Re: [PHP] most reliable way to test if using https

2006-01-13 Thread Ray Hauge
if( !preg_match(/HTTPS/, $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ){


That's what I have been using.


Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

On Friday 13 January 2006 04:05 pm, James Benson wrote:
 What is the most reliable way to test if a connection is already using
 the https protocol, is their a PHP constant or something builtin already?


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Re: [PHP] Best way to do this:

2006-01-16 Thread Ray Hauge
You could also check to see if $_GET['page'] contains a value, and if it does 
not, then redirect it.  Something like this:

if($_GET['page'] == ''){
header(Refresh: 0; URL=;);

Granted that isn't validating the $_GET['page'] variable input for security, 
but that should at least get you going.  Also, that assumes that all your 
pages use the GET query to specify which page they are on.  If that's just 
for the initial page, then you'd have to do some more qualification.


Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

On Monday 16 January 2006 03:14 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On your web server you can configure 'default pages'.  Apache and *nix type
 servers seem to favor the index.html type default pages while Microsoft's
 IIS goes for the Default.htm just to be different.  But you can add
 default pages to a list in the order you want them accepted.

 For instance, if you use PHP a lot (which I think we all do :) but you have
 a lot of directories that just have static HTML in them, you might have:


 (or vice versa) as your default pages list.  If it doesn't find any of
 those in the directory being accessed, then you should get your good old
 404 error.

 Should just be a matter of adding start.php to your defaults list in
 whatever priority order you want.

 I think that'll do it for ya.   If you're going through an ISP, they still
 may have a way that you can set your defaults, possibly through .htaccess
 or some other Apache type prefs setting mechanism.

 Good luck!


 = = = Original message = = =


 What would be the best way to get a page variable like this:

 to show up when a user types in:

 My current fix is to have this:

 header(Refresh: 0; URL=;);

 .. on a index.php page on the root..

 Is there a way I can do this and avoid having a page that just does

 Thanks for help.

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Re: [PHP] Str to Int

2006-01-20 Thread Ray Hauge
You should be able to typecast the variable like so:

$cardID = (int)$cardID;

You can also check which type it is showing up as with the function gettype():

Optionally you could use settype() to change the type of the variable:


Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

On Friday 20 January 2006 03:53 pm, Ron Eggler (Paykiosks) wrote:

 I need to do a type cast from string to int in folllowing code:
 getPIN cardID='.intval(trim($cardID)).' quantity=1 /
 I need $cardID have converted to int. I thought it should work that way
 but it does not!
 But it's working if I'm putting
 getPIN cardID=180 quantity=1 /
 in there. I got card ID as a var that is passed as get like:
 $cardID = $HTTP_GET_VARS[cardID];

 Can anyone help me in that issue? Thank you!


 Ron Eggler

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[PHP] Testing

2006-01-23 Thread Ray Hauge
Sorry to kind of spam the list, but I recently switched email programs and 
my posts haven't been making it to the list.  This is just a test... please 
ignore it :)


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Re: [PHP] Apache is not parsing .php files

2006-01-26 Thread Ray Hauge
On Thursday 26 January 2006 03:28 pm, Richard Lynch wrote:
 On Thu, January 26, 2006 2:19 pm, sanjay wrote:
  I have a strange problem while trying to run php based applications.
  Lets start with phpMyAdmin, a very popular open source tool to manage
  MySQL written in php.
  I have already installed phpMyAdmin and was running fine.
  One day suddenly when I pointed my browser at :
  Instead of running the phpMyAdmin browser opened a message window with
  Open With or Save to disk .
  I am sure its not browser problem because I tried on Firefox-1.5,
  Mozilla, Epiphany and Konqueror.
  One more point I would like to add here that if I write one small php
  program and
  save it in as php file (test.php) then
  executes properly
  I am using Fedora 2 and apache2, php-4.3x and mysql-3.x were part of
  Fedora installation.
  The only change I made in the /etc/php.ini file was to increase the
  memory limit from 8MB to 12MB.
  (Then restarted the http server)
  Now even php.ini file is in the original state but problem is still
  The http.conf file is unchanged.
  Can any one give me some sort of idea.

 My first WILD GUESS is that way long time ago, you changed httpd.conf
 and/or php.ini, but forgot to re-start Apache, and then tested, and
 everything worked, so you went on.

 Now, when you HAVE re-started Apache, your fix from ages ago is
 finally kicking in, and you have no recollection of that change.

 If you have log files or notes of changes made previously, especially
 to httpd.conf, php.ini, or .htaccess, review them -- Keep in mind that
 what you are calling your original httpd.conf and php.ini file are,
 in fact, the ones you modified oh so long ago.

 Another tack you can take is to go ahead and save what the browser is
 sending you and look at it and see what it looks like.

 PHP Source?

 Or something else?

 Also use telnet or curl (from another box) or similar to get the
 headers and HTML that is coming out from the broken pages.

 Like Music?

I ran into this a while ago.  My hosting company did some updates and messed 
up the httpd.conf file.   I eventually tracked it down to the php directives 
being a bit mangled.  Make sure that Apache is loading the PHP module, and 
that you are telling apache how to handle php files.

Since you have apache2, check the /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf file to make sure 
that LoadModule, AddHandler, AddType, and DirectoryIndex are all in there.


Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

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Re: [PHP] Isolating a php directory on a main server

2006-01-26 Thread Ray Hauge
On Thursday 26 January 2006 03:48 pm, The Doctor wrote:
 How can one do this ??  CLient wants to isolate away so
 development code so that only he can upload it and no one in the world can
 see it.

 Member - Liberal International
 God Queen and country! Beware Anti-Christ rising!
 Born 29 Jan 1969 Redhill Surrey UK

If I'm reading this right, this sounds like more of a webserver issue.  If 
you're using Apache, then you could probably put in a Directory directive 
to lock it down to his IP (if he is static).  You could also put the 
user/pass authentication in there.

Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

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Re: [PHP] session loss

2006-01-31 Thread Ray Hauge
This behavior could happen if your team is using load-balancing on multiple 
T-1s instead of a bonded connection.  That would cause them to use different 
IPs/connections, and would normally close the session.

That's a remote possibility, but that actually happened to me on one of our 

Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

On Tuesday 31 January 2006 04:12 pm, Richard Correia wrote:
 Which php version and platform?


 On 2/1/06, Dave Goodchild [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all - does anyone know why, in certain cases, session variables are
  from the $_SESSION superglobal array? I am writing a session-driven app
  for some reason the testing crew lose a certain variable while traversing
  forms but I cannot replicate the situation myself. Any knowledge of this
  will be appreciated!

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[PHP] Excell to CSV Date Calculations

2006-02-02 Thread Ray Hauge
Hello all,

I have a script that takes a CSV file in as data and does some updates to the 
DB accordingly.  Some of those values are dates.  When I save the spreadsheet 
in Open Office to a CSV file, the dates are saved as the internal date format 
of Open Office.  I need to figure out a way to convert that number into an 
actual date

I know that this might not necessarily be a PHP question, but I was hoping to 
be able to solve this problem with PHP.  I checked, and MS Excel is one day 
off from Open Office on the internal date values, which throws a huge wrench 
in my program, since not everyone has Excel here.

So, there are two possible solutions to my problem.  Find a way to make the 
date the text it is supposed to represent and save that in the CSV file, or 
use PHP to calculate the correct date.

On a side note, I did figure out a function to be able to handle this in the 
spreadsheet, but the users will ask questions even if I show them time and 
time again how to do it.


Just trying to find an easier solution :)


Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

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Re: [PHP] Excell to CSV Date Calculations

2006-02-02 Thread Ray Hauge
On Thursday 02 February 2006 01:38 pm, Ray Hauge wrote:
 Hello all,

 I have a script that takes a CSV file in as data and does some updates to
 the DB accordingly.  Some of those values are dates.  When I save the
 spreadsheet in Open Office to a CSV file, the dates are saved as the
 internal date format of Open Office.  I need to figure out a way to convert
 that number into an actual date

 I know that this might not necessarily be a PHP question, but I was hoping
 to be able to solve this problem with PHP.  I checked, and MS Excel is one
 day off from Open Office on the internal date values, which throws a huge
 wrench in my program, since not everyone has Excel here.

 So, there are two possible solutions to my problem.  Find a way to make the
 date the text it is supposed to represent and save that in the CSV file, or
 use PHP to calculate the correct date.

 On a side note, I did figure out a function to be able to handle this in
 the spreadsheet, but the users will ask questions even if I show them time
 and time again how to do it.


 Just trying to find an easier solution :)


 Ray Hauge
 Programmer/Systems Administrator
 American Student Loan Services

Okay, I finally found the answer to my question after some more searching:

date(d.m.Y - H:i:s,(($value - 25569)*86400)-7200);

This is for Excel, but is off a day if you are using Open Office.  I think 
that will just have to be documented and people limited to one program, 
unless anyone can think of a way to distinguish one CSV file from another.

Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

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[PHP] PHP4 VS PHP5 Performance

2006-02-06 Thread Ray Hauge
Hello all,

I've been poking around a little bit, and I haven't found a good link for 
showing the performance differences between the two versions of PHP.  Mostly 
I was just curious what the numbers were.  I've heard some conflicting 
opinions on the matter, and wanted to clear it up with some facts.  I don't 
have the time to set up php4 and php5 on identical machines :(


Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

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[PHP] Session Locking Up

2006-02-17 Thread Ray Hauge
Hello List,

I'm having an intermittent problem where the session locks up for some of my 
users.  When the session locks up, the browser just sits there waiting for a 
response from the server.  It seems to be random, which makes it very 
difficult to debug.  It also seems to happen system wide, and not just on a 
particular page (a home-made CRM).  The server is running Apache 2.x and PHP 
4.4.X on RHEL on a quad-processor server with 8 GB RAM.  We do an hourly 
backup that does cause some delays, but the session lockups do not 
necessarily happen around that time.   

