. I'm very 
familiar with mysql and not much else; as far as I'm aware, mysql is the primary DBMS 
that has problems with standard SQL (like nested queries and such). Does anyone even 
worry about this?

 I'm writing a little piece of software that I'd like to be as extensible as possible 
and as usable as possible for people using any DBMS, including mysql.

 Anyway, if I can't find a generic built-in database interface in PHP, it'll all be 
moot. I'd really rather not use phplib; I'd like to use an interface built in to the 
interpreter rather than something that's interpreted on every page access.

You won't find one.  The 'benefit' of PHP is that is, for the most part, uses native 
db drivers for access to each db.  Should be a bit faster and allows access to the 
specific features of each db.

There is a PEAR repository which offers something similar to DBI, afaik, but it's not 
widely discussed, from what I can see.  PEAR is a set of files that comes with a 
distribution, and there is a README.  People on shared host environments may be out of 
luck here, though, with respect to a README (d/l the file and read it manualyl I 

"metabase" from manuel lemos purports to be a single interface to multiple dbs - write 
one SQL statement and it'd do the necessary translation on the SQL to be specific to 
whatever db you are using.  Haven't used it, but heard nice things about it.  But, it 
violates your 'not interpreted' clause.

Good luck.

 Thanks for the help.

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[PHP] Unknown number of fields

2001-01-15 Thread Shimon Dekel

I need to be able to reactive an unknown number of fields from a Data
Base generated form.
How do I handle an unknown number of fields?
II can generate a list of all possible fields and try them all but will
this generate errors?
I will appreciate any help or information.
Shimon Dekel

Shimon Dekel  Israeli Vegetable Board
Information System Manager
2 Karlibach St Tel-Aviv 67132
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.yerek.co.il

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Re: [PHP] Unknown number of fields

2001-01-15 Thread Joe Stump



On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 05:27:03PM +0200, Shimon Dekel wrote:
 I need to be able to reactive an unknown number of fields from a Data
 Base generated form.
 How do I handle an unknown number of fields?
 II can generate a list of all possible fields and try them all but will
 this generate errors?
 I will appreciate any help or information.
 Shimon Dekel
 Shimon Dekel  Israeli Vegetable Board
 Information System Manager
 2 Karlibach St Tel-Aviv 67132
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.yerek.co.il
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Joe Stump, PHP Hacker

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php-general Digest 15 Jan 2001 14:44:12 -0000 Issue 456

2001-01-15 Thread php-general-digest-help
he calls are
made.  The places you see these warnings.  This style is going out of
style, in favor of one where you define passing by reference in the
function definition.

What to do:

Change the function calls from:

   function_whatever( $var1, $var2 );


   function_whatever( $var1, $var2 );

and change the finction definitions from:

   function function_whatever( $var1, $var2 ) {


   function function_whatever( $var1, $var2 ) {

For now, since these are just warnings you could just turn down error
reporting, or enable allow_call_time_pass_reference as shown in the
warning, but you should seriously consider fixing the problem by
changing the code. Someday soon PHP will no longer allow the old syntax
at all.

For more information see:




Rick Widmer
Internet Marketing Specialists

Greeting all,
Just now I asked about to tie string values together and would like to thank
Jason for that. Anyway one more thing, after I have tied string values
together and assigned that to a virables. can I used the value from that
variables to compare with another date value? Say another date value I will
use is also retrieved from a field in table which is in Date data type as
well. So it will be like

$query = "select myBirthdate from date where userId='1' ";
$dateResult =mysql_query($query);
$myBirthDate = (mysql_result($dateResult,0,"myBirthdate"));

$thisBirthdate = "$year"."$month"."$day";

if ($thisBirthdate  $myBirthdate) {
do something
} else {
 do some other thing

Is it the correct way to do that?
"There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for

 can I used the value from that variables to compare with another 
 date value? Say another date value I will use is also retrieved 
 from a field in table which is in Date data type as well.

When you get into this stuff, it all starts getting a lot more complicated.

If you want to compare two fields, make sure they're in the same format.

Basically, make sure you use four digit years and two digit months and
days to create your birthday fields, so they look like (for example, with
today's date, 20010115 instead of 2001115 - that second one could really 
be anything).

If you're sure you're storing the birthdays properly, you can then cut
the strings up when you pull them out of the database, the first 4 chars
are the year, the next two make the month (regardless of the actual month,
this way it'll be "01" not "1"), then the day. 

Do that for both of the dates.

Now, you can use the mktime() command to turn them into unix tiumestamps.

$unixtimeme   = mktime(myhour, myminute, mysecond, mymonth, myday, myyear);
$unixtimethem = mktime(theirhour, theirminute, theirsecond, theirmonth,
theirday, theiryear);

Now, a unix timestamp is the number of seconds from 00:00:01, Jan 1, 1970.

You can figure out the difference in seconds between the two timestamps.

Divide it by (24*3600), which is the number of seconds in a day, and there
you have the number of days between the dates.

Incidentally, if you want to find the number of days between your birthDAYS,
then you'll want to substitute in a specific year in the mktime() statements
above, as you'll otherwise end up with the number of days between your exact
DATES of birth.


Jason Murray
Web Design Team, Melbourne IT
Fetch the comfy chair!

all right, now I have both date values in the same format (/mm/dd), say
$Date1 = 20010115 and $Date2 =20010120. If what I want is to find out if
$Date1 come before $Date2, can I just use this sniplet below?

if ($Date1  $Date2) {
} else {

Do I still need to use mktime() for this purpose?
"There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for
- Original Message -
From: Jason Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 11:37 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] date comparison

  can I used the value from that variables to compare with another
  date value? Say another date value I will use is also retrieved
  from a field in table which is in Date data type as well.

 When you get into this stuff, it all starts getting a lot more

 If you want to compare two fields, make sure they're in the same format.

 Basically, make sure you use four digit years and two digit months and
 days to create your birthday fields, so they look like (for example, with
 today's date, 20010115 instead of 2001115 - that second one could really
 be anything).

 If you're sure you're storing the birthdays properly, you can then cut
 the strings up when you pull them out of the database, the firs

Re: [PHP] Date data type problem

2001-01-15 Thread Joe Stump

This is not possibly - do this on $date2 first:

$foo_date2 = str_replace('-',$foo_date2);


if($date1  $foo_date2)




On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 03:15:38PM -0600, Jacky@lilst wrote:
 Hi people,
 I have tried to compare 2 date values to see if one come before another using the 
sniplet below:
 if ($date1  $date2) {
 do something
 while $date1 is in "mmdd" format but $date2 is in "-mm-dd" formate because I 
get value of $date2 from a "date" data type field from a table. 
 Can I use this "-mm-dd" to compare with value from another date variabile in the 
"mmdd" format?  If not possible, How do I make both of them to be in the same 
 "There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for yourself"


Joe Stump, PHP Hacker

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Re: [PHP] load balancing with php/apache?

2001-01-15 Thread Joe Stump

I would agree - we started using one at work (the 760 I believe) with 128GB of
online RAID 4 storage - YUM! We run a large SUN DB and run our DB straight from
the NetApp. NetApp basically rules.


On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 10:08:32AM -, Tim Parkin wrote:
 A NetApp (Network Appliance) is a big RAID that uses multiple scsi drives to
 create a single transparent volume which, with CIFS (transparent filesystem)
 can be used by any OS. They are v fast, use NVRAM buffering and can go up to
 post terabyte storage capacity without worries. 
 Oh and they start at 60k pounds sterling
 But they are great. Network Attatched Storage at its best (gigabit fibre
 Tim Parkin
 Didio Communications
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 08:39
 To: Alex Black; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [PHP] load balancing with php/apache?
 Addressed to: Alex Black [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ** Reply to note from Alex Black [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun, 14 Jan 2001
 17:16:50 -0800

   Whoever said NFS is slow hasn't used a NetApp

 OK, I'll bite.  What is NetApp?   Network Appliance?
 Is this a cache technology, or will it help if I want to transfer 1GB
 of data with no duplication?  Once upon a time I was considering using
 NFS for backing up my web servers.  Then I found it would take over 150
 hours per backup over my 56K Frame Relay link.  I've got it down to
 about 46 hours with tar.gz and ftp.  It takes most of my sleep time
 during the week.
 Rick Widmer
 Internet Marketing Specialists
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Joe Stump, PHP Hacker

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[PHP] GD Library ??? Where to find.

2001-01-15 Thread Dallas Kropka

Please point me to the GD library I cant seem to find it.

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Re: [PHP] GD Library ??? Where to find.

2001-01-15 Thread Cynic

www.boutell.com/gd/ IIRC

At 18:26 15.1. 2001, Dallas Kropka wrote the following:
Please point me to the GD library I cant seem to find it.

