[PHP] problems with permissions or getting access to a file

2010-02-10 Thread Pat

hi all
having trouble here with a site that I am hosting on go-daddy

I want to keep my php and my images apart

so to do this I have the base directory which contains the php scripts. 
On the directory above that I have

my photos stored in /photos

when I run my scripts I get the following:

time -4 hours1265815323 <
*Warning*: filemtime() [function.filemtime 
<http://www.patrickrice.net/tomdcam/function.filemtime>]: stat failed 
for testPanasonicCamMotion20100201022429140.jpg in 
*/home/content/j/a/c/jackcards/html/tomdcam/MotionCamLast1Hours.php* on 
line *16*


*Warning*: filemtime() [function.filemtime 
<http://www.patrickrice.net/tomdcam/function.filemtime>]: stat failed 
for testPanasonicCamMotion20100201022429140.jpg in 
*/home/content/j/a/c/jackcards/html/tomdcam/MotionCamLast1Hours.php* on 
line *28*

time -4 hours1265815323 <
*Warning*: filemtime() [function.filemtime 
<http://www.patrickrice.net/tomdcam/function.filemtime>]: stat failed 
for testPanasonicCamMotion20100201022619570.jpg in 
*/home/content/j/a/c/jackcards/html/tomdcam/MotionCamLast1Hours.php* on 
line *16

*_The script is the following below _from running this script, I keep 
getting this error, now when I copy this script in to the directory 
photo where the photos are stored, the script displays the images with 
no problems leaving me think that the issue is with the permissions, I 
have modified the pre-emptions to give all access as a test and still 
problems. Anyone got any Ideas??

Thanks in advance.

 6  8 $d = dir('/home/content/j/a/c/jackcards/html/tomdcam/photo/') or 

 9 while (false !== ($f = $d->read())) {
10 // only match alphabetic names
11 if (preg_match('/testPanasonicCamMotion/',$f)) {
13 if ($debug == 1) {
14 echo "time -4 hours" . strtotime("- 1 hours" ). "  <";
16 echo filemtime($f);
17 echo "  ";
18 }//end debug
20 $FourHoursAgo = intval(strtotime("- 1 hours" ));
22 if ($debug == 1) {
23 echo $FourHoursAgo;
24 #  
25 echo "";

26 }
28 $dateOfFileModify = intval(date((filemtime($f)) ));
30 if ($debug == 1) {
31 echo $dateOfFileModify;
32 echo "";
33 }
36 if ($FourHoursAgo < $dateOfFileModify)
37 #   if(intval(strtotime("- 4 hours" )) < 
intval(strtotime(filemtime($f))) )

39 #   if (strcmp(strtotime("- 4 hours" ),strtotime(filemtime($f)) 
) > 0)

41 {
42 #echo ' Images less than 4 hours ';
47 print "filename: $f ";
48 print " \n";
50 #   echo "Last accessed on: " . date("d-m-y H:i:s", strtotime("+ 
8 hours", fileatime($f)) );

51 #   echo "";
52 echo "Last modified on: " . date("d-m-y H:i:s", strtotime("+ 
8 hours", filemtime($f)) );

53 echo " ";
54 }//end of if statment
57 #   else {
58 #   print "  None Found ";
59 #   }
60 }
61 }
62 $d->close();
65 ?>


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[PHP] upgraded apache won't start

2007-10-19 Thread Pat Jones

I upgraded to Apache 2.2.6 and it ran fine when I tested it after 
configuring the httpd.conf file (although instead of getting the PHP 
configuration page I got a page that said simply "It works.") After I 
rebooted though, I can't get it to run. The error log refers to a syntax 
error in the following line in the apache conf/httpd.conf file.
LoadModule php5_module c:/php5/php5apache2.dll

It says the specified module can't be found. The module certainly is there 
and it worked with apache 2 before the upgrade. What am I missing here ?



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RE: [PHP] WWE in Stamford, CT needs a kick ass PHP Developer!

2007-04-12 Thread Arbitrio, Pat
Thanks for the insight Tedd.  It's good to get real feedback (unlike
some of these guys busting my stones here - lol).  I can take the blame
on putting that Dreamweaver component in there, not our Development
team.  Gotta remember a lot of times you are dealing with a job spec
developed from HR and we don't get the nuances of the space like you
folks do.  