Could this be caused by the session garbage collection (we use the default PHP 
sessions), and if it is, what would/could be done to better the situation?

Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

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[PHP] Session Locking Up

2006-02-17 Thread Ray Hauge
Hello List,

I'm having an intermittent problem where the session locks up for some of my 
users.  When the session locks up, the browser just sits there waiting for a 
response from the server.  It seems to be random, which makes it very 
difficult to debug.  It also seems to happen system wide, and not just on a 
particular page (a home-made CRM).  The server is running Apache 2.x and PHP 
4.4.X on RHEL on a quad-processor server with 8 GB RAM.  We do an hourly 
backup that does cause some delays, but the session lockups do not 
necessarily happen around that time.   

Could this be caused by the session garbage collection (we use the default PHP 
sessions), and if it is, what would/could be done to better the situation?

Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

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Re: [PHP] newbie problem

2006-02-20 Thread Ray Hauge
On Monday 20 February 2006 15:32, Robert Voogdgeert wrote:
  Robert Voogdgeert wrote:
   Hash: SHA1
   Dear php-users,
   When working with an HTML file with a form with
   form action=somename.php method=post
   the somename.php file is served (completely) to my browser as plain
   after the 'submit' button is clicked on my machine (MacOS X). On the
   external webhost though everything is processed correctly...
   Is this related to some setting that I should change on my


  Is your localhost parsing php documents?  If you're using Apache, do


  have a line like this in you httpd.conf
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  John C. Nichel IV
  Programmer/System Admin (ÜberGeek)
  Dot Com Holdings of Buffalo


 My httpd.conf has the following:

 IfModule mod_php4.c
 # If php is turned on, we repsect .php and .phps files.
 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
 AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps


Is the file in one of your home folders, or in a folder that Apache is 
configured to check?  (I've seen that happen from time to time)

eg. file in /home/myhome/projects/file.php


file in /var/www/htdocs/file.php

Also, was apache restarted after allowing PHP (if applicable)

Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

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[PHP] Parse Error

2006-02-21 Thread Ray Cantwell

Hi all,
I am a noob and super confused right now. I have some really simple code 
and i am getting an error that reads:
*Parse error*: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in 
*/var/www/mysql_up.php* on line

here is the code:

headtitleTest MySQL/title/head
!-- mysql_up.php --

mysql_connect($host,$user,$password) ;
$sql=show status;
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if ($result == 0)
  echo bError  . mysql_errno() . : 
. mysql_error() . /b;
!-- Table That Displays the results --
table border=1
   for ($i = 0; $i  mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) {
 echo TR;
 $row_array = mysql_fetch_row($result);
 for ($j = 0; $j  mysql_num_fields(result); $j++)
   echo TD . $row_array[$j] . /td;
 echo /tr;
?php } ?

I am really confused because i cannot see any obvious errors.
any help would be appreciated.


Re: [PHP] Parse Error

2006-02-21 Thread Ray Hauge
On Tuesday 21 February 2006 14:27, Ray Cantwell wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am a noob and super confused right now. I have some really simple code
 and i am getting an error that reads:
 *Parse error*: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in
 */var/www/mysql_up.php* on line

 here is the code:

 headtitleTest MySQL/title/head
 !-- mysql_up.php --

 mysql_connect($host,$user,$password) ;
 $sql=show status;
 $result = mysql_query($sql);
 if ($result == 0)
echo bError  . mysql_errno() . : 
  . mysql_error() . /b;
 !-- Table That Displays the results --
 table border=1
 for ($i = 0; $i  mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) {
   echo TR;
   $row_array = mysql_fetch_row($result);
   for ($j = 0; $j  mysql_num_fields(result); $j++)
 echo TD . $row_array[$j] . /td;
   echo /tr;
 ?php } ?

 I am really confused because i cannot see any obvious errors.
 any help would be appreciated.


It looks like you need some semi-colons after assigning values to variables at 
the top of your file.

If that's not the problem, let us know what line number this is happening on.  
It makes it a lot easier to spot the problem ;)

Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

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[PHP] CLI utility

2006-02-21 Thread Ray Cantwell

Hello again,
I was wondering if any of you knew of a good command line utility for 
php5 on linux? The box i write on has no X-windows.


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Re: [PHP] (array)

2006-02-22 Thread Ray Hauge
On Wednesday 22 February 2006 15:09, John Nichel wrote:
 Jay Paulson wrote:
  Just came across some code I haven't seen before and can't find anything
  on or google about it (maybe I'm not searching for the right
  thing?). What is the following doing?
  // $dataobject is holding a bunch of variables like:
  //  $dataobject-var1
  //  $dataobject-var2
  //  etc...
  Is this making the $dataobject an associative array like:
  Or is it doing something different?

 Yes, I believe it's type-casting the object into an array.  Do a print_r
 ( $dataobject ) on it before and after the casting.

 John C. Nichel IV
 Programmer/System Admin (ÜberGeek)
 Dot Com Holdings of Buffalo

I was curious about this myself, so I took a look at the Types section of 
the PHP manual, and an array is really a compound type.  With that in mind it 
makes sense that you could typecast to an array.

Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

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[PHP] displaying string combinations

2001-04-20 Thread Ray Iftikhar

I have a bunch of "Banner" strings (ie. $banner1, $banner2, $banner3,
$banner4). I have another set of "random" strings that randomly generate a
value 1-4 ($RandBanner1, $RandBanner2, $RandBanner3,$RandBanner4). Now I
want to display $banner1-4 randomly. I plan on doing this by:
print "$banner".$RandBanner1;
but that doesnt seem to work...Anyone got any other suggestions?
Any help is greatly appricaited.
Thanks in advance,

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[PHP] suggestions for binary data in database

2001-04-27 Thread Ray Hilton


I have a site, which is basically my personal home page
and nothing more than a hobby.

However, on the site, i am currently storing images in the database, purely
because i can.  But i wonder, how much will the server load be affected when
pulling binary data out of the database?  compared to the file system?  i
assume its going to be quite a lot higher.  DO you reckon it would be better
to scrap that and store the images on the file system?

Ray Hilton

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Re: [PHP] Sigh :)

2002-12-04 Thread Ray Hunter
Which version of mysql are you using?


On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 10:33, John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
 Can someone take a look at this again, please?
 Your posts so far have proven fruitless. Thanks for trying. :) I do appreciate it.
 I will try to answer everyone at the same time.
 Someone mentionned it might be a problem with magic_quotes, but I didn't really 
 I did test what he suggested:
 From John Holmes
  try this
 Doesn't work. :) Thanks. I did try:
 It echos:
 ('\ready maria\' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
 It should echo:
 ('ready maria' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
 for it to work. But even if I add slashquotes, it won't do it.
 could you get the error message with mysql_error() and post it here?
 There is no error. I wish there was :) Thanks for trying.
 Doesn't work - Resembles +ready +maria
 hmm - how do you get your string ready maria?
 input name=search
 why '.$table.' and not '.$table.'
 with what you've got now, I believe you are looking for table name.
 Good idea. Done that. Doesn't change . :) Thanks.
 also, use double quotes for start and end of variables as in:
 $sql=select * from '.$table.' where var='some
 value other than a number' ;
 Doesn't work. :) Thanks.

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Re: [PHP] Detecing a Number

2002-12-04 Thread Ray Hunter
If you are getting a number from a user via a form you can use
javascript to verify that the user inputed a number...

search google - validating forms  that should give you some info.

You could also verify that the data is a number by is_numeric or

I think that when the data is POSTed that it will be a string so you can
use is_numberic to verify if it is...

On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 14:01, Stephen wrote:
 I have a repeating function to add. The user enters the number of how many
 numbers they want to add, then it repeats a form field. What I want to do is
 detect to make sure that the value they enter is a number. If not, don't do
 the do while loop and if it is, then go ahead and do it. How can I do this?
 Stephen Craton
 What is a dreamer that cannot persevere? --
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Re: [PHP] Looping Addition

2002-12-04 Thread Ray Hunter
What type is $_POST['vars']?  I think that it is a might
have to convert it to an integer...

if( is_numeric( $_POST['vars'] ) )
$vars = (int)$_POST['vars'];
echo Error: \$_POST['vars'] is not an integer.;

On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 14:26, Stephen wrote:
 Sorry for the uncontrolable emaling to the list but I'm in rather a stump.
 You may be hearing a lot from me over the next few days too.
 Anyway, I mentioned before my form with the addition that loops to the
 number of numbers the user wants to add. Now to the part of the actual
 addition, how could I loop that out also?
 Here's what I'm trying to do right now but naturally, it doesn't work:
  $output = 0;
  $current = 1;
   $output .= $num.$current +
  } while($current =  $_POST['vars']);
 Any help would be great! Thanks!
 Stephen Craton
 What is a dreamer that cannot persevere? --
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Re: [PHP] # of lines in a file

2002-12-09 Thread Ray Hunter
Might not be the most secure way, but very fast...