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--end of quote-- 


A member of a group of ancient Greek philosophers who taught
that virtue constitutes happiness and that self control is
the essential part of virtue.


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[PHP] Re: Fixed: Simple form not passing variables

2001-01-15 Thread jeff fitzmyers

Thanks!, I was getting bogged down in variable
declaration, OOP, etc. This works perfectly:
Please enter user name here: FORM
INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=Submit
You typed: 
 print $HTTP_GET_VARS["name"];

 Within your configurations, is register_globals
I try this code and it works just fine. Although if
register_globals setting in php.ini is off it will
not, try replacing :  
 echo ($name);

 print $HTTP_GET_VARS["name"];

And see what happens. If you want $name type variables
to register as global, then turn the setting to on.
Strangly, iirc, this should be on by default though.
The fact that you have name=Bob in url would suggest
this to be the "problem".  Read about these settings
here :

Philip Olson

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Re: [PHP] problem that has been really annoying me...

2001-01-15 Thread Toby Butzon

First of all check this:

... should be...

That will change the result, but I don't know if it's the result you're
going for...

One other note of interest... why is your variable named $num? If it was
supposed to be a significant number I would understand, but as far as I can
tell, it's not... so you might consider changing this to be a little more
descriptively named ;)


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 12:21 PM
Subject: [PHP] problem that has been really annoying me...

 I have a problem which i dont know how to solve

 my script...
 $game = "roguespear";
 $title = "quepasa??mecasa...";
 $num = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM DLtemplates WHERE id='$game'");
 $num =mysql_fetch_array($num);

 what sub in DLtemplates where id=$game  = $title

 so why does it print
 $title  on the screen and not "quepasa??mecasa...";

 any help apprecaited

 - Peter

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[PHP] CyberCash Libraries?

2001-01-15 Thread ncook

Where can I get the Cybercash Libraries?


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[PHP] safe mode in 4.0.4pl1

2001-01-15 Thread Ian Gulliver

I'm running PHP 4.0.4pl1 as a CGI under Apache 1.3.14 with suexec.
Whenever I turn on safe_mode in php.ini, the following messages appear
from a script owned by and running as uid 1013 which is trying to include
files owned by uid 1013 in a directory owned by 1013:

Warning: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect.  The script whose uid is -1 is
not allowed to access header.php owned by uid 1013 in archive.php on line

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Re: [PHP] load balancing with php/apache?

2001-01-15 Thread Alex Black

 We used LocalDirector for awhile, with it's 'sticky bit' functionality,
 and it basically didn't work with AOL.  I just looked at the
 coyote product and they claim it works with 'large ISP' proxies - maybe a
 reference to AOL directly (why not just say AOL?).

from my testing, the "EQUALIZER" (I kind of like how obnoxious the name is,
actually :) does in fact work with AOL.

 Do you have any more info on HOW they do this?  The
 only thing I can think of is that they code it recognize particular IP blocks
 known to be proxies for AOL/mindspring/etc and route ALL traffic from these to
 particular box, which doesn't seem terribly balanced.  OR... they drop a
 'cookie' or similar header data piece between the server and the client and

The installation I tested is not large, though, and I did not hit it with
more than one client.. in the case of the particular site, it doesn't
matter... but I would be interested to know that.

 Either way, it seems a bit expensive, although cheaper than LD, last time I

Yeah, Cisco r' bastards :)

At _least_ for the money, their stuff does actually work most of the time.

 Personally, we do the 'stateless' model with session data in a database -
 fine.  Your coyote solution is still stateless, but the session data is kept
 to the webserver.

Yeah, we might end up writing a session handler for binarycloud, probably
"switchable" so you can store sessions on the machine re: php.ini, or pipe
'em to your DB.

 Problem I see with that is that if you need to take a particular machine
 hundreds of people could lose their session data.  Same can be said of taking
 database offline, but taking a db offline will probably affect the whole site
 anyway.  Part of the benefit of an intelligent load balancer is that you can
 remove/take down machines for maintenance/upgrades without worrying about the
 impact on the visitors.
 Am I missing something?

Nope, not a thing.

That is a consequence of the stateless-but-not-quite model. In my case, it's
fine. In other cases, it certainly is not :)


 Alex Black wrote:
 you use an utterly completely stateless model?
 so you set cookies, and store the sig in the db?
 agh! :)
 I'm using this box from "coyote systems" called, wait for it:
 which is a really obnoxious name, but it sticks clients with a particular
 server intelligently, so we can be ever-so-slightly-lazy about that.
 do you _like_ that system? (that isn't a challenge, it's real interest)
 Alex Black, Head Monkey
 The Turing Studio, Inc.
 Saul Zaentz Film Center
 2600 Tenth St Suite 433
 Berkeley, CA 94710-2522

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Re: [PHP] hello

2001-01-15 Thread Toby Butzon

My fault for missing the original post... but if this is the discussion I
think it is...

I'd say if you've already got one language under your belt you can probably
learn PHP without too much trouble just by reading the first few chapters
of the manual and using the function reference beyond that...

If you don't have any prior programming experience, there are some concepts
that should probably be taught a little more extensively than the manual
covers... you might want to look into online tutorials, published books,


- Original Message -
From: "Stephan Ahonen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] hello

 I don't know about everybody else, but I learned PHP by taking a simple,
 pre-existing script and upgrading it to my needs by studying the syntax
 putting in new code to do what I wanted it to, always keeping the PHP
 manual at my side. By just jumping in like that, I've managed to build an
 acceptable knowledge of the language in about a month.

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[PHP] Re: [PHP-DEV] cookies and sessions security

2001-01-15 Thread Kristofer Widholm

Poor security: log in with a form or basic authentication; set cookie on
client with username/password combo (vulnerable to network sniffers,
anybody with access to browser's cookie file)
Decent security: log in with form or basic authentication; set cookie with
session id number and store user information in session database (or
session file or in session memory or however your sessions are handled...)
(vulnerable to sniffers)
Good security: perform auth over a secure connection, set cookie with
session id number and store user information (including ip address) in
session database (and check ip address for a match before allowing any
activity with the session)... (vulnerable to somebody copying a sniffed
session id and spoofing the ip address to trick the remote site)
Very good: keep the thing on a secure connection all the time, set a
session id cookie and keep all user info (possibly including remote ip) in
the server's session db... (vulnerable to nothing I can think of at the

There are probably more things you could do I haven't thought of... but
this oughta be a decent start ;)


Wow, I never thought of using the remote IP!  Thanks for the tip. I 
am going to use it today for an authentication system I'm building.


Kristofer Widholm
Web Pharmacy
191 Grand Street, Brooklyn  NY  11211

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[PHP] looping

2001-01-15 Thread Jerry Lake

excuse my density today
my brain is still in weekend mode

how would I make this loop put 4 or 5 items (haven't decided)
per line instead of just one item and the checkbox on each line?

echo "table border='1' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2'";

while($myrow =  mysql_fetch_array($result2))
$name = $myrow["name"];
$personal_cost = $myrow["personal_cost"];
$small_cost = $myrow["small_cost"];
$large_cost = $myrow["large_cost"];
$category = $myrow["category"];

echo "tr";
echo "td";
echo $name;
echo "/td";
echo "tdinput type=checkbox name=topping value=".$cost."".$cost."/td";
echo "/tr";
echo "/table";

Jerry Lake

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[PHP] simple division.. but how?

2001-01-15 Thread PeterOblivion

if you want to do
10 / 3 
i want it to show 3 and not 3.3

how do I control that?

- Thanks

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Re: [PHP] simple division.. but how?

2001-01-15 Thread Cynic

look at the math functions. also, number_format() might be 
your friend.

At 19:53 15.1. 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following:
if you want to do
10 / 3 
i want it to show 3 and not 3.3

how do I control that?

- Thanks

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--end of quote-- 


A member of a group of ancient Greek philosophers who taught
that virtue constitutes happiness and that self control is
the essential part of virtue.


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Re: [PHP] CyberCash Libraries?

2001-01-15 Thread Nathan Cook

Nevermind, cybercash.com has an MCK (Merchant Kit) that has the libs in it.

Thx, though.
.:: Nathan Cook- Network/Security Admin
office:  208.343.3110   - Web Programmer
email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Qmail Admin
pager:  208.387.9983   - MIS Admin
- Original Message - 
From: "ncook" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 10:49 AM
Subject: [PHP] CyberCash Libraries?

 Where can I get the Cybercash Libraries?
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[PHP] Format a number for Money

2001-01-15 Thread Brandon Orther

Hello Everybody,

I want to take a number and echo it with only 2 numbers after the decimal
point.  I can't remember how to do this but I do remember it was easy.

