Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread rippingdragon

Triode wrote: 
> What does the self test on the settings page show?

Oops forgot to include that bit.

Self Test fails at Step 5.

It says: Player did not connect to helper app - check your firewall
allows the helper app to receive incoming connections from players on
the helper app port defined above.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-04-03 Thread Michael Herger

I've been playing with this for a while and have yet to see it play a
single song from my 31k+ track local library. Is there some special
tagging required of the files?

Watch closer! :-P

I did indeed see cases where the mix would return a track I own, but only  
give me the ID of an online-service, not my local file's. But there  
definitely are local tracks ever now and then. If you changed the mix to  
only use local tracks, would it still work, and would it then at long last  
pick your own tracks?

Please set logging to debug. You should then see what sources it's using.


plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-04-03 Thread Michael Herger

submitted to be played. But these tracks are no Jazz tracks. I have the
impression that there could be at least one of the following issues: a)
The Plugin is somehow not aware of my music library (about 7 tracks
with music of basically all relevant genres, b) the interaction with
the doesn´t work.

When you open up the Blender and change to advanced mode, you'd see an ID  
of the form id:CA... in the top right input field. Could you please send  
it to michael ät herger punkt net?

And while you're waiting for my response: did you check the scanner.log  
file too?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-04-03 Thread JJZolx

Triode wrote: 
> I don't know how Mog streams - can you post some debuts from the server
> and squeezelite?

Here are logs with the server's MOG plugin logging set to debug and with
Squeezelite set to all=debug. Let me know if you need other logging
options enabled somewhere.

|Filename: |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-04-03 Thread Triode

JJZolx wrote: 
> Is there any particular reason why MOG doesn't play on Squeezelite
> running on Windows?

I don't know how Mog streams - can you post some debuts from the server
and squeezelite?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-04-03 Thread JJZolx

Is there any particular reason why MOG doesn't play on Squeezelite
running on Windows?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Other Album images - back, booklets etc. - Any way of displaying these ?

2013-04-03 Thread ralphpnj

Wirrunna wrote: 
> slackhead and ralphpnj, thank you for the Muso suggestion. I have
> watched the evolution of this impressive software for a while now and
> tried it once or twice, however it does not suit the way I control LMS.
> In my house LMS runs on a low power PC under the TV, the PC also
> providing TV recording, video and DVD playback. LMS exclusively plays
> music from its local library and uses SugarCube to continue playing
> after starting with either an album or track.
> LMS is started  by Orange Squeeze on a Nexus or the LMS gui on my laptop
> in the study. I normally leave a window open on the SugarCube Live View
> so that little tweaks can be made to the playlist - usually adding
> tracks suggested by MIP that SugarCube has not queued up.
> The original reason for my first post in this thread was to identify a
> plugin that displayed the extra scanned images and then to suggest to
> the tablet developers that they should leverage the work done to enable
> displaying the images on their tablet applications.

I'm not familiar with several of the devices/software you mentioned
above but perhaps this rundown of how I use MUSO will help.

I have MUSO installed on two computers, a large laptop located in my
main listening room and a desktop computer located in my computer room.
I also use the program Moose (
to control the various Squeezebox devices. Since I have a rather large
music library the amount of memory required to run MUSO is also fairly
large (650,000+k) and so I do not use MUSO on a regular basis on the
laptop, however I do run and use MUSO regularly on my desktop computer
which has plenty of available memory. Nonetheless I tend to use Moose to
select and control the music and I use MUSO to view the extra scanned
images, to read any information contained in the "info.txt" files and to
view any additional information that shows up in MUSO's "now playing"
window. The reason I use Moose rather than MUSO to select and control
the music is that searching my music library database in Moose is much,
much faster than searching in either MUSO or LMS (I don't actually use
LMS, I am still using Squeezebox Server 7.5.5).

There are times when I do use MUSO on my laptop, especially when I am
listening to my Living room stereo for an extended time.

I hope this helps.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-04-03 Thread Nikolay V

 And how do I add preconfigured squezelite to windows autorun ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-04-03 Thread Triode

Nikolay V wrote: 
>  And how do I add preconfigured squezelite to windows autorun ?
> (!Squeezelite start when windows start)

Once you have worked out the parameters you want, you could be able to
create an entry in the startup menu for squeezelite with these
paramters?  Otherwise, if the server is running on the same machine, the
LocalPlayer plugin will do this for you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread Triode

neilcoburn wrote: 
> Hi Triode, or anyone else who can help
> I have installed LMS after upgrading my PC to Windows 8. All is fine
> except the Spotify settings page says 'helper app not running'. I have
> put spotifyd.exe on the Windows firewall exception list, and installed
> the C++ thing. I have added spotifyd.exe to the white list in Windows
> Defender. What else do I need to do to get this working again?