$lines = `cat file.txt | wc -l`

That will give you the number of lines...but again not the best

On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 09:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey guys, I've been searching the manual for a way to grab the number of 
 lines in a file and read a particular line from it, however I found no 
 solution to my problem so I'm wondering if any of you out there could help me 
 - CS

Ray Hunter

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Re: [PHP] Linux and Graphics

2002-12-09 Thread Ray Hunter
What functions do you want to use?

You can review the functions in the manual and it will tell you how to
configure php with them...

On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 13:31, Todd Cary wrote:
 I am running PHP in a RedHat 7.3 environment and I notice that the
 graphic functions are not present.  Since I am quite new to Linux, I
 would appreciate it if someone could explain to me what I need to do
 to have graphic functions.
 Many thanks.
 Ariste Software, Petaluma, CA 94952

Ray Hunter

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Re: [PHP] a simple test script for testing gd

2002-12-09 Thread Ray Hunter
There are some test scripts in the tests directory of the src.  However,
i do not know if there are any script for the testing of gd functions...

On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 13:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello list,
 Anybody here who knows a simple php-script for the puspose of testing gd-related 
tasks eg like
 dynamic construction of buttons???
 Oliver Etzel

Ray Hunter

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Re: [PHP] Fractions

2002-12-09 Thread Ray Hunter
Just like math...find the greatest common denominator of the numerator
and denominator and then divide each (numerator and denominator) by that

ie: numerator = 8 and denominator = 12

so we have 8/12

then greatest common denominator is 4...

so 8/4 = 2 and 12/4 = 3

thus, 8/12 = 2/3

On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 15:55, Stephen wrote:
 I know for a fact that you're all going to think, What the heck does
 he want fractions for!? I have a reason...I just won't tell you. :-P
 My problem is this. I want to simplify a fraction to simplest form but
 if I divide, I'll get a decimal which I can't use. How could I put it
 in simplest form without displaying a decimal to the user and if one
 does come up, a mixed number?
 Stephen Craton
 What is a dreamer that cannot persevere? --
 PHP General Mailing List (
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Ray Hunter

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Re: [PHP] Fractions

2002-12-09 Thread Ray Hunter
If there are none in the math functions then you need to create your own
or do a search at google to see if anyone has created some functions
like that...

On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 16:20, Stephen wrote:
 But how do you find it in PHP?
 - Original Message - 
 From: Ray Hunter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 6:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Fractions
  Just like math...find the greatest common denominator of the numerator
  and denominator and then divide each (numerator and denominator) by that
  ie: numerator = 8 and denominator = 12
  so we have 8/12
  then greatest common denominator is 4...
  so 8/4 = 2 and 12/4 = 3
  thus, 8/12 = 2/3
  On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 15:55, Stephen wrote:
   I know for a fact that you're all going to think, What the heck does
   he want fractions for!? I have a reason...I just won't tell you. :-P

   My problem is this. I want to simplify a fraction to simplest form but
   if I divide, I'll get a decimal which I can't use. How could I put it
   in simplest form without displaying a decimal to the user and if one
   does come up, a mixed number?
   Stephen Craton

   What is a dreamer that cannot persevere? --
   PHP General Mailing List (
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  Ray Hunter
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Ray Hunter

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Re: [PHP] Format a currency values

2002-12-09 Thread Ray Hunter
Look at this function in the manual:




On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 17:38, Adriano Santos wrote:
 What should I do in order to view a currency format field?
 For example: I have a double-type field in my table that receives values in
 and I want to show the user the following message:
 print Your monthly fee is R$50,00 ?

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Re: [PHP] Know the path

2002-12-10 Thread Ray Hunter
Check out the filesystem functions:

On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 12:05, Christian Ista wrote:
 I have a web site with several directories or subdorectories, I'd like to
 know when I call (include) php page, the path where I'm. Is it possible?

Ray Hunter

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Re: [PHP] command line output

2002-12-10 Thread Ray Hunter
try using -q

Here is the usage:

Usage: php [-q] [-h] [-s [-v] [-i] [-f file] |  {file [args...]}
  -q Quiet-mode.  Suppress HTTP Header output.
  -s Display colour syntax highlighted source.
  -w Display source with stripped comments and whitespace.
  -f file  Parse file.  Implies `-q'
  -v Version number
  -C Do not chdir to the script's directory
  -c path  Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -a Run interactively
  -d foo[=bar]   Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
  -e Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
  -z file  Load Zend extension file.
  -l Syntax check only (lint)
  -m Show compiled in modules
  -i PHP information
  -h This help

On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 12:30, Bryan Koschmann - GKT wrote:
 I'm trying out a little script run from the command line. It simply
 outputs a number to send to Cacti. Is there any way to get it to NOT send
 all the stuff like this:
 X-Powered-By: PHP/4.2.3
 Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=ec0e2c10c8bd9e0a0ad02cfcc182dbfb; path=/
 Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
 Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0,
 Pragma: no-cache
 Content-type: text/html
 (the 168 is my outputted number)

Ray Hunter

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Re: [PHP] XML Data push

2002-12-10 Thread Ray Hunter
You want the receiving page to be php that makes an xml page that is
then pushed to be a processing page back to the user?

I think some more detail might be needed...

On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 12:35, Chris Boget wrote:
 I'm looking into doing something like the following:
 [best viewed w/fixed width font]
 User Request User Interface
 |   ^
 \/  |
 Receiving Page -- XML Data push -- Processing Page
 where the Receiving page is a controller and pushes data
 (as XML) to a processing page.  What I'm not sure of is how
 I can push the data.  I'd rather not use sessions and the data
 would be too large to pass as a get.  I've looked at CURL but
 unless I'm missing something, I'm not sure that's what I need.
 I'm curious if someone can point me in the right direction?  I
 don't need to know _exactly_ how to do this.  In fact, I'd rather
 figure it out on my own.  But as I'm not even sure where to 
 start looking, coming up with that answer is much more difficult.
 So if any of you know where I can start looking to learn how I
 can do this, I'd be ever so appreciative!

Ray Hunter

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Re: [PHP] XML Data push

2002-12-10 Thread Ray Hunter
Why do you want to push it to another file...why not do all the
processing in one php file that calls many functions then passes that
data back to the user.

if you still want to pass data then you can do this...

controller.php push xml data to a table that has id and xml
fields...then redirect the user to process_news.php with the id like

then in process_news.php you use the id to pull the xml data out of the

However, this is still going to eat up resources on the server...

Another alternative that i have been looking into for this is like so:

have php file create, process and save xml filethen you can use
cocoon to allow the user to view the xml file...
(check phpbuilder on this one)...

On Tue, 2002-12-10 at 12:58, Chris Boget wrote:
  You want the receiving page to be php that makes an xml page that is
  then pushed to be a processing page back to the user?
  I think some more detail might be needed...
 No, sorry if I wasn't clear.  The processing page is a PHP script on the back 
 end as well.  The XML data being pushed to it would include specification as
 to what action(s) the processing page would take.  A crude example would be
 something like the following.
 User clicks on a link for Current News.  The URL for which is:
 controller.php would then push the following XML to process_news.php
 (yes, I know it's not well formed.  just trying to show a quick example)
   range_start-7 days/range_start
   range_end0 days/range_end
 process_news.php would take that information, process it and spit out the
 relevant data to the user.
 Another possibility would be when an administrator wants to add a new News
 item.  The form script would push something like the following to 
 and it would take that information, process it and add the new record to the
 That's basically what I'm trying to do.

Ray Hunter

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[PHP] PHP question

2002-12-17 Thread Tom Ray
Are PHP script supposed to run as the user or as the web server? 
Currently I'm running Red Hat 7.3 with apache 1.3.x and all my PHP 
scripts run as apache, not as the user. I'm wonder if I can run the 
scripts as the user and how do I fix this?

Any help would be great!

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Re: [PHP] How can I redirect to another php page

2003-01-08 Thread Tom Ray
You could use an include statement in one of two ways. 1) you can just
include the page that you want to show, however the url doesn't change it
will still be select.php 2) if you want to sent them to yellow.php or
green.php you could include an html page that had a meta-refresh in it set
for 0 seconds to move them to the seperate pages.

-Original Message-
From: Teo Petralia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 09:46:30 +1300
Subject: [PHP] How can I redirect to another php page

 Hi All!
 I would like to redirect the user to another php page accordingly to 
 his/her chosen options, example:
 if ($Color == Yellow) {
 go to page 
 else if ($Color == Green)
 go to page 
 Does anyone knows how to achieve the goal??
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Re: [PHP] Newbee observation

2003-01-09 Thread Tom Ray
Mail servers play a part in this too. Maybe the admins should pack up
their servers and send them back too :)

-Original Message-
From: Hendrik van Niekerk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 11:11:30 -0600
Subject: [PHP] Newbee observation

 Why does the webmaster not reject messages that are dates  today's
 date eq
 there are numerous messages that have dates with year 2010 and up. A
 who does not have the correct computer date on his machine should pack
 it up
 and send it back to the company that sold it to them.
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Re: [PHP] PostgreSQL/PHP: transactions: how-to abstract out?