Thank you,

Brandon Orther
WebIntellects Design/Development Manager

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RE: [PHP] simple division.. but how?

2001-01-15 Thread Cal Evans

$a= intvalue(10/3)



-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 12:53 PM
Subject: [PHP] simple division.. but how?

if you want to do
10 / 3 
i want it to show 3 and not 3.3

how do I control that?

- Thanks

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[PHP] gif vs png using gd

2001-01-15 Thread meeks

Hey folks,

I've been experimenting with creating some graphics on the fly with GD.  So 
far, so good.  However, I've switched ISP's, and their gd doesn't support 
gifs.  I've tried changing the header syntax header("content-Type: image/gif") 
to header("content-Type: image/png"); and the imagegif to imagepng, and all I 
get when I try to view the image is a broken quicktime icon.

Is there some browser setting I need to change?

Thanks in advance,


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[PHP] mail() question

2001-01-15 Thread Robert Hough

Sorry in advance for being redundant. I was unable to find the answer I
needed, on the php.net site.

We have a mailto form, which uses the mail() funciton. For the most part,
it works as intended. All of my headers seem to be coming through intact
(To, From, Reply-To, Return-Path, Error-To, etc).

However, if the message should bounce, it always bounces back to nobody. 
When we want it to bounce back to say, rch instead. Can any offer a
possible solution here?


Robert Hough ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: [PHP] mail() question

2001-01-15 Thread jeremy brand

Your Return-Path: header should have that email address.


Jeremy Brand :: Sr. Software Engineer :: 408-245-9058 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Robert Hough wrote:

 Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 15:13:42 -0500 (EST)
 From: Robert Hough [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [PHP] mail() question
 Sorry in advance for being redundant. I was unable to find the answer I
 needed, on the php.net site.
 We have a mailto form, which uses the mail() funciton. For the most part,
 it works as intended. All of my headers seem to be coming through intact
 (To, From, Reply-To, Return-Path, Error-To, etc).
 However, if the message should bounce, it always bounces back to nobody. 
 When we want it to bounce back to say, rch instead. Can any offer a
 possible solution here?
 Robert Hough ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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[PHP] 4.0.4 Postgres link resource bug?

2001-01-15 Thread kris


I have a script that worked up until I upgraded the server from PHP 
4.0.2 to 4.0.4.  I get:

1 is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource.  Why is this broken all of 
a sudden?  here is some code:

function SQLCall($call){
global $psqlhost, $psqldb, $rows, $result;
$result=pg_exec($db_connect, "$call");

$call="insert into agents (fname, lname, address, city, state, 
zip, email,
country, homephone, workphone, company, username, password, 
created, visits, fax, status,
pridomain, title) values ('$fname', '$lname', '$address', '$city', 
'$zip', '$email', '$country', '$homephone', '$workphone', '$company', 
'$cryptpass', '$created', $visits, '$fax', '$status', '$pridomain', 

This (bug?) seems to only affect INSERT calls to pg_sql.  The 
functions within the script which use UPDATE sql calls (using the 
same SQLCall($call) function in this script work fine.

Any ideas?



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Re: [PHP] mail() question

2001-01-15 Thread jeremy brand

I understand.  So, does $sender_address have the email address that
you want it returned to?  You didn't specifically say this, that is
why I asked.

If you actually get the mail sent on the internet, and the headers
contain explicit instructions, then the mail has no choice but to
return to who you specify in the Return-Path:.


Jeremy Brand :: Sr. Software Engineer :: 408-245-9058 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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   "body"   -- Quoted from Yahoo! homepage, http://www.yahoo.com

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Robert Hough wrote:

 Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 15:27:06 -0500 (EST)
 From: Robert Hough [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: jeremy brand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [PHP] mail() question
 On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, jeremy brand wrote:
  Your Return-Path: header should have that email address.
 Thanks, but as stated in my post, all of my headers
 Return-Path included, are coming through correctly. Here is what I am
 using for my headers, is there something missing here?
   $headers .= "From: $sender_name $sender_address\n";
   $headers .= "X-Sender: $sender_address\n";
   $headers .= "X-Mailer: $version\n";
   $headers .= "Return-Path: $sender_address\n";
   $headers .= "Error-To: $sender_address\n";
 Robert Hough ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [PHP] Zend Optimizer

2001-01-15 Thread Alejandro Garin

--- Marcus Ouimet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have download the Zend Optimizer (Running Apache
 1.3.14 and PHP 4.04) and untarred it. Then I copied
 the ZendOptimizer.so to usr/local/Zend/lib Then I
 edited the PHP.ini and added:

 Somewhere near the top. Then I restarted the server
 using apachectl restart. I also tried stopping and
 starting as well. It still isn't running? Any ideas.
 Is there anything else that needs to be done?

with phpinfo() you see:

This program makes use of the Zend scripting language
Zend Engine v1.0.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Zend
with Zend Optimizer v0.99, Copyright (c)
1998-2000, by Zend Technologies


Ing. Alejandro Garín
Telecom Internet

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[PHP] calling perl from within php

2001-01-15 Thread Kevin McCarthy

Apologies if this is documented here, especially since it seems to be 
something commonly done, but I couldn't locate it.

My problem:

We are running PHP 4 on a Solaris 2.7 box with Apache 1.3.11 with mod_perl 
We need to communicate with 3rd-party Perl APIs from within PHP to handle 
processing of a form. The API functions each expect an associated array and 
will return a result value to the calling party.

I would assume that we would use exec( 'perl cgi-bin/myscript.pl', 
$assoc_array, $return_value) to do this, placing the perl script I write to 
handle the values in the server's cgi-bin directory.
If this seems right, I would see the array in the perl script by parsing 
out the array, getting the values and sending them to the API functions. 
When I get the returned value from the called perl function in the API, I 
return it by assigning it to the third parameter in the perl script.

I've worked with perl before, but it's been a while and I am trying to get 
back in the perl mind frame and I've never combined it with PHP so I could 
be off here.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA


Kevin McCarthy  Body  Soul

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Re: [PHP] mail() question

2001-01-15 Thread Robert Hough

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, jeremy brand wrote:
 So, does $sender_address have the email address that you want it
 returned to?  You didn't specifically say this, that is why I asked.

Sorry, yes it does. The message, if delivered properly, is fine. The
receiver can hit "Reply" and that works as intended. The From field also
displays correctly.

The problem happens when the message bounces. For whatever reason, if the
message bounces, it returns to nobody. Which, of course is what the web
server is running as.

Robert Hough ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: [PHP] mail() question

2001-01-15 Thread jeremy brand

Well, I don't know exactly what you mean by a bounce.  But, an
undelivered email will return to the Return-Path address.  

Why don't you forward the actuall email headers to the list and I can
look at them.


Jeremy Brand :: Sr. Software Engineer :: 408-245-9058 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Robert Hough wrote:

 Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 15:53:01 -0500 (EST)
 From: Robert Hough [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: jeremy brand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [PHP] mail() question
 On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, jeremy brand wrote:
  So, does $sender_address have the email address that you want it
  returned to?  You didn't specifically say this, that is why I asked.
 Sorry, yes it does. The message, if delivered properly, is fine. The
 receiver can hit "Reply" and that works as intended. The From field also
 displays correctly.
 The problem happens when the message bounces. For whatever reason, if the
 message bounces, it returns to nobody. Which, of course is what the web
 server is running as.
 Robert Hough ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] PDFLIB 3.0 PHP 4.04

2001-01-15 Thread Cal Evans

Has anyone gotten PHP 4.04 to compile with PDFLIB support?

I have successfully compiled pdflib and all of it's supporting libs. (It
runs the tests that come with it)

But when I ./configure php, I use:

./configure --with-pdflib=/usr/local/lib

And  in the output of configure I see:

checking whether to include Pdflib 3.x support... /usr/local/lib

I can't seem to figure out how to make it say YES!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: [PHP] Zend Optimizer

2001-01-15 Thread Marcus Ouimet

I did that and it only says:

This program makes use of the Zend scripting language engine:
Zend Engine v1.0.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Zend Technologies

And nothing about the optimizer. So I am assuming that it is not running?

- Original Message -
From: "Alejandro Garin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Marcus Ouimet" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "PHP"
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Zend Optimizer

 --- Marcus Ouimet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have download the Zend Optimizer (Running Apache
  1.3.14 and PHP 4.04) and untarred it. Then I copied
  the ZendOptimizer.so to usr/local/Zend/lib Then I
  edited the PHP.ini and added:
  Somewhere near the top. Then I restarted the server
  using apachectl restart. I also tried stopping and
  starting as well. It still isn't running? Any ideas.
  Is there anything else that needs to be done?

 with phpinfo() you see:

 This program makes use of the Zend scripting language
 Zend Engine v1.0.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Zend
 with Zend Optimizer v0.99, Copyright (c)
 1998-2000, by Zend Technologies


 Ing. Alejandro Garn
 Telecom Internet

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Re: [PHP] BC Math

2001-01-15 Thread jeremy brand

They do just what they say.