Basically the Dreamweaver is listed there because there is a lot of
interdepartmental work that goes on and the less apt employees who are
more "Creative" in nature work well in the Dreamweaver application
(think Magazine Editors and Photo Departments and such, all of the folks
who are more content than anything else).  So I need someone who can
play both sides, our developers are all excellent and I'd put them up
with anyone in terms of ability.  

So thanks everyone for taking the time to see what World Wrestling
Entertainment is all about.  I'd really appreciate you keeping us in
mind if you hear of anyone who is looking.

- Pat

-Original Message-
From: tedd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

If you think that nested tables gets you in the "ballpark" quicker, 
then you haven't a clue as to what css is used for.

My advice, replace your Dreamweaver experience requirement with 
someone who really knows css and you'll be a lot better off in both 
reducing time to develop and subsequent compliance issues.

IMO, anyone who states that they produce "dynamic and cutting edge 
web sites" using a WYSIWYG editor is highly suspect and any employer 
who asks for that experience is doing his business and his clients a 


http://sperling.com  http://ancientstones.com  http://earthstones.com

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[PHP] WWE in Stamford, CT needs a kick ass PHP Developer!

2007-04-11 Thread Arbitrio, Pat
You folks know anyone who fits this one?  



Your task would be the maintenance and extension of our dynamic and
cutting edge Intranet and Internet web sites written in PHP5.

PHP/Mysql Experience: 3-4 years, where 1 year must be PHP5.


Candidates must be well versed in: 

* PHP5 

* Mysql 

* JavaScript 

* Web services 

* Object-oriented programming 


Candidates must show: 

* Experience working through an entire life cycle of a web-based
application from concept, implementation, testing to maintenance. 

* Familiarity with application level network protocols (e.g., HTTP
and/or SSL). 

* Excellent communication and relationship skills along with being a
strong team player. 

* Demonstrable analytical problem-solving skills. 

* Ability to thrive in a high-pressured, unstructured, customer-oriented


Other skills: 



* Linux 

* Dreamweaver 

* Subversion 

* Unix Shell/Perl


The link to apply is as follows.  

11&Keywords> =



Pat Arbitrio

Sr. Staffing Specialist

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.

1241 East Main Street

Stamford, CT 06902


Re: [PHP] Dynamic Form List - how to change values

2006-03-01 Thread Pat

Thanks to all who helped.

The answer...drumroll arrays for each entry:

load routine (partial):
	print "name='imageqty[]' size='5' value='$qty'>";
	print "value='".$row[cialbum]."'>";

print "";
	print "value='".$row[ciimage]."'>";
	print "value='".$row[cisize]."'>";		

retrieval routine (partial):
$cartid = $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'];
$imageqty = $_POST['imageqty'];

$qty = $_POST["imageqty"];
$album = $_POST["hiddenalbum"];
$set = $_POST["hiddenset"];
$image = $_POST["hiddenimage"];
$size = $_POST["hiddensize"];

$n = count($qty);
$index = 0;

while($index < $n)
$newqty = $qty[$index];
			$queryupdate = "update CartItems set ciqty = '$newqty' where ciid = 
'$cartid' and cialbum = '$album[$index]' and ciset = '$set[$index]' and 
ciimage = '$image[$index]' and cisize = '$size[$index]'";

querythedatabase($queryupdate);// my routine


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Re: [PHP] Dynamic Form List - how to change values

2006-03-01 Thread Pat

tedd wrote:
I have a list from a MYSQL database that I am dumping to a screen. I'd 
like the user to be able to change the quantity on the form for any 
record on the screen, then post that information back so the user can 
review it, and I can then update the database.

Simple checkout routine. Or so I thought.

I have these fields displayed on the screen before the user changes 
the quantity:

$imageqty = $row["cialbum"]."-".$row["ciset"]."-".$row["ciimage"];
$qty = $row["ciqty"];
print "name='$imageqty' size='5' value='$qty'>";

I've set the $imageqty variable to hold the initial value from the 
database. The initial screen works fine.

However, when I reprocess the file, how can I retrieve the original 
value of the field that is named the same as $imageqty?