2003-01-09 Thread Ray Hunter

If you are only doing an insert then you do not need the transactions
BEGIN and COMMIT because that is already done for you on a single
insert. PGSQL is transaction based so if it does not go then it will not


On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 22:23, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
 Jason Sheets wrote:
  Manual Excerpt:  If a second call is made to pg_connect() with the same
  connection_string, no new connection will be established, but instead,
  the connection resource of the already opened connection will be
  returned. You can have multiple connections to the same database if you
  use different connection string.
 You're right! I did some more testing and the problem is with my testing 
 code. I don't know why but the following code times out *but*, PHP 
 throws an error saying the code has timed out *but* calling 
 connection_status() says the code did *not* time out!
 Any idea why connection_status() returns 0 when it should return 2??
 My code:
 echo set execution limit to 2 seconds BR;
 $sql = BEGIN;;
 $res = sql_query($sql);
 $sql = insert into test(test) values('testing 4');;
 $res = sql_query($sql);
 //This will cause the script to time out
 $i = 0;
 while(true) {$i++;}
 $sql = COMMIT;;
 $res = sql_query($sql);
 function timed_out() {
$status = connection_status();
if ($status == 2) {
  echo the script timed out BR;
else echo no time out. Connection status is $status BR;
 set execution limit to 2 seconds
 Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 2 seconds exceeded in 
 /www/htdocs/jc/shut.php on line 16
 no time out. Connection status is 0

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Re: [PHP] PostgreSQL/PHP: transactions: how-to abstract out?

2003-01-09 Thread Ray Hunter
You could try leaving off the ;...

Try $sql = BEGIN

Try $sql = COMMIT

That should work...

On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 22:23, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
 Jason Sheets wrote:
  Manual Excerpt:  If a second call is made to pg_connect() with the same
  connection_string, no new connection will be established, but instead,
  the connection resource of the already opened connection will be
  returned. You can have multiple connections to the same database if you
  use different connection string.
 You're right! I did some more testing and the problem is with my testing 
 code. I don't know why but the following code times out *but*, PHP 
 throws an error saying the code has timed out *but* calling 
 connection_status() says the code did *not* time out!
 Any idea why connection_status() returns 0 when it should return 2??
 My code:
 echo set execution limit to 2 seconds BR;
 $sql = BEGIN;;
 $res = sql_query($sql);
 $sql = insert into test(test) values('testing 4');;
 $res = sql_query($sql);
 //This will cause the script to time out
 $i = 0;
 while(true) {$i++;}
 $sql = COMMIT;;
 $res = sql_query($sql);
 function timed_out() {
$status = connection_status();
if ($status == 2) {
  echo the script timed out BR;
else echo no time out. Connection status is $status BR;
 set execution limit to 2 seconds
 Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 2 seconds exceeded in 
 /www/htdocs/jc/shut.php on line 16
 no time out. Connection status is 0

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Re: [PHP] DSO or static Module?

2003-01-15 Thread Ray Hunter

You can review the configuration command and in there view the command
for apache...

static  = --with-apache=../apache_1.3.27
dso = --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs

that should help you out or get you can also verify in
apache which module are built-in...

On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 11:08, Lic. Carlos A. Triana Torres wrote:
 Hi all,
Here is a question that might be too simple to be asked, but I need to know the 
answer: Is there a way to find out if PHP is compiled as a DSO or as a static module?

Ray Hunter

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Re: [PHP] please help

2003-01-19 Thread Ray Hunter
On Sun, 2003-01-19 at 12:57, JamsterJAM wrote:
 I have a problem. I have created a guestbook for my server and i have php installed. 
You enter deatils and the guestbook stores it in guestbook.dat.php file. The 
guestbook itself is also a php file. I have tryed it on other hosts and it has 
worked. When i run it on my server it doesnt store the data i have inputted and show 
it on the guestbook. This might be a bit confusing but if you could help me or 
forward it to someone who can help me i would be much abliged. 

We probably need more info to get to the real problem. However, you are
probably having a problem with the the webserver (php) writing to the
file. Make sure that the webserver has permission to write to the file.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Job Opportunity

2003-01-20 Thread Ray Hunter
I apologize everyone...evolution is going crazy...


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[PHP] mysql_connect error

2003-01-20 Thread Tom Ray
Can someone please tell me why I'm getting this error:

*Fatal error*: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in 
*/webs/tom/* on line *4

*mysql_connect was working a week or so ago, and I haven't made any 
changes to the servers configuration.

If someone could point me in the right direction I would love to get 
this function running again.


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[PHP] mysql_connect problem..update

2003-01-21 Thread Tom Ray
It turns out after some checking, the other admin on the machine ran a
kernel update last week. I hadn't been testing any scripts over the last
week myself so I didn't notice the issue until the other day.

When I run a function_exists() for mysql_connect it comes back false. When
I run phpinfo() there is no reference to mysql at all.

I'm still kind of new to all this, and I'm just wondering what I need to
do to get php and mysql talking again. Is there a service or command I can
run to get things going again?

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Re: [PHP] mysql_connect problem..update

2003-01-21 Thread Tom Ray
Thanks, we're going to give that a try.

-Original Message-
From: Tracy Finifter Rotton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 10:25:55 -0800
Subject: Re: [PHP] mysql_connect problem..update

 Talk to the other admin.  If you're using RPMs, you just need to
 install the
 php_mysql RPM, restart apache, and you should be up and running again.
 If you're compiling PHP from scratch, you'll have to do so again with
 --with-mysql in the configure command.  But, as this is the default
 compiling PHP from scratch, my hunch is the first option is what you
 -- t
 On 1/21/03 10:01 AM, Tom Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It turns out after some checking, the other admin on the machine ran
  kernel update last week. I hadn't been testing any scripts over the
  week myself so I didn't notice the issue until the other day.
  When I run a function_exists() for mysql_connect it comes back false.
  I run phpinfo() there is no reference to mysql at all.
  I'm still kind of new to all this, and I'm just wondering what I need
  do to get php and mysql talking again. Is there a service or command
 I can
  run to get things going again?
 Tracy F. Rotton
   ... I like the 49ers because they're pure of heart,
   Seattle because they've got something to prove,
   and the Raiders because they always cheat.
  -- Lisa Simpson, Lisa the Greek
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Re: [PHP] Simple E-mail Question

2003-01-22 Thread Tom Ray
you would put that in the $mailheaders variable. Something like

$mailheaders = From: Joe Bloe [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\n;
$mailheaders .= Cc: Some Dude [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\n;
$mailheaders .= Bcc: Some Other Guy [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\n;

That should work for you. Just do this for whatever other headers you want
to add to the mail

-Original Message-
From: Scott Saraniero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 09:47:52 -0500
Subject: [PHP] Simple E-mail Question

 I'm using this line to send an e-mail with info:
 mail([EMAIL PROTECTED], $Event Ticket Form, $msg, $mailheaders);
 If I want to add mail recipients, or cc, or bcc, how would I do this?
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Re: [PHP] AD authentication

2003-01-23 Thread Ray Hunter

I have used php-ldap to connect to exchange for authentication...


On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 17:52, Michael Hall wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone had any experience, suggestions, advice or pointers 
 regarding the use of Win 2000 Active Directory servers to authenticate users in 
 PHP scripts hosted on Linux. Are PHP's LDAP functions of use here?
 MICHAEL HALL Web Development Officer
 Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education
 W: [EMAIL PROTECTED](08) 8951 8352
 H: [EMAIL PROTECTED](08) 8953 1442

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[PHP] PHP vs. Perl/Mason

2003-01-23 Thread Ray Hunter

I was wondering if there are any perl/php programmers that have used mason.

I am trying to get the advantages/disadvantages of each?

I am pro PHP, but my does is pro perl. What does everyone think about the 
benefits of one over the other?



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [PHP] Found a PHP bug!!!!!!!!!

2003-01-27 Thread Ray Hunter
U might want to do a type cast to integer from string...

On Mon, 2003-01-27 at 13:47, Scott Fletcher wrote:
 I would need to use intval() to solve this problem
 Scott Fletcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I'm referring to '08' and '09' that don't work
  Chris Shiflett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   --- Scott Fletcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Found a PHP bug
if ($month == 01)
   I guess you mean:
   if ($month == '01')
   If so, this is not a bug. Otherwise, please explain what
   you think is wrong.

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Re: [PHP] Link acting as a submit button

2003-07-25 Thread Ray Hunter
 (this is in a file called index.html)
 A href=javascript:go_where_my_variable_says('this.php');this

try this 

a href=javascript: go_where_my_variable_says('?php echo
$PHP_SELF;?');this page/a


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Re: [PHP] cms design xml-php ?

2003-07-25 Thread Ray Hunter

 Is there any php book that discusses general design issues for cms's and
 webservices in php?

I have not seen one dedicated to general design issues for cms' as web
services in php.  However, there are many great books on general design
issues. Relating to various languages that can be done also in php.
Those might be worth a look at.

 Also, what is your take on xml? Is it worthwhile waiting for v5 to be
 released before buying a xml-php book?

There are some books that deal with xml + php that are fairly decent.
However, I personally find that it is easier to separate the 2. For
example, I have a great xml book and the php manual. The one thing that
i notice is that when you combine the 2 then you end up missing
somethings out of both. 


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RE: [PHP] Link acting as a submit button

2003-07-25 Thread Ray Hunter
On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 05:30, Matt Palermo wrote:
 I just remembered (I'm not sure if it makes a difference) that I am using 
 frames on this page.  Does this matter at all?  Thanks.

Yes it matters tons with the javascript call.

Here is some info on it...however, these questions are now javascript
and not php...

1. make sure you pass in a valid page to your function.
2. make sure that you have a form that you are accessing.
3. make sure that when you access the form you are accessing the correct
frame page.

Example: when you set up the frames use the name attribute to assign
names to the frames...

so if you have a frame named frame1...then you can do this...

frame1.document.forms[0].action.value = where;

I might be off on this a little but that should get you started in the
right direction.