One drawback is that PHP can't natively handle these big numbers, so
the return values from these functions are of type string.


Jeremy Brand :: Sr. Software Engineer :: 408-245-9058 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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   "body"   -- Quoted from Yahoo! homepage, http://www.yahoo.com

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Nathan Cook wrote:

 Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 14:19:55 -0700
 From: Nathan Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [PHP] BC Math
 BC Math, Arbitrary Precision Numbers?
 Can someone shed some light on these functions for me?
 .:: Nathan Cook- Network/Security Admin
 office:  208.343.3110   - Web Programmer
 email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Qmail Admin
 pager:  208.387.9983   - MIS Admin
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[PHP] changing strings to float vars

2001-01-15 Thread bill

Sometimes clients put a dollar sign "$" in a form that only needs a
number (like "1.50").

Is there a way to take a post variable and automatically convert it to a
float value, stripping off any non-numeric characters?

I tried doubleval() without success and I can't use intval() because it
has decimals.

kind regards,


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[PHP] Perl regular expression bug

2001-01-15 Thread Shaun Thomas

This only applies to PHP 4.0.4

Back with PHP 4.0.2, I could do this:

$string = "[[";
$string = preg_replace("/(\W)/", "1", $string);

$string would then contain "\[\[".

Now, if I use that same code, $string contains "\\1\\1\\1\\1".

I tried to compensate for this using PHP's new ability to allow
perl syntax in the replace section.

$string = "[[";
$string = preg_replace("/(\W)/", "\\$1", $string);

That leaves $string with "\$1\$1\$1\$1".  Which tells me it thought
I was backreferencing the $.  So, to combat said assumption, I tried
three, four, even five slashes in front of $1, and nothing worked.
All I got were variations of "\$1\$1\$1\$1".

I have to assume this is a bug, since this worked back in 4.0.2 which
I stopped using due to segfaults under certain circumstances.


| Shaun M. ThomasINN Database Programmer  |
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[PHP] Array...

2001-01-15 Thread WreckRman2

How can I do an array like below 100-1?




Combat Flight Center

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RE: [PHP] looping

2001-01-15 Thread Jerry Lake

Thanks, (Ignacio)
I came up with this

if ($counter  "4") {
   $counter = "1";
echo "/trtr bgcolor=" . $colors[ $i ++ % count( $colors ) ] . "";
Jerry Lake

-Original Message-
From: Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 1:22 PM
To: Jerry Lake
Cc: PHP List
Subject: Re: [PHP] looping

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Jerry Lake wrote:

 excuse my density today
 my brain is still in weekend mode

 how would I make this loop put 4 or 5 items (haven't decided)
 per line instead of just one item and the checkbox on each line?

 echo "table border='1' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2'";

 while($myrow =  mysql_fetch_array($result2))
 $name = $myrow["name"];
 $personal_cost = $myrow["personal_cost"];
 $small_cost = $myrow["small_cost"];
 $large_cost = $myrow["large_cost"];
 $category = $myrow["category"];

 echo "tr";
 echo "td";
 echo $name;
 echo "/td";
 echo "tdinput type=checkbox name=topping
 echo "/tr";
 echo "/table";

 Jerry Lake

Join the club :)

define('PERLINE', 4); // or 5, depending on taste

echo "table border='1' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2'";
echo "tr";

while($myrow =  mysql_fetch_array($result2))
  echo "td";
  echo "/td";
  if (!($i%PERLINE) and ($numrows!=$i))
echo "/tr";
echo "/table";

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP] Array...

2001-01-15 Thread jeremy brand

for ($i=100; $i0; $i++)
  print "OPTION VALUE=\\\"$i\\\"/OPTION\n";

But, I presume you would rather do this:
for ($i=100; $i0; $i++)
  print "OPTION VALUE=\"$i\"/OPTION\n";

because I can't imagine why you would want to escape double quotes in


Jeremy Brand :: Sr. Software Engineer :: 408-245-9058 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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   "body"   -- Quoted from Yahoo! homepage, http://www.yahoo.com

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, WreckRman2 wrote:

 Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 16:48:21 -0500
 From: WreckRman2 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "'Php-General@Lists. Php. Net'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [PHP] Array...
 How can I do an array like below 100-1?
   Combat Flight Center
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Re: [PHP] PDFLIB 3.0 PHP 4.04

2001-01-15 Thread Jani Taskinen

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Cal Evans wrote:

But when I ./configure php, I use:

./configure --with-pdflib=/usr/local/lib

Leave the /lib part out..ie. use --with-pdflib=/usr/local


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Re: [PHP] Regex for telephone number

2001-01-15 Thread Alex Black

  case "phone_us":
   if(ereg("^([2-9][0-9]{2})([2-9][0-9]{2})([0-9]{4})$", $var)){
return TRUE;
set_stringtypes_error(throw_error3("lib_string_types_108", $var));

  case "phone_int":
   if(!preg_match("/[^0-9\(\)\-\. ]/", $var)){
return TRUE;
set_stringtypes_error(throw_error("lib_string_types_109", $var));

works good for us.

that's from the stringtypes lib in binarycloud. we're going to convert all
of that stuff to be stored as rules in XML... groovy changes are afoot!


Alex Black, Head Monkey

The Turing Studio, Inc.


Saul Zaentz Film Center
2600 Tenth St Suite 433
Berkeley, CA 94710-2522

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vikram Vaswani)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: 15 Jan 2001 04:23:51 -0800
 Subject: [PHP] Regex for telephone number
 Can someone help me out with a regex to validate a phone number?
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[PHP] checkboxes into MySQL

2001-01-15 Thread Jerry Lake

I know this has been discussed,
but it messing with me.

in a script I'm working on
I pull out an array of checkboxes
from a database,

how do I store what people select
back to the DB

all I end up with is the last selection
of the array.

Jerry Lake 

-Original Message-
From: jeremy brand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 1:57 PM
To: WreckRman2
Cc: 'Php-General@Lists. Php. Net'
Subject: Re: [PHP] Array...

for ($i=100; $i0; $i++)
  print "OPTION VALUE=\\\"$i\\\"/OPTION\n";

But, I presume you would rather do this:
for ($i=100; $i0; $i++)
  print "OPTION VALUE=\"$i\"/OPTION\n";

because I can't imagine why you would want to escape double quotes in


Jeremy Brand :: Sr. Software Engineer :: 408-245-9058 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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   "body"   -- Quoted from Yahoo! homepage, http://www.yahoo.com

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, WreckRman2 wrote:

 Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 16:48:21 -0500
 From: WreckRman2 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "'Php-General@Lists. Php. Net'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [PHP] Array...
 How can I do an array like below 100-1?
   Combat Flight Center
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[PHP] Basic SQL syntax

2001-01-15 Thread James, Yz

OK, I got a simple search page working (thanks to all of you who helped me).

Another simple question for you.  If I had a search  and the data to be
searched needs to be determined by check boxes, How would I write the sql?
Like this?

$sql = "SELECT * FROM table
  WHERE town LIKE '%$search_data%' OR street LIKE '%$search_data%' ";

Is "OR" even the correct syntax?  Here's how I tried it, which didn't give
any results.