The form outputs something like this:
http://.../chkout.php?NATURE-1.jpg=6&continue=Continue+Checkout, which 
does show the $imageqty of "NATURE-1.jpg" value with the new qty of "6".

How can I get the script to pull the value?

$imageqty = $row["cialbum"]."-".$row["ciset"]."-".$row["ciimage"];
$newqty = $_GET["$imageqty"];

Retrieves nothing.

Thanks for your help.



I would suggest changing to:


$newqty = $_GET['count'];
$imagename = $_GET['imagename'];

Also, to see what you are actually "getting" try:

echo ("");
echo ("");
echo ("GET info:\n");

You might also want to consider taking care of undefined variables -- 
here's a reference:




Ok, this works for one item, but my shopping cart may have (hopefully) 
dozens of items in it. How do I refer to each new quantity changes for 
each new row in the table? I was hoping that by making the qty field a 
name of the image, I would be able to match the new qty up with the 
right image quickly, but that won't work, obviously.

How can I change multiple items in a list (or all) when the list is 
dynamically created? My approach may be wrong -- suggestions?


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[PHP] Dynamic Form List - how to change values

2006-02-28 Thread Pat
I have a list from a MYSQL database that I am dumping to a screen. I'd 
like the user to be able to change the quantity on the form for any 
record on the screen, then post that information back so the user can 
review it, and I can then update the database.

Simple checkout routine. Or so I thought.

I have these fields displayed on the screen before the user changes the 

$imageqty = $row["cialbum"]."-".$row["ciset"]."-".$row["ciimage"];
$qty = $row["ciqty"];
print "name='$imageqty' size='5' value='$qty'>";

I've set the $imageqty variable to hold the initial value from the 
database. The initial screen works fine.

However, when I reprocess the file, how can I retrieve the original 
value of the field that is named the same as $imageqty?

The form outputs something like this:
http://.../chkout.php?NATURE-1.jpg=6&continue=Continue+Checkout, which 
does show the $imageqty of "NATURE-1.jpg" value with the new qty of "6".

How can I get the script to pull the value?

$imageqty = $row["cialbum"]."-".$row["ciset"]."-".$row["ciimage"];
$newqty = $_GET["$imageqty"]; 

Retrieves nothing.

Thanks for your help.


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Re: [PHP] empty variable

2004-09-19 Thread Pat
So, you have to know, first, what is your meaning of your empty variabe:
null, 0, "", array()?

For example, "$var = 0;", empty($var) says true... but you?

"Jason Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> as suggeted the isset and empty functions are usefull,
> or if you know it may be set, but could be empty, how about just
> if($variable) {
> }
> that is the same as
> if($var == "")
> "Chris Mach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > What is the best way to determine if a variable is empty?
> >
> > I have a feeling there is a better way than the way I'm doing it now...
> >
> > if ($variable == "")
> >
> >
> > ---
> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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2004-09-19 Thread Pat
Maybe something like this:

"John Taylor-Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> MySQL question:
> Instead of dropping the table, I want to truncate the table if it contains
something. ANyone know of a way? I couldn't find anything under truncate in
the manual.

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[PHP] imagejpeg

2004-05-27 Thread Pat Hanna
I'm trying to create thumbnails for my images and everything seems to
work correctly except for trying to save them. I've tried outputting
directly with imagejpeg($im) and that works, but when trying
imagejpeg($im, "new.jpeg") it does not create a new image in the current
directory. I even tried changing the ownership of the script to root to
see if my permissions were screwed up but that didn't work. Here's my

$fileName is the full path name to the image
$newName is just the file name
$thumb_path is the full path to my thumbnail directory

function createThumb($fileName, $newName, $thumb_path, $MAX_H, $MAX_W){

$new_h = 0;
$new_w = 0;
$divisor = 1;
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($fileName);
if ($width > $MAX_W || $height > $MAX_H){
if ($width > $height)
$divisor = $width/$MAX_W;
$divisor = $height/$MAX_H;

case 1: $src_img = imagecreatefromgif($fileName);
case 2: $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($fileName);
default: DisplayErrMsg("Unknown image format, please
alert webmaster!");

if (isset($src_img)){
$new_h = $height/$divisor;
$new_w = $width/$divisor;
$dest_img = imagecreatetruecolor($new_w,$new_h);

case 1: imagegif($dest_img,
case 2: imagejpeg($dest_img,
default: DisplayErrMsg("Unknown image format,
please alert webmaster!");

Thanks for any help!

