Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-10-06 Thread oyvindo

rgdawson wrote: 
> Quick Fix!  Things should work fine if you change to Material Skin.
Indeed - that fixed it! Thank you so much :)
(Now there's still hope to save my marriage)

By the way - is there a way to see which version of SLX is currently in
the Store?

QNAP TS-453Mini 4x3TB RAID5 QTS 4.3.4
LMS 7.9.1 running in Docker
Madsonic 6.2 running in Docker
Plex running in Docker

QNAP HS-251 2x2TB RAID0, QTS 4.3.4
Kodi 16.1 Jarvis

QNAP TS-119 1TB Single, QTS 4.3.3
Almost Retired

oyvindo's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-10-06 Thread rgdawson

ronlog wrote: 
> Here is the log for your information:
> ...
> Telnet on port 22 is working well.
> But I planned to install a fresh new system with raspbian buster. It may
> be not worth it to investigate more except if you are interested in.

We can re-look at this when the next version update publishes.  It has
some improvements in the discovery process that may solve your issue or
at least make it easier to isolate.

R Greg Dawson


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-10-06 Thread rgdawson

oyvindo wrote: 
> @Greg, here's my log output:
> My action sequence above was this:
> 1. Press media key "Play"  (Nothing registered in the log)
> 2. Clicked on the Settings gear icon
> 3. Changed "Media Key Integration" to "Local Player"
> 4. Pressed media key "Play" again (This time registered in the log above
> and music began playing fro my local player)
> 5. Pressed media key "Play" again (To stop music on my local player, and
> it was registered in the log above)
> 6. Changed "Media Key Integration" back to "Selected Player"
> 7. Pressed media key "Play" several times (Nothing registered in the log
> - nothing happening)
> I hope this can support your effort to assist me. FOr me - this is truly
> a showstopper as I have my Logitech Harmony HUB and remote controls
> paired with my PC (Bluetooth Keyboard emulation) and my wife depends on
> these remotes working to be able to play music as she is not very
> computer literate but she knows how to press the play button on a remote
> :)
> But now she's demanding that I pull the old Radio from the attic again
> since LMS is "down" (as she sees it).
> So, please help.
Yikes!  I think I know what this is and a fix is in the version I
submitted to MS Store several days ago.  Not sure why it is taking so
long to publish this time.

Quick Fix!  Things should work fine if you change to Material Skin.  I
think the problem is that SLX is failing to read the cookie database
from the default skin (due to a typo on my part in that version). 
Material Skin stores the current player differently (does not use
cookies) and no problem there.  So just change to Material Skin and all
will be fine.  When MS Store publishes what I submitted a few days ago,
you can switch back to Default Skin.

Tell the wife this is my fault and that I am sorry for the temporary

R Greg Dawson


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2019-10-06 Thread Ron F.

cpd73 wrote: 
> OK, I don't use pandora - but I can see from the LMS JSON API docs that
> it should be possible to support this. However, you will have to help me
> with this. Can you install material from git? This post
> will show you how. If you do, *after* you have installed the git version
> (and restarted LMS):
> >   > 
  -  Edit (in the installed copy)
  > "MaterialSkin/HTML/material/html/js/server.js" and change line 8 to
  > be *const PLAYER_STATUS_TAGS = "tags:cdegloyrstABKNS";*  (the "B"
  > has been added).
  -  Open Material in Chrome using
  > "http://SERVER:9000/material/desktop?auto=false=cometd;
  -  On Chrome's developer tools
  -  Force a full reload of the Material web page (clearing cache,
  > etc) - press and hold on the refresh icon in the main toolbar you
  > will be presented with a menu. Select "Empty Cache and Hard Reload"
  -  Play a pandora track
  -  In the console tab of Chrome's developer tools, you should see
  > lines that contain "COMETD PLAYER" - these will be the status
  > messages sent from LMS for the current player. Post some of these
  > here
  > > > 
> Adding the "B" should make LMS tell Material of any "button" actions.
> These should be what is needed for thumbs up/down.

