[PHP] Re: Class/functions question

2006-02-12 Thread M. Sokolewicz

Paul Goepfert wrote:

Hi all,

I building a website with PHP.  I am going to be using functions to
deal with vaildation.  I am putting all the methods in a class called
Validation.  My problem is I do not know how to call the function. 
Well I shouldn't say that.  I know how to call functlions, I just just

don't know how to do it in PHP.  Let me put it this way.  When I write
programs in C++/Java I know that I have to do the following steps,

create an object reference to the class
use the object reference to access the methods.

I am almost certain that it is the same thing in PHP.  So this is what
I did in my web page.

if (isset($submit))
//validation code
class Validation
function checkEmpty ($var)
if (empty($var))
echo YEAH It works!!;

td align=leftFirst Name/td
td align=left
span class=color*/spaninput type=text name=name 
$v = new Validation;

... = rest of php/html code

the else block holds the entire html code for the page

Do I have the logic right?


Yes and no. Yes, you're calling it correctly, and no because when submit 
is set, your php scipt will have a class called Validation, and no HTML 
is being sent to output. On the other hand, when submit is not set, you 
output a bunch of HTML, but never define your class, and thus will get a 
couple of errors from it.

- tul

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Re: [PHP] Class/functions question

2006-02-12 Thread Chris Shiflett

Paul Goepfert wrote:

I know how to call functlions, I just just don't know how to
do it in PHP.

Based on the rest of your question, I think you mean methods, not 
functlions. :-)

If you're struggling with syntax, you should take one step at a time. 
Try this:


class myClass
function myMethod()
echo 'pmyMethod()/p';

$myObject = new myClass;



That should help you with any syntax problems, but I suspect your 
problem has more to do with logic than with syntax.

if (isset($submit))
   class Validation

/* ... */


/* ... */

   $v = new Validation;

If the form is submitted, define the class, else use the class. That 
doesn't sound right...

Hope that helps.


Chris Shiflett
Brain Bulb, The PHP Consultancy

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Re: [PHP] Re: Clone of the concurrent users limit of Zend Encoder 4.0 ?

2006-02-12 Thread Mark Charette

Let me give an example:

on fileplanet.com, they have something so called download slot and 
lines. They limit the number of concurrent downloads. If there are 
too many users, they will disallow new user to download their files. 
As I know, they do it with custom HTTP server.
Not so custom ... Apache has quite a few bandwidth limiting modules. I 
use mod_bandwidth to accomplish this.

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[PHP] Flatfile forum?

2006-02-12 Thread Nicholas Couloute
I am interested in creating a flatfile database forum! How would I go 
about doing this. I know it has been done before! I want to make one 
from the ground up!

~Nick Couloute
co-owner/Web Designer

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[PHP] memory leak when referencing associative arrays

2006-02-12 Thread Gonzalo MC

Hi all,

I'm having some pain with this process. I'll try to explain it well, my 
english is little bad... :-)

I've got two main loops, handled by timeouts.  One loop calls to an 
object method every half second to do a computation. It reads from 
external device, creates helper arrays for calculations, and then 
creates/updates another array where the final calculations are stored.  
In the other loop, fired by events or some circunstances, I loop thru 
the calculations array and get the new state for some values. This is 
not done on the same object.

I'm having some memory leak trouble while doing that from within objects 
using global variables to store the associative arraya, so it seems to 
me that some references are keep by php to these data I do generate and 
destroy or update on each computation loop, and that memory it is not 
freed anytime until program execution ends. 

If I do the same computation, but I don't do the data lookups to the 
associative arrays, the memory is normaly fred as expected -I noticed 
the same trouble with this that depends on how the arrays are handled or 
accesed before deleting them, when trying to test for that problem-. But 
if I do the array lookups (i mean with this to do a loop to the array to 
get all item updates ...) to data is being processed / updated from 
other objects, the trouble I explained begin...

It is somewhat complex to give an example to reproduce the whole 
thing...   Notice I use php4.4.1, and sadly, it is a long running script 
as it handles some phpgtk interface.