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RE: [PHP] Strange coding bug

2004-01-05 Thread Pat Hanna
I think I've fixed it but in an odd way. Apparently I was getting error
1046: no database seleted. So I ran mysql_db_query and that worked. But
on the other pages I have, mysql_query always works. I have a function
called connect() that I run on every page:

function connect()
if (@mysql_pconnect($DB_SERVER, $DB_LOGIN, $DB_PASSWORD))
return 1;
header("Location: blahblahblah");

This should establish a permanent connection to the database server. Is
there a way to permanatly select a certain database?


-Original Message-
From: Jay Blanchard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 3:20 PM
To: Pat Hanna; php help
Subject: RE: [PHP] Strange coding bug

$query="SELECT * FROM products WHERE stock_number = '$item_number'";
$result=mysql_query($query); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result);

When I do 'echo $result;' on the first page, I get the result number.

If you 

echo $result;

with this code all you should get back is 'array' ($result is an array)
Do this

print_r($row) and see what happens.

P.S. Attachements are stripped on the way to the list usually, so post
the relevant small bits of code in your e-mail.

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RE: [PHP] Strange coding bug

2004-01-05 Thread Pat Hanna
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 3:32 PM
To: Pat Hanna; Brad Pauly
Cc: php help
Subject: RE: [PHP] Strange coding bug

I have tried printing out the query and got the exact same thing on both
pages. The only relevent code is the code I included. The $item_number
gets passed to both pages exactly the same. The query comes up no
different on both pages. It is accessing the exact same product and yet
it will not get a hit. [/snip]

Please post more of the relevant code so that we can help you.

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RE: [PHP] Strange coding bug

2004-01-05 Thread Pat Hanna
I have tried printing out the query and got the exact same thing on both
pages. The only relevent code is the code I included. The $item_number
gets passed to both pages exactly the same. The query comes up no
different on both pages. It is accessing the exact same product and yet
it will not get a hit.


-Original Message-
From: Brad Pauly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 3:28 PM
To: Pat Hanna
Cc: 'php help'
Subject: Re: [PHP] Strange coding bug

On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 12:59, Pat Hanna wrote:
> I cannot seem to find the problem in my code. I have two pages. Both 
> need to select a product from a database. The first page works fine, 
> the product is found and I use the data in the page. The second one 
> does not fetch the product. The code is exactly the same:
> $query="SELECT * FROM products WHERE stock_number = '$item_number'"; 
> $result=mysql_query($query); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result);
> When I do 'echo $result;' on the first page, I get the result number. 
> But if I do it on the second page I get nothing. Both pages are 
> connected to the database and I get no errors in code. I have included

> the full code of each page in the attachment. Item_details.php3 is the

> working page and addtocart.php3 is the one that won't seem to connect.

I think the attachments got removed. Sorting through the source of two
pages is a lot to look through. Maybe you could paste the relevant code
from each of the pages. Specifically, the select statements and where
$item_number comes from or is manipulated. That should help find the
problem. You might also try echoing $query on both pages to make sure
they same query actually is being executed.

- Brad

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[PHP] Strange coding bug

2004-01-05 Thread Pat Hanna
I cannot seem to find the problem in my code. I have two pages. Both
need to select a product from a database. The first page works fine, the
product is found and I use the data in the page. The second one does not
fetch the product. The code is exactly the same:

$query="SELECT * FROM products WHERE stock_number = '$item_number'";

When I do 'echo $result;' on the first page, I get the result number.
But if I do it on the second page I get nothing. Both pages are
connected to the database and I get no errors in code. I have included
the full code of each page in the attachment. Item_details.php3 is the
working page and addtocart.php3 is the one that won't seem to connect.



