Re: [PHP] sessions/cookies

2008-01-23 Thread Jochem Maas

others have given good advice, but let's learn to walk before we run shall we.

1. session_start() should be called once per request.
2. checkValidUser() does a select on all the users in the database, this is 
*wrong* -
do a select with a suitable WHERE clause the retrieves the one user that 
matches the
given user name and password.
3. GetAccessLevel() uses an undefined property.
4. all the properties ($UserID, $AdminLevel, etc) are only set during the 
request where
the user's login credentials are checked. subsequent requests will not have 
that info.
5. use php5?
6. go back and read the other replies regarding seperation of responsibilities 
and encapsulation.

nihilism machine schreef:
I wrote an authentication class in php4. The sessions dont seem to be 
working with internet explorer, just with FF. here is the code below, a 
cookies notice pops up when you try and login:


class auth {

var $UserID;
var $AdminLevel;
var $FirstName;
var $LastName;
var $DateAdded;
var $MobileTelephone;
var $LandLineTelephone;

// Connect to the database
function auth() {
mysql_connect('','','') or die('ERROR: Could not connect to 

mysql_select_db('') or die('ERROR: Could not select database');

// Attempt to login a user
function CheckValidUser($Email,$Password) {
$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM Users');
$Password = $this-encode($Password);

if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
if (!strcmp($row['Email'],$Email)) {
if (!strcmp($row['Password'],$Password)) {
// User info stored in Globals
$this-UserID = $row['ID'];
$this-AdminLevel = $row['Admin_Level'];
$this-FirstName = $row['First_Name'];
$this-LastName = $row['Last_Name'];
$this-DateAdded = $row['Date_Added'];
$this-MobileTelephone = $row['Telephone_Mobile'];
$this-LandLineTelephone = 

// User info stored in Sessions
$_SESSION['Status'] = loggedIn;
$_SESSION['Email'] = $row['Email'];
$_SESSION['AdminLevel'] = $row['Admin_Level'];
$_SESSION['LandLine'] = 
$_SESSION['MobileTelephone'] = 

$_SESSION['FirstName'] = $row['First_Name'];
$_SESSION['LastName'] = $row['Last_Name'];
return true;
header(Location: index.php?error=invalidLogin);
} else {
die('ERROR: No Users in the database!');

// Create a new user account
function CreateUser($Email, $Password, $AdminLevel, 
$LandLineTelephone, $MobileTelephone, $FirstName, $LastName) {

$Password = $this-encode($Password);
$this-AccessLevel = $AdminLevel;
$DateAdded = date(Y-m-d H:i:s);
mysql_query(INSERT INTO Users (Email, Password, Admin_Level, 
Date_Added, First_Name, Last_Name, Telephone_Land_Line, 
Telephone_Mobile) VALUES ('$Email','$Password','$AdminLevel', 
'$DateAdded', '$FirstName', '$LastName', '$LandLineTelephone', 
'$MobileTelephone')) or die(mysql_error());

return $this-UserID = mysql_insert_id();

// Update a users access level
function UpdateAccessLevel($ID,$AdminLevel) {
mysql_query(UPDATE Users SET Admin_Level='$AdminLevel' WHERE 
ID=$ID) or die(mysql_error());

return true;

// Delete a user
function DeleteUser($ID) {
mysql_query(DELETE FROM Users WHERE ID=$ID) or 

return true;

// Get a users access level
function GetAccessLevel() {
return $this-AccessLevel;

// Get a users ID
function GetUserID() {
return $this-UserID;

// Log user out

function LogOut() {
header(Location: index.php);

// Check users access level to see if they have clearance for a 
certain page

function CheckUserLevel($RequiredLevel) {
if ($_SESSION['AdminLevel']  $RequiredLevel) {
if ($_SESSION['AdminLevel'] == 2) {
header(Location: financial.php);
} else if ($_SESSION['AdminLevel'] == 1) {
header(Location: user.php);
} else {
header(Location: index.php);