I don't know windows 8.  Could you open a command console and change to
the directory where spotifyd.exe is and try to run it from the command
line - what errors does it give?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread Triode

delbz wrote: 
> Hi Triode,
> Hope you can assist.
> I have installed your Spotify plugin on my QNAP TS-209 II (Marvell 5182
> 500MHz) but can't get the helper app to work. 
> The helper app location shown in the GUI is: 
> opt/ssods4/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/Spotify/Bin/arm-linux/spotifydnoflac
> This is the server log file error:
> Plugins::Spotify::Settings::__ANON__ (218) failed to set password
> /opt/ssods4/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/Spotify/Bin/arm-linux/spotifydnoflac:
> error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory
> Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::__ANON__ (91) unable to write log file:
> /opt/ssods4/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/Logs/spotifyd.log
> Any pointers?

Its possible the linker on this device doesn't like the shared library
being in the same place as the binary - try copying it to /usr/lib
(assume you are happy sshing into the device and can do this?)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-04-03 Thread Otto-Wilhelm


After purging of the media data folder, the plugin doesn´t work any
more. I deinstalled and reinstalled it and of course made a full new
scan over my flac files. I also initiated a new export of the music
catalog in the setting section of the plugin.

However, when I try to start a mix, the message "Es wurden keine
passenden Lieder gefunden" ("No suitable songs were found") is given.
Also the interactive creation of mixes does´t work. If I enter an
artist, no corresponding songs are shown.

The plugin worked very fine before I had to purge the media data folder
for other reasons. I love this plugin.

What can be done?


Logitech Media Server Version: 7.8.0 - 1363340458 @ Thu Mar 28 03:07:44
PDT 2013
Hostname: HomeServer
IP-Adresse des Servers:
Server-HTTP-Portnummer: 9000
Betriebssystem: Windows 2008 Server R2 - DE - cp1252
Plattformarchitektur: 8664
Perl-Version: 5.14.1 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
Datenbankversion: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
Anzahl erkannter Player: 7

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2013-04-03 Thread cisaak

ajkidle wrote: 
> Here's how I do it on my Vortexbox running Fedora - don't know if this
> will be the same for your box.  (And I'm no Linux expert, I've just
> stretched my DOS knowledge far enough to get by...)
> 1 - I have a shared directory on the Vortexbox that I can access via an
> SMB share.  I drag and drop the file from my MacBook to this
> directory.  Next, I have to get it into the correct directory for
> SuperDateTime to use it.
> 2 - I use MacBook's built in Terminal program to SSH into my Vortexbox. 
> (I'm sure there is something equivalent for Windows that is a text based
> Terminal program.)  I do this by typing:
> > 

  >   > 
  > ssh

> > 
> Obviously you need to change that to the IP address of your box and
> whatever user name has write privileges.  I use root, but that's
> sloppy practice.  At this point, I'm logged into the Linux box and am
> controlling it via command line.
> 3 - Copy the file to the correct location.  In Linux, -cp- is similar
> to the DOS -copy- command.  In this case, the SMB share I
> drag-and-dropped to is the directory -/storage
> -
> > 

  >   > 
  > cp /storage/ 

> > 
> 4 - Logout
> > 

  >   > 
  > exit

> > 
> Note that Linux is case sensitive, whereas DOS is not.  Other useful
> Linux commands and their DOS equivalent that may help you navigate
> around:
> Linux : DOS
> ls : dir
> cd : cd
> cp : copy
> If someone knows of an easier way to do this, I'd love to hear it. 
> This process has always seemed annoying to me.  Good luck!

I discovered I could not use SSH on my Netgear ReadyNas unless I enabled
SSH--which voids the warranty.  Any way the new file could be added to
the repository while it is being tested?  The old file is apparently
useless and adding the new file to the repository would allow the rest
of us to test it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2013-04-03 Thread tuc

Hi there,

I use SvrPowerControl to go to suspend when players are idle. It works
beautifully. However sometimes after returning from suspend (with WoL)
silent patches lasting about half a second occur about every minute when
playing back music. I have tested that it has nothing to do with the
synchronization of my three SB booms (also occurs when only one is on).