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Re: [PHP] or return problem

2003-10-07 Thread Pat Carmody

On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Curt Zirzow wrote:

>> function istrue() {
>>   return true;
>> }
>> function retor_test() {
>>   istrue() or return( "False" );
>>   return "True";
>> }

>  return (istrue()? 'True': 'False');
>hmm.. less typing, easier to understand and logically readable.

This doesn't answer the problem because it does not follow the same
logic as the orignial code example.  In your example you want to return a
value regardless of what istrue() returns.  In my example I only wanted to
return a value if istrue() failed, otherwise I wanted to continue in the
scope of the function.  That may not have been obvious because the example
was a little contrived.

Pat Carmody

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] or return problem

2003-10-07 Thread Pat Carmody

So far everyone is telling me that it won't work, but no one is telling me
why. (btw I did search extensively for the answer to this question but so
far have found nothing).  Robert, could you be more specific in your
reference to the http://www.php.net documentation?  I see nothing on the
basic syntax page that addresses this.

Pat Carmody

On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Robert Cummings wrote:

>On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 13:02, Pat Carmody wrote:
>> Calling the following retor_test() function causes a "Parse error: parse
>> error, unexpected T_RETURN" message when the script is run:
>> function istrue() {
>>   return true;
>> }
>> function retor_test() {
>>   istrue() or return( "False" );
>>   return "True";
>> }
>> The problem is with the "or return" part.  Any ideas why?  I realize that
>> I could use an if statement instead, but I'm a lazy, lazy man and I don't
>> want to.
>Your laziness is causing you problems. Please check out ALL of the
>documenation located at http://www.php.net since this is covered under
>basic syntax and we don't cater to lazy people (at the very least *I*
>don't cater to lazy people).
>| InterJinn Application Framework - http://www.interjinn.com |
>| An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
>| a powerful, scalable system for accessing system services  |
>| such as forms, properties, sessions, and caches. InterJinn |
>| also provides an extremely flexible architecture for   |
>| creating re-usable components quickly and easily.  |
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[PHP] or return problem

2003-10-07 Thread Pat Carmody

Calling the following retor_test() function causes a "Parse error: parse
error, unexpected T_RETURN" message when the script is run:

function istrue() {
  return true;
function retor_test() {
  istrue() or return( "False" );
  return "True";

The problem is with the "or return" part.  Any ideas why?  I realize that
I could use an if statement instead, but I'm a lazy, lazy man and I don't
want to.

Pat Carmody

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[PHP] Re: Register globals on and off

2003-02-01 Thread Pat Johnston
I've read that an include file in each of your pages with the lines below
should do the trick for you with register_globals OFF..

Not sure if this is a valid way to go though...

Regards, Pat

"Davy Obdam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello people,
> On my development machine (win XP/Apache 2.0.44/PHP 4.3.0/MySQL 3.23.55)
> i have several websites that i made some time ago that require register
> globals to be On in the php.ini. Ofcourse i know thats not a good idea
> at all for security, but rewriting all this code is not an option.
> However in my php.ini i have set register globals to Off because that
> better. Is it possible to configure my webserver/php so that only those
> sites that require register globals to be On have that setting, for
> instance in a .htacces file?? Any help is appreciated:-)
> Best regards,
> Davy Obdam

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[PHP] help!

2002-02-06 Thread Pat Hanna

This may or may not have anything to do with PHP but my goal deals with it.
I have a box that I'm trying to turn into a linux box for php purposes. I
have reformatted the hard drive so I could install it. The problem is that
when I try to partition the disk during the installation, my hard drive is
not recognized. I am new at this and I would appreciate any help I could
get. Please help me!!
Patrick Hanna
Database integration--E-commerce solutions
The Wentworth Company

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Re: [PHP] addslashes, stripslashes

2001-11-26 Thread Pat Lashley

--On Monday, November 26, 2001 04:47:35 PM -0800 Scott Aikin 

> I've come across a strange problem working backwards with stripslashes
> after running addslashes.  I take a string like:
> "\t\4"
> and run it through addslashes, the result is:
> \\t\\4
> After grabbing this data from the database and running 'stripslashes',
> the data comes out as:
> "\t"
> without the \4, for some reason stripslashes always removes any
> combination of \ and a number.  Does anybody know a way around this or
> can maybe provide some insight about why this is happening?

