Re: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-29 Thread Jeremiah Dodds

I know this is a bit of an old topic, but I feel really strongly
about this type of thing, as it's been a source of a *lot* of
frustration over the years, and took me a long time to figure out
something that works well for me. Some of the stuff below has been
mentioned by other people, but I think a few things deserve further

I hope you, and others, find the following useful.

AmirBehzad Eslami  writes:

> Hi,
> i'm going to join a mid-size company with a few PHP-driven projects
> written in procedural PHP, million years old.

Oooh, I've been in that boat more times than I'd care to admit.

> At the moment, they don't have a wiki or any documentation about their
> projects. For me, the first challenge in probation period is to understand
> how their code works.

If there's one thing I've learned in my adventures at PHP shops with old
crumbly codebases, it's that the wiki and docs are *wrong* anyhow. You
*have* to understand the *code*, and you *have* to ensure that you have
an understanding of the code. 

In ideal circumstances, it's tough to learn how to grok existing
codebases. In *this* type of circumstance it can feel damn near

> Considering that there is no wiki or docs, How can I see the Big Picture?*
> i'm sure this is a common problem for programmers everywhere.
> What approach do you use in a similar situation?
> Is there a systematic approach for this?
> Is there reverse-engineering technique to understand the design of code?
> Please share your experience and thoughts.

Well, there's a "very big picture", which relates to conceptual paths of
action with particular intent through the software, and relates less to
code and more to conceptual application design -- you get this by
knowing what the software is for, and talking to the people who are
creating it and using it, and understanding what they're trying to do.

The rest of this reply is going to be focusing on the "Big Picture" as
it pertains to understanding the code you're working on, particularly
because you mention that you're doing a "refactor".

Refactors without certain types of rigor often fail. Hard. Due to lack
of understanding of the "Big Picture" of the codebase being worked on,
and due to lack of separation of concern in the existing
codebase. Subtle lack of separation of concern. Drive-you-insane

I can't stress this enough -- it sounds like you are going down a path
that I, and many other much more competent devs, have been down too many
times. It's a path that *seems* simple, certainly simpler than the shit
I'm about to talk about, but that's because you don't know what you
don't know. You need to know that to know the Big Picture.

You must know that you don't know what you don't know. You *must* learn
to have this as part of your active mindset when dealing with "legacy"
deployed codebases. The approach you need to take is different than it
is when starting fresh.

The "Big Picture", and your understanding of it, is an emergent property
of the functionality of the existing codebase and your understanding of
the parts that make up that functionality.

Let's get to it:

First, if they aren't already, get things into version control. A
dvcs. Even if it's just your local copy, and you have to do silly things
like tell svn to ignore ".git" and tell git to ignore ".svn" dirs
because git-svn won't work with this codebase.

I prefer git. I prefer git because it focuses on allowing you to
manipulate and get information about the DAG that represents the various
changes you've made and its nodes. It's invaluable for getting a
codebase back to some amorphous time between then and now when things
worked but there's maybe been a bunch of stuff that happened and
something previously unnoticed is broken. That said, any dvcs will do,
but seriously you need to be able to track changes for yourself and
yourself only while poking around, and you need to be able to revert
them or keep them as needed.

Second, xdebug. Get familiar with it. xhprof. get familiar with it. Get
familiar with the options they have for generating profiling and
execution traces.

Turn them on, do something really simple like "load the homepage", and
then start looking a bit at what's going on. Any programming environment
worth its salt will let you take an execution trace and follow it around
in your editor. I use Emacs. I do use geben occasionally, but I don't do
much step debugging.

Try to understand at least a bit of the surrounding code at each point
in the trace. Don't bother trying to understand all of it at once,
there's too much (I've worked on PHP codebases that could produce
multiple-gig execution traces on a page load when the verbosity of the
trace was high. I hope you and everyone else never have to work on

Doing this gives you a little bit of a feel for typical paths of
execution, and exposes you to a fair amount of existing code.