I noticed the same results when converting these global variables to 
local object properties, sadly. It is possible on PHP4 to call on 
runtime to the garbage collector? possibly via a php extension / C code?

Does the php garbage collector keep track of uncollectable objects / 
zvals as python gc does?

It is some way to freed some memory I know it should be really 
unreferenced?  Some thing like a manual force to the garbage collection 
of a zval -associative array at php level-?

Perhaps should I use a different mechanism for storing the associative 
arrays so I could not suffer this issue?

If my trouble is not very clear, please don't hesitate to ask me.

Thanks in advance.


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[PHP] Smart anti-aliasing

2006-02-12 Thread tedd


I know how to create a watermark by simply imposing one image on 
another via imagecopy() or imagecopymerge().

However, is there a way to place a watermark on a image such that the 
watermark is actually anti-aliased against the background of the base 

For example, please review:


The centered watermark is clearly problematic because it was 
originally generated with anti-aliasing ON over a white background -- 
and thus white pixels are shown mixed throughout.

I could turn off the original anti-aliasing in generating the 
original watermark, but then I get a jagged watermark that looks just 
about as bad.

So, what I am asking is there a way to place text on an existing 
image such that the anti-aliasing adjust (i.e., smart) to the 
background of the image?

One of the possible solutions I was thinking was to create an image 
and then draw text on top of it, via something like this:

Header (Content-type: image/gif);
$im = imagecreate (150, 150);
$background = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 238, 238, 238);
$text_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 00, 51, 102);
	ImageTTFText ($im, 20, 45, 30, 130, $text_color, 
arial.ttf,copyright 2006);

ImageGif ($im);
ImageDestroy ($im);

But, it's not an image that's imported and the background in only one 
color. So, is there a way to load an image and then draw smart 
anti-aliased text on top of it?

Many thanks to all who reply.




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Re: [PHP] Smart anti-aliasing

2006-02-12 Thread Curt Zirzow
On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 01:40:42PM -0500, tedd wrote:
 I know how to create a watermark by simply imposing one image on 
 another via imagecopy() or imagecopymerge().
 However, is there a way to place a watermark on a image such that the 
 watermark is actually anti-aliased against the background of the base 
 For example, please review:

Create the image you are going to watermark with as a PNG, png
doesn't suffer the issues of the antialiasing issues like GIF.

You just want to make sure you use the function:


On the original image before you apply the watermark in your merge.

  $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($source_file);
  imagealphablending($image, true)
  $watermark = imagecreatefrompng($watermark_file);

and then just do your imagecopymerge() normally


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RE: [PHP] unsupported binary characters in database,

2006-02-12 Thread Mark Steudel
Hmmm ... I guess that's an idea. Any other ways of dealing with this?  

-Original Message-
From: Webmaster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006 6:06 PM
To: Mark Steudel
Subject: Re: [PHP] unsupported binary characters in database,

Mark Steudel wrote:
 I have the following encryption function:

 function RC4( $data) { //ecncrypt $data with the key in $keyfile with 
 an rc4 algorithm
 $pwd = implode('', file(/key.php'));
 $pwd_length = strlen($pwd);
 for ($i = 0; $i  255; $i++) {
   $key[$i] = ord(substr($pwd, ($i % $pwd_length)+1, 1));
 $counter[$i] = $i;
 for ($i = 0; $i  255; $i++) {
 $x = ($x + $counter[$i] + $key[$i]) % 256;
 $temp_swap = $counter[$i];
 $counter[$i] = $counter[$x];
 $counter[$x] = $temp_swap;
 for ($i = 0; $i  strlen($data); $i++) {
 $a = ($a + 1) % 256;
 $j = ($j + $counter[$a]) % 256;
 $temp = $counter[$a];
 $counter[$a] = $counter[$j];
 $counter[$j] = $temp;
 $k = $counter[(($counter[$a] + $counter[$j]) % 256)];
 $Zcipher = ord(substr($data, $i, 1)) ^ $k;
 $Zcrypt .= chr($Zcipher);
 return $Zcrypt;
 source: zend code gallery
 When I encrypt a string that ends in e it shows up as a space in the 
 database, when I pull it back out of the database, the string is 
 missing the e. I tried converting the field in the database to a blob 
 and that didn't work either. My next idea is to add a bin2hex and then a
 function hex2bin($hexdata) { 
   for ($i=0;$istrlen($hexdata);$i+=2) { 

   return $bindata;
 source: phil at internetprojectmanagers dot com
 I was hoping to get some feedback if this is a good way to go about this.