(Where reference is the id number (or map reference) and search_data is the
text field for users to tpye the query.

if ($reference != "")
$search_reference = "OR id LIKE '%$reference%'";

$sql = "SELECT * FROM table
  WHERE town LIKE '%$search_data%' $search_reference";

$result = @mysql_query($sql,$connection)
 or die (mysql_error());

$num = mysql_num_rows($result);


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Re: [PHP] checkboxes into MySQL

2001-01-15 Thread jeremy brand

What I see is that the below is not an array of checkboxes (that would
be input type="checkbox" ..., not option ...).  Option ... are
part of a select

But, to make a checkbox be checked, you simply do this:
input type="checkbox" ... checked


Jeremy Brand :: Sr. Software Engineer :: 408-245-9058 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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   "body"   -- Quoted from Yahoo! homepage, http://www.yahoo.com

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Jerry Lake wrote:

 Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 14:03:00 -0800
 From: Jerry Lake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "'Php-General@Lists. Php. Net'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [PHP] checkboxes into MySQL
 I know this has been discussed,
 but it messing with me.
 in a script I'm working on
 I pull out an array of checkboxes
 from a database,
 how do I store what people select
 back to the DB
 all I end up with is the last selection
 of the array.
 Jerry Lake 
 -Original Message-
 From: jeremy brand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 1:57 PM
 To: WreckRman2
 Cc: 'Php-General@Lists. Php. Net'
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Array...
 for ($i=100; $i0; $i++)
   print "OPTION VALUE=\\\"$i\\\"/OPTION\n";
 But, I presume you would rather do this:
 for ($i=100; $i0; $i++)
   print "OPTION VALUE=\"$i\"/OPTION\n";
 because I can't imagine why you would want to escape double quotes in
 Jeremy Brand :: Sr. Software Engineer :: 408-245-9058 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 http://www.JeremyBrand.com/Jeremy/Brand/Jeremy_Brand.html for more 
 Get your own Free, Private email at http://www.smackdown.com/
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"body"   -- Quoted from Yahoo! homepage, http://www.yahoo.com
 On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, WreckRman2 wrote:
  Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 16:48:21 -0500
  From: WreckRman2 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "'Php-General@Lists. Php. Net'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [PHP] Array...
  How can I do an array like below 100-1?
  Combat Flight Center
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[PHP] password()

2001-01-15 Thread Jason Jacobs

Hi.  I use password() to excrypt my passwords when I'm adding users to my
mysql database.  I'm wondering if there's a function to use to un-encrypt it
(for a web interface to change the password, and so the admin who is editing
user info can see what it is).  Thanks for any help.


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[PHP] checkboxes into MySQL(trying again)

2001-01-15 Thread Jerry Lake

sorry about that,
I forgot to erase the old post

here is a chunk of the code I am using
//inclusion of pizza toppings from DB
$query = ("SELECT * FROM toppings");
$result2 = mysql_db_query($DBName, $query) or
die("Error in MySQL query");

echo "table border='1' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2'";
echo "tr bgcolor=" . $colors[ $i ++ % count( $colors ) ] . "";

$colors = array( '#e4e4e4', '#ff' );
$i = 0;

while($myrow =  mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
if ($counter  "4") {
   $counter = "1";
echo "/trtr bgcolor=" . $colors[ $i ++ % count( $colors ) ] . "";
$name = $myrow["name"];
$personal_cost = $myrow["personal_cost"];
$small_cost = $myrow["small_cost"];
$medium_cost = $myrow["medium_cost"];
$large_cost = $myrow["large_cost"];
$category = $myrow["category"];

echo "td valign=top align=left\r\n";
echo "input type=checkbox name=".$name." value=".$cost."".$name."/td";
echo "/td\r\n";
if ($counter  3) {
while ($counter  3) {
echo "tdnbsp;/td";
echo "/tr";

echo "/table";
// memory flush
//end topping section

Web Designer
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RE: [PHP] Date data type problem

2001-01-15 Thread Jason Murray

 while $date1 is in "mmdd" format but $date2 is in 
 "-mm-dd" formate because I get value of $date2 from a 
 "date" data type field from a table. 

Ah, see ... this is what I was talking about with making sure
they are in the same format :)

 Can I use this "-mm-dd" to compare with value from 
 another date variabile in the "mmdd" format?  If not 
 possible, How do I make both of them to be in the same format?

You can change -mm-dd to mmdd like this:

  $withoutdashes = ereg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $withdashes);

This wil actually remove everything from the string that is
not a number between 0 and 9 (ie, numbers).


Jason Murray
Web Design Team, Melbourne IT
Fetch the comfy chair!

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Re: [PHP] logging page views, which method is better????

2001-01-15 Thread Rick Widmer

And the answer about merging logs for webalizer is:

 Is there a way to create a combined report showing hits to a number of
 separate servers all handling the same web sites.

 I am guessing all you have to do is feed it each of the log files in
 turn, and make sure you don't duplicate them.  I think it requires not
 using incremental mode, but I hope you know for sure.  I am in the
 process of recommending it on the php-general mailing list.

Q: I have multiple load-balanced servers (or I'm using DNS round-robin
accoplish the same thing) and I want to generate one webalizer report
the whole farm, but each server generates its own log file.  When I
run webalizer on each of the logfiles in turn,  it ignores a lot of the
records because it thinks they're out of order!

A: You need to merge all of the logfiles together so that webalizer sees
the records in chronological order.  One good way to do that on the fly
with mergelog (http://mergelog.sourceforge.net/), a quick common logfile
sorter.  An example:

mergelog server1.log server2.log server3.log | webalizer

Bradford L. Barrett  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A free electron in a sea of neutrons DoD#1750 KD4NAW

The only thing Micro$oft has done for society, is make people
believe that computers are inherently unreliable.

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Re: [PHP] checkboxes into MySQL(trying again)

2001-01-15 Thread jeremy brand

Hi Jerry,

Feel free (as in GPL) to use my libHtmlForm functions.  This should
solve your problem.


See: html_input_checkbox() specifically.


Jeremy Brand :: Sr. Software Engineer :: 408-245-9058 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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   "body"   -- Quoted from Yahoo! homepage, http://www.yahoo.com

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Jerry Lake wrote:

 Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 14:11:18 -0800
 From: Jerry Lake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "'Php-General@Lists. Php. Net'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [PHP] checkboxes into MySQL(trying again)
 sorry about that,
 I forgot to erase the old post
 here is a chunk of the code I am using
 //inclusion of pizza toppings from DB
 $query = ("SELECT * FROM toppings");
 $result2 = mysql_db_query($DBName, $query) or
 die("Error in MySQL query");
 echo "table border='1' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2'";
 echo "tr bgcolor=" . $colors[ $i ++ % count( $colors ) ] . "";
 $colors = array( '#e4e4e4', '#ff' );
 $i = 0;
 while($myrow =  mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {
   if ($counter  "4") {
  $counter = "1";
   echo "/trtr bgcolor=" . $colors[ $i ++ % count( $colors ) ] . "";
 $name = $myrow["name"];
 $personal_cost = $myrow["personal_cost"];
 $small_cost = $myrow["small_cost"];
 $medium_cost = $myrow["medium_cost"];
 $large_cost = $myrow["large_cost"];
 $category = $myrow["category"];
 echo "td valign=top align=left\r\n";
 echo "input type=checkbox name=".$name." value=".$cost."".$name."/td";
 echo "/td\r\n";
 if ($counter  3) {
 while ($counter  3) {
   echo "tdnbsp;/td";
 echo "/tr";
 echo "/table";
 // memory flush
 //end topping section
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RE: [PHP] Re: [PHP-DEV] cookies and sessions security

2001-01-15 Thread Jason Murray

 Very good: keep the thing on a secure connection all the time, set a
 session id cookie and keep all user info (possibly including 
 remote ip) in the server's session db... (vulnerable to nothing I can 
 think of at the moment...)
 Wow, I never thought of using the remote IP!  Thanks for the tip. I 
 am going to use it today for an authentication system I'm building.

Careful. This will die in the butt if the client comes in from an ISP
using load-balancing proxy servers.


Jason Murray
Web Design Team, Melbourne IT
Fetch the comfy chair!

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Re: [PHP] Array...

2001-01-15 Thread Mark Maggelet

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001 13:57:04 -0800 (PST), jeremy brand
for ($i=100; $i0; $i++)
  print "OPTION VALUE=\\\"$i\\\"/OPTION\n";

But, I presume you would rather do this:
for ($i=100; $i0; $i++)
should be $i--

  print "OPTION VALUE=\"$i\"/OPTION\n";

or how about:

?for($i=100; $i0; $i--){?

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Re: [PHP] checkboxes into MySQL

2001-01-15 Thread Kevin McCarthy

it took me a while to find this out, too.

If you have say, 5 checkboxes, name them like so:

input type="checkbox" name="musicians[]" value="monk"
input type="checkbox" name="musicians[]" value="trane"
input type="checkbox" name="musicians[]" value="miles"
input type="checkbox" name="musicians[]" value="dizzy"
input type="checkbox" name="musicians[]" value="bird"

when submitted, in the script processing the form, check the array 
$musicians[]. The checked selections will be included as elements.

So if trane and bird were checked, you will have a 2-element array in 
$musicians[0] == "trane"
$musicians[1] == "bird"


At 02:03 PM 1/15/2001 -0800, Jerry Lake wrote:
I know this has been discussed,
but it messing with me.

in a script I'm working on
I pull out an array of checkboxes
from a database,

how do I store what people select
back to the DB

all I end up with is the last selection
of the array.