Now for the absolute most important thing to do here:

Do *not* refactor 

Re: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-25 Thread AmirBehzad Eslami
Wow. David. That was a great help with every detail !
Thanks for sharing that with us.

One side question:
Without OOP, how do you handle Unit Tests?
Do you know a Testing framework for procedural code?

Re: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-24 Thread
AmirBehzad Eslami  hat am 24. September 2012 um 16:05
> What approach do you use in a similar situation?
> Is there a systematic approach for this?
> Is there reverse-engineering technique to understand the design of code?

Hi Amir,

my first start in such situations is

-> phpDocumentor or anything like that
-> xdebug + Cachegrind

This way + a few requests and you'll get with the help of the profiling logs a
good overview about the code and where the data flows.

When you now browse the code, make sure you'll put comments everywhere you go
and setup the wiki for yourself to document any kind of workflow you find.

Marco Behnke
Dipl. Informatiker (FH), SAE Audio Engineer Diploma
Zend Certified Engineer PHP 5.3

Tel.: 0174 / 9722336

Softwaretechnik Behnke
Heinrich-Heine-Str. 7D
21218 Seevetal

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Re: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-24 Thread tamouse mailing lists
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Daevid Vincent  wrote:
> That is a good point. We do not do unit tests here. Nothing against them, 
> it’s just a bit overkill for our needs. We build lots of websites, not one 
> massive SaaS.
> But I’m not saying do not use OOP. I’m just saying not everything has to be 
> OOP. It’s a subtle but significant difference.
> We have OOP classes for our database connection (and of course the helper 
> routines), memecache access/purging/etc., and then objects for actors, 
> movies, scenes, search results, HTML templates, email, tickets, etc…  again, 
> use the right tool for the job. When all you have is a hammer, everything is 
> a nail. Build a toolbox. ;-)
> From: AmirBehzad Eslami []
> Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 12:47 PM
> To: Daevid Vincent
> Cc: PHP General Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available
> Wow. David. That was a great help with every detail !
> Thanks for sharing that with us.
> One side question:
> Without OOP, how do you handle Unit Tests?
> Do you know a Testing framework for procedural code?

Wait, what? Unit testing has been around longer than OOP There
weren't the nifty frameworks that make unit testing classes so much
fun today, but you know you can *still* use them on procedural code.

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RE: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-24 Thread Daevid Vincent
That is a good point. We do not do unit tests here. Nothing against them, it’s 
just a bit overkill for our needs. We build lots of websites, not one massive 
But I’m not saying do not use OOP. I’m just saying not everything has to be 
OOP. It’s a subtle but significant difference.
We have OOP classes for our database connection (and of course the helper 
routines), memecache access/purging/etc., and then objects for actors, movies, 
scenes, search results, HTML templates, email, tickets, etc…  again, use the 
right tool for the job. When all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail. 
Build a toolbox. ;-)
From: AmirBehzad Eslami [] 
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 12:47 PM
To: Daevid Vincent
Cc: PHP General Mailing List
Subject: Re: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available
Wow. David. That was a great help with every detail !
Thanks for sharing that with us.

One side question: 
Without OOP, how do you handle Unit Tests?
Do you know a Testing framework for procedural code?

Re: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-24 Thread David OBrien
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 3:06 PM, Daevid Vincent  wrote:

> And for the love of [insert deity of your choice here] not EVERYTHING has
> to be OOP. Use the best tool for the job!! Nothing pisses me off more than
> having to instantiate a new class just to do some simple method that a
> standard function would do. If you want to be organized, use static methods
> then where appropriate, but don't avoid functions just because some book
> told you that OOP is the king $hit.
I'll never forget my first experience with a full blown Zend framework
There were about 13 files and around 15k lines of code included to display
one line of text in the header where just a simple echo would have