I use the command sudo /usr/sbin/pm-suspend --quirk-s3-mode for going to
suspend. If I restart LMS the problem goes away. So I am pretty sure
that it is an issue with "waking up". I haven't yet tried --s3-bios
option. Any ideas of other quirks to try?

A possible workaround is to restart LMS when returning from suspend i.e.
add "sudo service logitechmediaserver restart" to "On wakeup command".
Unfortunately this throws out the active playlist. Is there a way to
avoid this? 

I enjoy my SB and the plugin very much, but solving this issue would
make it even better. BTW this is *not* an April fools joke.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-04-03 Thread cw-kid


How do I install SqueezeLite on MAC OSX ? 

I have the LMS installed on my Windows Home Server 2011. I already have
SqueezeLite running as a service OK on there, I did a manual
installation for that. 

I have an iMAC machine in my kitchen and I would like to make this iMAC
another Squeezebox player for that room. But unsure how to install
SqueezeLite. I am new to MAC OSX as well. 

Many Thanks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2013-04-03 Thread epoch1970

tuc wrote: 
> Any ideas of other quirks to try?
Difficult question IMHO.
A few things I would check right after wake-up :
- system time. If the clock is off then plenty of things can go wrong.
- system load. Perhaps the system is too busy for LMS to run well. 
- network status and interface parameters. Perhaps the machine renews
its DHCP lease or renegociates link parameters with the switch.
- possibly hard drives/data links parameters.

I've seen all this go wrong (and much more) when suspending linux
machines. Trying all suspend quirks can't really harm. Also, I don't
know how the PM system you're using works, but what I do personally is
to stop services, unload kernel modules… as needed before sleep, and
restart these upon wake-up. A friendly machine (and kernel) won't need
anything special; temperamental ones can do really funny things until
you've found the exact issue and solve it at sleep time.

My debugging method is about this :
- unplug anything unnecessary from the machine, including networking.
Keep only keyboard/console.
- check the bios is reasonably recent (beware of a 1.0 version), set to
reasonable parameters, that the cmos battery is not depleted (can cause
time/date issues.)
- try suspend with my system running a minimal set of services
(something like single mode, with ACPI active). It should work (perform
- if it does not work, look for people with similar problems and the
same hardware. Try a newer/older version of linux. Kernel versions do
matter, unfortunately.
- if it does work, check it works repeatedly, and not a single time.
Also, check the machine does reboot and shutdown correctly after
sleep/wake cycles…
- then gradually add the hardware/drivers apps you want to run and see
when it starts to break.

As already said, on some setups I've had to proceed to quite a few
seemingly futile stop/starts. However, I have yet to see the need to
restart LMS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-04-03 Thread nervoteso

just updated to 1.2.3 and plugin doesn't work qnymore, it says "fail to
create playlist", can you help me?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Other Album images - back, booklets etc. - Any way of displaying these ?

2013-04-03 Thread Wirrunna

slackhead and ralphpnj, thank you for the Muso suggestion. I have
watched the evolution of this impressive software for a while now and
tried it once or twice, however it does not suit the way I control LMS.
In my house LMS runs on a low power PC under the TV, the PC also
providing TV recording, video and DVD playback. LMS exclusively plays
music from its local library and uses SugarCube to continue playing
after starting with either an album or track.
LMS is started  by Orange Squeeze on a Nexus or the LMS gui on my laptop
in the study. I normally leave a window open on the SugarCube Live View
so that little tweaks can be made to the playlist - usually adding
tracks suggested by MIP that SugarCube has not queued up.
The original reason for my first post in this thread was to identify a
plugin that displayed the extra scanned images and then to suggest to
the tablet developers that they should leverage the work done to enable
displaying the images on their tablet applications.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Other Album images - back, booklets etc. - Any way of displaying these ?

2013-04-03 Thread Wirrunna

slackhead and ralphpnj, thank you for the Muso suggestion. I have
watched the evolution of this impressive software for a while now and
tried it once or twice, however it does not suit the way I control LMS.
In my house LMS runs on a low power PC under the TV, the PC also
providing TV recording, video and DVD playback. LMS plays music
exclusively from its local library and uses SugarCube to continue
playing after starting with either an album or track.
LMS is started  by Orange Squeeze on a Nexus or the LMS gui on my laptop
in the study. I normally leave a window open on the SugarCube Live View
so that little tweaks can be made to the playlist - usually adding
tracks suggested by MIP that SugarCube has not queued up.
The original reason for my first post in this thread was to identify a
plugin that displayed the extra scanned images and then to suggest to
the tablet developers that they should leverage the work done to display
the images on their tablet applications.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-04-03 Thread ian_heys

ian_heys wrote: 
> Thanks for the response.
> Will investigate next week - away for the weekend.