It probably isn't removing it, it's converting it into an EOT
character (0x04).  That's pretty standard for most environments
that do backslash substitution.  It should also convert \48 and
\060 into a '0' character.  (The first being decimal, the second
octal due to the leading zero.)


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[PHP] PHP versus all other languages

2001-11-12 Thread Pat Hanna

I'm doing my senior exit project on database languages online. I'm asking
for help from anyone who can provide any information on the comparison
between the different languages. I'm comparing languages such as PHP, ASP,
ColdFussion, perl and any others that I might not know about that you guys
might know. Thank you to anyone who helps me out in the least.


Database integration--E-commerce solutions
The Wentworth Company

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Sign up FREE at: http://www.MintMail.com/?m=1080349

[PHP] Warning: Page has Expired

2001-07-06 Thread Pat Hanna

When using sessions with forms, a user presses the back button and gets the
message: Page has Expired. How can I get around this happening? I have to
use sessions because I store many different variables at a time for a
shopping cart. Forms are submitted depending on what item the user is
shopping for. What can I do to get around the expired page?


Patrick Hanna
Database integration--E-commerce solutions
The Wentworth Company

[PHP] Tip for cookies

2001-04-17 Thread Pat Hanna

I found out today after suffering from minor headaches and hair loss that if
you have functions defined in and outside file name 'foo.php', and in those
functions you use cookies, you must pass those cookies to the function
called. I tried using a value from a cookie in a function and it never could
access it unless I passed it. Funny
Patrick Hanna
Database integration--E-commerce solutions
The Wentworth Company

Re: [PHP] cookies

2001-04-16 Thread Pat Hanna

I've tried that but they still don't go away.
- Original Message - 
From: "Brian Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PHP is not a drug." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] cookies

> Hi Pat,
> @ 6:13:20 PM on 4/16/2001, Pat Hanna wrote:
> > I'm setting cookies for a shopping cart and they are setting fine
> > but they will not delete. I've tried every way of deleting them and
> > they just won't go away. Someone please help.
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php
> Read Example 2.
> -Brian
> --
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[PHP] cookies

2001-04-16 Thread Pat Hanna

I'm setting cookies for a shopping cart and they are setting fine but they
will not delete. I've tried every way of deleting them and they just won't
go away. Someone please help.
Patrick Hanna
Database integration--E-commerce solutions
The Wentworth Company

[PHP] database

2001-03-07 Thread Pat


I need some scripts written in PHP to interface with a mySQL database. There
will be a need for a high level of security.

Anyone interested in making some money ?

Call me



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[PHP] edit plus

2001-01-25 Thread Pat Hanna

Anyone who uses Edit Plus. Can you send me the php function files and auto
complete file. The edit plus web page has the links but none of them work.

[PHP] directory reading

2001-01-24 Thread Pat Hanna

I'm trying to read the contents of a directory and it's subdirectories. I
use w while loop with readdir($handle) and then an if statement with
filetype($file)=="dir" and that works that far. The contents of the
subdirectory is listed. After that breaks out of the if statement though,
the script goes back through the while loop and reads the next entry. The
problem is that the next file is a dir but the filetype function doesn't
return "dir", it returns nothing. I can only get through one subdirectory,
then all the other files in the main directory are listed even though they
are directories. Their contents are not displayed. I need to use the names
of the subdirectories for viewing and their locations. What is going wrong?

//sub directory function
function subdir($path, $root)




[PHP] picture quality question

2001-01-22 Thread Pat Hanna

I have these pictures that I'm using for my webpage. Their background
changes from blue to white. When I loaded them onto the server, they looked
very nice and they always looked good on netscape browsers. Every once and a
while though, the background turns bad and all the pictures look terrible on
AOL and Internet explorer. The colors don't fade evenly between each other
and it's rather ugly. I have to reload them or redraw them in order for them
to look the same on all the browsers. How can I fix this?
Very frustrated,

[PHP] is_dir

2001-01-15 Thread Pat Hanna

I have a snipet of code i'm using for a file maintanance program. I have no
idea why but when the main loop repeats, the is_dir function doesn't return
true even though it prints out a directory in the server.

$file=readdir($handle); //to get rid of "." and ".."
if (is_dir($file)){