[4:00:30 PM] COMETED Schedule next player poll in: 1000ms
utils.js?r=DEV-2019-10-06-15-57-34:22 [4:00:31 PM] COMETED PLAYER
Radio"}],"mixer volume":88,"time":0,"playlist
shuffle":0,"player_name":"SB Touch","player_connected":1,"seq_no":"23"}
utils.js?r=DEV-2019-10-06-15-57-34:28 [4:00:31 PM] COMETED Schedule next
player poll in: 1000ms
utils.js?r=DEV-2019-10-06-15-57-34:28 [4:00:32 PM] COMETED Schedule next
player poll in: 1000ms
utils.js?r=DEV-2019-10-06-15-57-34:22 [4:00:33 PM] COMETED PLAYER
index":0,"id":"-94530589234176","title":"Joy To The
Christmas Song (Expanded Edition)","type":"MP3
(Pandora)","year":"0","bitrate":"128k CBR","artist":"Nat King Cole
like this
don't like this
repeat":0,"remoteMeta":{"id":"-94530589234176","title":"Joy To The
Christmas Song (Expanded Edition)","type":"MP3
(Pandora)","year":"0","bitrate":"128k CBR","artist":"Nat King Cole
don't like this
like this song","command":

*Living Room:* SB Touch + DIY PSU > CI Audio VDA.2 DAC + VAC.1 PSU >
VRX.1 cables > Emotiva XSP-1 Gen 2 preamp + XPA-DR2 amp > Blue Jeans
cables > B 804 speakers
*Laptop:* System76 Galago + Ubuntu 16.04 + Squeezelite + Material Skin >
ifi USB iSilencer > Audirect Beam DAC > Senn IE 80 earbuds
*Bedroom:* Pixel 3a Phone + SB Player + Material/mobile > Bose SoundLink
*Server:* Puget Systems Serenity + Ubuntu 18.04 + LMS 7.9.2
*Music:* Personal FLAC, Radio Paradise FLAC, Qobuz, Spotify

Ron F.'s Profile:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2019-10-06 Thread Ron F.

radish112 wrote: 
> Craig,
> Thanks for your prompt and helpful reply. In truth, I'm afraid I'm
> likely to foul-up the process you've outlined (through faults of my own;
> not through any fault in your precise step-by-step instructions).
> My guess is that there are few users of Pandora, and fewer still who
> would find this feature of major importance to them. And during those
> times when I'm using Pandora I can achieve what I want by simply running
> both Orange Squeeze and Material Skin simultaneously and switching back
> and forth between them as need be.
> So, this is a long-winded way of saying I'm going to pass on attempting
> to implement the procedures you've described.
> Sorry to have caused you to waste your time on this matter...and thanks
> for a terrific plugin. 
> Steve

I will try to test this and see if it works.


*Living Room:* SB Touch + DIY PSU > CI Audio VDA.2 DAC + VAC.1 PSU >
VRX.1 cables > Emotiva XSP-1 Gen 2 preamp + XPA-DR2 amp > Blue Jeans
cables > B 804 speakers
*Laptop:* System76 Galago + Ubuntu 16.04 + Squeezelite + Material Skin >
ifi USB iSilencer > Audirect Beam DAC > Senn IE 80 earbuds
*Bedroom:* Pixel 3a Phone + SB Player + Material/mobile > Bose SoundLink
*Server:* Puget Systems Serenity + Ubuntu 18.04 + LMS 7.9.2
*Music:* Personal FLAC, Radio Paradise FLAC, Qobuz, Spotify

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-10-06 Thread ronlog

rgdawson wrote: 
> Pressing F12 shows the log window.  My bad for not saying that.
> R Greg Dawson

Here is the log for your information:


 23:37:20.607   Program Start (06/10/2019)
  23:37:20.693   Squeezelite-X, Version: 2.4.14
  Windows Version: Windows 10, version 1903 (Windows 10 May 2019 Update)
  Squeezelite Version: 1.9.4-1193
  CEF Version: (Chrome: 76.0.3809.132)
  GlobalCEFApp.SingleProcess   = False
  ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown  = False
  23:37:20.693   Creating Main Form
  23:37:20.880   Creating Main Browser
  23:37:20.901   Log Window Created
  *23:37:20.913   Main Browser Created - PostMessage(Handle, CEF_AFTERCREATED, 
0, 0)
  *23:37:20.913   Set Mouse Hook - Success
  23:37:20.950   Received in main thread - Message(CEF_AFTERCREATED) - 
PostMessage(Handle, SLX_INITPROGRAM, 0, 0)