Think this is the offending log but could be wrong, any ideas?

Starting Squeezelite:
-d all=debug -f /var/log/squeezeboxserver/localplayer.log
[07:32:07.469367] stream_init:264 init stream
[07:32:07.470447] stream_init:265 streambuf size: 2097152
[07:32:07.478422] output_init:1298 init output
[07:32:07.478629] output_init:1301 outputbuf size: 3528000
[07:32:07.478810] output_init:1333 requested buffer_time: 2
period_count: 4 format: any mmap: 1
Home directory /usr/share/squeezeboxserver not ours.
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
[07:32:07.562797] test_open:152 playback open error: Device or resource
[07:32:07.562930] output_init:1350 unable to open output device

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-04-03 Thread Triode

ian_heys wrote: 
> Think this is the offending log but could be wrong, any ideas?
> Starting Squeezelite:
> /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/LocalPlayer/Bin/squeezelite-x86-64
> -d all=debug -f /var/log/squeezeboxserver/localplayer.log
> [07:32:07.469367] stream_init:264 init stream
> [07:32:07.470447] stream_init:265 streambuf size: 2097152
> [07:32:07.478422] output_init:1298 init output
> [07:32:07.478629] output_init:1301 outputbuf size: 3528000
> [07:32:07.478810] output_init:1333 requested buffer_time: 2
> period_count: 4 format: any mmap: 1
> Home directory /usr/share/squeezeboxserver not ours.
> ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
> [07:32:07.562797] test_open:152 playback open error: Device or resource
> busy
> [07:32:07.562930] output_init:1350 unable to open output device

Do you need to add the squeezebox server user to the audio group?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-04-03 Thread ian_heys

Triode wrote: 
> Do you need to add the squeezebox server user to the audio group?

Already seems to be a user of the audio group:

ian@Trafford:~$ sudo adduser squeezeboxserver audio
[sudo] password for ian: 
The user `squeezeboxserver' is already a member of `audio'.

If it's nothing obviouse Triode - it's not a show stopper.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-04-03 Thread Triode

ian_heys wrote: 
> Already seems to be a user of the audio group:
> ian@Trafford:~$ sudo adduser squeezeboxserver audio
> [sudo] password for ian: 
> The user `squeezeboxserver' is already a member of `audio'.
> If it's nothing obviouse Triode - it's not a show stopper.
> Thanks for your help.

Looks to me that something else using the alsa slave device - try
starting with -o hw:CARD=

This will bypass any alsa layer processing you have - it will still need
the output device to be available for use though.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2013-04-03 Thread mherger

rienm wrote: 
> In version 1.81 I could not see the public playlists, hoped that 1.82
> would have solved that " problem" .
> But I get the following remark: [SERVER]server returned error: request 
> failed with error: bad dispatch !
> Can I do something about it?
> Y.S. Rien

I'm sorry, no, nothing you can do. They changed their response format.
I'll fix this asap.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread neilcoburn

Triode wrote: 
> I don't know windows 8.  Could you open a command console and change to
> the directory where spotifyd.exe is and try to run it from the command
> line - what errors does it give?

I get "unable to open config file: spotifyd.exe.conf"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread Triode

neilcoburn wrote: 
> I get "unable to open config file: spotifyd.exe.conf"

Could you start the server with plugin.spotify debugging enabled - it
should be creating that file in the same location as the executable
(which should be a writeable location for the server - hope windows 8
has not changed this!)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread Triode

neilcoburn wrote: 
> Here it is:
> [13-04-02 21:46:39.4586] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::_writeConfig (204)
> wrote config file: .conf
> [13-04-02 21:46:39.4607] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::__ANON__ (91)
> unable to write log file: C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\spotifyd.log
> [13-04-02 21:46:39.4615] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::__ANON__ (95)
> starting  C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\spotifyd.log
> [13-04-02 21:46:43.9057] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::BEGIN (32)
> Working with existing handler: 
> [13-04-02 21:46:45.7013] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::__ANON__ (114) :
> failed

Is there anything before this - it looks like windows 8 is not working
correctly with the auto detection of the helper app location.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread neilcoburn

Triode wrote: 
> Could you start the server with plugin.spotify debugging enabled - it
> should be creating that file in the same location as the executable
> (which should be a writeable location for the server - hope windows 8
> has not changed this!)