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Re: [PHP] Freeze Pane

2003-07-25 Thread Ray Hunter
You could use frames for it and then set the scrolling on specific


On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 09:49, Jason Martyn wrote:
 This is probably under the category of javascript, however I would like ot know if 
 it is possible to be done with php.
 Let's say I have a table that is 30 columns wide and so the entire table doesn't fit 
 on the screen. Is it possible (with php) to freeze columns while scrolling across 
 so you don't lose the original 2 columns?
 And since it probably isn't, can someone suggest a language that would cover this 

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RE: [PHP] Link acting as a submit button

2003-07-25 Thread Ray Hunter
Why do you have a submit button and a link to submit the form.  Dont u
want them to use the submit button for the form?


On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 09:02, Jay Blanchard wrote:
 I found out that it works fine without the submit button that I had in
 When I take the submit button out, it works, if I put it back in there I
 the error message again.
 Any ideas?
 Are you naming the submit buttons? Not just value, but id or name? You
 must keep them seperate.

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Re: [PHP] Link acting as a submit button

2003-07-25 Thread Ray Hunter
Good point...thanks for catching that

I usually link into forms from other frames if I dont have a submit
button in that form.


On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 15:49, Comex wrote:
 Ray Hunter:
  On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 05:30, Matt Palermo wrote:
  I just remembered (I'm not sure if it makes a difference) that I am
  using frames on this page.  Does this matter at all?  Thanks.
  Yes it matters tons with the javascript call.
  Here is some info on it...however, these questions are now javascript
  and not php...
 That's only if you're going between frames, if the whole form (as usual) is
 on one frame it works fine.

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Re: [PHP] The return of mysql_fetch_assoc()

2003-07-29 Thread Ray Hunter

 $fooVar = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)[barColumn];

No bug here...mysql_fetch_assoc($result) is a function that takes a
result set as an argument and returns only one row as an associated
array...that is why you need to do 

 $record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
 $fooVar = $record[barColumn];

That is logic when it comes from the database...database results are
returned as rows with various column(s).

This allows you to go through each row and pull out all the columns for
that row.



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Re: [PHP] xml and php

2003-07-31 Thread Ray Hunter
Make sure that you have all the dlls that are needed for php+dom. these
dlls need to be in your windows path as well.

Uncomment the dll in your php.ini file and restart the webserver. View a
php page with phpinfo() as the only function in that page:


See if you have dom in there. If not then follow the above steps again.
If you dont have the dll then you will need to download the zip file

Now that you have dom you can load in xml files as dom objects and
manipulate the object with the dom functions.


On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 06:54, Steff wrote:
 I'm a beginner in php.
 Sorry to disturb you but I have two problems and I hope you can help me.
 I use php 4.3.2(InetPub\Php is my php directory) under windows 2000 server with 
 IIS 5.0.
I want to manipulate xml file with Php (add some element, modify some element, 
 delete some element and consult some element) but when I try  domxml_open_file I 
 obtain system error : Call to undefined function: domxml_open_file()
I heard about use --with-dom but I don't see how and about php/win32 directory 
 which I don't see.
  Can you help me ?
  Vauclaire Stéphane

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Re: [PHP] standardize @throws for phpdocumentor 2.0?

2003-07-31 Thread Ray Hunter
 @throws constant|classname [description]

I like that and the ability to link.


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Re: [PHP] Command line php....

2003-08-09 Thread Ray Hunter
Technically, yes it should however, I think this is a bug...are you running
php 5b?


- Original Message - 
From: John Nichel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 9:07 PM
Subject: [PHP] Command line php

 Can someone tell me why php waits for me to input something before it
 prints out the first line of the code below?  Shouldn't it echo out the
 first line then wait for my input?


 echo ( Enter MySQL admin username : [root]  );
 $username = rtrim ( fgets ( STDIN ) );
 echo ( \n\n\nThe username is . $username . \n\n );


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Re: [PHP] Can't change include_path in php.ini

2003-08-14 Thread Ray Hunter
When you uncomment out the include_path in the php.ini file i believe
that php still has an internal one that it falls back on.

After you set a new include_path in php.ini do you restart apache and
then check phpinfo() to see what the include_path is?


On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 17:03, Machiste' N. Quintana wrote:
  I want to change the include_path of the php.ini. I tried uncommenting it,
 and changing the path, but everytime I use phpinfo() to check if it changed,
 it displays this as the include_path:
 And when it loads, it loads then reloads and reloads and etc. to give the
 effect of it blinking. What is going on?
 I have PHP 4.3.2, Apache 2.0.47, and MySQL 4.0.14 running on Windows XP Professional.

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Re: [PHP] global scope issue

2003-08-14 Thread Ray Hunter

 print_r($test);  //works great
 print_r($GLOBALS['test']);  //does not work

Works fine for me when I have the include as
include( 'script2.php' );

Make sure that the include is correct...I figure that you dont have dir1
off of the root directory.


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Re: [PHP] Config files

2003-08-14 Thread Ray Hunter
I tend do do something similar here:

I usually set up my arrays and then access them later using the GLOBALS
superglobal array. For some projects I tend to use multidimensional
arrays because I can do something like.

$config['db']['name']   = 'something';
$config['db']['user']   = 'someone';
$config['db']['pass']   = 'password';

This can sometimes be an over kill, however that could work for you.


On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 08:19, CPT John W. Holmes wrote:
 From: Hardik Doshi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have following options for working with the
  configuration files with the relatively large web
  1. Configuration variables using the DEFINE.
  2. Array - Each configuration variable as an array
  3. PHP.INI like config files.
 A combination of #3 and #2. Store the data in a php.ini-style config file
 and use parse_ini_file() to read it into an array.
 You could even merge the array into the $_SERVER (or any other superglobal)
 array so that your config vars are available in functions without having to
 make anything global.
 ---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] dbx

2003-08-14 Thread Ray Hunter
Not sure i understand fully the question...however, you can set up your
own error handling and that will allow you to do what you like with all
errors. You can also trigger your own errors (however, this is limited
to a certain type).


On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 18:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi there , i am interested to know more about dbx, especially the error
 $link   = dbx_connect(DBX_MYSQL, localhost, db, username, password)
 or die (Could not connect);
 is there such an error feature where it can die to the screen with a custom
 error message instead of doing the error checking for every single query
 and connection ?
 and there is also no example of how to get a list of results like
 while ($row = $result-fetchRow()) {

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Re: [PHP] This is getting ridiculous

2003-08-20 Thread Ray Hunter
Can we move this off list...many of us dont have time to mill through
this...we are here to help.


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Re: [PHP] functions/methods and what they should return

2003-08-20 Thread Ray Hunter

 Each product that is in the database can have at least one attribute to
 it (i.e. color, size, etc.). Right now I've got a method in my Products
 class called ShowAttributes($id). This method, based on the ID passed to
 it, will query the db and ultimately return a string that makes up the
 drop down box for a form.
 Am I better off doing this sort of thing in a function or having the
 function only return the records I need and let the calling page handle
 the display of the records?

I usually allow the function get only what i need, thus making it as
simple as i possibly can. If you are using it as a drop down function
for a form then i would get the data form a generic source and populate
it with that information (i.e. i use arrays that hold data for forms,
and query the database to find out which item in the dropdown should be

So in short:
1. Have a function return only what you need (meaning that it should be
in the right format for you.)
2. Have the display page handle all the dropdown logic.


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RE: [PHP] functions/methods and what they should return

2003-08-20 Thread Ray Hunter

 function GetAttributes($id)
   // query db
   // get records
   // return record array
 function BuildAttributes($id)
   $attributes = GetAttributes($id);
   // format $attributes
   // return HTML string

That is a good have the functions only doing what they need to
do. Thus splitting up some of the logic and presentation. In the
GetAttributes function you could do any filtering...but mainly you dont
want to do any presentation because u can now reuse that function other


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Re: [PHP] I wish I knew more about multi-dimensional arrays

2003-08-22 Thread Ray Hunter
mysql result as a multi-dimensional array:

while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) {
  $rows[] = $row;

now you have a multi-dimensional array that contains each row in rows...

row 1 col 1 - $rows[0][0]
row 3 col 2 - $rows[3][2]



On Fri, 2003-08-22 at 10:37, Verdon vaillancourt wrote:
 Hi, please don't chuckle (too loudly) at my attempts to learn ;)
 I'm trying to create what I think would be a multi-dimensional array from a
 mysql result set, to use in some example code I got off this list last week.
 The example renedring code I want to work with is...
 $data = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G');
 $rowlength = 3;
 echo (table);
 for ($i = 0; $i  sizeof ($data); $i += $rowlength)
 echo (tr);
 for ($j = 0; $j  $rowlength; $j++)
 if (isset ($data[$i+$j]))
 echo (td{$data[$i+$j]}/td);
 } else {
 echo (tdnbsp;/td);
 echo (/tr);
 echo (/table);
 I trying to create the $data array from my query results like this...
 $sql = select * from table limit 0,5;
 $result = mysql_query ($sql);
 $number = mysql_numrows ($result);
 for ($x = 0; $x  sizeof (mysql_fetch_array($result)); $x ++) {
 $data = implode (',',$result[$x]);
 I had hoped this would get me the six arrays on the page (where I could then
 extract the values). I've also tried a number of similar approaches but am
 consistently getting six error messages on the page along the lines of
 Warning :  implode() [ function.implode ]: Bad arguments. in
 I know I'm missing something basic and would appreciate any pointers.