// Check to see if a user is logged in

function CheckLoggedIn() {
if ($_SESSION['Status'] != 

[PHP] sessions/cookies

2008-01-22 Thread nihilism machine
I wrote an authentication class in php4. The sessions dont seem to be  
working with internet explorer, just with FF. here is the code below,  
a cookies notice pops up when you try and login:


class auth {

var $UserID;
var $AdminLevel;
var $FirstName;
var $LastName;
var $DateAdded;
var $MobileTelephone;
var $LandLineTelephone;

// Connect to the database
function auth() {
		mysql_connect('','','') or die('ERROR: Could not connect to  

mysql_select_db('') or die('ERROR: Could not select database');

// Attempt to login a user
function CheckValidUser($Email,$Password) {
$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM Users');
$Password = $this-encode($Password);

if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
if (!strcmp($row['Email'],$Email)) {
(!strcmp($row['Password'],$Password)) {
// User info stored in Globals
$this-UserID = $row['ID'];
$this-AdminLevel = 
$this-FirstName = 
$this-LastName = 
$this-DateAdded = 
$this-MobileTelephone = 
$this-LandLineTelephone = 
// User info stored in Sessions
$_SESSION['Status'] = 
$_SESSION['Email'] = 
$_SESSION['AdminLevel'] = 
$_SESSION['LandLine'] = 
$_SESSION['MobileTelephone'] = 
$_SESSION['FirstName'] = 
$_SESSION['LastName'] = 
return true;
header(Location: index.php?error=invalidLogin);
} else {
die('ERROR: No Users in the database!');

// Create a new user account
	function CreateUser($Email, $Password, $AdminLevel,  
$LandLineTelephone, $MobileTelephone, $FirstName, $LastName) {

$Password = $this-encode($Password);
$this-AccessLevel = $AdminLevel;
$DateAdded = date(Y-m-d H:i:s);
		mysql_query(INSERT INTO Users (Email, Password, Admin_Level,  
Date_Added, First_Name, Last_Name, Telephone_Land_Line,  
Telephone_Mobile) VALUES ('$Email','$Password','$AdminLevel',  
'$DateAdded', '$FirstName', '$LastName', '$LandLineTelephone',  
'$MobileTelephone')) or die(mysql_error());

return $this-UserID = mysql_insert_id();

// Update a users access level
function UpdateAccessLevel($ID,$AdminLevel) {
		mysql_query(UPDATE Users SET Admin_Level='$AdminLevel' WHERE ID= 
$ID) or die(mysql_error());

return true;

// Delete a user
function DeleteUser($ID) {
mysql_query(DELETE FROM Users WHERE ID=$ID) or 
return true;

// Get a users access level
function GetAccessLevel() {
return $this-AccessLevel;

// Get a users ID
function GetUserID() {
return $this-UserID;

// Log user out
function LogOut() {
header(Location: index.php);

	// Check users access level to see if they have clearance for a  
certain page

function CheckUserLevel($RequiredLevel) {
if ($_SESSION['AdminLevel']  $RequiredLevel) {
if ($_SESSION['AdminLevel'] == 2) {
header(Location: financial.php);
} else if ($_SESSION['AdminLevel'] == 1) {
header(Location: user.php);
} else {

Re: [PHP] sessions/cookies

2008-01-22 Thread Eric Butera
On Jan 22, 2008 9:15 PM, nihilism machine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wrote an authentication class in php4. The sessions dont seem to be
 working with internet explorer, just with FF. here is the code below,
 a cookies notice pops up when you try and login:


I took a quick look at your code.  I haven't pin-pointed exactly what
the issue is because there is really way too much going on there.  I'd
suggest you look at your error log and see if there are any warnings.
Here is some advice:

- Having a class named auth is a bad idea.  Is auth authentication
or authorization?

- The auth class itself really shouldn't be directly accessing the
session or database.  You should write drivers and interfaces that
implement this functionality for you.

- Hard coding header redirects (That aren't absolute by the way) means
you have to modify your authorization class instead of behavior based
on if you log in or not.  That isn't a good idea.