  Start InitProgram

  23:37:20.957   Read Settings From Registry
  23:37:20.973   SyncMemo called.
  23:37:20.973   Init Tray Menu
  23:37:20.982   Registering MediaKeys
  23:37:21.195   ConnectAll Called
  23:37:21.197   Broadcast Discovery packet 'e' with 
'eNAME'#0'JSON'#0'CLIP'#0'VERS'#0 to []
  23:37:21.250   Server Discovery Complete: Ouessant,RPI-audio [54ms]
  23:37:21.251   SyncMemo called.
  23:37:21.251   Save Settings To Registry
  23:37:21.253   CheckHost(http://RPI-audio:9000)
  23:37:21.260   PositionCefWindow(SKIN_DEFAULT);
  23:37:21.487   CheckHost Result = HTTP_HOST_OK [233 ms]
  23:37:21.487   Lms.ConnectTelnet called (Host=RPI-audio:9090)
  23:37:28.263   [6775] Exception: Socket Error # 11001 Host not found.
  23:37:28.263   Telnet Connection Failed
  23:37:30.551   ConnectAll Complete.
  23:37:30.553   Access violation at address 0070091E in module 
'SqueezeliteX.exe'. Read of address FFFC
  23:37:30.553   Not worth retrying because unauthorized or WOL = false
  23:37:30.558   TrayMenu Assigned

  End InitProgram [9951 ms]

  23:37:32.788   MainViewForm.Show (Begin)

Telnet on port 22 is working well.

But I planned to install a fresh new system with raspbian buster. It may
be not worth it to investigate more except if you are interested in.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-10-06 Thread oyvindo

@Greg, here's my log output:


 23:24:10.389   Read Settings From Registry
  23:24:10.414   SyncMemo called.

  23:24:24.493   Apply New Settings

  23:24:24.501   Broadcast Discovery packet 'e' with 
'eNAME'#0'JSON'#0'CLIP'#0'VERS'#0 to []
  23:24:24.554   Server Discovery Complete: NASF06152 [60ms]
  23:24:24.562   SyncMemo called.
  23:24:24.563   Save Settings To Registry
  23:24:24.583   Save LastPlayer = 
  23:24:24.583   Registering MediaKeys
  23:24:33.508   VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE, PlayerID=80:00:0b:51:00:7c
  23:24:33.508   SND (Telnet): 80:00:0b:51:00:7c pause
  23:24:33.531   RCV (Telnet): 80:00:0b:51:00:7c pause   
  23:24:33.563   RCV (Telnet): 80:00:0b:51:00:7c playlist jump 0   
  23:24:35.074   RCV (Telnet): 80:00:0b:51:00:7c playlist open
  23:24:35.117   RCV (Telnet): 80:00:0b:51:00:7c playlist open
  23:24:36.201   RCV (Telnet): 80:00:0b:51:00:7c playlist newsong Ruben - Walls
  23:24:36.640   RCV (Telnet): 80:00:0b:51:00:7c playlist newsong Test 0
  23:24:46.483   VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE, PlayerID=80:00:0b:51:00:7c
  23:24:46.483   SND (Telnet): 80:00:0b:51:00:7c pause
  23:24:46.513   RCV (Telnet): 80:00:0b:51:00:7c pause   
  23:24:46.532   RCV (Telnet): 80:00:0b:51:00:7c playlist pause 1
  23:24:50.434   Read Settings From Registry
  23:24:50.454   SyncMemo called.

  23:24:57.344   Apply New Settings

  23:24:57.358   Broadcast Discovery packet 'e' with 
'eNAME'#0'JSON'#0'CLIP'#0'VERS'#0 to []
  23:24:57.410   Server Discovery Complete: NASF06152 [65ms]
  23:24:57.417   SyncMemo called.
  23:24:57.417   Save Settings To Registry
  23:24:57.435   Save LastPlayer = 
  23:24:57.435   Registering MediaKeys
  23:25:01.222   RCV (Telnet): 80:00:0b:51:00:7c playlist newsong The Police - 
Every Breath You Take 