Here it is:

[13-04-02 21:46:39.4586] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::_writeConfig (204)
wrote config file: .conf
[13-04-02 21:46:39.4607] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::__ANON__ (91)
unable to write log file: C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\spotifyd.log
[13-04-02 21:46:39.4615] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::__ANON__ (95)
starting  C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Logs\spotifyd.log
[13-04-02 21:46:43.9057] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::BEGIN (32)
Working with existing handler: 
[13-04-02 21:46:45.7013] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::__ANON__ (114) :

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-04-03 Thread mherger

Otto-Wilhelm wrote: 
> However, when I try to start a mix, the message "Es wurden keine
> passenden Lieder gefunden" ("No suitable songs were found") is given.
> Also the interactive creation of mixes does´t work. If I enter an
> artist, no corresponding songs are shown.

Could you please enable debugging in Settings/Advanced/Logging
(Einstellungen/Erweitert/Protokoll) for plugin.smartmix, then try again
and see what server.log says?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-04-03 Thread mherger

nervoteso wrote: 
> just updated to 1.2.3 and plugin doesn't work qnymore, it says "fail to
> create playlist", can you help me?

Could you please enable debugging in Settings/Advanced/Logging for
plugin.smartmix, then try again and see what server.log says?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread neilcoburn

Triode wrote: 
> Is there anything before this - it looks like windows 8 is not working
> correctly with the auto detection of the helper app location.

Here's the full version

|Filename: server.log.txt   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread Triode

neilcoburn wrote: 
> Here's the full version

Can you edit the perl file:  If so, try changing this line
85 to:


# this converts to windows shortened paths
my $helperPath = 
Slim::Utils::OSDetect::getOS->decodeExternalHelperPath($helperName) || 

Other wise change that line to:


  my $helperPath = $helperName;

I'm summising that that call to decodeExternalHelperPath doesn't work...
But it could be something else..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Song Lyrics plugin will soon stop working due to musixmatch changes

2013-04-03 Thread Nocko!

Now that I have saved all lyrics in my Flacs / tags I have a quite
special question:

For my remote control project I need a direct link to Squeezeserver to
show the lyrics of the currently played song. For example, there is such
a link for the "Now Playing Cover" with
http://192..:9000/music/current/cover.jpg? - is there a link in
Squeezeserver that points directly to the "Now Playing Lyrics" ?

Or as a workaround: Is there a plugin that enables such a link ?

Thank you,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2013-04-03 Thread tuc

epoch1970 wrote: 
> Difficult question IMHO.
> A few things I would check right after wake-up :
> - system time. If the clock is off then plenty of things can go wrong.
> - system load. Perhaps the system is too busy for LMS to run well. 
> - network status and interface parameters. Perhaps the machine renews
> its DHCP lease or renegociates link parameters with the switch.
> - possibly hard drives/data links parameters.
> I've seen all this go wrong (and much more) when suspending linux
> machines. Trying all suspend quirks can't really harm. Also, I don't
> know how the PM system you're using works, but what I do personally is
> to stop services, unload kernel modules� as needed before sleep, and
> restart these upon wake-up. A friendly machine (and kernel) won't need
> anything special; temperamental ones can do really funny things until
> you've found the exact issue and solve it at sleep time.
> My debugging method is about this :
> - unplug anything unnecessary from the machine, including networking.
> Keep only keyboard/console.
> - check the bios is reasonably recent (beware of a 1.0 version), set to
> reasonable parameters, that the cmos battery is not depleted (can cause
> time/date issues.)
> - try suspend with my system running a minimal set of services
> (something like single mode, with ACPI active). It should work (perform
> normally).
> - if it does not work, look for people with similar problems and the
> same hardware. Try a newer/older version of linux. Kernel versions do
> matter, unfortunately.
> - if it does work, check it works repeatedly, and not a single time.
> Also, check the machine does reboot and shutdown correctly after
> sleep/wake cycles�
> - then gradually add the hardware/drivers and apps I want to run and
> see when it starts to break. When the breaking point is found, find the
> way to stop the culprit before sleep, and restart it at wake-up.
> As already said, on some setups I've had to proceed to quite a few
> seemingly futile stop/starts. However, I have yet to see the need to
> restart LMS.