By separating out concerns it will make your class a lot smaller and
easier to work with.  I realize this link I'm posting is called auth
too, but that wasn't my choice.  You can see that they have drivers so
that authentication itself is a generic idea and you implement it
against a specific thing such as a mysql users table or htpassword.

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Re: [PHP] sessions/cookies

2008-01-22 Thread Nathan Nobbe
On Jan 22, 2008 9:54 PM, Eric Butera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I realize this link I'm posting is called auth
 too, but that wasn't my choice.

that was kind of funny after your initial criticizm above, but to solars
its the auth 'package' so really the name isnt too bad, id say.

  You can see that they have drivers so
 that authentication itself is a generic idea and you implement it
 against a specific thing such as a mysql users table or htpassword.

eric is totally right here; at a quick look at you code, i saw auth, ...
create user,.. database.. cookie; im thinking what exactly is going on here.
the general idea behind a class is to 'encapsulate' things that change into
little self-contained unit.  ideally the class doent know how the insides of
classes work, nor do other classes know how it works on the inside.  in
to realize this, you should strive for classes with a high degree of
although there is no real metric for this concept, most people can grasp the
concept and have an idea when code has either a low or high degree of

if you want some advice on your class, i would start by breaking out the
CheckUserLevel(), and CreateUser() methods into a User class, you might
also consider a Session class.
if you want some advice on how to solve your problem here is my suggestion;
you need to isolate the behavior that is not working correctly.  this feat
difficult when you have lots of variable behaviors in one place.  break your
into pieces and test the pieces individually; once they all work
individually, then
they should work as a group without too much effort.  if that isnt working
you get there) then the code that glues it all together is to blame.


[PHP] Sessions /cookies issue

2006-10-18 Thread Dave Goodchild

Hi all. I am building a web app which uses sessions to retain user data
between pages and finally enter that data into mysql - I have noticed that
out of 100 entries in the database, 10% are blank. I tested this by setting
a cookie on the home page and when the user navigated to the form pages,
tested whether that cookie was set and if not issuing a warning with some
cookie tutorial info for the user.

Before I used the simple test cookie, obviously the only cookie that was
being set was PHPSESSID. All the users who entered blank records were using
IE. When I test using IE this end, the session cookie is set with no
problems and my IE security settings are set to medium. I know IE will
accept certain third-party cookies at this setting, but what's the criteria
and has anyone else encountered this problem?

Re: [PHP] Sessions /cookies issue

2006-10-18 Thread Chris

Dave Goodchild wrote:

Hi all. I am building a web app which uses sessions to retain user data
between pages and finally enter that data into mysql - I have noticed that
out of 100 entries in the database, 10% are blank. I tested this by setting
a cookie on the home page and when the user navigated to the form pages,
tested whether that cookie was set and if not issuing a warning with some
cookie tutorial info for the user.

Before I used the simple test cookie, obviously the only cookie that was
being set was PHPSESSID. All the users who entered blank records were using
IE. When I test using IE this end, the session cookie is set with no
problems and my IE security settings are set to medium. I know IE will
accept certain third-party cookies at this setting, but what's the criteria
and has anyone else encountered this problem?

3rd party cookies are tough.

You'll need to look at p3p headers  a p3p policy to get them through IE.

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[PHP] sessions cookies

2004-06-19 Thread Scott Taylor
How exactly do sessions work?  I've heard that if cookies are disabled 
that a session will then pass it's variables in the url (through GET).  
Yet when I manually disable cookies none of my pages work (because the 
$_SESSION variables do not seem to be working). 

Any ideas?
Best Regards,
Scott Taylor
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RE: [PHP] sessions cookies

2004-06-19 Thread Michael Sims
Scott Taylor wrote:
 How exactly do sessions work?  I've heard that if cookies are disabled
 that a session will then pass it's variables in the url (through GET).
 Yet when I manually disable cookies none of my pages work (because the
 $_SESSION variables do not seem to be working).