My action sequence above was this:
1. Press media key "Play"  (Nothing registered in the log)
2. Clicked on the Settings gear icon
3. Changed "Media Key Integration" to "Local Player"
4. Pressed media key "Play" again (This time registered in the log above
and music began playing fro my local player)
5. Pressed media key "Play" again (To stop music on my local player, and
it was registered in the log above)
6. Changed "Media Key Integration" back to "Selected Player"
7. Pressed media key "Play" several times (Nothing registered in the log
- nothing happening)

I hope this can support your effort to assist me. FOr me - this is truly
a showstopper as I have my Logitech Harmony HUB and remote controls
paired with my PC (Bluetooth Keyboard emulation) and my wife depends on
these remotes working to be able to play music as she is not very
computer literate but she knows how to press the play button on a remote
But now she's demanding that I pull the old Radio from the attic again
since LMS is "down" (as she sees it).
So, please help.

QNAP TS-453Mini 4x3TB RAID5 QTS 4.3.4
LMS 7.9.1 running in Docker
Madsonic 6.2 running in Docker
Plex running in Docker

QNAP HS-251 2x2TB RAID0, QTS 4.3.4
Kodi 16.1 Jarvis

QNAP TS-119 1TB Single, QTS 4.3.3
Almost Retired

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2019-10-06 Thread radish112

cpd73 wrote: 
> OK, I don't use pandora - but I can see from the LMS JSON API docs that
> it should be possible to support this. However, you will have to help me
> with this. Can you install material from git? 


Thanks for your prompt and helpful reply. In truth, I'm afraid I'm
likely to foul-up the process you've outlined (through faults of my own;
not through any fault in your precise step-by-step instructions).

My guess is that there are few users of Pandora, and fewer still who
would find this feature of major importance to them. And during those
times when I'm using Pandora I can achieve what I want by simply running
both Orange Squeeze and Material Skin simultaneously and switching back
and forth between them as need be.

So, this is a long-winded way of saying I'm going to pass on attempting
to implement the procedures you've described.

Sorry to have caused you to waste your time on this matter...and thanks
for a terrific plugin. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2019-10-06 Thread phred

BoomX2 wrote: 
> Basic WU info can still be retrieved if the WU station you have entered
> on the settings page is active.   If you clear the WU station ID on the
> settings page the messages in the log will go away.
Thanks BoomX2. I'm almost embarrassed that I didn't think of the
solution myself.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2019-10-06 Thread cpd73

radish112 wrote: 
> Here's an observation that I'd like to add as a feature request if it's
> not a major hassle:
> When I access Pandora via Orange Squeeze, I get the option of rating the
> currently-playing tune with a "Thumbs Up" or "Thumbs Down." (see
> photo).
> When I access Pandora via the Material Skin the Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down
> option is not presented.

OK, I don't use pandora - but I can see from the LMS JSON API docs that
it should be possible to support this. However, you will have to help me
with this. Can you install material from git? This post
will show you how. If you do, *after* you have installed the git version
(and restarted LMS):

-  Edit (in the installed copy)
  "MaterialSkin/HTML/material/html/js/server.js" and change line 8 to be
  *const PLAYER_STATUS_TAGS = "tags:cdegloyrstABKNS";*  (the "B" has
  been added).
-  Open Material in Chrome using
-  On Chrome's developer tools
-  Force a full reload of the Material web page (clearing cache, etc)
- press and hold on the refresh icon in the main toolbar you will be
  presented with a menu. Select "Empty Cache and Hard Reload"
-  Play a pandora track
-  In the console tab of Chrome's developer tools, you should see
  lines that contain "COMETD PLAYER" - these will be the status messages
  sent from LMS for the current player. Post some of these here

Adding the "B" should make LMS tell Material of any "button" actions.
These should be what is needed for thumbs up/down.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2019-10-06 Thread radish112

Here's an observation that I'd like to add as a feature request if it's
not a major hassle:

When I access Pandora via Orange Squeeze, I get the option of rating the
currently-playing tune with a "Thumbs Up" or "Thumbs Down." (see

When I access Pandora via the Material Skin the Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down
option is not presented.

These days I find myself using Material Skin more often than Orange
Squeeze due largely to the ease with which the Material Skin makes it
possible to access lyrics. I'm a geezer and, perhaps like some fellow
geezers, my hearing is going (too much rock 'n' roll) and accessing
lyrics is a good feature for me.



|Filename: Mingus Screenshot.jpg|

radish112's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2019-10-06 Thread radish112

Here's an observation that I'd like to add as a feature request if it's
not a major hassle:

When I access Pandora via Orange Squeeze, I get the option of rating the
currently-playing tune with a "Thumbs Up" or "Thumbs Down." (see

When I access Pandora via the Material Skin the Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down
option is not presented.