Thanks for your elaborate answer!
I am happy and sad :-)
Happy that I am not completely stupid in solving this myself and happy
about the detailed recipe you provided.
Sad that there is no easy fix.

FYI: The server is dedicated to running LMS and doesn't have any
peripherals attached (not even screen mouse and keyboard, only
motherboard RAM and HDD) So with a dual-core atom processor and 2 GB RAM
it normally has no problem performance wise. Network is more suspect.
However, the fact the this intermittent playback ONLY occurs after
returning from suspend makes me think it is a combination of waking up
and network configuration (perhaps router related as you point out). The
issues is complicated further by the fact that it only occurs sometimes.

I will start with the easiest: suspend quirks. This morning I tried with
suspend --quirk-s3-bios and so far no problems, but this may be
Thanks again - I will report when/if I find a solution.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-04-03 Thread ian_heys

Triode wrote: 
> Looks to me that something else using the alsa slave device - try
> starting with -o hw:CARD=
> This will bypass any alsa layer processing you have - it will still need
> the output device to be available for use though.

Thanks again Triode.

Something must be holding the audio card but can't see what it is.


-o hw:CARD=Intel [HDA Intel], device 0


ian@Trafford:~$ sudo aplay -l
[sudo] password for ian: 
 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC662 rev1 Analog [ALC662 rev1
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC662 rev1 Digital [ALC662 rev1
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

Still the same result.

Did I get the hw listing right?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread rippingdragon

Hi Triode,

I'm really excited to give this plugin a shot but I'm struggling it to
work.  I've gone as far as I can with my level of technical knowledge. 
Could you please help me get this up and running?

Some details:
Running LMS 7.7.2 on a 64 bit Win 7 machine.
The Win 7 machine is connected to the internet via WiFi.
My Transporter is connected to the Win 7 machine via ethernet.
I've tried disabling all my firewalls with no success.
I've also tried changing which ports your extension and the LMS CLI

The debug log displays this:
> [20:38:21.973] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11182080 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61979 / 44100
> [20:38:22.209] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.209] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11184128 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61910 / 44100
> [20:38:22.209] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.209] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11186176 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61922 / 44100
> [20:38:22.210] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.210] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11188224 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61933 / 44100
> [20:38:22.210] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.210] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11190272 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61944 / 44100
> [20:38:22.210] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.210] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11192320 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61956 / 44100
> [20:38:22.211] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.211] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11194368 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61967 / 44100
> [20:38:22.211] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.211] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11196416 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61978 / 44100
> [20:38:22.211] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.211] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11198464 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61990 / 44100
> [20:38:22.363] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.363] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11200512 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61948 / 44100
> [20:38:22.363] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.363] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11202560 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61959 / 44100
> [20:38:22.363] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.363] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11204608 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61970 / 44100
> [20:38:22.364] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.364] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11206656 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61982 / 44100
> [20:38:22.364] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.364] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11208704 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61993 / 44100
> [20:38:22.610] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.610] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11210752 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61924 / 44100
> [20:38:22.613] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.613] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11212800 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61930 / 44100
> [20:38:22.613] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 1371
> [20:38:22.613] music_delivery:577 streamed frames: 11214171 can't write:
> 0 rate: 61938 / 44100
> [20:38:22.613] end_of_track:632 end of track
> [20:38:22.613] _streambuf_flush:363 state STREAMING -> FLUSHING
> [20:38:22.614] _streambuf_reset:84 state FLUSHING -> IDLE
> [20:38:22.625] main:534 new connection
> [20:38:22.625] main:586 req: streamtest.json res:
> spotify:track:11IXRdEjiH0KL8nh4G1j7d par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.1 auth:
> (null)
> [20:38:22.625] main:893 streambuf_newstream: streamtest (2)
> [20:38:22.625] streambuf_newstream:154 newstream - streamtest (2)
> [20:38:22.625] streambuf_newstream:158 state IDLE -> WAITING
> [20:38:22.625] main:1626 Now playing: Now We Are Free
> [20:38:22.644] main:534 new connection
> [20:38:22.657] main:586 req: browse.json res:
> spotify:track:11IXRdEjiH0KL8nh4G1j7d par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
> (null)
> [20:38:22.657] main:1045 queuing track browse
> [20:38:22.657] process_track:1229 process track
> [20:38:22.657] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
> [20:38:22.658] main:534 new connection
> [20:38:22.658] main:586 req: browse.json res:
> spotify:track:11IXRdEjiH0KL8nh4G1j7d par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
> (null)
> [20:38:22.659] main:1045 queuing track browse
> [20:38:22.659] process_track:1229 process track
> [20:38:22.659] process_track:1253 browse track: ok
> [20:38:22.931] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:22.931] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:23.066] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:23.066] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:23.066] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:23.066] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:23.066] music_delivery:427 called with num_frames: 2048
> [20:38:23.311] music_delivery:427 