The variables themselves aren't passed, only a session ID, and that is only
passed through GET/POST if transparent SID support is enabled (it is
disabled by default).  You can change the session.use_trans_sid setting in
your php.ini file or if your server supports .htaccess you can create one
and add php_flag session.use_trans_sid on to it.  For more information see
the manual:

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RE: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving

2004-03-05 Thread Ford, Mike [LSS]
On 05 March 2004 03:33, Paul Higgins wrote:

 When I do:  print_r($_COOKIE); I get the following:
 Array ( [PHPSESSID] = 11781ce29c68ca7ef563110f37e43f38 )
 Does that mean its setting the Cookie?




Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning  Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
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Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving

2004-03-05 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 05 March 2004 13:05, Paul Higgins wrote:
 When I thought about what the compay really told didn't make sense.
 All I know is that that cookie will not save on my WinXP box, but it will
 save on my Linux box.

As sending cookies is pretty much a generic procedure which is not platform 
dependent it would suggest that your WinXP box is broken (needless to say I'm 
assuming that you have already ensured that your browser is configured to 
accept cookies). Have you tried any other browsers/platforms?

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates -
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *
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RE: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving

2004-03-05 Thread electroteque
 but it will
 save on my Linux box.

As sending cookies is pretty much a generic procedure which is not platform 
dependent it would suggest that your WinXP box is broken (needless to say I'm 
assuming that you have already ensured that your browser is configured to 
accept cookies). Have you tried any other browsers/platforms?

The above snippet means it works on  his linux box which is why i suggested to see if 
the session is storing in /tmp, he could prob have spyware running on his machine, i 
advice check out adaware.

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[PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving

2004-03-04 Thread Paul Higgins
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to create a session with PHP.  I'm using the following code:

   session_start( );
   print( session_id( ) );

   print( 'HTML');
   print( 'BODY' );
   print( '	a href =;Here/a' );
   print( '/BODY' );
   print( '/HTML' );

Now, I'm trying to view this site on a WinXP box.  However, the cookies are 
not being saved onto my machine.  I've viewed the site with Mozilla on a 
Linux box, and it works fine.  What could be wrong?  Any help would be 
greatly appreciated.

I read somewhere that PHP had some issues with writing cookies to an NTFS 
box.  Could that have anything to do with it?



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Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving

2004-03-04 Thread daniel
Are the hosts u looking at the same ? Like is it the very same link ? Check
on the XP box if you have cookies disabled, u can always check if the
session is being stored on the server too, look in /tmp first. Try a print_r
($_COOKIE); aswell.

 Hi everyone,

 I'm trying to create a session with PHP.  I'm using the following code:

session_start( );

print( session_id( ) );

print( 'HTML');
print( 'BODY' );
print( '   a href =;Here/a' );
print( '/BODY' );
print( '/HTML' );

 Now, I'm trying to view this site on a WinXP box.  However, the cookies
 are  not being saved onto my machine.  I've viewed the site with
 Mozilla on a  Linux box, and it works fine.  What could be wrong?  Any
 help would be  greatly appreciated.

 I read somewhere that PHP had some issues with writing cookies to an
 NTFS  box.  Could that have anything to do with it?



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Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving

2004-03-04 Thread Paul Higgins
When I do:  print_r($_COOKIE); I get the following:
Array ( [PHPSESSID] = 11781ce29c68ca7ef563110f37e43f38 )
Does that mean its setting the Cookie?  I can't see the cookie on my 
computer.  I don't have cookies disabled because I'm getting cookies from 
other sites.  The privacy setting is set to Medium.



Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 14:25:53 +1100 (EST)
Are the hosts u looking at the same ? Like is it the very same link ? Check
on the XP box if you have cookies disabled, u can always check if the
session is being stored on the server too, look in /tmp first. Try a 
($_COOKIE); aswell.

 Hi everyone,

 I'm trying to create a session with PHP.  I'm using the following code:

session_start( );

print( session_id( ) );

print( 'HTML');
print( 'BODY' );
print( 'a href =;Here/a' );
print( '/BODY' );
print( '/HTML' );

 Now, I'm trying to view this site on a WinXP box.  However, the cookies
 are  not being saved onto my machine.  I've viewed the site with
 Mozilla on a  Linux box, and it works fine.  What could be wrong?  Any
 help would be  greatly appreciated.