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Re: [PHP] how to do this

2003-08-23 Thread Ray Hunter
Sessions, cookies or thru the get request


On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 02:21, macromaniac wrote:
 i have to php pages and i want to send one argument from one to another.  I
 tried a few things but I couldn't do it.
 is there a special way to do it?

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Re: [PHP] user-defined superglobals?

2003-08-23 Thread Ray Hunter
you can define your own superglobals by defining the vars first then
accessing them thru the $GLOBALS var.


// file1.php
$var1 = test1\n;
$var2 = test2\n;

// file2.php
include( 'file1.php' );

function test() {
  echo $GLOBALS['var1'];
  echo $GLOBALS['var2'];
  echo Test\n



That should get you started with globals.


On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 11:45, Matthias Nothhaft wrote:
 Hi List,
 is there a way (mybe in php5?) to define/declare a global var as a 
 superglobal, so that I can use this var like the known superglobals
 ($_GET, $_SESSION, etc.) ???
 If not, is there a list for feature requests?

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Re: [PHP] finding out localhost :-P

2003-08-24 Thread Ray Hunter
Make sure that the user that you are connecting with has permissions to
connect to mysql from that computer. You can check the user table in the
mysql database to see the user and their associated permissions.

I would suggest checking out for additional information.


On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 22:00, Pag wrote:
   Heres the problem. I have one of my client's site hosted on a crappy 
 server, and i have it running with php+mysql ok, the thing is i need to 
 connect to that site's mysql's database from a different site to get data. 
 The problem is that on the origin site (the crappy server), to connect to 
 the database, i use localhost. How can i find out the real server to 
 connect to from the other site? I tried using the whole domain, like, but doesnt work. :-P

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Re: [PHP] PHP Interview questions

2003-08-26 Thread Ray Hunter
Everyone has given some great information. I have some ideas i would
like to throw into the mix too.

Here are some topics:

1. Questions regarding HTTP protocols. (SSL)

2. Questions regarding the server that you will be deploying on.
   If you are deploying to apache or iis they should be familiar.

3. MySQL questions. (setup, maintenance, sql, optimization)
   There are many ways to do this and they should give you some answer.

4. Also questions regarding development platform.
   Do they know how to work on the platform. I dont know how man
   people i have seen that develop on windows and deploy to linux and
   have no idea how to debug on linux.

5. Questions regarding development practices. 
   - Coding standards
   - Design procedures and policies they have used.
   - Source code control: Cvs, Visual Source safe, etc.
   - Development life cycle.

6. What other techniologies do they know. Can these be utilized.

Hope that gives you some more to think about.


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[PHP] Re: PHP and Apache

2003-09-09 Thread Ray Mordy

After installing Apache then PHP, i was told by php that apache wasnt
configured, so i followed the instructions in the install.txt file. But
everytime i view the files through the local host but i only see the
written code, So how do i get this to work, assuming that Apache isnt
giving the details to php to decode.

I am using Win XP
Apache 1.3.23
MYSQL 3.23.49
PHP 4.1.1

any ideas on how i can solve this and do you need any more info?

Ray Mordy

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Re: [PHP] Installing PHP with MySQL RPM version

2003-09-09 Thread Ray Hunter
 In the configure line --with-mysql=/path/to/mysql were is the path for RPM
 versions of MySQL. I have search the computer but it looks like the mysql
 files are all over the place.  Database files are in /var/lib/mysql   BIN
 files are in /usr/bin/, etc...

use --with-mysql or --with-mysql-sock


./configure --with-mysql
./configure --with-mysql-sock=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock



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Re: [PHP] Installing PHP with MySQL RPM version

2003-09-09 Thread Ray Hunter

from what i understand of the configuration script it will go out and
look in various locations for the mysql libraries. If you want to
specify something then I would suggest using the --with-mysql-sock and
pass the socket file. I like to use the socket file and have always had
great success with it even for mysql 4.0


On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 12:59, Mark McCulligh wrote:
 If you just use --with-mysql it will use PHP's built-in mysql client lib
 3.23.49, but I have MySQL 4.0.14 installed. Won't this make a difference.  I
 want to make sure PHP is compiled this the right libraries for MySQL.
 Ray Hunter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   In the configure line --with-mysql=/path/to/mysql were is the path for
   versions of MySQL. I have search the computer but it looks like the
   files are all over the place.  Database files are in /var/lib/mysql
   files are in /usr/bin/, etc...
  use --with-mysql or --with-mysql-sock
  ./configure --with-mysql
  ./configure --with-mysql-sock=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

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Re: [PHP] Shopping Cart Solutions

2003-09-22 Thread Ray Hunter
 Anyone have suggestions for open source shopping cart apps in PHP?

Check out are many there. Also try google and
you will get tons of info.


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Re: [PHP] speaking of php editors

2003-09-22 Thread Ray Hunter
Check out vim or emacs...


On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 17:41, Chris W. Parker wrote:
 Hey everyone.
 I am looking for an editor that will highlight the string
 {$array['index']['index']} within a string.
 For example:
 +- gray +
 |   |
 |  +-- red ---+ |
 |  |  | |
 $variable = The amount is {$amount[0]}.;
 Is there anything out there that does this?

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Re: [PHP] PHP Editor - which to use?

2003-09-22 Thread Ray Hunter

 PHP eclipse is also nice, you need eclipse from
 and then you install the PHP Eclipse module  Very easy to install, I am a big fan 
 of Komodo, I also like Vim, Kate and Eclipse.  I tried Zend Studio 1 and 
 2 but it didn't live up to the expectations that I had for the price.

Eclipse offers tons of additional plugins and if you like java you can
surely write your own php plugins too.

There are many great db plugins that i use too.


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Re: [PHP] Calling PHP shell scripts with exec from within PHP goes awry?

2003-09-22 Thread Ray Hunter
On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 19:50, uvm wrote:
 I'm beggining to develop the theory that things go awry when 
 using exec from within a webserver-executed PHP script to call 
 a shell script itself written in PHP. 

Why are you trying to call a php script with exec...since it is php why
not just call it directly instead of creating a process outside of the
php you are in and then creating a php cgi to do the processing. It is
easier to call parse the file with the php process that you are
currently in.


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Re: [PHP] TAR Error - 'Invalid block size'

2003-09-23 Thread Ray Hunter

 I use the TAR.php file for extract tar.gz file. The tar file extracted
 fine, but the tar class raises the 'Invalid block size 351'. Why? And
 how can I discard this error.

Basically, tar writes in block sizes of 512 bytes so you are receiving
an invalid block size smaller than 512 which has a size of 351. Not sure
how you can suppress these messages via TAR.php. However, if you get a
new tar files that has the blocking correct you will not receive that


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Re: [PHP] TAR Error - 'Invalid block size'

2003-09-23 Thread Ray Hunter

  I use the TAR.php file for extract tar.gz file. The tar file extracted
  fine, but the tar class raises the 'Invalid block size 351'. Why? And
  how can I discard this error.
 Basically, tar writes in block sizes of 512 bytes so you are receiving
 an invalid block size smaller than 512 which has a size of 351. Not sure
 how you can suppress these messages via TAR.php. However, if you get a
 new tar files that has the blocking correct you will not receive that

You might be able to use the -B option to tar to suppress the block size
error. However, I have not tested that out before and I am not 100% sure
of the results that you will see. But possibly an option.


tar -xvfB file.tar


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Re: [PHP] Test Links...

2003-09-26 Thread Ray Hunter
Ive used curl to test stuff out with too...however, if on link i like to
use wget to test it out. You might not have that option but I have seen
others use fopen or file_get_contents.



On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 10:15, Doug Coning wrote:
 Greetings All,
 I am creating a 'links' page and was wondering if there was a way in PHP
 to test the response of an outside link?  I'm sure everyone here has
 clicked on a links page link and have a No Page Found error because no
 one is keeping the links uptodate.  I was wondering if there was a way
 when a link was clicked to test the link first to see if it is still
 active.  If it isn't active, I would like to remove the link from my
 Is there a command that tests the results of link?
 Doug Coning
 American Web Studio

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Re: [PHP] Test Links...

2003-09-26 Thread Ray Hunter
lol...if on linux...

On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 12:35, Ray Hunter wrote:
 Ive used curl to test stuff out with too...however, if on link i like to
 use wget to test it out. You might not have that option but I have seen
 others use fopen or file_get_contents.
 On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 10:15, Doug Coning wrote:
  Greetings All,
  I am creating a 'links' page and was wondering if there was a way in PHP
  to test the response of an outside link?  I'm sure everyone here has
  clicked on a links page link and have a No Page Found error because no
  one is keeping the links uptodate.  I was wondering if there was a way
  when a link was clicked to test the link first to see if it is still
  active.  If it isn't active, I would like to remove the link from my
  Is there a command that tests the results of link?
  Doug Coning
  American Web Studio

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Re: [PHP] php xvfb gives xauth command not found

2003-09-29 Thread Ray Hunter
 $test=exec(/usr/bin/xvfb-run /usr/bin/njplot -psonly testfile 21);
 echo $test;


$test=exec(/usr/bin/xvfb-run /usr/bin/njplot -psonly testfile );


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Re: [PHP] php xvfb gives xauth command not found

2003-09-29 Thread Ray Hunter

 $test=exec(/usr/bin/xvfb-run /usr/bin/njplot -psonly testfile );

Actually, I think that you can just run the command without the xvfb-run

$test = exec(/usr/bin/njplot -psonly testfile );

that should just create the file and not fire up a x-window.
The error with the xvfb-run is that the command cannot find the xauth
command that it needs to set up the x server environment. Try the above
one and see if that works for you...if not then install xauth and revert
to running it in xvfb-run.