 Thanks, Mark

Just add a different letter to the end of the string.  So long as it isn't
e it should be ok yeah?

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RE: [PHP] Flatfile forum?

2006-02-12 Thread Weber Sites LTD
Sorry for the lame question :)

But why?

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-Original Message-
From: Nicholas Couloute [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 5:35 PM
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP] Flatfile forum?

I am interested in creating a flatfile database forum! How would I go about
doing this. I know it has been done before! I want to make one from the
ground up!
~Nick Couloute
co-owner/Web Designer

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[PHP] PHP function called by onclick

2006-02-12 Thread Alain Roger

I have a link in my web page and when user click on this link, i would like
to execute a PHP function with a parameter.
how can i do it ?

ex :
function lang($language)
  $lg = $language;


A href=?php lang(eng);?test/A

but this does not work :-(
thanks for help.


[PHP] What's the average color?

2006-02-12 Thread tedd

Hi gang:

Given an image, what's the average color?

Here's an example:


I would think that one could load an image (or a portion of it) and 
then go through it pixel by pixel to determine what the average RBG 
content would be. Is there a routine for that?




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Re: [PHP] Smart anti-aliasing

2006-02-12 Thread tedd

Create the image you are going to watermark with as a PNG, png
doesn't suffer the issues of the antialiasing issues like GIF.

You just want to make sure you use the function:


On the original image before you apply the watermark in your merge.

  $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($source_file);
  imagealphablending($image, true)
  $watermark = imagecreatefrompng($watermark_file);

and then just do your imagecopymerge() normally




First, thanks for helping.

Second, I wasn't using a GIF -- my copyright was a png and my image was a jpg.

Third, the following is my code, I think I'm following what you said 
-- but something is wrong -- the problem remains as shown here:


--- code follows ---


imagealphablending($original, true);


imagecopymerge($original, $watermark, ($osx-$wsx)/2, ($osy-$wsy)/2, 
0, 0, $wsx, $wsy,100);

imagepng($original, trans.png);



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Re: [PHP] Flatfile forum?

2006-02-12 Thread Rory Browne
I'm not sure what you mean.

10 different programmers would do this 10 different ways.

Personally I'd create a forum-data manipulation API, and then create a
frontend to access this.

I suggest you abstract the data access routines into an API of its own, so
that when you come to your senses, you can change it to a proper db.

-Original Message-
 From: Nicholas Couloute [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 5:35 PM
 To: php-general@lists.php.net
 Subject: [PHP] Flatfile forum?

 I am interested in creating a flatfile database forum! How would I go
 doing this. I know it has been done before! I want to make one from the
 ground up!
 ~Nick Couloute
 co-owner/Web Designer

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Re: [PHP] PHP function called by onclick

2006-02-12 Thread Chris Shiflett

Alain Roger wrote:

I have a link in my web page and when user click on this link, i would
like to execute a PHP function with a parameter.

You'll need to initiate a new request. Browsers don't execute PHP code.


Chris Shiflett
Brain Bulb, The PHP Consultancy

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Re: [PHP] PHP function called by onclick

2006-02-12 Thread Paul Novitski

At 11:46 AM 2/12/2006, Alain Roger wrote:

I have a link in my web page and when user click on this link, i would like
to execute a PHP function with a parameter.
how can i do it ?

If you're using PHP in the usual way as a server-side script, it 
doesn't run in the same time-frame as user interaction such as 
clicks.  First PHP generates the page and downloads it to the client 
(browser); then the human interacts with the page.