 I read somewhere that PHP had some issues with writing cookies to an
 NTFS  box.  Could that have anything to do with it?



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Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving

2004-03-04 Thread Paul Higgins

I asked my hosting company where they were stored...on the server...I am so 
mad at myself...all that time wasted.  Thanks for the help was 
much appreciated!


Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 14:25:53 +1100 (EST)
Are the hosts u looking at the same ? Like is it the very same link ? Check
on the XP box if you have cookies disabled, u can always check if the
session is being stored on the server too, look in /tmp first. Try a 
($_COOKIE); aswell.

 Hi everyone,

 I'm trying to create a session with PHP.  I'm using the following code:

session_start( );

print( session_id( ) );

print( 'HTML');
print( 'BODY' );
print( 'a href =;Here/a' );
print( '/BODY' );
print( '/HTML' );

 Now, I'm trying to view this site on a WinXP box.  However, the cookies
 are  not being saved onto my machine.  I've viewed the site with
 Mozilla on a  Linux box, and it works fine.  What could be wrong?  Any
 help would be  greatly appreciated.

 I read somewhere that PHP had some issues with writing cookies to an
 NTFS  box.  Could that have anything to do with it?



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Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving

2004-03-04 Thread daniel
Is it a non default /tmp ? If so it should be in php.ini or u have to set
where it is with an ini_set , hope that helps.


 I asked my hosting company where they were stored...on the server...I
 am so  mad at myself...all that time wasted.  Thanks for the help was  much appreciated!


Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 14:25:53 +1100 (EST)

Are the hosts u looking at the same ? Like is it the very same link ?
Check on the XP box if you have cookies disabled, u can always check if
the session is being stored on the server too, look in /tmp first. Try
a  print_r
($_COOKIE); aswell.

  Hi everyone,
  I'm trying to create a session with PHP.  I'm using the following
 session_start( );
 print( session_id( ) );
 print( 'HTML');
 print( 'BODY' );
 print( 'a href =;Here/a' );
 print( '/BODY' );
 print( '/HTML' );
  Now, I'm trying to view this site on a WinXP box.  However, the
  cookies are  not being saved onto my machine.  I've viewed the site
  with Mozilla on a  Linux box, and it works fine.  What could be
  wrong?  Any help would be  greatly appreciated.
  I read somewhere that PHP had some issues with writing cookies to an
  NTFS  box.  Could that have anything to do with it?
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Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving

2004-03-04 Thread Paul Higgins
If there is something in $_COOKIE, what does that mean?  That there is a 
cookie somewhere?  Or is it appending the Session ID to the URL?


Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 15:24:32 +1100 (EST)
Is it a non default /tmp ? If so it should be in php.ini or u have to set
where it is with an ini_set , hope that helps.

 I asked my hosting company where they were stored...on the server...I
 am so  mad at myself...all that time wasted.  Thanks for the help was  much appreciated!


Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 14:25:53 +1100 (EST)

Are the hosts u looking at the same ? Like is it the very same link ?
Check on the XP box if you have cookies disabled, u can always check if
the session is being stored on the server too, look in /tmp first. Try
a  print_r
($_COOKIE); aswell.

  Hi everyone,
  I'm trying to create a session with PHP.  I'm using the following
 session_start( );
 print( session_id( ) );
 print( 'HTML');
 print( 'BODY' );
 print( '   a href =;Here/a' );
 print( '/BODY' );
 print( '/HTML' );
  Now, I'm trying to view this site on a WinXP box.  However, the
  cookies are  not being saved onto my machine.  I've viewed the site
  with Mozilla on a  Linux box, and it works fine.  What could be
  wrong?  Any help would be  greatly appreciated.
  I read somewhere that PHP had some issues with writing cookies to an
  NTFS  box.  Could that have anything to do with it?
  FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now!
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Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving

2004-03-04 Thread daniel
Ahh is it showing in the url ? Usually it stores as a cookie, or via url, i
think that is also set in php.ini, someone want to ellaborate here ?