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Re: [PHP] PHP OOP x Procedural Performance

2003-05-29 Thread Ray Hunter
yes, the bottom line is code reuse...that is why there is oop. So that a
developer can always reuse code saving money on development and thus if
speed is an issue then adding more hardware.


On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 20:05, William N. Zanatta wrote:
   It is a known issue that function calls are expensive for the processor.
   The OOP let us better organize the code but, thinking in function (or
 method) calls it may be more expensive than in the procedural form.
   My question is, has anyone made any tests regarding the performance of
 OOP versus procedural language? Is it a good choice to code in OOP with
 PHP ?
 -=[ William N. Zanatta ]==[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]=-

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[PHP] apache mod_php memory leak, need help.

2003-06-23 Thread Ray Aspeitia

I hope someone can help me or point me in a good direction.

I have a database driven website, all ODBC to postgresql, that little 
by little eats up resources on apache.

The child processes will start off at 30Mb of virtual memory and run 
up around 230Mb each child. (see below ps output) before they start 

It does not even take 700 accesses per child to max out memory.

I then start getting funny errors like access denied to file or could 
not open socket, or file not found.

I read all to documentation and as far as I know, php should release 
any defined query resources once the script executes.

I already code with odbc_close($conn); on all my pages. It is not 
feasible to use odbc_free_result() on every query, due to the 
complexity of scripts, but the documentation for odbc_free_result 
says you shouldn't have to.

That is the only thing that I can think of that could be draining 
this much resources. Is there any good way to find out what is eating 
up the memory. Anyone else run into this.

I'm running apache 1.3.27 with php 4.3.2 (happened in version 4.3.1 
also) on mac OSX SERVER 10.2.4

Thanks in advance,

Ray A.

root   468   0.0  0.330992   2152  ??  Ss4Jun03   1:30.04 
www   1743   0.0  1.2   222600  10032  ??  S 8:00AM   2:16.31 
www   1767   0.0  1.1   220560   9592  ??  S 8:01AM   1:58.56 
www   1806   0.0  1.1   215800   9588  ??  S 8:13AM   1:46.92 
www   1876   0.0  1.1   210360   9532  ??  S 8:44AM   1:56.10 
www   1878   0.0  1.3   224304  10904  ??  S 8:44AM   2:13.93 
www   1879   0.0  1.2   219880   9912  ??  S 8:44AM   2:10.85 

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Re: [PHP] apache mod_php memory leak, need help.

2003-06-24 Thread Ray Aspeitia
Just another note,

it seems that for every page access, there is exactly 680k of memory 
that accumulates.

Any php developer know of any odbc function that takes up 680k of 
overhead that might not be getting cleaned up?


Ray A.


I hope someone can help me or point me in a good direction.

I have a database driven website, all ODBC to postgresql, that 
little by little eats up resources on apache.

The child processes will start off at 30Mb of virtual memory and run 
up around 230Mb each child. (see below ps output) before they start 

It does not even take 700 accesses per child to max out memory.

I then start getting funny errors like access denied to file or 
could not open socket, or file not found.

I read all to documentation and as far as I know, php should release 
any defined query resources once the script executes.

I already code with odbc_close($conn); on all my pages. It is not 
feasible to use odbc_free_result() on every query, due to the 
complexity of scripts, but the documentation for odbc_free_result 
says you shouldn't have to.

That is the only thing that I can think of that could be draining 
this much resources. Is there any good way to find out what is 
eating up the memory. Anyone else run into this.

I'm running apache 1.3.27 with php 4.3.2 (happened in version 4.3.1 
also) on mac OSX SERVER 10.2.4

Thanks in advance,

Ray A.

root   468   0.0  0.330992   2152  ??  Ss4Jun03 
1:30.04 /usr/sbin/httpd
www   1743   0.0  1.2   222600  10032  ??  S 8:00AM 
2:16.31 /usr/sbin/httpd
www   1767   0.0  1.1   220560   9592  ??  S 8:01AM 
1:58.56 /usr/sbin/httpd
www   1806   0.0  1.1   215800   9588  ??  S 8:13AM 
1:46.92 /usr/sbin/httpd
www   1876   0.0  1.1   210360   9532  ??  S 8:44AM 
1:56.10 /usr/sbin/httpd
www   1878   0.0  1.3   224304  10904  ??  S 8:44AM 
2:13.93 /usr/sbin/httpd
www   1879   0.0  1.2   219880   9912  ??  S 8:44AM 
2:10.85 /usr/sbin/httpd

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Re: [PHP] Sybase and PHP

2003-06-25 Thread Ray Hunter
U just need the sybase client on the linux machine and the file that
contains your TNS names...


On Wed, 2003-06-25 at 23:26, Michael A Smith wrote:
 I want to connect to a Sybase database running on another windoze server
 without having to a buy a copy of sybase for linux. How can I compile
 PHP to have the sybase functions, but not the local database program.
 Michael A Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP] Re: Why Can't I get this to work

2003-06-28 Thread Ray Hunter
It depends on what data types are your fields in the database. U are
quoting each value which might not be the case. You should check the
mysql_error function to see what error the database is giving back to


On Sat, 2003-06-28 at 12:42, Ron Clark wrote:
 OK, normally I do not respond to my own posts, but I have been shown that I
 did not get the whole script. So here it is:
 for ($i=0; $i$number_of_alerts; $i++) {
 // Split each line
 $line = explode( , $ipfwlog[$i]);
 $line[1] = intval($line[1]);
 $IPFWsql = INSERT INTO Firewall_Logs (month, date, time, fw_name, kernel,
 fw_engine, rule_number, action, protocol, src_ip_port, dst_ip_port,
 direction, via, interface) VALUES ('$line[0]', '$line[1]', '$line[2]',
 '$line[3]', '$line[4]', '$line[5]', '$line[6]','$line[7]', '$line[8]',
 '$line[9]', '$line[10]', '$line[11]', '$line[12]');
 $results = mysql_query($IPFWsql) or die (Could not execute query);
 Again, any help with this issue is appreciated.
 Ron Clark
 Ron Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Hello all,
  I have a php script that reads a flat text file with fields seperated by a
  space. I explode them into an array just fine, but when I try then to load
  that array into a mysql database, it doesn't work. Here is my script:
  for ($i=0; $i$number_of_alerts; $i++) {
  // Split each line
  $line = explode( , $ipfwlog[$i]);
  $line[1] = intval($line[1]);
  $IPFWsql = INSERT INTO Firewall_Logs (month, date, time, fw_name, kernel,
  fw_engine, rule_number, action, protocol, src
  $results = mysql_query($IPFWsql) or die (Could not execute query);
  Any ideas why this does not work? I am completely stuck.
  Thanks in advance,

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Re: [PHP] Another newbie

2003-06-28 Thread Ray Hunter

I would start out by reading up on the oop stuff and then maybe look at
some software development sites...there are many and most have
sufficient info to get you started.

There are tons of design patterns out there which will more than help
you code out too...( is a great site.

Plus there are many great software design mags for php and other
languages...that might be an option.

I saved the best for last...

There are so many great projects out there that you can help out with
any of them...that will allow you to work and learn from others...also
if you dont have the time then i strongly suggest review code from some horde that have a solid review the code u
can see style and design stratiges...

Hope that helps out...


On Sat, 2003-06-28 at 14:10, Jay Fitzgerald wrote:
 I have been writing PHP for almost a year now and someone on phpfreaks told 
 me the other day that my code was very sloppy.
 Since I want to more more into programming than design, can anyone 
 recommend where to learn how to make sure your code is clean, optimized and 
 as error-free as it can get? Even if it is the style of how to write the 
 code, please let me knowI know noone can be the perfect programmer, but 
 I would at least like to be a decent programmer :)

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Re: [PHP] New PCRE features

2003-06-28 Thread Ray Hunter
Thanks Andrei,

we truly appreciate it...i will definitely put it to use...


On Sat, 2003-06-28 at 18:28, Andrei Zmievski wrote:
 Some news on PCRE front:
 1. I've upgraded the bundled PCRE library to version 4.3 which has some
interesting new features. 
 2. I added new parameter to preg_match* functions that can be used to
specify the starting offset of the subject string to start matching
from. The offset can be positive or negative, like for substr().
 3. Also implemented support for named subpatterns (introduced with PCRE
4.3). This means you can do something like:
preg_match('!(\d+)(?Pahh\.\d+)?!', 'ab 55.5 bb', $match);
With the result being:
 array(4) {
   string(4) 55.5
   string(2) 55
   string(2) .5
   string(2) .5
Note that the named subpattern is also available under a positional
numeric key, as before. What this means for backwards compatibility
is that you should not do count($match) anymore to obtain the number
of captured subpatterns or number of matches. For latter, use the
return value of preg_match* functions, and for former, you should
already know how many subpatterns you have from your regexp.
 4. You can use \Q..\E to ignore regexp metacharacters in the pattern.
For example:
 Will match one or more word characters, followed by literals .$. and
 anchored at the end of the string.
 5. You can use possesive quantifiers, similar to Java's regexps. These
 ?+, *+, ++, and {,}+
See PCRE docs or Java docs for more information.
 6. There is now support for recursive calls to individual subpatterns.
That is, instead of using (?R) you can use (?1), (?2) and so on. Or
use named subpatterns: (?Pfoo) will refer recursively to named
subpattern 'foo'. Once again see PCRE docs for more info.
 7. There is a new feature by the name of callouts, but there is not
interface to it yet. Basically, it allows user to receive control at
a specified matching point in the pattern and inspect, continue, or
interrupt the matching. I'm not sure how useful this would be for PHP
users as the information provided is fairly low-level. See
'pcrecallout' PCRE man page for more info. If there are enough
interested people, I will add support for it.
 That's about it for now.
 What's a polar bear?
 A rectangular bear after a coordinate transform.
 -- Bill White ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: [PHP] if and...