Jerry Lake

-Original Message-
From: jeremy brand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 1:57 PM
To: WreckRman2
Cc: 'Php-General@Lists. Php. Net'
Subject: Re: [PHP] Array...

for ($i=100; $i0; $i++)
   print "OPTION VALUE=\\\"$i\\\"/OPTION\n";

But, I presume you would rather do this:
for ($i=100; $i0; $i++)
   print "OPTION VALUE=\"$i\"/OPTION\n";

because I can't imagine why you would want to escape double quotes in


Jeremy Brand :: Sr. Software Engineer :: 408-245-9058 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"body"   -- Quoted from Yahoo! homepage, http://www.yahoo.com

On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, WreckRman2 wrote:

  Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 16:48:21 -0500
  From: WreckRman2 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "'Php-General@Lists. Php. Net'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [PHP] Array...
  How can I do an array like below 100-1?
Combat Flight Center
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Kevin McCarthy  Body  Soul

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Re: [PHP] changing strings to float vars

2001-01-15 Thread Steve Edberg

At 4:28 PM -0500 1/15/01, bill wrote:
Sometimes clients put a dollar sign "$" in a form that only needs a
number (like "1.50").

Is there a way to take a post variable and automatically convert it to a
float value, stripping off any non-numeric characters?

I tried doubleval() without success and I can't use intval() because it
has decimals.

kind regards,

$SanitizedNumber = ereg_replace('[^0-9.]', '', $NumberString);

If you really need to make this a float variable, then you can add

$Number = (float)$SanitizedNumber;

although in most cases PHP handles type conversion correctly on-the-fly.

- steve

+--- "They've got a cherry pie there, that'll kill ya" --+
| Steve Edberg   University of California, Davis |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Computer Consultant |
| http://aesric.ucdavis.edu/  http://pgfsun.ucdavis.edu/ |
+-- FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper ---+

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Re: [PHP] mail() question

2001-01-15 Thread mailing_list

I asked the same question some weeks ago!

The problem is, my root installed the mail-function so that "nobody" is
the owner of the send-process!

I wanted the same thing as you want - At last I did a workaround (not bad
for sending that small amount of mails I do):

I configured .procmailrc, so the mails I want to send are sent to my local
account (specific subject), and then sendmail is called (the mail is sent
with MY USER)! If I use headers like Error-To:, they now work as expected!!

I hope you understand my filthy english!

Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net

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Re: [PHP] Basic SQL syntax

2001-01-15 Thread James, Yz

""Johannes Janson"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
93vs9u$osj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:93vs9u$osj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 try this:
 $sql = "SELECT * FROM table
   WHERE town LIKE '%$search_data%' ";

 if ($reference != "")
   $sql .= "OR whatever";

Ah, so you can constantiate (right word?) the query?

Cool, Thanks ;)


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Re: [PHP] Basic SQL syntax

2001-01-15 Thread James, Yz

  Ah, so you can constantiate (right word?) the query?

 I don't know what you mean by 'constantiate', but glad to hear it worked

It did, thank you ;)

Someone pointed out where I'd gone wrong with the word privately:

 Ah, so you can constantiate (right word?) the query?

 concatenate :)

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[PHP] PHP FDF on Linux PPC

2001-01-15 Thread Erick Schmidt

Has anyone configured PHP to work with FDF on a PPC box?

If so, do you have any helpful hints that may get me up and running.

Thanks for the help.


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[PHP] Magic Quotes - Problems with Inconsistent Behavior removing Slashes

2001-01-15 Thread Roy

I'm seeing strange behavior with Magic Quotes in PHP on my ISP hosted 
accounts. Basically, it's not consistently removing the escaped backslashes 
before displaying.

For instance, take the following piece database text (stored in, say, a 
character field)

It's fun to be a penguin.

If I do a simple retrieve and echo on a webpage, I will get the following 
80% of the time..

It's fun to be a penguin.

But, the other 20% of the time I get

It\'s fun to be a penguin.

There's something inconsistent about the way MagicQuotes are removed by the 
system...it's as if the system gets "busy" or the cache gets flushed before 
PHP gets the opportunity to unescape the single quotes.

Is anyone else seeing this behavior and has any suggestions on how to make 
it work more consistent? Yes, I've been including "stripslashes" to try to 
make SURE that these slashes get removed, but that doesn't work all the 
time EITHER.


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Re: [PHP] mail() question

2001-01-15 Thread Robert Hough

Quick update, for anyone interested...

I managed to answer my own question, but I'd still like to thank everyone
that replied, it did lead me to the right place. What I ended up doing was
using sendmail with the -f option. This did require me to add a new
trusted user to my sendmail.cf though.

Once that was done, I just used popen to dump the message to
sendmail. Here's the ugly/incomplete version of the code. If you can't
figure it out, or want to see the exacts let me know off list, and I'll
send it to ya in the morning (read, give me time to clean it up).

$mailer = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i [EMAIL PROTECTED]";

$fd = popen($mailer, "w");
 fputs($fd, "$headers");
 fputs($fd, "$message");

Robert Hough ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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[PHP] is_dir

2001-01-15 Thread Pat Hanna

I have a snipet of code i'm using for a file maintanance program. I have no
idea why but when the main loop repeats, the is_dir function doesn't return
true even though it prints out a directory in the server.

$file=readdir($handle); //to get rid of "." and ".."
if (is_dir($file)){
tr bgcolor="?php
if ($j==0)
echo "ff";
else if ($j==1)
echo "cf";
tda href="website?php echo $file;?/?php echo
td?php echo $file2;?/td
tda href="deleteimage.php3?file=?php echo $file2;?root=?php echo
tr bgcolor="?php
if ($j==0)
echo "ff";
else if ($j==1)
echo "cf";
tda href="website?php echo $file;?"[view]/a/td
td?php echo $file;?/td
tda href="deleteimage.php3?file=?php echo

the script will print out the contents of the first directory but then the
others are never opened, just printed out.



[PHP-CVS] cvs: php4 /pear/XML Render.php

2001-01-15 Thread Sean Grimes

metallicMon Jan 15 16:27:34 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/php4/pear/XML  Render.php 
  Added a method to call the HTML and PDF rendering modes(not implemented yet).
  Added the parse function which should allow for finer XML parsing.
  The XML file contents are now stored in a var available to the entire class.
  Added a wrapper around setInputFile() and setInput()
  # This class still has a long ways to go, but this is a start.
Index: php4/pear/XML/Render.php
diff -u php4/pear/XML/Render.php:1.1 php4/pear/XML/Render.php:1.2
--- php4/pear/XML/Render.php:1.1Fri Jan 12 15:01:19 2001
+++ php4/pear/XML/Render.phpMon Jan 15 16:27:34 2001
@@ -16,31 +16,112 @@
 // +-+
 // |  Authors:  Sean Grimes [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
 // +-+
+// $Id: Render.php,v 1.2 2001/01/16 00:27:34 metallic Exp $
-* Render class for rendering HTML. This class inherits 
-* everything from XML_Parser, taking the variables that
-* were parsed and rendering the file appropriatly.
+* Render class for rendering from XML. 
+* This class should render documents from xml.
+* The intended rendering modes will be HTML and
+* the Adobe PDF format. Maybe at some point I 
+* will make it possible to take a document from
+* HTML to PDF, but this is unlikely. 
 * @author Sean Grimes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-class XML_Render extends XML_Parser {
+/*** Todo ***
+ ** - Implement the HTML and PDF rendering modes
+ ** - Extend the parse() function to what is needed
+ ** - Implement filesystem commands
+ ** - Come up with the XML language syntax
+ ** - Provide a better class interface 
+ ** - Do some debugging
-   function Render_HTML() {
+require_once "Parser.php";
-   }
+class XML_Render extends XML_Parser {
-   function _Render_HTML() {
+var $data; // holds the file contents
-   }
+   function XML_Render($charset = 'UTF-8', $mode = "event") {
+   $this-XML_Parser($charset, $mode);
-   function Open($file) {
+   }
-   $fpointer = fopen($file, "w+");
+   /**
+   * Set the input file.
+   *
+   * This overrides XML_Parser::setInputFile(),
+   * and creates a wrapper around XML_Parser::setInputFile()
+   * and XML_Parser::inputFile(). The functions are so similar
+   * that its confusing me(hint: document XML_Parser).
+   *
+   * @access public
+   * @param $file file to be input
+   */
+   function setInputFile($file) {
+   $fp = @fopen($file, "r");
+   if (is_resource($fp)) {
+   $this-fp = $fp;
+   return $this-setInput($file);
+   } else {
+   return new XML_Parser_Error($php_errormsg); // ??
+   }
+   }
+* Parses the document
+* This function extends the capabilities of the 
+* parse function in XML/Parser.php. The only real
+* notable change is the addition of a command to 
+* store the contents of the file to a variable to
+* make it available to the entire class
+function parse() {
+if(!is_resource($this-fp)) {
+return new XML_Parser_Error("no input");
+if (!is_resource($this-parser)) {
+return new XML_Parser_Error("no parser");
+while ($data = fread($this-fp, 2048)) {
+$err = $this-parseString($data, $feof($this-fp));
+if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
+return $err;
+$this-data = $data;
+return $true;
+   /**
+   * Renders the XML document.
+   *
+   * This function really isnt implemented yet. 
+   * Basically, I just added the calls for the HTML
+   * and PDF subclass rendering modes. I'm hoping this
+   * class will be easily built onto over PEAR's lifetime.
+   *
+   * @param $mode Rendering mode. Defaults to HTML.
+   * @author Sean Grimes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+   */
+   function render($mode = 'HTML') {
+   if($mode == 'HTML') {
+   $html = new XML_Render_HTML();
+   $html-render();
+   }
+   if($mode == 'PDF') {
+   $pdf = new XML_Render_PDF();
+   $pdf-render();
+   } else {
+   $message = "Error. Unsupported rendering mode.";
+   new PEAR_Error($message, 0, PEAR_ERROR_RETURN, E_USER_NOTIFY);
+   }
+   }