 If there is something in $_COOKIE, what does that mean?  That there is
 a  cookie somewhere?  Or is it appending the Session ID to the URL?


Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 15:24:32 +1100 (EST)

Is it a non default /tmp ? If so it should be in php.ini or u have to
set where it is with an ini_set , hope that helps.

  I asked my hosting company where they were stored...on the
  server...I am so  mad at myself...all that time wasted.  Thanks for
  the help was  much appreciated!
 Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving
 Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 14:25:53 +1100 (EST)
 Are the hosts u looking at the same ? Like is it the very same link
 ? Check on the XP box if you have cookies disabled, u can always
 check if the session is being stored on the server too, look in /tmp
 first. Try a  print_r
 ($_COOKIE); aswell.
   Hi everyone,
   I'm trying to create a session with PHP.  I'm using the following
  session_start( );
  print( session_id( ) );
  print( 'HTML');
  print( 'BODY' );
  print( ' a href =;Here/a' );
  print( '/BODY' );
  print( '/HTML' );
   Now, I'm trying to view this site on a WinXP box.  However, the
   cookies are  not being saved onto my machine.  I've viewed the
   site with Mozilla on a  Linux box, and it works fine.  What could
   be wrong?  Any help would be  greatly appreciated.
   I read somewhere that PHP had some issues with writing cookies to
   an NTFS  box.  Could that have anything to do with it?
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Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving

2004-03-04 Thread Paul Higgins
When I thought about what the compay really told didn't make sense.  
All I know is that that cookie will not save on my WinXP box, but it will 
save on my Linux box.

Are there any special headers that I could use?


Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 15:24:32 +1100 (EST)
Is it a non default /tmp ? If so it should be in php.ini or u have to set
where it is with an ini_set , hope that helps.

 I asked my hosting company where they were stored...on the server...I
 am so  mad at myself...all that time wasted.  Thanks for the help was  much appreciated!


Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Sessions - Cookies Not Saving
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 14:25:53 +1100 (EST)

Are the hosts u looking at the same ? Like is it the very same link ?
Check on the XP box if you have cookies disabled, u can always check if
the session is being stored on the server too, look in /tmp first. Try
a  print_r
($_COOKIE); aswell.

  Hi everyone,
  I'm trying to create a session with PHP.  I'm using the following
 session_start( );
 print( session_id( ) );
 print( 'HTML');
 print( 'BODY' );
 print( '   a href =;Here/a' );
 print( '/BODY' );
 print( '/HTML' );
  Now, I'm trying to view this site on a WinXP box.  However, the
  cookies are  not being saved onto my machine.  I've viewed the site
  with Mozilla on a  Linux box, and it works fine.  What could be
  wrong?  Any help would be  greatly appreciated.
  I read somewhere that PHP had some issues with writing cookies to an
  NTFS  box.  Could that have anything to do with it?
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[PHP] Sessions, Cookies, and Subdomains

2002-12-02 Thread Rob Paxon
Hello, I've a bit of a problem and was wondering if anyone out there can help 
straighten it out.  I have never worked with cookies or php sessions before as the 
need for such has never presented itself before.  Up until this 
point I have been using a very customized version of PostNuke but things are to the 
point where I need a custom system from scratch.  I want to use php sessions for my 
user system because they seem to be more transparent to the 
visitor, but there are a few problems that I think I am going to run into based on 
what I've read.  I want to have my website split into several subdomains with a shared 
user system. That is to say that when someone logs into they'd also be logged into when they go to it.  It is my 
understanding that php sessions will not work in this way, being that each subdomain 
has its own sessions.  If this is the case, is there a 
way around this?  If it is the case and there isn't a way around this, is this able to 
be done with regular cookies?  Also, php sessions only last a certain amount of time.  
I'd like for users to remain logged in indefinitely if 
they choose to do so while logging in.  Assuming this is absolutely impossible in 
sessions, is it feasible to use php sessions as the basis of my user system, but use 
cookies as a secondary to it if users choose to remain logged 
in?  Any help at all would be really appreciated, because I'd like to get the new 
version of my site rolled out soon.

