[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Trackstat confused by ' in title

2006-10-08 Thread Yannzola

erland;143445 Wrote: 
> But I can agree that it might be more suitable in this situation to
> actually sort the tracks by track number. I will add it to the wish
> list.

I agree, keeping album/songs sorted by track would be more intuitive.
As would replacing the default "album view" from "Most played songs
from: [ALBUM]  Show all" to a simple list of all the tracks from that
album (ordered by track as above whether rated/played or not) =with=
the option to sort by most played, etc. (perhaps via drop down) within
that particualar album. Or at the very least when looking at the above
"album view"... pressing "show all" should show the albums tracks...
not every single track from my entire collection. Does this make sense?



Yannzola's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=874
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Lazysearch2 crashes slimserver

2006-10-08 Thread bhaagensen


Thanks for a great plugin. I'm having some problems with it right now

I did a complete delete and rescan of my music library. Upon rebuliding
the lazysearch index the slimserver always crashes on me. I'm fairly
sure it's due to lazysearch since removing it fixes the crash. I'm
running slimserver 6.5 on Ubuntu Edgy with perl 5.8.8 and the latest
LazySearch2 (2.2.2). Running slimserver -d_plugins -d_server -d_sql I
get the info below. I don't know where to start debuggin, or what
information I should provide, so let me know if there is anything I can

Thanks, Bjørn

2006-10-09 01:04:38.5585 SlimServer done init...
2006-10-09 01:04:38.6846 SELECT me.id, me.url, me.content_type,
me.title, me.titlesort, me.titlesearch, me.album, me.tracknum,
me.timestamp, me.filesize, me.disc, me.thumb, me.remote, me.audio,
me.audio_size, me.audio_offset, me.year, me.secs, me.cover,
me.vbr_scale, me.bitrate, me.samplerate, me.samplesize, me.channels,
me.block_alignment, me.endian, me.bpm, me.tagversion, me.drm,
me.moodlogic_id, me.moodlogic_mixable, me.musicmagic_mixable,
me.musicbrainz_id, me.playcount, me.lastplayed, me.lossless, me.lyrics,
me.rating, me.replay_gain, me.replay_peak FROM tracks me WHERE ( url = ?
): 'clientplaylist://00:04:20:06:c1:22'
2006-10-09 01:04:38.7001 SELECT track.id, track.url,
track.content_type, track.title, track.titlesort, track.titlesearch,
track.album, track.tracknum, track.timestamp, track.filesize,
track.disc, track.thumb, track.remote, track.audio, track.audio_size,
track.audio_offset, track.year, track.secs, track.cover,
track.vbr_scale, track.bitrate, track.samplerate, track.samplesize,
track.channels, track.block_alignment, track.endian, track.bpm,
track.tagversion, track.drm, track.moodlogic_id,
track.moodlogic_mixable, track.musicmagic_mixable,
track.musicbrainz_id, track.playcount, track.lastplayed,
track.lossless, track.lyrics, track.rating, track.replay_gain,
track.replay_peak FROM playlist_track me  JOIN tracks track ON (
track.id = me.track ) WHERE ( me.playlist = ? ) ORDER BY me.position:
2006-10-09 01:04:43.0793 LazySearch2: Received notification of end of
2006-10-09 01:04:43.0795 LazySearch2: Lazifying entries not already
2006-10-09 01:04:43.0813 SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM albums me WHERE (
me.customsearch IS NULL ): 
2006-10-09 01:04:43.0948 LazySearch2: Lazify type=Album, 0 items to
2006-10-09 01:04:43.0967 SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM contributors me WHERE (
me.customsearch IS NULL ): 
2006-10-09 01:04:43.1724 LazySearch2: Lazify type=Contributor, 356
items to lazify
2006-10-09 01:04:43.1742 SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM genres me WHERE (
me.customsearch IS NULL ): 
2006-10-09 01:04:43.1771 LazySearch2: Lazify type=Genre, 0 items to
2006-10-09 01:04:43.2108 SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM tracks me  JOIN albums
album ON ( album.id = me.album ) WHERE ( ( ( me.customsearch NOT LIKE ?
) OR ( me.customsearch IS NULL ) ) ): '%|%'
2006-10-09 01:04:43.2430 LazySearch2: Lazify type=Track, 3668 items to
2006-10-09 01:04:43.2514 LazySearch2: Scheduling backround
2006-10-09 01:04:43.2529 SELECT me.name, me.value FROM metainformation
me WHERE ( name = ? ): 'isScanning'
2006-10-09 01:04:43.2591 LazySearch2: EncodeTask - 3668 Tracks
2006-10-09 01:04:43.2616 SELECT me.id, me.title, me.customsearch,
album.id, album.titlesort, album.compilation, album.year,
album.artwork, album.disc, album.discc, album.musicmagic_mixable,
album.titlesearch, album.replay_gain, album.replay_peak,
album.musicbrainz_id, album.title FROM tracks me  JOIN albums album ON
( album.id = me.album ) WHERE ( ( ( me.customsearch NOT LIKE ? ) OR (
me.customsearch IS NULL ) ) ): '%|%'
Malformed UTF-8 character (fatal) at /usr/share/perl5/Text/Unidecode.pm
line 40.
2006-10-09 01:04:43.3302 Got to the END.
2006-10-09 01:04:43.3304 Got sigint.
2006-10-09 01:04:43.3305 SlimServer cleaning up.
2006-10-09 01:04:43.3358 DBI::db=HASH(0xa498368)->disconnect
invalidates 1 active statement handle (either destroy statement handles
or call finish on them before disconnecting) at
/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Schema.pm line 247.
2006-10-09 01:04:43.3361 Shutting down plugins...
2006-10-09 01:04:43.3394 LazySearch2: Shutting down
2006-10-09 01:04:43.3396 NoSetup: let's free the hijacked pages...
2006-10-09 01:04:43.3402 Scrobbler: Unsubscribing on 'play', 'pause',
'stop', 'power', 'mode'
2006-10-09 01:04:43.3403 Scrobbler: Unsubscribing on 'open'
2006-10-09 01:04:43.3403 Scrobbler: unHookScrobbler() engaged,
SlimScrobbler V0.36 deactivated.
061009  1:04:43 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Normal shutdown