Therefore in order to trigger a PHP function from a human event, you 
must request a page or submit a form to the server.

However, it sounds like what you're really after is an immediate 
response to a user action, in which case you should be using a 
client-side scripting language such as JavaScript.

If you really do want to execute a PHP function on the server after a 
client-side interaction, you can:

1) request a page with parameters, such as:

a href=http://example.com/smart.php?thing=thang;click here/a

2) submit a form with fields that contain the parameter values:

form action=smart.php ...
input name=thing value=thang ... /

3) use Ajax technology (XMLHttpRequest) to bring new data into your 
web page without making a complete reload request.


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[PHP] php as a content filter?

2006-02-12 Thread Juraj Bednar

 I would like to use PHP as a content filter for proxy. Has anyone tried
this before?

 Is there a way to interface PHP with Apache2's proxy mechanism? I can
fetch the page myself or let apache do it, but I would like to change
the final data before it passes the client.

 Is it possible with current PHP?


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Re: [PHP] Limitation on PEAR : Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer

2006-02-12 Thread Adam Ashley
On Fri, 2006-02-10 at 05:47 +0700, Bagus Nugroho wrote:
 Hello Everyone,
 I'm succesfully generate report from mysql table using PEAR :
 Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, but I have problem to generate from table
 which contain long text, the text is not download completely.
 such as  blablabla.
 it only contain  blab
 How can manipulate PEAR, to get full text on excel sheet.

Next time direct your question to the PEAR General List
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to get a much more useful answer.

This is due to the default mode of Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer creating an
Excel 7 (or maybe 6) compatible spreadsheet which has these string
limitations. If you change the version of spreadsheet it is creating you
will not have these problems.

I don't know the exact commands or versions to set it to but check the
documentation or search the archives of pear-general. I know for sure it
is in the pear-general archives as this question has been asked and
answered many times.

Adam Ashley

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[PHP] Re: string lenght?

2006-02-12 Thread Eli

William Stokes wrote:

How can I test whether a string is 1 or 2 digits long?

You can use regular expressions:


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[PHP] PHP multi-threading ?

2006-02-12 Thread Eli


Is PHP gonna support multi-threading (not multi-processing) capabilities 
in the future?
Even just for the CLI (and CGI) mode.. It would be very helpful to use 
PHP as server scripting language on linux (rather than perl). ;-)

Where can I check the road map of PHP development?


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Re: [PHP] PHP multi-threading ?

2006-02-12 Thread Chris

Is PHP gonna support multi-threading (not multi-processing) capabilities 
in the future?

Is this what you're after?


specifically http://www.php.net/pcntl_fork

Where can I check the road map of PHP development?



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[PHP] string size in bytes

2006-02-12 Thread benifactor
can someone point me in the right direction...

i need to know how many bytes are in a string


$string = blah;

string == how many bytes

also i need to know how to find out how fast a page renders


page rendered in 1.114 seconds

any help would be greatly appreciated

thank you

Re: [PHP] PHP multi-threading ?

2006-02-12 Thread Eli

Chris wrote:

Is this what you're after?


specifically http://www.php.net/pcntl_fork

Sorry, but no... This is multi-processing, not multi-threading. And it's 
supported on CLI mode already and not on windows.

Where can I check the road map of PHP development?



I'm looking for features list to support in the future..
Anyways, nothing is mentioned on multi-threading there..


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Re: [PHP] string size in bytes

2006-02-12 Thread Philip Hallstrom

i need to know how many bytes are in a string


$string = blah;

string == how many bytes

Well, if you're willing to ignore all the unicode stuff, you can use 
strlen() since 1 byte = 1 character.  Check that manpage to see if there's 
a unicode safe version.

also i need to know how to find out how fast a page renders


page rendered in 1.114 seconds


Call it at the beginning of your script, then at the end, and substract 
the two values to see how long it took.