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RE: [PHP] Sessions, Cookies, and Subdomains

2002-12-02 Thread John W. Holmes
 I want to have my website split into several
 subdomains with a shared user system. That is to say that when someone
 logs into they'd also be logged into when they go
 it.  It is my understanding that php sessions will not work in this
 being that each subdomain has its own sessions.  If this is the case,
 there a
 way around this?  If it is the case and there isn't a way around this,
 this able to be done with regular cookies?  

You'll want to implement your own session handler and store the data in
a database. Then you can access and load the session variables from any
domain with access to the database. 

 Also, php sessions only last a
 certain amount of time.  I'd like for users to remain logged in
 indefinitely if
 they choose to do so while logging in.  Assuming this is absolutely
 impossible in sessions, is it feasible to use php sessions as the
basis of
 my user system, but use cookies as a secondary to it if users choose
 remain logged
 in?  Any help at all would be really appreciated, because I'd like to
 the new version of my site rolled out soon.

If you want a remember me feature, then you'll have to implement
something with cookies. Sessions will remain active as long as the user
is active. If they are inactive for a certain amount of time (which you
can set in php.ini) then their session file will be erased. 

Hope that helps.

---John Holmes...

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[PHP] Sessions/Cookies and HTTP Auth

2002-03-27 Thread David McInnis

Here is the scenario.

1.  I set my browser to block all cookies.
2.  I access this script.
3.  I am thinking that I should get an error because I presume that
session_start() will attempt to set a cookie (which it appears to do).  
(I tried setcookie() too and the cookie was accepted.)

My question is this.

When using httpauth, does httpauth override your cookie preferences?


*** my code **

require /home/www/common/_ini/_main.ini.php;

$auth = false; // Assume user is not authenticated

if (isset( $PHP_AUTH_USER )  isset($PHP_AUTH_PW)) {

$sql = SELECT * FROM staff WHERE
username = '$PHP_AUTH_USER' AND
password = '$PHP_AUTH_PW'; 

$result = mysql_query($sql, $connection)
or die ('Database Error - Could not select create data
from projects.');

// Get number of rows in $result.

$numrows = mysql_num_rows( $result );

if ( $numrows  0 ) {

// A matching row was found - the user is authenticated.

$auth = true;



if ( ! $auth ) {

header( 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=Private Extranet' );
header( 'HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized' );
echo 'Authorization Required.';

} else {
echo 'PYou are authorized!/P';


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Re: [PHP] Sessions/Cookies and HTTP Auth

2002-03-27 Thread maxwello

When using cookies,  if you don't set an expiration time, the cookie is only
good until the session expires.  It doesn't get saved, and it disappears
when the user closes their browser.

Many browsers have different settings/preferences for session cookies, and
because they don't get saved to your disk, you may not be prompted.

This might also explain someone's question a little while back (not sure if
it got answered or not) about why they couldn't find the cookie on their


- Original Message -
From: David McInnis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 7:10 PM
Subject: [PHP] Sessions/Cookies and HTTP Auth

 Here is the scenario.

 1.  I set my browser to block all cookies.
 2.  I access this script.
 3.  I am thinking that I should get an error because I presume that
 session_start() will attempt to set a cookie (which it appears to do).
 (I tried setcookie() too and the cookie was accepted.)

 My question is this.

 When using httpauth, does httpauth override your cookie preferences?


 *** my code **

 require /home/www/common/_ini/_main.ini.php;

 $auth = false; // Assume user is not authenticated

 if (isset( $PHP_AUTH_USER )  isset($PHP_AUTH_PW)) {

 $sql = SELECT * FROM staff WHERE
 username = '$PHP_AUTH_USER' AND
 password = '$PHP_AUTH_PW';

 $result = @mysql_query($sql, $connection)
 or die ('Database Error - Could not select create data
 from projects.');

 // Get number of rows in $result.