061009  1:04:45  InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
061009  1:04:47  InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0
061009  1:04:47 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete


bhaagensen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7418
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: iTunes Update 1.9

2006-10-08 Thread ajmitchell

Thanks James thats fantastic!!


Last FM: http://www.last.fm/user/ajmitchell/

ajmitchell's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=800
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Oddity with AlienBBC Playlist

2006-10-08 Thread bpa

Check the URLs.

The BBC re-jigged some of the URLs a few weeks ago and left the old
ones in place. The new URLs point to the new program - the old ones
point to the last program when the URL was used.

This is the new URL


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28461

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.42

2006-10-08 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 08/10/06, brucegrr

It seems Moose stops remembering after the fifth song...as it goes to
the sixth.

Radnom mix is set to show 10 upcoming songs and 5 previously played

Ah ha.. I hadn't tried it with a number in the previously played field..

Should be fixed in Moose 0.44, which I've just put up..

- Dr Lovegrove
plugins mailing list

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Oddity with AlienBBC Playlist

2006-10-08 Thread danco

I have a number of BBC programs listed in my playlists. One is Radio 3's
Sunday Feature, with the playlist Sunday Feature.m3u, which reads

#EXTINF:-1,Sunday Feature

This does go to the Sunday Feature, but to one several weeks back. I
can get the current one if I just select it in the Radio 3 submenu of

What is happening? Perhaps a cache somewhere.


danco's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=210
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Using BBC "Backstage" APIs in AlienBBC?

2006-10-08 Thread florca

This may be a very naive / dumb question, but have the AlienBBC team had
any direct contact with the BBC? On the face of it they (the BBC) seem
to be very keen to open up some of their content via their "Backstage"
( http://backstage.bbc.co.uk/ ) portal. I've played around with the Mac
Dashboard "Listen Again" Widget they link to, and although it seems to
miss a lot of the programmes available via AlienBBC (individual day
editions of most programmes for example) I can see some advantages of
this approach rather than parsing HTML.

I guess the main stumbling block would be the use of mplayer rather
than Helix / Real clients, but a "proper" API must be a better bet in
the long term. How about a friendly email to Matthew Cashmore or Ian
Forrester suggesting a meeting (
)? From a brief look this might open the door to some neat things - for
example if they would extend the directly addressable content to stuff
like individual "Today" items.