2003-06-30 Thread Ray Hunter
if( $biz == my_business  $id_num == 1 ) {
  echo stuff...;

if $biz is a string and $id_num is an int...


On Mon, 2003-06-30 at 19:09, Steve Marquez wrote:
 I am trying to get php to use two conditions.
 if ($biz = my_business and $id_num = 1){
 echo stuff 
 if ($biz = my_business and $id_num =2){
 echo other stuff
 My question Is, I am not sure if the and is correct, it does not work. Is
 there another way to do this? I have tried a plus (+), a (,) and nothing
 seems to work.
 Could someone please help?
 Steve Marquez
 Marquez Design

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Re: [PHP] Validating XML strings

2003-07-01 Thread Ray Hunter
As of now i dont think that DOMXML functions support the validation of
dtds or schemas...I have been looking for the past couple of days and
did not find anything...

I have not verified the xml extension for it but i doubt that that
option is there either...


On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 14:00, Moore, Christie wrote:
 I am parsing an xml string using the DOM package in php.  Is there
 anyway to validate the xml string against a schema or a dtd with DOM.  I
 know it is still experimental but I didn't know if something like that

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Re: [PHP] Minimizing Database Hits

2003-07-01 Thread Ray Hunter
Only if your code is calling the database...if $cart_contents is set on
the page and you call the var $car_contents over and over then no...the
initialization of the var is the only time if it is called in


On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 16:41, Ralph wrote:
 I wrote class that contains a function that retrieves users shopping
 cart items from database and then returns an array with qty, item number
 , item name, etc.
 So now whenever I want to retrieve the users cart I use the following:
 $cart_contents = $cart-get_cart_contents();
 I then iterate through $cart_contents to display info. Now I am trying
 to minimize the number of hits to the database so my question is, am I
 querying the database every time I call on $cart_contents?

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Re: [PHP] outputting xml declaration

2003-07-02 Thread Ray Hunter
you can always print like so...

print '?xml version=1.0?';

Then the parser does not try to parse inside the line.  However, I dont
know what will happen when you have short_open_tags in your php.ini file
turned on...i usually turn it all of..


On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 07:33, Steven Apostolou wrote:
 The folowing code gives an error:
 print ?xml version=\1.0\?;
 This is probably because I print a questionmark? How can I avoid that an
 error is generated?
 Besides it's not an error in the way that it gives an errorstring but it
 writes the output in the error_log of apache...
 Steven Apostolou [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [PHP] Java Applet to PHP Communication

2003-07-02 Thread Ray Hunter
you want to use either dom or saxon to parse the xml within java. So
your applet can call some class that loads, parses and then does
something with the xml.

Usually you want to use a sax parser for the speed, however you can use
a dom parser to manipulate the dom tree...


On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 05:02, Sharat Hegde wrote:
 Thanks Justin,
 Do you have any leads on where I can get info on accessing XML data using
 SOAP from a Java Applet. I know how to parse XML data.
 Sharat Hegde
 Phone: 6575800 Ext 4610
 Direct: 6566615
 -Original Message-
 From: justin gruenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 1:27 PM
 To: Sharat Hegde
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Java Applet to PHP Communication
 Sharat Hegde wrote:
 I need to be able to communicate from a Java Applet to a PHP program on the
 server to enable Live Connect for data. This is what I intend to do:
 In my web application, a Java Script program will call a Java Applet which
 then calls the PHP program on the server. The PHP program works like a
 servlet and passes the result back to the Java applet which passes the
 information back to the JavaScript program.
 How can a Java applet work with a PHP program? Are there any special
 precautions / programming issues involved?
 Thanks in advance
 With Regards,
 Not anything that you wouldn't have to pay attention to in passing stuff 
 between applications in other instances.
 I'd use XML/SOAP to pass around the data.  There are many reasons to do 
 this, I wont list them here just because there are plenty of articles on 
 the web advocating the use of XML.  The added bonus is the buzzword factor.
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Re: [PHP] states

2003-07-02 Thread Ray Hunter
On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 16:55, Matt Palermo wrote:
 Does anyone know of any built in functions or options for the US states?
Nope no built in function for this...

 I want to make a drop down menu and some other things which have the 50
 states in it.  Is there any shortcut for this with PHP, or do I need to
 do it all manually in HTML?  Please let me know.  Thanks.
You can create your own function to build this for you.

I have always put the 50 states in a database and used that for all my
html and output requirements. You can google state abbreviations and use
that in a database or file.


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Re: [PHP] Connect Active Directory using LDAP... please help :)

2003-07-02 Thread Ray Hunter
The big issue that you will face will be with getting the dn correct for
it to work..

I have connected to ldap exchange to do authentication and pull user
data and it was a real hassle to get the dn correct..


On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 15:41, Vince C wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I tried to connect to Active Directory (AD) by using php. I heard that it
 could use LDAP to achieve it.  I have written some code on my machine
 (Win2000) and try to connect to AD.  It looks like the it could connect,
 bind, and even search (I determined base on the line I placed).  However, it
 return 0 entries.  If I used the same filter and use utilites lpd.exe on
 Windows 2000 Server (the AD machine).  I could return some entries. I am
 hestitating whether do I made some mistake on my program, or something other
 than my code.  Does anyone know what the problem is?  Any comment are
 welcome!  Thanks!
 P.S. Here is my code:
 !-- brandcheck.php --
 TITLE Brand New Checking..  /TITLE
 pfont size =4AD Test/font/p
 table width =100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
 if(!($ldap = ldap_connect($ldaphost,389))){
  die(ldap server cannot be reached);
 } else {
  $oudc =  dc=company, dc=com;
  $dn2 = ;
  $password = ;
  echo pConnected and ready to bind...;
  if (!($res = @ldap_bind($ldap, $dn2, $password))) {
   print(ldap_error($ldap) . BR);
   die (Could not bind the $dn2);
   echo pCouldn't bind ;
  } else {
   echo pBinded and Ready to search;
   echo brLDAP = $ldap;
   echo broudc = $oudc;
  // $filter=((objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)(|(sn=sorg)));
  $filter= sn=*;
   echo pnumber of entries found:  . ldap_count_entries($ldap, $sr) .
   echo brfilter = $filter;
   echo brsr=$sr;
   if (!$sr) {
die(psearch failed\n);
   } else {
echo p Searched and ready for get entries.;
$info= ldap_get_entries($ldap, $sr);
for ($i=0; $i$info[count]; $i++) {
 print (TR);
 print (TD width=15% . $info[$i][cn][0] .   . $info[$i][sn][0]
 . /TD);
 print (TD width=85% . $info[$i][mail][0] . /TD);
 print (/TR);
 print brIn the display FOR loop;
echo br After loop.;
  echo pLDAP unbinded;
 Thanks in advance!  Vince

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Re: [PHP] Sending a PDF page

2003-07-03 Thread Ray Hunter
Try using the a shutdown function:

and put all your logic that needs to run after the exit function.


On Thu, 2003-07-03 at 13:18, Todd Cary wrote:
 [Sent this the first time to the wrong list]
 In this code:
  if ($prtpdf) {
 include letter_new.php;
 I create a PDF page, however I would like to continue within the
 script (not have the exit).  If I do that, the PDF page is corrupted
 by the script code.
 What is the best solution for this?

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Re: [PHP] PHP+MySQL on Apache running on WinXP

2003-07-07 Thread Ray Hunter
If i am not mistaken your phpinfo is picking up the bundled mysql
package that comes with php.

You should still be able to connect to mysql. However, if you downloaded
the zip file instead of the installer then you should have a
php_mysql.dll file that you can put in your path that php should pick up
that might be different. 

I am not 100% up-to-date on the dlls that are available in the php zip


On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 15:07, Vince wrote:
 I have set up a new development machine on my windows xp using APACHE 
 version 2.0.46. Next, I set up PHP version 4.3.2 and MySQL version 
 Then, when I tested the installation, phpinfo() lists my CLIENT API 
 VERSION for MYSQL as 3.23.49.
 1. Is this normal?
 2. If not, what have I done wrong? and
 3. How do I fix it so that the correct version numbers appear?
 Thanks in advance
 Vincent P. Vicente
 Manila, Philippines
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Re: [PHP] New to PHP

2003-07-07 Thread Ray Hunter
here is what you can do:

1. buy a php book and go throw the basics.
2. read the php manual because it has tons of information.
3. write any type of program that you can to get familiar w/ language.
4. get a fundamental understanding of programming, object oriented

Just my $0.02 for ya


On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 15:27, Hiren Mehta wrote:
 Hi I am new to PHP and would like to learn more about it. Which would be the best 
 place to start with besides the manual and what would you suggest is a pre-requiste 
 for learning PHP.

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Re: [PHP] I am receiving the same posting TWICE

2003-07-07 Thread Ray Hunter
Submit code that we can review. there is not enough info here for you to
recieve a complete response to your question.


On Mon, 2003-07-07 at 15:11, Noah Solodky wrote:
 I am receiving the same posting TWICE
 how do I configure things to just get one copy of postings??

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