These days I find myself using Material Skin more often than Orange
Squeeze due largely to the ease with which the Material Skin makes it
possible to access lyrics. I'm a geezer and, perhaps like some fellow
geezers, my hearing is going (too much rock 'n' roll) and accessing
lyrics is a good feature for me.




|Filename: Mingus Screenshot.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2019-10-06 Thread BoomX2

phred wrote: 
> I, like many others, made the switch to the version quite
> some time ago. And it has been, and continues to work well. However, I
> looked at the server log today and see this error which appears hundreds
> of times starting near the end of August:
> [19-10-06 08:31:19.3592] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWunderground
> (3690) Warning: Weather Underground Station 49132a62b947a527 is not
> returning any data.
> Can someone suggest why it's still reaching out to WU and the WU version
> has been removed?
> Thanks.Basic WU info can still be retrieved if the WU station you have entered
on the settings page I'd active.   If you clear the WU station ID on the
settings page the messages in the log will go away. 

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezelite crashing on Picoreplayer during podcasts

2019-10-06 Thread holck

I am a very happy user of Picoreplayer on a Rasberry Pie with a
Hifiberry DAC. Almost everything works fine ...

Except that when I try to play the podcasts from, squeezelite on the Picreplayer crashes
after a few minutes. 

What can I do to pinpoint and maybe eliminate the problem?

Any help appreciated,
Jesper, Denmark

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2019-10-06 Thread phred

I, like many others, made the switch to the version quite
some time ago. And it has been, and continues to work well. However, I
looked at the server log today and see this error which appears hundreds
of times starting near the end of August:
[19-10-06 08:31:19.3592] Plugins::SuperDateTime::Plugin::gotWunderground
(3690) Warning: Weather Underground Station 49132a62b947a527 is not
returning any data.

Can someone suggest why it's still reaching out to WU and the WU version
has been removed?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.6.x - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2019-10-06 Thread CDTom

CDTom wrote: 
> Hello Michael,
> just want to let you know that Spotty crashes the same way in Debian and
> in a complete new Win7pro installation  (Big Playlist and
> synchronized players..)
> Everything else runs fine !
> best regards Tom

So 7.9.1 runs quite OK - but the newer 7.9.2 are unusable (for me)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.7.x - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2019-10-06 Thread Michael Herger
Can you try the latest binary I posted?

> Am 06.10.2019 um 12:00 schrieb mykee 
> :
> mherger wrote: 
>>> Just tried and the Perl error is gone :) The result when running it
>> with
>>> no arguments is a plain 'Done.', not sure if I should expect anything
>>> more verbose. Then I run with the IP:PORT for the LMS server running
>>> Spotty. I then got no output, no 'Done.' I mean.
>> Hmm... try this one?
>> You said you installed Perl. Would you be able to install missing 
>> modules (there should be the Perl Package Manager or similar in the 
>> Windows menu) and run the following file manually from the command
>> line?:
>> if it's complaining about a missing module (eg. File::Slurp, or 
>> File::Next), install it using PPM.
>> -- 
>> Michael
> Thanks again Michael. Tried what you suggested and it did complain about
> File::Slurp. But through ppm I could not install File::Slurp, it does
> not seem to be an available package to install. There was a
> File::Slurp::Tiny, but installing that did not help, it still complained
> about missing File::Slurp. I am then running ActivePerl 5.28, from the
> activestate website. Should I try to go back to an earlier version
> possibly? Or switch to any other Perl distribution?
> mykee's Profile:
> View this thread:
> ___
> plugins mailing list

plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-10-06 Thread Stan Pulsar

For my part, as reported 'here'
media keys are neither working with "local player" nor with"selected
Back then it was version 2.4.9, now it is 2.4.1, still on Windows 10
1809 (17763.615).