Is there any evidence that these people even know about AlienBBC, and
is the consensus that it may be better if they don't?




florca's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7486
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Softsqueeze 3.1 not playing synchronized

2006-10-08 Thread Heimiko

yes, i'm running the latest java VM. 1.5 update 9


Analog modded SB3 -> M1000i -> tube buffer -> M1000i -> Electrocompaniet
ECI-3 -> Dynaudio Audience 122

Heimiko's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3462
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: [Announce] MusicInfoSCR 2.99

2006-10-08 Thread Michael Herger

That also works correctly.

Thanks. Will add it to the next release.



http://www.herger.net/SlimCD - your SlimServer on a CD
http://www.herger.net/slim - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: [Announce] MusicInfoSCR 2.99

2006-10-08 Thread erland

Michael Herger;144420 Wrote: 
> What about
>   my ( $line1, $overlay1, $line2, $overlay2 ) = ('', '', '', '');
> It's a cosmetic change, but I'd like to know whether it changes
> anything..
> That also works correctly.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
'Custom Browse'
and 'RandomPlayList'

erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=27983

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Can't get SlimScrobbler to work?

2006-10-08 Thread probedb

Excellent :D Cheers very much that works a treatI guess the older
one isn't compatible with 6.5.x!

Will give the radio plugin a go at some point too...only started using
it today, loving it to death :)



'last.fm' (http://www.last.fm/user/probedb)
'myspace.com' (http://www.myspace.com/l328nud)

probedb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7825
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28454

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: [Announce] AlbumReview / Biography 2

2006-10-08 Thread dborn

Alright, thanks Michael!

Forget about the band tag, this was a mistake on my part. If it's
possible to get the "actual" artist name instead of the "Various
Artists" (when it is such an album and SS is configured that way).
Otherwise, no big deal! :-)



dborn's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=181
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Can't get SlimScrobbler to work?

2006-10-08 Thread ceejay

try the latest version from James's site...

You might also want to try his excellent LastFM plugin as well.



ceejay's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=148
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to "stutter"

2006-10-08 Thread Diana

Thanks.  Will do as you suggest.  Very best wishes



Diana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7463
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: [Announce] MusicInfoSCR 2.99

2006-10-08 Thread Michael Herger

Ok, it seems I was following the wrong track.

I think the problem is the intialization at line 64, today it looks

Thanks for that hint.

If I change line 64 to this instead everything works


my $line1 = '';my $overlay1='';my $line2='';my $overlay2='';

What about
my ( $line1, $overlay1, $line2, $overlay2 ) = ('', '', '', '');

It's a cosmetic change, but I'd like to know whether it changes anything.

I am not a perl expert.

Neither am I :-).



http://www.herger.net/SlimCD - your SlimServer on a CD
http://www.herger.net/slim - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: [Announce] AlbumReview / Biography 2

2006-10-08 Thread Michael Herger

Small request for Biography plugin: If the artist tag contains "Various
Artists" and there is a band tag, use that info instead.

Hmm... not sure what I can do here. I'm not looking at tags, but asking  
slimserver for the artist's name. If it returns the band tag, then you're  
fine. If not, then I can't do much about it. I'll see whether I'm missing  
something by not going through the full list of possible pieces of  



http://www.herger.net/SlimCD - your SlimServer on a CD
http://www.herger.net/slim - AlbumReview, Biography, MusicInfoSCR
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to "stutter"

2006-10-08 Thread bpa

On Windows open a Cmd prompt window and the command "netstat -s -p TCP"
will give a snapshot of TCP statistics.  To see changes you need to do
the same command and look to see which counters have increased.

The significant ones in terms of quality would be "connection resets"
and "packets retransmitted".

A connection is reset usually after timeouts and basically
unrecoverable error in communications.

If a packet is lost due to error, network load etc, then it has to be

The Reset and Retransmitted counters should not change frequently.  You
might do a comparison between listening using a Media player and
listening using SB/mplayer.


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28257

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Can't get SlimScrobbler to work?

2006-10-08 Thread probedb

Just got SlimServer 6.5.0 working no problems.