 $numrows = mysql_num_rows( $result );

 if ( $numrows  0 ) {

 // A matching row was found - the user is authenticated.

 $auth = true;



 if ( ! $auth ) {

 header( 'WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=Private Extranet' );
 header( 'HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized' );
 echo 'Authorization Required.';

 } else {
 echo 'PYou are authorized!/P';


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[PHP] sessions / cookies / header(Location...

2001-05-17 Thread Christian Dechery

I have a page that does a login... right after the login is successfull it 
registers a session var called 'userid'... and does a header(Location: 
newpage.php) which checks for the existance of this var... if it exists it 
will show, otherwise it goes back to the login page...

the weird thing is... it always worked fine, even if I logged in and out 
with three different users to test it... but now it only works if I replace 
the header() thing with:
header(Location: newpage.php?PHPSESSID=$PHPSESSID)

why is this weird now? it use to work...
and the weird thing is... while in newpage.php the user does some stuff 
which calls itself and also gets this 'userid' var... and gets it fine 
without any PHPSESSID stuff...

any clues?

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Re: [PHP] sessions / cookies / header(Location...

2001-05-17 Thread Chris Lee

yup, your browser is not accepting cookies. thats a good guess. when a browser does 
not accept cookies, trans-sid will kick in, trans-sid will not work on full urls, just 
reletive urls.

no trans-sid


header redirectect require (supposed to require) full urls. in other words its a good 
idea to put PHPSESSID=$PHPSESSID on all your full urls anyhow, just incase for 
non-cookie browsers.


 Chris Lee

Christian Dechery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
I have a page that does a login... right after the login is successfull it 
registers a session var called 'userid'... and does a header(Location: 
newpage.php) which checks for the existance of this var... if it exists it 
will show, otherwise it goes back to the login page...

the weird thing is... it always worked fine, even if I logged in and out 
with three different users to test it... but now it only works if I replace 
the header() thing with:
header(Location: newpage.php?PHPSESSID=$PHPSESSID)

why is this weird now? it use to work...
and the weird thing is... while in newpage.php the user does some stuff 
which calls itself and also gets this 'userid' var... and gets it fine 
without any PHPSESSID stuff...

any clues?

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Re: [PHP] sessions / cookies / header(Location...

2001-05-17 Thread Christian Dechery

it does not have anything to do with my browser... that's for sure...
I'm using MSIE 5.5, and never had any trouble... and as I said on the 
email... it used to work fine... it just stopped working...

and now yet some fresh info... it's working again now... I've tried...
one thing I noticed, that when I was testing and it was not working 
was relly slow... sluggish really... then 1 hour later got faster... I 
tested it and it worked...

so... does speed has anything to do with it? Maybe they were doing some 
maintenance or whatever...

At 14:35 17/5/2001 -0500, Chris Lee wrote:
yup, your browser is not accepting cookies. thats a good guess. when a 
browser does not accept cookies, trans-sid will kick in, trans-sid will 
not work on full urls, just reletive urls.

no trans-sid


header redirectect require (supposed to require) full urls. in other words 
its a good idea to put PHPSESSID=$PHPSESSID on all your full urls anyhow, 
just incase for non-cookie browsers.


  Chris Lee

Christian Dechery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
I have a page that does a login... right after the login is successfull it
registers a session var called 'userid'... and does a header(Location:
newpage.php) which checks for the existance of this var... if it exists it
will show, otherwise it goes back to the login page...

the weird thing is... it always worked fine, even if I logged in and out
with three different users to test it... but now it only works if I replace
the header() thing with:
header(Location: newpage.php?PHPSESSID=$PHPSESSID)

why is this weird now? it use to work...
and the weird thing is... while in newpage.php the user does some stuff
which calls itself and also gets this 'userid' var... and gets it fine
without any PHPSESSID stuff...

any clues?

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. Christian Dechery (lemming)
. Gaita-L Owner / Web Developer

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