RE: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-24 Thread Daevid Vincent
> -Original Message-
> From: AmirBehzad Eslami []
> Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 7:05 AM
> To: PHP General Mailing List
> Subject: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available
> Hi,
> i'm going to join a mid-size company with a few PHP-driven projects
> written in procedural PHP, million years old.
> At the moment, they don't have a wiki or any documentation about their
> projects. For me, the first challenge in probation period is to understand
> how their code works.
> *
> Considering that there is no wiki or docs, How can I see the Big Picture?*
> i'm sure this is a common problem for programmers everywhere.
> What approach do you use in a similar situation?
> Is there a systematic approach for this?
> Is there reverse-engineering technique to understand the design of code?
> Please share your experience and thoughts.
> -Thanks in advance,
> Behzad

I was in this same situation when I started 2011-03. No wiki. No revision 
control. No real process. No documentation. They'd push to production by 
copying files manually. When they wanted to create a new website, they'd clone 
an existing one and start modifying -- no shared libraries (so they had 50 
versions of the same dbconnection.class.php but all just slightly different 
since that is also where they housed the configuration user/pass/etc.)!! It was 
a clu$terfsck.

Take a day or two to go through every menu item and just see how the thing 
works from a user POV. You don't have to memorize it, just be familiar with 
concepts, vocabulary, paths, etc.

First thing I did was install Trac

And of course Subversion. I personally recommend the 1.6 branch and not the 
newer 1.7 that uses sqlite. That version seems to always corrupt, especially on 
the clients (like in TortoiseSVN).

I would use something to visually map out the database. If it's using MySQL, 
there are free tools like MySQL Workbench. But if they don't use InnoDB tables, 
it can get painful to draw the lines if it's a large DB.

I then started to go through code and use PHPDoc for every major function or 
method, especially in classes or include files where the meaty stuff happens, 
or very complex portions. I didn't bother with every get_* or set_* unless 
there was something obscure about them. Although, over a year later, and we 
have pretty much filled them all in now as the other devs started helping once 
they saw how easy it is to do a few as you encounter them in your daily coding, 
and how awesome that integrates with PDT or Zend Studio (amongst other IDEs). 
We didn't generate an actual PHPDoc Web version, there's really no need. The 
IDE shows you the important stuff anyways. We're pretty diligent about keeping 
these PHPDoc comment blocks updated now.

I then started the long tedious process of merging our various different sites 
to implement shared libraries (database connections, memecache, various 
objects, etc.). If you have only one project, then this is less of an issue, 
but if you have > 1 vhost or something then you'll want to do this.

All the while I documented useful tips, tricks, explanations, etc. in the Wiki. 
Referencing source code (which is of course committed at this point). Trac 
rules in that respect.

Xdebug will give you vastly better call stack and var_dump() alone. I don't use 
the breakpoint stuff myself, but that is another benefit perhaps.

And for the love of [insert deity of your choice here] not EVERYTHING has to be 
OOP. Use the best tool for the job!! Nothing pisses me off more than having to 
instantiate a new class just to do some simple method that a standard function 
would do. If you want to be organized, use static methods then where 
appropriate, but don't avoid functions just because some book told you that OOP 
is the king $hit.


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Re: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-24 Thread shiplu
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 9:09 PM, AmirBehzad Eslami

> Shiplu,
> For debugging, what else do you use beyond xdebug and var_dump() ?

Netbeans for PHP and Eclipse PDT.  Both has good debugger support.  An
all-in-one package will server your purpose. Otherwise configuring xdebug
might be painful.

-- | A dynamic signature machine
Innovation distinguishes between follower and leader

Re: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-24 Thread AmirBehzad Eslami
For debugging, what else do you use beyond xdebug and var_dump() ?