I downloaded 0.34 of SlimScrobbler from Sourceforge, coped Scrobbler.pm
and the SlimScrobbleSupport directory into the plugins dir and
completely shut down and restarted the server...entered my username and
password and turned on debugging.

Not getting anything, nothing from SlimScrobbler is being output to the
log file??

Bit confused...can anyone help?

Cheers :)




'last.fm' (http://www.last.fm/user/probedb)
'myspace.com' (http://www.myspace.com/l328nud)

probedb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7825
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28454

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to "stutter"

2006-10-08 Thread Diana

bpa;144367 Wrote: 
> ...In your situation, I think you should monitor your network connectons
> for errors and resets... If you have significant number of errors, talk
> to your ISP.

bpa >>> Thanks for your advice.  I'm afraid I really am a novice at
this, so I hope it won't try your patience after all the help you've
given me if I ask you to advise how I can monitor the network
connections for errors and resets.  Does Windows log this somewhere; 
or do I need to use a particular program?

Thanks again for all your help.  If I discover the kind of network
issue you describe, I'll certainly talk to my ISP.

Very best wishes.



Diana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7463
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28257

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to "stutter"

2006-10-08 Thread bpa

mplayer is mainly designed to play files and not streams and so its
handling of network errors is minimal. There was a long running bug
with Live RealAudio and it was only fixed when I tracked it down.  So
unless there is somebody who can produce the problems and track it down
- mplayer will be inferior in this regard to the vendor players.

I occassionally get the same RealAudio problems as you experienced but
in these circumstances RealPlayer behaves the same as mplayer - it
eventually collapses.

In your situation, I think you should monitor your network connectons
for errors and resets - many network errors will go unnoticed on data
streams (e.g. web, file acccess) because TCP/IP will retransmit and
recover.  With media streams these error become more apparent. If you
have significant number of errors, talk to your ISP.


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28257

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Trackstat confused by ' in title

2006-10-08 Thread schiegl

ceejay;144357 Wrote: 
> Bump.
> No-one else seeing this?
> Ceejay

(un)fortunatly not - depends on which side you are ;-)
I'm running version 6.5 on linux debian.

Just did a quick search: i found almost 350 titles (part of the 
filename) containing ' and 10 albums (part of the directory name) many
of the rated. 

erland;143445 Wrote: 
> It's actually not totally random, its sorted in the following order:
> 1. Ordered by play count (Most played at the top)
> 2. If two tracks are played equal number of times they are sorted by
> random
> But I can agree that it might be more suitable in this situation to
> actually sort the tracks by track number. I will add it to the wish
> list.

this would be really appreciated!



schiegl's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6654
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28343

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.42

2006-10-08 Thread brucegrr

A futher thought...

Perhaps there is an issue with how the songs are added to the

It seems Moose stops remembering after the fifth song...as it goes to
the sixth.

Radnom mix is set to show 10 upcoming songs and 5 previously played



brucegrr's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3964
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28058

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Trackstat confused by ' in title

2006-10-08 Thread ceejay


No-one else seeing this?



ceejay's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=148
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28343

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to "stutter"

2006-10-08 Thread Diana

bpa >>> Sadly, the URLs you sent are showing the same phenomena as the
AlienBBC ones.  The live streams work fine with media players on the PC
itself - they play for hours;  but mplayer shows buffer depletion with
RealPlayer streams;  and the wma streams playing through SS/SB also
fall over after no more than about 15 mins.

If the problem for SS/SB is packet loss due to network congestion,
is it a stupid question to wonder why, say, WinAMP on the PC keeps
going?  I guess (and it is a naive guess) that the problem is something
to do with the extra layer of processing by SS and its wireless
communication to the SB???

(But if this thread feels as though it's turning into an individual
tutorial on radio streaming, rather than an on-topic exchange about 3rd
Party Plugins, please feel free to call a halt!)

Thanks and best wishes.



Diana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7463
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28257

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.42

2006-10-08 Thread brucegrr

I have multipass enabled.

I have tried accessing random both through Slimserver and Moose. I
always use random play songs. I have it set to show 10 upcoming songs
and 5 previous songs.