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2013-04-03 Thread pierrepoulpe

mherger wrote: 
> I'm sorry, no, nothing you can do. They changed their response format.
> I'll fix this asap.

Fix uploaded in version 1.83

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-04-03 Thread Triode

ian_heys wrote: 
> Thanks again Triode.
> Something must be holding the audio card but can't see what it is.
> Tried:
> -o hw:CARD=Intel [HDA Intel], device 0
> From:
> ian@Trafford:~$ sudo aplay -l
> [sudo] password for ian: 
>  List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
> card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC662 rev1 Analog [ALC662 rev1
> Analog]
> Subdevices: 1/1
> Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
> card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC662 rev1 Digital [ALC662 rev1
> Digital]
> Subdevices: 1/1
> Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
> Still the same result.
> Did I get the hw listing right?

In this case it is: -hw:CARD=Intel,DEV=0

The actual name used is the one in [] from /proc/asound/cards.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-04-03 Thread mkkyah

Michael, I have upgraded to v1.2.3 today and "create mix based on
current title" works for Deezer songs as you promised, thanks.
A few songs are failed to create a mix. I don't know if it's because
Deezer, Echonest or Smartmix itself. That's ok for me, but I can try and
report the tracks if you need.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread Triode

rippingdragon wrote: 
> Hi Triode,
> I'm really excited to give this plugin a shot but I'm struggling it to
> work.  I've gone as far as I can with my level of technical knowledge. 
> Could you please help me get this up and running?
> Some details:
> Running LMS 7.7.2 on a 64 bit Win 7 machine.
> The Win 7 machine is connected to the internet via WiFi.
> My Transporter is connected to the Win 7 machine via ethernet.
> I've tried disabling all my firewalls with no success.
> I've also tried changing which ports your extension and the LMS CLI
> use.
> The debug log displays this:

What does the self test on the settings page show?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-04-03 Thread Otto-Wilhelm

Attached please find an excerpt from the server log file with massages
from the plugin after enabling debugging.

I hope that this helps to identify the problem.

Thanks a lot.

|Filename: server log.txt   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread jimbrandon

Triode wrote: 
> 3) Select the "3rd party Spotify Plugin" from the recommended 3rd party
> plugin list and then click apply as per normal plugin installation

For the life of me I cannot find "3rd party plugin list". Is it on this
message board or within the server software?  I have a tab for plugins
and have the Spotify plugin (not yours).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-04-03 Thread mherger

Otto-Wilhelm - the log says "Es wurden keine passenden Lieder
gefunden.". Would you have tracks you consider "disco" style? Would you
see the same issue with other recipes as well? The pre-defined recipes
are rather simplistic and can easily fail if you don't have the matching

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-04-03 Thread JJZolx

I've been playing with this for a while and have yet to see it play a
single song from my 31k+ track local library. Is there some special
tagging required of the files?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-04-03 Thread Otto-Wilhelm

mherger wrote: 
> Otto-Wilhelm - the log says "Es wurden keine passenden Lieder
> gefunden.". Would you have tracks you consider "disco" style? Would you
> see the same issue with other recipes as well? The pre-defined recipes
> are rather simplistic and can easily fail if you don't have the matching
> music.

Michael, thank you for attending to these problems.

It had worked with all predefined recipes and also with self defined
artist radio recipes. What I note now is that interactively defining a
mix using the blender gives results but results which are not correct.
For example, when I want to define a Jazz mix based on an artist such as
Charlie Haden or Chick Corea, certain tracks are shown and can be
submitted to be played. But these tracks are no Jazz tracks. I have the
impression that there could be at least one of the following issues: a)
The Plugin is somehow not aware of my music library (about 7 tracks
with music of basically all relevant genres, b) the interaction with 
the doesn´t work.