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Re: [PHP] password()

2001-01-15 Thread Chris Lee

simple answer is no. the only way to decrypt the passwd is to run it through
a cracker. All admins are used to this and know that if a user has lost a
passwd that they are going to have to give them a new one, finding the old
just isnt work one week of processing time :)

Im curious to see how other php developers store their passwd's
-plain text in db
-use of unix password()
-use of db password()
-other ?

Chris Lee

""Jason Jacobs"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi.  I use password() to excrypt my passwords when I'm adding users to my
 mysql database.  I'm wondering if there's a function to use to un-encrypt
 (for a web interface to change the password, and so the admin who is
 user info can see what it is).  Thanks for any help.


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RE: [PHP] password() ::: and it's return...

2001-01-15 Thread Maxim Maletsky

Instead I am curious how other developers on this list are returning the
MD5, password() or whatever in permanently encrypted passwords...

What are procedures and what is the way the return process work?
Any tricks/tips to share with all of us?

Maxim Maletsky

-Original Message-
From: Chris Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] password()

simple answer is no. the only way to decrypt the passwd is to run it through
a cracker. All admins are used to this and know that if a user has lost a
passwd that they are going to have to give them a new one, finding the old
just isnt work one week of processing time :)

Im curious to see how other php developers store their passwd's
-plain text in db
-use of unix password()
-use of db password()
-other ?

Chris Lee

""Jason Jacobs"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi.  I use password() to excrypt my passwords when I'm adding users to my
 mysql database.  I'm wondering if there's a function to use to un-encrypt
 (for a web interface to change the password, and so the admin who is
 user info can see what it is).  Thanks for any help.


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2001-01-15 Thread Josh G

Unlink works on some installations, not others. I think it works on NT
but not 95 or perhaps the other way around. Why is this? Unlink is
hardly an unsupported system call in windows! Anybody know?

Gfunk -  http://www.gfunk007.com/

I sense much beer in you. Beer leads to intoxication, intoxication to
hangovers, and hangovers to... suffering.

- Original Message -
From: "Chris Lee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 12:47 PM

 are you running php in safemode?

 according to
 unlink() may not work with windows servers, I have no personal experience
 with windows so I can not confirm this.

 have you tried
 this might be better suited.

 Chris Lee

 "Mike Yuen" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I am trying to allow various users to upload their own picture.  What I
  would like to happen is to have the copy statement rename the .jpg
  image to the username.  For example, if the username is mike, then I
  the picture to be renamed mike.jpg
  The following is a snippet of code:
  print "$CUserName" //ensures name is carried over from session
  print "Your picture has been uploaded!";
  print "Error";
  The errors I get are as follows:
  Warning: unable to open " for reading: Permission denied in
  c:\phpweb/fuploadconfirm.php on line 15
  Warning: Unlink failed (No such file or directory) in
  c:\phpweb/fuploadconfirm.php on line 31
  Line 15 is the if copy($userfile) line in the above code
  Line 31 is the unlink statement at the end.
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2001-01-15 Thread Alexander Wagner

Josh G wrote:
 Unlink works on some installations, not others. I think it works on NT
 but not 95 or perhaps the other way around. Why is this? Unlink is
 hardly an unsupported system call in windows! Anybody know?

Unlink comes from UNIX so it's probably supported by NT rather than Win9x.
This is just a guess, though.


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Re: [PHP] password() ::: and it's return...

2001-01-15 Thread Josh G

I'm not sure I understand the question. What exactly do you mean? Are
you talking about returning it from the client already encrypted? Not sure
if anybody does that, as JS doesn't have a whole lot of useful encryption
stuff in it, and iirc the md5() algorith is rather lengthy.

Gfunk -  http://www.gfunk007.com/

I sense much beer in you. Beer leads to intoxication, intoxication to
hangovers, and hangovers to... suffering.

- Original Message -
From: "Maxim Maletsky" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 1:01 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] password() ::: and it's return...

 Instead I am curious how other developers on this list are returning the
 MD5, password() or whatever in permanently encrypted passwords...

 What are procedures and what is the way the return process work?
 Any tricks/tips to share with all of us?

 Maxim Maletsky

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 10:53 AM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] password()

 simple answer is no. the only way to decrypt the passwd is to run it
 a cracker. All admins are used to this and know that if a user has lost a
 passwd that they are going to have to give them a new one, finding the old
 just isnt work one week of processing time :)

 Im curious to see how other php developers store their passwd's
 -plain text in db
 -use of unix password()
 -use of db password()
 -other ?

 Chris Lee

 ""Jason Jacobs"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Hi.  I use password() to excrypt my passwords when I'm adding users to
  mysql database.  I'm wondering if there's a function to use to
  (for a web interface to change the password, and so the admin who is
  user info can see what it is).  Thanks for any help.
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RE: [PHP] password() ::: and it's return...

2001-01-15 Thread Maxim Maletsky

Yeah, in fact that's my point. If you cannot decrypt a password, there's no
way to return it , right?
So how come these "big guys" DO return it to you?
And what is the most secure way for it. Some of these companies deal with
finances, the security is a REAL issue over there...

Maxim Maletsky

-Original Message-
From: Chris Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] password() ::: and it's return...

sites do though. many sites allow me to click some link and they email me my
passwd in case Ive forgoten it. ICQ.com even does this.

Chris Lee

""Josh G"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm not sure I understand the question. What exactly do you mean? Are
 you talking about returning it from the client already encrypted? Not sure
 if anybody does that, as JS doesn't have a whole lot of useful encryption
 stuff in it, and iirc the md5() algorith is rather lengthy.

 Gfunk -  http://www.gfunk007.com/

 I sense much beer in you. Beer leads to intoxication, intoxication to
 hangovers, and hangovers to... suffering.

 - Original Message -
 From: "Maxim Maletsky" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 1:01 PM
 Subject: RE: [PHP] password() ::: and it's return...

  Instead I am curious how other developers on this list are returning the
  MD5, password() or whatever in permanently encrypted passwords...
  What are procedures and what is the way the return process work?
  Any tricks/tips to share with all of us?
  Maxim Maletsky
  -Original Message-
  From: Chris Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 10:53 AM
  Subject: Re: [PHP] password()
  simple answer is no. the only way to decrypt the passwd is to run it
  a cracker. All admins are used to this and know that if a user has lost
  passwd that they are going to have to give them a new one, finding the
  just isnt work one week of processing time :)
  Im curious to see how other php developers store their passwd's
  -plain text in db
  -use of unix password()
  -use of db password()
  -other ?
  Chris Lee
  ""Jason Jacobs"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   Hi.  I use password() to excrypt my passwords when I'm adding users to
   mysql database.  I'm wondering if there's a function to use to
   (for a web interface to change the password, and so the admin who is
   user info can see what it is).  Thanks for any help.
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2001-01-15 Thread Alexander Wagner

Josh G wrote:
 A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, and I'm sure I
 remember deleting files back in my old dos days, not to mention
 win95 ;-)

Um, I suppose every OS does. (I deleted one file or another as well)
However this was about unlink, wasn't it? Unlink, basically, is a UNIX 
I don't really know how PHP-unlink works but it is possible that it simply 
won't work in a non-UNIX-environment. NT in a few ways is pretty close to 
UNIX so it may work here as well. Closer than 9x, anyway.

Be warned.
This whole mail is based on guesses.
If you wanna know, try it, or ask someone who did.


One maniac alone can do what 20 together cannot

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RE: [PHP] password() ::: and it's return...

2001-01-15 Thread Maxim Maletsky

that's very true, you put in the risk the others accounts

Maxim Maletsky

-Original Message-
From: Josh G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 11:32 AM
To: PHP User Group
Subject: Re: [PHP] password() ::: and it's return...