The log shows no activity when pressing a media key. Only thing it shows
is "Registering MediaKeys" when toggling the setting between local and

I did not continue on the topic because this is no show-stopper, but
since oyvindo brought it up I'm chiming in.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.6.x - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2019-10-06 Thread CDTom

Hello Michael,

just want to let you know that Spotty crashes the same way in Debian and
in a complete new Win7pro installation  (Big Playlist and
synchronized players..)
Everything else runs fine !

best regards Tom

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.7.x - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2019-10-06 Thread mykee

mherger wrote: 
> > Just tried and the Perl error is gone :) The result when running it
> with
> > no arguments is a plain 'Done.', not sure if I should expect anything
> > more verbose. Then I run with the IP:PORT for the LMS server running
> > Spotty. I then got no output, no 'Done.' I mean.
> Hmm... try this one?
> You said you installed Perl. Would you be able to install missing 
> modules (there should be the Perl Package Manager or similar in the 
> Windows menu) and run the following file manually from the command
> line?:
> if it's complaining about a missing module (eg. File::Slurp, or 
> File::Next), install it using PPM.
> -- 
> Michael

Thanks again Michael. Tried what you suggested and it did complain about
File::Slurp. But through ppm I could not install File::Slurp, it does
not seem to be an available package to install. There was a
File::Slurp::Tiny, but installing that did not help, it still complained
about missing File::Slurp. I am then running ActivePerl 5.28, from the
activestate website. Should I try to go back to an earlier version
possibly? Or switch to any other Perl distribution?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Music & Artist Information plugin

2019-10-06 Thread cpd73

mherger wrote: 
> I don't like the URL thing. Ask your user to put his artist.png/jpg file
> of choice in the artist picture folder, and that'll be used instead of
> the default image.
> It might actually be possible for you to put an artist.png/jpg picture
> in Material's /html/images folder. If that didn't work and you'd like to
> solve your user's problem you could put your version in the user's
> artist picture folder from your plugin (if there's none in his folder
> yet).

OK, guess I could try to provide a more Material-esque fallback to cover
both scenarios. I tried adding an artists.png to Material's images
folder, but nothing changed. Is there any cache files I need to clear
out? I tried deleting artwork.db and imgproxy.db

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Music & Artist Information plugin

2019-10-06 Thread mherger

cpd73 wrote: 
> At a user's request, for Material 1.1.0 if the current track, or an item
> in the queue, does not have album artwork, I'm falling back to the
> artist image. Now, if there is no artist image I get the trumpeter -
> which does not really fit in with Material. Could it be possible to add
> a "?default=image" URL parameter? My thinking is that for the scenario
> descried I would use the following URL:
> "/imageproxy/mai/artist/ARTISTID/image_300x300_f?default=/music/0/cover.jpg",
> and for artist lists
> "/imageproxy/mai/artist/ARTISTID/image_300x300_f?default=/material/images/default-artist.jpg"
> (So, using LMS's default album cover for current and queue, but a custom
> one for artist lists).

I don't like the URL thing. Ask your user to put his artist.png/jpg file
of choice in the artist picture folder, and that'll be used instead of
the default image.

It might actually be possible for you to put an artist.png/jpg picture
in Material's /html/images folder. If that didn't work and you'd like to
solve your user's problem you could put your version in the user's
artist picture folder from your plugin (if there's none in his folder

Michael - Spotty, MusicArtistInfo

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2019-10-06 Thread cpd73

SlimChances wrote: 
> I am afraid it didn't work. Material skin said it could not connect to
> server. I deleted the added plugin material skin  in the cache folder
> and then restored Material skin the normal way and I am back to square
> one. Unfortunately in the process I think I deleted another plugin
> accidentally and I am unsure which one it was. However LMS seems to run
> and I can use Dynamic Playlists in Classic view for now
> Edit:  Tried again and Success!  I managed to install this time and it
> works as it should. I am able to play my Dynamic Playlist favorites that
> I had customized
> Thanks Craig

Great! Thanks for persevering, and the confirmation.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Music & Artist Information plugin

2019-10-06 Thread cpd73

At a user's request, for Material 1.1.0 if the current track, or an item
in the queue, does not have album artwork, I'm falling back to the
artist image. Now, if there is no artist image I get the trumpeter -
which does not really fit in with Material. Could it be possible to add
a "?default=image" URL parameter? My thinking is that for the scenario
descried I would use the following URL:
and for artist lists
(So, using LMS's default album cover for current and queue, but a custom
one for artist lists).

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