Everything had worked very fine after I installed the plugin the first
time, also concerning mixes on basis of the artist Charlie Haden.  I am
not aware of any substantive changes to the system I made deliberately,
except for what I mentioned in my first message.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-04-03 Thread ian_heys

Triode wrote: 
> In this case it is: -hw:CARD=Intel,DEV=0
> The actual name used is the one in [] from /proc/asound/cards.

I had to remove pulseaudio and install gnome-alsamixer and the command:

-o hw:CARD=Intel,DEV=0

now works (It may work now without any command but I haven't tried

Ubuntu is getting messy with bits of two sound servers and three
desktops Unity/Gnome/KDE required to get all the applications you need.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2013-04-03 Thread TravisKleckner

I'm getting the same parsing errors.  I wonder if the weather stream
changed *JUST* enough to throw it off and now it's not parsing.

bongo23 wrote: 
> [UPDATE]  My mistake.  Restarting the server made everything catch up. 
> Seems good now.
> [Thanks.  That looks like it's getting there, but I'm still getting
> parse errors on today & tonight's forecast (tomorrow's is OK):
> [13-03-29 08:24:22.5081] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherNow
> (3478) Error parsing current weather icon
> [13-03-29 08:24:22.5188] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherNow
> (3510) Error parsing current wind
> [13-03-29 08:24:22.5247] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherNow
> (3522) Error parsing current wind direction
> [13-03-29 08:24:22.5301] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherNow
> (3531) Error parsing current sky conditions
> [13-03-29 08:24:22.5355] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherNow
> (3540) Error parsing current humidity
> [13-03-29 08:24:22.5409] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherNow
> (3549) Error parsing current humidity
> [13-03-29 08:24:22.5462] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherNow
> (3565) Error parsing current dew point
> [13-03-29 08:24:23.3575] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherToday
> (2997) Error parsing current/today precip
> [13-03-29 08:24:23.3629] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherToday
> (3017) Error parsing current/today hi/low
> [13-03-29 08:24:23.3689] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherToday
> (3032) Error parsing current/today title
> [13-03-29 08:24:23.3742] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherToday
> (3042) Error parsing today sky conditions
> [13-03-29 08:24:23.3854] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherToday
> (3075) Error parsing today 1 UV index
> [13-03-29 08:24:23.3914] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherToday
> (3096) Error parsing today 1 24hr rain/snow
> [13-03-29 08:24:23.3968] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWeatherToday
> (3106) Error parsing today 1 narrative
> [13-03-29 08:24:31.6939] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::doneDrawing
> (4611) Data refresh completed with errors.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread neilcoburn

Triode wrote: 
> Can you edit the perl file:  If so, try changing this line
> 85 to:
> > 

  >   > 
  > # this converts to windows shortened paths
  > my $helperPath = 
Slim::Utils::OSDetect::getOS->decodeExternalHelperPath($helperName) || 

> > 
> Other wise change that line to:
> > 

  >   > 
  > my $helperPath = $helperName;

> > 
> I'm summising that that call to decodeExternalHelperPath doesn't
> work...  But it could be something else..

I've tried both of those edits, but neither worked.  Log attached.

|Filename: server.log.txt   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread Triode

neilcoburn wrote: 
> I've tried both of those edits, but neither worked.  Log attached.

Well it is getting further, but you now see:


  [13-04-03 19:16:02.6724] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::__ANON__ (114) 
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application 

Can you try and run this manually to see if it runs?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread neilcoburn

Triode wrote: 
> Well it is getting further, but you now see:
> > 

  >   > 
  > [13-04-03 19:16:02.6724] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::__ANON__ (114) 
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application 

> > 
> Can you try and run this manually to see if it runs?

It seems to -see screen grab attached

|Filename: Capture.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread neilcoburn

Triode wrote: 
> How is LMS installed - I don't understand windows 8, but is it possible
> it doesn't get permissions to run the file it has downloaded by default
> and you need to allow this?

I don't understand it too - I only just switched to it - it certainly
keeps asking for administrator permissions even though I'm set up as
one.  I'll do a bit of research and see if there's a way of stopping
this.  Or maybe I'll roll back to XP!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2013-04-03 Thread Triode

neilcoburn wrote: 
> It seems to -see screen grab attached

How is LMS installed - I don't understand windows 8, but is it possible
it doesn't get permissions to run the file it has downloaded by default
and you need to allow this?

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