Well it's up to you wether or not to encrypt passwords, but it's very
irresponsible not to. If somebody cracks your system, chances are
they'll get passwords that can be used on accounts your users have
in other places, so your customers suffer more than they should for
your lax in security.

People say "but if they're in my db then the damage is done" but
you're not the only one out there, and like it or not, there's no way
anybody can manage a different password on every damned site
that makes you sign up.

Gfunk -  http://www.gfunk007.com/

I sense much beer in you. Beer leads to intoxication, intoxication to
hangovers, and hangovers to... suffering.

- Original Message -
From: "Maxim Maletsky" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] password() ::: and it's return...

 Yeah, in fact that's my point. If you cannot decrypt a password, there's
 way to return it , right?
 So how come these "big guys" DO return it to you?
 And what is the most secure way for it. Some of these companies deal with
 finances, the security is a REAL issue over there...

 Maxim Maletsky

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 11:16 AM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] password() ::: and it's return...

 sites do though. many sites allow me to click some link and they email me
 passwd in case Ive forgoten it. ICQ.com even does this.

 Chris Lee

 ""Josh G"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I'm not sure I understand the question. What exactly do you mean? Are
  you talking about returning it from the client already encrypted? Not
  if anybody does that, as JS doesn't have a whole lot of useful
  stuff in it, and iirc the md5() algorith is rather lengthy.
  Gfunk -  http://www.gfunk007.com/
  I sense much beer in you. Beer leads to intoxication, intoxication to
  hangovers, and hangovers to... suffering.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Maxim Maletsky" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 1:01 PM
  Subject: RE: [PHP] password() ::: and it's return...
   Instead I am curious how other developers on this list are returning
   MD5, password() or whatever in permanently encrypted passwords...
   What are procedures and what is the way the return process work?
   Any tricks/tips to share with all of us?
   Maxim Maletsky
   -Original Message-
   From: Chris Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 10:53 AM
   Subject: Re: [PHP] password()
   simple answer is no. the only way to decrypt the passwd is to run it
   a cracker. All admins are used to this and know that if a user has
   passwd that they are going to have to give them a new one, finding the
   just isnt work one week of processing time :)
   Im curious to see how other php developers store their passwd's
   -plain text in db
   -use of unix password()
   -use of db password()
   -other ?
   Chris Lee
   ""Jason Jacobs"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
Hi.  I use password() to excrypt my passwords when I'm adding users
mysql database.  I'm wondering if there's a function to use to
(for a web interface to change the password, and so the admin who is
user info can see what it is).  Thanks for any help.
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[PHP] How do I do to update part of a string?

2001-01-15 Thread Romulo Roberto Pereira

I have a big string. How can I do to find some text inside and modify that
text? I was thinking about ereg_replace(). But it is capable to handle big
chuncks of text? If yes, it will notbe too heavy for theserver? Any other

Thank you,


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2001-01-15 Thread php-general-digest-help

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On my webserver I want to switch to enable safe_mode setup, but not for
all directories.
1) I have one common directory, in which I have some root-owned files with
   the header and footer of our lab. I want to allow all users to include
   these files to easily make them look similar :-)
2) Besides this directory I would prefer safe_mode.

Unfortunately, when enabling safe_mode, requirement 1 fails, as the user's
web-pages are owned by the users themselves. They are colleagues with a
shell account, so include() must fail because of the different uid.

I did not manage to work around safe_mode in a partial manner (e.g. by
using "php_admin_value safe_mode Off" in a Directory ... statement),
I could only globally swith on and off safe_mode.

Are there any recommondations on how to allow for the partial use of

Many thanks in advance,
BTU Cottbus   http://www.aet.TU-Cottbus.DE/personen/jaenicke/
Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Elektrotechnik  Tel. +49 355 69-4129
Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus  Fax. +49 355 69-4153

The way you want to do this is with UNIX timestamps. FYI a timestamp is the
number of seconds starting at 1970 and going up (it's important to remember 
that date - since some people were born before, etc.)

So you need to do this:
  $dateA = '12-25-1999';
  $dateB = '12-24-1999';
  // convert to unix time stamps
  $fooA = explode('-',$dateA);
  $fooB = explode('-',$dateB);
  $timestampA = mktime(0,0,0,$fooA[0],$fooA[1],$fooA[0]);
  $timestampB = mktime(0,0,0,$fooB[0],$fooB[1],$fooB[0]);
  if($timestampA  $timestampB)
echo $dateA . " is greater than B"; 

Hope this helps - you can also check out this page:



On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 12:00:05PM -0600, Jacky@lilst wrote:
 Greeting all,
 Just now I asked about to tie string values together and would like to thank
 Jason for that. Anyway one more thing, after I have tied string values
 together and assigned that to a virables. can I used the value from that
 variables to compare with another date value? Say another date value I will
 use is also retrieved from a field in table which is in Date data type as
 well. So it will be like
 $query = "select myBirthdate from date where userId='1' ";
 $dateResult =mysql_query($query);
 $myBirthDate = (mysql_result($dateResult,0,"myBirthdate"));
 $thisBirthdate = "$year"."$month"."$day";
 if ($thisBirthdate  $myBirthdate) {
 do something
 } else {
  do some other thing
 Is it the correct way to do that?
 "There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for
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Joe Stump, PHP Hacker

Yes - it may work like you are saying, but I would use a timestamp to be sure.
You can make comparisons on regular date formats from within MySQL with the
date or datetime fields.


On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 12:39:13PM -0600, Jacky@lilst wrote:
 all right, now I have both date values in the same format (/mm/dd), say
 $Date1 = 20010115 and $Date2 =20010120. If what I want is to find out if
 $Date1 come before $Date2, can I just use this sniplet below?
 if ($Date1  $Date2) {
 } else {
 Do I still need to use mktime() for this purpose?
 "There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for
 - Original Message -
 From: Jason Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 11:37 PM
 Subject: RE: [PHP] date comparison
   can I used the value from that variables to compare with another
   date value? Say another date value I will use is also retrieved
   from a field in table which is in Date data type as well.
  When you get into this stuff, it all starts getting a lot more
  If you want to compare two fields, make sure they're in the same format.
  Basically, make sure you use four digit years and two digit months and
  days to create your birthday fields, so they look like (for example, with
  today's date, 20010115 instead of 2001115 - that second one could really
  be anything).
  If you're sure you're storing the birthdays properly, you can then cut
  the strings up when you pull them out of the databas

Re: [PHP] Problems sending to several recipients with mail() using WIN NT and Apache

2001-01-15 Thread Richard Lynch

 I'm using Apache 1.3.14 on WIN NT, and can't send mail to more than one
 recipient using the PHP-mail command.

 I've checked php.ini, and everything seems to be fine...

 This is an example that won't work (but should have worked..?)

 mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]","subject","content");

 This one however turns out fine:

 mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]","subject","content");

 I have also tried to "manipulate" the header with "cc:", but no copy
 arrives, only the one in the "to:" field.

The To: parameter technically is only required to accept one (1) email.

Many mail programs will accept multiple recipients there and DWIM and Cc:
them.  Your mail program is apparently not one of those.

The Cc: thing with the extra headers should work on all compliant mail

$headers = "Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\n";
$headers .= "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\n";
$headers .= "Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\n";

mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "subject", "content", $headers);

Note that \r\n is spec, but many mail programs also accept \n only and DWIM.
I'm guessing yours doesn't and that's what messed you up...

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Re: [PHP] Netscape differences?

2001-01-15 Thread Richard Lynch

Try sending the various "no-cache" and "expiration" headers.  You can find
more details in code archive samples linked from:


Naturally, IE and Netscape don't agree on which headers mean what, so you
have to send at least twice as many as you'd expect.

Am I the only one that wants to put all the IE and Netscape engineers on an
island and not let them off until their specs agree?...  Sort of like
"Survivor" :-)

- Original Message -
From: Joel Dossey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 3:11 PM
Subject: [PHP] Netscape differences?

 I have a php script that generates a random image. All
 images are kept in a mysql table. It works fine when
 viewed by IE, but Netscape, and Lynx, always show the
 same image. The database information, however, is
 changed as it should be (correctly incrementing the
 times seen column for the image), and on refresh all
 information goes as it should, except for randomly
 selecting an image.
  This may be an apache caching problem, but I was
 wondering if anyone has run into this working with php
 in general, and what solutions I need to explore.

 Thanks much,
 Joel Dossey

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Re: [PHP] Missing function virtual () ???

2001-01-15 Thread Richard Lynch

 compiled PHP3/PHP4 as external CGI under Apache.


 Does is not work in a CGI-PHP ?

Correct.  virtual() cannot work in CGI.

You'll have to use some combination of exec()/fopen()/popen() to achieve
what you need.

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