It "starts" fine for the first 5 or so songs but then it stops updating
the playlist. In Slimserver it shows correctly.If I hit f5 the playlist
immediately updates properly. In the top pane the song that is
currently playing is always correct so it seems Random mix is playing
the songs just fine but for some reason the playlist stops updating.


brucegrr's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3964
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28058

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.42

2006-10-08 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 08/10/06, smc2911

I'm continuing to greatly enjoy moose. One query/feature request though:
under in the tree, would it be possible to pick up any installed 3rd
party plugin radio too (e.g. WikiRadio).

It's all a matter of whether the 3rd party plugins hook into the radio CLI
commands, and im not sure any of them do yet ?

- Dr Lovegrove
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.42

2006-10-08 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 07/10/06, gbonawitz

When I save a playlist, should that new playlist become immediately
available in the Load and Save Playlist windows?
I saved a playlist, then tried to save changes to it, but it didn't
appear in the Save Playlist window.  I could see that the Playlist was
actually created and saved, however, by going into SlimServer.

Ahh, the playlists in the load dialog are only populated when you do
a scan in moose. If you do a save, it saves straight away to the
server, so it'll appear in the new tree-view stuff, although if you've
already opened the playlists node, you'll need to hit the refresh button

I'll fix the load dialog at some point so it's live..

- Dr Lovegrove
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.42

2006-10-08 Thread Dr Lovegrove

On 06/10/06, brucegrr

I am having problems with the playlist refreshing properly. When using
random song the playlist updates  for the first few songs and then
stops. F5 fixes it. The top part of Moose always shows the correct song
playing . It is just the playlist that seems to be "behind" The playlist
shows correctly in Slimserver

I am using Moose 0.43 Slimserver 6.5.1/Fishbone skin on a Win XP
machine (AMD 64 bit processor/ 1.5 gig ram)

Chunk is set at default 50



Hi Bruce,

Can't repeat this my end.. Do you have multi-pass playlist building
turned on, or is it just single-pass.. Also, which method do you use
to enable random song mode ?

- Dr Lovegrove
plugins mailing list

[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.42

2006-10-08 Thread mattybain

gbonawitz;144184 Wrote: 
> When I save a playlist, should that new playlist become immediately
> available in the Load and Save Playlist windows?
> I saved a playlist, then tried to save changes to it, but it didn't
> appear in the Save Playlist window.  I could see that the Playlist was
> actually created and saved, however, by going into SlimServer.
> Thanks

That has never worked for me either but you should see all your
playlists under the new tree function. Go to Tools -> Open Tree then
expand Server and then Playlists. You should be able to load the
playlist by double clicking on it or right clicking then add/insert

However I admit that this is a pain when you make a couple of changes
and want to resave. You can just type in the name and it will copy over
the old playlist.



mattybain's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=44
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to "stutter"

2006-10-08 Thread bpa

Warning: I think these ASX URLs are BBC trials - so they may disappear
without notice.

Radio 1 

Radio 2

Radio 3


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28257

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to "stutter"

2006-10-08 Thread Diana

bpa >>> You're a star!  The last URL works with the built-in windows
media turned off.  I'm going to leave it running for a while to see how
it holds up.  Do you have similar URL information for the other BBC
channels?  Thanks ever so much for all your help with this.



Diana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7463
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28257

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to "stutter"

2006-10-08 Thread bpa

Good news that it works.  

The Radio 4 ASX has 4 URLs - usually for load sharing - SB may just be
choosing the first one and the one most heavily used, so try the bottom
ones first and see if it makes a difference.

The other possibility is to go to Server Setting/ Filetypes and uncheck
the Windows media (built-in) - this make WMA decoding happen on the
server necessary for some WMA decoders and protocol settings.


bpa's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1806
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28257

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: AlienBBC - works but starts to "stutter"

2006-10-08 Thread Diana

bpa >>> Thanks for this.  I tried the URLs (using Radio Tune In):  the
buffer filled up, but the stream did not start (I waited 15 mins at
first!).  But putting a URL in Firefox starts Media Player, and the
stream plays beautifully.  And I can play them fine in WinAmp.  Any
idea why SS/SB won't play them?



Diana's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7463
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28257

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Re: Announce: Moose 0.42

2006-10-08 Thread smc2911

I'm continuing to greatly enjoy moose. One query/feature request though:
under in the tree, would it be possible to pick up any installed 3rd
party plugin radio too (e.g. WikiRadio).


smc2911's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4388
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28058

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