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[PHP] xml-rpc and xml-rpci

2006-02-12 Thread Alex Duggan

What is the future of the xml-rpc client and server functions in php
5.x?  I see the old xml-rpc extension is still marked as expirimental
and the newer xml-rpci extention in pecl has not been worked on in 12
months and doesn't have server functionality.  I am in the process of
porting a large web app to php and I want to use the most updated and
maintained xml-rpc implimentation.


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[PHP] Re: string size in bytes

2006-02-12 Thread Eli

benifactor wrote:

also i need to know how to find out how fast a page renders


page rendered in 1.114 seconds

$start_time = microtime(true);

// ... code goes here ... //

$end_time = microtime(true);
$duration = $end_time - $start_time;
echo page rendered in $duration seconds;

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Re: [PHP] string size in bytes

2006-02-12 Thread Curt Zirzow
On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 08:13:42PM -0600, Philip Hallstrom wrote:
 i need to know how many bytes are in a string
 $string = blah;
 string == how many bytes
 Well, if you're willing to ignore all the unicode stuff, you can use 
 strlen() since 1 byte = 1 character.  Check that manpage to see if there's 
 a unicode safe version.

strlen will count bytes but not necessarily characters (if unicode
is used)

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Re: [PHP] Re: Clone of the concurrent users limit of Zend Encoder 4.0 ?

2006-02-12 Thread Curt Zirzow
On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 10:32:27AM -0500, Mark Charette wrote:
 Let me give an example:
 on fileplanet.com, they have something so called download slot
 and lines. They limit the number of concurrent downloads. If
 there are too many users, they will disallow new user to
 download their files.  As I know, they do it with custom HTTP
 Not so custom ... Apache has quite a few bandwidth limiting
 modules. I use mod_bandwidth to accomplish this.

I would suggest going this method instead of trying to chisel a
round wheel from a square granite rock.

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Re: [PHP] Smart anti-aliasing

2006-02-12 Thread Curt Zirzow
On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 03:33:39PM -0500, tedd wrote:
 Create the image you are going to watermark with as a PNG, png
 doesn't suffer the issues of the antialiasing issues like GIF.
 First, thanks for helping.

No problem
 Second, I wasn't using a GIF -- my copyright was a png and my image was a 
 Third, the following is my code, I think I'm following what you said 
 -- but something is wrong -- the problem remains as shown here:

I'm not an expert on all this, but it seems that it is because your
anti-alias method is against white, you really want it against

I think it might be a bit off topic for discussion here but what
does your copyight.png look like?

Oh, one thing that might be important is what version of gd is php
compiled with?

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Re: [PHP] Asynchronous Processing

2006-02-12 Thread Curt Zirzow
On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 12:51:34AM -0200, Gustavo Rios wrote:
 Hey folks,
 i am writing a small program in C that does mysql queries. The problem
 i am facing is that it is done in synchronous fashion. I wonder how
 php does mysql queries in asynchronous fashion?

How do you mean synchronous/asynchronous fashion?

PHP programming with mysql is different monster than using the
mysql C API.

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[PHP] Where is Zend

2006-02-12 Thread Roger Thomas
I have had difficulty going to zend.com to download Zend Optimizer for 
php-4.4.2 since last week. Anybody that have a copy of Zend Optimizer, I would 
appreciate if you could provide me with a link to your server that I can 
download a copy. TIA.


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Re: [PHP] Where is Zend

2006-02-12 Thread Roger Thomas
Quoting Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Roger Thomas wrote:
  I have had difficulty going to zend.com to download Zend Optimizer
 for php-4.4.2 since last week.
 Have you contacted zend and told them you were having a problem ?
 I'm sure they have an easy to fill in contact form on their site.

I can't even access the site.


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Re: [PHP] Where is Zend

2006-02-12 Thread antispo
last night i've dowloaded zend studio

...zend.com... it's up an runnin'

Re: [PHP] Where is Zend

2006-02-12 Thread Chris

Roger Thomas wrote:

I have had difficulty going to zend.com to download Zend Optimizer for 
php-4.4.2 since last week.

Have you contacted zend and told them you were having a problem ?

I'm sure they have an easy to fill in contact form on their site.

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