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 6:07 PM, shiplu  wrote:

> If there is no wiki there could be inline comment. If not inline comments
> and those are written by your peers, dont join that team.
> Even there are inline comments you'll need to understand the architecture
> fast. Inline comments will help to understand a small context but not the
> whole
> For this try run the application with a debugger. And step through it.  If
> you know debugging well in PHP you'll understand the workflow.
> --
> | A dynamic signature machine
> Innovation distinguishes between follower and leader

Re: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-24 Thread AmirBehzad Eslami
The idea of mapping the db-structure and logic behind each page is
Thanks for sharing.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 6:06 PM, admin  wrote:

> I would start by mapping their databases structure.
> Now for each page I would map out any functions, statements or includes to
> a diagram and documenting explanations for everything.
> This will allow you to see pitfalls, bad coding, and areas of improvement.
> This will also allow you do explain to them what the application really
> does.
> Think documentum

Kind regards,

Re: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-24 Thread shiplu
If there is no wiki there could be inline comment. If not inline comments
and those are written by your peers, dont join that team.
Even there are inline comments you'll need to understand the architecture
fast. Inline comments will help to understand a small context but not the
For this try run the application with a debugger. And step through it.  If
you know debugging well in PHP you'll understand the workflow.

-- | A dynamic signature machine
Innovation distinguishes between follower and leader

RE: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-24 Thread admin
> -Original Message-
> Hi,
> i'm going to join a mid-size company with a few PHP-driven projects written 
> in procedural PHP, million years old.
> At the moment, they don't have a wiki or any documentation about their 
> projects. For me, the first challenge in probation period is to understand 
> how their code works.
> *
> Considering that there is no wiki or docs, How can I see the Big Picture?* 
> i'm sure this is a common problem for programmers everywhere.
> What approach do you use in a similar situation?
> Is there a systematic approach for this?
> Is there reverse-engineering technique to understand the design of code?
> Please share your experience and thoughts.
> -Thanks in advance,
> Behzad

I would start by mapping their databases structure. Get an 
understanding of the data behind the application.
Normally this gives you a better insight into their thought process, providing 
they use one.

Now for each page I would map out any functions, statements or includes to a 
diagram and documenting explanations for everything.
Because their concept of what the application does may not be the actual 

This will allow you to see pitfalls, bad coding, and areas of improvement. This 
will also allow you do explain to them what the application really does.
Think documentum

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Re: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-24 Thread Haluk Karamete
I would first start out with checking the code where user input is
taken and then placed into SQL statements from a SQL Injection point
of view, I would also take a look if user input is echoed back without
any treatment to see if there are issues with XSS.

If these checks yield that the previous programming done carelessly, I
would call IT department to an immediate meeting to discuss this

At that time, you either convince the IT department that the code
needs to be re-written or a great patch work is due. But many times,
writing code from the ground up yields way better results than trying
to fix the problematic code.

I think there are two kinds of programmers. Those with do what they
are told and could not care less the rest and Those who stop their
bosses and guide them in the proper track.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 7:05 AM, AmirBehzad Eslami
> Hi,
> i'm going to join a mid-size company with a few PHP-driven projects
> written in procedural PHP, million years old.
> At the moment, they don't have a wiki or any documentation about their
> projects. For me, the first challenge in probation period is to understand
> how their code works.
> *
> Considering that there is no wiki or docs, How can I see the Big Picture?*
> i'm sure this is a common problem for programmers everywhere.
> What approach do you use in a similar situation?
> Is there a systematic approach for this?
> Is there reverse-engineering technique to understand the design of code?
> Please share your experience and thoughts.
> -Thanks in advance,
> Behzad

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Re: [PHP] Joining a team, where no wiki or docs are available

2012-09-24 Thread AmirBehzad Eslami
Thanks Samuel.

Actually I'm not going to add features or fix bugs, they're trying a
refactoring process, to improve the design of code. So, I really need
to understand the current design at the outset.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Samuel Lopes Grigolato <> wrote:

> I would recommend reading this article:
> It's targeted to Java developers, but the concepts are valid to any
> language.
> Hope it helps.
> Cheers,
> Samuel.