Re: [PHP] WebServer

2001-12-29 Thread Brent Rieck

  I'd bet that behind a 256kbps connection you'll run out of bandwidth
long before you run out of CPU, memory, or disk on any machine that
costs more than about $500USD - but your mileage may vary depending on
your application.  My personal experience is that behind my DSL
connection, I run out of bandwidth far before I run out of CPU and
memory on my PII 233 that's running a reasonably complex web app with 
heavy DB usage.  


On Fri, 2001-12-28 at 05:30, rick wrote:
 Dear Members  ,
   Does anybody of you have a webserver at home 
 using ADSL or other connections ?
 If any , could you tell me What would be the acceptable Hardware to run 
 5 or more sites  at home with an
 256 k ADSL ? (Memory , proccesor , etc etc )
 Do I have to have Two Servers ? (The WebServer ) and the Intranet Server 
 to access through my computer ?
 Would you help me please in a near future with a few questions about how 
 to set up and so on .???
 Thanks  guys in advance

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Re: [PHP] HTTP Headers

2001-11-10 Thread Brent Rieck

On Fri, 2001-11-09 at 15:55, Mike Harvey wrote:
 Is it possible to redirect to an IP address but have the browser address bar
 show an URL?

assuming you have a valid url with a hostname, just wrap the ip address
url inside of a frame that takes up the entire window.


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Re: [PHP] Text Editor with Highlighting

2001-11-01 Thread Brent Rieck

I use Nedit, which for me works well.  It's no (x)emacs, but it also
doesn't have a vertical learning curve, you can easily just start
working in it with little chance of shooting your foot clean off.  It's
got syntax highlighting for PHP and other languages, it's small-ish
(doesn't take 30 seconds to load off disk), fast, unlimited undo (woo!),
brace/paren flashing, free (GPL'd), stable (I'll typicaly have it open
for weeks if not months at a time).


TD - Sales International Holland B.V. wrote:
 I looked on the site for this but couldn't find anything about it. I'd like a 
 list of your favorite text editors (preferable for Linux/XFree) with 

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Re: [PHP] submitting form to a page with frames

2001-11-01 Thread Brent Rieck

  It sounds like you have a process where the user does this:

  page1.php -
   fills out and submits form -
page2.php which builds a frameset -
 menu.php and editor.php as the frames, you want menu.php to
 know what the submitted form values were.

  If you've got sessions going cram them into the session, which would
be the easiest probably.  But if you don't, I'd suggest tacking the
variables on the end of the menu.php url something like this:

frame src=menu.php?var1=? print val1; ?...varN=? print valN; ? 

  If the amnount of data is too large to do via a get (I can't remember
how much it is, several K at least), you'll have to use some alternative
method to pass them around, a temp file would work, or stuff them into a
database and pull them out again (making sure to pass how to find them
to menu.php).


On Thu, 2001-11-01 at 15:08, Matt Fair wrote:
 I have 2 pages page1.php and page2.php.  I want to submit the form and 
 its values to page2.php.  page2.php has frames:
 frameset rows=218,*
 frame src=menu.php name=menuFrame
 frame src=editor.php name=editorFrame
 How can I get the variables that were submitted from page1.php into the 
 menuFrame?  When I do this it doesn't get any php variables, but if I 
 take it out of the frame it works fine.
 Thanks in advance,

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Re: [PHP] A way to simulate modem speeds?

2001-10-31 Thread Brent Rieck

On Wed, 2001-10-31 at 10:23, Michael Hall wrote:
 I'm looking for a way to clamp down a network machine (we're on a T1) to
 modem speeds (28 to 52 K) for testing purposes.
 Is there software (preferably for Windows) that would do this?  Better yet,
 would this software be free?

I've not used it, but you might checkout:


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